foggynelsonsblog · 3 years
First Dates
Ralvez one shot <3
Luke was nervous, despite both of them acknowledging their feelings for one another, and agreeing to be boyfriends, he was still practically shaking. He knew Spencer would never change his mind and suddenly reject him of course, he was a kind caring man. He only feared messing things up, he cared for Spencer so much that any thought of making him upset or uncomfortable just broke Luke. With a soft sigh he pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and lightly knocked on the door of the formerly mentioned man.
Spencer had been nervous as well, yes Luke had seen him stim many times in the office or on a case, but he didn’t have to mask as much as he did now when at work, he was afraid that Luke would see more of his traits and become annoyed, especially since they were going to an aquarium, one of Spencer’s favorite places. He knew he would want to rant and ramble about everything they saw, but especially the otters. He was pulled out of his thoughts by a light knocking, swiftly he pulled his sweater over himself, grabbed his wallet and answered the door. “H-Hello Luke.” Spencer smiled softly and stepped outside his apartment, closing the door behind him.
“Hey Genio!” Luke smiled and watched for any sort of discomfort before wrapping an arm around his middle and walking him to the car. “I’m really excited for our date, I don’t know much about sea life but I’m sure you’ll have all the facts for me.” He hummed but then quickly added “I meant that genuinely, I wasn’t teasing.” He kissed his hand as he helped him into the car then walked around to his side and got in, he knew Spencer hated driving, so he didn’t mind coming to get him.
“I am sorry, I know that meeting at our destination would’ve saved you gas but I appreciate you coming to get me.” Spencer paused then continued. “I am quite excited as well, I will be more than happy to teach you about the aquatic life, however I am most excited for the new otter exhibit, did you know they just put it in?” Spencer grabbed a stim toy that was sitting in one of the cup holders and began to mess with it, humming softly to himself. Luke just beamed a that, incredibly happy that Spencer felt comfortable enough to use the toys he bought him, and truthfully, he had chose the location based on the new exhibit. He wanted the odds of Spencer having a great time to be in his favor. Besides, he knew the younger wasn’t keen on loud places like restaurants. “Did you?” The repeated words brought Luke back into reality. “Hm? Oh- no genio I just didn’t wanna put you in a loud place- not that you couldn’t handle that- I just wanted to make sure you were as comfortable as-“ Luke was cut off by a small giggle that made his heart soar. “Luke, its alright. I do not take offense to anything you said. I appreciate the gesture.” Spencer looked up at him, gaze gentle and loving.
From there on the pair sat in a comfortable, happy silence until they arrived at the aquarium. Luke got out first, making sure to be there when Spencer went to open his door, instead opening it for him and offering a hand to help him out. The genius took it gratefully and stuffed the stim toy into his pocket. As they walked in Luke saw Spencer flap his hands, and suddenly he got worried, he knew it meant one of two things. Either the younger was excited, or he was feeling nervous. Spencer’s body language didn’t appear to be either, however he seemed relaxed so Luke assumed it was just excitement. When they walked in Spencer looked around excitedly, seeing the large whale replica that greeted them as they entered the building. “Luke- this is a very anatomically correct replica! Isn’t it amazing?” He turned back to his boyfriend who gave a swift nod, wrapping an arm around him. “I wouldn’t know if it wasn’t to be honest, but I trust your judgment Genio.” Luke smiled softly and followed him wherever he wanted to go.
When they got to the otters, the brand new exhibit also being the last Luke immediately noticed a change in Spencer’s body language. He was suppressing something. “Bello? What’s wrong? Is it not all you hoped it would be?” He asked worriedly, had he let Spencer down? “What? Oh. No its not that Luke.” Spencer shook his head. “Its just-..” he flapped his hands once more, this time more rapidly and Luke made a mental note that faster meant he was anxious. “Its..I’ve already talked so much I don’t want to get into a long winded rant about otters, they’re my favorite animals and I don’t want to bore you. I-“ Luke was the one to cut him off this time. “Spencer. Hey, Spencer look at me, I adore hearing you talk! You hold so much information in that beautiful brain of yours. Please tell me all about otters, we can stay for as long as you want.”
It was now Spencer’s turn to beam at Luke, he nodded and turned back to the exhibit, walking up to the glass as he watched the otters swim and play. “Well Otters hold hands so they don’t drift apart, they also have little pockets in their arm pits for their favorite shells! They use rocks to break open their food and they have one million hairs per square inch! We only have about one hundred thousand hairs on our entire head! Can you believe that?” Spencer turned back to him and blushed when he saw how Luke was smiling at him. “That’s amazing genio, please don’t stop talking.” The pair ended up staying at that exhibit for two hours, then Luke dragged Spencer into the gift shop, insisting he must buy something otter related for his boyfriend. One thing turned to another and Luke ended up leaving with one of every otter thing he could find for his boyfriend, with a very embarrassed but happy Spencer trailing close behind.
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foggynelsonsblog · 3 years
Ralvez one shot, tw ptss mention, fireworks, fourth of july, anxiety (ps i dont have ptss so im sorry if I’m not good at writing this part of Luke)
This time of year was always hard for Luke, ever since he left the rangers fireworks would always make him anxious, he hated how loud they were, and to make matters worse Roxy was just as scared of them, she would always hide under the bed.
Luke looked over at the clock on the counter. 8:00 the fireworks would be starting soon. With a sigh he sat down on the couch Roxy whined and sat between his legs, her head on his knee. “I know girl, its okay.” Luke thought over the people he could call, reminding himself that he had the bau team now, he wasn’t alone. He remembered that the girls were all going out to drink, Rossi was going to be with his family and Matt would be doing the same. That left..Spencer. Spencer was probably doing something interesting or already out, but after thinking about it more he realized the fireworks probably bothered him just as much..should he call the younger? No, if the fireworks did bother Spencer as well the genius probably had a plan to deal with them, he didn’t want to interrupt that. When the first loud firework went off Roxy went running, skidding into the bedroom and hiding under the bed. Luke sighed and soon followed he grabbed some headphones and laid down on his bed, but they weren’t the noise canceling ones like he had gotten for Spencer a few weeks ago. As they got louder Luke began to sweat, his heart beat faster in his chest and he felt sick. An hour passed and his condition only got worse, it was way darker now so the fireworks lit up the sky even better, loud music blasted from neighboring buildings, he was about to head to the bathroom to try and calm himself with a warm bath when he heard a rather rapid knocking at the door.
Spencer had been struggling himself, usually he would’ve gone to Morgan’s and they would’ve watched a movie, but he had a family now, and while he did get an invitation to the party, he knew he couldn’t go, it would only stress him out more. He also knew the girls were going out for the night so he couldn’t bother them, Even though Hotch wasn’t still in witsec, he deserved time with Jack. Matt and Rossi were with their families, the only person he was unsure of was Luke. Luke had always been kind to him, protecting him against unwanted glances when people would try and stare at him while he stimmed, Garcia was convinced Luke had a crush on him but Spencer wasn’t so sure. Though, he did seem to give a lot of unprompted gifts, not that he was complaining, they all helped a lot. His favorite was a weighted blanket, that he admittedly hasn’t washed since he got it..since it still smelled like Luke from the time they shared it on the jet. It was 10 pm now and the fireworks weren’t coming to an end anytime soon, he had tried to cure his anxiety by hiding himself under the weight blanket but it only made him all hot and sweaty. After a long moment of contemplation he decided to give Luke a visit. ((Of course taking a shower first.)) Once he was all clean and dressed he packed up his headphones, a few stim toys, a book or two and of course his weighted blanket. If Luke wasn’t home he could drive out somewhere far away and not have to worry about the noises. But, to Spencer’s surprise the door opened, and Luke looked just about as disheveled as Spencer had before he took a shower, they both stared at each other with a silent understanding. “I-I um, I was thinking of driving out to the country side..you wanna come?” Spencer asked hesitantly.
When Luke saw who was at his door he breathed a sigh of relief and opened it, immediately understanding what the younger was going through. Though before he could say anything Spencer offered him an idea, they both desperately needed. “Yeah- yeah definitely just let me get Roxy.” Luke gave a stiff nod. It took a bit of convincing with a treat but Luke got Roxy to come out, he wrapped his arms around her and carried her down to his car, since it was more fit for a dog. Spencer got into the passenger’s seat and looked over at Luke, he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words, so after a little bit of thinking he laid his head in Lukes lap, hoping the weight would calm him. Luke was a bit surprised by the gesture, but it warmed his heart nonetheless, he always wanted an excuse to play with Spencer’s hair and now he had one. God, Spencer’s hair was even softer than Luke thought possible, it greatly calmed him as they drove, enough though his free hand was gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white.
It took them about forty five minutes to reach a nice quiet open field, neither of them had spoken throughout the drive, instead focusing on their own anxieties and trying not to freak out on the other. When Luke parked Spencer sat up and reached into his bag. Luke watched him curiously then understood when Spencer pulled out a blanket and some stim toys. “Do you want to sit ontop of the car?” Spencer asked and Luke nodded with a smile, the two got out and with a little boost from Luke Spencer got up and spread the blanket out. “Do..you want to talk about it?” Spencer asked hesitantly though he figured it was from the rangers, so he wasn’t surprised when Luke shook his head, however what did surprise him was how Luke pulled him closer, wrapping his strong protective arms around Spencer’s frame. “Is this okay?” Luke asked in that quiet husky voice that made Spencer want to squirm. “Y-Yeah!��� His voice cracked. Of course it did. However Luke didn’t comment on it, he didn’t even tease him, that made Spencer feel considerably safer. “Did you know about 1.5 billion is spent on fireworks each year?” Spencer looked up at Luke who was staring at the empty sky, obviously happy to get away from them. “That’s interesting Genio.” Luke looked down at him and their eyes met. Spencer suddenly felt very unsure of himself, but he wanted to test the waters. “Do you know how many germs are passed with handshakes? Its actually safer to ki-“ Luke stopped him, getting incredibly close to his face. “Let’s test that out then Genio,” he leaned in and connected their lips, smiling when he felt Spencer melt in his touch. Now, they both had a new fourth of July tradition.
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foggynelsonsblog · 3 years
Spencer was used to hustling, wether that be pick pocketing wealthy tourists or winning at basically every poker game he played as a kid, he was good at it. His mom needed the extra cash and he was more than willing to provide, besides he needed to eat too.
Of course now as a esteemed fbi agent he no longer pickpocketed strangers, though on occasion he would steal Morgan, Hotch’s or even Rossi’s wallet just to mess with them, he never took anything.
However this didn’t mean he was against winning bets and scoring some extra money for himself. With Morgan no longer around he couldn’t hustle him, and so he had to adapt. That would be easy enough.
“Fifty bucks says I can get Alvez to go out with me.” Reid placed the money on the table and looked at the room filled with everyone but the formerly mentioned man.
“Oh you’re so on. I can’t wait to see the look on that stupid newbie’s face when you ask him out.” Garcia matched his amount, also placing it on the table. Spencer wasn’t sure why Penelope had it out for him, but he did find it amusing.
With little convincing needed, the rest of the team placed their bets, all were in favor of the odds being against Spencer. That hurt a little bit but he understood, Luke was another alpha male who showed absolutely zero signs of liking men, however Spencer knew something the rest of them didn’t. They were already together, they had been for some time.
Now, was this cheating? Spencer didn’t think so, he would still be getting Luke to go out with him, he was just giving himself better odds. The plan was that during their lunch break Spencer would ask the new agent out on a date. It couldn’t not go in his favor could it? Luke said he was ready to tell the team whenever Spencer was, so he saw nothing wrong with asking him out infront of everyone, plus it would earn them some cash for date night.
Come lunch break Luke was in the break room, coincidentally heating up some leftovers from a date with Reid. He gave an odd look when the whole team shuffled into the break room, Spencer at the front of the small pack. “Uh..hey guys.” Luke stiffened up a bit, not sure if he was about to be the victim of some newbie hazing, not that he cared; he got it almost every day from Garcia. There was a share of mumbled words between the group before Prentiss pushed Spencer forward and towards Luke, who became even more confused when Spencer winked at him. What was he planning?
Spencer walked up to Luke, doing his best to look flirtatious but that just confused Luke more because Spencer never acted like this. “Luke, would you like to go out with me? On a date.” Spencer smirked at him, again winking at his boyfriend, grateful the team couldn’t see.
Luke stood there for a minute confused, what was Spencer trying to tell him? He never acted like this..was this his way of telling the team? He took a few more seconds to consider each possibility before nodding. “Sure yeah. Love to.” He watched as Spencer turned back to smirk at the team who all groaned and pulled out their wallets, each handing him a fifty. Oh. Luke thought. Thats right, his little genius grew up in Las Vegas. He was a hustler.
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foggynelsonsblog · 3 years
Ralvez one shot
“Did you know homosexuality is quite natural in the animal kingdom?” Reid looked down at Luke, who was filling out a case report.
“What?” Luke asked, setting his pen down to look up at Spencer, who was sitting on his desk.
Spencer only frowned, ‘what’ was not the reaction he had been hoping for, did this information upset Luke? Or..maybe he just hadn’t heard him. Spencer must’ve made a physical reaction because Luke quickly corrected himself
“Sorry genio, I didn’t catch that, what did you say?” He smiled up at the younger making Spencer blush and look away
“Um, I said homosexuality is natural in the animal kingdom, common even. Especially in penguins and otters.” Spencer looked back at him expectantly but Luke just looked confused
“I’m sorry genio I don’t follow, why are you telling me this? Not that I have a problem with it..I love talking to you, it just seems a bit unprompted..?” He asked hesitantly
Spencer sighed and continued “A lot of homophobic people try to say that other men- who um, who like men are disgusting because its not natural but thats not true, its natural.” Reid took a breath and continued “th-they um, they call us freaks..but it’s not true, I’m not a freak it’s natural.” Suddenly Luke understood what Spencer was getting at
“Oh genio, I know its not, I don’t have a problem with it..thank you for trusting me with with this information..I-“ Spencer cut him off before he could finish “Penny says- she says I should tell you how I feel because how bad can it be? I-I know she’s right the worst thing you can do is say no but-“ Luke noticed how Spencer began rocking uncomfortably back and fourth, and so he reached into his desk and pulled out a stim toy, handing it to Spencer and then smiling when he saw it helped him calm down. Luke could assume what he was getting at, and he wasn’t mad or upset. Infact he was happy, he had been crushing on the genius for a while, he just hoped Spencer felt safe enough to ask him. “Luke, um..can- we go on a date? Romantically I mean.” Reid avoided eye contact, fingers fidgeting with the toy Luke had handed him.
“Of course genio,” Luke smiled and gently turned his face back to look at Luke’s “How could I pass up the opportunity to go on a date with someone like you?” He asked then chuckled when he saw how red Spencer’s face got. However what was said next made his heart sink. “Please don’t make fun of me...I can’t tell if you are genuine about going out with me.” Spencer moved out of Luke’s touch, almost angry.
“Oh- oh no Spencer I wasn’t joking, I’m sorry genio, I just think its cute how red your face gets when I complement you.” He hummed and offered his hand out for Spencer to take, but didn’t force him, he wanted the younger to be able to choose if he wanted touch. Spencer took his hand with a sheepish smile, “o-oh okay..um, thats good..” he nodded and scooted closer to him, fingers now busying themselves with playing with Luke’s hand. “Spencer, can I kiss you?” Luke asked with a soft smile and to his surprise Spencer nodded. He gently cupped his cheek and leaned in, kissing his lips tenderly, though it was only for a few seconds because he didn’t want the others to walk in and see. “Spencer?” Luke asked as they parted “Yeah?” He smiled softly “While your attraction may be normal, and completely valid. You aren’t and thats a great thing Spencer. You’re a genius, you have an amazing memory and you’re so kind despite what you’ve been through, I don’t know anyone else like you and I hope I don’t. You’re one of a kind, and I love it.”
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foggynelsonsblog · 3 years
The set-up
Ralvez one shot (get used to these) tw for a small bit of angst but it all turns out ok!
“Emily come on! They’re obviously pinning for each other! They’re so in love!” Penelope pouted as she followed her into Emily’s office. “Garcia, just because they’re probably both into men doesn’t mean they like each other-“ she was quickly cut off by Garcia. “Emily Prentiss! Have you not seen the subtle touches they give each other? How Luke always has stim toys for him, noise canceling headphones? Special blue light glasses so he doesn’t get a headache looking at screens? That boy is in love!” She crossed her arms and looked up at her girlfriend.
Emily sighed, “I mean..Spencer is the most relaxed around him...he does always sit next to him when we go out as a team- or on the jet..” the more she thought about it, the more it made sense that they both had a crush on each other. “Ah...alright. Fine, we can set them up on a date, but if they aren’t interested in each other I’m blaming you.”
The only problem was, Spencer and Luke were already dating, they had been for a while, infact Luke had moved into Spencer’s apartment not too long ago. “Hey bello” Luke purred into Spencer’s ear as he came up behind the taller man, wrapping his arms around the slim waist. “You making us coffee?” Luke’s voice was rough and gravely from just having woken up. “You know if you keep talking to me in that voice I’m going to want to get back in bed with you.” Spencer laughed then quickly continued before Luke could make a suggestive comment. “-Which, is something we cannot do, because we have a job. A very important one mind you.” He turned around in Luke’s hold and kissed his forehead, handing him his cup of coffee before finally breaking free of his touch.
“I don’t know genio, we both have plenty of sick days,” he winked, then smiled when he saw Spencer blush. “I know, I know. No need to lecture me, it was just a joke.” Luke held his hands up in submission with a playful smirk before he finished up his coffee and followed Spencer to the bedroom so they both could get dressed.
“So, how we feelin’ today? Is it a sweater vest kinda day? Cardigan? Sweater?” Luke placed a supportive hand on Spencer’s now bare back. He always tried his hardest to be supportive of Spencer’s autism, and did whatever he could to make him feel comfortable, safe and loved. Unlike the other members of the team he didn’t think ignoring it was the best policy, although he loved them all, it did appall him just a bit, at how Spencer had no resources to help him before Luke joined and took that task on. He was pulled back into the present when he heard a timid voice. “..can- can I wear something of yours today? Don’t feel like wearing my own clothes..it doesn’t feel right.” Reid’s hands were gripping the top of the drawer so hard his knuckles were white. “Hey, hey bello,” Luke began to rub his back “of course thats okay, you know I always keep a sweater of mine clean for you. I’ll grab it, but first.” He gently took Spencer’s hands off the drawer and placed a stim toy inside his palms, relaxing when it seemed to calm Spencer down. He left him for a brief moment to grab the previously mentioned sweater and gave it to him, smiling as he put it on.
When they got to the bureau, Prentiss and Garcia were watching them like hawks, and Spencer just shot Luke a confused look before sitting down at his desk, quickly busying himself with case reports and other such things. “So how are we gonna do this? Fake love note from Luke to Spencer?” Garcia grinned up at Prentiss who just shook her head “Spencer is like, the king of dictations, he’d know immediately the letter is a fake. We should just set them up on a blind date, and if they don’t agree to that then...we need to leave them alone. Messing with their love life, especially Spencer’s is already a dangerous idea” Emily sighed but Garcia agreed, they would give up if the two didn’t agree to the date. Garcia would handle Luke, while Prentiss handled Reid.
Garcia went first, cornering Luke in the breakroom. “Hey newbie. Look I got a really cute, kinda nerdy but in the hot way friend who would love to go out with you, but its a blind date so I can’t show you his picture.” She grinned up at him, then looked confused as Luke’s face was one of worry and shock “Garcia this- this isn’t funny..how did you know Spencer and I were dating? We weren’t gonna tell anyone until he felt ready- he wouldn’t have told you he was so anxious about people finding out- did you spy on us or something?” Luke got defensive, almost snappy but he wasn’t angry, he was just worried about Spencer. “What? Oh god no- Luke I wouldn’t do that- I didn’t know- me and Prentiss just assumed you liked each other and wanted to give you the p-“ she cut herself off “oh! That doesn’t matter right now I can explain latter but Emily was going to talk to Spencer and-“ Luke was already out the door, trying to stop that conversation from happening. Spencer didn’t need to know that two of his closest friends had found out about his sexuality and relationship. However, he was too late. Because on Emily’s end she had called him up to her office when Garcia had Luke.
“Why- why are you asking if I want to go out with a guy? A guy who - who you just basically described to be Alvez.” Spencer took a deep breath, trying to ground himself but that wasn’t working, he didn’t want to be out, he wasn’t ready yet. Even if his whole team supported him which he was sure they would he wasn’t ready, that part of his life was private and safe from scrutiny, safe from teasing, safe from his team members knowing who and how he loved, it was so personal and important to him, he had just come to terms with being gay a few years back and he certainly wasn’t ready to come out to the whole team..but it seems like that choice was made for him. “Spencer- are you okay?” Emily asked, extremely concerned for her friend, but Spencer didn’t hear her, he was lost in his own world, his brain giving him the worst outcomes imaginable, and suddenly it happened. The lights were too bright, they made a buzzing noise that was like nails on a chalk board and he was now hyper aware of it. His stomach felt..wrong, his clothes itched and seemingly tightened against him like they might choke him, everything felt wrong, suddenly the lights turned off, he caught a glimpse of Luke looking pissed as all get out as he rushed Emily out of the office, guiding Spencer down to the floor so he could comfortably rock back and forth on his heels to the balls of his feet. “Spencer, bello, it’s alright..they didn’t know, they just assumed we had feelings for each other it’s okay, they’re not gonna tell anyone.” Luke held his hand out, and Spencer gratefully took it, counting his knuckles repeatedly as he began to hum, trying to calm himself. It took Spencer counting to 65 before he could stop humming and calm himself enough to speak. “I want to go home please..I need to just lay down I..I can’t.” Luke nodded to his words and helped him up, walking with him out of the office and to Luke’s car. They both stayed home for the rest of the day.
After a long talk with Emily and Garcia that night, Spencer had fully calmed his nerves, he still wasn’t happy that his two closest friends had found out this way, but he wasn’t scared or angry anymore. Infact he was quite happy, because now he could finally talk about Luke on girls night. ((yes Spencer goes out on girls night and no jj isn’t there i will fight people on this headcanon.))
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foggynelsonsblog · 3 years
hi! you said you wanted ralvez prompts, what about luke being overprotective and being like a mother hen almost when spencer gets sick?? like just all worried about him and spencer just being like "luke it was just a cough" lol
Fever Dream
Ralvez one shot
Hope this meets your expectations :)! Thank you for the prompt!
“Luke, 100.4 is not a fever! It only counts as a fever if it’s higher than that- and don’t bring up my cough! I’m fine!” He frowned as Luke used a forceful hand to keep him laying down on the bed, however he was careful not to be too harsh and hurt Spencer. “Luke Alvez I am not against breaking up with you if you don’t let me get out of this bed I am not-“ Spencer broke out into a coughing fit, unable to finish his of course teasing sentence, he would never actually break up with Luke over this.
“Querido, I’m not having this attitude today, you are burning up and you couldn’t even finish threatening me because you started coughing.” He leaned down and kissed his forehead, “you’re going to stay in bed and let me take care of you and that’s final.” Luke turned to the pile of boxes he had yet to unpack from his move to Spencer’s apartment, he rummaged through one of them while also keeping a watch on Spencer, making sure he didn’t try to get up. When he saw the younger try to sneak away, he whistled and Roxy jumped up on the bed, laying down ontop of the genius, keeping him there. “Wow, weaponizing our child against us, I can’t believe you.” But Spencer couldn’t really complain, he loved Roxy and how her fur felt under his hands, it was calming..and also nice to know that not all dogs hated him.
Luke smiled when he found what he was looking for, he pulled out an otter stuffed animal and Spencer just looked at him confused. Sure, he had ones of his own, most of them were weighted to help soothe him when he got overstimulated, overs had a certain texture that was good for stimming, but he never saw Luke have one, not that he cared, he just didn’t understand why he was bringing it out now. “You’ll see bello, just stay there.” He returned a few minutes later with the stuffed animal in his hands, and Spencer could swear he smelled lavender. “I got this for you a while back and then forgot to give it to you, its a lavender scented stuffed animal you can heat up.” He placed the warm animal on Spencer’s chest “I thought it could help soothe you, or at the very least smell good.”
Finally, Spencer decided to stop fighting. “Thank you Luke, I love it.” He laid back, closing his eyes for a brief moment before looking back at his boyfriend. “I guess I am sick..” to that, Luke smiled “I know genio, nice that you can admit it though, I’ll go make some tea for your throat.” He ruffled his hair and walked off. When Luke returned Spencer was cuddled up with Roxy, the warm stuffed animal between them, heating them both. “Hey.” He spoke softly incase Spencer was asleep, but when he saw him extended a hand out for the mug Luke chuckled and gave it too him before moving in next to him, pulling Spencer close to his chest. “Luke..” he whined softly “I don’t wanna get you sick, Roxy can’t take care of us both..” Luke laughed at that and kissed his head “You won’t get me sick, I’m too strong for that, you love my muscles remember?” Spencer opened his mouth to comment on how grossly incorrect that was, how no matter the physical strength you couldn’t protect yourself from getting sick when you put yourself this close to an already sick person, but he didn’t have the words, and instead his mind traveled to Luke’s muscles..yes he did like those, he liked them a lot. “Mhm fine, you can stay...” he finished the last few sips of his tea before laying the empty cup on the bed, groaning with disgust when Roxy began licking it, trying to taste whatever Spencer had been drinking. He loved Roxy, just not her dog slobber. With the cup out of his hands Spencer cuddled into Luke’s chest, sighing in delight when Luke wrapped his arms around his small frame. “I was thinking bello, we’d watch some dr who and order from your favorite take out, then I could give you a massage..” he whispered into his ear to which Spencer chuckled and spoke, “That sounds like a dream.”
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foggynelsonsblog · 3 years
Just a small psa I actually haven’t met Luke yet, only through fanfics and my friends talking about him because I’m nervous af for anything past early s11 !! So I’m very sorry if I miss type Luke’s character please feel free to correct me! Also this is my first time writing so please go easy on me
-Ralvez One shot-
Fluff, Autistic Spencer, Pre-Established Relationship, nicknames!! Luke Alvez is the best husband ever, non binary Spencer, Gay Luke, Gay Reid, background Garcia/Prentiss, Weird timeline, Luke alvez makes blindfolds good again, SFW THO! He/they Spencer!
The dim sun leaked through the blinds in the bedroom, coating the floor and part of the bed in a soft golden light. Luke had been up for a few hours already making sure everything would be perfect for when he woke up Spencer. He already planned for his grumpy complaints, knowing his husband wasn’t a morning person so he had made a cup of Spencer’s favorite coffee, in their favorite mug. When he returned to the bedroom Luke almost had to stop and take a picture of the adorable sight. Spencer’s head was buried between two pillows, his sleep tousled hair went every which way. “Cariño, it’s morning. I have to show you something.” He set the mug down on the bedside table, and pulled a very grumpy Spencer up into his arms.
“Luke..” Reid began “Love of my life, My favorite person in the whole world, My husband... why did you wake me up at 9:30 when we don’t have a case?” He groaned face burying into Luke’s shoulder. “So not fair..” he pouted, eyes squeezing shut. Luke just smiled. “Because Mi amor, I have something to show you that’s time sensitive, and a surprise. Now have your coffee.” Luke kissed his head, nose being tickled by their messy curls. “Mh..okay.” Spencer couldn’t stay mad at Luke, not when there was coffee AND a surprise involved. He had no idea what though, they had just moved into a house Morgan had renovated for them and were both quite exhausted from the move, so what did he have planned? Spencer slowly rose to his feet, shivering in the cold morning air. Even the slightest drop of temperature made him crave the protective warmth of a sweater. He pulled a dark green one on, one that Luke had given to him a few months back. It was originally Luke’s but Reid had stolen it so much that he gave in. “Now Spencer..you trust me right?” Luke began. “I don’t know if I like where this is going.” Reid chuckled and turned around, his smile dropping when he saw a blindfold in Luke’s hands. Spencer had told him about the assault that happened to him in highschool at the beginning of their relationship, quite frankly Spencer had convinced himself that their first date had been another ruse and spent the first half of it trying to scope out the modern day equivalent to his highschool’s football team, and the second half having a panic attack at Luke’s place as he apologized profusely to a very confused and concerned Luke. So, neither of then were no stranger to the anxiety any reminder of the event brought on.
“Luke.” Reid frowned “What..What is this? You know what this reminds me of and-“ Luke gently cut him off. “Spencer, darling please just trust me. I want to make blindfolds good again.” He gently cupped his cheek but was in no way going to force Spencer into it. “I...okay.” Reid closed his eyes and allowed his husband to tie the blindfold around his eyes. Luke relished in the fact that Spencer trusted him this much, he gently crouched down to pick him up bridal style. “I’m right here Mi amor.” He purred into his ear, then chuckled at the blush on Spencer’s face. Upon arriving at the previously locked door in their new home that Spencer had thankfully paid no attention to, he opened the door and set him down, slowly removing the blindfold to show a huge library and office, the door even having a name plaque that read ‘Dr Spencer Reid’
“Luke Alvez-Reid. You did all this for me?” He turned around to look at him, eyes wide with excitement to which Luke chuckled and nodded, wrapping his arms around Spencer to pick him up and spin him around ((even if Spencer is taller)) “who all knew? Who helped you with this?” He asked as he was set down, smiling at the way the golden light colored the beautiful library. “Penelope and Emily did, though I owe them now and I’m kinda scared to see how I’m gonna have to pay them back.” He laughed and looked over at Reid who was just beaming.
The end :]
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foggynelsonsblog · 3 years
Wedding Bells
Basically a short one shot of my ideal Ralvez wedding <3 also! From now on you can find all my oneshots under the tag spenceshots! I also updated my pronouns in my pinned post so please check those out, thank you and enjoy!
Spencer and Luke had been planning their wedding day for a long time; they were going to be married in the George Peabody Library in Baltimore, the idea of course Luke’s he wanted this wedding to be an environment where Spencer felt safe. He even offered for Spencer to wear his usual attire, not wanting him to get sensory issues but Spencer insisted he wanted to wear a wedding dress. Luke wore a black tux, not seeing the need to wear anything different, besides he wanted to complement Spencer’s dress nicely.
Rossi, of course paid for the event, not wanting the young couple to have to worry about the costs of the wedding, plus everyone was coming and he was not one to turn down an opportunity to show off. Hotch was bringing Jack, Morgan was bringing his family and sisters and their mom, Garcia and Emily were coming together, and of course various extended family of the two were coming.
“Bello, I know you’re nervous but its gonna be okay.” Luke smiled at the phone, since it was ‘Taboo’ to see your fiancé before the wedding, but he still wanted to speak to Spencer and calm him down. “We will see each other in less than an hour, and after we are officially married we can go off into the side room, the nice quiet one yeah? You can calm down there and we can go back out and party whenever you’re ready.”
“I know, I’m just a bit nervous thats all-“ he was cut off by a chirpy voice on the other side of the phone “boy wonder you don’t have to worry about a thing I planned this wedding with Rossi and its gonna be perfect- as for you newbie- if you so much as lay a finger on my precious genius I will-“ Spencer cut her off “Penny! He’s not gonna hurt me- I know you’re just being protective but still you gotta let that go.” He chuckled softly and looked back at the phone “I’m gonna finish getting ready, love you.” Spencer smiled and hung up the phone.
Soon enough their vows were said and they became officially married, however Luke could tell from just a glance that Spencer needed a quiet room for just a bit so he picked him up bridal style and carried him off while whispering sweet things into his ear. “You look incredible bello,” he hummed as he closed the door behind him, sitting him on a couch that was in the room. He could tell Spencer seemed worried about disappointing the guests and he just shook his head “they know you need some time, its okay! Don’t worry” he kissed his forehead. To that, Spencer smiled, he knew without a doubt that Luke was the perfect one for him, he understood him like no one else.
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