along came a spider
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51714676 by rubysgaypanic Primrose is anything but normal. She was born in 1995 to Richard and Mary Parker before she was subsequently kidnapped by Hydra for revenge against her parents. After years of torture, both mental and physical, she is looking for a reason to escape her life by any means possible. Will an assassin from her past be able to help her come to terms with who she has been made into? Can a witch possibly help as well, having Hydra in common with Primrose? Or is Prim always set along a path of pain and destruction? OR Fem Hydra Peter copes with being raised a murderer and trying to do better then what she has known her whole life. Thankfully she has a group of people behind Words: 1803, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Yelena Belova, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Other Avengers, Dreykov (Avengers Marvel movies), Skip Westcott Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Female Peter Parker, Precious Peter Parker, Hydra (Marvel), Skip is his own warning, hes only in the first chapter and whatever chapter he dies though, Spidermom and Spiderdaughter, Peter is Primrose Parker, Hydra Peter Parker, Hydra Kidnaps Peter Parker, Ages are a little screwy in this, Prim is 14 but also 21, Frozen Spider, Non-Consensual Touching, Hurt/Comfort, slight angst, Wanda will be 15 in this story, rating due to violence, at least for now i need to get her therapy first, slightly sadistic Peter, She'll work it out but she need to draw her knife a few times, Natasha Romanov Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, I don't know what else to tag, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51714676
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symbioteburnout · 2 years
[ text msg ] hey. i love you spiderdaughter <3 [ text msg ] betty and i have got a surprise for you on your birthday - we hope you like it <3
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[SMS: KKane] I love you too Batmom <3
[SMS: KKane] Can't wait
[SMS: KKane] Bringing flowers to Dad's grave tomorrow. Want to come?
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marvelstarker-mha98 · 2 years
No boyfriend for my Goddaughter! 5/5
-Tony didn’t like his new daughter is getting close to this boy
-In Tony’s eyes thinks that the kidis a bad boy and yet Penny is too innocent and smart for that. Also, penny can do better in choosing boys like ned.
-Tony goes to them pepper tried to stop him and prevent causing a scene.
-Penny and wade noticed someone overshadowing them and looked up to see tony, glaring at them.
-Tony gave penny a fake wide smile like GRU used to do when margo was with antonio if you remember it.
-”Hey penny what’s going on here”
-” Oh Hi Mr. stark, this is wade. He’s from Westchester, new york. Crazy right. Oh, and I recently learned Spanish from him. “Él es mi amigo”
- ”And we’re leaving”
-Tony was supposed to grab penny away from this wade brat until fury came with a glare.
-” Stark what are you doing with my agent in training”
- ”Wait agent in training, you mean this Punk!”
-Penny and wade are like wtf is happening right and look at each other
-I didn’t know that you related to nick fury/tony stark
-Penny and wade are having a conversation about not knowing that they knew the badass people in their life. Fury told Tony about wade used to be an orphan in the street and good at fighting punks. So he decided to take him in.
-Clint and natasha didn’t know about him since they are too busy with their lives and mission
-”That is all you should know about him, come on wilson.”
-”Aye aye boss! See you penny!”
-Wade give penny a kiss on the cheek before leaving
-Pepper smiled at the gesture. The avengers watched amazed and awe.
-As for Tony was hiddenly angry at the punk giving a kiss to his soon-to-be adopted daughter a kiss.
-As fury and wade left, penny blushed when wade kiss her and look at tony. “I hope I can see him again”
-”No you will not”
-Tony drags penny to pepper and the team, so he could watch over penny closely during the whole day of the avengers' event so wouldn’t stray away to see wade brat.
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littlemissagrafina · 3 years
You'll be okay (Cause you're never alone)
(A female Peter Parker and irondad vent fic delving heavily into mental health. If any of the tags are triggering to you, please don't read it. Stay safe, loves.)
Read on AO3
Peyton knew she was loved, she did, but it didn't matter to her brain what she knew. It didn't agree with her. It never did.
When her body felt tired and her arms craved to wrap around her loved ones, her brain would be there trying to convince Peyton that her wants were a burden.
When her eyes wanted nothing more than to cry waterfalls of tears and her body shook with the shivers her anxiety left behind, her mind berated her, told her she was overreacting.
And when Peyton's heart ached with the burden of the sadness her mind bestowed upon it, her mind was there with thoughts of doubt of the love she knew from her family, with fears and losses amplified until she was drowning in a never ending sea of emotion. 
A deep ocean she never let out. All thanks to the words her mind spun around and around in her head, some with no foundation, and some that were all too true.
Peyton never was able to tell which ones hurt more. Those built from truth or those from doubts. It was something she didn't ever think she would know for sure.
What she did know, however, was that she couldn't escape from either kind.
Those borne from doubts could at least occasionally be rationalised far easier than those borne in truth.
But the ones that had a foundation of fact… they ached. They burned and twisted in a way that was different from the doubting ones. 
They settled into her chest and tightened until she couldn't breathe.
They couldn't be softened the way that doubt born ones could, and as such, they haunted Peyton far worse than any other.
They followed in her every interaction, every move, every word she spoke. It was what had forced her to hide herself away and for the weight to all start building upon her back in the first place.
They stemmed from May and Peyton hated that her aunt, her mother in all but blood, was the start of her spiraling that she tried so hard to hide.
Peyton loved May with all of her heart and she knew that the woman loved her just as deeply. They were so close and such a part of each other… but that didn't take away from the way May's views, misunderstanding, and ignorance had affected Peyton.
It didn't change the years of being told everything would be fine and that she was smart, she couldn't possibly be struggling with anything. 
"You just have to apply yourself more, Sweetheart."
It didn't change the countless bad days where all Peyton had wanted to do was curl up in her bed and not get up only for her aunt to say that she had no reason to be sad.
"I know things have been hard in the past, Pey, but we're fine now. There's no reason to be sad."
It didn't change the many times that May had dismissed her when Peyton had tried to bring up her thoughts on possibly being ADHD.
"You're not hyper, Peyton. You can't have ADHD."
And it didn't change the time when she finally said she battled with anxiety only for May to tell her, "Just don't be anxious then."
Moments like those were repeated over and over again for years until Peyton eventually gave up. 
She started hiding her fear of school.
Her depression was covered by fake smiles and countless jokes in a bid to be okay.
Lack of concentration and daydreaming was disguised as thinking about homework or a new idea for her lab time with Mr. Stark.
Shaking hands and anxiety hives were brushed aside as needing something to eat and her shirts or hoodies making her itch.
Slowly but surely, Peyton became a master of excuses. Although many of them she probably only got away with due to her aunt's decidedly bad observation skills.
Maybe that was one of the reasons she was able to get away with the occasional nights of blood slowly dripping down from her thighs to swirl down the shower drain. It had become her release, her escape.
An injury from patrol or her own general clumsiness used as an excuse for the bandaids that became more and more likely to disappear from their shared bathroom cabinet.
Through it all, May was none the wiser to the war her niece was waging on and within herself.
Tony Stark, however, he was a different case. He noticed things that most took for granted. He used his cocky and flashy media persona to distract from his eyes soaking in every detail he could from any situation he found himself in.
He was the one person that Peyton's own masks and acts didn't fool. He didn't always easily accept the excuses for the stray cuts that would appear on her arms or the dark, puffy circles under her eyes.
Tony wasn't like May in that way.
And so it sadly came as no surprise when he noticed after one too many weeks of Peyton being entirely too reckless with her pocket knife, when the cuts on her thighs became deeper than they had before and her healing took longer to stop the bleeding.
The constant craving for the pain had snuck up on Peyton until the escape she found was one she could no longer escape from.
Peyton had foolishly hoped that she could get away with it for a while longer even though she knew she had to be stopped, no matter how much she didn't want to.
Her hopes were for nothing and it was all thanks to a single pair of grey sweatpants.
The second and fourth weekends of each month were reserved for Peyton and Tony to go upstate and spend the two day weekend (from the time Peyton left her last class on Friday to Monday morning when Tony would drop her off at Midtown) at the compound.
In the early days they had used to train in the larger, more well equipped gym as well as more complex suit enhancements.
Now, however, it was still used for those things at times but it had become far more of a mini getaway for the two of them. Occasionally they would be joined by Pepper or Rhodey but for the most part it was the two of them.
It was routine. Something familiar and comforting in the reliability of the twice a month escape.
As such, Peyton's self-harm habits had formed a routine around these weekends as well. It was one of the few times she restricted herself to not cutting at all apart from the friday morning before school.
Usually, those cuts would be scabbed over and partially healed by the time Tonh picked her up. 
Today was not a usual day.
Thanks to the sudden cold brought by an early winter cold spell, a lot of Peyton's energy was spent by her metabolism trying to keep her body warm and stop her from going into hibernation. 
Add that to the new depth and disregard of the far more frequently added cuts on her thighs and you get a healing factor that doesn't have the resources to work as it normally does.
Peyton hadn't thought of that when she had shakily re-opened the cuts in the hidden second floor bathroom after her last class. The only thing that had registered was the leftover surge of anxiety from Flash's recent bullying and the sudden single minded craving to split her skin open.
Realising the time when Tony sent her a message telling her that he was in the parking lot, Peyton folded up toilet paper and roughly bundled it between her thighs and pants to stop any of the blood from seeping through on her jeans. 
She could deal with it later when she changed at the compound.
Unsurprisingly, she didn't deal with it, instead she flushed the wads of toilet paper down the toilet before changing into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie so she could be comfortable in the lab.
Her first mistake.
Her second mistake came from forgetting that the sluggishly bleeding cuts would eventually start to coagulate and scab. And that they did. Against her sweatpants.
Her last mistake?
Well, that was jumping up after sitting in the same position for two hours. Two hours that had her cuts start healing before they were re-opened thanks to her sudden movement.
Peyton couldn't stop the wince at the pain of the scabs peeling back as her pants shifted on her legs.
She was unaware that her mentor (read: unofficial father) had been glancing at her at times as he tried to piece together the puzzle of her increasingly strange behaviour that had formed over the last months.
As such, Peyton didn't see the way his face paled when he noticed the blood on her pants. Fear and sadness filling his heart as all the pieces were put together. It had all been right there in front of him, sign after sign, and he'd missed every one.
"Peyton." The man said, getting up from his workbench and moving towards her.
"Hmm?" Peyton hummed, ignoring the fabric tugging on her thighs as she turned to face him.
The look Tony fixed on her made Peyton pause, her eyes following his when they subconsciously flickered to the red stain on her pants. In seconds she felt the blood drain from her face and her fingers get the tell tale tingling of her anxiety flaring.
Before Tony could speak, she was rising with a well practiced excuse on her lips. "I'm so sorry. I have my period and… lemme just go change and clean up and I'll be back in a bit."
She made it to the elevator before a hand on her shoulder stopped her in her tracks. 
"Don't do this, Peyton."
"Do what?" Her feigned confusion was almost believable but Tony saw the way her hands quivered slightly at her side as she shrugged his hand off and stepped into the elevator.
Tony followed.
"Don't lie to me. Make excuses."
The doors closed and it was silent as they moved up to the living room.
After a few moments, Peyton shook her head. "I'm not–"
Tony guided her to face him. "Your period was two weeks ago, the last time we came up here. I know because you were annoyed at your nausea and cramps keeping you from trying out the new aerial bars in the gym."
The doors opened and Peyton walked out, moving towards her room and trying in vain to think of an excuse, a protest, anything to get herself out of the inevitable. 
Before she could get out of the living room, Tony caught her sleeve, stopping her in place.
"You're not okay, I see that. If this is–" Tony cut himself off, drawing in a short breath. "You are hurting, Bambina, no matter the form. I want to help you but I need you to talk to me. Please."
It was almost as if the wind was taken out of Peyton's sails. Her head droped and she let out a tired breath.
"You're right," Peyton finally admitted, words spoken so softly that Tony had to strain to hear her. 
The admission hurt Tony to hear. He'd known, but he had still wished in vain to be wrong.
"I– uh. It's not– I don't…" She didn't know what to say, didn't know how to explain or to say anything at all.
None of the words were the right ones for what she needed to say and to finally get out after so many years of keeping them locked away.
And then it all came rushing in. The realisation that someone knew. The terror of the reality of Tony, the man who was practically her father, finding out what she had done, what she did, to herself.
"Roo." A hand cupped Peyton's cheek grounding, her from the flood of emotion and thought. She looked up, blinking through the tears building in her eyes and met Tony's own teary ones.
She let out a whimper, "I'm not okay."
And she broke.
She sobbed, and she hiccuped, the force of her cries sending tremors through her body but Tony only cradled her in his arms. He held her together so she could let herself fall apart, and fall she did.
Through her tears she explained everything. All of her doubts, her fears, her anxieties, sadness, and the expectations she felt she could never live up to.
She told him about the nights cried herself to sleep and the nights where she was too numb and tired to rest. She told him of the words said to her that she couldn't help but take deeply and personally, no matter the true meaning behind them.
And she told him about the anxiety attacks, about the dissociation, and (most heavily) about the self harm. How it was sometimes the only escape she felt she had, even above her patrols or her missions as Spider-Woman.
Through it all, Tony listened. He didn't try to interrupt, he didn't tell her she was wrong or making anything up, he only listened. 
For the first time, Peyton felt as if she was truly heard.
Her tears eventually stopped, only the occasional sniffle left behind. Her dad's arms never left their place wrapped around her. They only moved when Tony shuffled them across to the couch where Peyton immediately curled into his arms again.
"I'm sorry I'm so messed up. I know I'm not okay but I'm sorry that I just dumped it on you like tha–"
"Peyt, Bambina, it's okay. It's okay." Tony's eyes were earnest, nothing but love and truth in them as he looked down at her. "This is going to sound cheesy, I know, but it is okay not to be okay."
He sat up slightly, shifting until Peyton was facing him on the couch. "I'm not going to lie, this is going to be one hell of a time to get through and past, but we will get you help and I will be by your side to support you through all of it."
Peyton chewed on her lip, fingers subconsciously digging into the tops of her thighs before Tony curled her palms into his own.
"Talk to me, Pey, what's going on in your head?"
"I'm scared." Peyton hesitated before admitting it. She was silent again, almost warring with herself to get her next words out. "I dunno how to be different or who I am without the hurt or the hiding. And I don't know how to stop wanting to hurt myself or be clumsy so I get hurt on purpose. I know it's a bad and dangerous thing but I also don't want to stop. I don't know how to escape all of this."
She looked at her dad, scared that she would find disgust at what she had now said in words despite it already being discovered earlier with her stating it. "I'm scared that you'll hate me or be angry or disgusted that I'm like this."
At her words, Tony's eyes hardened, a fierceness in them that wasn't as strong moments ago. 
"Peyton Parker, if there is one thing I Will never ever hate you, be disgusted, or angry, alright? Never. Not for one fuckibg second. Do you hear me?"
Peyton, do you hear me?" Tony repeated when she only nodded.
"Yes. I hear you."
Tony nodded. "Good because it's never changing. We're gonna get you the help you need, baby. I promise you."
Not knowing how to thank him, Peyton settled for hugging him again, smiling for the first time that evening when she felt a kiss against her hair.
"I love you, Dad." She said without thinking, freezing slightly when she felt Tony tense before he relaxed.
Tony murmured back to her, before she could apologise. "I love you too, Tesoro." 
It was quiet, then. Heavy from all that had been said, but not uncomfortable or awkward.
Things weren't okay. But okay could wait, because in these seconds and moments, after all that had changed and happened that evening, there was peace.
Eventually Peyton would speak once more, her voice small and almost childlike in her need for guidance and assurance.
"We'll get through this?" She asked softly.
And Tony would answer, firm and sure. 
"We will."
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milstrim · 3 years
I have come to the conclusion that I have been sitting on too many pieces of Ashes and Penny Parker art, which there is a ton of because I draw them when I’m stressed, and I will now curse you, so :)
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this is the most recent one lol, about a month old i think
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I don’t like this one as much but I thought I’d try something more realistic, so :/
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Annddddd lastly, something I think I’ll be doing for future stories, is like, a cover if this were an actual book/movie, just cuz it’s fun
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Note the wild style changes are because these are all months apart lol
lol this is so fucking much, but drawing them is the only way I can process concepts or dive back into writing. there were a couple other i wanted to post but they’re focused on future scenes so i’ll sit on them for a while longer :) I hope you like them!!
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yuunise · 3 years
Guess who's trending? Just a pair of idiots, huh.
Trending Now Penny Parkours 160k Tweets #WhoIsPenny 500k Tweets Harry Osborn 700k Tweets #WelcomeBackHarry 456k Tweets
CNN @CNNNewYork Headline: "Tony Stark has a Personal Intern? Whos is She?" open the link for the full article [www.cnn.newyork.com/tonystark/intern]
CNN @CNNNewYork Headline: "Harry Osborn, the only Heir for Oscorp is back in NYC" open link for full article [www.cnn.newyork.com/harryosborn/oscorp]
Language: English 
Words: 3,390 
Chapters: 3/?  - it’s ongoing
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teacupofdrpepper · 4 years
Nothing hurts when I’m alone (when you’re with me and we’re alone)
This is a winged!Penny fic, heavily inspired by Snarkymuch’s fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/21456688 here.
(And here’s mine on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/22276060)
No Beta we die like men
There was a time where ravens were considered the most beautiful among all the people.
That time is over.
People born with raven wings in this day and age were typically shunned, scorned and publicly hated.
Penny Parker was born with Raven Wings.
Penny Parker was shunned, scorned and hated.
Kids in school laughed and called her a death omen, Parents of the children said Never to touch their children or anyone for that matter.
But Uncle Ben made it better.
Uncle Ben always made it better.
He told her she was beautiful and that her wings were beautiful and to never be ashamed of them.
Then after years of touching them, Uncle Ben was murdered.
Sometimes, she caught Aunt May looking at them after the funeral.
There was fear, disgust and hate.
She always looked way before May could realize penny saw.
And then she didn’t look away fast enough, the hate, fear and disgust was replaced by guilt. So so so much guilt.
Penny hid her wings after that, only letting them out in her own confinement.
Then comes Tony Stark.
Tony Stark with wings the color of a dragons gold and a dragons flames, the tips bluer than a winter sky.
She couldn’t help it, she was jealous.
They made her stare in awe, Jealousy and worst of all shame.
Shame for who she was, shame for what she was.
Penny stretched her wings less after that.
They were in bad condition, feathers were loose and spilt. Her wings constantly cramped whenever she let them out.
She knew if she continued this there would be a day where she would never fly again.
And oh God how she missed it.
Swinging just wasn’t the same, she loved the feel in her tummy when she flew up and dropped down, before wiping a web faster than light itself.
But nothing could ever beat the feel of clouds tickling your face as you flew, the feeling of complete and utter trust in your wings to never let you fall.
The way your skin feels soft after the flight, it was wonderful and adrenaline pumping.
She missed it.
She missed racing her uncle, missed doing tricks in the air that were hard and most fledglings her age could never do.
She was sure that talent had dimmed by now.
And then Tony Stark had to open his big fat fucking mouth.
“I’ve never seen your wings kiddo.”
She felt the air in her lungs leave. The screwdriver in her hand makes an ear wincing thunk as her hands go limp.
She snaps out of it, gathering it back in her hand and rambling.
“Uh, yeah I just.. don’t show them to people. M-much.” She stammers, her racing from him to in front of her. He holds a puzzled look.
She hates it.
“What kind are they?” He presses on, she curses him in her head.
“It’s not important.” She mummers, switching out the screwdriver for another tool.
He leaves it be for an hour or so but she’s able to see him stealing glances at her every few minutes.
And then; “I thought we were passed not telling each other things kiddo.”
“Maybe sometimes things don’t need to be said Mr. Stark.” She snaps the feeling of being looked at always made her agitated, but the accusing tone makes it worse.
His brows raise, then he sighs.
“Are you a raven?”
The things in front of her go flying as does the chair she pushes back when she stands. Far faster than anyone should.
“Why the fuck can’t you leave it alone!? You have beautiful wings why does it matter what someone else’s look like?!” Tony Jumps, this is not a side of Parker he’s seen.
“Kid-“ He tries but before he can say anything she’s storming out the lab.
He’s pretty sure he’s got his answer.
He gives her the rest of the day, thanking FRIDAY when he learns she’s just in her room.
And then he gives her the morning in her room, still knowing she’s there.
And a little after noon is when he’s had enough.
The knock on her door is gentle, but there’s so answer so he knocks harder and there’s still no answer.
“Roo, Sweetheart. I’m gonna come in is that okay?”
There still isn’t an answer but the door opens, he’s glad she didn’t lock it.
The room is blacked out, completely so that even if he squints he still can’t make out anything.
He grunts when he flips the light switch on, the sudden blindness isn’t welcome.
After blinking he looks to the bed where he assumes she’s at and..
And there’s large wings, far larger wings than he expected to be on such a small girl covering her and the bed.
Raven Wings.
So he was correct.
And they’re beautiful, raven wings are rare.
But white raven wings are rarer
As his eyes travel them he notices that the very ends of the wings started to change into an Ice blue
“Beautiful.” He mummers.
“They’re not.” Is the response.
His shoulders sag, she still won’t face them.
“Oh Sweetheart, whos told you that?”
“..everyone. Kids in school, people on the street. My aunt.”
“May?” Alarm bells go off, May Parker seemed nothing but utterly loving to her niece.
“She doesn’t say anything, but I see it in her eyes. The day my uncle was shot and killed he preened them.”
Tony sighs, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
“Roo.. can you please look at me.” He doesn’t miss the way she moves them to tighten around her, move away from him.
There’s a ruffling noise, she’s shaking her head.
“Can you at least come out your room? It’s been hours. I’m sure you’re stuffy. I can go to another room if you want.”
There’s a mummer, something he can’t quite make out.
“Nothing hurts when I’m alone.”
“Oh.. oh sweetheart no don’t ever say that.”
“But it’s true”
“It’s not with things like these.. if you’re alone they’ll just fester and worsen until you’re completely cut off from the world- please look at me.”
There’s a shift, her wings fold behind her back before her back is to the frame.
They’re huge, he can still see them but focused on her instead when he saw the uncomfortable look pass.
“I shouldn’t have pushed you, I’m sorry kiddo.”
She sniffs, “no. You shouldn’t have but thank you for apologizing.” Tony smiles, he reaches out to touch her but she flinches away. With a pleading don’t.
“You’ll get hurt if you touch me.”
“I won’t”
“You will I haven’t even hugged Aunt May since Uncle Ben’s funeral.”
Jesus he thinks, “you have to be touched starved kiddo.”
“Ravens were once-“
“Praised for beauty and wisdom and knowledge I know Mr. Stark. Just.. please, don’t touch me.”
He’s not winning this.
“Okay, okay fine I won’t. But can you at least come out and eat something. And stretch them wings, they looked cramped- and don’t deny it. Kiddo.”
She flushes but agrees.
He tries to keep his eyes on the tablet in front of him as penny eats, but he can’t help but look at them and think gorgeous.
Perhaps, he can change her point of view of them.
He can only hope.
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(Starkspellman here I changed my main) So like it’s already wildly accepted in the fandom that Tony likes to play with Peter’s hair but I raise: Tony trying out weird but neat hairstyles on Fem!Peter (Penny/Piper?) And it’s just fun singe it’s at a good length or him taking his gel and sticking up her hair if she’s got the pixie look
Yess! I have this headcanon that tiny!Tony liked to watch his mama and aunt Peggy do all those pretty hairstyles so he's definitely happy to have someone to try these on
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rey-129-fan · 5 years
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drawingstraws616 · 2 years
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Spider Daughter. Demon Slayer. Day 75. The anime Chibi initiative. A new anime character everyday for a year. #spiderdaughter #demonslayer #demonslayerkimetsunoyaiba #hashira #anime #animeart #manga #mangaart #sketches #digitalillustration #digitalart #characterdesign #conceptartwork #conceptart #drawing #procreate #chibi #chibiart #animelover #dessinmanga #komik #weeb #otaku #sword https://www.instagram.com/andrew_strawder/p/CYxxuZqL5Cl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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symbioteburnout · 2 years
" alright, close your eyes, spider. " Kate drops a key with a little spider keychain into Andi's hands. of course, the colour of the cap was purple to match her hair.
" so your mom and i thought about the perfect gift for you, so downstairs - waiting for you - is a custom Harley. i can show you how to drive it, but we also sprung for some lessons too. "
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" happy birthday, spiderdaughter. "
-||[ Andi's birthday 2022 ]||-
@rubycaped @thebrainsandbrawn
She'd already had a stupid grin on her face when Kate told her to close her eyes, feeling like a little kid again, despite being old enough to drink now. Feeling the small impact and jingle of keys being put into her hands, she was about to respond with a 'no way' until Kate told her about the motorcycle waiting for her downstairs.
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Of course she immediately goes to check and sees the aforementioned bike. She loved the purple and black color palette and the web detailing. Damn!
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I love you!" God she felt like a kid again. She of course will snatch Kate in a tight hug and of course do the same for Betty.
She loved her Moms.
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marvelstarker-mha98 · 3 years
There stories that are link in tumblr or oa3
Starker~_~ =======
Knot obsession
Mob Boss do love when their lover wears lingerie ½  Mob Boss do love when their lover wears lingerie 2/2
I can’t sleep without you
Proposing for someone you love
Being a Favorite Hero
Be my first (complete)
Surprise at home
Pitbull can be cupid as well My Penpal from Italy Date night and missing their baby Love consent Secret visit and a call
Starker: The Mummy (WIP)
part 1 Part  2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
Spidershield~_~ =======
Couple in the nurse’s Office
Thorki~ =======
Healing from a secret hunt and first kiss
Thor and Loki feels ~.+ =======
Taking care of my sick little brother (complete)
penny parker (spiderdaughter)~.+ =======
Hi I’m Penny parker and I met my granddaughter from the far future 1 2 3 relationship with my girlfriend and her son Bets and silent Shovel Talk No boyfriend for my Goddaughter! Date night and missing their baby bonding with my beautiful baby daughter while my beautiful wife is out 1/3
Peter parker (spiderson) =========
Visit, healing, and adoption for a spiderkid relationship with my girlfriend and her son 2 3 Underoos meet mini hawkeye
KHR Book 1: The life of our abandoned sky chapter 1
Co-author with callikc: The Runaway Distance Life Of A Little Stark: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
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piggyjeans · 2 years
There, There, spidey.
Tony Stark x platonic! Penny Parker. Deadpool x platonic! Penny Parker. Ned Leeds x platonic! Penny Parker.
Inspired by: @justme--emily <3!!!! (My fav omg)
Warnings: underage drinking, getting drunk, VOMITING!!!!! Brief mention of starvation (not vulgar) , brief mention of losing virginity (doesn’t happen Isn’t vulgar) ,,, I think that’s it? Lmk if I’m incorrect.
A/n: YOOO ITS BEEN TOO LONG SINCE I POSTED A FIC HORRAYYYY IM BACK!! And!!! It’s penny parker!!! HORRAY! My fav! Hopefully u guys like this! If u wanna leave feedback, negative or positive, it would be so so so greatly appreciated! Ok love u. Also fun fact: if u remember when I was on a hiatus a few months ago cause I was grounded… some of this story was taken from my real experience of why I was grounded :) lmfao Ok go ahead and read. Love <3
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“I won’t be able to patrol tomorrow,” Penny says, taking one of the final bites of her sandwich. Her tone is quite monotone for her usual self. And Deadpool, who’s sitting about three feet to the right of her on the roof of his apartment complex, can tell something is off.
He looks up at her with a mouth full of bread, ham, and cheese. Waiting for her to elaborate. So penny continues. “I’m busy.”
His masks eyes narrow. Penny has become used to reading his emotion through his mask, granted, it’s not that difficult. “You’re busy?” He starts, “You should be a comedian. You’re penny parker, high school student, and major loser.” He jokes with penny. With his lack of filter, it’s easy to come off harsher than he means to. And that aspect doesn’t always go well with penny’s sensitivity.
Penny doesn’t need a special mask with changing eyes to indicate how she’s feeling. Wade could tell she was upset by her body language. Her whole body seemed taken aback and she scoffs, “Hey, don’t be mean to me.” She says in her small, agitated voice that wade recognizes much better.
Wade fights the urge to smile at her reaction, Especially since his mask is pulled up to his nose, revealing his lips so he could shovel his lunch into his mouth. “We always patrol together on Friday nights, the crime rates are the highest on Fridays. What gives?” He verbally pokes at penny, expecting an explanation.
Penny just shrugs and looks down at the last bite of her sandwich. “I forgot I made plans with my friend.” She avoids eye contact with wade, knowing he’s the kind of person who won’t stop until he understands what’s going on, and knowing his lack of filter will more or less force her to tell him the truth.
“Okay. We still on for next Friday?” Wade opts for asking simply. He and penny had only known each other for a couple of months, and they’re most familiar which each other’s superhero alter egos. They’ve never hung out outside of patrolling together on occasion and they’d never seen each other out of uniform aside from when they’d randomly ran into each other in the supermarket one Saturday, both with grocery’s in hand. Immediately recognizing each other, eyes widening and both turning the opposite way.
“Mhm.” She hums with her mouth full of her last bite, shaking the crumbs off her palms. After she answers, wade pulls his mask down before face-palming over his masked forehead. “Oh, damn. I forgot I have a dinner date with Captain America.” He says in a serious tone.
Penny stares at him blankly.
“Kidding! He won’t return my calls.” Wade's eyes lighten at his own joke and he flicks his wrist towards penny humorously.
Penny presses her lips together in a small, unamused smile. Before pulling her mask down to fully cover her face. “I need to head over to the tower. I have my internship.” She says, standing up on the ledge of the building and brushing the crumbs off her legs.
“Right. See you around, spidey.” Wade says, penny nods and swings off towards the tower.
While swinging away penny thinks she did a good job at keeping her plans a secret and keeping suspicion low. But if she had stuck around a second longer she would’ve heard wade mutter something along the lines of, “she’s hiding something, the teenage angst is stirring up!” Before shuffling into his lower class, extremely lower class apartment.
Upon arrival on stark tower premises, penny swings into the easily openable window in the exclusive avenger's gym. Tony put a small fingerprint accessible lock on the window so penny could get into the tower easily whenever she needed to.
She swings into the gym and sticks to the wall to lock the window back up. Then she walks over to the women’s locker room to unlock her locker and get the change of clothes she always has accessible. She doesn’t know when the lockers get restocked, or how anyone would even know there needs to be a change of clothes restocked for her, but whenever she’s had to snatch the change of clothes, they’re always there for her, and another change is readily available the next time she checks. Every time without fail.
The change is just a pair of jeans that fit her perfectly, and a plain navy blue long sleeve tee. Her unspoken theory is that pepper is the one who restocks her locker because the clothes are always something penny would probably have at home anyway. And it doesn’t hurt her theory that the clothes always smell like pepper and Tony’s laundry detergent.
After she gets out of her suit and into her clothes, she heads to the gym's elevator, which eventually takes her up into Tony’s personal lab. She scans her hand and enters her passcode, and the door unlocks with a beep, that Tony hears and turns around to greet her.
“Penny!” He claps, penny smiles as the door shuts behind her. Tony narrows his eyes slightly, pointing to her, “You went on patrol today after school?” He asks, even though he already knows the answer.
Pennys confused as to how he already knows seconds after stepping into the lab, she blinks away her confusion and smiles sheepishly, hoping this doesn’t ignite a conversation, “yeah. How’d you know?” She asks in a quiet voice as if it’s a secret.
“Spider-man doesn’t wear shoes,” Tony says, pointing to her fresh white socks she’d found in her locker and lack of shoes. She looks down at her feet and quietly sighs in relief. This isn’t the first time she’s not had her shoes on in the tower, when she’d stayed late for dinner with Tony before, they’d kicked their shoes off and went up to his penthouse. She’d spent evenings having impromptu dinner with pepper and Tony often.
She laughs in acknowledgment and sits at her workbench off in a corner. Tony turns to her as she revisits what she was working on last week, briefing her mind for a second before getting ready to start her work again. But feels his eyes on her. She pauses for a second before slowly looking up to see him staring as if waiting for her to catch his eyes.
“Why? You don’t usually patrol on Thursdays.” He asks lightheartedly. Penny knows he’s not being accusatory, but she’s getting tired of everyone asking her about it. She knows she’ll have to deal with this with Aunt May later, and she’s not in the mood to have all these authority figures watching over her 24/7.
“I finished my homework so I figured, why not?” She says, glancing down back at her work, trying to brush off the subject.
“Your schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. Sometimes Sundays, something going on?” Mr. Stark asks. Penny blinks hard, trying to ignore the agitation. She breathes through her nose for a second, trying not to lose her temper over something so small.
She doesn’t know why she’s so short-tempered today.
Maybe because she knows she’s doing something wrong.
“I’m busy tomorrow.” Penny doesn’t look up from her workbench this time. She starts her work, scribbling equations on a piece of scrap paper, trying to figure out how to fix an error in a prototype of her new work-in-progress web fluid.
Tony’s long since gotten off his stool and walked closer to where penny’s sitting. He’s hovering over where she’s writing and she pauses for a second uncomfortably. “Yeah? What’s up?” He asks, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning slightly to read penny’s writing, which has slowed since she felt pressured by the smartest man in the world reading her theories.
When he leans closer she stops writing. She glances up over her shoulder and makes eye contact with Tony. “I have plans. With ned.” She says shortly, glaring at him sassily for a second. She shakes her head slightly, clenches her jaw, and turns back to her prototype.
Tony stares for a moment longer, taken aback at penny’s mood. Usually, she’s excited to talk about her life and the things going on that interest her, but she seems short-tempered. Tony’s never realized how much he enjoys listening to her messy rambling and cut-off conversations when something else pops into her mind that she seems more important.
“Have fun,” Tony says and turns around to return to his workbench. He’s not one to press with penny, since he knows he’s not her father, and penny tries to be the same way since she knows she’s not his daughter. But the short sass and teenage girl way has overtaken her at this point. And she doesn’t know where it’s coming from, as that’s never been the way she’s opted to behave.
Her eyes linger on his frame walking away for a second. In between a breath, she makes a decision, “Sorry, Mr. stark. I’ve been trying to patrol more because I know I'm gonna miss patrol on Friday, so I'm just tired from working a lot. I'm going to the movies with ned.” She says staring at the floor. She’s never been a huge fan of lying, and she feels her stomach burning immediately as she realizes the hole she’s dug herself into.
Tony sits on his stool and turns to look at her. He nods in understanding. “Don’t worry about it, pen. No patrolling tonight. I want you to be well-rested.” He says, and she meets his eyes for a moment before nodding and turning back to her workbench. Tony turns towards his own work and she closes her eyes angrily. She knows he’s trying to be nice and he’s not trying to annoy her, but she feels so ticked off that he's trying so hard to act like her parent. He’s not her parent.
Penny works quietly for the rest of the evening. Answering in a minimalistic but not rude way. Only speaking when spoken to, and near the time she usually leaves, she pretends to be dozing off so she can be excused early.
She fakes a yawn, “I’m gonna head home, Mr. Stark. I’d like to catch Aunt May before she has to start her second shift.” She says, standing up and cleaning her bench up briefly.
“Alright, kid. I’ll call happy to give you a ride home.” He says, standing up from his own workbench and stretching. Penny looks over at him and immediately shakes her head, “I wanna catch her before she leaves. Her shifts in thirty minutes, so I’m gonna swing over there now.” She says, matter-of-factly. Penny doesn’t even know if her aunt is working tonight. She just wants to leave the lap as soon as possible.
Tony wants to argue with the girl, but he can tell that’s a slippery slope today. “You sure you’re okay?” He asks narrowing his eyes. Penny nods, “I’ll be safe.” She says.
They walk out of the lab together and into the elevator. Tony tells FRIDAY to bring them to the gym, and after, to pepper and his’ penthouse.
After the elevator arrives at the gym floor, penny steps out. She turns around to say goodbye to the man. “Goodnight, Mr. Stark. Thank you!” She says as the doors start to close.
“Night, kid.” He says, and the elevator starts to bring him to where he needs to go.
Penny heads back to the locker room to put her suit back on. She opens her locker and it’s folded neatly and smells like Tony and peppers laundry detergent.
She also spots another change of clothes.
Penny wakes up the next morning well-rested. After shoveling leftovers into her mouth the night before, she immediately went to bed. May wasn’t home from work, and penny didn’t know when she’d be back. So she took it as an opportunity to give herself a break from lying, though, she would have to tell one small lie.
She packed her change of clothes for the party in her backpack. She also shoved a several-year-old tube of mascara out from her drawer. The last time she used it being her uncle Ben's funeral many years prior.
She quickly scarfed up a banana and some peanut butter and then wrote a small note for May.
‘I think I mentioned to you earlier in the week, but ned and I are seeing a movie tonight, I’ll sleepover at his house and be back Early tomorrow. Do u wanna do something tomorrow? Text me. Love u! - penny ‘
She sticks the note on the kitchen table and slings her backpack over her shoulder, walking out of the apartment and catching the subway to school.
When she arrives at school, ned smiles at her giddily. Their first high school party. They’d been friends since 5th grade, this is something they have dreamt of for years together.
“You’re coming over after school, right?” Ned asks quietly when she approaches his locker. She nods even though ned already knows she is because they’ve been texting about their plans the entire week.
Penny can hardly focus all day, and all she can say is she’s glad she and ned don’t have any classes together this semester because if she can’t focus, god knows ned can’t. And her suspicion is confirmed true when the seventh bell rings and she exits her classroom, hearing two girls mutter how restless ned was. She almost stopped to defend her best friend, but once she caught sight of him leaving his classroom rapidly and smiling at her brightly, she understands the girl's behavior.
They exit the school soon after and walk home towards Ned’s House. On the way home, in between conversations, ned starts to lean towards the sandwich shop he and penny usually eat at on days when they hang out after school, but penny stops him, shaking her head.
“It’s easier to get drunk on an empty stomach.” She says as they stand in the middle of the sidewalk outside of the deli.
“Well, yeah. But it’s easier to get alcohol poisoning that way too.” Ned says, gesturing towards the doors. Penny rolls her eyes. Sometimes she forgets her best friend is basically just as smart as her.
“Okay, if you want to eat then be my guest. But God knows I need it, I don’t know how easy it’ll be for me with my fast metabolism.” Penny says matter of factly. Ned sighs and they make their way into the store.
After ned orders and the man starts making his food, (not before asking, “nothing for the girl?”) ned continues to press penny. “You really should eat, pen. Won't you just burn it off anyway?” He asks in a kind voice.
Penny’s not having it. “Dude, I know what I’m doing.” She snaps, resisting the urge to take out all her anger from the past few days out onto ned. But she knows she can’t, he doesn’t deserve that.
Ned gets his food and they walk silently back to his house. Penny’s stomach continues to make noise for the rest of the night.
About an hour before they leave for the party, Penny changes into her outfit. She regrets it immediately. It makes her feel much more revealed than she ever has in her spider-suit, which is skin tight and shows every aspect of her body.
Ned changes, and after opening the door to his room again and seeing penny’s outfit, he shields his eyes. “Holy- penny! Are you actually going to wear that?” He says, frozen in place.
Penny frantically looks in between the mirror, then to him. “I-i don’t know! I shouldn’t, right? It’s too much?” She says nervously. This entire thing is out of her comfort zone and it’s making her feel so weird.
“I thought we wanted to go and have a few drinks and dance! I didn’t know you were planning on losing your-“ Ned starts, but penny yells his name to cut him off, shocked at where the sentence was going. She tells him to leave the room and she makes do with what she has.
Her pair of jeans, her t-shirt, the small top she’s wearing, and the short skirt she’s wearing. She plays musical chairs with her clothing pieces and finally decided on her pair of jeans and the scandalous shirt. She checks Ned’s closet as a last resort and adds his zip-up that’s oversized on her. She opts for not zipping it up and tells ned to come back in.
He agrees that it’s better. He sprays cologne on, and penny puts her mascara on, and five minutes before leaving they stand side by side in the bathroom mirror.
“Are you ready?” Ned asks. Penny nods.
“Are you?” Penny asks ned, he hums in response and they leave the house.
They walk all the way to the party in the suburbs of queens. People are spilling out of the house. All the lights are on, music is blaring, and people are vomiting on the front lawn.
Ned and penny exchange an anxious glance and step in through the front door. It’s an open house, so no one’s there to greet them, besides MJ after a few minutes of ned and penny awkwardly walking around people.
MJ tells them where to find the keg. “If you wanna be stupid go for it, it’s in the bathtub. I just come to these things to observe people ruining their lives.” She says, ned and penny stare at her for a prolonged second, and then make their way to the bathroom.
After filling up two cups, they both take their first sip. Ned gags and penny spits it back into her cup.
After raiding the pantry and looking around the kitchen for things that could help the rancid flavor, (and adding sugar, which ultimately made it taste worse) penny and Ned opt for simply chugging it despite the awful taste and plugging their nose.
It takes about five minutes before penny starts to feel it. She’s in the middle of a conversation with Ned and MJ. “Wait!” She stops ned from his sentence, “I think it’s working! I need more!” She says as her vision starts to blur ever so slightly.
They get two more cups, and penny chugs hers as ned and MJ watch in horror. Well, ned watches in horror, MJ watches with a knowing amused face. When penny finishes the cup, MJ shakes her head.
“Are you going to finish that?” Penny asks ned through a belch. Ned shakes his head slightly, and penny takes his cup.
Ned and MJ exchange a shocked glance and penny exclaims when she finishes her third cup, running off away from the two.
Penny has her fifteen minutes of fun feeling drunk and out of it. She meets a girl she’s never seen before whos about the same amount of drunk as her, the girl tells her how fun it is to spin while drunk, and penny tries it, she’s absolutely shocked and her mouth drops, hugging the girl for her service.
Then the girl tells her about how it feels to run while drunk. Penny gasps and begs her to run with her, so the two of them exit the house and run down the street. Penny laughs and smiles the entire time they’re running together. They run halfway down the street, before stopping to spin together for a minute, then running back towards the house the party was being held at.
When they reach the house, penny stops in the road to spin again. The girl halts her running as well, before muttering something along the lines of, “I think I’m gonna be sick.” And running off into the house. But penny was too drunk and focused on her spinning to hear the girl.
When penny gets too dizzy, she stops, and nearly falls over. She catches herself and tries to see straight. “Girl?” Penny calls out, looking outside in at the house and all the people inside.
“Giirrllyy?” Penny calls out in a curious tone searching for her new friend, the dizziness doesn’t fade, and only worsens for a second as she attempts to take a step forward but stumbles.
But before she can crash into the pavement, a big man with strong arms catches her. She closes her eyes preparing for the fall but opens them when she’s caught, and she sees red.
She looks up and sees the Deadpool mask.
“Oh my god!” She yells, pushes him away angrily, and stands up straight.
“What, am I not-“ Deadpool starts sounding amused but stops his sentence when he sees penny cross her arms and the familiar angry look on her face. “Spidey?” He asks in a shocked voice.
She stomps childishly. “Can you jus’ leave me alone!? Why is everybody so obsessed with me!?” She yells at him. He watches intently, confused at the entire situation.
“Are you… drunk?” He asks and even though severely under the influence, she can still hear the stupid amused tone in his voice. She’s sick of hearing it all the time.
“No shit, Sherlock,” She slurs, “Why did you follow me here you creep!? Did Mr. S’ark put you up to it?” She angrily questions, and drools a little bit, wiping her mouth aggressively.
“Oh, I just came to break up the party, I love ruining fun! Especially if I wasn’t invited,” he starts in a jokey tone, penny watches with a stone-hard angry look on her small face. “What I didn’t expect, is to see penny parker, the fifteen-year-old vigilante here! So I guess we’re both having a surprising night!” He says in an excitingly condescending tone.
“Everyone needs to leave me alone and let me live my own-“ penny starts, but suddenly swallows bile. “My own-“ she gags, Deadpool’s mask shows him grimace as she suddenly vomits right in front of her. Wade runs back dramatically and screams in disgust.
Penny’s retching stops and she collapses onto the ground, immediately sobbing at the burning in her throat and stomach, and at the anger and overwhelming trouble she’s felt the past few days.
“Please, just go.” She says as tears rapidly run down her cheeks, and she can see Deadpool stand a few feet away from her, hands up to his face.
“Oh no, she’s a sad drunk.” He says sympathetically as he reaches down to pat her on the back, avoiding her vomit.
“There, there, spidey.” He says softly as her back heaves and she shoves her face into her hands. But after only a few seconds of Deadpool shushing her, she gags again and vomits more painful liquid up.
“Jesus, kid. What did you eat?” Deadpool says as penny’s sobbing and vomiting continues. Penny wipes her mouth and her eyes briefly, only before continuing to sob hysterically. “Nothing, dumbass. I was trying to get drunk quicker that’s the whole point. God, you really are so stupid sometimes.” She hiccups through sobs. This is the rawest penny has ever been.
Penny doesn’t think much about what Wade's reaction would be, but if she had, she would’ve assumed he would��ve been offended, or he would’ve walked away from her altogether out of shock and hurt. But he just bursts into laughter. “I knew you had the sass in you! I gotta get you drunk more often.” He says, patting her back and shaking his head.
Penny looks up and Ned and MJ are approaching them. The sight must have been funny, and MJ sure thought so, because she burst into laughter and snapped a picture of penny and Deadpool before ned spoke up. “Penny, are… you okay?” He asks hesitantly as he eyes Deadpool. Penny shakes her head through tears.
“This is a sensitive topic for her,” Deadpool says. Nodding with fake sympathy and rubbing her back. Ned watches his best friend with worry, “penny, do you need me to call May?” He asks, bending down to awkwardly pat penny’s knee.
Before her sobbing can stop and she can answer, wade answers for her, holding up a hand. “No need, good sir. I’m her personal Uber.” He says and picks penny up bridal style.
The change in gravity makes penny gag, but she doesn’t vomit this time. Deadpool asks ned a question and ned rattles off a string of numbers to him. Penny wishes she could understand but the nausea is clouding her vision and her ears. She lets her head hang limply and Deadpool pauses to look at her, he feels her pulse and upon realizing she’s conscious, rolls his eyes.
“We should get going now. Say bye penny! Byeee!” Wade grabs penny’s limp wrist and shakes it to indicate her waving goodbye to her friends, penny doesn’t register anything that’s happening.
Then wade starts walking down the street.
“I thought a perk of being an orphan would be having no one to constantly be monitoring everything you do,” MJ says in a monotone voice after she and ned had been standing for a while watching Deadpool walk away with penny in his arms.
Ned scoffs, “you’d think.” He says, and they turn around to re-enter the party.
“You haven’t even learned how to drink yet.” She hears Deadpool say as they enter a building. Penny cant register what building yet, until she hears a familiar voice. “Oh my god, is she okay?” The voice says. Penny suddenly recognizes exactly who it is and jerks her eyes open. It’s pepper.
“She’s pretty much vomited everything out of her system. Perks of being a teenage mutant I guess. Damn that fast metabolism.” Deadpool eyes penny with joke-anger in his eyes. No one else finds him funny, so he continues, “her ego may be bruised after I remind her of this every time I see her. But physically, aside from a killer hangover tomorrow morning, she should be fine.” Deadpool shrugs.
Pepper sighs and anxiously fidgets with her hands. Penny watches with guilt in her stomach knowing she’s caused her anxiety. “Okay, um… would you mind carrying her up to the penthouse? I’m sorry to ask but-“ pepper starts, but is interrupted by Tony. He walks out from behind pepper slowly with his hands in his pockets and penny wonders where he even came from, but upon hearing his voice, she lets her head fall limp once again.
“There’s no need. I’ll take her.” Tony says, he holds his arms out, gesturing for Deadpool to hand her limp body over. Deadpool hisses as if penny had just been seriously injured. “Ooh, you are in for it, spidey.” He says quietly to penny, and she wishes her powers allowed her to time travel, or to turn invisible, or teleport, or anything else that could help her get out of this situation right now.
The worst part is she knows the best way for her to not be in this situation right now, would’ve been telling the truth the entire time.
She keeps her eyes closed as she feels her body being handed over to Tony, whose arms feel much more comfortable and warm, not so strong, but still just as capable. “Bye penny!” Deadpool yells as they enter the elevator with pepper.
“Penny's bedroom is ready for her. I’ll bring a trash can and some water in there.” Pepper says quietly to Tony, penny doesn’t hear Tony answer, so she assumes he nods or something. She hopes he does. She hopes he’s not too mad or too hurt to answer.
The next thing she knows, she’s being softly lowered into bed. After she’s laying and trying her hardest to seem asleep, Tony takes her shoes off slowly and softly, and he covers her with blankets and tucks her in. The doorknob clicks and pepper walks in with a cup of water, and a couple of pills. She sets them on the side table. She knows they’re still standing there but she can’t see what they’re doing. She’s too scared to open her eyes.
“What are we going to do with her?” She Heard- pepper say softly. She sounds upset. She can hear what she assumes to be Tony kiss pepper. “We’ll see when the time comes.” He says, and the two of them walk out.
It’s a few minutes before penny feels like it’s safe to open her eyes, and when she does she sees the guest bedroom that she’d stayed in multiple times. She didn’t know this was ‘her’ room according to pepper. She would stay up longer to dwell on it, but the adventures of the night catch up with her, and she immediately falls asleep.
The next morning she wakes up and immediately remembers some of the events from the night before. She knows she’s forgetting parts, and she feels like that’s even worse than remembering.
Her head is killing her, and she remembers the pills on her nightstand that pepper placed there the night before. She chugs the water and gets out of bed.
She looks around the room and out of curiosity, reaches for the knob of the dresser in the corner of the room. Penny figured it wishful thinking until she pulls the drawer open and it’s full of clothes in her size, tops and bottoms, pajamas, undergarments. A lot of socks. And it all smells like pepper and Tony’s laundry detergent.
Penny smiles slightly and feels upset at herself, figuring she hurt them. She knows they care about her, and she knows she broke their trust. And they’re pretty cool, anyway.
It takes her a few minutes before she works up the courage to walk out of her room, but eventually she does.
Not before checking her phone. She has three text notifications.
Call me in the morning. From may
How are u feeling? From Wade Wilson.
And an attachment of her sitting on the ground next to her pile of vomit, sobbing hysterically, and Deadpool smiling and holding a thumbs up with his arm around her shoulder, from MJ.
Taglist: @ohworm-writes @spidyyparker @littlemortals @americaarse
Lmk if u wanna be added to my Taglist! Notes, reblogs, and likes are highly appreciated <3
Have a good day love u
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milstrim · 4 years
You’re My Kid Too
Day 2: "Pick Who Dies"| Collars| Kidnapped
Mr. Stark was going to be so pissed. She was sure of it. Getting kidnapped was one thing, but allowing for Morgan to be taken too was a whole other level. She'd been babysitting for the day, taking Morgan out for a day at the Central Park Zoo as she tried to adjust to the newly repopulated world and Mr. Stark's new family. But something had happened when they'd been looking at the penguins, and she couldn't exactly remember what it was other than the hissing of gas and the whoosh! of doors clanging closed.
But then she'd woken up, cold except for a small and warm body clinging onto her desperately as it cried. She'd realized quickly that it was Morgan, and that they definitely weren't in the zoon anymore.
"Morgan?" she'd whispered in the dark, and the girl had frozen before gripping onto harder.
"Penny, Penny!" she'd cried, and Penny had sat up, wincing at the soreness in her side, and scooping Morgan into her lap, "I thought--I thought you were gone again and I didn't wanna be alone!"
She shushed the girl placatingly, "It's okay, it's okay. We're gonna be alright, okay? You just gotta be the strong girl you always are, right?" Morgan had nodded, "Good, okay, do you know how long we've been here?" She'd shrugged, "Okay, that's alright. Have you seen anyone?"
"Okay, if someone comes in you get behind me, alright? Just sit behind me and stay quiet, can you do that?"
"Yeah," Morgan had affirmed. The girl had struck true to her word when a woman had entered the room a few hours later, hiding behind her legs as the girl stood up to face their kidnapper.
The woman smiled at the two of them, and honestly, this wasn't who Penny had been expecting. She was small, barely taller than Penny herself, middle-aged, and slightly overweight. She dressed like a high school English teacher, with a short pixie cut that had turned gray, the only remnants of her original hair color being the few strands of black.
She'd gone on about revenge and the Avengers causing the loss of her own child, and really, Penny felt for her, but kidnapping a five year-old wasn't the way to go. Then the woman had left, leaving behind a small brown bag that ended up being two water bottles and ham and cheese sandwiches that she nibbled on before handing one to Morgan.
That had been two days ago, and while protecting Morgan was on the top of her to-do list, she hadn't been quite prepared for how hard it would be to entertain her, especially when she would randomly go into fits crying for her parents and Penny could do nothing but hold her. She must've played patty cake a thousand times, struggling to remember the rhyme and having to force herself to be gentle with the preschooler in front of her.
Three meals were delivered a day, and there was a toilet in the corner of the room that she thought must be an old prison room, so overall it could be worse conditions. They weren't being tortured, they were being fed, and were at least together, though they probably both smelled since they hadn't had a shower since they'd arrived.
Penny kept telling herself to wait, to lay low like Mr. Stark had always told her to do if she got kidnapped, to let him come and rescue them, and at first she had been prepared to do that, to hunker down and wait while she was with Morgan, but two days turned to six, and then nine, each night growing colder and all she could do was hug Morgan tighter.
But then she couldn't hug Morgan.
On the ninth day the woman returned, this time with two other people with solemn expressions, and Penny had immediately pressed Morgan behind her at the tingle running up and down her spine.
"Step away," the woman ordered, the bars of the cage opening with a clang!
"No," Penny said, putting steel into her voice.
"You don't have to be more involved than you already are dear," the woman said gently, as though a doting mother to her, and Penny scowled, "I don't know who you are. A nanny or a babysitter, some poor intern who got dragged into this, but I don't want to hurt you."
"And why not? You seem fine with hurting a five year-old. She hasn't even gone to kindergarten yet! If you think she has any part of the Avengers then you're either insane or stupid. I'm leaning towards the latter."
"Step aside," she said again, a little more sternness in her voice.
"Step aside."
"She's a kid!"
"She's the daughter of a murderer, and he will feel the same pain I did."
Penny's eyes shifted to the ground, hesitant but sure, she sighed, "Fine."
"What?" The woman sounded beyond surprised.
"Fine! He can feel that pain, but not through Morgan."
"How do you--"
"You think he trusts just anybody with his daughter? Some random nanny after how many people have tried to kill him? And why do you think a teenager would be nannying her? You don't think he'd hire some really professional lady?" Penny ranted, and she could feel Morgan's arms wrap around her leg, squeezing her as she cried. She wished she could comfort her, but if she wanted Morgan to be safe, she had to put all her attention into this.
"What do you mean?" the woman asked, readjusting her glasses and giving her a once over.
"I mean Tony Stark likes me. We've known each other for years and he takes care of me and him and my aunt basically share custody of me. If you--" she swallowed, "If you hurt me, then he'll feel the same pain, but you won't have to hurt Morgan."
"And how do we know this is true?" the man behind the still nameless woman asked. For the first time since they'd arrived, she turned to Morgan.
"Morgan, what are we?" she asked gently, and Morgan sniffed.
Penny turned back around, point-fucking-proven (even if it was technically a lie), to look at the shocked and calculating faces. After a tense minute, the woman finally reached a conclusion, smiling a little as she looked at her.
"Okay, works for me. We'll send it to Stark, and if what you're saying is true--and you don't fight back--then the kid will be safe. Deal?"
"Deal," Penny agreed without hesitation. They beckoned for her to leave the cell, and she began to move forward, but Morgan continued to clutch onto her harder.
"No! NO! PENNY!! DON'T GO!!" the girl cried, sobbing hysterically, but Penny had to go, she had to keep Morgan safe. Glancing between the impatient faces and Morgan's snot-covered and crying one, she kneeled down, prying the little hands away from her leg as gently as she possibly could.
"It's okay. It's okay, Morggie. Remember what I said about being brave?" A nod, "Good. Just, try and be calm, and it'll be okay. I'll make it okay."
Penny hesitated, but Morgan's eyes were too wide and too smart and too much exactly like Mr. Stark's, "I promise. Pinky promise."
She held out her pinky, and Morgan accepted, tears still leaking out of her eyes as Penny stood up and stepped out of the small cell, allowing for her hands to be cuffed behind her back. She kept eye contact with Morgan the entire time, trying for a smile and not looking away until she was moving and down the hallway.
She was right about it being an old prison, the walls crumbling stone and covered in frost. She knew it was winter, but wherever they were it was cold. And every step away from Morgan became colder and colder until she was finally led into a room with a singular metal chair and a camera pointed at it.
The next few hours were some of the worst of her life.
  Penny was dumped back into her and Morgan's cell the next day, barely aware of the world around her. After their little homemade video in which Penny had done her very best assuring Mr. Stark that Morgan was okay and that she was keeping her safe, she'd been left chained to the chair in the room while they sent it or whatever. She guessed they were just being extra careful about not being found, but it had sucked.
Nothing in this place was particularly comfortable, but that chair and that freezing empty room with the knowledge of Morgan alone barely a hallway over was the worst part of all of it. Yet she didn't want Morgan to see her the way she was right now.
Her arms and hands were coated in red that was dried and sticky, her lips blue and the hair atop her head--so thick and desperately in need of a cut--was still damp and clung to her skin. There were cuts and burns littering her body, and she knew she must look a mess, a true horror to the girl once again crying and pulling at her hair to try and get her to move.
"Penny? Penny, please. Wake up! If-If I have to be brave, you do too!" Morgan practically begged, and she began to stir, forcing herself onto her arms and knees, collapsing onto the barred wall instead. Morgan stared at her, scared and timid.
"It's okay, Morggie. I'm okay, see, I'm right here," Penny tried to assure, "You're doing so good. So good. Just--just be brave for a little longer, okay?"
"How much longer?"
"Not long."
And it wouldn't be. They couldn't stay here. Penny had held them off with the promise of torturing her instead, but these people were crazy, and she knew it was only a matter of time before they moved onto Morgan. The couldn't wait any longer.
  The teen didn't even wait a day. She waited until the next morning when they were afforded their stupid sandwiches and water that she would throw out the stupid window if it weren't for the hunger that clawed at her chest.
The woman, different than the short and stout ringleader, approached with their bags of food. Penny was still sitting on the bars, waiting, limp and unsuspecting, until they were close enough. She struck out, grabbing their foot and easily unbalancing them. Quick as a shot, she stood up and punched them through the bars, letting her drop to the floor unconscious.
Morgan yelped in surprise, staring at the woman crumpled on the ground. But then she clapped, "Are we leaving?"
"Yep. We're going home, Mongoose," she affirmed.
"Back to Mommy and Daddy?"
"Back to Mommy and Daddy."
Morgan smiled, and then they were walking down the hallways. Morgan carried the little brown bags of food as they stalked through the hallway, Penny on edge as she escorted them to the door. They managed to not come across anyone, which was good, because Penny doubted she could fight at this point. She was limping and tired to the bone, her right arm swollen and her eye still black. If it came down to it, she'd take someone down, but they needed to get out as quick as possible.
But when they finally found the door, she hesitated. It was freezing, beyond cold. Now don't get her wrong, she knew what cold was like, New York was plenty freezing during the winter, but now she wore nothing but a shirt and jeans, as well as a hoodie wrapped around her waist. And it wasn't just cold, Penny didn't do well in the cold, it was a storm. Penny did doubley worse in a storm.
It wasn't snow that rained down, but freezing sleet and pouring rain that thundered against the slick pavement outside. She gulped. This was bad, but they couldn't stay here. Maybe...maybe she could find a way to contact Tony, but then she'd be caught, and then Morgan would be tortured. And if this was an old prison, then, well, there had to be some kind of society around.
She weighed her chances, and then she weighed Morgan's chances. Outside was better for Morgan but worse for her, so outside it was.
"Are we going out there? It looks scary," Morgan mumbled. Penny knelt down at eye level with her sister.
"I know it does, but we have to go out, okay? We'll find Daddy and Mommy out there."
"Uncle Rhodey too?"
"Especially Uncle Rhodey," Penny affirmed, taking her hoodie and putting it on Morgan, "I'm gonna carry you, can you keep the food safe for me?"
"Yeah!" Morgan said, brightening at the thought of helping.
"Great," she said, picking the girl up with a pained grunt, "Let's go."
  The cold, to put it simply, stinked.
It tore at her cuts, burning and freezing. It soaked her to the bone, wrapped her in nothing but frost and ice, making her feel as though she were trapped at the bottom of a lake during winter. And Penny's inability to keep herself warm certainly didn't help. She couldn't shiver and she couldn't warm up, the most she could do was hold Morgan close to her and hope to God that she was as dry and warm as she could possibly be.
Morgan was a trooper though. Barely complaining, only ever asking how long until they were home twice, which was considerable constraint for a five year-old. Apparently the answer to when they'd get home--or at least at a town--was four hours. Four hours of trudging over wet, slushy ground. Four hours of wandering until she found railroad tracks to follow. Four hours until a house finally appeared through the gray storm.
"Morgan, look. A house!" she choked out in relief at the sight of it. She heard Morgan let out a pitiful cry in response, and Penny could do nothing but continue to stumble forward. There were a few more houses surrounding it, but she stuck with the nearest one, ducking between the cars and stumbling onto the porch.
Her vision was hazy as she rang the doorbell, hugging Morgan tighter to her. Due to the late hour it took a few minutes for someone to answer, the door finally being flung open by an old woman, who gaped at them in shock.
"Please..." Penny begged, "2-1-2. 6-5-5. 9-0-0-8. 2-1-2. 6-5-5. 9-0-0-8. 2-1-2. 6-5-5. 9-0-0-8. 2-1-2..."
When Penny passed out, making sure to land on her back and not Morgan, she was still repeating those numbers, mumbling as the woman screamed in surprise. She really hoped she remembered the number.
  Tony stared intently at the girl in front of him. She was still pale, even after being in the Medbay for two days, though her cuts and burns had thankfully healed. Hypothermia was the kicker, but he knew she'd push through. She had too.
Morgan had managed to full recover, which made sense. She hadn't been blue when he'd found her, well, when he'd gotten a call in the middle of the night from some lady in Canada saying that two girls had shown up on her doorstep repeating his number. His heart had leapt in joy, in relief. He'd gotten the video of Penny being tortured barely a few hours earlier, and it had been the worst experience of his life.
He'd thrown up, unable to take Penny's cries telling him that Morgan was safe all the while she hadn't been.
His kids being taken had been a truly crippling experience, especially with no contact. He'd begun to break by day five of no contact, and when he'd gotten that video of Penny, he'd almost been relieved, and it made him sick. Whoever had taken Penny, well, he'd been playing right into their hands.
But Penny had escaped, had taken Morgan and run at the first sign of real danger, and he couldn't be more grateful to have one kid in his lap and the other laying in front of him. Though he'd prefer Penny be awake.
Like his thoughts had summoned her, she blinked awake within the next few minutes. Her heart rate picked up as she looked around the room, then calmed down as she caught sight of him. She smiled sleepily.
"Hey, Mr. Stark," she greeted, "Is she okay?"
"She's great. What about you? How are you feeling?"
"Fine. Morgan's safe. She's safe, Mr. Stark."
"I know, Penny. I know," he assured, moving to grip her hand, "And now you're safe too, okay? Even though you walked through -20 degree weather knowing you can't keep warm."
"I thought the cold would get me," she admitted, "But they were going to go for Morgan next. They were going to hurt her."
His hand shook, "They hurt you. And you're my kid too, Penny." She looked at him with wide eyes, so he carried on, "You're my kid, just like Morgan. So please know you gave me a heart attack."
"Oh, I already knew that, Mr. Stark. Not the--not the kid part. But the uh, heart part."
He smiled, shaking his head. Sniffing in disdain, he pressed a kiss to her head, cupping Morgan closer to himself so as to keep her from waking up, "Whatever, kid. Just know that I love you and go back to sleep."
She smiled, and blinking tiredly, she drifted once more.
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superherotiger · 4 years
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Aww, thank you so much Anon! I’m so glad you’re feeling better, and yes definitely! Emily is the queen of Penny Parker fics, and I’m so happy you suggested it because I’ve been meaning to write a Female!Peter story for ages now! Thank you again for your lovely words, it literally made my day and it warms my heart to know that you’re still enjoying the Soulmate AU after all this time (Sorry the sequel has been taking so long!). I hope you enjoy this fluffy one-shot, and have an awesome day!
Ever since the bite, Penny had always run a little colder than usual. In summer it wasn’t too bad except for a little extra sensitivity towards air conditioners, but winter was an uncomfortable game of layering singlets atop of shirts atop of jackets and even more jackets and still managing to shiver like a leaf in the wind. Safe to say, winter was far from Penny’s favourite season.
But after an unusually warm morning in late fall, Penny figured she could make it through the day with only a jacket instead of her usual jumper-jacket combo, and was pleased to say she made it through the entire school day without any trouble at all. Her last class of the day was gym too so by the time the bell rang her blood was beating warmly through her veins, adding a small skip to her step as she started her trek to the tower. It was Friday, which meant she would be spending the afternoon working on her suit with her mentor Tony Stark, and Penny didn’t think her day could get any better!
The universe seemed to agree though, because the thick, gloomy clouds that had been scattered lazily across the sky began to envelope the sun and sent the temperature plummeting by the second. The adrenaline that had kept Penny warm had faded long ago, and it was only now as she crossed her arms over her chest that she realised she had forgotten her jacket in the gymnasium. For a moment the girl considered turning back, but she was already halfway to the tower, and assured herself she could make it there with no problems.
As per her Parker luck though there was a problem, and that problem came in the form of rain. It was just light enough not to warrant an umbrella, but the chilled water on her bare arms only amplified the shudders running down her spine, and by the time she stepped through the tower doors her whole body was trembling like a drowned dog.
“Hey kid,” Mr Stark’s voice hummed when she entered the lab, closing the door behind her with shaking fingers. “I’ve got some new ideas for your suit that I want you to- wow! What happened to you?”
Penny shrugged a little as she met her mentor’s suddenly concern gaze, saying through chattering teeth “There was s-some rain on the way here.”
“Jesus kid. Didn’t May teach you to take an umbrella- or hell, even a jacket when you go out?” Mr Stark asked incredulously as he rose from his workbench and opened up a nearby cupboard.
“I accidentally left my jacket at school, and in my defence, t-those clouds came out of nowhere.”
At that Mr Stark scoffed with an amused little smile on his lips, walking over to the shivering teenager with a towel in one hand and a dark navy jumper in the other. Penny took the towel first and dried off her face and arms, saying gratefully “Thank you Mr Stark.”
“No problem Roo. Can’t have our little spider getting washed down the waterspout now, can we?” the man replied teasingly.
“Ha ha, very funny,” Penny deadpanned as she took the jumper from his hand and slipped it over her head.
Immediately she was wrapped in a heavy blanket of warmth and softness and an overwhelming sense of safety. It was far too big for her frame and the sleeves stretched past his fingertips, but it reminded her of Ben’s old jackets that he used give her when the breeze got too strong or the night too cold. The material was softer than her uncle’s jackets though, and even though it was a little worn down from years of use, it was surprisingly insulated for her rain-soaked skin. The fabric smelt of motor oil and faint hints of whiskey, but it was the strong and familiar cologne that she recognised on the collar that suddenly made her freeze.
“Is… is this yours?” Penny asked hesitantly, gazing up at her mentor who stared back at her with a fond smile.
“Sure is.”
“Oh, um… are, uh… are you sure-?”
“Yes Pen, it’s fine,” Mr Stark assured as he playfully rolled his eyes. “Believe it or not, I was actually being serious about you not getting pneumonia.”
Breathing out a laugh of her own, Penny nodded her head in thanks and felt the warmth budding in her chest strengthen when Mr Stark reached forward to ruffle her damp hair. “Alright little miss,” he said as he guided her towards the workbench with a reassuring pat of her shoulder. “Let’s get to work on that suit of yours.”
And so they worked together for the next three hours like cogs of a machine, perfectly in sync with each other as they threw ideas back and forth and sketched out blueprints for their latest upgrades on the suit. Before long the icy cold that had encased Penny when she entered was thawed away by the warm temperature and even warmer conversation, bantering with Mr Stark as mentor and mentee fell into a familiar comfort beside each other. Despite her earlier drenching, Penny had to admit that she was pretty lucky to have a life like this.
When it came time for Penny to leave Mr Stark insisted that Happy drive her back to her apartment, and even though she wanted to decline, the idea of sitting in the heated car seemed a hell of a lot more appealing then trekking through the streets again. So she relented, waving goodbye to Mr Stark which he returned with a beaming smile. She liked it when he smiled like that. His eyes would crinkle at the corners and the brown of his irises would shimmer ever so slightly. It was genuine, and Penny was glad she got to see it.
It was only when she stepped through the apartment door that she realised she was still wearing Mr Stark’s jumper, her cheeks blushing in embarrassment as she considered running back downstairs to see if Happy was still there. But before she could even move a step May suddenly rounded the corner and greeted her with a warm hug, the worry melting away under her touch in seconds. She told herself that she would return the jumper tomorrow. Maybe she could swing by after patrol to drop it off, and then hopefully forget that she had essentially stolen from Tony Stark to begin with.
Except Penny forgot to take it back the next day, and the next day, aaand the next day.
It wasn’t intentional! She told herself every morning when she saw the navy jumper hanging off her chair that she would take it back that afternoon, stuffing it into her backpack and subsequently forgetting about it until she returned home and found it below her textbooks. By the time she realised, it was always too late to drop by the tower, and she figured she could just wrap herself in its soft, warm fabric one last time before returning it the next day. Which of course, she always forgot to do.
Even when the next lab day rolled around she still managed to forget about the stolen garment, stepping into her room that night only to see the taunting blue jumper once more, folded neatly on her desk where she’d left it so that she wouldn’t forget about it. Penny released a frustrated growl even as she threw it over her head and sat bundled up on the couch wrapped in the comfortable fabric.
The next Friday afternoon Penny kicked herself as she entered the lab, remembering by chance -and thankfully, much earlier than usual- that she had left the hoodie at home. When she sat by Mr Stark’s side she began stressing her mind over what to say, how to apologise, and how on earth she could possibly explain forgetting to bring it back for two weeks. No excuse sounded plausible, and that wasn’t even accounting for the fact that she was a terrible liar.
But then she realised that Mr Stark didn’t look disappointed or frustrated at all, and that he hadn’t even mentioned the jumper in the two weeks she had been forgetting to return it. He probably didn’t even remember that he gave it to her…
The first two weeks of leaving the hoodie at home was completely by accident.
The next three months however? Not so much.
Before long, the jumper that so expertly chased away the winter chill had become a regular part of Penny’s wardrobe, and she became so comfortable with it in fact that she forgot that she had stolen it at all.
That’s why she walked straight into the lab one day with the navy garment wrapped comfortably around her torso, nodding with the music playing through her headphones before Mr Stark said suddenly “I was wondering where that went.”
Penny froze like a deer caught in headlights, her eyes widening comically as she turned to face her mentor.
Mr Stark sat at his desk with a slight smirk on his face and a mischievous glimmer in his eye. His relaxed posture gave off a sense of confidence, and Penny felt her cheeks begin to burn when she realised she’d been caught.
“I’m sorry,” she said simply, because really, what else was there to say? There was no reasonable excuse for the missing hoodie, especially not now that she had walked straight in wearing it and basically admitted to the crime.
Mr Stark arched a brow curiously. “What for?”
Penny knew he was messing with her, that this was probably a trap, but she stepped forward anyway and stammered “The jumper… I-I swear I was going to return it! I mean, at the start I was… but -um, then I kept forgetting and you didn’t mention it again and it’s just so warm Mr Stark and- no wait! I’m not, uh… I’m not saying that it was right for me to take it or anything, I’m just really sorry…”
As the clumsy apology flooded out of her mouth Mr Stark just watched with amusement etched into his features, leaning back into his chair like he were watching a cheesy soap opera that he just couldn’t bare to look away from despite it being a train wreck of entertainment. Finally though, after rambling a few sentences longer, the man decided to put Penny out of her misery and cut in abruptly “It’s fine Pen.”
“W-What?” she stuttered, her face bright red from her flustered attempt at an apology.
“I said it’s fine. No problems. One hundred percent acceptable.”
Penny blinked in shock. “But… but I took it.”
“I know, you told me,” Mr Stark scoffed, waving her over to the seat beside him.
Slowly, the teen shuffled her way towards him and lowered herself onto the stool, fiddling with the worn sleeves nervously. “Aren’t you, uh… aren’t you mad?” she asked.
“It’s a hoodie Pen, it’s really not that big of a deal,” Mr Stark answered simply.
“Oh… do you… want it back?”
“Nah,” he said, resting a hand on her shoulder as he added fondly “It looks better on you anyway. Blue’s not really my colour.”
And with that, Penny looked up at her mentor and smiled. A warm, genuine smile that he returned immediately. Mr Stark had spared the girl from an undeniably embarrassing situation, and she couldn’t be more thankful as they turned back towards their workstations and continued their day like normal. Because this was their normal, Penny realised. And they were okay with that…
“You know, all you had to do was ask Pen,” Mr Stark said as they stood in the elevator to get their freshly delivered pizza, the newest tradition to their lab days.
Feeling much more at ease, Penny didn’t even hesitate to reply, “I guess, but where’s the fun in that?”
Mr Stark barked out a laugh and pulled the girl into an impromptu side hug, messing up her hair just as the elevator doors opened and making Penny squawk in disapproval.
And if Mr Stark’s jumpers began to disappear and reappear in a random -or not so random- cycle, he never once complained. Never mentioned how he would see Penny wearing those ‘missing’ hoodies of his as they tinkered in the lab or had movie marathons in the penthouse. And when winter rolled around the next year, Penny found herself enjoying the cold air for the very first time, the fabric of a familiar navy jumper wrapped around her shoulders as she leaned into Mr Stark’s side and watched the snow fall down across the horizon…
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cherryhawks · 4 years
febuwhump day two : fever
warnings: poison and sickness
a/n: okay so yesterday flopped and i actually thought it was a good chapter and this one is bad so at least this one deserves to flop 
read on ao3
Penny knew something was wrong. 
The entire night her “spidey sense” was acting up, letting her know that there was danger nearby. It was nothing immediate, but it was a nagging feeling that was bothering her. The problem was: Penny couldn’t figure out what was wrong. 
The gala Mr. Stark was hosting had an exclusive list of attendees, security guards at every entrance/exit, and cameras hidden in every possible corner. 
So, why did she feel like something really bad was going to happen? 
“-enny, Penny, you okay, kid?” 
Penny shook herself out of her thoughts. “What?” 
“You okay?” Mr. Stark asked her, “You seem worried. Care to share?” 
Penny didn’t want to distress Mr. Stark for no reason. So, she lied. 
“No, I’m fine!” Penny exclaimed, “Just...can’t decide if I want the salmon or the filet mignon.”  She held up her menu and pointed at the two options, “What would you recommend, Mr. Stark?” 
“Definitely the salmon. Pair it with some Chardonnay. Very classy. And, you’ll love Chardonnay. Just don’t tell your aunt I let you order wine, she’ll murder me.” 
“Tony,” Pepper interrupted, “She’s fifteen. Don’t tell her to order wine.”
“It’s one glass, Pep, it’s not like I’m telling her to get drunk.” 
“Would they even let me order it?” Penny asked, “I’m not twenty-one.” 
“It’s basically like champagne; you can order it, kid. But, only one glass. I’m not that irresponsible.” 
He earned a glare from Pepper at that statement. “You shouldn’t be encouraging her to drink wine at all, but fine, just one glass.” 
Distracted by their food and drink, Penny completely forgot about how off the party felt. However, after finishing her drink, she started to feel warm, too warm, and her vision was becoming very hazy. 
Penny reached out to grab Mr. Stark’s sleeve and gently shook his arm. “Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good…” (i’m so sorry,,,,i had to)
Mr. Stark turned to look at her, concern in his eyes. “What’s wrong, Pen?” He put his hand to her forehead, noticing how flush she looked, “She’s burning up!”  Mr. Stark said to Pepper; Pepper rushing to get security and to call a doctor, fearing Penny’s sudden illness was because of something sinister. Mr. Stark quickly grabbed a cloth napkin, dipped it in a glass of water, and pressed it to her forehead. “Hold that there,” he helped her out of her chair and put his arm around her shoulders, “You need to lie down.” 
Before they could make it out of the room, Penny collapsed. 
“Penny!”  Mr. Stark fell down beside her and tenderly pulled her into his arms, brushing her hair back out of her face. “Stay with me, kid, you’re gonna be okay.” 
Penny felt like she was burning. Her heart was beating so fast she actually thought it was going to burst. She just wanted this to stop. 
“I-I don’t know w-w-what’s happening, Mr. S-Stark,” Penny said, her speech slurring, “P-Please make it s-stop.” 
Mr. Stark’s gaze softened. It pained him to see Penny hurting so much and not being able to take it away. “I’m trying, honey. A doctor is on the way. I promise this will be over soon.” 
An anxious Pepper returned to them a few minutes later; the doctor with her urgently tending to Penny. “Um, Tony, I need to speak with you...privately. I don’t think Penny should hear this right now.” 
Tony didn’t want to leave Penny, but he needed to hear what Pepper had to tell him. He figured talking a few feet away would be fine, considering Penny was so out of it she probably wouldn’t hear what they were saying anyway. 
“So, I asked a guard to show me the security footage to see if anyone tampered with Penny’s food or drink because I thought maybe she was poisoned, I mean, you can’t just get that sick out of nowhere. You’ll never guess who poisoned her drink. Well, actually, it was technically your drink, but the waiter must have switched them by accident. It was Justin Hammer.”
Tony was shocked. Because one, it was supposed to be his drink that was poisoned and two, Justin Hammer was supposed to be in prison. “But, Hammer is in prison-”
“Happy checked the news. He broke out this morning; he probably figured poisoning you would be some petty act of revenge or something for throwing him in jail. And, the gala was the perfect opportunity.” 
This was his fault. 
Penny being poisoned was his fault. 
“Don’t do that, Tony,” Pepper started to say while grabbing hold of his hands, “I know you’re blaming yourself, but it’s not your fault. That drink probably would have killed you. And while this should not have happened to Penny, her metabolism is going to save her, okay? She’s not going to die.” 
That calmed Tony a little.
But, only a little. 
“He hurt my kid, Pep,” Tony glanced over at Penny, lying on the floor, silently suffering because an old enemy decided he still wasn’t done torturing Tony, “I’m going to make him pay.”
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