#sweet anon
kikker-oma · 3 months
wars deserves to cuddle with his scarf, bro needs therapy
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Wars can't remove himself from his environment so he blocks his environment out.
Wind refuses to let himself be blocked out, even when the captain needs a minute to himself lol.
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cgnab · 2 months
OMG!!! i just read needy! chan and i have an idea for a continuation if you don’t mind? Channie gets upset about having to wait for his orgasm so he gets whiny and bratty. Maybe meandom!reader can teach him a lesson ??
this is a really good idea ! Sorry if it seems rushed or if you didn’t like it ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა the first part is NEEDY !
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NEEDY ! #2
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PAIRINGS: Bangchan x fem reader
WARNINGS: nsfw , swearing , dom!reader , sub!chan , desperate chan , begging , edging , cock slapping , mean!reader , nipple pinching , bratty chan , blowjob .
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“Please–please b-baby ! Feels good–“
he whines , his legs shaking from how much you’ve ruined his orgasms . he reaches for your hair to tug on his softly making you groan , the vibration makes him jolt as if he has been struck . you take him a few more times in your mouth then let go off his aching cock with a pop making him groan . You’re sat completely naked between his legs , pussy leaking from how good he looks right now .
“Baby boy can take more can’t he ?” you coo , he looks so sweet like that , all needy and desperate to cum for you . “b-baby–been good,fuck ! please–“ he whimper when you slap his cock , leaking precum , you could his release coming from how much his chubby cock is twitching . “Need–need to c-cum !” you start jerking him off again but slowly , he doesn’t care about that all he cares about is cumming right now or he’ll loose his mind . “f-fuck , g-gn’a cum , cum–cumming !” He whines , making you slap his cock again , but this time he cums from the slap making him moan a high pitched moan .
“Such a whore , cumming without permission ?” His eyes widen when he realizes he came already , he didn’t mean to it was just hard to not cum .
You climb up on his lap , you could feel him shaking underneath you . you start playing with his nipples making him moan a soft moan . “do you think you deserve to cum inside my pussy , channie?” You say teasingly , he nods excitedly , “please–need to feel you mommy–ah! Ah , mama please–“ you pinch his nipple making him cry softly , you start roaming your hands all over his body , playing with him . You then let go off him and grab his cock settling it on your entrance , he whines from how wet you’re , he just wanna fuck you full and fill you with his load . You tease his tip a little before sliding it slowly inside of you . He whimpers when he feels how tight you’re around him , “mommy–mommy! Pussy so tight , f-feels too good!”
You start bouncing on his cock , his cock hitting all your spots making you whine softly . “Channie , feels good–“ you whine , he’s babbling nonsense underneath you holding you by your hips . You could feel your release coming up , “baby–shit! Mommy’s cummin’–“ you fuck yourself faster on him making him moan loudly , “pussy clenching on me tight–ah , ah! Mommy! “ after a few thrusts you feel yourself coming undone on his cock , you let out a few pants before feeling his cock twitching inside of you , he starts buckling his hips against yours . You hold his hips down “dirty slut , looks like you won’t be cumming anytime soon.”
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© CGNAB , 2024 ★ don’t translate , claim as yours , or repost on any other platform .
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amalasdraws · 24 days
Amalassss, i was stalking the author of the formula 1 fic on tumblr and saw your art and was like “?? Woww that is really similar to amalas style” lolll then i saw that it was youuu 💀💀 you have such a distinct style!! The art turned out great! Have you ever drawn Gojo? Welcome to the satosugu side of fandom!! You asked for fic recs for satosugu right? Ill come back later with a list for you
Hahah omg I love that!! Especially since it's not colored and doesn't have one of my signature clutter bgs and you still recognized it as mine! Love it! I started the fic and binged it like crazy and now I'm in so deep! If I had the time I would draw so much fanart!! SO MUCH!!
I have drawn Gojo!! But not for the fic, and also only as some doodles. I did them some time ago to see how and if I could draw Gojo
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I have some full scene fanart ideas in mind and wanted to see if I could draw Gojo and practice him a little. Sadly I didn't had the time yet to draw the full scene illustration. I want to do something with Geto and Gojo in 2006, but all is well and they are just chilling and enjoying a day together. And now I also want to draw many scenes from the Coanda Effect fic. And I don't even know F1!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!
Send me time and energy and I'll draw all the art :D
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impaladolan · 1 year
small request! grayson and y/n were supposed to be going out for a date night but he goes to buy y/n another dress because he insists hers is too short to wear in public (plus he’s overprotective)
Blurb Alert! - Grayson Dolan
a/n: i changed it a little, and i kinda made grayson a meanie in this one
"I'll be out in the car." Grayson runs his hand through his hair before leaving you to finish dressing. He looked irritated, wouldn’t talk much and had a semi-sour expression.
You had your hair and some makeup all done up, and a nice emerald green dress and some heels on for your attendance of your friend’s wedding reception.
Grayson wasn’t upset this morning when the two of you had attended the ceremony. He was all flushed, doe-eyed and lovey, his touch never leaving your body.
But now, after dressing for the party, his mood had a total switch. You couldn’t understand why. You don’t recall anything of importance angering him, and your Grayson was a patience man, not one to be upset over small things.
You dismissed worrying about it— he wouldn’t tell you why he was mad or what you could do to help, but instead stayed in silence as he too readied himself for the evening ahead.
Maybe a little dancing will loosen him up.
After spraying a sweet perfume and grabbing your purse, you ducked into his low car and strapped your seat belt, pulling your dress down so it wouldn’t be bunched up against your lower abdomen.
Grayson scoffed and started the car, evading your glare as he backed, rather aggressively, out of the driveway.
“What’s your problem, baby?” You smoothed your hand over the console and onto his own, massaging the backside of his palm sincerely. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked over, not at your eyes, but to where your dress ends and your legs begin.
“Do you think that dress is appropriate to wear tonight, Y/N?” He finally looked at you, his gaze still hard and unmoving.
“Excuse me?” You almost gasped at his words, your face flushing and a fiery anger shooting throughout your body.
The nerve.
“Answer the question.” His grip on the steering wheel tightened and his foot seemed to grow heavy against the gas.
“I don’t see a fucking problem.” You looked down your torso and along the sleeves, in search of whatever the hell could be wrong.
“So you don’t think it’s pretty revealing?”
You pulled your hand away from him and shook your head, appalled by his thoughts. You were struggling to speak, surprised by his sudden dismay of your attire.
“Oh, you don’t? Your fucking ass is hanging out and your tits are on full fucking display. I hope to god you’re wearing some kind of panty under that, fuck.” He had you stunned with his words and you could hardly see straight with all the anger bubbling inside of you.
“You bought me this dress, Grayson!” You huff, flailing your hands in the air. Your chest began to turn red, that’s what usually happens when you’re flushed or irate, and your teeth grind against each other in continued irritation.
“I didn’t realize it’d be that short when you put on heels, Y/N.” He was annoyed, pressing the gas further down and moving around other vehicles like he thinks he’s a nascar driver or something.
“It’s not your decision of how clothed or not I want to be.”
“Well, then we’re making a stop before the reception.” He pulled off the highway and sped down the exit, taking a right at the stop light and flying down the road. He only slowed to turn into a luxury dress store and parked, turning the car off.
“I’m fucking walking, asshole.” You reach for the door handle, but he holds his finger over the lock button and moves across the console to shut the door back.
“The hell you are.”
You continue to try and open the door, using all your might, but even with hardly a grip Grayson’s stronger than you.
“You’ve never acted this way before.” You subside from trying to leave and cross your arms, covering the exposed cleavage he’s so upset about.
“I’m not trying to control you, Y/N,” he sighs and let’s go of the door. “I just don’t want anybody getting ideas. You’re mine.” He runs his hand through his hair, it’s disheveled and a couple strands had fallen upon his forehead.
“I didn’t think this would be an issue for you. I figured you’d like to see me wear this.”
“You’re more than welcome to wear it at home.” He flicked his eyebrows up and down and you let out a small laugh.
“Fine. Better hurry up in here or we’ll be late.” You both empty the vehicle and he joins you on the sidewalk, landing a harsh slap to your ass before grabbing your waist with a chuckle.
“I’m still upset with you, Grayson.”
“We’ll see who’s upset when we get home tonight..”
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mimisempai · 3 months
I love reading your fanfiction even when I don’t know the fandom for which you write.
I started watching Good Omens because of your fanfics.
Thank you. You are amazing author.
Oh wow! That's amazing! Thank you !
I'm so happy to know that what I've written has made you want to watch this show! Enjoy it, you won't regret it! (Just don't forget, there's a third season on the way... )
Most of the time, I don't feel like a good author, so thank you again!
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megamindsecretlair · 5 months
You got any hood nigga dick recs? I need my fix 😭😭
Idk why this is fn sending me 🤣🤣🤣 but yes!
Anything by @notapradagurl7 or @ssaluv-a-lot or @mcondance or @slippinninque or @henneseyhoe should do the trick!
If I missed any others, lemme know.
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limerenceif · 1 month
Hi, so I was looking over the blog and I noticed customizable ROs will be a thing. Does that mean they don’t have set physical descriptions? If so I think that’s super cool honestly! I can only think of like one other If that’s ever done that but that one’s pretty much abandoned lol. Looking forward to the full game!
inbox: open yes, they don't have set physical descriptions! you'll be able to pick and choose :)
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monstersandmaw · 1 month
I've missed you, feels like when one friend of the friend's group starts to get distant and we don't know if they need space because they are stressed or if i should go bother them because it will make them feel better. You've been missing from my timeline and i got worried, but i hope everything is working out in your life, even if things are stressing right now.
It never occurred to me that I’d be missed from anyone’s dash! I’ve just been taking care of life stuff and haven’t been around here much.
My dad’s memorial was the weekend before last, which was really sad. Somehow it’s almost a year since he went into care really suddenly and we just haven’t been able to bring ourselves to do the memorial before now.
Life has been busy around that, but I’m clawing my way back to normality..
Thanks for this - it made me feel all wibbly-wobbly, in a good way 😊.
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kaluwa-del-conte · 2 months
Hii, for your art prompt, I’d love to see Link giving Rhett a back hug 🥺
🥹 aww, so sweet!~💕 I really enjoyed doing this one. For you sweet Anon~ Ty✨
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aspoonofsugar · 3 months
hey! Good day :) here to ask a question!! I was wondering about your process for analysis, character analysis, theme analysis- do you just write or are there specific things you look for? I suppose I’m curious if you have an idea/general gist of what you’re doing or steps you take to do your breakdowns. I’m trying to do something similar out of interest and your works are simply fascinating to read. I look up to your writing a lot!
hello!! Can I ask how you started analysing shows, how you went about it? I’m learning literary analysis and trying to do the same for hunter x hunter but I find it infinitely harder to analyse shows. Especially since I most notably consider diction in literary analysis lol
Thank you for your nice words anon(s) and yay! I love meta-asks <3<3<3
So, it depends on the meta. In general, I try to focus on a specific topic, which can be:
a character (arc + foiling between characters)
a theme
the use of a specific motif, when it comes to a character or a theme
These are my three favourite kinds of analyses, but there are other types, as well. For example, some people are really into plot theories/predictions. Others prefer to focus on characters from a psychological viewpoint. Some other writers like to use philosophical lens or to compare different works. It really depends on your preference.
My preference is mostly for thematic analyses. This means that my character metas too tend to use a thematic lens. So...
In short, the theme of a story is both:
the topic the story is exploring
the moral of the story, aka a phrase which summarizes its message
Stories explores topics through characters and plot, while the way the conflict is solved tells us the moral.
Some examples:
RWBY's main topic is humanity in both its weakness and strength and its moral is that victory is in a simple soul
Madoka's main topic is wishes and its moral is that it is worth to want things and to fight for them, even if it is painful
HXH is strange structurally, but its main topic is self-search, with its moral being that a person should not focus on the goal, but enjoy the journey
All of these messages and ideas aren't just things stated in dialogues (even if someone saying the theme helps). They emerge from the story itself.
RWBY's main conflict is about a destroyed world (remnant) surviving the anger of an evil witch (Salem). If humans let hate divide them, they lose. If they unite, they win. The main thematic question is then... can humans make the right choice? And the answer is that they can, as long as they remain simple souls (Ruby, but also Pyrrha at Beacon, Blake in Managerie, Yang in Mistral, Weiss with her family, JNR when they tag along and Penny in Atlas). The main message is that several people making the right choice leads to change. And that is humanity. This is why the characters keep being asked to give up their idealism and to embrace a more utilitarian way of doing things. And this is why every time they refuse and stick to their idealism. The conflict itself keeps testing their resolution.
Madoka's power system works through wishes, so the girls' powers and their backstories are all defined by their wishes and by how they relate to them. Madoka doesn't know what she wants. Homura's wish turns into an obsession. Mami makes a wish too early and thinks only about herself. Kyouko and Sayaka make a wish for someone else and have opposite reactions to their wishes ending poorly. Finally, it is revealed the girls' wishes are literally the force that keeps the world at balance. So, the plot, character arcs, conflict and worldbuilding are all about wishes.
HXH is made up of several arcs and each arc has its own theme. That said, the overall structure conveys the main theme. Gon's objective is to find Ging, but he keeps taking detours and getting engulfed in unrelated conflicts. However, the moment he meets Ging he realizes it is not his father who defines him, but rather it is all the people he met in his journey and his own experiences. Basically, HXH's strange structure conveys the main theme.
So, the theme (both topic and moral) should emerge by the characters, the worldbuilding, the conflict and sometimes even by the structure itself. In order to find it, one should start with the topic and ask themselves "What does the story really talk about?". The answer to this question will let you understand the theme as topic. The second step is to see how the story explores it.
There are different ways a story can explore a topic. Still, the best stories have different perspectives clash with each other. Very often these different points of view are embodied by different characters.
Here are some examples, with some linked metas that explore the respective stories more in depth.
Madoka (topic= wishes):
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Homura is determined to fulfill her wish no matter what
Kyubey is her opposite, as they are unable to wish since they lack feelings. This is why they need to recruit girls into creating energy through wishes
Madoka is in the middle, as she wants to wish for something, but doesn't know what
Mami, Kyouko and Sayaka all explore negative effects linked to wishes, which are connected to other secondary themes. Specifically, Mami explores the consequences of an immature wish, while Sayaka and Kyouko explore the selfishness/selflessness inherent in wishes
The conflict is solved through Madoka learning about the price of wishes, but still choosing to make a wish and to sacrifice her whole self for it. This ending conveys a specific moral: despite the pain and sacrifice that comes with them, wishes are still beautiful and worth it all. If Madoka had chosen to give up being a magical girl and had ended up the series without making a wish, the moral would have been the opposite: that a normal life is better than grandiose and dangerous dreams.
Monster (topic = the value of life)
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Tenma believes that all lives are equal, which is why he chooses to save Johan as a child, despite being ordered to operate a far more influential patient.
Eva and Nina believe that not all lives are equal. In particular, Eva thinks that social status and importance in society influence the value of one's life. Nina instead believes that people who commit crime should be punished and lose their lives.
Johan believes no-life has value, including his own. In his words, the only thing all humans are equal in is death.
Here, the moral is conveyed through the Tenma/Nina vs Johan's conflict. Tenma is tested in his beliefs, but ultimately does not abandon them and ends the story by saving Johan. Nina instead is asked to change her mind, as she ends the story embracing Tenma's point of view.
RWBY - The Atlas Arc (topic = trust)
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Ozpin lacks trust, as he is unable to trust others, no matter how loyal or dedicated to his cause they are
Ruby wants to "trust safely". She wants others, like Ironwood, to prove themselves to her before disclosing the truth to them
Ironwood is initially on Ruby's same page, but he spirals and comes to embody the "enemy of trust" aka control. He doesn't trust others, but wants to control them.
Oscar embodies trust, as he wants to trust Ironwood since the beginning. Even later on, he keeps on trusting people like Hazel and Emerald who are his enemies.
Cinder embodies another "enemy of trust", aka manipulation. She doesn't need to trust others to work with them, as she can use their feelings and wishes against them.
Penny embodies faith, which is a more extreme form of trust. She sacrifices herself and leaves the maiden power to Winter. She has no proof Winter will be able to save Weiss, Jaune or the relic, but she entrusts the future to her.
All these characters struggle with trust and its dangers. Some, like Ozpin, Ironwood and Cinder decide that trusting is too dangerous. Others, like Ruby, Penny and Oscar realize that to trust is the only way to move forward. Moreover, they learn there is not way to trust safely. As a matter of fact the moral of the arc is that "trust is a risk" and risks mean that things can end up badly. Still, not to take risk means to give up hope.
Hazbin Hotel - You didn't know song (topic= knowledge)
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This song explores the idea of knowlege. The characters are after all in the middle of a questioning, which leads to several secrets coming out. Moreover, throughout it all the characters either admit or realize how ignorant they all are. The way they deal with this lack of knowledge establishes different thematic stances.
Charlie and Emily are both naive and ignore the darkest sides of their loved ones. Charlie doesn't know Vaggie used to be an exorcist and Emily has no idea Sera ordered the exterminations. Still, their answer to ignorance is to keep on questioning. They have no idea why only certain souls are admitted in heaven. Still, they think it is important to investigate the phenomenon and use it as evidence that there might be hope for the spirits in hell.
Lute and Adam don't know why some spirits end up in hell and others in heaven. Still, they do not bother to question it. So, Adam is caught by surprise by Charlie's question and has to improvise an answer. Not only that, but even later on the duo insist that Angel not being in Heaven proves he is unholy. And that's it.
Sera does know about the extermination, as she knows the system is unfair. Still, she refuses to question it and forbids others to do the same. She is the only one whose sin isn't ignornace, but knowledge.
There is no a clear thematic resolution to the question posed by the song. This is because the series is not over yet. However, the scene sets up the theme and the way characters will deal with it in later seasons will give us the moral.
As you can see, not only whole stories (like Madoka, or Monster) have themes, but also arcs (RWBY) and even episodes or scenes (Hazbin Hotel). That said, the way to go at it is always the same. Pintpoint the main topic and start investigate how the characters or the worldbuilding deal with it. You are gonna get several stances. The one which emeges victorious is the moral.
Let's highlight that the moral is not always embodied by the protagonist. For example, in the Madoka and RWBY's examples, Madoka and Ruby are initially at a loss and come to learn the moral by the end of the story (for Madoka) and arc (for Ruby). Similarly, Tenma initially does believe the moral, but doubts it throughout the story, only to be reminded and helped by other characters (like Nina).
In any case, the way the protagonist and characters in general relate to the main theme and to secondary themes is key for their arcs.
When it comes to theme a character can either:
Believe the moral since the beginning
Not believe the moral since the beginning
In the first case, the character either stops believing the moral by the end (negative arc) or keeps believing the moral until the end (positive arc). In the second case, the character either learns the moral (positive arc) or doesn't learn the moral (negative arc).
In short, the story keeps challenging the character on their beliefs and they must either stick to their point of view or change it, depending if they believe in the moral since the beginning or not.
Exhibit A:
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Charlie's belief that sinners can be redeemed is right. Still, in the beginning nobody else agrees with her, so she is challenged by the world around her. Her objective is not to lose faith in the Hazbin Hotel and to inspire others to change their mind too. Throughout her journey, she is bound to grow too. She starts as sheltered and naive with a simplistic idea of what redemption is. By the end, she will gain a deeper understanding of redempion and will grow as a result.
Exhibit B:
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Eren's journey is about realizing what freedom (the main topic) is about. The problem is that he fixates himself on the idea that freedom means no boundaries, either natural nor humans. This leads him to embrace destruction and nihilism and to lose himself. In the end, the character who realizes what freedom truly is is Mikasa. She doesn't discard her bond with Eren, but is still able to make independent choices and to live as herself. In short, Eren doesn't learn the moral, hence why he spirals instead of growing.
Charlie is a protagonist who knows the moral and will grow with it in a positive arc. Eren is a protagonist who doesn't know the moral and never learns it. This is why he has a tragic negative arc.
These are just two examples, but there can be different combinations. By interrogating yourself on how characters relate to a theme, you get better a better understanding of their role in the story and of their overall arcs.
Still, how to find themes in a story? Luckily, each text is full of hints that are there for us to interpret them.
Motifs are repetitive details within a story, which are used to communicate themes.
Anything can be a motif: a line, a musical tune, a specific imagery, an object. By repeating them in key moments throughout a narrative, they become symbols, which means they can lead to bigger metaphors and convey specific meanings.
In the song More Than Anything, dream is one of the main topics. We realize it because the characters keep mentioning it. At the same time, light keeps popping up. Lucifer summons light and throws it away, Charlie rememebrs a light show Lucifer imrpovised for her. Lucifer and Charlie start the song in the shadow and they end it in the light. This means that "light" is a motif throughout the song and by seeing how it is used we better understand the theme and the relationship between the two characters. We understand that light is a metaphor for dreams. Lucifer gives up on it, Charlie is inspired by it and eventually Lucifer summons it back as he has decided to believe in Charlie's dream. By looking at the way light is used, we can see that Charlie teaches Lucifer the moral that it is worth it to fight for dreams and not to give up on them.
In the CAA of HXH, gungi is a motif that comments both the topic of humanity and Meruem and Komugi's relationship. Their matches become a metaphor of monstrosity vs humanity, as humanity slowly conquers Meruem to the point he himself chooses to live and die as a human, rather than the King of the Ants. Similarly, Kokoriko symbolically becomes Komugi and Meruem's child, in the sense they give birth to this move and evolve the game.
Sometimes, their meaning is unique to the story. For example, gungi is a motif that makes sense within HxH and can't be brought outside of the series, as it is not a real world game. It only exists in that universe. Some other times, a motif can tie to bigger sets of symbols. For example, light and shadow are universal symbols that bring with them several additional meanings:
Good and Evil
The Jungian persona shadow
In the Hazbin Hotel song the first dychotomy doesn't fit, while the second one does. Initially both Lucifer and Charlie hide things from each other (shadow), whereas by the end they show who they are (light).
In short, to analyze a story, you should find its key motifs. They are hints to better understand the theme and the characters. Different stories will use different motifs and tie them to different wider sets of symbols. To find the right ones can help a lot in better understanding a story, as a whole.
Some examples:
RWBY uses fairy tales and alchemy as its main motif, so these two sets of symbols are the most useful to analyze the series
HxH is a shonen and uses its powers and fights to convey character arcs and themes, so to analyze one's nen abilities helps a lot
Hazbin Hotel is a musical series that takes inspiration from religion and mythology. So, it is probable that the best understanding of it will come from analyzing its songs and from looking into its religion inspiration
Of course this doesn't mean you should only use one motif to analyze a story. For example, you can use RWBY's semblances to look into the characters, as well. And there are some fairy tale allusions in Hazbin too. In the end, it is about using what best helps you understand a story as a whole.
What is more, there are general sets of symbols that can be useful in most stories, such as jungian archetypes. Finally, you might want to start from other aspects of the story itself, rather than theme or characters or plot. For example, you might be drawn to the world-building and realize it is used in a special way to explore the theme. Or you might be curious about character designs and see that they have their own symbolism (for example, I believe RWBY ones do and probably Hazbin Hotel ones, as well).
I have linked in the title of each paragraph, but this last one an article by @septembercfawkes. Her posts are great to better understand narrative structure and I found them enlightening.
I think the best thing you can do is to start with focused metas. Choose a scene, a character, a motif that intrigues you and start exploring it. It is better to start small and to narrow your focus, it would be easier to organize your article.
I usually outline the contents of the meta before starting to write it. Still, it sometimes changes as I keep writing.
It can be useful to write at the beginning of your analysis what you are gonna do. It will help you remember what the point of the meta is. For example, in my RWBY allusion meta or HxH nen meta, I always start with the motif I am analyzing. I summarize the fairy tale (even if many people know it already) and I explain what the character's ability is about. It helps organizing the flow and the contents.
The more you analyze the better you become at it, so it is just a matter of starting :)
Thank you for the asks, I hope this was helpful and not too much confusing!
Have a nice day!
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kikker-oma · 2 months
art requests you say? may I request a sleepy Four?
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softlyopulent-if · 7 months
helloooo! i was just wondering when ch. 2 was coming out (approximately if you havent chosen a release date yet) :D
I haven't chosen a release date but the beginning is written! I might put that out soon, to show everyone I’m still kicking 😃
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amalasdraws · 5 months
OMG the way Tao rests his back on Aran's lap.... i'm so 💓💓💓💓
A man in love, who feels very comfortable :D
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impaladolan · 2 years
Again - Grayson Dolan
overview: you had been denied all day, one time after another, after another— so you decided to take things into your hands, and he didn’t like that..
word count: 1.2k
warnings: fem and male masturbaution, oral - male receiving, use of toys, maledom , femsub, degradation, cum denial, swearing, and just lots of dirty/sexy talk haha.
a/n: this was actually a dream i had the other night.. spicy..
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"I-I can't—"
"Again." His voice was serpentine and accusatory, plowing through your whimpers with its baritone and timber.
"Grayson.." You whine and implore for the millionth time it seemed, aching all over for the end of this torturous trap he has you strung through.
"You disobeyed me, Y/N. Continue your pleas and we'll go all fucking night." He crosses his black slacked leg over the other, reaching to undo the first two buttons of his white dress shirt with a devilish fix upon you.
You were sat across the room from him, legs spread apart and shaking, panties in a bundle around your ankles, and your sensitive core glistening in the haze of his hungry eyes. He made you keep one hand around your clothed breast and the other wrapped around a vibrating wand that continued to buzz in your hand.
"A-fucking-gain, Y/N." His stare hardened even more so, not a drop of remorse across his hazels.
Your chest began to rise and fall fast as you moved the toy back over your pulsing bud, immediately pulling you back into a trance of seeking release. Your head fell back and your teeth sunk deep into your bottom lip, an echoing sob replacing the silence. You were already so close, being that you had been sat there for over an hour, forced to edge yourself over and over until he's satisfied.
It hurt so fucking good.
"No.." It came out as a whisper, but you knew he heard you when you felt his footsteps coming towards you. You didn't open your eyes until you felt his hand grab your wrist and pull you out of the euphoric atmosphere you were deeply submerged within. You pressed your thighs together to subdue your aching need and looked up at him under your eyelashes, pleading for him to finish this.
"You're not very good at doing what you're told." He shut the vibrator off and threw it to the side, leaning down to whisper his words in your ear. His hand traveled down your body until it pulled your knees further apart than before and he had his hand toying with your molten cove.
"You're sopping wet, princess." He sounded falsely apologetic, whilst you arched back again as he ran his thumb back and forth over your swollen clit. You sighed, wrapping your needy fingers around his thick forearm for support.
"Please.." Oh, it felt divine. He did slow circles while his other hand slipped under your knee and pinned it high. You almost thought he'd let you go, unravel the knot in your abdomen, and be free of his torment.
But it is not so.
He pulled away just as fast as he had been there, touching and feeling and caressing you until you were all numb and shaking for him. Another helpless wine fell from your mouth, a breathless cry more like. And he just stood there, the devil himself, unfazed except for the stir in his cock.
"Please!" You moved from the couch and down to the floor beneath him, your hands snaking up his legs and attacking his belt buckle with more than just wanton and desire. He let you undo his belt and pull it through the loops, his callous hand finding it’s way into your hair. You undid the button and pulled the zipper all the way and his trousers fell slack around his hips and you could see the waistband of his boxers.
You looked up at him for the first time, underneath the haze of his eyes and the domineering look about him. He nodded his head, silently pleading for you to go on. You pulled his slacks the rest the way down and let them pool at his feet. And your blush immediately darkened when you saw the tent in his undergarments— all because of you.
You bit your lip again and posed another glance at his face.
“Don’t get all shy now, princess.” He took his free hand and grabbed one of yours, placing it around his clothed cock and letting a rumbling groan slip from his lips. You squeezed your tiny little hand around him and watched as he moved closer to your touch, begging for it. You traced his shaft, delicate and messy outlines with your soft fingertips until you finally looped them around his waistband and let him spring free. He stood tall and wide and red and completely sensitive to you. You instantly wrapped your lips around his swollen head and let your fingers go back to tracing him, slow and soft.
You wanted him to feel the pain and torture he caused you only moments ago.
You let him go with a pop! and let your dominant hand pump him, still slow and brutally frustrating. Your other hand went to find the vibrator again, turning it back onto a low setting and letting it buzz against you while you pleasured him.
You put your mouth back over him once you settled into the wand, your moans rolling over his cock.
Growing impatient, he moved his hand to the back of your head and pressed you further down his dick, earning another whimper from you and a guttural sigh from him. Your breathing went erratic again and you couldn’t help but already feel the arrival of your orgasm nearing. You took another long pull from cock and let your hands wrap around him again, this time much faster and hasty.
You looked back up at him for the third time and mewled with plea. His chest rose and fell heavily too, his muscles tightening around his abdomen and thighs.
“Just a little more baby, finish.” He pushed your head back over his dick once again and you took him even more than before, trying your best to suction him and let the warmth of your tongue and mouth encapsulate him. You moaned around him again, sending him off into his orgasm at once.
He pulled his cock from your lips and let his seed cover your chest and he allowed another sigh and fighting groan empty from his chest with reckless abandon. Your hips shook at your approaching high and you wrapped your hand around the vibrator to really settle it against your sopping pussy. Your brows furrowed and your eyes almost rolled back as you felt your climax about over take you.
Sudden and unprecedented, his arms wrapped around yours and pulled you from your peak. He lifted you from the ground, threw you back onto the couch, and took your toy away leaving you a sobbing mess. True tears began to fall onto your cheeks and you squeezed your thighs back together once again, trying to tip yourself over the edge.
It wasn’t enough.
“You look so pretty, edged and on the verge of fucked out.” He laughed. He fucking laughed.
He watched you breathe and the sweat and tears dribble down you and the cum still slathered across your chest, like a claim. He settled the vibrator beside you, turned and went to sit back in the chair he was previously sat, except for this time, his cock was out and erect, his meaty hand twisted around it and easy to watch you suffer— over and over and over.
a/n: let me know if you liked! <3
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llamagirl28 · 8 months
Giving you encouragement for your project, in case you need it. 🎉🎉🎉
Encouragement is always welcome thank you ❤️
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moxtoons · 8 months
I know you mainly draw Cuphead nowadays (which is amazing by the way, keep up the good work!) But I've been coming across your Batman art lately and I have to say, I love it! You draw the BTAS characters so well, and I especially loved your domestic Hattercrow art! That's all I wanted to say, that I loved how you drew the dork squad and Batman ^^'
Aw! Thank you so much! it's not often I get such nice asks regarding my transitions into new fandoms! I'll admit I do occasionally miss drawing the dork squad, especially Scarecrow.
I'm so happy you like my older work of them!
Here, for you and my other followers who have stuck around despite my ever-changing hyperfixations. It's spooky month so here's a quick doodle of the spook lord himself;
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It's been so long but I never forget how to draw Crane 💛
Thank you again! Maybe I'll put out some more BTAS baddies soon for ya'll 😊
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