#suddenly became a princess one day
ultramarine-spirit · 3 days
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WMMAP digital vol. 9!
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hollyhoneybear · 7 months
【 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 】 - being athy's big sister
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remember, requests are open !
Athanasia was very weary of you, at first.
In Lovely Princess, you were an impartial character. You treated both Athanasia and Jennette the same, never favoring one more than the other.
At first, you did speak out agaist the claims of Athanasia poisoning Jennette. However, when the fake evidence was presented, you could only side with the law.
The novel didn't expand much on your personally.. You were just Jennette's beloved big sister, and Claude's first daughter.
So she was surprised when almost every day, without fail, you would come running to her nursery, begging whatever maid that was half-hazardly watching Athy to let her play with you.
Although only a few years older than Athy, you did more than the maids every did (aside from Lillian, of course). You happily bottle fed her, read her books, played toys with her.
Still, Athy kept her guard up with you. You'd think she's cute now.. but when Jennette comes along, you'd leave her side just like in the novel.
At 10 years old, your little sister was 5. After your persistant efforts, Athy had slowly let down her guard around you. It was alright to relax for now.. right?
Your days before Claude were blissful. You'd sneak Athy chocolates, bake sweets together while the maids gushed over how cute you both were. You'd spend hours in the flower fields braiding wildflowers.
At some point, you basically began living in the ruby palace. You'd crawl into bed with Athy at night, holding her against you as Lily read you both a bed time story.
Every single night a kiss was placed on her small forehead, and you both slept soundly in each other's company.
But that changed when Claude appeared.
Both something that you and Athy could agree on was that Claude was.. unknown to you both. He wasn't exactly a good father to either of you.
Still, you saw the opportunity for your family to become closer, so you jumped at the chance!
Every day you were in Claude's office begging him to have a tea party with Athy and her.
Every day you would ask for a bit of money to get Athy a gift - and then of course, suggest he should get her one as well.
Slowly, over time, you three bonded and became closer (even if Athy didn't want to admit it).
When Athy started drowning that one day, Claude watched as you nearly jumped in after her. But he grabbed you by your ankle before you could jump in, instead fishing his hand in to get her out himself.
That surprised you both. You were excited, while Athy was freightened.
Things really changed when Athy had that near-death scare, though. You three were having one of your usual tea parties, when Athy started spitting up blood.
The last thing she saw was you rushing to her side, and Claude staring at you both in shock.
After that incident, everything changed. Well - things stayed similar. You three had tea, ate dinner together, went on boating trips. But things just felt.. different.
You both could see the way Claude looked at you two had changed. You were cherished. And while you weren't super caught off guard about it, Athy certainly was.
Every day you were carrying her to Claude's office, and spent almost the whole day in there coloring, playing, or talking to Claude.
Claude started giving you both gifts.
When you appeared at his office one day with Athy, dressed in these adorable matching outfits Lily got for you both, Claude nearly choked at how cute his daughters were.
You three were getting closer, as if you were a real family.. and Athy felt like she could finally, really, relax.
As you both got older, your dynamic changed a little, but you were stiill very close.
You helped Athy with everything for her debutante. Choosing decorations, jewelery, makeupstyles to do, dresses to wear, you were involved in every step. And she couldn't have loved it more!
Compared to Athanasia's original debutante, the event didn't feel like an upcoming battlefield, but instead a day to celebrate with her family ....in front of a bunch of nobles, but we'll skip that.
She insisted that you were a dress that matched her's somewhat.
As a teenager, she's much more protective over you. Her darling, angelic older sister, she couldn't just let someone take advantage of you!
Definitely starts getting jealous when you start spending more time with your friends, or your lover.
Despite her fears, you never "left her side" for Jennette. You were always cordial towards her, but Athy was always your first priority.
When Jennette's identity was eventually revealed, despite the ongoing turmoils, you tried to act like family to Jennette, but that sister bond with Athy was a bit different.
And even if it was a little selfish.. she was immensely greatful for that. You were the only person to be on her side since day one.
You were always there during the hardest times for Athy. Even when she ran away, she couldn't bare to see you in distress, so she would visit you every night and keep you updated.
On one occasion, she snuck you out to meet Jennette..
..And it was wonderful! You three spent the night drinking tea, eating cute cookies, and chatting the night away.
It relieved you that, even though Athy wasn't home, she was still safe.
By the time Claude got his memories back, you three had the strongest relationship you'd ever had before.
You were.. a real family.
After everything with Anastacius was over, the topic of inheritance came about.
You were, by a good few years, the eldest.. and therefore, the rightful heir to the throne.
You expressed right away that you'd love for Athy to become Empress. But that's where she stops you!!
You've done everything for her in this life. If you weren't here.. she wasn't sure if she'd even be alive, let alone in Obelia.
So after much deliberating, it was agreed that you would be the next Empress of the Obelian Empire.
...Which meant, you had to hang out with Athy a lot less. It was torture for you both.
The bright side was that Athy got to involve herself in all aspects of the planning. She wanted you to have the best coronation, so she deemed herself in charge of the matter, along with Claude of couse. But she'd act like the boss because it's Athy
She helped you pick out a dress, decide on the hairstyle. You two spent countless nights doing makeovers on each other, because she wanted to try different makeup styles on you, and you wanted to try similar looks on her so that you were matching on the special day.
When the day came.. it was magcial.
You were surrounded by your loving little sister, your proud father, the friends you had made, and the empire that adored you.
Although Athy wasn't going to be Empress, you made sure to communicate to her that you two would stay as close as you always had.
Despite her original fate, Athanasia had earned her place of ultimate safety and happiness; right by her big sister's side.
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missbellaasworld · 1 month
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2truehearts · 10 months
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✦ CHARACTER/S︰ijekiel alpheus & lucas from wmmap (who made me a princess).
✦ SYNOPSIS︰love can bloom and burn in any heart at the first sunlit-brindled brief—whether it be bounded by duty, ice, or disbelief; as long as that epitome of affection is you, they suppose they can make an exception and make some space—or in which they fall in-love with you first glance and sight.
✦ CONTENT WARNING/S︰nothing other than one swear word (fuck), & the general fluff and infatuation (from the character/s) + everything is proofread with the wc 200 - 300 each.
✦ A/N︰making my debut as a manhwa writer on main is not the ideal move but idk where to post it okay (side eyes the 2367838 sideblogs under this one/silly (also the title is inspired by "the only exception" by paramore <3 it's bleeping awesome go and give it a listen!!))
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IJEKIEL IS NOT ONE TO FALL IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, to have his world still for a few seconds while his heart overrides and blood races to the forefront of his cheeks—but dear heavens, were you the only exception to that rule bound by duty and a planned future in his chest. you surely weren’t the epitome of grace or as enchanting as the gods, but to him you were enough—more, than enough, truly.
he first met you in an arrangement of his father and your parents from your vague childhood—but oh, how he remembers every second of that first meeting. when the doors opened to you bowing in front of him with a barely-hidden smile of excitement curving the tips of your mouth to look at him with big, bright eyes of wonder staring directly at the copy of the sun—not once backing down to blink or burn away from awe and fluster. so ijekiel does that instead.  his skin flares with the color of blooming carnations, sunlight-prickled hues wide from childish panic at the sudden increased beating of his heart.  was something wrong with him? he felt light-headed and dizzy, stomach twisting, tossing and turning as if he was about to faint from merely seeing you presented before him like the finest muse of a pristine piece of art, incomparable to anything else other than itself. what should he do? should he compliment you? should he act indifferent and use a practiced smile? his mind is trying to adjust to the drastic changes of his swayed heart, but the boy just can’t seem to do just that when he’s faced with a fairytale protagonist right in front of him—and he blinks, catching something from the corner of his eye—and is brought back down to earth when he sees his father’s questioning gaze. then, bows with a smile, greeting you further in to sit down and perhaps enjoy a cup of tea with him?  you said yes out of common courtesy, but that only made his smile grow wider.
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LUCAS FIRMLY DOES NOT BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, like come on—who believes in love like that these days? naive little kids? newly adolescent noble ladies? men of high and poor status? it’s simply too . . . unlikely to actually happen in his eyes. the butterflies when you meet “the love of your life’s” eyes? could be the early signs of constipation. the flush in your cheeks when there’s too much prolonged eye contact with them and the dizziness of your heart and mind? could be an oncoming migraine, headache, or a sign you're being possessed by some evil spirit, y’know? anyways, enough joking aside—the point is, he finds the subject some far-fetched fairytale that is highly impossible even with the magic he has—that is, until, you waltz into his life. the things he feels when he's around you is something that could be described as a contradiction. the first gazing into your eyes turns the world upside and back again, the first brush against your fingertips suck all the air out of his chest, the first chuckle that he manages to rouse from deep within your giddy joy paints him a shade darker than his eyes from head to toe—holy fuck were there a lot of firsts that made him experience everything and anything all at once; with most he can't even explain properly without sounding so . . lovesick. god do you make him sick to the last bone with whatever sorcery you possess. in short; when in love, lucas is everything that correlates to being stupidly infatuated and is constantly reeling himself in by a hair’s breadth back to the surface when you smile, laugh, or simply exist next to him—like, can you imagine how utterly moronic it is to see how degenerate he’s become from before you?! . . . but, if it makes you happy, he’ll gladly be idiotic for the rest of his life (though, that depends if you're gonna annoy him or not).
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✦ — @khasmies 2023.
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fleeingmoonlight · 8 months
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Do it for her
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murasaki-cha · 1 month
Remember when manhwa artists would sometimes give their fl's alice in wonderlamd inspired dresses?
I miss this why did they stop bring it back it was so cute
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lithi · 1 year
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My beloveds….
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rie-092 · 2 years
Can I request Lucas (wmmap) with Reader is like a witch please? Also this is my idea
❲ yandere! lucas x witch! reader ❳
summary : you treats lucas like your own child, but little did you know, lucas hates being treated like that by the woman whom he treasures the most.
tw : yandere behavior, unhealthy obsession, possessive behaviour, mention of abandonment, age gap(?)
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• at first, being a witch was quite fun for you since you were able to learn the things that you wants to learn. you're able to travel around the continent. and even if you got hurt, it will heal immediately. but as time passes by, you were started to get bored.
• you're not getting bored of being a witch. but you're getting sick of being immortal. because you witnessed every war, deaths of many peoples and many more. the whole world had changed while you, you remained the same. if it's not for your friend, the master of the black tower. you will surely find a way to end your life.
• let's have a time skip, and let's say while you were looking for some herbs. you got lost and you find yourself at a dump. and there, you saw an unconscious kid with black hair. and to be honest, you were planning to leave him alone but you notice that the said kid was abandoned by his parents. you know the feeling of being abandoned, thus, you decided to give him a potion and bring him with you.
• seeing that the kid wasn't in a condition to travel. you decided to bring him to the nearby inn to make sure that he will be able to sleep properly. and you spent overnight tending his wounds and waiting for him to wake up.
• and the time he gained consciousness. you were so happy, i mean, he was unconscious for almost a week! and you started doubting your ability to make potions since it doesn't have any effect on him during those times. but he woke up! it means he's fine.
• but when you tried to ask for his name. he only glared at you. well, you understand him since he was abandoned by his family. but, it looks like you will have a hard time dealing with him.
• it took a few days before you finally learned his name, which is lucas. and despite taking care of him for the past few days, lucas was hostile to you. he's not even hiding the fact that he dislikes you and doesn't trust you at all. but you were fine with that since you already promised yourself that you're gonna take care of lucas and introduce him to your close friend. since you noticed the abnormal amount of mana on lucas's body.
• as a kid, lucas was a yandere who acts as if he doesn't care about you. let's be honest here, lucas's life was shitty before he met you. he craved someone's attention, love and care. and you were the first person who gave that to him.
• that's why lucas was very obsessed with you. though he doesn't show it, he cares about you to the point that it's kinda unhealthy.
• and remember when you said to him that you were planning to introduce him to a friend of yours? because he was the only person who will be able to teach him about magic? lucas only agreed to meet that friend of yours because he was afraid that you too might abandon him.
• every day, lucas was able to learn something new from you. for the first time, lucas was able to explore different places with you. and during those times, lucas finally opened up to you.
• and after he opened to you. lucas became more clingy and obsessive. he was like a child who doesn't want their mom to be taken away from them. but unbeknownst to you, lucas was jealous. this boy doesn't see you as his mom. he sees you as a woman whom he treasured the most.
• and when the both of you finally arrived at the black magic tower. lucas started training his magic abilities with your friend. and during his training, you were there to watch them. and you noticed one thing, lucas was indeed a genius at magic.
• ahh... lucas started to enjoy his new life thanks to you. for lucas, everything is be perfect since you were with him. but of course, nothing is perfect. because after his master got married to someone, you suddenly disappeared only leaving a note for him and his master to take care of themselves.
• lucas was angry after reading that said note. he thought that you'll gonna stay with him forever. he thought that he was the most important person in your life. so why did you abandon him? did he do something that made you angry? if he did, you should've told him so he can apologize to you!
• to protect himself and his feelings. he started convincing himself that you will gonna be back soon. but you didn't. you didn't come back when his master died or when he became the new master of the black tower. every day, whenever he misses you, he finds himself in the places where you and him stay often before.
• he, of course, tried to find you many times. but he always fails, you were way too good at hiding. but 200 years after that, when he met athanasia and became her playmate. and after all the shit happened because of a certain evil spirit that is so obsessed with him. he finally found you, he finally found his precious treasure.
• let's just say that he heard from athanasia about the famous herbalist that was working in the imperial palace. out of curiosity, he decided to pay a visit to that herbalist. and there he saw you. even though you changed your hair and eye colour through a potion he easily recognised you.
• and what he did do when he finally saw you? let's just say that he hugged you tight which surprised you. and used his 'innocent' persona to gaslight you. you don't have to worry, lucas won't- no, he will never hurt you. manipulating you is a better option for him to make sure that you won't leave again.
“ you were the only person that i have, (first name). you saved me before so you have to take the responsibility of saving a person like me,”
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alicehattera03 · 3 months
New Athy dropped and she is...divine.
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readers hate Jennette because she and Athy are set up like love rivals instead of daughters but y'all aren't ready to have that talk
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weirdplutoprince · 2 years
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Father of the year
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ultramarine-spirit · 3 days
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So yeah remember what I said a couple of hours ago? Please forget it. Please.
WMMAP digital vol. 4! The beach extra is there, as well as the proto designs of some characters.
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fairiesthrum · 2 months
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౨ৎ — pairing ! athanasia de alger obelia x reader ౨ৎ — synopsis ! there’s a reason why the empress refuses to get married.
౨ৎ — warnings ! mdni, fem!reader, athanasia and reader are obviously 18+, empress!athy, bottom!reader, dumbification, mommy kink, doggy style, athanasia thinks you’re a whore, reader is referred to as a bunny twice, praise, gentle to rough, squirting, cunt slapping, nipple play, tiny overstim, brief aftercare, pet names [good girl, pretty baby, etc], strap-on [reader receiving], reader is athy’s lover, claude is nowhere to be found, claude come collect your daughter. [1.1k +]
౨ৎ — notes ! uhhh maybe i have an obsession with making every woman gay for my own satisfaction. this is my first piece on tumblr.
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“i told you to stay still. you’re a good girl, aren’t you?” the warm, ring-clad hands attached to your waist pulled your hips back onto the thick toy that was buried deep inside your sloppy pussy. you shivered as the cool gold metal brushed against the soft, sensitive skin of your tummy.
athanasia was fucking you at such a cruel and tedious pace, making you feel every artificial vein of the toy cock against your gummy walls. slick coated the appendage and dribbled out of you with each thrust. it was all too much yet not enough.
it was embarrassing, really. the empress was still dressed after attending a meeting in a pair of slacks with a white button-up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and her hair in a neat bun all while you lay in front of her exposed as she had her way with you.
you were always so needy. looking up at her with your doe eyes because you wanted to play. all you ever wanted to do was get your dumb cunny stuffed full. you’d be sat on her lap and she would barely get halfway through her paperwork before you started humping her leg like a bitch in heat, resulting in you being bent over her desk.
you always got what you wanted, even now as your head was pushed down onto one of the many soft pillows on the empress’s bed, hair splayed out all messy. sticky, clear strings of your arousal webbed across from your plump bare ass to her clothed thighs, breaking once her hips strayed too far from yours. the monarch watched in amusement as you squirmed from the grazes against your clit.
“y-yes! ‘m your good girl,” you whined and athanasia huffed out a laugh as she thrust slowly in and out of your little hole. she wasn’t in a hurry and she couldn’t help but want to tease you.
the nobles and royal advisors had been pestering her about forming alliances through marriage, finding the right suitor, and producing heirs. but how could she think of getting married to a man when the one she wanted to fuck was you?
she first saw you at her birthday celebration a few months prior. you were so shy and pretty. athanasia had always liked pretty things. and you weren’t exactly discreet about your staring. your incapability to meet her eyes without flushing and pointing your dumb little head towards the ground had athanasia wondering what other expressions you’d make if she fucked you stupid.
and now, the empress had you beneath her as you took what she gave you like a needy bunny. your tiny, pink hole was stretched open as much as it could to accommodate her cock. you’d whimper and your plumpy bottom lip would jut out in a pout whenever she attempted to get it to fit as if you hadn’t begged for it.
the arch of your back deepened with every slow pounding she gave your twitchy cunt. your messy cunny glistened with your slick and was dripping onto her silk sheets. she thought you looked the most beautiful like this.
“m-mommy pease, hmpf-”
“aww, does my pretty baby wanna cum?” she cooed. your breath hitched and you whined. your hole clenched around her cock, aching for her permission.
“mhmm, hnn- c-can i?”
athanasia eyed the ring of cream your pretty pussy was producing on the fake cock strapped onto her waist. she contemplated for a moment if she wanted her time with you to be over already. but you had been such a good girl for her, asking so sweetly, so she relented.
she leaned down to give you gentle kisses up your spine before pulling back and starting a brutal pounding into your pathetic cunny. you squeaked in surprise. your manicured hands fisted the sheets in an attempt to stay grounded as the empress rammed the fat cock repeatedly into your dumb little fuckhole. the air was knocked out of you with each powerful thrust.
“hic- ‘s so so good mommy ahhh~”
“i know baby. doing so good f’me. look so pretty taking it.”
“hnnnn-” your back arched even further at her praise. the sound of skin slapping echoed throughout her chamber. it was filthy, but so were you. disgustingly loud squelching came from your sloppiness with every stroke. your poor nipples chafed against the fabric with every rocking motion, the little buds pebbling and turning a cherry red.
athanasia snaked her arm underneath you to your puffy lips, her middle finger teasing the area around your clit, never touching the little nub. but she knew it would drive you over the edge regardless considering you were that much of a needy whore.
“mmf- ‘m cumming, m-mommy cum-!” you babbled. you couldn’t think when your mommy was making you feel so good. all you could do was pathetically hiccup, “peasepeasepease,” over and over again with your dumb bunny brain until you felt the familiar coil tightening in your tummy burst.
your cute plumpy lips dropped open and your pretty eyes rolled back. you let out broken sobs as you squirted over the bed sheets beneath you, clear liquid spraying in uncontrollable spurts. incoherent babbles and hiccups left your mouth as you squirmed. the empress laid a light slap to your cunt, the fluid straying and making an even bigger mess. your hips jerked at the overstimulation.
“n-no more pwease!” you squeaked. her thrusts slowed as she helped you ride out your orgasm before her hips came to a complete stop. she pulled out of you with an audible pop which had you flustered. breathing heavily on the bedding, you stayed slumped with your plump ass in the air. she had a nice view of your puffy lips and gaping hole, twitching around nothing.
“you okay baby?” she asked. you didn’t bother turning to face her, still in a daze. “mhm.” you hummed, though the sound was muffled against the pillow. athy gave you a once-over before latching her lips onto your nape, her hands rubbing gentle circles on your waist. you giggled.
“that tickles!”
the empress smiled softly at you. “does it?”
you nodded. she turned your head to kiss you all over. your pretty eyelids, your pretty forehead, your pretty cheeks, your pretty nose, your pretty lips. she moved down to your neck, caressing the sensitive skin with her soft lips before sucking harshly on one spot. you squirmed, while her hand moved up to fondle your left breast, pulling and tweaking at the sensitive bud. it hurt from the previous abuse inflicted on it. you tried to wiggle your way out of her grasp before she pinched the poor pebble hard.
“mommy, it hurts!” you shrieked with a pout. the pain was soon forgotten, however, once you felt a familiar pressure prodding against your hole. you whined, pushing back against it. the empress let out a soft chuckle at your neediness before popping in the fat tip to which you let out a choked gasp.
“does my pretty girl want to play again?”
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likes, comments &’ reblogs are appreciated ! © fairiesthrum | do not stealノrepublish, edit, translate &’ copy my work onto other platforms
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 2 months
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myearts-uwu · 5 months
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fleeingmoonlight · 6 months
Happy Birthday Athy!
Happy birthday to Athanasia de Alger Obelia! The Crown Princess, Star of Obelia, Lady Angel, the Lovely Princess. For her birthday, I present: Athy throughout the years
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Happy birthday to my most beloved child, one of my first and favourite female leads in manhwa, Athanasia de Alger Obelia. Happy birthday to Obelia’s Star, the Small Sun of the Empire.
Blessings and glory to the Small Sun of Obelia, Her Imperial Highness, Crown Princess Athanasia de Alger Obelia.
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