starvity · 9 months
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— ☆ sides zb1 only show when they’re with you
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, drabble // warnings: insecurities, jealousy, a bit angsty for gyuv and yujin
author’s note: this was such an interesting request and i had so much fun thinking about what to put for each member!! (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong - his funny side
okay i’m not saying jiwoong isn’t funny usually but he would be the FUNNIEST when he’s with you. he's most of the time someone kind of serious and reserved in public settings but then he would suddenly whisper a funny comment (that only you heard) and you would have to fight internally to not burst out laughing. some other time, you’re just getting ready to sleep, already cuddled up in the blanket while waiting for jiwoong, when his silly side would appear. like he would be brushing his teeth then he would start running around and doing some handstands on you idk???? he’s just a silly guy
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao - his protective side
hao loves himself a good princess treatment. he would always use his puppy eyes to get whatever he wants from you and you both know it, that you can never win. and that dynamic works for your relationship!! but then sometimes you appear in front of hao looking a bit more tired, stressed, or sick than usual and it’s like something switches in his brain. he will treat you like absolute royalty, that being by doing the chores, giving you a massage, cooking for you, cuddling with you? ANYTHING YOU WANT!!! that always happens when you’re away from him too, walking home or coming back late from a party. he will come pick you up whenever he can or at least ask you to facetime him.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin - his jealous side
i am certain that not a single person on this planet can dislike this man. he is loved by everyone and everyone knows him. when you two go out on a date he would usually be the one to meet like 5 of his friends on the way. but today it was your turn to randomly meet one of your old high school friends in a store. naturally, they come to hug you and keep an arm around your waist while you two catch up on each other’s life. suddenly, you feel hanbin’s arm slide around your shoulders as he pulls you closer. "i’m their boyfriend, by the way." he says, with a smirk on his face and his eyes turning dark.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew - his insecure side
matthew is your biggest fan. he will always hype you up, telling you that you’re the most beautiful and amazing person he’s ever met. he will brag about you to his friends and talk about you to his family all the time. but when you do the same for him, he immediately gets shy, saying that it isn’t true and that you’re doing too much. you frown, repeating that he’s just perfect and he shakes his head again. you cup his jaw with your hands to make him look at you. "you.are.amazing.matt." you repeat, kissing his lips between every word. he lowers his gaze, a pinkish color settling on his cheeks "you really think so?"
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae - his calm side
dating taerae can be a bit exhausting sometimes (especially if you’re introverted) because this man YELLS. like it’s not even that he does it on purpose most of the time, he just has a really prominent voice. he would be playing video games online with his friends and he wouldn’t even hear how loud he is screaming because of his headphones. you throw a pillow at him, monitoring a "silence" motion with your index finger as you were trying to take a nap. after mouthing a sorry, taerae delicately turns off his computer, puts his headphones aside and takes his guitar before sitting next to you on the bed. he strokes your hair, apologising with now the calmest voice before he starts singing you to sleep with his sweet voice.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky - his attentive side
you don't even try to figure out what's on ricky's mind sometimes. he would start talking about some random subject, then starts talking about another, then another... he himself would be distracted with his own words when he's talking to you that he would need to get quiet, blink a few times and let out a "what?" before laughing and trying to focus again. he can be easily distracted but he is also really observant, especially around you. one day he started talking about all the little habits you have that he finds endearing and you realised that you weren't even aware that you had half of these.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin - his serious side
one thing about gyuvin is that he's always going to make fun of people. and you being his partner gets the WORST treatment. he was on his phone when he suddenly laughs, shoving it in your face. you were horrified when you saw the ugliest picture of you sleeping and started begging him to delete it. he continues laughing as you try to snatch the device out of his hands but, again, he was too tall. without even you knowing, tears roll down your cheeks and the expression on gyuvin's face completely changes. he takes you in his arms, stroking you back and apologising over and over again. later in the evening, you two had a deep conversation and he asks to set boundaries because he never wants to hurt you ever again. (he won't stop making fun of you though, as far as you allow him <3)
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook - his cute side
mister giant baby thinks that his role is to protect you no matter what. he thinks he always need to be tough, and that you're probably just dating him to open jars and carry heavy stuff for you??? "can i be the big spoon today?" you ask, opening your arms for gunwook who had just showered after coming back from practice. he looks at you confused, at first disapproving because blah blah he's the big boy here before sighing and placing his head on your chest. you suddenly see his eyes soften at the sudden contact as you pull him closer. gunwook hums contently and closes his eyes. "not so bad , after all?" you chuckle while stroking his cheek with your thumb. "shut up~" he whines in a cute voice, hiding his face in your neck.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin - his emotional side
you know that it is not easy to read yujin like an open book. and since he's also pretty new to the whole relationship thing, he finds it quite hard to express his emotions, especially around you. you were studying in yujin's room while he was practicing his vocals in the bathroom (the acoustic is good, apparently). and you were so focused on studying for your next test that you didn't hear nor see the door open a minute ago. "can i talk to you?" yujin's voice startles you from across the room and you gulp nervously, inviting him to sit next to you. he suddenly leans his head on your shoulder and your hand naturally comes up to pet his head. "i feel like i haven't been doing really good lately, with my vocals and dancing... and like i don't know if i'm even good enough..." you listen attentively to his worries and reassures him that he's doing great and that you're proud of him. (might have teared up a little).
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starvity · 5 months
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— ☆ zb1 reacting to you asking them to teach you how to kiss
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, suggestive, drabble // warnings: kissing, teasing, some of them might be a bit suggestive?, lots of physical contact lol
author’s note: in this context you've been dating bf!jebewon for a while and haven't had your first kiss yet :D (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong
"did you practice a lot for this?" you carefully ask jiwoong as one of his kiss scenes shows on the tv screen. he laughs nervously "why? are you jealous?" his lips curl up into a daring smirk. "not at all, i just would like to get a class from mr. kim, too" you say cheekily. "you should get into acting then." he smiles in fake sympathy and you glare at him until he scoffs at your annoyed face. "i got you, i’ll do it for free. just for you." he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer until your noses touch. "first, you give them a small kiss" his actions follow his words and your face scrunches up out of shyness. "and then… well you just have to know." jiwoong's lips suddenly start to slowly move against yours.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao
hao and you were spontaneously cuddling on a sunday morning. both of you are always too lazy to get up so you spend hours talking in each other’s arms, sometimes going back to sleep between each topic. but today you both seem a bit more touchy and eager, hands brushing against each other’s neck and waist. "can i kiss you?" he exclaims, hair messy and sleepy eyes. "but… i’ve never kissed anyone before" you admit, cheeks dusted with pink. "can i be your first?" he smiles, turning his head towards your hand that was holding his cheek to plant there a chaste kiss. you nod as he slowly leans in, taking things slow until you find a rhythm that suits you.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin
a casual conversation with hanbin eventually lead to the topic that you've been so preoccupied about. he is shocked when you admit that you’ve never kissed anyone and he’s looking at you with big doe eyes, wondering how someone as beautiful as you has never experienced kissing. you start to hide your face in the crook of his neck, embarrassed by your confession and hanbin’s eyes widen even more, if it’s even possible. "no, no, that’s okay!! sorry, i don’t want you to think i’m judging you or anything." he finally realizes how his reaction might have come out. he’ll start off with a few kisses on your cheeks, on each side and with breaks between every single one of them to look deeply into your eyes. he smiles softly before pecking your lips over and over again until you find the courage to deepen the kiss.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew
you were studying with matthew as a question pops into your mind. "have you kissed anyone before?" his head perks up from your voice, a grin already starting to form on his face. "why? want me to teach you?" you can’t help the blush quickly spreading on your ears as he has seen right through your brain. "it’s not like physics" he sets his pencil down on his paper, which happened to be filled with formulas. "you just have to feel it" he explains, reassuringly taking your hands in his, dragging his chair towards yours. the first seconds are awkward, which causes him to giggle against your lips but you quickly get the hang of it as you focus on your feelings towards matthew, utter love, that is.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae
"can we practice something else?" you sigh, a bit tired with how taerae has been practicing guitar and ignoring you for a few hours now. you have been craving for his attention and the romance novel you were reading did not help removing all sorts of thoughts going through your head (images of taerae’s lips against yours, that is). you blush picturing it again, completely ignoring how taerae had gotten up and how he was already hovering over you. you snap back to reality, surprised to see his face so close to yours. "you’re going to have to remove that book if you want it to happen" he chuckles, looking at how you had subconsciously put your opened book over the bottom part of your face. "i don’t know how though" you close your eyes nervously before you feel him giggle against your lips "that’s what practice is for, don’t worry."
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky
ricky had gone shopping this morning and here he was doing his weekly haul on your bed, products all spread out on your bedsheets. "they had a sale on lip balms so i took some for you too. want to test them out?" he shows a teasing smile. you nod, innocently puckering your lips for him to apply it for you. your excited face becomes puzzled watching ricky applies it on himself. "this one is strawberry flavored" he mirrors you, puckering his lips. you gulp, staring at how his lips are slightly pink and shimmering. "how do i do it?" you abruptly stop before your lips can touch. "kissing, i mean" you continue, your gaze getting lost in his. ricky hums, placing a hand on your nape to pull you closer. he was wrong though, the lip balm was cherry flavored.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin
gyuvin loves to nuzzle his nose in your neck, that’s an habit of his that you’ve always found so endearing. his nose is always kind of cold so he had started looking for some warmth against your skin. you were always giggling when he did it as you were a bit ticklish but today the air felt different. you feel your stomach make a 360 turn as his mouth grazes against the area connecting your neck and your shoulder. "gyuv?" he hums in response. "can you do that here? teach me." he rises his head and his eyes follow your finger which is pointing at your lips. "you’ve never done that?" he asks, eyes widening in a non-judgmental but curious way. you nod before he leans in without hesitation, immediately feeling his lips perfectly fit against yours.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook
"i’m so bored" you throw your head back against the frame of the opened window, enjoying the soft breeze coming from your side. "me too but it’s so hot that i can’t seem to move much" gunwook comes up to you, resting his head on your shoulder with a sigh. your shift your position so you’re facing him who is now standing between your hanging legs. your hand softly brushes through his slightly damp hair which causes him to look up at you. gunwook smiles softly before hesitantly brushing his lips against yours. you awkwardly peck back his lips, eyes screwed shut in embarrassment. "sorry, do you want me to stop?" gunwook notices your scrunched up face. "i just don’t know how to kiss" you sigh, avoiding his eyes as you blush. "i’m not sure how either, but let’s learn together?" he shoots back a reassuring smile.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin
you were playing the sims with yujin, finally buying your house after spending hours customising your characters. "i don’t really look like myself but that will do" you say, looking at your character closely. "that’s because you don’t have any custom content, look at my hair! that’s not me!" he complains. the night deepens as you're fully immersed into the game. "it is finally time!!" yujin announces dramatically, already giggling between each word. you look at him confused, wondering what he's up to again. you watch the screen as he selects the interaction, making both of your sims kiss. "wow, that's not fair that they are kissing before we do." you softly hit his shoulder. "do you know how?" he looks at you confused, still laughing. "no... we have to watch tutorials" you burst into a nervous fit of laughter until you suddenly feel yujin's lips brush against yours.
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starvity · 6 months
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— ☆ zb1 reacting to you crying after an argument
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: angst turning into fluff // warnings: arguments and crying obviously, shouting
author’s note: thank you for requesting anonie <3 (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong
after an argument, you two would need your time by yourselves before approaching the problem. jiwoong withdraws in the kitchen, calming himself down and gathering his thoughts before heading to your shared room. before opening the door he hears a faint sound of your sobs and he sighs to himself. he enters the bedroom and notices you sitting on the edge of the bed, back turned to him. jiwoong approches you quietly, wraps his arms around your torso and strokes your shoulders. with reassuring words and apologies, he calms you down in order to have a serious talk together.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao
zhang hao is petty and would always want to have the last word. you guys would speak relatively loud (because hao is originally loud) but not to the point of yelling at you. every time you would try to finish the argument because the bickering was getting long and tiring, he would always bring something up and add fuel to the fire. you were trying to avoid arguing some more and declares that you were heading to the room to rest. hao apparently didn’t want to finish this later and he grabs your arm to make you turn around, while shouting your name rather loudly. you can’t help the tears rolling down your cheeks as you look at him. his eyes soften as he takes you in his arms, constantly cursing himself for making you cry. will pamper you for the rest of the night as an apology.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin
100% the type to cry with you. hanbin is an empath and the argument most definitely occured just because you were mad or sad at something so he became sad too and since you were both sensitive now, the smallest disagreement caused conflict. would want to treat the problem immediately. when he realises that you will start yelling and rambling very soon, he suggests for you two to calm down and settle on the couch to talk. the open heart conversation made you cry and hanbin followed soon after, both overly apologising for hurting each other. throughout the conversation you notice how softly he looks at you and how attentive he is to your body language. "tell me the truth" he says when he notices your eyes avoiding his and "it’s okay, i’m here" when he feels your fingers anxiously play with his. you definitely take a power nap together after, exhausted from all the tears.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew
you hear the door opening followed by a loud thud as a bag drops to the floor; matthew is back from the gym. he had stayed there for a relatively long time today, probably to relieve stress after you two had an argument this morning. you had assured him through texts that you were fine but your puffy nose and red cheeks can't hide the fact that you had been crying the entire afternoon. after you hid your tissues under your pillow, you watch him as he slightly opens the door. matthew immediately notices your sad face and whines, rushing to your side. he laughs nervously, engulfing you in a hug and leaving pecks all over your face. "you shouldn't lie to me", he apologizes over and over again as he tickles you to try to set a happier mood.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae
it was never taerae's intention to raise his voice at you but he sometimes can't control how loud it is. you had been listening to him as he sits in front of the bedroom door that you had closed. apologizing, blaming himself, he had tried everything to get you to open the door for him and despite how much you want to hug him, you don't want him to see you in this state. he hears your sobs and he once again gets mad at himself. suddenly, taerae rests his back against the door and starts singing. you take a moment to calm down with his soft voice and finally open the door. he immediately wraps his arms around your waist, his face diving into the crook of your neck. the night is filled with sorry’s and i love you’s as he lulls you to sleep.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky
ricky spots you quietly crying on the couch after you had a small argument in his room an hour ago and he is unsure of how to treat the problem and how to comfort you. he grabs a glass of water from the kitchen and, without a word, hands it to you. while you quietly take a sip, he grabs a tissue from the coffee table, wiping your tears with a soft smile on his face. you pucker your lips, both as a sign of "i acknowledge this as an apology" and as a "i’m not mad at you anymore" and he giddily places a peck on your lips, then your nose and eventually all over your face. "i’m sorry" you two mutter at the exact same time and the coincidence makes you burst out loud, already forgetting about what you were mad about in the first place.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin
it was hard to hide your tears from gyuvin who has been stuck to your side as soon as the argument toned down a bit. you had probably never seen him this quiet and it makes you think about how hurt he must’ve been. it was your first big fight with gyuvin and you’re still scared about how you’re supposed to solve it. you’re sitting on his lap, hugging, as you both stroke each other’s back. you pull back to look at him and notice his big round and sparkly eyes. he swipes his finger under your eye before the tear can roll down your cheek and you cradle his face in return, placing a small kiss on his forehead.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook
soft touches!! gunwook tries his best to understand and listen to you and he always makes an effort to be a good boyfriend overall. you couldn't help your sobs, feeling a bit embarrassed about how you were soaking his hoodie while crying on his shoulder. when you're done crying and ready to apologise for crying too hard because you were just being too emotional, he stops you. "it's okay to cry, you're all good" gunwook says softly, placing your head back on his shoulder as he glides his fingers through your hair. you end up talking all night about each other's concerns and feelings which definitely reinforced your relationship.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin
honestly speaking, he might avoid you at first. teasing and bickering would be a common thing in you and yujin's relationship because you're still young and a bit childish sometimes. however, it was the first time such an intense fight happened. you could both hear each other's sobs as you awkwardly sit on the couch but you were purposely ignoring each other. out of spite? maybe. but out of fear? surely. when the room gets quieter, yujin finally speaks "why are you mad?" he asks bluntly. you glare at him, tears already building up again before he blurts out a "sorry." you pat his head, realising that he is just trying his best to apologise. give him some time and do not take his sometimes clumsy and honest comments to heart, he is still learning :)
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starvity · 5 months
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— ☆ zb1 reacting to being pushed with their (crush) best friend under the mistletoe
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, drabble // warnings: kissing and flirting ofc, mention of food in yujin's (ps: his is not as romantic because i just thought it was more appropriate that way!!)
author’s note: happy holidays and merry christmas to those who celebrate!! here is my little gift for you <3 (★ω★)/
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong
probably stares into your soul like sooo when are we kissing… he’s pretty casual about it, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and smiling softly, waiting for you to give him the green light. when you do kiss though he’s super giggly and he will be clingy for the rest of the evening.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao
he is so nonchalant about it. will tease you about how you planned all this just because you were dying to kiss him so bad (he is just trying to take your attention away from his red ears). when your hands cup his face he immediately freezes though, his eyes not being able to leave your lips as you lean in.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin
hanbin just naturally smiles a lot but after he gets pushed under the mistletoe with you he would just be giggling uncontrollably. he reassures you that you don’t have to do anything if it makes you uncomfortable but he’s still holding onto your hand, hoping that you would close the gap between you and him.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew
matthew will panic so much, immediately tackling his friends who pushed him towards you. the embodiment of ahah i won't kiss my best friend, are you crazy!!!!! unless.... *curious gaze*. will try to brush it off if you seem too nervous or uncomfortable but if you definitely show him that you want him, he will not hesitate to cup your cheeks and pull you closer.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae
he is so serious about it, immediately puckering his lips and leaning in (cue that bbangiz live). taerae looks so invested and expressionless that you think it's a joke so when you start laughing he's like okay lol but when are we kissing? if you want to make him blush, play the same game as him. if you flirt back he will immediately panic and run away hehe
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky
rizzy will flirt back OF COURSE (i am not calling him that ever again). he's so gentle though, one hand in yours and the other on your waist, slowly pulling you closer while analysing if he sees any sign of discomfort from your side. after your lips touch though, he goes full on lovelicky mode; blushing cheeks, giggles and reddish lips.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin
gyuvin is literally the O_O emoji. his big round eyes telling you everything about the chaos that is going on in his mind at that moment. oh if you want to make him melt, grab him by the collar of his shirt to make him duck down to your height and kiss his nose. there you have him wrapped around your finger and 3 seconds won't even pass before he picks you up to kiss you properly.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook
gunwook is ready to risk it all to be honest. probably chuckles a little, dropping a flirty comment or two to test the mood before he casually pecks the top of your head. you wrap your arms around his neck and he thinks that you are just going in for a hug so when you softly peck his mouth, his cheeks turn a bright shade of red.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin
glares at whoever pushed him towards you, hands reaching for a chip in the bag he was eating, followed by a deep sigh. you immediately take the opportunity to tease yujin, poking his rosy cheeks with your finger before you get cut off by him shoving a chip into your mouth. you two will end up making fun of each other during the entire party, while fully aware that your friendship took quite a different turn that night.
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starvity · 5 months
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— ☆ texts with bf!gunwook
gn!reader x zb1 gunwook
genre: fluff, texts // warnings: suggestive?? (a bit of flirting hehe), possessive gunwook, cussing, mention of kissing, shirtless wook??
author’s note: happy belated birthday to the nation boyfriend!!! (★ω★)/
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717 notes · View notes
starvity · 4 months
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— ☆ domestic things with zb1
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, drabble // warnings: none? - just a bunch of cute little things you'd experience while dating the jebi boys <3
author’s note: happy valentine's day ˚୨୧⋆。♡ the tiniest drabbles written between two classes :') (★ω★)/
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong
stroking his thumb against your cheek. lending you his jacket. winking at you shamelessly. buying coffee and pastries while you’re still sleeping. braiding your hair. making sure you don’t bump your head against any surface.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao
head pats and soft smiles. talking for hours in a cafe. linking pinkies. sleeping with his hands all over your face. kissing your nose when you pout. playing the violin for you on facetime. buying you flowers. movie marathons.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin
wrapping his scarf around your neck. forehead kisses. picking you up after work. buying you jewellery. road trips with sunglasses and his hand on your thigh. linking arms. random calls throughout the day to say i love you.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew
working out together. or whatching him. flirting when you shouldn’t. putting a strand of hair behind your ear. remembering your order by heart. resting his hands on your hips. using your stomach as a pillow. stargazing.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae
singing back to you in the shower through the door. trying new food together. nuzzling his nose in your neck. putting little flowers he picked in your back pocket. mumbling good night just before falling asleep.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky
pampering you with kisses after a long day. doing your makeup or hair. carrying your bag for you. smiling against your lips. good morning texts. slow dancing in the kitchen. watching the sunrise.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin
calling you to make sure you’ve eaten. tying your shoelaces. poking your arm for attention. biting your cheeks out of affection. walking you home from school. neck kisses. lazy sunday mornings.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook
ducking down to your height to ask for kisses. accompanying you to class. bear hugs. resting his head on your shoulder. bringing you cut up fruit and your favorite drink.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin
poking your nose. slipping a snack into your bag. hand kisses. sharing earbuds. playing video games with you and letting you win. making sure he walks on the road part of the sidewalk.
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starvity · 4 months
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— ☆ zb1 reacting to you being extra clingy/touchy in public
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, drabble // warnings: physical touch of course, slight jealousy?, some flirting here and there...
author’s note: smaller drabbles today :') (not proofread!) (★ω★)/
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong
jiwoong is usually the one being touchy in public, especially when he feels a bit jealous so when you’re the one being clingy, he can’t help but giggle when your hands are on him. he won’t let you go any second, you’re stuck with him.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao
hao will get a little bit flustered by the sudden skinship, probably already overthinking and asking you millions of questions "why? are you feeling uncomfortable? are you tired? do you wanna go home?". he’ll probably stick to having his hand on your lower back or knee.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin
hanbin would shoot you a surprised look, immediately laughing shyly. when you tell him there isn’t any ulterior motive and that you’re just feeling affectionate, he’ll melt onto your touch as he hums in satisfaction.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew
i just know matthew would just have a plain smug look on his face. he’d wrap his arm tighter around your shoulders, enveloping your figure with a protective aura until he suddenly whispers in your ear shyly "what’s all that~~".
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae
taerae gets flustered way too easily when you’re around him, at even 3 meters away from him he’s already hot and nervous. so when you decide to slowly caress his nape and play with his hair while he talks to his friend, he has to excuse himself to the bathroom (and pour 5 litres of water on his burning face).
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky
ricky might not be used to you being so affectionate but he doesn’t really react. might show you a little smirk with a slight eyebrow raise as he pulls you closer. he’ll take the chance to nonchalantly flirt with you and will love if you match his vibe. WILL tease you about it later though even if he was the one who started it!!
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin
gyuvin definitely thought about playing the lottery on that day because he felt like the luckiest guy in the world. him being the biggest cuddle buddy, you might want to think twice before putting your hands on him because he is not letting go!!! (and he will pout if you put some distance between you and him at some point).
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook
gunwook might get a bit flustered if you flirt back for once, wrapping your arms around his neck and putting your head close to his shoulder to faintly hear his heart speeding up. he'd brush a strand of hair off your face as he smiles sweetly.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin
yujin might get really shy and flustered, slightly pushing you away and opting for tickling if you don't seem to detach yourself from him. despite the teasing, he'd expect you to continue being affectionate like that because he secretly loves it!!
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starvity · 5 months
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— ☆ texts with bf!hanbin pt.2
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, texts // warnings: km$ jokes, gaslighting?? /lh, cussing, reader is VERY SAD
author’s note: found the third one on pinterest and burst out laughing this is so how i feel about hanbin… (pt.1) (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
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466 notes · View notes
starvity · 8 months
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— ☆ zb1 reacting to you being a shy and quiet person
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, drabble // warnings: cursing, a hint of social anxiety, everyone is so nervous and blushy
author’s note: as a power I(NFP) i was very thankful to receive this request just to spend hours daydreaming about considerate jebewon i cry </3 (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong
works a lot with body language. you guys can communicate with your eyes without having to say anything. even when you first met, jiwoong would start the talking until he suddenly stops, scared that he might be talking about himself too much. you encourage him to keep going, stating that you like listening to people since you're not a big talker. he finds your shyness endearing and he would look at you with already so much love in his eyes. when you guys start dating, he would always stay considerate and attentive, like when you two first met. when you and jiwoong go to a party and you already feel the need to go home, you would slightly fumble with his fingers and he would immediately get the hint. "we're leaving first guys, thanks for the invitation." jiwoong states, leaving the boys confused and you panicked. "babe we arrived 25 minutes ago, we can't just leave now!" you whisper-shout and yelp as he throws you over his shoulder, walking to his car.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao
as one of the only introverts, you guys would definitely get each other a lot. though he doesn't act like one sometimes, he will need to get some quietness and calm after a long social interaction. matthew, your best friend, had introduced you to the rest of the friend group and hao and you immediately clicked. whenever you came over to their dorm, hao and you would immediately go to his room to have "some peace and quiet" (the others keep complaining about how you two laugh way too loud). you would be sprawled out on hao’s bed, legs tangled together and your head comfortably resting on his shoulder, having one of your weekly movie marathon. "just date already" matthew chuckles as he leaves the room, leaving a blushing hao and you behind him.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin
hanbin will naturally take the leading role when he notices you're on the shy and quiet side. will always reassure you that you don't have to change anything for him and that he can be the one speaking and you can be listening. even though hanbin is very outgoing and extroverted, he will never get enough of your calming presence whenever he comes home from hanging out with a lot of people. if you have trouble ordering a drink or food, he would always make sure to do it for you. and if you tell him you've done something out of your comfort zone he would literally shower you with compliments. "i have to do a presentation for my next class, i hate speaking in front of people." you mumble, laying on your stomach with your head buried in your pillow. your boyfriend hanbin, lying next to you, rolls over and throws an arm around you, settling his face on your shoulder. "you're going to do great, i'll help you revise" he whispers in your ear reassuringly and plants a small kiss on the crown of your head.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew
it was your best friend’s birthday party and they had invited a few friends from high school over. you were sipping on your drink, quietly watching a small group play some board games while some others are loudly doing a karaoke on the tv. matthew, who was sitting in front of you, notices your quietness and comes sit next to you. "do you perhaps want to go grab a drink in the kitchen with me?" he suggests shyly, hoping that you don't find him too pushy or weird. you nod with a smile and follow him to the kitchen, when you start having a casual conversation. matthew asks if you’re enjoying yourself in a careful manner, unsure if you would take it the wrong way since it was the first time you two met. you calmly explain that you’re just a bit introverted and reserved but you thank him for noticing your presence. embarrassed, his ears turn red. he thinks he might like you.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae
you and taerae make the perfect balance. feisty gremlin and cinnamon roll. the members are always so thankful when you come over because you're basically the only one who can manage him and his anger issues. and taerae is secretly very thankful too, you're like his little bubble of fresh air. he'll feel bad if he's talking with his friends (or most of the time just yelling at them) or singing loudly and he notices that you're sitting by yourself quietly. even when you repeat that you're just a little shy and quiet and that you like watching him have fun from a distance, he will be stuck to your arm. he will definitely try to find a way to spend some calmer moments with you, like having you tell him about your day while he plays guitar and hums softly. "and OBVIOUSLY when we started to talk shit about him, he arrived" taerae gasps as he immediately stops strumming his guitar. "wait so did he hear you? love, you never get the timing right" he laughs loudly, taking both of your hands in his, worriedly.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky
finds your quietness attractive. when he first saw you, he thought you were trying to be mysterious (your social battery was just too low for you to speak to anyone) and he was immediately drawn in by your aura. whenever you guys are in any social setting, he would flirt with you, whispering in your ear how expensive and classy you look in that moment and you're like i just want to go home, ricky... thinks you look so cute getting shy when someone asks you a question and he notices how you start playing with his rings. you haven't spoken since you sat down until you hear something that sparks your interest and you just have to speak up "that reminds me of the time when ricky..." he wouldn't be able to hide his burning cheeks and ears when he realized that every little conversation you would have were always about him.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin
gyuvin as the outgoing funny loser who had to sit next to you, the shy and quiet student. he found you very cute and wanted to quickly get to know about you. he would probably say some really clumsy stuff at first like "are you always quiet like that? is it not hard to not talk at all? i can't imagine having to keep quiet for even 5 minutes that would make me lose my mind..." and to that you respond "well! why don't you try shutting up for once?" he is shocked by your bold comment, then he quickly starts giggling as a pinkish color paints his cheeks. later during the lesson, you feel something poke your forearm. you put your pencil down and turn your head to see a small piece of paper folded between gyuvin's fingers. he looks down at you with round eyes, a small grin on his face. you give up listening to the teacher because passing notes with your seatmate is much less boring. the excitement that comes before slowly unfolding the papers make both of your hearts flutter.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook
i am once again a firm believer of cold-looking but actually softie and very considerate gunwook... bonus point because he's only a softie for you. "actually y/n thinks... y/n would love that... y/n will take..." doesn't matter if you're with him or not, gunwook will always talk for you or about you. he wants you to feel included and he wants you to want him. he enjoys spending some moments with just the two of you. he will feel very special if he notices you start talking more when you're with him only because that means you feel safe around him and omg his heart can't take it!! it doesn't always happen though, sometimes you just like to just stay in silence with him but it's always a very comfortable quietness. in those moments, it would feel best to just play a random movie to watch while cuddling. your head rests on his shoulder, almost buried in the crook of his neck while his thumb slowly strokes the back of your hand and you just feel so at ease and sleepy...zzz
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin
number #1 of the introverts. yujin would love being in your company because you just get him you know? he would get so annoyed when he announces that he needs some quietness just to have gyuvin follow him and ask him to play computer games with him. yujin's favorite moment of the day is when he gets to walk home with you, sharing earbuds while walking with your pinkies interlocked. the only times you would feel the need to speak is to say that you like the song playing. you could easily count how many words you've said during the entire evening if you wanted to, considering how quiet you two like to be, even when you're together. you would frequently scare the boys when you come out of yujin's room because they didn't even know you were at their house and you had to explain them you two were just taking you third nap of the day.
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starvity · 7 months
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— ☆ texts with bf!yujin pt.1
gn!reader x zb1 yujin
genre: fluff, texts // warnings: the word "girl"(but used in a neutral slang way you get me..?), hugs and kisses, bickering??, menacing???
author’s note: pikmin boy. pt.2 (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
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465 notes · View notes
starvity · 10 months
heyy! you can totally ignore this is ur not comfy but i’m sick (and delusional) rn so how would zb1 react to reader having a nose bleed when they’re hiding their sickness 🫶
anyways i love all your work so farrr <33
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— ☆ zb1 reacting to you getting a nose bleed
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: slight angst, fluff // warnings: BLOOD obviously, arguments/yelling, tears uhuh. reader is sick and tired...
author’s note: get well soon anon :(( i am once again writing angst today what is happening!!! thank you for requesting though hehe and let me call jebewon real quick and tell them to take care of you!!! (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong
he would totally panic but only internally. in reality, he will try to act composed to take care of you and your nose bleed. will get you some tissues and a warm towel to wipe the blood stains off your nose. once he made sure the nose bleed had stopped, his panic mode will comeback and he's going to ask you thousands of questions!! if you tell him that it's not the first time that it has happened this week he will obviously lecture you and force you to cuddle with him until you get better. "didn't i tell you to stay in bed?" jiwoong asks. "i'm just going to open the door, calm down." you chuckle, trying to get behind your boyfriend who was standing in front of the door, blocking it. a sudden smile breaks the serious look on his face. he lifts you up and throws you on the bed. "i'll be your legs for this week so stay here, will you?"
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hao
very confused when you were casually talking on the couch and he notices the blood dripping from your nose. probably like :O for a few seconds before you kindly ask him to get you some tissues. trips and bumps into furniture a few times on his way to the bathroom because he's confused and panicked. however, when you tell him you've been kinda sick but you were hiding it from him, prepare yourself to get yelled at lmao. of course, not to the point to make you cry but i see him just screaming some incoherent sentences (definitely curses in chinese under his breath lol) about how you need to take your health seriously. in the end, he will softly kiss you and make a promise to never hide anything from the other again :]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin
leader mode activated!!!! as soon as he noticed your nose was bleeding, he tells you not to panic as he gets a tissue from his bag. he softly places it on your face and explains to you what's happening. you might think he's the calmest one but his eyes can't lie!! he's looking at you with such a concerned face when you tell him your health hasn't been the best lately. you chuckle, letting him know that he doesn't need to worry. he sighs and takes your hands in his, asking you to please tell him when you're sick so he can help you with chores, work, etc. throughout the week, when you get up to cook, clean or even go out instead of resting, he will call your name sternly and point to the bed with a small nod, indicating you to go lie down before he does it himself.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew
super confused n°2. when he notices you rushing to the bathroom from your desk, he doesn't really question it. but when he goes to wash his hands and sees the blood-stained tissues in the trashcan, he knew something wasn't right. matthew comes up from behind you, who was super focused writing on your laptop, and wraps his arms around your torso. he starts pressing some kisses along your jawline, suggesting you to take a break. when you don't seem to move at his words, he turns your chair around and cups your cheeks with his hands. upon seeing the tired look on your face, he asks if you've been sick lately. when you tell him you were but didn't want to tell him, he takes you in his arms and carries you to the bed. you end up talking a bit (mainly matthew ranting about how much he loves you and how you should take care of yourself) before falling asleep.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae
takes it extremely seriously. your nose starts bleeding again and you sigh, grabbing another tissue. the box was almost empty with the amount of times it had happened this week. you reassure taerae that you were used to it as his eyes widen. he cannot believe you've been hiding the fact that you were sick from him and worse, that you lied; saying you were fine whenever he asked you how you were doing. i wouldn't even be surprised if a small argument occured because i feel like taerae would base his relationships on trust and you hiding something from him will definitely hurt him a little. probably gives you the silent treatment for 3 hours (cause he's just dramatic like that) before coming back to your shared room to check up on you. when he discovers that you still haven't taken a break he throws a blanket on your face and drags you to the bed (on the floor, if he has to). wouldn't talk for a good 20 minutes before sighing and telling you to never hide anything from him again. he also apologizes for the small fight and kisses your face over and over again <3
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky
like every friday, ricky was taking you on a date. you had fallen sick at the beginning of the week and you kinda wish you could’ve staid home today. but since it was the only day you two could really hang out, you didn't want to cancel your plans. you were sitting on the bed, waiting for ricky who takes forever to get ready. your head starts spinning so you briefly close your eyes in hope that the feeling will go away. you hear him softly call your name, asking your opinion on which tie would suit him better. and you know how they get nose bleeds when they see someone attractive in anime? well today, ricky thought that it could also happen in real life. he starts to laugh, saying how your body can't handle his charm, in a teasing voice. when you tell him it's because you've been sick though, his smile drops immediately. he can't really hide the embarrassing blush on his ears as he apologizes for this bad "joke" (he was completely serious). "then let's stay inside today, yeah?" he suggests, opening his arms for a hug.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin
another dramatic one omg... i also see him being kinda terrified of blood so he will probably throw you some tissues from a distance, his face turned away from you and his eyes shut. you can't help but laugh at his behaviour while he screams that it's not something to joke about and that he will call his mom to drop you off at the hospital. "i've just been feeling kinda sick, don't worry about it", you confess but he suddenly grabs your face, shaking it slightly "why didn't you tell me!?", he screams. gyuvin abruptly stops his action, his face growing dark again when he thinks about the possibility of another nose bleed happening from shaking you like this. later, you end up watching a movie together, finally allowing yourself to rest. you can't help but giggle every 5 minutes when you turn your head just to see gyuvin staring at you with big eyes "are you REALLY sure you're okay??". please kiss him and tell him you're alright for the nth time today because my man is STRESSED.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook
see, gunwook is super attentive so i don't think it would be so easy to hide the fact that you were sick. you noticed how he would check up on you more often, and how he would offer to do the chores for you (even though he would always whine when he had to do them). when you kept telling him that you were alright, he tried to appear less concerned but so many questions were still running at the back of his mind. his assumptions were finally revealed to be true as a drop of blood lands on your sheet while you were studying together. you try to hide your face from him, quickly grabbing a tissue to clean the blood. "let me see." he cups your cheeks, obliging you to look at him. you had never seen him so serious and if you were being honest, the unusual frown on his face was scaring you a little. you spoke first, admitting that you've been sick and apologizing for not letting him know. gunwook shushes you with a peck on your forehead as he sees your eyes water. you spend the entire night talking about your concerns, holding and comforting each other. <3
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin
doesn't really make it a big deal. or at least that's how it looks like. yujin has been observing how hard you've working and how you would look a bit more tired than usual. you would reply late to his texts, ignore his calls because you were "sleeping", tell him that you can't meet up because you're busy...again... he was once again having trouble falling asleep tonight as many thoughts were clouding his mind. he had even asked his mom and his friends about how to bring the subject up with you. looking at the time on the clock, he gets up and decides to walk to your house, not knowing if you would even be awake to let him in. you open the door, a tissue stuffed into your nostril and awkwardly greet yujin. he stares at you blankly before letting himself in and closing the door behind him. without a word, he hugs you "you're stupid", his voice sounds weak. you apologize, rubbing his back as you hear his sobs, he must have been so worried to see you like this. "promise me to never overwork yourself again when you're sick", he pulls away and dries his tears. "i promise", you murmurs and interlocks pinkies.
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starvity · 10 months
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— ☆ good morning texts with zb1 (maknae line)
gn!reader x zb1 maknae line
genre: texts, fluff // warnings: petnames, lots of kisses, flirting, slightly suggestive for ricky’s
author's note: thank u for all the love guys!! here is the maknae line ver. :] check out the hyung line ver. here (★ω★)/
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691 notes · View notes
starvity · 9 months
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— ☆ zb1 reacting to you posting on instagram
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, texts // warnings: cursing, screaming, pet names, kinda suggestive for ricky and hao??, lowkey possessive jebewon, flirting, barking(?)
author’s note: missed their insta live 2 days ago, we cried... (pastime** on ricky's i was tired) (★ω★)/
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1K notes · View notes
starvity · 10 months
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— ☆ good morning texts with zb1 (hyung line)
gn!reader x zb1 hyung line
genre: texts, fluff // warnings: swearing, petnames, lots of kisses, flirting, suggestive for taerae’s
author's note: first post on this blog!! hope you guys enjoy it <3 maknae line version coming up soon... (★ω★)/
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520 notes · View notes
starvity · 7 months
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— ☆ texts with bf!hao
gn!reader x zb1 zhang hao
genre: fluff, texts // warnings: suggestive? (mention of making out/kissing), cursing, y/n wants to take a bite out of hao!!, pet names, mention of blood and making fun of baby hao...
author’s note: me calling hao bestie to conceal my insanely Real real romantic feelings for him (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
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327 notes · View notes
starvity · 9 months
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— ☆ texts with bf!matthew
gn!reader x zb1 matthew
genre: fluff, texts, suggestive // warnings: cursing, flirting, kinda suggestive (s3x jokes LMAO), jealousy? (also the reader is said to be gn but i say OTHER women like once yeah :))
author’s note: been in my matthew feels he's so boyfriend </3 (★ω★)/
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705 notes · View notes