#sonny carisi x you
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Sonny Carisi: Tears For A Good Man 
I was writing a Nick Amaro story. This popped into my head, and it wouldn’t let go. My first attempt at another one of my favorite SVU men Carisi. I was nervous to write him, but I had so much fun with it. Someone has to tell me if I hit his character right.  
Your mind is in a whirlwind. You have no idea how you’ve come to be at this spot in your life. It doesn’t feel real. Your life wasn’t like this. Good things just didn’t happen to you like this. So, you just watched the scene play out in front of you through misty eyes. Time had slowed, and words were taking longer to process adding to the surreal state. 
Sonny didn’t notice as he pulled Chinese food boxes from a paper bag and set them on your desk. He was chatting animally, about how he wasn’t sure if you were still trying to cut back on carbs, and that you really didn’t need to. He had been craving Chinese and he thought you should eat some too. He honestly liked his woman with meat on their bones, curves, he was Italian after all. But he had gotten you a salad too.   
You had been the one complaining to him last week that since you had started seeing him two months ago you had gained almost ten pounds and now your pants were tight. Sonny was an amazing cook and he loved to feed you. You loved to eat his cooking, but he couldn’t really be okay with you gaining weight, could he? No man was like that. They were visual, they wanted their woman to look like they had just walked off the runway impossibly small. It had been a hard pill to swallow as you had started dating in high school. As you had gotten older it hadn’t gotten better. Men had a way of giving women body issues.   
“I got you a Coke before I remembered that you're giving up pop too. So, I got you a Raspberry Lemonade instead.” He was setting the drinks on the desk as he spoke, “Then I remembered how much sugar it had and got you water. I got tell you though doll, a salad and water doesn’t sound like much of a meal to me.” There was a twinge of exasperation in his voice. 
You feel tears start to roll down your face. Sonny had only texted you an hour beforehand to see if you had time for a quick lunch. You had expected to just meet him somewhere, you didn’t have a lot of time but enough to sit down and eat. You hadn't expected him to come over with a feast of Chinese food for the both of you, a salad if you decided you wanted to continue your healthy eating, and three different drinks because honestly who did that? You would blame the tears on PMS because in what world does a girl start crying because her boyfriend is being nice and respectful to her.  
When Sonny turns and sees your tears, he cuts off midsentence concern written all over his face. “Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong sweetheart?” You can’t say anything emotions bubbling up through your stomach. “Did I do something wrong? I didn’t mean to.” You roll your eyes at yourself for being stupid, not him. When Sonny sees it, he doesn’t interpret it that way. He reaches for you putting a hand on your shoulder. His voice lowered to almost a whisper, “Is it because I brought that salad? Honey, I don’t want you to eat that. I was just,” He groaned bringing his other hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I was just trying to be respectful of your decisions. In hindsight, I can see how it looks bad though.” His voice is tense and then changes to a more upbeat problem-solving tone, “I’ll just go get you something different. Anything you want, just tell me.” 
You shake your head at the absolute absurdity of this situation. You finally find your voice, “Sonny please, stop.” He pauses near the closed door of your office. “It’s not the salad. I-I'm just being stupid.” He walked back up to you, caressing your tearstained cheek and wiping at the stray tears with his thumb. Sonny had always been a problem solver, so his mind went to the next possible problem.  
“Am I moving too fast again?” That was something you had told Sonny. It had been in a serious conversation right as you agreed to start a relationship where you had admitted that his confidence and speed of the relationship scared your jaded fragile heart. You had admitted none of your relationships had lasted over six months and that you were nervous about ruining the good thing that the two of you had. “I’m trying to keep it slow baby, but it’s something new to me. I didn’t think lunch would be a big deal. I mean we have before-” Your lower lip trembled as you saw the frustration in his face. You were forcing your insecurity onto him.  
“No Sonny, you're not.” You wrap your hands around his shoulders pulling him tightly to you, he is stunned for a minute before returning the embrace heartily rubbing you back comfortingly. “Thank you,” You whisper in his ear squeezing him tighter. 
“Um, I-I'm not going to lie doll, I’m coming up empty on this one.” One of his hands is still rubbing your back, the other twisted into your hair. Your next words make the tension fall from his shoulders as he kisses your head before tucking it back under his chin. 
“Thank you, for showing me what a good man is really like.”
I know it was short, but this was just to get my feet wet. I love Sonny but I’ve never written a character like him before. I hope everyone finds their Carisi. If you haven’t, you're in good company. Love you guys xoxo                   
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ameliora-j · 1 month
the carnal need i feel for Sonny Carisi to pump me so full of his cum that it still drips out of me hours later mhmm
you choke over another breath as sonny pushes your legs up. he groans as he stands on his feet on the bed. the tops of his thighs press to the backs of your’s as he folds your body further in half—pressing you into the mating position.
a whine releases from your throat as you feel the tip of his cock tickling your cervix. his previous three orgasms from the day leak pool around his cock as he fucks you roughly. “need you to be fucking pregnant” he growls, nipping and biting at your neck.
for every time sonny had cum, he made you cum twice. your cunt now overstimulated as he had used you this morning when you woke up, just before he left for the day, and in his office when you brought him lunch.
now he’s plunging deep into your pussy for the fourth time today. his seed had been spilling from you since 6 o’clock this morning, causing your head to become fuzzier and fuzzier with each time he abused your poor pussy without so much as warning your first.
sonny was like an alpha in rut when it came to your ovulation week, fucking and cumming in you multiple times a day for seven days straight. your back arches high as his thick cock stretches your sensitive little pussy as wide as it can go, pressing his palm into your raw and hardened clit to feel you spasm around him.
“‘m gonna give you my baby, princess… you just lay there and take it, okay?” somny coos in a condescendingly sweet tone. sweat drips down his brow and his usually bright baby blue eyes have become a dark ocean blue—heavy with his lust. “just let daddy breed this cunt” he hums simply, gripping your hips tighter to gain better leverage to fuck you harder.
“just take my fucking cock like the good whore i know you can be. take daddy’s babies from him princess… use your little pussy to milk my cock” he mumbles, spanking your clit a few times as your legs shake. “‘m not gonna stop fucking you like this till you’re nice and round with my kid” he warns, smirking darkly at you.
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kryptonitejelly · 3 months
Hello! LOVED your Sonny Carisi first kiss 😍 How about some pillow talk with our favorite ball of Sonnshine 😏🌞
send asks for sonny carisi x reader (5 sentence baby blurbs!)
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
“Yes,” Sonny’s eyes are still closed, his arms wrapped around you, but his answer to your ridiculous question is immediate.
“What if I was a -”
“Yes,” his voice is thick with sleep, but he cuts you off with a quick answer.
“But I haven’t finished my question,” you protest as Sonny’s eyes flicker open. He flips you in one swift motion; you are with your back on the bed, Sonny’s arms caging you in.
“Doll,” he drawls, lips going down to the column of your neck; you can feel his voice against your skin, “the answer is always yes.”
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kayyybenson · 1 year
Desk Duty - Sonny Carisi
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    I sat at my desk, eating out of a family-sized smart food popcorn bag that Sonny had brought me. It seemed to be the only thing that calmed my pregnancy cravings, that and Soda, any kind, matter of fact, I'll drink whatever is put in front of me. "Y/N, no one is going to steal your popcorn." Amanda joked, causing me to send her a sharp glare. "Okay, point taken, my bad." 
    "I'd rather be on bed rest than be stuck at this stupid uncomfortable desk." I groaned, throwing the empty bag in the trash. I slowly stood up and waddled to the vending machine to raid it. When it didn't give me what I wanted I violently shook it and kicked it. "Fucking machine!"
    "Woah," A familiar voice spoke. "Doll, you should sit down, I'll order you takeout." 
   "NO! I want junk food!" 
    "You need to eat balanced meals so the baby is healthy." I swiftly turned to him, I had no idea where this anger was coming from.
    "Sonny, you have five seconds to get me my bag of sour patch kids before I break down." There was a moment of silence. "Pleasssseeee." I drawled out, trying to guilt-trip him.
    "Carisi, get the girl her sour patch kids before she sets this place on fire." Fin encouraged my childish behavior.
    "Doll, you can get your sour patch kids after you eat some actual food, you've been up since 5 am and all you've eaten is popcorn and some old candy you found in our kitchen." I groaned, letting him drag me back to my desk. He placed a whole pile of takeout menus in front of me, "Pick one," I giggled and lifted up a menu that said 'The restaurant'. "Okay, jokester, what do you want?"
    "Mhhh, the baby says a salad and ketchup." He nodded and picked up the phone to order.
    "I'm glad I'm not the pregnant one," Barba joked, "I'd throw up if I ate that stuff."
    "I do throw up. Morning sickness."
    "I was like that when I was pregnant with Jessie. Fin thought I had cancer." Upon hearing his name Fin looked up and his jaw dropped.
    "Hey, Yo!" I let out a laugh and finished my last sheet of paperwork. Sonny sat the salad on my desk and I immediately started inhaling it. 
    "She does this at home too. It's to the point where I have to make two meals so she can eat the whole thing." Sonny chuckled. "She ate a whole pan of lasagna last night."
    "Guys, we have a homicide, Amanda you stay with Y/N." Olivia walked out of her office, jacket in hand.
    "Oh come on! I can't ride with you?" 
    "No, it's called desk duty for a reason." 
    "Sonny!" I turned to my husband in hopes he would at least let me out of there.
    "Rules are rules." He kissed my forehead. "I'll see you when I get back." I crossed my arms.
    "Check your breaks before you leave the lot," I mumbled, just trying to scare him. He stared at me before slowly backing up.
------ DUN DUN ------
    Amanda and I were playing card games, trying to pass the time. "Go fish," I mumbled as she groaned and picked up a card. I felt water rush down my leg and splash onto the ground, I brought my legs closer together to hide the mess. "I think I just peed myself." 
    "Y/N you're in labor!" She moved to grab both of our purses and led me to the car. "I need you to breath." She turned the siren on and started to speed. I let out a pained groan and she reassured me that I'd be okay.
    "Call Sonny!"
--- Meanwhile with Sonny:
    "Liv, I don't think that's such a good idea." Fin tried to stop the captain from talking to the victim's mother, while I was consoling the father. My phone rang, I ignored it the first two times but answered the third, annoyed.
    "What do you need Amanda, I'm busy."
    "Too busy to know that your wife is in labor?" I could feel the anger radiating off of her. 
    "Excuse me?" 
    "Sonny I'm in labor!" Y/N Now yelled. "The baby is coming and she's coming now!" 
    "Oh god, we'll be at Mercy Hospital, hurry, I think she's cutting off circulation to my hand!" The line went dead.
    "Guys, I have to go. Y/N is in labor, she might kill Amanda if I'm not there soon." 
    "Go, we'll take it from here and meet you there." I started my car and drove to the hospital.
---- Back to Y/N and Amanda:
    I screamed as the contractions got worse. "Just take the damn thing out!"
    "I'm sorry ma'am we can't just yet."
    "Amanda where is my husband!" 
    "I'm here doll." Sonny ran into the room and grabbed my hand. "You're doing great baby." 
    "I want it out!" I yelled again. "Ahhhh!" I screamed once again though this time it was very high-pitched.
    "It's coming, push Mrs. Carisi!" I pushed over and over again until I heard crying. "Mr. Carisi, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" 
    "Go on." I smiled at him. He rubbed a hand along the side of my face before he went to cut the cord. Once it was tied off and she was cleaned up they handed her to me, I sat up and held her close. 
    "She has your eyes." I turned to Sonny, who was crying. 
    "And your nose. She's perfect, little Serenity Carisi." After a while, the rest of the group showed up and swooned over the baby.
    "Guys, this is Serenity, Serenity, these are your aunts and uncles." I introduced them.
    "Oh wow, she's beautiful." Amanda praised. "Hi, Serenity. She's a mini Y/N."
    "Yeah, but she has Carisi's baby blues." Fin pointed out.
    "We did good," Sonny jokes around, earning a slap on the arm from Liv.
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rafaslittleboy · 2 months
Life of the party
pairing: rafael barba/reader, sonny carisi/reader
Des: rafael barba takes a liking to sonny’s niece. at the same time, so does sonny.
warnings: power imbalance, rafa is 54 and sonny is 45 and reader is in her early twenties. SONNY IS READER’S UNCLE. Incest, dub con, drugging.
dc: @noellawrites
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It wasn’t a secret that your mom was wealthy, she had married a man that came from money and had a high paying job and moved into his mansion-like house with you in toll. He didn’t like you, in fact, he spent the first three years of knowing you, screaming at you, pushing you, kicking you out just for your mom to phone the police and bring you back.
Your relationship with him wasn’t the best, rocky, in fact. And he had every reason to kick you out if he wanted to—you had just entered your twenties, and were legally an adult, he didn’t need to keep you there and he was trying every trick in the book to put you out.
Your safe place was your uncle sonny. Your whole life he had been the one to take care of you, he was your best friend in the world. You both were so close when you were younger, he had taught you almost everything that was inherently your mother’s job. Sometimes as you grew into a teenager, your body changed and he taught you… things, it made you uncomfortable at times but he would always cover his tracks and say that if no one else would teach you, he would.
As you got older, the more he would let you ‘sleepover’ at his apartment, and the more it happened. It wasn’t until one of your friends spoke about the social outcast in class being caught fucking a family member did you learn it was wrong to be touched in certain ways by said family members.
So you stopped coming over—but you did receive texts every now and then from your Uncle Sonny, asking how you are, updating you about his life. You only really ever saw him at family gatherings.
A few drinks were enough for you, and you had taken yourself up to bed. No one noticed you had left.
“Oh—“ you bumped head first into his chest, almost swaying backwards, “I’m so sorry—“
Rafael cracked a smile and stabled your shoulders with his hands, “Is your uncle sonny around?” he asks, his big green eyes darting around the hallway.
“I don’t… know, he mi—might be?” It wasn’t exactly a clear and understood answer.
“How much have you had to drink?” Rafael raised a humorous blonde eyebrow at you. He did get a few glances at you downstairs, too many juice-tasting shots that were subtly stolen from the drinks table, having the in-house drink maker make you whatever you wanted for a sweet smile in return.
“In fact, don’t answer that. Let’s get you to bed, hmm?”
And of course, you blindly followed him. He was attractive, and he was a lawyer—you felt you were in safe hands… big hands, with long fingers. You were staring too long, and he caught on to that. He sat you down on the edge of the bed and smoothed out the creases on your shirt.
“You’re a pretty one, aren’t you?” He stated, cocking his head to the side. “I’m surprised that you aren’t taken, if I was your age? I’d fight for that,”
You giggle, you’re not really taking in the words but you can identify that he’s complimenting you. You don’t get that anymore, not since you cut contact with your uncle.
“I could just… eat you up,” his voice lowers into a growl, and his hands are no longer on your shoulders but now on your waist. His thumbs are drawing circles on your warm skin, and there’s something specific in his eyes you can’t quite put your finger on. His hands settle on your sides and squeeze so subtly, “Have you been with an older man, before?”
You swallow, suddenly the alcohol doesn’t keep the funny, buzzed feeling as it did a few minutes prior.
“i… i don’t think so,” you stammer. You haven’t been with anyone, a few kisses here and there… touches—but that was all educational, it wasn’t proper. It wasn’t real.
Rafael hums to himself, biting his lower lip. “Stay.” He commands, and he walks to the door and makes sure to lock it.
When he comes back, he drops to his knees and pulls your short-short’s to the side along with your panties, and the cold air makes your skin prickle.
“mr. barba—“ you’re cut short when both of his thumbs pull your pussy lips apart.
“Still intact…” he hums again. The humiliation you’re getting from him inspecting you makes your skin warm and your face turn red with pure drunken embarrassment.
“Do you want my cock inside you, little girl? Break you open?”
You let out a choked hiccup sound, a lump in your throat—torn between enjoying his touches and knowing this is wrong. Your mommy always told you to save yourself for marriage—hell, even Uncle Sonny told you to save yourself during his educational lessons for a good man or God would have punishments in place if you sinned like that.
His middle finger touched on your clit and moved around in a small, tight small circular motions. You gasped—because how could you not? It was a feeling that you had went years without feeling, and he seemed to know what he was doing.
Rafael slid his shortest finger inside you and it was a struggle at first, your slick walls clamping down instantly on the intrusion.
“You’re a prize for an old man like me, gonna make me really really happy.”
He stands and spreads your thighs open just enough so he can get between them, and your mind is fuzzed—you can only think about him, ADA Rafael Barba with his hard cock confined within his clothes rubbing against your most private area.
He tuts in annoyance, “you’re getting my pants wet,” and he’s right, there’s a wet, sticky patch on the outline of his hard cock due to your arousal. His forefinger and thumb on your clit and then he pinches—and you choke back a pained moan.
“Bad little girls get punished—this will be a pain to get drycleaned.”
His fingers twist on your swollen clit, and you keen, your hand on his wrist as a desperate attempt to make him stop. “i—i’m sorry—“ you choke.
“Do you think you can cum just like this?” He says under his breath, voice low. You shake your head ‘no’, once more trying to push back on him.
He stops, finally, and his hands immediately go to his belt and starts to unbuckle and pull it through the loops and drops it to the floor.
“Mr. Barba..” you gasp as his cock slides against your pussy lips. “Feels good, huh?” He says with a smirk, and you nod feverishly.
You hadn’t even noticed him pulling back and sliding the head of his cock into you until the stretch became too much and your back bowed involuntarily to see the thing that was impaling you.
A thick, fat cock was between your legs and the tip was barely in. It was wrong, taboo, your mom would disown you if she found you like this. Rafael saw you watching, his eyes glued to your small body wrapped around the tip of his cock.
He pushed in further and your mouth fell open as your walls were stretched even further as his hips moved forward. “That’s it… good little girl…”
Rafael was nice enough to give you some time to adjust, but he was only a man; he had urges too, and by god, your tight little pussy was so inviting, exciting. He grabbed your hip with one hand and moved his other hand to hold down your shoulder and fucked into you like there was no tomorrow, your pussy making a obscene squelching sound with just how wet you were.
you couldn’t think, it was intense—his cock pumping in and out of you, his balls slapping your wet skin and god, the way his face contorted into a pleasurable expression—he was so attractive, the most attractive man you had ever set your eyes on.
“Mr—mr. Barba—“ you gasped, “something—somethings happening to me—“
Rafael bit his bottom lip hard and a rough groan left his mouth and he slid his thumb across your swollen clit, “go on, fuck—fuck, go on, cum all over my cock, make me happy—be a good little girl and make daddy happy.”
You shook your head ‘no’—you didn’t know what he was talking about, the strange word leaving his wet lips—it was all too intense, and he kept swirling the pad of his thumb over the little thing that sat before the opening of your other lips, it felt too good—it was as if you were holding in your pee for far too long, and as if you were incredibly excited over something (with your tummy filled with butterflies).
He watched as he pressed his thumb down harder, then he felt your pussy walls contract and your body go stiff and rigid—feeling your orgasm take place almost in slow motion—the sensation of your cum dribbling on his cock and onto the bed sheets as you creamed his cock, and he didn’t stop, he growled like a predator finally taking his meat and fucked you harder, prolonging your orgasm and making you dumb and dumber and dumber.
“Oh, fuck, sweetheart—“
He pulled out from your cumming pussy and his cock immediately pumped out white strings of hot cum and came all over the front of your pussy, warm droplets of cum cooled quickly on your burning skin.
Your legs were shaking, trembling with the aftermath of the rough fucking you were given and the intensity of your orgasm.
Rafael took a moment to collect himself, swallowing away his dry throat. Your hips twitched with the aftermath of the rough fucking you had just taken, and you made sounds of delight and overstimulation. He took his fingers and scooped up some of his cooled cum from your pussy mound and fingered it inside of you.
“it—it hurts,” you choked and pushed his wrist away.
Rafael kissed you, his tongue invading your mouth and you moaned into his as he continued to lazily finger your spent pussy, with no real want to make you cum again.
This poor little girl was already broken after one pussy-fuck.
Rafael was more than amused at that fact.
Outside of the window, he could hear people say their goodbyes—and Olivia was his ride home. He tore his fingers from you and started to get dressed, and you couldn’t move a muscle, all spent and exhausted, sleep was what you wanted.
“Here’s my number,” he slipped his business card to you, “If you want to be fucked like that again, you come to me,”
You held the professional card in your fingertips and examined it, it had his name, his profession, where his office was. And he wanted to see you again—that’s why he gave you the card.
He knew you were young, impressionable, and somewhat abused—you wanted someone to take care of you, just like he did there. Rafael had found his relief.
Your mom had scolded you for leaving the party so early, telling you that your Uncle Sonny was looking for you and that you were just plain out rude for getting drunk and making Mr. Barba have to take care of you.
She didn’t know. That was fine.
Your stepdad, however, he could barely look at you. Making little snarky comments.
He knew. How could he not? He had cameras put in your room unknownst to you, he had seen everything. Recorded it, kept it in a little file for only himself. Dave, the name of your mom’s boyfriend, had been shocked when he had seen Rafael fuck you into the mattress. Dave still stroked his cock to your cry’s, it was by far one of his best videos.
In fact, he was there that morning when you had left to get the subway to Manhattan and you couldn’t help yourself but think of him the whole time.
Remembering just how well he had fucked you, you had never felt anything like it before. You wanted to feel it again, and again, and again, and again.
It didn’t take long to find the courthouse, a big white historical looking building that to you, looked like a skyscraper. You were tiny compared to it. Tiny compared to a lot of things.
Rafael’s Office was on the eight floor, the receptionist told you, and she gave you this sympathetic look—you didn’t understand why. She must’ve thought you were a young victim.
Rafael had only taken one look at you and knew why you came back, he was a very smart man. To reward you, he ate you out on his desk like a man starved, and told you to come back before his shift ended.
He told you to be quiet as he slid off your pink panties and tucked them into his back pocket, kitten licked your clit. You had to hold your hand over your mouth. You could see the top of his assistants brown hair through the blinded windows, one wrong sound and she’d know what was happening in here.
By the end of the encounter, your legs were trembling and Rafael had your clear slick over his mouth and nose. He hummed as he licked you clean.
It had been a few months since you started “seeing” Rafael. You would visit him often, giving him home-made lunches or buying him a big meal to bring to him in his office. He’d take you out for food, lunch or dinner, and he’d take you back to his apartment where he’d fuck you until you were screaming. He had a talent for that, especially with you. You were so easy for him, you wanted him so badly that your body would cum within seconds of him entering you, and God did it make him feel amazing.
You would always fall asleep afterwards, his fuckings were too much for your poor little body and you lay your head to sleep on his chest.
Carisi had noticed that you had been entering Barba’s office a lot recently, and he grew suspicious. Gossip in the courthouse was at an all time high because it was said (or rumoured) that he had a new young girl that he was banging, this was either passed on from jealous old fat men or jealous middle aged women.
So Carisi did the mature thing, he had approached Barba with a question; “Are you fuckin’ my niece?”
And Barba smirked—he fucking smirked—and took a sip from his ice cold scotch glass. “Yes, I am.”
Carisi didn’t know what to say after that, he honestly didn’t think that far ahead.
But the thing was with you… was that over-shared quite a lot when you felt you could trust Rafael enough. You told him things about your Special Victims Unit Detective Uncle that no one had ever known.
Exposed Dominick for the predator he truly is, or was. To the person you trusted most in the whole world. Rafael held you as you sobbed, as you told him what had happened to you. But now, with the man before him glaring at him—Rafael knew enough that it wasn’t anger, it was jealousy.
Pure jealousy.
“Annoyed I bet you to it?” Rafael’s tone was amused one, his eyes tilted with his knowing smirk.
“Don’t play dumb. I know.” Rafael sat down the carved glass of scotch on his desk. Condensation wet on his fingertips. “She told me everything, and if I were you, I’d watch how you act with me.”
Dominick swallowed heavily. There was no beating around the bush on what Barba was talking about, it was clear as day. Dominick knew what he had done wrong and now the ADA did too.
“But I’m willing to forgive and forget, hell, she tried to a few times. Kept telling me how she grew up and thought that her Uncle touching her pussy was normal, how when she was sixteen that she realised that having a crush on her own Uncle was wrong and—Illegal.”
Dominick was silent.
“You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
“I do. And you do too. Do you wanna know how I fucked her the first time? You were.. downstairs, yeah, downstairs with your girlfriend and her kids and I was deep inside your niece.”
“She gushed, too, little spurts because she was so turned on. Because of me.”
“Stop it.”
“Not you—“
Dominick growled, “What’re you doin’? Why’re you tellin’ me this? If you’re gonna arrest me, do it.”
Rafael’s smirk widened, showing his white teeth. “My intention isn’t to arrest you. In fact, I want you to join. Just once. Maybe twice if I like it.”
“J—join?” Dominick stammered.
“Yes, have sex with her with me. I know she won’t come around, but I have my ways. Take a drug of some sort that’ll subdue her, and we can have our way with her.”
Rafael has always been a forward man, when he wanted something, he got it. He always said what was on his mind, even if it would offend someone.
“That’s crazy.”
“Is it? I’ve fantasised about some things she’s told me about you, and Carisi��you’re a dirty bastard, the things you done to her. But she liked it, though, she cries and cries but she admitted she liked it—and she hates it even more because she does.”
Does, present tense.
“Don’t act as if you don’t want to. Just say yes, that’s all you have to do. I can sort out the rest.”
Rafael stood, and his cock was half hard. It was ten o’clock at night, and you were staying the night at his apartment. He was getting ready to leave before he had asked Carisi to stop by.
Dominick thought on his offer. It was crazy, his skin burned with guilt and embarrassment of the true reality of what he had done to you growing up. But Rafael was just as sick for liking what he was told, so much so that he would ask your own assaulter to basically… do it all over again.
You were grown now, Carisi knew that. He had seen you at the party and he had seen how grown you were, drinking alcoholic punch and getting way too wasted way too fast on way too little drinks. Rafael fucked you almost every week, multiple times a week—and Dominick would be lying if he didn’t say he didn’t imagine how Rafael fucked you once the rumours gotten to him.
But he wanted to imagine himself fucking you—sliding into your tight wet heat, hearing your moans. How you’d grab onto him like you did when he’d touch your inexperienced clit—
Rafael had messaged you a few hours before you left his apartment to come to his office because he needs help on a little something. It didn’t seem like a sexual text, normally he would tell you to wear something, or to bring something he could use on you. Or he would tell you what he wanted to do and how he wanted to do it.
So you had stopped by to get him a coffee, using your workers discount at your coffee shop. You even got him a little pastry too.
You tried to deny to yourself that your feelings for Rafael weren’t that intense, but they were. He was older than you, but it didn’t stop your heart from skipping a beat whenever you thought of him. You trusted him, and most of all, you loved him.
He was rough sometimes, but sometimes you liked it. Sometimes he’d ignore your pleas to stop, but you liked when he felt good and when he would groan about how good you are for him. He was really special to you.
The courthouse was empty, it was late at night on a Friday and most people had went home. Rafael sometimes stayed in the courthouse until midnight some nights.
You entered his office with a smile, “I picked something up for you! It’s a new pastry I think you’d like, it’s filled with strawberry jam and—“
Your voice was held in your throat when you closed the door and your worst fear was in the room with you.
Your uncle had been sat on the brown couch in Rafaels office. Staring at you.
Rafael was there too, leaning against the front of his desk. The only warmth in the room.
“Take a seat, cariño,” Rafael gestured with his hand to the seat beside Carisi. You swallowed thickly, your uncle… made you uncomfortable at times, sometimes the look in his eye when he was looking at you made you feel as if he was imagining things he shouldn’t.
But Rafael was here, he would protect you if anything bad happened. He said so himself.
You put down the coffee and the pastry-bag on the brown oak coffee table and put your hands on your thighs. Your body felt heavy.
“Uncle Carisi is going to start law school—nights—and I wanted you to help him with his first case study.”
Your eyes darted to your Uncle who sat spread eagle on the brown leather sofa, staring at you.
“… uhm,” you whispered, “I don’t… i don’t know law, Rafa,” which was very true, you worked in a dead end barista job that underpaid and overworked you—the topic of the law was something you new absolutely nothing on, other than some traffic laws and the basics.
“I know, that’s why I’m here.”
Rafael tilted your chin upwards to kiss you softly, and suddenly you felt safer than before.
“In this imaginary case, the victim is sexually assaulted by two older men, one the victim is related to,” Rafael placed his hands on your shoulders and massaged them, “and the other is her partner,”
You’re turned by the hands on your shoulders to face your Uncle, but with Rafael’s presence… the fear wasn’t there as much.
“Go sit down,” Rafael mutters to you, and you hesitate, but make the two steps to the sofa and slowly sit.
“The victim is under the influence of a date-rape drug,” and Rafael reaches into his pocket and pulls out a yellow medicine bottle and flicks open the cap, shaking out one small pill in his cupped hand.
Rafael taps your bottom lip, “open,” and you do as you’re told. Your mouth opening only wide enough for him to put the pill on your tongue and then puts a finger on your chin and closes it for you.
“How does the assault start, counsellor?” You hear your Uncle ask beside you.
“It starts with the youngest male grabbing the victims hands.” And Rafael pauses, and sonny takes the hint and takes hold of both of your small wrists in one of his big hands and holds your wrists together behind your back. You couldn’t yank out of his grip if you wanted to.
“And while the drug takes into effect, the two perpetuators get the victim naked and pliable. Under their complete supervision, nothing left unclothed.”
Rafael started with your simple T-shirt, taking it by the bottom hem and lifting it from your body before you knew what was happening.
His office was cold, the windows never fully shut, the only warmth you seemed to get was Dominick’s burning gaze into your back.
“Bra, too.” Rafael tasked Sonny, nodding.
Dominick’s deft fingers came to your bra clasp and unlinked it, taking the straps from your shoulders and taking the bra all together.
“Ah, ah—don’t hide,” your older partner batted your hands away from your exposed breasts.
“Dom, give them a little squeeze. Get a good feel.”
“Ain’t gotta tell me twice.” Sonny grunted as his hands groped at your breasts.
“Stop—“ you choked, “I—I don’t like this.”
Somehow, you found your voice. Your body wanted to run—and to curl into itself—both at the same time.
You didn’t know the ins and outs of the Law, but you did know that this was wrong. Everything your Uncle had ever done to you was wrong. From showing you what your clit was when you were young, to giving it little touches until your walls contracted and your big grown uncle made you orgasm.
Rafael always told you that you were a smart little girl.
“It’s fine, we know what we’re doing.” Sonny spoke behind you. His hands groped at your breasts, his thumbs pressing down on your nipples.
He definitely didn’t miss the small, breathy, barely-there moan that left your mouth. You felt his hand drop from one of your breasts and fall to the short skirt you were wearing, slipping his hand through the waistband and cupping your pantie-covered pussy.
Your back against your Uncles front and you were naked, fully, the only thing that kept any sort of dignity you had left was your socks with bows on the sides.
You definitely felt Sonny’s breath hitch as he had the best view to look down at your body.
“Free rein, Carisi.” Rafael said as he loosened his tie, “Pill’ll take effect in a few minutes.”
Sonny swallowed and his spare hand ran down your bare side and rested on the soft of your stomach, just above your belly button.
“Cute lil’ clit,” Sonny spoke in an undertone, and he only swirled one fingertip on your little button. Your legs closed on their own—you were disgusted, you had ran so far from your perverted Uncle and he managed to get you exactly where he wanted you. Maybe a few years older, but he had you now.
“Hey, hey—“ Rafael’s voiced raised as he saw your legs close, his big hands took place on both of your knees and spreads them far apart. “Don’t you dare close those legs,”
“Fuck, barba you ever touch her like this? Kids sensitive as fuck.”
Rafael hummed, he had a front view of Sonny circling your clit is slow motions and he licked his lips. “Make her cum, Dominick. Wanna see it from this angle.”
Sonny didn’t need to take orders, but he did it anyway. He added a second fingertip to join the first and added more pressure and you let out a telling moan, hips even jutting up a little to chase the rest of his fingers subconsciously.
Rafael laughed, “She’s leaking!”
And your face burned, feeling a drop of your wetness slide down your pussy and land on the leather couch. You didn’t want to imagine what you looked like. You whined, out of embarrassment and you hated to admit it, but pleasure. It felt good.
“Smells so fuckin’ good, Barba—all my fuckin’ life I’ve wanted to eat her little pussy.”
Rafael hummed in agreement, “She has a good pussy, Dominick.” And he leans in to give it a single lick, and you yelp at the sensation of his wet tongue sliding through your folds.
You could feel your body get numb, heavy, and light at the same time within seconds, which meant you had no control over your body. Which also meant… your body reacted the way it was intended to, hips riding the feeling of sonny rubbing your button and Rafael’s tongue up and down your folds—the feelings way too intense, building too fast, the feeling of too much happening at the same time and the knowledge that your uncle is right behind you rubbing the best part of you and suddenly it was too much, nothing mattered for a single second and you wanted more, more, more—
Rafael pulled back from your pussy and held your lips apart, “That’s it—look at that, did your Uncle make you cum? Hmm?” And sonny doesn’t stop his fingers on your clit—pushing it past your limits.
A vulnerable hiccup left your mouth, eyes still glassy following your intense orgasm by the fingertips of your own uncle.
Rafaels hands were still hard on your hipbone, keeping your waist firm on the mattress. He wasn’t too interested in your pleas for your uncle to stop touching you, but instead his eyes were glued to the clear slick on Sonny’s fingers.
“That’s a good little girl, see? you’re doing so good for me n’ your boyfriend,” your uncle said as he wiped your cum on your bare thigh.
Rafael chuckled, “I’m not her boyfriend.”
somehow, that broke your heart more than what was happening to you. You let out an audible sob.
“Hey, hey…” Rafael touched on your cheek, “don’t get upset… I still put my cock inside you, don’t I? Make you cream over my cock whenever you ask.”
Your blown-wide pupils search his, tears glossing your eyes. Rafael nods your head for you, tilting your chin up and down. He smiles.
“Now… your Uncle Sonny on the other hand, I bet he’d love to be your boyfriend. With how many years he’s been waiting for you… being so patient, he’s taught you so much about your body, hasn’t he?”
you look up between them both, “he’s… he’s my uncle,” you sniff, eyes red with tears.
Sonny smirks with triumph, “Sweetheart, ‘been wantin’ you since you were little,” and strokes the soft swell of your bottom lip. “Just jealous Barba took your innocence n’ not me,”
“but I like… “ you start, but you’re shushed. You were going to say that you liked Rafael—loved, even.
“It wouldn’t hurt if she had both of us,” Rafael’s hands were massaging your breasts, “Would hate to pass up a little girl like this. Don’t know when the next one would be so obsessed with me as she is. Poor little thing.”
Rafael leans down to kiss your nose, “What do you think of that? Uncle Sonny and myself sharing you?”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Sonny pipes up behind you and kisses your jaw, his hands slid up and down your open thighs just to touch you. “You n’ me n’ Barba… imagine how loved you’d be, sweetheart, wouldn’t need’ta cry anymore.”
You squeezed your eyes tightly together. This wasn’t happening, they weren’t trying to convince you to be in a relationship with both of them at once. Sonny kept pressing small chaste kisses on your jaw, to your cheek and then he moved your head to the side so he could kiss your soft lips.
It had been years since he kissed you like that. Literal years. He had forgotten what it felt like.
But he didn’t forget how you would make a little sound when he would kiss you, how he’d feel just a little pressure from your lips on his—and when you done it again, when he had you naked and spread on him, he was delighted.
“Think I should’ve give her a lil insentive,” Sonny said, “Show her what she’d be gettin’ if she was with me too.”
Sonny stood and rid himself of his pants, belt first and then his dress slacks dropped to the floor after.
You had pushed yourself up to the arm of the sofa, still warm from when Sonny was laying there. Your heart was beating so fast, skin flushed—you were under the influence of the drug, but watching your uncle’s cock come into your view—bare and hard, barely an inch away from you—made your
Rafael’s cock was out, he was naked from the waist down and he was stroking slowly—in no real rush to cum. The fun hadn’t started yet, he reminded himself, his stamina wasn’t as good as it was twenty years ago.
“Why don’t you touch it?”
Rafael must have seen you staring, mouth open just a little bit in the same way you always did when you felt really good.
Rafael reached for your wrist and places your hand on your uncles cock. It felt bigger, wider, and it looked longer. But… you were really little the last time you had touched it, it was for a brief moment. But you’re all grown up now, and you understood desire.
“Oh, I think she likes it.” Your uncle said with a knowing smile. He didn’t even have to ask you to start rubbing it, you had done it on your own accord—your hand sliding up and down on his hard cock.
Sonny bit his lip and he watched as your thighs opened just a little wider as your hand worked on his cock. He leaned his head down and pressed his lips against yours, “wanna fuck you, doll, wanna stick my cock inside you n’ feel you cum all around me.”
You whimpered as he kissed you.
What he didn’t expect, was when you kissed him back. It was a lazy, shy tilt of your head and pressure back on his lips.
Sonny placed the head of his cock at the seam of your pussy lips and didn’t waste another minute pushing inside.
It was a strange, strange feeling. This was your uncle, flesh and blood that you grew up with, and his cock was sliding inside your wet tight heat. You were so sensitive, your pussy was throbbing and your little pink clit swollen with undeniable arousal.
Your mouth opened to moan at the intrusion, but a chirping voice at the back of your head screamed at you that this was disgusting and wrong.
“Fuck sake—Barba—you really weren’t lyin’.” Sonny said through clenched teeth, his hands gripped hard on your hips.
He pulled out slightly just to push back in and you moaned silently with his thrusts—your whole body was screaming to you that it was wrong, but you knew deep down that your uncle’s cock fit just right, so big and deep inside your tiny puffy hole. Rafael’s cock normally stretched painfully and he didn’t give you time to get aroused enough, but your uncles touches alone got you more aroused than you should have been—but you were addicted.
Sonny started with a new rhythm of fucking, a pace that wasn’t far nor slow but was hard. Hard enough that you would squeal with each thrust of his cock inside you.
Rafael’s cock tapped on your lips and stuck the head in your mouth then reached for your hand to place on his cock. “Stroke my cock, honey, make Daddy feel as good as your Uncle.”
Sonny seemed to fuck into you harder and you whined with each hard thrust, finding it extremely hard not to just focus on the feeling of Dominick’s cock pounding against the part that’s real deep inside of you when Rafael’s cock was hard and ready in your hand.
Your orgasm approached fast and that was your only warning to him before it happened. “son—sonny—“ you gasped, eyes rolled back. Vocabulary had failed you, your voice box only available to let out pathetic sounds of pleasure.
“That’s it—she’s loving it now, fuck her a little harder, Dom,” Rafael ordered, “She likes it a little rough—loves to feel a fat cock deep in her tiny hole, don’t you?”
Sonny gritted his teeth together and took your hope and fucked you down onto his cock and your pussy squirted liquid with each thrust of his cock is inside you—your hand faltering its pace on Rafael’s cock as you came for the second time.
“cum—cumming—“ you could barely get the word out, body tensing far too much. You made such beautiful sounds when you came with a cock inside you.
That was a word Sonny taught you. He knew you remembered it because of him.
Rafael moved and forced his cock inside your mouth and you choked, then he started fucking your mouth. Your orgasm prolonged, not completely stopping.
“Wanna make her cum again, fuck—great fuckin’ pussy, feels so fucking good.” Sonny growled. “Y’ve always been my good little girl, ain’t you? Could’ve given you my cock years ago—all you hadda’ do was ask, could’ve squirted on me back then.”
You were nodding—why were you nodding? agreeing and almost wishing that you did, that you didn’t cut him out for her perverted actions towards you and let him take you whenever he wanted.
Rafael didn’t last long after your first orgasm, your little hand wrapped around his thick cock squeezed around him just enough that he came unexpectedly and spurted his hot cum on your naked, flushed breasts.
“Daddy’s good girl—“ Rafael grunted as he came.
You gasped as the ropes of hot cum landed on you, and you wished your eyes had been opened to see his face when he came. Your hand still worked on his cock.
Sonny paid no attention, but his thumb came to rest on your clit and he rubbed and rubbed as hard as he could, “C’mon, sweetheart, cum f’me again. Want you to gush all over my cock, honey, know you can do it—Barba told me all about it—you’re a good little girl, always been my good little girl—need you to cum on my cock again.”
You shook your head, it was too much—you had just came! your thighs trembled and your consciousness was catching up to you. This was wrong—this is your goddamn Uncle. But it just felt so good, your pussy was so wet and it felt like it was specifically made for him.
“Want me to cum in you, sweetheart? Knock you up?”
“Uh huh,” you moaned, eyes glassy and dumb. Not a thought behind those eyes but to get fucked and cum and take cum. “want—w—want you to cum in me, uncle sonny, pl—please.”
Fuck, your little please. Always such a polite girl. That was enough to make cock throb just enough to send him over the edge and fucking cum inside you.
He seemed to time it perfectly, because one hard thrust later and your back arched and your perky little tits pressed against his chest and your fist tightened around Rafael’s spent cock almost painfully as you squirted over Sonny’s cock—not gushed—Squirted.
You spoke gibberish as you came, a mix of his name, Rafael’s name, the lords name in vein. Your body felt so light and so fucking euphoric—and he kept fucking you through it.
Sonny’s cock pumped its seed inside of you and your pussy spasmed around him for a final time, and god you made the prettiest sounds for him. Barba’s cum on your bruised tits and your face fucked out, dumb, taking what you were given.
“That’sa good girl, takin’ my cum so deep.”
Sonny circles your clit just a little, just to feel your overstimulated walls tighten up around him again. Your pussy expelled the rest of your orgasm in little bursts—almost what Rafael had described to him of your ‘gushing’—of course Sonny felt accomplished, successful that he made his own niece cum so hard.
Rafael brushes your hair back from your face and chucked down at you, “That was a big one, huh? Felt good?”
And your chest was heaving, your eyes darted to him and you nodded in agreement. You had never came like that before. You never knew you could. A small, satisfied smile spread on your plump and bruised lips—the date-rape drug was still in action, spreading through your veins and making your body heavy and your limbs barely movable.
Sonny sighed in satisfaction after his orgasm and started to pull out but your spent pussy hole. You swallowed as you felt his cock start to retreat from you, and somehow, some deep dark part of you wanted him inside you. And never to leave you.
Sonny felt the tops of your knees that are either side of him press against his hips, in some sort of silent attempt to keep him inside you. Sonny glanced from his cock that was halfway outside of the pussy that he had been chasing since he was a young adult, to your doe looking expression and then saw the little shake of your head that made him slide right back inside of you.
You exhaled in delectation as the head of his softening cock pressed against your abused cervix. You tried to move your hips on his cock the best you could with the limited mobility you had.
Rafael laughs, “He can’t go again, cariño, fucked you stupid.”
Sonny laughed alongside him, “Would fuck you in a heartbeat again if I could, sweetheart. Pussys heaven—you’re heaven, better than ‘manda for sure.”
Rafael picked up his boxers and slid them back on and took place on the coffee table to just look at you. Ravished by the Uncle who had molested you throughout your life and he fucked you so good that it seemed that the past didn’t matter anymore.
Sonny leaned his neck down to kiss you and you kissed back, timidly at first but settled into it like it was second nature. Moaning into his mouth as he licked into yours.
“Mmm, that’s a good girl. knowing her place. you won’t tell mommy, will you?”
“n—no.” Your voice is hoarse, dry. Your head was spinning—but you knew this was something you’d remember. “just—just you, r—rafa and me.”
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Sonny Carisi Masterlist
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Sonny Carisi x Reader:
Sonny Loves… - NSFW - What Sonny loves about you
Sundays With Sonny - NSFW - What you get up to with Sonny on Sundays.
Carisi At Comic Con - You and Carisi at Comic Con.
Miss You! (NSFW) - Sonny really missed you.
Strong - You come clean to Sonny.
Lucky (NSFW) - You realise how lucky you are to have Sonny in your life.
Time - Sonny thinks about proposing.
Wake Up Call (NSFW) - You set the alarm early.
Divinity - Sonny has a guardian angel.
Sonny Notices Bruises - Sonny questions you about some bruising.
Caught in A Storm - Sonny and you reflect on the past.
Leaving On A Jet Plane - Sonny and you say goodbye at the airport.
Nightmares - Sonny helps you through your nightmare.
Comfort!Sonny - Can be read as stand alone or part of a series
Part One: Truth - Sonny takes care of you after your father is arrested.
Part Two: Always - Sonny reminds you, he will always be there for you.
Part Three: Slow - NSFW - Sonny gives you some comfort.
5 Minutes 
5 Minutes - It takes Sonny Carisi 5 minutes to disappear.
Smile - Sonny is told to smile for the camera.
5 Sentences Game:
You and I ended up in the same room
“You deserve love and a home-cooked meal. Thankfully, those go hand-in-hand”
371 notes · View notes
detectivesvu · 2 years
Exhaustion and Affection
Sonny Carisi x Fem! Reader
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 2.4k
“Of course. You need a decent meal that isn’t just a cup of coffee.”
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Sonny hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Sonny was tired. 
He felt the fatigue all the way to his bones as he shuffled to the front door of your apartment. The travel from his office to home had felt like an eternity, and sometimes with New York City traffic, it might as well have been. Sonny had the weekend off (technically – but there was always the chance of the infamous Olivia Benson phone call), and he was desperate for it. The past few weeks had been long for the esteemed counselor. He was strung out and spread thin with work, and he just didn’t have much juice left to give.
He had shed his blazer before he had even left his office for the night, and his tie had been loosened on the cab ride home. His hair that was usually neat and styled was wrecked on his head from his hand running through it throughout the day. He had officially clocked out until Monday morning (or unless prompted sooner). 
Sonny felt a rush of relief when his feet landed at the mat in front of your apartment door. That was his signal that he had indeed made it, and his weekend off had officially begun. He reached for your spare key that you had gifted to him in his briefcase. Sonny felt like he never spent any time at his own apartment anymore.
He rummaged through papers and files before recognizing the cold brass on his fingertips. The key was rather worn for a spare, but it wasn’t surprising considering he used it practically every day. He put the key in the lock and turned it, alarmed when the click didn’t sound. There was hardly any real panic of a response because this was a regular occurrence. 
Sonny scoffed under his breath, tossing the key back into his case and opening the already unlocked door. He entered your apartment, which offered warmth from the cool October air outside. He then noticed a certain smell, one of his favorite smells, that brought an audible rumble to his empty stomach. He closed the door (being sure to lock it behind him), and set his belongings by the front door. He followed the heavenly smell into the kitchen, and he was presented with a sight that nearly catapulted his heart out of his chest.
He saw you standing over your well-used stainless steel pot that was reserved for any and all pasta dishes that you knew how to make. He saw a separate pot with a lid over it, which he knew good and well was a tomato sauce. He knew the smell of good pasta, and he especially knew the smell of one of his mother’s recipes.
He noticed that you were still in your own work clothes, which let him know that you hadn’t been home very long yourself. The clicks of Sonny’s shoes hitting the tile caught your attention, and you turned around to greet him.
You gave him a happy hello, but he decided to get the hard business out of the way first.
“Sweetheart, you gotta start locking the door….even when you’re home.” Sonny warned, and this was not the first time that he had done so. 
“Ah. I forgot. I need to start leaving a note on the inside of the door to remind me until I get in the habit,” You shrugged. “But even then I’d probably forget to look at it.”
“I know this is a well-secured building and all. And I know your neighbors are clean but-”
“-you never know.” You finished his sentence, and he couldn’t help but grin.
“Yeah. Exactly.” 
Sonny’s concern came from a good place. He had seen too many horrific things to not notice the small things that could potentially put you at risk to the evil of the outside world. It only made sense that he was so concerned.
“Now. How about a proper greeting?” You smirked. “Hi.”
“Hey, doll.” He laughed. 
“You’re home somewhat early.” You noted, glancing at the clock that read 7:30 p.m. on the dot.
“I couldn’t take it anymore. There wasn’t anything that couldn’t wait until next week,” Sonny groaned. “Besides, I have the weekend off so why not start early?”
“Mm. Agreed.” You elbowed his side playfully, and he continued to peer over you as you stirred the spaghetti noodles.
“What are you making?” He asked.
“Carbonara. Nothing special,” You shrugged. “I just figured a simple dinner for tonight would be best. If you want something else, I can order takeout for you.”
“No, no. Carbonara is perfect,” He kissed your temple. “Smells great.”
Sonny really was hungry. It seemed that he had fallen into the ways of a real New York criminal prosecutor by skipping meals in order to get more done. He hadn’t eaten since breakfast that morning, and he had used the last of that energy long ago. 
“I hope it tastes okay too. This is only the third time I’ve tried your Ma’s recipe.” You chuckled.
“It was delicious last time. Dare I say that it was….better.” He whispered the last word just below the shell of your ear, and your face ran hot.
“Dominick!” You gasped. “That is nearly blasphemous.”
He laughed a genuine, hearty laugh that brought some life back into his tired body. 
“All I’m sayin’ is that my mother has taught you well.” He snickered. “You need help finishing up?” 
“I don’t think so. Do you want to get washed up?” You suggested. 
“You read my mind,” He joked. “Be right back.”
Sonny left the kitchen and took slow steps to the bedroom. He removed his shoes before stepping on the carpet, setting them next to the dresser so they would be out of the way. His socked feet felt better after being released from the confinement of Sonny’s leather work shoes. They had served him well, but no matter how much he wore them, they still weren’t the most comfortable shoes in the world. 
Sonny’s blazer and tie were officially abandoned on the bed, and he’d be sure to take his jacket to be dry cleaned. He removed his belt and unbuttoned his shirt, stripping his clothes to prepare to change into something more comfortable. He was more than happy to change into a t-shirt and sweats, and he was even more glad that he didn’t have to wear his usual business professional attire until Monday morning. 
Sonny padded into the bathroom, stopping at the sink and turning it on. He lathered his hands with soap, noticing how tired he visibly looked in the mirror. He knew that he had been working hard the last several weeks, so he wasn’t shocked that it had caught up with him. He rinsed his hands and splashed cold water on his face to wake himself up. All he wanted was a good meal and a night of leisure. God knows he needed it.
Sonny returned to the main area of the apartment, his excitement peaking when he saw that you had already plated dinner for him and were just finishing setting the table. Sonny sometimes felt guilty when you doted over him like this. He didn’t feel like he deserved it most of the time, but it made him only adore you more than he already did.
“You’re too good,” Sonny gushed, walking over to you for a quick kiss. “Thanks, doll.”
“Of course. You need a decent meal that isn’t just a cup of coffee.” You told him.
You were always on Sonny’s case about eating legitimate meals every day. You didn’t like when he came home late every day after skipping lunch. And even then Sonny usually only settled on a measly dinner. 
The two of you sat across from each other at your dining room table. Sonny never complained, but he was far too tall for the small table. You had been meaning to search for one that didn’t cause his knees to be pressed up against the bottom of it. Sonny couldn’t have cared less though because he was only focused on the plate of pasta that was screaming his name.
Sonny barely even waited for you to sit before he began to dig in. Sonny was usually very polite and well-mannered at the table, but with the way he was slurping down his noodles – you would’ve thought he’d never been taught dinner table manners. He was chewing through the heat and hardly even chewing before he swallowed. 
“Sonny, honey!” You stopped him from literally choking himself to death. “It’s not going anywhere, and I assure you I’m not going to take it from you.”
Sonny paused to actually chew his current mouthful and took a moment to compose himself before he spoke again. 
“Sorry,” He chuckled, a little embarrassed. “I’m even hungrier than I thought.”
“There’s plenty more. Promise,” You caressed the calf of his leg with your foot from under the table. “How is it by the way?”
“Incredible. As expected,” He smiled. “Best meal I’ve had all week.”
“How would you feel if I told you that I have a coconut cream pie for afterwards?” 
Sonny’s fork his hit plate with a clink, and his eyes went wide with surprise. 
“You’re lying.” He gawked. 
“I swear. I didn’t make it though. I bought it on my way home.” You admitted.
Sonny went quiet for a second. His eyes squinted in thought as he racked his brain. 
“Did I miss something? Not our anniversary, not my birthday, not your birthday….” He listed off.
“Not at all,” You giggled. “I was saving it for tomorrow since I knew for sure you’d be here for dinner….but since you’re here now, I don’t see why we can’t have it tonight and tomorrow.”
Sonny was overwhelmed with love. It wasn’t that you didn’t shower him with affection like this often, but it definitely made it extra special considering he had been so rundown recently. Sonny was happy as could be sitting at that tiny dining room table, enjoying your food, and catching up with you. Sonny had missed seeing you and spending time with you — and it always reminded him how work could drag him away from you.
Once dinner was finished, and your chilled pie was being served, Sonny felt completely at ease. He had absolutely nothing to do until Monday morning, and he wasn’t even sure what to do himself.
“How’s the paperwork coming along?” You asked, scraping the last of the sweet cream from your dessert plate.
Sonny couldn’t help but groan.
“Babe, if you don’t mind, let’s not talk shop tonight,” He chuckled. “Please.”
Sonny’s request hadn’t been an irritated one. If anything, he was amused. He was usually more than willing to talk about work with you (considering that it was a great opportunity for him to vent to someone who could understand), but tonight he wanted to get as far away from it as possible. He was passionate about his work, but even then he could only take so much. 
“I’m sorry,” You laughed. “Just a habit. Do you want more?” You asked, standing to retrieve his empty plate.
Sonny stood from his own chair, refusing to let you clean up alone. 
“No, love. I’m good,” He kissed the crown of your head. “Thank you.”
Sonny helped you with the dishes, washing and drying and putting away to leave the kitchen clean for the night. Cleaning up with Sonny usually took double the time that it should’ve because he had a tendency to get distracted. You found it rather amusing because that was just how Sonny was. When the dishes were cleaned and stored away, Sonny pulled you into his chest for a kiss.
“You’re the best. You know that?” He hummed.
“I’ve been told a time or two.” You smiled against his lips. 
Now that you were looking at him up close, you could see just how weary he looked. The lasting effects of stress were clear on his face.
“You’re tired.” You pointed out, burying a hand in his graying hair to scratch at his scalp.
“Very,” He nodded, his voice gone groggy. “How about a movie?” He kissed you again.
“Sure. Can you stay awake for it?” You asked.
“Very funny. ‘Course I can.” 
Sonny had meant it. He wanted nothing more than to snuggle up with you on the couch under a blanket and spend the rest of the night doing nothing in particular. Sonny felt like he had been stuck at his desk or in the courtroom for weeks. Your apartment felt like the safest place on Earth to him right now. Sonny smiled lazily when you took his hand, prompting him to follow you into the living room. Sonny crashed on the couch, the plush pillows were a celebration to his tired muscles. He needed the rest.
“I’m going to change. How about you pick?” You suggested, offering the TV remote to him.
“Sure. Don’t be long.” He winked.
You tottered off to the bedroom to change into your own lounging attire, leaving Sonny in the silence of your living room. Sonny stared at the black screen of the television. The remote remained still in his hand. He hardly even had the energy to lift his thumb to hit the power button. It seemed ridiculous, but the thought of scrolling through Netflix to find a movie just seemed like too much work to him. 
Sonny was sunken into the cushions, nearly being swallowed by the sofa as he stared at nothing. It was so quiet in the room. So still. So peaceful. He heard you rummaging around in the bedroom, but it was like white noise to him. Before he knew it, his eyelids were growing heavy, and his breathing was reaching a slower pace. Images of the last few weeks danced around in his head. The fast pace of his career had suddenly come to a stop, and he was basking in relief. Sonny had come home to a happy girlfriend who had fed him and taken care of him in his exhausted state. He had never felt more loved. And that was the best feeling to dream about.
When you returned to the living room clad in your most comfortable clothes, you weren’t surprised to see Sonny snoozing. You had a feeling that he wouldn’t have made it long once collapsing on the couch. He worked hard to pursue his passion, and that was something you never got in the way of. It wasn’t surprising that his work caught up to him at times. If anything, it was a reminder of how hard he worked.
It didn’t bother you in the slightest. Sonny needed the sleep.
After all, you knew that he hadn’t meant to fall asleep.
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iridescentparkers · 18 days
i might start writing for svu... idk tho
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
Sonny Carisi Masterlist
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Sonny Carisi:  Hold My Hand
Word Count:  2192
TW:  Fluff; pining; needle phobia.
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To say that you intimidated Sonny Carisi was an understatement.  
You had worked together briefly in Brooklyn’s SVU (you had spent most of your career there, he had lasted almost a month) before you both – separately – transferred to Manhattan’s SVU.  Sonny only beat you by a week, so he was technically more senior, but no one bought that line – not even him.  
You were an impressive detective:  you knew every square inch of the borough, you spoke three languages fluently (and could fumble some basic questions in Mandarin), and you were an encyclopedia of proper police procedure.  Sonny had admired you – you had fit in so well with the Brooklyn squad while he had floundered.  
In Manhattan, though, you were both the new kid.  You were paired off with Fin while Sonny was paired off with Amanda, but after your respective training periods in Manhattan were over, Liv made you partners.
He liked you a lot, but he couldn’t seem to get any closer than arm’s length.  You were the dictionary definition of professional, so offers to grab a beer after work were usually declined with a polite smile.  Once, when he was dealing with car problems, you picked up him and dropped him off at home every day – but you always declined offers to get dinner or come up to his apartment and let him cook for you as thanks.
Still, it cut both ways:  while he couldn’t seem to build a cozy rapport with you, he also wasn’t teased mercilessly by you.  He could run his mouth, talk about his ma, press cannoli onto you, and you never gave him grief for it.
Sonny eventually just resigned himself to a purely professional partnership with you.  It was too bad:  he was harboring a painful little crush on you, like a piece of popcorn kernel stuck under his gum line that he couldn’t unstick.  You were gorgeous in a buttoned-up sort of way, and in the rare times you genuinely smiled at him, he felt a sick sort of queasy feeling that could only be love.
On the other hand, the two of you worked extremely well together, and before long, your solve rate was rivaling Fin and Amanda’s.  You had started gifting Sonny with air high-fives, which was something.  
At that rate, he’d maybe get a hug within the next fifty years.
He didn’t have to wait fifty years, ultimately.  The circumstances around that first hug between the two of you were this:
A patrolman who had been aiding in the pursuit of a rapist was shot on duty.  While the man was in fair condition and in surgery, he had lost a lot of blood.  When you and Sonny arrived at the hospital, Liv was already there.
“How’s he doing?” Sonny asked.  He felt, as he always did in these situations, the sick, heavy feeling in his stomach.  It could have just as easily been him…or you.  The detective’s badge wasn’t a guarantee for safety.
“He’s lost a lot of blood,” Liv informed the two of you.  “The blood bank is sending over some, but he’s got a rare type.  B negative.”
“I….I’m B negative,” you said in a small voice, and Liv turned and pointed you to the nurses’ station.  You didn’t move, though, and Sonny glanced down at you.
Your face was as white as paper, and your eyes were wide in animal fear.  “I, uh, need to take an Ativan first,” you stuttered.
Liv pointed a second time.  “Go,” she ordered.  “There’s no time.”  Then her phone rang, and she spun off to go answer it.
Sonny put his hands on your upper arms and turned you to face him.  “You okay?” he asked, confused.  “You look sick.”
You gazed up at him with eyes that were already filling with tears.  “Sonny, I can’t,” you pleaded.  “I know…I know I have to, but I can’t.”
“Of course you can.”  He rubbed your arms briskly through your coat.  “It doesn’t hurt at all.  Just a little pinch – “
“I know it doesn’t hurt!” you yelled back at him, and your voice was an entire octave higher than usual.  “But there’s a needle in my vein, Sonny, and a plastic tube, and they slide the tube into my vein…”  You trailed off, practically gagging on your building hysteria, and Sonny realized suddenly what the problem was.  
You had a needle phobia.
It all made sense, all of a sudden:  the NYPD paid for annual flu shots, but you always spent two weeks combing the city for the nasal spray vaccination while everyone else just got the shot on-site.  And during those on-site clinic days, you always kept carefully away, running lab work or killing time in Barba’s office.  Sonny just now put it all together.
“Hey, hey, listen to me,” he replied.  He shifted his hands from your arms to your face, cupping it gently and forcing you to look at him.  “You can do this.  I’ll stay with you the whole time, okay?”
“I can’t – “
“You can.”  He nodded at you encouragingly until you started to mimic him and nod back.  “You’re the strongest person I know, and you can do this.”
“But I don’t – “
“There’s not a lot of time,” he cut you off gently.  “That officer in there needs you, okay?  And I know that you’d never turn away from someone who needs you, right?”  It was a dirty trick, channeling his Catholic guilt at you like that, but it convinced you.
“Okay,” you said, but giant tears were rolling down your face, and you were outright sobbing as Sonny led you to the nurses’ station.
“She has the same blood type as the officer who was brought in,” Sonny informed the nurse.  “But she’s got a bit of an issue with needles.”
The nurse, God bless her, smiled and led the two of you to a private room, promising in her most soothing tones that she’d get the very best on staff to come draw your blood.  You settled onto the exam table (dragging your feet the entire way, and so tense that Sonny could feel your urge to bolt coursing through your frame), but when you saw the little plastic vials sitting on the counter, you burst into fresh tears.  
You sat at the edge of the exam table, so Sonny stood beside you, and after a moment’s hesitation, pulled you into a hug and let you cry.  And you didn’t just cry – you babbled out a torrent of words, apologizing to him for being unprofessional, apologizing for crying, apologizing for being weak…you were saying terrible things about yourself, calling yourself names, a coward and an idiot and worse, and he had to hush you.
“Everyone’s got something they’re afraid of,” he murmured as he cradled your head against his chest.  He could just make out the scent of your shampoo, and that painful little crush he was nursing was dangerously close to tipping into love.  “I’m terrified of Mr. Met.”  That made you laugh against him, and he added, “it’s not rational, but those cold black eyes are scary.”
“Yeah, but your fear of Mr. Met isn’t putting someone’s life in danger,” you muttered as you pushed yourself away from him a little.  You refused to look at him, and Sonny could feel the shame radiating off of you.
“You never know,” he teased.  He kept one arm around your shoulders, unwilling to give up the sudden closeness with you.  “Mr. Met looks like he’d be good for a string of subway flashings.  We might have to catch him one day.”
Finally you looked at him, your eyes wide and solemn.  “I’m sorry I reacted badly,” you said.  
“Don’t apologize.”  He tightened his hold on you and hoped it felt comforting.  “Now I know you’re a regular ol’ human like the rest of us.”
You smiled at that and started to reply, but there was a knock on the door.  A nurse entered and settled into the chair and took down all your information.  Sonny could feel you trembling against him as you answered her questions, and then he felt you slide your hand into his own, unbidden.
The nurse then made her way over to you and pulled on a pair of latex gloves.  Sonny went to release you, but you only squeezed his hand tighter.
“Can you keep holding my hand, please?” you asked, and you sounded so small and plaintive that he only nodded and squeezed your hand back.
“That’s right, hon,” the nurse said in a thick Jersey accent.  “Keep holdin’ your boyfriend’s hand.  I’ll take the other arm and you’ll be outta here before you know it.”  You didn’t acknowledge her faux pas in calling him your boyfriend, and Sonny felt a warm flush at the suggestion.  
The nurse had you shed your coat and then unbutton your sleeve, rolling it up until the crook of your arm was exposed.  When you saw the rubber tourniquet, you gave a pitiful whimper and turned your face into Sonny’s chest again.
“Maybe talk to her,” the nurse suggested, sotto voce as she prodded at the delicate skin in the fold of your elbow.  Sonny reached with his free hand and stroked your head, and he told you an embarrassing story about his prom when he split the pants of his rented tuxedo as he was trying a dance move he in no way was capable of pulling off.  
You were rigid in his arms, but when you felt the prick of the needle, you went limp, and Sonny realized that you had passed out.  The nurse noticed too.
“Just ease ‘er onto the table,” she told him, and he did.  Your face was slack, and the nurse taped the plastic tubing to your arm and monitored the filling bag.  She placed her fingers on your wrist and counted your pulse.
“It’s low,” she said a moment later.  “Probably why she passed out.”  She went back to her computer and added the data to the screen, then added, “if the two of you ever wanna have kids, might want to get that needle issue of hers resolved now.”
Sonny only nodded at her – no point in correcting her now, and you were still out like a light and hadn’t heard it.  Still, when you slowly came to and focused your eyes on him, you broke into a dazed grin that completely obliterated his crush and transformed it into love.
“You’re almost done,” he murmured, and he squeezed your hand.  You shut your eyes and nodded at him, and it was all fine from there:  the nurse removed the tubing and gave you a Band-Aid (with Hello Kitty on it – she informed you that she was the children’s phlebologist, which made Sonny snicker).  Then she left and told you to take all the time you needed.
When you went to sit up, you swayed a bit, and Sonny was there to steady you again.  Little by little, you became steadier, and you eventually stood up and pulled your coat on slowly.  You started to apologize again, and he stopped you before you could get the words out.  Instead, he offered you his arm, and you took it with a grateful smile and let him lead you out of the room.
“How’re you feeling?” he asked.
“Tired,” you answered truthfully.  “Embarrassed.  Wondering if Brooklyn SVU will take me back now that I’ve shamed myself in Manhattan – “
“Don’t you dare,” he cut you off.  “This really wasn’t as big a deal as you think it is.”
The two of you stopped by the waiting room, but Liv was nowhere to be found, so Sonny took you outside.  The cold wind seemed to revive you a little, and you released his arm and turned to him.
“Thanks for not being a jerk about my meltdown,” you said.  You still looked ashamed though, and after tonight, the last thing Sonny wanted was for you to rebuilt those walls you had kept between the two of you.  “I really appreciate your help, Sonny.”
“Anything you ever need, I’m here for you,” he replied.  Maybe his tone was more earnest than usual, because you tilted your head a little and gave him a smile.
“Anything?”  Your voice had a teasing lilt to it.  “Because I’m famished, and I’ve heard that fresh pasta is just the thing for a traumatic blood-letting.”
He reached out and twined your arm back through his.  “Hon,” he said, adopting the nurse’s thick Jersey accent.  “I’m just the guy you’re lookin’ for.”  You laughed and let him take you home to your apartment, and he whipped up a meal so enticing that you didn’t just hug him that night – you kissed him too.
Of course, it was just a friendly brush of your lips against his cheek as you saw him off from your front door, but Sonny knew with absolute certainty that it was just the beginning of the rest of his life – a life with you in it, partners in every way two people can be partners.
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Sonny Carisi: Camera  
Warning: NSFW themes- nothing super descriptive.
Sonny had promised his mother that he would print the pictures from his niece's third birthday. His caseload had been heavy, and he was already three months late delivering the pictures. He had led his mom to believe that he had already gone through edited and printed the pictures in question. The truth was that he hadn’t even looked at his camera yet.  
All he wanted was to cook you a real homemade meal like he had been promising for far too long. Instead, you were in the kitchen making soup and he was pulling down his camera flipping through his pictures. A hobby that he usually took great joy in but today was feeling more like torture.  
He was flipping through the pictures walking over and turning on his personal laptop. He smiled fondly flashes of a little blonde girl in a pink dress with multicolored tutu. Her running around, blowing bubbles, blowing out her birthday candles, and pink frosting smeared all over her face as she ate birthday cake. 
He was only half paying attention clicking through and reaching for the cord to connect it to the computer. Then he saw a flash of burgundy lace. His eyes flash back to the screen. He stares at it for a minute as his brain comprehends what is on the screen. He brings the camera up closer to inspect the picture. He slowly went through the pictures. None had your face but there was plenty of skin on display. The lace that covered your chest was thin enough to see your skin and harden your nipples underneath. The panties were just as sheer and had straps wrapping around your thighs and stomach. In one picture with your legs spread wide thumb teasing the hem he could clearly see how wet the lace was. Some of the pictures were blurry, had an awkward angle, or both but they were all hot and had Sonny stirring in his pants.  
You hear footsteps coming into the kitchen. You had the soup on the stove simmering. A thick hearty loaded potato with extra bacon to combat the bone-chilling New York cold. “Almost done,” You turn around to see Sonny at the edge of the kitchen. You are all smiles until you see the camera in his hand. 
A memory hits you. You had been waiting for Sonny to get home for date night. You had gone all out shaving your legs, curling your hair, and putting on a new set. All for him to cancel on you. A new lead had popped up that needed to be checked into. You had understood and weren’t mad. You did pout and drink a bottle of wine to yourself. You had spotted the camera halfway through the bottle. It had been an impulse to take the pictures. Your drunk self had wanted Sonny to know what he had missed. You vaguely remember setting the camera back and stripping down and into one of his shirts to sleep in. You hadn’t thought of it since.  
Judging by the look on Sonny’s face he had found them.  
You weren’t sure what to say. You weren’t sure what he would think. Sonny often had a different perspective than most men concerned with things like this because of his years as a detective in sex crimes. “Shit, Sonny...About those pictures- I totally forgot-” 
“Can I take some?” He asked abruptly and you paused a little stunned at his response. Then you noticed the bulge in his pants showing how much he enjoyed what he saw. “I want to take some pictures like these- of you,” He continued then seemingly realizing how it sounded added, “Only if you're okay with it, of course. I don’t want you to feel obligated or uncomfortable or-” 
“Okay,” You agree easily. You knew you had nothing to worry about. Sonny would never show anybody pictures of you. And honestly, the thought turned you on. You squeezed your thighs together at the thought of Sonny being completely enraptured in you and your body. “One condition,” 
His eyes shined with excitement and lust. He was eager. “Name it.” 
“They get locked up in your gun safe.” 
He reaches out tugging at your wrist to lead you to the bedroom. You laugh a bit in disbelief. “Now?” You look back at the soup on the stove, “Aren’t you hungry?” 
“Famished,” His tone and the way he looked over you made heat pool in your lower stomach, your core clenching. You reach back turning the stove down to its lowest setting before letting Sonny lead you to the bedroom. “I didn’t recognize the set you were wearing. Will you put it back on for me Doll? You’ve given me so many ideas.” 
I considered continuing this (and still might) but this seemed like a smooth stopping point. Love you guys xoxo 
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ameliora-j · 4 months
tbh id let Carisi (Peter) bury his dick so deep in which ever hole of mine he chooses, no regrets. id let him pound me so hard all day every day til i cant walk. i know he’d take care of me after. he just seems to be that kind of guy to make you cum again and again and again, your pussy and clit all swollen but he wont stop even if youre begging him too because he gets a kick out of the way you pulsate and shake and twitch. and lets be real the only man to ever make you squirt is him 🔥
he likes the way you cry when he’s hurting your pussy with pleasure ꃋ his cock buried deep in your gummy walls, repeatedly pressing against your gspot as tears of pained pleasure cascade down your cheeks. he licks them away, chuckling meanly as he plays with your swollen little clit. “again” he growls lowly in your ear.
and you know he wants you to cum again, but you’ve already done so at least seven times, you don’t know you’ve lost count. sonny’s on orgasm number three and you’re wondering how the hell he has so much stamina as your body begins to curl in on itself. your cunt is pulsing and clenching around him so nicely that he’s letting out the prettiest moans as he fucks you harder. “wanna see it all, pretty slut” he whispers.
and you’re not sure what he means until the band snaps and your orgasm is spraying from your abused cunt like a fountain. your breath gets stuck in your throat as you choke over a loud moan. he rubs your clit faster to make it spray even more than it already had, soaking both your bodies in your massive amount of squirt as he pumps your cunt full of his cum. “y’make the prettiest messes, baby” he mumbles as he kisses you.
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kryptonitejelly · 3 months
okay okay i think i’m a bit late to the game but carisi realizing he’s in love for the 5-sentence blurbs!
send asks for sonny carisi x reader (5 sentence baby blurbs!)
It hits Sonny like a truck - the feeling that has been cumulating in his chest for months since he first met you; a warm, giddy, safe throb in his chest. He loves you.
Sonny doesn’t think as he leans across the small table between you both to press his lips to yours, effectively cutting you off in the middle of your sentence. The bottom of tie skims the top of the pasta he is having, tomato base on silk - a nightmare for his dry cleaner, but Sonny doesn’t care, doesn’t care about anything in the moment but the words that are begging to be let out from his mouth.
“I love you,” he says against your lips, and Sonny feels your smile against his.
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oh-you-mean-me · 1 year
SVU Fanfic
Does anyone know the name of a fanfic that was "Sonny Carisi x reader" or "Rafael Barba x reader" depending on which version you chose? The reader and Sonny are together then break up. Later she comes back as a defense attorney and it's there that the choice is made. I remember specifically there was a part where if reader chose right she'd end up at a bar and that would lead toward Barba and if she chose left she'd go toward Sonny (or maybe Barba was left and Sonny was right). I remember if you chose the Sonny route that he'd write her a letter and she'd write him one back, but then ripped it when she saw Sonny with a pregnant Amanda
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Accidental Part 3
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I’m sorry it has took me soooo long to update this story 
This is my first post in the months 
Thankyou for all the love on previous posts, I do still check my notifications 
Here you go lovelies!
Emily Gilbertson couldn't believe her best friend, little "Annie", was hitting it off so well with a handsome hot man. Emily watched her best friend laugh, be silly and drink beer while she got to know Sonny. Emily knew how self-conscious Anna was, but she never understood why. Anna was a beautiful young lady with a killer smile, big chocolate eyes and a figure to die for. Emily wasn't interested in her date anymore. She was just so excited to see her friend happy and open with someone.
Anna hadn't experienced anything like it. she hadn't experienced anything like that, she liked Sonny, he was cute, hot, funny, sweet and unique. The way she felt around him was new; she always felt old beyond her years and that she was too scared to enjoy life. When Anna is with Sonny, she feels her age, happy and light, as if she can grab life by the balls and take on anything thrown at her. Sonny made her feel like Anna, not Annie or the girl who follows Emily Gilbertson around like a puppy. She was her own person with him, and she liked that feeling very much indeed.
Sonny never thought he could feel like this. After one coffee date cut short because of his career and two beers with this amazing young woman, he thinks he might be head over heels for Anna Diaz. All of his insecurities seem to vanish when he is around her. The horrors he saw at work daily, plus the pressure he was under from his family, his team, and himself, was unbelievable. For the past few months, Sonny has struggled to find a genuinely happy moment. When he has been with Anna, all he has felt is happiness, like a massive weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
It was 1 am when the group left the bowling alley quite drunk, and they were merry, laughing and talking with each other. Sonny and Anna stayed at the back of the group in their own little world. "so this is it. I'll see you Tuesday night for dinner ?"  Anna asked, hopefully giving the man in front of her the best doe-eyed look she could with the amount of alcohol she had in her system. "Anna, I wouldn't miss it for the world. I can't wait to spend more time with you," The blonde man confessed as he stared into her eyes, getting lost in them. "Sonny, I like you. I'm looking forward to our date" Sonny felt ecstatic. He couldn't determine if it was Anna's statement or the sincerity he felt from the girl. "I like you too, Anna, very much, but you, my dear girl, are very drunk, and you need water and your bed. So I'm going to call you an Uber to get you home" All of a sudden, Anna felt tired, and the beer hit her. When the Uber arrived, Anna and Emily slid into the car's back seat with Sonny's help. When the girls were safely in the car, Sonny leaned in, pecked Anna on the lips before closing the door, and asked her to text him in her dorm room so he knew she was safe. The door shuts, and they pull off, leaving both Anna and Sonny giddy with happiness about each other.
*Tuesday Evening*
Sonny: I'm outside, Doll, in the Uber. Are you ready to go? Anna:  Yeah, give me a couple of seconds. I will be right down.
Anna came downstairs in a pink dress that flaunted her figure with black strappy heels. She ran out to the Uber, impressing Sonny in the process of running in heels. Finally, Anna got into the back of the car and closed the door. "Hello, handsome, You look good in a suit, Sonny", Anna greeted as she eyed the man up in down. "Hello Yourself, Doll; you look incredible tonight" Anna blushed at Sonny's compliment. The date was a dream for the pair, one of the best dates they had ever been on. They both didn't want to drink, Sonny was at work the following day, and Anna had class followed by lunch with her Aubella and her aunt Rita. Nevertheless, as they left the restaurant, the pair were smitten with each other leaving the restaurant, they were in their little bubble, and no one at that moment existed in the world. Anna leaned in and started to kiss Sonny with tounges in the middle of the street. A few weeks ago, Anna hated the thought of public affection, but with Sonny, she doesn't have a care in the world. "Doll, I live just down the street. Do you fancy coming in for a cup of coffee?" Anna felt like she had just had an ice bucket tipped over her; this is what she had been dreading. "Sonny, Im just going to come out and say it, Im a virgin. Im not ready for anything. I hope you understand, and I get it if you do not want to see me again or go for someone with experience." Anna looked down at her feet, ashamed. Sonny lifted her face by her chin with two fingers. "Anna, I like you. I'm not interested in a fling, im looking for the real thing here. I will wait for eternity for you if you are the woman I think you are." Sonny kissed the girl's lips, trying to pour his feelings into the kiss. Anna couldn't believe it, she had found the perfect man, and he liked her, her of all people; she felt like she was on cloud nine. "Sonny, thank you for understanding. I appreciate you waiting for me." Anna whispered, still breathless from the kiss.
*Sonny's Apartment*
The apartment itself was small, but it was cosy and homely. Anna loved apartments like this, which reminded her that new york wasn't full of people looking for high-end real estate at costly rates. Sonny's apartment smelled like vanilla, and she felt safe. "I know it's not much, but it is home." The blonde man eyed the girl nervously. "That's why it's perfect, Sonny" Anna gave the man one of her killer smiles, and he instantly felt at ease. "Come into the kitchen, Doll. I'll get the coffee started for us," Anna agreed and followed the man into the kitchen.
"So tell me about your family doll. We spent loads of time discussing mine; we didn't discuss yours" Sonny waited for the girl to open up. "My aubela is the matriarchy of the household. She is terrific, strong, kind and many other things. My aubela was my grandmother and mother all rolled into one. My dad went to college on a full scholarship when I was a baby, and he did it to provide himself and me with a better future and opportunities. He went to Harvard, and I stayed in the Bronx with my aubela. We are a small family, but my god, we are mighty; we are so close nothing will come between us." Sonny hung on to every word that Anna was saying while Anna stared into her glass as she told the story. "what about your mom?" Sonny asked innocently. "My mom walked out on my dad and me when I was six weeks old. They were both very young, and I think she was just overwhelmed, and after she left, it was just too hard to come back. If you had a child, would you want to be a part of their life? I know I would. She is probably out there somewhere, regretting what she had done all those years ago. I've tried to look for her; I found a census entry for her, dated six months after she left in LA, but the trail ran cold from there." Sonny felt pity and sadness for the girl and couldn't understand why anyone could leave their child like that. " I wanna find her, Sonny, show her im not angry with her and hopefully finally have a relationship with her."  Anna smiled at her daydream " I hope you are right, doll", Sonny sighed as he had a horrible feeling in his stomach.
" Does your dad still practise law?" Sonny asked to change the subject. "Yeah, he does. He is an ADA" Sonny was surprised he couldn't think of an ADA with the last name of Diaz. "what's his name? I may know him," Sonny quizzed as his heart hammered out of his chest, awaiting her answer. "Rafael Barba", Anna answered matter of factly. "Shit, no, Anna, no. He is the ADA on my team. I'm a detective with Manhattan's Special Victims Unit. Anna looked at the man, horrified. Suddenly she thought she liked Sonny and Sonny liked her. Why does she have to give him up? This was the happiest she had ever felt, and she didn't want to let go. "Sonny, I know this is not ideal, but I'm Anna around you. I'm happy when I'm with you, and I like you a lot. Let's keep this a secret for now and see how things go. If we go on to go separate ways, no foul was done, but if we make it, my dad will have to learn to love it. What do you say? Take a chance?" Anna could hear the blood pumping her body with adrenaline. It felt like hours waiting for Sonny's answer, but it was only a minute or two. "Yes, Doll, let's give it a go, You and me. I know this might be too soon, rash, or fast, but will you be my girlfriend? I can't stop thinking about you, Anna Diaz." Sonny spurred out as he was nervous to ask. "I don't care how soon or rash it is, and the truth is I feel the same way about you. I would love to be your girlfriend, Sonny Carisi. Both smiled like idiots until Sonny leaned over the breakfast bar and kissed Anna. "That is never going to get old", Anna stated, still with her eyes closed, reeling from the kiss.
Sonny took Anna by the hand and guided her to the sofa, where they laughed, talked and told each other stories from their pasts. It was 3 am when Anna let out a yawn. She thought she covered the yawn well, but Sonny immediately picked up on it. "Doll, take my bed; I'll take the sofa. I don't trust cab drivers this time of night. I've seen too many horrors of women getting cabs late at night." Sonny stood up and extended his hand out to help Anna up. "Sonny, I don't want you to give up your bed. I'll take the sofa." Anna tried to reason with the detective. "Absolutely not, Doll. You get my bed. End of story."  Anna got into the comfy double bed and immediately dreamed of Sonny.
*The Next Day*
Anna woke up late to her phone buzzing on Sonny's bedside table. She could still hear Sonny softly snoring. She looked at the time and realised she had missed her morning classes as it was 1 pm. she had over a hundred missed calls collectively from her tutors, Emily, her aubela and her dad. "Shit", Anna cursed as she jumped up to get ready to leave Sonny's apartment. As she was clumsily pulling her dress over her head and trying to get an uber, Sonny walked into his bedroom half asleep, trying to work out what was going on. "Doll, everything alright?" Sonny quizzed the girl "Sonny, we have slept in. It's gone 1 pm. I've missed most of my classes, and people are looking for me," Anna explained. "Doll, it will be ok. Once they realise that you are safe, they will be happy. Of course, your tutors will want you to do the catch-up, but you are smart. You can do it, and it is not as if we are going to make a habit of this, is it?" Anna relaxed at his words. "you're right, handsome, and I really need to get back, though. My uber is outside." Sonny nodded, threw on a jacket and walked his girlfriend to her uber. "Text me to let me know you are back home, ok please, doll." he leaned in and pecked his girlfriend on the lips as she got into the uber.
Anna opened her dorm room to find her dad, her abuela and Emily talking to a police officer. "What's going on?" Anna asked the room that hadn't yet noticed her. Rafael's head span so quickly that Anna was sure he would have whiplash. "Where the hell have you been?" Rafael demanded in his lawyer voice. "Annie, Are you ok?!" Emily half asked, half shouted. Lucia was too busy hugging the life out of Anna to ask anything.   "Aubela, I can't breathe. Im fine, I went to dinner last night with a few friends from class and ended up back in their dorm hall for a few drinks afterwards, and I fell asleep in the common room and slept in." Anna lied through her teeth to the people she loved the most and didn't know how to feel about it. "What about your date with what's his name? Dan, no Greg, no Simon, that was it, Simon." Anna was grateful that Emily could not remember Sonny's name. " I blew him off, and I don't have time for a relationship. I need to find a job to get work experience and cash. I have school and maintain relationships with my family and friends. "You sure you didn't go on a date, Annie?" Rafael asked to ensure he didn't need to threaten any boy with an inch of his life to protect his daughter. "I'm sure, dad, I got what I need right here in this room. A relationship will be much later on." Anna couldn't help but think of Sonny and how much he belonged to be in this room. Anna realised that it would be difficult but worth the result.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Could I ask for a Sonny 5 sentence (or more)? Thanks in advance ❤️❤️
“You deserve love and a home-cooked meal. Thankfully, those go hand-in-hand”
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a patient you weren’t supposed to be treating, one with mental health issues and a violent temper. You had caught the brunt of it. You knew it hadn’t been intentional, the poor guy couldn’t afford his meds but it hurt like a bitch when he’d clocked you across the face.
“Here.” Sonny said, handing you another icepack. He had wrapped it carefully in a navy-blue dishtowel so it wouldn’t irate your skin.
“Thanks.” You murmured, handing him the old one.
“It looks like the swelling is starting to go down.” He commented, smoothing the hair away from your face before he placed a tender kiss upon your forehead. “So, I’m thinking I stay over tonight…”
You open your mouth to cut him off, remind him of his early morning meeting. The truth is, you are so used to being independent that it feels unnatural for you to rely on somebody else. He holds up a hand to stop you and you fall silent, because honestly, you want him to stay. Sonny is the only person you trust enough to show your vulnerability, to allow into your home, you love it when he stays the night, how safe you feel in his arms, how secure.
“You deserve love and a home-cooked meal.” He informs you. “And thankfully the two of those go hand-in-hand.”
“Ok.” You whisper as his palm cups your face, his thumb caressing over the apple of your cheek. “I want you to stay the night.”
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