#standing next to you performance on m countdown
golden-jeon-jungkook · 2 months
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The duality
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cherri-balms · 4 months
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This is the first full fledged fanfic I have written in a long time, I hope anyone who finds this finds it enjoyable, I had a fun time writing this prologue chapter and I currently have around a 10-12 chapter vision for this series as it stands, but if this proves to be something you guys like I will be happy to extend the series! I do plan to create a tag list, if you would like to be added shoot me a DM and I will add you to the list! As always any replies will be made through our main acc @caravan-mad!
This prologue pretty much gives most if not all the information about the reader aside from important plot details. I wanted the reader's demon form and time period to be as ambiguous as possible and limit the use of Y/N, the reader in this story has allegories to butterflies.
Not all chapters will have warnings nor does this one, however the full fic will contain dark content and will be under the dead dove do not eat tag.
Some content will include but are not limited to: Unhealthy relationship dynamics, N.SFW, Unrequited love, Yandere themes, Dubcon, and pretty much any tag youd find listed in Hazbin Hotel tbh
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𝐄 × 𝐌/𝐅 × 𝟐.𝟔𝐤 × 𝐎𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 × 𝐀𝐎𝟑
♡﹕Bored at work performing repetitive choreography and pleasing faceless demons, you find yourself reminiscing on life, death, and limbo.
♫ envy baby ~ ♫
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“Lights clear? Sounds clear?” 
“We’ve been fucking over this Steven! We’ll know it’s clear when they finally stop tuning our shit-” 
“Anne chill, we still have six minutes till airing. Don’t waste all your energy on the roadie.” 
“That crowd doesn’t seem to be getting any quieter does it…” The little imp’s observations were now only being met by eyerolls and silent treatment by the two drummer girls as the completed instruments silenced in countdown. 
Lights crew above, sounds crew from behind, and effects team surround. The way every single backstage member of your cast would run and scurry around you to get their various tasks done always made you think of little mice, rats even, so worked up making sure everything was in perfect position before those curtains had a chance to stop separating you, from them.
It was cute enough to make you laugh as though you were still a highschool girl.
“Broadcasting live in 60 seconds!” Dark blue scene lighting begins to fade your entire surrounding to a pitch black, and among doing so freezes your little mice into statues all around. Only the tiniest crack in the fabric ahead illuminated the space with a sharp vertical line down the curves of the figure that stands as the adorning center piece of this particular attraction. Roaring bass brings about a quake to the stage beneath your feet, queuing time for you to give your puppies a treat.
“Awwwe~ Did we leave you waiting long?” The volume of pure passionate devotion always rang to your ears louder than any electrical speaker could achieve. 
The wave of the new future adorned in electrical inventions was something you’ve always been prepared to face; why even in the faint blur of the overworld it was all the grown ups could ever yap enough of! No, that wasn’t where that bitter taste came from.
In the full truth of things, you just never knew you’d stick around long enough to bear full witness to its infection of mankind.
Oh come on. Who are we kidding right now?
“Hi. I wanna people save, all right? ”
You’ve never been more liberated.
“You’re in m-my way!!”
Your eyes have but a second to adjust to the flood of bright neon before life hits play once again. The choreography you, and and the other 4 devils fanned out beside you have programmed into your bodies for the past months flow across the stage with ease. among the camera men you can make out the mass of waving pen lights stirred ablaze after the long anticipation, oh how you love they always use the color dearest to your heart…
“The tightrope falls, broken by others”
Once you felt the rushing high of the stage the first time around tolerance for it subsided immediately after. You’ve seen the looks on those poor saps down in the front row, each one hyper fixated on every movement you make wishing they could be you, or be up here with you.
And of course, you all flash them bright smiles, longing gazes and praise them with verses of purity more fitting for the angelic souls looming up above. Customer service is the utmost desired, as they say!
“What a lady, she’s gonna jump
towards the light and shatter humiliatingly”
Actually, can you even remember when your first performance was? How old were you even? All of this came from a cheap shot of gaining a few quick pennies back in the day. Landing yourself a handsome and rich husband with the filth you wore on your back was the first childhood dream you found dead on arrival, but what you were cursed in status you were blessed with the cuteness that made kittens hiss in envy. To say you had “the voice of a goddess” would mayhaps be a bit too presumptuous, but who were you to refute the compliment when it came your way?
Well, maybe trying to parse through finding the day your career debuted or took off was a fool's errand, but the moment it ended certainly still remains as a burned film stuck to your mind. You stopped caring about the “Oh woes me~ what did I do to deserve this~” a long time ago. Still, the punishment you received in death far exceeded what you ever did to earn in your eyes, more so than your sentencing of eternal damnation.
“High and without care I’m lonely, lonely”
Right on que, as always every time you reach exactly 32 seconds into your first song the intrusive memory flashes the same images of the past over your current reality it almost feels as if you were stuck suffering that fate again each time.
You wish there was more to say on the matter of your demise, but there’s only a brief two second window between staring down some heckling loud mouth making a scene in the crowd and a bomb beneath the stage going off before your soul is falling down under the earth’s crust as a blazing comet onto the asphalt below.
And two days before your 21st birthday too are you serious?! UN-Fucking believable!
“From their idle words, the clown becomes a prisoner”
The only thing you wanted to do was scream in the immense burning agony you were suffering until the whole world knew the kind of pain you were in, but each time you cried not even a croak could get past your scorched throat
Even after the blazes subsided and your charred cocoon was all that was left behind, the inferno decided your vocal chords were going to be its payment.
…. That was it?
This was your payout…
And after all that work…
“It’s the same love as always, no way I’d have regrets”
Surreal didn’t even begin to describe what became of the following weeks, months, you haven’t a clue. The construct of night and day seemed to mean jack in the bizzare wonderland of maddness holding you, only so much telling what shade of putrid red in the sky was darker than the same shade of fucking red from two hours ago! What a productive way to spend your newfound endless time!
Every aspect of this place made you absolutely sick, enough so to have you still praying you just were drugged and having the worst trip of your fucking life, but the horror in maddness is the consistency that lies between the lines. You’re certain that damned illuminated “WELCOME TO HELL!” sign and the stranger you befriended in the mirror was that line that made you finally cave.
“Hey, it's a amazing.”
Honestly, you couldn’t say what specifically led you into the epiphany you had, all of a sudden one day you heard a sudden snapping sound in your conscience, and like that everything made sense to you. Why your life was snuffed before you could emerge from your cocoon, why your makers deemed this your new home, and why that bomb taking your life just wasn’t enough to deem your afterlife a hell.
There was a certain liberation that came with hell that you were never going to get being the glowing little diamond you were in human society, through terrorism, cannibalism and bloodshed one thing would remain a constant throughout devil society. No one would ever give a damn about anything.
Hell became your fucking playground by the time your first extermination came around, and keeping on the move while broke as shit was a cakewalk this time around, but your first encounter with an overlord after catching your foot in the grave in the casino humbled your inflating ego. Chaos for society did not necessarily mean chaos without hierarchy, and going without a voice to call your own put you at an extreme disadvantage.
The crescendo of the opener is right around the corner, for the leading front and center of your group your vocals and choreography had primarily remained reserved for backup. The primary color of lights among the crowd made the obvious clear with who the majority of these demons were here to see, your manager was aware of this more than anyone else.
Your fans tended to be aware of this for a majority of your shows, your parts in particular tended to stand out even as mere background vocals.
“I’m ready for this this lover baby! 
My garden of love is in danger from a drawing hand. 
Truly, this this lover’s crazy! 
In the garden of harm, the bud of a human is a lie-ai-a!”
Sinners rejoice once the solo everyone was edging towards drops with the bass of the loudspeakers and the flares of the strobes above. The pitches your vocals were now capable of hitting and the frequency you were able to synthesize between notes wasn’t just inhuman, it was impossible for any singer whose notes carried on oxygen.
Your manager always made it a note in the writing room or when creating your setlists that overfeeding wolves with delicious treats would dull the taste over time, your solo singles often did well enough to prove this didn’t need to always be the case, but whenever it came to the business decisions you always put your full trust in him. Where you are standing right now is more than enough proof in your eyes that he knew exactly where and when to move his pawns, and in doing so he turned you into a valiant queen.
“Ah! I love you and even things about you I probably shouldn’t love 
I love you too much, on a count of one and two 
Lie-lie loving you, such words 
and doing such things, you’re in m-my way!”
Survival was of the least of your concerns after so much time had passed, but survival was all you could find yourself able to do in your forced retirement. Where you yearn for character in sound you were able to temporarily find when turning to radio, but living vicariously only quenches so much before greed starts cozying up within.
Plausible excuses for your laziness were wearing thinner by the day, even the last sane smolder of human morality trying to keep itself sparked wanted nothing more than to argue you weren’t supposed to be living to the fullest in hell, but the mute silence in your throat was beginning to phase your memory of the voice your inner conscience called its own too, and you'd sooner go mad trying than wither away again a fucking waste.
“Here comes the love maniac who never misses,
Stack up all the whining,
Fall in a high-fi love lie-ai-a!”
Overlords were still beings that had you nauseous upon first glance, your first meeting of one of these overlords had you vowing to never end up in the claws of one again, should you find yourself in a deal you can’t unbind yourself out of. Pride stuck thick to the roof of your mouth and there was nothing more you wanted to do than stick to your morals and prove use on your own, but reality had pelted you with stones throughout your entire afterlife.
You were going to need to write out a loan before you’d find yourself with any ounce of power to call your own, not like you didn’t have options for whom to choose! Even so, you needed to keep a steady head and an even sharper nose. In your ponderance you'd come to realize there was only really one option for you to go to this whole time. Maybe that gambling kitty taught you a valuable lesson on staking bets in the long run.
“Copy their acting and keep the truth hidden
Stacking three and lonely, lonely 
You’re surely a clown, a prisoner”
A bet on the future was what you were going to stake it all on.
“Copy their acting and keep the truth hidden
Stacking three and lonely, lonely 
You’re surely a clown, a prisoner”
Everything about how the world operated changed so rapidly from the days walking in the sunlight to your eternal party in the redlight, the wave of the future had finally hit with the promise for a solution to everyones problems. There couldn’t have been any better timing, if technology was going to be the way of the future, who's to say you couldn’t prove what was achievable? Like that, you had your sales pitch. The hardest part on your end was complete.
“Hey, it's a amazing.
“So you were a singer in life and lost your voice in death, and just what the fuck made you think I was the man to go to for this?” Those were the magic words you were waiting for, with his composure shaken it wasn’t long before he was the one asking the questions and allowing the ball to move into your court. Your fingers dance on the illuminated tablet laying on the table once again before you flip it over toward his direction.
~Have your inventions not made it to that level of advancement yet?
Hook, line, and sinker. You had a hunch a passive aggressive challenge toward the ego would be what ultimately won you over with any overlord you chose, but the speed in which he stood from his desk and held out his hand, it felt almost too easy.
“If it’s a new voice you wish to invest in, consider your stocks opened, Monarch!” Finally…
“I’m ready for this this lover baby! 
My garden of love is in danger from a drawing hand.”
“Now for what you have to offer me,” You don’t care. “I hope you weren’t planning on extorting me out of a generous gift and then making the big bucks with it, hm?” These overlords just love to hear themselves go on.
“Truly, this this lover’s crazy! 
In the garden of harm, the bud of a human is a lie-ai-a!”
“I suppose I could just issue a royalty for your voice, after all you wouldn’t be making a sound without my tech. Lucky for you, I’ve been having fleeting thoughts of entering the music industry. So why not invest in each other instead~”
“Ah I love you and even things about you I probably shouldn’t love 
I love you too much, on a count of one and two”
Being owned by an overlord in the end wasn’t so bad, or maybe this is the fated “stockholm syndrome” everyone seems to be crying about these days. Either way, the biggest price you had to pay in the end was just having someone else do all the “business” part in show business.
Naive maybe, but rosey eyed you weren't. For all that he’s done you still fail to see how your end of the deal has in any way repaid what’s given, which can only lead to one thing down the line. You were going to have to give him your everything.
… Yet, how could you find yourself ungrateful to someone who fulfilled your afterlife dream and still continued to provide for you?
“Lie-lie loving you, such words and even such things, they’re in m-my way!”
The audience went absolutely ballistic at the final group pose signifying the end of your opening set, some of the really hardcore fans in the front row you swore passed out the second eye contact was made.
Yet when you turn your chin upward to the VIP section after performing your tricks so well, all you’re met with is a turned back and a schmoozed up producer instead of a tasty bone.
“Thank each and every one of you for coming to see us tonight!!” No, you only wanted him to come out to see you.
Only you.
Hey, Vox?
Can you just turn your stupid flat head this way?
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skz-bella · 11 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝘽𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖: 𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 (𝙛𝙖𝙠𝙚) 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙣𝙖𝙚
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Taglist: @curly-fr13s @elizalabs3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⌦ .。.:*♡ CLIP ONE
It was during their 5-STAR 3RD fanmeet. Lee Know was waving towards the STAYs in the crowd when Bella ran towards him with a goofy smile on her face. Naturally, Lee Know looked at her, confused.
It was only after a few moments did Bella begin to do aegyo in front of him, her smile as bright as the lights behind her. This made Lee Know smile, his eyes crinkling at her cuteness.
After she was done, she held up a flower that a STAY threw into the crowd, silently asking if she could put it on him. He agreed, bending downwards slightly so as to give her access to his hair. Bella placed it gently, making sure not to ruin the work of the stylist.
She patted his head after she was done. But before he could stand up straight, she quickly kissed his cheek before running off, giggling. Lee Know merely shook his head as he looked at her endearingly.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⌦ .。.:*♡ CLIP TWO
As they filmed for TOPLINE, Bella was waiting for her shoot to begin as she sat gracefully sat upon a stack of (fake) money. As she waited, Changbin came to her filing for the Making Film.
"And here is the beautiful Bella." He said, raising his hand to pat her head. "Say hi to STAYs."
"Hi STAY~' She smiled happily, her eyes shut in happiness. Behind the camera, Changbin smiled and placed his hand on her cheek. This just made Bella leaned into his cheek, making Changbin squeeze her cheeks with his thumb and index finger.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⌦ .。.:*♡ CLIP THREE
After a showcase at M!Countdown, the group were resting backstage and were filming it for their fans. At that certain point in time, it was Han who was filming himself lying on the ground on his back, his hair sprawled all over.
"We just finished performing CASE 143 at M!Countdown." He sounded breathless. "Please watch it and support us!"
"I'm so tired~" Han's eyes moved to somewhere off screen at hearing the familiar voice. Soon after he laughed before talking to the camera again. "Bella-noona is complaining she's tired."
After a moment of sounds of incoherent mumbling of Bella, Han is seen moving the camera away from his face and Bella's pink hair came into view. She lay onto his chest, making Han laugh.
"Are you tired?" Bella hummed. "Have you eaten?" There was silence. "You haven't eaten, have you?" Now, Bella hummed. Han playfully groaned, combing his fingers through her hair. "What are we going to do with you?" Bella laughed. "You love me though!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⌦ .。.:*♡ CLIP FOUR
Seungmin and Bella were filming themselves for a video for their fans as they went out shopping for stuff for the house. As they passed by a shop, Bella spotted a really pretty dress on the one of the display windows. She tugged on Seungmin's hoodie making him turn to her.
"Let's buy that!" She pointed at the dress.
Seungmin raised an eyebrow. "With what money?"
"Yours." The answer was immediate, making him to shake his head.
"No." He began to walk forward but Bella pulled hs hoodie harder.
"Please, Seungminnie~"
"Aren't you the older one out of the two of us?"
"Please buy it for me!"
Next thing STAYs knew, Bella posted herself on BUBBLE and Instagram wearing the same dress she had been asking Seungmin to buy for her. The power she holds is truly incredible.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⌦ .。.:*♡ CLIP FIVE
During a SKZ CODE episode, Bella and I.N were paired up for a challenge. The two had to find three items on the second floor of an abandoned school building. Problem was that the staff decorated the place to look haunted and absolutely terrifying.
"It's so dark in here." Bella whispered to the camera she was holding.
"I feel something is going to pop out of nowhere." I.N whispered back.
"Right?" They climbed the stairs slowly, checking for any people in the dark. Just as they reached the top floor, they heard a door shut making Bella shout for a moment.
"YAH!" I.N looked at her. "What?"
"Someone is here." She looked around, staring down the hallway.
"Of course there is, noona." He sounded tired. "There are staff here recording us for our show."
"Eek!" She screamed, completely ignoring his words, and latching onto his arm. "It's a rat. Carry me Jeonginnie!"
"No!" He (gently) tried to push her away but failed as her grip was tight. "Please, I'm begging you."
That's how the real maknae, I.N, ended up carrying the fake maknae, Bella throughout their mission. Whenever she screamt, he shouted to her not to and threatened to drop her, however never dared to do so.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⌦ .。.:*♡ CLIP SIX
Bella and Bang Chan were participating in a photoshoot for a famous magazine (you guys can decide which one). The photographers had suggested that the two of them decide on poses together as they were the ones who were being taken pictures and so as to not feel uncomfortable.
Since they had changed to fancy black and white clothes for the theme, they chose six poses to do together, three extra ones to not be included in the magazine but be sent to them so that they could send them to their fans.
After they had posed for the magazine, they went on to do the silly poses they had planned for STAY. From kissy faces to full on chaotic poses, they had enough to satisfy their fans for probably the next month.
For the last pose however, Chan and Bella had to hug and one of them would be side hugging the other. Naturally, since Chan was taller he would be the one hugging her but Bella had other plans.
"No!~" She whined. "I want to be the big spoon!" Chan laughed, reminding himself to kill Changbin for teaching her that phrase, while he tried to explain to her why he should be the one to do it, but she was adamant.
"But Bella, it makes more sense when I do it." He said while laughing. Bella monotonously stared at him before walking away making him follow her. In the end, unable to deny her cuteness and persistence, he agreed and she was hugging him in the end.
[EXTRA: When he agreed, they soon figured out that Chan was much taller than Bella for her to be the big spoon. However, not wanting to give up, she forced him to sit on a white block, while Chan laughed. He complied and Bella sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and neck.]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⌦ .。.:*♡ CLIP SEVEN
"What do you mean you burnt water? How is that possible?!" "I don't know either! Leave me alone!"
Felix and Bella were having a V-Live during their World Tour, a few days before a show. It wasn't a planned live (are any of them are really?) and the two were having fun not being watched by the staff, taking full advantage of the situation.
The topics discussed ranged from work, to family to random ones which was where they were right now. "What were you even doing?"
Bella laughed and covered her mouth. "I don't know, I think I was using my phone then it happened."
"You see STAY? Don't cook and use your phone at the same time." Felix turned to the camera and pointed towards it, talking to STAY. Bella laughed and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Yeah okay, I learnt my lesson. But damn the water was so hot I cried when I burnt myself-"
"You burnt yourself?!" His fake angry face quickly melted into one of concern. "Where?!" Bella soundlessly pointed at her hand and Felix took it in his, as if it were a fragile object.
"Oh, you poor thing." He whispered before sweetly kissing the spot she pointed at. After a few moments he rubbed her head affectionately. "My poor baby~"
While her cheeks were pink from embarrassment, she managed to mumble out "I'm older than you Yongbokie~"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⌦ .。.:*♡ CLIP EIGHT
It was no secret that Hyunjin, being the absolute simp he is, had an entire polaroid dedicated to taking photos of her. Bella knew this and always used her cuteness so she can get things from him.
"I'm hungry!" She had whined once during a group VLive after the members had, coincidentally, teased her for having a large appetite just minutes prior. Hyunjin immediately glanced to her and began to tap on his phone. Not even five minutes later, a plate of kimchi arrived for the one and only Bella herself.
Another scene: "I've been eyeing this bag of Louis Vuitton for a while and I was thinking of buying when I get my paycheck next month." Bella said to the camera while Hyunjin could be seen with his stylist some few metres from her, listening.
The next day, Bella had a bag on her lap as someone did her makeup. "Oh this?" She gestured to the bag after the makeup artist had asked her. "Hyunjin got this for me yesterday. Weird it was the bag I wanted to buy later."
Last scene: Hyunjin was given a polaroid camera by his parents a few years back however he was tasked, by the staff, to take two photos of one of his fellow members and and kiss it before giving it to them.
"Hyunjin, I'm your boyfriend so the most obvious choice." Changbin said slinging his arm over his shoulder, making him laugh.
"Don't listen to him. I'm your boyfriend." Han playfully pushed Changbin away and hugged while the other members protested, wanting Hyunjin's stain of a kiss. Meanwhile, Bella was sitting in the corner of the room, smiling to herself and watching the chaotic men before her.
As if he could feel her gaze, Hyunjin turned to look at her. Bella noticed this and smiled cutely, giving him her most cutest smile. Hyunjin could be seen freezing before shouting that he had made a decision. With that he stood up and walked towards Bella and proceeded to take the photos, smiling innocently as the picture was manufactured as the other members stared in shock.
As soon as they were done, he placed a sweet kiss on each of them, his light pink lips balm prints left on them, and hands them to her, not before kissing her temple. That was how Bella ended up with a picture of herself as her phone case for the next four months.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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svtjinny · 1 year
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[editors captions] | speaking | english , but she only speaks it once and it's clarified there warning: food mentions, use of a razor is mentioned [if i forgot anything don't hesitate to lmk and i'll add it here] for context, during the filming of game caterers she was blonde. she dyed her hair again soon after.
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ep 1-1
the first time you see jinny in the episode is when the camera turns to hoshi, mingyu & jinny squatting during s.coups's intro
then again you can see the three
jinny : do well, leader coups!
the camera cuts to jinny yelling during mingyus intro
finally its jinny's part!! they played hot
[ Finally, the 14th member ]
[ The second blonde in SEVENTEEN ]
[ The older ones are her fanboys ]
jinny starts dancing to the post chorus, up until the end of her part (end of chorus)
[ (Jinny) (Vocal Team) (Youngest) ]
[ (Designated cook of SEVENTEEN) ]
[ (Always a Social Butterfly) ]
everyone was shouting during her part as always.. and she was just dancing there and giggling
jinny's last part in the intro is during the super dance bit where they cut to her dancing
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theres a small scene of her while they're standing
jinny : i'm already tired and it's only the first time.. how will we perform this...?
she starts laughing when seungkwan is trying to introduce the show
jinny : our seungkwannie works too hard, can you tell? while looking at the staff sitting down LMAO
when they're going to sit she walks in after dino & sits with him, next to joshua
[ (Golden Kids sit together) ]
when s.coups says he doesn't have any friends sitting around him, jinny leans back in her seat and looks towards him
jinny : you'll start rumors with that kind of talk..
during seungcheol's interview she looks at him at the "curious meerkats" part
jinny : [turns to chan] you know, i've been wondering why you've been so moody lately~ while he was explaining why he and seungkwan fought
when joshua picked up his water bottle she moved away so fast
jinny : i was scared he was actually gonna do it :(
[ (Has to keep her guard up) ]
after jun explained while he was so quiet during hybe picnic, the camera cut to jinny looking at him and then a couple of videos of her interacting with EVERYONE at the picnic :sob:
[ Unlike Jinny, who was ready to greet everyone~ ]
when jun said they weren't normal she laughed
jinny : wow, junnie.. i thought you loved us?
that was her last scene in 1-1
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ep 1-2
jinny's first part in 1-2 was her agreeing woozi never leaves home
jinny : i always have to drag him out...he's like a vampire
[ Youngest in charge of getting her brothers to sunlight? ]
seungkwan : [seungkwans interview part // after hoshi, before the na pd coupon bit] after the show, jinny told me "you could do better at hosting, honestly"
[ M COUNTDOWN Host Jinny giving feedback ]
the camera cut to jinny laughing at what he said
jinny : i was teasing him~ in all seriousness, i was proud of seungkwan-oppa for being able to host in the show in front of all the groups even though he was nervous
jinny : ["dino, which razor did you use today?" // while they were laughing] he used gillette~ i watched him earlier
[ (16 year best friend can confirm for us) ]
finally it's jinny's turn!
na pd : jinny.. ah, there you are. nice to see you again.
[ Finally, the last member Jinny ]
[ Jinny was the extrovert of Game Caterers x HYBE! ]
na pd : when we looked at the comments of the videos with you before, CARATs were saying you were so friendly with every group there because you were already friends with them. is that true?
jinny : partly, yes! i've either worked with them all on choreo or songs or i knew them from being an MC. but, i am just naturally friendly.. i think i would've felt a little awkward if i just sat there like my members.
[ Youngest is the extrovert of the group ^^ ]
dino : i can back that up! jinny was the one who asked to be friends when we first met..
dokyeom : i remember when we began training as a group, jinny would go out of her way to talk to everyone
jinny : she got flustered :( i wanted to get to know the people i would be stuck in a group with.. you guys are much different now though..
[ (Jinny, is that good or bad?) ]
her bit was her last part in 1-2 !
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ep 1-3
this time she sits between seungkwan & seungcheol [ 1:32 : she sits between kwan & hoshi | 14:49 : she sits between cheol & hoshi | 18:30 & 18:49 : she sits between to wonwoo & joshua | 20:35 : she's second in line, next to wonwoo ]
they changed seats so many times.. so if you wanna know where she sits when they move, refer to this LMAO
jinny : ["the game is over food"] food? i think i'll be good at this.. then she giggled
[ (SEVENTEEN's Food Know-It-All) ]
the camera went to her agreeing and laughing when seungcheol said they only listen to the minority in arguments
jinny : [when everyone began yelling over acorn jelly] you see, this is how we settle arguments...shouting
the camera cuts to her being zoned out until cheol gets his question wrong
jinny : [to cheol] yah, why are you sitting there? you're not good at games..
jinny : [ when mingyu moves // to seungkwan ] i think we were all just nervous, kwannie, cut him some slack
cue cheol hitting her leg right after that bc of what she said to him before LMAO
[ (Jinny was the only one to get a question right last year) ]
[ Perks of being an MC? ]
jinny : ["i don't think i'll get it" - wonwoo] i'm sure you'll do fine, oppa. i think it's a lot more nerve-wracking when it's almost your turn. she pats his shoulder while speaking
wonwoo gets his question right :proud: it's jinny's turn now !!!
[ (Next is Jinny, master at the character quiz) ]
the camera zooms in on her concentrating; her person was taeyeon & ofc she got it right !!!! that's mother
jinny : [she puts her head in her lap then brings it back up] wow, i was so scared it would be someone i didn't know..
mingyu : but who don't you know?? [some members start to laugh]
seungkwan : right right, that's what i was going to say!
[ Her members disagree with her for once ]
[ (Let's keep this in mind next time SEVENTEEN visits) ]
jinny : [when joshua got his 'cramp'] she looks at the camera while smiling and then turns to joshua playing along and saying are you okay?
that's it for 1-3 !!
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ep 1-4
jinny's first scene was when they reached shua hoshi n cheol on the quiz
[ Urgh/Performance Team leader/Knows everyone/Leader]
her next part is after dino gets mimi
her person was irene (rv) please she was so relieved
jinny got down to the floor and bowed bc they gave her such an easy question :sob:
[ (Thankful for getting someone who she admires) ]
[ (Jinny is the REVELUV president!) ]
jinny : [to hoshi] it's okay~ it can't be that bad...horanghae!
[ (Encouragement) ]
and then the camera turns to staff going "aww".. she gained some fans that day
she moved to the middle between wonwoo and hansol
jinny : you got it wrong? amazing [eng.]
and some of the members started mimicking her "amazing"
[ The two peaks: Jinny and Vernon ]
[ (It's Jinny's turn) ]
her character was wonyoung !!! got it right obvi
[ (Jang Wonyoung, who she's made songs for) ]
[ Even helped with her debut ] + they played a snippet of eleven
jinny : i don't have any faith in us winning the kimchi, but at least i got all my questions right!
they all starting shouting when she said that and she just laughed LMAO
[ (The one who's usually loud watching chaos surround her) ]
skip to when they were eating gyu's cake; she was standing next to joshua (around 23:40)
the camera was zoomed in and you could see shua holding jinny's chin and feeding her a piece
[ (Taking good care of their sister) ]
and that's all! part one was so chaotic but yk i had to end it on a cute note
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from xia ! : ermm i got too lazy to change the bold
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hrina · 4 years
In The Ring, Pt. I - Jab
PAIRING: Harry x Reader RATING: M WORD COUNT: 4k REQUESTED: not exactly lol
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hey everyone! this is PART 1 of the boxer!harry AU i’ve been working on. i was so inspired by this concept that i wrote it all in one day lol. if u enjoy reading it, reblogs and feedback are very much appreciated! it really helps in terms of motivation and just knowing how my readers feel about this story in general. so yeah, that would really make my month!
warning: parts of this fic will contain mentions of blood, violence, mild stalking, and sexual content. if any of that makes you uncomfortable, please take care of yourself and keep scrolling <3
okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, go stupid go dumb! my masterlist and my inbox are both linked in my bio, for anyone who would like to check out my other fics or who feels like chatting. can’t wait to hear your thoughts 💘💘💘
    January 7, 2021
All of Harry’s teeth are still intact.
For now, at least.
He knows that mouthguards exist—there’s one tucked between his lips every single time he enters the ring. But even then…sometimes punches go awry. Sometimes your opponent dodges at the last second. Sometimes people end up with a mouthful of leather and a few loose incisors. He always keeps one fist near his chin, shielding the lower half of his face from any blows that come his way.
Speaking of blows coming his way…
He ducks away from the straight jab that the man throws—The Wall, they call him. Harry had rolled his eyes when the nickname boomed across the room, soon lost in the roar of the crowd.
He’s never been one for flashy introductions. He prefers to let his technique speak for itself. His brand is his name. Harry Styles. Simple, concise, and so utterly deceiving. He loves watching the smile melt from his opponent’s face, basks in the moment when they realise that he’s tougher than his name suggests.
The Wall jabs again, and Harry successfully dodges the punch. He doesn’t register the other fist hooking around, however, until the blunt front of the man’s glove makes contact with the side of his head. Usually, a blow like that wouldn’t even faze him. But the sheer force behind the hit knocks him off-balance, stumbling to the side as he loses his footing and inhaling sharply when his shoulder collides with the ground.
The yells from the crowd are deafening. Harry coughs, trying to guide air back into his lungs. When he blinks, black spots dance across his vision. Subconsciously, his eyes trace a path upward, past the floor, past his opponent’s feet, past the ropes encompassing the ring. Higher and higher, still, past jeering faces and sloshing beer bottles and grungy eye makeup. All the way to the top of the bleachers, to the exit—to you.
That’s been your unofficial spot for the past two years. Once you turned twenty, your father finally gave in, allowing you to attend Harry’s matches in exchange for the cessation of your endless badgering. You always stand near the door, observing the commotion with thoughtful eyes and puckered lips. Despite himself, Harry has started to think of you as his lucky charm. It’s dangerous—he always swore that he wouldn’t be one of those overly-superstitious athletes—but he can’t help it. He just seems to perform better when you’re around.
Through the rocky field of his vision, he can see just how wide your eyes have grown. There’s an unmistakable look of concern on your face as you watch the fight unfold. Your hand finds its way to the base of your throat, playing nervously with the rose-gold pendant resting there. You crane your neck to get a better view of the ring, your pupils flitting back and forth between Harry and the frighteningly large man looming over him.
A warm rush of adrenaline floods Harry’s veins. The saliva that has gathered in his mouth tastes stale on his tongue. He spits it out as he staggers to his feet. The crowd grows louder, somehow.
The Wall’s smile shrinks as Harry assumes his previous position; his hands orient themselves in front of his face. His opponent gnashes his teeth, seemingly annoyed with the fact that the match has not ended. Harry shakes off the dizziness clouding his brain, and then he’s lunging forward with a newfound sense of determination. He throws punch after punch, sidestepping The Wall’s returning attempts. All he can think about is the fact that you’re up there, watching, waiting, worrying. He never wants to see you like that again.
You’re his goddamn lucky charm.
His victory comes in the form of an uppercut followed immediately by a nasty right hook. The Wall—this big, towering man with bulging biceps and rippling pectorals—crumples to the ground. Harry waits, his chest heaving with exertion as the countdown begins. He’s prepared to watch his opponent rise again, to shift back into a fighting stance and start over. But as the seconds trickle by and The Wall remains motionless on the ground, he soon finds the tension in his body seeping out into the hot, sticky air.
His shoulders sag in relief as a single promising word echoes through the grimy arena.
The crowd thins out considerably in the ten minutes following the termination of the match. Harry stumbles out of the ring, sliding through the ropes and pulling his mouthguard from between his lips. Your father is waiting for him with a smile on his face, holding out an arm and helping him jump down from the raised platform.
“Well done, H,” he says, patting his back proudly.
Harry pants and nods. Your father holds out a reusable water bottle for him to take—he accepts it graciously and gulps down the cold liquid with fat, greedy slurps. Once he pulls the nozzle away from his mouth, he runs the back of his hand over his face to catch any stray droplets that have collected on his chin.
“Thanks, Coach.”
“You took a pretty hard fall, there,” your father says, guiding him to sit down on a bench propped up against the wall. “Medic’s in the back. He’s checking out Aaron right now, but you’re next.” He taps his index finger against Harry’s temple. “We’ve got to make sure everything’s alright up there.”
Harry sucks in a deep breath, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “Who the fuck is Aaron?”
“Oh.” Your father laughs. “Aaron. The Wall. Whatever you want to call him.”
Harry frowns. “Don’t like that. Makes him sound like a dick.”
A new voice enters the conversation.
“That’s because he is.”
Harry’s head snaps to the side, and there you are.
You look nice, as usual. There’s something about you that he can never seem to properly describe. You always look so…clean. If he tried to vocalize his thoughts, he’s sure that you would look at him like he was crazy.
But in his head, it makes sense. You take care of yourself. Your nails are spotless, your hair smells good, and he knows that you must dab spritzes of perfume onto your pulse points before you leave the house, because a fresh scent follows you wherever you go. Even now, as you stand a few feet away with your hands on your hips, he catches it on a deep inhale. Not flowery, not fruity, just…clean. Refreshing. Light. Breezy.
Your father snaps him out of his reverie, and he realises that he should probably stop listing every word in the thesaurus.
“How do you know?” Your father’s inquiry is curious. He shoots you a puzzled look, his mouth curling down into a soft scowl.
You roll your eyes. “Called me ‘sweet thing’ before the match started and asked me if I was the prize,” you say, sticking your tongue out in disdain. “I told him to go fuck himself.”
Harry’s lips twitch.
Your father chuckles. “That’s my girl.”
You laugh quietly, shaking your head. “What time are we leaving?” you ask. The question is directed at your father, who is fiddling with the drawstrings hanging from his sweater. “I was hoping to study a bit more before bed.”
“Soon, gioia,” your father says. “As soon as Harry gets checked out, we’ll be on our way.”
You nod, and—for what feels like the first time since you cut into the interaction—you glance down at Harry. “Hi,” you say softly, shooting him a small, friendly smile.
He meets your gaze for only a moment. Everything about you is so gentle. Your irises are like melted pots of honey, regarding him with such warmth he feels like he’ll never be cold again. “Hi.”
“Congratulations on your win,” you murmur. Harry wants to bottle your voice and save it as a keepsake. “You made a great comeback.”
Because of you, he wants to say, but he bites his tongue. “Thank you,” he offers up instead, the words scraping against the roof of his mouth and tumbling unceremoniously into the air between you.
A moment of silence ensues as you wait for him to say something—anything—else. But he’s done. You nod once before turning back to your father, who is tweaking the settings of the watch wrapped around his wrist.
“Do you know where the washrooms are?” you ask. You toy absentmindedly with the necklace hanging from your throat. “I need to pee.”
“You can use the one in the women’s locker room,” your father tells you, throwing a thumb over his shoulder. “Around the corner, first door on the left.”
“Thanks,” you say, slipping by and pressing a quick peck to his cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
He just nods in agreement, still too preoccupied with his watch.
Harry, on the other hand, can’t keep his eyes off of you as you walk away. He takes note of the way that you tuck your hair behind your ear, how you shoulder the strap of your purse to keep it from slipping down your arm, how you walk with a purpose despite being so moderate and kind. His gaze falls momentarily to the sway of your hips, the enticing nature of your waist. He stares for a long moment before tearing away, clearing his throat and blinking a few times in quick succession.
“Proud of you, H,” your father pipes up, tapping the face of his watch twice before dropping his arm with a sigh. “You did well out there.”
“Thanks,” Harry mutters. A spark of guilt flares up in his chest when he realises that he had been blatantly ogling you with your father standing only a few feet off to the side. He silently berates himself, shaking his head free of any alluring thoughts.
Your father’s phone chirps with the arrival of a new notification. He fishes the device out of his pocket and glances down at the screen.
“Let’s go,” he tells Harry, jerking his head to the right. “Medic’s ready for you, now.”
    January 13, 2021
“C’mon, H, be smart with it! Watch how he angles himself!”
And Harry’s trying, really, but Arthur—or Artie, as your father likes to call him—is a hunkering titan of a man. He used to be your father’s star athlete before retiring, and now…now he’s working in finance, or something akin to that. Harry isn’t one hundred percent sure; he usually zones out when people begin to discuss the stock market.
Artie throws a right hook, but Harry sees it coming and blocks it with ease. They move in a circle, focussed only on each other while other individuals outside of the ring totter around.
Harry prefers to train on weekdays during the afternoon, because that’s when the gym isn’t as packed. Right now, only a handful of other people are working out, lifting weights or doing cardio exercises. Harry and Artie are here so often that nobody even blinks an eye anymore. And your father…well, he runs the place. Of course he would be here.
The sparring continues. When Harry refuses to make the first move, Artie sticks one glove out, beckoning him forward. “Come here, pretty boy.”
“Don’t make me pull your hair,” Harry grits, because Artie’s ponytail is swinging temptingly from beneath his headgear.
The other man laughs good-naturedly before lunging. Harry blocks his uppercut and delivers a strong, pointed jab right to the middle of his chest. Artie stumbles backward, inhaling sharply as the breath is knocked from his lungs. Harry bites back a smile.
“Nice, H!” your father calls.
“Thanks, Coach,” he mutters.
The front door of the gym opens, accompanied by the soft tinkling of a bell to announce the new arrival. Harry’s attention is reflexively drawn toward the direction of the sound, and his heartbeat stutters beneath his ribs.
You’re there, with your hair tied back in a low bun and silver hoops hanging from your ears. You’re holding a tray of coffee in your left hand, and there’s a warm smile on your face. You wave excitedly as you greet Portia, the middle-aged woman sitting behind the front desk. The two of you chat as you shrug off your jacket and tug the sleeves of your sweater over your hands.
Your mouth moves languidly. Though Harry is too far to hear your voice, he has a pretty good idea of what you’re saying. Your eyes widen and you shiver dramatically, shaking your head.
It’s cold!
A heavy fist makes contact with the side of his jaw, and he falls to the ground.
Your father’s loud exclamation pulls your attention away from Portia and toward the ring on the opposite end of the room. Harry groans lowly as he pushes himself to his knees, tilting his head from side to side and cracking his neck. When he turns to face your father, he finds him frowning through the gaps between the ropes.
“What the hell was that?” he asks, shooting Harry a disappointed look.
“Sorry,” Harry mumbles, climbing to his feet with a grunt. “Got distracted.”
He chances a glance back at you, and his shoulders grow tense when he realises that you’re making your way over to the ring, the tray of coffee held between your hands like a peace offering.
“Hello, boys,” you singsong. “I brought drinks.”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” your father says as you hand him his designated cup. He leans forward, pressing a quick kiss to your hair. You hum happily in response.
“Jason!” you call out as Artie approaches the side of the ring. “I got your lemonade.”
“Thanks, little girl,” Artie hums, accepting his drink graciously and taking a long sip from the straw. “And for the hundredth time, stop calling me ‘Jason’.”
“Stop calling me ‘little girl’,” you shoot back, laughing deviously. “I can’t help it if you look like him, okay? You’re even the same age, too.” You cock one eyebrow. “Should I start calling you ‘Aquaman’ instead?”
“God, no.” Artie shakes his head vehemently. “Let’s stick to Jason. ’Least that’s a real name.”
You giggle as he ambles away. Your eyes shift over to Harry—who has kept silent the entire time—and your lips curl up into a kind smile. “Hi, Harry.”
“Hi.” His voice is guttural.
“Last, but not least,” you murmur, plucking his drink from the tray and holding it up for him to take. “One black coffee, right?”
“Right,” he confirms with a curt nod. He tugs his bulky gloves off, dropping them to the floor and reaching out to accept the cup. A strong spark pricks at his hand when his fingers brush against yours. Your responding gasp is soft, barely-noticeable—if he weren’t so painfully aware of everything you do, he would have missed it completely.
“Thank you,” he says, guiding the coffee to his mouth and taking a small sip.
“No problem.” You smile up at him again, and God, that fucking smile. He wants it tattooed onto the backs of his eyelids. A wave of heat blooms in his chest and creeps up his neck, but thankfully, the pink flush blends in with his sweat-slicked, already-rosy skin.
“How was class, sweetheart?” your father asks, tilting his head to the side.
“It was good.” You shrug, tossing a thumb over your shoulder. “I’m going to head home now, though—I have a proposal due in a few days and I really need to get started.”
“Go, go,” your father concedes. You bid him goodbye before standing on your tiptoes and craning your neck to catch sight of Artie, who is quite evidently enjoying his lemonade.
“Bye, Jason!”
“Bye, little girl!”
You laugh. Your gaze lands on Harry again, eyes sparkling and features resolutely tender. “Bye, Harry.”
He swallows down the hard lump in his throat. “Bye.”
    January 16, 2021
Harry’s workout playlist features a lot of Ariana Grande.
He just thinks that she’s good, okay?
But he knows that Artie and your father would never let him hear the end of it, so he keeps that information private. During practice, he’ll endure whatever shitty tunes Artie picks from his own library, and he won’t say a word. He’s not in the ring to dance, anyway. He’s there to make money—albeit illegally—because quite frankly, he hasn’t discovered an aptitude for anything else.
It’s late—the gym is technically closed. But the great thing about having the owner for a coach is the fact that Harry was given another key to add to his collection. Your father doesn’t care, as long as he locks up after he’s done. Harry has spent more time here than at his own home, he imagines. It’s nice when it’s quiet—it gives him plenty of time to think.
The back of his t-shirt is soaked through with sweat. He’s gazing at the ceiling as he lifts the heavy weights up and down over his torso. A bubbly song is playing on his phone, keeping his energy high.
So what if he listens to Ariana Grande? She makes great music.
The distinctive sound of footsteps reaches his ears. He pauses, setting the weightlifting bar back onto its rack and sitting up quickly. The noise is coming from the stairs that lead down to the swimming pool in the basement. Harry stands, and though his muscles are already screaming from previous exertion, he readies himself for the worst.
You appear at the top of the flight, your slippers smacking against each step loudly. You’re ruffling a towel against your wet hair, your head angled to the side as you squeeze out any excess water. Upon catching sight of Harry, you freeze in your tracks.
“Oh. Harry. Hi.”
“Hi,” he says slowly. “I…didn’t know you were here.”
“I didn’t know you were here,” you reply wryly, a small smirk making its way onto your lips.
Harry scratches sheepishly at the back of his neck. “Yeah. Er…I was just working out.”
You nod, your expression coy. “I can see that.”
An awkward silence hangs in the air. Harry clears his throat, rubbing his jaw with his fingers because what else is he supposed to do? “Were you—did you go for a swim?”
“Yeah,” you say. Your shoulders deflate, like you’re almost grateful that he’s contributed more to the conversation. “Spent half the time doing laps, and the other half on my phone.” Your lips quirk up with the feeble joke.
Harry chuckles weakly. “That’s just how it is, sometimes.”
Your eyes flutter shut for only a moment. “Yeah.”
More silence. Harry chews nervously on his bottom lip. Why the fuck can’t he speak?
The song playing from his phone changes. Your eyes narrow ever-so-slightly when a few upbeat notes trickle into the air, followed immediately by the smooth crooning of a woman’s voice. “Is this…,” you hesitate, and he can see how you’re fighting a smile, “…Carly Rae Jepsen?”
“Uh,” he says dumbly, uncertain of how to proceed. Sure enough, I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen is filtering through the taut atmosphere, painfully loud now that the two of you are truly paying attention to it.
A high-pitched laugh falls from your mouth, and your shoulders shake with the force of your amusement. Harry, unable to help himself, begins to chuckle along with you. Heat blooms across his cheeks, but he’s not as embarrassed as he thought he’d be. Your giggles aren’t derisive, he realises.
He’s nearly overcome with the urge to take you in his arms, then, but he resists.
“Late night, watching the television…,” you sing quietly, and then you’re dissolving into merriment all over again.
Once your joint laughter subsides, you shoot him a bright grin. Harry tries his best to return it, though he doesn’t think that he mirrors your smile to its full extent. You sigh in delight, shouldering the strap of your bag and tossing your towel over your forearm.
“That honestly made my night,” you tell him, utterly sincere.
His heart somersaults in his chest. “’M glad.”
“Well,” you say, shrugging gently, “I should probably go.”
“Yeah.” His response is hollow. He lifts his hand in a half-hearted wave. “Have a good night.”
“You too.”
He lies back down with a grunt as you make your way toward the exit. His fingers wrap around the weightlifting bar, about to pull it off of its resting place, when your voice suddenly rings out again.
“Yeah?” He sits up too quickly, nearly catching his forehead against the metal of the bar. When he turns around to face you, he finds you doubling back, approaching him and nibbling apprehensively on your bottom lip.
“I actually—,” you pause, like you’re unsure of how to continue, “I was wondering if I could ask you something.”
“Sure,” he says, rubbing his hands over the black shorts covering his thighs. “Go ahead.”
“It might be kind of weird,” you warn. “Don’t laugh at me.”
He shakes his head, blinking solemnly. “I won’t.”
“Would you—,” you begin, and your fingers come up to play with the pendant resting at the base of your throat, “—teach me how to box?”
“I—,” Harry recoils slightly, taken aback by your question. “What?”
“Would you teach me how to box?” you repeat, though your voice is significantly smaller. “I want to learn how to defend myself.”
“Against what?” he asks, his brows knitting together in concern. “Is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine.” You wave away his worries with an inattentive flick of your hand. Harry’s eyes narrow as he studies your face. You refuse to meet his gaze.
You’re lying, he realises, straight through your pretty teeth. But it would be impolite of him to pry, wouldn’t it? And this is the first time that the two of you have ever been really, truly alone; he doesn’t want to fuck it up.
“Okay,” he says slowly, even though he doesn’t believe your guarantee.
He pulls at the hem of his t-shirt, tugging it up and wiping his face with the fabric. When he fixes his gaze on you once more, he thinks he catches your eyes drifting across his torso. Cocking one eyebrow curiously, he climbs to his feet.
“What do you want to learn?” he asks, reaching for his phone and pausing the music streaming from the device.
“Anything,” you say breathlessly. “Everything.”
His lips twitch.
“I—,” he scratches at his nose with two fingers, “—I don’t really have a set schedule, you know, between practice and actual matches.”
“I know.” You nod understandingly.
“And I know you have school,” he continues, tilting his head to the side. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Positive,” you tell him. There’s something strong burning in your eyes; he can’t quite figure out what it is. “I want to train. Just…don’t tell my dad, okay?”
“Okay,” he repeats. He swallows heavily, offering his phone to you. “Put your number in, yeah? I’ll text you on the nights I’m free, and if you’re not too busy, we can meet up here.”
“Alright,” you concede softly. You take the device from him, and he pretends not to notice just how badly your hands are shaking. Your nails tap quietly against the screen, and before you know it, you’re passing the phone back to him with your information saved under a new contact.
“Alright,” Harry echoes.
The two of you stare at each other for a long, silent moment. The spell is broken, however, when you finally take a step back, clearing your throat and tucking a strand of damp hair behind your ear.
“I should go,” you say. “For real, this time.”
“For real.” Harry nods.
“You’ll lock up, right?” you ask, retreating toward the exit.
“Yup,” he says, popping the last letter instinctively. At that, you smile, your mouth curling up into a soft, inviting crescent.
“Okay,” you murmur, placing one hand on the door. “Goodnight, Harry.”
He watches you go with forlorn eyes and empty lungs. “Goodnight.”
PART II: Cross
PART IV: Uppercut
if you’re enjoying this series so far, please consider donating to my ko-fi! thank you bunches <3
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lgcmanager · 3 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
( note: rather than having a separate post on lgcmedia summarizing everything, we’ve divided each section to what would be shown to the viewers when that episodes airs! so this is for episodes 3-7. the final episode will be posted next month! )
it’s the third episode of the season and after giving a quick recap of the first two episodes, the viewers are introduced to the first team and their practice sessions. before showing the live performance of TEAM EASY, the episode transitions to the second team and their practices as well. the differences between TEAM EASY and TEAM SCREAM seem evident, but once the performances are shown back-to-back, it’s hard to tell who has a good chance of winning the popular vote and the judges. the third episode concludes with lee iseul’s voice saying, “both of the teams were given such difficult concepts and songs that it’s hard to decide which team is better.”
the fourth episode follows a similar premise as the episode before. as the viewers get a glimpse of the practice sessions with TEAM STEREOTYPE and TEAM GOT THAT BOOM, people begin to wonder who will win. some people have their favorites, but no one is sure whether their favorites will join the four girls who were confirmed to debut.
“i think she’ll be the leader.” park jeongan said with confidence, but on screen it’s hard to tell what he means or who he’s referring to.
iseul questions the ceo’s decision, “are you sure about that?”
“with what we have in mind, i’m sure about it.”
on NOVEMBER 13, all of the girls meet up with the higher representatives as they are about to give their feedback regarding the performances they saw the day before. 
“let’s start off with the good news and mention one of the categories that contribute to your overall score and that’s popularity votes. based on that, the group that won that category had 35% of the overall votes.” hyuncheol gives the girls some statistical information to explain how close the poll was for all four groups. he pauses to create some anticipation before revealing to them, “…and that is TEAM SCREAM. congratulations to GEUM DANBI, HAN ALLIE, KOIZUMI TSUKI, and MIN SOYOUN.” since TEAM SCREAM won the first round, they will be performing their song on music shows (the show, show champion, m! countdown, music bank, show! music core, and inkigayo) for one week starting NOVEMBER 30 to DECEMBER 5. 
soon after, the girls and the higher representatives give their applause before jeongan speaks up, “after seeing your performance, we’ve appointed GEUM DANBI as the leader of the upcoming girl group.” the judges know that this is one out of the many surprises that they are about to unveil in this episode, but they continue on as they transition to the groups.
“now with the groups. while we were watching your video clips and live performances, all four of us discussed who we felt was the mvp for each of the teams. there were some who we debated over who was the better candidate, but in the end we thought quite a bit about what being the mvp meant. aside from being the ‘most valuable player’, it also meant that whoever is selected as such will be confirmed to debut with our current lineup.” hyuncheol explains to the girls before he turns his attention towards TEAM SCREAM. “with TEAM SCREAM, we believe that the MVP title goes to… MIN SOYOUN.” he then requests SOYOUN to stand next to DANBI before proceeding to go to the next two teams and reveals the MVPs.
after announcing the mvps for the two groups, hyuncheol tells HYEJOO, JAEHWA, YURA, and ICHIKA to stand next to soyoun and danbi.
this leaves them with TEAM EASY, the only team without a MVP so far. “and lastly, we have TEAM EASY, which was led by OH EUNHYE. for this team, we believe the MVP is… KYO MIYEON.” unlike before where hyuncheol had told the girls to stand next to the rest of the girls who were confirmed to debut, this time hyuncheol doesn’t say anything and instead lets jeongan do the talking. “as for you two, we have something else in mind.” the ceo continues on to reveal another surprise that had been kept for quite some time, “when this show was announced, we knew that we would be debuting not one, but two girl groups. we thought carefully over who we felt best suited the second group and after much deliberation, we decided to appoint the leader title of this group to OH EUNHYE. in addition, KYO MIYEON will be the second member in this group’s roster.”
for reference, this is the current lineup and the ones CONFIRMED to debut:
despite celebrating the wins, there was one loss that had to be revealed to the public. hyuncheol said to the rest of the girls, “since this is a survival show, eliminations are bound to happen. after talking with the rest of the judges, we’ve decided that the one that will be leaving is... BAEK HANNA.” the fifth episode concludes with the goodbyes and leaves the viewers on a cliffhanger as they wonder what will happen to the remaining girls.
“for the seven contestants left, we have an assignment for you that will decide whether you will debut and join the rest of the girls. we’ve seen your strengths, but we also want to see how you are with your other skills as well. think of this as a chance to show that you can fulfill the expectations we have with the remaining spots.” jeongan explains to the contestants.
“we’ve added a bit of a twist to this round as well.” hyuncheol chimes in as he points to the television screen. in the video, there are four individuals talking. while their faces remain hidden to the girls and the public, their voices are certainly familiar for anyone who follows legacy’s artists. the camera then reveals the identities of the four people: KANG WOOHEE of BLAZING, CHOI DAEHYUN of DBSD, and YANG JOSHUA and WU YANG PING (YP) of HARU. they were briefed by the staff as to why they were gathered and as they look through the profiles of the remaining contestants, the four of them discuss and playfully banter over which girl should perform which song.
the information listed below was what was discussed with the judges and the legacy artists. the judges selected the skill that they want each girl to showcase while the artists selected the song for them.
HAN ALLIE: dancing / kick it – type zero
KOIZUMI TSUKI: singing / shangri-la - haru
LEE MINJI: dancing / bad boy - blazing
LEE NARI: rapping / miroh - legacy boys
LEE YEJIN: dancing / humph! - dbsd
MOON SOMIN: singing / overcome - haru
PONGSAK ARINYA: dancing / tempo - dbsd
each female trainee will be performing the song for about 2-3 minutes. however, 30 seconds of that song will be spent on showcasing whatever skill was requested to them. if your muse’s skill was SINGING or RAPPING, they could use those 30 seconds to put their own twist to their song ( ex. freestyle rapping for rapping or singing acapella for singing ). if your muse’s skill was DANCING, those 30 seconds will be used as a dance break for them. for the most part, the performance should be similar to the original ( with some changes to fit solo performances and the girls’ skill sets ) but the 30 seconds is the trainee’s time to shine! these solo performances will be done in no particular order and in a live audience. feedback will be given from the judges ( this includes woohee, daehyun, joshua, and yp ) during the finale, but ooc wise will be revealed at a later time.
as for the GIRLS CONFIRMED TO DEBUT ( JAEHWA, DANBI, HYEJOO, SOYOUN, YURA, ICHIKA, EUNHYE, AND MIYEON ), they will be working on a side project along with the mission listed below. for this side project, legacy is planning on releasing their own christmas song called, “OUR CHRISTMAS WISH FOR YOU”. this will feature the girls, type zero, and v&a! due to type zero and v&a’s busy schedules, the girls will be filming half of their scenes before the boy groups and during this time as the rest of the contestants work on their assignments. they will do their other scenes with type zero and v&a on DECEMBER 15, but there won’t be any writing requirements for that specific moment.
( important note: since there will be so many people in the music video and song, there won’t be any line distributions! the original music video for the song is over HERE, but use it more as a general idea of how the actual music video went. for the girls, they will be recording the song along with filming scenes where they are going in to the elevator to decorate the christmas tree. )
“just like last season, for this season we have a song for all of the girls that will be performed live during the finale.” kangdae lets the girls hear the instrumental and guide to the song ( I CAN’T STOP ME ), but for all of the viewers they do not know what the song sounds like. 
the song will include a music video so during NOVEMBER 29 to DECEMBER 3, all of the girls will learn and record the song while on DECEMBER 5-8, they will be filming the music video. as usual, these parts will be filmed and shown briefly in EPISODES 6 & 7 so the girls are expected to be professional about it. on DECEMBER 18, all of the girls will be performing the song live during the season finale. the line distributions of the song can be located over HERE. since there are so many girls performing the song, we’ve noted who is singing which lines to help distinguish the parts better.
after this, there will be no more writing requirements for future dreams season 4 and the finale will be posted sometime around DECEMBER 12. the actual airing of the finale will be DECEMBER 18. so good luck everyone and have fun!
INTERVIEW: write a 300+ word solo about your muse’s reaction to everything that has happened in EPISODES 5-7. if you want examples of questions that the interviewer might ask the muse about, here are some (the interviewer would typically ask one or two questions): “how did it feel to be selected as the mvp of your team?” (for the girls who were selected as mvp), “what were your thoughts about the people who were chosen to debut?” (everyone), “how do you feel about the song that was selected for you?” (for the remaining contestants). please note that these interviews are filmed and that certain quotes from the solos might be used for potential news articles! completing this will reward you +4 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +4 NOTORIETY.
HOLIDAYS: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with a trainee who is in the final lineup about anything pertaining to the learning, recording, and filming of the christmas song for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +8 NOTORIETY.  ** only applicable to jaehwa, danbi, hyejoo, soyoun, yura, ichika, eunhye, and miyeon ** 
SOLO PERFORMANCES: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with one of the remaining contestants about anything pertaining to the learning, recording, and practicing of your individual song for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY. ** only applicable to allie, tsuki, minji, nari, yejin, somin, arin **
BONUS: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with any of the girls in future dreams about anything related to mission 3 (practicing/recording/filming for “i can’t stop me”), music show promotions (for team scream), or dorm life for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +5 NOTORIETY. please do note that this will be filmed!
please tag all of the posts and solos related to the interview and solo performances prompts with the hashtag lgc:futuredreams. for the HOLIDAYS prompt, please use the hashtag lgc:holidays2k21. to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form on the points blog before DECEMBER 11, 11:59PM EST.
- INTERVIEW: +4 ( skill points distribution ) + 4 notoriety [ LINK ]
- HOLIDAYS: +6 ( skill points distribution ) + 8 notoriety [ LINK ] ** only for jaehwa, danbi, hyejoo, soyoun, yura, ichika, eunhye, and miyeon **
- SOLO PERFORMANCES: +6 ( skill points distribution ) + 6 notoriety [ LINK ] ** only for allie, tsuki, minji, nari, yejin, somin and arin **
- BONUS: +5 ( skill points distribution ) +5 notoriety [ LINK ]
10 notes · View notes
kooala · 4 years
once you realize - chapter two
!!used to be kookie-off-his-kookie  but now it’s kooala!!
A/N: I’m so sorry it has taken me forever to upload the second chapter but between no wifi at the new place and my apartment having all sorts of issues at the moment it really took longer than I expected! Thank you for sticking around though and I hope you enjoy the second chapter! xx
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader, Taehyung x his girlfriend Mina, Jaebeom!
Tags: best friend! Jungkook, idol verse, friends to lovers!
Genre:  angst, fluff, mutual pining, basically the cutest falling in love story
Wordcount: 6.3k
Warnings: language! flirting! nudity but not really, just bare legs
Parts: chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / chapter four / chapter five / chapter six / chapter seven
Summary: Not seeing Jungkook for a while had made you feel like what had happened was only a blur and you were imagining all of it. But apparently it wasn’t a blur for Jungkook and when all of you went out for a couple of drinks and you got too comfortable with someone that wasn’t Jungkook, he couldn’t help but feel his heart sink into a deep pit in his stomach.
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M Countdown had been one of the events you always looked forward to the most. The preparation that went into the choreography and stages beforehand was intense, but ultimately nothing was more rewarding than presenting a comeback stage and feeling like you were able to show what all of you had been working so hard towards. The entire vibe that was going on backstage, seeing other artists perform and getting inspiration was wonderful and as you were waiting to perform backstage, you couldn’t help but stare at the screens as BTS did their comeback performance for their new single.   It had been a while since you had fallen asleep on Jungkook’s bed, and seeing him on stage like this, you were amazed by how much his features along with his look and attitude had changed over those couple of weeks since you had seen him last. You’ve seen Jungkook and the boys perform countless times before but something about their new album concept and his ability to effortlessly hit those high notes even during a live taping seemed to make you feel like you were standing right in the crowd with army, screaming and rooting for their meticulous performance. They really managed to reinvent themselves over and over again and Mina standing next to you, staring at the screen, seemed to have the same thoughts. “Can’t believe they did it again.”, she mumbled and you could only chuckle at her expression, watching Taehyung with his newly permed hair. “I think you’re drooling.”, you smirked a little.
Taking position behind one of the probs on the side, you felt your nerves kicking in big time and as you looked up and saw Jungkook standing on the opposite side of the stage. He was standing right behind the big scaffolding looking at you and you couldn’t help but crack a smile. He had a cocky smirk on his face and nodding towards you he mouthed a “good luck!”. You nodded with a smile and saw Taehyung pop up next to him, resting an arm around Jungkook’s shoulder. He had always been a ladies man but Tae around Mina was more than anyone could handle.   As you were just about to turn your head away to not interrupt their long distance, lovey-dovey moment, you caught Jungkook checking you up and down once, seemingly looking at the outfit you were wearing. You along with the other girls in the band had always hated the little costumes they put you in for shows and concerts and now that you managed to box through your new concept which was a little more straight forward and edgy, you felt more than comfortable in your cargo pants and combat boots outfit, feeling like the bad ass video game character you wish you were. This had been one of those moments you simply couldn’t just let slide so with a smirk on your face, you did a little dance while turning around, letting him know you caught him right in the act of staring. Jungkook seemed to laugh and with a shy smile, he scratched the back of his neck, looking down to the floor. Something about that was satisfying to you and with an equally as big smile, you simply left it at that, looking down yourself. You only now realized how cute Jungkook was when he got really shy and thinking about it seconds before going up on stage, letting it cloud your mind, may not be the best move.
The new concept was the first time you guys had a proper rap part and a completely different concept and for the very first time since your debut you felt like this may be something where people would finally take you serious as artists, not only seeing the girls jumping around in little skirts. You were nervous to see what Jungkook and the fans would say now that the new concept was so different. After coming off stage, completely out of breath from the performance you started chugging down the water bottle that was handed to you by one of the staff.
“That was really… really good.”, Tae mumbled towards Mina who had a safe distance between both of them since their relationship wasn’t confirmed and official yet or for that matter – allowed. “I really like your new concept.”, you started talking to Jungkook. “Your singing has always been great but this timed it’s insane, you did so well.”, you smiled, drying your neck with one of the towels and Jungkook smiled down to you, nodding. He still felt a little confused about your performance and what it had done to him because it wasn’t what he had expected. It definitely was more mature and straight forward but something about it made him feel guilty for enjoying all of you dancing the way you had. He wasn’t supposed to see you that way - rolling your hips wasn’t part of the friendship, was it? His inner urge to suppress the fact that he seemed to be crushing on you even more after that performance, made him feel really shy. He felt like he could get caught for his feelings towards you and his ears started turning pinkish. But what was he supposed to do? He couldn’t help the fact that you looked like one of the characters from his computer game with that little t-shirt and combat boots. It was bad ass and he hated to admit it but he was kind of here for it.
“Are you okay?”, you asked after a moment of him not responding. He seemed to be far off with his thoughts, looking past or through you and only as you called him out for it, he slowly seemed to turn his face towards you again, catching his thoughts. “Yea, sorry.”, he laughed,  putting both his hands in his pants pocket nervously. “I really liked it. It looks like you finally managed to perform what you guys wanted to perform for a long time now, the song and concept and all. It suited you guys.” He made sure to include Mina and the others in the conversation as he spoke and with a smile you nodded, thankful he appreciated your hard work. He would’ve told you if he didn’t like it, you knew that. “Also, kind of bad ass you had one of the rap parts.” He nudged your shoe with his a bit and smirked at you. You blurred out what Mina replied to him and just stared at him for a moment. “Bad ass, hm?” Raising your eyebrows you smiled up towards him. “I thought that’s just my brand? Always on the bad ass side of things, you know?”, you teased him quietly with a smile cracking in the corner of your mouth. You still felt the adrenalin from performing and you knew you had to tone down the upfront conversation you were having with him. Watching a figure climb up the stairs on the side you saw one of the staff members scolding you for blocking the way right beside the stage and with a nod and small bow, all of you excused yourselves. “See you.”, you said watching him as he looked over his shoulder while walking down the hallway into the opposite direction. “Bye, noona.”, he replied with a cocky smile on his face before turning around and disappearing in one of the hallways. “Did… he just…?”, Mina asked confused as you stared into the now empty hallway. “Yea… I think he did.”
Arriving back home after all  the excitement, you felt absolutely exhausted from the long day. It had been a couple of exhausting weeks and the only thing you wanted to do is to shower and get into a comfy sweater, ready to just order in food and catch up with some cheesy tv dramas. The shower felt like the greatest thing in the world and once you put on that sweater you felt like you were ready to calm down. Preparing an event like this on top of keeping up with your regular schedule had been exhausting and as you dropped onto your bed you couldn’t help but check if the performance had already been uploaded to YouTube. There was always room for improvement. Hearing a soft knock on the door you pushed yourself off of your bed, only to open the door to someone you really hadn’t expected, especially not this time of night. “Hi… “, you chuckle, confused to see Jungkook’s smiley, soft face in the doorframe. Having visitors, let alone male ones, was prohibited at the dorm so seeing his face wasn’t what you expected. “Sorry for just randomly coming over but I really needed to see someone and hang out tonight. And not just six dudes that know everything better anyway.”, Jungkook chuckled quietly and his soft smile made your cheeks feel hot immediately. Now was the moment you regretted your grubby outfit. “If you managed to get that far without being stopped, how could I deny you.”, you joke, opening the door to your room more so he could come in. Trying to run your fingers through your hair you closed the door behind him. You felt a little awkward because he’d never seen you bare and not made up. You watched him carefully as he took a look around the room, taking in the details since he had never been here. He was smiling at the polaroid pictures you had stuck into the frame of the mirror to be able to look at them every day when you got ready. Embarrassing enough you had to admit to yourself, that there were a lot of Jungkook polaroid’s both of you had taken together.
“But seriously, how did you manage to get past everyone?”, you asked nosy, taking a seat on your bed. You watched him as he was scanning the room while he was walking around. “I told them I needed a good friend because I’m not feeling well.”, he chuckled a bit as he looked over to you. He started laughing even more at your confused expression. “Well, are you not feeling well? Do you want to talk about it?”, you sat up a little more straight, watching his every move to make sure you weren’t missing any signs of him lying about how he felt. Jungkook was never the one to dive deep into emotional conversation. Quite the opposite actually, he was a master of keeping how he felt hidden. “I’m not… bad. Just… confused maybe.” He took a deep breath, putting your picture frame with the picture of you and your friend back on the shelf and pulled in the chair from your desk to sit on it. He put his hands in his sweater pocket and just looked at you for a long moment. Jungkook was wearing big sweats and a massive sweater, looking like he had just crawled out of bed himself to come over and see you. You crossed your legs on your bed, looking over to him, waiting for him to start talking. All he did was stare at you though, smiling and as he looked away he scanned the room again. That little moment of him looking away and the smirk that had followed, made your stomach feel all fluttery and soft. You couldn’t help but stare at his hair, looking like he had just showered earlier, making them look un-styled and fluffy, perfect to run your hands through them. Trying to collect your thoughts before you ended up walking over to just run your fingers through his hair, you tried to pick the conversation back up.
“Confused about what?”, you ended up breaking the long silence after a while and Jungkook turned his head back over to face you. It had been a while since both of you had ‘unintentionally’ cuddled while watching the movies and after all that time had passed it somehow felt like you had interpreted way too much into it - as if it never really happened, almost like a blurred dream. “Let’s not talk about depressing things.”, he shrugged it off and sat up straight, stroking his hair back. “Want to do something?”, he added. “Well technically I was about to get ready to order… “, you laugh and he nodded, scooting over to put his feet on your bed. “Let’s order then and do exactly what we did last time.”, he chuckled and you couldn’t help but wonder if he chose those exact words because he wanted to point out he enjoyed the cuddling or if it was mere coincidence and you were the one overreacting.
About twenty minutes later, both of you ended up sitting outside on the roof terrace, unpacking the food delivery that had just arrived.  Although it seemed difficult to enjoy a mild spring night out on a balcony in the middle of Seoul, it always fascinated you how beautiful this city could be at night. Opening your soup, you grabbed the little extra packs with the spring onion and chili paste before putting it all in and stirring through it. “So as soon as we got back after the show, Tae told all of us that he was officially in a relationship now and asked the Hyung’s and management for permission.”, Jungkook mentioned, trying to sound casual but you could tell that this was exactly what had been bothering him. You took a few moments to carefully think about how to approach this. “And how did it go?” Grabbing some of your noodles you started eating and watched him as he stirred through his Bibimbap in thoughts, his thoughts seemingly somewhere far away. “Well we’re all okay with it and happy for him, obviously had to talk about how to keep things on the down-low and all that but it was nice. He seemed super happy… ”, he trailed off quietly. “But it made you feel shitty.” You went broad with that statement because it was very personal to make an assumption like that about someone, no matter how close you were. Jungkook looked up at you, flickering his gaze over your face for a moment, only replying with a nod. “Listen… I know it’s not ideal right now with almost all of them in a relationship but I’m sure you’ll find someone you want to tell the guys about.” You smile over at him, trying to encourage him but talking about the possibility of him introducing someone else as his girlfriend to you, made your stomach drop. He looked back down into his food, stirring around some more before eating a spoon full, not replying to your statement and although you really wanted to push it, you felt like silence would be best for now.
Debating on whether or not you should tell him about a date you had a couple of weeks ago which turned out to be nothing more so far anyway, you watched the skyline for a while. It was one of those things you really wanted to talk to your best friend about but at the same time, you knew that you just wanted to see his honest reaction. What scared you was the fact that it may hurt him. “I was out with a guy last month… “, you started before slurping some more of your noodles and the way his head shot up, almost an expression of pure panic on his face, made you already regret your decision. Maybe you shouldn’t talk to guys about other guys. “And thinking about all of this, it made me realize that I really do know how you feel. Alone and all.”, you nodded and smiled over to make him feel a little bit better about the statement. “Who was it?”, he pressed. “I’m not going to tell you because you know him. It wasn’t a bad date… but what’s the point in going out with someone when you know you like someone else? Already regret leading him on.” Almost choking at the honesty of your own words, you open your soda can and look out over Seoul, listening to the absolute silence following all of those bombs you had just dropped on the dinner table. “You like someone?”, he asked hesitantly after a while and looking back over to him you could see the realization seemed to hurt him although he was trying hard to not let it show. “I think I do. Just a bit… confusing to be honest.”, you picked up his statement from earlier, really hoping it was aimed at you and that he got what you were trying to hint at. You really hoped you weren’t making a fool out of yourself right now. A little smile cracked in the corner of his mouth, dropping immediately though as he was trying to compose himself.
Stirring the conversation into safer territory, both of you ended up talking about the performance and the award show, revisiting all the fun things that had happened. It had made it much easier to talk to him again and the heavy tension of unspoken words seemed to disappear throughout the conversation. After finishing all the food you cleaned up before heading back to your room, getting ready for a quiet night in and you couldn’t help but feel excited for the possibility of cuddles. “Are you going to stay a little longer?”, you asked, picking up some of the clothes on the floor and throwing them in the laundry basket to not make it look too messy. In that second the door burst open without a warning and Mina stared at both of you standing in the room like a deer in headlights. “Are you mental? Heard of knocking?!”, you asked loud and she laughed, no sign of remorse whatsoever on her face but her expression changed when she saw Jungkook standing in the corner of the room, looking at her just as shocked and scared as you had two seconds ago. “What’s going on here… ?”, Mina asked with a smirk on her face, eyeing both of you with a meaningful look that made you want to roll your eyes so bad they’d get stuck if you did. “Nothing’s going on we had food. Why are you here?”, you interrupted her harshly before she was able to make any uncomfortable dirty hints towards the both of you being alone in your room and she just took the bait you were handing to her. “We were all thinking about going out if you want to join? You know who is going to be theeeere.”, she announced smirking and your heart started dropping. Jungkook seemed to move a little uncomfortable, putting his hands in his sweat pockets, watching both of you half arguing half teasing each other. “I think we’re going to stay in, besides, Jungkook only has sweats on I bet he doesn’t want to.”, you announced to Jungkook and he lifted his hands a bit defensive. “I mean you can go without me that’s totally fine, we can catch up some other time.”, he smiled and looked over to Mina then, being his polite distant self again that seemed to come out every time someone joined the two of you. “Ach, just put on some of Y/N’s fitted Sweatpants instead of the baggy ones and you look like you always do? No big deal, we’d want you there, come on. Jungkook you’re only a big plus I wasn’t aware you’re here.” She started talking and you could see the little faded love bite on her neck when her hair moved. “Who’s we… “, Jungkook asked her suspiciously, more interested in ‘you know who’ than anything else. Mina, being the gossiper she was, started talking about all the people that were going to attend and you knew that Jaebeom was ‘you know who’ - but Jungkook didn’t and you’d like to keep it that way. You had always thought of JB as someone you found really attractive but since things had changed between you and your best friend, the fact that JB was going to be there seemed more obstructive than helpful. You could see Jungkook’s brain going through all the people Mina had just listed, wondering who it was that you allegedly were excited to see tonight. “Yea I don’t know,  I’m not feeling it, Mina.” “We should go… “, Jungkook mentioned to your surprise and you looked at him confused. “Come on, just a beer. I’ll walk you home after.”, he smiled and you looked at him a little suspicious. You knew exactly why he was pushing to go and it was destined to end bad.
Thirty minutes later all of you were sitting in one of the corner booths next to everyone else who had already been drinking and eating since way before you arrived. Everyone seemed to be there, even Yoongi and his girlfriend had left the house tonight. Jimin seemed to rock his happy-drunk facial expression and sitting next to him you chuckled, sharing a couple of shots of Soju with him to lighten up your mood. You knew that this night was going to end like all the other nights because none of you ever finished after ‘a couple of drinks’, ever. Feeling a good amount of tipsy an hour in, you didn’t mind when Jaebeom sat next to you and put his arm over your shoulders as the both of you started talking. You had done it countless times before and you always flirted back but had suddenly stopped after the Jungkook ‘sleepover incident’ a while back. It just hadn’t felt right since then. “Wasn’t expecting you to come to be honest. You’re working a lot lately.”, he said while sharing his beer with you, focused on you and the conversation completely. “I know, but it’s hard to find some time and I like being alone, you of all people should know what that’s like.”, you laughed and he chuckled as well. He dropped his hand off your shoulder, smoothly sliding it down behind your back, resting his palm on your hip. You were tipsy and definitely didn’t mind his touches while talking to him. It’s like you were in your own little world and being lost in the conversation, you had a couple more shots while catching up. This was what you usually did with JB and the alcohol definitely made you forget about the surroundings and your feelings you had so carefully pushed aside for months.  
Only when you had to laugh and let your gaze drift across the table, you felt like your insides freezing up. It wasn’t the fact that Jungkook looked at you, it was the look of disappointment on his face when your eyes met that made you feel like you royally fucked up as a friend. His gaze turned back to his bottle of beer before turning back to Yugyeom, whispering something to him. Both of them got up and walked out the backdoor into the yard. It felt like seeing him look at you made you realize that you were cheating on him and all of a sudden the touch on your hip was too much and the conversation felt too intimate. Everything was too close. “Excuse me.”, you smiled, squeezing past JB out of the booth, heading over to the restrooms and you couldn’t help but frown at your own stupidity. If you could have it your way, of course you’d be dating Jungkook right now. Why would you forget about that just because you can’t have him? Why would you flirt with someone else although the person you’d want to be with was sitting right across? Your mind was running wild and as you walked down the hallway without looking up, you only felt a full on smack against your head before stumbling back a couple of steps, holding your hurting forehead. Jimin had just cut a corner and the both of you hit into each other so hard, you could feel the tears. “Oh my god. Are you ok?” He put both his hands on your head to look at your face, checking for an injury. It wasn’t only the impact of him bumping into him that hurt you so bad, it was seeing Jungkook’s face that hurt a hundred times more. The tears welling up in your eyes seemed like a perfect cover for the actual reason you wanted to cry, so you didn’t fight them.   “Y/N… “, Jimin seemed a little panicked at your expression, thinking he really hurt you. “It’s not that. I’m fine I’m just…  I had too much to drink.”, you tried to stir in and he nodded carefully, stroking over your cheek comforting. Thinking you were drunk was way better than explaining why you were actually crying. “Want me to get Jungkook? He can- “, he started but you shook your head alarmed. “Don’t!”, you said a little too fast and Jimin looked at you with a confused expression on his face. “I mean… don’t bother him. I’ll just go home, it’s all good. Don’t worry”, you replied.
“Everything ok?” Jungkook appeared behind Jimin and the still hurt expression on his face turned into worry once he saw the tears on your cheeks. “Y/N… What happened?” Semi-gently pushing away Jimin, he made you tilt your head up to look at him, his face a bit panicked. “Did he do anything? Did something happen?”, he asked worried and you just closed your eyes to not look at him, shaking your head lightly. The fact that JB hurting you was the first thing on his mind only made you realize how much he must’ve been bothered by him.   “He didn’t do anything, I did.”, you mumbled as you felt the guilt creeping up even more and along with all the drinks you had that night, you really felt like going home was the best idea. “She said she’s drunk.”, Jimin chimed in, stroking over your back comforting. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”, Jungkook smiled softly. Stroking his thumb over your wet cheek gently to wipe the tears away. Jungkook shouldn’t have to comfort you like that since you messed up after all. You were the one treating him badly. You saw his face earlier when you mentioned the date, you saw how he cuddled you and yet you acted like you weren’t sure about his feelings towards you. You knew deep down, he had given you all the signs. You read them all and yet you got flirty with someone else. “Let’s go, hm? Maybe you’re just exhausted from today.”, he said politely, trying to make it seem like you weren’t even that drunk although you could feel that you were. Picking up the coats and wiping your face dry to make you look presentable before heading back out, Jungkook put his arm around your waist as both of you walked over to the table to say your goodbyes for the night. The overwhelming response of “booooo’s” made you chuckle. “You all know I’m weak, don’t act surprised.”, you chuckled and high fived some of them before heading outside with Jungkook, letting him lead the way.
“Y/N! Hold up.” Turning around while holding onto your best friend, your eyes feeling hazy and your head heavy you could see Jaebeom rushing out. He looked slightly awkward because of the fact that Jungkook was standing right next to both of you. Although he hated it, Jungkook was polite and took a few steps to give both of you some privacy and you could already feel that this was a bad idea. “Listen, I just wanted to know if you want to go grab some coffee sometime, maybe? I know this is sudden but I’d like it if you could make time soon.” His face and intentions were so pure that it hurt to even think about turning him down but there was nothing you could do. “Thank you so much for asking and please don’t take this the wrong way but I’m very drunk right now and I shouldn’t be making any judgment calls any time soon. I have someone I really like and it wouldn’t be fair to him. I know I kind of led you on tonight and I’m sorry, It’s not that I don’t find you attractive, because god knows you’re just my type, but I can’t go behind anyone’s back, especially my own. Besides that - I’m not allowed to date anyway so whatever it would be between you and me wouldn’t work out. But thank you, I really mean it. ” You smiled up to him, patting his chest once and you could see the embarrassment on his face he tried to cover with a smile.
“Let’s go.”, you mumbled, walking over to Jungkook, wrapping your arm around his waist as he tried to hold you upright while walking home. The way home was silent and you felt embarrassed about the fact he had to hold you but at least it gave you an excuse to be close to him. As he stopped in front of your building, you closed your eyes and leaned your cheek against his chest while he took the keys out of your coat pocket. He fumbled with the keys for a moment and maybe it was just wishful thinking but you were sure he had stalled to open the door on purpose. Standing up straight again you followed him with some difficulties and eventually reached out to take his hand. You could feel him tense up a little bit under your touch and when you looked up, his eyes were resting on yours and you weren’t able to read his expression at all. “Sorry.”, you mumbled, pulling your hand out of his, and for a split second he looked like he was about to take it again but he stepped closer, supporting your waist again and carried you up the stairs to your dorm while acting like nothing happened. He pulled off your sneakers and hung up your coat in the hallway, guiding you through the hallway to your room. “Alright, I’ll go get you some water and vitamins, okay?” You sat down on your bed, looking up to him and nodded as he walked out the room quietly.
Taking your clothes off turned out to be more difficult than you had expected it to be and with a few difficulties, you eventually managed to put on your sleep shirt. Getting up you pushed off your pants inconveniently, trying to pull the tight legs off your feet but eventually, you gave up and ended up sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for Jungkook to return.   “Oh shit.”, was all he said as he walked in, turning around immediately at the sight of your bare legs. “Dooon’t. I need your help, take them off, please.”, you said a little whiny and knowing yourself, you’d remember all of this tomorrow and hate yourself for being so annoying and drunk. “Y/N… You’re not wearing pants I can’t just…”, Jungkook started talking, looking to the ceiling. “Yes, you can. They’re legs, I’m not asking you to grind on me. Just pull the legs off for god’s sake.” He took a deep breath, stroking over his face seemingly stressed by how this night had unfolded, and turned around to grab the skinny jeans on your ankles to pull them off carefully. Dropping back onto your sheets you let him pull the pants off before just stretching out on your bed, closing your eyes from the comfort of the sheets. “Alright, do you need anything else? Pajama pants?”, he asked and you turned around, crawling up under the covers, making him fluster even more, raising his gaze to the ceiling until you were tucked into your bedsheets and safe to look at. “I never sleep with pants.”, you mumbled and pulled the pillow in, looking at him in the doorway. “Mh-hm…”, he only mumbled polite and your thoughts started returning to earlier.
“I’m sorry. For all of it.”, you start explaining but he just smiled. “Nothing to be sorry for, you’ve seen me worse.”, he chuckled and sat down next to you, stroking your hair out of your forehead carefully. “All we have to do is take off that makeup and then you can sleep, ok?”, he smiled and touched your cheek a couple more times than he usually would, making the apples of your cheeks heat up.   Jungkook left to get some make up remover and while you rubbed your face with the cotton pad, the painful expression on his face made you stop as he offered to help you before you’d reach the bones.
“I’m sorry for flirting with him.”, you said, watching his face carefully as he wiped away the last traces of foundation on your cheeks. “Don’t be, you should flirt with him if you like him.”, he smiled and you knew it must’ve cost him a lot of strength to react as calmly as he did. “I don’t like him though. Not in that way. Not anymore…”, you say and close your eyes as he gently wiped over them to remove your mascara. “You don’t?”, he asked patiently and you shook your head a bit, watching him get a new cotton pad. “I like someone else.”, you say and watched his face close to yours as he wiped over your lip one last time to get the lipstick off.   “Yea?” He seemed very patient with all of your talking but you could notice that he was distant about it all. He didn’t want to hear it and forcing things on him usually didn’t end well. “Don’t you like me?”, you asked after a moment of silence as he collected the cotton pads. “What?”, he mumbled as if he didn’t hear you and turned his head to look at you properly. “I said - don’t you like me?” His expression as blank for a moment. “Of course I like you. We’re best friends.”, he countered and wiped over your nose cutely one more time, making you scrunch up your nose smiling.
“But do you only like me as a friend?” You decided to go all in. At this point you were aware all of this could be one of your biggest regrets of a lifetime tomorrow. “Y/N… “, he chuckled nervously and got up to throw out all the cotton pads. “Just say yes or no. It’s okay if you don’t, but I want to know.”, you said, watching him carefully. “You’re drunk, how about we don’t talk about this now? You don’t know what you’re saying.” Sitting down next to you again he smiled while pushing your hair behind your ear gently. “Just tell me.” Your voice turned almost a little angry since he was dodging all the questions you had been asking and although you may have been drunk, picking up the courage to be as honest and vulnerable as you were right now, still wasn’t easy.   His eyes were focused on yours and he took a deep breath as he looked away. Stroking over his jaw he seemed to fight his own battle inside but he couldn’t get himself to give you an answer.
“Okay… “, you whispered after a long moment of silence. He didn’t seem to try and say anything and as you could see the apologizing look on his face, you felt a lump grow in your throat. You should’ve known pushing him wouldn’t work out and you should’ve known that getting drunk while feeling the way you did about him was a bad idea but there was nothing you could do about it now. You had said it all and now you had to live with the consequences. “Y/N… “, he said softly, putting his hand on your arm under the covers but you pulled away, feeling too hurt and embarrassed to look at him right now. “It’s fine, don’t worry.”, you mumbled. The least you could do is keep the last bit of dignity.
“It’s not fine. I just don’t want to talk to you about it when you’re drunk… Especially not after getting touchy-feely with Jaebeom. You can’t be mad at me, not tonight.”, he mumbled the last part. Knowing he was right you still didn’t say anything in return, well aware it was childish. “Don’t ignore me… You ignored me all night, that hurt enough.”, he said quietly and you looked over the sheets to him. “It’s not like you came over to sit next to me either, you know.”, you said a little too feisty. Jungkook looked at you for a long moment and simply smiled. There was no point in talking to you when you were drunk and hurt like that and he knew. He got up and smiled down at you. “Sleep well. I hope you’ll feel better tomorrow, okay?” He placed the water bottle on the nightstand closer for you to reach, laying the vitamins right next to it along with a pain killer. You took a deep breath and stroked over your eyes. “I’m sorry.”, you mumbled again and he bent down to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “I know you are, love. And I’m not avoiding your questions but when I feel like telling you how I feel, I want you to remember that I said it.” His voice was soft, barely audible and you looked at his lips to understand what he was saying but got distracted by the little birthmark right under it. “Now sleep well. I’ll bring you some breakfast tomorrow.” The last thing you remembered was his lips, touching your forehead soft, comforting you while everything around you was spinning in circles.
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If you’ve managed to read this far, I’d be more than happy if you could like and share my chapter if you enjoyed it! If you have any suggestions for improvement or any drabble requests - make sure to shoot me a message!
thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll stay around for the third chapter! 💖
© kooala (stealing, translating or reuploading to other sites is prohibited.)
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artemisfromkq · 4 years
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LOVE IS A DOG FROM HELL is Artemis' Hyojin first solo mini album, it contains four songs in total and was released in April 8, 2020. Despite the controversy surrounding the lyrics, it managed to get one music show win.
[Warning: kind of talks about sex?? Nothing explicit since it's the lyrics of a song and it briefly mentions it in the highlight. Anyways, it's better to be safe than sorry. It also mentions betrayal.]
1. Love is a dog from hell [insp. One's Heyahe].
Lyrics by: Hyojin.
Produced by: Hyojin.
The title track is a rap song that takes inspiration from r&b, hip-hop and trap genres. Love is a dog from hell talks about the anguish that you experience through the feeling of falling in love. It brings a whole new point of view on the feeling as it explores its darker stages.
2. Cut it out [insp. Hyuna's Blacklist].
Lyrics by: Hyojin.
Produced by: Hyojin.
A more powerful, rap-focused song than the title, Cut it out is an agressive track made for no one other than netizens, clapping back to the comments both her and the other members received in such a short career time. The song was criticized for attacking netizens and for the use of swears throughout the song.
3. Theatre of Lies [insp. Jimin Park's April Fools].
Lyrics by: Hyojin.
Produced by: Hyojin.
Different from the other songs, this one is completely vocal focused, showcasing Hyojin's hidden vocal abilities. Theatre of Lies keeps a dark sound as it talks about the feeling of being betrayed by someone who you used to trust, but actually didn't care about you at all.
4. Desire:Lust [insp. Hyuna's Wolf].
Lyrics by: Hyojin.
Produced by: Hyojin.
The last track brings back the trap influence as it talks about the story of, depending on your interpretation, exes or friends with benefits that don't really like each other, but still look for each other's pleasure when the night time comes. Fans went crazy with the possibly, obvious sexual connotations in the song, while netizens had mixed opinions about it.
Era highlights.
She went off.
She literally did everything. She talked about heartbreak, dissed netizens, wrote a song about sex, starlights were eating that content up.
She got bashed by some netizens?? Yes, but, so what?
LDFH didn't really have a choreography, Hyojin was more focused on her verses but the stages were beautiful.
Like, the performance starts with a standing microphone but halfway through the song she takes the microphone off and just keeps going.
Her gaze can kill, truly.
Oh, but this was a whole aesthetic.
The MV? Beautiful. The outfits? Even better.
Those jeans with a red and white button up shirt with heeled boots and yellow glasses? A look.
A fan asked about what the last song was about and Hyojin just said "what do you think?"
She got a win in M Countdown literally in the day of her goodbye stage, she really wasn't expecting it.
The MV was also something else, the color palette was beautiful, KQ is out there always giving the best to its artists.
Also, after promotions ended, she could finally rest because the other solo albums were already done!!
It didn't last more than three days, though. She was already worried about finishing the group's full album.
Era Styling.
No themes, but it kind of went with grunge?
Hyojin with a black oversized blazer was something we didn't knew we needed until we had it.
And let's not even start with the leather jackets, fishnets, boots, pants, shorts, all of the different tops, it was just wonderful.
Accessories were the main game, she wore glasses in a lot of the stages.
She dyed her hair black :( people still miss the red hair, but the color grew on them with time, specially after artemis' next comeback.
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nomnomsik · 5 years
Eavesdropping - (m)
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Word Count: 2.1K
Pairing: Idol!Jimin x Idol!Reader
A/N: To @chinkbihh bc she was being a hoe for Jimin. 
Trigger warning: DOM!JIMIN, Smut, profanity, possessiveness, yandere-themes, humiliation, protection is used. Please do not read if you are sensitive to these topics. [EDITED]
The endless sea of chants and screams roared, filling the whole venue. A bright smile was ingrained in the idol’s face which hid all of his fatigue and annoyance. The end of the year award shows wrapped up all the music that had come out in a pretty little bow; the most influential and popular ones being rewarded in the form of a glamorous award.
Each time his group was called for an award, Jimin hid his smirk behind a polite smile and his constant bows to other idols. He was finally being rewarded for all the struggle his group had to go through and those bastard idols who constantly looked down on them. The rewards were finally and rightfully his. Jimin had to remind himself not to get too carried away with his smug. But, how could you blame him when his group was snatching all the important awards of the night?
To top off his pleasant mood, your group had also attended the award show. Not only did you look gorgeous like usual, but the dress hugged your body that it was difficult for him to not stare at your ass. For once, he was actually thanking those ridiculous Korean beauty standards. He couldn’t stop staring at your thighs and legs, completely infatuated with your confidence and aura. You already killed the red carpet, articles popping up left and right minutes after your appearance. You were the gem of the group and you knew it. Your attitude completely hooked him in. He just had to have you.
Jimin was waiting for this award show because for once in his life, you were MC’ing with him. He was going to stand right next to you, converse with you, and maybe later in the backstage, seduce you. Jimin sat with a straight poker face, his legs crossed over each other and his hands shoved in his pockets. Excitement built up in his body as scandalous thoughts popped in his head.
How he just wanted to shove you into the bathroom and have his way with you. He wanted you to cry out his name, bend to his will, and lose all of your innocence at his hand. Jimin stared blankly at the performance on stage, completely lost in his racy thoughts that he didn’t feel the touch on his shoulder. With a harder shake, Jimin was forced to turn around, looking up at his manager who pointed to the backstage entrance. Jimin brushed himself off as he ducked and made his way through the black curtain.
The hair and makeup stylists retouched their work as he sat in the changing room. He wore his black suit with the low cut black shirt underneath that exposed his the top of his chest. His rose gold locks fell over his eyes as he let out a frustrated sigh. He couldn’t focus at all.
“Whatever.” He muttered, trusting himself to just go with the flow. With a push, he stood up, the stylists desperately trying to get their finishing touches as if it actually mattered. His manager guided him through the hallway as the staff hooked him up with his mic pack that was pushed in his back pocket. He kept his cool as he was finally introduced to you, your outfit also changed.
You wore a black lace knee-length dress with a cascading waterfall opening chiffon jacket. The ends of your dress were delicately accompanied with a scalloped lace hem trim. Jimin almost felt his jaw fall in amazement as he stared. As he looked down, the gleam of your heels caught his eye. Your feet were comfortably strapped in a pointed cross-strap heel decorated with a crystal on the back. The heel was maybe almost four inches and yet you stood straight, clearly not bothered by it at all. Although you had the chiffon jacket overtop of your dress, he could see just how tight the wrapped around the curves of your body.
His eye twitched in irritation as the male staff attached the mic pack onto the back of your dress. He watched as the staffer pushed your chiffon jacket to the side, revealing your bare arms and helping you hook the pack with a bundle of cloth. Jimin glared at the male staff behind you back, earning an apologetic bow from him. The corners of his lips curled up as he had complete control over the people in the room.
Of course, they won’t want to mess with one of the most influential artists here. You better step back, that’s right.
As you looked over to Jimin, he bent his elbow, microphone in hand. You wrapped your arm around him, the staff giving you a countdown before your entrance. To Jimin, this was a pre-debut to the world of his relationship with you. The most beautiful woman of the night, arm wrapped around his as the two of you took powerful strides onto the stage. The pleasant sound of your heels clacking on the crisp floor further increased his smugness. It was a small thing, but so satisfying and sexy to him. The two of your charismatic looks earned the squeal of thousands, the loud screams bouncing off the large walls.
On the other hand, you were oblivious to his intentions, your sole goal of not messing up on live television. Jimin was handsome, his bright smile directed towards all the cameras catching his every angle. It made you flustered inside that you stood next to one of the most sought out man by so many. Like the professional he was, Jimin noticed your slight nervousness and hesitation. He picked up his mic, bringing it up to his mouth as he read the first cue card. Jimin’s voice broke you out of your hesitancy, as you brought your own mic to your lips, smiling up as if nothing had happened.
There she is.
Jimin smiled proudly, his eyes always looking straight ahead. The rest of the night had gone smoothly, you and Jimin sharing some funny moments live. Normally, the aegyo the show would force the MC’s to do would make him cringe. But he found it quite endearing and interesting that you were willing to humiliate yourself like that. Maybe you were into that. He’ll find out later anyway.
The next shift of MC’s were up as Jimin waited for you to wrap your arm around him again. The two of you gave waves to the crowd as you both stepped off the stage. The backstage crew immediately huddled around you, taking the earpiece off and the cue cards. As soon as you had handed your batch of cue cards, Jimin had dragged you by the wrist. You sputtered, unsure why this famous man was touching you at all. His touch made you feel dirty as he led you down the hall. He was too high above you that your face heated up in embarrassment.
Jimin pushed the door to the men’s room open, dragging you to the last stall and pulling you in. The back of his hand caressed the smooth surface of your cheek as you stared at him with fear in your eyes.
“Uh, Mr. Park… W-what are-... I mean what’s going on…” You looked around in the small stall as Jimin stood a bit taller over you.
“Do you know how annoying it is to watch you flaunt around in this outfit, completely blind to all the hungry stares directed at you?” He seethed, tilting your head up to meet his eyes.
“Mr. Park, I knew that though… There’s not much I can do about it though…” You murmured, a sudden wash of submissiveness overcoming your body. It was a peculiar sensation that you never really felt before. But you wanted to please him through your obedience.
A smirk graced the corner of his lips as he let out a chuckle. “Oh, so you’re one of those girls, huh?”
“Mr. Park, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me out. I’m very tired.” You ignored his comment, remembering that this meeting could change both of your careers forever.
“Turn around.”
“E-excuse me?” You squeaked.
“I said, turn around.”
You turned your body around until you were no longer facing him anymore. Not only was his voice threatening, but the desire to make him happy sent a thrill up your body. Jimin’s hand landed on your ass, rubbing his hand through the fabric of your dress. With a loud slap, his hand sent a shock through your body as you felt your legs on the verge of giving in and falling.
Jimin grabbed both of your hands, pulling them behind your back. He pulled your arms and forced your back to his chest as he whispered into your ear.
“I’m going to fuck you here and now. How does that sound, baby?”
“U-um, Mr. Park…” You gulped, embarrassment flushing your face. “Make it quick.”
“What happened to that confident woman from before?” Jimin sneered, unbuckling his belt and letting his pants fall a bit. He brought his hand into the inside pocket, pulling out a very familiar wrapper and ripping the top with his teeth.
“Why the fuck do you have that with you?!” You blurted out, your face searing in embarrassment.
“Because I know I get what I want in the end.”
He pulled your dress up to your stomach, his fingers brushing over the wetness of your undergarments. Without a sound, Jimin pushed your panties to the side, stroking his covered length a few times before slipping in.
You squeezed your eyes at the pain. Damn you for being stupid enough to not tell him to prep you at least. On the other hand, Jimin was in heaven, enjoying the rare tightness that he hadn’t felt in a while. With a rather large grunt, Jimin thrusted at a fast pace from the start, watching as you struggled to support yourself on the stall wall. Jimin held onto your hips, groaning at the intense pleasure that turned his mind blank.
You cried out as Jimin slammed back into you, sending a sharp shock of pleasure each time. Jimin took one of his hands off your hips, preferring to take a bunch of your hair as he pulled it back.
“You’re s-so fucking k-kinky, Mr. Park.” You stammered as Jimin harshly tugged your hair back. Jimin let out a huff, grinning.
“And you’re a proper bitch, calling me Mr. Park.” You let out a groan, feeling Jimin’s balanced pace become more erratic. “Call me that o-one more time and I swear I’m going to make sure that this whole facility hears you.”
You whined as he tugged onto your hair, pulling your body back to meet every thrust he sent into your body. You bit your lip to prevent slipping out his name, focusing on the pleasure that began to buildup in your core.
“S-shit… Fuck… I’m-” Jimin lowered his head, his pace slowing down as he emptied his contents into latex. His teeth found its way to your shoulder, biting and sucking on your skin.
The aftermath was uncomfortable as you pulled your dress down and cleaned yourself of the wet juices. Jimin stood in front of the bathroom mirror, checking his appearance once more before nodding. He looked as if nothing had happened. You, on the other hand, had to go to painstaking lengths to fix your hair and wrinkled clothes.
Jimin patiently waited for you before leading you out the bathroom door together. He found it charming that you could barely keep your head up. A bunch of staff looked at the two of you, their faces obvious that they knew what had transpired. Jimin hummed, not really caring. You were the only thing that mattered. Before the two of you split ways, a male staffer came up to the both of you, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. Jimin recognized him as the same guy who had helped you put your microphone pack on.
“Uh… We need you to return your microphone packs… please…”
Jimin chuckled. “Well sweetheart, I guess you didn’t need to stop calling me ‘Mr. Park’. They heard anyways.”
“I hate you, Park Jimin.”
Dispatch had a field day with that content, taunting it in front of both of your agencies. You were absolutely mortified when you were told that it had gotten into the hands of Dispatch, but you sighed. Of course, it got into their hands. The vast contrast between your reaction and Jimin’s made it even more unbearable.
Jimin sat in the office of his manager, on Wednesday morning, as he was explained what had happened.
“We received something from Dispatch about your…” The manager trailed off, before clearing his throat. “About your rendezvous with y/n.”
“And what about it? You know I’ve done this so many times.” Jimin spoke nonchalantly, tilting his head back to stretch. “I’m going to keep her. I claimed her and I don’t need anyone else. She’s mine.” Jimin snapped. “Is it my reputation and career at stake? Just tell Dispatch I’ll give them 2 million if they keep their mouth shut.”
The manager just nodded, turning around to send a call. He just sighed.
What a mess.
Before Jimin walked out, he quickly added with a smirk.
“Also tell them to send it to me. I want to keep it.”
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novemberwasgrey · 4 years
Last night, I had a dream about Leo Valdez and Chris Rodriguez drunk singing "La Cucaracha" with sombreros.. Is it a sign I should write a pjo/hoo karaoke one shot?
Remember that? Well, I actually wrote it. There's Chrisse, Jasper mentioned, Liper friendship, Piperisse friendship (is that even their shipname?). Sorry for grammar errors, English still isn't my mother tongue. Enjoy!
You can read it on AO3 too (link)
"Uh, Clarisse?"
Sighing heavily, Clarisse turned away from the dummy she was crumbling to pieces to face the person who had dared to interrupt her training.
"What is it McLean? I'm busy."
Piper approached, not the slightest scared of the daughter of Ares unlike most campers. She had learned to get to know Clarisse since she was in camp and if anything, this girl was just another example of a big heart well hidden under layers of steel (and she was also the only other person to side with when Drew was being a bitch).
"I, um, kinda need your help with how the karaoke night's progressing." she finally said, putting her hands in her jeans pockets.
Again, Clarisse sighed and put down her spear against a bench. This stupid karaoke was an idea of those dam Apollo kids and she had made it perfectly clear from the beginning that she wouldn't take any part in it.
"What now? If my siblings ridiculed themselves-"
"Oh no, we're past that, Connor and Sherman already did the stupidest singing contest on Final Countdown. Most of your cabin went to bed actually. But, um... The Stolls thought it'd be a good idea to steal some of Mr D's wine bottles...
Clarisse could already feel the headache coming as she ran a hand over her face wearily. Catching the water bottle Piper gave her, she followed her out of the arena to the Apollo cabin.
"How wasted everyone is?"
"LA CUCARACHA! HEY! La Cucaracha, la Cucaracha, hey hey, ya no puede caminar... ¡Porque le falta, porque le falta–"
"What... On... Hades..." Clarisse voiced, not even sure what to do or say right now.
On the small scene the Apollo kids had set in their cabin for the event were standing Leo Valdez and Chris Rodriguez singing (or rather, screaming in the mic) the most cliche Hispanic song that ever existed. Both were wearing sombreros and colorful ponchos, shaking maracas in all directions.
Clarisse loves her boyfriend, she really does. But right now, he looked like the most ridiculous fool she's ever laid her eyes on.
Next to her, Piper was chuckling.
"Oh. Well they weren't as bad when I went to get you."
Around them, everyone else was pretty intoxicated. Some were laughing at Chris and Leo's performance, others were making out, the Stolls were preparing new murderous cocktails with different wines and juice, and some who didn't seem to tolerate alcohol that good were already snoring on any comfortable surface of the cabin.
"Is that Drew with Kayla?!" Piper shrieked at two campers making out on the couch.
"Stay focused, McLean! " Clarisse reminded, feeling her patience wearing thin. "I'm going to kill the Stolls one day... I'll take care of Chris, you of Valdez?"
"Got it."
They got on the stage once the song was over and the boys practically jumped on them with exaggerated joy.
"Pipeeees! My favorite girl in the world! Oops, don't tell Cal' I said that." Leo shouted before he started to laugh hysterically, his sombrero falling from his head.
"Don't worry, it'll be our little secret." Piper promised as she was retaining a smile.
Lucky for him, Calypso had been gone for two days when Reyna and Hazel offered to make her visit New Rome.
Clarisse, however, was far from laughing at her boyfriend's antics.
"Clary!" The son of Hermes shouted as he smothered her in his arms.
"I told you not to call me that in public!"
"I missed you so m... What's the word again? Much. I missed you so much."
"Let's get you guys to bed." the daughter of Aphrodite reasoned as she eventually got a hold on Leo's frame – he was falling asleep anyway.
"Woooow, slow down McLean! You're not my type, I'mma go to bed with only one girl here and that's the drakon slayer next to meee-"
"Rodriguez, shut the Hades up!" Clarisse yelped, her cheeks red, with anger or because of what Chris had just said, that Piper will never know.
With a strength that wasn't even surprising anymore when you got to know Clarisse la Rue, she pulled her boyfriend forcefully to her side and helped him get off the stage, holding him by his shoulders.
At some point, Piper had to carry Leo on her back as he couldn't walk at all.
Reaching the Dionysus cabin – Pollux had made it the official cabin for drunk people to sleep in – had never been more difficult for the two girls. Leo, still perched on Piper's back, was loudly complaining at Chris that they didn't have time to sing Viva La Vida Loca and Chris was shouting the cheesiest love declarations to the poor daughter of Ares.
When they finally got to Cabin 12, the young Cherokee girl made sure Leo drank enough water to mitigate the horrible hangover that would come next morning while Clarisse helped Chris laying on a bunk.
"Mmh, Claryyyy. Come on, say it. At least one time."
Clarisse sighed. "Fine. I love you."
"Mmh, I luv you too... You're the love of my life..." Chris replied as he yawned and his eyes closed.
Piper was sure she had seen the ghost of a smile appearing on Clarisse's face but if she did, she didn't point it out. Soon, the two drunkards were fast asleep and all the girls could hear as they sat on a bunk facing them, was their snoring.
Clarisse turned to her, her face dead serious. "If you ever repeat what you heard tonight-"
"I won't! Cool down. Besides, you're not the only one. Leo rambled the entire night about how I'm the best supreme best friend he ever had, but that I can't tell Jason about it."
The war girl snorted. "Speaking of which, why didn't you have fun with your boyfriend and all the other fools over there?"
The Cherokee shrugged, leaning on her elbows. "I don't know. Sometimes I just don't like to mingle with the crowd. And I knew someone was going to have to stay conscious. Even Annabeth's drunk."
"You gotta be kidding me."
"Nope. Worth seeing." Piper laughed and Clarisse followed her.
And suddenly, that laughter reminded the daughter of Ares of another one she hadn't heard for a long time. Such a long time that she actually started to forget how it sounds like and that mere fact was saddening her more than anything.
Clarisse knew Piper wasn't Silena. She could never be. But Clarisse knew something for sure: she would have loved her new sister.
Piper stood up, stretching her arms behind her head. "What do you say we go back to this karaoke thing? I feel we're going to have to take care of more than two people tonight."
"Urgh. Do we really have to?" Clarisse moaned, her wish to kill the Stoll getting more intense every second.
It was true that if Chiron was to see all their drunk asses, they'll be punished for life.
"Well if it can motivates you, I heard before leaving that drunk Jason and drunk Percy were begging to sing Gangnam Style together."
"Okay you got me, McLean. I would never miss Prissy making a fool of himself."
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novaent · 4 years
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AND*ROMA’s comeback is right around the corner, set to happen on August 19th.
Ahead of the comeback to help with promotions, Younggi, Darae, and Meiqi will go together to a recording of The Return of the Superman on August 7th. This will air on August 16th. On August 14th, Kaeun and Gyeoul will be panelist guest members of King of Masked Singer. This will air on August 23rd.
Their comeback showcase starts at 7pm, an hour after the official release. The photo teasers will play on the big screen while ‘So Good’ plays followed by the ‘High Heels’ music video. The MC of the night, Kim Nahee, will step onto the stage to start things off. The members will be called onto the stage and introduce themselves to the public, as well as their brand new song. They’ll perform ‘High Heels’ for the first time. The MC will start a section of questions and answers regarding their new album and comeback preparations, as well as other major events during their hiatus period such as OST releases. They’ll then perform ‘So Good’ followed by a performance of ‘Summer Kiss’. During the next break, the MC will ask a few personal and variety questions, as well as their goals for this comeback and the future. They’ll sing ‘I’ll Hold You’ with standing microphones and then freely move around the stage during a performance of ‘Sugar Baby’. Their outfits will follow the one on this image.
The following is the music show promotion schedule for AND*ROMA’s ‘High Heels’ activities:
08/20, 08/27, 09/03, 09/10: Mnet M!Countdown
08/21, 08/28, 09/04, 09/11: KBS Music Bank
08/21, 08/28: Arirang Simply K-Pop
08/22, 08/29, 09/05, 09/12: MBC Music Core
08/23, 08/30, 09/06, 09/13: SBS Inkigayo
08/25, 09/01, 09/08, 09/15: MTV The Show
08/26, 09/02, 09/09, 09/16: MBC Show Champion
During the first week of promotions, AND*ROMA will use ‘So Good’ as an intro song and will perform it alongside the title track. For any day that you do not have to perform or have any other schedules, you may have a break at the dorms unless said otherwise.
Music show promotions will last for a total of four weeks this time. Programs will begin pre-recording early in the morning and groups are expected to stay at the broadcasting station until the live broadcast takes place later in the day. Although music shows in real life follow varied recording schedules, for IC writing purposes, the schedule for every music show will follow this consistent pattern:
06:20AM: at broadcasting station: basic first rehearsal on stage; no makeup, casual clothes.
06:45AM: head to salon: get makeup and hair done.
07:45AM: return to broadcasting station: eat breakfast, nap in dressing room/space.
09:00AM: dress rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
09:20AM: return to dressing room/space: rest, eat, nap.
11:00AM: final camera rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
11:15AM: greet senior artist groups at their respective dressing room/spaces, accompanied by a manager. you may not sleep during this time, up until the live broadcast.
07:00PM: live broadcast; when not performing, must stay in dressing room/space until the ending stage of the show.
08:00PM: line up in waiting room area to formally greet producers, director, and senior staff.
09:00PM: meeting time with fans who attended the recordings.
10:00PM: return to dressing rooms to clean up, change back into casual clothes.
11:00PM: arrive back at dorms.
On applicable Fridays, members leave the KBS building for recording Arirang Simply K-Pop which airs 1PM ~ 2PM.
Gyeoul will be given the news on August 20th the details of an OST opportunity. The drama ‘Entertainers’ has offered her to sing one of the OSTs for the show, ‘I Can’t Live Without You’. She’ll be given the lyrics and the demo to practice with before she’ll be taken to the recording studio on September 3rd.
On August 21st, AND*ROMA will be guests on Idol Radio and on August 22nd on Cultwo Show. On August 24th, Sora and Darae will go to the radio SBS Power FM. 
On August 5th, Darae and Meiqi will record an episode of IQS for the S-POP Channel to air on August 12th. On August 13th, the entire group will record ‘MV Commentary’ for their new title song’s music video to air on August 20th. On August 23rd, the group will also record ‘Idol Café’ to air on August 30th. On August 31st, they’ll record ‘After Mom Is Asleep’ as based on this episode. This will air on September 7th.
You will gain +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +3 DEBUT POINTS and +2 ACHIEVEMENTS for completing the written requirements explained on the idol tier page. As this is a song promotion month, one of your chosen achievements must be relevant to the above schedule and all required content should be written about activities listed on the above schedule for the month of August. There is a capped maximum of five solos, sets of starters and/or partnered threads you may write to collect this month’s points.
To clarify, the only form that needs to be submitted at the end of the month is a verification form for your debut points and achievements. Any SP points earned can be collected as soon as you finish the requirement for them. At the end of the month, as you did with your previous evaluation forms, you will submit the following form to the Points Verification blog:
IDOL’S NAME - NOVA ENT - AUGUST SCHEDULE (for the September 2 verification form)
POINTS: +00 SP [ distribute these however you like ]
**** Their promotional activities give 5 EXP. Their music show performances give 26 EXP. Gyeoul’s OST opportunity gives 1 EXP. Their appearances in the S-POP Channel give 4 EXP, making it a total of 36 EXP. For more information regarding GROUP EXP, refer to the idol tier page.
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ktent · 4 years
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Eclipse’s comeback is right around the corner, set to happen on July 13th.
From July 1st, they’ll start practicing the choreogrphy for their b-side song ‘Trap’.
Haseul will be given the news on July 8th the details of an OST opportunity. The drama ‘Entertainers’ has offered her to sing one of the OSTs for the show, ‘A Love Before’. She’ll be given the lyrics and the demo to practice with before she’ll be taken to the recording studio on July 22nd.
To help promote their new album, the members will have to make a few appearances. On July 9th, all members will take part in the filming of ‘Knowing Brothers’ inspired by Episode 84 which can be seen here. This episode will air on July 25th. On July 10th, Minji will go to a recording of ‘The Return of Superman’ by herself. The episode will air on July 19th. 
Their comeback showcase starts at 7pm, an hour after the official release. ‘The Night’ teaser will play on the big screen and then the MC of the night Kim Hana will step onto the stage to start things off. The members will be called onto the stage and introduce themselves to the public, as well as their brand new song. They’ll perform ‘Chase Me’ first, followed by their first performance of ‘Good Night’. The MC will start a section of questions and answers regarding their new album and comeback preparations, as well as other major events during their hiatus period such as drama participations. They’ll then perform ‘Daydream’ while sitting down, followed by a full performance of ‘Trap’. During the next break, the MC will ask a few personal and variety questions, as well as their goals for this comeback and the future. They’ll stand up to sing ‘Wake Up’ and then ‘Navillera’ as an encore stage. Their outfits will follow the one on this image.
The following is the music show promotion schedule for ECLIPSE’s ‘Good Night’ activities:
07/14, 07/21, 07/28: MTV The Show
07/15, 07/22, 07/29: MBC Show Champion
07/16, 07/23, 07/30: Mnet M!Countdown
07/17, 07/24, 07/31: KBS Music Bank
07/17, 07/24: Arirang Simply K-Pop
07/18, 07/25, 08/01: MBC Music Core
07/19, 07/26, 08/02: SBS Inkigayo
During the first week of promotions, ECLIPSE will use ‘Trap’ as their sibling song and will perform it alongside the title track. For any day that you do not have to perform or have any other schedules, you may have a break at the dorms unless said otherwise.
Music show promotions will last for a total of three weeks this time. Programs will begin pre-recording early in the morning and groups are expected to stay at the broadcasting station until the live broadcast takes place later in the day. Although music shows in real life follow varied recording schedules, for IC writing purposes, the schedule for every music show will follow this consistent pattern:
06:20AM: at broadcasting station: basic first rehearsal on stage; no makeup, casual clothes.
06:45AM: head to salon: get makeup and hair done.
07:45AM: return to broadcasting station: eat breakfast, nap in dressing room/space.
09:00AM: dress rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
09:20AM: return to dressing room/space: rest, eat, nap.
11:00AM: final camera rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
11:15AM: greet senior artist groups at their respective dressing room/spaces, accompanied by a manager. you may not sleep during this time, up until the live broadcast.
07:00PM: live broadcast; when not performing, must stay in dressing room/space until the ending stage of the show.
08:00PM: line up in waiting room area to formally greet producers, director, and senior staff.
09:00PM: meeting time with fans who attended the recordings.
10:00PM: return to dressing rooms to clean up, change back into casual clothes.
11:00PM: arrive back at dorms.
On applicable Fridays, members leave the KBS building for recording Arirang Simply K-Pop which airs 1PM ~ 2PM.
The group will go to SBS Power FM on July 14th, and on July 16th to Kiss The Radio. On July 19th, they’ll go to Idol Radio as a whole group, but Haseul and Jennie will also go by themselves on July 30th, along with two other idol group members.
On July 16th, during the recording of M!Countdown, Jennie will be in charge of the MC role when interviewing her own group. The interview will take place in a room such as this, along with another girl group that’ll be promoting at the same time, B.B., and their member MC, Boni. Jennie will ask Joohyun to describe her feelings for having a comeback, Haseul to explain their newest title track, and Anna to explain their point dance (which both Eclipse and B.B. will recreate). After B.B.’ interview, Jennie will announce the other group’s soon to come stage, and then everyone will finish the interview with a “Coming up soon!” cheer. All questions are scripted, so the girls should be prepared with what to say.
Also on July 16th, Haseul and Blue will go together to a recording of ‘King of Mask Singer’ as panelists. The episode will air on August 1st.
As a solo schedule, on July 19th, Anna will receive some news from their manager. As one of the dancers of ECLIPSE, Anna will take part in a dance video for a popular dance studio. She’ll meet the choreographer on July 20th to chat and start learning the choreography as seen on this video. A couple of days later, on July 22nd, she’ll return to the studio to record it. The video will be uploaded later on to the dance studio’s official YouTube cannel.
Apart from that, ECLIPSE will also have to prepare a different kind of stage. The Music Bank episode on the 24th will be changed in favor of a Summer special concert and the group was invited to participate. They’ll perform two of their songs: ‘Good Night’ and ‘Me Gustas Tu’. They’ll also have a special stage in which they’ll perform the popular song ‘U-Go-Girl’ originally by Katie Lee. You may find a line distribution to the special stage here (reference). The special stage will be pre-recorded earlier in the day in outfits similar to the ones showed in the reference video. Joohyun has also received the honor to act as a special MC during the special concert alongside B.Mil from the boy group DE:CODE in place of Music Bank’s usual MCs.
On July 31st, Samsung will be hosting a summer party in a hotel for their staff and trainees. While Eclipse members may attend, their presence is optional and the manager will suggest not spending too much time there in case they choose to go. They’d only be available after the end of the Music Bank recordings for the day. Idols will have their own area to sit at separate from the others, but they may interact with trainees in case they go out of it. More information can be found on the trainee evaluation post.
On July 9th, the group will record ‘MV Commentary’ for the S-POP Channel for their new comeback with ‘Good Night’. On July 20th, ECLIPSE will go as a group to a recording of ‘After Mom Is Asleep’. You may use this video as reference.
You will gain +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +3 DEBUT POINTS and +2 ACHIEVEMENTS for completing the written requirements explained on the idol tier page. As this is a song promotion month, one of your chosen achievements must be relevant to the above schedule and all required content should be written about activities listed on the above schedule for the month of July. There is a capped maximum of five solos, sets of starters and/or partnered threads you may write to collect this month’s points.
To clarify, the only form that needs to be submitted at the end of the month is a verification form for your debut points and achievements. Any SP points earned can be collected as soon as you finish the requirement for them. At the end of the month, as you did with your previous evaluation forms, you will submit the following form to the Points Verification blog:
IDOL’S NAME - KT ENT - JULY SCHEDULE (for the August 5 verification form)
POINTS: +00 SP [ distribute these however you like ]
**** Their music show performances give 20 EXP and their promotions on tv and radio shows give 7 EXP. Jennie’s MC position gives 1 EXP. The group’s performances on the Summer Festival gives 3 EXP and Joohyun’s MC position gives 1 EXP. Haseul’s OST opportunity gives 1 EXP. Anna’s collab gives 1 EXP. Their appearances on the S-POP channel give 2 EXP making it a total of 36 EXP. For more information regarding GROUP EXP, refer to the idol tier page.
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5hineefanaccounts · 5 years
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160616 - M!Countdown pre-rec Jonghyun Orbit + foodtruck
Omg he was sooooo adorable ㅠㅠㅠ
He asked us what was the fanchant and we told him there's none so he created them. It's sooooo good
 Jjong : Did you eat?
Shawols : No~
Jjong : What time is it?
Shawols : 1:15PM
Jjong : It's time to eat! I didn't eat either~
Jjong : What day are we?
Shawols : Thursday
Jjong : Aaaah Thursday that's right
What was that OTL
 He was standing on stage and we kept telling him "cute!" And "pretty" and he kept laughing and thanked us ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋat the end he went "what's thaaaaat you're overreactingㅋㅋㅋ" and we all told him no so he went "thank you" ㅋㅋㅋ
We asked him what he'll eat and he told us he doesn't know, he'll see what they have upstairs and we all went "upstairs?" so he was like "oh you don't know" but then the staff asked for standby so he laughed and went on standby. We'll never know what he was talking about ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When he came on stage he told us it was the last recording and we all whined so he went "fighting!" While making the hand gesture. So cuute
When he was leaving he was gonna talk into the mic but realized it was off so he talked without it and told us to eat a lot of good food ㅠㅠㅠ
The staff kinda spoiled earlier that we'll have something after the recording and now we're all waiting. What’s gonna happen ㅋㅋㅋ
Usually when they monitor they do it behind a wall, hidden from us but Jonghyun came out to monitor on the tv next to us ㅠㅠㅠ
Apparently Jonghyun brought us a coffee truck ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
We're so many that there's even two trucks with a lot of different drinks. Jonghyun is so sweet taking such good care of us ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
They make us go in small group to the trucks. Since I was really close inside I'm really at the back of the queue OTL still so excited ㅠ
Jonghyun clothes are a checked pink suit with a white t-shirt, so so so sexy. He's performing with a band behind. Kinda Crazy feeling
Hahahah everybody took jamong so it's already sold out ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Since Jonghyun walked next to us to go on stage after monitor we all waved at him and then covered ourselves as soon as we saw the camera following him and Jonghyun laughed at us OTL
I'm kinda sad we won't see Jonghyun again today to thank him ㅠㅠㅠ We didn't know yet during the recording and he kept the secret ㅠㅠㅠ
cr: @_misnaa
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kpoplover0808 · 5 years
TWICE, Feel Special
Hi you guys! Today I am back with TWICE’s latest comeback: Feel Special!!! I am personally so excited to write about this comeback because honestly I love this comeback so freaking much. I feel like this comeback is for the fans yes, but it’s also for TWICE as a whole. You could also see this from their album as well because almost all of the songs had some kind of influence from one of the members of TWICE! Now lately TWICE has been going through ups and downs especially with Mina not feeling well with her anxiety and I feel so grateful to JYP for allowing Mina time to rest and get well and hopefully one day she will be more comfortable standing on stage on her own terms and we get to see her again soon! Fighting Mina!
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So far I have seen several performances including the one from V-Live, MBC, and M COUNTDOWN, so I will be basing this post on those performances! I am worried about Jihyo. As seen in the V-Live performance she did have to sit on the side, and based on the comments I gathered that she did hurt her neck during practice (if I am mistaken please correct me). I hope she is okay and is not pushing herself too hard to perform, but on the stages she really is killing it and is doing amazing! Honestly I love her stage presence every comeback and she is certainly not disappointing this time around either! She’s seriously killing it with her vocals, choreography, facial expressions, etc. and just overall is doing amazing even with an injury!
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I would also love to shout out to Chaeyoung for covering Mina’s part. Honestly Chaeyoung is so beautiful and talented! I also love her freaking tattoos! In Korean culture you don’t really get to see many idols with tattoos in a girl group because of the stigma against tattoos, but I love how she gets them anyway as a way of expressing herself and isn’t afraid to show them off!
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Also can I mention Dahyun’s rap!!! OMG when her part comes out I just jam out! I love her part and freaking love how she is highlighted as the center while she raps and it’s amazing! And honestly she’s being looking on point this whole comeback and looks freaking perfect!
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I also LOVE Tzuyu and Sana’s new hair colors! Like OMG I did not think I needed a blonde Tzuyu and a pink haired Sana until now! I love how they look and they are doing amazing this comeback!
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Also Momo and Nayeon are doing great this comeback as well! Obviously Momo is being the freaking dancing queen she is and on point for the choreography and is seriously rocking it with her part! Nayeon is also doing amazing! I love her outfits this comeback and I feel like she’s doing great!
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Lastly, Jeongyeon! I think that Jeongyeon is doing great this comeback, but I did see some controversy over the latest stage performance on MBC’s Show! MusicCore. In my opinion, she did a bit uncomfortable with this dress and I do agree with majority of the comments saying how the dress does not exactly show off her figure in the best way. Hopefully she does have some kind of say in her outfit choice, but hopefully the stylist does take the fan’s words into consideration and take more time when styling Jeongyeon and really make her shine even brighter!
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Overall, I think the girls are doing great this comeback! I loving the song because of the fact that it means so much to the girls and I hope that Mina does come back soon, but takes the time she needs to get better and take care of herself. When I watch the stages I do feel Mina’s absence and I can imagine where she would be if she was there, but I like how the group does not really cover up her spot or her presence even when she isn’t there because it just goes to show that TWICE is a group of 9. If one of them is missing the others won’t cover that up and try to replace or take her spot, but instead I can feel her absence. In my opinion I would rather a group do this instead becasue of the fact that it just shows how special and how each member is needed and each group is made up by all it’s members. I hope to keep seeing great things from TWICE! Fighting TWICE!!!
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Thank you guys for reading my post! I hope some of you guys stick around for my next post! Until next time you guys! ❤️
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rkevent · 5 years
As a reward for winning the Mnet Global Audition Season 5, Team Sirius, the one representing TRC, will get to appear on the next episode of M!Countdown, to be filmed and aired on August 29th. Not only that, but the group will also get their own fansign where they’ll get the chance to interact with a small number of fans, as well as a special photoshoot and interview for the magazine Singles.
25th of August: All the members would have been gotten in contact by Mnet representatives either through their company (in case they were signed) or their given phone number. They are encouraged to practice both their group performances from the finale during their free time by themselves.
27th of August: The group will have their photoshoot in a closed set. There’ll be different shots of them in a group, solo, and in duos separated by boys and girls. The interview will surround their MGA experience as well as how it felt like to become a trainee for those who did. You may use this photoshoot for reference.
28th of August: All members will be allowed to rehearse together in one of TRC’s practice rooms for their group performances that will take place on the following day.
29th of August: They should all arrive on the set of M!Countdown at 6AM to get their hair and makeup done early. Two rehearsals of each stage will be done in full stage outfits at 9AM and 11AM. The Nova stage will be filmed at 2PM while the TRC performance will be recorded live during the airing of the show at 7PM. Both performances will have a backtrack of the original audio playing, so the muses are not required to sing live. All members will get to stand on the stage during the final portion of the program together with the other artists who performed that day.
31st of August: Team Sirius will have their group fansign event. A post will be made on the MGAs official website a week before, on the 24th, where a total of 150 people will get to confirm their presence for the event. It’ll be held at Gimpo Airport, starting at 2PM. Fans will receive a small photo book with 5 different pictures taken from their photoshoot a week before to be signed by all the members of the group. These pictures are different from the ones who’ll come out in the official Single issue, making these a limited edition. It’ll end with a live performance of their TRC stage.
Participants have until Saturday, the 7th of September, at midnight EST to post a 200+ words solo about their interview experience. By doing so, they’ll receive +2 CHARISMA POINTS and +1 DEBUT POINT. Non-trainee muses won’t get to collect this debut point, even after they’re signed. There’s no need to verify these points and they should be added to the point tally once the requirements are met. Please tag your posts as#rkmga5interview.
Participants have until Saturday, the 7th of September, at midnight EST to post a 200+ words solo or a four-post thread with another finalist about any other part of their schedule, including the day at M!Countdown or their fansign. By doing so, they’ll receive +3 SKILL POINTS TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS DESIRED and all signed muses will receive a bonus +1 DEBUT POINT. Non-trainee muses won’t get to collect this debut point, even after they’re signed. There’s no need to verify these points and they should be added to the point tally once the requirements are met. Please tag your posts as #rkmga5winners.
If muns are unable to write the requirements, there are no consequences; they just won’t be able to claim points for this final prize.
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camdenfringe · 5 years
Changes to the printed brochure
Since we printed the brochure for the Camden Fringe there have been additions to the line-up & a couple of cancellations. Here is a list of forthcoming changes. Always check https://camdenfringe.com/index.php?id=3 for the most up to date line-up information
Isabelle Farah: Ellipsis Now on 7.45pm on 21 August at the Albany (moved from 4 August) https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2505
Dannie Grufferty: How Brexit sent us all slightly mad 9pm 5-7 August + 9pm 18 August at The Albany (4 August cancelled) https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2421
Faye Treacy is a Work in Progress 8pm 15-17 August Camden Comedy Club As seen on BBC Three and heard on Radio Four, Faye Treacy is back with a new work in progress show. "One of the most unique performances you'll see at the Fringe this year... simultaneously childish, genius and inescapably memorable." **** (1/2) (ShortCom) https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2715
Dan Horrigan's Riot to Heaven Sky or the Bird 8.30pm 16-20 August at Aces and Eights High octane stories from men who would steal the eyes of ya and you wouldn't know until you went to read the paper. Laugh, weep and laugh again as we break into heaven. Raconteuring, storytelling, and theatre of the highest calibre. Second chances are rarer than rocking horse manure so get your ticket before we're off to rob another town. Cheers. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2549
Fatiha El-Ghorri & Katherine Atkinson: Mocking Birds Fat Kat Comedy 4.15pm 18 August at The Bill Murray Join Fatiha El-Ghorri and Katherine Atkinson (both 2017 Funny Women Awards Regional Finalists) for an hour of stand up as Fatiha smashes Muslim stereotypes and challenges you to re-think what you think you know about Islam and Muslims, and Katherine offers up an acerbic, sideways view of motherhood, if she can be bothered. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2728
Dane Baptiste: Work in progress 9.30pm 18 August at The Bill Murray Star of Live at the Apollo (BBC Two), Tonight at the London Palladium (ITV1) and 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (Channel 4) - Join Baptiste as he workshops brand new material for his next tour show. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2727
Red Richardson: Red Notice 8.15pm 21-22, 9pm 23-24 August The Taproom In 2017 Red Richardson left a building in Central London to see thousands of people running down the street screaming, for the next 35 minutes the whole of the country (Thanks to Pop star Ollie Murs tweeting from a basement in H and M) believed it was a terrorist attack. It wasn't. This is an hour of stand up about the human condition in crisis. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2390
Leave this World Alive 9.30pm 21 August at Water Rats 'I hope the exit is joyful' - wrote Frida Kahlo, only days before she died. When was the last time YOU thought about your end? And how does it make you feel? Powerless? Awake? Does it help you appreciate the moment you live in? We will reach out for a topic which brings all these questions on the table: assisted dying - determining our own end. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2731
Nico. No Regrets. 8.30pm 23 August The Chapel Playhouse A show by and with Margherita Remotti in association with Actors East London. Directed by Alberto Barbi. Text by Fernando Coratelli and Margherita Remotti. In this one woman show, we explore the life of Nico, better known as Andy Warhol's superstar, muse and rockstar singer of the Velvet Underground. But you will discover this was only the surface. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2729
The Golden Child William Desmond 5pm 24-25 August The Chapel Playhouse William Desmond has always considered himself the Golden Child. Today, people need to standout in a crowd of hundreds of faces. Will is a twin, and during this 60 minute show he explores what it is like to be in constant competition with his brother. With musical parody and silliness, Will explains being good at everything isn't always the answer. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2718
Ross Drummond & Harry Monaghan: The Orb 5.30pm 25 August The Bill Murray Have you touched The Orb? Want to meet two that have? A mainstay of science, wonder and amazement since its inception in the late 80s, The Orb is science’s greatest invention. What’s its purpose? We’re not sure. Perhaps it merely exists to inspire us. Anything is possible with The Orb. https://camdenfringe.com/show.php?acts_id=2709
Comic Quartets Lloyd Langford: New Things (A Work in Progress) The Poseidon Conjecture
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