#stevie drabble
lovebugism · 2 months
hi bug! Can I request you a ditzy or shy!reader where some girl flirts with Steve in front of her maybe at Family Video? Little angsty because she feels insicure of herself? Thank you🩷
ty for requesting!! — steve doesn't realize he's being flirted with because he's so in love with you (ditzy!fem!r, hurt/comfort, 1.6k)
You color in a scribbled heart with enough vigor to break the pink crayon in your hand.
Steve always hangs your drawings in his locker in the Family Video break room, so you tend to take your art pretty seriously. ‘Cause there’s absolutely nothing humorous about the two stick figures holding hands — each of them vaguely resembling the both of you — that you’re passionately scribbling behind the front counter.
He’d watch you work your magic on a piece of lined scrap paper if he could. He’s too busy tending to a regular now. Mia, he thinks, or maybe Maia. She rents movies every week, but according to the system, she doesn’t watch a single one of them. 
“Well, what do you recommend?” she questions with a smirk on her painted lips, leaning her elbows on the counter until her chest juts out.
Steve leans slowly backward and tries not to cough at the overwhelming scent of her fruity perfume. “Uh… I don’t know,” he answers with an unenthusiastic shrug. “I usually just watch whatever.”
The girl squints her dolled-up eyes. “You don’t have a favorite movie?” 
Steve ponders the question for a moment. ‘Cause he doesn’t have one, really. All his favorite films are your favorites because he spends the majority of movie nights watching you instead.
So, at a loss of how to answer, he tells her your first choice. “The Star Wars movies are pretty alright.”
“Do you have them here?” she wonders.
Steve nods and points her in the other direction. “Yeah. In the Sci-Fi section.”
“Can you show me?” the girl questions with a hopeful glint in her pale eyes. Everything about her sparkles with mischief, like a predator hunting for prey. Stealthy, like a ninja, Steve would’ve called the approach a couple years ago. Long before he found you.
He’s more into forthright proclamations of love these days — bubblegum pink lipstick stains pressed to his cheek and handmade pictures drawn in crayon.
But, for the sake of Keith totally reaming him for not helping a customer, Steve nods and rounds the front counter. “Uh. Yeah. Sure. Follow me,” he urges halfheartedly, sparing you a forlorn glance as he goes. You’re much too distracted to see it, though.
You’re too distracted to notice most things, really.
That’s why Robin’s angrier than you are about the whole thing. She exhales a big huff and stands across from you, peering over the tower of tapes there. “God, he’s so oblivious,” she groans.
Your hand freezes as you color in Steve’s vest. You glance up at her with wide eyes, heart sinking at the annoyed look on her freckled features. “Huh?”
“Steve. That girl’s been drooling over him for five minutes, and he hasn’t even realized.”
Your brows pinch. “What girl?”
“The one that’s hanging all over him,” Robin answers, nodding her head to the other side of the store. The girl in question lingers at Steve’s side, a little too close to be casual. She hangs on every word he says — which certainly can’t be a whole lot, considering he knows next to nothing about that Star Wars franchise.
“I thought she was just being nice,” you shrug.
“She was flirting with your boyfriend,” Robin corrects in a monotone. “It was disgusting. I’m pretty sure her flirt got all over my pants.”
You look back at the two across the room. Steve tenses when the pretty redhead presses her chest against his arm. For the sake of not making things totally awkward, he forces himself not to shrink away. What had seemed virtually innocuous to you now makes your stomach ache. 
“She’s so pretty…” you observe quietly to yourself. 
Robin only scoffs. “Yeah. If you’re into girls like that.”
You don’t know exactly what she means, but it makes you lean slightly forward in interest anyway. “Do you think… Do you think Steve’s into girls like that?”
“No,” Robin answers, features twisted like it’s obvious. “He’s into girls like you.”
For the first time ever, you find that slightly hard to believe. Why would Steve ever pick you over someone like her? The way she smiles is pretty. The way she laughs is pretty. Even the way she talks is pretty.
And what do you have? A couple of stupid crayon portraits?
A strange feeling sears your chest when Steve and the pretty girl walk back to the counter. He must’ve told her a joke or something ‘cause she tips back her head to laugh loudly in response. Jealous tears sting your eyes accordingly. You take your art and your box of dull crayons and scurry off to the break room.
“I can help you check out!” Robin offers, suddenly very chipper. 
The redhead’s face twists. “Oh. I thought that—”
“Steve’s needed in the breakroom, actually,” Robin tells her when the stranger’s pleading eyes flit to the boy beside her. “I can handle it from here.”
“Wait— What’s in the breakroom?” he wonders obliviously.
“Your girlfriend, dingus.”
Steve blinks once. The sudden lack of your presence makes his chest ache. He stalks off to find you without another word.
The redhead, Mia or Maia or whatever, doesn’t bother to disguise the shock painting her dainty features. “Girlfriend?” she echoes, quiet with disbelief.
Robin nods and takes the tapes from her hands, knowing she’s only renting them ‘cause she thought Steve liked them. The scanner beeps as she rings them up. “Yeah. He’s kinda in love with her, turns out. It’s disgusting.”
The conversation fades the further Steve gets down the hall. He opens the door to the back room with a grating squeak. The rusted hinges screech again in protest when he swings it shut behind him. He finds you slouched over the table, vehemently scribbling with vibrantly colored crayons.
He can’t help but smile at the sight of you. “Whatcha doin’?” he lilts in place of a greeting, sliding back a chair to sit across from you.
“Nothin’…” you mutter distantly.
Steve folds his arms over the tabletop and rests his chin on top of them. It bobs with every word. “Why’d you leave me, huh?”
You shrug with a faint I don’t know type of sound.
“Can I see what you’re drawing, at least?” 
He grins and reaches for you without thinking — because you always let him see. Needless to say, when flinch suddenly away from him, it scares him far more than it should. You scramble to cover the paper with your arms like you’re doing something wrong. 
“No,” you answer in a mousy voice.
A chuckle spills from Steve’s mouth. “What? Why? You always show me.”
“It’s stupid…”
“It’s not stupid! I love when you draw stuff for me,” the boy insists with a lopsided smile, distantly surprised by your sheepishness. The pretty pink grin slips from his mouth at the crestfallen glint in your eye. He softens without thinking. “What’s wrong? What happened? Did— Did Robin say something?”
“Then what?”
You avert your eyes from his prying ones, feeling half-suffocated beneath his honeyed gaze. You start to color again with an absentminded hand, if only to have something else to look at. “You’re just…” you trail off, shifting uncomfortably in your chair. “You’re too pretty.”
He laughs before he means to. “What?”
“You’re pretty, and I don’t like that other people get to look at you,” you confess quietly, coloring in Steve’s hair with the ‘deep golden’ crayon. “It’s not fair— No one else should think you’re as beautiful as I do. I don’t like that.”
Steve props his chin on his palm and hides his grin behind his fingers. He reaches for your busy hand with his free one to get your attention. “Well, you know what?” he starts when your eyes flit up to his. “You’re the only one I want looking at me. So what everyone else thinks doesn’t really matter.”
“It is when they’re drooling all over you,” you answer with a scrunched nose.
Steve can’t help but scoff out a laugh. Those words have Robin Buckley written all over them. 
“Last I heard, Rob was giving that girl what for, so… you don’t have to worry about that anymore,” he tells you, both to soothe the misplaced jealousy and to make you smile. He thinks it only half works. “Can I tell you a secret?”
You perk up at that. Steve grins and leans in close like he’s about to confess something serious. His dark eyes twinkle with mischief. 
“I’m so stupid in love with you that I forget other girls exist sometimes,” he murmurs in true secret-spilling fashion. “And when they’re… drooling all over me? I don’t even see it. ‘Cause all I’m thinking about is how I have my own girl back home. And that I’d much rather have her drooling on me.”
“…Am I the girl?” you press in a tiny voice, just to be sure.
“Yes, baby, I’m talking about you,” Steve chuckles. “You should know that— You’rethe one drooling on my pillow every morning.”
Your nose scrunches sheepishly. “You’ve said that word too many times… It doesn’t sound real anymore.”
“What’s that called again?”
“Semantic satiation,” you answer without missing a beat.
“Well, now I’m gonna tell you I love you ’til you’re semantically satiated,” the boy teases with a knowing squint in his eyes. “‘Cause I love you.”
“I love you.”
“Stop,” you say, sterner now, though your gaze still glimmers with something soft. Your eyes follow his form when he rises from the table, shifting the short distance to sit in the chair closest to you. “Steve, stop—”
“I love you,” he repeats, anyway, taking you into his arms and smacking a dramatic kiss to your warm cheek. Between each innocuous peck, he mumbles, “I love you— I love you— I love you—”
Steve doesn’t stop kissing you until he hears you giggling again. The pretty sound brightens the dull breakroom. And all he can think about is what a lucky schmuck he is. To get to kiss you and make you laugh forever.
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ang3lofsmalldeath · 1 year
steve harrington x shy-ish! needy! reader smut
inspired by this lovely piece of work from @stevestummy/nsfw blog @hungharrington 🫶
CW: d/s dynamics, praise, slight dumbification, shyness, reader has vagina, reader referred to as ‘girl’, unprotected PIV, & size kink but like in a steve being hung way, not in a fetishizing being skinny way.
minors DNI (not proofread)
lazy sundays were reserved for just you and your stevie. they weren’t always super “lazy”, every now and again he may decided to take his angel out for a sweet lil date. maybe a picnic or shopping trip. but today was in fact, lazy. after, rolling around in bed, kissing each other silly for a while, steve had made you both soup and sandwiches for lunch. then you sat on the couch together, curled into steve’s chest as he lazily played with your hair, watching some movie that you couldn’t remember the name of, and you had good reason to forget.
you had been wound up for your boy since the sun rose and splashed against his mole covered back. when steve woke up, and sloppily kissed your lip, cheeks, and neck, you instantly felt heat overtake your body. it didn’t help that steve had placed his whole weight on top of you, like an anxiety blanket. you went on like that for an unknown amount of time, it could’ve been minutes or hours. you wish it would’ve been for eternity, but alas, all good things come to an end. now, sitting so close to steve, taking the time to study the happy trail peaking out of his shirt and the soft bulge so visible in his sweats, you felt like you were going to die if steve didn’t touch you soon.
“stevie,” you whined, getting your boy’s attention, “i have somethin’ to tell you.” you watched steve’s brows furrow, clearly encouraging you to share. with a slight smirk on your face and your eyes shifting down, “‘m really, really wet.”
shocked by your uncharacteristic boldness, he breathily chuckled before urging you to get on his lap, “c’mere baby,” he said patting his lap. once you climbed into his lap, he said a sweet “hi honey,” before quickly attaching his lips to yours. huffing out of your nose, you accepted his attack, waiting a moment to fight back. his lips upturned into a smile the second you did, putting his hand on your face, he graciously slipped his tongue in your mouth. you stayed like that for a while, until your hips began to move against his. his mouth began to nip at your lips to your jaw to your neck, worsen the throbbing in between your legs until you couldn’t stand it anymore.
“please stevie,” you begged as he pulled away to look at your features, “i want you,” you whined at him, almost begging.
“you want me what?” steve teased, trying to get your courage from earlier to come back. but, it didn’t as you just flashed him the biggest puppy dog eyes you had and whimpered a slight bit in response, “aw, are you being shy again, angel? let me help you then.” steve grabbed your hips and made you stand up as he pulled down your shorts, but left your underwear on. he patted his lap again, but your face fell into a frown in response as you climbed back onto him. he noticed this almost instantly, “what’s wrong, baby?”
“i want you to touch me, without my panties on, right now,” you whined, making steve only giggle in return, moving his hand to pull your panties to the side. then he just paused for a moment to make a remark about your behavior.
“my girl, so spoiled, huh?” he then began to lightly stroke your cunt with his two fingers, glancing down at it, he noticed how soaked you were and how wet his sweats were getting. cock straining in his pants, he began to circle your clit, trying to his baby ready as quickly as he could. “such a pretty little pussy my angel has, she’s so so wet for me,” you let out the loudest, pained whine either of you had heard up until this point.
“stevieee, i need you now, okay? please i need your cock, i can’t wait,” you begged, knowing steve had yet to let you to take it without at least making you cum once before due to the sheer size of his cock, but you wanted it so bad.
instantly hard as a rock to your proposal, steve wanted to say yes so bad, but he had to be certain you really wanted it. “sweetheart, are you sure? i dont want to hurt you.”
sighing, frustrated almost to the point if tears, you promised him, “won’ hurt me, baby, i can take it, please, ‘m so wet f’you,”
“okay be a good girl and take me out, honey,” steve agreed and so you did as he asked, shaky hands pulling his sweats down to reveal the hardness you’d been dripping onto this whole time. he was always big, like really big, but today his tip was extra flushed and leaking, veins straining against his natural curve making the concept of taking all him more intimidating than usually. once he was freed, he grabbed your hand, and put his palm towards, spitting in it than glancing back down at his cock. you gave him a few tentative strokes, watching his eyes flutter before cautiously lining yourself up with him. steve, ever the doting lover, grabbed your hips and began to sink you down onto him. you wouldn’t lie and say the sting wasn’t more intense than usually. it felt pretty good at first, but then it felt like he was tearing you apart with barely the tip of dick.
“wait, please, i can’t” you moaned, the ache in between you growing more apparent, “‘s too much, cock’s too big.” listening to your whimpers, one of steve’s hands moved to stroke your cheek.
“what’d i tell you, angel, hm? it was gunna hurt you. want me to stop, baby? let me eat your little cunt first and try again?” steve’s proposal did intrigue you, but you had other ideas. as you sat atop his cock, listening to him, your pussy had become to relax and flutter around steve’s tip, feeling much more comfortable.
“hmph, no, baby can y-you just stay and um,” you trailed off, grabbing steve’s hand off your cheek and lightly sucking on his thumb as his eyes grew twice their size out of curiosity and lust. once you popped his thumb out of your mouth, your hand, moved his back down to where you two were connected. you pleaded with him, “please, jus’ touch me and maybe stay right here, stevie? you can move a lil, jus’ really gently, okay? hurts t’much today,” for split second steve was confused about what you were trying to say, and then understood what you were asking for. he began to circle your clit while one hand moved your hips up and down
“oh, my spoiled baby, i love you,” steve dreamily sighed, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. “want jus’ want a quarter of it, yeah? can’ handle such a big dick in such a tiny little pussy? good girl using your words, y’know i’d give my girl anythin’ if you ask, honey,” steve spewed uncontrollably, more turned on than it felt like he every had been before. he watched your legs already start to quiver as your eyes squeezed shut. “lemme know if ‘t hurts, okay, sweet girl? wanna make you feel good, wanna make you cum on me baby.” you moaned out to his confession, his words spurring you on.
“feels s’so good, stevie, y’fillin’ me up so good, i-i feel s’good,” you babbled, as steve sped up his assault on your clit and pushed your hips just a little bit further down, at this point, still barely taking half of all his length.
“mhm, baby? must feel really good, you can barely talk straight right now. s-shit you’re clenching me so damn hard too, baby, fuck me,” steve teased you, groaning out as your cunt wrapped even tighter around him. he could tell you were getting close, and changed nothing about his work besides add a little more pressure to your clit, still rubbing tight wet circles on it. “y’gunna cum, sweet girl? this all it take? rubbing your little clit and giving you only some of my cock? that’s so cute, honey. fuck, why don’t you cum, huh? wanna be a good girl and soak my dick? make me s’so proud of y-you,” he stuttered out, trying to keep his composure, as you neared your end.
“uhuhuh, steve, i-i’m, mmm gonna cum- kiss me, please kiss-“ you pleaded with him before he kissed you hard. your legs squeezed shut, body rocking against his as you shook with the waves of your orgasm, finally, overtaking your body. it was so much all at once.
“i know, sweetheart, i know, feels so good, huh? cumming like that on me, yeah? look at your pretty legs shake, baby, jus’ breath love,” steve said when your mouth fell away from his. he shushed you as you continued to ride it out atop of him, tears welling in your eyes. once you had completely finished, steve took you off his still-hard cock and pulled you to his chest. “shit, you’re tremblin’ like a fuckin’ leaf, sweet angel,” he whispered before kissing the top of your head, squeezing you tight as you caught your breath.
you both sat there, for as long as need to as your legs stop shaking and your breath slowed to a steady pace. you were thinking about asking steve to come and give you shower, until you realized something: steve didn’t get to cum yet. you ripped yourself away from his chest, catching a startled steve dead in the eyes, “you didn’t cum yet, baby, can i help you please?”
he blushed at his sweet girl before responding, “wanna make me feel good, honey, yeah?” you nodded your head as fast as you could, your boy deserved to cum as hard as you did. “m’kay baby, but im real tired after moving y’hips like that, so why don’t you go and use that pretty little mouth of yours on my dick, sweet thing. yeah, be a good girl and clean your cum off m’cock?”
and that’s exactly what you did.
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steventhusiast · 6 months
STWG daily prompt 9/12/23
prompt: barbie
pairing/character(s): steddie, stobin
transfemme!stevie has my heart ngl
Stevie's been out to Eddie for a few months when her birthday comes around. And she's anticipating a... Depressing day, if she's honest.
The only people that know are Eddie and Robin. To everyone else, she's still a guy. So she anticipates all the masculine gifts; cologne, clothes she won't wear, gag gifts from the kids about her being their dad.
And that part of her birthday is depressing. She sits through a lunch-time barbecue with the party and Eddie holds her hand out of view of everyone else so she can squeeze it every time something is said that makes her want to bawl her eyes out. Like how Mike keeps making jokes about how her hair's starting to be too long to look good, and Dustin keeps asking why she's wearing so many layers in July, and everyone keeps calling her the birthday boy, and son, and Steve-
She's happy to go home, is the point. Expects to spend the rest of the night curled up on the couch with Eddie who will no doubt spend the rest of his night feeding her words of affirmation about how she's his girl and other ooey gooey feminine phrases he knows quell the knot in her stomach some.
What she doesn't expect is for Robin to be sat on the couch she wants to curl up on, a comically huge blanket in her hands and an equally comically large pile of gifts towered in front of the couch.
"Rob, what-" Stevie starts, eyebrows raising involuntarily. She looks to Eddie, who has a small, proud smile on his face.
"Happy birthday, dingus!" Robin cheers. A party popper seems to have materialised in her hand out of nowhere, and Stevie can't help the laugh that's shocked out of her when it pops loudly.
"Go get changed into something more Stevie, okay, my love? It's time for your real birthday." Eddie says into her ear.
A sudden well of emotion builds up inside her at the words, at how lovely her boyfriend and best friend are, at the thought of how much they must have spent to buy her these gifts. She sniffs harshly to keep tears from falling, nods, and goes to her and Eddie's room without a word.
She considers getting straight into sweats in case she falls asleep in the living room, but knows she needs to feel feminine right now. Needs to see who she is reflected on the outside as well as the inside so she doesn't feel so... Wrong for the rest of the night. She slips into a comfortable pink day dress with a wrap front (an incredibly willing donation from Robin's closet) and doesn't give herself any time to scrutinise her figure in the mirror. Just brushes her hair out of its more masculine style of being pushed back, and into something softer that frames her face.
When she reenters the living room, Robin is still sat on the couch with the blanket, and Eddie is crouched down by the pile of gifts, murmuring to himself as he picks through them. Robin's laughing at him, and Stevie's chest feels warm in their presence.
"Hey! There's the birthday girl." Eddie grins when he sees her, and then looks back down at the gift pile to select a box-shaped one that's wrapped in purple polka-dot paper.
Stevie sits next to Robin, and tilts her head to rest on her shoulder as she watches her boyfriend make a sound of celebration when he holds up the gift.
"I was gonna save this gift for last, but after that shitshow I just- here, babygirl." He holds it out to Stevie with a softer smile on his face (Robin calls it his Stevie Smile), and Stevie takes it with gentle hands.
"It's from him and me, by the way. Don't let dingus 2 take all the credit." Robin adds on. Eddie just rolls his eyes and nods, and then starts to talk as Stevie carefully tears the wrapping paper. She's trying to preserve it as much as she can. Wants to keep as much evidence of her first birthday as herself as she can.
"I hope we got the right one. It was kinda hard to find, but I went to a bunch of flea markets and I remember you talking about how when you were younger you wanted it but your mom wouldn't let you and-"
Eddie cuts himself off when Stevie finally tears enough wrapping paper away to see the beginnings of the Barbie logo and gasps. Tears are already brewing in her eyes, and maybe one or two drip onto the precious wrapping paper as she manages to slide it off to reveal-
"Ballerina Barbie." She whispers, staring down at the doll. Her hands are shaking a little, and she feels so incredibly wobbly and warm.
She can't believe Eddie remembers what she said about the moment she knew she wasn't a boy the way she was supposed to be. How her mom had snatched the toy out of her hands in the toystore and replaced it with a car set.
"Is it the right one?" Eddie asks after a moment, and Stevie lifts her head to see him chewing nervously on his lip.
Instead of speaking, she wordlessly gestures for him to join her and Robin on the couch and promptly throws an arm around each of them for a much needed cuddle.
"It's perfect." She says to both of them, and gets twin squeezes to each side. A couple more tears slip out as she looks at the pile of gifts she still has to go through, "I can't believe you guys did all this for me."
"We love you, Stevie-bee." Robin says simply. Like that explains everything. Like it makes perfect sense.
"Yeah, we gotta treat our girl the way she deserves." Eddie adds on.
And Stevie thinks that maybe it does make perfect sense. After all, she'd go the same length for either of them.
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fuctacles · 3 months
for @steddieholidaydrabbles Spring pop-up | T | 1k | no cw | t4t w transfem Stevie and transmasc Eddie, pre relationship, mutual pining | read on Ao3
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Eddie hates spring. 
It’s getting warmer and swarms of people are going outside to piss on his good mood. Kids are screaming, parents are showing publicly how terrible they are, the sun is glaring into his eyes, and birds are chirping. Literal hell. His last slivers of peace are the nights and early mornings when everyone is still sleeping.
Except her.
She’s new here, moved in around Thanksgiving last year, and has been running daily ever since. Eddie had noticed her passing his house now and then, her chestnut ponytail swinging with the movement. 
Every morning, in a very un-Munson fashion, he sits on his porch, the cold planks digging into his ass, with a thick sweater, and a coffee warming his body. All so that he can nod at one of the many joggers blemishing the neighborhood.
He always liked drinking his morning coffee in the crisp, chilly air, still foggy and void of people, still in their beds or getting ready for work. She is a great motivator to do it every morning, to wake up to his alarm and start his day early. 
She’s like clockwork, always on time and never out of breath. Barely missed a step the first time he nodded at her in a casual “good morning, neighbor” greeting, and now every time she passes his house she looks to the side, catches his eye, and smiles, raising her hand in a small wave. 
Eddie’s heart swells in his chest and he’s on the verge of weeping into his coffee every time.
It’s all the interaction they’ve had so far, and he’s not even sure what the woman’s last name is, though the rumors he’s heard say it’s Harrington. He likes to imagine she chose this route to see him just like he chooses to wake up early every morning to drink his coffee on the porch, even though no jogging type would go for a metalhead freak like him. He might just be conveniently on the way to her favorite bakery or something. 
He hates spring a little less when it’s warm enough for local joggers to dress down. It gets him swooning over some ankle like an ancient bachelor. A couple of days later the temperatures rise to sports bra levels which he learns the hard way while choking on his coffee.
It’s tight, obviously, but no amount of support can prevent the obvious bounce accompanying the movement of running. He tries his best not to be a creep and greets her with the same smile.
He thinks he’s prepared for the sports bra the next day, but he’s heavily mistaken when the transgender flag rounds the corner. He gets the coffee on his t-shirt this time as he recognizes the top she’s wearing from the same site he used to get binders from. 
She's a little hesitant with her greeting this time, and Eddie can’t stand it. So he opens his stupid mouth and yells:
“Me too!”
She looks at him quizically so he adds, albeit a tad more timid:
“I’m trans.”
And to his absolute horror, she starts walking up to him. 
He’s thinking the worst things: maybe the colors are just a coincidence, maybe she got it because she liked it and has no idea what it means, or maybe he’s about to get shunned by the local community that he already doesn’t feel welcome in.
But then there’s a megawatt smile directed at him and every bad thought evaporates from his brain.
“Really?” she asks, and he can only dumbly nod. 
“Thank god! I worried it would be like, a problem.”
Her hand is out and she’s right in front of him.
“I’m Stephanie,” she says. Her hand is warm against the morning chill. Enveloping and strong.
She smiles, warm and teasing, wreaking havoc across Eddie’s internal organs. 
“Is there a chance I’d get a glass of water?”
Eddie straightens up immediately.
“Yes! Of course! Come in, come in!” He opens the door and motions her inside, hoping the filtering jug is full. 
It is, so he pours a glass for the gorgeous creature in his kitchen.
“Thank you,” she says politely and it’s so simple, but Eddie’s melting inside as he watches her swallow the water and lick her bottom lip.
“Hey, listen…”
“Mhm?” he makes a questioning sound, eyes drawn to the way she crosses her arms, making the muscles flex and frame her cleavage.
“Would it be weird if I asked to borrow a sweater? I heavily overestimated the weather today.”
Eddie was nodding before she was even finished, head bopping so hard he was getting dizzy. 
“No! Just give me a moment!” he said before running up the stairs to his bedroom to grab the first clean hoodie he could find. “Here.”
“Thank you.” She smiles and he has the pleasure of watching her put on his clothing. “It’s stupid, but I’ve been dressing up, or dressing down rather, to…” She bites her lip as she zips up the hoodie. There’s a flaking-away Metallica logo across the chest. “There’s this metalhead on my route I wanted to impress, I guess.”
Eddie swallows down the lump in his throat.
“I’m pretty sure you’d impress him in a skiing suit.”
She chuckles. 
“You think so? Maybe I should just suck it up and ask him out then,” she wonders out loud, turning to leave, and Eddie’s stomach sinks. But then she’s turning back and laughing again.
“Eddie! Do you want to go out with me?”
The relief he feels melts his bones. 
“Of course I do! Why do you think I’ve been freezing my ass on the porch every morning?” He goes for the snark because he doesn’t know how to deal with having this beautiful woman’s full attention.
“Breakfast tomorrow? The usual time?” she asks. Because of course, she’d take him on an early morning date.
“Should I buy a tracksuit?” he jokes, but to his horror, her eyes sparkle.
“That would be perfect.”
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Stevie event interest check
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bruisedboys · 1 year
Congratulations on 3,000 followers! The feat is well deserved, your writing is beautiful, thank you for sharing your talent with us.
If you can fit me in (no worries if not!), could I request a little blurb for the celly - Little Women, if possible with shy!reader and the prompt, "you look like you could use a hug," and our beautiful boy Steve Harrington?
Thank you! Regardless if you get to write it or not, just wanted to express my gratitude and felicitations :)
thank you angel!! such a cute prompt to write omg
summary: steve gives shy!you a hug
shy!fem!reader 0.5k words
Steve can tell from the moment you walk into work that you’ve had a bad morning. Your usual soft smile is missing, replaced by a frown that makes Steve’s heart twang. You’re staring at your shoes when you walk in, when usually you’ll beam at Steve and run at him for a hug. Don’t get him wrong, you’re not a ball of energy all the time. You’re shy and soft and quiet. But today you’re very obviously morose.
Steve thinks he might cry.
“Baby,” he says in way of greeting. He rounds the counter but doesn’t touch you yet, just in case. “Hi.”
You push the tips of your shoes together and then look up. “Hi, Steve,” you say, very quietly. Quieter than usual, at least. You’re still frowning. Steve wants desperately to kiss it away.
“Are you—?” He reaches out to take your wrist but changes his mind. His hand is left floating mid-air. “Um. You look like you could use a hug. Can I give you one?”
You look up at Steve with so much hope it makes his chest hurt. “Yeah, please,” you say, all soft desperation.
Steve doesn’t need to be told twice. He steps into your space and gets his arms around you. Your backpack’s kind of in the way and your work badge is digging into his chest but he really can’t bring himself to care. You’re melting into his hold and it’s all Steve can do not to burst into tears.
“Had a hard morning?” He asks into your hair, soft as he possibly can.
You nod into his chest, your nose pressing into the space between his pecs. Steve pulls you closer still, until he’s almost lifting you, until your face is squashed into his chest and he thinks if he squeezes you any tighter you’ll suffocate.
When he feels your hot tears soaking through his shirt he first panics, then tries not to when he realises it’ll probably make you more upset. Still, he encourages your face from his chest, letting you cling to his waist as he takes your teary face in his hands.
“Sweetheart,” he coos. Your cheeks are flushed under his hands and your eyelashes sticky with tears.
“Sorry,” you whisper, all shaky. “I don’t know why I’m crying. Sorry, Steve.”
You go to pull away, probably to wipe the tears from your face, but Steve doesn’t budge. He’ll wipe your tears for you, thank you very much.
“Baby,” he says, holding you still. “Don’t be sorry. It’s okay.”
You blink up at Steve, all sad and pretty. How you look so beautiful even when you’re crying is beside him.
“I think I just really needed a hug,” you say softly.
Steve’s heart does a funny backflip in his chest. He drags his thumbs under your eyes, pushing your tears away.
“Yeah?” He asks, his hands sliding to your shoulders. He squeezes you. “Do you want another one?”
You nod and Steve wraps you up in his hold again. He’s prepared to hug you all day, if you need him to.
fixing readmore glitch
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wormdebut · 5 months
Call Me
For @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt Day 29 'Free Space Spicy' When Mickala showed me her STELLAR Sports AU I went a little bananas. BLESS her for letting me tag along and create a slutty little part two for it.
Rated: E || Word Count: 995 || Tags: Phone Sex, football player Steve, Rockstar Eddie, slutty dudes, masturbation MINORS DO NOT LOOK. Anywhozle, @steddieas-shegoes I think you're hot. Everyone enjoy. ---
Steve is antsy. Sure, he had just gotten off in the locker room—in his damn uniform, Robin was going to have a field day with this one—but it wasn’t enough. It was never enough when it came to Eddie.
These next two weeks could not move fast enough. Steve wanted to see his boyfriend. Steve wanted to get absolutely railed by his boyfriend. 
They made it work. Seeing each other as often both of their hectic schedules allowed. They had just seen each other a few days ago, but Eddie was right. Steve was insatiable.
He made his way to his hotel room, throwing himself onto the massive bed. He huffed into the pillows before grabbing his phone.
He had a text.
‘Call me, when you get in, precious.’
Steve quickly hits the FaceTime button, thrown by his boyfriend's (hot) angry expression. 
Steve cocks his head, “Eds, What’s wrong?”
Eddie clicked his tongue behind his teeth, shaking his head. “I didn’t ask you to FaceTime me, did I?”
The confusion on Steve’s face was clear. He did…he said call him when—call him.
Steve’s eyes went wide and Eddie smirked through the screen.
“See, there’s my smart boy. I’ll give you one more chance, baby. Call me.”
Steve’s lip barely has time to jut out before Eddie hangs up. 
Steve huffs to himself–calls anyway.
Eddie’s answering greeting is drenched in saccharine sweetness. Steve can practically taste it on his tongue.
“Hi baby boy.” Steve is fucked and they haven’t even done anything yet. “See? Following directions isn’t too hard.”
Steve whines. He’d like to deny it, but–he has needs. “I wanted to see you.” 
Eddies answering laugh is low. Steve would like to deny the answering shiver that runs down his spine, but again…needs. “Well, Princess, we can do that, or you can be a good boy and listen.”
Steve nods before realizing Eddie can’t fucking see him. “Yes—I can listen.” He breathes. Eddie hums over the line.
“There you are, precious. Wanna tell me what’s got you so horned up that you had to jack off in the locker room?” Eddie purrs, voice low–firm. Steve loves when he gets like this.
“Missed you.” He breathes.
 “Baby, you have a whole team that can take care of you. I know Hagan would fuck you in a heartbeat.” Eddie teases and Steve pouts. 
“Eddie.” Steve snaps. “I don’t–they aren’t–”
Eddie clicks his tongue. “They aren’t what, pet?”
“They aren’t you Eds.” Steve didn’t want to push–he’d already pissed Eddie off and he needs–he needs. 
“What do you need, baby? Tell me.”
Steve felt the blush rush his cheeks. He didn’t mean to say that out loud. “S-sorry, I just–I need you. I need your cock. I need you to fuck me until I can’t see straight, Eddie. Tonight’s game was insane. I miss my boyfriend and I need your cock in me so bad I think I might die.” 
“God, what would your teammates say if they knew you were this fucking needy, baby. Big ol’ tough jock Steve Harrington begging for cock? You just need to be taken care of don’t you baby boy.” Steve whimpers, as Eddie laughs over the line. “Take your pretty cock out for me.” Eddie commands. Steve listens, like the good boy that he is. Still in his stupid fucking uniform. He’ll wash the set twice, it’s fine, alright?
He’s hard, the tip of his dick red and leaking. Steve runs his finger along the vein on the underside just like Eddie would. “Ed–” Steve moans, “Please I–”
Eddie tsks again. “Did I say you could fucking touch? I don’t think so, I said: Take. It. Out.”
Steve is quick to let himself go, can’t help the whine that escapes his throat, breathy and needy. He pants into the speaker and Eddie growls on the other end.
“God. I love the pretty noises you make. You needy needy boy. What do you need?” Eddie huffs. Steve thinks he can hear a zipper being pulled down. Hypocrite.
“Need to come. Need you to make me come. Please.” Steve’s panting, his gaze frozen on his leaking cock, his free hand is curled up in a ball on his side. Waiting for permission. Waiting for Eddie to tell him what to do. 
Eddie doesn’t say anything. Steve is stuck, just listening to the sounds of a slick fist and Eddie’s heavy breaths. When Eddie talks, it’s breathy–strung out. “God, you looked so hot on the field princess. I can’t wait to see you, to kiss those pretty fucking lips, dig my fingers into your perfect tight little ass and make you beg for it.”
Steve is simply a whimpering mess at this point, his cock jerks in vain, he won’t touch. Eddie told him not to.
“C’mon pretty baby. Beg for it.” Eddie commands and Steve–well–
“Please, Eds, let me touch. Please let me come with you. Come for you. I need it.”
“There’s my perfect boy. Touch your pretty little cock for me, baby girl.”
Steve takes himself in hand, keening as he does. Listens to his perfect fucking boyfriend jerking himself off and god–he’s close already.
“Eds–Eddie. Please, please. Let me come, baby. Please.” Steve breathes.
“Come for me, pretty boy.”
Steve wails as he comes, white streaking his jersey. He pants through his release and can’t help the smile that breaks out across his face as Eddie comes on the other end of the line. He listens to Eddie’s deep breathing, praises offered up easily in between breaths. 
It’s only when Steve starts laughing, an uncontrollable thing, that Eddie cuts himself off.
“What baby?” He asks. “What’s so funny?”
Steve hiccups trying to slow his breathing. “Do you think they would just send me a new uniform if I asked?”
Eddie joins him in his laughter and Steve is perfect. Happy in this headspace, with his hot ass rockstar boyfriend. Two weeks would go by in a flash.
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eds6ngel · 6 months
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getting ready for school with boyfriend!steve ˚𐙚˚
firstly, it would take the two of you ages to actually leave the bed. of course, morning kisses are a must, even if morning breath was invading both of your senses. and since the two of you were obviously half naked *wink wink* steve would roam his hands all over your body. but, not in a sexual way, no no, just in an appreciation for his girl’s beautiful skin ♡
and then steve thrives on cups of coffee to make him feel somewhat alive, so he brews that and gives you a cup of herbal tea as well. because, he has to treat his sweet girl.
and after steve gave you a 10/10 on the outfit choice (he says it everyday because you look beautiful in anything to him), he tied your shoelaces 'n gave you a 'lil twirl before making his hair look perfect.
this is total takes you almost two hours, when it shows only take you max an hour. but, if it meant spending extra minutes in his arms, what was there to complain about?
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taglist: @superlegend216
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Eddie's palms were sweating like crazy. There used to be moments when he was gratetul for this less obvious sign of nervousness, but at times like this it was bloody inconvenient. The chalk dust clung to his fingertips as he worked on his summoning circle under the archmage's watchful eye, an eye that was waiting for a single mistake that would warrant another disqualification. A third one in the last three years.
It was all bullshit as his best friends Nancy and Chrissy had told him. They both were younger and had the same skill. Sure, Nancy's intellect was through the roof and Chrissy studied with a rigid motivation of someone who wanted to leave their stifling family behind, but Eddie wasn't bad at all. Hell, he grasped the intricacies of magic almost naturally and in another world, he would have been praised, supported by all his peers and professors.
Yeah, right. That would be a world where he wasn't a filthy commoner.
Sure, magic didn't choose blood or status or a full set of silver cutlery in one's mouth, but oh did the upper class love to pretend. "We have magic in our bloodline," they lied through their teeth. And so when a kid of a petty thief showed magic potential surpassing the one of their coddled kids, they were aghast. They scoffed at his long unruly hair, at his cheap dark clothes, at the extra shifts his uncle had to take to keep him in the academy. They tried to get rid of him so many times, unfair test questions, discriminatory behavior, bullying...Eddie saw it all and guess what, he didn't care. As his wise uncle told him "they see you as a cockroach, boy. So become one. Show them how persistent you can be, make them wish they let you graduate."
Eddie adored his uncle, if that wasn't clear. That man was hard working and smart. If the world was worth anything, he would have been an alchemist, with his precise mind and nimble hands. But since world was shit and unfair, he was just a helper for one, although a great and kind one, Scott Clarke. Eddie was happy for his uncle, for the companionship he found in Scott, but there was inherent bitterness in him that wouldn't leave.
See, the issue with Eddie was - he had no clear goal, no illuminated path in his future. He wanted to explore magic, see what it had to offer. Where others had a clear destination, like Nancy with her passion for magical channels of communication or Chrissy and her focus on healing magic and diagnostics, Eddie was...untethered. He wanted to do anything and everything and he worried that this would be his downfall this time too. Because that's exactly what the whole summoning ritual hinged on.
Eddie wiped his hands on his pants, earning a disapproving scoff from the archmage. "Magic demands grace and dignity," that's what the asshole always said before elegantly wiping his mouth with a napkin or drying his sweaty brow with a white handkerchief. Eddie wanted to kick him in the shin and see how elegant he looked toppling over.
Just a few more chalk lines, no use in delaying the inevitable. This was the final exam of the senior year, but also a crucial skill that Eddie simply had to master. Because each mage needed a companion from the other side, that was the law. It didn't matter if you summoned a fae, a zephyr, a demon or even a wailing ghost of your grandma who decided to stay in the world beyond instead of moving on, you needed a companion to help with channeling of magic, amplifying it. Some mages kept the same companions for decades, other went through a series of brief companionships to find what they needed.
If Eddie only knew what he needed. That's what he was supposed to do - enter the circle, open a gate to the other world and project his ambitions, his desires. Which were, as usual, all over the place.
"I'm ready," he told the archmage as he stood up and dusted off his hands, creating more white smears on his pants.
The older man just rolled his eyes. He seemed to be in his fifties, with thick hair and just one or two strands of grey. But who knew, magic didn't really make aging normal. "I will believe it when I see it, Mr. Munson. You have yet to surprise me."
Eddie bit back a scorching remark and cracked his fingers, getting ready. He forced on a wide smile and waved at his friends who had, as expected, aced the exam. Nancy was chatting with her companion, a storm elemental (her name was Robin, as he would learn later, and she could speak so fast only Nancy was able to understand). Chrissy stood next to a tall dryad, Barbara, and gave Eddie a thumbs up, beaming at him. "You got this!" she mouthed at him and, with a brief whisper, made Barbara join in a very awkward cheer.
"Okay, here I go," muttered Eddie and entered the circle. His fingertips sparkled as he touched the prepared runes, activating them. He had one brief moment to take it all in, the scowl on the archmage's face, Nancy's quiet and confident smile and Chrissy's radiance, before the runes rose in a circle around him and obscured everything.
He blinked at the swirling colors around him, whispered voices. "Hello?" he called out, hearing the echo of his own voice. "My name is Eddie...um. I mean, Edward Munson and I am searching for a companion."
The voices sounded closer, but not close enough. He hadn't offered anything yet, so he wasn't too discouraged. "Um. I am looking for someone who would like to explore the world of magic with me. The possibilities it has and who is maybe looking to find themselves too..."
His voice trailed off. He sounded silly even to himself, not to mention to the creatures, spirits and demons in the realm. But just as he was about to quickly make up a goal, just to attract someone, he heard whispering in his ear. It sounded both melodic and dissonant, single and split. "You're intriguing. Intriguing enough to consider your offer. Say, Eddie. You seem open to everything, but...is there something that you really, really want? A desire you have? Something a companion could help you accomplish?"
Had Eddie been someone with a milder temperament, he would have explained how he hoped his success would open the door for more people like him, to change how elitist magic was. But he wasn't that, he was Eddie and he didn't feel like starting his first companionship with a lie.
"I want to succeed so much that the archmage will lose all of that fucking powdered hair," he grinned into the swirling void. "I want him to look at me, the first trash commoner mage, and know that despite being way more powerful and influential and whatever else, he couldn't get that scrawny kid to quit, no matter how many times he unfairly failed me. I want to make him feel like he's sucking on a lemon whenever he sees me. I want to become a living proof that he was wrong."
There was laughter in his ears and this time he realized - it wasn't one voice but two. One seductive and feminine, the other amused and slightly bitchy, belonging to a man.
"Well, Eddie," whispered the woman and Eddie shivered from her warm breath.
The man leaned in too, into his other ear. "We can help you with that."
And just like that, the magical void dissolved and two warm hands found their way into his.
Eddie emerged into the great hall to a series of gasps, cheers and curses. Chrissy was jumping up and down on her toes, clapping. Nancy seemed to be stuck between shock and serious amusement. And the archmage...well. That was something else.
But Eddie had manners so instead of reacting to any of them, he turned towads his companions. Two beings at once wasn't exactly common and Eddie had to understand who exactly he invited into his life.
He didn't have to recall much of his lectures on the other world to realize that his companions were demons. And not just any type, no. He gulped as he offered his hand again. "Thank you for answering my call. As I said before, I'm Eddie. Human, obviously."
The female demon was almost as tall as him, but unlike him she was gorgeous. Her thick brown hair fell to her strong shoulders in gentle waves and her amber eyes sparkled with mischief. She had moles and beauty marks all over her beautiful face. "Pleasure to join you, Eddie. Stevie, a succubus." She winked at him and shook his hand. "Obviously," she whispered.
She nudged him to the male demon, eerily similar to her, but where she was seductive he was snarky. Which...was doing equal things to Eddie's insides. Not only. "Steve," he said and squeezed his hand with a deliciously calloused hand. "Not a succubus, obviously, but an incubus. Pleasure indeed."
Eddie felt a bit manic. The wide smile on his face was starting to hurt but he couldn't bring himself to care and when Stevie used her tail to examine the chains on his belt, he wondered if the butterflies in his stomach weren't actually a stomach infection. "Uh...sorry if that's a stupid question, but are you...are you twins?"
He expected a scoff or a simple yes, but the look that Stevie and Steve exchanged wasn't clear at all. He wondered if he might have offended them, but Steve ended up throwing his arm around Eddie's shoulders and pulled him close. Yep, definitely a stomach bug because the butterflies were off the charts. "That's a bit complicated. We'll explain in a bit, but now..." The bitchy smirk on Steve's face was everything and as he whispered into Eddie's ear, Eddie couldn't help but snort. This was pure gold.
Standing between his companions and wrapping each arm around their waists, Eddie smiled at the archmage, pale and looking like he was ready to vomit all over his summoning circle.
"So, archmage Harrington," drawled Eddie and Stevie snickered next to him, "have I finally managed to surprise you?"
As Steve and Stevie raised their hands and, in a single voice, said sweetly "hi dad!", Eddie felt like his goal of giving the old pompous fart a heart attack was just within reach.
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yunirgo · 2 months
steve harrington x fem!reader ; fluff/comfort(?)
tw: mentions of food, reader doesn’t want to eat and is struggling a bit with self image, bad writing (sorry), pretty self indulgent
“you have to eat something, honey,” he insists.
“i’m not hungry steve,” you insist back.
steve noticed how you’ve been reluctant to eat lately. at first it was you turning down snacks he’d offer, then you started eating a meal a day.
today though, you haven’t had anything to eat and it was already nighttime. to say he was worried was definitely an understatement.
“babe, you haven’t eaten anything all day! that’s not good for you, you know that,” you try to not roll your eyes, but aren’t very successful. “look, if you at least eat a toast i’ll leave you alone, i promise.”
“steve, i’m not hungry. i’m not not eating because i don’t want to, i’m just not hungry,” tears well up in your eyes. you weren’t lying, not entirely anyway.
you’d looked in the mirror the other day and weren’t that pleased with your body, which made your appetite vanish. you’d tried to eat something for your own good, but the thought of food made you feel uneasy, guilty even. and the fact that you’d been having a lot of snacks and food the past week didn’t make it any easier. it was like your own body was punishing you for eating so much to the point of forbidding you to have some food.
a heavy sigh escapes his lips, followed by his hand pushing his hair back. steve leans over the kitchen counter, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “i’m not letting you go to sleep without eating something first.”
“y/n, please. just a toast, okay? so i can feel at peace knowing you have something in your system. what do you say?” and he has the audacity of using those stupid puppy eyes to convince you. what an asshole.
a good thirty seconds pass when you finally cave in. “i hate you,” and that smile, god, it makes you want to eat all of the toasts in the whole fucking galaxy if it means seeing him grin like that for the rest of your life.
“and i love you. i’ll even put on lots of that butter you like, baby. just sit there and let me be your cook for the night, yeah?” he kisses your head and starts working on your little meal. you watch him move around the kitchen, his arm flexing when he reaches up to the cabinet for a plate, his tongue sticking out when he spreads the butter on the toast; it makes you feel loved and cared for. “here you go. one golden, buttery toast for the prettiest girl in the whole world,” the boy smiles, pearly whites in full display for you.
“i’m still mad at you,” it was a lie, both of you are fully aware of it.
“i can handle that. now eat,” after staring at it, you finally take a bite of the toasted bread in front of you. the taste of melted butter makes you feel better instantly. you practically inhale the toast without noticing. it definitely wakes up your appetite. “good job, baby.”
“oh god, im so hungry now,” you say with a whine.
“well, you’re in luck because your favorite chef in the whole world will be very happy to feed you,” and he does. he prepares something small. not much to not scare you, but enough to feed you properly. you eat his food with content hums here and there and he watches you with satisfaction. “you know, you shouldn’t feel guilty about wanting to eat. it’s your body trying to keep you alive,” he comments once you’ve finished your food, pushing a hair strand behind your ear.
“i know… i just- i feel gross about it sometimes, having to eat. i know i shouldn’t feel guilty, but i can’t help it,” steve, the sweetheart he is, pulls you to his chest and leaves a kiss at the top of your head.
“i know, honey. i’m sorry,” he starts swaying side to side, your ear right by his heart. his heartbeat calms yours. “it makes me really sad to see you struggle with that, but i will always be here to remind you that it’s completely normal and okay to feel hungry and eat. maybe eating together can help. i love watching you eat” you look up at him; he looks down at you, both melting at the love in each others’ gaze.
“you’re really weird, but i really love you, you know?”
“mhmm, i love you more”.
a/n: i get a lot of these little episodes and my best friend is the one who reminds me it’s just my body doing its job and that i shouldn’t feel guilty for being hungry or eating. i know it’s not easy dealing with it, but if you go through this too and ever need someone to talk to, i’m here for you<3 remember you’re perfect just the way you are!
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lovebugism · 4 months
Okay soooooooo
How bout something like King Steve picking on shy!reader, then later finding out she has a shitty home life plz
ty for requesting!! this can be read as a prequel to this fic — steve comforts you when he accidentally makes you flinch (enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, cw for brief mentions of abuse, 1.8k)
Sitting alone at the Hellfire table, you feel a little like fishbait. 
Your spot in the very back of the cafeteria is normally full and loud — with Dustin’s bickering, and Eddie’s laughing, and Gareth’s stupid jokes — but they’re not here now. They’re off getting their trays while you sit in wait for them (and the cold fries you’ll ultimately steal from Eddie’s plate). It leaves you perfect prey for circling sharks.
You hear laughter from behind you, over the sounds of the bustling lunch room. You’re certain they’re laughing at you — ‘cause you always think someone’s laughing at you — but you try hard to ignore it. You disregard the subtle pang of anxiety in your chest and stick your nose in your book, eyes flitting across the words without reading any of them.
Someone flumps down at your side then, where Mike usually sits. The overwhelming scent of spiced cologne stings your nostrils. With watering eyes, you look beside you. At Tommy fucking Hagan.
“Hey, Wallflower,” he greets like it’s normal — like he hasn’t spent the past four years pretending you don’t exist. You think he only calls you Wallflower now because his friends have been doing it for so long they don’t remember your real name.
The boy props his elbow on the table and puts his chin in his fist, trying hard to hide his boyish beam and accompanying laughter. He fails.
You cower at his presence, all but shrinking into yourself. “…Hi?” you reply in a tiny voice.
“How’s it hangin’?”
“That’s great!” he answers instantly, like he hadn’t heard you at all. “You see, my friend Steve, over there— you know him, right?”
You don’t bother to look where he’s pointing. Of course, you know Steve The Hair Harrington. You don’t think there’s a single person in Hawkins who doesn’t.
You nod in response.
Tommy’s smile widens. “Well, he’s got this massive crush on you,” he confesses, choking back a laugh halfway through. “I mean, he talks about you all the time.”
You know he’s lying. And not just because he’s grinning so hard that his eyes are crinkled and his freckled cheeks are turning pink. You’re almost certain Steve Harrington doesn’t even know who you are. He never had a reason to. Why would the King of Hawkins High ever stoop so low to know someone like you?
You glance at him over your shoulder, a couple tables down from you. He’s almost magnetically pretty. You couldn’t ignore him if you tried — with his pretty hair and his pretty eyes and his pretty smile. His golden cheeks flush as all his friends start poking fun at him. 
He rolls his eyes and scoffs a laugh you can tell is forced from here. He doesn’t think any of this is funny. You can see it on his face. But he isn’t trying to stop it all from happening. You’re just collateral damage, really.
You turn back to Tommy with a disbelieving look in your eye.
He continues to ramble despite it. “He was just a little nervous coming up to you, that’s all. So I thought I’d do him a favor and slip you his number. You know, as his wingman and all.” He tosses a folded-up index card onto the pages of your opened book. “You should call him tonight— It’ll make his day, I swear.”
He pats you a little too hard on the back before he goes. His laugh echoes over all the rest when he sits back down at his table. You watch them over your shoulder as they fall over themselves to crack jokes about you. 
Steve’s the only one not smiling. “Not cool, Tommy,” he mouths.
Locker 148. The one right across from yours. Property of Steve The Hair Harrington. 
You shove the thick card with his number written on it between the slits in the metal. You’d carried it around all day, utterly unsure of what to do with it. You decided ultimately to return it, figuring he might feel a little better if a total stranger didn’t have his phone number.
You struggle to slide it through the thin gap, though. The paper gets caught halfway through, and you try to yank it back out again. The old locker moves with you, like it’s not completely shut but still somehow latched. 
You’re so in your own head you don’t hear the gymnasium door down the hall squeal open and shut again. Steve pants heavily and tries to recover from a ruthless basketball practice. He hunts for a water fountain and finds you instead.
“What are you doing?” he calls as he nears you, not malicious or unkind but genuinely curious.
Your heart lurches into your throat as you all but jump out of your skin.
Steve laughs, a pretty sound in the silent hallway. “Shit. Sorry. I didn’t— I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t,” you assure with an averted gaze, though your frightened demeanor says otherwise. “I was just— I was trying to give you this.”
You hold the paper out towards him. He takes it with hesitant hands. “What is it?”
“Your number. Tommy gave it to me earlier, and I know it was just a stupid joke, so I… I thought you’d feel more comfortable if I gave it back to you.”
Something in Steve’s chest aches. He doesn’t understand why you would care about what might make him comfortable. It’s not like he ever gave you the time of day — or ever tried to stop his friends from being total assholes. As far as he’s concerned, you’re the last person who should give a shit about him.
“Oh. Right— Yeah… Thanks,” he stammers and shoves the thing into his pocket. “And I’m— I’m sorry about Tommy and everything. He can be a real douchebag sometimes. I didn’t… I didn’t tell him to bother you or anything—”
“I know,” you assure in a mousy voice. “Tommy gave me your number hoping I’d be dumb enough to call while your friends were over so you could all… laugh at me? I guess. He could’ve been a little more original, honestly.”
Steve cracks a smile. He almost laughs, but he can’t tell if you’re joking or not.
“I’ll talk to him later. Tell him to leave you alone—” He rambles and walks closer to you. You watch him with tentative eyes as he approaches. “—He’s a total dumbass sometimes, but he usually means well. Most of the time, anyway—”
Steve raises his hand suddenly. And, because you’re frightened by everything little thing, you flinch and stumble over yourself in the process. The lockers catch your fall, and you hit the back of your head. Hard.
“Shit— Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine,” you squeak, holding the crown of your hair and squinting as your skull pounds.
Steve rushes to your side, then idles just ahead of you because he doesn’t know if you want him touching you. His brows pinch, chiseled features swimming with concern. His cinnamon eyes glitter with it, too. “I wasn’t trying to scare you—”
“It’s okay.”
“—My locker was just jammed. I was going to shut it.”
The metal door is open now, from where it wasn’t shut all the way and where you just smacked your head on it.
“I just wasn’t expecting it,” you assure in a tight voice, trying hard to ignore the sharp throbbing. “It’s fine. I’m fine—”
“You’re hurt.”
“It’ll go away—”
“Let me get you an icepack.”
“—I’ll be fine once I get home.”
Steve, feeling purely at fault and aching at how effortlessly you shrug him off, decides to approach you fully. He curls a warm hand around the outside of your elbow. A touch surprisingly gentle. “No. C’mon. Let me help.”
You don’t feel much like you’re in any position to fight him about it. Not with the world still swaying under your feet. 
Steve guides you the short distance to the empty cafeteria. Slow and kind and dreadfully patient. He sits you down, makes sure you’re still okay, and then rushes to fix you a makeshift icepack — a ziplock bag filled to the brim with chipped ice.
He sits at the chair beside yours, slightly askew so his knees bump your thighs. He holds the pack to the crown of your head and gazes at you attentively. You’re not looking back at him to see it.
“Does it still hurt?”
You shrug, eyes flitted to the wringing hands in your lap. “It’s fine. It just feels a little like I have a migraine.”
Steve winces. “I’m sorry.”
Your doe eyes peek at him from beneath your lashes. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“I scared you.”
“Everything scares me.”
It’s a dumb joke. You mean it, but you still expect him to laugh about it. He doesn’t even crack a smile, though. He just keeps looking at you with that puppy-like twist to his features. The worry is evident in his face. 
“Do you wanna, like, talk about it or something?”
“About what?”
“Why you flinched.”
You freeze, breath hitching in your throat. No one’s ever noticed your incessant panic — outside of making jokes about it anyway. No one’s cared enough to ask about it, either. Steve Harrington is the last person you expected any kind of concern from.
You shake your head after a few long moments. “No.”
“You could,” Steve assures, suddenly shy. You didn’t know he could be anything other than totally full of himself. “You know, if you wanted to. I wouldn’t— I wouldn’t tell anyone—”
You scoff a disbelieving laugh.
Steve’s features swirl with hurt. You hate that it makes your chest ache. You hate most that he hasn’t stopped being soft with you. The hand holding the pack to your head hasn’t yet wavered, even though you know his arm must be tired now.
“I wouldn’t. ‘Cause I— I know what it’s like to… to have a bad home life or whatever,” he confesses, stammering hopelessly. He forces a laugh at himself. “Probably more than most people do, honestly.”
His admission takes you by surprise. It comforts you in a way you didn’t think someone like him could. 
Even still, you shake your head. “I— I can’t—” you murmur, clearing your throat when the words get stuck there. “I can’t talk about it…”
Steve nods, firm and reassuring. “That’s okay. You don’t have to, I was just… I was just saying, you know? I get it.”
You swallow through a tight throat, nodding wordlessly in response.
“Plus, you know, you have my number and everything… If you ever wanted to talk…”
You flash him a timid look and crack a quiet smile. “I gave it back to you, remember?”
“I’ll write it down for you again,” he promises with a shrug and a lopsided grin. It’s easier to ignore his aching arm and the ice stinging his palm when he’s looking at you. “For real this time.”
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ang3lofsmalldeath · 1 year
blurb of steve harrington x reader having a daddy kink (minors DNI; not proofread)
maybe it was the warmth of steve’s heated pool or the sips of rosé you had rushing to your brain, but you couldn’t stop the fluttering in your tummy as you watched steve play basketball with the younger teens in his pool. you certainly couldnt stop the feeling when robin swam up to sit with you on the pool steps and pointed out steve’s behavior, “ugh look at dingus… god he’s gonna be such a good dad one day- it’s kinda annoying.” of course, you couldn’t help but agree with her, a dreamy sigh slipping out of your month while steve dunked dustin under the water, and you had begun imagining him with a lil fluffy-haired babe of his own. robin clocked the way you were looking at steve, “don’t you agree?” she questioned as you quickly nodded your head, “oh i see- you wanna be the one to make him a daddddyyy!” teasing you in that sing-song voice, making you simply giggle in return, trying to ignore the warmth that flushed to your cunt thinking about steve as a daddy.
one of the best things about your relationship with steve is that he almost always can tell how you are feeling, he can read you like a book. so you weren’t shocked that he immediately could tell what you needed when you wrapped your arms around him, basically hugging him from behind as he cleaned the grill, clad in just his yellow crewneck over your damp bikini to fight the nip of the wind. at this point, everyone had left so he felt no shame as he put his arm around your shoulder, pulled you into his side, and stared at your glassy puppy-dog eyes. breathlessly chuckling, he pressed a chaste kiss on your forehead, “i know, honey, i know.”
once you got inside, steve all but carried you to his bedroom, both of you loving the way he manhandled you, as you pressed small pecks on his jaw and cheeks. “are you feeling needy, baby, huh?” he teased, turning the knob on his door, noticing the way your hips were trying to hump his. you could whimper and squirm in response as steve sat down on his bed with you in his lap. you were both so turned on, and still a lil tipsy, so it wasn’t a surprise when you ended sinking down on his throbbing cock, his hands on your waist, within a few minutes. “o’shit baby, yeah there you go, my good girl. jus’ the tip, ok, don’t hurt yourself baby- god you’re so fuckin wet,” steve couldn’t help his whines and moans as you trembled like a leaf around him, cockdrunk trying to take him deeper. “hnghhh-oh! i-i ca- cant-s’good daddy”. you didn’t catch the petname slipping past your lips, but steve did. stopping you from sinking any further, he stilled your hips and grabbed your face by squishing your checks “what did u call me, honey?” of course you were beyond embarrassed, but with his steady grip in your face you had nowhere to run. “i’m s’sorry! i didnt mean to i-it jus’ slipped out-” you felt stupid and small and you couldn’t control the tears dripping from your eyes. “aw, sweetheart, it’s okay, dont be embarrassed. i jus’ wanted to know why you want to call me that. y’know ill give you whatever you ask for, angel”. you stopped your sniffling, and shifted your eyes to nervously connect with steve’s, basically whining out “ ‘s just-robin asked me if i was ever gonna make you a dad, ‘n’ i cant help imagining it- you take such good care of all of the group now, and well… me so i jus’ couldnt stop thinkin’ about it”
steve could say he was surprised but, he wasn’t. at heart, he was a caregiver through and through, and that carried into your relationship to an extreme. there was a hint of casual dominance in everything he did for you. tying your shoes, carrying you around, bathing you in the shower or bath, keeping your hands warm in his pocket, making you meals, feeding you when you were to weak, kissing you to sleep everynight, etc,. and to be honest, he blushed to the thought of you wanting his babies as bad as he wanted to give them to you.
“aw, peach,” he cooed grabbing your face and slowly thrusting into you, watching you contort your pout into a gasp, “you’re s’sweet, love, one day, you’re gonna let me put a baby in you, hm? yeah but until, i’ll just be your daddy, you can have me all to yourself, how ‘bout that, honey?” you rapidly nodded your head with your eyes pinched, whimpering and whining about how good it felt and how deep he was, as you began to match his thrusts, slowing building a steady pace as he went further and further inside you. “my shy, dumb lil baby, huh? put daddy’s cock in you and you can’t respond t’me? that’s okay, my girl, my good girl, just let your head go empty and daddy will do all the work, gonna make this soaked, pretty pussy cum all over me.”
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headkiss · 1 year
hi anna!! can you do a steve x clingy&sick!reader. like the reader can get sick and she gets super clingy? you can work your magic, thanks < 3
hi lovely!!! tysm for requesting i hope u like it <3 | 0.5k of fluff
Steve’s gathering things from the dryer when a pair of arms wrap around his stomach from behind. He knows it’s you without checking, but he does anyway.
The blanket you’ve been swaddled in all day is still clutched in your hands, draped over your shoulders and stretched around Steve now, too. Not even fifteen minutes after Steve had gotten up to finish up the laundry had you followed.
“Shouldn’t you be laying down?” He asks.
“Missed you.”
The ‘m’ sounds muffled from your stuffy nose, an obvious give away to your being sick.
For a moment, Steve soaks in the feeling of your cheek pressed between the backs of his shoulders, your warmth against his back, your arms around his stomach. He feels bad for thinking it, but he doesn’t mind it when you’re sick. Not if it means extra cuddles and you attached to him like a magnet.
Of course, he hates to see you in any sort of discomfort, though.
He turns in your hold, pushes your flyaways off of your heated forehead, “you feeling any better?”
“I am now,” because of him. “Think you have medicine in your skin, or something.”
“You’re cute,” he says. “I’m almost done, honey, you can wait on the couch if you want to.”
You don’t want to. Ever since you’ve been with Steve, you have a hard time being away from him. Your clinginess is dialed up majorly when you’re sick. He’s sweet and gentle, a comforting presence.
It’s his fault, really. He’s too good of a caretaker.
“No thanks.”
He huffs a laugh. Really, he doesn’t want you away from him, either. Steve grabs your waist and helps you up onto the washer, blanket still draped over your shoulders and legs swinging in the air.
“That good?”
“Perfect, Stevie.”
You’re perfectly content to watch him fold up towels and sheets until he’s finished, then you’ll drag him back for a nap on the couch. It’d be much better if you could breathe from your nose or keep your eyes wide open.
At least he’s quick to say ‘bless you’ when you sneeze.
When Steve’s finished he stands between your legs, holds your face gently in his hands and presses a kiss to your forehead. You’re really not the only clingy one, after all.
“Mmm, no. Tired.”
“You look sleepy.”
You collapse dramatically onto him, forehead against his shoulder. “Nap with me.”
“I gotta clean the-”
“Noooo,” your whine cuts him off. “Enough cleaning. Need a good dose of medicine Steve, please.”
He couldn’t fight the smile off his face if he wanted to. He used to cringe at this type of romance, shy away from it, but you’re undeniable. There was no escaping his feelings for you and there never will be. He’s happy about that.
“Will you eat something after you wake up if I lay with you?”
“Yes. Pinky promise.”
You hold up a hand between you, though your head still rests against him. He locks your pinkies together, twists your hands so he can kiss the top of yours as if to seal the deal.
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elliewlums · 2 years
You have brought this upon yourself 🫠
Poly!steddie would have have little contests- like, who can make you cum the most in one night, and one would complain that the other got to go last because “she’s so sensitive now! It’s easy to make her cum! It’s not fairrrrr!”
you’re three orgasms in and on the precipice of a fourth; steve’s buried between your legs, his tongue fucking into your hole and nose bumping your pudgy clit just right. you’re propped against eddie’s chest, his calves through yours to hold you open, an offering for steve to hungrily lap at. your puffy lips try to swallow his face as you rut into him and squirm, trying to both escape from the pleasure and push towards it at the same time. when you wail and gush on his face, your little hole pulsing and shrinking around nothing, he smirks, lapping it all up greedily and emerging from between your thighs to gloat at eddie.
“another one for me, munson,” he teases.
“that’s so not fair!” eddie gripes. “she’s already come twice, she’s sensitive! it’s easier for you.”
you’re twitching and shivering with the pleasure, your tears wetting eddie’s shirt as you try to turn and rub your face against him.
“no more, ‘m done,” you mumble quietly, eyes already fluttering closed where against his sturdy frame holding you up. he laughs and kisses your head, lifting you to settle you in steve’s lap instead of his own. steve’s quick to cradle you, trapping you under the facade of an embrace.
“you’re gonna give me one more, alright? one more and then you’re done, poppet.”
“please, no…” you murmur; you know one utterance of the safe word and they’d have you bundled in the bed and doted on to within an inch of your life, but you trust them to take you as far as you can go.
“one more, baby. one more for eddie…” eddie soothes, already lowering his face to your drooling cunt, even as you thrash against steve’s broad frame. “look at that pretty pussy, she’s so happy to see me!”
you know he’s lying; you’re in for a very long night.
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soliloquent-stark · 8 months
Do u think when stevetony first get together there’s a fight for who gets which side of the bed? Because I think so 🤔
dear anon, i am SO glad you asked this. you have no idea what monster you've created with this question.
my short answer: yes.
my long answer:
stony ficlet: the left side of the bed
steve noticed it from the moment he started spending the night in tony's room, when their supposedly casual sex slowly started turning into more — tony always went for the left side of the bed, much to steve's dismay. as a result, he'd have restless nights full of tosses and turns, every single time. if only he could sleep on that same side...
the thing is, steve didn't have a preference just for the sake of it. between sharing a tiny bed with his mom as a child and being in a literal war, he could fall asleep anywhere. hell, tony's bed is too soft for him anyway, and sometimes the floor seemed more inviting.
so, this wasn't about him being fastidious. this was about safety: steve always had to be the closest person to the door, so he could be the first one in the line of fire, so he could protect the other person. and it just so happens that, the way the room is set up, the side near the exit was the left one.
he didn't want to bring it up and make it into a thing, so one day, a few weeks into their new and fragile relationship, he simply settled in that spot while tony was in the bathroom. he figured it was a minor enough gesture; surely he didn't need to ask?
to say it pissed tony off was an understatement.
he didn't even give a reason why this was so important to him — and steve had witnessed him sleeping diagonally on his workbench, and in a chair while slouched on the table during meetings, and even standing against a goddamn doorframe once.
"if i remember correctly, and i always do, you were leaning on the right side of it", steve had said. "but i dunno, maybe it was more comfortable than this perfectly fine right side of your bed?"
tony only got more upset.
"i dunno," he parroted, "was the ice more comfortable than this perfectly fine right side of the bed?"
it was a low blow, but steve didn't take the bait. he found no other option but to admit to tony the truth about his hang-up, which somehow escalated the situation further.
"for fuck's sake steve, you don't need to be a fucking human shield! you're off duty, and i'm no damsel in distress."
it's not that steve thought iron man needed his safeguarding. but that's how his brain was wired. he needed to protect — he'd already let down so many people in his life. he hadn't been able to get his mom medical help, he hadn't stopped bucky from falling, and he already had witnessed tony fly to his near-death once, as part of a team steve was the leader of. guarding became his default mode. but tony was so stubborn and he simply didn't get it.
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steve just sighed, but tony must have sensed his discomfort, because the fight seemed to leave his body.
then, with a soft and tentative voice, tony admitted to steve that he preferred that side because it had always been how he slept, since childhood. he always left the other part of the bed empty, and his mother would often sit there as she tucked him in, with a kiss on his forehead and a caress on his cheek.
"that's an example of the gentle side of her parenting that howard wasn't allowed to see because he'd disapprove of coddling me," tony had said. "her affection happened mostly behind the closed doors of my room, and we weren't caught once, because he never came to say goodnight."
steve felt his heart ache as he wordlessly rolled to the other side of the bed, making space for tony in his designated spot, and opening his arms for a hug.
he should have realized that tony was just like him, and that the reasons behind his neuroses were often tied to the same worries and trepidations that also drove steve mad.
it's not going to be easy to sleep like this, he had thought as he was holding his boyfriend close to his chest, but it's okay. it's for tony.
however, the following evening, when he entered the bedroom and saw that tony had moved everything around so that the right side of the bed was facing the door, he laughed with relief.
"i find solutions for everything, don't i," tony joked. "not like it wasn't the obvious thing to do, anyways."
but steve was aware that by doing what he did, he had totally messed up his carefully designed layout; even steve could admit that the room looked a bit silly now. somehow, tony genuinely seemed unbothered by it, and was just pleased that this way, nobody had to compromise on the quality of their sleep.
steve fell a little bit in love, just then.
gif sources: due date (2010) and before we go (2014)
find longer fics on my ao3
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bruisedboys · 2 years
steve harrington definitely gets u to make you both matching friendship bracelets and he never ever takes it off.
SOOO REAL!! he’s so lovesick boyfriend I need him
fluff, established relationship gn!reader, 900 words
Steve loved your bracelets. He thought it was the cutest thing ever, how you wore at least two on each wrist, how you colour-coordinated them to your outfit or to each other. He loved them so much he asked where you’d got them, secretly hoping to find some pretty ones and gift them to you.
“Oh …” You looked at your shoes and tugged at the set of bracelets on your left wrist shyly. “I actually made them.”
Steve was bewildered. He didn’t think someone could be capable of making something so pretty and intricate. “You made them?”
You nodded, cheeks warm. “Well, yeah. I’ve been making them since I was little.”
Steve reached across the space between you, his hands hovering over your own. “Can I?”
You hummed and allowed him to take your wrist in his hands, hold your hand up to his face and get a closer look at your bracelets. When he was done he took your other hand, his thumb pressing gently into your pulse point as he inspected your bracelets.
“They’re so pretty,” he said, a bit wonderstruck. His gaze moved slowly from your wrists to your eyes. “You’re incredible.”
He dropped your hands but only to take one in his own again, pushing his fingers through yours. You flushed.
“I’m really not, Steve,” you said quietly. “It’s easy.”
Steve hummed, swinging your hands gently between you. “Well, I still think you’re incredible. Do you think you could make me one?”
There was a beat of silence — you’d secretly already started making him one. It was almost done but you were too nervous to finish it, because then you’d actually have to give it to him.
“Sure,” you said, and Steve beamed. “What colours do you want?”
You’d already picked out blue and purple. You hoped he wouldn’t say something completely different.
“Whatever you want, baby,” Steve said sweetly. “M’sure you’ll pick the best ones.”
You almost melted. He was too wonderful. “Okay,” you said.
“And, hey!” Steve clicked his fingers like he had had an epiphany, a habit of his that made him all the more adorable. “You could make us matching ones, if you want. Or I could make you one …” He trailed off disdainfully and wrinkled his nose at you. “It would probably fall to pieces.”
You giggled and gave his hand a big squeeze. “That’s okay, Stevie. I’ll make them.”
You let yourself into Steve’s house, like you always did. He knew you were coming, so you stayed quiet as you slipped off your shoes and shut the door. You were wearing your bracelets, as usual, with the addition of purple and blue one to match the bracelet you’d given Steve three days ago.
He wasn’t in the kitchen or the living room, so you ventured upstairs.
No answer. You got closer to his room and heard the shower running from his adjoining bathroom. He was singing, though admittedly quite badly, but it bought a smile to your lips.
You approached the bathroom door, happy to wait but not wanting to shock him when he came out. You knocked twice.
“Steve? It’s me.”
The smile in his voice was evident when he yelled back. “Y/N! I’m almost done, just give me a couple minutes.”
“That’s okay, take your time.”
You made to sit on his bed but he called you back.
“You can come in if you want, sweetheart. Door’s unlocked.”
His tone wasn’t suggestive, though you wouldn’t have minded, really, if it was. You had an inkling he missed you as much as you missed him, so you opened the door and stepped in.
Steam clouded half the bathroom, warm air engulfing you as you stepped over the tiles. Steve’s clothes and watch were piled on the counter and the sweet scent of his shampoo surrounded you.
The shower curtain moved and Steve’s head appeared, wet hair dripping over his forehead. “Hi, sweet thing.”
You beamed, “Hi. Nice singing.”
Steve reddened, fake-glared, and then laughed like he couldn’t help himself. “Thanks. I think I’m getting pretty good, don’t you?”
“Mhm,” you hummed good-naturedly.
You crossed the bathroom and Steve’s lovesick gaze followed you until you were right in front of him. You reached up to push a dripping strand of hair from his eyes, then your gaze fell to his hand that was holding the curtain back and your heart skyrocketed.
He was wearing the bracelet you’d made him.
“You’re wearing your bracelet,” you said quietly, you heart thrumming with enamour. “In the shower.”
Steve looked down like he hadn’t even realised. He probably hadn’t. “Oh, yeah.” He shrugged like it was no big deal, though it was to you. “You know I’m never taking it off, right?”
You had to blink a few times before you looked up. Your adoration for him must’ve shown on your face, because Steve gave you a quizzical look.
“Nothing.” You lifted one shoulder, took his hand with the bracelet in your own. Your wrists pressed together and your bracelets lined up. His blue with a purple heart pattern, yours purple with a blue heart pattern.
You tore your eyes away from the matching bracelets to look at Steve, and you didn’t regret it. His smile was all dopey and his freckled face flushed.
“Just love you, is all.”
Understatement of the century.
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appocalipse · 2 months
coming out at midnight!!!!!! ♥
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