#sweet aang
the-air-nomad · 1 year
Saw that requests were open and was wondering if you could do a yandere Katara x Aang prompt. I like the idea of Katara being really possessive with Aang.
Aang is 21 years old and Katara is 23 years old
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After the kiss in Ba Sing Se, Katara and Aang's relationship had progressed very quickly. Katara absolutely adored Aang but his fans exasperated her to the point where she wondered if Aang would still love her if she killed a few stupid girls. During that year she had received a series of insults that had made her lose her cool and take out her temper on poor Aang. Of course, she knew she was older than Aang, but there was only a 2 year difference! That didn't make her too old for him! The worst part was that Aang just chose to ignore them and made no move to really reject them. Katara sometimes thought he liked all the attention he was getting. That led to tonight's argument. Katara and Aang had to attend a party organized by King Kuei. Everything was perfect until a noble girl, who had more paint on her face than they had on the walls of their guest room from Katara's point of view, decided to make advances on Aang right in front of her. The girl, named Gye Shen, had come to their table and started thanking Aang for everything he had done for the world while running her fingers over his chest. Katara had started giving them death glares. Seeing his girlfriend's condition, Aang tried to get away from Gye but fell off the chair and landed on the floor. Gye pretended to help him only to stumble, with the courtesy and talent of an Ember Island actor, and land on top of him. Katara angrily stood up and pulled Gye off her boyfriend by pulling her hair. The girl started screaming and crying and people started looking at them. Aang stood up and tried to calm the noble but Katara got even more angry. She punched her boyfriend in the face and left, starting to cry.
Aang was stuck for a moment and then left to find his girlfriend. Now he had actually committed it! He frantically searched for her for half an hour. He had already started to lose his mind. If she had suffered something bad? He returned to the ballroom and started looking for her there as well. Maybe she had calmed down and turned to look for him. Suddenly the king of Kuei put his hand on his shoulder making him jump and turn around. But when he noticed that Katara had not come to him, he was disappointed.
Kuei : How is Master Katara feeling?
Aang: She's angry, I think. But why are you asking?
Kuei: Bosco and I found her vomiting in the garden, so we asked the guards to accompany her to the royal doctor's office.
Aang quickly flew to the doctor's office, more worried than ever. Katara had a very good immunity, she hadn't gotten sick since the storm! As soon as he arrived at his destination, he went inside, slamming the door. The doctor looked at him angrily but then put on a professional mask. Aang ignored him completely and went to the bed where Katara was sitting.
Aang: Katara, are you okay?
Katara: Oh! Now you care about how I feel?!
Aang: I'm sorry! You know I don't care about that girl! The only girl I care about is you my dear! Please forgive me!
Katara: then prove it! I swear on my mother's necklace that if you get close to another girl, you won't see us again!
Aang: us?
Katara: yes Aang, us. I was planning to tell you after the party.
Katara gently places her hand on her stomach. Aang's breathing stops and tears begin to flow freely. He takes Katara in bridal style and starts spinning with her, making watery giggles.He puts her down gently and sits on his knees in front of her, resting his head on her belly.
Aang: This is the best day of my entire life! We will be parents! We will create a new life! It's magical!
Katara sighs and strokes his head.
Katara: maybe now that we're having a baby, those desperate little girls will give up their cheap seduction tactics.
Aang: who cares! Katara, we're going to have a baby! Stay! we will have a child and we are not married! Sokka is going to kill me!
Aang pulls out a beautifully crafted bracelet and rubs the back of his head suddenly shyly.
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Aang: To be honest, I was waiting for the perfect moment to propose. I know it's not a necklace, but I thought you wanted to keep your mother's. I made it and I hope you will like it! So, do you want to be my girl forever?
Katara: only if you want to be my boy forever!
Aang: I couldn't dream of anything else.
I think I wrote a little too much and that Katara is not exactly what you wanted, but I hope you will like it.
Although I do not own the characters from avatar the last airbender, this work belongs to me! I sincerely hope you liked it. please rate it and leave a comment! follow me to see my next posts! Don’t forget that the request are open💖💖💨 
You can buy me a coffe if you want:  buymeacoffee.com/TheAirNomad
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mydairpercabeth · 4 months
One of the many things that had me sobbing in the show is how they made Zuko’s fleet the 41st division. Meaning the division he spoke up for, the division that earned him his scar, is the division he was assigned for his goose chase. Imagine how heartbreaking it is. AND THE TEAM DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE DID THAT FOR THEM. MY BOY WAS ALWAYS GOOD!!!
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viveela · 3 months
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They'll always have a special place in my heart
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demaparbat-hp · 2 days
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Oh, Aang, you're really in it now...
This is Zu—I mean, Jian Li and Katara's second meeting in the Kyoshi Warriors AU. The first proper one, anyway.
Once they get through a minor difference of opinion or two (“I can carry my own basket!” “Never said you—” “I'm not weak!” “I didn't—” “Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean—” “Would you listen for once, woman?!” ) they'll become nearly inseparable.
For now Jian Li will carry Katara's basket all the way to the Kyoshi Warriors' dojo and, once there, they'll mercilessly tease Sokka when they see him in uniform.
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comradekatara · 2 months
a really defining moment of aang and sokka’s relationship is that sokka literally lets himself get beat up for aang’s amusement and entertainment like a day into knowing him. like he is literally letting aang drop him onto the ground from a not insignificant height over and over again just to see aang smile and laugh. he is putting his own safety and physical wellbeing at risk because it makes aang happy. and there’s a lot we could get into here about how sokka fundamentally views himself and his body as a vessel through which to provide services to others instead of a whole human being in his own right, but what matters for the purposes of this post is that it’s very immediately established that sokka will do anything to see aang enjoy himself, to the point that he will quite literally put up with physical abuse without complaint to make aang happy. so when people are like “it’s crazy how sokka is so smart and yet loses all his braincells whenever he’s around aang,” it’s like yeah, teenage boy adhd2adhd communication will do that, but also a large part of it is sokka contorting himself into an image that he thinks aang will appreciate, because he knows just how valuable preserving aang’s childhood joy and laughter is.
and what’s beautiful is that through actively becoming this person for aang’s benefit, he also actually starts to internalize the sentiment. through the process of letting himself be silly and goofy for the sake of making aang happy, he also absorbs some of that sillygoofy happiness and regains some of his own childhood joy and laughter and sense of wonder he truly thought he had lost forever. he’s not just helping aang retain his childhood, but aang is also helping sokka regain his sense of humanity. the sokka of book 3 is someone who enjoys “wacky, time wasting nonsense” and throws beach parties, a far cry from the sokka of book 1 who thought fun and joy were luxuries no one could afford. his selfless love for aang is also self-affirming, helps him to embrace aang’s point of view, to love himself slightly more than he otherwise would have. because to love aang is to necessarily let kindness into your life; it’s to learn how to be free.
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Some sketches that I actually got around to finishing :)
(ID’s in alt text)
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bookstoresmp3 · 3 months
it really pisses me off when people say “aang is a human trying to be the avatar and korra is the avatar trying to be human” because it ignores the fact that the “avatar” as a mantle is not something anyone naturally embodies. it’s a responsibility you’re randomly picked for, and every single avatar’s character arc is about learning how to “be the avatar.” that statement makes it seem like korra is just this unfeeling, piece of brawn that only knows how to punch things (which are things ppl already say about korra anyway) and that depiction of her versus aang feels….super off.
it just really dehumanizes korra, and ignores the fact that korra’s confidence and strong sense of self in season 1 especially is because she was surrounded by community and her parents were deeply involved in her life. korra grew up experiencing the best parts of humanity and one of her major character strengths is how much of a light she is. thats why the trauma she goes through in later seasons strikes her so intensely, because prior to that she was very sheltered and wasn’t expecting the extreme sacrifice and trauma that comes with having to bear the title of “Avatar.”
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my-cabbages-gorl · 2 months
Post-canon AU Aang and Zuko traveling on official political business
Village elder: We apologize for our meager offering of accommodations, we wish we had more space, or even another bed in our village to accommodate esteemed guests such as yourselves
Aang: *waves hand* Don’t even worry about it, we’ll make do!
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the--firevenus · 3 months
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Want to practice drawing atla kids again, for now have my BOY!!! <333
I know his kuzon hair cut is a lot shorter but I can't help myself adding floofyness to it 😭
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can I just say that aang is such a ball of sunshine?? He's so marshmallow coded ugh. Lil cinnamon roll :( This is my first time watching atla and I can say that he's one of the cutest protagonists everrr
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look at him. LOOK. MY SON.
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quillthrillswriting · 2 months
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i think that by far, the most common zutara trope i've seen is zuko freeing katara from her unhappy marriage with the clingy, unappreciative aang.
i've always felt that that aang would genuinely worship the ground katara walked on and be exceedingly kind and respectful, and so i've always thought that this trope would make a lot more sense flipped, with aang in the position of being katara's safe space after zukko reverts back to his angry, sullen, lashing out persona that he was before uncle iroh & the gaang's involvement.
this fic is the result of me having the thought "might f around and write a kataang fic that flips the usual zutara trope of "zuko helps katara escape a failing relationship with aang" 😳"
Zuko was all alone, heading an entire empire and facilitating the transition of his nation from a war-bringer to a force for peace. At first, she told herself that it was only because he had needed help that she chose to stay with him, but that wasn’t being entirely honest. After that play on Ember Island, all of the scenes where the two of them were in love had opened Katara’s eyes to the possibility, and try as she might, she couldn’t shut them again. And Zuko, after all that he’d sacrificed to help them, after redeeming himself in her eyes, even fighting alongside her, he had seemed like her best chance at home. 
So she had stayed with him. 
Zuko proposed, after just six months, but Katara thought little of the brief timeline. When you know, you know, right? He had given her his mother’s ring, and had her dress in Fire Nation colours for the ceremony. She had been under the impression that the wedding would be a welding of cultures, and so she had spent weeks painstakingly carving a traditional water tribe proposal necklace. 
When she had presented it to him, Zuko had only said that a Fire Lord couldn’t be seen wearing another nation’s trinkets . She had quietly dabbed away her tears when he wasn’t looking.
The moon rose and set six more nights before Katara rose with it, slipping outside of the castle during the changing of the guard, draped in traditional water tribe colours for the first night in years. Before anyone had seen her, she had made it, slipping between Fire Nation homes almost silently. She only paused to pull clothes and a cloth head covering from a clothesline, silently apologizing to whatever family she had just stolen from. She tucked a couple of coins and a piece of gold jewellery into one of the pockets of the pants still on the clothesline, an attempt at making amends for her crime, then blended into the night again. 
She hadn’t stopped moving until she’d finally found a small forest, then she’d made herself a bed of moss and curled up as if she was a child back on the tundra, pretending to be a sleeping snow fox alongside Sokka.
She missed her brother. She missed her home.
She knew where she would go once the cargo ship reached the land. The last location Aang had been in was the Western Air temple. So that was where she would go. If she needed to, to find Aang, she’d scour every inch of the mainland. She knew he would do the same for her. Which begged the question- why hadn’t he come to her when he began to feel that something was off?
It was that question that Katara started with, as she settled into a comfortable position on Aang’s woven rug, a cup of hot tea curling steam around her body that she absent-mindedly bent into shapes around her.
Aang sighed, looking away. “Katara, I hate to give you more reasons to feel distressed, but in case you hadn’t remembered, you told me to stay away. Told me my “juvenile crush” was ridiculous and made you uncomfortable. I felt awful, and so, I backed off. I kept sending letters every couple months, trying to make sure you were okay, but you told me you were too busy, and I respected that.”
Katara’s tone was unsettlingly neutral when she responded. “...What?”
Aang titled his head, confused. “You said, in your letters, that-”
She responded in that same tone. “What letters , Aang?”
♥ the rest of the (completed) fic can be found here!! ->
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kittenfangirl20 · 3 months
I want to know why Kataang shippers think that because I ship Zutara that I am diminishing the importance of Aang’s friendship with Zuko? I don’t want to because I think that they have a great relationship as a mentor and student as well as friends. Aang is probably the first person to see the potential good in Zuko which I appreciate as someone who loves Zuko and it shows that Aang is a good person because he wishes that him and Zuko could just be friends even though Zuko was chasing him around at that point. I don’t think pairing Zuko up with Katara would make that friendship less important.
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the-badger-mole · 2 months
1. Have you always hated Aang? If you can remember, what specific scene really sparked your hatred for his character?
2. Do you ever regret joining the atla fandom and having to fight tooth and nail for a ship? What’s kept you going all this time?
I've never liked Aang, but my hatred didn't start until the post series canon when I saw how for some inexplicable reason Bryke decided to go ahead and continue making Aang the worst main character and punish Katara and the others for it. The fact that they wasted all of that Zutara potential for a relationship that was somehow AS bland as it was toxic is what made me actively hate Kataang. Even though I never shipped it, I could have just ignored it, and lived happily in my fanfic bubble until I saw what they did to my girl. The fact that they stripped Katara in particular of everything that made her so awesome in order to make her and Aang's relationship believable and then unironically defended Aang for being a negligent parent, was what drove me all the way into the Aang is a Villain, Actually camp.
I don't regret joining the ATLA fandom. I have had, and am still having a great time. I'm also not fighting tooth and nail for my ship. I have my opinions and people can take them or leave them. If people get upset, that's got nothing to do with me. That's not my business. My only problem is when they bring their issues to me directly. If they deliberately tag incorrectly, or they jump into my asks, or reblog me, or leave hate comments on my fic, they can get the business until I'm bored with them. And then they can get blocked. I deliberately don't give them any serious answers, too. I don't argue with stupid anymore. I'm also not here to change anyone's minds on Zutara, Aang, or any other thing I mention.
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vertigenn · 1 year
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I'm awfully excited about them. drawing rooms in chinese style is super nice, especially gay dragon walls
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bytedykes · 8 months
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[ID: A pen doodle of Aang from ATLA. He's smiling with his eyes closed. Above him is written "s1 Zuko is somehow balder than Aang, and Aang is actually bald." /end ID]
i wanted to post this with some other atla doodles but i havent had much time to draw lately so im just posting him on his own. i really like this drawing i keep it in my desk and look at it when i need strength
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 2 months
i have a teeny, tiny superiority complex because i didn’t watch the atla live action.
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