#so it's not the ever-changing again yep. i'm writing it tho daily so dw if you do
passthroughtime · 2 months
sunday six (be the change you want to see in the world edition)
so, uh, everyone skipped it this week? ok. here's some kuwagami for you anyway
“Could you actually put some effort into this and not make it that obvious?” he tries to sound offended or at least condemnatory. It’s hard to gauge how successful he’s been, with the thunder of his heart in his ears blocking that kind of nuance.
Kuwana scoffs, “Can you not play hard to get? Or should I make the reservations at a fancy restaurant next time?”
Yagami rolls his eyes. But he is too tired to be angered by that. “Well, at least that’d be an actual effort from you, for once.”
Kuwana erupts with laughter (Yagami can’t help but smile in return) and pushes himself away from the wall, the e-cig in his hand, ready to go. “Okay, but you should dress all pretty for me. Not one of your lazy disguises. And do something with your hair, obviously, there’s no proper place that’d let you in with this shag on your head.” He tries to hook one of the curls with his vape, and Yagami takes this second to push the memories of Kuwana loving to pull on this very shag away.
“You’re one to talk.” Yagami looks over Kuwana trying to find any particular feature it’ll be easier to mock. “I don’t even know where to start.”
Yagami wishes he meant it in a bad way, but Kuwana is the direct reason why his tastes in men have become so trash lately. Because watching him, Yagami can't not think that in some kind of sense, Kuwana is really beautiful. The soft expression when he’s not frowning, his plush bow-like lips, and the sparkle in his eyes which Yagami’s been seeing more and more lately… Some nights, Yagami even regrets that he can’t, in any way or circumstance, fall in love with him.
Kuwana’s lips slowly stretch into a shit-eating grin, “You really can’t find anything to say? Or am I just so mesmerizing you lost your thought?”
Some nights he doesn’t.
“Oh, shut up already,” Yagami growls and looks around.
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