#spencer reid headcanons
princessxt · 3 days
hiii, i loved your hotch fic so much, could you maybe write a spencer reid x daughter one where he and the team interview y/n as a potential unsub and then reid finds out she's his daughter that he didn't know about, or any plot you want to write :) i hope you have an amazing day <3
You can make a request in the comments or by asking me a question!
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She Looks Like You
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Pairing(s):Spencer Reid x Daugther Reader
Warning: none?
Spencer never imagined himself in a family, with a wife, children, a dog and a house with a white picket fence. Contact with girls his age was embarrassing, as he generally couldn't stop talking about subjects that bored the girls. He had only two relationships in his life, and in both of them, the ending was devastating for Spencer. The first was in his last year at college. He met a lovely girl, dated her for a few months, but she disappeared from college. without telling Spencer. For a while he thought the worst could have happened to her, but when he contacted her family, they just told him she was fine and for the boy to leave her alone. And in his second relationship , well, we all know what happened to Mavie.those were the losses of Spencer's life.
He could get over it, after all, he didn't think he would have a family anyway.
He knew that his work took a lot of time, and that could strain a marriage, in addition to how dangerous it would be, considering what happened to Hotch's wife. He may have been shaken by his last relationship, but he didn't let it destroy him. , and now you're here, trying harder than ever to continue saving lives.
The case the team was on was not a case of a serial killer. A couple had been murdered, and the only evidence the local police had was a strand of hair, from the killer, which according to the tests was a woman.
It didn't take long for the team to put together a profile, which led to a young girl.
They didn't have the motivation, but they had in mind that during an interrogation she could say something that would be useful for the case. When the young woman was already in the interrogation room, the agents entered.
"Are you Y/N Y/L/N?" Hotch asks, sitting in front of the young woman, making the young woman look at him with contempt. Spencer was behind Hotch, just watching her, finding her face familiar.
"Unfortunately"She throws her body back and leans against the chair, bored.
"Do you know why you're here?" The older man looks at the files in front of her, waiting for the right moment to show them to the girl.
"It looks like I'm suspected of something." She looks at Hotch, staring at him.
"Do you recognize this couple?" He shows the photos of the crime scene, with the dead couple in one of the photos. Her reaction was not what the agents expected. In the profile, they said that when the killer saw the photos of the crime scene , she wouldn't have a negative reaction, and would just stare at the photos, without a sign of remorse, but Y/n, the moment she saw the photos, turned her face away, feeling her stomach turn and her lunch return to her throat. Place your hand over the photos and close the file.
"Look, am I going to get arrested?" She looks at Hotch, angry that he showed her those horrible photos.
"You can leave at any time. But first, we need a DNA sample." Hotch takes the folders off the table and places them on her lap.
"DNA? Don't you need a warrant for that?" She gets up and grabs the coat that was on the chair.
"Not if you let us collect it willingly and make everything easier." Hotch follows her with his eyes, watching her go to the door.
"Bad luck for you, I'm not the type to make things easy." He opens the door and leaves, without looking back, leaving Hotch and Reid alone in the room.
"Do you think she has something to do with murder?" Spencer finally speaks.
"Her reaction wasn't what we imagined. We need a mandate, we'll only know for sure when the results come out." Hotch gets up from his chair and leaves the room, going to provide the mandate.
A few hours later they were already at the door of Y/n's house, with the warrant in hand, ready to collect the DNA.
They knock on the door and the girl answers, looking disappointed by the agents at her door.
"Let me guess, they came to get my DNA?" The agents agree and she gives them space to enter.
"Mom, those agents are here!" She shouts towards the second floor of the house.
The agents deliver the warrant to the girl. A few minutes later, a woman, approaching 35 years old, appears. Spencer could recognize her from miles away. It was Melissa, her first love. The one who disappeared without telling him anything.
"Do you really think my daughter killed that couple? This has to be a joke." She sits next to her daughter and takes the warrant from her hand, reading it in a few seconds.
"I'm Agent Aaron Hotchner, and this is Dr. Spencer Reid." Hotch follows the manual, and introduces himself to the girl. When she hears Reid's name, her body tenses, and being a profiler, Spencer notices it. .
"A saliva sample and a strand of hair. Get it over with." The girl gets up and comes face to face with Hotch, who takes all the materials needed to do the collection. He takes the saliva sample and the hair, leaving the house then.
They take the sample to the laboratory. The next day, the result went directly to Garcia.
"Guys, I have some bad news, the DNA is not compatible. I'm sorry" Garcia says on the other end of the phone, the team sighs in disappointment, knowing that whoever killed the couple was still out there.
"Wait, here in the files it says that she is compatible with an agent." Garcia says and everyone looks at each other.
"What do you mean compatible with an agent? Is there any document saying she's adopted?" JJ says and gets closer to the phone.
"It doesn't say anything, I'll try to get into the file, just a minute." She stays silent and everyone in the room can hear the keyboard making noise. A minute later, Garcia sees the last thing she could imagine on her screen. one "Oh no" and the whole team is confused.
"Garcia, what did you think?"Emily asks, crossing her arms.
"I'll send it to you" is the only thing she responds. After that, the agents received a file over the phone, and what was written left everyone in shock.
"Spencer, is she... is she your... daughter?" Derek asks, staring blankly at the document. Spencer didn't know what to say or how to react. This had crossed his mind when he found out that Y/n's mother was Melissa, but he believed that if she was pregnant she would have told him.
"Reid, is that possible?" Hotch looks at him, who was motionless.
"I dated her mother during college, maybe it is." He didn't know if he wanted that to be true or a lie. He started thinking about everything, and remembered the date of birth he saw in Y/n's file. a few months after Melissa disappeared. He no longer had any doubts.
"Thanks Garcia, if you find out anything else let us know"JJ hangs up.
"So, she's no longer a suspect." Emily tries to change the atmosphere in the room, drawing everyone's attention to the case.
"Spencer, can I talk to you?" Hotch calls him and they leave the room.
"This is something very important, Spencer. Go figure it out, take the rest of the day off and talk to Melissa and Y/n, you have a lot to discuss" Spencer agrees. He grabs his things and goes to Melissa's house, knocking on the door.
She opens the door and says "I was waiting for you. I knew that after Y/n's exams came out you would come here. You can come in." She gives Spencer space to enter.
"You knew, and you didn't tell me anything."Spencer stops in front of her, in disbelief at everything that was happening.
"Would you like something to drink? Water, juice, beer." She goes to the kitchen followed by Spencer.
"You can sit"She points to some benches on the kitchen counter. She goes to the fridge and takes out 2 beers.
"I don't drink." Spencer says dryly.
"Then some water"She takes a bottle of water.
"Where is Y/n?" he takes a sip of water, calming down.
"He's at a friend's house, he won't be back until night, we have all the time in the world to catch up." She mocks the last part.
"Does she know? That I'm her father?" He says.
"She don't even suspect it."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He looks at her, remembering the past, the time when they were together.
"You were about to graduate and join the FBI, I knew that when that happened, she and I would be in the crosshairs of anyone who wanted revenge on you. I did it to protect my daughter."
"I would quit the FBI without thinking twice. I would graduate and look for a good job so I could take care of her. You should have told me, given me the chance to see my daughter grow up" At that moment, Spencer's eyes were about to look fills with tears, thinking about all the memories he missed in his daughter's life.
The silence in the kitchen was embarrassing. Neither of them knew what to say.
"I want to be part of her life from now on." Spencer breaks the silence.
"I don't know if she'll want to. Last night she spent the night talking about how idiots you and your colleague were." She laughs.
"I want to at least try, help me get her to support me." He looks at her, who avoids looking into her eyes.
"I can talk to her tonight, explain everything, and if she wants to see you, I'll call you." She says and finally looks the doctor in the eye.
"What is she like? Is she smart, kind?" He asks wanting to know more about her.
"She looks like you. She's smart, kind to people she likes, but she has my personality." She smiles remembering her daughter.
The rest of the afternoon was peaceful, they talked a little more about her the girl. When Spencer returns to the hotel, he waits for a response from Melissa, to find out whether or not Y/n wants to have contact with him. It doesn't take long until he receives a message from Melissa.
*Tomorrow, at 4 pm at the cafe in the center, she will meet you there*
He smiles reading the message, but feels nervous about having contact with the girl, now that he knows she is his daughter.
The other day, Spencer couldn't stop thinking about her date with Y/n, he thought about bringing something to please her, but he didn't know what she liked.
When it was time, Spencer went to the cafe, sitting at a table and waiting for Y/n. She arrived some time later, going directly to the table. Both, not knowing how to greet each other, just exchanged a "Hi".
"So, did your mother explain everything?" Spencer tries to calm the atmosphere. The girl only responds with a "Yes."
Spencer and Y/n knew that creating a father-daughter relationship would be a challenge, but they both liked being challenged.
Hii, if you have a better idea for a title, you can tell me in the comments!
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ddejavvu · 4 months
Can you do a spencer reid with a bau reader who is younger and very atractive and when the bau are coming to see him at his apartment for whatever reason and use the key (derek probably has one ngl) they just find a mess of clothes everywhere and them just asleep together
When they wake up they are like:👀😶
Bau: 😏😏
They're not snooping, per se, but the BAU are profilers by nature, and it's not hard to spot the neon pink bra that's abandoned by the side of Spencer's recliner.
"Uh, I think pretty boy's mom has kinda aged outta stuff like this," Derek holds up the bra by one single strap, indicating the lacy cutouts that leave very little to the imagination, "Unless she's got a boyfriend we don't know about, and Spence let her have his place for the night?"
"Oh, come on, is it so hard to believe Spence has a woman here?" JJ pleads, but when she gets several 'subtle' glances from the rest of her team, she relents with a sigh, "Oh, fine. Maybe it accidentally fell into his basket at the laundromat."
"Spencer doesn't go to the laundromat," Emily recites, "Because he has 'no way to realistically verify that their machines are sanitized within proper health regulations'."
"Oh, dude, that man is a wet blanket," Derek scoffs, "But don't tell him I said that- he'll probably start on a tangent about mildew."
"We should leave," Hotch proposes, standing by the door where he'd been trying to keep up an air of polite disinterest despite his intent glances around the apartment, "His keys are hung up by the door, so I'm sure we're just not getting a response from him because he's sleeping. And if he woke up he'd kill you all for wearing shoes on his carpet, so it's in everyone's best interest to leave."
"Hold on!" Penelope gushes, "I just want to check!"
She creeps towards Spencer's bedroom, but at JJ's insistent, 'Shoes!', she chucks her heels back towards the door. One hits its intended blonde target, but the other whacks Derek in the arm, and Hotch is surprised that the dramatics that ensue don't wake Spencer from where he's presumably sleeping. He's sure Penelope will offer to kiss it better.
Penelope tiptoes towards the bedroom door, peering inside the small gap that he'd left before laying down, and finding a Spencer-sized lump under the covers. She nearly turns when she notices that it's larger than just Spencer-sized, and-
"Ooooh, guys," She rushes back to the living room, voice barely hushed enough not to wake you, "He's got a girl in there!"
Derek's victory fist-pump is accompanied by a whispered, 'My man!', but Emily reaches for a pen that's resting in the breast pocket of her blazer. She takes the bra from where Derek had set it on the arm of the couch, rooting around for a post-it in Spencer's drawer and finding a stack of them neatly tucked into the front-right corner. Typical. Just the way he does it at work.
While Penelope describes how close the two of you were sleeping beside each other- 'not an inch apart, guys, they were totally spooning!' - Emily scrawls a neat message on the post-it, dotting the I with a heart.
'Congratulations, Spencer and Mystery Girl!' She writes, leaving the sticky note over the lingerie that she sets on his countertop, 'Tell him to bring you around the office sometime soon - your bra is gorgeous, I need to know where you got it ~ Prentiss <3'
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mandarinmoons · 2 months
Another req: any season Spencer and new/young and adorable/nerdy reader. Spencer tries (and succeeds) at winning readers heart with magic tricks
As soon as you walked into the BAU on your first day you caught Spencer’s interest. Was it your smile? Was it your warm and calm energy that seemed to have an affect on anyone you talked to? He didn’t know for sure, but what he did know was that he liked you, a lot.
Spencer isn’t one to shy away from a conversation with someone, but if it happens to take place with the object of his affection, his tongue turns soft and all the facts he memorized to strike a discussion with you went flying out the window.
One day as Spencer was sitting at his desk, bored because he had already finished his paperwork for the day, he decided to practice some of his magic. He pulled out a quarter from his desk, placed it in his palm and after a few movements it had disappeared.
“How’d you do that?”
Spencer looked over his shoulder and saw you look at him with big eyes.
“Oh um, a magician never reveals his secrets,” Spencer smiled as you laughed and his heart rate picked up as you walked over to him.
“Do you know any more?”
“Yeah um,” Spencer inched closer to you and a second later the same coin he just made disappear was pulled out from behind your ear.
“Oh my god,” hearing you laugh made Spencer’s heart flutter, if only he knew before that doing such a simple trick would win you over, he would’ve been at your door with a full trunk of magic equipment already.
Taglist: @radioactiveinvisible @whoisspence @sreidisms @lanascinnamongirls @luvkatryna @sp3ncelle @iluvreid @khxna @keiva1000 @reidstheyfriend @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden
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totheblood · 3 days
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protective!spencer reid headcanons
a/n: this is a remake of one of my headcanons i did for ellie but i completely rewrote it cause yea... AI AUDIOS throughout, also reblogs, asks, and replies are so appreciated and encouraged! thank u kisses
spencer is extremely protective of you, more than anyone else in his life... he just doesn't know how to show it
he knows that the job entails danger and as much as he doesn't like it, there isn't much he can do about it
but that doesn't stop him from trying
when you partner up on cases together he always makes sure he enters first, a hand outstretched to make sure you're always covered
"it's clear, you can come on in now," he would whisper, gun still drawn. 
"spence, you don't have to do that every time."
"i know," he'd say with a small smile, "but i want to."
he tries not to coddle you. he has seen you take down unsubs twice your size(which he would be lying if he said it didn't turn him on), but sometimes his protective instincts just take over.
he'd rather put himself at risk than see you hurt. even after you're cursing him out, hands in a balled up fist banging on his kelvar vest. 
"what the fuck was that?" you'd yell, face getting hot, "i had him, and you could've gotten yourself killed,"
with an ice pack pressed to his forehead where the unsub got a punch in he closed his eyes gently, "i know, i know... i didn't even think, i just saw his hands on you and i just... look, i'm sorry for scaring you but i'm never going to be sorry for protecting you."
but when you get injured on a case, he just loses it
"what were you thinking, running in like that with no back up?" he'd scold while gently dabbing at the wound on your arm. 
"spence, I'm fine, it's just a scratch."
"just... be more careful next time, okay?" he'd say softly, looking around to make sure no one was watching before pressing a gentle kiss to your forhead, “i… can’t lose you.”
or if you were partnered with someone else and you came back with even a semblance of a bruise, he'd have his eyebrows furrowed, lips twisted into a scowl as he approached you, hands gently holding your arms, his face softening when you wince at the contact
"what happened?" he'd say voice tight, looking up at morgan who was trailing in behind you, looking guilty as ever. 
as derek opened his mouth to speak, you spoke up, "it wasn't his fau-"
"i didn't see him coming," morgan shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, "i got him off of her the minute he was on her."
"he shouldn't have had a chance to be on her," spencer spat back angrily.
"spence, it all happened in a matter of seconds," you say, voice sickeningly sweet as you tried to sooth his nerves, "i didn't see him coming either,"
"i know," he sighed, closing his eyes as he took a shaky breath in, "i know, but all it takes is one second and you could be..."
"i know," you pull him into a hug, his tall frame leaning down to wrap you in his arms, "but i'm here and i'm okay."
his protectiveness extends beyond the field too. 
the team would be out for drinks at o'keeffe's, you with a saltrimmed glass as you sat next to him. as you licked the edges, and drank your margarita with a satisfied grin, he would smile to himself, his smile dropping the minute a tall gruff man approached the two of you 
spencer's fingers twitch as the man puts his hand on the small of your back, taking notice in how your body tenses immediately and you laugh nervously. 
when he was in front of the team he wasn't your boyfriend spencer, he was your coworker spencer and as much as you planned on keeping it that way, spencer's patience was wearing thin each second the man's hand was on you. 
he'd cringe as you lean away from the man, mumbling some excuse like "i have a boyfriend," which made spencer's lips quirk upwards, just for a moment before he realized the man was still leaning into you, whispering, "he doesn't have to know,"
it's then that he steps in, getting up from his seat and stepping in between you and the man, flashing his badge at him with a quirked eyebrow and tight voice as he said, "i believe my colleague has made it clear she's not interested."
after a long case, one he knows hits you harder than the other's he is insisting you go to his apartment with him, his hands linking in yours the minute he's in the car and rubbing soothing circles into your palm
his voice is soft as he speaks over the radio, "everything okay, baby?"
"yeah," you would mumble, but he knows you too well and he knows that's not true. but he also knows you well enough to not bring it up again, choosing to distract you with your favorite songs on the drive or a warm bath when you get home, pressing sweet kisses all over your face as he bathes you
when you're sick, he shows up with:
homemade soup (his mother's recipe), herbal teas, and your favorite books which he reads to you, despite your protests for him to stay away.
instead he'd be telling you to open up as he fed you chicken soup while speaking to you gently, "did you know that chicken soup can actually help reduce inflammation? the chicken and vegetables in chicken soup actually inhibit the migration of neutrophils which can help you breathe better."
in public, his eyes always find you. especially at work he is glancing over at you from his desk, pen in his hand tapping the desk as he looks over at you for the thirteenth time that hour. 
"she's fine, kid. she's not going to magically disappear from her desk," derek teases, as he leans on spencer's desk, looking over at where your eyes finally met his and gave him a soft smile. 
"i know. i just like seeing her smile," spencer replies, voice soft as he smiles back at you. 
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foxy-eva · 5 months
Dad!Spencer Headcanons
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(requested by anon for my New Year's Celebration)
Spencer could not be happier when you tell him that you're ready to have kids. He always wanted to be a father.
When the baby is born he goes on parental leave to be able to spend as much time with his family as possible. He might even decide to take time off from the BAU and take on a teaching position so he can be there more.
He is so excited to finally be a dad and reads every book about parenting he can find.
He proves to be a great dad from day one. You can always rely on him to be there for you and your child.
He is used to an irregular sleeping schedule due to his job so it doesn't bother him to get up at night to take care of his kid.
It doesn't take too long until you decide you want to have another child and Spencer is just as excited as the first time to start this journey again.
He loves to read or recite children's books to his kids and they love listening to his voice. Soon they start sharing his love for books.
Spencer loves to watch them grow up and learn new things. His eyes are always filled with wonder and adoration when he sees their unique way of discovering the world.
He is really involved in his children's lives. They feel very safe with him and always tell him when something is on their mind. It warms your heart to see how much they trust him.
He keeps every single drawing and art piece they make. He would never throw away anything his kids created.
He loves to spoil his kids and he has a hard time saying no when they ask for something while looking at him with their big eyes. Sometimes you have to remind him to not overdo it.
Spending quality time with his family is really important to Spencer. It quickly becomes a family tradition to do some fun activities on weekends.
He makes sure that his children can explore different kinds of activities to find out what they like and what talents they have. It doesn't matter if it's art, music or sports, he will be there to support them.
Other kids from the neighbourhood or from school are always welcome at your house. Spencer really likes to entertain his kids' friends with little magic shows. He wants his children to have everything he missed out on as a kid.
Spencer has a hard time letting his children go when they grow older and need him less. He accepts it of course but sometimes he wishes that they would stay little forever.
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If you liked this post you should check out my Pregnancy Headcanons and my Family Time Headcanons!
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Taglist: @nomajdetective @reidsbookclub @gspenc @samuel-de-champagne-problems @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @malindacath @reidselle @alexxavicry @frickin-bats @spencersprettyslut @sebs-oxygen @happymangospot @cynbx @melifluorei-d @hotchandspencearedilfs @emiliaserpe @thenerdthatwrites @velvetthunder93 @saturnstringz @missabsey @guacam011y @hugyourlungs @reiderwriter @enamoradax @hales-17 @cham9ions @loaksulluyswife @ecneremili @xserenax-13 @grumpyy-bearr @luredwithpretzels @castiels-majestic-wings @super-nerd22 @pleasantwitchgarden @yeonalie @r-3dlips @evvy96 @torigorie @khyleereads
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strawberrytoki · 10 months
Closer than anticipated
(Spencer Reid x Reader)
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Summary: You and Spencer visit the unsub's suspected place of hiding to investigate, but his unexpected return forces the both of you into a cramped closet. The forced proximity then leads to an...accident.
Content: mentions of arousal, descriptions of murder
Word count: 1,247
a/n: I heavily imagined early seasons Reid for this one (specifically s2) Also this is heavily inspired from that one scene in teen wolf.
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The clock's slender hands couldn't have been moving any slower, and the BAU's members couldn't have been more stiff with tension and anxiety.
The team had decided to send you and Spencer to Cedric Marlin's hideout, since you were both the BAU's most observant members, and the team needed every last bit of evidence to finally catch the criminal. He was the prolific eye-gouging unsub that the BAU was finally able to zero-in on after months of meticulous investigation. The team didn't want to make any arrests just yet, since they wanted a solid case, so you and Spencer were in charge of gathering as much evidence as you can.
The parameter was under surveillance by your fellow team members, and you and Spencer were treading lightly, slowly preparing yourself for whatever was inside this man's place.
You entered the premises, Spencer cautiously following suit. You immediately noticed that the house was dingy and damp, suiting its inhabitant. The stench of what you could only assume was rotting human flesh wafted throughout the house, causing both you and Spencer to physically recoil.
"We'll definitely find all the incriminating evidence we need in here." Spencer started making his way down the hallway, following the increasingly strong stench. He stopped at the entrance of the last room on the left and adjusted his glasses, mouth agape with a mixture of curiosity and shock.
You caught up to him, only to eventually mimic his reaction yourself.
"This must be where he keeps all his souvenirs." He inched closer to the stacked mason jars, filled with a preserving liquid and what you both concluded were the eyeballs of his unfortunate victims.
"unmatched depravity..." Spencer walked around the room in an attempt to find more evidence.
"Anything catch your eye?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Ha Ha." He sarcastically chuckled, a playful smile sneaking up on his face afterwards.
The investigation felt like a twisted game, each time one of you found a piece of evidence, the other would somehow find something to one-up the previous discovery in terms of depravity.
After what seemed to be hours of probing into this psychopath's lair, you and Spencer figured that you'd gotten everything you needed, and were about to head out. Just then, the sound of a cacophonous creak in the door sent a quick chill through both your spines. You knew it wasn't any of your teammates, since they wouldn't break protocol like that, and they didn't need to.
If there's anything this line of work has taught you, it's to always assume the worst case scenario. You were a realist, this was no gust of wind. It was him, and you both knew it.
You slowly craned your neck to Spencer, who appeared just as perplexed as you were. His mouth was agape and by the calculative look on his face, his mind was probably running at about a thousand thoughts per minute, trying to figure out a way to get both of you out of this mess unscathed.
You stealthily maneuvered around the room to get a proper perspective on the unsub, and Spencer was right behind you, his calm breath landing near your ear.
He slinged his plastic bag, that you did not want to know the contents of, on the kitchen counter. He had a leather eyepatch covering his left eye, and his clothes were covered in grime and reeked of filth.
Much to your horror, the unsub started making his way towards your location, and you needed to think fast if you didn't want your eye sockets to be what remains in your casket.
"We need to find somewhere to hide before he gets any closer." You faced spencer and slowly started backing away, a worrisome expression on your face. Spencer nodded and carefully followed suit.
You frantically looked around, knowing that the time you had to spare was decreasing by the millisecond. Finally, your eyes landed on a small closet near the corner of the room. The door looked like it was on it's last leg, but beggars can't be choosers. You quickly held Spencer by the wrist, yanking him forward. Both of you then squeezed into the cramped closet, and were facing each other. Neither of you dared let out a sound.
Spencer didn't seem all that uncomfortable, but you still tried to maintain as much space between the two of you, since you knew how he felt about physical touch.
Through the cracks of the closet door, Spencer saw the unsub pack a larger ice pick than what he usually used to disfigure his victims, and a bunch of other weapons. "This is a drastic change in MO, he's either evolving or this is his endgame..." you tried to fully process what he just said as you nodded in agreement, but the proximity was simply too distracting. However, you admired how observant he was even in times of stress.
A few minutes passed as the two of you were observing the unsub, just then, you felt something relatively hard poking you, and as the realization that Spencer had an erection dawned upon you, you felt the color leave your face.
You slowly lifted your face to face Spencer, and it looked like he'd rather be anywhere on earth but here. Even though the confined space was dark, you could tell his flustered face was as red as a tomato, and he was bent on avoiding eye contact.
"I'm...so sorry-" he blurted out.
"It's alright." you interrupted him. You tried to ease the tension by reminding yourself that he had no control over it, but that only did so much. "I'll just turn around." You then shuffled around the very limited space to face the front, with your back to him. At least then, you wouldn't have to face him.
"Uh...that's not helping." You both scratched your heads in frustration and confusion. This was clearly not the time and place for such a bodily reaction and you both knew it, but you couldn't help but get flustered over it as well.
You then realize that the unsub must've been hard of hearing, as there's no way he would've heard all the shuffling and not done a thing if he wasn't.
Just then, you felt your radio device turn on and couldn't be more relieved. It was Hotch trying to get an update, and you readily filled him in. It was only a matter of time before they entered the premises with the S.W.A.T team.
You then heard the door being broken off its rusty hinges, probably courtesy to Morgan, and judging by the altercation near the door, you concluded that the arrest has been made. You then felt yourself letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding, and pushed open the closet's door, feeling a welcoming, slight breeze of air.
Spencer then reluctantly faced you, his cheeks stained with an adorable shade of pink.
You decided to help him out a bit and break the ice.
"This wasn't how I imagined this investigation would go..." you awkwardly chuckled as you both made your way outside.
"No...me neither." He looked up to the sky, his eyes slightly squinting. He was probably just glad this was all over, for more reasons than one.
You, on the other hand, weren't planning on letting this go that easily, and were definitely planning on taunting him by bringing this incident up in case he ever got smug with you.
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reidsdaisies · 8 months
hihihi !! i saw that you wanted requests and i will happily oblige 😭 i was wondering if you could do a like grumpy spencer reid x sunshine/bombshell reader !! i love the whole opposites attract trope. maybe its where like hes having a bad day and just kinda wants to go home but reader turns that frown upside down and flirts w him n stuff !!
༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; grumpy!spencer reid x sunshine/bombshell!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ warnings; maeve doesn’t exist bc this is like right around the beginning of season 8 I’d say, slightly handsy reader ig?, use of pet names ‘baby’, ‘sweetie’, ‘hon’, mention of the one ‘sugar pie’, also I don’t think spencer would growl but i thought it was kinda funny and random. also he’d probably not not want to do a guest lecture but just imagine he’d had a rough week or something and that’s why he’s reluctant to go.
༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.6k
༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; i also love opposites attract but im not the best at writing it, so this one is like subtle ig and so reader is more of a flirt than a bombshell. but if you or anyone else has a diff request for bombshell!reader pleasepleaseplease send it in bc I’d love to try again and make her an actual bombshell lolz
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The day was already off to a bad start. You could tell from Spencer’s body language and whole demeanor that he just wasn’t having it.
Today, Spencer is supposed to be giving a guest lecture to Alex Blake’s class. So, here you stand outside the classroom, 10 minutes before he’s supposed to go in and prepare, pulling at his arm uselessly.
He’s planted himself to a bench in the empty hallway, head in his hands, hiding his face from you.
“C’mon, Spence, it’s just 30 minutes, a 1 and done thing.” You squat down in front of him at eye level, though it’s slightly uncomfortable even in your most casual heels. You’re currently trying to convince him that it really isn’t that bad, and that he’ll feel more relaxed once he’s gotten into the flow of things.
“It’s not like you’ve never done this before,” sighing, you give up trying to make him look at you and instead sit down besides him, your hand reaching over to rest on his left shoulder. “Didn’t you do something similar with Rossi a couple years ago? And you’re good friends with Blake, so this should be a piece of cake.”
“You say that, but you’ve never even had to think about doing something like this. It’s nerve wracking.” He mumbles into his hands, shaking his head.
When he finally pulls his head away, he’s pouting, giving you an annoyed stare. He shrugs your hand off him, hunching in on himself.
“Sweetie,” you start, taking a deep breath and choosing your next words, “remember the first time this happened? One second you were all frustrated— I mean like at one point I think you even growled at me— then the next you were fine. What did the trick that time?”
He scoffs at the mention of him growling, but he does stop to think about it. You can see him mentally searching for that last time, replaying the events of that afternoon.
He licks his lips in contemplation, opening his mouth before closing it. Taking another glance in your direction, he gives you a quick once over. “I-.. well, you..? I guess.”
“Well, what did I do, hon?”
“Uhm, I don’t know..” Of course you already know he remembers, there’s very few, if any, things he doesn’t, he’s just having a hard time saying it outright.
“C’mon baby, I know you know.”
Even after multiple months of dating you, he’s still getting used to all the nicknames you call him. You’ve called him things such as ‘baby’, and ‘sugar pie’, more times than you’ve called him by his actual name. He knows this for a fact. He counted.
Biting the inside of his cheek, he glances down with a soft smile on his face. “Stuff like that, like calling me ‘baby’ and whatnot. Flirting with me.”
“Aw, look at you smiling,” you tease, gently prodding his shoulder, “I knew deep down, as much as you try to deny, you actually enjoy my flirtatiousness.”
“Hush,” he rolls his eyes playfully, looking up at the ceiling.
“Well then, ‘baby’, what’s it gonna take this time, hm? Maybe a bit more of my flirtatious charm could ease those nerves.”
You wink at him jokingly, eliciting a chuckle from the man beside you.
After a few seconds, you push him to stand, about ready to shove him towards the door as well. “But in all seriousness, you better get your ass in there or I will tell Blake and all your other colleagues about the growling.”
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mggsv · 7 months
f!reader x Spencer Reid (18+)
summary : You were getting out of jail one way or another, you just needed a coat to ride in. Lucky for you, you fucked the night guard every chance you got.
warnings : manipulation, dom!spence, guard x prisoner, abuse of power, minor spanking, dirty talk, talks of impregnating, squirting
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“Lights out!”
Being in prison was no joke. Doing the same things every single day drove you crazy. Not to mention the literal bullying of some inmates. You had a friend or two, they had your back. You mostly stood up for yourself though. You were quite intimidating once talked to. You stayed to yourself and watched out for yourself. You were sick of it.
And now this week you’re in solitary. “Y/N?” You hear your name being whispered from the other side of the door. A voice you knew all too well. “Pretty Boy.” You smile, “Get me out of here huh?”
“Not tonight.” He quickly shuts you down, but opens the door. Spencer Reid worked the night shift for the prison, being the night guard in your ward. Everyone wanted him- some people tried, many, many failed. But you? Tch. He leans in to kiss you softly on the lips, you moan into the kiss, tasting strawberry on his lips from his lip chap, your favorite. “Double Security tonight.” He murmurs.
His hands are on you in an instant, fumbling to undo the orange jumpsuit you made look so beautiful. You moan softly at Spencer’s lips on your neck, biting as he trailed down to your hardened perky nipples through the white tank top. “Fuck Spence-“ your body’s being pushed up against the wall, kicking out of the shoes and jumpsuit. He takes a moment to admire your frame, standing there in a tank top and underwear. “Well? I don’t have all night.” You breathe. He smiles softly and starts taking off his belt, walking towards you.
“You’re right.” Spencer looks over your body before you’re shoved against the wall. “You know what to do.” He says. Smirking, your body moves to bend over, touching your toes. Spencer moans at the sight of how wet your panties were. The spot only growing larger as he neared, cock hard and waiting….
“Have you heard the rumors going around?” thrust. “Guards are being fired, transferred for having sexual relations with the prisoners.” thrust. “It’s crazy out there- ah fuck..” Spencer’s cock was buried deep into your heat. Your eyes were shut tight, taking the large shaft with pride. You’d get out, you’d.. moaning quietly as he slapped your ass you felt yourself tighten around him. He curses lowly, speeding up. “Oh shit..oh fuck..f-fuck-“ you tremble, cunt squeezing around his thick cock. the grip around your ankles tightened as you held on. You felt dizzy, blood rushing to your head from the position.
“If you weren’t locked in here I wouldn’t have to be so-fuck- careful.” your eyes watered as your legs started to hurt. “How many times have I wanted to fill you up.. ah, how much I wanted to see you full with my cum until your belly’s all swollen.” Another smack to your ass brings you to a quivering halt. your cunt gushes against Spencer’s cock, juices running down your legs while he kept fucking you. “Mgonna cum- I’m gonna cum Spence- I’m..fuck fuck!” You cried out, not caring who heard. Spencer fucks your through your orgasm, his own cum coating your walls shortly afterwards. Slowly, he fucked his cum back into you, pulling out messily while it dripped down your wet cunt with your juices.
“Tsk, tsk.. You weren’t quiet at all angel. Now what if they transfer me hm? How are you gonna get out now?” Spencer daunting voice was loud in your ears, but you couldn’t focus on anything but the sound of your heart beating before your eyes closed.
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swtnrcmnt · 1 year
୨୧ — s.r as a dad; headcanons
spencer reid x fem!reader
- for sure cries when you tell him because it’s literally all he’s ever wanted
- does soooooo much research. he’s literally a baby encyclopedia at this point
- picks out a whole box of books he intends to read to his child once they’re born
- also. he’s a girl dad. i don’t care what anybody says, argue with the wall :)!
- he’s all confident about how he’ll be prepared when you go into labor, but once you do he literally freaks out
- like.. he freezes, and suddenly his iq is 2
- and it’s probably because he’s just now processing that he’s about to be a dad
- and for sure cries the first time he holds her
- for sure takes time off from the bau for a while to be with his daughter and wife
- and possibly resigns to be a full time professor but that depends on whether this is bau!reader, singer!reader, or just regular 9-5 working person
- names her after his mom, penelope or blake in some way, and probably in her middle name
- spends sooo much time with his new baby :’( is always always holding her or watching her
- it’s just so surreal to him
- also never lets you get up if she starts crying during the night, because you spent so many nights awake from her kicking he thinks you deserve some well needed sleep
- and your house is stacked to the ceiling with gifts from the whole team for the baby
- most of them being from penelope
- speaking of who, either her or jj is for sure his child’s godmother (depends on what season this is)
- and there’s no way he would pick anybody but derek to be the godfather ! (i miss them together)
- baby’s first word is probably something like love, because spencer’s always saying it both to her and her mom
- he would raise his children so well, and to be kind to everyone
- showers his babies with so much love since he didn’t get that from his own father growing up
- in conclusion, spencer would be the best daddy :)
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ddejavvu · 5 months
Hi Mei!! ♡ How about Reid dating a sunshine!reader who tells obviously wrong facts when he is in earsight, just to mess with him? Bc I think it would be so funny 😭😭 Anyway, have a nice day, and thank you so much for all your quality content, you're saving lives <333
"Oh my god Emily, you're never gonna believe this," You lean in towards the brunette grinning at you, but your voice stays loud enough for Spencer to hear across the desk, "I just found out that bowling is more dangerous than dinosaurs are."
Her brow dips but her lips quirk up, "Alright, you've hooked me. What's the punchline?"
"No punchline," You shake your head, feeling Reid's curious stare on the back of it, "In 2019 someone died at a bowling alley after slipping on the floor and splitting his head open. But in that same year, there wasn't a single death by dinosaur. Isn't that insane?"
Spencer is already piping up before Emily can properly laugh, but you can still hear her beneath his frantic, "Uh, honey, that's not- that's not exactly right. I mean, dinosaurs would be incredibly dangerous, if any of them were still alive. Which, in 2019- uh, they were not."
"Statistically speaking, Spence," You use his favorite phrase against him, but you're not sure he picks up on the teasing grin set on your face beyond the concern he's stewing in, "You can't argue with the numbers."
"Well- you can't, but in 2019, the number of dinosaurs alive was zero, so that's- that's the only number that really matters, baby, but if you wanted to read more about the risks associated with communal sports venues, I'd be happy to share some articles I've looked into on-"
"Ah, leave it to Reid to turn a sick-ass discussion about dinosaurs about the dangers of fun," Morgan scoffs. He wasn't in on your plan from the beginning, but he's happy to jump on the bandwagon, "Besides, the last Jurassic Park movie was made in 2022, so there were dinosaurs alive, duh."
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mandarinmoons · 2 months
hmmmmm maybe reader being drunk flirty at a bar or something in front of the team and spencer is trying SO hard to save face but its not happening because reader is obsessed with him?
and ofc the team is teasing the hell outta him and will never let it go
ugh sorry that if that sucks
No no that certainly does not suck hehe
Not many knew this, but those who did (also known as Penelope Garcia) knew that you had quite the little crush on your coworker Spencer Reid. During breaks you’d go to Penelope’s cave and half of the time you’d gush about how cute Spencer looked in the outfit he chose for the day or how your hands brushed as you reached for the same mug in the kitchen as you both craved some coffee. In other words, whenever he was around, you were toast.
After finishing an extremely exhausting case the team decided to head out to a bar and you were determined not to hold back with drinks. A few glasses of wine and a round of shots later you felt like you were floating. Spencer kept his eyes on you with great concern and as you wobbled your way to the bar to get another mojito, he was on your tail and wrapped an arm around you to help steady you.
“Easy now,” you leaned to the side and Spencer pulled you close to him, but because of your shaky legs you ended up face planting into his chest.
“Wow,” you giggled and patted Spencer’s chest as you looked up at him. 
Spencer’s cheeks were getting noticeably red and it was visible for the rest or the team back at the booth. You could hear them chuckling and teasing Spencer to “go get ‘em!”.
“Oh hey, how’d these end up here?” you took Spencer’s hands and placed them around your waist, even though you were the one initiating the flirty banter you still felt butterflies swarm your stomach.
“H-Hey, let’s go sit down, okay?” your actions were clearly making the man nervous and it only made you want to tease him more. Sober you might never be able to get the right words out, but drunk you decided to take matters differently.
“Nooo, I wanna be at the bar with you,” pouting your lips and fluttering your lashes made Spencer’s heart skip a beat, how could he say no to you? You couldn’t tell, but he did have a bit of a crush on you as well and seeing you act this way with him did fill him with joy.
“Okay okay, only for a little yeah?”
You nodded and Spencer helped you sit down at a stool and kept his arm around you so you wouldn’t fall face first onto the floor. You got the drink you wanted and Spencer made sure you took small sips so you wouldn’t rush to get another one. As much as he had a hard time saying no to you he didn’t want to end up taking care of a hung over you in the morning, not that he didn’t want to, but because of his fear of germs he knew he wouldn’t be able to clean up your puke.
Slowly you rested your head on the counter and Spencer reached over and brushed the hair from your face. You stirred a bit and leaned into Spencer’s hand as his fingers rested on your cheek. 
Spencer loved the affection you’d shown him tonight and he wished that it would’ve happened during different circumstances. He knew that alcohol made people act irrationally and the chances of you being so loving could be added up to that, however, alcohol also showed people’s true feelings and the chances of you liking back were the same and that’s all he needed to know.
Taglist: @radioactiveinvisible @whoisspence @sreidisms @lanascinnamongirls @luvkatryna @sp3ncelle @iluvreid @khxna @keiva1000 @reidstheyfriend @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @cynbx @kimm4710 @niktwazny303 @reidsdaisies @mindfullycriminal
If you want to be a part of my taglist go here!
You can find my masterlist here!
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can i pretty please get a rum for cowboy!spencer reid. IM IN LOVE WITH YOU😻😻
Cowboy!Spencer Reid Headcanons.
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warnings - sexual content.
my darling, I am in love with you, because this request made me feral. you're a person after my own heart. I can't be tamed. this has opened a door that cannot be locked. something about cowboys makes me want to claw at the walls
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
Cowboy!Spencer Masterlist.
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- Thinks you're the biggest gift he's ever been given. Worships the ground you walk on. Tells you he loves you a hundred times a day. Brags about you to anyone that will listen.
- Decks you out in all the gear. Buys you your own hat, your own boots, thinks you're the cutest thing he's ever seen when you wear them.
- Goes a little feral when you wear his clothes. You steal his flannels, because they're soft and worn, and he loves it. Damn near falls off his horse when he sees you.
- Takes you for rides, especially at sunrise and sunset. Loves to feel your arms wrapped around him, safe and secure from behind. He's never felt peace like riding down to the river with you holding onto him.
- Teaches you how to treat and ride a horse. He's patient, gentle, so knowledgeable. Loves watching you get the hang of it.
- Huge on physical touch. Always has a hand in your back pocket, hand kneading the back of your neck, hand stroking the exposed skin between your shirt and your shorts. He's touching you 24/7.
and now onto the sexy stuff...
- Loves watching you ride him. His cock, his thigh, his boot, his belt buckle... if you're on top of him, he's happy.
- Can't handle the sight of you wearing his hat. They say you wear the hat, you ride the cowboy... which is exactly why you regularly steal it and place it on your head. You, fully naked except his hat... Spencer needs to hold onto the dresser for a minute, because he's about to pass out.
- Gets off on marking you up. You're gorgeous, and he's not oblivious to the fact you turn heads wherever you go. But he gets to revel in the knowledge that you have a bite mark on your inner thigh, a bruise sucked into your breast, and his fingerprints on your hips.
- Loves the risk. Will take you wherever he can, whenever he can. Likes to snake a hand just under your waistband when you're out dancing, stroking your skin gently. Likes to settle a hand on your ass when you're waiting at the bar. Who cares if everyone sees you leading him out by his belt buckle? Not the two of you, that's for sure.
- Will get up ridiculously early to go and tend to the horses just so he can come back to bed and fuck you awake. You're warm and sleepy and compliant and you have that dreamy look in your eyes when he slips back under the sheets, smelling like the outdoors. You plaster yourself to him and let him do what he pleases, molding and moving you exactly where he wants.
I could literally talk about this all day you guys I can't
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as always, feel free to agree/disagree/expand on these!! send me your thoughts, lovers <3
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foxy-eva · 6 months
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Missing Spencer Reid while he's working on a case
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I feel like so many people have a different interpretation of how Spencer Reid would handle sex. There’s the classic nerdy spencer who keeps stuttering and doesn’t know how to do *it* but knows everything technical, and there’s the mega dom spencer who knows exactly what he’s doing, and everything in between. I’m curious to know what you think is most accurate to how he would be? This can also change from first season to last, etc. I’m just curious what u think!
S.R. Sexual Headcanons (NSFW, 18+)
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Early Seasons
Shy and slightly insecure, but eager to please
Would spend a lot of time on foreplay because it is the best way to ensure his partner’s pleasure (and it’s a fun kind of science)
Prefers an emotionally attached partner since sex requires vulnerability he is loath to give
Has a lot of things he wants to try, but he is too embarrassed to bring them up, so he’ll wait for his partner to suggest it (very nonjudgmental)
As he gets older, he becomes more confident and lighthearted in bed
Understands the importance of aftercare and insists it’s his responsibility to hold you (he is actually just a cuddlebug with a really good excuse)
Interested in the power dynamics of kink culture but averse to it because he lacks the self-confidence
Preferences/Priorities: Perfecting oral sex techniques, kissing erogenous zones, sensory seeking activities (experimenting with light/hard touches, but not pain).
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Middle Seasons
Brat and Switch Era
More willing to have fleeting sexual relationships
Beginning to feel confident in his sexual identity, more willing to ask for what he wants
Enjoys roleplay, more intense power dynamics, and sensory-heavy foreplay (although still loath to grant true vulnerability)
Confident in his ability to please his partner
Seeks out relationships where he can feel challenged in some way (intellectually, physically, emotionally)
Views sex as one of many ways to establish and express intimacy, would easily forego sex for an intellectually stimulating activity (and loves them as foreplay)
Preferences/Priorities: Ensuring his partner is open/comfortable, advocating for his own pleasure, having fun while having sex, exploring deeper rooted sexual proclivities
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Late Seasons
Just wants to feel desired for who he is (he is so tired)
Seeking companionship but unwilling to have long term sexual relationships without emotional vulnerability on part of all parties
Struggles with the darker parts of himself and requires reassurance from his partner (both that he is gentle and strong/“a good man”)
Less likely to engage in heavy roleplay, established “scenes” are rare
A more intuitive lover that adapts to emotional and physical shifts, but very cautious to escalate
Craves physical and emotional intimacy before and after sex (he requires aftercare and is so, so touchstarved)
Occasionally uses sex as an outlet for his frustrations, but usually would prefer to ground himself through sentimentality
Preferences/Priorities: Feeling close to his partner, maintaining boundaries, ensuring the overall experience is enjoyable and everyone involved feels safe
What do you think? Sound off in the comments/reblogs and let me know!
*These lists are just for fun and based purely on my perception of his character. Outside of the variety of my fanfiction portrayals, this is what I consider my “truest” perception of his character. No one characterization is “correct” because there is no knowledge of his sexual personality in canon. Heavy submissive/dominant portrayals are, in my view, valid and arguable for any stage of his character. Do not read anything I’ve said as a condemnation of another headcanon. This is all in good fun!
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sundrop-writes · 4 months
Hi! I hope this is okay to send because I’ve sent this type of request to others (and I know that’s normally bad) BUT it’s because I enjoy the different opinions of all the amazing writers!!! It’s not a fic request but just a request for your top headcanons for Spencer Reid.
The things that you’re like “this is canon and I’ll fight you over it” - smut, nsfw, tame, domestic, anything - just your opinions/rants!
(If it’s not okay to ask though please accept my apology!!! I’m still learning the social etiquette of tumblr requests! ) - 🌑
I definitely think this is okay to send to different writers, because you will usually get very different results - usually writers don't like it when you send a request that can only get similar results (asking for a narrative fic with a detailed, similar plot). But I love giving my random headcanons about characters.
Random Spencer Reid Headcanons
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And okay, the first one I have in mind for Spencer is so weird.
One of the headliners that I always have in mind for Spencer - he wears tighty whities.
Like - the only kind of underwear that he wears are the classic hanes briefs (usually white, maybe heather grey, never black or any other 'fun' colour) - he doesn't wear boxer briefs, he doesn't wear boxers. Whenever I see a fic saying 'and then Spencer took off his boxer briefs', I'm like: "no, you don't know him like I do".
Spencer is a fucking nerd. Spencer is the type of fucking nerd who would insist on wearing the nerdiest underwear - tighty whities. And people probably write about him wearing boxer briefs because those are the sexy men's underwear and briefs are not like 'hot' to picture men in - but that is exactly why I HC him as wearing them and exactly why I mention that he wears them in every single one of my fics.
Spencer would wear the dorkiest underwear in expectation that he's not going into a sexual situation. He wears his underwear thinking that he's not going to fuck - he's not going to have to 'impress' anyone. Also, over time, of writing several fics about him and thinking about Spencer for 100s of hours a week - I have come to develop this kind of kink for picturing his giant nine inch cock trapped inside the crotch of a pair of briefs, hard and struggling to fit in there. It would be hot in its own way. (Which, Spencer always is.)
Speaking of his cock - you may notice that with a lot of my fics, I take the time to describe in depth what a male character's dick looks like. This is because I take the time to picture and think about what a characters dick looks like and how it is different from other characters (because no, not every characters dick is nine inches, thick and veiny. no) - I call it the Dickscription. And I think it's a very important part of characterization.
Spencer is eight to nine inches (when fully hard) - but he is skinny. His cock is a bean pole, just like he is. You would look at his dick and call it a snake. His cock is very smooth - the skin on it is baby soft and smooth, rather than veiny, and Spencer does not shave his pubes. Spencer is a full bush kind of guy - because he is terrified of putting a razor anywhere near his dick. He would only shave if you helped him and if he trusted you a lot. And he had a very thick, dark bush of hair near the top, around the base of his cock, but it gets more sparse around his balls, which even get soft and fuzzy in some places. (I have thought about this way. too. much.)
He is uncut, and when he gets really needy and teased or if you don't let him cum, then his cock turns a really bright shade of pink or even red, and the colour goes across his whole cock so his cock becomes like this beautiful bright pink rocket - and he leaks. Spencer is a very leaky guy, to the point where he gets everything so wet before he can even cum.
(These headcanons are getting out of control, lets get back to something more wholesome, shall we?)
Spencer is the kind of person to take himself on dates. On the rare occasion that he gets a day off, Spencer indulges in going out alone. It's not necessarily that he likes the solitude, but he's used to it because he spent his entire childhood pretty much alone, and there are a lot of activities that he likes that he thinks no one else he knows will enjoy. So he tries to enjoy treating himself to a day out alone.
He will bring a few good books to a cafe and drink a few expensive lattes (and probably eat a few pastries) and simply enjoy the peace and quiet of reading by himself for a while. He'll go to a book store and browse for hours before finally picking something. He'll go to a naturally history museum and walk around by himself, not tied to the whims of what someone else wants to see.
Maybe some relationship headcanons?
(Because we all love Spencer, lets face it.)
This is something I bring up in Careful (as you guys will see) - but I genuinely believe that Spencer Reid would treat his partner like royalty. He is someone who has spent years reading about romance - especially with his mother reading him so much classic literature, he regards the classics as the bar for romance (and he just hopes that his life doesn't become one of the tragedies where one or both partners die in the end). So he's not the 'Netflix and Chill' type - and he definitely doesn't bring you to the movies to sit in silence on a date.
He is the type of person to hire a violinist to play your favourite song by the table on a date, he will open doors for you, help you with your coat, pull out chairs for you, recite poetry to you (probably in other languages just because it sounds beautiful).
He will always think of the most unique dates to take you on. He'll take you to museums, to an observatory, to the orchestra - he'll take you to a large, elegant library that has rare books and recite lines from those classic books to you while you're there. He would take you to plays or a midnight picnic by a lake. Dates with him would never be boring or typical - it would be like living in a romantic movie.
A lot of people HC that Spencer would not be into PDA because he's too shy, but I don't think that's the case. Early seasons Spencer maybe, but I think that even he would get to a point where he's just so enamoured with you that he needs to touch you in public. But his PDA wouldn't be steamy or smutty, it would be romantic and soft and passionate.
He would keep a hand on your lower back while walking around, a sign that he's right there with you, a gentle signal to anyone around that you're with him. He would lean in close to speak right in your ear - showing that his words are only for you, that nobody else in the vicinity deserves to hear what he has to say, only you do.
He would graze his fingertips right across your arm, causing goosebumps on your skin. He would stare into your eyes with such intense, burning passion. And he would kiss you in public - lingering only long enough to leave you wanting more. And on occasion, he would lean in to kiss your neck or bring your hand up to kiss the back of it - gentle things to show his appreciation of you without giving away too much for prying eyes to see.
Dating Spencer would be like dating a prince from a hallmark movie, I swear to god.
(That's all I have for now, because if I keep thinking about this too much, I may explode because Spencer is not real and I can't actually date him.)
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sreidisms · 4 months
Hiya! What do you think spending a day at home w Spencer would be like? Xx
Thank you for the request! And such a cute one at that <3
Spending a Day at Home with Spencer (HCs)
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Spencer Reid x GN!Reader
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Spencer would be DYING to have a day off from work, just to relax
More often than not, he'd lay in bed with you till late because he rarely gets the time to do that
You'd wake him up with butterfly kisses across his face (mgg reference 😙), or he'd wake you up that way
He'd snuggle up to you closer than he already he is - because let's be real, he probably clung to the side of your body the entire night - and bury his face in your neck
"You're so warm"
You'd stay like that, just absorbing each other's presence, until one of you gets hungry - time for breakfast!
Breakfast always leads to an argument over who should cook and who should stay in bed, but unless Spence is still exhausted from the previous case, you compromise by making your food together
Spencer MUST be on coffee duty because he's a snob about it and can't cook to save his life either way
While he makes his coffee and your tea/coffee, you're on cooking duty
Now due to Spencer's sensory issues, you'd have to learn to avoid certain foods, mainly eggs, avocados, and porridge (RIP I adore those foods)
Toast with some jam or chocolate spread is his go to, but sometimes you'll make pancakes or waffles to spice it up
After sharing a lovely breakfast, a day at home is going to be lazy if Spencer's around because poor boy is exhausted from work
Depending on his mood and how tired he is, the activities vary
If he's feeling energetic and happy, you'll have movie marathons where he explains the entire cinematographic history of each one - he'd definitely be into German expressionism and French new wave (existential bastard)
If the previous case has worn him out, you'll read near each other or even read to him if he's in need of extra comfort
Other possible activities would be baking, doing chores together, and letting him teach you chess
For lunch and dinner, you'd probably just order take out because cooking just "takes too much effort" according to him
You'd definitely share a nice bath together to wind down, because it's also a wonderful way to spend time together and take care of each other simultaneously
Spencer would most definitely dose off mid-bath
After drying off and changing, you'd either chat over dinner or some more tea/coffee because your boyfriend is a chatter; OR you'd sit on the couch and do your own thing, parallel play kinda
Spencer reading a book or solving a crossword puzzle, and you on your phone or listening to music
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I HOPE THIS LIVED UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS, I tend to go into a lot of detail 😭 a flaw of mine
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