#stoneflower's brainrot
disgustingposer · 2 months
everytime i even try to have an opinion or idea or something i immediately think i will embarass myself
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thana-topsy · 11 months
I know you already wrote one for Teldryn and Neloth, but I remember you drawing them as werewolf and vampire a while back and I've been thinking about how that would make for a super fun fic ever since.
With still so many other prompts in my inbox, I feel bad for prioritizing this one, but also... the heart wants what the heart wants. So thank you, anon, because this definitely gave me a little bit of brainrot.
(Vampire) Neloth x (Werewolf) Teldryn 555 words
Once a month Teldryn would appear at his doorstep. 
The gifts of Hircine were gifts only up to a certain point. All Daedra dealt in contracts, after all. Some were just less obvious about it. Neloth had thoroughly weighed the consequences of his choice and had concluded that, should future events not turn in his favor, there were worse fates than taking up residence in Coldharbour. 
Teldryn, on the other hand, seemed to have had very little choice in the matter. 
The first time he’d shown up at Tel Mithryn, covered in blood and viscera, naked as a newborn, Neloth hadn’t even bothered to ask questions. He and the Nerevarine had developed an understanding long ago, back when both of them considered themselves residents of Vvardenfell. Before… well, before everything else.
And now it was like clockwork. As the moons would swell to fullness, so would the gifts of Hircine inside of its too-small vessel. Teldryn’s body would be ravaged by the beast whether he willed it or not. Neloth had watched the transformation with rapt fascination the first few times—the way Teldryn’s bones seemed to lengthen and crack, his spine contorting as he howled with pain, coarse hair erupting through his skin like thousands of needles. He would snarl and rage in the enclosure Neloth had constructed—for far darker purposes than containing a rampaging werewolf—chained to the floor, buffered by magical barriers. 
It was a pitiful sight. 
“I could make it all end, you know,” Neloth offered once after Teldryn had shrunk back into his birthform, naked and shivering against the cold dirt floor of Tel Mithryn’s labyrinthian basement.
Teldryn didn’t respond, his forehead pressed against the ground in a caricature of supplication, chains rattling with his strained movements as he attempted to regain himself. His body shook with the effort, the muscles along his back and shoulders twitching and spasming, his beautiful expanse of tattoo-laden, stoneflower skin slick with sweat and flushed with fresh blood.  
Neloth lowered the wards with a wave of his hand, the metal door of the chamber swinging open before him as he strode into the cell. He took a knee before Teldryn, reaching down to cup his chin and lift it enough to look into his eyes, finding only pain and fear. 
“Say the word, and it’ll all be over.” Neloth traced his thumb over Teldryn’s lower lip, cracked and bleeding. The blood pulsed hot beneath Neloth’s finger. “We could rule this island together. Beyond, even. And what else–” Teldryn’s breath hitched as Neloth pulled his face closer, forcing him onto his knees. “To have you by my side, always.” 
Neloth leaned forward and took Teldryn’s lower lip between his, sucking the blood from the miniscule wound. He could taste Hircine’s filth and corruption. It filled him with white hot rage, that someone so powerful would be shackled to something so debased. When he pulled back, Teldryn’s eyes had regained some of their clarity, a hard set to his jaw, brow drawn tight.
“No,” he rasped, shaking his head minutely in Neloth’s grip. “I would not trade one set of chains for another.” 
Neloth’s lip curled with distaste as he released Teldryn’s chin, pushing to his feet. “Pity,” he said. Another wave of his hand and the chains around Teldryn’s wrists and ankles released. “And such a waste.”
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disgustingposer · 7 months
my goat
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disgustingposer · 16 days
i have seen artists with actual mental issues being told they were "romanticizing it" by doing WAY less that taylor is doing lol
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disgustingposer · 21 days
that james somerton take of "the boring queers were the one who survived the aids crisis" really reminds me of some of the queers in this site ngl
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disgustingposer · 2 months
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disgustingposer · 27 days
all this discourse about alastor that you guys forgot about the OG canon aroace character that gets shipped anyway
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disgustingposer · 2 months
a "too theory brained to live" leftist daughter a "thinks reading books is petit bourgeoise" leftist son? (you cannot kill yourself)
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disgustingposer · 7 months
is being extremely anxious of talking to someone while wanting to talk to them everyday a sign of a squish or smth
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disgustingposer · 4 months
@loiswasadevil hi lois i made a tribute video to you
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disgustingposer · 8 months
dis will probably come across as me whining (I dunno if Tumblr is supportive of sex repulsed aces) but I'm tired of seeing straight up porn everytime I go to the #goth tag, like I just want to see some band photos, cool outfits, music and black cats but I have to have some booty jumping at me because why not
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disgustingposer · 1 month
men will complain about how teenage girls make hello kitty a clinically depressed drug addict but then listen to AI spongebob rapping about selling drugs over a playboi carti beat
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disgustingposer · 5 months
me when the medication that is meant to stabilize my mood stabilizes my mood
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disgustingposer · 2 months
i don't like the assimilationist pink money junk that is mainstream queer music because its way too polished and sanitized, i want more music of trans people talking about killing transphobes with ak47s and then having kinky sex after
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disgustingposer · 7 months
i saw porn on the goth tag
and i have nsfw shit filtered btw
maybe the subculture isn't meant for ace people
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disgustingposer · 5 days
one of the most infuriating things on the internet is when people start to blabber about "school shooter vibes" and when you ask them what it means they just describe an autistic person or an abuse victim or both
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