#sonetto painter au
emagios · 2 months
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At this point drawing it isn't enough I need to yap about this to someone 😭💀
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emagios · 2 months
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More sketches of the painter au \o/
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emagios · 2 months
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"We've told you before, right?" "Not everybody likes arcanists, Sonetto. They are dangerous. And because they are dangerous they are feared. They are not human. And those that are not human are different, and those that are different are hated. And you, Sonetto, are an arcanist. You will not find friends outside nor would they want to be. But we're not like them. That is why you are here. If not for us, you would have gotten yourself into worse situations. Maybe you would never have been in any situation except dead and forgotten. We don't want that for you, and that is why we protect you. Keeping you here in this house is for your protection. Here you can use your abilities as much as you like. As free as you like. All we ask of you is to stay, and in turn you use your abilities into good use. Like helping us." [AU in which Sonetto was never founded by the SPDM, rather gets adopted by a family instead. However, her abilities are manifested early. Seeing the potential in what exactly her magic does, her foster parents do not persecute her, instead using her ability of creation to compose works of art and sell it. ] I'm not much of a lore buff so idk how the magic system works. So I'm just assuming that when arcanists start showing signs of magic, it first starts off as "wild" magic. Random bursts of shazam and all that. As they grow up, then it starts to become something distinct. The game makes it seem that arcanists can cast "spells" or just regular magic (Like with Sonetto and Matilda having similar moves) and at the same time they have a magic that is unique to them. Matilda with her divinity, TF with her healing. Sonneto's case is maybe similar to Blonney in that it involves creating something from their imagination. Furthermore is that Sonneto's ability require intention? or at least a form of emotion and passion (which imo is so cool character-wise because the irony is so so good Sonneto, who strives to be the Foundations perfect soldier. Who strives to follow in its ideal of order before opinion. Before emotion, yet even her own magic contests that. Or maybe I got the details wrong and I'm being delusional LOL but I digress) So yeah, that's what I have in mind so far. I'm glad I finally got around to drawing it out, because the idea has been itching at me since Christmas lmao. Also! I'm also thinking of planting her to be somewhere maybe around the late 19th to early 20th century? Like the rest of the suitcase squad, Vertin will eventually encounter her as part of her being assigned in locating "unregistered/rogue" arcanists in hopes of recruiting them to the Foundation. Yes this idea was mainly made with vernetto / tk14 in mind lol But there's also some schneider mention for the verschneider angst ofc
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emagios · 2 months
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Though she did not show it outwardly, Sonetto's heart was pounding. Being called down to the living room to greet and entertain guests was nothing new for her, having done so whenever her father and mother hosted parties, or during her father's "art exhibits". (She never stayed too long though. And her parents never stopped her. The less contact with people, the less risk of them finding out about her ability.) But this... The people they were waiting for weren't just any ordinary guests. They were to meet a member of The Foundation. Across from her was a large bookshelf. On one of the shelves was a gap, to which as she peered, she could see the front door. The door was tilting. 'huh? What? ' Sonetto thought. She then felt a strong weight press on her shoulder. Rather, a strong grip. Sonetto blinked. She took a glance at her father, who was now looking down at her with narrowed eyes. "You were swaying." He said. Oh. She didn't realize that. The doorbell rang, and his gaze moved back at the direction a the cause. "You need to sort yourself, lest they cast their suspicions on us. We don't need unwanted attention, especially from them. " From her peripheral, she could see one of the butler's walking towards the main door to open it. "We've already made it clear what exactly The Foundation is, yes? " Sonetto's throat felt dry. Yes, her parents have painted her a picture of what the people at The Foundation were like. What the organization was, and what they do with people like her. Of the many, but based, rumors that cloaked around it. She observed her father's face. Harsh, but kempt and set with the familiar mask of indifference that he mostly wore. She could only count with one hand and less than five of her fingers the amount of times she had seen him smile genuinely. 'You wouldn't let them take me away, right?' She realized, at the same moment, that her father had not let go of her shoulder, gripping it this time with more pressure than before. "I asked you a question, Sonetto." Sonetto broke her gaze away from him to look ahead, right on time to see the butler reach for the door knob. "Yes." She replied. His hand dropped to rest at his sides. "Good. Don't give anything away." Click. She heard, and saw the door open. Sonetto took a deep breath. "Yes, sir." The butler stepped aside, opening the door wider as he did so. And next, their unexpected guests entered. A man stepped in, giving the butler a short bow before moving towards the living room, which was where she and her father were at. There were three figures that walked in. However, the gap that she was watching from was only small, only enough for her to see the entrance but not the rest of the hallway. Ah well, She'd see them all later anyways. The man was the first to step in, with a woman following closely after. The third... didn't appear. Maybe Sonetto had been mistaken. She focused her attention at the two instead of dwelling on it further. The man was tall, that much was clear. Taller than even her father. Subsequently that also meant that the man towered over her. His height, together with his uniform, made him look eerie and intimidating. White and gray uniform, and a mask that covered near his entire face, exposing only his chin (which was hidden with a cloth).
The woman beside him was shorter, maybe just inches taller than her. She wore a similar getup with the man. "The Foundation thanks you for your hospitality." The man started. An ordinary voice. Sonetto didn't know whether to feel unsettled or reassured. Her father gave a curt nod. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your esteemed organization?" "We are aware that this came about on such short notice. Because of that, we would like to keep our first meeting short and brief. To introduce ourselves as we all settle in before we dive into business." It was the woman who spoke. "I see. Then, I have no qualms about that. " Her father answered. "We thank you. Let us begin then. Let me introduce you to our Captain and squad leader. She is also one of the SPDM's finest student's and a key member of St. Pavlov Foundation..." Loud footsteps. Frantic, as if in a hurry. It could never be any of the house staff, for they were always careful with making noise even when busy. It could only be the third guest. So she was not wrong after all. Sonetto clenched her fists to keep it from trembling. This was it. She can learn to keep calm, and show indifference. She will not clue them in on anything. She will- A large and dark, blue top hat that obscured the face. A coat with a similar shade. She was perhaps short, maybe even shorter than her. Locks of gray - green hair... "... The Timekeeper." The Timekeeper took off her hat. Gray eyes meet widened, green eyes. Unbeknownst to her, Sonetto's father had stiffened. 'She's the timekeeper?! But she's just... ' "A child?!"
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emagios · 2 months
hello hello :3 love your r1999 art, and I was curious about your painter au! Can I ask what Sonetto would be like in this world? She seems just as sheltered, but no longer indoctrinated with the foundation’s ‘order over opinion’ stuff. Does that make her more openly curious? Less professional and aloof? and I imagined her magic would not be as controlled or powerful but used in far more imaginative ways..
i also envisioned she’d being *even more* socially awkward around others and especially Vertin, since she has had basically no one else around and no diplomatic training of any kind ahsbskf
and then there’s her family who basically extort her abilities..
(Sorry if i’m rambling jdndjdn i’m just really curious, you don’t have to answer everything)
Yo!!! I'm glad a lot of you guys enjoy the au, it makes me happy that yall vibe with it ^w^ I've also gotten to discuss this with someone too and it's been great! Most of the time whenever I draw AUs it's kind of a one - and - done thing and I don't think too much about the details. But I'm particular towards this so I wanted to try to keep them similar to canon to try to get a feel of their characters, and then practice navigating them in this AU That said, while she hasn't been indoctrinated into the Foundation's teachings, she'll still have a similar mindset to canon because of her parents controlling her upbringing. She's sheltered, but she also isn't encouraged to act on her curiosity, to engage with the world too much because she's been taught to hide herself and her abilities because "the outside world is dangerous to arcanists" . There was someone who reblogged and tagged how the AU was giving Rapunzel vibes and they're not wrong!! I was actually thinking about Rapunzel when coming up with this too. The painting, and the controlling and restrictive parents... However, unlike Gothel, I wanted to make her parents a bit more complicated. They cared for her once, but now they've lost that and are more concerned with utilizing her abilities for their gain. It's this complicated relationship that also keeps Sonetto from acting against her parents wishes. In the hopes, that maybe they'll show that same love they gave to her before. Another reason would be because she's never had someone Vertin to show her another perspective outside of it. She's aloof and withdrawn but despite that still has a yearning for the world. A yearning she refuses to indulge in because of the reasons above. Her magic would indeed be not made for combat or powerful. She wouldn't be allowed to hone it further than what she's asked to do. She's not completely locked away from the world though, just that she'll have minimal interactions. So she's awkward and hopelessly inept in socializing LMAOOO But yeah!! So far that's what I've had in mind for the direction this AU is gonna take. Of course, feel free to put your own spin on it too! :DD I want to elaborate more but that'll be a spoiler alert HAHAHAHA jkjk I'm also just making it as I go and hopefully winging it I still haven't gotten the chance to expand on these ideas yet because pre-finals are kicking my ass but maybe after When I have time, I'll get the chance to do so For now, thank you plenty for the ask and for taking the time to read this! I... am not good with keeping conversations short aksjdgajhs So thank you, for listening :D I hope you have a good one!!!
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