#spoiler: it wasn't pee
kathaynesart · 6 months
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And now watch it all fall apart.
Thank you everyone for your patience as I recuperate from Covid. I tested negative and am now just recuperating from the lasting effects. Honestly, this update is one I probably could have skipped, but I love me a good heist plan. Plus I just wanted to have some fun with this holiday special and if that means extending it a bit longer, then so be it.
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cherry-holmes · 23 days
Part 1
(Javier Peña x F!Reader)
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Credits of the gif on the image.
Summary: Finding out you’re pregnant create a split between you and Javier. He soon will discover that one can regret they own words.
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Word count: +3k
Warnings: Writer prefer to not give details to prevent spoilers. Read under your own responsibility.
A/N: Hello👋🏻 This is a little something that came to my mind when a saw this gifs last week🧍🏻‍♀️ Let me know in comments if you like it👀
Javier and you have been dating for a year and a half now. It started as something casual. You were just neighbors, then you used to talk about the weather when you crossed paths in the building. Then, he invited you for a drink, and you ended up in his bed.
He told you he was a DEA agent, and you talked about your community service as an English teacher in Bogotá.
Javier was funny and charming. He always treated you like a princess and fucked you like a slut. He was attentive, but he worked a lot. You never seriously talked about what exactly you were, but you spent much more time at his place than yours. He hadn't given you a key, precisely, but he told you he had a copy on top of his door so you could enter when you arrive and he was still at work. He picked you up from the school, and you cut his hair when needed.
Life had been busy, and you never really stopped to ask him if your relationship had a label. The truth is, neither of you had actually stopped and asked each other what would come next when he caught Escobar and/or you finished your community service.
You never thought about it, until that damn morning.
It can't be happening. Two lines on a pregnancy test were the last thing you needed. You looked at it for a long, long time, trying to process what was going on. You wanted a blood test to confirm, but there's a reason why you already took a pee test. Morning sickness and a delay in your period activated the alarms. You hadn't told Javier anything yet, but it was only a matter of time now.
That afternoon you went to the laboratory, and by noon you received a phone call confirming the results. You were, indeed, very pregnant. After you hung up the phone, you cried a lot. How were you going to tell Javi? What would you do with your job? What were you going to tell your parents? Did you really want to have it... him/her?
You felt the urgency to make a decision in that very moment. Javier was going to ask you when you told him, and you knew he hated the "I don't know."
It took you one, two, three hours, and you had an answer. You knew it was the right one because you thought it would take you a lot longer to decide. But when your heart landed in the same place over and over so quickly, you simply knew it.
Javier came home late at night, but earlier than usual. He looked tired and pissed, and he let his weight fall on the kitchen chair to devour what you had made for dinner. You looked at him the entire time, and the nervousness in your chest made it impossible to eat anything. You wanted to tell him. You couldn't contain the news any longer.
"Javi," you began. He didn't look at you for more than a second before his sleepy eyes fell on his plate again. "I have something to tell you. It's very important."
"What is it, babe?" he asked, his voice slurred.
"I..." You fought the lump in your throat, encouraging yourself to tell him. "I'm pregnant."
Until that moment, you didn't know what you expected. You didn't imagine him crying with emotion and jumping around the apartment, screaming to the four winds that he was going to be a dad. But you didn't imagine what his real reaction would be, either.
Javier didn't even look at you. He dropped his fork, leaned back in his chair, and passed his hands over his face. It wasn't a surprised, emotional reaction. He was pissed. He was cursing the situation.
You didn't say anything as you felt your heart and soul sink into your stomach. Disappointment washed over you as you saw his reaction. You tried to think of something else to say, but you went blank.
"We can't," he finally said, really looking at you for the first time that night.
"What do you mean we can't?" your voice was only a whisper.
He looked at you like you were crazy. "You're not seriously thinking about having it."
Your mouth went dry, but tears welled up in your eyes. "Well... I do."
Javier's face hardened. "It's not safe, not with what I do, not with Escobar still out there."
"We can figure this out together," you said, your voice quivering. "I-I know this country is dangerous and this is probably not the right time, but is already happening and I..."
"Are you sure you're...?" he began. It hurt you the fact that he couldn't even say it.
You stood up and reached for your purse. He saw you as you placed both the pee and the blood test in front of him.
"Puta madre." Javier stood up, pacing the kitchen. "Did you take the pills?" he demanded.
You nodded. "I do. But they're not a hundred percent effective."
He ran his fingers through his hair in an almost desperate gesture. "I can't do this. Parenting is not on my plans, and you know it."
"I didn't want this to happen either, Javier, and I'm sorry," you said, trying not to cry. "But you need to people to make a baby. So, we have to figure this out together."
"Don't complicate things more," he added. He made his way to the living room, pacing like a caged animal. "Think about the consequences. I can't risk my focus on this job for this."
Tears streamed down your face. "So, what? You want me to get rid of it?"
"I think it's the best option for both of us."
After a long, cold moment of silence, you shook your head, stepping back. "I can't believe you."
He sighed heavily, looking away. "You don't understand... it's too dangerous."
"I don't care," you cried. "I'm gonna have this baby. With or without you."
He sighed. He saw the determination on you. Now he needed to make a decision, since you're not going to change yours.
"Ok," he said finally. "It will happen, but you need to go back to the States."
"No," you sentenced. Javier couldn't believe your stubbornness. "I'm not going to leave, either. I can't leave the school. Those kids need my help."
He was doing his best to not completely lost his patience and say something (more) that he could – and will – regret.
"I can't concentrate on my job and take care of a pregnant woman," he sentenced, adding your name at the end in a way you had never heard before.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your voice. "Well, then don't worry about me. I can handle this on my own."
Javier stared at you, his eyes dark with frustration. He thought of his parents. They didn't raise a man who shirks responsibility, one who doesn't own the consequences of his actions.
For a long moment, the only sound was the ticking of the clock on the kitchen wall. Finally, Javier sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping in defeat.
"No," he said. "If that's what you want, fine. You'll have my financial support, but that's all. As soon as you finish your community service, you'll go back home. I'll send you money, that's it."
"I don't want anything from you, Javier. Not if you're not going to do it with real love," you whispered, heartbroken.
Javier's jaw tightened, but he didn't argue. He turned away, staring at the wall, his hands clenched into fists.
He looked down, unable to meet your gaze. "I never saw myself as a dad. I don't think I ever will," he admitted. "That's all I can offer. I'm sorry it's not what you expected. I'm sorry I can't be the man you need."
Days turned into weeks, and your relationship with Javier seemed to be stuck in a constant struggle of awkward interactions and avoiding each other. He started working even later, and sometimes he didn't even spend the night at the apartment. He came back the next morning smelling like whiskey and cigarettes. When he did sleep at home, he took the couch while you slept on his bed. When you woke up in the morning, he wasn't there.
Both of you finally reached an agreement. You recognized that you needed his help, and he was aware that he had to be responsible for the situation. You moved in with Javier so you wouldn't have to waste money paying rent. Moreover, you would return to the US when you were seven months pregnant. He would conclude his duty in Colombia however long it took. Neither of you wanted to talk about what would happen then.
Your belly was now thirteen weeks along. Soon, Javier found his place filled with baby stuff. Every day he discovered something new you had bought: tiny clothes, maternity clothing, maternity books. His bathroom smelled like the body cream you used to apply on your belly, and there was a list of pregnancy-friendly foods hung on the refrigerator. He could tell you were putting your heart into preparing for the baby, and at times he felt guilty for not being able to find his own paternal instinct.
On the contrary, you were caught in a fragile rhythm. He continued his dangerous work, and you dedicated yourself to your work at school.
Nights were still lonely, but at least you had your baby. You talked and sang to them. You applied anti-stretch mark creams to your belly, and read everything about babies and labor. You were excited to meet your baby boy or girl, but sadly, at the same time, you felt heartbroken because you loved Javier, and you wished he was more present during the process. However, you had to accept that it wasn't mutual. He didn't love you; he never truly did and probably never would. He just liked to fuck. You should have known it before. Maybe you did, but you were so in love with him that you thought you could change him. Either way, it was too late now.
Javier gave you more money than you needed to cover everything you needed. He never said no when you told him you needed medicine, to pay for a doctor's appointment, or special food that didn't provoke nausea.
But he never went to those appointments with you. He never asked how they went, either. He never showed any interest in the progress of your pregnancy. It was as if he had completely detached himself from the situation, leaving you to navigate the journey alone.
Or at least, that was how you saw it. The truth was, Javier was having a difficult time processing the fact that he would be a father. He had never seen himself getting married, let alone having children.
Furthermore, there was something terrifying about having a baby in Colombia during the war he was fighting. He had witnessed men fall, leaving widows and orphans behind.
He realized that he was more scared of leaving you and his child alone in this chaotic and unfair world if something happened to him. Or worse, he feared that you have to pay for his sins and mistakes. He couldn't bear the thought of that, and he often had nightmares about losing you both.
He didn't know how to express his feelings for you. He couldn't let himself relax and just settle into the nest with you.
One of those nights, when he decided to come home earlier after work, he found you sleeping in bed. You had an open book beside you on a page about what to expect during the second trimester. You had fallen asleep in an awkward position, so he had to gently wake you up to help you move into a more comfortable one. You mumbled in your sleep, calling his name softly and sweetly. Javier felt warmth in his chest, a need to cuddle with you, touch your belly for the first time, and hold you and the baby close.
But he just couldn't do it. He didn't know why, but he couldn't. He limited himself to tucking you in with a warm blanket and opening the window for fresh air, as you liked it. He went to the kitchen, filled a glass with water, and put it on your nightstand because he knew you got thirsty in the middle of the night.
Javier observed you for a moment, peacefully sleeping, carrying his baby. He missed your soft lips and your fingers in his hair. He missed making you laugh and talking to you about each other's days. And now, he longed to make things right and try to win your heart back.
Tomorrow, he said. Turning down the lights, he went to his place on the couch.
But tomorrow was too late.
He left early in the morning to attend an emergency meeting at the Embassy. Steve spend all morning complaining about Messina and the tie-and-suit motherfuckers, but Javier's thoughts were on you.
He was lost on his own thoughts, trying to find the right words to tell you. He was still scared, but he was determined to try. To make it work.
He was on his desk, a report on his hands but he wasn't reading it, when his landline rang.
"Peña," he picked up.
"Is this Javier?" a woman's voice asked urgently.
"Who's this?"
"This is María from the school," she said. He immediately knew something was wrong. He barely remembered María, you had presented each other last year on your birthday.
"There's been an emergency," she continued explaining, anguish filling her voice. "She's been taken to the hospital."
Javier's heart dropped. "Is she okay?"
"She collapsed in class. They think it might be related to her pregnancy. You need to get to the hospital as soon as you can."
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Javier didn't waste a second. He grabbed his jacket and bolted out of the Embassy, ignoring Steve's confused shouts. The drive to the hospital was a blur, his mind racing with fear.
What happened? You were fine last night... Didn't you? He felt a pang of guilt. What if you didn't felt well but you didn't say anything because you thought he would be mad? Fuck... He should be more available for you. You should trust him.
When he finally arrived at the hospital, he rushed to the reception desk, asking for your name. The nurse nodded and directed him to the emergency room. His heart pounded as he approached the doors, dread settling in his stomach.
He found you lying on a hospital bed, pale and hooked up to monitors. The doctor was speaking to a nurse nearby. Javier's throat tightened as he stepped closer.
The doctor noticed him and approached. "Are you related?"
"Yes, how is she?" Javier asked, his voice shaky.
The doctor sighed. "I'm sorry to inform you, but she lost the baby. There was nothing we could do. It was a miscarriage."
Javier felt like the ground had been ripped out from under him. He looked at your unconscious form, tears welling up in his eyes. "Can I see her?"
"Of course, but she's sleeping right now," the doctor said gently. "She's stable now, but you had to sedate her. This has been very traumatic for her."
Javier nodded and moved to your bedside. He took your hand in his, feeling the weight of his own failures crashing down on him. He had failed to protect you, to be there when you needed him the most.
Hours passed as he sat by your side, holding your hand and watching you sleep. When you finally stirred and opened your eyes, he was there. His eyes were teary, reddened from his contained emotions.
"Hey," he whispered, placing a strand of hair behind your ear. "I'm here," he said, squeezing your hand. "I'm so sorry. I should have been there. I should have done more."
You closed your eyes, tears slipping down your cheeks. "I lost my baby." Your voice was barely a whisper, little sobs escaping your lips. You were still in a haze of sedatives and mourning.
Javier nodded, his heart breaking at the pain in your voice. "I know. I'm so, so sorry."
"No, you don't," you said, hurt and anger painting your weak voice. "You didn't want my baby."
"I was scared," he confessed, his voice cracking. "I didn't know how to handle any of this. But I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to lose our baby."
You shook your head, tears streaming like rivers down your cheeks. The gaze you gave him was filled with anger and resentment, piercing through his chest.
"Fuck you," you cried.
Javier flinched as if you had struck him. He looked away, unable to bear the intensity of your anger and sorrow.
"I'm sorry," he whispered again, his voice barely audible.
"You never be there for us, so don't come and say you're sorry," your words melted into an unstoppable crying. You felt like if your heart would literally broke into a million pieces. Grief and exhaustion weighing heavily on you, you felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness.
"I know I can't make this right. I know I failed you. But please, let me be here for you now," he pleaded, but there was nothing he could say to soothe your unbearable pain.
"You're a piece of shit, Javier," you spat, your voice trembling with anger and grief. "I don't want to see you ever again."
You turned away from him, your tears flowing freely.
He lingered for a moment, hoping for some sign of forgiveness, but when none came, he slowly left the room, closing the door behind him.
He stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall, feeling the crushing weight of his failures. He had lost not only his child but also the trust and love of the woman who meant more to him than he had ever admitted.
Part 2
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onestopfanficshop · 1 year
könig headcanons
warnings: afab!reader, mentions of unprotected sex, oral sex, thigh riding and fucking, and an (accidentally) broken condom lol
A/N: this is so self indulgent LMFAO. can you believe i've had this sitting in my drafts for over three weeks? i hope y'all enjoy bc there's not enough content for this man fr! gif not mine :)
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will use your fingers as a human fidget toy
he likes to rub his chin when he’s thinking real hard about something
loves grapes (green ones only, and they have to be cold)
the left corner of his nose constantly gets dry for whatever reason so he’s always needing to put extra lotion there
hums under his breath without realizing it and it's the cutest thing ever. especially if he’s alone with you, or if he’s just relaxed and in his element
he really loves to cook but he's too lazy to do the cleanup after he's done
has better than 20/20 eyesight; idk, i just feel deep in my soul that he does
if he's lying on his stomach and you start rubbing his back or scratching it, he'll literally melt it is the most relaxing thing in the world to him
his morning voice is super deep and raspy. i feel so strongly about this it just has to be true
is a snob about bread. he just likes a nice warm loaf of well baked bread okay?
when you first started dating, it would sometimes scare him when he would wake up in the middle of the night and see you lying there peacefully next to him; he had never shared a bed with someone else before so it took him a while to get used to it 
but once he does he literally will treat you like a human body pillow. which sounds cute in theory but it's not 😭 like if you need to go pee in the middle of the night, good luck getting yourself untangled from him without waking him up (spoiler alert: it's not really possible to do bc he's the lightest sleeper on planet earth). you can either hold it or deal with a groggy and slightly grumpy könig the next day lolol
is the clingiest bf ever. if you let him, könig will sit on the floor next to you while you’re in the bath and hold your hand if you dangle it off the side of the tub while you watch a show together
speaking of baths this man hates taking them. he's never found a tub big enough to fit him so he just doesn't bother. he hates when his skin gets super wrinkly from being in water for too long anyways
loves to put a bunch of creamers and sweeteners in his coffee. the first time you took him to starbucks he was like a kid in a candy shop when you told him all the different flavored syrups that they had
doesn't like swimming; i mean he knows how to do it (bc of his job) but it's not his favorite thing to do. he feels like the water is always working against him lol
yeah he has social anxiety but when he's with you? especially once he gets comfy with you? yeah that's a different man entirely
like he loves to tease you constantly, is very cocky, and is super funny in a witty dry humor type of way
is absolutely the type of boyfriend to keep a joke going once he sees you're laughing really hard at it just so he can continue to hear your laugh :,)
know how to make jams from scratch for some reason; his favorites are peach and strawberry jam
one time he finished making a fresh batch of jams; you tied cute little ribbons around the jars and jokingly said you were "proud of the jams we made"
könig shaking his head because you didn't do shit except for stir a few times and sneak some tastes when you *thought* he wasn't looking (he's always looking)
buuuut he loves you so he plays along and tells you that you did amazing
makes fun of you if you like to watch cheesy or dumb shows but then 10 minutes later he's on the couch next to you, fully invested and asking you who the characters are and what's going on in the plot
is bad at sharing his food. even with you. he's more than happy to get you seconds but just don't touch his food, alright?
love language is 📢PHYSICAL TOUCH📢
followed by acts of service and quality time obviously. but yeah... the man is handsy. better get used to it
first time you guys did it, it was awkward but in a really cute way. he was very, very nervous but also overly confident at the same time somehow? it was a potent mix
he'd watched porn before and gotten himself off but he didn't really know what to expect irl. he just knew that he wanted to make you feel good
when you tried to put one of the condoms you had on him, it broke. this man is huge so EVERY part of him is huge. like it just split clean in half 😭 and he turned bright red and started apologizing profusely 
it was super intense up until that happened and you just started bursting into giggles which just made him grab your neck and kiss you to shut you up
that laughter turned into moaning real quick mhm
you eventually just told him to pull out and you would take a morning-after pill just in case; the prospect of fucking you without a condom made him more excited than he wanted to admit 
has a ridiculous amount of stamina, we're talking three rounds at the absolute LEAST
LOVES thigh fucking and cannot get enough of it. especially since he can go for a lot of rounds, and if you tire more easily, he loves it as an alternative. something about cumming all over your thighs sends him into overdrive
speaking of thighs, thigh riding? oh yeah. that'll do it for him. that'll do it! his eyes would go so wide with awe at the fact that he could make you feel that good without doing anything. especially if you wrap your hands around his neck and you're so close to his face that your noses are touching; you're panting and trying your hardest not to moan loudly so no one else will hear? he's gonna fucking fall apart
whenever he's on top of you, he's infinitely careful to not put all of his weight own you, despite you telling him multiple times that you wouldn't mind and that you could handle it
dirty talk would get him flustered but at the same time, he'd have the stupidest grin on his face if you did it 
if you wear lingerie he'll like- he'll literally die and go to heaven. especially the fancy ones with the garters and the stockings, even though he has absolutely zero clue how they work. like i'm imagining him sitting on the edge of the bed, you standing in front of him and staring right into his eyes as you guide his hands to the garters to take the stockings off (JUST GAVE MYSELF BUTTERFLIES LEMME RUN A LAP REAL QUICK)
okay i'm back where were we
i feel like what he does after you're done sort of depends on you. like if you get a huge burst of energy after sex and you wanna stay up and talk he will totally do it. but also if you're the type of person that immediately falls asleep after he'll go right to sleep with you
if he’s on top and you dig your fingers into his biceps he will bust right then and there. trust me.
THIS MAN EATS PUSSY FOR PLEASURE PERIOD. i will not accept any other truth. he’ll literally grind down into the sheets while he’s eating you out and has probably accidentally came a few times from doing so. he especially loves when your thighs squeeze around his head, and all the pretty little noises you make when he does it. as soon as he can tell you’re close he starts to give you the most intense eye contact while he’s doing it and it’ll probably send you over the edge
he loves being on top because he can cage you in and he has access to your neck to give it non-stop kisses and hickeys
but on the other hand he also loves it when you're on top; his hands will never leave your hips and he'll be gripping onto them like his life depends on it
when he cums, he cums hard and a lot. it's basically like a fountain... sometimes, when he does it while he's still inside of you, there'll be so much that it actually leaks out of you and onto the bed
was kind of self conscious about it and felt bad for making a mess until you told him it was nothing to be embarrassed about and it had actually turned you way on
for someone that doesn't prefer to talk all that much outside, this man is--whew. he is vocal like he is fucking paid to do it. especially when he's about to cum or if you're on top of him. this is a man that is not afraid to moan fr fr.
he's always asking you if you're okay and if what he's doing feels good to you. "is this alright?" is a sentence you've heard countless times and yet it still gives you goosebumps always
unspoken rule that if you're wearing his clothes you're gonna get fucked right then and there 😭 just accept it. könig seeing his SO in his clothes is always gonna do it for him!
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girls-alias · 5 months
Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester P1
Title: Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester Part 1
Words: 1,222
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
I wrote this a few years ago based on the episode "Faith" in Supernatural Season 1 episode 12. I have updated and edited but have quite a bit already written so will be slowly uploading them. Hope you enjoy it. It was originally written with an original character but I will be changing it as I go through it.
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I lay in my hospital bed just waking up, my vision remained blurry until I rubbed my eyes. I stretched and yawned but it was cut short when my wounds pulled and sent pain through my spine. I sighed resting my head back and rolling my eyes. When will this nightmare end?! I looked around and saw my doctor, I took my headphones off realising he was talking to a new and very attractive patient. We look around the same age and he has a roughed and tired look to him. I overheard the doctor talking about his heart attack being triggered by electrocution which is pretty badass to me. The doctor smiled sympathetically at him before walking out, he gave me a soft smile as he passed my bed. The guy groans in pain. His bed isn't too far from me so I decided to make him feel welcome. 
"Hey," I smiled once he turned his head to look at me. 
"Hey," He replied faintly. 
"Does it hurt to talk?" I asked softly. 
"Everything just hurts at the moment," He added making me feel sorry for him but he said it in a way that showed he was fighting through it and didn't need pity. I smiled at him reassuringly and turned my head to look at the ceiling. We didn't speak for a while and my brain was swarming with thoughts on something to say but was cut off when I heard him shuffling around. I looked over to see him struggling to sit up in bed. I panicked. 
"Wow, what are you doing? You need to rest," I asked in a panicked tone. 
"I need the bathroom and I am not peeing in that tub," He replied bitterly making me giggle. 
"Can't you get a nurse to help you to the bathroom?" I asked but he looked at me slightly confused. 
"They're busy, I can do it myself, why are you so concerned?" He asked as if no one had ever worried about him before. I didn't know why I was so concerned. I guess my protective side was coming out. He seemed to look at me apprehensively as if the only people who had ever been nice to him were lying, I know that feeling. I smiled wiping my thoughts of my old partner who left me for dead when he got scared on a job.
"At least let me help you," I added and sat up with more ease than he did. I stood in front of him and offered him my hand. He looked at me deeply before taking it. I pulled him up and carried a lot of his weight through his arm. He groaned as he anchored his feet, he sucked air through gritted teeth before taking a slow but painful step.
"I'm Dean, by the way," He struggled to say as we made our way to the bathroom on the other side of the room. 
"I'm Y/N," I replied with a smile. 
"A pretty name for a smoking hot girl, how are you in here anyway?" He added making me giggle. He's smooth. I'll give him that. 
"I was struck by lightning," I shrugged but he looked confused. 
"I didn't realise there was a storm," He added but I giggled slightly. 
"There wasn't. I guess you could just say it was Supernatural." I couldn't help but smirk.
"You don't know the half of it," He scoffed making me giggle. Regular people don't believe in the supernatural but I scoffed, Dean doesn't know half of it. We got to the bathroom door and I helped Dean inside. 
"You know you don't have to wait outside," He said jokingly with a smirk. I laughed as I exited. I walked over to the wheelchairs and wheeled one of them to the door. I sat in it while I waited. Once the door opened Dean looked at the chair and gave me a bitch face. I chuckled as I shook my head and got up.
"Get in or so help me I will finish you off," I threatened to make Dean laugh. He took a seat and I wheeled him to his bed and helped him back in. 
"The scars on your back are pretty cool are they from the lightning?" He asked making me smile. 
"Yeah, they're kind of common in victims of the weather," I replied with a shrug, I moved the wheelchair aside and climbed back into bed. "Wait, how did you see them?" I asked suspiciously. Dean smirked. 
"I hate hospital gowns but not when they're on you," He charmed adding a wink and I giggled as I shook my head. I realise he must have seen my underweared butt, but considering I didn't hear him complaining I was fine with it. The doctors say I can't wear clothes yet as the wounds are still a little open, as soon as they close up I can leave. Dean saw there was a TV beside his bed and started flicking through the channels and adding random comments to make me laugh.
A tall guy with dark hair walked in and made eye contact with me, I smiled politely making him smile back before he continued and stood in front of Dean's bed. "You ever watch daytime TV? It's terrible," Dean asked the male. The guy sighed. "That fabric softener bear, oh I want to hunt that son of a bitch down," He added I suppressed a giggle. 
"Dean, I spoke with your doctor." The guy sadly informed. 
"Yeah," Dean sighed and turned the TV off. "Looks, like you're going to be leaving town without me," 
"What are you talking about? I'm not going to leave you here," The tall guy added. 
"Ay, you better take care of that car, I swear I'll haunt your ass," Dean added trying to joke but the guy didn't laugh. 
"I don't think that's funny," The guy's voice was close to breaking and you could hear he was upset for Dean. 
"Oh, come on. It's a little funny," Dean eased but wasn't helping. 
"Dean, don't be a dick," I spoke up making them look at me. 
"But it's my speciality," He argued. I gave him a scolding look, eyebrow raised. "Okay. Look, Sammy. What can I say it's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it the end of the story," Dean was wallowing in self-pity and it was easy to see he'd stopped fighting. The 'Sammy' guy didn't hesitate to reply. 
"Don't talk like that alright, we still have options." He spoke softly like he was afraid to hurt him any more than he already was. 
"What options? Yeah, burial or cremation." Dean's tone was bitter. "You got to know it's not easy, I'm gonna die, and you can't stop it." 
"Watch me," Sammy added before leaving with a determined look. Dean sighed. I climbed out of bed walked over to Dean's bed and sat at his feet. He looked at me confused. 
"So, you're going to give up?" I asked in a soft tone. 
"There's nothing we can do," He added annoying me. 
"But wouldn't you rather go down fighting?" I asked and he seemed to think it all through. I smirked knowing I had him questioning it and left him to think it over. 
Working on
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midnightstar-90 · 1 year
Little Star
Evan 'Buck' Buckley x AFAB! Reader
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Requested by @icemansgirl1999: I would like to see a story of brand new dad buck or Eddie and reader (mom) had some complications after the birth and you can run with it how ever you Deem
Summary: Reader has trouble bonding with her and Buck's child.
Warnings: Mention of Breastfeeding, Language, Slight Slut Shaming, Small Season 5 Spoiler, Angst, Baby Fluff, Dad! Buck
A/N: Guys I do not have a child (I do have 4 siblings, and I am the oldest), and I have never had any children. I tried to steer clear of things that might be wrong, and I did do some research, but I mostly just tried to stay in the emotional range of things. So, if I said something wrong you could tell me, if you want (because I would love to know for next time) but please don’t get mad. I really tried my best.
P.S. If you see the name Harley, it was the original name for the couple’s child, but I thought Lana would work best. So…
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Buck and Y/N were so happy when they learned Y/N was pregnant. The thoughts of their little "mini-me" ambushed their minds and became the focus of the last 9 months. They did everything a new parent would do before bringing their child into the world. They experimented with names, constantly argued over what the gender was, get excited over every photo of the ultrasound, and they even hosted a baby shower, inviting everyone they loved.
But it seemed that they were so caught up in all the fun stuff about being a parent that they didn't focus on the hardships of being a parent. Lana Buckley was born naturally at about a foot and a half tall and 8 lbs big. She was born perfectly healthy, and everything had seemed fine until Buck had to go back to work.
When Buck went back to work, it seemed like the child Y/N had birthed was a completely different person. Lana refused to eat, sleep, and she cried all day and night. But as soon as Buck got her in her arms, she was the sweet and calm baby the two knew.
This brought major discomfort to Y/N. She couldn't get near her child without her screaming. It made her ask herself, "Is it me?" When Buck would come home, Lana would fall asleep peacefully in his arms, and Y/N watched in despair.
One day, Buck had gone back to work. When Y/N woke up without her boyfriend in the bed next to her, she started her day. She cleaned the house and made breakfast before Lana's cries echoed through the apartment. Y/N walked back upstairs and grabbed her child before bringing her downstairs to make her a bottle. Y/N gently placed the bottle in Lana's mouth, hoping for the infant to gulp it down like she did for Buck, but it only made the baby cry louder.
"What? You don't want the bottle?" Y/N asked her daughter. When the child didn't respond, Y/N looked down at her chest and took a deep breath.
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After getting Lana to eat, Lana didn't cry as much, but she still cried. Sure, if she was hungry or needed her diaper changed, she cried, but if Y/N placed her down to go pee, she would cry. If Y/N didn't give her enough attention because she was watching tv or random videos on her phone, she would cry. And worst of all was when she cried for no reason. It seemed like everything she did, made Lana cry.
Y/N had finally gotten Lana asleep after 3 hours of nonstop crying. She carefully bent down and placed the tiny infant into her crib, trying her best not to wake her. When she stood back up, she stretched her upper body with a soft groan and made her way to her bed where she softly plopped down and released an exhausted groan. She quietly prayed for Buck to come home soon since it seemed that he was the "Lana expert". But it seemed that her prayer wasn't answered as Lana began to cry again, and no one was home to put the infant back to sleep, except for her.
Y/N felt herself tear up as she lay face up in her bed. She stared up at the ceiling, listening to the wails of her daughter. Her failure to keep her daughter quiet made her begin to doubt herself as a mother. It was sad to think that after 9 months of excitement, she was now questioning her readiness to be a mother. That and her pounding headache from the noise and slight sleep deprivation brought the girl into a slight depression.
Y/N's thoughts were soon cut off by a loud knock from the front door. Lana had yet to stop crying, which made getting up to answer the door much harder. With a groan, Y/N sat up in her shared bed and rubbed the tiredness from her eyes. She shuffled her feet, across the wooden floors, over to Lana’s crib and picked up the infant.
A sharp pain spread through her body as she held the infant in her arms. She hadn’t completely recovered from giving birth, seeing as it hadn't even been a month yet, and because of Harley, she hadn’t had time to relax, leading to headaches and random bursts of pain in her back, legs, and arms. She was tired, to say the least, and found herself ready to kill to get some shut-eye.
Another knock erupted from the door. “Okay, I’m coming!” Y/N yelled over the screams of her child. With a tired sigh, she went down the steps and over to the door. Lana still cried in her arms, so Y/N began patting her back softly as she whispered calming noises into her ear. It helped the situation a little bit, by calming down the cries, but it didn't stop them. She opened the door to find none other than her mother waiting at the door with her dark-shaded sunglasses.
Y/N hadn't talked to her mother since she announced her pregnancy. Y/N grew up wealthy due to her father's family's long history of wealth. And her mom... Let's just say that the money was the reason she stayed. So, when her mother discovered that her daughter was to inherit her father's small fortune, her mother suddenly began to care for her well-being.
Her mother chased every man in Y/N's life away due to her obnoxious judging and rude comments. Y/M/N would claim that they were only with her for the money. So, when she announced her pregnancy, you know her mother wasn't happy.
But unlike her mother, Y/N didn't care about money. She loved Evan and didn't need his money to feel that way. And when her mother began harassing Buck, she knew it was time for her to go. So, Y/N cut her mother off, and much like the cockroach that she is, she was back. Probably broke up with her wealthy boyfriend and is in need of cash.
“Mom?” Y/N asked, surprised as she bounced a screaming Lana in her arms.
Her mother snatched off her shades and said, “Yes, it is me. After you rudely blocked me from your life, I became concerned. So, here I am to check up on you.” Y/N rolled her eyes at all the bull shit from her mother’s mouth. “I would have been here sooner if I knew my precious grand-baby was here already.” Y/N scoffed as her mother pushed past her and entered their apartment.
She walked over to the kitchen island, showing off a small gift bag that hung on her arm. "I brought gifts," Y/M/N said, placing the gift bag on the marble surface.
'Gifts?' Y/N asked herself. "Hmm, maybe she doesn't need money."
“Well, mom, to be honest, I didn’t think I could take 9 months of your kind words... I’m still not ready for them. And before you come in here, flaunting your unearned money, I think you owe Evan an apology.” I said, closing the door and walking into the kitchen.
“I don’t know what you mean. If this is about the last time, I was just trying to help,” she defensively said.
Y/N rolled my eyes and glared at her mother. “I don’t think that saying that Buck would be a terrible father and then telling me to tell him the baby wasn't his was very helpful,” She retorted.
“He wasn’t prepared to be a father, and he still isn't. He's a childish buffoon, and now it seems like he’s a deadbeat.”
“Buck is not a deadbeat. You know nothing about it,” Y/N spoke, defending Buck to her mother.
“Look around, Y/N. You are holding a newborn baby who hasn't stopped crying since you open the door. I mean, come on, sweetheart. You look terrible. Have you been getting any sleep? And where is Evan?” She asked, raising her eyebrow as she gave her daughter a stern look. Y/N scoffed at her mother's words.
“Buck is a good- no- a great father who works 24-hour shifts. He’s a firefighter, ma,” Y/N said, putting emphasis on the "great" part. She began to become frustrated with her mother as her judgmental side began to express itself.
“Now, why is that man working when he has a newborn baby and a sleep-deprived girlfriend at home?”
“Because unlike you, mother, we have bills. And there is no rich second party to pay for those bills,” Y/N said.
My mother’s eyes followed me as she said, “You have your father's money. Does Buck even know about your trust fund?"
"Yes, mom," Y/N said with an aggravated sigh. "He knows, and we both agreed that we're going to use that money to better Harley's life. But we're not going to quit our jobs for it. Buck is better than that. He's not you," She finished.
"Is that any way to talk to a guest- better yet- your mother?" Y/M/N asked, offended at her daughter's words.
Y/N's brain was trying to process all of her emotions, but it all overloaded her brain. Between the constant crying from Harley and the nagging from her mother, Y/N was fed up. "Hmm, let me think..." She began to act like she was thinking before answering her mother, "You're more like an unwanted guest. A party crasher. No one asked for you to be here, and I would love it if you left."
"What is the matter with you?" Y/M/N asked, now confused by her daughter's random outburst.
“My issue? You want to know what is wrong with me, mother? You’re what’s wrong with me. You treat me like shit, yet you have the nerve to put your two cents into my life. You’ve never cared about me. You only began to care when dad died and left me his fortune. In my opinion, you’re a gold-digging, 2-timing slut who can’t stand to see anyone but herself happy.” Y/N snapped, and suddenly, everything went quiet. No nagging from her mother. No screaming from her daughter. Y/N’s breath turned heavy as she let out all the pent-up tiredness and anger she had been feeling this last week, and the tears running down her face made her feel as if she was drowning in a pool of her own misfortune.
“I just wanted what’s best for you,” her mother said, releasing a tear to roll down her face. The way her mother spoke as if she cared made Y/N feel like her mother was blind to how her actions made her daughter feel. What her words did to her. Her life was like a broken record when she was around her mother, and she couldn't have that for her daughter. She never wanted Lana to feel the way she did, growing up.
“I think you should go,” Y/N whispered, laying Lana’s head down on her shoulder. Y/N's mother just stood there, wide-eyed with her mouth hung open.
The sound of keys entering the keyhole lock sounded in the kitchen as the door opened, revealing Evan. He walked in, confused, seeing his girlfriend upset with Lana in my arms, crying, and Y/N's mother standing across from her, shocked. “What’s going on?” Buck said, dropping his ‘LAFD’ duffel bag on the ground next to the door.
Y/M/N angrily grabbed her purse before giving her daughter one last look. “Nothing. I was just leaving,” she said, storming out of the apartment and slamming the door on her way out.
Buck looked at his girlfriend, and he pointed at the closed door. Y/N rolled her eyes and waved her mother's actions off as she began to make Lana a bottle. Buck came up behind her and kissed both Y/N's and Lana's foreheads. He then held Y/N as he slowly swayed the girls in his arms.
“Hey,” Buck said, turning her head to face him. “It’s okay. You’re okay. Whatever she told you is not true,” he said, pulling me into his chest.
“I don’t think I’m fit to be a mother,” Y/N mumbled into Buck’s shirt.
Buck's face scrunched up in confusion as he simply moved the girl away from his chest. With a finger, he moved her head up to face him. Buck scoffed and shook his head as he softly whispered, “Babe, what are you talking about? You’re an amazing mother.”
Y/N shook my head ‘no.' She didn't believe Buck's words. How could she? She only felt that way because of how Lana acted when he wasn't around. He wouldn't have any idea of what she was going through.
"Of course you are. You just need to sleep. Your hormones are regulating, and I know I haven't been home, but I'm here now. Let me take some things off your hands," Buck said, taking Lana out of Y/N's arms and into his. "Go take a nap, okay? I got this," Buck said, motioning to the upstairs area with his free hand.
Y/N knew that a nap wouldn't change how she felt about the situation, but she was tired from all the crying, so she did as Buck instructed and made her way upstairs.
Buck heard every sad sigh and sniffle from the girl as she walked up the steps. It hurt him to see how much pain Y/N was going through. He had seen how she was with Danny, Chris, and Jee. And that's how Buck knew she was a fantastic caregiver. He just needed to find some way to show her that she was still a good caregiver, but he didn't know how.
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While Y/N got the rest she needed, Buck was downstairs taking care of Lana. He picked up the bottle that Y/N had made earlier, and he carefully placed it into Harley's mouth. Lana began to suck on the bottle. Buck chuckled as he watched the infant chug down the milk. "Yeah, you like that, huh?" He asked. And within 30 seconds, she was already a fourth done.
"Someone was hungry," Buck said as Lana began to slow down. Buck moved away from the kitchen and made his way into the living room with Lana still in his arms, sucking on her bottle. He looked down at his daughter, who stared up at him with her beautiful Y/E/C eyes as her small arms clutched the bottle. Buck couldn't help but see Y/N whenever he looked at his child.
He smiled as he studied the child's face. He began to notice that the baby had Y/N's smile and her nose that Buck loved to boop when they played around. His smile brightened as he noticed the mixture between his and Y/N's eyes. Lana had Buck's eye shape, but she carried the color that made Buck lose himself when he looked into Y/N's.
Like always, whenever Lana finished her bottle, she struggled to keep her eyes open. Buck removed the bottle, and her mouth opened wide as she let out a yawn. "Huh, I guess mommy wasn't the only one that's sleepy," Buck said before moving himself off the couch.
He made his way upstairs, with Lana on the brink of falling asleep. He walked over to Lana's crib before turning to look at his girlfriend. He looked at her with a sad smile before turning back to place a now sleep Lana into her crib.
"There you go," Buck whispered to the sleeping child. "Was that so bad? Why can't you do this for mommy?" He asked, earning no response, only the sound of soft snores. "You know your mommy loves you. She's just having a hard time. This is new for all of us. She's just taking it harder than everyone else."
Buck looked down at his daughter with a frown. He let out a sad sigh before making his way to the shower. But before anything, he made his way to his bed, leaning over, and placing a kiss on Y/N's temple.
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The 118 sat back and relaxed while waiting for Bobby's special dinner. Bobby had put together a little celebratory dinner for the newest edition in the Buckley family, to which Chimney responded with, "Where was my celebratory dinner, Cap?" Everyone laughed at Chimney, thinking he was joking, but he was still a little hurt by it.
"No one thought that Buck would ever make it this far into a relationship," Hen joked, earning an eye roll from Buck.
While Bobby cooked, Eddie, Chimney, Hen, and Buck all sat together on the upper-level couches. They sat back and relaxed as the four of them joked around with each other and shared about their time away from work like they normally did during their free time.
"I don't know," Eddie said, looking down, in thought. "Chris and I have always been able to talk to each other, but now he's secretive. He doesn't tell me anything. We don't play together as much anymore. And not to mention, he's never home. Where does he even go?"
"Um, I think him and Y/N have been hanging together. Before she had the baby, I caught the two of them just hanging out together, but if it's recent, I don't know," Buck said with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Ah," Eddie responded with a nod of his head.
"So, what's been going on with you, Buck-a-roo?" Chimney asked. Everyone turned to Buck, waiting for a response.
Buck shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to say. Before answering Chimney, he thought for a second, "Y/N's been doubting being a mother."
Chimney looked around the firehouse. It seemed he was searching for something. "What are you doing?" Hen asked as everyone began to look up at Chimney with confused looks.
"I'm looking for a small infant that resembles a mixture of Buck and Y/N. I love your sister, Buck, but raising a baby while looking for the mother of your child can be stressful. Take it from the man who toured the country while documenting his daughter's firsts in different states," Chimney said.
"Y/N wouldn't do that," Buck paused. "She's just so stressed with everything, and it doesn't help that both Lana and her mother have been stressing her out lately. I came home the other day, and she was crying. Her mother had just left and Lana hadn't stopped crying until I got ahold of her. Not to mention, she looked like she was about to pass out. I love Y/N and I hate seeing her struggle. I know she's a good mother, but I just don't know how to show her," Buck said to his coworkers.
"Do you think Y/N and Lana have trouble bonding?" Eddie asked, leaning forward in his seat. Buck shrugged once more.
"Well, take it from me. When your child doesn't want to bond with you, it really does take a toll on you. And I understand that Chris is getting older, and that's what kids do when they get older, but Lana is dependent on you and Y/N, and for her to not want Y/N's help make be what's upsetting her," Eddie said.
"But how do I help them bond?"
"You seem to get along great with Lana. Give them some time together. Lana will one day realize that she needs her mother, and she'll allow her mother into her life," Hen said with a calming tone.
"Yeah, and if it gets too hard for her, guide her through it. You know what Lana likes. Instead of taking Lana from Y/N, suggest something that might help. But I have faith in Y/N," Chimney suggested.
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Y/n walked into her apartment with Lana's car seat in one arm and groceries in the other. She struggled as she waddled to the kitchen, placing the car seat on the counter before setting the groceries on the floor. Y/N let out a sigh of relief as the release of the pressure took over her.
Lana began crying; luckily, it wasn't as loud as the other day. Y/N unbuckled Lana and pulled her up to her chest. She began to pat the baby's back as she tried to calm her down with some calming noises. But Lana didn't stop.
"Oh, no. Not again," Y/N muttered to herself, as she was now bouncing the child in her arms.
Just as Y/N was about to give up. Buck came back in from his run. "Hey, babe," Buck said, taking out his earbuds. Buck lightly jogged over to the two, kissing both of them on the head. "Why is it that whenever I come home, you're always crying?" Buck asked his daughter.
Instead of a response from Lana, Buck receives one from Y/N. "I don't know why she's crying. I fed her in the car. I changed her at the store. She's had a nap. I don't think she likes me, Buck," Y/N began to pout.
"She likes you. Crying is just a thing that babies do,” Buck said, trying to reassure his girlfriend. Y/N sighed, looking down. She didn't feel that the reason for Lana's constant crying was because it was natural. Sure, crying is natural for babies, but it felt like Lana never stops crying whenever the two are together, by themselves.
"I'm going to take a quick shower, and when I get out, we can make lunch and go for a walk or something," Buck said. He kissed Y/N's temple before he began to walk away. But he stopped when he heard Y/N begin to speak again. He turned around, looking at the girl as she spoke.
"But what am I supposed to do about her?" Y/N pouted as Lana cried against her chest.
Buck shrugged. "Try soothing her. You're a great singer. Try singing her a lullaby," Buck said as he made his way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
Y/N took a deep breath, looking down at her daughter, who seemed to be in distress, with worried eyes. She decided to take Buck's advice. She had also seen other mothers do it with their children when she was out in public. It seemed to work then, so why not now? "Shh... It's all going to be okay." Y/N rocked the baby as she whispered some calming words into her daughter's ear. Her words seemed to work since the girl had stopped crying.
Lana stared up at her mother, emotionless. Y/N smiled at her daughter as a soft tear rolled down her face. She was happy. She had finally made progress with her daughter. Lana began to coo in her ear, making Y/N laugh in excitement. Y/N slowly swayed the girl around in her arms as she hummed the words to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are.
Y/N repeated it a couple more times before hearing a small laugh from the child in her arms. "You like that?" Y/N asked Lana as she laughed some more. Y/N sang it once more, but this time she danced around the room with Lana in her arms.
Unknowingly, Buck had been watching the whole thing from the bathroom. He had yet to get into the shower, but when he heard the harmonious sound of his girlfriend's voice, he couldn't help but see what was happening. So, he slowly cracked the door open, careful not to interrupt, and he watched.
Every time she sang the song with a smile, Buck's smile got even wider. His advice from his friends worked. He helped Y/N out, but he didn't take over. He just hoped that it could always be like this.
When Y/N was done singing, she began tickling the child earning bursts of loud laughter. Buck took this as a good sign and returned to his shower.
When he got out, Buck left the bathroom, dressed, and ready to go on a walk. He had on a grey tank top and black workout shorts. As he left the steamy room he was met with Y/N kneeling infront of a stroller, snapping Lana into it. Both wore jean shorts but Y/N wore a teal crop top, and Lana had on a pink shirt that read 'Princess' in gold letters and matching shades.
"Are you ready to go?" Y/N asked Lana in her baby voice. Lana laughed, making Y/N clap her hands as she copied her daughter's actions.
Buck cleared his throat, getting Y/N's attention. Y/N looked over at Buck with a slight jump, scared from not noticing Buck. She shyly looked away, embarrassed.
"So, you too made up?" Buck asked with a knowing smirk.
Rolling her eyes, Y/N responded, "Yes. In fact, you were right. Babies are known for crying; all she needed was to be soothed." Buck enjoyed the beaming smile on her face as she said that.
"Yep, I sang a little toon, and from then on, I hadn't heard a peep. We got dressed, and now, here we are," Y/N said happily.
"Well, that's good... Shall we get going?" Buck asked, pointing over to the door. Y/N nodded in response, getting up off the ground. Buck moved to grab the stroller, and the happy couple happily made their way out of the house with their newborn for a nice afternoon walk.
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A/N: I am so sorry it took me so long to write this. I do plan on writing more often. I had a goal to publish this before school started back up again, but that didn't work out. So, my 2023 New Years' resolution is to get to the point where I publish at least 2 fics a week. Once again, I am so sorry. Please 🙏🏼 don't be mad.
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If your user is in red, I could not find you. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to be re-added or removed from my taglist. Taglist: @mrspeacem1nusone @girlnred @okiegirl24 @babypink224221 @iamasimpingh0e @Virginia @alexxavicry @kaitieskidmore1 @vanessaw05 @bellarkeselection @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @icemansgirl1999 @esposadomd @buckysmainhxe @sunwardsss
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idle-compy · 17 days
*jwct spoilers below*
headcanon that ben was living in that van
it looked like he was staying in a dorm on campus, and he said it himself that he was "taking a break" from college, so he likely wasn't staying there anymore
also it was made very clear that he was, at least, spending a lot of time in the van (eating out of his shoes; peeing in a jar; the stockpiles of stuff in the back; the very clear luggage on top)
the way he was acting the entire season, he likely didn't feel safe on campus anymore, so he just loaded up his van and went off on his paranoid conspiracy journey
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bella-rose29 · 5 months
beautiful people
requested by anon: hi hi! Can I request Anthony Lockwood x reader fic inspired by the song beautiful people by ed Sheeran?
lockwood x gn!reader (made it gn bc there wasn't a gender specified, hope that's alright anon <3)
I am so sorry that this took so long anon 😭😭😭
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: set after the empty grave but I don't think there are any actual spoilers (but you've been warned anyway), I think that's the only thing? edit: there is a very big huge massive spoiler that's mentioned in one sentence so be careful
tag list (I just copied and pasted from deck the halls bc I'm tired and couldn't be asked to search through everything, so feel free to not read this if you don't want to): @ahead-fullofdreams, @aislinrayne, @anathemaloren, @anthgoldenhrry, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @aysha4life, @bobbys-not-that-small, @briar-rose23, @curseofhecate, @dangelnleif, @edible-rat-vomit, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @ettadear, @fearlessmoony, @fudosl, @idkbubs, @imaginebeingmentallystable, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @lady-ashfade, @light-23, @locklyebrainrot, @locklyle1kanij, @locknco, @magicandrosewaters, @mentallyillsodapop, @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @newbooksmell777, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @phlooper, @ran23sblog, @reggiepeterss, @simrah1012, @somethingrandomwatzit, @star-of-velaris, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whistle1whistle, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife, @y0urm0m12
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Lockwood was buzzing with unreleased energy, which made sitting next to him on a plane incredibly difficult, since Y/n just wanted to punch him in the face. They loved him, but they didn't need his jitters when neither of the two of them had ever flown before, let alone been out of the country.
It was a private jet they sat in, the vehicle sent by some rich person from America who had invited the famous ghost hunting agency from England to a week in Los Angeles. While George had initially seemed sceptical of the plane and it's abilities to carry them safely across half the world, he'd deemed it good enough for travel. Lucy and Holly were joining them too, although both were far less happy about it than Lockwood.
"It's basically a huge shell of metal that hurtles through the air. Why do you think I've been for three nervous pees in the last ten minutes, George?!" Lucy had stressfully said to George after he had questioned her multiple trips to the toilet.
Y/n had gone along because Lockwood had asked, despite them having only a vague connection to the agency's work. As a member of the general public, they didn't often get involved in the actual ghost hunting (Talent had never turned up for them which meant fighting was extremely dangerous, and they quite preferred being alive), but often could spot things that the others couldn't when looking at the history of a building, or a family, or pick up on the more human things in meetings as opposed to being solely focused on the Visitors.
Their other link to the agency was a lot stronger, because they were dating Lockwood.
Naturally when he'd asked if Y/n would be joining them on the agency's one week trip to America they couldn't say no, not when he was smiling at them the way he had been, and now they found themselves wondering why the hell they let him have so much of a hold on their heart.
It was the middle of July, too, and there was a freak heatwave as they were leaving England. It was nothing compared to the temperatures they would be met with in L.A., but the English were never made for heat.
"Oi," Y/n said softly, prodding Lockwood in the leg closest to theirs. "Stop bouncing, you're making me more nervous."
He cast them a small smile, tilting his head to look at them. "Sorry, my love." They could tell he was nervous too despite all the smiles and bravado he'd shown earlier, more so than when he went out and risked his life every night, and they grabbed his hand.
"People do this all the time, right? And George very kindly worked out the likelihood of us dying in this thing-"
"One in a million chance!"
"Thank you, George!" Y/n sighed, turning back to Lockwood. "But my point is, we're gonna make it there, and then we'll have an incredible, completely free holiday, and then we'll make it back to Portland Row, alive and in one piece, yeah?"
"Hey. We're Lockwood and Co. And you're Anthony bloody Lockwood." He smiled wider at that, a huge grin taking over his face and making him light up.
"That we are," he replied, pressing a kiss to Y/n's forehead.
They had only been in America for about an hour, and already the agents were exhausted.
It didn't help that the plane journey was long, or that their internal body clocks were telling them it was well past their normal time to go to bed despite it being barely evening in Los Angeles. It seemed to be that the darker it got, the more people there were, which didn't make sense to any of the agents. While ghosts were no longer being created, many still hung around and caused fear, and it was strange for Lockwood and Co to be walking around in the dark with no rapiers, or even a spare flare.
Fancy cars drove past, one of them stopping (on the wrong side of the road; how did anyone drive correctly if they were doing it backwards?!) and opening its door to let the agents in. George squeezed in first, then went Y/n and Lockwood, and Lucy and Holly pushed their way into a seat a moment later. How they fit the five of them combined with the ten? eleven? people already in there Y/n wasn't sure. Music was blasting through speakers that weren't even visible (seriously, where was the music coming from?) and coloured lights flashed across the interior of the car. They had cars in England, of course, but this was much fancier than anything they had on their side of the world. People were drinking and dressed in fashion that looked futuristic to the five of them, and Y/n could feel the others shift in what little space they had as they looked down at their own clothes.
Then there were the questions.
At first it was difficult to understand their voices, since the accents were thick and everybody was talking at once, all trying to be heard over the music. Then it was difficult to answer their questions, because they were asking about phones and movies and music that none of them had much knowledge of in their technologically-different world. When they learned that Y/n wasn't even an agent, they wanted to know what exactly their role was, which was also difficult.
"He's my partner," they shouted (it was too loud to talk any quieter), pointing at Lockwood.
"So you're not... you're not an agent? You're just here?"
"Uh... yeah. I help on cases sometimes though!"
"Oh, cool!" the woman yelled, then immediately moved onto the next conversation. Y/n settled back against Lockwood, feeling his arm come around their shoulders. They looked at George, noting his bewilderment at the hidden speakers, and then at Lucy and Holly who were trying to figure out how to use the phone that someone had given them. It didn't even look like a phone; it was far too flat and small to be of any use to anyone.
They were all just trying to figure everything out, but even those who were being really nice to them could tell that the agents from London didn't fit in too well.
The party was far bigger than anything Fittes had ever thrown, and the five of them felt very underdressed, despite how fancy they had gone with their clothes.
Two hours in, Y/n was trapped in a conversation with a group of people about some event that had happened recently and was apparently a worldwide controversy, and they were being asked their opinion on it.
"Uh... I don't really know what's happening, to be honest." It was awkward, being looked at like they were some sort of alien, and Y/n felt themselves shrinking the longer they were stared at.
"Do you not have the news over in England?"
"We do, but normally it's... English news? Our technology got severely stumped growth-wise because of the whole 'there are ghosts now and they can kill you' thing, so..."
"Oh, yeah, sorry! I forgot that you guys are behind!" It wasn't said with any malice or anything, but it only served to make Y/n feel worse about not fitting in with these people. They tried to inconspicuously look around for Lockwood, but within seconds he had appeared at their side and was spewing some excuse about needing to borrow them.
He took them outside to a balcony, and although it was still crowded there was at least a cool breeze. "You alright?"
"Yeah. Thank you for that."
"Anytime," he smiled, pressing a kiss to their cheek. He seemed jittery again, and Y/n wondered if all the flashiness was finally getting to him.
"Are you alright?" they asked, startling Lockwood slightly.
"Oh, yeah." He wasn't particularly convincing in his answer, and Y/n raised their eyebrows at him. "I mean, I know I'm always going on about being front page all the time, and getting famous, which we are on the front page, and we did get famous, but this is... it's a lot." He paused, looking around at everyone gathered on the balcony. "It feels... weird, too. I'm not sure what the right word is yet. Everyone is almost too fancy, if that makes sense."
"Yeah, I know what you mean. I keep thinking I'm really underdressed and should borrow a really shiny bin bag instead," they joked, noting someone walking past who was dressed in something that looked very similar.
"You don't need to change a thing, my love. You look stunning as you are." Y/n felt their face heat up at his compliment, and hid their face in his body. His laugh made both of them shake, and his arms came around to hold them close to him. "I mean it. I don't think you could look more incredible if you tried."
"Lockwood," they whined, dragging out the syllables in his name as their face lit up more and more. "Stop it, seriously."
"What, I'm not allowed to tell my partner how wonderful they are?"
"Not this much in one go!" He only laughed again, and Y/n couldn't prevent the smile that came onto their own face.
Their last night had been spent much like the others, only this time it was only Lockwood and Y/n and the driver of the posh car they had been loaned for the week (once people remembered that the five English visitors couldn't drive, they had been provided with a driver as well as just the car).
The week was basically over, complete with drives in convertibles, gifts of expensive designer clothes, trips to fashion shows, constant questioning from people wanting to know who they were, and what they do, and who they know. George, Lucy, and Holly had stayed back at the hotel they were staying in, too tired to do anything else, but Lockwood had taken Y/n out, saying he wanted to spend their last night in Los Angeles together just the two of them.
They seemed to drive for hours, in reality not travelling that far from their friends, but the lack of destination meant that they were doing constant laps of the city. Not that it mattered, because neither Lockwood nor Y/n had any idea where anything was. Everything was tall, and imposing and fancy and bright and beautiful, and for the most part Y/n sat staring out the window, watching all the lights as they passed.
Lockwood was watching them, a fond smile on his face, seeing the lights reflected in their eyes like stars.
There had been constant lights the whole week, people with cameras at every event they attended, and while Lockwood was more used to bright things (since he had such strong Sight he often had to use sunglasses to stop the glare from a death glow), Y/n was squinting against the flashes. At one point Lockwood had brought out his sunglasses, despite the darkness of the sky, and handed one to Y/n while putting his own pair on his face. He kept his arms around their body at all times, whether it was just carelessly slung over their shoulders or tightly wrapped around their waist, because he didn't want to lose them in the crowds.
The agents really didn't fit in well in America, but they couldn't help it when they were just being themselves. He had figured out what the word he had been looking for on the balcony all those days ago was, too. He realised it as he gazed at Y/n, who had propped their face up on their hand, resting their elbow on the car door. All those people that they had met, at fashion shows and parties and everywhere else they had been, were too perfect, too fancy, too beautiful. It felt far too extravagant, even for Lockwood, and although he had thoroughly enjoyed his time in America he was looking forward to going home.
Because that's who Y/n was to him, and he knew that he was home to Y/n. It didn't matter if they went back to wearing their second hand clothes that were worn out and cheap, and it didn't matter if none of them understood how to use a smartphone by the time they left tomorrow morning, because that was who they were.
They were Lockwood and Co.
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Post HOFAS Thoughts
Obviously everything below here is a spoiler, so read at your own risk.
This isn't going to be in any particular order, just as things pop into my head.
What I liked
How Bryce and the ACOTAR characters weren't buddy-buddy at all. It's was more realistic that both groups would be super hesitant of the other
Nesta's characterization- wonderful, stunning, powerful. This is the Nesta that ACOSF deserved and didn't get.
Bryce and Nesta's reluctant friendship, I loved that these two misunderstood women were able to create even just a minimum bond
Az and Nesta asking about the cell phone, amazing (BC)
Understanding the death mask and it's abilities more.
The information dump about Theia- I did not like how much of it there was to process BUT I loved how the characters saw the evil the Fae had brought with their colonization and did not try to bury that.
Bryce stealing TT, Az wasn't giving that up and it would be out of character for him to do so (unless he was giving it to his mate (🌷)
I kind of liked the Sassy Asteri (Verperous?)
Ruhn cracking jokes about two angels and a Fae walking into a dungeon- hilarious
Lidia's arc was interesting seeing as she has murdered and tortured people before she defected, but SJM was able to give her a redemption arc where people aren't forgiving her for that past, but seeing her for trying to make amends in the present/future. That is a hard arc to pull off.
Lidia nuzzling Ruhn before running off my god my heart
Hypaxia dumping Celestina (good), getting thrown out of her coven (bad) and THEN becoming the head of the HOFAS? Yas Queen! Slay!
Hunt working through his PTSD and Bryce giving him tough love about it, either you're with us or you're not. I know it's harsh but with what was going on it was realistic.
Ithan becoming prime
Sabine dying and being thrown into a sewer. TBH the sewers deserve better.
Hypaxia in general. No one in this series would be anywhere without her. I said what I said.
Tharion stepping up to marry Sathia (was that her name) More on this f*cker later
This one is weird: the torture chamber. SJM made that as messy as possible. She did not have to mention the poop and pee on the floor (these things happen during torture, but it's not exactly sexy for 3 characters to be rolling in it) so props to her I guess? Told you it's a weird one
Bryce and Ruhn taking down Fae Kings and making Avellen a Fae paradise WITH PEGASUS!!!!
The Princes of the Pit. I want them to have their own series omg.
Did I mentioned wanting more of the Princes of the Pit?
Bryce killing and Asteri by hand. Again, slay Queen.
Sahar coming in at the end and helping Hunt save Bryce
JESIBA! My girl sacrificing herself for her assistant (I laughed while crying)
Nesta and Ember's relationship
Bryce dismantling the Fae monarchy.
Ruhm calling Rhys something along the lines of "that High Lord dude." Yes. Excellent. More people need to do this.
Bryce and Hunt being endgame. Forever. Full stop.
What I didn't like
Bryce seemed to lose a few brain cells in this book...like opening the sarcophagus of an Asteri is dumb...
Bryce hearing Azriel when he was following her and Nesta- Cassian even said in ACOSF that unless Az wanted to be heard, you don't hear him.
Az using his power to try and bind the Asteri- bb no. They absorb that, did you also lose brain cells since ACOSF?
THARION YOU DUMB MF. This man pissed me off so much with all his bad choices one after another since the end of HOSAB.
Sigrid? Like...what was the point of her? Literally it was WE HAVE A NEW FENDYR ALPHA! Oh no I accidentally decapitated her....like what?
Ariadne was there and then not and then there. Ok?
Ithan's b plot, which I understand why it was there, really slowed down the pacing.
All the middle fingers? Why was everyone just flipping everyone else off all the time?
Also lines like this showed up a few times, "it could have been minutes, years really." When something was happening...like what?
I love me spicy scenes, they were awkwardly placed in this story.
What I think will happen next
SJM said we're getting more CC books, I am thinking they are going to focus more on other potential couples now that Bryce and Hunt's story has seemingly ended. And I swear if Bryce is pregnant in the next one...
I think a big all out war is coming (in ACOTAR) against the Asteri/Daglan somehow, and all characters from all three world with go to Prythian for a battle
Lidia is absolutely a decedent of Aelin and Rowan so that has to play out somehow.
Lidia's kids are going to become important- I am wondering about their bio dad because it's said he was a shifter, and this is me being all conspiracy theory but: What if their bio dad was a descendent of Fenrys? They are twins, one with fair hair (Fenrys) one with dark hair (Connall) and we don't know their abilities yet...it's a reach but I am calling it
Monarchy systems of government suck, democracy all the way, but uh here's to hoping SJM writes one in that works better than what most democratic countries have (looking at you USA)
The emo like Reaper that Hypaxia used to compare samples to, I am curious if he is going to turn into someone/something in later books. Just the whole scene seemed like he would become important later on. I don't know it's just a feeling.
As I have more time to process and marinate with this book I'll probably add more. In the end I'd give HOFAS a 3.5/5 it got bogged down quite a bit with exposition, characters just making dumb choice after dumb choice, and plot lines seemingly leading to nowhere. Bryce and Hunt remained a really strong FMC/MMC lead, my fav of all the series, the side characters were mostly interesting and kept everything going (looking at you Ithan) but all and all, I enjoyed the book!
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faeriekit · 6 months
I have now seen Waitress (the musical)(the movie). These are my conclusions, spoilers included:
Kind of lame to hype up the baking contest for the whole movie and then have it not matter. I get the thematic sense of having a baby disrupt any and all of your plans, but hey. I was excited about that.
I get that you want to break off your affair with your married OBGYN boyfriend, but um. Who's going to do your postpartum care. I think you still need him. That's kind of important. Who is going to do your postpartum monitoring now?? Hello?? Please don't bleed out I'm begging girl you just broke up with your abusive husband PLEASE DONT LET THIS BE THE HILL YOU DIE ON
I think it was extremely valid of Dawn and Ogie to have nasty American Revolution roleplay sex on a trans-inclusive American pride flag. I presume it was just to avoid breaking the flag code in some legal manner but also. work 🫡
Two and a half hours is too long not to have an intermission. I had to fake a pee break I'm sorry I can't DO this 😭😭
I watched this with a bunch of middle age women (hi auntie, hi auntie's friends) and after the movie everyone went 🤨 "why was she standing?? Who's going to do her post birth care?? They took the plot device away with her hospital set bed I was worried they lost it" lol. It was deeply validating
There was an eight year old in the theater. Whatever the rating for this movie was, it needed to be bumped way the fuck up for how much simulated pie-themed sex was in this movie.
The woman who played Becky 🥺🥺❤️❤️ her tooth gap up front ❤️❤️🥺❤️ the bic pen in her hair ❤️❤️
I like how the songs were packed in tight enough that most of the narrative happened through them rather than around them. The music wasn't reinforcing, it was structural. As someone who can't usually find movies...bearable...it made the whole experience a lot easier for me.
*upon seeing a brand new baby* "I love you so much, I love your baby, I'm so sorry I gotta go I'm double parked in the hospital lot. Love you!!!" <- the most realistic medical writing I've seen this whole movie.
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golatcxr · 2 years
To the scholar whose name was crossed out [Dottore x GN! Fatui! Reader]
Warning: Possible spoiler/ theory of 3.1 quests, implementation of character's death, brain-washing, short & unedited
Part 2 <-
Genre: Slight angst
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"Run, before you could be incinerated along with Irminsul."
"Your obssession will soon engulf you, it's sickening how you treat them like your allies."
"Sohreh? I'm pretty sure it wasn't--"
Wasn't what? You couldn't remember. Pieces of memories kept crashing together in your head, making it a complete mess to decipher. The more you tried, the more you got lost in thousands of outcomes, some were imaginations, some were your reality, yet none of those scene seemed to be in the right order.
Who was that? Who did the voice belong to?
You squeezed your forehead lightly, looking at the piled files in front of you. You had dozed off, you assumed, too exhausted from the amount of information from the Akademia. According to II Dottore, everything must be handled perfectly before the the Fatui, more like himself, discuss cooperation with the Grand Sages there.
It reminded you of that incident, the death of a senior named Sohreh. You once worked on the case to investigate the truth behind it out of suspicion, however, you had long forgotten about it and the evideces you gathered also went missing mysteriously. Admist the ignorance in the Akademia, you decided to follow the Queen's order rather than looking deeper into the twisted nature of wisdom.
"May you not question my identity, I am II Dottore, The Doctor."
For as many time as you wondered, the answer stayed the same. Rumors saying that he used to be expelled from the most prestigious education institution of Sumeru due to his "prohibited research on machinery", so you thought he might know something about the case. Despite that, he never let you know anything. You hated to admit your feelings made you trust him, if not more, blindly.
You were, as well oblivous to why the case haunted you so much, why there was a familiar voice ringing in your head from time to time, why was "Sohreh" the only name you remembered? It was certain that there was much more than that. Her notebook was burnt to ashes, that's why you struggled so much in finding more clues. Just for your peace of mind, you thought.
It was then on the grand meeting with the Sages that it flashed back to you. As water flowed delicately, adorned by the moonlight from above, it fekt like a record being played in front of your eyes of your memories.
The face of that Dastur, his name and his murder frame - it all made sense to you. Sohreh's real cause of death, the abnormal spread of machine life across Sumeru, the half-burnt report on Eleazar, the trace of the former scholar in Monstadt and the infamous theory about the creator of delusion. All of them, as if they were erased from your head merely minutes ago.
"Zandik." You called.
Silence fell upon you as you felt a kiss on your right eye and a hand covering your mouth.
"Twice, and I told you to not bring that name up again."
You were immediately dragged away from Dottore, struggling to gain your stance. You finally realized the situation you were in.
"My assisstant does not need those trivial things in mind, your priority is a helping hand to me." The door closed shut as you saw him put a finger to his lips, signaling a "silent"
"No need to panick, this will be quick--"
And once again, you found yourself by the table.
Author's note: Hey hey I wrote this out of boredom since I cannot sleep 💀 seriously tho I'm mostly productive at night pspspps (did not hold my pee to finish this in one sitting)
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fritzes · 1 month
some disorganized thoughts about challengers (some spoilers):
so I already talked about this but good god, mike faist's backhand was literally just domi's and yes I was insane about it the entire time
"challengers is a poorly disguised fedal fanfic" wrong. challengers is a poorly disguised rafole fanfic
like, the friends who are idealistically staring out on tour growing distant from each other? come on
every tennis scene felt like a sex scene which was the point, but I just feel the need to point that out because they executed it SO well
if art donaldson was a real tennis player I just know I'd be obsessed with him
all three lead performances were great. zendaya stole the show, which did not surprise me, but the guys were amazing too!
a decent chunk of the movie took place at the 2006 us open and andy roddick's face was EVERYWHERE. he was also on a poster at the atlanta open and I think cincy too? some other player posters I saw were andy murray, roger (for a very brief second), agassi, and isner
the product placement was hilarious. during one scene they lingered on some on shoes for a solid two minutes
the injury scene. oh my god. absolutely gut wrenching. the sound effect sounded so real and zendaya's scream and reaction... damn. damn. good shit
the actual challenger final was hilarious because they could not keep track of who was serving. at 5-5 in the third set mike faist was serving and then again at 5-5 in the third set josh o'conner was serving and then mike faist was serving at 6-5 and then what do you know josh o'conner was serving at 5-6. it was like that for the whole movie, the actual scoreline was consistent but the server kept switching. mike faist was up an early break in the third when josh o'conner got a game penalty but in the next scene it was on serve and the scoreline hadn't changed
tennis-wise, that was the only thing that really bothered me, obviously the form and point construction wasn't going to be perfect and I think they used the tennis scenes really well as symbols for the relationships
there were some scenes where I was like "oh yeah I've definitely read this in a fic"
the underarm serve. I had to stop myself from cackling. it was the worst underarm serve I have EVER seen, it bounced basically on the service line (of course the whole point was that the other guy was throwing the point but still). it screamed stefaniil and I loved it
the last point was insane. I'm obsessed
zendaya's "come on!" and the explanation and then the callback at the end was absolutely perfect, hats off to the writer because that got me like "ooh"
the slo-mo in the last scene was killing me because I had to pee SO BAD (the theater played like eight fucking trailers it was insane) so I probably didn't appreciate the ending enough oops
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staydandy · 11 months
La Pluie (2023) - ฝนตกครั้งนั้นฉันรักเธอ - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Saengtai never believed in destiny or things such as "Soulmate" but rather in his ability to make his own choices. Every time it rains, the sound around him silences, making way for the voice of his soulmate to be heard. On the other hand, Phat patiently waited for the unfamiliar voice but had never been fortunate enough to hear it. Even in the midst of a downpour, the voice of his soulmate was elusive. Their differing beliefs were like a game of tug-of-war played in the rain, with a rope of fate pulled by a stubborn person trying to win the other's heart and a denying person trying to escape the truth. If destiny played a role, would Saengtai be able to go against the will, or would it be Phat, who had been played by destiny? (MDL) AKA : I Loved You, That Time it Rained
Whumpee : Phat Wetchutianan played by Pee Peerawich Ploynumpol • "Tai" Saengtai played by Title Tanatorn Saenangkanikorn • "Thian" Saengthian played by Suar Kritsanaphong Sripattiyanon • "Lom" Lomfon played by Copter Nuntapong Wongsakulyong
Country : 🇹🇭 Thailand Genres : Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural, BL / Boys Love
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Adapted from the novel "La Pluie" (La pluie ฝนตกครั้งนั้น…ฉันรักเธอ) by eddy • I actually loved the supernatural concept of the show at the beginning - but just over halfway through it started to get messy. Wasn't a fan with how the story progressed.
Episodes on List : 8 Total Episodes : 12
*Spoilers below*
01 : [flashback] Tai has a headache, ear ringing … [present] hits his shin on a bed frame
03 : (near end) Drunk … [drunk] Tai bites Phat 😂 … (srsly, do ppl really keep GIANT pictures of themselves in their own home?!)
04 : [flashback] Phat is bit, Tai passes out drunk.. pukes … [different flashback] still drunk
06 : Thian is drunk
08 : Tai is hiking on his own, exhausted … (omg Thian is the best brother) … suffering from heat exhaustion; unsteady, blurry vision, passes out & rolls down a hill … Lom head pain, passes out … Tai wakes briefly, passes out again.. found, sprained ankle, carried … [flashback] Lom passing out (i hate love triangles)
09 : [flashback] Passing out, & waking up in a bed … Tai limping, ankle bandaged
10 : Lom sick, collapses … beat up
12 : Thian has headache, ear ringing (this scene leaves it open to a possible 2nd season - of yet another messy love triangle - and idk if I want that)
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nycbabyjoey · 2 years
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I posted 16 times in 2022
That's 7 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (69%)
5 posts reblogged (31%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 15 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#ab/dl - 14 posts
#diaper caption - 13 posts
#diaper humiliation - 13 posts
#ab/dl caption - 13 posts
#mommy kink - 7 posts
#mommysbaby - 7 posts
#diaperboy - 7 posts
#ab/dl girl - 6 posts
#ab/dl boy - 6 posts
#ab/dl babygirl - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 25 characters
#choose your own adventure
My Top Posts in 2022:
Diapered With No Way Home
NSFW 18+ Only
Contains ABDL Content
"I heard Daredevil shows up at the end!" Tristan exclaimed.
His friend Noah covered his ears. "Agh," he responded. "Don't tell me that. I haven't been on Twitter in weeks just so that I don't read any spoilers."
The two walked through the theater with tubs of popcorns in their arms and tickets for the newest Marvel movie Spider-Man: No Way Home in their pockets. The pair of lifelong Marvel fans had returned home from their respective colleges just in time to continue their tradition of seeing the newest Marvel release together.
And this wasn't just any ordinary Marvel film. No Way Home was going to open up the Marvel multiverse. Characters from outside the MCU timeline like Doc Ock or Venom could show up and Tristan and Noah had watched the trailer reveal close to a hundred times, theorizing on what possibilities the multiverse could unfold for future films.
However, the one thing that the two friends could have never predicted was about to unfold tonight. A real-life ripple in the multiverse was about to open up in their very theater.
It happened all in a flash. They both felt the ripple affect their surroundings as they were unwittingly transported to another dimension. They collectively did a double take, only noticing a slight uncanny difference in the first moment. The theater looked almost exactly the same at a glance; however, Tristan quickly realized that everything had gotten bigger! Or... they had gotten smaller. The ticket-taker, who was now looking down at them, had grown in proportion with everything else. Tristan and Noah spilled their popcorn in shock.
"Do you need help finding your Mommy?" the ticket-taker asked, bending down to one knee in order to meet their eye level.
"Oh boys," said a voice. Tristan and Noah were immediately swept up by the arms of a ten-foot-tall woman! "You know better than to run away from Mommy, now don't you?"
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Despite their cries and screams for help, Tristan and Noah were taken to the cinema's bathroom (the woman's restroom, mortifyingly) by the giant woman they only knew as "Mommy."
Although they didn't understand how they had arrived in this new dimension, their brains quickly raced to understand its rules. People from this dimension ranged from ten to twelve feet in height and the world's objects were obviously designed to accommodate them. People of Tristan's and Noah's height, around five and a half feet, were treated as children.
So, Mommy began removing their adult clothes: graphic tees, ripped jeans, and boxer briefs, leaving the two men to hide their naked shame with their hands. One of the other women in the bathroom giggled at that, causing the two to blush even more.
Tristan was changed first into a pair of training pants covered in designs of different characters from Paw Patrol. He did as he was told when Mommy asked him to raise his arms, fearing retaliation. She dressed him in an green-and-white striped shirt and snapped a pair of shortalls in place, making feel and look the part of a toddler. But, it wasn't complete until Mommy shoved a bulbous baby blue pacifier into his mouth.
Unfortunately, Noah, who had been waiting to pee just before the start of Spider-Man as to avoid leaving during the middle of the action film, had unfortunately released his full bladder into his pants at his initial sight of the giantess. So, his eyes went wide as Mommy pulled an oversized diaper out of her bag.
Noah eyed the jump from the changing table to the bathroom floor, which was actually quite far relative to him, and took the leap. There was no way this woman could put him in a diaper! Tristan watched intensely as his friend ran his way across the bathroom floor. However, Mommy's leg length was much longer and so she simply had to idle behind a fully sprinting Noah and was able to reach him in only a matter of steps.
For Noah's disobedience, he was placed ass-up on the changing table as Mommy delivered a few light smacks to his poor exposed bum. Tristan noticed that Mommy barely put any energy into what could be described as "taps," but Noah's reaction to each one was that of an absolute beating. The grown man was left red-faced, sobbing, and snotty by the tenth one. Knowing better than to question Mommy now, Noah laid as silent as possible as his crotch was wiped, powdered, and taped inside the diaper.
See the full post
197 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
St. Philomena's (Choose Your Own Adventure)
NSFW 18+ Only
Contains ABDL/BDSM Content
Note: Something special I made to thank all of you for 1000 followers! Enjoy your time at St. Philomena's Reform School. Comment to let me know which ending you get and, if you're really feeling up to it, see if you can unlock every single ending!
You get home from another long week at work. You throw down all the mail from the mail on your dining room table, sitting down to sort through it all. Gas bill, electric bill, insurance, bill, bill, bill. Had your life really become this dull and mundane?
It was at this moment you got to the last package in the pile. It gave you pause. The return address read, "St. Philomena's Reform School for Misbehaving Adults." You thought that there must be some kind of mistake, but the address matched your name.
You tore the package open. Inside was a plaid gold and turquoise schoolkid's uniform. But, unlike a child's uniform, it was made to just your size. Puzzled, you read the letter that came alongside it.
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Click here to accept your invitation.
305 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
From Chad to Charge
NSFW 18+ Only
Contains ABDL Content
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Nicole blushed. She wanted to listen to what her date was saying, but she got lost in his beautiful blue eyes.
Nicole had matched with Zeke on a dating app and they had hit it off straight away. Ok, so Zeke wasn't Nicole's usual type - she usually went after tough guys. But, she had been burned in the past and she thought Zeke was cute. Plus, straight off the bat it was clear he was INFATUATED with her. His first messages skipped the usual flirts and pickup lines; he jumped straight to wanting to take her to dinner, offering to pay for it all, etc. It honestly came off a bit desperate, but Nicole had to admit that seeing the cute boy practically beg to take her out was pretty hot.
"So, what do you do for a living?" Zeke asked with a boyish smile.
"I'm a front-end developer," Nicole responded.
"Oh..." Zeke said. "Is that with, like... computers?"
Ok so he doesn't seem all that smart, Nicole thought to herself. But, maybe she liked that for once. She could tell this guy was eager to make her happy and it was only the first date! She could use a bit of a Labrador boyfriend. In fact - it was a bit rude to notice - but Nicole could see the bulge in the man's pants he was so excited.
Nicole took a sip of her drink before she began to dumb down her explanation. Before she got a chance to explain, however, Nicole was interrupted as a couple walked up next to their table. Zeke's goofy smile disappeared as the woman appeared to be upset with him.
"Tr- Trish?" Zeke asked nervously, clearly recognized the woman. "Wh- What are you doing here?"
The woman who Zeke had called Trish placed her hands on her hips. "That's Mommy to you, young man," Trish responded. "And I should be asking you the same thing."
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420 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
The Hypnotist
NSFW 18+ Only
Contains ABDL Content
"You are about to fall into a deep sleep"
Rachel nodded with her eyes closed.
"Now... sleep!" the hypnotist commanded, swinging a pendulum in front of her.
Rachel's head dropped as the hypnosis took control and she entered her trance. Her hand continued to hold on to that of her husband, Evan.
The hypnotist James turned to his friend Evan. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" he asked. "Once I alter her mind, it can't be changed."
Evan nodded. He had put a lot of thought into this. It was the last chance to save their marriage. The pair had moved in together after their wedding ceremony to disastrous effects. Evan worked an eight-hour job in banking and it was too stressful coming home after a long day of work to a messy house and no dinner made. He knew he shouldn't expect that from Rachel, who also worked eight hours albeit in teaching, but with both of them working, there was no way their shared house would be habitable.
He had asked Rachel to quit before, but she had taken it as quite the insult. She found it unfair that she should be the stay-at-home partner and she only got angrier when Evan reminded her that he made significantly more banking.
So, he turned to his friend James. Evan hadn't believed hypnotism could actually work. But watching James help people break their bad habits or forget about former loves, Evan had realized the effectiveness of James' profession. So, he asked him if he would help the couple with their situation.
Of course, Rachel would have never had made herself a willing participant. Evan made a small white lie that she would be hypnotized to quit smoking, and under those circumstances, she had excitedly agreed. He did feel bad for lying, but it was to help both of them. And so, Evan prodded James to finish altering Rachel's mind.
James sighed. "When I snap my fingers, you will awake," he instructed. "And your main priority will be taking care of Evan and your house."
James snapped and Rachel woke from the trance.
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Evan and Rachel returned home while Evan patiently waited for the hypnotic spell to take effect.
It wasn't long until it did. The next morning, Rachel sat down with Evan and explained to him that after some thought she had decided to quit her teaching job so that she could look after him and keep the house clean. Evan applauded her decision, internally hyping himself up for a clean house and fresh dinner for when he returned from work.
And for the next week of work, that's exactly what he got. His clothes were picked up off the floor and washed, the carpets were vacuumed and spotless, and the dishwasher was empty each day. Better than all that, Evan got to sit down as soon as he got home to a cooked dinner: chicken, scallops, pasta, stroganoff, you name it! All the guilt Evan had from his manipulation had washed away. This was the life.
The second week, however, things began to noticeably change. Yes, the house was still clean upon getting home. But, his wife's dinners started to change. Chicken was replaced by chicken nuggets; pasta by mac and cheese. Instead of getting a beer with dinner, Rachel would pour him a tall glass of milk.
"Do you think you could make that mushroom stroganoff again?" Evan finally asked on Wednesday in front of a plate of pizza bagels.
"Silly boy," Rachel condescended. "You wouldn't like mushrooms. They're icky." She stuck out her tongue as she tied a napkin around her husband's neck in case he clumsily dropped any of his dinner on himself.
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623 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Rage Quit
NSFW 18+ Only
Contains ABDL/DDLG Content
Dodge. Dodge. Heal. Slash. Special Attack. SHIT!
Melanie punched the armrest of her couch. "Fuck!" she shouted. Those advertisements weren't kidding. Blood Legends VI: Underworld had just come out today and supposedly it was the hardest game in the series.
Melanie was a self-proclaimed pro at Blood Legends, but she was not a gracious loser. She mostly resorted to playing campaign-driven video games now since her bad attitude when losing had caused most of her friends to avoid playing competitive multiplayer her at all costs. She had even been disqualified from local tournaments for poor conduct. A grown woman throwing game equipment in rage was frowned upon.
And the new game had proven itself to be a challenge so far. Despite her proficiency at the other entries in the series, Melanie had found herself stuck at the game's second boss for an hour and a half. If she lost to the Necromancer one more time, she would have to return to Nabonidus Castle and farm more healing potions.
The game may have been hard, but not everything in the advertising had been true. Melanie had heard that supposedly the game would punish poor gameplay by affecting the player's real life. She had scoffed. How would that even be possible? Besides, she had lost to this boss long enough and the only way her life had been affected had been the enormous loss of time.
Melanie walked up to the Necromancer once more.
Slash. Slash. Combo. Dodge. Slash.
"WHAT?!" Melanie screamed, standing up and stomping as the necromancer killed her character with a blast of dark magic. "Bullshit! I hit fucking dodge! This game fucking blows!" Melanie threw her controller across the room in an absolute tantrum. Though the controller left a crack in her wall, her outburst didn't end there. She flipped over her coffee table before laying face down on her couch and screeching into her couch.
"Looks like somebody isn't MATURE enough for this stage," the Necromancer cackled as "GAME OVER" appeared on the screen. "Try again."
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Mel sighed and sat back up. Odd, she thought. She hadn't heard that dialogue response so far. No matter, she acknowledge that she may have overreacted. I mean, how hard could this be? If she really focused and gave it her all, she could beat this. She grabbed her stuffed unicorn Princess from the other end of the couch and cuddled it for good luck.
After a brief moment, she went to return to the game before realizing that her controller had landed on the other side of the room where she had thrown it. With Princess in one hand and her other hand firmly planting her thumb in her mouth for sucking, Mel toddled over to where the hole in her wall was in her adorable unicorn skirt and pink-and-purple striped fluffy socks.
She grabbed the Fischer-Price controller from the floor and sat her butt on the floor in front of the TV, not having the energy to jump up onto the couch itself. Her eyes locked and her thumb removed from her mouth, she was ready to tackle the challenge and pressed "Resume" on Necromancer's Math Adventure.
She only needed five correct answers to defeat the Necromancer's magic with the power of math. "13+9" appeared on the screen. Mel placed her babyish controller on her lap and held up her fingers to count. Wait, she only had ten fingers. Mel frowned. After a moment of thought, she remembered! She could start with three fingers and pretend it's thirteen.
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9!" the grown woman counted out loud as she held up an extra finger for each number. She had two fingers up at the end. So, the answer was... twenty-two!
"Blast!" the onscreen Necromancer cried. "Your math is too powerful!"
"Yes!" Mel cheered following what seemed like an incredible victory. Only four more questions.
"4 x 7" followed. Mel let out a high pitched whine. Multiplication?! No fair! She was no good at times tables! She used all the power in her brain to focus. 20, she guessed. Wrong. 26. Wrong again. Her final guess was 32.
"Looks like your math skills weren't good enough to defeat me," shouted the Necromancer. "Better luck next time!"
"Poopy!" Mel yelled as the "GAME OVER" text reappeared. "That's no fair! Multiplication's too hard! No fair! No fair!"
Mel continued to shout as she kicked her arms and legs against the floor, causing her beloved stuffie Princess to take a beating against the ground. Once her fit ended, she threw Princess at the couch and crossed her arms letting out an audible "hmph."
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761 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 7 months
dumb shit we said while we're watching (spoilers)
1.) my sister kept joking about falling asleep while we waited for the movie to start (we were minutes early) and then I joked "what if we had to pee" AND THAT'S WHEN SHE'S LIKE "OKAY MAYBE I DO HAVE TO GO OUT I SHOULD'VE USED THAT TIME TO GO OUT" 💀💀
2.) half way in the movie (at the worst time, it was the fucking climax) we both actually wanted to go to the bathroom but I was like "no not THIS TIME WE GOTTA HOLD IT. DON'T THINK ABOUT IT." AND THEN THE FUCKING SCENE WHERE ABBY WAS HIDING FROM FOXY, SHE HIT THE GAME MACHINE AND IT SAID "ROYAL FLUSH" ON THE FUCKING SCREEN SJDHDHSBDBS movie said we should pee 😭😭
3.) I wasn't freaked out in the entire movie (I was too excited to even be scared) but balloon boy fuckin' scared me every single time i felt my dignity lower down (+ mike turning the toy's face away is so me)
4.) everytime vanessa appeared i keep saying "white girl save me" "white girl don't die"
5.) when max got "eaten" by the freddy mask my sister said "get bite of 87'd"
6.) mike meets the animatronics and me yelling CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOUUUU
7.) when matpat appeared i just started aggressively pointing at the air like that one meme 😭😭😭😭
8.) shout-out to cory i have no joke here im just happy he's there to appear
in other words i had a blast 💥💥💥💥
I'm pretty sure nicole and i were the only enthusiastic crowd 😭😭 everyone sounded so quiet skdjjdksks when the credits rolled (WITH THAT SONG) i started punching the air and tapping my feet excitedly like a kid 😭
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aeonghaseyo · 1 year
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Note: I haven't watched Derision yet but I got spoiled by the Bible, but I'll tag this as a spoiler nonetheless. You're welcome.
Ah yes. More unwarranted Marinette salt. I would also like to manifest here that Pee Girl is in no way, shape, or form equipped to interpret Marinette's dialogue with an impartial and compassionate lens, as what victims of ANY traumatic experiences need the most.
Pee Girl is so quick to conclude that Marinette's resolution to dig up details about people she's interested in is a big red flag. I mean, I do agree, but she missed SOME CRUCIAL POINTS:
Marinette didn't have anyone to process her trauma with and heal. To even think that she should've had the capacity to heal on her own when she must have not told her parents about the incident or when she was unable to run to Socqueline after that is crazy. That includes realizing in a split-second that "stalking someone" is not the best way to cope with having a crush the next time she does have one. Of course, this shouldn't excuse her impulse to know every single detail about her crush even as a safeguard because it still counts as an invasion of privacy on the other person's part. But to come to that conclusion that Marinette is evil incarnate because she lacked time and resources to process and heal properly from that traumatic event is lunacy, and like it or not, Pee Girl, you are not innocent either and you're a fucking jackass.
NONE of what happened between her and Luka, or even her and Kagami, were a direct effect of that humiliation she suffered under Chloe (and partly Kim). Marinette may have hurt Kagami in the process of keeping her from Adrien, but THERE WAS NO INSTANCE OF MARINETTE HAVING TO FIGHT ANOTHER GIRL JUST TO GET KIM TO LIKE HER. It makes absolutely no sense to flame Marinette for hurting Kagami unintentionally (I don't even know why you're still not over it when they're best friends as of season 5) in the pursuit of Adrien when this sort of thing never happened with her pursuit of Kim from like, a few years ago. Also, Marinette wasn't even seeing anyone back then, so it also makes no sense to flame her for "not being loyal to Luka" when she had no history of cheating on anyone when Socqueline was still around as her bestie. So basically, Pee Girl blames Marinette for being an asshole to Luka and Kagami for... whatever happened between her and Kim? What the fuck is this logic.
To Pee Girl: You hate Marinette. WE GET IT. But your post is just basically scolding her for being a stalker, invalidating her trauma instead of just wishing for better days for her to heal, be a better person too and grow out of the habit of stalking her crush. I have to admit that there were some points in this rant that were valid, but it all boiled down to wishing for a witchhunt for Marinette even while she hasn't even processed her trauma with an expert. She's not a real person, but I for one believe that how you see fictional characters can be correlated with how you treat people around you. If you're this unforgiving, this uncompassionate and this unempathetic towards a 14-year old girl who had to endure a lot of psychological trauma from bullying, then maybe you're also a shithead who thinks victims of bullying deserve to be in pain, and whatever hurt they caused makes them spawns of Satan, even while their trauma has not been processed yet, even when they haven't even sought professional help.
BONUS: I don't care if you're a Marinette hate blog. But you're an asshole, and that's not supposed to be the rest of the fandom's problem. But I am one of those people who have a problem with this shitty ass take of yours that deserves to be incinerated in a landfill, because I have been bullied before and had to go through a time where my trauma was unprocessed and I had hurt people too. My crap wasn't excused, and I had a lot of backlash as a teen, so I devoted the rest of my time and energy to healing, processing my trauma, and turning to my support systems for genuine help. I had gone through therapy to be less sucky and to hurt people less, because NO ONE DESERVES TO GET UNJUSTLY HURT.
It's my turn to use your words against you, you ugly trick-ass bitch: I'll be lucky if I find a day to finally forgive you for your bullshit, but at this point, I don't wish to be THAT lucky.
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she-ismysun · 2 months
The Rookie 6x06 Live Blog Thread
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Obvious spoilers ahead 🫡💫
I can't . for your own good. LMAO Angela !! First off, why is tim just leaving his car unlocked. Second, how long has he been in his car?? I didn't strike tim as a man to leave that many wrappers in the front seat of his car
"If I get fired.. I start living off my husband's trust fund :D" i love you angela
Oh boy. RIP Nolan, getting turned left and right with disaster. Unsolved murder, escaped convict, BAILEY WANTING A KID
I do really enjoy ad breaks for live Television. it gives me a minute to breathe and process and pee LMAO
Really? You're gonna walk away from your job, your relationship with Lucy.. angela's saying what we're all thinking. She's the realest.
*reminder to look for that Tim gif
"This is very annoying" [angela look]
PFFFF "I'm a grown man, I don't have a bff"
why confess to the murder by lie about the method indeed...
anyone else think this mom and daughter look wayy too close in age to be mom and daughter? No shade to teen moms, she just looks so super young and good for a mom
CUNTY? WHY HE COME OUT THE CAR LIKE THAT?? A good ol twirl and all. Slayful
oh yeah. timothy "the reaper" bradford
ok what the hell is the tea. it can't have just been lying on a report says Angela.
"I put my career above my oath" 💔
OAHDLK NOT THE "expecting mommy" book. Bailey, this is the whole reason he didn't continue dating Jessica (well there was more but he didn't want more kids!) "The longer you let me have hope, the more painful it'll be"
welcome back lucy. its been the whole half episode HEUHFDLJAKS WHAT THE FUCK. RAY? GE THT EFUCK AWAY FROM HERE. YOU CANT JUST COME IN
the way my heart just dropped. chat i am NOT ok
I am DONE being the good girlfriend! You don't have to tell me everything but you HAVE to let me in *cue ad break*
PHEWWW. Nyla and Aaron are always beefing bro. I mean fair! Fair maiming from Nyla but whew.
I'm so used to watching on Hulu and being back to rewind every 5 seconds because i Didn't catch everything. lmao nice moves Nolan with da soap
also i desperately need captions and there are *none* rewatching tomorrow in class <3
oh what the fish. my stream FROZE . AND i got spoilers for Greys 😭
OH HELLO???? IA INVESTIGATION. Timothy?!?! why the HELL are you lying?! to IA!!! and how the hell is this going to come back to bite him in the ass. Tim *knowingly* falsified reports. Lying through his damn teeth. Not something I wa slooking forward to or expecting.
so IA investigation closes without a hitch. No one gets in trouble. Not Tim. Not Angela. Not Lucy.
UM SO. i quickly had to abandon this thread beacuse I couldn't even enjoy a chenford comfort hug. because it wasn't that. TIMOTHY BRADFORD. WHAT IS HAPPENING
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