#standing up
tsuyoshikentsu · 3 months
Hi, I saw your post about posting more Jewish stuff since Oct 7, and your thingy on your main page about being Jewish online and taking up space about it. I truly admire that and I wish I could, but Oct 7 actually made me more afraid to be openly Jewish online... I'm if anything deliberately hiding it, which is why I'm anonymous here. I'm worried about what could happen if someone's really determined enough. But I'm glad at least some of us are brave enough to stand up and show the world we're not going to lay down and take it anymore.
For me, the best revenge has been living well and continuing to live, not letting them crush my hope.
Look, only you know your situation and what it's safe for you to do. But the point of intimidation tactics is to kill Jewish presence in real life. If they can do that, they can say whatever they want about us and there won't be anyone to provide a counterexample.
Think about how important actually knowing a Jewish person is to defeating someone's antisemitism. But if we're all too scared to reveal we're Jewish, then they might as well not know anyone. So their antisemitism will continue unabated, which is exactly what the antisemites want.
HaShem knows I don't want you to be unsafe. If you're in danger, do what you have to do to survive and don't feel bad about it for a second. I just hope that when you are safe, you're able to fight back by being visibly, unapologetically Jewish.
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
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lifeofloon · 4 months
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Wishing for a sunny day
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143bc · 10 months
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thinkgreen143 · 7 months
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@wolfstar111888 apparently cannot stand her mom being physically violent towards her, now that she has thoughts of committing s******.
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idealog · 6 months
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The Work of Truth, Complete.
Commissioned by you,
And your Desire
For Heaven.
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chi0lea · 4 months
Today I think I hoped I would die.
Today I sat down in the subway music blaring in my ears, sadness waffling in my heart. I looked around and saw an old guy, in a blink of an eye watched a group jump him.
In a moment haste I made my way towards him, telling them to leave him alone. Being told to back off and mind my business. I stood my ground, in a blink one was standing right behind me. I tilted my head and told him to back off. With the common comeback of “what the fuck you say to me bitch.” Echoed the tunnel walls.
In that moment I had hope, will you end my life like you tried to kill this poor old man or will I get to see red? Will I finally fill my hands with blood that for once wouldn’t be mine. The disdain and disgust when they stepped down and ran. I felt disgusted with myself.
Have I really lost all hope that in this moment I had hoped I would finally die?
This is a true event that happened to me tonight. The old man was still breathing and is going to live, however his head was busted open and bleeding, I was unable to identify the assailants due to my poor eyesight and them switching up their looks. Did I probably cross my fate maybe.
I’m so tired so very very tired.
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coolnessgraphed · 2 years
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Dancing with you,
Swaying back and forth together,
My head on your chest,
Your chin resting on my head.
You whisper "I love you so much"
"I love you so very much" I reply.
I can hear you breathing,
Your chest rising and falling so rhythmic as we dance.
Nothing and no one exists but us.
We're safe here..
I love the feel of your scruffy face against my face, how it tickles when you kiss my neck.
I love the safety and the silencing of my rampid thoughts, there's nothing here but the sound of your breathing, the song that's on and the low rumbling vibration of you singing along.
Singing to me and I'm singing to you.
I love you, there's no place else I'd rather be.
Then I open my eyes and realize I'm dancing alone and you're not there.
I miss you, but how can I miss someone that wasn't there to begin with?
How can I still smell you on my clothes?
My waist has the impression of your hands still.
You are here, you are with me.
"You're delusional!" The voices in my head say.
"I am not, he's here and he loves me!" I yell seemingly at the wind.
But I can feel your arms around me,
I can taste your skin,
I KNOW you are here, I KNOW it!
You exist.
I believe it.
Wrapped in your warmth...
Then I hear you whisper in my ear,
"I'm here, I'll never leave you"
"I promise".
I wrote this because I get bugged a lot and spiritually attacked 24/7. The enemy telling me I'm crazy or delusional for believing I will have a husband one day and that I know he exists and that he's coming soon. Any evidence I have or proof of his existence to fight back they throw it on the floor and tell me I'm just insane and it's not ever going to happen and it's not what it seems. But I dream about him every night, I know him, I feel him, hear his voice even. There's just too many dots connected and too many "coincidences" to not believe that this is the truth. I believe he's real just like I believe God is real but the enemy attacks and makes me believe different sometimes. It's so hard to have faith while being beaten down and mocked by invisible spiritual bullies. I just need to hang on and hold on to what I believe and know to be 100% true and that's that Jesus wouldn't lie to me and I believe that my husband is coming soon and that God is sending him. If I'm being bugged this much I can't imagine how hard he's fighting to believe I'm real and exist. This is hard but I believe it'll be so worth it in the end.
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feminists-agenda · 1 year
I find the idea of a girls girl so comforting. A girl who respects whatever another girl chooses to do with her life no matter if they personally agree with it or not. Girls are constantly shamed for doing things we enjoy whether it be listening to a certain artist or dressing a certain way and it makes the issue even more severe when us girls put each other down for favour of a male audience. No more slut shaming , feminine shaming or body shaming other girls as let’s be honest ‘pick me girls’ are just self projecting <3
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
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stinkek · 1 year
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weirdly cute
Worms 3D appears to recognise my resolution but gets stretched horizontally, I used ACDSee to resize the original screenshots into 4:3 aspect ratio before cropping.
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Standing Up (2022 TV series)
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purplemaybe · 1 year
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victoriaserias · 1 year
Life's to short to live under other people's rules
Artist: RuffMutt
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