#so many fem hermies lately
hermanunworthy · 11 months
this truly has been a good pride month for me simply bc of the increase in nonbinary/genderfluid hermie content lately
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
My Dove
Requested: yes ( @classygladiatortidalwave )
Hermione Granger x fem!hufflepuff!reader
Warnings: flashback (in italics) that is a bit steamy, nothing too explicit 
Word Count: 1272
I loved writing this one, it was so much fun and I think it was really cute thank you for requesting it
Hermione Granger had many names. First and foremost she was Hermione, to her parents and to classroom acquaintances. Then the occasional ‘Mione, a name that seemed to be reserved for only Harry, Ron, and Ginny; the twins also seemingly preferred this alias. Even Grawp had his own name for her, Hermy, she wasn’t too fond of that one. Or the occasional Granger, that was spat by ignorant blonde cockroaches.
In the midst of all these names, wanted or otherwise, there was one that never failed to bring warmth to her cheeks and sweat to her palms. My Dove. The name, only allowed to be uttered from the sweet lips of Hermione’s love, Y/n L/n. Hermione remembers the first time she was called that, she doubts she could ever forget it.
The night had been long in the best way possible, warm bodies entangled with each other. If she closed her eyes she could still feel the way Y/n’s hot, heaving chest touched her own with every intake of breath. Her fingers were following the gentle curve of Y/n’s hip, that’s when it happened.
Y/n lifted her hand to caress Hermione’s cheek, completely lost in the tired eyes of her lover.
“My dove.” It was quiet, though Hermione felt as though it spoke volumes and prompted her to lean in and take the girl's lips with her own once again.
Hermione smiled at the memory, she would’ve burned all her books and shouted from the rooftops if Y/n had asked her to that night. She took a moment from her thoughts, looking to Y/n sitting just a few seats in front of her in Professor Binns History of Magic class. Her eyes raked over the girls figure, and even through the yellow accented robes Hermione could see the outline of her beautiful lover.
Y/n, feeling the pair of eyes on her, turned around to meet the culprit. A smile breaking onto her face as she saw her girlfriend looking at her, lopsided grin etched onto her fair face. The look of pure enamorment made Y/n giggle, eyes glancing down to her shoes before popping back up to look at Hermione again. With a small shake of her head she mouthed a ‘pay attention’ and turned around to continue her notes. Hermione, having already taken the notes on her own, let out her own quiet giggle making Ron grumble next to her.
“How come Harry and I couldn’t talk but you can make googly eyes at your girlfriend?”  
Hermione scoffed, expression turning to one of friendly annoyance, “Firstly, Ronald, I was not making googly eyes. I was merely appreciating her beauty today. Secondly, I’ve already done my notes.”
Harry tried to hold in his laugh but ended up letting out a rather choked chuckle but didn’t say anything. He was too busy wishing Ginny would look at him the way Hermione looked at Hufflepuff’s Y/n L/n.
Hermione saw Ron’s silence as an invitation to delve back into her thoughts about her girlfriend.
The night they first kissed coming to mind. She internally groaned at how nervous she was that night in front of the Hufflepuff common room barrels.
The day had been cold, blinding white snow blanketed the entirety of the Hogwarts grounds. Hermione and Y/n had gotten back from a trip to Hogsmeade and had been wandering around the castle grounds aimlessly. Both wanting to think it was a date yet neither voicing their wishes.
They giggled, heads close together, as they stumbled to lean against the barrels. They were cutting it close, ten minutes to curfew yet Hermione still insisted on walking Y/n to her common room.
“It’s almost curfew, we’ve got to keep quiet.” Hermione whispered with a breathy laugh.
The air was suddenly thick, Y/n felt her hands start to sweat again as Hermione was now impossibly close, closer than she had previously realized.
Her voice was soft, fearing to ruin the moment if she were any louder, “I had a really great time today, Hermione.”
Hermione nodded, eyes moving to look at the floor, bashfulness flooding her veins.
“Me too. We should hang out again, some time. If you want, that is, we don’t have to-”
She was quickly cut off, “I’d love to. This Friday, I promised Professor Sprout I’d check into the greenhouse and water a few of the plants. I’m sure she won’t mind if you accompanied, then we could do whatever you’d like.”
Hermione was quick to agree, not caring where they were, just wanting to be with her.
Five minutes to curfew and Hermione was now leaning in. At least she thinks she is, it feels as though she is, but she’s lost control of her body and if it were under any other circumstance she would be very, very worried.
“I should get going…”
She wanted to curse herself as she heard the words come from her mouth, oh the way Ginny would laugh at her when she told her. Harry would be so disappointed and, Merlin, Hermione just wished there was a book on this stuff. Why would she say that?
Y/n’s felt her face fall, she had read the situation entirely wrong.
“Oh, yeah, it’s late, you’re right.” The words were muttered and quiet, and for the first time she spoke without a smile.
It was with bravery that Godric Gryffinder himself would be envious of, surely this was what the hat saw when he put her in her house, Hermione reached out to grab the wrist of the already retreating form of the girl she had been thinking about endlessly for the past year and pulled the her body into her own.
Her hands found the sides of Y/n’s face, cradling her jaw as she smashed their lips together, the short gasp and return of the kiss allowed Hermione to relax. Then, much to Hermione’s surprise and enjoyment, she was pushed against the side of the barrels by Y/n as she deepened the kiss, her hands travelling down to play with the loops on her jeans.
They pulled away, almost simultaneously, and Y/n leaned in one last time to give Hermione a short peck as she smiled. Their goodbyes were quiet, giggles and red cheeks proudly displayed until a nearby painting reprimanded them for being out past curfew causing Hermione to frantically kiss Y/n goodbye once more, far shorter than previously, and rush to her common room.
That was the first time Hermione Granger had ever been out past curfew on her own.
“Ready to go, my dove?”
The voice brought the Gryffindor girl out of her thoughts, turning to meet the waiting smile of Y/n. Hermione nodded as she packed her things quickly and turned to Ron and Harry before grabbing her girlfriend’s hand and leaving.
“I’ll give you my notes to use later.” She said with a small nod.
Turning on her heel she grabbed Y/n’s waiting hand and they walked out of the class. Harry and Ron watched as the hand holding between the two shifted to Hermione wrapping her arm around Y/n’s shoulders and Y/n wrapping her arm around Hermione’s waist, both of the girls smiling as they disappeared through the door frame.
“You know,” Ron turned to Harry. “We need to get Y/n a really great Christmas gift.”
Harry agreed, “Yeah, she’s made Hermione really happy, hasn’t she?”
“Forget happiness, she’s letting us use all her notes and essays now. Bloody hell, we owe any OWLs we get to that Hufflepuff.”
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