#tambourine’s fantasy
flappy-tambourine · 8 months
Improper clown housing
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Enclosures like these do not provide the same comfort and safety that bouncy castles, and bouncy houses, and ball pits provide. Getting a bubble like this for your clown because “you like the aesthetic” is cruel. The see through bubble will make your clown feel improperly hidden or and safe which can lead to severe stress and panic attacks. This bubble will provide little to no enrichment for you clown. It can also be a hazard, some clown breeds have poor eyesight similar to how birds can’t see glass and have poor depth perception. This is why having brightly colored and padded walls such as in a bouncy house are crucial for the safety of your clowns. Clowns deserve a place to feel comfortable and safe. These bubble houses should not be used as a replacement for a bouncy house or ball pit. Sadly I have seen them be marketed as a two in one replacement for both. New clown owners need to be aware of this and steer clear of these.
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xkuja · 2 years
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he is the dancing queen, young and sweet only twenty-threeee
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radicrow · 2 years
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bard family night that i drew for fathers day <3 jehantel my father
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kokonoko84 · 2 months
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The tiefling dancer Eselda performs for the crowd in the middle of town.
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complete-clownery · 10 months
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Brain damadge
not really buggified but hollow knightified Sundropp and Moondropp cuz--- c'mon I liked them before they were cool (/j)
theyre literally jester and sun and moon themed, and slightly insane, my favorit combo (looking at you jevil,, (youre next))
Since theyre already "circus" themed I imagine them travelling with the Grimm troup, I think they turned out fine so thats that
It wasn't necessary for me to give them weapons but a tambourine for sun and two reaping hooks for moon (which are obviously also a moon symbol cuz thats just too easy) is perfect in my opinion
4: just me drawing my friends and I being silly (in the fantasy au)
5: Cyan-- sometimes I just have to draw him, I love him too much
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ask-ocean-o-r · 1 month
What are your thoughts about the other choir members? :3
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Oh, I've been wanting to answer this question for SO LONG! First, Constance Blackwood, she's my best friend! What else would I think about her? She's a really nice girl! I envy her sometimes...
Second, Richard Potts, oh he's a sweetheart. I got him into the choir because I felt bad that he didn't really have the choice to join any other clubs! I know it's a bit confusing... because he's mute.. but I assigned him to play instruments like the tambourine or piano! He's really good at it!
Third, Mischa Bachinski, he's an absolute troublemaker! The only reason he got into the choir is because he stole 3 boxes of communion wine, it was a punishment assigned by Father Marcus.
Fourth, Penny Lamb, she's nice. None of us know much about her actually, but what we know is that she has a brother and she likes animals. So I'm not sure how to think about her.
Fifth and last, Noel Gruber, oh he's HORRIBLE! He keeps interrupting the choir practices with his.. fantasies! He once came into the choir room in a DRAG OUTFIT! That's extremely innapropriate and against the school dress-code! Though.. a teacher came in because she wanted to check on our practice for fun and once she saw Noel in a dress she kind of... suspended him. I feel bad because he genuinely seemed sad, like he wanted to express himself, but STILL! He kind of deserved it.
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alexibeeart · 1 year
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apropos of current events here are my top picks for a Prince song in Our Flag Means Death:
Nothing Compares 2 U "it's been 7 hours and 13 days / since you took your love away"
Diamonds And Pearls "if I could I would give you the world / but all I can do is just offer you my love"
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World "when the day turns into the last day of all time / I can say I hope you are in these arms of mine"
Mountains "but I say it's only mountains and the sea / love will conquer if you just believe"
Erotic City "we can fuck until the dawn / makin love til cherry's gone"
I Wanna Be Your Lover "I ain't got no money / I ain't like those other guys you hang around"
Purple Rain "I never meant to cause you any sorrow / I never meant to cause you any pain"
some more thoughts under the cut to save your dashboard from a long(er) post 💜💜💜💜💜
Nothing Compares 2 U "it's been 7 hours and 13 days / since you took your love away / I go out every night and sleep all day / since you took your love away / since you've been gone I can do whatever I want / I can see whomever I choose / I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant / but nothing, I said nothing can take away these blues" yes surprise if you didn't know this is a Prince song, anyways I could just copy + paste the entire lyrics trust me, cut to Ed in the captain's cabin having his daily cry sesh
Diamonds And Pearls "this will be the day / that you will hear me say / that I will never run away / I am here for you / love is meant for two / now tell me what you're gonna do / if I gave you diamonds and pearls / would you be a happy boy or a girl / if I could I would give you the world / but all I can do is just offer you my love" again? perfection. Stede pledging his love and loyalty to Edward, THE PEARLS, they both need it, it's happening
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World "when the day turns into the last day of all time / I can say I hope you are in these arms of mine / and when the night falls before that day I will cry / I will cry tears of joy cuz after you all one can do is die" not ironically i need this used in 100000% sincerity and it is absolutely being sung about Edward Teach no i will not be taking questions at this time
Mountains "once upon a time in a land called Fantasy / 17 mountains stood so high / the sea surrounded them and together they would be / the only thing that ever made u cry / you said the devil told you that another mountain would appear / everytime somebody broke your heart / he said the sea would one day overflow with all your tears / and love will always leave you lonely / but I say it's only mountains and the sea / love will conquer if you just believe / it's only mountains and the sea / there's nothing greater you and me" this song just makes me so happy it's very joyful and I can picture them sailing out over the horizon together hand-in-hand it's beautiful! could be a fun callback to The Jam Room gag with the whole crew playing together as Frenchie leads, Roach on ye olde pirate trumpet, Lucius on tambourine
Erotic City "we can fuck until the dawn / makin love til cherry's gone / erotic city can't you see / fuck so pretty you and me" CMON LIKE you can't tell me this would not be hilarious and very sexy at the same time which is the correct tone for Our Flag Means Death, the thumping beat could be used for like quick cuts of clothes hitting the floor, hands gripping bedsheets, fullbody silhouettes behind the curtains of [redacted] ... also it could easily be like a montage cutting between things happening around the ship with say a certain Lucius and Pete, Oluwande and Jim, Edward and Stede, etc etc
I Wanna Be Your Lover "I ain't got no money / I ain't like those other guys you hang around / and it's kinda funny / but they always seem to let you down / and I get discouraged / cause I never see you anymore / and I need your love babe yeah / that's all I'm living for yeah" this one's just fun classic early Prince singing about wanting to be your lover! a certified toe-tapper!
Purple Rain "I never meant to cause you any sorrow / I never meant to cause you any pain / I only wanted one time to see you laughing / I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain" THE emotional climax power ballad, PURPLE as the color of Ed's love blossoming, the potential to get the most over-the-top dramatic and romantic scene ever filmed in a rain storm? under a purple fucking sky? hello? it's got a lot going for it but I will be extremely surprised if they manage to both a) get the Estate's permission, and b) be able to pay the $$$ royalties for this one
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tsunflowers · 3 months
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it's funny that aira points this out. it makes me wish they had gone all in on the fantasy video game theme and assigned everyone an rpg class. tatsumi is obviously a priest. hiiro is a fighter and mayo is a rogue. aira I see as a dancer. slapping a tambourine and delivering tsuntsun healing
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shellyshroom · 2 months
Y'all y'all y'all y'all.. Forgot to post about this but I'm making a new show of my own titled "Pinespire"!!!
The show follows Shelly, the creative protagonist who's literally me, who loves meeting with her friends in Pinespire which is this little medieval town based on "Helen". It's also known as "the town where weird things happen" because weird nonsense happens everyday in that town. The citizens are pretty much used to it. There's gonna also probably be so many magical beings who exist in this show because they live in a fantasy location.. Maybe one of the magical beings casted a spell on Pinespire and that's why weird things are happening everyday in that town in the first place.
About Shelly's character.. She loves art and nature. She winds up working at the art camp in Pinespire due to it being art outside in the wilderness. There could maybe be a scene where she teaches "the different shapes in the clouds", where you were to look up at the clouds and come up with ideas on what they look like.
Aside from art and nature, she's also OBSESSED with Christmas but only really brings up her insane Christmas obsession during the Christmas specials. It wouldn't make sense for her to randomly bring up Christmas at her art camp. Shelly also loves to play the tambourine and is usually playing it at her art camp when talking about the art of music.
Every episode of the show's gonna focus on each of the friends, or all of the friends, so we can see what they all act like or what they all do either at home or in Pinespire. Maybe one or more of these friends in this friend group has a rival or a special interest or power. Maybe Shelly gets gifted the power of bringing people together or some shit like that /j..
There's also this royal villain duo who want to destroy Pinespire because it took over their land and/or replaced their land. They also hate whimsy and fun.. They're all about being "logical" or "serious" except for their son, who's this villainous prince but he's not as evil as those 2. He has some goofiness in him, and a soft side, while still keeping a rather cruel or pompous attitude.
The royalty are usually sending their son into the town to try and destroy and/or ruin the place. There are also times where they want their son to try and scare away everyone in the village so they can try and tear it apart that way.. But Shelly and the gang are always obliviously getting in the way.
The friend group shenanigans is gonna probably be the A plot... Meanwhile the prince acting goofy in town, working in literally every store, and failing miserably with his stuff is gonna be the B plot. I'm thinking maybe him getting a new job in every episode could be a running gag. He thinks getting a new job and acting foolish during the job will run people out of the village with how poor the service is. He also thinks it's an easy way to find Shelly and the gang obviously…
This show's gonna be quite simple, but as original as possible y'know? It's still a W.I.P for now as well.. It might get even more original in the future..!
The prince is also probably gonna secretly fall in love with Shelly without telling anyone. He is gonna act like a nervous wreck everytime he sees her but not to the point of the show getting annoying. Another running gag could POSSIBLY be him getting distracted by Shelly every time he's trying to do something villainous... But I feel that'd make people hate the show lmao..
Also... To end this discussion about the prince... He'd probably end up having a soft spot for the village and its people. Instead of instantly having a crush on Shelly, he'd probably slowly grow to have a crush on her without anyone knowing. At first he'd probably wanna try scaring Shelly and her friends out the village so he can destroy it, but then comes to a realization he has a bit of a crush on her and acts like a socially awkward person around her.
Meanwhile... Shelly doesn't even know who he truly is, because he's always in some job outfit every time he's meeting Shelly.. And Shelly thinks he's just some weird man who's failing at everything he's doing, and not some serious threat. Shelly absolutely cannot stand the prince acting like a Pinespire citizen, because she thinks he's absolutely bonkers.
The prince doesn't want to reveal who he is to Shelly, because he's afraid Shelly would know who he is and become absolutely terrified, when in reality Shelly has a secret crush on him as the prince and not him acting like a citizen. Miraculous ladybug ass moment /j
Shelly has a crush on the prince, because she heard about the prince several times on the news, and thought he was really cute. Her friends would tease her about it, in a playful way of course! They'd say things like “imagine if the prince met you in person and fell in love with you”, when that's foreshadowing what happens later.
Shelly is also very well hidden or calm about her crush on him as a prince too.. Not bringing it up much unless it's with her friends.. Also unlike most girls in cartoons crushing hard on men, she isn't even that creepy or obnoxious about it at all. She actually has her limits when it comes to crushing if this makes sense. She KNOWS how obnoxious people can get with their crushes. She's seen it several times before.
Anywho yeah… Shelly crushes on the prince, not knowing that the prince is actually in the town dressed up as random ass workers each time. Shelly hates every one of them and KNOWS for a fact it's some random guy dressed up as a different worker because of how poor his job disguises are.. Like he doesn't look like himself as a prince at least, but he can't come up with a different job disguise as if he only has one set of clothes.
Also yet again.. The simping in this show won't be extreme nor will it be the whole plot of the series... The simping is only a special addition to the show... Adding onto both the prince and Shelly's personality throughout their separate adventures. Plus I'm literally a person who has massive crushes on fictional characters so of course I'm adding this in, don't judge me..! :)
I could see the soundtrack of this show being very fantasyland-like… OR maybe Carousel music could work. Also despite the friend group being based on my closest friends I was thinking of making it a diverse cast..
Also I forgot to mention this.. But the reason why the village is called "Pinespire" is because all the buildings are made of pine wood and look like those fantasy or German buildings. Another reason it's called this is because all the trees surrounding that place are pine trees, and the village's logo would probably be a pinecone..
Or heck maybe the most famous restaurant at that place could be called the pine cone restaurant or something like that..,,
If you're interested and/or want to make it better.. Join this Discord server! :D
There's more info on it there! Hshhsvvsv.,,
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flappy-tambourine · 8 months
Senior clown diet
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Once your clown has started getting older you’ll notice that they will have less of an interest in their normal food. Older clowns will start getting weaker jaws and some clown breeds will even have teeth fall out. Normally this happens to your average hobo and circus clowns. That’s why jello can be perfect diet for your older clowns. It is very important to change their diet to better suit their new needs. Jello is fantastic because it’s gentle on their teeth and jaws. Popcorn and rats can hurt their fragile teeth easily and jello provides all of the nutritional value necessary for your clown.
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OC Intro: Alice Hansen
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CW: Mentions of abusive relationships, sexual assault, attempted suicide, emotionally neglectful/abusive parenting, and self-destructive behavior such as self-harm, drug and alcohol use, and self-inflicted food and sleep deprivation. All of this is described in mild to moderate detail in this post, so there's nothing super explicit here. That being said, stay safe and proceed with caution.
-17 years old
-Stands 5’1” with a delicate and very thin (almost sickly) body type, long white hair and porcelain skin graced with freckles. She has blue-grey eyes that show a profound sadness. Scars on arms, legs, and stomach from self-harm. Her clothing aesthetic is a mix of fairy grunge, whimsigothic, and strega fashion. Often wears silver, fantasy themed jewelry with crystals and charms, nature themed jewelry such a terrarium pendants and charms or floral jewelry, and jewelry made from leather. Wears armwarmers, legwarmers, fingerless gloves, scarves, hip, waist, and hair chains, patterned mesh or fishnet tights. and patterned socks. Sometimes styles her hair in fantasy-inspired braids. Wears lots of hair jewelry/accessories. Literally jingles with every movement because of all her jewelry. Always wears at least 3 layers of clothing due to the fact she's always cold, no matter the weather. Also likes a lot of glow-in-the-dark, UV-reactive, and thermal-reactive accessories.
-Quiet and soft-spoken. She puts on a happy face, but in reality, she’s sad and angry, mostly because she sees so many terrible and unjust things happening in the world. She also struggles with her self-esteem and self-worth. Her sadness definitely shows in her eyes, but either no one’s noticed, no one cares, or no one really knows what to say or do about it. She often takes her anger out on herself through various methods of self-harm and other self-destructive behavior, such as substance abuse (mainly pills and alcohol), sleep and food deprivation, smoking cigarettes, and putting herself in dangerous situations. She hides these behaviors almost too well. She’s an overall nice person, maybe too nice at times. She self-isolates a lot, keeping an emotional distance from people. She spends her time reading, playing guitar, tambourine, violin, and piano/keyboard, singing, various forms of art, and writing her own songs as well as writing fiction. She also enjoys experimenting with vocal percussion and using household objects as instruments in her music (glass bottles and jars are one of her favorites to experiment with). Sometimes when she gets overwhelmed, her brain really goes haywire. She’ll have trouble remembering certain words as well as processing speech and text. She also will forget what she’s doing in the middle of a task, or if she dares to try and drive in this mental state, she may forget where she’s going. It really frustrates her, and she often starts hitting herself in the head or pulling at her hair.
-Grew up upper-middle class with a single mother who is barely ever home and hardly acknowledges her existence. Her mother treats her like an inconvenience and will basically bribe her to leave her alone. This is how she’s obtained books, art supplies, and her guitar, violin, tambourine, piano lessons, as well as many other things. It’s obvious her mother doesn’t want to be a mother. Alice has been told that her father left before she was born, but the truth is her mother is the one who left and her father has no clue she exists. Alice has attempted suicide by overdose in the past, but she survived despite never being taken to a hospital. She’s never told anyone about her suicide attempt. She has had one boyfriend who sexually assaulted her on multiple occasions and the only reason she’s no longer with him is because she and her mom moved to a different town after inheriting her grandmother’s house, and she used this as an excuse to break up with him.
-She’s pretty experimental when it comes to her creative endeavors. She doesn’t really know what to call her style of music, but she sings grotesque and poetic lyrics containing themes of isolation, depression, sexual assault, and self-harm, as well as taking some inspiration from horror movies, gothic literature, Arthurian legend, and the occult sung with a light, breathy voice with occasional slight vibrato and high pitched, raspy screams, shrieks, and wails, making her sound like a tormented banshee. This is accompanied by dark, doomy, ambient, haunting instrumentals on her guitar, violin, or keyboard, vocal percussion, and, as mentioned before, non-instruments used as instruments. She often adds reverb and delay effects to her music. Her screams over the softer music often create a very chilling effect. She records her music with the limited resources she has access to, such as her laptop and earphones with a built-in microphone. Her musical influences consist of KatieJane Garside, Nicole Dollanganger, Tori Amos, Dani Filth, Kathrine “Sylvaine” Shepard, Stéphane “Niege" Paut, Enya, Emilie Autumn, Nicole Ansperger, Pete Johansen, Anthony Gonzalez, Rachel “Banshee” Knight, Billy Corgan, and Anna-Varney Cantodea. Her visual art is often gory and disturbing, or at least tackles disturbing themes, yet her style is very ethereal. She paints and draws and also makes sculptures out of objects she finds while out and about, such as animal remains (which she manages to keep preserved in a portable freezer she obtained off of Craigslist for free), sticks, rocks, or just cool stuff she finds either out in nature or even just on the side of the road. She doesn’t like to share her music, art, or writing with anyone because she feels that these are some of the few things she has to herself that are completely hers and hers alone, and she wants to keep it that way for the time being. Thank goodness for her walk-in closet and the space underneath her bed. She mostly reads gothic literature, fantasy, and books that are considered “weird” by her peers due to questionable or dark subject matter. She has 2 pet rats, a white one named Guinevere and a blue one named Ophelia. She also has an Antilles pinktoe tarantula named Vivica. She’s always ice-cold to the touch, no matter what the temperature is outside or what she’s wearing. Drives a white 1995 Chevy Lumina with a burgundy interior. Her lips are often chapped, and she picks at the dead skin until she bleeds.
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melodycalypso · 1 year
Ni No Kuni Music Analysis : “World Map”, Joe Hisaishi
As soon as I put up the poll, I knew exactly which piece y’all were going to pick for me to look at next, but it’s truly iconic so I don’t blame y’all in the slightest! For the second installment of my analysis of the Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch soundtack, we are going to be taking a look at the “World Map” theme!! So without anymore delay, let’s get started! (I had to link a recording of the piece at the end of the post instead of the beginning because I’m making this post on my phone so… sorry for that guys. Hope you can still follow along!)
If you are familiar with the soundtrack of this game, you probably know the song “Kokoro no Kakera” that plays during the credits. The “World Map” theme is essentially an embellished variation of that song. I can’t be the only one who sat there in the over world and just listened to this piece because it’s just that good!
0:00 : A strong opening phrase featuring brass instruments is a great way to set the tone of this piece. I like how the melody played by the trumpets ascends, building up anticipation. It’s like you are walking into the other world via your gateway spell.
0:12 : Here is where the main melody of the piece comes in. I have now confirmed via some further research that the instrument here is a whistle. This actually ties into a point I had forgotten to make in my last post. Joe Hisaishi, the composer of the Ni No Kuni games’ soundtracks, referenced Irish folk music in writing these pieces. The featured whistle is definitely a staple in Irish folk music and mimics the melodic voice part of “Kokoro no Kakera”. I really like the added grace notes in the melody which further enhance the Irish folk music theming.
0:30 : The echoing flute/clarinet line paired with tambourine provides a whimsical contrast to the pervious whistle solo.
0:45 : This melody played by the strings right here, just listen to it. The way the melody flows in contrast to the harmonic woodwind line just gives me a homey feeling. This part right here is what draws you in and makes you feel like this other world is your home away from home, or at least that’s what I think.
1:03 : With a French horn solo continuing the melody making it more timid feeling, the trumpets and strings then come back in and crescendo the phrase.
1:16 : This transition makes me imagine running away to take cover from wild familiars lol
1:26 : I really like the harmony line in the middle string voices here. It really makes us appreciate the main melody more and highlights the key the piece is written in: E major.
1:44 : Tambourine and French horn come together, later with flute taking over, pushing the flow of the piece forward and crescendoing into the next section.
1:58 : Another key influence for Hisaishi when writing the Ni No Kuni soundtracks was the fantasy genre. This section right here has a very fantasy feel to it. It’s very majestic and grand.
2:08 : This section has a much more mellow coloring than the previous section. I really love how Hisaishi includes sections like this in the piece while still pushing the flow of the music continuously. There’s no moment of rest in this piece for sure!
2:16 : Here comes the whistle again! I always hear the lyric to the English version of “Kokoro no Kakera” at the end of this phrase when I listen to this part which are “On our journey through another world”.
2:36 : Another grand entrance of the melody here with the brass. It’s similar to the opening section but much grander this time!
2:54 : I. Love. Triplets!! The triplet harmony in the strings is just chef’s kiss writing!
2:56 : Flute returns and the music decrescendos then crescendos into…
3:04 : This has to be the most intense part of the piece! Everything has been building up to this moment. Good use of the upper woodwinds here too, really drives the intensity forward.
3:09 : I like the use my mallet percussion here to gently soften the melody. I like to think of this part as the sun setting as the night sky rolls in, even though there is no real world clock in the game lol
3:17 : The last phrase the whistle plays really brings a warm color into the ending of this piece making it bittersweet.
3:22 : Piano, drums, and brass all come together to strongly end the piece. It’s almost symbolizing the end of a journey.
And that about wraps it up! It’s been really fun deep diving into this piece. Feel free to share your thoughts below on the piece. For me personally, this piece alone has enormously inspired me to continue my studies and my continued love for music. This piece makes me feel at home and safe. The Ni No Kuni games and music have definitely left an impact on so many people, and hopefully my analysis can give you a glimpse into how the magic is made!
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styrmwb · 7 months
Favorite Final Fantasy Music (FFXII)
I'm finally out of the XI hole and it feels strange: where's my tambourine and synth I need them
XII, commonly known as "Star Wars", is a very good game; however, I initially was absolutely not feeling its soundtrack. It felt too generic and orchestral. Of course, past Styrm is a Fucking Moron who did not realize what the soundtrack is, and that is Good. Sure, it's not as in your face different as some previous games are, but it is still uniquely itself, and not at all a generic orchestra soundtrack. Hitoshi Sakimoto was the main composer here, which is cool cause he also did Tactics, set in the same world as XII! (also Ogre Battle for you Ogre Battle enjoyers out there I see you) Anyways, list time.
5. The Sochen Cave Palace I love how mystical this song feels. The whole area it plays in is a damp, underground palace/cave combo (I know, it's in the name), so that initial choir really gives you that ancient deep feel, and then the horns come in for that grandiose nature befitting the actual palace part. The horns are also my favorite part of the song, I love that melody. Bonus points to this song playing in the area with the Mandragoras hunt (I like Mandragoras)
4. Chocobo Theme - FFXII Version Not gonna lie, it did feel a little dirty putting this song here rather than one of the game's unique compositions, but I gotta say: this is my favorite version of the chocobo theme. If I wasn't gonna put a variation of this song on this list, it wasn't going on any list. I love the ratchet usage, and the really cool wind instrument used for the main melody sounding almost distant in a way? the plucking bum bum bum is incredibly fun and sounds like I'm bouncing along on my horse bird and that makes me smile. Also, shoutouts to the wood block absolutely going ham. This song is like if you took all of the cool instruments in music class that all the kids wanted to play with and you put them together.
3. Discord - Imperial Version There are several songs titled "Imperial Version", and they all tend to share the same motif (there are other empire themed songs that have that motif as well), but this version is my favorite. The loud, threatening nature of the song perfectly in my mind pictures the judges, who are essentially the biggest antagonistic force in the entire game (and also this is their boss theme so it better fit them). I love the bass drum accenting the notes perfectly in the start; and that sort of horror-like string segment to start off the song, filling you with terror. The deeper horns throughout are absolutely incredible, and I love how that main empire motif sounds with this instrumentation.
2. The Dalmasca Estersand This is like, the first open world area in the game. And I think this song really prepares you for how the world is going to feel. This song is GRAND. This song is EPIC and BIG. Pretty much every overworld song is! And I think that's really cool and part of XII's soundtrack's charm. I think this song is a pretty good summary of the sounds that this game uses; a lot of heavy horns, big strings and drums, but with that slight bit of light nature in the little flute. As usual, I love the melody; there's not a single song on here I don't love the melody of; but my absolute favorite part of the song is the I wanna say third section of it, before it loops; right after the song plays a little flute trilling, the melody gets longer and drawn out, and it really feels like an adventure. The chimes bring a whimsical vibe to it too; which I think is perfect for the first zone in the game.
1. Battle with an Esper Yessssssssssssss this song is so cool. This is the song that plays as you're battling the espers (the summons). The whole song has a very heavy beat constantly playing in the back, like a heartbeat, which is so fun to listen to. The choir builds up the start, perfect for these weird, ancient monstrosities you're fighting, but instead of just being buildup, it's there throughout the entire song. It's in the melody, it takes a back seat, but it is always there, it is always menacing, and it's always awesome. I love when the choir matches with the heartbeat too. As usual, the XII brass squadron makes an appearance, although a more minor one compared to some songs, and as usual, they're amazing; but the string section is really the other main highlight of this song. The Dissidia version proves that this song is already perfect by just adding extra percussion and calling it a fucking day. We're also cheating and throwing a mention to The Esper, which is technically a different song, being where you actually summon the thing and control it instead, but it uses a lot of the same sounds, the same choir, and the same melody. This version is a lot more fast paced, has the percussion mainly replaced with a shaker and some big beats instead of the heartbeat, and has this really cool string section where they just go fucking HAM. I didn't want to give this it's own place, because it is essentially a byproduct of Battle with an Esper, but I couldn't just throw it in honorable mentions either.
Honorable mentions!: Giza Plains, Flash of Steel, Giving Chase, Battle on the Big Bridge (heh), Realm of Memory, and The Battle for Freedom
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honey-minded-hivemind · 9 months
Okay... I need to set down some basic facts for the 🐉Wings of Fire AU. Some will overlap the aus, some will stay the same, but... well, you'll see what I mean:
• Rule 1 : There will be an au for each tribe. As in, that tribe, which all the characters (plus reader) are, are the Wings of Fire equivalent of mutants. The tribe is small/non-existant, but they happen to be descendants/members of that tribe.
• Rule 2 : For each separate tribe au, there will be a post for each new name the characters have. I spent yesterday writing and perfecting ten separate name lists, one for each dragon tribe in Wings of Fire.
• Rule 3 : Different tribes equals different colors, dynamics, names, and abilities. But the love they have (for each other, and the reader) will always exist😊
• Rule 4 : Everything stays platonic!
With these out of the way, let me state a few facts for the aus:
• Fact 1 : Some names canon to the series might be used again for the characters. Some of the X-Men names may be used again, due to fitting with one tribe or another.
• Fact 2 : Cuddling will happen. It is what it is.
• Fact 3 : Some powers may change, to better fit a certain tribe or character. This is an au, and I did say in the aus, the tribe everyone is is the stand-in/universal equivalent of mutants.
• Fact 4 : Sweets exist. So do certain foods, like apple sauce, lemon squares, stew, soup, mashed potatoes, kebabs, ice cream, and other dishes that existed in the original Wings of Fire series. A few additional ones may be added for the characters to make/eat/have as part of their normal life/culture.
• Fact 5 : Music exists! So do instruments. Drums, harps, flutes, tambourines, acapella, folk songs, hymns, and sagas exist.
• Fact 6 : Books and scrolls coexist. There are different fairytales, fables, parables, dictionaries, atlases, maps, and varying genres, like comedy, tragedy, horror, mystery, fantasy, and non-fiction.
• Fact 7 : The kingdom that belonged to the characters' chosen tribe still exist, but are shrouded in mystery/conquered by other tribes. Some of the palaces have been abandoned. Some are used for a palace for the dragons of the conquered/inhabited region.
• Fact 8 : You can always change the dragon names I give the characters, and can choose whatever name you want for yourself. But I will give every character a name, and a few optional names for the reader.
• Fact 9 : Enjoy yourself! This is all for fun and self-enjoyment. This is my work, that I want to share for everyone who loves platonic yandere Marvel (especially the X-Men!) and who want things to stay platonic😊 Enjoy this mandatory honeycomb thought for the 🐉Wings of Fire AU!
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fancycolours · 10 months
Any songs on repeat lately?
"Fantasy Island" - Tages
"In My Mind Lives A Forest" - The Rainy Daze
"Baby, You're Free" - The Cyrkle
"The Sky Is Falling" - The Ides Of March
"What's A Bulb" - The Hi-Fi's
"Still In Love With You Baby" - The Beau Brummels
"Green Tambourine" - The Lemon Pipers
"Come On Down To My Boat" - Every Mother's Son
"Expressway To Your Heart" - The Soul Survivors
"Can't Get Enough Of You Baby" - Question Mark and The Mysterians
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holly-fixation · 10 months
For the full On the Sea of Crises OST for @birdblacksocialclub I genuinely tried to nail the medieval vibe, mostly tavern rather than epic music because as you can see in the fic here, being stuck in jail fits more of the tavern vibe than the grand scale of epic battlefields and such.
This is the break down of my fan made piece for OTSOC.
Going into this I knew two (2) things about pirate music:
Everything is in the key of D minor. Why? I have no idea. Even The Pirates of the Caribbean's main theme follows this sacred law.
6/8 time is your best friend for pirates. This gives more of the rocky boat feel (but again, I do not know the history behind it). Technically drinking music follows this too! Only with 3/4 time. Fun Fact: The Star Spangled Banner is actually one note off from a British drinking song.
Okay back on topic.
I used those two laws for both piano pieces I made for the OTSOC a while ago. Messing with time and key signatures is fun! It changes the entire mood of Crisis Core's main theme and even Those Chosen by the Planet. So, after researching how to make medieval music through a couple of youtube videos and too much googling for appropriate instruments, I went off.
0:00 - I started with just a drum, tambourine, and a couple of strings playing a basic rhythm to build up. In OTSOC, the first thing you see is Tifa yelling at a guard. I couldn't go straight into Crisis Core's main theme without the man of the hour, Genesis Rhapsodos, appearing in frame. (or the frame equivalent of a comic... a panel?)
0:18 - The melody of Crisis Core's main theme/The SOLDIER Way finally kicks in on violin! But ALSO (what I learned from my many youtube videos), medieval music likes to have counter melodies/harmonies. So though the violin takes the reigns, the flute is playing Roaming in the Afternoon Sun, a song most CC players will recognize from the 3,000 side missions in this game.
0:53 - I give into antient peer pressure with a motif from the final boss theme by giving it to the LUTE. The almighty medieval instrument many know due to its popularity in fantasy settings as well! Taverns always love a good lute! (And so do prisons I guess) The moving baseline on the harp and cello was just for fun. This quiet drop and BEING the final boss theme is (supposed to) line up with Genesis's introduction! He likes his drama and DRAMA means Dynamics must Change!
1:25 - The flashback to Shinra Tower in flames. A bad memory for most, a big moment for our crimson boy. Many walked away injured, but despite the chaos and victory, Sephiroth disappeared some unexplained time after. I can't imagine the news painting that in a good light, and Tifa received this information second hand.
1:36 - A combination of CC's main theme on the flute and Roaming in the Afternoon Sun on the violin, before changing the violin to The Price of Freedom. Obviously Genesis is in Jail now, but he looks like he's having a fun time flirting with the girl he is now stuck with. This continues throughout their flirting.
2:21 - Uh oh. He is coming.
2:27 - The opening of One Winged Angel. Except with the instruments I chose, it sounds more like the rail road crossing alarm when a train goes by (note: this comment has nothing to do with the fic). This is where Genesis (or really his mind) is sucked into the 'Other' World.
2:33 - Obviously this Other World should feel, well, OTHER. So I hope you enjoyed your time with real/pirate instruments, we are now in synthesizer and piano territory, with a couple of other instruments for that tasty flavor. Genesis is in another world. He has absolutely no control. He clearly hates this Other!Sephiroth but can't prevent the Cecaelia from slithering his many tentacles around him as restraints. Other!Sephiroth is toying with Genesis, but it's always smooth, never harsh, always alluring and dragging you (yes you the reader) in. Lastly there is a motif of J-E-N-O-V-A underlying just enough to remind you/Genesis that she's watching. And if I may assume, always watching in this world.
(side comment: 2:33 the One Winged Angel section gives me vibes of FFXV's dungeon theme Unsettling Aura but that's only because of the constant piano driving throughout the rest of the piece)
2:55 - Other!Sephiroth is clearly speaking to something else as well as to Genesis and that should set off some RED FLAGS (or more rail road warnings). This is to make you concerned and feel the OWA again. Interruptions are so distracting, aren't they?
3:00 - J-E-N-O-V-A takes over and you hear it through the end. Everything is uncomfortable and dissonant and wrong and perfect. The last note doesn't resolve because this quest is far from over. The threat is far from over.
"...For you are beloved by the Goddess. And it is almost time to come home to her, Genesis." - Other!Sephiroth
...Bottom line, I had a lot of fun making this! This was just a fun little project for one of my favorite fics and writers. It gave me a chance to expand my horizons and hopefully put a smile on said writer's face.
Please check out basically any work by @birdblacksocialclub because she is fantastic!
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