tanuki-kimono · 1 month
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Romantic late spring/early summer outfit, featuring a beautiful ombre purple kimono with yanagi (willow) over a woven ground with kawaguruma (ox cart wheel immersed in water), ryuusui (stream), kumo (cloud), and tachibana (stylized citrus).
OP paired it with a silken woven obi with tsubame (swallow) in willow tree.
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lauleemc · 5 years
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its-naruto-universe · 7 years
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makewayforanime · 4 years
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Adorable Makoto Tchibana
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I gasped. [...] I stoped gasping. [...] I gasped again
The Life cycle of Asa Tchibana, chapter 29
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kittoki-blog · 7 years
Please don’t talk to me...
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It was a long summer break for me. It feels like 3 months went by slowly and today is the first day after that long break. I’m feeling excited to meet my friends and nervous…
Not one day passed by without me thinking about that one night…
“Yui, your ponytail is cute tonight.”
“Aww thanks Mika, your braid is super nice too.” I answered.
It’s the last night of the summer festival and everyone was wearing nice outfit. It feels like we are having an early prom night. Hihi…
“Why are you giggling all of sudden?” Mika asked as we stroll along the lake. It was packed with students from our school. And they are so noisy especially the boys.
“Huh? Nothing~ nothing~ I was just thinking about funny stuff.” I answered while looking at some boys throwing water balloons at each other. How messy…
“Ohho, is it that you are thinking about someone special? Eh? Eh?” She gave me a little wink.
“Eh nooo. Look at those guys. Do you think I’m desperate enough to fall in love at such age? They are stinky, dirty, noisy and unorganized.” I nod toward a bunch of boys who are now laughing like crazy at the other side of the lake.
“But there’s a few exceptions right? Like Ken, Kimura… or is it Tachibana?” Mika wriggles her eyebrow now. This girl is full of face expressions. Hehe.
“Uh... I don’t care about love and couple stuff. It’s just a bother…” My voice went shaky a bit. I hope she didn’t realize that.
“Oh oh, but I heard a rumor though…” She grins.
“Huh? A rumor?About what?”
“Oh nothing… It’s just that a certain class representative likes his assistant.” She smiled wider.
“… Eh?” I tried to understand what she said.
“Oh come on, there’s a rumor that Tachibana likes you. You didn’t know?” Mika explained.
“Eh?? No way!” I was surprised. I don’t know why but shivers ran through my spine.
“That’s what I heard.  And you know what? It’s time like this that people open up to each other and confess. Maybe you will get a confession tonight. Kyaaa!” She giggles and shoving her face into her hand.
I tried to sound convincing. But that rumor indeed triggered my curiosity.
“PSHH, I’m sure that is just purely a baseless rumor and nothing else. Moreover you know I don’t like boys right? I would reject any confession right away even from Tachibana. Heh” I egoistically answered.
Suddenly she stood froze after  what I said. I didn’t think that it’s anything to be frozen over. Until I saw her eye which was fixed onto something behind me. As I turn around…
“Hello… just wanna wish happy holiday and have fun tonight…”
It was Tachibana! What a tragic coincidence! My unlucky night!
“Oh, okay thanks.” I answered.
Did he hear everything I said before? Oh my goodness!
Then he walked away. It was the first time I see his back figure clearly as he is wearing a tight and fit suit. Charmingly suited to his style…
“I’m so sorry Yui, I didn’t realize he was standing behind us.” Mika worriedly paces.
“Nah, maybe he didn’t hear it. Or even if he did… it was just a rumor right?”
Right? Please let it be just a rumor!
 That was the last time I ever saw him. I didn’t see him all summer and he didn’t send any text or calls to me. Well why would he do that right?
And it was the first day of the new semester. I wonder what he had been doing all summer.
“Yui, kawaiiiiiii” I heard Mika screams.
“I didn’t know you look this cute with your hair down. If I knew earlier, I would make you let it down a long time ago.” She pats behind my back. Geez, this hyper girl.
“Haha, nice to meet you too Mika. And it’s been like only a week. Why would you be so surprised? Its not like I change much since we last meet.”
“I know I know, but this is the first time I see you in the uniform with that hairsyle. Hihi.” She pushes me into the classroom.
I was searching for him. I don’t know why. But I was curious as to why he didn’t contact me… As if he need to… but I just feel like he should… Urghhh! My mind is soooo weird.
I couldn’t find him anywhere in the classroom. I wonder if he is coming. What if he transferred to another school? Oh my gosh!
“Let’s settle down here, not too far behind and not too close to the front. Just nice and we can feel the breeze from the window too.” Mika pushed me to a table. Well I don’t really care where I seat honestly.
“Okay, settle down guys! Go to your seats.” Mr Henry finally entered the class. Everyone was rushing for their seats. I guess he really transferred huh?...
But suddenly a boy entered and looks around for a seat too. Weird, I never seen him before…
“Tachibana, go to your seat fast. I’m about to start.” Mr Henry ordered the boy.
“Tachibana?” I was surprised.
That is him??? He looks very different from the Tchibana that I knew!... but looking closely… that is him alright…
But what’s with his hair. He always had the sharp and neat hairstyle before. Now it’s a bit long and kinda messy?
His necktie is also loose… whats with this sluggish new style of him???
He sat down beside the window, to the left of my front. He sat down and put his head and arm on the table lazily. Is this really him??
The hours passed by. It was already the last period before a break. And I havent heard anything from him. Not a single hi to me or to other classmates. He just stays on his seat while others were playing around. What’s with him really?
“Okay guys. It’s the first day, we are still fixing some schedule. So there will be no class this afternoon.” Mr Henry informs followed by the usual cheers from the boys.
“But we need to choose a class representative for this semester. Any suggestion?” Mr Henry asked.
Everyone went quiet and avoided eye contact with him. How typical of them.
“I nominate Yui!” Mika raised her hand.
“Mikaaaa~” I hissed at her. And she just smiles back like a cat. Aisht this girl. But oh well. Not that it’s something I can’t do since I was the last semester co-class representative with… him.
“Okay, any other suggestion for the girl’s representative?” Mr Henry asked. Everyone shook their head.
“Haha, of course there aren’t any. Fine, Yui are you okay to be a class rep this semester too?” Mr Henry clicks his pen.
“I don’t mind.” I answered. And he continues to write down something, most probably my name on some paper.
“Okay, how about the rep from the guys?”
“How about we went with Tachibana since it’s Yui who is taking the post again?” A boy went ahead and suggests that. And everyone was like nodding and agrees.
“Sigh, I was hoping some new faces will come up this semester. But oh well. Tachibana, are you ok with this?” Mr Henry asked him.
He just nodded…
Why is he so different now? Before he would enthusiastically answers everything asked. What happened to you Tachibana-kun?
“Okay, that’s that. Class Representatives; please come to the committee room after an hour for a briefing. That’s all, you guys can go.” Mr Henry walks out of the classroom.
Some packs their stuff and went back… I guess. But most of them stayed to chat with friends. Mika also stayed because she wants to accompany me till the meeting hour. And Tachibana is still on his seat… sleeping???
“Okay Yui, I’m gonna go back now. And your meeting will be in 10 minutes. Don’t be late.” She gave me a wink. She is so cute doing things like that.
“Thanks for staying.” I thanked her.
“Nah, I don’t have anything to do anyway at home. Hihi, Okay, bye~” She walked out.
And now I should be going too…
And he is still sleeping there. What’s wrong with him seriously? Was he ever like this?
“Tachibana-kun… wake up…” I forced myself to wake him up. His shoulder felt so warm though…
He pulled up his head. He froze a bit before leaning back to the chair.
“We got a meeting in 5 minutes. I’ll be going first okay?” I asked him politely. Well he seems to be too sleepy to notice me anyway.
But he nods lazily. I couldn’t see his eyes properly because of those wavy hairs infront of his face. But he didn’t seem to even be looking at me…
The meeting is about to start. The other class representatives are already here and Tachibana isn’t showing up still. Where in the world is he? Did he fall asleep again?
Just then my phone buzzes for an incoming message. And the sender is… Tachibana.
My heart skipped a beat. I don’t know why but that was the first message since the summer festival. I open the message curiously…
“Sorry I’m going home. – Tachibana”
He just went home like its nothing?? And to think I was hoping for his messages all these times???
I threw my phone into my bag furiously. I guess I’m going through this meeting alone for my class.
The meeting ended finally and I was so tired listening to the same briefing for class representative. It’s boring and lengthy. As I walk home I was wondering about Tachibana and his new attitude. What is wrong with that boy??
“Aaa Yui-chan! Yui-chan!” I heard someone shouted my name. I turn around and saw Rei waving at me from his car. Rei is… well well, Tachibana’s older brother. He resembles Tachibana a lot but of course a lot more matured and kind.
“Ah Rei-kun. How nice to see you around.” I greeted him. He was fanning himself inside the car. That’s weird.
“Ah Yui-chan, I couldn’t ask for anyone better than you.” He was having this –my wish has come true finally- look on his face.
“My car broke down and the mechanic is on his way now. But I’m afraid that my ice cream is gonna melt if it stays here till the mechanic arrives. Can you bring this to my house?” He half begged.
Seriously, is he a kid? Ice cream? What’s with Tachibana’s family??
“I guess I can help with that.” I took the grocery bag.
“Here’s the house key.” He gave me a keychain strapped with keys.
“Eh? There’s nobody at home? I thought Tachibana is already at home.” I asked.
“I tried calling home, but he didn’t answer. I guess he must have gone out or something.” Rei replied. He then hurried me away, worried for his ice cream to be melted.
I walk toward Tachibana’s house. It’s been a while since I went to his house. Eventhough we live in the same district, we hardly see or bump onto each other as his house is a bit isolated from the main roads.
Finally, I arrived at his house. I was being careful and ring the bell first.
Well I guess nobody is at home. I entered the key into the keyhole and unlock the door. It is a nice and friendly atmosphere inside. It makes me wonder how Tachibana went all messy and unorganized living in this nice house… God I can’t take him out of my mind. What is wrong with him seriously?
I opened the fridge and put in the beloved Rei’s ice cream and close it back. Now he should feel calm… I guess... As if he is a restless soul that needs a resolution. Haha.
I turned back toward the living room and main entrance.
I was about to open the door when I caught a glimpse of something moving on the couch in the living room…
I opened my eyes a bit… and I saw a body on the couch… That’s no ghost… That is… Tachibana?
I walk over to him unconciously…
He looks peaceful sleeping there… I never saw this side of him…
Why is he sleeping so much today? Didn’t he get proper sleep lately?
And why is he avoiding eye contact and didn’t say anything to me today? Before this, he would just come over and say something so lame like have a nice day, be careful on your way back home… now he didn’t even want to talk to me anymore…
As I mingle with my thoughts, he opened his eyes.
“EH??” He sprang up from the couch, obviously surprised. I was also surprised and jumped back a bit.
His eyes went wide but that was the clearest image of his eyes I have ever seen today. His hair is a bit messy…
As we stares into each others eyes, I realized that I owe him an explanation as to why I am in his house. LOL usually it’s the other way around. HAHA what am I thinking??
“I’m sorry! I was..Your brother’s car broke down; I carried his groceries because he doesn’t want to ruin the ice cream. He gave me the key. I’m sorry for intruding like this!” I blurted.
Finally his face calmed and he quickly averted my eyes again… He covered his face and slowly stood up.
“Why didn’t you come to the meeting? They were telling some important stuff you know.” I lied. And I don’t know why I did that.
And he just bowed and walks away toward the stairs.
He isn’t talking again! What is his problem??
Suddenly, something inside me urges me to do something that even I was surprised by it. I quickly walk toward him before he reaches the stairs and pulled his hand… More like turning his body around because he was easily turned… like a feather.
“Now, what is wrong with you? You are obviously avoiding me right? And why are you behaving like this? Did I somehow hurt your feeling today?” I hang on to his arm as he was trying to pull it back.
He was struggling? Or more like a fish trying to free itself from a strong crane. Was he this weak?
He still covers his face with his other hand as if he is allergic to my existence.
I pulled his other hand down and saw how red his face was. He was sweating already and his hand feels hot.
“Please..please let go…” Finally… he speaks. But it was more like a whisper rather than a speech.
“Then talk to me what is the problem?” I demanded.
“uhm.. “
And then he starts coughing. He turned away his face immediately and he looked like he was struggling to contain the coughing.
“Are you sick?”
I reached his forehead and it was burning hot.
“Oh my god, you’re having a fever!”
I pulled him toward his room and shove him onto his bed.
“If you’re sick, why didn’t you tell so?” I pulled the blanket over his body and he just watched.
“Why arent you talking? Do you need me to do anything?” I asked.
“Can you keep it down? It’s like having a nuclear war in my head everytime you speak.” Tachibana replied weakly.
That was the longest sentence he ever said that day to me. And to think it’s to shut me up!
“Fine! TSK! I’m leaving” I pouted unconciously. Why am I helping this boy??
… As I was about to reach the room’s door…
“I’m sorry…Thank you Yui. I didn’t talk to you because I don’t want to pass on this cold to you…”
I turned around and he was covering his face altogether with the blanket…
I walked down the stairs and went out of the house…
“ He avoided me because he doesn’t want to pass on the cold to me?...”
My cheek is burning red and my heart skips beat again…
He was thinking about me all those times…
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