#st apoc au
hothammies · 27 days
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was in an apoc byler mood the other day
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burymoved · 2 years
01 )   barry allen and jean grey,   marvel and dc crossover where they meet at xavier’s school. 02 )   enzo st. john and angel,   because no soul angelus and no humanity enzo. or another concept, angelus and humanity intact enzo. 03 )   enzo st. john and seth gecko,   their augustine au. you bet i wanna bring that back. 04 )   tobias eaton and elias ramirez,   four’s a werewolf in his vampire diaries verse. many awooooo’s. 05 )   killian jones and robin hood,   enchanted forest bound before the first curse, captain hook and his crew, robin of locksley and his merry men stealing for the poor.  06 )   everyone on my roster and bonnie bennett,   thank you, no elaboration required. 07 )   enzo st. john and enzo st. john,   i know we revisited their plot recently but i just wanted to emphasize its importance   —   enzo coming back from the dead and another version of himself made up of the worst parts of him returning with him, thank you we must continue. 08 )   nick miller and jim halpert,   honestly i just think this would be so funny. 09 )   enzo st. john and deacon st. john,   enzo’s apoc verse but freaker outbreak focused. them both having lost the love of their lives. 10 )   matías dante rojas and vincent mancini,   chaos apoc verse things. 11 )   kate sharma and / or simon basset and richard cypher,   kate has a witch verse and simon has a warlock verse, it would be super neat creo yo. 12 )   david and selene,   you already know, vampire elder things post blood wars.
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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Les éléments principaux de la saine doctrine sont résumés ainsi :
C'est pourquoi, laissant les éléments de la parole de Christ, tendons à ce qui est parfait, sans poser de nouveau le fondement du renoncement aux œuvres mortes, de la foi en Dieu, de la doctrine des baptêmes, de l'imposition des mains, de la résurrection des morts, et du jugement éternel. Hébreux 6:1-2
Les premiers éléments de la saine doctrine sont les fruits du travail de l’Esprit saint dans nos vies, et ils nous ouvrent les portes aux autres fondements qui eux viennent d’en haut…
Le pont entre le terrestre et le céleste se faisant au niveau de la doctrine des baptêmes (baptême d’eau, notre engagement terrestre et baptême du St Esprit, puissance d’en haut). En précisant toutefois que tous les éléments de l’enseignement de Christ, source de notre salut, viennent du royaume de Dieu !
Les « œuvres mortes » sont les œuvres du péché et de la chair, et la conviction de péché doit être suivie de la foi en Dieu, et en Celui qu’Il nous a envoyé, Jésus-Christ, le Fils de Dieu, mort sur la croix pour nos péchés, et ressuscité pour notre justification. La Bible nous révèle que tous les nouveaux disciples de Jésus-Christ étaient rapidement baptisés d’eau (un engagement d'en bas tourné vers le ciel) et ensuite baptisés par le baptême du St Esprit (une bénédiction d'en haut en direction des croyants).
Le pont entre le terrestre et le céleste étant fait, la saine doctrine continue sur : l’imposition des mains pour notamment communiquer le baptême de l’Esprit et transmettre la guérison divine à un malade.
La Bible enseigne également que tous les morts doivent ressusciter, soit pour la vie, soit pour le jugement éternel (Jean 5-29). Ceux qui ressusciteront pour la vie éternelle entreront dans l’éternité avec Christ, tandis que ceux qui ressusciteront pour la perdition éternelle seront jetés dans le lac de feu et de soufre, qui est la seconde mort (Apoc 20-11 et s).
Tout enseignement contraire à la sainte doctrine de Christ, enseignement qui diminuerait, voire rendrait nulle l’œuvre de Christ sur la croix, doit être rejeté !
La saine doctrine constitue le fondement nécessaire sur lequel le Seigneur nous demande ensuite de bâtir notre vie chrétienne. Tout en précisant que le fondement unique est Christ puisque tout vient de Lui, et que tout nous est donné grâce à Lui. Sans la Personne et l’œuvre de Christ, tous ces fondements qui viennent d'être cités et qui ont pour objet non que les hommes soient condamnés mais qu’ils soient sauvés, s’écroulent !
Béni soit notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, fondement sur lequel nous bâtissons notre vie!
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fleouriarts · 2 years
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daewon/julian bestie vibes compilation
pic 1: they found a way to reactivate daewons phone with like post-apoc god magic or whatever and look thru his old pictures. he used to have a pink mullet when he was 14
pic 2: they find a leather jacket somewhere and julian lives out his dream
pic 3: julian (industrial rap and metal enjoyer) and daewon (hyperpop and edm enjoyer) have a moment of pure equilibrium. julian does not know how to listen to music properly and sits there to absorb it like hes meditating
pic 4: i have a modern au where all my ocs from every universe live in a town called st. dorian together. daewon and ramiel (who i have not introduced here yet) make hyperpop and their band is called 200 skinx
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hothammies · 2 months
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morning hug - apoc au relationship details under the cut!
--- mike and will's (+ the og party's) background:
is it mike and will if they aren't childhood besties? their moms were friends before the infection hit and they saw each other occasionally before the apocalypse
after the apocalypse, they lived in the same walled community with their families and stuck together for a long time! from ages 4 to 7, they were basically each other's only friends until lucas came around at age 8 and dustin came around at age 9
the boys were separated from their families because a neighboring group attacked, effectively destroying the community (more on that another time)
this is when the og party learned to live and survive with each other!
in this au -> mike fell first, will fell harder :)
just friends... with benefits:
are able to talk about anything and everything
each other's closest relationship out of the party -> used to rely on each other emotionally (much more strained after they started doing fwb)
tentative fwb - usually only engage in benefits after they've had a bad day or are really stressed out
things feel normal when they're together and the morning after but then they give each other the cold shoulder...
mike has started making a habit of ensuring that there's a buffer person between the two of them when he assigns jobs (cannot handle the tension)
are currently -> avoiding each other + the other party members have noticed (they don't know ab the two of them)
what is their problem?
mike is scared of being committed to each other because he's seen what happens to people (his mom, rip ted LOL) who have lost their partners. he doesn't want that to happen to him or will were one of them to die.
he's also afraid of the possibility that a relationship between the two of them could affect the party's whole group dynamic and set things off, because he's more worried about their survival then he is about his own feelings towards will.
he loves will so unbelievably much that it hurts, and the idea of getting even closer to will and suddenly losing him hurts even more, so he keeps his distance.
will is most afraid of losing mike and the group were he to ask him to take their feelings any further. he's seen how devoted mike is to the group and to him, but he doesn't know if there's a limit to what mike is willing to tolerate from him.
he doesn't want to take the risk of alienating either of them, and he cherishes his relationship with mike so much that he's willing to go along with what mike is doing, which is straining their friendship.
will is a natural giver. if all mike wants is a fwb relationship even if he wants more, than he'll give it to him, even if it's tearing him apart on the inside :') he doesn't know if mike loves him back, so will is emotionally torn up from the distance that this is creating btwn them.
other notes: fwb byler is a really interesting dynamic to explore, especially in this apocalypse setting - by the point in the story that they become fwb, they're 17 and they don't really have any clue about what they're doing. most of their clues about intimate relationships stem from old magazines from a while back (that don't say anything about gay relationships) as well as what their older siblings taught them when they were 12, which highlighted the emotional aspect and not the physical aspect.
mike and will know that something within their relationship has fundamentally changed, and they have no idea how to handle it. however, they know that they can experiment and relieve tension with each other safely, but are also extremely conflicted on how they present themselves to each other outside of their experimenting and to the party.
heteronormative societal pressure is not a conflict in this story (at least, not yet) - they don't live with anyone else except the other party members for the time being. their only conflict has to do with them both being scared of losing the other. they live in a world where anyone can die so quickly, so they don't want to fuck up what they have :'D mike wheeler is the king of being unable to process his romantic feelings properly and will byers is the king of completely repressing his emotions! they're perfect for each other!
both of them are the equivalent of shaken up soda bottles with mints inside them, ready to explode (the mints are them being friends with benefits)
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hothammies · 2 months
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the full party lineup (and their van) - au details + poll under the cut!
individual outfit details -> pts. i and ii
party outfit cohesion
to unify the group, i purposefully made it so that their outfits all have one piece that shares colors with a different member (ex. mike's jacket is the same color as lucas's pants, max's jacket is the same color as el's jeans, etc.)
the party swap clothes with each other occasionally (el swaps all the time) - sometimes they do it on purpose, sometimes on accident
the boys all share socks and belts with each other + the girls share pants
party dynamics
party started off with just the boys -> el and max join later
very tight knit group, all love each other - max's addition was the most volatile change and did not start off well
group roles are established (still trying to figure out the story, but i do know how each party member fits within the group)
regarding romance atp in the story -> lumax are in an "its complicated" stage (kissed once and don't know what to do ab it) and byler are tentative fwb with a strained friendship bc of it (up to interpretation for what they get up to)
--- other notes: i'm doing a poll out of curiosity's sake tbh - i want to know what you guys are interested in when im making this au! the results of the poll aren't necessarily what i'll post next since i've been making some character sheets for the party to establish how they act with their personalities, but either way, it'll be interesting to see the results. every option on the poll are things that i'm looking to explore anyways so this is really just for me to gauge interest :)
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hothammies · 2 months
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the party leader, mike wheeler - apoc au character details + poll under the cut!
mike's role in the party:
a scouter - essentially plans runs, checks areas first to ensure safety, and directs the runners during supply runs
assigns basic survival chores at the beginning of each day (laundry, boiling water, patrol, hunting, etc.)
is the "face" of the party -> always the one to negotiate with people of other groups
even though the party likes to give him shit for being kind of rude and bossy about how he talks to them in "leader" mode - they always hang onto his every word! they love and respect him deeply
kind of like a tired dad whenever he's not fighting with someone else -> basically watches over everyone to make sure they're okay
would never hesitate to do something deplorable to protect the party: family first
skills + hobbies:
considered the designated driver (along with max): nancy taught him when he was younger. he was scared about being useless due to his inability to shoot and aim guns so nancy helped him find something useful. max teaches him how to drive manual so that he can drive her muscle car (its how they get over their distaste for each other)
writes an entry in a journal that he stole every day! he lets will doodle in the margins of the paper :)
loves to read whatever's around - particularly interested in history, sci-fi, and old journals from people before the apocalypse (reads them with dustin and el -> they are nosy as hell and live for the drama)
great at using machetes and hatchets -> do NOT let this boy shoot a gun. he will accidentally hurt you and himself
good at fixing up guns and navigating - lucas (guns) and dustin (navigating) taught him :D
quirks / fun facts:
he likes to switch around the pins on his jacket a lot! the party find pins around to give to him (range from terrible to wearable)
since he's the only boy that likes to tie up his hair, max and el like to doll up and play around with his hair during their downtime
is very annoying and particular when it comes to doing survival chores (out of love) -> makes sure that the chores are divided equally among all of them and that no one gets the same chores twice in a row
--- other notes: mike was the first character i had in mind when thinking about this au (no surprise there) and the drawing of him sitting cross legged with a machete in his hand was the first ever "official" drawing i made for this :D i tried to make apoc mike similar to canon mike in terms of his temperament, his hero complex, his self-sacrificial tendencies, his inability to appropriately process his romantic feelings, his natural leadership and his personality. about mike's inability to use guns -> looking at mike's character dnd sheet, his dexterity is low and s1 mike wheeler cannot aim for shit either (see his rock throw). the reason he's most comfortable with machetes (and hatchets) is because of their versatility as both weapons and tools! just wanted to share because i think mike needed a nerf and him not being able to shoot guns is both in character and funny as hell to me i've had mike and will's char sheets done for a while and i really love the way they look :) i'm excited to post will's next! i'm working on the character sheets in batches of two, so which duo are yall most interested to see next? i'll work on them based on the poll results and post them next week at the earliest :) i'll prob also try out some concept designs for the demogorgon-like zombies sometime soon as well!
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hothammies · 2 months
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will byers, the resident sniper and medic - apoc au details under the cut!
will's role in the party:
a scouter - stays back to watch over the area during runs w/his rifle and is a backup supply runner if need be. just prefers to scout with dustin and mike
medic - normally takes care of the group regarding injuries and medicine. is very gentle :)
the angel on mike's shoulder -> knows how to placate mike the best if mike's being unreasonable or too harsh
most knowledgable about the infection and how it works -> helps with understanding the patterns of infected people, what attracts infection, etc.
party mediator - rarely ever fights with anyone (mostly with mike haha) and is usually the person people most often go to for a vent or a rant
skills + hobbies:
best with a rifle + second best with guns! -> he practices a lot with lucas but refuses to kill animals
cook of the group along with el (taught her how to cook): rest of the party can make edible food but don't know how to make it taste good
great knowledge of plants and medicine -> jonathan and joyce taught him all they know about it (they are healers)
draws in a sketchbook that mike stole from another group for him: filled with mundane sketches from life and treats it like a daily journal
likes to collect cds and cassettes that he finds around to play in the car (him and max discuss music the most) - fave bands include system of a down, gorillaz, the clash and the cure :) he's an alt rock fan!
quirks / fun facts:
him and lucas have an ongoing competition that started with their aim and is now based on literally anything -> they've been keeping score since they were nine (lucas is currently up by ten and the points are in the thousands)
will shuffles different music in the car and observes who in the party likes what so he can make his own little mental playlists for them!
him and dustin talk a lot about how the infection works. they have some very intense debates about it, especially when it comes to if the infected still have human consciousness or not (will thinks they do, dustin thinks they don't)
--- other notes: canon will, in a short summary, is a very sweet, sensitive, empathetic and capable boy who consistently puts others needs before his own :') of course, i wanted apoc will to share those attributes, with a big emphasis on his empathy, strength, and kindness. first - i wanted him to be a medic to show how he cares about other people and how he helps the people he loves as well. it's shown a lot in the show how much he cares for people and living beings (see: his actions with dart, el, mike, feeling bad for jonathan's hand after he had just woken up, etc.) and him being a healer is very in tune with this behavior. will as a healer is very special to me :') and him learning this skill from his mom and his brother strengthens the theme of family also!
second - him being good with a hunting rifle was to showcase his quiet strength and capability (i'd also like to add that his dexterity on his dnd sheet is extremely high) -> he's a non-confrontational survivor. his strength shines from afar and is put on the backlight, but no one in the party thinks will is weak for his empathy. mike and lucas, in particular, are actually quite jealous of the fact that will is still able to see so much good in humanity and life while being so strong. of course, his connection to the upside down in st is mirrored in this au as well, where he has an innate understanding of how the infection works because of experience, observation and other story spoilers...
looking at the current poll results, it seems im going to be drawing lucas and max next :D see you for that!
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hothammies · 3 months
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concept designs for the zombie apocalypse au i'm working on - pt. 1 (small au details under the cut regarding their designs)
--- mike's design
always wears his bomber jacket (normally decorated with pins) - was given to him by nancy when he was ten and he grew into it
signature weapon is a machete - likes its versatility + has terrible aim with guns: the only one he can kind of use is a shotgun, but he rarely uses it because the kickback fucks with his shoulder
will's design
always wears a long sleeve around his waist "just in case" (normally his military jacket or a flannel)
watch was given to him by jonathan when he was ten
signature weapon is a hunting rifle - is the second best with guns after lucas + follows the st canon of him using a rifle in s1e1
el's design
wardrobe always consists of one thing from a different party member (ex. gray hoodie is actually mike's, next day she wears a lucas jacket or a will flannel, etc.) it makes her feel safe :'D
doesn't have a signature weapon + is very versatile - just tends to use whatever's on hand at times or the environment around her
other notes: i fucking love apocalypse shit :P i'm still working on the whole outline of course, but if you're wondering, the infection i'm imagining would be a mix between days gone + l4d + a smidgen of tlou while the world is similar to tlou and a little of twd. i'll include some upside down stuff with the infection to make it feel like st :D i'm currently planning where i want this universe to go, with backstories and relationship dynamics between the entire party - byler will be the main romantic relationship, but i'll also dedicate some time to lumax too. however, the biggest theme surrounding this au is found family for me, so while romance will still be important, i want to put a lot of focus on the entire group's dynamic as a whole!
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hothammies · 3 months
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concept designs for the zombie apocalypse au i'm working on - pt. 2 (small au details under the cut regarding their wardrobe)
max's design
takes off her jean jacket during supply runs / fights - used to be billy's jacket
signature weapon is a sawblade baseball bat - was taught how to swing from billy but the bat was modified by dustin
lucas' design
has started wearing jackets less and switched to dress shirts - the jackets were getting in the way of his new shoulder holster
signature weapon is a crossbow / revolver - the best marksman of the group and most knowledgeable with guns (his dad taught him everything as a war veteran) can really use anything!
dustin's design
found his vest off of some dead biker guy, thought it looked sick, and hasn't taken it off since - he puts pins on it to personalize it
no real signature weapon because he tends to stick away from fighting, more support - he knows basic fighting skills but is a beast with his crafted weapons (e.g. bomb traps, molotovs, etc)
is the pack mule when it comes to supply runs - he stays with mike and will to scout but brings a heavy backpack with possible backup supplies / weapons if need be
other notes: wanted to share that the apocalypse starts in 2019 while the kids were born in 2015. the first arc of the story takes place in apocalyptic 2028 and so on (their current designs are for arc 3). reason? i wanted them to experience some of the music and technology up to the 21st century :] i'll make a more official story thing later! maybe i'll write something for this au or draw a comic? idk my creative writing skills are pretty weak but we'll never know until we try LMAO
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hothammies · 3 months
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didn't have a bday drawing for him so here's a wip of apoc will aiming his hunting rifle with a birthday hat on 💀💀
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hothammies · 2 months
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mad max, the party's zoomer - apoc au character details under the cut!
max's role in the party:
a runner - fast and quiet, tends to be the one who makes out with the most supplies
mechanic - knows best about cars and is one of the party's designated drivers (the other being mike)
medic - not as skilled with plants and medicine like will, but is good with first aid and physical treatment!
thief - who the party sends out if they need to "borrow" from other groups (second nature to her)
skills + hobbies:
incredible with melee weapons and hand-to-hand combat -> everything she knows was taught to her by billy
decent shot, but prefers using melee way more!
stealthy, like a ninja - her and el are the quietest in the party! max's fighting style is much more brawler-like despite this
good with card games (likes poker, speed and BS) -> likes to play them with the party a lot, but in particular with dustin and lucas
skateboards whenever she can -> her favorite thing to do next to driving!
really loves listening to music (fave artists are madonna, taylor swift and destiny's child) -> likes having el or will in shotgun so they can listen together!
quirks / fun facts:
whenever dustin goes to bed, max takes his current handheld and tries to beat his high score on whatever retro game he's currently playing (dustin does not know its max who's actively beating his ass on dig dug and tetris)
she took billy's jacket and baseball bat and made them her own - very complicated relationship with him and her upbringing with her stepbro made her very skeptical and suspicious of others (especially the party when she first met them)
when she steals things, she tries to keep the party in mind when grabbing extra :')
--- other notes: ladies and gentlemen, our newest addition - maxine! i'll admit, the two characters i think i'm most shoddy on for their characterizations are dustin and max. since max's story in my au is so heavily tied to her issues with trusting people again (specifically men) and family, i'm scared that it will make her character intrinsically tied to relationships instead of having her own character. i'll try my very best for it not to be that way, of course!
for now, she's how i imagine her in the show - she's still a cheeky, sarcastic, stubborn and awesome tomboy with insurmountable trust and distance issues, and i love her for that! the circumstances that drew her to the party are currently a secret, but i will establish now that billy is tied to her storyline and how the party meets her for the first time - while billy's an interesting character in his own right, i straight up don't like him :P so i'm warning people now that billy's more a plot device for max's arc and i probably won't be diving incredibly deep into his character. this is a party centric au after all!
when i was thinking of max's character, i was trying to keep the things she liked in mind and why she was so cool in the first place! ofc, she had to skateboard, even if it was only a little, and she's honestly just great at games in general (to dustin's dismay).
her upbringing in canon and the way she acts is pure "survival instinct" behavior. she knows first aid, she knows how to drive, she escapes vecna, she's incredibly independent! she's a fighter, through and through. she's also not really one to hesitate often to be hands on, and i can see it in the way she acted seasons 2-4 :')
lucas is almost done - maybe a few days give or take!
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hothammies · 2 months
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(wip) just a power couple doing power couple things
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hothammies · 3 months
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(wip) kinda cooking with this apoc au i won't lie..
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hothammies · 2 months
I love the apoc au you have given the community to feed on. Did Byler initiate that together and they just never stopped? Or did Mike maybe start it and Will went along (vice versa) after tensions rose. It's sad that it strained their friendship but they are going thru it being apoc generation and all.
Can't wait to see more of your au, it's a breath of fresh air!
glad you're enjoying the au :D i'm planning on making a mini comic on how they started this tumultuous relationship dynamic but it was definitely spur of the moment!
mike initiated a kiss, hesitated and apologized until will immediately went and crashed his lips back into mike's to cut him off. they were both drunk off of some whiskey that max stole and by the next morning, things were incredibly awkward
it happens another time, then another, and then it just becomes a regular habit. the longer it goes on, the more muddy their relationship gets (rip)
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hothammies · 2 months
I've been nervous to ask this, but I'm so invested in this au it's killing me on the inside.
What exactly happened to the amilies of the party? (Joyce & Jonathan, Hopper, Nancy, etc.)
Did they get killed, or separated? Im so curious!
-🪼 (jellyfish anon)
hi jellyfish anon!
no need to be nervous :D it's a really good question! i've been itching to answer something about the party backstories anyways - i want to make a long post about their families for each of them later on but i'll give a small bit of exposition for all 6 of them regarding their family!
short answer - the og party (the boys!) all got separated from their families because of a raid on the community they lived in. they don't know if their families are alive or not. el's and max's family situations are part of their story arcs and how they find the boys.
individual family situations under the cut :)
short summaries for the party's family situations
will: jonathan and joyce taught him about medicine + healing while his dad taught him the basics of shooting -> lonnie was exiled from the community when will was 7
mike: his dad died when he was 9, a few months after holly was born - after that, nancy started taking more responsibility over mike and teaching him more general survival skills while karen was more detached from nancy and mike afterwards, focusing more of her efforts on holly.
lucas: parents are chilling and happy -> dad is a combat vet! he taught lucas and erica everything they know! lucas' relationship with his sister is similar to canon's (snarky but loving). he's not very protective over her because she's very capable on her own :P but still defends her when necessary
dustin: mom got infected and turned right when he entered the community (rip dustin's mom claudia i'm sorry) -> lived in a dorm w/ a bunch of other kids (not the party) and was taken under steve's unofficial wing
el: mom was killed by brenner, who she lived with in a separate camp dedicated to infection research -> similar backstory to canon's and was found by the boys when she was 12 (don't want to reveal too much ;D)
max: has lived with billy since she was 8 -> when she meets the boys, she's in a community of raiders (again, don't wanna spoil!) her relationship with her stepbrother is similar to canon and very abusive
other notes: el's relationship with hopper is definitely an endgame type thing unfortunately! i absolutely love their parent-child relationship but a lot of the emphasis in my au is about the found family dynamics between the party and how they live by themselves :')
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