#taza romero
mysoulisasunflower · 9 months
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✨Best Idea Ever✨
Mayans MC | 1.4 "Bat/Zotz"
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Mayans MC Masterlist
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Angel Reyes Masterlist
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Bishop Losa Masterlist
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Bottles Masterlist
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Che 'Taza' Romero Masterlist
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Downer Masterlist
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EZ Reyes Masterlist
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Hank Loza Masterlist
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Johnny 'Coco' Cruz Masterlist
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Kevin 'K.J' Jimenze Masterlist
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Les Packer Masterlist
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Manny Masterlist
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Marcus Alvarez Masterlist
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Michael 'Riz' Ariza Masterlist
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Neron 'Creeper' Vargas Masterlist
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Nestor Oceteva Masterlist
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dallianceangel · 6 months
𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐀 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 😭👻
I might make this into a longer fic, so let me know if that's something you'd like to read. 💗
🎄 comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🎄
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“We need to get out of here, and fast.”
You look at Taza in confusion as he snatches the cloth and disinfectant spray from you, guiding you out of the clubhouse, under the cover of darkness. This isn't the time for asking questions, but that doesn't stop you.
“Just tell me what's going on, Che!”
Taza covers your mouth with his hand, not wanting your cover to be blown, but it's too late. He's heard you, and seen you.
“Baby girl?”
Happy can't believe his eyes. He thought you were dead. He attended your funeral, he carried your coffin. None of this makes sense.
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drabbles-mc · 3 months
Taza Romero Fanfic
Warnings: 18+, light angst
With the help of This Prompt List by @creativepromptsforwriting and my trusty Wheel of Names with every character I’ve ever written for, I’m aiming to write a fic in 500 words or less every day of March.
Prompt: bridge
Word Count: 100
A/N: the amount of time i spend thinking about Bishop and Taza's dynamic throughout the years?? more than you might think!
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Time away helped, the way that Taza knew that it would. But it didn’t fix everything. It wasn’t ever meant to be a permanent fix, not really, just a stepping stone to the next part of the process.
So now he was back, rolling into the scrapyard that used to be his. It would take more than just him being willing to bridge the gap now. Bishop would have to meet him halfway or close to it, but he was hopeful. All that history had to count for something.
He just had to walk in the clubhouse and find out.
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sonhosquebrados · 10 months
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Good times!
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michaelirby · 1 year
Mayans MC Season 5 Watch/Download
hey y'all! if you don't know the drill, I'll be uploading every episode of season 5 as they come out (probably a day or two after it airs). You can watch the episodes on the platform, or you can download them (they're all in 1080p).
Season 5 Watch/Download
and if anyone would like to help me pay for my vpn (it renews in a few days and this is how i'm able to actually get the eps) then my ko-fi is linked here.
c*sh*pp: $honeyjexxy
and remember: if the FBI asks, I don't know you and you don't know me
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broiderie · 1 year
Meet the Reaper 15
Here is a new chapter. It's a beast. It's also HEAVY as hell. Like... HEED THE FUCKING WARNINGS heavy. Y'all... if anything in the warnings is a trigger - don't read it. Be responsible for your own media consumption. If you want to know what happens - ask. I'll tell you. Or better yet, tell me which warning is a trigger and I'll send you an edited version of the chapter with that part redacted and summarized instead. I'm not looking to trigger ANYONE. This is just something that I needed to write to get it off my chest.
As always... Don't steal my shit.
WARNINGS: vague medical shit, doctor visit, slightly inappropriate flirting, Megan reacting to an angry man, fluffy Mayans, talk of the international arms deals appropriate to the show, talk of payout for non-specified Mayan jobs, fluffy Hank, slightly steamy bit, talk of forced infertility.
HEED THE FUCKING WARNINGS. I get specific for a reason, people!
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Megan shifted her sling uncomfortably, but smiled up at Hank even if it was a little strained. “I hope I’m right.” Her face suddenly paled several shades. 
Hank tugged her close and kissed her. “Me too, mi amore.” He glanced around to be sure no one was near enough to hear him. “You need to sit down so that you can rest your arm. You’ve done too much today, haven’t you?”
Megan shook her head. “I’m okay. I can do it.”
Hank frowned at her color and flagged down EZ who was behind the built in bar. “I don’t care. You’re right in the middle of your dose. You shouldn’t be uncomfortable right now and I can see that you are.”
EZ came to Hank’s side. “Need something, Hank?”
“Find la princessa a chair. She needs to ease her arm,” Hank told him quietly.
EZ nodded. “Of course.” He smiled gently at Megan and went to find a chair for her.
Hank pulled Megan in front of him to lean back against his chest so that he could take the weight of her cast. “Rest here until he gets back, mi princessa.”
The rest of the M.C. was focused on the meeting and they were behind Bishop, Marcus and Taza so the elders didn’t notice the shift in position from Megan and Hank. However, Adelita and the Galindos did.
Adelita raised her hand to pause the discussion. “Excuse me, but is she alright?” she asked Marcus, pointing to Megan. She looked genuinely concerned for her.
Marcus turned to check on Megan and saw Hank supporting her sling. “Poquito? All good?”
Taza frowned and went to stand.
Megan gave them a strained smile. “I’m alright, mi padrinos, Papa.”
Bishop looked to Hank. “Qué ocurre?”
Hank shook his head. “Tiene dolor, y no debería estarlo todavía.”
Megan growled at their use of Spanish. “Not fair.”
Taza excused himself and came to check her sling himself. “Where does it hurt, Chica?”
“Papa - I’m okay. It just hurts. It’ll pass.” She tried to smile at him again. “Don’t let me interrupt the meeting. It’s too important.”
Miguel frowned as well. “What is it? Does she need a doctor?”
Bishop took a deep breath. “Apologies, Mr. Galindo.”
Marcus nodded. “I understand you loaned us manpower when Megan was kidnapped. Megan was in a car accident during that rescue attempt and was injured fairly severely.”
Devante frowned. “Then perhaps we should finish our meeting quickly so the girl can leave. She isn’t essential for this anyway. Perhaps she should just go.”
Emily frowned severely at Devante, but turned to Marcus and Bishop. “Are you sure she doesn’t need a doctor?”
Megan shook her head. “Again. I apologize. It was a very recent incident and my family worries. I am alright. Please - continue the meeting.”
Hank nodded a little at Bishop. “I’ve got mi princessa,” he assured Taza and the others. “I sent the prospect for supplies for her. He’ll be right back. Go ahead. I’ll let you know if it gets worse.”
Adelita stood and went behind the bar. She quickly put together an ice pack and brought it to Hank. “Here. Maybe this will help ease the pain until your friend returns.” She smiled at Megan. “We will hurry and be done soon.” As she returned to the group with Taza behind her she squeezed Megan’s good shoulder in support. It was worth it to note that Rex never growled at Adelita - just watched her closely.
EZ came back in with a chair from another conference room and several pillows that he’d weedled out of housekeeping. 
“There. See. The girl is fine. Can we please get back to the business at hand instead of fussing over a hysterical child?” Devante stated shortly.
Marcus’ eyes narrowed and Bishop looked angry, but both of them nodded. “Of course.” They glanced at Megan worriedly, but nodded again. 
Hank got Megan into the chair, putting the makeshift ice pack on her collarbone and EZ propped pillows under her casted arm. Creeper brought her a bottle of water. Coco watched worriedly and squatted in front of her to watch her color. Her father and uncles kept glancing back to check on her.
Megan rolled her eyes impatiently. “I just shifted wrong. The pain will pass. This is why I said I’d be a distraction,” she hissed at them.
Gilly snorted. “Princessa, distraction or not, business is still happening. You aren’t hurting anything.” He nodded towards the huddle.
A few minutes later, the shot caller all stood to shake hands. Emily gathered the contracts and took the rough drafts to EZ at the bar for him to shred. Marcus spoke with Miguel and Devante, while Bishop and Taza introduced themselves to Adelita - who used the name Luisa - properly.
The rest of the M.C followed their president’s example and introduced themselves to the leader of the LO. Hank stayed back with Megan, watching her color starting to return to normal, but noting that she was still shaking a little. After she had met everyone else, Luisa came over to introduce herself to Hank. Then she turned to Megan.
Megan smiled up at her from her chair. “Hi. I’m Megan.”
Luisa shook Megan’s left hand gently. “Luisa. Are you feeling better?”
Megan nodded. “Sorry about that. They worry. I’ll be alright. The pain is passing,” Megan assured her with a small smile. 
“Good. If you need help -” Luisa offered uncertainly.
Megan smiled at her again and petted Rex’s ears. “Thank you. I’m okay. I just shifted wrong I think. I have a broken collarbone as well as the broken wrist…”
Coco snorted, “And cracked ribs and a concussion…”
Luisa frowned. “I see… these injuries are… serious.”
“I’m healing. That’s all. I’ll be just fine in a few weeks.” Megan smiled up at her again. “I would like to be of help to this new alliance though.”
That caused Adelita to smile. “I have no doubt that you will be, Megan. Soon. Heal first.” She smiled gently again and went to speak to someone else.
Emily Galindo made her way over to check on Megan as well, but didn’t get too close when Rex shifted uncomfortably as she approached. “I just wanted to check on you to be sure you’re really alright,” she said.
Megan took a breath and turned her Southern Bell Company Smiled back on. “Of course, Mrs. Galindo. My apologies for the interruption. I will be just fine.”
Emily pursed her lips and nodded. “Of course. Please, let me know if you need anything in Santo Padre. We’re on the same side, after all.”
“Of course ma’am.” Megan nodded politely. Hank smiled politely as well as the blonde socialite moved on.
Once pleasantries were over with, Galindo asked if Marcus would ride back to Santo Padre with him. Marcus explained that the club would be staying at least one more night at the casino for Megan’s birthday, but offered to meet with him privately in another room. Miguel frowned, but sent Devante to speak to the front desk about accommodations for himself, Emily and Luisa for the night. “We do not wish to interrupt club business. Adelita, Devante and I have some… business to conclude ourselves. Perhaps a breakfast meeting tomorrow morning then,” Miguel offered.
“Of course, Mr. Galindo,” Marcus said. 
Just before everyone left, Miguel made his way over to where Megan sat with Rex beside her. Hank had gone to dispose of the ice pack at the bar. “Megan - it truly is good to see you came to no lasting harm from your recent ordeal. Please, if there’s anything I can do to make your stay in Santo Padre more comfortable let me know. Your godfather is a very old friend of my father’s. I’d like to be of assistance to you if you’d let me,” he said politely. 
Megan firmed her back and sat up straight. “Thank you for your concern, Mr. Galindo, and for the help you provided my family when I was taken, but I’m fine. My family has me covered,” Megan said as she dialed the Southern charm up to eleven.
“All the same, here’s my card.” He produced a business card for her.
Rex pressed to her leg growling softly as she took the card without touching Galindo and nodded politely. “Thank you, sir.” She immediately reached for Rex’s collar to hold on to him.
Miguel offered one more appraising nod and went to stand with Emily as she packed away all her legal tools.
Hank came to rejoin Megan warily. “What was that all about?” he asked in a low growl that made Megan tense. 
Megan immediately handed him the business card. “I’m not sure. He said his father and Tío Marcus were friends and that he’d like to help me where he could. It was weird. It kind of reminded me of a rodeo team owner schmoozing a possible rider.” She bit her lip a little worriedly. “I deflected as much as I politely could.” 
Hank growled again with his eyes on Miguel across the room. “I don’t like that he’s taken an interest in you…”
“I’m sorry…” Megan whispered and lowered her eyes to fiddle with her own zipper pull on her new kutte.
Hank frowned and looked at her. “Sorry? For what, mi amore? You did nothing wrong.”
“But maybe I drew too much attention, or maybe if I’d worn different clothes, or just kept my mouth shut…” she rambled.
Hank squatted in front of her and was startled to see tears gathering on her lash line. “Princessa, I’m not angry with you. You did absolutely beautifully today.” He used gentle fingers to tilt her chin and kiss her softly. He pressed his forehead to hers after he pulled away. I’m not upset at you at all. I’m upset that Mister Married Deep Pockets seems to think you’re fair game.”
Megan blinked rapidly. “I didn’t try to get his attention - honestly.”
“Oh, baby. I know that.” He stood and lifted her gently so that he could slide in under her in the chair, putting her in his lap. He cradled her close and pressed gentle kisses to her hairline. “I’m sorry I growled. It wasn’t aimed at you. Never at you, mi amore. I was aggravated at him.” He tilted her chin and pressed another gentle kiss to her lips. “You did NOTHING wrong, Princessa.”
Megan nodded slowly and swallowed hard before burying her face in his neck. “Can I take more medicine yet? It really hurts still.”
Hank frowned and looked at his watch in alarm. She was over a half hour early. She’d never asked for her pain medicine before. “Sure, mi reina.” He got her another dose and helped her take it with the bottle of water Creeper had given her earlier. “Is it your collarbone or your wrist?”
“My wrist.”
Hank flagged down Coco. “Can you get Taza to come here, man?”
“Sure. Everything alright?” Coco asked warily.
“Hopefully. Just get him.” Hank cuddled her close to his body, supporting her wrist cast. 
Taza hurried over as Coco slipped out of the room with the rest of the younger Mayans. Before Coco got out the door, he gave Hank another worried look.
“What’s going on?” Taza asked.
“Megan says her wrist is really hurting all of a sudden,” Hank explained. “I just gave her another dose a little early, but something’s not right, Taza. She’s never asked for a dose of pain medicine before.”
Taza squatted in front of them and got licked on the chin by Rex for the trouble. He chuckled a little and petted the dog. “Where on your wrist is hurting, Chica? Maybe the break shifted?”
Megan pointed to the spot on the side of her wrist, just under her thumb. “I shifted my sling during the meeting and suddenly had shooting pain right here. Worse than it’s ever been - even before I started taking the pills.” She sniffled a little and leaned into Hank some more.
Taza’s eyebrows raised. “Stay put, Sweet Chica. I’m going to check if Adam keeps a staff doctor. If not, we’ll head to the hospital.”
Megan swallowed. “I’d rather not, Papa.”
Hank rocked her gently. “We know, mi amore, but you need to be checked over. I’ll stay with you the whole time.” He kissed her hair and nodded at Taza who left the room. “Shhh, mi reina. It’s going to be alright. We’ve got you.”
Megan buried her face against his neck and he could feel tears on his skin that she had been holding back.
Rex stood and growled softly as Creeper approached. Creep calmly lifted his hands and spoke soothingly to the big animal. “Easy, Rex. Just me. Just wanna check on your mama. Good boy.” He looked to Hank. “She hurting still?” He didn’t come closer just yet.
Hank nodded. “Rex, down. Just Creeper. Let him in.”
The animal stopped growling and his hackles went down, but he remained standing between Megan and the rest of the room.
Creeper cautiously took another step towards them, and when Rex stayed calm, he moved to Hank’s side. “Anything I can do, brother?”
“Taza’s gone to see if the casino keeps a doctor on staff. She hates hospitals, but we’ll go if there’s not one here,” Hank explained. “It’s her wrist.”
Creeper squatted down to support her wrist cast for Hank so the big biker could use both hands to soothe and hold her. “Where?”
Megan sniffled wetly. “By the thumb. Under the cast.”
Creeper frowned. “I saw the x-rays after the accident. That’s not where you broke it, Little Princess. Did you bump it today at the store or anything? Or maybe try to move it like you did the other morning at breakfast?”
Megan shook her head but didn’t lift her eyes. She kept her face buried in the crook between Hank’s neck and shoulder.
Creeper looked to Hank. “Did she have a nightmare during that nap before lunch? Maybe try to reach for you in her sleep?”
Hank shook his head and kissed Megan’s forehead. “No. Nothing since a bad one last night. I think I got her stabilized in time during that one though.”
Creeper tilted his head in thought. “Then it’s not a new break. Sometimes if you strain against the cast, it can cause little breaks. Least that’s what they told me last time I had a cast.”
Taza came hurrying back in. “Adam’s got the local doctor on speed dial. He called him. Said he’d be here soon. Let’s take her back to the suite. He’ll meet us there,” he said, glancing at where EZ was still shredding papers and the door that the Galindo party had exited from not long before. 
Hank nodded. He looked at Creeper. “Could you take Rex out before you come up? I’m just going to carry her.”
“Course, brother. Anything you need.” Creeper grabbed Rex’s leash and tugged gently. “Come on, Rex. Let’s go outside.”
Rex resisted a little, looking at Megan and whining.
Hank stroked her hair back. “Mi amore, I think Rex wants you to tell him it’s okay for Creeper to take him outside.”
Megan giggled a little, but lifted her head to look at Rex with a sniff. “Good boy. Go on. Creeper’s gonna take you on a walk. I’m okay.”
The dog whined again, but reluctantly followed Creeper out of the room. 
Taza shook his head in amazement. “Happy sure undersold that pooch in the brains department.”
Hank nodded before arranging Megan so he could stand without jostling her too much. “You can say that again.”
A little over an hour later, the doctor Adam had called stepped out of the room Megan and Hank were using to a common room full of concerned bikers.
Bishop stood. “Well?”
The older doctor chuckled. “Ms. Morales said you’d all probably be worried. She’s alright. Before you leave tomorrow she’s got an appointment at my clinic here on the Rez. They casted her arm while she was unconscious and it was done awkwardly causing strain on her muscles and tendons. That’s why she’s been in so much pain. Her muscles are pulling against the broken bone constantly. I’ll re-cast it and it will remove the strain, relaxing those muscles. I also plan to examine her collarbone to see if it’s healed enough to remove the sling if I put her in a soft cast instead of plaster.” The doctor smiled as all the men relaxed. He could hear them collectively breathing easier. “She’s going to be fine, gentlemen. I gave her a mild muscle relaxer that won’t affect her thinking processes since she explained she doesn’t like the side effects of the stronger pain killers. It should hold until tomorrow morning when I see her again. If not, call me.” 
Marcus smiled. “Thank you, Doc.”
“Of course. Her father and … boyfriend?... are with her. I gave them my card in case anything changes, but…” he produced another business card from the pocket of his white coat. “Here’s another copy for the rest of you.”
Bishop took the card and with a polite nod, the doctor left.
Creeper went to let Rex into the bedroom, only to be met by Taza coming out. They let the big dog in the room and then quietly shut the door before returning to the conference table.
“Doc said it was good news, but how is she really?” Creeper asked him as Taza took his seat. 
Taza took a beer from EZ and sighed. “She’s being a trooper. Apparently the pain has been worse than we thought this entire time. Doc said that he’s surprised she hadn’t caved and went to the ER with it… or broke the cast with the muscle spasms she’s been having. Hank’s sitting on her to make her rest until the shot the doc gave her can take full effect.”
Bishop nodded. “That what pulled you away from the Galindo meeting the first time?”
Taza chuckled. “Actually… no. La princessa earned her kutte in that meeting, brother.” He sipped his beer with a smirk. “She may have solved our Irish problem.”
There was a thump as all four legs of the chair Angel had been leaning back in hit the ground. Suddenly Taza had every man’s attention in the room. The meeting had only taken a few hours, and everyone was now back in the rooms. 
Marcus sat forward. “What do you mean, hermano?”
Bishop raised a hand to make them pause. “Do we need to table?”
Taza shrugged. “We will need to eventually, but it’s not urgent enough that it can’t wait until we’re home for the official vote.”
Both Bishop and Marcus nodded. “Alright then,” Bishop said. “Fill us in.”
Taza explained Megan’s theory about Adelita and Los Olvidados being their solution to needing a port. He pointed out all the things she had said to him - how the rebels are widespread, powerful, and damn near impossible to find if they don’t want to be. He sealed the deal for Bishop by bringing up Megan’s point about how bringing the LO close helps eliminate the motive to double cross the M.C. even if they do fall out with Galindo. “And - Megan also pointed out that the twenty percent we were prepared to offer the VM would buy a lot of supplies for Adelita’s orphans.”
Bishop chuckled and said back in his chair. He took a sip of his whiskey and looked at Marcus. “Well El Padrino… what do you think?”
Marcus smirked. “I think… if this works out the way she thinks it will… Megan has more than earned that kutte.” He looked at Bishop. “I’m supposed to have that breakfast meeting with Galindo tomorrow. WIll you meet with her and feel her out?”
Bishop nodded. “Of course, Primo. A few of us can meet with her and any people she has with her.” He looked at Taza. “What time is Megan’s appointment tomorrow morning? I'd like her to be there. It’s her plan. She should get to execute it.”
“Seven. Should be done by nine or nine thirty at the latest,” Taza said.
Riz nodded. “I’ll reach out and see if Adelita has time for us around ten, just to be safe.”
“Good.” Bishop grinned again. “Hopefully we can call Chibs by noon with good news.”
Creeper raised a hand. “I’ve got something to bring to the table.” He looked at Taza. “Fairly sure you can proxy Hank’s vote on this one. No need to pull him away from Princess-sitting.”
Bishop nodded. “Alright, Creep. Let’s hear it. We’ll see if we need to proxy after that.”
Creeper sat up and met all the men’s eyes. “Little Princess just may have saved our collective asses. I know the armorer vote already went through, but we didn’t talk about if she gets a cut. She won’t vote, but… brothers… that girl just proved she’s worthy of something. We said she could go on runs, but if she does - she shouldn’t be doing it for free.”
Gilly frowned. “You mean - we gotta vote on if la princessa gets paid to risk her ass like the rest of us? If she’s on a run, I just assumed she'd get a cut like the rest of us. Hell - even if she’s not on the run. We all get payouts monthly from profits - shouldn’t she?”
Angel frowned. “But those are benefits of membership. Prospects only get payouts for specific jobs. They don’t get the stipend. She’s not a voting member.”
Coco shrugged. “Only because she don’t got a dick. I say she risks just as much as a member, she should get paid like one.”
Riz shook his head at Coco’s phrasing. “Not how I would have said it - but Coco’s got a point.” 
Bishop sat in thought a moment. “Poquito would argue that she’s not a patch and shouldn’t be treated like one…” He nodded to Angel. 
Several of the men started to protest, but shut up when Bishop raised his hand. “I’m just telling you what her argument will be if we try to give her a stipend. She probably won’t take payout from runs either if we leave it up to her.” He looked around the table. The Oakland Mayans were listening, but offered no comments. “I say we vote it now so she can’t argue and we can say it’s her salary for being armorer.”
“Seconded,” Creeper said. 
“Me too,” added Gilly.
“Alright then. We vote. All in favor of Poquito getting run payouts and the stipend monthly?” Bishop asked.
Hands went up around the table. Angel was the last to raise his hand, but he did with a sigh.
Bishop nodded. “We’ll just proxy Hank as a yes, shall we?” he said with a grin.
The men chuckled and nodded.
“Alright then - Poquito will be paid as our armorer.” Bishop nicked on the table. “Thanks Creep. Not something we’d thought of.”
Creeper nodded with a grin.
“Now that the serious shit is over with - Adam said the tribe is throwing their monthly bonfire tonight. I’m taking Megan so she can hear the stories and for the dancing. Anyone else?” Taza asked.
Angel, Coco and Gilly shook their heads. “We’ve got plans for the prospect this evening too,” Angel said.
Marcus and Bishop both laughed. “Nah, brother. We’ll stick here. Let you guys get some downtime.”
The Oakland boys said the same. 
“Riz? Creep?” Taza asked.
Riz grinned. “I’ve got a date with the bartender downstairs. Can’t, man.”
Creeper laughed. “Sure. I’ll come alone. If nothing else, I can dog sit while you take the Little Princess around.”
In the bedroom, Hank was doing his damndest to keep Megan down for a little while longer. She was anxious about Taza presenting the idea to the club and wanted to be out there listening to them discuss it. However, the doc had said for her to lay down for at least another thirty minutes to give the shot time to work. He laid next to her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Relax, mi reina. The club will be nothing but proud of you for this idea.”
“What if they aren’t though? What if they think it’s stupid or if they think it’s too dangerous or…”
Hank chuckled and kissed her silent. He deepened the kiss when she moaned softly before pulling back just enough to speak. “Mi amore - they won’t. And if they do - you’ll have plenty of time to convince them otherwise.” He kissed her again cradling her face in one of his giant hands.
Megan giggled. “If you’re going to kiss me to shut me up, I may never stop talking.”
He shifted himself to rest his hips between her legs and held his weight on his forearm with a grin. “I do think there are better ways to occupy your mouth than worrying, Princessa.”
“Mmm. Think I may need another example.” She lifted her head to kiss his jaw.
Hank lowered himself so she could feel his weight as well as reach him without moving anything she wasn’t supposed to. He tilted his head for her encouragingly. He knew he’d need a cold shower after this, but couldn’t bring himself to care.
Megan pressed nibbling kisses beneath his jaw to his ear. “This what you had in mind?” She felt the rumble of his laugh through his chest and throat.
“Not quite, but I guess turnabout is fair play…” he whispered, allowing his free hand to wander a bit until he felt her skin as she kept kissing. He shifted to catch her lips with his and felt her fingers in his hair. “Mmm. Good girl.”
Megan laughed and tried to raise her hips only to find his were holding her securely down. Her breath caught on a light moan. She tugged at his shirt with her hand. “Want it off…”
Hank smiled hugely and kissed her again before sitting up on his knees and pulling his shirt over his head by the collar. He bent and placed kisses along her stomach where her shirt had ridden up before laying himself back down against her. “Better, mi reina?”
Megan traced the lines where his arm bulged as he held his weight off of her with her good hand and nodded. She marveled at the strength of him and ducked her head to kiss his tattooed collarbones.
Hank shivered pleasantly at the feel of her lips on his skin. She was feeling brave tonight and he loved it. He used his free hand to slide her shirt higher over her low-rise jeans, feeling the texture of scars against his rough palms. He knew they were there, but didn’t know all their stories yet. 
Megan nibbled across his tattoos, exploring a little. She didn’t want to push him, but she really wanted more. She shifted her torso to reach him better and hissed as suddenly her right side ached.
Hank pulled himself up and away from her. “Princessa?”
Megan whined at the distance. “No…” She tugged at him.
“Uh uh. What hurts?” Hank asked insistently. Hearing her hiss in pain had turned his hormones right off.
Megan growled. “I’m fine! I just moved wrong. You didn’t hurt me.” She reached up to cradle his neck with her good hand. “Come back here.”
Hank frowned and shifted to the side to lay against her good side. “No. What hurt? Talk to me.”
Megan threw her head back in frustration and bit her lip. “I just twisted when I squirmed. I’m fine. We don’t have to stop.”
He shook his head and brushed her hair out of her face before turning her chin to make him look at him. “Baby, no. I won’t let you hurt yourself trying to push your body when it’s not even half healed.” He leaned in to kiss her gently before feathering kisses across her cheekbones. “There’s no hurry, mi amore. I love you. I’m not going anywhere.”
Megan closed her eyes tight and swallowed tears of frustration. “I love you too. It’s just…”
He gently tugged her onto her left side and cradled her against his chest, letting her bury her face in his tattoos. He knew it was sometimes easier for her to talk if she wasn’t looking at him. “Just what, Princessa? Talk to me.”
“I finally found someone that I want this with - for the first time in my life it’s my choice - I can make the choice to take this farther - and now I can’t,” she said quietly.
Hank pressed her closer to him and kissed her hair, rubbing her back soothingly. “I’m sorry, mi princessa,” he whispered. “I hate the implications of that.” He took a deep breath to control his emotions and tilted her chin up so he could meet her eyes again. “WE are always your choice. You know that won’t change, right?”
Megan nodded. “Except now…”
Hank dipped his head to kiss her with a groan. “Except now when I’ll hurt you if we go further.”
“We went further this morning and you didn’t hurt me, Hank.”
He chuckled. “I got carried away this morning. You’re so damn beautiful you fry my brain sometimes. I could have really hurt you if you’d moved wrong. If you’d over-balanced, I could have rebroken your collarbone catching you.”
She looked up at him through her lashes, “ But you didn’t.”
“Because you’ve got damn near perfect balance, but it’s still a major risk, mi amore. One that I can’t justify just because I’m horny.” He rubbed her back some more.
Megan buried her face back in his warm skin muttering, “You aren’t the only one.”
Hank laughed outright. “Let’s see what the doctor says tomorrow, hmm? There are other things to think about before we take this further too.”
Megan looked up at him a little curiously. “What other things?”
Hank’s face heated a bit. “Well for one - I don’t exactly carry protection, mi reina. Hasn’t really been an issue. And I know you aren’t on the pill…”
“Oh…” Megan said quietly and sat up so he couldn’t see her face. “Ummm… that’s… that’s a non-issue,” she said, not looking at him.
Hank sat up and reached for her to find her stiff with tension. “Megan… what’s wrong?”
Megan let her head fall forward so her hair hid her face from him. “Nothing.” She sat on the edge of the bed facing away from him.
Hank moved to sit behind her with her back to his chest and found her quivering. “Megan, Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you shaking?” He braced her against him but didn’t force her to face him. “Did I scare you?”
She shook her head, but kept her face hidden.
“Then what is it, Princessa? Let me help? Please?”
“Protection is a non-issue. I can’t get pregnant,” she said quietly, her voice shaking and coming out very strained.
Hank paused. He wrapped himself around her from behind, cradling and supporting her shaking body. “Something else you didn’t choose?”
Megan swallowed hard and nodded.
Hank pressed kisses to her temple and rocked her gently. “Ok. You don’t have to tell me, mi reina. You can if you want to, but you don’t have to.” He cleared his throat trying to swallow his emotions.
Megan was still tense. “I probably should have told you that sooner,” she said in a monotone. “I’ll understand if it’s a deal breaker. Tío Bishop will probably switch rooms with me if you’d rather…” 
Hank froze before tilting her face to make her look at him. Her eyes were swimming in unshed tears as her lips quivered. He pressed his forehead to hers and made her look him in the eyes. “I love you, Megan. I love you because you are you, not because of some potential future. The fact that you can’t get pregnant doesn’t affect that, mi amore. There are other ways to have children if that’s something we decide we want someday. This changes nothing. Nothing. Do you understand me?”
Megan sobbed and lunged for him, wrapping herself around him as tightly as she could.
Hank held her tightly, pressing kisses to her where he could reach. He rocked her gently in his lap, shushing her and doing his damndest to reassure her with his touch. 
Rex watched this all warily from his corner, but stayed there.
Hank soothed Megan as best he could, easing her to lay tangled with him. Her breathing eased slightly as he whispered to her in Spanish. When she quieted, he shifted to see her face where it was buried in his shoulder only to find her asleep in his arms.
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myckicade · 11 months
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Back Home - Chapter One
Summary: You and Che had been so happy. Everything had almost seemed perfect. You hadn't counted on the bastard up and leaving you. Che's return is even less expected. You've carried on, rebuilt your life, and are enjoying where you're at. It's going to be a fight to see whether Che can fit back into the space he used to occupy, if that space still exists, at all.
A/N: C’mon, now, y’all… You know I couldn't pass this up, series end, or not. I wanted to get two others up first, but, as usual, this one just would not leave me alone! Contains spoilers up until... Well. This is the end of the road, so spoilers for the whole series!
P.S. SPOILERS: I’ve had to fuck about with the timeline a bit, as I have no idea whether Taza’s absence lasted five minutes, or ten years. This show is wonky, that way. 
Teaser: It’s been a long time since you’ve found yourself speechless, but here you stand, speechless, and lost, and half-scared of something that doesn’t even exist. 
This can’t be real, you tell yourself, the words shaping and forming and dying in your head before they can reach your lips. Your numb, trembling lips. All of you feels like it’s trembling. The cool breeze blowing in from the open door has little to do with the shiver working its way over your skin, much as you’d like to give it the credit right now. You know your face looks like you’ve seen a ghost. It has to. Still, you can’t find it in yourself to scream, or speak, or even sputter out a single sound. It’s been a long time since you’ve found yourself speechless, but here you stand, speechless, and lost, and half-scared of something that doesn’t even exist. 
Yet, it does. It exists in the shape of six-odd feet of handsome, half-slouching, complete asshole of a man standing on your front steps. The two of you have been staring at one another for entirely too long, since the moment he showed his face, and spoke your name. It was – and still is – pathetic, how easily the sound of his voice made you weak in the knees. 
Oh, this asshole. 
“How’d you get this address?” comes flying out of your mouth so suddenly, it takes you a moment to realize that you’re actually the one who said it. You watch as Che, seemingly just as startled as you, shifts on his feet. 
“I went by your old apartment,” he admits, finally breaking eye contact to glance down at his boots. “New tenant seemed to know you? She told me where you’d moved to.” 
“Fucking Diane,” you sigh, glancing over Che’s head to take in a quick glimpse of the stars. You have a fabulous view of the night sky from here, much better than you ever could have hoped for at your apartment. He’s never seen this, you consider. Not from here. Not like he was supposed to. Che moves, barely a step to the side, bringing your attention back to him. “It’s been a year, Che.” Your tone is firm, probably a little harder than is strictly necessary, but you’ve practiced this. Sure, you may never have expected to see this rotten motherfucker ever again, but you’ve prepared yourself for the scant possibility that you’d one day get the chance to toss him back out on his ass. 
The nerve. The fucking balls this bastard has, right now. 
Che blows out a breath. “I know,” he agrees, shoving his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket. His eyes are on you once more, a hesitance in them that shines against the light of the porch. You wait a beat, then two, and by five it’s clear he isn’t going to continue. 
“That’s it?” you scoff. “You know?” 
“I can leave, if you’d like?” It’s a genuine offer, you can tell. It’s not a threat. There’s no intentional manipulation in the letters. But then, there wouldn’t be. Che’s never been that type of man, certainly not to you. He’s honest, and decent, and devoted, and you need to stop before you remember every reason why you love him. 
Before you lose sight of every reason to choke him with your bare hands and start caving into every desire you still have to wrap your arms around him, and never let him go. 
Fuck. Angel is right. You’ve gotta’ get out of that book club. 
Focusing back in on the matter at-hand (so to speak), you have two options before you. This is a man you haven’t heard from in more than a year. So much has changed. You’ve changed. He surely has, as well. It’s probably a bad, bad idea to do anything other than turn him away. 
On the other hand… Well… You’ve missed him so damned much, and the idea of watching him drive away for good – again – already has your eyes welling up with tears. Fuck, you really can’t do it, can you? How fucking pathetic. You need, need, need to stick to your guns. Tell him he’s lost his chance. Tell him things are different now. Anything, anything to make sure you don’t weaken in the face of this choice. 
But… Aside from this, this one big, huge thing, he’s never done a damned thing to upset you. To hurt you. The two of you have always played it straight in your relationship, all the cards on the table, full-tilt, no stops, feel free to pass GO! and keep on driving. You’ve thought about this more than once (twice, ten times and better), wondered exactly what in the world could have been so bad, so terrible, that Che had felt the need to run, instead of facing it head-on with you. Stepping out on you has crossed your mind. A late-in-life crisis of some kind. And the ugly possibility that you’ve never really known the man you’ve been in love with. For all you know, Che wants to tell you about the secret family he’s been keeping in Modesto. Wife and kids. Husband and kids. Do you really want to know? 
Glancing up, you find Che shifting around again, two seconds from backing off the steps, and down the driveway to his bike. Whether on impulse, or by some crazy ass design, you make your decision. “Sit down,” you instruct, pointing to a patio table and two chairs set up at the corner of the porch. “I’ll be right back.” He nods, clearly surprised, all over again. You nod once, yourself, before disappearing into the kitchen. 
What are you doing? 
Reaching into the refrigerator, you retrieve two cold beers. You have the feeling you’re going to need one. 
What the fuck are you doing, (y/n)? 
You turn back from the door and pause. Would liquor be more suitable for this conversation? Might send the signal that this meeting is far more friendly than it has right to be. Giving Che false hope is something you would rather avoid, and a night of drinking liquor has never not led you two to the bedroom. 
Decisions, decisions. 
You shouldn’t be doing this, at all. No good can possibly come from it. Who’s to say the man outside is even looking for signs of hope? Two minutes ago, he was ready to ride off into the night, no questions asked. Can’t be he’s really too eager to apologize, right? He had that chance, and all you got was, I know. The fuck are you supposed to do with that? 
Groaning, you shift both beers to the bend of your left arm and retrieve a bottle of Jose Cuervo from the cupboard with your right hand. It takes some maneuvering, but you finally make your way back out to the porch, balancing the beers, the liquor, and two shot glasses in your arms. Che immediately jumps up from his seat to help you, relieving you of the bottle and glasses, and you find yourself thanking him, as always. 
“Thanks, babe.” 
“Welcome, doll.” 
Neither of you seem to know what to say for a hot second, staring at one another from across the table like two deer caught in cross traffic. You can feel your face growing warm, thankful for the dim glow of the Christmas lights you’ve left strung on the porch since early last November. They’re clear, warm and cool shades of white, with the ability to twinkle, and flash, and induce seizures on the right settings. Angel keeps telling you to take them down. (”It’s July, for fuck’s sake!”). Che has yet to comment on them, but you know he has already formed an opinion, which likely mirrors Angel’s, but with kinder, more considerate wording. 
Clearing your throat, you take the seat closest to the door, where Che has chosen to box himself into a corner. He can hop the railing if he needs to make a clean getaway, but strategically speaking, it’s not the smartest move he’s ever made. Still, you pass him a beer, before setting up the shot glasses. Che reaches for the tequila and pours you each a shot. Smooth. Simple. Familiar. Something clenches in your chest. 
“So,” Che begins, lifting up his glass. He looks your way, expectantly, until you do the same. He gives you an awkward half-smile, before you both down your shots. Fuck. It’s good stuff, but that first one tends to hit you where you live. “How have you been?” 
Really? That’s his starter? 
And, wow, it seems like you aren’t going to like any of his attempts tonight, huh? 
Cracking open the can in front of you, you shrug. “Busy, I guess?” Another shrug quickly follows the first. “Had a lot on my plate, for a while. Opening the new store. Buying the house.” 
Che thumbs at the lip of his can, not yet opening it. “I heard about that. Finally went ahead with it, huh?” 
“I did,” you reply, around a sip of Labatt. “Brick and mortar, this time. No more working out of the apartment or driving around town making deliveries.” You look over and find a warm smile waiting for you. 
“I’m proud of you,” Che murmurs, all sincerity and happiness. It’s your stomach’s turn to get all fluttery. “That’s awesome.” 
Darting your attention elsewhere, you quickly down another mouthful of beer. It’s too familiar. You’ve said far too much. “How about you?” you ask, upon swallowing. You’re not looking his way. You can’t. This is already going all wrong. “Been up to anything fun?” Silence reigns for a moment. It’s unsettling, but you manage to bring yourself to look up again. Che is staring at you, all traces of his smile gone. In its place, an expression you cannot name. It’s almost sad, but not quite. A touch guilty, but not completely. You don’t like it, this look he’s sending your way, panic seizing you enough to blurt out, “I see you’ve cut your hair, again.” 
“Don’t do that,” Che replies, almost immediately. His tone catches you by surprise, so low and serious you feel another shiver building at the base of your spine. 
“Don’t do what?” 
Che blinks, just once. “Don’t try to act like everything’s okay,” he continues. “We both know it isn’t.” That shiver climbs a little higher. True and fair though that is, it’s the only way you’re going to get through this. Cool indifference, at its finest. “While I appreciate not being greeted with a toaster upside the head, I don’t appreciate the passive attitude.” 
Damn. Talk about caught. 
“Got rid of the toaster,” you mumble after a moment, brushing imaginary debris from your pant leg. “I’m up to an air fryer now.” A laugh breaks free from Che’s mouth, and you fight the smile creeping across your lips in response. You’ve missed that sound so damned much. 
You’ve missed him so damned much. The way he talks, low and smooth like the finest honey. The way he looks at you, heart in his eyes, like you mean the world to him, ten times over. You never expected to lay eyes on him again, let alone to have the chance to spill out everything you’ve spent endless hours grumbling about to yourself. Practicing in your head. The ugly words you’ve wanted to throw at him, and the calm manner in which you’ve wanted to deliver them. Now is that chance, and... 
And the words won’t jump off your tongue. 
“You’re allowed to be pissed,” Che continues, unknowingly encouraging you toward letting him have it with both barrels. “Hell, I’d be shocked if you weren’t.” 
You sigh, deep and heavy. “I didn’t know what to be, for a while,” you admit, fiddling with the various rings on your fingers. Your right thumb brushes over the circle of silver on your left index finger. A medium sized band, with citrine stones embedded in the surface, and engraved, Love, Che. Even after everything, you haven’t found it in yourself to take it off. Tuck it away somewhere. Toss is out. You should have. You’d still have every right to do it, too. You just... 
The silence must be getting to him, because Che is suddenly asking, “How are the kids?” Oh, boy. Now, here is where you’d really enjoy giving the man what for. Your poor babies. You could keep your calm for what you have been through, yourself, but your babies? You’ve been silent too long, again, it seems, from Che’s worried call of “(Y/n)? Are they okay?” 
“Flint looked for you, every damned day.” There. Now it’s out in the open. You catch Che’s flinch from the corner of your eye, a smug sense of satisfaction coming over you at the sight. “It was a fight to get him to eat for about a week, he was so upset.” Flint, your old boy, had become Che’s little buddy over your time together. They’d go for rides in the truck together. Have naps on the couch like the two grandpas you’d joked they were. Walk together. Eat together, as far as Che sharing food from his plate. While your dogs are hardly Che’s responsibility, watching Flint suffer through that pain still sits with you like an open wound. Even now, the tears are gathering at your eyes. 
“I never meant to-” 
“Max destroyed some of your clothes,” you interrupt, not wanting to hear his bullshit until you’re done. If your feelings don’t come out now, they never will. “Two pair of pants, some socks, and your brown boots.” You pause, clearing your throat. “Wasn’t a full day after you’d gone. I think she knew.” 
Che grimaces. “Girl always liked to tear my shit apart.” He sighs. “Not that I blame her.” 
“I don’t, either.” You shrug. “I had enough respect for you not to go batshit on the stuff you left behind, and I packed everything away after I caught Max in the act, but the temptation existed.” Reaching out, you pour another shot of tequila for Che, and one for yourself, which you promptly swallow. He doesn’t touch his. “You left just about everything, too, I know you realize.” 
“Kinda’ hard to cram my life in a backpack and saddlebags.” He leans forward in his seat, elbows on his knees, hands folded together in front of his face. He’s quiet for a moment, before bowing his head. “You know... I don’t wanna’ sit here and make excuses, and I’m not going to. I know what I did, and it was a dick move, and telling you ‘I’m sorry’ just isn’t gonna’ cut it.” 
Finally, you fully look at the man beside you. It’s the first time he’s said those words tonight, even if they were only uttered to make a point. He’s right. No apology is going to cut it, not now. Words are just fucking words, something you’ve had to come to grips with over the last year. Actions are what matter, isn’t that what you two have always agreed on? He took off. Up and left you holding the bag on so much emotional shit, you’re still digging out from the avalanche. 
But... He’s here now. That’s action, too. How much does that count for? 
Shaking your head, a bit, you try to focus back in. Too many questions, too many possibilities, and too much familiarity are invading your mind. There is something far more pressing to begin with, prompting you to turn your body in your chair, so that you can give Che your full attention. “Are you going to tell me what happened?” 
Che looks at you for a moment, relief in his eyes. “Yeah,” he murmurs, before nudging the tequila bottle closer to you. “You’re gonna’ want more of that while I do.” 
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zaenight · 1 year
MAMA DIDN'T RAISE NO BITCHES // Ez reyes : Nestor octeva CHAPTER 1
Patiently waiting for ep 1 and 2 of mayans s5 😗
"Uncle Tig we'll be fine , you said Marcus set us up with a house , stop whining." Jess said , Jessie Trager , the youngest niece of Tig , told the man who was spouting out profanities.
"He's right to worry , what if the sons and mayans go to war and they try to kill us for being related to him." Sage , her older sister stated.
"Thats not helping! , and your the one who wanted to move!" Jess exclaimed jumping up and down.
"Just stating the facts." Sage said .
"The lass is right , yer sure ya can't move somewhere close by." Chibs said , he became the president after Jax teller passed , he also happened to be Jessie's godfather.
"Alvarez said they needed a Docter that they could trust , Moving to santo Padre could make the bond stronger." Happy lowman stated , The tacoma killer was the godfather of Sage , who like him , was an expert of torture.
"I like torturing more than I like healing , but we get a house already set up and everything , It would be a shame to waste this oppurtunity , Plus Chucky's there , we'll know someone." Sage stated as Jess made a noise of disgust.
"Still can't belive you lost the card game and had to give up
Chucky." Jess said to Chibs.
"We'll be a call away Little girl , just calll if we need to kill some Mayans." Happy stated as Sage got into their packed car , Jess hugged the three men , hopping in.
"Where's the fun in that when you could do it yourself." Sage said winking  as Jess started rambling about getting this show on the road.
The two arrived at a house , it Reminded the girls of Piney's cabin , which they stayed at frequently , No other houses around , but not too far from town , it was perfect.
"Marcus , Thank you for this." Sage told the man she and her sister have known since they were children , The mayans and sons had their ups and downs , not only that but Sage had dated his son Esai , who would've proposed to her , until his death , she still has the ring on a chain around her neck , It was found by Diana , his mother ,and the first wife of marcus alvarez , who gave it to the then seventeen year old, no one has seen her sense the death of esai.
"No need for that niñita , welcome to Santo padre , if you two need anything , call." He said as they thanked him.
"Angel where's your Prospect?" Obispo Losa , also known as Bishop , president of the mayans charter , asked
the man.
"He went too see our old man." Angel Reyes said , his little brother had some years shaved off his sentence , and is now prospecting for the club.
"Need him on this run , and Marcus wants him to show the trager girls around." Bishop said to him.
"Protection? , and the Bone lady and that little manipulator are here?" Angel said , you may be asking why he called Jess a manipulater , simply because she'll act dumb then end up beating you at your own game.
"Yes those two , Sage will be our go too doctor , Think he's ready?" Bishop questioned.
"Yeah." Angel said.
"Good." The shorter man said as he and Hank walked away.
It went wrong fast , they got shot up , Sage and Jess drove to the rescue , Miguel was Pissed as he greeted the two.
Sage rushed over to Creeper , Greeting the men , Jess knew a bit of medical stuff thanks to her , so she helped with Riz,Ez and Sage locked eyes before she focused on creeper.
"So who was it ?" Miguel questioned the men , Creeper winced as Sage took a bullet out , cleaning the wound.
"Don't know , they were pros." Bishop said as Galindo looked through a book of fabrics.
"Well At least we didn't lose 2.4 million in product to a bunch of amateurs." Miguel stated.
"They ambushed us sir , came out of nowhere." Creeper said as Sage made a makeshift sling out of fabric , Riz had somewhat recover , Its the best she could do without proper equipment , he'll have to go to another doctor untill she can get her hands on Stuff.
"You'll need time to heal , no going out and about for awhile." Sage stated to creeper , as Jess started twirling around in circles until she sat down.
"We change route... , vehicle...,time and day, every run is different , So... they came out of somewhere , and someone gave them the details." Miguel stated getting up.
"No one in my club." Bishop stated as Creeper winced.
"Implying im the one foolish enough , to employ a traitor ? , hmmm." Miguel said , no one noticed the two girls , angel , and coco , glance at eachother.
"The guy holding Gilly was dark skinned , Ink on his arm , it looked like uh... tribal letters , B-T-T." Ez said , as a prospect , a new one , speaking out of turn without being asked was a big no no.
Sage loved it , she was gonna enjoy every second of it.
"He remembers shit , had guns at our heads , who knows what the hell he saw." Angel sajd turning back around.
"The Prospect." Miguel said as Jess got up looking through fabrics.
"B-T-T , base town tribe , samoan gang out of san Bernardino." Bishop said thinking.
"Didn't some of them do time for killing Haji ?" He asked.
"Fallujah , Rival company crazy as fuck." Coco said.
After discussing who it was that shot them up , Miguel wanted the shot caller , and they were gonna get him what he wants , threataning to kill a mayan if the shot called isn't at his church pew by tommorow , but the girls did realize he glanced towards them for a bit.
Yeah so much for not being on his radar.
But anyways Bishop had punched Ez for speaking out of turn.
"You don't speak unless we tell you too , I don't give a shit what you remember , Educate your prospect." Bishop told him before turning to angel.
Sage clapped slightly gaining their attention , Before helping Ez up , checking his face.
They walked away with taza telling them to Bring creeper to the doctor that usually takes care of them , honestly why is she here , he also stated that El Padrino's on his way.
They're lucky she's being paid , Jess was skipping around creeper , who laughed at the girl , who seemed to brighten things up.
"Padrino , Godfather." Ez translated as Angel got him up from the chair Sage sat him down on.
"Alvarez , The reason me and Jess came here." Sage stated , As Jess ran ahead of them spouting nonsense,into the tunnels they went.
"Right there , Careful!" Sage exclaimed , as She helped the older male docter prepare stuff.
"Hiciste un buen trabajo, quizás tenga que contratarte." The doctor said to Sage as Jess sat down.
(you did a good job , I might have to hire you)
"gracias señor, hice lo mejor que pude con lo que tenía a mano, y podría aceptar esa oferta." Sage replied perfectly.
(thank you sir , I did my best with what was on hand , and I might take you up on that offer.)
And then they got to work , with Jess asking when the fuck she learned spanish.
Part 1 of ep 1 perro/oc
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Living Off The Land, Taza
Word Count:  452
Warnings:  none really.
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Taza sat on an old tree stump, watching as you absorbed the wilderness around you, admiring the little things; like how the sun was setting amidst the desert, or how he found the spot that you two were camped out at.  You looked wondrously at every little thing.  He smiled as you asked about the flowers, or small plants that somehow managed to thrive in the Californian desert. 
“Little flower, you are very curious,” he chuckled, taking a drag on his cigarette, “this really is like a camping trip to you, isn’t it?”
Your smile lit up his world, sending shocks through every fiber of his being, “is that such a bad thing?  You’re teaching me to live off the grid with you, right?”
“That I am.”
“Then let us live!”
His heart warmed as you stalked towards him, before finally landing on his lap.  His arms wrapped protectively around you, and you gazed down towards the fire that started to light up the surrounding area while the sun began to set. 
You were sucked into the call of the nature, and he didn’t want to bother you, but the frown that peaked onto your lips made his heart whimper.  He began to rock the two of you gently, humming a song that he remembered from his childhood.  Your frown settled on your face, and he could see that you were lost in your thoughts.
You glared at the flames.
“What is wrong, little flower?”
“It’s nothing…I just…”
“Look at me, my love,” he asked softly, “tell me that while looking at me.”
Your attention turned towards him with razor speed and accuracy.  He frowned when he noticed your eyes glossy with tears, “what if he changes his mind, Taza?”
This time it was his turn to frown, “Bishop wouldn’t change his mind, sweetheart.  We got nothing to worry about.  We’re living off the land for a reason.  He gave me his word that we would be left alone.”
Your hand stroked his cheek, and you felt a tugging in your chest, “but what if he does break his word?  You’re done with the club.  You’re done fighting.  Do you even have a gun anymore?”
He shook his head, “I don’t need a gun to kill, little flower.  But this is all stuff that you shouldn’t concern yourself with.  We’ll be fine...”
“But how do you know that?”
“I just do,” he said simply, his arms tightening around your waist.  Your eyes met again when he saw the slightest bump in your shirt.  His grip loosened and his hand rubbed over your stomach, “trust me…I won’t let anyone hurt my little flowers.   I would protect the two of you with my life.”
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mysoulisasunflower · 1 year
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Angel Reyes & Coco Cruz
Mayans MC | 1.2 "Escorpión/Dzec"
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
The Holiday Bingo Card is Complete!!!!
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Here is what we have coming up!
26th Nov: Saint Michael - Frank Castle x Reader - Frank returns something important to you - BINGO SQUARE: GIFT EXCHANGE
1st Dec: Montana - Cowboy!Terry Bruno x Reader - Terry doesn't expect to receieve a holiday card from you. BINGO SQUARE: HOLIDAY CARDS
2nd Dec: Better - Bobby Goren x Reader - You're trapped in a car with a broken heater in the middle of winter. BINGO SQUARE: SHARING A SCARF
3rd Dec: Look After You - Johnny 'Coco' Cruz x Reader - Coco takes care of you when your struck down with a cold. BINGO SQUARE: COLD/FLU SEASON
8th Dec: Black Satin (NSFW) - Bishop Losa x Reader - Bishop finds a surprise when he's helping you with the holiday gifts. BINGO SQUARE: HOLIDAY SHOPPING
10th Dec: Home Alone (NSFW) - Priest!Joe x Reader - Joe doesn't expect a guest this Christmas. BINGO SQUARE: SPENDING CHRISTMAS ALONE
11th Dec: Candy Cane - Chibs x Reader - You turn out to be a distraction whilst gift wrapping. BINGO SQUARE: FLANNEL PJS
13th Dec: Heaven in Hiding - Mike Duarte x Reader - You find Mike hiding out during the holiday party. BINGO SQUARE: WORK HOLIDAY PARTY
15th Dec: End of the Line - Hank Loza x Reader - You and Hank make a realisation about your relationship. BINGO SQUARE: HOME FOR CHRISTMAS
16th Dec: Gingerbread - Bishop Losa x Reader - Bishop comforts you when you discover your limitations. BINGO SQUARE: BAKING
19th Dec: Snow - Bishop Losa x Reader - Bishop asks you a question that's been on his mind recently. BINGO SQUARE: PLAYING IN THE SNOW
20th Dec: The Fight Before Christmas - Sam Abrams x Reader - Sam and get into a fight after he discovers you've been keeping a secret from him. BINGO SQUARE: THE FIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS
23rd Dec: Traditions - Angel Reyes x Reader - Angel goes overboard on Valeria's first Christmas. BINGO SQUARE: DECORATIONS
24th Dec: Special Delivery - Tig Trager x Reader - Tig's babymoon doesn't go as planned. BINGO SQUARE: WINTER CABIN
26th Dec: Hot Chocolate - Alden Parker x Reader - Alden and you discuss what happened a few nights ago. BINGO SQUARE: FIRST SNOW
27th Dec: This is the Year - Juan 'Juice' Ortiz x Reader - Juice takes his new years resolution very seriously. BINGO SQUARE: RESOLUTION
28th Dec: LakeTahoe!Series Part One: Black Bear Lodge - Manny x Reader - You meet Manny in a lodge in Lake Tahoe. - Companion piece to End of the Line. BINGO SQUARE: SLEDDING
31st Dec: Fireworks - Taza Romero x OC: Ben Harrison - Taza discovers why Ben hates New Year's. BINGO SQUARE: NEW YEARS
2nd Jan: BlackIce!Series Part One: Black Ice - Frank Castle x Reader - Frank returns home after hearing about your accident. BINGO SQUARE: ICE
7th Jan: Mount Shasta (NSFW) - Taza Romero x OC: Ben Harrison - Ben surprises Taza with a trip away. BINGO SQUARE: BLIZZARD/SNOWED IN
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dallianceangel · 2 years
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 😜💦
At last, I've finally posted something this year.
I'm also taking Christmas drabbles and fic requests that I'll be writing throughout the rest of this month and through November before posting in December, so feel free to send them in and I'll get writing 💗🎄
Here is a list of who I write for
Hope you enjoy reading 😘
♡ Comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated ♡
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Taza exits your workplace looking pretty fucking satisfied.
Watching him zip up his jeans, it doesn't take Bishop long to realise why he's spent the past twenty minutes outside waiting for him when they're meant to be on a run. "Fuckin' typical."
"Come on, like you wouldn't do the same if you were me. She called sayin' she needed me, and I delivered."
"Not during work hours. But I'm glad to see you're finally happy."
You meet his loving gaze as you step outside for a smoke, blowing him a kiss. Sighing, he looks back at Bishop.
"She's the one."
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drabbles-mc · 9 months
Degrees of Separation (3)
Taza Romero x M!Reader
Summary: You transferred out of Yuma and into Santo Padre in a last-ditch attempt to outrun old ghosts and old problems. The small charter, located in an even smaller border-town, seemed like the perfect place to try and shake off everything that had happened to you so that you could start over. You were ready to live with your old secrets. But the deeper you get into the charter, the more you realize you may have simply traded in your old secrets for new ones, and this time you wouldn't be going down for them alone.
Chapter Index
Warnings: 18+, language, smoking
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: I realize it had been approximately 10000 years since I wrote for Mayans/SOA but I swear I'm still around and kicking. Bringing this story back from the dead after basically a year of not updating it 😂 But it's a longer chapter so I'm gonna pretend that that makes it okay lmao. I've missed writing these two, though. Lord knows I love me a good slow burn. 😌
Mayans Taglist: @buckybarneshairpullingkink @paintballkid711 @queenbeered @kelpies-shed @mijagif @amorestevens @garbinge @justreblogginfics @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @littlekittymeow @proceduralpassion @artemiseamoon @nessamc @withmyteeth @crowfootwrites @winchestershiresauce @frattsparty @fanfic-n-tabulous @justazzi @darqchilddaydreamz @danzer8705 @camelia35 @thanossexual @kishie8 @callmejaye (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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It was a smooth ride back to the clubhouse the next day. There were minimal stops along the way—everyone just wanted to be back home. Between how busy the last couple of days were, and the sun constantly beating down on your back on the return trip, you were exhausted by the time you rolled into the clubhouse lot.
Everyone was hopping off their bikes, the guys in the van piling out, all of you stretching as you tossed your helmets onto your bikes. You looked around, trying to get a feel for what they were all planning on doing. You just wanted to go home and sleep, never mind the fact that it was still probably far too early to go to bed. But if everyone was going to hang around for a bit, you weren’t just going to take off.
You watched as Angel, Gilly, and Coco headed directly for the clubhouse. You were mentally gearing yourself up to follow suit when you heard Taza’s voice coming from behind you. Sometimes it felt like the man could see your plans before you even said or did anything about them.
“The rest of us are going home,” he told you as he stepped so that he was standing next to you.
You didn’t try to dial back your relief. “Yea?”
He laughed. “Yea.” He nodded towards the clubhouse. “They always pull late ones when we get back if everyone is in one piece. You can stay if you want, but,” he shook his head, “the rest of us just want to shower and sleep.”
“Thank god.” You laughed.
You reached into your kutte, pulling out your pack of cigarettes. Placing one between your lips, you grabbed your lighter as well. It took a couple tries, but you finally got it lit, taking a deep inhale and tilting your head back so that when you sighed, the smoke flowed straight up. You felt Taza watching you, and despite the fact that he declined the night before, you still gave him another wordless offer. He chuckled, caving and taking you up on it this time around. He pulled one out of the pack and allowed you to light it for him, watching as you carefully shielded the flame of your lighter from the light breeze threatening to blow it out.
“Do things usually go that smoothly?” you ventured to ask, assuming that if anyone was going to be honest with you, it was Taza.
He nodded, pulling a drag off his cigarette. “Yeah,” smoke flowed out between his lips with each word he spoke, “usually. Not always,” he chuckled knowingly, “but usually.”
You laughed, shrugging. “I could get used to that.”
He arched one eyebrow, clearly curious. “Things not go that smoothly in Yuma?”
You held the smoke in for a beat longer than you usually would before releasing it with a deep sigh. “Not for me.”
Taza studied your expression as you said that, the way that you weren’t looking directly at him as you spoke. Despite that, he could still see the tension in the way that you stood, the way you forced the deep breath out. He wondered if this was going to be the moment when you finally opened up about whatever had gone down in Yuma that made you transfer out. There were usually stories of some kind to accompany why men would shuffle between charters. Or, at the very worst, there were rumors, which while they weren’t ideal it would still give people some sort of an idea as to why the changes were happening. But it had been radio silent with you. Yuma didn’t say much, and you said even less. Truthfully, Taza wasn’t interested in Canche’s version of anything, but it would’ve been better than nothing.
But you still kept it in, whatever thoughts were racing around your mind at the mention of your last charter. Maybe one day down the line you would talk about it, or maybe it was just going to be another thing that got buried in the pile of happenings that you never forgot, but never discussed. If Santo Padre was going to be anything resembling a fresh start, you figured that leaving the past where it belonged was the best course of action. Giving things a voice didn’t always work out for you in the past.
Somehow, even with the overwhelming urge to pry, Taza didn’t say anything more to you about it. He was no stranger to having skeletons that he tried to hide from view. You both stood there, passively tapping the ash from the ends of your cigarettes smoke swirled up around you.
“Those runs are every month?” you asked, breaking the silence.
He nodded, exhaling a stream of smoke. “Least once a month, yeah.” He looked at you, a curious expression on his face. “You want to be put on the rotation?”
You didn’t hesitate. “Hell yeah.” You dropped the last of your cigarette, snubbing it out beneath the toe of your boot. “Felt good to be back on the road again.”
“I’ll let Bishop know,” Taza said, nodding as he got as much as he could out of the cigarette pinned between his fingers.
“Appreciate it.” You smiled as you gave Taza a light clap on the shoulder. “I’m heading out. I’ll see you in a couple days.”
“Sounds good.” He watched as you walked back over to your bike, finally letting the end of his cigarette drop and hit the ground when you clipped your helmet on to drive off.
The next few days were quiet. There were no calls for Templo, and you didn’t have any yard shifts which you were thanking your lucky stars for. You took advantage of the downtime to try and rest, and to put some minor attempts into making your new place feel a little more like home. You’d never been good at the decorating thing, always counting on whoever you were living with to have a stronger knack for it than you. The plants that were struggling in your window sill, and the few picture frames tacked on the wall in your tiny living room were about the extent of your décor. You’d been saying that at some point you were going to have to remedy that, and now some point was here.
Looking around, you weren’t really sure if it made the apartment feel that much more like home. But it at least no longer looked like what would pass for a low-budget motel room. Now, you figured, you were at least in low-budget hotel territory. It was a step in the right direction. For once, you missed having a roommate.
Flopping down onto the couch, you came to the immediate conclusion that the throw pillows were a good purchase. It blew your mind how much a fucking pillow cost, but for all the times you ended up falling asleep on the couch instead of in your bed, you supposed it was a decent investment, and apparently it would brighten up the space, or whatever all those people on the HGTV channel would say.
You were halfway to falling asleep when your phone started buzzing in your pocket. You snapped awake, digging it out and bringing it to your ear without checking to see who was calling. “Yeah?”
“Yo. They called Templo.” EZ was clearly trying not to laugh at the fact that you sounded as tired as you felt. “Bish wants everyone here ASAP.”
You sat up, running your free hand down your face like that would wake you up. “Alright. I’ll be there.”
Luckily you were still in the clothes you’d gone out in before, so getting ready really just meant slipping into your kutte and putting your boots back on. You grabbed your helmet and took off out the door, double-checking to make sure that you’d really locked it.
You weren’t the last to show up to the clubhouse, but even so, there were still a good number of bikes already there when you showed up. You put yours in line with everyone else’s, leaving your gloves and helmet on the seat before making your way over to the clubhouse steps. Before you even opened the door, you could hear some of the chatter coming from inside. No one sounded angry, which was a good sign, but you still had no idea why Bishop had called a meeting.
You made your way over to the bar, never quite sure where else you should go. That was another thing you still had on your list of stuff to figure out. Everyone else seemed to have some sort of a routine, a group that they gravitated towards. You hadn’t found yours yet. Each time you thought about it, you thought about your quick exchange with Angel on the run. For all the ways that the guys like to bust his chops, you couldn’t help but to think that maybe this time he had a point.
Bishop’s voice ringing through the clubhouse cut down any chance for you to think too much more about it. You downed the last of your beer before getting up to head towards the sliding glass door. EZ was tossing your bottle and a few others into the recycling bin behind the bar when Bishop called out for him too.
“You too, prospect.” He nodded towards the room. “Might need your help with something.”
Your expression showed your mixed feelings of impressed and confused. Prospects in Templo didn’t happen often. Again, maybe it was different in Santo Padre, but you knew for a fact that in Yuma the circumstances had to be dire for that to happen. You wondered if there was more going on that you should all be worried about. The way EZ chuckled and shook his head let you know that he saw the confused look on your face. He fell into stride next to you once he came out from behind the bar.
“Least I know I’m not the only one out of the loop on this,” he joked before tossing his phone into the basket.
“What’s this?”
He laughed. “Exactly.”
You listened as Bishop, Taza, and Hank all explained what had been going down in the prisons. They were your drugs. Sure, technically they were Galindo’s, but Mayans were the ones distributing. Your charters were the ones distributing drugs that were making people drop like flies. It was more than just a one-off—it clearly wasn’t user error at this point.
Sitting back silently, you also listened to the plan that they were formulating to get to the bottom of all of it. It sounded a little batshit, to be quite honest. It was all hinging on EZ’s brain. Apparently he had an eidetic memory. You had no reason to believe that that wasn’t true, but you also found it a bit bold to be using it to essentially write off an entire charter as snakes. No one else seemed to share the same reservations, though.
“This doesn’t leave this room,” Bishop said as he looked around at all of you. “Got it?”
Everyone gave their version of yes before Bishop nodded, bringing the gavel down and effectively dismissing everyone. You stood up, pushing your chair back, and were about to start heading out of the room when Bishop spoke up again, this time only saying your name. It sent a tiny jolt of fear down your spine but you fought not to let it show as you turned around to face him and the other two men sitting at the head of the table, the only others who hadn’t gotten up from their chairs.
“Yeah, Pres?” you tried to sound casual enough, hoping it hid your nerves.
He nodded towards the chair that was on the opposite side of Hank, one that brought you to their end of the table. “Sit.”
There was nothing for you to say, so you just waited for the rest of the room to clear out. You temporarily snagged someone else’s seat for the sake of not sitting at nearly the opposite end of the table from Bishop while he spoke to you. You rested your forearms on top of the table, crossing them so that your hands rested by opposite elbows. There was no way for you to know for sure what your expression looked like, but you hoped it was something adjacent to relaxed, maybe even a little confident if you could muster it.
“Settling in alright?” Bishop asked when the room stilled again.
You chuckled out of nerves. “I think so, yeah.” You paused for a beat, looking at his expression, then those of Taza and Hank. It always seemed like everyone had a better game-face than you. “This like, what, a ninety-day eval or something?” you joked lightly.
Taza let out a quiet laugh at that, and it even got a bit of a smile out of Bishop before he replied, “Yeah, pretty much.”
You gave a slow nod, trying to take the temperature of the room. It didn’t feel tense enough for you to think that things were about to go poorly. “Alright. Why don’t you guys tell me how I’m settling in, then.”
Taza smiled, maybe a little more outwardly amused than he should’ve been. “We think you’re settling in alright too.”
“We just need to know if you’re planning on staying,” Hank finally spoke up, “now that you’ve seen what we do here.”
You had no hesitation as you nodded. “I wanna stay. I’m—I’m gonna stay.”
Bishop was studying your face, looking for any crack in any possible façade that you could be putting up. “You’re sure on that?” He saw the way you were about to shoot something back, but the slight lift of his hand from the table stopped you. “I need to make sure my club is fuckin’ steady. You left Yuma. I didn’t ask why—I don’t really give a fuck why, either. I just need to know if you’re gonna wanna leave here too.”
You managed to keep your composure, not wanting to get heated enough to the point where you’d have to get into it all. Instead, you took a deep breath, set your shoulders back, and shook your head. “I’m not planning on leaving.”
There was a long drag of silence. Long enough that if anyone in that room was holding a lie together by a thread it would’ve snapped. You must’ve seemed steady and sure enough for Bishop’s liking, for all of theirs, because everyone in the room relaxed. Except Taza—the one person in the room who hadn’t seemed tense in the first place.
“Good,” Bishop finally said. He snubbed his cigarette out before dropping the act and letting himself smile. “Now we won’t have to do this shit again.” He saw the relief on your face and he just nodded towards the door. “Go on, get outta here.”
You didn’t need to be told twice, immediately getting up and letting yourself out. The usual thrumming of the clubhouse hardly even registered as you quickly made your way through and out the door. You stopped on the deck, just needing fresh air as you braced yourself against the railing.
The creaking of the door opening behind you caused you to turn around. You chuckled and shook your head when you saw it was Taza. “You know that was coming?” you asked.
He chuckled, nodding. “Of course I did.”
“Didn’t think to warn me?”
He shrugged as he leaned on the railing next to you. “Didn’t think I needed to.”
You shook your head, not looking at him but not really looking away from him either. “Bit of a risk, isn’t it?” You turned to look at him only to find him already facing you. “Asking me if I’m gonna stay after going over all that shit with the other charters?”
Taza shook his head. “No risk.”
He shrugged. “I had the feeling you weren’t gonna flinch.”
“If I did?”
“We had plans in place for that too.”
“Jesus Christ,” you said with a shake of your head.
He chuckled, clapping you on the back. “Good thing you didn’t flinch, huh?”
“Yeah.” You had to laugh a little. You knew what you were dealing with—at the end of the day it was still an MC. “Real good thing.”
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sonhosquebrados · 8 months
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Raoul Max Trujillo 😍
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'A Day's Work' - Chibs Telford drabble
Ok, this was originally supposed to be Chibs x Reader X Taza smut. Alas, Adelaide took over. Some of you know this little girl runs around in my mind all the time and vision of Chibs as a single dad is something I can't quite shake. Anyway, enjoy.
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The tension in the building started dissipating as the sound of engines belonging to VM assholes faded away. When the air grew quiet again, Mayans and Reaper men all took a collective breath of relief and started filling out of the room, eager to get their drink on. Chibs motioned for Taza and Bishop to stay behind. “Tha’ coulda ended very bloody.” He stated after he emptied his shot glass. “Don’t do anythin’ stupid boys. So I won’t have to come back and clean up another mess.” “We didn’t…” Bishop started to argue, but was stopped short when Chibs stood in front of him and pushed a finger right into the shorter man’s face. “Listen to me, you little shite! Ye rule yer table with that fragile ego o’ yers and yer all gonna be dead within a year!” Bishop’s nostrils flared and his entire body tensed as if he was getting ready to tackle the SOA President. Thankfully, the feud was avoided when Taza stepped between the two men. “Chibs, this matter doesn’t concern you.” “Aye, yer forgettin’ - he pointed at Taza now - Old Friend, I’ve been there. With two presidents. Redwood nearly got wiped off the bloody map because of personal feuds handled the wrong way. Ye do what ye will, but mind my words.” A knock on the door interrupted what might have been another misguided remark from Bishop. Hap stuck his head into the room, “We good here, Prez?” “Yeah, Hap. Now, where’s my drink?”
About an hour later, when the fences were mended and egos sufficiently lubricated, Chibs gave his men the signal to pack it up. As Reaper exited the building and older Mayans followed them outside, Taza clapped Chibs on the back. “You sure you don't wanna stay and party for old times sake?” “Hell nah. Man was not intended to survive in this heat,” the Scott practically scoffed. Taza made a sweeping motion with his arms, “Then walk your old ass back inside, where there’s AC as God intended.” “And ride out after dark, when it’s cooler.” Bishop added, his good humor clearly restored. “Your favorite girl is gonna be here later,” Taza added with a knowing smirk. Chibs sat on his bike seemingly pondering the offer before sighing and saying, “Wish I could. Gotta get home to my daughter.” At Taza’s and Bishop’s raised eyebrows, Hap cut into the conversation, “It’s Disney night, Frozen. Addie loves that movie.” Had anyone else said that, a good, long round of laughter and good-natured ribbing would follow. Alas, when Happy was deadly serious like that, not one outlaw dared. The silence was cut by Montez, who said, “Prez, I could call up Tig, see if the little banshee can stay with him and Venus tonight.” And then he added, “ You know how he loves singing those songs around the house.” Hap and Quinn snorted in unison, but Chibs’ expression remained serious as he replied, “Aye, and then Venus will have my balls in a jar for that.” It was now Taza’s turn to chuckle, “So use ‘em while got ‘em?” After a moment, Chibs turned to his Road Captain and said, “Aye, fine. Just make sure to tell Venus not to sprinkle glitter all over my kid. That shite sticks to everything.” “Well, I wasn’t gonna say anything,” Bishop reached to touch Chibs’ kutte. “But it sure does,” with that he plucked a spec of pink and shiny off Chibs’ President flash. “Jesus Christ,” Chibs muttered as he dismounted. “You know, Old Friend, “ Taza hooked his arm around his arms. “We still don’t know which is more shocking. You knocking up the sheriff and co-parenting with her or Tig putting his crow on a gal with a huge cock.”
A little while later, Chibs was enjoying the god-given AC and nursing another glass of Jameson, passing the time before the girls arrived, when Hap walked over to him with their family-only burner in hand. “It’s Addy. She wants to vent about school.” “Christ, seven years old and already questioning authority,” Chibs muttered as he reached for the phone. Before handing it over, Hap chuckled and mutter his own, “I wonder where she gets that from.” By a way of replying Chibs raised his middle finger, as he snatched the burner with his other hand. “Hey, little warrior. How was school?” He asked already sensing the answer. “Stupid. Boring. Miss Courtney wouldn't let me read in class,” the sound of his younger daughter’s voice filled his head as she continued chatting and venting and everything in between. When he finally could get a word in, Chibs asked, “What were ye trying to read, sweetie?” ‘Um, The Witcher?” “Addie��� Where did ye get it?” “I…erm… swipped,” she stopped herself, "I mean borrowed it from uncle Juice and auntie Tristan.” After a short pause, she added resolutely, “Without them knowing.” As Chibs massaged his temple with his free hand, he thought his baby definitely took after Althea, at least in the diplomacy department.
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