#some good news - N-95 masks are now available in black which is great for me ;)
ocean-sailor · 16 days
Taylor Swift: several Covid clusters reported since her visit to Paris
"An exceptional show. From May 9 to 12, Taylor Swift provided four concerts as part of her European tour The Eras Tour, on the stage of La Paris Défense Arena. While the spectators present on site were delighted to see their idol in the flesh, others were somewhat disillusioned after the performance. And for good reason, on the following days, several hundred of them would have experienced symptoms related to Covid-19, as Le Parisien reported on Friday, May 17. Some have indeed carried out a test that turned out to be positive: "I caught Covid at the N3 (the 3rd of the four concerts)", "I got tested today and I have Covid (I was at the N3 and I've been sick since Monday)" or "Be careful it's Covid, I tested positive yesterday and a girlfriend too, we were at the Thursday concert (the N1)," we read, according to comments that the daily echoed.
Quickly, clusters were formed. "All the people I know and who went there too have fallen ill, whether it was Covid or not," says Camille, a 27-year-old teacher, to Le Parisien. If the two self-tests she performed were negative, Marine, another "Swiftie", wants to remain cautious: "We no longer heard too much about Covid but, in hindsight, we think it's logical since we were in a closed place, with 45,000 people per night... If a virus circulates, it goes very fast." And epidemiologist Antoine Flahault confirmed: "People shout, sing, are very close to each other, it's crowded... It's very conducive to super clusters."
On its official website, La Paris Défense Arena assures that "the room has been designed to manage air treatment, by guaranteeing spectators a welcome in optimal sanitary, safety and comfort conditions." It is also "equipped with 15 air treatment plants associated with seven extractors, making it possible to renew the atmosphere of the entire room in two hours."
Covid Risk Assessment:
Covid is not over and to be even remotely safe indoors, the air needs to be exchanged with fresh outdoor air/MERV13 filtered air 6+ times/hour, not once every 2 hours 🙄.
Currently 1 in 50 people have Covid. So in a venue that holds 40k people, you're sharing the air with 800 people that have Covid. And since it's an airborne virus, well... it's going to spread and there will be super clusters which will cause even more spread.
This can be mitigated by decreasing your risk of exposure. If you're going to a show, your best protection is to wear a well fitting respirator mask - an N-95, or an N-99/100 which is equivalent to an FFP2 or FFP3 in the EU. If you have the option, you can further decrease your risk by going to an outdoor show in the fresh air.
Also, ensure your Covid vaccination is within the last 6 months, ideally 3 months, as immunity starts to wane. It takes ~ 14 days from the injection date to mount a full immune response so plan accordingly. If you're going to be in a crowded area, it's better to have stronger protection. In many places, you can receive a booster 3 months after your last one, especially if you or a family member are more vulnerable.
Please protect yourself and everyone around you.
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workingontruth · 4 years
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Our 2 Kings 7 Kind of Life
Don’t you love it when God shows up?
Have you ever missed it when God showed up?
What about now?
Today, opinions are a dime a dozen. Talk to a dozen people, and you’ll get a dozen different angles on any of a dozen subjects. But in spite of our differences of opinion on any of a wide range of topics, I think we all agree on one thing these days; had I interrupted your Christmas celebration this past December (whether or not I were wearing camel’s hair and in need of a good flossing to extract locust legs from between my teeth), telling you the following list of things would all come true in less than 90 days, you would have labeled me a complete crazy man and would’ve told me to go back beneath the rock from which I had come.
“In less than 90 days,…”
1.       You, over there in the Free Enterprise motor coach pullover (that would’ve been me) … you will be returning to the University of Indianapolis with the Men’s Lacrosse team from South Carolina before playing the final game of your trip–but oddly enough, both teams will be fully healthy, the weather will be ideal, and the trip will have been coasting along without a hitch. Oh, and the university’s administration will also require the other eight remaining U Indy teams, participating in their various collegiate sporting events from Florida to California and everywhere in between, to immediately return to campus as well. And, once you return, your entire fleet of buses will be emptied of fuel, removed from insurance plans, and put out of service–though all machines are mechanically sound and all drivers are healthy and available to drive.
2.       And you, in the red Community Hospital valet shirt (that would’ve be my wife) … you will be in your new role in the front office of the Center for Genetic Health. But having been asked not to congregate with your co-workers in the perfectly suited and newly designed office space the hospital had just finished, you and all of your co-workers will be working from home to reschedule all patient appointments sixty days or more into the future–unless they are willing to conduct their appointment over the phone or via video-chat.
3.       The NBA post-season will never happen, and the balance of the season itself will be stopped cold in its tracks at half-time of a game in the Mountain Time Zone on Wednesday, March 11th.
4.       All NCAA spring athletic events will be cancelled for the remainder of the school year and March Madness won’t happen.
5.       There will be no date set to begin the MLB season.
6.       Grocery stores will have been unable to keep chicken, ground beef, bread and toilet paper on their shelves.
7.       Gasoline will, in some places, be under a dollar a gallon, but few will be filling up.
8.       The nation’s restaurants will be closed for all dine-in experiences while the fortunate will try to stay in business by doing carry-out or drive-through business only.
9.       All shopping malls, strip malls, barber shops and hair and nail salons will be closed.
10.   The Federal Government will be sending $1,200 tax-free cash gifts to the vast majority of American citizens.
11.   The world will have a drastic shortage of personal protective equipment.
12.   The Down Jones Industrial Average will suffer 3 of its worst days since the “Black Monday” market crash in 1987 in the span of less than a week, losing roughly one-third of its value in a matter of about eight days.
13.   State governors will be requesting their citizens “shelter in place” by remaining home but for essential trips for food or health-related emergencies, while in some states it will be a finable offense to travel anywhere but to secure such.
14.   The President and VP of the United States will be holding daily, 2-hour press briefings for weeks on end.
15.   Frequent air travel will be little but a memory, international travel banned, airfares costing less than a good meal out (which will no longer be happening).
16.   The President will sign a presidential memorandum that will require the likes of General Motors to begin manufacturing respiratory ventilators.
17.   Dozens of privately held companies like Michael Lindell’s “My Pillow,” will be transformed into N-95 facemask factories.
18.   Samaritan’s Purse will have set up and be running a fully-functioning hospital in the middle of New York City’s Central Park.
19.   The United States Naval Hospital Ship “Comfort” will have been deployed to New York to help in the cause.
20.   Most people will be wearing PPE masks everywhere they go.
21.   All public concerts world-wide will be on hold.
22.   Churches will be asked not to meet, and nearly all will comply without resistance.
23.   Employees representing nearly every U.S. industry will be furloughed, let go or kept on payrolls with forgivable loans from the Fed.
24.   People will be asked to stand in lines outside Lowe’s stores at six-foot intervals to ensure active shopper customer quotas are kept while both one-way entries and exits are monitored.
25.   Many stores will be required to close down public access to much of their merchandise not deemed “essential,” to help support the cause.
26.   Pork, chicken and other meat packing plants in the U.S. will be closing down.
27.   U.S. unemployment will be at the highest rate since the Great Depression as new weekly filing claims will be counted not in the hundreds of thousands, but in the millions.
28.   The nation’s, and most of the world’s movie theaters, will be closed.
29.   People without facemasks will be shunned and avoided by “mask-wearers.”
30.   Neighbors will be sitting in their driveways and on FRONT porches again.
31.   College students will be home with their families, taking part in online classwork since all university campuses will be closed prior to semesters’ end.
32.   In lieu of our celebrating athletes and Hollywood types, doctors, nurses and healthcare workers will be the new heroes.
33.   People in some industries will be earning more to stay at home than while working full time.
34.   The Fed will be paying the unemployed an additional $600/week over and above the state provisions.
35.   All elective surgeries will be halted while hospital ORs remain unused.
36.   Online church “attendance” will skyrocket, leading to thousands and thousands of new believers.
37.   American celebrity musicians will be holding online “Global Citizen” concerts to raise millions of dollars to give to the World Health Organization which is being held liable for its part in enabling the death of hundreds of thousands in nearly 200 countries world-wide.
Would any of these things been plausible just a few months ago?
Obviously, this is only a partial list, and one to which most of us could quickly add another dozen. And NOTE they’re not all bad! Isn’t it just like God to orchestrate blessing in the face of difficulty? 
But in my mind, these “90-days-ago incomprehensible occurrences” are not unlike the similarly baffling predictions that Elisha, in 2 Kings Chapter 7, was revealing to the king and his officer.
Here’s the short version:  
Elisha replied, “Hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Lord says: About this time tomorrow, a seah [probably about 7 lbs] of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.” 
The officer on whose arm the king was leaning said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?”
“You will see it with your own eyes,” answered Elisha, “but you will not eat any of it!”
The officer was utterly confounded. “Really? How could this be?” And to be sure, there is no way, given their circumstance at the time, they could have concocted such an unlikely series of events.
(Read verses 3-13 to learn how this mystifying prophecy actually took place.)
But then, the verdict is recorded in the later verses...
“So they selected two chariots with their horses, and the king sent them after the Aramean army. He commanded the drivers, “Go and find out what has happened.” They followed them as far as the Jordan, and they found the whole road strewn with the clothing and equipment the Arameans had thrown away in their headlong flight. So the messengers returned and reported to the king. Then the people went out and plundered the camp of the Arameans. So a seah of the finest flour sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley sold for a shekel, as the Lord had said.”
Now the king had put the officer on whose arm he leaned in charge of the gate, and the people trampled him in the gateway, and he died, just as the man of God had foretold when the king came down to his house. It happened as the man of God had said to the king: “About this time tomorrow, a seah of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.” ...but your officer will not eat any of it.
What’s my point?
God often does things in ways no man would ever script. What we deem impossible is a drop in the bucket of God’s immeasurable and endless power and insight. After all, He knows the future!  
But here’s what WE do.
If told of how the above-mentioned improbables would come true by late-March, we would have responded, “Oh I see. What a tragic series of events. But I understand now how that will happen. It all makes sense.”
And because it “makes sense” in hindsight, we disregard the overriding variable of the supernatural God into the equation and chalk up the now-plausible circumstance as nothing more than the “natural” occurrence of things.  
No matter how crazy things get, when viewing world events on merely the natural plane, most won’t need a God to “see it.” It will all make logical, cause-and-effect sense.
In the same way, I believe much of what will lead up to Revelation 12 and is told us in Daniel 11:31 and following, will likewise “make good sense” to the mind of mankind at the time. Going so far as to think of the Anti-Christ to come, we have to assume he will not come into power forcefully, but peaceably, with the full support of a global community…one that is now forming rapidly. Yes, it will all “make perfect sense,” for the answers and charismatic leadership of the one we know is to come will help to solve what will have become the world’s most pressing and previously unsolvable complexities. And the world community will give him his prominent role. 
Still, for those in Christ, let me be clear that these can be days of amazing intrigue and anticipation, not fear and worry. 
But, you see, my point is that this is how God usually chooses to bring about his plans, through a course of events that will be laced in the common sense of man … so much so that even the elect would be deceived were it possible (Matthew 24:24).
BUT, He gives light to the eyes of his children. Our great and unshakeable God has let us in on his plans. We are his friends if we do what He commands (John 15:14). And as friends of the Son of God, the Son has made known us to his agenda (John 15:15).
Now, my intention is not to insinuate we are absolutely on the cusp of the rapture of the Church, or teetering at the edge of the Tribulation–though I’m also not saying that we couldn’t be, for the Father alone only knows the day of Jesus’ return for his children (Matthew 24:30-42).
What I am saying is that if we can learn anything from history, and from an acquaintance with the scriptures, we can assume that the initial events predicted in the Bible will likely “make sense” in the moment to the mind of unregenerate man.
So, one last question. 
Given our current sermon series at my home church, Northview Church, I am wondering if you are listening, watching and fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit living inside you? It’s something about which I wrote in great length as well in SET FREE. 
Do you know the mind of Christ? Do you have the mind of Christ? 
If not, it’s time to change that. If not, you may be missing that God himself is showing up right now on planet Earth.
Place your trust in Jesus Christ. He is ready to open your eyes.
Maybe it’s time you learn more about the God who is doing something incredible right now in the midst of this unprecedented time. Maybe it’s time you gain in you the Resource that dispells anxiety and replaces it with a calm assurance the world will never understand. 
You can learn more about having a relationship with Jesus here. Or, reach out to a pastor at Northview Church by texting “NEXT” to 85379 and selecting Option 2.
God is showing up right now. Don’t miss him in the details.
Keep watching.
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