#supercorp fic recs
lenakluthor · 2 months
totally random question but do you read supercorp fics? and if yes, which ones are your favorites?
i absolutely read supercorp fics! i've been devouring ao3 basically since i finished the show. here are a few of my faves: people will say we're in love by AKAWWJJD - this was recommended to me by a friend and was the second ever supercorp fic i read. it's angsty, but it's BEAUTIFUL and it's one of my favorite fics from any fandom, ever. it's basically a rewrite of crisis and the aftermath of that (with a heartbreaking, post-reveal beginning), and it's just so, so good. it really set the bar for me in terms of supercorp fics and i still think about it to this day. it's heartbreaking and poignant and just. perfect.
the banks of certain rivers and ever more light by @i-am-robie - these two go together, but if you only read one, read ever more light (although i highly suggest reading both). i found this one through a gifset based on the fic, and i am SO happy i did. this is the fic that made me believe in fluff again. i'm not kidding, before i found this fic, if it wasn't tagged as angst, i was not reading it. this one? completely changed my opinion. it's so soft and sweet and it gives you the same butterflies and good feelings kara gets around lena. i actually love these so much that i am in the process of binding them into a book.
same old blues by @searidings - this one is, in my opinion, hands down the best portayal of lena i've read so far. it captures her anger and hurt and emotions so well and it just feels exactly like lena. it picks up after the end of season four and is exactly how i imagine lena's reaction to kara being supergirl. obviously it's canon divergent, but this one just really nails lena. it's angsty and emotional and just SO good. the author describes it as "horny enemies to lovers" in their note and that really sums it up pretty well.
you're in my blood, like holy wine by @jazzfordshire - this one is one of my favorite AUs. it's a loose practical magic AU with witch!lena, but much more developed and fleshed out than in the show. not only does it have really well written supercorp, but it also showcases a really well done friendship between lena and sam. i'm gonna be real i'm very picky about AUs, but this one GOT me. i definitely recommend it.
i also highly recommend checking out all four of those authors' other works. robie has an AU that i really enjoyed, searidings has a fun little competitive supercorp one shot, jazzfordshire has one of my favorite smutty one shots, and AKAWWJJD has a mxy rewrite that is just wonderful.
i've read so many more that were really worth reading, so i highly recommend scrolling through the supercorp tag on ao3 and filtering out the results to find ones you might be into. i could've mentioned a bunch more that i enjoyed, but i figured i'd keep it to my top four and the honorable mentions because the authors all happened to have multiple i love. i've also got like, more than 40 open ao3 tabs currently, so i know my favorites list will definitely be growing.
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karalovesallthegirls · 4 months
ooh would you share any of the fics you read obsessively and always return to?
Excellent question thank you for asking!!!! I tend to read pretty much anything I can get my hands on, but I prefer re-reading stories that make me feel a very specific kind of pain lmao. If I read a story that has a moment where I feel an ache in my left arm and my chest in general - which is, of course, where all the love and sorrow lives inside my body - then you can bet I'll be rereading it again and again. Here are some of those fics and the moment that make my body ache.
where it bent in the undergrowth by abcooper Fucking banger right here. Incredible, 10 out of 10. I always have a weak spot for a morally compromised and confused Lena. -Pain moment: Lena freezes, and then rolls to the side. “I’m sorry,” she says distantly. “I shouldn’t have done that. I... thought maybe you wanted me to.” A Ribbon in Time also by abcooper I think abcooper has a very interesting way of writing supercorp. Their approach to Lena always allows her to be more grey in her morality and values, which creates a richer, more interesting story. This one has such fun dark themes and nuanced pain, with many pain points. -One pain moment: This is a set-up, Kara realizes. Lena asked her to pick up this package specifically because she needed Kara in her office for this.
where there's desire, there's gonna be a flame by Valkyrees the moral of the lesson so far is that I love a Lena that's a little evil actually!!!! This fic delights me
-Pain moment: “So you said that to save me from feeling embarrassed?” Lena snorts. “No one said anything about love. Your articles are just the highlight of my week. It’d be like if your favorite YouTuber fell off the face of the Earth. Or died suddenly, by your own hands.”
Where Lamps Go to Die by WastedOn God this fic fucking SLAPS. I feel it so deeply in my chest so many times. I love a plot that tricks me with its silly goofy premise only to smack me in the face with pain and love. It's always a top five for me. - One of many pain moments: They hug. Lena relaxes into it, then says "I'm so worried about you" into Kara's shoulder. It's simultaneously the best and worst feeling in the world.
it's a boy! by bs13 This fic is my white whale. I yearn for this fic to be finished with every fiber of my being, but it seems very unlikely. The author replied to my desperate comments saying the muse has fled for this one, so I will just long for it forever. It's fine. -Biggest pain moment: “Hi, baby,” Lena breathes against his head. “I missed you.”
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msdanvers · 2 years
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@pscentral​ event 09: comfort ↳ comfort fics [supercorp]
i’ll be your west coast, honey by @thebluewritingbench
don’t go slow ‘cause you’re gonna be someone by @i-am-robie​ㅤ
stay the night by @lynnearlington
it’s all happenin’ at the zoo by @searidings​
there’s a big old moon shining down at night by @jazzfordshire​
we are what we pretend to be by @c--and--b​ㅤ ㅤ
she shines me up like gold on my arm by @itllsetyoufree
kryptonian tradition, or something like it by @sapphic-luthor
you & me & holiday wine by @ekingston  
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ekingstonart · 28 days
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“Here they are. We have a few different lines of toys here, different sizes, and the squeakers themselves vary from brand to brand. Some of these are very loud.”
—from Treats and Collars on ao3
Thank you so much @makicarn for commissioning me to illustrate this scene from @trashpandato’s ADORABLE fic! It has been an absolute pleasure working with/for you both!
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marinawolf · 3 months
It's You (Supercorp)
by marinawolf
The poll has spoken! Here it is- the angsty Supercorp fic (with a little bit of action and plot- it's a little long, sorry. I was gonna do two parts but that just complicates things so it's alllll here.)
Lena finds out after Lex decides to play a cruel game. (Filled with angst, betrayal, yearning etc etc. First kiss.)
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The moon hung low in the inky sky, casting a haunting glow on National City. On the rooftop of the L Corp building, Kara lingered in the shadows, a solitary figure with a completely useless glass of champagne clutched in her hands, her eyes fixated on Lena. Oh, how she longed for the oblivion of intoxication. It would make things so much easier.
Kara sighed, taking a pointless sip from her champagne flute, the bubbles tickling her throat. The cool breeze ruffled her hair as she watched Lena. The world was enchanted by Lena Luthor, and Kara was no exception. She was everything - brilliant, brave, kind and beautiful. So so beautiful that Kara sometimes forgot how to breathe around her. Kara's fingers traced the rim of her champagne glass and she tried to tear her eyes away from Lena, a futile attempt to distract herself from the ache in her chest.
But unable to resist, Kara's gaze lingered on Lena's face, tracing the delicate curve of her smile and the sparkle in her eyes. She watched as Lena moved through the crowd, a vision in a black dress that sparkled in the moonlight, as if there were constellations wrapped around her body. The air seemed charged with an energy that only Kara felt, her super senses attuned to every detail. Lena's laughter, her heartbeat, the subtle shifts in her expressions - all of it was amplified for Kara. She could feel the familiar tug at her heart. Lena seemed so close yet so impossibly far away. The desire to confess, to bare her soul to Lena, burned within Kara. But the fear of rejection, of losing the one person who had come to mean everything to her, kept her rooted in silence. The irony wasn't lost on her - Supergirl, capable of facing the most formidable foes, was paralyzed by the mere thought of losing Lena.
A bitter taste lingered on Kara's tongue as she took another sip, futilely attempting to drown her emotions. If only she could find the courage to tell Lena the truth - that she was Supergirl, and that she was hopelessly and desperately in love with her.
Almost as if sensing Kara's gaze on her, Lena's eyes flickered toward hers and the most breathtaking smile formed on her face, causing Kara's heart to stop for a moment. Rao, those eyes. Kryptonite had nothing on those eyes, and when Kara looked into them, she could see her life unfolding in those shades of green.
Lena immediately made her way towards Kara, her arms already outstretched for a hug that felt like home.
"You look gorgeous, Lena", Kara whispered against Lena's neck, and she could swear that she heard Lena's breath catch.
As they parted, Lena's hand found Kara's wrist, "Why are you hiding in the corner? Come with me," Lena urged, gently tugging Kara towards the bustling crowd.
It was the last place she wanted to be but Kara couldn't say no. With a silent nod, she let Lena guide her, knowing that wherever Lena went, she would willingly follow.
"You okay?"
Kara blinked back to the present as Lena's concerned voice cut through the monotonous corporate chatter. She had zoned out as a man they were talking to droned on about his company. For some reason, she was finding it harder to stifle her feelings for Lena tonight and found herself spiralling, her thoughts running wild.
"Hm? Oh, yes, I am. Why?"
"You just seem out of it tonight. Do you want to leave? I'll just say my goodbyes, and we can get out of here," Lena suggested, her concern evident in her eyes.
Kara smiled at Lena, a warmth budding in her chest. Lena would totally leave her own event to take Kara home if Kara asked her to. She was that wonderful of a friend. They would probably end up at Lena's apartment, drinking wine and watching movies until Lena passed out, cuddled into Kara's side, making it so that Kara couldn't leave. And Kara would allow herself the indulgence- she would wrap her arms around Lena and close her eyes, and pretend that this was something else- something more. She allowed herself those moments of fantasy. And when they woke up entangled in each other the next morning, they would laugh it off, blaming it on the wine.
But no. Lena needed to be here. It was her event, after all and Kara needed to get some space anyway, and maybe some proper alien alcohol from her stash at home.
"You can't leave, Lena," she laughed, "but I think I am a bit tired. So I'm gonna go, okay?"
Lena's frowned, her gaze meeting Kara's, something indiscernible flickering within her eyes.
"Kara," Lena began, her voice holding a note of urgency, yet before she could continue, a sudden, deafening bang echoed through the air. Kara's eyes shot upward, shock and awe registering on her face as the night sky seemingly exploded around them.
Fire rained down on the rooftop and instinctively, Kara moved to take action, but before she could, Lena's arms enveloped her protectively, attempting to shield her from the fire and debris. It was a moment where the absurdity almost made Kara want to laugh. She felt momentarily frozen. Yet, she knew she couldn't remain passive. She had to save Lena. She had to save everyone.
A second explosion jolted the rooftop, causing Lena to lose her balance and her grip on Kara to falter. Taking the opportunity, Kara broke away from Lena and ducked into a corner, returning immediately as Supergirl.
Her first instinct was to ensure Lena's safety, and she grabbed her and lifted her off the rooftop, intending to carry her away from the looming danger. However, Lena resisted fiercely, fighting against Kara's hold, her frantic eyes scanning the rooftop.
"No!" Lena screamed, her voice fraught with desperation. "Kara is still there. I need to get Kara."
The plea reverberated through the night, casting a heavy shadow on Kara's heart.
"I'll find Kara. Don't worry," Kara reassured, her voice strained with the weight of deception.
She could see the anguish and worry in Lena's eyes, a reflection of deep concern that extended beyond the immediate danger. The worry was for her, for Kara, and as Kara soared back into the night sky, leaving Lena on the ground, the burden of keeping her identity hidden, of denying the depth of her feelings, felt like it could pull her down.
Kara cleared the rest of the guests off the rooftop swiftly and returned alone, hovering over it, scanning for the source of the explosion. To her surprise, there was none. It was as if the night had imploded onto itself, as if the air itself had ignited. The absence of a visible threat left Kara unsettled- this wasn't meant to cause any harm. A sense of foreboding washed over her as realization struck—this must have been some sort of diversion.
Panic gripped Kara's mind, and a single name echoed through her thoughts. There was only one person who would cause chaos at an L Corp event, and that meant one thing—Lena was in danger.
Racing back to where she left Lena, Kara found no-one there. In the place where Lena should have been waiting for her, a small white card had been placed on the ground.
Kara reached for the card, her hands trembling.
You are cordially invited to the Luthor family reunion.
The air became heavy with the worst kind of fear, and as Kara clenched the card in her trembling hands, a desperate scream threatened to escape her lips. Where did he take Lena?
At the DEO, Kara's anxiety echoed through the room as she paced, the worry etched on her face. Frustration, fear and desperation boiled within her.
"Why can't we find her?" She shouted, her anger bouncing around the room, shocking the agents around her.
She felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned to see Alex, a concerned look on her face,
"Lex is very good at hiding, Kara. We're doing the best we can. We will find her," she reassured, though the words did little to quell Kara's mounting panic.
Kara felt a surge of helplessness, a burning desire to do whatever it took to locate Lena, even if it meant tearing the whole world apart and yet all she could do was uselessly wait around for a lead.
Just as she approached a point of no return, Winn's voice called out,
"I think I have something," he announced, drawing everyone's attention. "I hijacked city cams and ran facial recognition. Traffic cameras picked up Lena's face outside an abandoned warehouse. There's someone with her."
Kara's heart skipped a beat, hope coursing through her veins.
"Where is it?" she demanded, desperation edging her voice.
As Winn relayed the address, Alex grabbed her arm,
"Wait, Kara. Let us prep a team to go with you. It's probably a trap. You can't go in alone."
Kara's resolve hardened, her gaze steely with determination.
"I don't care, Alex. It's Lena."
With those words hanging in the air, she broke free from Alex's grasp and bolted from the DEO, propelled by the determination to rescue the woman she couldn't live without.
Kara reached the warehouse and effortlessly tore through the heavy iron doors. Her determined advance faltered as she took in the scene before her—Lex Luthor, armed and wearing a manic smile, stood with a gun pointed at Lena who, to Kara's relief, looked unharmed. Kara couldn't bare to see the terrified look on Lena's face, but she knew that if she let herself give in to the fear, she would never get them out alive.
"Ah, Supergirl, you made it!" he grinned, reveling in the chaos. "Look, sister, our guest of honor has arrived. Now we can start."
Kara moved towards Lena, but before she could reach her, Lex grabbed Lena and pressed his gun to her head.
"Nuh uh, Supergirl," he tutted, "You don't want your best friend to get hurt, now do you?"
Kara felt a chill creeping over her as she stood paralyzed.
"What do you want?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady despite the panic surging through her, "Me? I'm here—let her go, Lex."
Lex laughed. "Oh, Supergirl. Where's the fun in that? Let you sacrifice yourself and be the hero again? No. No, this time we're going to play a little game."
He retrieved a button from his pocket, and the floor beneath Kara illuminated with the ominous glow of kryptonite.
"Supergirl, no," Lena shouted, trying to step forward, but Lex tightened his grip on her, and pressed the gun harder into her temple.
"One little push of this button will make that lead floor disappear, and one little pull on this trigger can end my dear sister's life. Okay? Do we understand the rules? Good, now that the stakes are set, let's play a little game of truth. No dare, just truth."
"Please, Lex," Kara begged, "Let her go."
"Oh, I will. If you play my game, Supergirl."
Kara closed her eyes, trying to calm her breathing. When she opened it again, she was resolved to do whatever it took to save Lena.
"Fine. Let's play."
"What a good sport," Lex taunted. "The game is simple. You tell the truth—you win. And there's only one question that we need to answer. Lena, who is Supergirl?"
Lena frowned, uncertainty clouding her features. "I don't know."
"Come, sister, you're smarter than that. Think carefully." Lex goaded, a malicious glint in his eyes.
Kara's heart pounded fiercely—this was Lex's plan. He knew. Somehow he knew, and he intended to use that knowledge to shatter the one thing she valued most in the world: her friendship with Lena.
"I. Don't. Know," Lena spoke through gritted teeth, her frustration evident. "Let her go, Lex. Let me go. There's no need for any of this."
"Oh, but there is," he replied, unyielding. "Okay, Supergirl—your turn. Answer truthfully now, or else I'll have to pull this trigger. Does Lena know you? The real you?"
Kara's gaze shifted to Lena, a silent plea in her eyes. She had to answer.
"Yes," she said softly, lifting her eyes to meet Lena's. Confusion etched Lena's face, and Kara's heart ached. Not like this.
Lex's smile widened, savoring the unfolding drama. "Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Lena, your turn again. Tell me, did Supergirl save your best friend today?"
Kara watched as anguish and panic filled Lena's eyes, the unspoken plea evident. "I don't know. Is Kara...? Is she okay?" The desperation in Lena's voice broke Kara's heart.
Before Kara could utter a word, Lex spoke, coercing Lena, "Come on, Lena. I know you're smarter than this."
He turned his gaze to Kara. "Tell her, Supergirl. Tell her about her best friend."
A sob escaped Lena's throat. "Oh god, please. Tell me she's okay. Tell me she's alive," Lena begged, and Kara felt her heart shatter.
"Tell her, Supergirl. The truth about her best friend."
Lex's words hung heavy in the air, and Kara knew exactly what he meant.
She looked into Lena's tear-filled eyes,
"Lena," she said, softly, "Lena, I—"
But before she could continue, she saw recognition dawn in Lena's eyes.
"No," Lena whispered, her voice trembling. "It's you? It has been you this whole time? Oh god, Kara, I thought you had—" Lena choked on a sob.
Kara remained silent, witnessing Lena's heartbreak unfold as the realization settled in.
"I'm sorry, Lena. I wanted to tell you so many times, but—"
"But you didn't," Lena's voice turned hard, the sense of betrayal evident. "Kara." She said her name like an accusation, and Kara wished she could vanish into the earth.
"I confided in you that everyone in my past had betrayed me. About how much it hurt to have someone you love lie to you and betray you, and you—" Lena's voice faltered, "You were playing me all along, Kara."
Kara felt her own tears fall. She had done the one thing she never wanted to do—she had hurt Lena.
"Lena, I was trying to protect you. Your family—"
"What?" Lena interrupted her, "You thought that you couldn't trust me because I'm a Luthor? Despite everything, Kara, you didn't trust me?"
"I would trust you with my life, Lena. I do trust you with my life. I just never wanted you to ever have to choose between me and your family! I didn't want to put you in that position."
Lex put the gun down, and Kara almost sagged in relief. "My work here is done," he smiled in satisfaction.
Then, surprising them both, he handed the kryptonite remote to Lena. "Take it, sister. I, at least, trust you to do the right thing. You'll always just be a Luthor to them."
When Kara saw Lena's fingers wrap around the remote, her heart shattered. Lex walked away, leaving them alone.
"Lena, please."
"What, Supergirl? Don't kill you? Isn't that what you would expect from a Luthor?" she spat.
"Lena, you're angry. I understand, but—"
"Oh god," Lena said, "You actually think I would hurt you?"
"Never," Kara said, "Lena, I'm—"
"You don't get it, do you, Kara? I would have chosen you. Over anyone. Over anything." She let the remote drop to the floor, the sound echoing through the empty warehouse.
"Lena," Kara whispered, her voice tinged with fear of the impending fallout.
The prospect that Lena might come to hate her felt more daunting than facing any physical threat. She would rather have Lena press that button than have to live with Lena hating her. Lena wasn't just a friend; she was the woman Kara loved, and the thought of losing her was unbearable. With everything on the line, Kara had to say it, to lay bare the truth that had been concealed for so long.
"Lena, I'm sorry. I know I should have told you sooner, about who I am, but please, please believe me. I was only trying to protect you. I didn't know how to tell you. You became my friend, and I thought it would be okay, that I could be Kara for you and still keep this hidden—keep you safe from it all. And then you became my best friend, and by then, I was too scared of losing you to tell you. And then—Rao, Lena, I fell in love with you, and it became too difficult to tell you. I was scared, and I didn't know how. I love you, and the thought of losing you—I knew that I wouldn't be able to breathe if I lost you. Lena, you are the single most important thing in the universe to me."
Lena fell to her knees, and Kara rushed to her, desperate to bridge the emotional chasm that had opened between them.
"I love you, Lena. I have loved you for a long time. Please, please forgive me."
"I want to hate you, but I can't," Lena whispered, her voice a fragile blend of hurt and conflict.
Despite it all, Lena pulled Kara into a fierce embrace, clutching onto her desperately. Kara tightened her grip around Lena, feeling Lena's silent tears seep into her shoulder.
Finally, Lena pushed Kara away, standing up, leaving them both to grapple with the emotional turmoil that hung heavy in the air. Kara rose to her feet, and they faced each other, the tension between them casting a daunting shadow.
"What now?" Kara asked, her voice soft, the fear of Lena's response palpable.
Lena met her gaze intensely, and Kara detected a flicker of conflict in Lena's eyes. It was as if the turmoil within Lena was written in the air between them, as if she was wrestling with a decision.
Then, without warning, Lena pulled Kara in, crashing her lips against hers with a desperate urgency. Kara, initially stunned, quickly melted into the kiss, mirroring Lena's desperation. She could taste the saltiness of Lena's tears on her lips, the kiss carrying a weight as if their very lives depended on it, as if Lena held Kara's breath captive. The world around Kara dissolved, leaving only Lena—her lips, her hands. Lena became the singular reality that mattered to Kara, the only thing tethering her to this world.
Finally, they pulled apart, foreheads pressed together, both breathing heavily.
"I'm hurt," Lena whispered, her voice laden with vulnerability. "You hurt me, Kara. But I can't imagine being without you. I love you."
Kara's heart clenched at Lena's words.
And as their lips met again, Kara vowed to spend the rest of her life trying to make it up to Lena. She would never hurt her again.
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lucidmagic · 2 months
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
I maybe back on my supercorp bullshit and started reading fics again.
Supercorp aka the greatest love story never told (because the writers were cowards)
Please give me the best fic recommendations!!! Please!!! There’s over 26k to choose from!!!
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ekingston · 1 year
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the full fic can be found here: Tickled Ink (by ekingston) on ao3!
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unnaturalceilings · 8 days
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My first @supergirlmayhem piece for @tedgruver69 ‘s amazing fic Hope Rekindled
Please go give it a read!!
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appropriatelystupid · 2 years
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supercorp in something tender and uninhibited by @coffeeshib but all their insufferability has witnesses
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lenakluthor · 1 month
remember when i mentioned i’d taken up bookbinding? well, i finished binding people will say we’re in love by @takethegrasskara and i’m so happy with how it turned out, i wanted to show off a little. i wasn’t sure i’d be able to pull it off, since it’s significantly longer than my first attempt at binding, but honestly? i’m obsessed. and now one of my favorite fics gets to live on my bookshelf forever!
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karalovesallthegirls · 4 months
any fav post reveal fic recs from the ones you’ve read?
Yes I do here are some: from what we cannot hold the stars are made by ghostblue Sometimes you gotta fuck your enemies!!!!! That's just life.
mine when you're with me by WaveGoodbye Sometimes you gotta have phone sex with your enemies!!!!!! grow up
hey love, whoever got you got gold also by ghostblue I'm a sucker for "oops Lex took control of the universe and decided to make us a couple for laughs!" with golden strings (our universe was clothed in light) by hellfirehot Love when Lena's facade of indifference is demolished the second Kara is in danger
rhythm of a wild heart by WaveGoodbye love a slow healing handprint on my heart by dancingthru
this fucks!!!!!!! Love an unhinged Lena McLosing it!!!! Love a gentle healing!!!!!
Evil by marieke_things_dreams_and_stuff I read this story in a feverish state over a three day period. We were skiing and every time I would stop to sit on the mountain I'd pull my phone out to read this. I finished it, and then went back to re-read certain parts of it.
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xactodreams · 9 months
Supercorp Fic Recs
for the anon who asked me for fic recs—
first let me shamelessly self promote a fic a very dear friend of mine wrote, whom I collaborated with to format into an actual CatCo magazine. (that I totally printed out and got Katie to sign)
Her Brother's Keeper by ProfessorSpork
A CatCo Magazine exclusive by Kara Danvers Photos by James Olsen
Chapters:  3/3  Words:  7,910
(artwork is chapter 3)
Completed works I’ve read more than once
A Ribbon at a Time by abcooper After Lex Luthor defeated Superman, after the courts declared him innocent, after CADMUS rose to power, 16 year old Kara Danvers went into hiding. Five years later, a chance encounter with L-Corp CEO Lena Luthor throws her back into everything she's been running from.
Chapters: 5/5  Words: 27,929
We Need a New Song by uhpockuhlipz the ballet AU that's mostly not actually about ballet.
Chapters: 17/17  Words: 70,495
The Laws of Fate by sten06 A soulmate story with a twist. Lena has the ability to see the red string of fate, and the power to change it from one holder to another. She meets her match, after years of pining, but she's left having to make an agonizing decision.
Chapters: 7/7  Words: 85,760
Supergirl In Training by wtfoctagon Lena Luthor doesn't plan to have any kids. Or to get married, even, really. After the revelation that she is actually of Luthor blood after all, she's quite set on ending the family line with her and not taking the risk of any more drama.
Then Lorelai L. Danvers crashes into her life, claiming to be her seventeen year old daughter from the future.
Chapters: 19/19  Words: 71,381
listen closely and the stars will sing by celaenos Lena casts her mind around for the last time she felt this unmoored, this off-balance, by a woman, and can't come up with anything. Kara Danvers is unlike anybody that Lena has ever met; the sweetest, bubbliest person Lena’s yet to come across, and simultaneously one of the saddest, who is probably lying to everyone that she meets. It’s an impossible contradiction to wrap your head around, and Lena should probably stop hiding in this bathroom and trying.
(Or, Kara and Lena get parent-trapped into a relationship by a goofy little alien.)
Chapters: 14/14  Words: 118,667
The Fifth Wall by Black_Tea_and_Bones Kara goes to bed with Mon-El, and wakes up with Lena Luthor.
But it isn't Kara’s bed, and they’re not in Lena’s apartment, and that is definitely not their baby... Right?
Chapters: 29/29  Words: 109,273
Something Borrowed by janewithawhy Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Three weddings and the two women who attend them.
Chapters: 3/3  Words: 49,473
An Ocean of Fire by IcarusAndHerSun Medieval AU
Kara Zor-El, princess of Krypton, was a prisoner – and she was scheduled to become a martyr.
Chapters: 47/47  Words: 139,568
leave tomorrow behind (series) by Jazzfordshire Kara is a sexless housewife in 1969, feeling trapped and not knowing why. But when mysterious, kind-hearted Lena Luthor moves in next door, hosting swinger’s parties but ignoring the men, Kara’s whole world shifts on its axis.
Works: 2  Words: 53,961
there's a big old moon shining down at night by Jazzfordshire Needing to get away from the stress of her job for a few months, Lena buys a summer lake house in the most remote town she can find. She fully intends on keeping to herself, resting, and interacting as little as possible with the local colour.
That is until her car breaks down, and the town mechanic happens to be the hottest woman she’s ever seen.
Chapters: 7/7  Words: 71,987
run the red out by searidings red daughter is dead, yes, but she's not gone. not really. kara (and lena) have to come to terms with what that means.
Chapters: 4/4  Words:  69,797
you and me (and you makes three) by searidings fourteen-year-old kara shows up in present-day lena's office. things go about as well as could be expected.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 10,478
i'll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day by robie In which Kara is a whole entire idiot, Alex is a permanent mood, and Lena is just glad Kara is there for her, as her fake wife, while she recovers from another quarterly attempt on her life.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 6,400
let all your damage damage me by searidings after the horror of the phantom zone, lena helps kara heal however she can.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 25,169
WIPs I’m Currently Obsessed With
Evil by Marieke_things_dreams_and_stuff Following the 100th episode of Supergirl, Metallo Lena crosses universes and ends up at LuthorCorp, set on getting her revenge on Supergirl. Kara not only has to deal with someone trying to kill her again, she also has to explain to her best friend why and how her carbon-copy is walking around LuthorCorp, and has to keep her sister from actually killing the Other Lena.
And why is it easier to talk to the Other Lena who wants to kill her than it is to talk to her actual best friend?
Chapters: 14/15  Words: 168,305
Queen Of The Damned by JadedLover The medieval supercorp zombie AU
Chapters 9/10  Words: 51,236
Honorable Mentions
with the birds i'll share this lonely view by searidings something terrible happens at mount norquay. kara and lena have to try to pick up the pieces.
Chapters: 3/3  Words: 41,713
don't go slow 'cause you're gonna be someone by robie The Wedding Date AU, inspired by the movie
Chapters: 6/6  Words: 59,904
is it gravity (or are we fallin' in love?) by coffeeshib Kara isn’t dating. Lena isn’t dating. Kara and Lena try not dating each other. Even if the lines start to blur a little. Even if they do the most girlfriend things.
They won’t date.
They won’t.
Chapters: 13/13  Words: 151,305
The Power of Deliverance by sten06 Kara as Persephone and Lena as Hades ;)
Chapters: 12/12  Words: 178,370
pour me a drink by lunchables a celebrity/bartender au
Chapters: 24/24  Words: 277,261
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msdanvers · 10 months
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» SUPERCORP FANFICTION SERIES (14/?) ↳ the body swap episode by teaRexis for the @supercorpbb (read it here)
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chaotic-super · 6 months
'Lie To Me' by Lovesastateofmind
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“Tell – tell me you love me.” She says, a surety not present before now. Something she’d only ever entertained in the sickest part of her mind, latching onto the almosts and letting them fester. But she knows that it will work. Knows how she responds to the three little words that Kara never quite says. Knows she will never be the same again and she’s counting on it. “I come harder when you lie to me.” A slight pause. A stutter of her hips. A singular moment made up from memories of countless others, lighting up one by one in a vivid array of color where the past five months have been black and white. And Kara whispers the words in her ear like it’s the one thing she’s been waiting to say her whole life. “I love you. Rao, I love you.” Or - Upon learning that her best friend has been deceiving her for years, Lena offers an ultimatum for forgiveness. Kara is willing to do anything she asks in order to salvage what they had - but it takes them both down a path they never could have prepared themselves for. Just how far is Kara willing to go for love?
Fic link!
Written by the wonderful @lovesastateofmind1
Cover by yours truly.
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marinawolf · 1 year
You're Mine (Supercorp)
by marinawolf
(possessive Lena, angst, first kiss, jealousy) (a very smutty Part 2 here)
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Lena Luthor sat in her office at Catco her computer open and a pile of work on her desk. Her mind, however, was far from her work and her gaze was fixed across the Catco bullpen and on Kara Danvers, her best friend, loyal employee at CatCo and superhero who had saved Lena's life on countless occasions. Lena couldn't help but admire her beauty. Those piercing blue eyes that held so much kindness, hidden by adorable glasses during the day, the way her gorgeous smile could light up a room, and that little dimple that appeared when she grinned—it all captivated Lena. But it was the way Kara carried herself, with an air of confidence and bashful grace, that truly drew Lena in.
Lena found herself fixating on Kara's neck, wondering what it would feel like to place a tender kiss there, to feel Kara's breath hitch and hear her gasp. But Lena quickly snapped herself out of those thoughts, pushing them away. She convinced herself that Kara was just her best friend, and nothing more.
Suddenly, Lena's heart sank as she watched James Olsen approach Kara. An irrational anger surged within her as she saw James flirt with Kara. How dare he? Lena felt an intense desire to end James' existence, despite knowing it was completely irrational. The two of them were laughing, their easy camaraderie evident in shared jokes and playful glances.
A wave of jealousy washed over Lena, surprising her with its intensity. She had never felt this way before—her emotions were usually controlled, tightly restrained within the walls she had built around herself. But now, seeing Kara's genuine smile directed at someone else, it ignited a fierce fire within her.
Lena's confusion mixed with her jealousy, clouding her thoughts. Kara was her best friend. But now, watching Kara and James, she questioned everything.
Why did it bother her so much to see James flirting with Kara? Why did she feel a pang of anger whenever Kara laughed at his jokes? Lena was torn between wanting to confront Kara and wanting to hide her feelings away, burying them beneath a mask of indifference.
Unable to tear her eyes away, Lena watched as James leaned down, his lips grazing Kara's ear as he whispered something. His hands gently rested on her arm, a touch so casual yet filled with meaning. Kara laughed, and Lena's chest tightened, a knot forming in her stomach.
Unable to control her emotions any longer, Lena rose from her chair, determination etched on her face. She stormed out of her office, making her way towards Kara and James. The fire of jealousy still burned within her, fueled by every moment she witnessed between them. Without thinking it through, Lena abruptly interrupted their conversation, her voice dripping with icy venom.
"Kara, meet me in the boardroom. We need to discuss something urgent regarding your work," Lena said, her tone laced with anger and impatience. Kara looked confused, but she bid James a quick goodbye and followed a fuming Lena into the boardroom, hoping to find out what had triggered her boss's sudden ire.
As soon as the door slammed shut, Lena wasted no time in starting the argument she had concocted in her mind. The words spilled out of her mouth like venom, each one fueling her anger and jealousy.
"You can't be flirting with James or anyone else while we're working, Kara! It's unacceptable behaviour! This is an office, not a place to socialise!" Lena's voice was sharp, cutting through the air. Her eyes burned with an intensity that matched the fire in her words.
Kara's head whipped around, her bright blue eyes narrowing at Lena's words. "Excuse me?" she retorted, her voice tinged with anger. "What are you talking about?"
Lena took a deep breath, summoning her resolve. "Flirting with James, especially during work hours" she accused, her voice cutting through the air like a blade. "It's unprofessional and it reflects poorly on the both of you."
"Lena, we were just having a friendly conversation and I was on my lunch break," she argued, her voice rising in defiance. "You're making something out of nothing."
The anger in Kara's eyes ignited a flame within Lena, pushing her to push back even harder. "Friendly conversations do not involve lingering touches and smiles," she snapped, her words dripping with disdain. "This workplace is not a dating service, Kara. Learn some professionalism."
The tension in the room grew, and Lena found herself stepping closer to Kara until Kara's back was against the wall.
Kara's frustration boiled over, her voice sharp and biting. "If it's about professionalism, then why don't you say anything about the dozen other couples here? There are no policies against it," she retorted, her words cutting through Lena's defenses. "So why does it matter to you now?"
Lena's breath hitched, her composure faltering for a moment. She swallowed, trying to regain control. "This is not about me," she spat, her voice laced with venom.
Kara's nostrils flared, her voice now dripping with anger. "So then why exactly does it bother you so much, Lena?" she demanded, her eyes boring into Lena's.
Lena opened her mouth to respond but found herself at a loss for words.
"How does it even affect you if James flirts with me?" Kara demanded, her voice filled with frustration and confusion. Lena's mind went blank.
The surge of emotions inside her, the jealousy, the longing, reached a tipping point. She couldn't hold back any longer.
Without another thought, Lena crashed her lips against Kara's, the kiss filled with a desperate passion that had been building up for far too long. Kara, caught off guard but not unwilling, reciprocated immediately, their lips melding together in a perfect union. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, the weight of their hidden desires finally released. Kara's lips tasted like a sweet blend of summer fruits, a delicate balance of temptation and longing, intoxicating Lena, stripping her of any semblance of control she had tried to grasp.
Lena's arms found their way to Kara's wrists, pinning them against the wall. The world around them ceased to exist. It was a kiss that held a sense of frustration and relief, a desperate attempt to claim and be claimed. Demanding and punishing.
Kara's body seemed to react instinctively, giving way to a heated response. As the kiss deepened, Lena's grip on Kara's wrists loosened, allowing her hands to roam freely, exploring the contours of Kara's body with a possessive fervor. Lena's anger slowly transformed into a desperate need for connection, her lips molding against Kara's with a mixture of hunger and vulnerability. The kiss became a battlefield of conflicting emotions, of anger and desire, of desperation and fear, bordering on the edge of chaos.
But all too soon, a knock on the door shattered their moment, and they broke apart, breathing heavily. Lena's assistant entered, holding a file and telling her that her next meeting was starting. Kara and Lena looked at each other, their confusion mirroring one another's. Lena managed to find her voice, though it was strained.
"I have to go," Lena said, her voice barely above a whisper, before abruptly leaving the room, leaving Kara standing there, still trying to catch her breath.
As Lena retreated to the safety of her office, her mind spun with a thousand thoughts and emotions. She had finally given in to her desires, succumbing to the undeniable attraction she felt for Kara. But now, in the aftermath of that impulsive moment, doubt and uncertainty gnawed at her. She had seen the mix of confusion and desire in Kara's blue eyes.
What did this mean for their friendship? Could they navigate this newfound territory together? Lena knew that answers to these questions would have to wait, as the urgent matters of her company demanded her attention. But one thing was clear—she couldn't deny her feelings for Kara any longer.
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eqt-95 · 1 month
This ask game is going around, and one question stood out:
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed.
I’ve wanted to do something like this for a while because y'all are just so dang talented and it needs to be shouted on loud. So! I'm using this serendipitous moment to start spamming recommendations in the unsolicited way only tumblr can allow via a series I'm calling Go Read This Immediately™
First up?
not for nothing | by @sssammich
Words: 54,371 |  Chapters: 4/4 | Teen And Up Audiences | Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
I read it… a week ago? It’s brilliant.
Why you should drop everything and Go Read This Immediately™
In the words of Sam: “tender angst”
The first chapter catapults you into this dense web of bone-deep feelings. It is long and relentless and leaves you drained and breathless and desperately wanting a hug (and maybe swaddled and sung to, but beggars can’t be choosers).
And just when this emptiness can’t feel any worse, Sam gives us chapter 2 (and 3 and 4) and we spend the rest of the fic slowly unravelling the tension that had been so methodically wound and tightened and by the end you're completely exhaust but in a good way and listen: just go read it.
The communication and character vulnerability is *mwah*. It is solidly perfect. Sam leaves no stone left unturned in this story of Kara finding herself again. (I’m cheating a bit by cribbing from my ao3 comment): How Lena and Kara evolve and grow to listen and accept and challenge and volunteer information over the course of the story is amazing. There's hesitancy that feeds into trust which eventually translates into outright, unhindered honesty.
There are so many intimate moments and bits of prose that feel like tiny little, perfectly formed snowflakes that dance and fall onto your winter jacket and, in isolation they are stunning, but together they make a truly enjoyable story. I’m discovering a pitfall of this exercise is not wanting to spoil anything, so I’ll refrain from plucking some of my favorite bits, so just heed my advice: GO READ THIS IMMEDIATELY.
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Fic Summary | read it on ao3 “Kara,” Lena’s voice called for her again, softer this time. Finally, her eyelids fluttered open, blue eyes staring directly into green. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She could cry (and she was not very confident she hadn’t already), but she stopped herself as the words I can't look at you anymore without my heart breaking rang in her mind. Instead, she simply shrugged, even as her heart broke at seeing the warmth in Lena’s eyes directed at her again for the first time. “What was there to tell?” “You told the DEO not to ask for my help. Why not?” She sighed, not wanting to have this conversation at the sink. But Kara thought it made sense, for her to continue not getting what she wanted. “Why did you come?”
OR, Lena finds out Kara is Supergirl, they have a fall out, and then Kara loses her powers indefinitely.
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