#story: tbd
bebemoon · 1 year
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“should i tell you something truly unsettling—vile, in fact ?” “please” “it’ll sicken you to death” “then say it” “i love you” “ah, well, that. that, i knew”
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shinobinvku · 6 months
The following day, Chitose showed up at the laboratory at the same time as any other day, quietly going through the usual preparation of her workstation before starting her work.
Starter for @hatredcurse | Tobirama
She was weary. It felt like she had just awoken from a deep slumber, her senses returning to her, with some of her memories of days prior still blurry along the edges. Yet, none were more vivid than the ones from last night, and it left her feeling just a little anxious about how today’s session would go. A small part of her contemplated not coming to work to spare them humiliation if last night’s interlude was a mistake. 
But, Gods, she must admit that it felt good to be with Tobirama, to be desired by him. After months of working together, it was beginning to feel like torture to share the laboratory space with him and his chakra prodding and teasing her senses, wondering if anything more would ever become of it. Was it selfish that she reciprocated? 
Still, an unprofessional line had been crossed. What did last night mean to them? 
Chitose hears the door open. She lifts her head from her paperwork to meet Tobirama’s carmine gaze, and already Chitose can feel the heat flush to her hickey-covered neck. Thank goodness for high collars. 
❝ Morning, ❞ She says, as usual. ❝ You look well. ❞
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kimquatz · 2 months
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just wanted to compile a bunch of lanque sketches that make me feel a little crazy
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chatdae · 27 days
I'm watching ep3 of Yuri on Ice again and wow, Viktor having Yuuri skate Eros really is so fucking wild to me. On the one hand: reasonable choice. Viktor wants Yuuri to surprise the audience. He knows Yuuri can perform like this (cough banquet cough) and he knows that Yuuri capitalizing on this potential could win him the season.
On the other hand: oh my God. Does Viktor want to torture himself.
Listen: Yurio says Viktor was contemplating choreographies for himself during the past season. So, Viktor's been thinking about Love as a theme for himself. Man is 27. Everyone's asking him if / when he'll retire. He's considering his future. He's been thinking about love. He's considering his future he's been thinking about love He takes a season off, flies to Japan -- for Yuuri--,, he has Yuuri (who ran away from Viktor's flirting in ep2!) skate Erotic love. (aka the emotion he didn't return to Viktor during Viktor's first days in Japan ((aka an emotion that Viktor's been thinking about for a while (((aka an emotion Viktor believes Yuuri can pull off (because he's SEEN Yuuri pull it off (((at the FUCKING BANQUET where he flirted on Viktor THEN DISAPPEARED))))).
TL;DR this Russian knows how to pine.
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enden-k · 25 days
if you havent already,
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walk through the hallway of the grand theater after the end of the penacony mission
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mysterycitrus · 8 months
someone ask me about persephone so i have an excuse to talk about it
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kayvsworld · 10 days
god fatws is NOT a good show it DOES make no sense but it COMPELS me though
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wetcatspellcaster · 1 month
there's so little left of Pieces to write that it's actually getting a little scary honestly
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mykingdomforapen · 8 months
I love the almost escapism of Link Click’s China, in the sense that I love how the show beautifies and highlights mundane modern-day life in China, something I miss and long for. But I can’t stop thinking about how subversive the story, mainly Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s abilities, can be in the face of the bigger picture of China. Namely, People’s Republic of China.
Photography is a storyteller, and a powerful one at that. National memory of history is shaped through photographs. Your image and reputation is immortalized through visual record keeping. What you show, what you stage, and equally as importantly what you hide, is controlled by where you point the camera. What you know or don’t know depends on what photos you were allowed to see, and what was erased. And man, did PRC lean on that during the Great Leap Forward and et cetera.
I think about photographs my family showed me that portrayed their life a certain way, and when asked about it my parents would laugh and say, well, actually. The Party arranged that so it would look like we were doing well. What really happened was…
For these two young men who grew up under mainland’s censorship, what would happen if they got their eyes on the Tank Man?
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minkshame · 1 month
Something bad is 'bout to happen to me
Why I feel this way? I don't know, maybe.
Cropped artwork from my next story, “The Curse”.
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pikapup131 · 2 months
guys I have an idea. timekeeper, sugar sawn, abyss monarch, longan dragon, and millennial tree as this. one singular friend group in a larger friend group of all legendary (and dragon/ancient) cookies. they often go on picnics or play games or. do whatever in various places picked by longan or millennial, rarely sugar swan,, and. they chose the kingdom this time (millennial) kingdom is overrun with jelly walker virus. how fun. they didn't actually KNOW what this is (except teeky and millenial, but millennial did not know it came back and teeky completely forgot about it.) so their basically. in an apolocolypse au. 3 outcomes 1) timekeeper(in this au) doesn't do her job for once, and messes up the timeline to save them. dangerous for her and tbd but saves EVERYBODY else, so she rings them up and gets majority confirmation. (string gummy is furious.), does this, ends up trapped in that timeline. 1a) she doesn't get trapped happy ever after guys. they have their picnic. 2) they just wipe out all the cookies reluctantly, and return to their jobs. they do not speak of this. they all feel awful and millennial tree/sugar swan work together to try and bring them back after, but longan stops them due to being closer to their goal of a new world from what I understand. please correct me if I am wrong, i'd like to properly write this au. 2a) they just don't try and revive them and live with the stress. OB place has like 50(??)% less cookies now and gingerbraves missing. gingerbright and dozer r scared. 3) Sugar Swan tries to undo this, since in this au jellywalkers r zombies essentially (kill host and use body) so she. uses her feathers to bring them back. bad plan, the cookies r essentially suffering for however long the feathers stick to them, before dying again. some just die from the feather itself. 3a) timekeeper stops this in fear, as she saw this timeline happen; not good. sugar swan reluctantly stops her plans so they enact either 1 or 2. 3b) millennial tree helps her, teeky tries fighting them off and. almost dies in the process due to seeing space doughnut as a jellywalker, which broke her down somewhat, almost to tears. abyss monarch saves them,, and then just?? goes back to hiding???? she keeps fighting as they eventually revive them all 4) they just fucking leave lmao. please give thoughts and ideas. this has sincerely been a pikapost131 oh right @ivorydragondaily bcz I forgot to post this and I think you'd be interested.
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shinobinvku · 5 months
Usually, it takes a lot for someone like Chitose to get riled up, but it would seem Jiraiya has gotten the better of her. 
Starter for @thetoaddaddy from [here]
There’s a common saying in her home country: someone who cannot control their emotions and is swift to outbursts is called a ‘dragon-tempered’ person. It isn’t a particularly flattering comment, especially when you want to be taken seriously by your peers, at least according to Chitose. 
However, in this instance, the moment she comes to her senses after reaching for Jiariya’s collar, she’s reminded of her childhood, quick to anger and agitation when prodded repeatedly by her elder brothers, falling into their trap.
❝ What? ❞ Chitose murmurs, perplexed. She releases his collar and all his smugness, Jiraiya boldly grasps hold of her tiny waist, drawing her closer to him with a soft gasp. 
The warmth of his large hands wrapped around her waist brings a little color to Chitose’s neck and chest. Her gaze softens.
❝ You wicked man. There are better ways of garnering my attention than being a nuisance, you know? ❞ 
Her hands trail along his forearms. ❝ Well? I’m listening.❞
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kimquatz · 24 days
looking back, i noticed a funny "flaw"/quirk i notice of my own personal writing is that I think I just write kind of corny.... 🙈 I like a happy ending and i love the power of love/friendship saving the day LMFAO
sometimes i'm a little too anime for my own good KDJASLK
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May I request a short story about a tall tale that goes around the TBD (Time Balance Department) about a cookie (reader) who used to work as a high ranking scientist who used to work on all of the tech they have but an accident that came out of nowhere happened in their lab and whatever happened in their lab cost them to be shattered through time and space causing them to be forgotten but some said they had see them around the department with a different appearance but that fact is sort of not clear because they appear and disappear like a ghost and maybe... just maybe If you're lucky enough you can find them in their old lab standing in the middle of it (so basically like gaster from Undertale)
(Sorry that it's long got carried away)
OF course! sorry this took me a bit btw! I wanted to make it really good! <3
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"Just a little longer." By Bee
Prompt by anon pronouns: GN reader ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"All around the TBD, there's always been a story, a cautionary tale, a legend. About a cookie who went to far. Who chose to break the rules and payed the price, Listen up dear cookies, for it is time for the story of ❒︎♏︎♋︎♎︎♏︎❒︎ cookie." Maple Taffy Cookie laughs as some of the new recruits huddle around him to listen. he clears his throat. "Once a long long time ago...there was a cookie. They were known for their endeavors. Their tech. and Their need to control time....They were a high ranking scientist, always tirelessly working to improve the TBDs technology" "But one day, they decided to try something new...something the time keeper didn't know about...they wanted it to be a gift to her. To make it easier to jump from time to time, to prevent rifts as often." "But while they worked on this project...something backfired. a large explosion enveloped the room. blowing the door off, causing the floor to flood with smoke and glass. The director. the time keeper their dear friend rushed in to see if they could help...but it was to late... " "They had disappeared. Been either completely turned to dust, or shattered, not a crumb was found of their body...the time keeper shut down the science department after that..." "But some say in that old hallway that sealed off...you can still hear them working, some say if you can find a way to get in, you can see their ghost floating around...tinkering still." A hand suddenly lands on Maple taffys shoulder. "Okay Taffy, that's enough, time to get back to work." Timekeeper mutters, her face twisted into a forced grin...All the recruits jump up. and get back to their duty's maple taffy apologizes and does so as well...After checking on the rest of the staff. She turns down a hallway... Timekeeper heels click against the floor...walking slowly into a old destroyed lab...Looking around, picking up old objects and tracing their fingers on old blueprints and metal. "My dear friend. We shall unshatter you...I promise, Just hold on a little longer."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope this was okay! and Hope you enjoy!
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enden-k · 2 months
dr veritas "finally a moment of peace. should have squashed him. this gambler gets on my nerves. ughh annoying ass mf" ratio; dr veritas "you look pale. tell me if you cant hold on any longer. stay alive. i wish you the best of luck" ratio
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intramoon · 10 months
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Wednesday just grew out her hair but I'm working on another lookbook and this hair is making thinking about having her cut again ;-;
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