#something something dog whistle power imbalance etc etc!
jlf23tumble · 1 year
lmaoo are you really pulling the fucking misogyny card here as well?? it's creepy for a 30 year old guy to date a 22 year old, there can be a huge power imbalance in a relationship like that... she's my age and i know multiple girls who had their life completely fucked over by a guy that much older than them, men take advantage of women that much younger than them, when they're that young especially..and if it was the other way around it would be just as bad, someone in their early 20s is barely an adult, trust me i know... nothing about pointing that out is misogynistic..i really don't get your opinion on stuff, it's really fucking contradictory a lot of the time and you don't even realize it, everything is misogyny to you
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
NO BUT FR I get so fucking tired of degradation and impact play and DADDY KINK showing up with absolutely no goddamn warning like. Tag ur shit pls dear god 😭😭😭 AND IT FEELS LIKE HALF THE TIME WHEN PEOPLE TAG PRAISE KINK ITS JOINED WITH UNTAGGED DEGRADATION AND IM JUST LIKE🧍I DONT WANT THISSSS literally when I see praise kink and no degradation tag I do NOT wanna be called a slut I am expecting absolute worship
This is probably a silly complaint but personally I’m a SUPER vanilla person and its almost disheartening to me to not be able to find vanilla smut??? Like ik writing vanilla pwp probably gets suuuuuper boring eventually, plus fiction obvi is a great way to just mess around and have fun and so I totally understand why kinky stuff is far more prevalent among smut blogs but like. It’s concerning to see degradation n stuff so normalized? Esp bc the vast majority of fics don’t go into discussions abt safewords and hard limits etc beforehand or aftercare on the tail end both of which are. Super fucking important with that shit (again, I get why, people writing & reading pwp don’t rlly wanna halt the action for that stuff and it’s fiction so it doesn’t really matter but it’s still important!). I just think abt people who r starting to explore their sexuality through smut and all they find is fucking. Degradation and hardcore impact play and power imbalances, all largely untagged bc it’s so prevalent and apparently the fandom thinks that’s what vanilla is
(And for the record, I’m not just a reader complaining abt this shit, I write what I wanna read and that’s. 10k words of buildup to sweet romantic sex at the very end KFBFKSBD I’m doing my part not just bitching abt others not catering to my whims dw) But I absolutely understand how many authors who focus on pwp end up like. Relying on kinkiness to have more variety esp when it’s smut blogs that churn out quality content daily. I just wish people would understand that tagging is rlly sooooo important even if u don’t see other authors tagging a specific thing
Anyway all that aside absolutely do post ur femdom stuff here! It’s ur blog and we’re all here bc we like ur writing yanno. It’s rlly awful that people give u shit for it but like. Ultimately u should be writing what u want. Block those dickheads and move on yanno?
i’ve gone on so many rants about this in the past so i simply will not go onto another tangent but esentially - i think there are a few reasons it gets super normalized outside of it being popular but in general it’s just one of those things that happens and you deal with as you’re online. 
honestly, a lot of tumblrs kink writing boils down to the greater issue of what i like to call “internet kink” which is so deeply far removed from actually bdsm LMAO and i understand it more n the context of writing fiction but broadly speaking like.. the internet has a truly odd idea of what sex constitutes i think and it can be p damaging to never address 
writer what you want! enjoy what you want! im literally a sadist and i spend so much of my day reading hentai comics it’s insane. but like idk.. there’s something to be said about the normalization of hard degradation and heavy kink play with no aftercare in online spaces. like no tags just raw-dog right there in the world lmao.  as a psa to anyone who is a virgin or really anyone inexperienced who needs to hear it again 
it’s completely okay if you have no interest in kinky content or sex. it’s normal to be vanilla and you shouldn’t feel any shame for that. you’re not boring. sex is fun because of your chemistry with your partner and you do not need any extra bells and whistles if you don’t want them. 
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