#sorry <3
willgrahamscock · 5 months
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HANNIBAL + Text Posts 25/∞
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ellabsbb · 9 months
cocky loser stoner modern ellie hc’s
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• such a job hopper. fast food, retail, random places like menards, the zoo
• her car is so shitty and it’s kinda stinky from the weed and maybe a bit dirty.. but she’d so clean it for you and put some air fresheners in the vents <3
• in the not so distant future she totally becomes one of those rich famous streamers and buys joel a house but shh that’s in the future so for now
• also her seat in her car is leaned back so far and so low there’s no possible way that’s comfortable right??
• sorry idk why i keep thinking about the car but also she has snacks in there always! but they’re like. opened, old, stale, half gone.. yeah
• a player, community strap if you will, but like come on can you blame her it’s not her fault she gets bitches (her words not mines)
• will smoke you out and take you to mcdonald’s what more could a girl ask for
• and she’ll pay even though she’s broke 90% of the time
• always texting joel memes he doesn’t understand in the slightest
• tells him about girls she’s been with just to embarrass him LOL
“joel you have to see this girl she had the most juicy-”
“alright that’s enough, i know i didn’t raise you to talk like that.”
• sometimes (most times) she’ll just wake up and throw on whatever she first puts her hands on. and doesn’t even care enough to pretend to be embarrassed when you see her in public in baggy pants with one leg rolled up, the most wrinkled shirt ever, and socks that aren’t even the same length
• refuses to wear any other shoes than her beat up busted up converse. they have several holes. you can see her socks. the shoelaces are torn. come on
• says stuff like she’ll buy you the most expensive gifts when she “makes it”
• you have to force her to put chapstick on and she’s so one of those people that only uses the original one with no fun flavors
• basketball shorts or boxers to sleep kind of girl
• always so warm omg (i am putting my cold feet on her idc)
• in conclusion i need her 🫡
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reiding-writing · 1 month
Hiii! Could i request prompts 17 and 23 from the angsty prompt list? It could have an angsty ending or a fluffy one, I'll leave that up to you!
Btw congrats on hitting such an amazing milestone and I cannot wait for you to accomplish your next one!!!!! <3333
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17. “This can only end one way.”
23. “Just a little longer.”
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WARNINGS: hostage situation, guns, injury, death
spencer reid x gn!reader || ANGST || 1.7k || event masterlist!!
a/n: enjoy :)
main masterlist!!
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“This is a pretty nice gun you’ve got isn’t it?” Spencer’s revolver gleams under the hanging light bulb like it’s trying to taunt him, light and pliant in the unsub’s hand as he examines it with a raised eyebrow. “I always preferred the classics,” He gives a glance to your discarded 19mm with a narrowed gaze before turning his eyes back to Spencer. “You’ve got good taste,”
Spencer doesn’t reply to his comment, his eyes fixated on anywhere but above him so that he doesn’t have to look at the smug look on the unsub’s face as he taunts them. You don’t exactly share the same sentiment.
You’ve got your eyes locked straight onto his face with an absolutely heinous scowl riddling your features, leaving wrinkle lines in your eyebrows and a dark shadow underneath your nose. He never liked it when you looked like that, it didn’t suit you, he much preferred positivity on you, and he has no qualms in thinking that you preferred it too.
Apparently so did the unsub, his expression turning sour under your harsh glare and his already antagonistic demeanour heightening as a result. “Who do you think you’re looking at like that?”
If you weren’t tied down to a chair Spencer’s sure you would’ve ripped the man to pieces based on his tone alone. But you knew your boundaries, what to do and what to refrain from, and so you kept your mouth firmly shut as the unsub approached you with Spencer’s revolver in hand. “You think you’re strong because you’re in the FBI? That your badge makes you invincible?”
Your gaze doesn’t waver as he presses the barrel of the gun to the underside of your chin to force your gaze further upwards, but Spencer can tell in the way that your wrists shift against each other uncomfortably that your confidence is merely a facade to hide the waves of anxiety crashing over your body like a tsunami.
“Would you like me to prove that wrong?” The unsub’s voice drops a little as he leans down towards your face, sliding the barrel of the gun past your chin until the muzzle is pressed directly against your larynx with enough pressure to make you twitch unconsciously.
The way he pulls the hammer back with his thumb to turn the chamber with a loud click is enough for Spencer’s composure to break.
“Wait—” His tone is almost entirely desperation, and the unsub’s eyes flicker over to him with a glaze of amusement.
“Got something to say?”
Spencer did not think this through very well.
“Go on, spit it out,” The unsub lets his arm fall limp so that the revolver isn’t held at your throat anymore, but it’s clear that neither of you are in the clear as he gestures for Spencer to continue talking with the gun pointed in his direction instead.
“You don’t have to do this…”
“Reid—” You seethe his name through your teeth with a sharp but subtle shake of your head as a clear indication for him to stop talking.
This wasn’t the kind of person you try to negotiate with. You couldn’t talk someone like this off the ledge, you could only talk them over it. If either of you wanted to make it out alive you both needed to stay silent until SWAT arrived to get you both out of there.
The unsub seems more amused by Spencer’s attempt at negotiation than anything, a gravely laugh emanating from his throat. “We both know this can only end one way, why try and fight it?”
“We don’t deserve to die—” It sounds more like a plea than a statement, and all it does is elicit another laugh from the unsub.
“You know what? That’s bold, I respect that,” The unsub gestures towards Spencer with the gun still in hand, and he can’t help but flinch as it’s pointed in his direction. “Why don’t we make this a little more interesting hm? A little game?”
The unsub presses on the chamber release of the revolver and shakes out the bullets from inside it, leaving them to clatter over the floor. “I’m sure you’re both aware of the concept of russian roulette yes?” He bends down to pick up one of the discarded bullets to replace it into the chamber, clicking it closed and spinning it with his left hand.
“One shot at both of you, the bullet doesn’t fire, you both get to live, if it does, well, you know what happens,”
It sounds like a terrible deal from your point of view, you’d much rather keep trying to stall for time than play this stupid little game that will probably end with one of you not making it out of the building, but Spencer makes the decision for you with a sharp nod.
“Perfect,” The unsub gives Spencer a smile, a smile that rips right through him and makes him feel like he’s going to throw up. “Let’s get started shall we?” He pockets the gun for a moment to rearrange the chairs your bound to so that you’re sat facing each other instead of beside each other, close enough that your knees collide.
“Everything’s gonna be fine,” Spencer doesn’t even bother trying to lower his voice away from the unsub in his attempt at ridding the dread in your expression. “Just a little longer,”
You give him a short nod, pressing your lips together into a line as you try to convince him—and yourself— that you believe him.
“Very sweet,” You flinch as the unsub’s hand lands on your shoulder, and he extends the revolver over your other to point directly at Spencer’s face, leaning his own down to speak next to your ear. “Where should I aim hm? Should I shoot him between his eyes and put him out of his misery quickly, or should I go for his neck and let him bleed out for a while?”
You squeeze your eyes shut like it’s going to block out his voice, and Spencer tries to do it for you by talking over him. “The chances of it going wrong are less than twelve percent, even less for you at ten point eight, we’re both going to be fine—”
There’s a harsh click as the gun sounds next to the side of your face, and the two of you physically jump.
Then there’s a moment of silence and you pry your eyes open to see Spencer still very much alive and well, if not more than mentally shaken.
“Would you look at that, fate is on your side today,” The unsub leaves your side to walk over to Spencer’s, squeezing his shoulder with his hand. “Looks like you get to go home, congratulations, I wonder if the same can be said about your friend here,”
You don’t know whether having the gun pointed at you was more or less anxiety inducing than being an unwilling bystander to watching Spencer on it’s receiving end, but either way you feel like your organs are failing just at the sight of it.
“There’s an eighty-nine point two percent chance that nothing happens,” Spencer shakes his head at the implication the unsub is laying out. “There’s really no point in even going through with it,”
“Is that right?” The unsub seems completely undeterred by Spencer’s attempt, resting his arm over Spencer’s shoulder with the gun extended only a few inches from your forehead. “Why are you nervous then? Surely if you’re so confident in your probabilities you wouldn’t be so scared,”
“Don’t listen to him. You’re going to be fine, I promise.” Spencer speaks with more conviction this time, his eyes narrowed in determination and not a waver present in his voice. “We’re both going to get out of here and leave all of this behind us.”
“Okay…” You take a small breath in through your nose with a nod. “I believe yo—”
There’s another click, then a much louder bang, and your sentence gets cut off before it can finish, a splatter of red echoing its finish as it sprays over the hardwood under your feet.
Everything is jarring silent for a second, and then your head and shoulders slump forward and there’s a sharp laugh of astonishment from the unsub, bouncing through Spencer’s ears and settling in one of the caverns of his mind to torment him at a later date.
“Wow, now that was something,” The unsub’s words are punctuated by small laughs, and he pats his hand against Spencer’s unmoving frame with all of the enthusiasm of if he’d watched a sports team score a point. “Did you see the way the blood spray came out of the back of their head? That was insane,”
Spencer didn’t respond to the unsub’s musings, no twitch of the eye or flare of the nose, he didn’t even blink, eyes solely locked on to your lifeless frame as you slumped over in the chair, held up only by the ropes still wrapped around your torso whilst the blood from your forehead dripped down onto your thighs.
He didn’t even have the mental capacity t feel relief at the sound of the building being swarmed by the SWAT team, less than two minutes from being there in time to get you both out of there alive.
To save you from Spencer’s misjudgement.
To save you from your blind trust in him that left you executed at the hands of his own revolver.
Fate had truly and utterly fucked him over.
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nachomori-3 · 3 months
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how we doing fandom
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hawnks · 11 months
You’re promptly banished from the Gojo Clan property, as is all of your ilk.
No one tells you why, and you have no clue yourself. You grow up hating the Gojos for putting you and your family through that. So when you start working at Jujutsu Technical High as a media arts teacher, your main goal is to stay as far from Satoru Gojo as possible.
Logically, you know he had little to do with whatever happened back then, but you have a vendetta and you’ve heard the whispers of what he’s like. Insufferable, and insufferably beautiful. Powerful, wealthy, loud. You hate him on principle.
You’re less than pleased when he shows up on the first day of your training, boisterously announcing himself to be your new sempai.
He makes it about two steps into the office before stopping abruptly, glasses slipping down his nose so you catch the barest sliver of his eyes, tracking you. He takes a long, deep breath. Let’s it go.
“It is you,” he murmurs. He’s grinning.
As a beta, you’re not very familiar with the idiosyncrasies of the other traits. But you know lust when you see it.
“Gojo, are you—“ you slip further behind the desk, putting space between you. You’re unsettled, but trying not to let it show. Especially not to him. You scoff. “Did you just go into rut?”
He stalks further into the room, up to the desk. He puts his hands flat on the tabletop, which brings his face scant inches from yours. He inhales. Scenting you.
His eyes roll back in his head, a bare second of euphoria before he catches himself. His smile is all teeth, when he peers at you. “Actually, it’s a heat,” he tells you. His fingers rap against the table. Impatient. Hungry. “Mind helping a guy out with that?”
You look at him, take in the size of him, the defined musculature. He’s not like any omega you’ve ever seen.
Your incredulity must show on your face because he chuckles.
His fingers stop tapping, instead pressing into the wood so hard his knuckles go white. “You don’t have to take my word for it,” he says. He licks his lips. “Why don’t you…check.”
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screaming-sparrow · 21 days
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from eden by hozier + jack and the doctor (a gift for @itsatorchwoodthing)
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heich0e · 1 year
the air feels sticky; too hot and too heavy to pull easily into your lungs, the smell of skin and sweat and something that pangs of home swimming in it.
you feel spent. boneless. aching but satisfied. but there's a sharpness there too, a thrum of something unpleasant that's beginning to twist the pleasure into something else.
"tobio," you murmur, and when he doesn't listen but instead presses his face more firmly between your legs, you repeat yourself. "tobio!"
you push against the top of his head, trying uselessly to wiggle away and earn some much needed distance. it's a futile endeavour, because he has both of his strong arms wrapped underneath your thighs, holding you flush to this greedy, unrelenting mouth. only after a few more moments of you struggling does the boy between your legs finally lift his face.
tobio's eyes are half-lidded and hazy, unfairly long lashes fluttering as he tries to focus as he peers up at you. his cheeks are rosy, and the pretty pink is mirrored in the wet, swollen pout of his mouth. he's soaked down to his chin, and the sheen of spit and you shines in the warm light of your bedside table lamp.
"what?" he finally responds to your whining, his voice a low, rasping purr as he blinks slowly up at you.
"too much," you murmur, your lips pursing into a little pout.
his dark brows pull into a perplexed furrow, his eyes trailing back down to your sensitive, glistening pussy. he can't tear his gaze away, enraptured by the sight of you twitching and dripping all thanks to him and the practiced, diligent work of his mouth. "but you only came three times."
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itz-rona220 · 2 months
Lol let me free my cringy side over here too
Cuz why not X3
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Lol imma just *disappears*
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faggotskommando · 1 year
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shitpost collection (tl in alt <3)
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cosmicwar · 2 years
I love theon greyjoy he’s the fratboy he’s the boy next door he’s the ghost haunting the house he’s the final girl he’s the lost prince he’s the returning king he’s the monster he’s the hero from the songs he has no religion he’s the prophet he’s just a boy he’s god
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enden-k · 2 months
yall im sorry for barking but when arle. whena rle when. fingers. when arle snaps her fingers in her burst
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0xeyedaisy · 2 years
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Ya got it boss
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fallout-lou-begas · 15 days
I thought Joshua Graham was hot until I played Honest Hearts and now I want to wring his mormon neck
i want to wring his mormon neck too (sexually)
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cakebird-art · 1 month
With the prevalence of art of Eggman and even Gerald in Hooters uniforms I'm surprised you haven't drawn Nega in one yet
True, hope this rectifies the issue!!
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swansstuff · 12 days
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new fic
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hawnks · 11 months
Satoru Gojo’s cursed abilities began to manifest at the age of two. By five he could read and write with ease, he could do basic arithmetic, and had better special reasoning than most adults. It was a given that his secondary traits would manifest early, and the clan was happy to welcome a dominant alpha to the family. Except—
He wasn’t.
The revelation that their messiah was an omega, frankly, appalled most of the Gojo Clan, but they wouldn’t deny their interest in a few incredibly powerful offspring.
By the time Satoru had truly and fully manifested at the age of fourteen, they had already thrown a few dozen alpha suitors his way — he had his pick of any of them, he could just drop out and raise children like a good omega. Except— he wouldn’t.
Satoru insisted on school, where it quickly became apparent that he would outclass even the strongest alphas. The clan was once again disgusted with him; the way he behaved, his strength and charisma, it simply wasn’t like an omega. He should be demure, and sweet, and happy to let everyone else order him around. Except he wasn’t.
He showed absolutely no signs of omega tendencies, except for infrequent heats, which were so mild he didn’t even need to take time off school. The clan had hopes that maybe that alpha boy he was always hanging around would get Satoru to settle down and mate, but no luck. When asked about this, Satoru said he found alphas “boring,” and would “rather drink bleach than fuck one.” The clan decided it would be best to wait a few years before broaching the topic of marriage again.
It wasn’t until his final year at Jujutsu High that Satoru showed any sign of libido at all. Lounging on the porch, ignoring his English tutor, staring out as the gardener tended to the koi pond. Then— Satoru bolted upright.
The tutor startled. “What? What is it?”
Satoru pointed. “Who is that?”
It took a second for the old man to spot who he was referring to. Someone else had joined the Gardner at the pond, peering down into the golden arc of fish. “The groundskeeper’s child.” A follow up question formed on his lips, “Why—“
Why are you interested when you’ve never shown an inkling of curiosity about anyone else in your entire life? But it died just as quick.
Satoru was staring at the gardener’s child with a look that could only be described as hungry. The shortened breath, dilated eyes, and flushed cheeks were unmistakable, although the unhinged grin he wore was a bit unusual (and unsettling). Nevermind whatever was going on below the belt.
“I want her,” Satoru said. Unshakable, bottomless lust— now that was just like an omega. Finally, he was experiencing a true heat, triggered by the presence of a potential mate.
“Gojo… that’s a beta.”
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