#sprite from the arcana
v-anrouge · 4 months
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devillime · 5 months
Okay I’d like to talk about the treatment of the side characters and how empty the world feels so this is not proof read or anything this is a rant
The world
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We know that other students are there i understand that making a game takes time but for crying out loud the whole world of devildom feels so empty and yes we have the Little D’s but they are mainly in the castle with barbatos so they are practically diavolo servants like barbatos and even the recent event we are helping barbatos with serving nobles
Which is just baffling to me because games like arcana twilight that came out after obey me and are clearly inspired by obey me at least feels alive do we see full body sprites no of course not but we this
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We can see what the characters look like to get a better understanding of how they look yet in obey me nothing really now I know if I remember CORRECTLY Nightbringer will be a continuation of the original game but it’s honestly stupid how a game like a obey me that been out longer than arcana twilight feels so empty
I’m asking for but if you want to write a good story and make me fee apart of it then take a moment to let us explore how the world works on OUR own.
The side characters
Don’t get me wrong I love the brothers but I also love the side characters just as much but it’s ridiculous on how little screen time they have now is crazy not to mention the treatment of the new characters
First diavolo HES THE FUTURE KING OF HELL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD I believe he should get enough screen time but no the devs go against it
And before anyone say “well originally the side characters weren’t dateable” I only started playing after they were dateable but are doing some research the “side characters” have been dateable for a good while to the point they technically be considered they are perusing the mc minus Luke
So why are they still getting shit on by the devs? Probably because when most people think of the game they think of the brothers but honestly which character peaked your interest before playing the game because for me it was diavolo
And don’t get me started on the new characters this is more of a pet peeve with the fandom but why do you guys mischaracterize Mephistopheles and Raphael? Raphael has a similar if not same personality as belphie yet a lot of people say belphie is being cute while Raphael is being rude and Mephistopheles I’m sorry Lucifer fans but think of it from Mephistopheles perspective I’d be piss to if I was born to practically be someone right hand man only to get cased aside for something new?
A lot of you guys had mischaracterize thirteen when she came out but the devs oh god we barely seen thirteen and Mephistopheles in Nightbringer now Raphael I can kinda understand but the two that are in devildom with us don’t show up? That’s a joke like seriously
At this point why did they add them if they don’t appear as much hell I dare say obey me could have been a yandere otome game where the brothers became yandere after making a pact with the mc and the side characters like Solomon and Mephistopheles noticed this and try and help us but Solomon can’t tell Simeon and Luke because another war might break out again
But that’s all I have to say I brought up the world building or lack of in the official obey me server and people seem to say “but it be more pressure on the devs” I get that but this game gets a lot of money and I’m pretty sure it’s more pressure if they can’t keep the story straight because after lesson 40 I’m pretty sure we all have questions
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Rant off
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Things That Would Send The Arcana M6 Into A Coma
Happy Saturday guys :')
The very concept of intentional minimalism, like what do you mean you don't put things in your house on purpose??
Online shopping (DO NOT LET HIM)
When he digs and all he can find is charred bone and ash
The state of the economy /hj
One singular sip of a gas station slurpee (she watches the ice tumble around, completely mesmerized, for about seven minutes before she buys 412 of them)
Monopoly, and no I will not elaborate
Heathers the musical
Modern medicine and also medical qualifications because he's already been a practicing doctor, shouldn't that make him qualified?
Movie theaters (he will keep grabbing your arm and being dramatic asf if you don't tell him about movie theater etiquette beforehand)
AO3, it's basically just free sequels to all the books she's hyperfixated on
The Archer x Not Strong Enough (trust me)
If someone were to remind her that she is important and worthy of love and kindness and rest and that she literally means the world to you and everyone else in her life
The ikea bear (djungelskog)
All the beautiful art the fandom makes of him, he would immediately combust
A kiwi bird (I think he would cry a little and claim it as his child)
Many, many other things (showers, the internet, affection, netflix, a window, skittles, hyperpop, malls, microwaves, ddr, friendship, small dogs, cities, those singular pickles that can be bought in plastic bags, pjsk, etc etc)
One glance in the direction of a McDonalds sprite
A little pat on the back and a "good job son" from his mother (not that this will ever happen LOL)
Modern day laws and the fact that they apply to him
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Hii , i wanted to ask something. I have seen early 'the arcana' fans talk about this cg:
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It is said to be 'removed' from the now story. Do you happen to know the reason for its removal? And do you happen to know about the scene that unlocked this cg? I am sooo curious but can't find the source or reason anywhere
Hi friend!
This is something I actually, genuinely don't know. My best guess from the setting is that this is somewhere near the Palace fountain, and - well - that's it XD
I've seen an Asra sprite here and there from the extremely early version of the game with the same outfit, and I'm guessing this was the CG to go with it? (later to be replaced by the fountain cg we have now?) but that's just a guess, I could be very wrong :')
If somebody knows more I would LOVE to hear it, I'm pretty curious now too!!
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bastart13 · 11 months
Hi. I'm not in the Arcana from the start... It was kinda old game when i first started playing it so... Do You know if there is a place where I can find both old and new designs of charcater sprites? Because i heard there were some edits to it. Also is this possible to check how first version of game prologue looked like?
tbh I didn't arrive to the fandom too early either. I came in just before the first masquerade and missed most of the edits/early changed. I think the wiki has a bunch of sprites, though only a few have notable changes.
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(Modern - left, original - right) They changed Julian's face a lot, mostly around his eyes, shrinking them and removing the red line, but also his nose became slightly more downturned.
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Nadia's design had a pretty big overhaul. This design was a little too "demure" according to the devs so they raised her eyeline so she's not looking up at the viewer, her hair was straightened, her dress was altered a bit, and they removed the veil.
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(modern - left, original - right) They gave Muriel's tits an upgrade
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(modern - left, original - right) Same with Nasrin
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And they redrew Pepi to be a bit cuter :D
As for the prologue, idk where you'd find an original other than maybe the Arcana's youtube channel? I don't know if the upload they have is pre or post update. I miss a couple of scenes but I'm very glad they streamlined it. The original was long
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vesuviaweekly · 5 months
Vesuvia Weekly: Event details, Submission guidelines, and Masterlists
This is a sideblog from my main, @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia, dedicated to hosting creative events for the Arcana visual novel! (Note: none of these events are competitions. They're simply opportunities to create together and appreciate each other's work!)
Every Wednesday, an Arcana-themed prompt will be posted on this blog with the tag #vesuvia weekly and a tag for the specific prompt. For the next two weeks, any creative work falling under the guidelines and tagged accordingly will be reblogged here and on my main account and added to the prompt's masterlist (see submission guidelines for details)!
On the same post, there will be a poll for the next week's prompt! You are more than welcome to send prompt ideas to the ask box (see submission guidelines for details)!
PG-13, please! If you've made something spicier and would still like to share it, please tag a PG-13 preview to be reblogged here :)
All creativity is welcome! Here are a few examples of what would count: incorrect quotes, digital and traditional art, WIPs, oneshots, headcanons, sprite edits, scripts, character sheets/analysis, etc
To take part: post your creativity themed for an active prompt and tag it with #vesuvia weekly and the prompt's specific tag. Your post will be reblogged here and on my main account, and linked to the masterlist under that prompt
Please do not pass someone else's work as your own! In that spirit, since this is a space intended to boost and celebrate creativity, hate of any kind will not be welcome
TL;DR if it's your own creativity, PG-13, and tagged appropriately, it's perfect :)
FOR PROMPT IDEAS, please keep it PG-13 and open-ended enough to be engaging to multiple creative formats ^.^
MASTERLISTS: new masterlist for each Wednesday prompt post, for ease of browsing/archival organization Red: Retired Prompts Green: Active Prompts
Jan 10th: Your MC/Their LI's dynamic
Jan 17th: How Things Went Wrong (feat. the Arcana familiars)
Jan 24th: Borrowing Clothes
Jan 31st: Cooking Class
Feb 7th: The Impulsive Thoughts Won
Feb 21: MC explaining our world to the M6
Feb 28: How to Hold Your Loved One
March 6: "That's not how that's supposed to work"
March 20th: "Where Did You Learn to do That?"
March 27th: The First Post-Crisis Date
April 3rd: Nightmares & Daydreams
April 10th: Things That Changed
April 17th: Rare Smiles
April 24th: Inside Jokes
May 1st: How to Cry
May 8th: "Your Other Left!"
May 15: First Kiss
May 22nd: MerMay
May 29th: Baby Fever
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jabberwockprince · 5 months
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still refusing to render sprites because my brain only cares abt full illustrations now - but either way, here's Venison! finally got around to doing their garments and chibis properly
here's their old stuff if you wanna look at it!
Venison is the former leader of Spina Venatores - a mercenary group working under Manus Vindictae that are tasked with erasing people from history through any methods possible, ensuring that their name is TRULY gone from everyone's minds and mouths to continue causing "Storms" by fucking with history
it also doubles as the one place for Arcana to send all the Manus members that are MUCH too troublesome and volatile to keep close, but much too useful to get rid of. Venison and the rest of Spina Venatores are introduced in their own event, "Underbelly of the Unforgiven" where all main characters are related in one way or another to arcanists Vertin has met, to really drive home how she can't save everyone and how some people, instead of being sifted out by the storm, will fall victim to Manus Vindictae
I imagine Venison later shows up on the main story to try and make up for their failures during the event, but Arcana abandons them to their luck on account of now being useless to her - so they go a little deranged about it and attempt to side with the Foundation instead, but Vertin shows up like HEY. HEY DONT DO THAT, CONSIDER ENTERING MY SUITCASE INSTEAD
so the Venison in the pictures above is the much, much, much more calm version since they're actually getting some good exposure therapy to healthy mindsets in that suitcase <3
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rontra · 5 days
wait sorry i just saw "isako has insane beef with her game's devil arcana" she's not rocking with amazing commodities?
i like to think she gets mad every time amazing commodities comes on. i want her to hold on to this beef forever. it's one of my (many) favorite things about her
it's because in 2009 she was blackout drunk(!) at the mall(!) and he gave her shit(!) for it:
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(P3F script reference courtesy of lparchive, hence the maya sprite hahaha)
a lot of social links are only unlocked by progressing others first. usually around rank ~4 ish, the person will be like Btw i heard about this other fucker. and the other fucker will be a new social link. so you unlock Devil by getting this info from isako 😭
getting into public beef w president tanaka is just so fucking funny to me and i need her to cling to her grudge about it For Fucking Ever. she's STILL mad about this i KNOW she is. jokes on HER though because the Devil arcana is ruling her WHOLE LIFE right now
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^we rly just let her say whatever she wanted in 2006. they changed that last comment later LMAO 👇
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But They Both Said Some Things That Are Gonna Get Edited Out
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👆not what he said. you two are both worse than that.
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echovale052 · 2 months
You have been bitten by the mutual virus. To cure yourself, you must provide one reason why you follow each of your mutuals before sending this to others (whether mutuals or not) while in anon.
Good luck 👍
This might be a little long- 😭
@valen-32 / @valen-3o genuinely my tumblr bestie I love chatting about like corollary, eris serenity stuff and generally a great time. I always smile when I see a notification from you (except when it’s that dumb emoji) 😭
@snobgoblin OMG Talking about arcana stuff with them is so fun I have loved watching their progress making an arcana sprite!!
@eyeball-jam we were mutuals on instagram first and I love their ocs so much Angel has a special place in my heart. I AM PLANNING THAT DND STUFF I PROMISE!!
@wordsbyparker I made fanart one time- pt1 started following for the awesome stories she voice acts I love renegade’s shadow!! Love seeing her updates :)
@rivers-for-me Omg they ride such a fine line from poetry that makes me go ouch to chaotic shitposts that make me giggle 💪
@smaldevilman castleaudios stuff! HI I LOVE YOUR STUFF.
@pennwrenn awesome artist I found from a voice actor I follow (mutual I don’t know how I have part 1)
@frenchiefitzhere omg where do I start- Hi frenchie! Awesome voice acting stuff and stories. I made fanart a one time pt 2. Id love to hear your thoughts on Damsel (new Millie Bobby brown movie, I thought it was really cool)
@willothewispaudio again where do I start- I made fanart one time part 3. Awesome voice actor cool stories AND INCREDIBLE ART HELLO??
@kelseadelle Your ranger design is canon I will not design one because I can’t picture anything else. I need to draw them some time soon (fanart is inevitable pt1)
@soup-scope chaotic cryptid that I am not sure we should be in the same proximity. We’d be those cryptid’s no one can agree on the lore of. Hi soup!! 👋
@alexrayva YOU 🫵 I think you are so cool omg 🫵 I want to draw penemuu so if you have headcanons put them in my dms or ask box (fanart is inevitable pt2)
@lemons4brains Disappeared?? Still love their art, friend of a friend still very cool.
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macabremayhem · 4 months
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The old sketch of human (or not?) Valdemar.
Because of their antiquity, I came up a headcanon about their origin. So, what about a country near the great river and with the great pyramids? Many lands of the Arcana world have references from India, Arabic region or Mongolia – so, Ancient Egypt? Why not? I can't decide, maybe this is ancient Zadith? There is nothing about Zadith in the canon, just a note in the https://thearcanagame.fandom.com/wiki/World:
"The homeland of Asra's parents, Zadith lies across the Malvent Strait from Vesuvia. This is a country where both science and magic are highly respected. Those who combine both disciplines are known as alchemists."
I think this short description is suitable for the heritage of such civilization as Egyptian.
I’m sad that the history of the world is so poorly developed, but I still love the lore so much. And I’d be happy to read (only from the original writers), say, a brief history of the world. But since there's no any history, I'm taking the liberty (and, a bit, my history degree) to assume: Zadith is the inheritor of some ancient civilization like the Ancient Egypt.
I'm not good at naming, so I will provisionally call it "Deshret" – Egyptian word for "red land, desert". Valdemar spoke about "millennia of existence", describing their antiquity, so I'm pretty sure: they have been born as a human in the ancient kingdom, like the Ancient Egypt. Also, note that red beetle brooch at the neck: similar motives were common in the Ancient Egypt. And, I think, Valdemar had this beetle brooch long before the Plague.
Okay, maybe developers in Portia's route (flashback scene with Prospero and foundation of Vesuvia) just showed Valdemar to us as we know them, because of developing another (kinda "more ancient") sprite and costume for the short scene is not viable. But anyway: we have what we have. What if we imagine that "red beetle brooch" of the Courtiers is rooted not only in the Red Plague? What about a, merely my headcanon, the Egyptian "scarab" motif?
So, there's the old traditional sketch I have. When I drew this pic, I imagined Valdemar just after their first deals with the Devil. Just look at their eyes.🫀
And – of course, they are in the tomb. Maybe as a priest? Who knows, fellow humans.
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THEME: Magic and Mystics
This week's games are all magical in nature, whether they be solo games, supplements, or something as big and as grand as a wizard's tower!
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Tower & Town, by Ari Calix.
After years at the Mages’ College, you have finally completed your studies and acquired a tower of your own. What better use for your new arcane residence than pursuing a wizard’s favourite pastime: magical research! The College, of course, has high expectations and anticipates regular reports on your progress.
There is, however, a complication. Your new tower is far from the distractions of the city, but it’s only an hour’s walk from a small town very eager for your magical assistance. You may have plans to revolutionize magical science, but the townspeople are really more interested in your warding their chicken coops against thieving sprites.
Tower & Town is a solo RPG about a rural wizard managing their time, making friends, and changing magical scholarship forever—while trying not to be driven out by an angry mob or lose research funding.
This is a neat little game that provides you with a balancing act: keeping up on your research while also doing favours for townsfolk in order to keep you in their favor. You’ll use two skills, Arcane and Mundane, and two specialties, one that informs your magical abilities and one that demonstrates your non-magical competencies. Your Reputation exists as two tracks that will move up and down depending on your success in meeting demands. The game provides a structured set of stages to ensure your wizard will receive many requests, and there’s enough moving pieces to keep your game playing over an extended period of time - so you can play a little bit every day.
Spellchitects!, by Viditya Voleti.
You craft and design the spells and rituals that are being cast all around your world. Using your advanced knowledge of how magic is weaved, you mark out the symbols, colors, and components to craft the desired effects. 
Sometimes you make spells for customers, sometimes you make spells just for the heck of it! As Spellchitects, it’s all about experimentation, collaboration, and fun!
As a spell-crafting game, this can be a fun little exercise on its own, but it could also be a way to design a magic system for a larger game. Each player will use a variety of different-coloured writing instruments to create elements of the spell. The colour and the marking involved in the sigil will each communicate something about what the spell does. The players will also have to assign a spell component for each extra symbol invoked in the creation of the spell. 
If you bought the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality a few years ago, you already own this game! 
Summoner’s Fate, by Rae Nedjadi.
You are STUDENTS at a Learning Institution that focuses on the esteemed and complex art of ARCANE SUMMONING. You have learned how to call upon beings to be an extension of your own will and power.
A CONFLICT has arisen, an ADVERSARY reveals themselves. The stakes are high, things are dire! You few are the only thing standing in the way, there’s no one else. You have to rise to the challenge and trust that you’ve got what it takes!
This game takes inspiration from both Spindlewheel, by Sasha Reneau, and Royal Blood, by Grant Howitt. It has a Game Facilitator, also known as Fate, as well 2-4 players. It uses a Tarot deck to determine elements of the game: the Major Arcana provide story aspects and character elements, while the Minor Arcana are used for moments of the story where your summoners will make a wager in order to overcome a challenge. Your characters can summon Powers or Daemons to help them - but doing so also means that you could lose that which you wagered, cracking or shattering one of the crystals from which you draw your power. 
If you like heavily interpretive games, or you like playing with Tarot Cards, this game might be worth checking out!
Research Arcanum, by J. Evan Nyquist.
Research Arcanum is a PbtA game about learning the secrets of a fantasy world for 2-5 players including a GM. It can be used as a supplement to augment an existing tabletop roleplaying game or played on its own to generate the academic history of an Arcanist or to plumb the mysteries of a setting’s magic.
This game is something that you could run as a one-shot inside a larger campaign to give your characters a chance to really delve into the lore of a world, or to role-play the arduous journey of tracking down a specific magical solution to an urgent problem. If you like the idea of magic being something you can study in an institution, this game will give you a chance to really explore that.
I can also see this game being easily hacked into a sci-fi setting as well! Instead of a wizard university, your characters may be seeking information from an alien repository or a Jedi library. Just make the sources places like The Library Planet or Xritex, an alien researcher, and spheres things like Warp Travel, Robotic Intelligences, and Twi’lek Culinary Techniques. 
Wizard Pals, by Tadhg Lyons.
The world is a wretched place, and life is awful. Thankfully, You Are Magic, and even better, you can Do Magic, and it rules. Anyone can be a Wizard, and a Wizard can be anyone.
Wizard Pals is a lighthearted TTRPG/collaborative storytelling game in which every hero is a mysterious and magically powerful being known as a Wizard. To play, you need some pals of your own, some 12-sided dice, and an adventurous spirit. The game itself is easy to learn and approachable, open-ended and chaotic, and perfect for new TTRPG players and veterans alike.
In Wizard Pals, the colour of your robes denotes your area of expertise, your Signature Spells are powerful but require a re-charge, and all of you will go upon a quest to complete a Wizardly Task! There is so much room to make this game as goofy as you like - it’s hard to keep a straight face when one of your wizards is a frog in a top hat, or an ominous floating orb. 
There’s a number of mechanics that remind me of other games, including two abilities and a target number that you must roll under or over, similar to Lasers & Feelings. (The game uses d12s, which is what makes it slightly different!) However, when you’re in combat, your characters will be rolling using something akin to attack and defense, with a stat layout that you have to assign to both. 
This game comes with two supplements: The Bastard of Undertower, and The Haunting of Hobble. These are adventures that a GM can lead the characters through, which is great if your game master wants a little guidance, or just less prep to do. 
What’s So Cool About Street Magick?, by Vincent Quigley. 
So what IS so cool about Street Magick ?  Well... It's a micro-rpg where you play people that have shed the burden of banality and that yield terrible magick for it.  It's a game about the homeless, the vagrant, the people that tend to become invisible in our regular boring ass lives. 
It's a game about finding the fantastic within the rotten. 
It's a game that will need you to make your own. 
This is a simple hack of What’s So Cool About Outer Space?, about magic users on the streets. Follow rumours and fight of arcane threats that nobody else seems to care about. You have power now, but a happy ending isn’t going to just fall in your lap - you’ll have to fight for it. 
This game uses just d6’s and a bunch of imagination. I’d love to see this game in combination with a city-builder, such as I’m sorry did you say street magic, by Caro Acercion, or What is Here? by Matthew Gravelyn. I love the idea of creating a city and then exploring it - it gives me a lot of the same vibes as Urban Shadows or World of Darkness, but with less fiddly bits or chapters of lore.
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Welcome to the Midsummer Masquerade. 
A month-long celebration of all things sexy in the Arcanaverse.
That’s right - where this event has only (officially) lasted for one week in years past, in 2023 the Midsummer Masquerade will last for the entire month of June. Think of it as a summertime Kinktober, and this time around, without stressing out about trying to speedrun it.
With that announcement out, some FAQ and rules beneath the cut, because while we’re all here for a little subversive fun, there are some important guidelines to follow.
What is the Midsummer Masquerade?
Simply put, it is a concept born of conversations amongst Arcana fans who enjoy creating smut, all based on one important question: what if Masquerade, but sexy?
Okay, so masquerades are inherently sexy, but in a fandom where plenty of our OCs are out here getting up to getting down, we wanted to create an event dedicated to celebrating smut and kink.
As always, the event is run by @vissentasenadz, with moderator assistance from @nvvermore and @devoraqs. 
Isn’t the canon Masquerade basically already at midsummer, and isn’t midsummer in Vesuvia in December?
Correct. However, the event creators and moderators are located in the northern hemisphere, and so our event takes place in June. As for the canon Masquerade… well, do we really think there wouldn’t be double the party with double the fun? We’ve seen all the LIs’ horny faces. Search your feelings and you know it to be true.
So a month long, huh? Do we have to do all of the prompts?
Of course not! And truthfully, you don’t have to do the prompts on the exact day, though we will release the prompt list a month in advance to give folks adequate time to plot and plan and create. The prompts are a guide and are there for you to pick and choose as you please.
Is this for OCxLI ships only?
Definitely not. Lots of people have OCxOC ships around here, and the point is for everyone to have fun. If you’d like to do a little LIxLI, or OCxLIxLI, or OCxOCxLI… well, you get the point. Just keep it linked to the Arcana, and anything goes.
Is this only for artists and writers?
It’s for fandom creatives of all types. If your thing is moodboards, playlists, headcanon lists, sprite edits, whatever, we encourage you to participate however you can!
The rules are largely the same as last year and the year before, which will also be copied here, but there are some notable additions (in bold), so please read carefully:
This event is not affiliated with the official Arcana game or its parent company/developers, and is solely fandom-based. 
Minors are not allowed to participate and will be blocked without question. If you do not have your age in your bio or on a pinned post where it can be easily found by a moderator, or if it has not been discussed with a moderator in advance, any contributions to the event will not be reblogged to the event page.
Please use Tumblr’s Community Labels. This is a mature event, and we will label posts accordingly. If your post is flagged for violating community guidelines, we encourage you to reformat, censor, or adjust as needed in order to remain within guidelines, but we will not be appealing content that is flagged. 
There will be a no tolerance policy for: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, whorephobia, or kinkshaming. With that last point said, there are some topics that are not kinks and will also not be tolerated, including but not limited to: rape, incest, pedophilia, and bestiality. Please use your common sense. 
Mods reserve the right to not reblog any content that we feel is not in keeping with these rules or with the spirit of the event.
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fifthpilot · 2 years
So About the New Asra Tale by Dorian...
The plot was, not great. It was pretty boring, but it did touch up on a few interesting points from Asra's main story; like how much of his memory did he loose, his past before MC's death, and what extremes he had to go through because of MC's death like erasing his own memories of certain spells, which in my opinion is a very interesting scenario. Things did seem rushed considering the fact that the story had two endings depending on whether you chose to use the spell or not; and how the supposedly "bad ending" kind of implied that you and Asra somehow may have brought back the plague? or Lucio i.e the plague? It was left up to interpretation. The writing was, not good. I think they did try their best to stay true to Asra's tone even if it was a bit too on the nose at times and a little overbaord. But it was mainly the MC and the Magician that felt most off note to me.
That all being said, I like many others don't consider this a part of canon, it does ultimately give off a very wattpad feel. But in all honesty so did some of the main content after probably halfway through the main 3's routes. I think many people forgot just how erratic and disorganized the Nix Hydra Team was and how many people who came up with the original storyline had left the company before the end of the M3 routes. But a lot of people don't seem to notice that because all the content was in one place, the arcana app. Which brings me to my next point.
I think a good portion of the hate Dorian is getting is mainly due to the fact that their app is terrible. The UI is confusing, the app lags a lot and it's very slow. The game looks different on the dorian app, the font is wrong, there's no music, the character sprite animation is messed up, and the LI never says your name. And a lot of people have demanded that Dorian uploads the new conent to the Arcana app. But after thinking about it I personally think it's a good thing that the Dorian content and the "original" content stay physically seperated, so we know where one starts from where one ends. And I know a lot of people would disagree because using the Dorian app is a hassle, but like I mentioned before. Dorian is making fanfiction (but worse). They're using whatever's left of the arcana fandom to make some cash. This whole thing with Dorian creating new routes and new content is just another marvel-like tactic of beating a dead horse with a stick. And, they're even using the same Nix Hydra trick of placing the best content behind a paywall.
I'm personally not even upset at how terrible the app is, or how rushed and boring and generally just bad the tale was, I think I'm more upset that we won't put the Arcana Game to rest. And instead we have to watch as corporation after corporation uses the story for whatever means it wants to make money. I'm more upset that things can't just end and be celebrated for being. And how the way we engage with media has mutated into something more greedy and gluttonous.
What I'm saying is, we had a beginning and ending, we had prologues and epilogues and hidden scenes. We had plenty. We don't need more. Sometimes enough is enough.
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the-fools-route · 11 days
Finally made sprites. HOORAY YIPPEE 🎉🎉🎉
These may or may not have taken me almost 81 hours...
I made a normal outfit that will be introduced in chapter 3 ( apparently I am a very slow writer, it will be a while ) and I made the masquerade costume.
I attempted the arcana style, i didnt quite get it but oh well. What do you think?
Images will prob be blurry. Just click them, that might fix it.
I used body references from Mellon-soup
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aragaki · 1 year
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Put my sprite editing skills that I got from the Arcana and whipped up a sprite edit for my main Cove romancing mc!! I’m actually super proud of how it turned out considering how much I was struggling with it but yes!!
This is my girl Sasha!! She was direct + crush from the very start!! Very touchy and always showering Cove with compliments. Absolutely punched Jeremy and Shiloh but became (self proclaimed) besties with Jeremy later on
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bastart13 · 1 year
How are Nadia and Portia not lesbians? The routes have slight changes depending on the MC's gender, which shows in dialogue, sprite expressions and whether memory art pops up or not at all. Picking a man for their routes has the player met with dialogue that very clearly states their love for MC feels pressured and not true. On top of that, the writers themselves confirmed they're lesbians on at least three different occasions. Idk who told you they're bi but they lied to you. The only canon bisexual person in Arcana is Asra.
I really don't know where you heard this about them. They've been canonically bi from the start, and I just reblogged the social media post saying it
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