kokusfluffyhair · 6 months
When They Get Sick
Ramblings on some of my favourite boys for the sake of being able to write this, demons can get sick
Kokushibou + He goes through his daily routine as if nothing is wrong + Will not take medicine because he thinks he can push through the illness without it + Ends up making himself sicker because he refuses to rest (but he does get in some sword practice) + He will treat himself to a long, hot bath though + He doesn't get you sick
Muzan + Panics, but tries to hide it + Becomes very demanding and nasty + Thinks he will die + Threatens to kill you if this disease does him in + Might stab you with a knife, so best to leave some medicine for him and wait for him to get better + He doesn't get you sick
Gyutaro + He will not isolate himself + Complains a lot + Leaves used tissues all over the place + Gags on something like cough syrup because he thinks it tastes horrible + Gets you sick + Takes care of you after when you're sick but he calls you weak and pathetic all the time thanks Gyutaro
Tahomaru + Sneezes a lot + Wants to cuddle with you and watch movies, but also doesn't want to get you sick so he suffers alone + Falls even more in love with you when you bring him some hot tea + Is afraid he'll make you sick + Takes whatever medicine that will put him to sleep + He doesn't get you sick
Hyakkimaru + Gets that pouty face like he did when he got his hearing back and everything was too loud for him + It's hard to keep him resting so he'll end up doing stuff anyway even though he's sick af + Goes out to hunt demons or something and then passes out + You have to tie him to the bed + He gets you sick and feels bad about it after + He doesn't know really how to help you when you're sick but he tries his best because he's such a sweetie
Daigo Kagemitsu + Big mf baby + Says he's not sick one moment and claims he's dying the next + Is too stubborn to take medicine + Is really annoying because he's always calling for you + You give him alcohol to knock him out + He gets you sick and then denies that you caught it from him + He cares for you when you're sick but doesn't talk to you + He knows he got you sick and is embarrassed/sorry but he will never say it so he gives you the silent treatment
Vanitas + Tries to hide from you + He's kind of embarrassed about being sick + He doesn't want you to see him at his worst + Mumbles and grumbles to himself a lot + Refuses to take medicine + You don't hear anything from him so you have to check up on him once or twice a day and he yells at you to leave him alone + Doesn't get you sick
Noe + He's a good boy + He does anything you suggest for him -- soup, a hot bath, tea with honey, medicine, you name it + You get him some tarte tatin and he almost cries of joy + Gets you sick -- you care so much for him and because he's so cooperative you spend more time around his sick ass than you should + He becomes your nursemaid when you're sick
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chiraii · 9 months
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I've been drawing Crowley for two days. I'M LITERALLY DYING BECAUSE IT'S NOT THE WAY I WANT IT TO BE. So I took a break and drew a Tahomaru from Dororo. I like this character, he didn't deserve all this bad
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juustozzi · 8 months
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day 8: tahomaru from dororo
alt versio under read more (spoiler warning!)
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graphfey · 10 months
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and of course, his brother
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amberisnothere · 3 months
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Hyakkimaru & Tahomaru googling themselves (Wip)
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memesmemes1000 · 10 months
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Dororo to Hyakkimaru
Tahomaru brother Hyakkimaru
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randomanimehoe · 10 months
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M’kay so I just finished watching dororo and I just want to say that Hyakkimaru is baby and I’m opening up fic requests for this fandom. So if the dororo fandom is still alive feel free to request headcannons, drabbles etc.
characters I write for
maybe others just ask
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r0bita · 4 months
I have so many reasons why I like Tahomaru as a character, but right now I think what makes him most interesting is how much potential he has to be a foil to so many other characters other than Hyakkimaru, specifically Dororo and Saburota, both of whom don't get as utilized as they probably should.
Especially Dororo.
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miko-hikari34 · 1 year
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Holi! Solo vengo a dejar esto por aqui e irme lentamente =Uw0=
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PLEASE y'all tell me this art I have in my head wasn't just dreamed up and was in fact real at some point??
So I recently watched Dororo w my bf and at the end of it I mentioned that I thought I saw an artwork someone did of Jukai, Nui and Tahoumaru living as peasants after the end of the show. I swear to god I remember seeing the picture, I think they were doing chores in the pic??
If you guys remember seeing this as well and esp if you have it saved pleeeeeeease let me know! <3
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hashirama · 1 year
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kokusfluffyhair · 6 months
Their Thoughts on Winter
(Demons can go out in the daytime/sunlight here)
+ It isn't his preferred temperature, but he can tolerate it
+ He doesn't want to show weakness, so he won't complain
+ He gets a little calmer when it gets dark earlier -- the less sun reminds him less that he can't do Sun Breathing
+ He likes to cuddle up at night with his s/o, and colder weather is good for that
+ But still, he doesn't like feeling cold when he's outside
+ His long, luscious hair helps keep him warm
+ He tries not to let the season change ruin his vibe
+ The cold air does dry out his eyes some, so he needs some eye drops for that
+ He likes it -- it keeps the riff-raff away
+ He's relieved when there are less crazy summer people on the streets
+ Everyone gets paler in the winter, so his own skin colour is less evident than in warmer months
+ He does get very angry that the sun isn't out as long
+ He wishes it could be colder but with long hours of sun
+ His little experiments aren't as productive as in the summer because he's always gritting his teeth about how it gets dark so fast
+ His patience wears thin easier and he kills more humans during the winter
+ If you're Douma or Gyokko, you probably get your body slashed in half more often during the winter
+ This one gets seasonal depression
+ He hates having to wear a coat or layers
+ He hates having to wear a hat to cover up that gorgeous hair of his
+ He complains a lot
+ He says that his bubbly personality needs the sun to give him energy
+ Because he gets depressed, he requires more intimacy with his s/o to get through the winter
+ The only joy he finds in the cold is working on ice sculptures
+ Still, the quality of the natural snow and ice is subpar compared to what he can create during any season
+ His first words are "fuck, man" whenever he walks outside
+ He's bundled up in so many layers but it's not enough for his skinny ass
+ He can see his breath in the air before anyone else does
+ Sometimes he pulls down his hat so far that it's almost covering his eyes
+ He doesn't understand how or why Daki is still not covering up and wearing skimpy clothes in this weather
+ His skin gets paler and it makes his birthmarks more evident
+ He gets bad dry skin in the winter too
+ Someone give him moisturiser and force him to use it, please
+ He wants to build snowmen and play in the snow but he always gets sick when he does
+ "Already?" he asks every day when it gets dark early
+ He's pretty tolerant to the cold
+ He likes having warm drinks and soups
+ If his s/o or best friend gets depressed in the winter, he'll feel bad and try to cheer them up
+ He would make candlelight hand-puppet shows
+ He loves to cuddle under blankets
+ He likes that he doesn't get as sweaty but wishes that the winter wouldn't last as long as it doesn
Daigo Kagemitsu
+ He hates winter even more than I do
+ He gets really cranky and angry when there's less sunlight
+ It reminds him of when it used to flood all the time and he gets anxiety from it
+ He's very sensitive to the cold but won't tell anyone
+ He looks like he wants to burn down the world whenever he has to walk in snow
+ He has a hard time waking up in the morning knowing that it's going to be grey and cold
+ This man really needs sunshine and he's struggling
+ He's invincible to the cold
+ But he's very sensitive to being wet
+ He's fine, as long as there's no dampness or freezing rain or snow
+ He gets sick when there's snow
+ He uses the cold weather as an excuse to cook more and experiment with food
+ He uses the oven a lot so he can leave it open and let the warm air come into the house
+ He gets tired when it gets dark early
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I’ll never get over Tahomaru actually giving Hyakkimaru back his eyes.
These two brothers had so much taken from them before they were even born.
And it would have been so easy to just give in to the demon and let it take control.
but he doesn’t.  He uses what’s left of his strength to give. something. back.
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catkurohazama · 2 months
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Next 5 pages so far.
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amberisnothere · 3 months
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deathbyoctopi · 5 months
I learned of the existance of Dororo anime like 2 weeks ago. In this while, I binged it all (it's absolutely wonderful), i've read almost all the fics in ao3 (there aren't so many) AND I received aN ASTONISHINGLY GOOD FIC ABOUT IT AS A GIFT(!!!!!) for the folger's flash incest exchange and I couldn't be happier.
Here's me, sharing this love ^-^
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