#spider woman x reader
alisblackgf · 1 year
hello! could you make spider gwen dating headcanons? thanks!
hey hey! of course <3
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: gwen stacy x gn!reader
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff (with an itsy bit of angst) :)
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: just some dating headcanons for gwen!
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: she’s such a traumatized lil cutie i love her. btw some slight atsv spoilers! (also, if you wanna be tagged for future works, just let me know!)
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in the beginning of your relationship, she’d be fairly awkward.
don’t get her wrong, she’s comfortable around you!
she just can’t help it when she sees your adorable face!
for example, if you two were to hold hands, her hands would be sort of sweaty.
“gwen, why are your hands sweaty?”
“what- no! they’re not sweating, my hands are just- crying!”
she would definitely die inside after saying that.
but you find it adorable nonetheless.
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞
her love language would be gift giving or quality time.
she loves spending time with you.
especially those times where not a single word needs to be spoken.
you two can just enjoy each others’ presence and be at peace with the silence.
now with gift giving, she asks you about things you like and tries to connect with you through them.
if you really enjoy music, she’d get you a vinyl from your favorite band or make you a playlist.
if you’re artistic, she’d get you decent-quality colored pencils or make you a little clay figure (it probably won’t be good).
“uh, gwen, what’s that supposed to be?”
“it’s you!”
“well, i look like i got hit by 2 buses and 10 trucks.”
“okay, you know what-”
all that matters is that she tried!
you’re her biggest source of comfort.
after what happened with her dad finding out she was spider-woman, she wanted to be anywhere but home.
so she always came to you.
she feels as if she belongs more at your home rather than her own.
sometimes, she doesn’t want to utter a word.
“do you wanna talk about it?”
and when she shakes her head no, you understand.
you open up your arms for her and she climbs into them, no questions asked.
all she needs is to be here with you, and she thanks you for allowing her to be.
she loves your kisses; however she isn’t often initiating them.
still, she will if she wants to! but she enjoys having you cup her cheeks and pepper her face in kisses.
her cheeks begin to get warm and butterflies swarm in her stomach.
you make her feel so loved and she adores it!
when she does initiate it, though, it’s gentle.
she treats you as if you’re fragile, as if one little tap could shatter you.
you guys upside-down kiss if you know she’s spider-woman (she probably wouldn’t tell you until she absolutely knows she can, after what happened with her dad).
however, if you were to figure it out on your own, she’d feel a little guilty for not telling you sooner, but it greatly speeds up the process for the upside-down spidey kiss!
“can we try something?”
“what do you have in mind?”
“okay so, it requires you to be upside down-”
she knows what you want to do. and she complies, because she loves you.
and you love her.
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i hope this was what you wanted, anon :)
tags: @pr0wlerpunk
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Julia walks into the hotel room to find Y/N, a Spider person from the future, tending to their injuries…
Julia: (blushes) oh my-I-I’m sorry
Y/N: no it’s fine. Sorry I didn’t see you there
Julia just continues staring…
Y/N: pardon?
Julia: sorry it’s just you’re so…ripped
Y/N: (blushes) thank you? You should see Miguel OHara
Julia: d-do you like have a girlfriend in the future?
Y/N: I do. You. Well like an older version of you but…yeah
Julia: (giggles) I look forward to meeting you then
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spoonsock · 11 months
3 AM shenanigans
Gwen Stacy x reader
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Synopsis: It’s late, you’re hungry and your girlfriend can’t cook to save her life.
Warnings: none, this is pure fluff and typical teenage fucking around late at night.
Not proofread. I’ve come to realization I never proofread anything I write. Oh well.
Take this short little thing instead of a part 2 for show me love, I’ll write it soon I swear 🙏 also I’m glad that the whole community agrees that Gwen can’t cook lmaoo.
“I’m hungry”
“And how’s that my problem?”
You push the absolute bully of your girlfriend. “Ouch”, she says monotonously, eyes still closed, and you glare at her, knowing darn well she can feel you doing so.
You’re sleeping over at her place, her dad’s not home and you’re both laying on her bed, trying to fall asleep but the grumbling of your stomach is interrupting you. You ate dinner but it has been a couple of hours since then and. You. Are. Hungry.
You turn on your back to glance at the clock on Gwen’s nightstand. 03:05 it says. Whatever, you think, it’s never to late to eat.
“Gwendyy, I’m staaaarvingggg”, you pout at her.
“No” is the only answer you get. “…Fine, I didn’t want to resort to this, but I guess you leave me no choice”, you say before getting up from the bed and grabbing both of Gwen’s arms and dragging her upwards. The attempt of getting her to get up doesn’t work and she falls from the bed, making a loud noise as she lands. Before you can process it, she grabs your knees and pulls, letting you to fall flat on your butt with a thump.
You pretend to be hurt and she actually gets worried for a second and you use that moment to grab her hands and pin them above her head, getting on top of her as she’s laying on the floor, not letting her move, and looking her dead in the eye before saying how you need to eat or you’ll die and it’ll be her fault *she know’s you’re exaggerating ofc*.
Unfortunately for you, your girlfriend is Spider-woman. Idk why would you even think you could overpower her, she literally has super strength. So she easily turns you over and pins your arms above your head before whisper yelling at you how there will be no food making at 3 in the morning. The two of you toss and turn on the floor for some time, like a pair of fucking toddlers, giggling and wiping the dust off of the floor with your pajamas.
Eventually Gwen gives in and you happily lead her to her own kitchen. You’ve never cooked in her kitchen though, meaning you don’t know where anything is, so your girlfriend tells you to sit still while she makes you something to eat.
“You know what, if I really have to cook for you in the middle of the night, Imma cook you the meal of your life”, she says and excitement builds up inside of you, wondering what kind of a Gordon Ramsay bullshit is she about to pull. You watch her patiently as she brings ingredients out of her fridge and pulls out a bowl and cutlery from different drawers. She heats up some oil in a big ass pot and then adds a thing after a thing in it.
After a while, you smell something burning and you ask her if everything’s okay, but she assures you it’s all doing great and you decide to ask no more, even though you definitely heard the panic in her voice.
Aside from that, she looks super confident in whatever she’s doing so you don’t even ask her what is she making for you, and honestly, you don’t even wanna know. You trust her and you’re hungry and you’ll eat whatever she makes for you.
Or at least that’s what you thought, until she put the big ass bowl™️ in front of you. And in it was a suspicious liquid mixture of pasta, different types of something green, carrots (hopefully?), corn, jelly????, mushrooms, bacon, and other suspicious stuff. Gwen hands you a spoon and smiles brightly, all the signs of tiredness disappeared, as if she wasn’t desperately trying to fall asleep cuddled up next to you, like, half of an hour ago.
“Bon appétit, babe”, she says, putting on a bad french accent.
Your girlfriend sits next to you, waiting for you to try the meal (?) she has prepared for you, and you give her a hesitant smile before dipping the spoon in the bowl and then putting it in your mouth.
You couldn’t even get yourself to swallow whatever you just put in your mouth because the feeling of it on your tongue made you immediately start to choke. It was sweet, salty, bitter, spicy and cold all at the same time. You run to get yourself some water, trying to lose the taste of it from your mouth while Gwen watches you confused. As you are drinking your water, she decides to try the meal herself and has the same reaction as you do.
So you just stand there silently, in her kitchen, staring at the big ass bowl™️ on the table. It seems as if something will jump out of it and attack you. The liquid reminds you of a swamp and you don’t feel hungry at all anymore.
Gwen sighs deeply. The two of you decide to go back to bed and try not to have nightmares of the meal your dear spider girlfriend has prepared for you. At least you know she put effort in trying to make you happy, which warms your heart and you pull her closer to you to press a kiss on her forehead.
When you wake up, you see her dad in the kitchen, sitting down and staring at the bowl intently and quietly, as if contemplating his whole existence because of the bowl. “You tried it, didn’t you?”, you ask and he slowly nods his head, obviously still in shock from the taste of the meal.
That was the day you decided you’ll be the one to prepare food from now on.
Guys she was trying to make minestrone (soup) bc she saw a recipe for it somewhere and she really wanted to try making it. She’s so precious 🥹💞
Yes I put trademark ™️ on the big ass bowl.
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strawbeelemonade · 1 year
Would it be possible for you to do romantic headcanons but for gwen stacy?
of course you can! i had fun with these >:) my girl is not getting enough love,,, she's literally the silly,,,
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why is it so hard to find gwen stacy gifs >:( had to go aHSCROUNGING
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🕷 - she’d flirt with you as spider woman.
🕷 - maybe it’s the mask, but she finds it easier to say what she’s thinking when you can't see her face.
🕷 - just like Miles, she deepens her voice but she constantly slips out of it because!! She forgets and you give her butterflies!!
🕷 - she’d feel a bit silly, assure her that you think its cute for me please!
🕷 - if there’s ever a time that you need rescuing she will BE THERE
🕷 - that’s her moment. she is WAY TOO READY.
🕷 - she’s so ready in fact that she might end up jumping the gun a bit when nothing all that serious happens…
🕷 - “WOAH-! Easy there- That was a close one… wouldn’t want you Getting hurt. ahah.."
🕷 - no Gwen 😭 they looked both ways before stepping out in to the road when no cars were coming please.
🕷 - are you really complaining though? you're in spider woman’s arms! cmon.
🕷 - if there’s ever a moment something really happens, then all other thoughts leave her head as she pivots around mid swing and launches herself to catch you.
🕷 - she’ll have you by your waist by one hand, her super strength and sticky grip will keep you on her hip securely, rest assured. slowing both of your descents to a screeching halt with a single strand of webbing.
🕷 - if you wrap your arms around her neck she will be on cloud 9
🕷 - you find yourself slipping away from social situations more and more
🕷 - it doesn’t matter where you both are or what your doing, if she gets a hold of you she’ll start pulling you to the nearest exit or window, cmon, she knows a great spot.
🕷 - she can sit and talk to you for hours, listening to your voice makes her physically decompress.
🕷 - "what kind of spray do you use..? its really nice."
🕷 - when your feet meet the floor she’ll hold you steady if you stumble
🕷 - she’s got you, she won’t let you fall ever again. She promises you that.
🕷 - your time with her after is incredibly brief, because pretty soon the police are pulling up nearby and that means she's gotta run.
🕷 - she tries to lift her hand off of you, but her instincts are telling her not to let you go, so she sticks HAGSAHGSAGHSV
🕷 - h... hang on give her a second...
🕷 - sorry! its gonna feel like ripping duct tape off your bare skin.
🕷 - she just!... She doesn't know when shes gonna get to see you again.
🕷 - she hasn't even asked your name, she has couple dozen things lined up to ask you.
🕷 - are you ok? who are you?? are you into blondes??
🕷 - but she's running out of time, and the police are drawing closer
🕷 - so she thinks fast, and she offers to give you her number.
🕷 - what, why? oh, yknow... in case anything else happens. definetely just that.
🕷 - when you accept she has to reel In her excitement a bit,
🕷 - she tries playing it off she's so cute.
🕷 - right after she punches the last number into your phone she's been spotted. and she flees for her life,
🕷 - you're left standing there breathless.
🕷 - thats the start of how you both met. from then on your worlds begin to revolve around eachother.
🕷 - messages between you both go from alerting her to criminal sightings.
🕷 - too sending her news articles about the crimes she's solved and congratulating her.
🕷 - too memes which spur friendly conversation and eventually offers to meet up.
🕷 - you have her as ’The Muscle’ in your phone. when she catches a glimps of it it makes her go a bit bashful, aw.
🕷 - the closer you both get the less confident she becomes.
🕷 - she’ll tuck her hair behind her ear a for the 4th time within the conversation and she’ll want to throw herself off a cliff LMAO.
🕷 - you leave her feeling so light and giddy. She feels childish for it, but she can’t help it!
🕷 - even her dad notices, which leads to a really… awkward conversation.
🕷 - “so… how’s your, uh, friend?”
🕷 - “Y/N?” She’d sit up quickly at the sound of your name and then realise that friends don’t normally go red In the face when someone bring the other up. “they’re!… fine.”
🕷 - “good! That’s good…”
🕷 - …
🕷 - “…would you… like to invite them over for dinner sometime?”
🕷 - George Stacy sees how happy you make his daughter and he immediately takes a shine to you.
🕷 - he tries to do the whole “whatever you do to my daughter I’ll do to you” schtick
🕷 - but he literally can’t commit, the way that Gwen is looking at you from across the table is indescribable.
🕷 - his heart clenches. Even this early on in meeting you he knows you’re good for her. You make her open up like nothing he’s ever seen. not since they lost Peter.
🕷 - George will end up really caring for you after not too long.
🕷 - he WILL offer to chauffeur you both in his police cruiser for dates. Pls let him, he wants to be useful! he’ll be your guys’ biggest supporter.
🕷 - you’ll know you’ve earned his favour when your standing in the door to their apartment, and just before you both part ways he’ll plants a hand on your shoulder, the other resting on his belt, and tells you in no uncertain terms that if you ever get in any trouble, then you can call him.
🕷 - Gwen will show you her room <3
🕷 - she’ll stand in the middle of the floor rubbing her arm as she watches you look around.
🕷 - she’s a cuddler
🕷 - especially when you both sleep beside each other
🕷 - she’ll cling to you in her sleep, tight, like she’s scared you’ll disappear
🕷 - good luck getting out of her arms, especially with her sticky hands.
🕷 - you will find yourself slipping away from social situations more often when you're with her.
🕷 - it doesn’t matter where you both are or what you're doing, if she gets a hold of you she’ll start pulling you to the nearest exit or window, cmon, she knows a great spot.
🕷 - she can sit and talk to you for hours, listening to your voice makes her physically decompress.
🕷 - she feels so calm when you nearby.
🕷 - she'll love it if you run your fingers through her hair.
🕷 - while she's only in a band for a shortwhile, you'd be her biggest supporter.
🕷 - the nights she plays she'll invite you to watch. you're in the front row cheering her on.
🕷 - teenage girls can be a bit mean, so her bandmates might tease her a bit, but she isn't even listening. she'll just be watching youspider.
🕷 - they seemed cool in the movie but just incase.
🕷 - she loves kissing your nose! almost as much as your lips
🕷 - if shes in the mask and there isn't time for a proper kiss she'll gently boop her nose into yours before saying goodbye.
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yourmumsweirdshit · 1 year
An Idea - Part 1
Gwen Stacy x Reader
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“I can’t believe her!” Captain Stacy yells in frustration as he slams the front door behind him. “Who?” You ask peeping your head out Gwen’s room. “Spider-Woman, who else gets my dad like this?” Gwen snickers as she walks past you and into the kitchen as her dad glares at her. “That’s not funny, she’s a vigilante, and she leaves a huge mess wherever she goes.” He sighs as he takes a seat at the table. “I’m sure you’ll catch her sir.” You respond in attempts to cheer him up. However, Gwen, enjoying her fathers suffering, keeps the conversation going. “I don’t know why you’re so mad about this Dad, she’s literally doing what you’re doing; helping people and then leaving. Practically doing your job for you.” She sighs as she opens the cupboard looking for snacks.
“She wears a mask, I don’t because I have nothing to hide, she does, and if she doesn’t, why wear a mask?” He asks as I agree with him nodding my head to which Gwen raises her eyebrows at me. “You’re not seriously agreeing with him on this, are you?” She says, scoffing as she pulls a box out and shutting the cupboard. “I do understand what he’s saying.” I say before a cheer comes from George. “Yes! Thank you! See, someone around here sees things clearly.” Gwen rolls her eyes as she goes to fill up a glass of water. “To some degree.” I say, slowly finishing off my sentence.
“Noo, why would you say that Y/N, I thought maybe someone round here would have a chance to go to college.” He says making my eyes widen. “Woww.” I respond dragging out the word as he laughs, Gwen almost spitting out her drink at her Dads response. “That was good, I’ll give you that.” She says walking up to her dad and passing him a cup of coffee. “Low blow to me but I’ll take it.” She says patting his shoulder as he chuckles. “Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week.” He responds making Gwen roll her eyes once more. “Come on Y/N.” She says as she grabs the box of snacks and walking past me, pulling me into her room with her and shutting the door behind her.
“Here, catch.” She says as she throws a pack of chocolate to me before opening a large pack of chips and dumping it into a bowl. “Thanks.” I say as I take a piece off the block and throwing it back to her. “So, you never did say where you stand.” Gwen says as she takes a seat on her bed, bowl in hand as she puts a chip in her mouth. “What do you mean?” I ask as I take a seat beside her, also grabbing a chip from the bowl. “About Spider-woman. What are your thoughts on her?” She asks making me laugh.
“So you can tell your dad I’m on your side?” I ask as a large smile takes over her face. “So you are on my side!” She says loud enough for her dad to hear. “Shhh.” I whisper putting my finger to her mouth and looking back at the door to have any indication that he heard Gwen’s words. “Are you trying to have me kicked out and never welcome here again?” I say to which Gwen laughs at my words. “Sorry, sorry. She hates Spider-Woman Dad.” She responds making me shake my head. “You’re a loser.” I say as I get up and move to her desk, grabbing the chocolate bar as I take a seat on the spinning chair.
“So continue, what are your thoughts?” She continues, ignoring my words. “Why? You wanna know if I’m in love with her or something? Or maybe you are; wanting to keep her as the topic for so long.” I tease to which she raises her eyebrows unamused. “Yes, I’m in love, you caught me.” She says sarcastically as she dramatically falls back onto her bed. “Come on, what do you think of her.” She asks as lays back on her elbows.
“What do you mean, like her age and theories and stuff?” I ask leaning forward to grab the bowl from beside her. “Yeah why not.” She says as she sits up, her back against the wall. “Well I think she’s young.” I say to which Gwen cuts me off. “Our age?” She asks straightening her back. “No, maybe someone a bit older, finished high school at the minimum.” I say to which she raises an eyebrow at. “Why do you say that?” She asks as she grabs a pillow and places it in her lap.
“I’d put her in my prayers if she goes to high school or college because I’m already drowning in enough school work, and this girl’s doing that and saving people on the side, as a hobby? I’d honestly feel so bad, I’d do her homework for her.” She laughs at my words. “Do my homework then.” A smile on her lips as she glances at the pile of papers on her desk. “You are hilarious.” I say with a dry laugh to which her smile widens.
“If I was Spider-Woman would you do it?” She asks making me look at her homework once more. “This is how I know you can’t be Spider-Woman, because if you can do all this, hang out with me and Peter, be part of the band and be top of the class, while also being a hero on the side then you’d be psycho.” I say as I roll around her room in the chair. “Well she is a superhero.” She responds, putting emphasis on super. “And on top of that she does have powers”
“But like, how do we even know she has powers though, she could be like Bruce-Wayne, rich and smart. So smart that she’s created a technology to stick to walls or create synthetic webbing, it’s like her own grappler.” I say referring to the uprising trend of creating superhero comics based off animals. “What if her webbing was organic, and she could actually just stick to walls?” She responds making me continue on. “Then she’d have holes in her wrist and I’m sure someone would know then.” I say glancing at Gwen’s wrist. “But then that means she’d have no friends, so I guess that means that you could be Spider-Woman.” I smile as she scoffs. “Rude.” She says crossing her arms. “Guess someone’s not getting answers for their homework tonight.” She smirks as my eyes widen.
“Wait, no, Gwen. I’m sorry.” I say as I stop moving in the chair. “Gwen please, I’m so sorry, you’re friends with everyone, you have so many friends.” I say as I slowly try to scoot the chair closer to the bed. “You could totally be Spider-Woman. You’re as amazing as she her, as wonderful as her, as super as her.” I say as I drop on to floor, as I hold her leg, begging her as she now sits at the edge of the bed. “You’re 100% as beautiful as her.” I say looking up as she raises an eyebrow, trying to contain the smile tugging at her lips as she pushes me off her. “Hell, I know you’re even prettier than her.” I say as I take my seat back in the chair. “Piss off.” She says as she looks away, trying to hide the faint tint of pink in her cheeks. “Love you!” I say adding to the fire, smiling as she groans and pushes her face into pillow.
“I’m sure Spider-woman, wouldn’t even let you do her homework, you can’t even do your own. You’d probably just come and steal them off me.” Her words slightly muffled through her pillow as I laugh. “Well that’s a good thing right? She’s now guaranteed the best results.” I say as she puts her pillow down and I smile wider at her faux smile. “And if I was Spider-Woman, what would you do next?” She asks as she grabs the bowl of chips off the table. “Then you wouldn’t need my help, because you’re so perfect already.” I tease as she rolls her eyes.
“And you forgot that she has super-strength, so her powers are real.” She mentions as I spin around in the chair. “Ah, true, I can’t believe I forgot about that one.” I say as she nods. “So if I was Spider-Woman, first thing I’m doing is throwing you out of this apartment.” She responds making my jaw drop. “You wouldn’t, you love me too much.” I say to which she raises her eyebrows. “And you’re sure about that?” She asks making me place a hand on my heart and lean back in the chair. “That hurt more than a bullet wound.” I say, clenching my fist around my shirt.
“You’ve never even been shot.” She says as I spin around in the chair. “Nothing can hurt more than you breaking my heart Gwen, my love is only for you.” I say as I stop the chair to make a heart with my hands. Her response to that is throwing the unopened pack of Oreos at my head. “Rude.” I say barely dodging the throw. “Sorry, not sorry.” She shrugs as she acts unbothered, the smile on her face saying otherwise.
“What would be something you’d have to do if you were spider-woman?” She looks up from her lap, awaiting my response. “The upside down kiss.” Unable to hide the smile on my face she raises an eyebrow? “The upside down kiss?” She repeats. “Yeah, it’s gotta be done.” I respond before saying something else. “You reckon spider-woman’s done it?” I ask to which she lets out a laugh. “Yeah, maybe. If I ever meet her, I’ll tell her to find you.”
A knock on the door pulls both your attention to the door. “Can I come in?” Her dad asks before Gwen gets up and opens the door for him. “Hey, I’m just letting you girls know I’ve got work in the morning so you might not see me when you wake up. But here’s some cash for dinner, or breakfast.” He says as he looks at the pile of snacks in the room. “Thanks Dad.” Gwen says laughing as she looks back at food. “Thank you.” I reply before Gwen shuts the door. “You hungry?” She asks with a smile on her face as she waves the cash in the air. “Always.” She laughs as she takes a seat on the bed. “Great, come here and let’s see what we can get.” She says patting a place on the bed beside her.
A/N: Also shoutout to the person filling my inbox with kind messages, appreciate it ❤️
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multi-fandom-enjoyer · 7 months
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You were walking down a city street in the middle of the night, heading to your girlfriend's apartment. Suddenly, you felt someone press a gun to the back of your head.
Robber: Alright, kid. Give me all you've got. I want your money, not your life.
You were about to hand him your wallet, but you heard him yell, followed by a loud thud.
When you turned around, you saw him unconscious and tied up with webs.
There was also a woman in a black spider suit hanging upside down from a web.
Spider-Woman: You alright, handsome?
Y/n: Yes. T-thank you.
You blushed and stuttered at the compliment before noticing that she looked familiar.
Y/n: Wait a minute.
You looked closer at her, mainly at her eyes.
Y/n: Julia?
She pulled off her mask.
Julia: How did you know?
Y/n: We've been dating for a year. I'd recognize those eyes anywhere.
She blushed and pulled you in for an upside down kiss. She then pulled away with a smirk on her face.
Julia: You want a lift home?
You nodded your head, which led her to picking you up and swinging you both home.
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insertyourselfhere · 1 year
Body Swap
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A/N: Hello! I'm back with another story idea. I got the idea of course from Your Name. I needed something else to write it was hard enough that I didn't post anything yesterday. SO let me know if you guys like this idea :)
Character Pairing: Gwen Stacy (Ghost Spider) x Reader
MINOR Spoilers for ATSV, like super minor if you squint.
Description: You were hanging out in your room finishing off a book you needed to do an assignment on for school. You got bored halfway and lay the book flat on your face as you let out the biggest sigh. As you did a portal opened above your bed and you were mysteriously sucked into it. You went through this portal yelling as you did. You saw a white light at the end of the hexagon shaped tunnel and were thrown into another bed. You got up looking around noticing you weren’t in your bed anymore, you let out another yell only to not hear your voice but the voice of someone else. As soon as you stopped yelling you looked down at your hands and noticed they weren’t the same as yours, a big man with a bat came sprinting into your room who you didn’t recognise. You yelled once again and passed out from the shock.
“Gw..” You heard a voice calling out a name, you didn’t want to wake up cause you were having the best sleep of your life so you pushed them away. They came back shaking you gently but you pushed them away again, one final time you felt a light push.
“Gwen wake up” You woke up at the name Gwen, you sat up in your bed and looked at the man leaning over you. You let out a yell at the stranger in your room.
“Woah hey it’s just me, its Dad” You curled up at the end of the bed and looked at this gentle soul who had blonde hair. He was not your dad, your dad was super dead and you definitely saw pictures of him not having blonde hair.
“What’s going on Gwen you look like you’ve seen a ghost” Who the heck was Gwen? Why did he keep calling you Gwen. You held your finger up to him and promptly got out of bed running over to the closest mirror. You walked up to it and almost yelled again but thought against it. There was your consciousness currently looking at an unfamiliar body you had never seen before. You ran your hand through your hair and realised it was cut short, you checked out the body properly and saw the half shaved head.
“Gwen are you okay?” You completely forgot about the random man in your room, well not your room but in your presence. You stood up straight and turned around.
“Uh yes…Dad I am ay-okay! Why wouldn’t you think that?” You stood there, stiff as a board, the fakest smile you had ever mustered and he just looked at you.
“You know you can tell me anything right?” He said in a typical parent fashion, you smiled and nodded your head, he sighed and got up leaving you alone in the room. As soon as he closed the door you dropped the smile and ran around finding anything you could, opening any drawers, doors, closets, cupboards. Anything you could find to figure out where you were and who you were, you felt a bit bad trying not to go through anything private but also this was an unusual situation to be in and you believed the person would understand. You came up to a drum kit and out of your eye you saw one of the screws were slightly loose. You walked over too it and loosened it a bit more, you were shocked to see a uniform and a picture of this Gwen person and someone else. You put the photo back but looked at the costume next to it.
“All unit, requesting all units we have a break in down town.” You heard a radio going off and then heard Gwen’s dad yelling from the lounge room.
“Sorry honey gotta pop out for you know, ill be back later tonight okay! Just in case there’s $20 on the counter for dinner” Her rushed out of the room and closed the front door behind him, you poked your head around the corner and saw the $20 sitting there. You went back into your room and heard the same radio going off.
“All unit’s there are 5 armed robbers, confirmed 5 armed robbers proceed with caution” You knew that Gwen’s dad took his radio so you knew that Gwen must have had one stashed in her room, sure enough it was placed in a soft toy sitting on her shelf. You grabbed the costume you saw in the drum kit and saw the Spider Mask.
“I had a feeling this Gwen was a spider too” Just to triple check you jumped high with your fingers pointed upwards and your eyes slightly closed you waited for the ground to hit your feet but it never came. You opened your eyes and sure enough you were suspended in the air with your finger tips sticking to the roof.
“Cool! Okay it might be a little different from you back home but they will have roughly all the same abilities right? Like I should be able to do this” You put on Gwen’s suit (Respectfully) and placed the mask over your face.
You awkwardly made your way out of the apartment and went to shoot webs from your wrists when you realised nothing came out and you started plummeting to the ground. You let out a loud yell and managed to catch one of the fire escapes on your way down.
“Okay so she can’t swing? I find that hard to believe let me head back up” You walked back up the apartment sticking just fine no issues, when you climbed in you say the makeshift web shooters and grabbed them.
“Bro this would suck to worry about, like what if you run out of web” You put them on and they fit perfectly, you tried again first by shooting a web and it came out successfully. You hit the button a couple more times to see that it unhooked.
“Okay cool once to shoot twice to cut it, alright I got this” 2nd Attempt was much more successful however as you were flying through the air you weren’t use to this body, yours was a bit bulkier so you had more mass to move around with where as Gwen was not small just not as heavy as you so when you threw your legs to swing you over estimated the momentum and threw yourself a bit further than you were used to.
“That’s okay we’re learning! We got this, we need to go save those people” You headed towards the scene of the crime, you spotted the cars moving around and landed on the building next to them but on the roof so you couldn’t see them. You could see Gwen’s dad was barking orders organising everyone.
“Of course he’s the captain, wouldn’t be a Spider story without some sort of twist” You dropped down near them and walked right up to the officers.
“It’s alright guys I got it from here” You tried to walk pass with no issues however the entire police force turned around and raised their guns at you.
“Don’t move Spider-Woman” You held your hands up confused, but then remembered this isn’t your world this is another world where it sems that the cops did not like you co-operating. “Sorry Gwen” You said quietly to yourself and then leapt into the air swinging away from them and towards the bank robbers.
“Sorry Officers, didn’t mean to tease, ill be right back after I’ve done your job and saved everyone” Okay so they hate you and Gwen’s father clearly has no idea who she is so we have to keep it like that. Even if this is a dream you never know, it might not be.
You made your way into the bank crawling on the ceiling, you took in your surroundings and found the 5 bank robbers, you could see that they had taken some hostages too, women and children. As cliché as it is it seems like an elementary school decided to pick today to go on a field trip to the bank. You rolled your eyes at the irony but began crawling around a bit to see if you could get a better angle.
“Alright pack those bags and move them over here, the cops are going to escort us out of here and we’ll be home free” As you surveyed the area you tried to slowly pick off each of the guys that were below one by one, you would follow them, web them and knock them out before they could alert anyone else.
As you kept doing that you managed to get 4 out of 5 of them, the last one being the boss who was barking orders and standing right next to the hostages. “I know you’re there Spider-Woman” He said holding his gun up towards the ceiling, even though you had a BRIGHT WHITE costume on you still managed to use your stealth technique and hide well in the shadows. He couldn’t see you, you scurried closer to him know you had to do this quickly so no one would get hurt.
You shot a web onto his chest and pulled him towards ou, the shock of you being so bold threw him off and he dropped his gun, you knocked him out with your fist and then stuck him to the ceiling where all his other buddies were. You dropped down towards the hostages and ran over untying them.
“Thank you Spider-Woman” They all said as they were all untie and let go out of the building, you follow them out not so far behind and then began thwipping away towards Gwen’s apartment. You smiled from ear to ear on a successful mission and absolutely loved the feeling of being a Spider no matter what dimension it was in.
You landed in Gwen’s room quickly taking off her costume, putting it away and hiding all her spider related stuff. You laid back down on her bed, you let out a small sigh and held your hands in front of your face.
“Well Gwen whoever you are we smashed it today so yay! I wonder if theres anyone I need to tell or talk to about it?” You checked her phone and saw that she had a couple of photos of that same person that you saw in the drumkit but also a couple of photos of another boy who had glasses. You went through the contacts lists and her messages to see if there was anyone you spoke too regularly. The last message you saw was from a Peter Parker dated 1.5 years ago saying “I can’t wait to see you at prom” and then nothing else, there were calls from her dad and texts from her dad but apart from that nothing else for awhile.
“Gwen, don’t tell me” And sure enough you did the one thing you shouldn’t do and that’s look up your name on spoogle (Google in this dimension), you looked up Spider-Woman, you looked up Peter Parker and were met with a horrible event.
“Spider-Woman killed Peter Parker” You shook your head refusing to believe that knowing that the media had decided to pin the blame on that boys death on someone. Apart from Peter’s death there was lots of articles, rumours, typical Spider-Woman stuff on there. You turn off the phone and placed it back down on the bedside table.
“Gwen, I am so sorry” You laid in bed for a bit longer, your breathing started to get even and your eyes started to droop. You felt your body disappear and so did all your surroundings. Soon enough you felt yourself starting to grown conscious again, opening your eyes you got up looking around frantically.
“I’m back in my room” You said out loud looking at the colours, the posters you had laying around and your clothes thrown exactly how you liked them around your room.
“Oh so it was a dream” You got up ready to start your day in your body and you were slightly happy that it was over, you were a bit disappointed though in finding out it was all a dream, you wanted to see if you could help out that imaginary person you made up. You walked into your bathroom and got a proper look at your face. You yelled as loud as you could, looking over your face all you saw were bruises, scrapes, scratches and cuts.
“No what, last thing I remember was falling asleep in bed reading that stupid book” You frantically ran around your house looking for signs, you stopped and jumped on google looking up your Spider name only to see embarrassing videos of you failing completely to apprehend your Doc Ock.
“Could this day get any worse” You sighed holding your hands in your head, as you hid away from the world your Aunt entered the room folding her hands across her chest.
“Do you want to tell me whats going on” Your body shivered at the sound of your Aunt coming into the room, you looked towards her and could see she was mad at you.
“Ah it depends can you tell me what I did yesterday” Her anger dissipated as quickly as it came and she ran over to you.
“Who’s Gwen?” She asked crouching next to you, you held your head once again not knowing how to tell your Aunt this but you swallowed your fear and looked at her.
"I'm not too sure myself A/N all I know is that shes lonely and she needs help" You said looking at your Aunt again
“Look Y/N, I don’t know whats going on, but if this is real and she comes back what are we going to do” You shrugged your shoulders not wanting to think about this problem anymore. A small part of you was hoping you were right, hoping that you got to be her again because in your heart it was like you could hear hers calling out to you. That she needed help.
“I don’t know what we’re going to do but all I know is that we need to be prepared and plan for when it happens, but I am going to need your help” She nodded and hurried back to making you breakfast, you got up looking at your face once again wincing.
“Gwen, wherever you are, I hope your okay”
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domxmarvel · 9 months
Pairing:Gwen x Female!Reader
Prompt:Cause sometimes I look in her eyes And that's where I find a glimpse of us
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"Y/N I have another mission for you" Miguel said,pressing some buttons to send the info to your watch. 
"Another anomaly?"
"You should be able to handle this one by yourself,but Jess suggested we make this a test for a new recruit. I'm send you to make sure she doesn't stray" 
"She?" You had no idea who he was talking about. Before he could answer, someone landed next to you,which quickly made you turn your head. The spider woman of earth 65,she wasn't wearing her mask. "Gwen" She looked just like your Gwen,but as much as you wished she was her, the truth was she could never be. You could never get your Gwen back and it was heartbreaking to just look at her. She looked at you with a bit of confusion,probably wondering how you knew her because she didn’t seem to recognize you. But you just turned to Miguel “Isn’t there anyone else who can take this mission?”
“Is there a problem Y/N?” You walked up to him,not wanting Gwen to hear you. 
“You know my past,you know what happened to me. Why would you do this to me?”
“I’m sorry Y/N,but someone has to keep an eye on her and you know here better than anyone else”
“Fine,but this is a one time thing”  You walked back to Gwen “Let’s go,Gwen” You said,walking ahead of her.
There was undeniable tension between you,she probably thought you were angry with her because you avoided looking or talking to her. But only because you’d probably burst into tears from just hearing her voice. You could feel her glancing at you when she thought you weren’t looking,wanting to say or ask something but she never did. You were hanging upside down,keeping an eye on the building,waiting for whatever anomaly you were sent here to capture. 
“Can I ask you something?” She suddenly said,almost making you fall. You didn’t want to answer,you didn’t want to talk about your past or let her know what happened. But you wanted to keep hearing her voice,you missed it and despite how much it hurt you wanted more. 
“I can’t guarantee you an answer,but ask away”
“Do you not like me?” There it was,the question you were too afraid to answer.
“It’s not you” You sighed,looking away. She moved to stand next to you instead of behind you,making you turn to face her. Just seeing her face for a few seconds was too much and you quickly looked away. There was no wonder she thought you hated her,but all you wanted was just to hug her again and tell her everything you never got to tell your Gwen. Every time you looked at her you were brought back to that moment.
Webbing up one of Vulture's wings,you managed to tear it off and make him lose balance. Which made him crash into a school,rubble falling everywhere but you didn’t see anyone get hurt or pinned under it. You defeated Vulture and webbed him up after a fight that wreaked half the building. As you were leaving you saw someone run into the school you were just at,all thought everyone else was running out she was running in.  Looking closer you saw that it was Gwen,quickly realizing that she was running to find you when your phone rang.
“Y/N,are you okay? Where are you?” 
“I’m fine I-” You heard rumbling followed by silence “Gwen,Gwen!” She didn’t answer you,she hadn’t hung up but she wasn’t answering. You quickly ran in to find her,classroom after classroom. You found her right outside the clubroom that you were supposed to be in,but she was pinned under some rubbled. “Gwen” You quickly kneel down next to her “Don’t worry I’ll get you out of here,can you move?”
“I think so,but everything hurts” You picked up the rubbled and she managed to crawl out from under it. Immediately she tried to stand up but fell,lucky you managed to catch her. 
“You shouldn’t stand up”
“But I have to go find Y/N” As you held her you noticed your hand getting wet and looked down to see that she was bleeding. 
“We have to get you out of here”
“No,I have to find her,I have to make sure she’s okay. I can worry about myself later” You could see that she was in pain by the tears in her eyes but still she refused to go without knowing if you were safe. You knew you shouldn’t reveal your identity but your hand reached for your mask before you could think it through. “Y/N,you-you’re” She reached out to touch your face,you didn’t realize there were tears rolling down your face until she wiped some away “You’re okay”
“We have to get you out of here” She just shook her head. 
“Y/N,I can't. I was lying. I can't feel anything but pain and I can barely move”
“No,You’ll be fine. I’ll get you out of here and-”
“Y/N,this is it for me. I just had to make sure you were okay before I-I”
“No,don’t say that. Gwen stay with me” You held her tighter as you cried. 
“Y/N,I love you” The second she said these words you felt her body go limp.
“No more questions”
“No,isn’t that the anomaly?” You turned to see the villain you were sent after.
“Let’s catch this thing and go back”
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spxdxrpxnk · 11 months
it was so, so dumb, but you and GWEN had matching tooth gaps.
( notes: this is written by a minor about an underage character, so nsfw/18+/'minors dni' blogs please do not interact with this post! thanks!
this is gonna be a little series about how you'd match with various characters!!! it was supposed to be one post, like a paragraph per character, but gwen went from a paragraph to 2k words, so... <3
warning: there's mention of blood and spit here! nothing too graphic or gross, just prepare yourself after "and.. well, he missed pretty badly."
also, i tried to experiment with colors because of the way gwen's universe works. if it's a headache for anyone, let me know and i'll change it to the way i normally color my writing! )
GWEN was the pink to your orange, the deep purple to your bright blue. you were pretty different, yet complimentary when placed next to each other.
she was more reserved at first, sticking to her best friend PETER and virtually no one else, while you were quite the social butterfly.
you never had a set group of friends, bouncing between friend groups with ease. you even befriended the quiet kids everyone else avoided- and you weren't even isolated for it. that's how much everyone loved you.
GWEN knew you because you were friends with PETER, who would mention you regularly when they'd recap all the good parts of the school day while walking home.
you stood up for him against the jerks who'd pick on him whenever she wasn't there to do it.
you had her respect, even though you apparently didn't even know her name.
you called her GWANDA.
regardless, she'd smile and wave back at you when you greeted her in the hallway in passing. "hey peter, hi gwanda!"
one morning, you both were the only ones in the hallway.
GWEN came to school late, having slept through the entirety of first period because she was exhausted from patrolling the entire night. you were sent out by a teacher to run an errand, just coming back from the main office.
"hi gwen!" you greeted with a smile when you noticed her, which gave her pause as she closed her locker and eyed you suspiciously.
"... hey."
"what's up? aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" you asked casually, as if you weren't being totally weird right now, with a curious tilt of your head that GWEN silently found only a little bit adorable.
"came late, i slept through my alarms."
you simply nodded, and she was silently thanking you for not questioning her further. she was terrible at lying on the spot.
"what about you?"
you held up a 3D-printed hall pass, from room 218. "had to bring the permission slips for a college trip to the office."
GWEN hummed softly in response, silence falling over the both of you. she felt awkward, so close yet slightly disconnected from you; the environment reflecting that. the hallway was a deep blue and you were a nice baby blue, whilst she was a dark purple that almost blended in.
"... soooo…" she drawled, glancing around before making awkward eye contact with you again. "we should.. probably get going…?"
you chuckled a little, "yeah, we should. where are you going right now? i'll walk you to class."
she was about to politely decline with a billion apologies, the way she always did when she got too awkward.
but then, she got that itching in the back of her skull that wouldn't go away whenever she was about to make a decision. the one that always made her do the exact opposite of what she was about to do.
"... sure. i'm in 208 right now." she said with a smile, before walking side by side with you up the staircase.
you attempted to bid her farewell and simply walk by, but GWEN grabbed the wrist of your free hand when you were right outside of her class. "why'd you call me gwen?"
you looked at her like she was a little bit stupid, "'cause.. that's your name...?"
"no- well, yeah, it is, but-" she huffed, a piece of her hair flying up. "you never call me gwen. it's always-"
"oh! yeah, i always call you gwanda. that's only a joke though, did peter never tell you?" you continued at the confused little shake of her head. "the one time you weren't here for phys ed, we had a substitute coach and she kept calling you gwanda for some reason. if it bothers you, i'll stop-"
"nono!" GWEN didn't know why she was so bothered by the thought of you not calling her by a stupid name. "it's okay, it's.. it's funny, i like when you call me it."
you just smiled at her- too sweetly, her heart was hammering in her chest. you slipped your wrist from her grasp, which she forgot she was holding, instead holding her hand with your own. she could feel the lockers around you both fading into a muted color she couldn't even care to notice, only focused on you and the pretty purple you both became.
"okay then, i'll call you gwanda for the rest of our lives."
she could only hope you didn't notice the blush on her face as she silently cursed you for saying something so.. so intimate, so casually.
"uh- yeah, yeah, cool. totally." she stammered, nodding as she returned your smile.
"later, gwanda."
you slipped your hand out of hers and waved before turning your back to her, making your way to the class you were supposed to be in.
"yeah, later…"
coincidentally, it happened in gym class, during the mandatory class soccer game.
the class was split into four teams. GWEN, you, and PETER were all on different ones.
GWEN's team wasn't playing at the moment, but yours and PETER's were so she was sitting on the sidelines and cheering for him. he actually had the ball for once!
he was clumsily dribbling it down the field toward you, goalie of the opposing team. and you, ever the try-hard, dove for the ball right as he went for a goal-scoring kick.
and.. well, he missed pretty badly.
you fell to your knees, clutching your mouth, while the ball pathetically rolled into the goal behind you.
your team, most of PETER's team, and even people from the sidelines got up and rushed to crowd around you two before GWEN could even register what just happened.
PETER, of course, was the first person to kneel down next to you, apologizing profusely while trying to get you to move your hands from your mouth to assess the damage. GWEN had to push, duck, and weave past her fellow students to get to you both, and she made it just in time to see you move your hand from your mouth.
it was covered in blood and your saliva, dripping onto the polished gym floor. PETER backed away a little, utterly horrified, not sure what to do.
a few tears, presumably from the pain, streaked down your cheeks as you blinked heavily.
GWEN had to give some people in the crowd her meanest glare when they started jeering at her friend for kicking the most beloved student in the school in the mouth.
"'m okay, guys-" you started, slightly pained but as optimistic as ever, but you and everyone else were a bit startled by the lisp in your speech that wasn't there before.
she tentatively kneeled down in front of you next to PETER with her hand firm on his shoulder to calm him down, trying to get a look into your mouth while you spoke to confirm her suspicions.
but you didn't have to speak again.
you toyed with something in your mouth before lifting your hand to spit into it- a tooth.
the gym exploded into angry reds and oranges so quickly, it almost gave GWEN a headache. the three of you stood out in various shades of blue and purple.
the gym teacher, who wasn't paying attention the entire time, only came to disperse the crowd when everyone started yelling at PETER for kicking you in the mouth and knocking your tooth out.
he was practically hyperventilating, so the teacher told him to go to the locker room and chill out, and make sure to grab some paper towel to get your blood and spit off the floor.
GWEN was told to walk you to the nurse, after leading you to the locker room as well.
you didn't seem all too bothered about your tooth being knocked out. you rinsed your mouth out in the locker room, cleaned yourself and your newly isolated tooth of blood, and were just admiring it while she walked next to you silently.
she didn't know what to say besides 'sorry my best friend knocked your tooth out' or 'sucks to suck', so she chose to keep quiet.
then, you gasped loud and clapped your hand on GWEN's shoulder harshly, making her flinch and turn to you, a frantic orange in direct contrast with your vibrant blue. "what's wrong, are you-"
"we match!"
it took her a second to register what you said, and when she did she just stared at you blankly, slowly fading into a usual purple that she was with you. "... huh?"
you smiled that million watt grin of yours, even though your lips were a little swollen, and GWEN noticed- it was one of your front teeth that was knocked out. she huffed, relieved that you weren't dying or something, before simply glancing at you, unimpressed.
"seriously?" was all she could ask. it wouldn't be the first or last time someone made fun of the gap between her two front teeth, but she couldn't really tell if you were doing that or if you were being genuine.
that is until you nodded enthusiastically.
"yeah! i mean, i don't think mine looks as cute as yours does," wow, okay, smooth. "but now we're matching!"
… okay, yeah, you were being serious. it was kind of endearing, if she was honest, and GWEN couldn't hold back the smile on her face.
"not really," she humored you. "since mine is natural."
you just sucked your teeth, the sound less sharp than it'd usually be, which got a laugh out of her.
"ooh, ooh- we should take a picture!"
"a picture? for what?"
"you know, to remember this day forever?"
"the day you got kicked in the mouth and your tooth was knocked out?" she questioned sarcastically, shaking her head fondly at your totally serious nod.
after a very intense mini staring contest, GWEN knew she lost when she brightened into a blue matching yours, making her roll her eyes as if she was being burdened by the childlike joy you brought her. "fine." she relented, grinning at your little cheer as she pulled out her phone.
she wrapped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you close as if you'd been friends forever, and you leaned your head against hers like it was totally normal.
both of you smiled wide, showing your tooth gaps to the camera, and she had to hold down a laugh at the way you were holding your knocked out tooth in frame.
you said a very corny "cheeese!", and once the picture was taken, she couldn't stop herself from bursting out laughing at the lisp in your voice.
and you were definitely playing it up just to make her laugh, talking in a very exaggerated nerdy-lispy voice that had her giggling all the way to the nurse's office.
you eventually got the tooth put back in at the dentist, which you missed a few days of school for.
thankfully, PETER found you on social media and peer pressured encouraged GWEN to reach out to you after she kept asking random people she'd never speak to otherwise where you were.
double thankfully, you didn't question how she found your socials and were happy to give her your phone number.
she definitely lectured you about how irresponsible that was of you over text, but only after she finished debating you over why her naming your contact "gappy 2" ( she'd be "gappy 1" for you ) wouldn't make any sense if you won't have the gap anymore.
to end the debate, you told her to hold on a second and then sent her a selfie.
you were smiling as bright as ever, your missing tooth back in it's place. your lips weren't swollen and you weren't bloody and drooling. GWEN just admired you for a few minutes before she actually noticed the gap between your two front teeth.
a gap that wasn't there before one of them got knocked out.
gappy 1 💫: Woah, you actually have one now?
Gappy #2 💞: yea!
Gappy #2 💞: the dentist lady said they can't do much about it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Gappy #2 💞: besides give me a retainer? which, hell no!
Gappy #2 💞: so we're officially twinning forever now 🫶
gappy 1 💫: Lol. You dodged a bullet, retainers suck
gappy 1 💫: It looks cute on you though :)
Gappy #2 💞: aww ty! but i could never outdo the doer <3
GWEN would admire the selfie you guys took that fateful day whenever she was missing you.
and then gaze longingly look at the one you took together the day you came back to school, showing your now actually matching tooth gaps.
your smiles were always so contagious, GWEN found herself matching your energy all the time. when you got hype and became a bright orange, she did too. when you chilled out after and faded into a comfy blue, so did she.
before you, GWEN never really smiled unless she was with loved ones or if someone told a joke. and when she did, it was close-lipped, since someone always managed to bring up her tooth gap and ruin her mood.
but she smiles so much more now, always with her teeth, and no comment can bring her down.
seeing you be just as radiant, if not more, with your gap-toothed smile encouraged her to smile the same way. even when you weren't around.
sometimes, when you're bored and lounging in her bedroom, you just flash her your teeth.
( like 😬 )
and she'd do the same back, not a word spoken.
neither of you have figured out what it means yet, and you probably never will.
but just seeing your tooth gap makes GWEN's heart thump a little faster, and reminds her of how much she loves you, so she thinks it doesn't matter.
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Petra Parker tries hiding while at the beach…
She peers over a rock…
Y/N Stark playfully tackles her from behind…
Petra: ahh! (giggles) no fair!
Y/N: I got you! What do I win?
Petra kisses Y/N gently on the lips…
Y/N: perfect. Do you want your consolation prize?
Petra giggles as Y/N kisses her gently and nuzzles her…
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For @multi-fandom-enjoyer
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spoonsock · 10 months
Starbucks love
Gwen Stacy x reader
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Synopsis: Ever wondered what would the one and only Spider Gwen order from Starbucks? Me neither but take this anyway.
Warnings: Idk none I think. Not proofread. Writing this at 2am no joke what is wrong with me. Also DUDE. This is kinda similar to Intruder like wtf am I really that not creative. 😭
Also, fun fact, I’ve never been to Starbucks so if I got something wrong pls lemme know.
You didn’t really mind having a part time job at Starbucks. It wasn’t that bad. All you had to do was take orders, make them, write names on cups with your best handwriting. Sometimes kick customers out. Sometimes maybe serve Spider-woman.
Yup that’s right. It all started yesterday.
It was supposed to be a normal day. You clocked in early and mentally prepared yourself for what awaits you ‘cause you never know what might happen. God, what a good decision it was to say a few positive words before the day started.
Around 10 AM, the shop is not even that filled with people yet, three guys barge in, all of them with a gun in their hands. One of them points the gun at you and then at the register, while the other two guys walk around the people sitting at their tables.
“You empty that thing right now or Imma blow your brains out”. The guy says pointing a gun at your face and you freeze. You don’t move an inch, just stare right at him. Your eyes are not wide, you are not hyperventilating or anything. You are panicking, but not showing any signs of it.
The more you stare at the guy, the more impatient he grows. “What are you? Deaf? I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t take the damn money out this fucking moment”.
As soon as he finishes his sentence, the door of the shop slams open and (literally) twirling in comes, the one and only, Spider-woman. The armed men immediately turn to her and point their guns, but she slouches and puts her hands on her hips, looking at them unfazed.
“Seriously, you guys aren’t gonna make this easy for me, are you?”, Gwen asks and receives no answer. “…Alright then”
Before you can even blink, she hits one of the guys in the face, grabbing his gun and throwing it at the other guy. You watch as the the third guy tries to throw a punch at her face but narrowly misses and she succeeds to grab his arm and twist it, before kicking him in the stomach. She easily webs all three of the unconscious men up and the people from the shop clap. She bows jokingly and makes her way over to you.
“Hey, you okay? They didn’t take any money, did they?”, she asks but you are unable to answer. When the masked guy pointed the gun at your face, it triggered something in you. Pushed an “off” button in your brain and turned everything into blurry stop-motion pictures.
For the record, you’ve never been held at gunpoint. Well, until that day, but you hoped it was the first and last time. You didn’t know why it caused you to act like that. To just freeze and zone out. I mean any normal person would start sweating and fearing for their life, visibly shaking or something but you? It turned you off.
Whatever. Whatever it was, you zoned back into reality when you saw a white hand move in front of your face.
“Helloooo? Earth to..”, Gwen stopped and squinted to read from your name tag. “Y/N? Earth to Y/N! You there?”
You quickly took in your surroundings before pulling yourself together and nodding. “Yeah yeah, I’m. I’m fine. Everything is fine. Thank you. For helping. And for asking. I’m fine”, you stumbled across your words and even behind her mask, you could see Spider-woman hesitantly furrowing her brows at you. She didn’t believe you, obviously. You were a terrible liar.
“Riiiighht, well I’m gonna go then”, she stretched out her words before slowly turning around, picking the masked, armed guys off of the floor and exiting the shop.
Honestly, you thought that was going to be your last encounter, but oh boy, you were wrong.
Because she came back in the very next day.
“Oh, hello?”
“I didn’t really see any thieves or villains in our shop today, but uh, how may I help you?”, you ask, unsure of what was she here for, kinda scared that something bad might happen soon and she’s just there to try to prevent it.
“Uhhh actually I came to see you. A-and to get a vanilla latte. And a chocolate chip cookie. But I’m mostly here to see you”, you felt your cheeks heat up at her words. The famous friendly neighbourhood superhero, Spider-woman, came in Starbucks in which you worked just to see you. Strange.
“Um. Okay.”, you didn’t really know what to say to that. What do you even say in a situation like that??
“Soo, hi. Are you okay? You uh didn’t really look the best yesterday? I-I mean you can’t really look the best after being held at gunpoint anyway. Not that you look bad! You don’t! It’s just that, it must have been traumatic, obviously. Not just for you, I guess for everyone in the shop but-“
“I’m okay”, you decided to stop her rambling. “Thanks for checking”, you gave her a shy smile and she smiled back, you guess, but didn’t say anything. You two just stood there, in comfortable silence, until someone coughed behind the masked superhero and tapped their foot on the ground impatiently.
“O-oh um you uh are you going to order orrrrr….?”, you asked, remembering suddenly that you were at work. Where you are supposed to do your work.
“Oh ah yeah I-I’ll have uuuuuuuuhhh a short vanilla latte and a chocolate chip cookie. Please.”
“You’re seriously going to order the most basic white girl drink?”, you chuckled before you’re eyes widened. “NO. Please tell me I didn’t say that out loud”, you thought. But judging by the silence you were met with and the “o_0 expression” (if you could call it that) your friendly neighbor super hero held, you were wrong. “Oh fudge”, you furrowed your eyebrows before giving her the most sympathetic look you could make.
“I did not mean to say that I am SO sorry. I mean I didn’t even mean to think that it just kinda came outta nowhere, I’ve never said anything like that out loud ever. Or not out loud. I’ve never even thought something like that, honest! I seriously don’t have any idea where this came from I mean I would never ever guess your race- it’s none of my business! And it’s not like race has anything to do with the goddarn drink. It’s a drink! Anyone can order it! I have no say in that and I am SOO-“
“IT’S OKAY”, this time, Gwen interrupted your rambling (finally, it seemed like you could go on and on), “you can uhhh make up for it by, I dunno, maybe, givingmeyournumber?”, she was nervous, but you were oblivious unfortunately.
“Oh. OH YEAH I can do that..I’ll just go get your drink. And you cookie”, your ass has never left a place so fast. “SPIDER WOMAN. WANTS. MY NUMBER”, you squealed in your head while preparing her order.
You returned to her in a few minutes, a cup in one hand and a cookie in the other. “For here or do you want me to put it in a bag?”
“Can you put just the cookie in the bag?”, Gwen asked shyly and you nodded packing the cookie in the paper bag. Taking a sharpie that stood on your side of the counter, you wrote on her cup of latte “For Spidey ♡ by Y/N”, scribbling your phone number underneath and handing the bag and the cup to her.
“Thank you for your visit. Enjoy!”, you said what you always say to your customers and she jokingly gave you a two finger salute, turning around and exiting the shop.
The whole day after her visit, you’d check your phone every two seconds waiting for her text. At this point, you were already at home, watching a movie you picked out randomly to distract you from constantly glancing at your phone. Unfortunately, you were a person who constantly keeps their sound off and the movie actually intrigued you to the point you somehow forgot about the happenings of yesterday and today, at least until the movie ended.
And then it hit you.
You opened your phone to see four new notifications from unknown. FROM AN HOUR AGO.
You could barely contain your excitement. Spider woman. Asked you. For your number. She had your number. And she texted you. You have Spider woman’s number. And you’re about to answer to her texts. Holy quack.
Today 20:14
hey, this is spider woman
wow that felt weird to write hahah
anyway thank you for the drink
and your number
You smiled at your phone. Who would’ve thought that she would be so awkward while texting.
Unbeknownst to you, an hour ago, Gwen was panicking hard. At first she didn’t know what to say. She spent 10 minutes just writing and then deleting and writing and deleting words. Eventually, she decided to muster up the courage and send whatever first came to mind.
The moment she clicked on the “send” button, she regretted it. Then she sent another message, to try to fix the situation she put herself in. Only to realize she is just digging her grave deeper. Before she knew it, she sent you four messages, then threw her phone as far away as possible without damaging it too much, to stop herself from sending another text in attempt to “fix the previous”. She grabbed her mask and pulled it over her head, hiding her face from no one in particular.
After a few minutes, she heard a ding from across the room and scrambled from her bed quickly, tangling herself in the covers, getting her leg stuck in them and managing to fall face first on the floor.
Groaning, she reached for her phone from the very position she fell into, expecting to see a text back from you.
“Iphone storage full” was the only notification she received. Gwen placed the phone to where it was, continuing to lay on her bedroom floor with her Spider mask on.
“This is going to be a long night”
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stories4thepack · 5 months
Evil or Broken?
Spider Gwen x Villian Reader
Warnings: swearing, violence, blood, death (Jolly stuff right?)
(This might become a two partner or even a series depending on the popularity/ comments)
“Villains. Stories depict them as emotionless, and movies display them as hateful. The newspapers create blood thirsty monsters, but the internet declares that they lack humanity. Whoever you ask, villains will always be the bad guys, never has anyone paused to actually discover what happened to them. 
Hero’s are the good guys, the ones celebrated and praised, the ones holidays are named in honor of. They are the ones allowed to tell their tales and they are the only ones who own the tragic origin stories.”
What about your story?
Gwen Stacy was your best friend. You had known her since she was 4, but when you grew up, you realized that you saw her as more. Her deep eyes never failed to put you in a trance and her gentle, humorous tone brought a warmth to your chest. You always felt nervous around her, terrified you would say or do anything to make her aware of your growing feelings. You loved Gwen Stacy. 
Then the worst happened, a serum twisted a man into a monster, who the news called ‘The Lizard’. You were told to stay inside for your own safety, but your brother, Peter Parker, was out there somewhere. Something had told you that he was in danger. So, you ran to find him. 
Spider-woman was fighting the Lizard when you happened across them, she was throwing punch after punch and web after web. But the creatures clawed hands grasped her by the waist, throwing her against a nearby wall. She slumped against it, groaning in pain. You had little time to think before you threw yourself in front of the girl
You would never forget the feeling of the creatures' claws tearing through your stomach and every night, you rewatched as your blood flew across the alleyway and how Ghost-spiders covered hands grasped your body as you collapsed.  
“Tell Gwen I’m sorry.”
You had told Ghost-Spider as she held you in her arms. Your vision was dark, but you watched as she tore her mask from her head, revealing her perfect face from beneath it. Blood covered her suit, but she couldn’t care. She held your body as you muttered you last words.
“I love you.”
Your hand fell limp in hers, a tear frozen on your emotionless face. The Lizard stood silent and still, perhaps fighting his instincts, perhaps aware of what he had just done, perhaps your brother looked on in horror behind his slit eyes. You would never know. The fight ended with both parkers lying dead in the dark alleyway and you never knowing about your brother’s crimes. 
Later, when you awoke to a burning sensation spreading through your body and the reeking smell of death from the darkness you lay in. You knew you shouldn’t be there, not just in the morgue you discovered you lay in but also in existence. You knew that you should not be alive. 
You had managed to wriggle into a jacket and clambered out of the Morgue, too weak to walk and managed to discover your invulnerability when attacked by a pack of stray, rabid dogs lurking nearby. The other abilities followed suit, your increased strength and speed allowing you to throw the mutts aside, the claws sharp enough to dig into brick that pulled you up the alley wall, the instincts and endurance of a creature far beyond your own, allowing you to throw yourself from the top of the 7ft high building to the busy street below. It was as if you were injected with a serum that gave you the same abilities as The Lizard, but without the hideous, blood thirsty monster.
Your first thought was to find Gwen and driven by desperation to pull her into your arms, you followed her scent. You watched her leave school, head held down, books clasped to her chest. The left side of her head had been shaved and the stench of depression filled your nose. You crouched on the edge of the balcony, claws digging into the stone, a growl rippling past your lips at the sad sight. Gwen's head snapped upward, meeting the unfamiliar gaze of the figure lurking on the roof, a white doctor's coat thrown over their shoulders and bloody bandages covering every inch of their body. She sees the figure stiffen, head tilting in curiosity. They turn quickly, leaving the girl to dart home, struggle into her suit before allowing her Spidey senses to guide her to the being.  
“How did we get here Gwen?”
You ask from beneath the metal mask. The memories that were made over a year ago fading away, allowing you to return to the dark cell you kept your prisoner in. Her wrists cuffed in heavy chains. You wear a black shirt with matching trousers, above that were silver armor plates covering your chest, shoulder and knees. A dagger hangs off the left side of your belt and a pistol on the other. The news had depicted you as a Villain. As an emotionless, hateful, blood thirsty monster lacking all sense of humanity. They called you “The Shadow”, catchy right?
“I keep telling you, I don’t know who Gwen is!”
Ghost-spider calls from behind you, her mask still on even though you desire to rip it from her face. You can hear her heart pounding beneath her suit, she was scared, perhaps terrified of you.
“I have done nothing wrong Gwen; you are here because I do not want to hurt you.”
She snorts, making your head snap towards her, your eyes growing into a burning green, one that Gwen recognized and fears immediately; Peter Parkers eyes went the exact same color before he turned into The Lizard. Before she killed him. The news depicted her as a murderer, that she was responsible for the fate of two “innocent” siblings, and in some sickening sense, she was.
“You murdered Peter Parker.”
You state, turning slowly towards her, she stutters unable to make words, too shocked that her captor brought that up and too terrified to act. 
“Why-why? Are you doing this? For him? To Finish his work?”
You grab her throat.
“He did nothing wrong!”
Your anger drives your actions as you finally rip her mask from her head. Revealing her terrified face from beneath the fabric. The sight makes you release your grip, your eyes fading to a color Gwen recognizes, the eyes now filled with the life she saw leave you but lacking the deep gentleness she’d fallen in love with. 
She asks, watching as you turn the other way. She can see a tear roll down your cheek, vanishing underneath your metal mask, she fights the instinct to pull you into her arms, not even sure if it is you. Your hand reached up to your mask, pressing on a button on the side which clips it open, it falls away in your hand, revealing the long scars trailing up the side of your face, disappearing into the hair hidden under your black hood. Gwen sobs, her hand reaching up to your head, you freeze, allowing her to lightly trail the marks in your skin. The Lizards claws replaced by Gwens feather light touch. 
“You-your alive.”
She cries, her words mixing with the sobs crawling up her throat. The sound breaks the heart you thought you had lost, bringing that familiar, welcome warmth back to your chest, pushing out the cold. 
she finally asks, to which your shrug, sadly shaking your head. A question you are yet to answer yourself. Gwen leans into you, placing her forehead against your shoulder. 
You roar, tearing away from her, the voice does not belong to you, its hisses and burns in your throat. You claw at your head, hood falling away to reveal your hair, cut lazily short and covered in mud. You bark, black veins crawling up your throat as your eyes darken to an evil emerald. 
“Shut up!”
You beg, falling against the wall beside Gwen. You thrash, bark, cry, the mask falls from your hand and crashes loudly on the stone floor. You lurch onto the ground, claws digging into the stone as your back arches and teeth grind against each other. 
“No, I will not hurt her!”
You scream, fighting whatever creature you have inside you. Gwen begins to fight her chains, attempting to tear them from her wrists as you pound on the floor, bloodying your fist as you break into the stone. She screams your name, begging you to stop and stares at the blood flowing down your hand. 
“Gwen is Spider woman”
You suddenly sigh, head turning eerily towards her as if you had become possessed. A snarl pushed past your lips as you carelessly crawled onto your feet. Gwen sobs petrified of whatever you were fighting.
“And Spider woman killed your brother.”
You stalk towards her, the voice muttering from your mouth was not a welcome or comforting sound. It croaked and hissed with every violent spasm causing your body to shake and twitch. 
“And she didn’t even kill The Lizard, did she? He is still out there, somewhere!”
“NO, NO I killed him. He is dead!”
The creature screams. Gwen can see the way your jaw tightens, as if attempting to silence the creature. You had been corrupted by whatever serum you had been injected with, no doubt by your brother. Gwen tugs at the chains, stumbling forward as they fall partly from the wall. 
“She killed your brother because she hates you.”
The creature continues to mutter through your mouth, taking another menacing step closer. Gwen tears at the metal around her wrists, her fingers finally digging under them. 
“A life for a life.”
You mutter, throwing yourself at the hero. She tears her hand through the metal quickly enough to be able to web herself away from the claws aimed at her head. You bark, eyes snapping up to where she is stuck on the ceiling, amazed that she has broken free. 
You scream, leaping at the brick wall before stalking your way up, never breaking eye contact. Gwen lifts her hand up, attempting to show that she is not armed, but your approach does not cease.
“Your brother was The Lizard, Y/n, and I can almost guarantee that he-”
“Shut up.”
You scream, but there is something behind the words, mixed with animalistic growls. Pain. She knew she was getting through to you, knew that you were listening to her. 
“I can almost guarantee that whatever he injected himself with, he injected into you! It just hasn’t had the same effect.”
You freeze, muttering under your breath before screaming again. The sound makes Gwen flinch, but she continues, watching the way your eyes flicker from green to their normal color and back again.
“I did kill him Y/n, when I fought him. You died, you died in my fucking arms, and I could do nothing. I saw the creature and-”
She swallows back the lump in her throat, you haven't moved, head tilted and watching her. The emerald glare had reduced to a lighter, broken gaze which made more tears flow down her hot cheeks. 
“I was angry, I had lost you. It hurt and I just- I just wanted revenge. I had no idea he was, that he had turned into that creature. I am sorry. For everything.”
You growl, approaching slowly, almost appearing cautious during the action. Gwen keeps her hand raised in case you aren’t truly back. 
“You're lying.”
You suddenly shout and pounce at her, Gwen shoots a web at you before pulling it and you onto the floor below. You hit the ground hard, groaning as you attempt to get up. Your hand goes to your head, blood dripping down the side of it. Gwen lands elegantly on the floor, raising her hands again to show she will not hurt you, that you know now to be a lie. Your blood covers the tips of your finger when you take your hand away from the wound, a smile spreads across your face at the sight of it. Your skin immediately begins to knit itself back together and there is quickly no wound in sight. Gwen takes a step back as you begin to cackle
“You can hurt me as much as you like, but you will have to kill me to win!”
You leap once more at the startled hero, able to force your claws into her shoulder and pin her against the wall. Your talons press against the skin of her throat, she looks into your eyes, praying for some sign of you beyond your feral stare. 
“Tell me why I should not avenge my brother right now?”
“He was the Lizard.”
She responds quickly, hoping that the fact he became a creature that wreaked havoc on the city would get through to you. You force her head against the wall, making her cry out.
“Would you kill me then? Am I no longer a friend to you because I am the villain.”
Gwen freezes, hearing the slight familiarity in your voice and how the reptilian hisses of your words attempt to smother your own, human voice. Gwen’s hand goes to the side of your face, the action makes you flinch before digging your claws deeper into her skin, she hisses in pain, a tear welling up in her eye. Gwen feels her heart pounding with fear and perhaps something else as she mutters
“You’re so much more than a friend to me.”
She hears a breath catch in your throat and notices the way your gaze darts to her lips for a brief second before you shake your head. You growl again, but the hero hears the whine hiding behind the sound. 
“Please, don’t kill me yet.”
She begs as your claws dig deeper into her throat, the first drops of blood dripping onto your talons. You shake your head again, desperate to both break free and remain captive. Your eyes meet hers again, your emerald gaze filled with apologetic tears as your dig your claws deeper into her skin
“Just- give me a final moment to do this”
Before you have time to respond, she presses her lips to yours, grasping your shoulders as you attempt to break free. She presses her body against yours, keeping her lips firmly in place as her eyes close. She feels you growl against her, before your hand falls away and she is pushed firmly against the wall, your lips pressing desperately into her own. You purr slightly as her hand trails up your neck and into your hair, melting in her hold. When she finally breaks away, your head goes to her shoulder, face disappearing into the crook of her neck as you wrap your arms around her. 
She mutters, wrapping her arms tightly around you, desperate not to let you go again. If only she knew what was to happen….
(I will do more parts if wanted, also, I was thinking of doing another Wednesday x vampire reader or even another character x vampire reader form the series. Let me know what you think)
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vrisrezis · 1 year
You sigh, and honestly even that is the first noise they’ve heard you make in what felt like days.
Miles can’t find it in him to blame you. Dealing with his uncles death was hard for him too, he was so close to Aaron and he just lost him, just like that. And in his mind it’s his fault. He can’t imagine what this must feel like for you.
Gwen can’t blame you either, at one point in her life she was perfectly okay with her own father dying for the sake of canon events. She can’t believe she ever thought she was accepting of that happening. Losing Peter had changed her, and she cannot imagine how much losing your mother will change you.
“I’m sorry.” you say, and it’s the first time you’ve spoken at all today. You’re all sprawled on your bed, your facing the fan on the ceiling. Miles on your left, Gwen on your right. Once facing the same direction as you, now both turn their respective directions to take a good look at you.
Each of them grab your hands, “it’s okay,” gwen starts, and miles finishes her sentence “don’t apologize.”
You don’t want to lose them too.
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miloswebs · 8 months
Back in Earth 65, you eventually are told about the whole Gwanda incident. Gwen rants to you a little, tells you what she thinks you can handle and doesn’t elaborate on things she doesn’t plan on sharing.
You sit there, resting your cheek against your knuckles, smiling faintly as she drones on. You could listen to Gwen talk all day. She could ramble about Miles all day. It doesn’t bother you as long as she keeps smiling.
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insertyourselfhere · 1 year
Pink (Anomaly Part 6)
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Pairing: Gwen Stacy (Ghost Spider) x Reader
A/N: FINAL INSTALLMENT! I promise lots of fluff for you guys who have been reading along. Also I named this one different for reasons you will see down below.
Description: It’s over, the fight with Miguel, Spot, Miles was safe and everything was back to normal minus the idea of canon events. The Spider-Society was more reformed and acted like one mind instead of listening to that AI Miguel had created. You were currently sitting on the roof in your own dimension, watch firmly placed around your wrist, the fight was over and things were finally starting to slow down.
Characters: Pretty much all of it is Gwen & Y/N with like a tiny mention of Your aunt and Hobie
A breeze went pass your face, the smell of the New York city filled your senses. It wasn’t great but it was home. Your mask lay next to you, no one in their right mind would be looking up here so this was the one time you felt like you could be yourself. You tucked your left leg under your chin and your right leg dangled over the edge, you had your phone with you going back through the memories since you were introduced to Gwen and thrown into a multi-dimensional fight that seemed to rip apart the fabric of time and space. Meeting earth 42 Miles was a bit of a shock, especially how he was such a polar opposite to 1610 Miles. But still the pictures you took of you and your Spidey crew, seeing Mayday running around with her knitted mask on was such a joy too, and you can see why Peter kept asking all the angsty people to hold his baby she was just too adorable.
“What are you up too?” A sweet voice came filling your ears, you smiled and looked behind to see the one person who kept flooding your mind.
“Just can’t get over how crazy the last few months have been, I remember before I met you I was the one and only Spider here, now I know at least maybe 20 others and that’s because I cant seem to meet the other Peter’s, there’s too many! Why are their names all Peter Parker” She giggled and shrugged her shoulders sitting down next to you. Her gaze firmly fixed on the horizon in front of you, the sun slowly going down and the air feeling a bit crisper as the air got darker. You heard Gwen shiver next to you and you had a small smirk placed on your lips.
“I’d offer you a jumper but someone’s taken them all and left them at Hobie’s” You said gently nudging her with your shoulder, she pushed you back laughing. You couldn’t help it though. You took off the Jumper you were wearing currently and handed it over to Gwen who looked at you thankful.
“I need that back, I’m not going to lie I’m running low and its started to get a bit too cold to be a Spider” She giggled again but kept her eyes focused forward.
“Can I tell you something? That I feel very bad about but also might need a bit of comfort on” You nodded your head also facing forward watching the last bit of sun die down and the New York lights all start turning on.
“You know already about my past with you from my dimension, I miss them incredibly and I will never forget them, both Y/N and Peter were my absolute best friends. However whenever I look at you, I don’t see that person anymore. I only see you. I only see the amazing Y/N Spider I’ve gotten to know over the last few months, and it’s crazy to say but I don’t associate you 2 anymore” You didn’t look towards Gwen, just kept your eyes trained forward.
“I feel different things with you than I did with them. It was hard to realise just that because every time I looked at you I saw them and that doesn’t happen anymore” She let out a sigh she seemed to be holding onto and tucked both her legs up hiding her face.
“What I’m trying to say is that you make me feel different and I don’t know what that means or how to deal with it. I guess I just have a lot of emotions and I can’t really deal with them” You chuckled slightly and then it turned on to a full belly laugh. You felt awful for laughing at Gwen but it was too hard not too.
“Gwen, our whole job is having a lot of emotions and not being able to deal with them. You literally just described every Spider-Man/Woman/Pig/Trex ever. We are filled with emotional baggage that we can’t deal with and honestly even our Spider Therapist is fed up with all of us at this point.”
“Look its complicated, like I told you before I thought I was the only Spider out there and to find out theres a MULTIVERSE of them literally has blown my mind. But you know what who cares” Gwen was a bit offended that you laughed at her especially during her heartfelt speech but as you slowly explained the reasoning for it she couldn’t help but find the irony in the entire situation and started to laugh along with you.
“Yeah you’re right who cares, we’ve found our family, found other people who know what its like for us to go through this. All I know is that I appreciate you as a person, as a friend and maybe something more” She sent you a sly smile slowly reaching for you hand and grabbing onto it.
You kept your head forward but acknowledged the gesture by squeezing her hand and smiling. On the outside you were calm, cool and collected but on the inside you were about to pop open with butterflies flying out of your stomach, mouth, all your holes. When you got a chance you looked at Gwen out of your peripheral’s and could almost see her dimension colours blending in with yours. You heart almost burst open at the beautiful colour scheme that was behind her, it was filled with bright colours again but there was a very pre-dominant pink displaying behind her. You looked at her face and could see that same pink dusting her cheeks in the slightest.
You grabbed her hand and pulled her into your side, she just melted into it with a content sigh leaving her lips, she didn’t know how long she had been holding onto that for but it just felt right.
Soon the sun left and all that was in front of you was the beautiful city scape filled with street and car lights. You heard some steady breathing coming from your side where Gwen lay and looked over to see she had fallen asleep, your heart jumped at how beautiful she looked and you brushed away one of her locks. Her body was ice cold to touch so you got up gently and carried Gwen in your arms. Trying not to disturb her you leaped between buildings only a couple blocks from your apartment.
As soon as you arrived you opened up your lounge room window only to see your Aunt and Hobie of all people sitting there enjoying what was on TV. You walked in quietly but you shot Hobie in the back of his head who held up his hands and moved back on to his dimension leaving your Aunt in the lounge room looking at you and a very tired Gwen snuggled into your arms. She raised her eyebrow but had a smile on her face. She got up and went to leave the apartment as she had dinner plans to get too anyway but she gestured to you a small wave.
You moved into your bedroom and put Gwen in your bed who immediately snuggled into the bed sheets. You laughed, took off your suit and headed towards the lounge room where you got comfortable on the couch. The clock read 6.30pm which was unusually early for you but just like Gwen you barely had time to rest, slowly you felt your eyelids drop and fell into a deep sleep.
Shortly after you fell into a deep slumber you heard some movement around the apartment. You woke up fully ready to fight the intruder only to see it was Gwen groggily walking through your apartment, you couldn’t get over how it adorable it was to see her walking out with your oversized jumped on rubbing her eyes, she spotted you on the couch and walked towards you.
“Come on Spider” She said grabbing your hand and dragging you into your room. She pushed you onto the bed and before you could utter even a single word she slid in next to you, her face snuggled up on your chest, her breathing evened out almost immediately and she fell straight back to sleep. You on the other hand were having the biggest heart attack, your heart was literally beating out of your chest, you checked at least 7 times if your heart was bothering Gwen in anyway cause she was laying on top of it but she was too sound asleep to even care. You didn’t know what to do with yourself, you didn’t know where to put your hand, what to do with your body so you lay as stiff as a board afraid to move.
“Relax Spider, we’re just cuddling theres nothing wrong with that” She said, you could hear the smirk she had on her lips and you knew at this point she was tormenting you. So you decided enough was enough, her words were enough to relax you into the embrace. Before she could fall asleep though you rolled over and were laying with your chest pushed against hers.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were doing this on purpose” You teased looking at the blonde hair girl. She didn’t say anything she barely opened her eyes to look at you, taking into account how close you were it was your turn to smirk.
You wrapped your arm around her waist and pulled her so she was flushed against your chest, not a single inch of space was available, even in bed you towered over her a little and by this point she had opened her eyes, the widest you had ever seen them. You leaned down getting closer to her lips only to miss them by mere millimetres and proceeded to fake snore directly in her ear. She let out the loudest giggle and pushed you off her with her face beet red. You took some satisfaction in that interaction and went back to laying on your back and pulling her in to your side again.
“Get some sleep my tired Gwen” you kissed her forehead and proceeded to close your eyes. Before you drifted off all you can hear was he heart beating out of her chest.
Morning had come around and Gwen was still tucked into your side, the sun was poking through and you looked at the time, it was 10am and you were shocked at the amount of sleep you had gotten. While you were checking out the time the girl next to you beginning to stir, you stayed where you were waiting to see if she would wake up and she did, her eyes open and even though she only had short hair it was EVERYWHERE she had a bad case of bed hair and you laughed at her.
“What? Y/N what are you laughing about?” She said checking her face, once she got to her hair she quickly stood up and sprint into the bathroom.
“Good Morning Gwen!” You heard your aunt say laughing. You walked out of your room and she gave you the biggest look, she slowly started sipping her coffee and couldn’t help the cheeky smiled that graced your lips.
“So are you 2…” She trailed off but you knew exactly what she was going to ask. “No A/N we’re just friends” She moved out of the kitchen towards the dining table you sported and placed her cup down, she grabbed her phone and began scrolling.
“Yes I too just sleep with my friends” She smiled again and your face grew flush again, you went to argue back but Gwen came bursting out of the bathroom, your Jumper still placed firmly on her body.
“Good Morning A/N” She made her way into the kitchen she had been in multiple times, poor herself a tea and sat down next to your Aunt. You just stood in the corner watching the scene unfold in front of you with a tiny smile on your lips.
“Soooo what do you 2 have planned today?” Your aunt asked, you finally sat down your face still slightly read from your Aunts comment before. Gwen looked at you and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Maybe go for a walk or something” Your Aunt picked up her drink again trying to hide a devious smile she had. “Maybe go for a walk or something hey?” She repeated to Gwen looking at you, you honestly couldn’t take what your Aunt was saying so you told Gwen you were leaving asap. She chucked on a change of clothes she had bought, still with your jumper and you left the apartment while glaring back at your Aunt.
As you were both walking down the footpath the tension was incredible, neither of you could think straight and kept bumping into bystanders. As you were walking someone was a little too close to you and bumped you towards Gwen, your fingers grazed but it was enough to start up those damn butterflies again.
You both pulled away quietly apologising to the other for the awkward interaction, as you walked through the crowd you felt a bit hungry seeing as you skipped out on breakfast you grabbed Gwen’s attention.
“Let’s go out for breakfast!” You said with the biggest grin on your face, she nodded and you dragged her towards your favorite Café. You were seated rather quickly and ordered your food sitting outside once again feeling that cool breeze New York had to offer.
Gwen was lost staring out at the people who were walking pass, you looked at her again seeing those same colours you saw last night on the rooftop, you reached your arm across the table and grabbed her hand. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at you across the table, you tried to act all nonchalant about the interaction like you guys had done this 100x and it wasn’t new to either of you. But she smiled and squeezed your hand. You looked back at her and could see those colours had now amplified, that pink hue coming through that was also present on her cheeks.
Soon though your bubble burst and your food had come out, so both of you tucked into your food not realising how long it had also been since you had a decent meal. Once you finished off you both thanked the restaurant and headed further down the footpath.
As soon as you started walking though you felt a familiar hand intertwine theirs with yours. You smiled once facing forward trying not to drag attention to what she had done but you appreciated it all the same. You both came up to central park now and took a lovely stroll through there, you came across an Ice Cream stand and bought both you and Gwen some Ice cream, you headed down to the lake and sat near the edge on the grass, both of you quietly eating your ice cream not wanting to disturb the peace.
Once you were both done Gwen huddled over back into your side and you laid down on your back, her head pressed into your chest as she absentmindedly drew circles around your arm giving you small little goosebumps.
You both stopped and laughed she sat up so she was still leaning on your chest but looking directly into your eyes. You took that as your queue to keep going.
“Much like you, I don’t know what this is or what we’re doing, but I can only tell you that I have literally enjoyed every single second of it. I want more but I know we need to be very slow for both of us.” Gwen kept looking at you intently, you saw her cheeks heat up a little but she nodded to encourage you to keep talking.
“I think at this point we just keep going, keep enjoying ourselves and not get sucked into the whole awkwardness of it all, hell I have hung out with you so many times’ we’ve stayed over stayed In the same room, we’ve hugged, we’ve touched all of it but everything just feels so different like…”
“Like it means more than it used to” she finished staring once again into your eyes, you nodded and sat up slightly so you could look at her too.
“We’re not very good with our emotions, we tend to hide away, keep them to ourselves or not speak about them because we’re afraid with getting hurt but I can’t do that with you anymore” Gwen held her breath waiting for you to continue.
“I guess what I am trying to say….it’s probably easier to show you if anything” You said, you sat up more but grab Gwen by the waist once again pulling her towards you, she was flush against your body, he hand on your chest and you leant down. Your whole body was screaming at you from the top of its lungs to hurry up and make the final move so you did. You pulled her face closer to yours and your lips touched. Everything in the world felt like it fit perfectly, Your lips were on hers enjoying the soft warmth, while she was still shocked and slightly stiff you felt her relax. Once she did she deepened the kiss and threw her arms around your neck to keep you there afraid you’ll disappear. You had to break the kiss unfortunately gasping for air, your foreheads touching, before anything else could be said Gwen had captured your lips once again, this one more desperate as she crawled further into your body, sitting herself in your lap. Her legs on either side of your body as she threw herself at you desperate for something more. This time she broke the kiss desperate for air.
This kept happening for the next 30 minutes or so, you would kiss, it would become incredibly heated and then you would break the kiss. Both of you afraid of stopping and wanting more from each other, both of you doing nothing but talking with your tongues and showing the other person just how much you cared for them.
After awhile they noticed a few eyes were on them and forgot they were in public. Gwen with her face 50 shades of red slid of your lap and hid her face, your lips bruised from the amount of kissing you both did rolled over to her and tackled her into a hug. She shrieked from being crushed by you but managed to push you off, she got up ready to run away and you got up ready to chase after her.
For the first time in a long time she smiled, no hidden fear, no sadness she looked like she had nothing to lose now and she was the absolute happiest she could ever be. You could see her world again, blending through, there was only one colour now and it was a bright beautiful pink. You knew it was for you and you couldn’t help but smile at the fact that this was your doing and that you could change someone’s entire perception with just yourself.
Gwen managed to get away from you but only briefly as you caught up to her, she laughed as you picked her up and circled her around your body coming to a halt, you pulled her back down to your lips pushing them against hers never getting sick and tired of that feeling.
“Y/N I….”
“I know Gwen you don’t have to tell me I can see it”
And you could, that beautiful pink you would never get sick of seeing would forever be implanted in your brain as one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen.
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 6 months
“running home to your sweet nothings”
A Gwen oneshot
this was written while listening to this song :3
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Pairing: Gwen Stacy (Spider-Woman/Ghost Spider) x fem!Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: Use of Y/N (just once), use of pet names (buttercup, sweets, sweetheart, darling), the rest is just fluffy stuff! :D
A/N: My first time writing for Gwen! <3
It had been a relatively quiet evening for you. A glance at the clock on your bedside table told you that it was just past 11 in the night.
You lay sprawled on your bed, reading a book and occasionally checking your phone to see if you had any new texts. You had a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches on your beside table, along with a cup of hot cocoa with three marshmallows bobbing along the surface, but you weren’t hungry just then.
No sooner had you started wondering whether you should attempt to go to sleep than a familiar click diverted your attention to the window.
You were on your feet in record time as you saw the masked figure of Spider-Woman somersault gracefully into your room. She had just about stuck the landing when she tripped over her feet, landing in a heap with a small, disgruntled groan.
“You‘ve gotta start giving me a little more of a warning when you do that falling-through-my-window thing,” You scolded her, being careful to keep your voice low so as to not disturb your sleeping parents in the next room as you knelt to wrap her in a hug. “You okay? Need me to patch you up?”
Gwen shook her head, allowing you to hook your fingers under the fabric of her mask and pull it off. “I’m fine, buttercup. Just really, really tired.” She buried her face in your neck, a few strands of her hair tickling the underside of your jaw as you looped your arms around her to rub soothing circles into the tense muscles of her back.
“Did you eat anything?” She shook her head no again and you breathed out disapprovingly through your nose. “Well, we need to fix that. Have my grilled cheese.”
You pressed a finger to her lips the moment you saw her pull away, preparing to protest. “Nope. You’re eating the sandwich and that’s final. Come on, lie down, sweetheart. You need to rest now.”
You gently scooped her into your arms, carrying her princess-style and dropping her quite gracelessly onto the bed before reaching over to the plate of grilled cheese sandwiches on your bedside table as well as the still-warm cup of hot chocolate.
You sat next to her, wrapping a blanket around both of your shoulders. “You’re shivering, sweets. Want me to get you a sweater?”
Gwen gave you a big smile, resting her head on your shoulder. “I’m good, thanks. Besides, you being here is enough to warm me up any day. It’s because you’re so sizzling hot, darling~”
She gave you a playful little wink, a quiet giggle bubbling in her throat that was so adorable it brought a smile to your face instantly. “Damn right I am,” You agreed, leaning over to steal a bite of the sandwich she was holding in her hand. “Now finish eating so we can cuddle. I missed you.”
“You’re like a needy little puppy,” Gwen gave you a shit-eating grin, pretending to shake her head disapprovingly but leaning over to kiss your cheek. “Always looking for attention. That’s one of the things I love most about you.”
“My little charm-talker, making an appearance again. Eat your sandwich before I do.” You gently nudged her cheek with your nose, watching her cram the whole thing in her mouth in one go and hold up her hands to show you that she had finished. “Good grief, Gwen. When I said I’d eat it I didn’t actually mean it! It’s not going anywhere. You’re going to choke.”
“No ‘m not,” She spoke with her mouth full, managing to swallow all of the sandwich without gagging. “See? Told you. I’m a big girl, I can handle myself. I can take care of stuff so well, it’s scary. You should be scared of me.”
You raised an eyebrow at her, nestled so cozily against your side underneath the blanket like a puppy seeking warmth. “Sure, sweetheart. I believe you.”
“I am!” She protested, reaching over to tap the tip of your nose. Her expression turned more serious, her smile fading as she opened her mouth to ask something else. “Can I sleep here? Please?”
Your lips parted slightly as you glanced toward your closed bedroom door. Though one look at her told you that she was completely exhausted and stressed, maybe a few minutes away from just passing out there itself, and it warmed your heart that she felt so safe around you.
“Of course you can, Gwen. I’ll get you some sweatpants and a sweater, okay?”
Gwen nodded, relief and gratitude evident in her eyes. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too. I’ll be right back, I gotta go put the plate away. But first, take your clothes.” You lightly kissed the top of her head before moving off the bed to get her a fresh set of clothes. You had a drawer in your closet dedicated to her own spare clothes for whenever she crashed at your place after a long day of being Spider-Woman, which happened a lot more often than not. You chucked a pair of grey sweatpants and a fuzzy nightshirt at her, taking the plate and mug and going to the kitchen.
You returned to see Gwen - dressed in the fresh set of clothes - curled under your duvet covers like a tiny kitten, eyes half-closed with how tired she was. Still, she perked up the moment she heard you come in and close the door behind you. “Hang on, is that my hoodie?”
You glanced down in surprise and yes, she was right. “It’s comfy,” You defended yourself, giving her a sheepish smile as you tucked yourself beside her under the covers. “And it smells like your perfume.”
“It looks better on you, buttercup,” She murmured softly, opening her arms for a hug. You instinctively reached forward to pull her against your chest, her head finding its familiar place in the space between your neck and shoulder while her arms slotted under yours to wrap around you and meet at your back. You traced gentle patterns along the nape of her neck, drawing little invisible stars and hearts around the scars, birthmarks and bruises that was scattered on her skin.
“Sleep, Gwen. You need it.”
She gave a soft, incomprehensible mumble of affirmation, her eyelashes fluttering shut. After a few minutes her breathing evened out, her side rising and falling steadily, and you assumed she had fallen asleep. You shut your eyes too, gratefully basking in the peaceful quality time you got to spend with her right now, enjoying it as much as you could since times like these were rarities.
“Y/N… have you ever thought about the fact that bean bags are basically boneless sofas?”
“Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy, go to sleep right now or so help me...”
“Okay, okay. Good night, sweetheart.”
“…Wait, oh my goodness, you’re right”
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