#so it's like he both desperately wanted to know clark's secret but also didn't want to know at all
fairyroses · 1 month
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He was about to kill you, Lex. Or divulge something you didn't want me to know.
— SMALLVILLE, "Forever" (4.21)
+ bonus from "Arctic" (7.20):
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#smallville#smallvilleedit#svedit#lex luthor#jason teague#lionel luthor#clark isn't in these scenes but they're still very much#clex#sv 4x21#sv 7x20#dcmultiverse#my gifs#'why can't you see what's right in front of your face lex?' god. god. godddd.#I think there's a really interesting discussion to be had (with many potential viewpoints)#re: to what extent lex actually knew the truth either consciously or subconsciously at any particular time#and how much he was just in denial about it (and why)#I'm not really prepared to have that discussion in these tags but like#let's face it - lex figured out that clark had powers all the way back in 1x12#just because clark convinced him he was wrong at the time doesn't mean he just forgot that whole thing#and yet it seemed like the more seasons went on and the more obvious the truth became#especially the fact that clark was so heavily tied to all the alien weirdness of smallville#the more lex seemed to (subconsciously?) push back against accepting or recognizing that truth#I mean that's literally what he's doing in the 4x21 scene with jason#so it's like he both desperately wanted to know clark's secret but also didn't want to know at all#and that's just SO interesting#I mean jesus the 7x20 scene is supposed to be peak evil lex and yet he STILL has to be pushed into accepting the truth#and he does so with his eyes glistening because yeah he wanted to know clark's secret once upon a time but he never wanted THIS#(remember when lex told jonathan in s1 that he just wanted clark to have a happy normal life bc clark was such a good person?#and then he's told in 7x20 that to save the world he has to KILL clark and take that life away from him hahaha [crying] it's fine I'm FINE)#wow I really said 'I'm not prepared to have this discussion' and then just. proceeded to have it anyway huh. lmao oops
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toast-on-dandelioms · 4 months
How would the Batfamily and Venom react to the reader starting to see Superman as a father and having a secret desire to want to live with him and his family?
Ohhh, they would hate it. All of the Batfamily would hate it. Especially Alfred but he would stay silent and just tell Bruce.
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Bruce would feel even more horrible since he knows how he treated you, especially with Venom taunting him.
He already feels bad about being a horrible father to you but when he sees you treating Clark, one of his 'enemies', as your father he would feel so much worse.
He would hate to do that but he would manage to make Venom modify your memories or make Clark someone you don't see as a father but a friend.
He also would spend even more time with you, you think that you felt soffucated before? Oh you don't know how much the man is desperate to make up for years of neglect. He would spend almost everyday with you, taking you everywhere and following you if you need the bathroom but would wait outside to 'respect' the last bit of privacy you still had.
He would also slowly manipulate you while you spend time with him, wanting you to see him as your father and not some guy you absolutely loathe. It's a slow process, especially since the hatred you have for anyone who's a Wayne is so deep that even Venom has trouble to change it slowly so you won't notice it.
Dick would be devastated and won't even try to hide that he knows even though Bruce told him to be subtle. He would tackle you on the couch/bed and bawl his eyes out while apologising about being such a horrible brother that you would want to stay with Clark.
God he would be so dramatic and trying to guilt trip you, which backfires with you reminding him of every time he ditched you and called you the wrong name for Damian or Tim.
Which makes him even more desperate to make you stay, even considering breaking your legs even though Venom would heal them.
You would think Jason won't be mad about it and actually support you since he says that he hates Batman but god you were wrong.
He wouldn't hurt you, but would manipulate you in making you stay by doubting your relationship with Clark and making you think he just saw you as another annoying kid.
Jason would be one of the worst ones to find out, he would do everything to stop you from going with Clark.
He can't just let you leave, not when he still didn't make up for the fact that he let another person get ruined because of Bruce.
Tim would resent the kryptonian and make sure to find ways to make Clark visit you, even when he brings his sons so they can finally meet you.
He would spend even more time with you if that was possible but is not overly clingy like Dick or very clearly manipulating you like Jason.
He just spends time with you, playing games and others to try and distract you from Clark. Which you would like after being hugged and bothered by his older brothers.
Damian would be silent and not really say anything. Which is weird since he usually never shuts up about everything he can do to show off.
He would be a bit clingy, which he wasn't before, and just ask forgiveness for whatever he did in the past.
Which would surprise both you and Venom. You won't forgive him immediately, like come on, the kid tormented you for years, but you will make a small effort to interact with him.
Especially seeing him actually cry, making you hug him and not see his smirk since you're doing exactly what he wants you to do.
Sorry if it's a bit short, I am a bit sick and busy but I hope you all like it!
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anyagee · 6 months
book asks! 3, 12, 17.
3. Top 5 10 Books
In no particular order other than I opened Goodreads and scrolled backwards
System Collapse - Martha Wells
All the President's Men - Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward
Siren Queen - Nghi Vo
The Salt Grows Heavy - Cassandra Khaw
The Archive Undying - Emma Mieko Candon
A Prayer for the Crown Shy - Becky Chambers
Some Desperate Glory - Emily Tesh
The Genesis of Misery - Neon Yang
Deathless Gods - PC Hodgell
A Desolation of Peace - Arkady Martine
12. Any books that disappointed you?
From Unseen Fire - Cass Morris
Another author I like had this on a list of historical fiction they liked. I was not impressed.
It felt like nothing had any consequences (oooh there's a secret magic potion that will let the enemy control one person! Will our secondary character have to fight off mind control? Will he have to try and save or kill his bestie when he accidentally gets mind controlled instead? No! The sister wove a magic scarf and it fixed everything instantly!) and it didn't really nail the “ancient times have different values/society but I also want you to like my Roman aristocrat family that owns slaves”
Like, I can be down for a book that goes “I put in magic and changed up the social structure a bit because I wanted a fun mystery in ancient psudo-Rome and didn't really want to get too into it”. There's a place for historical fiction that's “I want fancy dresses and no cell phones!” and a place for stuff that wants to really dig into the social and political consequences of being a person in a historical period. And this was…neither.
The Foxglove King - Hannah Whitten
Unfortunately, disappointing in a boring way. Standard mediocre fantasy romance that wasn't sexy or interesting enough for me. Read it because I got through it really quickly and I didn't have anything else in my bag to read that day. At least it went for the “it's fine if she wants to bang both romantic leads” option instead of a love triangle? Magic system wasn't as weird as it could have been for someone with a connection to the god of death who gets powers from poison. If you are setting up a love interest goes to the dark side and she gets to become the empress in the next book and there's fantasy Catholicism you got to get weird with it, come on man.
Big disclaimer on this next one: it's actually a good book, but the question was “what disappointed you”
Piranesi - Susanna Clark
It just… wasn't for me. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I'm still not quite sure what about it I didn't like. I guess I went from "hmmm let's see where this goes" to "eehh well I might as well finish it" at the SPOILERS? bit where we find out about the real world. I've read and liked portal fantasy before so it's not that, but this just didn't click with me.
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
All the President's Men - Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward
Rachael got the Watergate board game and we realized we didn't actually know that much about the actual history (I know what you're thinking, didn't you accidentally do enough history classes to get a a minor in it, yes but that was 20thC Europe and 13 years ago), so we started with watching the All the President's Men movie and it fucking spiraled from there.
I'm really excited that I have the time and attention span and energy to read actual history books again but, look, I can't recommend an extremely dense book on LBJ and the election of 1968 to most of you.
All the President's Men is surprisingly really fucking funny and you should read it. (Come with me on the journey of “oh wow absolutely not historically relevant now no why would you say that 🙃” and “why does this read like fanfic omg 🤣”)
Red Widow - Alma Katsu
Look, when a spy novel is published in 2021 by someone who used to work for the CIA you go into that going “oh no what bad takes do I need to be prepared to throw this book at the wall for”. (I read/watch lots of varying quality spy/action/thrillers so yea. Check out Kill James Bond for a good podcast.)
Really fun, absolutely had a character get introduced and I immediately went “ah if he doesn't get shot in a parking lot in the second act he's the bad guy” (spoiler: he was the bad guy) Like, great job of knowing your tropes and keeping it fun and entertaining. I have the sequel out from the library to read at the moment.
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jaynovz · 2 years
3, 14, and 24 for the end of year thing!
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year?
The break-up scene from the Silver backstory is... I worked on it for so long guys. I worked on the fic itself for 7 months and it gave me FITS. And then like, the dynamic wasn't quite right for William and John so I had to revamp it.
But yeah it paid off.
Uhhh honorable mention is The Epic Dog Pun Callout Speech Flint does in petplay.
Imma link both at the end under the cut lmao.
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write? (copy pasted from other answer :D)
FISH FUCKING DEATH KINK. I’m a long time and hardcore monster fucker for sure but like. I’m terrified of death as a concept so… Flint’s deathwish just ballooning into this absolute sex thing…? I did not fully expect to lean into that. Also didn’t expect him to get all gooey feelings about the fish either. Just. -gestures- Yep.
24. favorite fic you read this year?
God what a difficult question tho... Let me go find the ones I've reread the most times.
Mkay so the two series that I’ve reread the most are:
Let me see you in your darkness by ember_firedrake which is a s1-s2 series where SilverFlint fall into some BDSM and then catch feelings.
Any Port in a Storm by Farasha which is a Very Similar vibe where they fall into a sexual relationship that def contains some Major Powerplay and BDSM elements and catch feelings XD
As you have seen... that is Supremely My Shit. I go back to these two series CONSTANTLY. They have basically everything I love about that dynamic. But for real just... Lookit my bookmarks.
Thanks for the questions Kay! <3
Favorite lines/scenes:
Silver backstory breakup excerpt:
“And you didn't answer the question. Where are you even going? I take care of you and you're just going to leave it all behind?"
By this point William had worked himself up into an angry and indignant froth, which only intensified as John continued not answering. But he was nearly finished packing and ready to finally get the hell out of here. It was almost over.
"Who else is going to take care of you if not for me? Love you? Want you?” came the vicious questions, every one hit a crack in John that he hadn’t realized was there.
“Something that seems pretty and clever, perhaps, in my bed, reading my books, dressed in my clothes. But really you’re just polished gutter trash.” Genuine anger and vitriol, the likes of which he’d never heard from William before. John knew it was true, knew what he was, but those words from William's mouth stung more than John expected. It was harder than he'd thought it would be to hear them.
Then there was suddenly a hand on John’s shoulder, shaking him roughly. “Look at me, goddammit!”
John raised his eyes to finally regard William Clarke. Nothing special about him, not really. Simply the plain-looking lower noble’s son, his life all planned out, a future lawyer, destined to be a tedious, unimaginative man. Nothing to mourn. The only vaguely interesting thing about William was his dirty little secret, John, the spoiled pet who William now thought what? He was in love with.
John wanted to throw back his head and laugh until he couldn’t breathe. The fucking sap was in love with ephemera, a fiction, a cobbled-together thing. What was the use of all that fancy education if he couldn’t even tell the difference?
John leaned forward into William’s space in a horrible mirror of their first meeting. He adopted his most insufferable voice, aiming to wound, to enrage. “Who’s more pathetic, really? The gutter trash? Or the one begging desperately for that trash to love him back?”
The words seemed to snap something in William. Face writ with dark fury, he grabbed John by the arms, wrenching him up brutally and squeezing hard enough to leave bruises.
“Now we’re being honest with each other, dearest. What are you going to do with me?” John laughed unpleasantly. “Always so cloying and soft when fucking me, what a joke.” He drove the knife in deeper, knowing just how to twist it, saying quietly, “Miracle I could keep a straight face with you limply pawing at me.” The crass words helped to distance John from the tender budding warmth those touches had elicited. It didn't mean anything. It couldn't.
Petplay excerpt: (ofc disclaimer that like, I wrote the base for this but Best Writing Partner Ever, @brinnanza, made it uhhhh SO MUCH BETTER)
Flint flashes him a wolfish grin, triumphant. “So that’s what all of this is about, hmm? You have been trying to impress me.” His moustache brushes against the shell of Silver’s ear as he speaks, and his voice is a gravelly rasp that Silver can feel just as much as hear. “Since the moment you boarded my ship, you’ve been trying to get my attention. Spying and reporting on Billy, covering up Gates. The cannon. The warship. And now what have you been doing?”
A thigh insinuates itself between Silver’s legs, pressing hard against Silver’s erection. He would gasp, but the cord against his throat is too tight; he whines instead, squirming against Flint’s hold for some friction. Flint denies him, keeping him pinned against the door too tightly to move. “You’ve been literally dogging my heels,” Flint continues. “Playing fetch, sniffing out dissent among the men.” There is a lick of amusement in Flint’s voice now, like the damning evidence of Silver’s infatuation is a particularly entertaining play. “You even pulled me from the sea, exactly like a loyal hound.”
Silver can’t breathe, dizzy from the too-small sips of air he can drag in past the cord and the heat of Flint’s body plastered against him. It can’t be - but why hasn’t he left? The gold, of course the gold, but hearing it spelled out, disparate pieces clicking together to form a whole he can’t look on all at once…
“I’d thought it merely manipulation at first,” Flint continues, almost conversationally now. “Trying to win my favor so you might keep your life and your place on this crew. But that’s not it at all, is it? No, you want this.” He shifts his thigh slightly, and if Silver had the breath for it, he would sob for how good it feels. “You want to be my dog. To sit muzzled and collared at my feet until I have use for you. To be my voice, do my bidding. You want everyone to know who you belong to, don’t you?”
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