#stargate atlantis
soleadita · 2 days
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john sheppard + the intricate intersections of team, family, + love
[bonus: he would do anything for them]
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stargatelov3r · 2 days
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Elizabeth Weir Daily
Day 375
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chaos-monkeyy · 3 days
Alrighty here's an SGA team-poly-ship WIP that I got a decent start on 3 years ago, but which I know I'm never going to write more for. Little bit of explicit content below the cut!
John/Teyla/Ronon/Rodney, sleeping together and Sleeping Together
Working title: Group
Teyla snored. She insisted she didn’t, but she did. 
Rodney was all elbows, and didn’t stop talking and muttering to himself even when he was fast asleep.
Ronon, a little surprisingly, was the worst blanket-thief John had ever met. He was also, less surprisingly, an incurable cuddler. 
And John himself… Well, John honestly wasn’t sure what his ‘thing’ was— but for all the snoring and elbow-jabs and sleepy overheating bear hugs, he’d never in his life slept so well as he did with the three of them. 
It had all started by accident. On a long away-mission, travelling by foot with the locals to a remote temple of healing that sounded distinctly promising on the Ancient technology front, John’s team had wound up sharing a single large tent every night. Apparently communal sleeping was the norm for that particular society, and Teyla had quietly but sternly warned him that their guides would almost certainly look on them with suspicion if they refused to share. Maybe even refuse to lead them to the temple after all; and something on the planet screwed with the jumper sensors and flight controls too much to try and fly there themselves. 
So, they’d very graciously accepted their shared sleeping tent for the approximately week-long journey there and back. 
It hadn’t been so bad; a little awkward at first, maybe, but the nights were uncomfortably cold and the extra body heat was far from unwelcome. Plus, it wasn’t like John wasn’t used to bunking down in shared barracks anyway. 
The part he’d been much less used to was finding himself in the middle of what amounted to a cuddle pile the next morning. But by the time they got back to the village near the stargate, even waking up in a cozy tangle of limbs had started feeling almost… normal. So normal, in fact, that once they did get back to Atlantis, John hadn’t been able to sleep properly without them anymore. 
As it turned out, the feeling was mutual, and… well, one thing eventually led to another. 
Ronon somehow always managed to wake up first. 
John didn’t particularly mind. Especially not on mornings like this one, where he gradually slipped awake to the feeling of a familiar body moving against him and the slow, luxurious recollection that it was their day off and nobody had to get up yet. 
Or, get out of bed, more accurately. Seemed some people were definitely getting something up already. 
John hummed quietly, shifting sleepily as Ronon’s mouth found his neck, lips soft and wet and smiling against his skin. He could feel the light graze of Ronon’s teeth and the scratchy tickle of his beard as he meandered a slow trail down John’s exposed neck to his bare shoulder, one large, warm hand sliding up John’s leg under the sheets and over his hip. 
He could also feel Ronon’s erection, already hard and full, rutting lazily against him from behind while Ronon kept mouthing at him and running that hand teasingly over his stomach, squeezing his hip; just barely brushing past the base of John’s filling cock and away again until John was squirming slowly in place and panting softly for breath. In front of him, Teyla blinked awake, a smile spreading over her face as she watched Ronon pushing the covers down and continuing his lazy trail down John’s body.
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orion-kenobi · 24 hours
in sga season 5 there are a couple mentions of a movie theater on atlantis and i’d like to believe the creation of this theater was john’s doing. there was some movie he wanted to show ronon but insisted it was best on the big screen and immediately recruited rodney to find the best spot in atlantis for this very necessary addition.
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hannibalsjuicyass · 1 year
Hey man sorry about your male co-star. Turns out you guys had too much sexual tension on screen so he was written into a lazy, heterosexual romance arc that lacks chemistry and depth and actually just makes him look even more queer tbh. Now he's off pretending to be happy with somebody else when the love of his life was right there all along. I'm so sorry dude. It will probably happen again :/
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GUYS my girlfriend MADE this for me for christmas!! with her own two hands!! she even wired the chevrons to light up and i’m so impressed and happy and just wanted to share it with the world
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autie-j · 30 days
Me whenever I see Jason Momoa in a movie
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stargatesource · 5 months
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STARGATE ATLANTIS || “The Game" 3.15
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cesperanza · 25 days
A bit of a video showcase for the gorgeous, gorgeous binding of Written by the Victors!!! @daemonluna typeset it and @rhipidurafan made this copy for me!! Things to notice--the absolutely gorgeous endpapers! The dyed blue edges! The different fonts--type for bibliography, and then, even more excitingly, later, different fonts for the poetry, the songs, the early and late Atlantian dialects segments. Absolutely beautiful. This sort of hand-made art just floors me; it's everything wonderful about fandom IMO!
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darkshrimpemotions · 8 months
I miss fun TV shows with ragtag friend groups getting into wacky hijinks. Like yeah fine they save the world or whatever but more importantly, they crack jokes and get into shenanigans and take care of each other. Miss the hell out of that shit.
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rosadellic · 1 month
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Stargate Atlantis | Season 4 "This Mortal Coil"
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stargatebarbie · 6 months
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It’s my Stargate and I’ll make it pink if I want to
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lenalake · 3 months
More Stargate Outtake/Blooper GIFs
Here are some more GIFs from the clips Joe Mallozzi has been posting. Enjoy!
Outtake #37
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Outtake #39
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Outtake #35
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Outtake #20
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Outtake #16
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Outtake #6
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bakanokiwami · 1 year
If you want to see the TV Show bar chart with the multi-category fandom tags included, please check this post.
To make these bar chart race, all series titles in the TV Show Category on November 29 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, manually filtered for fandoms belonging in only one category and then inputted to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
Locked fanworks aren't included in the count because Wayback Machine can’t view those, only Ao3 users can.
Jossverse was in the top 10 from 2010-2017 (Top 2 in 2010 and 2011). In 2018, it was removed from the TV Show fandom list and works tagged with it show up in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) instead so I’ve excluded it from the bar chart.
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
ETA: About Doctor Who: Doctor Who actually has 2 tags with ranked higher (Higher than Doctor Who (2005) even) on the list. Unfortunately, they were both multi-category tags: Doctor Who & Related Fandoms was also in the Other Media category thanks to the Doctor Who (Big Finish Audio), and the other tag Doctor Who was also in Books & Literature thanks to Doctor Who - Various Authors. You can see them rank in the top 10 TV Shows multi-category bar chart race linked above.
About Stargate: The Stargate - All Media Types tag is actually interesting because unlike most All Media Types tags, it’s only listed in the TV Show category. That’s why it still turned up in this list. This might just be a lack of tagging its other categories (like Books & Literature) on AO3, however. Now that I checked its subtags, it actually had at least 2 Book & Literature only subtags: Stargate Atlantis: Legacy Series - Various Authors and Stargate SG-1 - Various Authors. So it probably should not have been in this bar chart race. Apologies for the oversight.🙏
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spockvarietyhour · 6 months
I never know what I'll pull up on good ole messenger when looking for a gif reaction, but this one was too good to ignore.
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teylasbantos · 3 months
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