#tech head canons
waywardsou2 · 16 days
do you have any headcanons for Tech? he’s my favorite ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Why yes I do, I have been thinking about him a lot lately tbh
Tech Head Canons
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I think that Tech often snuck down the holding bay where all the ships were docked to be checked in by the maintenance teams and would help his brothers with repairing the ships. He would sneak down at night when he was supposed to be sleeping. At first the Clones reprimanded him for his being insubordinate but when they realised how helpful he could be they let him stay. Not only did he know more about the ships than all of them combined he could get too harder to reach areas by climbing through the ships internal vent system or could stand on their shoulders.
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Tech's hair was a little bit longer when he was younger but when he got out into the field and had a few incidences with his hair being pulled he decided it was better to keep it shorter.
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Techs CT number is 9902 so depending on which way you look at it that would make him the second oldest under Hunter, but I like to think that he actually shares that title with Crosshair, I like the head canon that him and Crosshair are twins in some capacity.
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I head canon that Tech is autistic (it's more or less canon, he is so autistic coded) and one of his worst issues with being autistic is touch. He hates having to touch foreign things or have people and other things touch him. He prefers touching technology because he knows what that feels like, he can gauge from memory how its going to feel, it's not squishy or wet or itchy.
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I also think that the big disks on the side of his helmet are actually noise cancelling, sometimes he gets over stimulated on the battlefield and he needs to filter out the noise. He personally made and customized his helmet this way, this is so he won't be taken unawares in battles but he can still be useful with the auditory overload.
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That's all for now but I'm sure I'll think of some more in the future. And tell me about your head canons for our beloved Tech in the comments.
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lililibrik · 1 year
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idk about canon but i like the idea of stressed but young big bro hunter worried about baby tech
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lifblogs · 6 days
Crying about Omega looking like Tech. It makes no god damn sense since she’s never looked like him, but oh my god, she looks like him.
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apocalyp-tech-a · 2 months
Eye of Sauron Vibes?
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Perhaps representing Hemlock's use of the operative as 'eyes and ears.' Perhaps it's more like a goggle lens, representing CX-2's intelligence and power. Don't we know someone else who is very intelligent and kind of overpowered and has eyes that are often alluded to? 🤔 Not over this dude until we find out who it is and if it's who I think it is, I will never be over him.
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dangraccoon · 1 year
The Bad Batch Head Canons - Nicknames
The Bad Batch x You
Platonic, You: this man won’t generally refer to you with much other than your name. He may call you “verd’ika” (private/little soldier) from time to time
Platonic, Him: you call him “sergeant” or “boss”, he tells you not to. This goes on continually, but Hunter doesn’t mind
Romantic, You: he tried a couple different nicknames for you but “sarad” or “sarad’ika” (flower or little flower) is what stuck best
Romantic, Him: if you call this man “hun” he won’t know if it’s a shortened version of Hunter or Honey and honestly he couldn’t be bothered to care; he loves it so much either way. Use his formal title and he absolutely will fuck you asap
Platonic, You: if you’re only friends, Tech probably won’t have a nickname for you, though he may pick up another batcher’s nickname for you if he thinks you enjoy it
Platonic, Him: if you’re the type to throw around nicknames, he’ll likely be confused but ultimately accepting of nicknames like “bud/buddy”
Romantic, You: this man for sure calls you “darling” and will occasionally use the mando’a “cyar’ika”
Romantic, Him: you are the only person in the universe that can call him “Techie” and he will adore it. If you refer to him as your “boyfriend”/“husband” or as “my man” he will melt immediately. If you call him “lover” he will go absolutely feral for for you
Platonic, You: if you are smaller than Wrecker, he will point it out. He’ll usually call you “little one”, even if you’re not that much smaller than him or a version of your name that’s shortened
Platonic, Him: as a counter to his, you call him “Big Guy” or something similar. It’s definitely giving Pike & Grog vibes
Romantic, You: when he gets feelings for you, he starts to use your actual name more often. He likes the sound of it.
Romantic, Him: you call him “babe” or “baby” and he will fall for you all over again, use his actual name or shorten it to Wreck he will be trying to get into your pants
Platonic, You: to be completely honest, I think Echo would just call you by your first name, or title if you outrank him
Platonic, Him: Echo already has a short name so he’ll definitely be confused if you start calling him “Eck” but he really likes it when you call him “hun”
Romantic, You: he definitely calls you “dear” in public situations and “sir/ma’am” in private ones
Romantic, Him: this man will respond to just about anything. Like those videos of dogs who will respond to the tone of their owner saying sit instead of the actual word, if you called him “newspaper” his attention would be on you.
Platonic, You: you cannot tell me this man doesn’t call you “babydoll” or “kitten”. That’s not my headcanon, I’m taking it as fact.
Platonic, Him: you like to call him “Crossy” to tick him off. It usually works. If you really want to get under his skin, call him “Hairy” but I cannot guarantee that you’ll see another sunrise
Romantic, You: He’s fond of calling you “darling”, but he’ll also drop the occasional “sugar” if he’s feeling frisky, or “fucker” if he’s had enough of your teasing
Romantic, Him: you can call this man anything you want and he will come running. He seems to prefer “sweetheart” over anything else though. Also he definitely has some kind of authority kink so anything in the realm of “sir/master/daddy” will immediately get you into the bedroom
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Movement of Objects due to Pressure Changes
Technically, the term that should have been used is "blown out." The distinction is trivial, because both describe a process with the same outcome. However, I would be remiss not to explain why:
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gif by @azertyrobaz
Blown out: an object pushed from a high pressure area to a low pressure area.
Sucked out: an object pulled out from a high pressure area to a low pressure area.
The question in this (hypothetical) outcome is: what is causing the force? The answer is unambiguously the atmospheric gasses leaving under pressure which push objects out, just as air blows out of a punctured tire from the pressure inside, rather than being sucked out by the lower pressure outside the tire.
Therefore, I should have said "If I'm incorrect, we will instantly be blown out and perish."
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Theoretically, suppose there are exactly 6 sets of bed sheets on the Marauder: one with dinosaurs, one with unicorns, one with flowers, one with planets, one solid red, and one tie dye. The batch needed new sheets and these were on sale. Suppose each person, including Omega, gets one set. Who gets which set?
This is so cute and wholesome... makin' my heart happy! Mkay!
Obviously Omega wants the unicorns, but, no lie, Wrecker loves them. He's also kinda got his eyes on the dinos, but Tech actually snagged those (he makes a game of researching a new dino before bed until he knows everything about each one), so Omega takes the flowers so Wrecker can have the unicorns.
Crosshair grabs the red ones before anyone can even get a word in, and Echo and Hunter really couldn't care less - it's more about function for them. Hunter ends up with the planets just because the colors are more muted and won't mess with his eyes as much, and, honestly, Echo kinda likes the chaos of the tie dye anyway - he thinks Fives would have absolutely tried to recreate the patterns on his blacks with bleach if he'd seen anything like this before.
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How the Bad Batch got white-washed: a script
(Don't know if this is how it actually happened, but it's my personal theory that came out after some wiiiild discussions on Discord. I don't believe this actually happened, but I do think liberties were taken to secure audience members and ratings. Enjoy, my little crumpets!)
CW: Everything. Just...at this point, in between fics and art filled with violence and Naughty Times and Doug's irrational ramblings about Toaster Strudel and SEC football, you should probably leave if you're under 18.
(Be Star Wars animation studio, probably Florida, who knows)
Studio Executive: Yo, animator, we got a problem here.
Animator: Yes?
Studio Executive: These clones, the new guys in this new show, 'The Bad Batch'…they all look alike. All bronzed, good looking guys with dark hair and thick shoulders. 
Animator: Yes, that’s, um, kind of what clones are, sir? They are genetic duplicates of an indigenous actor from New Zealand. 
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Studio Executive: That’s the problem.
Animator: Say what?
Studio Executive: Who is watching this damn show? Who is paying for Disney + subscriptions? Who is our main money-making audience here?
Animator: Um, I guess…families? And, uh, lonely single adults?
Studio Executive: EXACTLY. And you know what is declining, besides civility in an ever-crumbling society? 
Animator: What?
Studio Executive: THE BIRTH RATE.
Animator: Uh, actually--
Animator: Well, that seems aggressively eugenics-oriented, with a tinge of classism.
Studio Executive: WHATEVER I MAKE THE BIG BUCKS SHUT YOUR ART SCHOOL MOUTH. Now, redesign those new clones!
Animator: To…what?
Studio Executive: First of all, the tech guy! What’s his name?
Animator: ….Tech. 
Studio Executive: WELL THAT SHIT’S EASY TO MARKET. Anywho, get rid of the tan and the muscles and the thick dark hair. No nerd looks like that, come on. Make him a skinny white guy with receding hair, slap some hipster glasses on him too. Actually, you know what? Meander your ass over to the accounting department on the second floor and draw a few of the weirdos conducting audits in there. Base the tech guy off of them, not a buff, golden, Maori man.
Animator: But the guys in accounting look NOTHING like Temuera Morrison! This is just wrong!
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(pictured above: Not the average CPA in the USA. That rhymed)
Studio Executive: Bro, get real. Are these lonely single ladies and the exhausted moms watching this show with their kids going to run into Mr. Morrison while working their office job? You think Boba Fett’s tanned self sits at the corner cubicle and tries to hit on them when they go to the copier? What are you smoking?! And on that note, make that tech character sassy, smart, and nurturing! Make him the perfect guy!
Animator: Why? I am so confused.
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("Wanna come look at some Excel spreadsheets with me, baby?")
Studio Executive: Because we want all the 30-something ladies watching this show to get so hot and bothered over Tech that they decide they need to have this clown’s babies, like, now! And they’ll run over to the accounting office, drunkenly hook up with one of the auditors in a broom closet after Thirsty Thursday, and boom! Another consumer born, 9 months later!
Animator: This is sounding astonishingly like eugenics.
Studio Executive: WHATEVER. Same goes for the other clones! Make that tall bald one look like the aggressively outgoing construction worker that’s laying cement outside of the accounting office! The one that always wolf-whistles and screams ‘Jesteś piękna! Beautiful like model!’ at every woman! The one that all the ladies in the office watch and go ‘Oh, yes, take that shirt off, it’s a hot day today, daddy’. Watching that fun guy on this show means those ladies with THROW THEMSELVES at guys like this! And bam! MORE CONSUMERS FOR DISNEY BORN. 
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(Wrecker has raw contractor energy. ::lays pipe::)
Animator: I am not enjoying this conversation’s direction.
Studio Executive: CAN IT AND TAKE IT UP WITH HR. Now the leader, I know we’re going with Rambo, and I’m okay with it, but give him a little extra smolder and snatch that waist a bit. I want to go for a ‘hot waiter at Cooper’s Hawk that slips you his number after you tip him 40%’, vibe. 30-something ladies love Cooper’s Hawk, there’s been market research, do it. 
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(He'll judge your love of pinot grigio, but not how you pay him, wink wink)
Animator: No.
Studio Executive: SHUT UP AND DO YOUR JOB. Now, the last two…bald, calm guy that always seems tired but is still constantly there for you? Basically, every exhausted Millennial man right now? Make him extra pale because he hasn’t left his condo since 2020 and his only social outlet is playing STEAM games with his other lonely friends. Perfect. Job well done. 
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(He uses his scomp to play 'Dave the Diver'. You know he does)
Animator: Yeah, his name is Echo and he– 
Studio Executive: Good, make him like I said, and trust me, ladies will see men like him and want to fix them, and then promptly ride said men like it’s Derby Day. More consumers born, we will have a bumper crop of tickets purchased at Disneyworld and Galaxy's Edge within the next couple of years. Excellent. 
Animator: Sir, you are a sick, sick man. 
Studio Executive: Speaking of which, the last guy. Just make him Clint Eastwood. 
Animator:…Clint Eastwood. Isn’t he old as hell?
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(Oh, Daddy Warcrimes, you and your toothpick are the Internet's Everything)
Studio Executive: Yeah, but, daddy issues abound amongst many of our consumer audience. And this is a show about daddy issues. And hopefully, by watching this, we will turn more people in daddies and KEEP OUR CONSUMER NUMBERS UP ON DISNEY +! 
Wait, where are you going?!
Animator: I’m resigning and joining the Peace Corps, I can’t do this anymore.
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nahoney22 · 2 years
Hey love! Wanted to pop in and say I fucking love the shit you post, it gives me life honestly even when everything is rough rn. But I wanted to ask how our beloved batches react and or join in to their SO who is a dancer. But instead it’s a different style for each such as Tango for sweetly techy, ballet for Crosshair, Pop/Hiphop for Hunter, 1950s (correct me if I’m wrong) swinging for wrecker, and jazz for echo. I’d just die from having a SO who is a dancer since I myself can no longer do it to medical stuff, but once again I love you and I hope to see more of your work! MUCH LOVE ❤️
Thanks you for the request and kind words. So sorry this has took forever! It’s been lost in my drafts ☹️♥️ enjoy @nativeomega369
Dancing Shoes
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All Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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You were a dancer before you met your significant other and you were eager to show them exactly what you can do.
warnings: none, fluffy goodness
A/N - I am in no way shape or form a dancer so please don’t be an arse if I don’t know all the technical terms to some dances. I’m allowing my love of Strictly Come Dancing to give me ideas.
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🪩 Echo
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When he first ever saw you perform he was enamoured and fell hard and fast.
You were a show performer at one of the Jazz themed bars they have on coruscant and one of the main leading dancers.
From the way your expressions shifted with every move, how you could elegantly yet powerfully walk with your shoulders rolled back… it was magnificent for him and he had to ask you out.
Unfortunately due to his accident, his confidence dwindled. Often he would have joined in dancing with you when you were both alone years ago and he actually became rather good at dancing. For now however, he was just fine watching you with a satisfied grin on his face.
“You’re amazing, mesh’la.”
You’re hoping one day he will dance with you again.
🪩 Hunter
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Hip Hop
When you first approached Hunter about incorporating dance into his fitness regimes he thought you were joking. However when one day you brought out a radio Tech created and played some lively hip hop music he realised how little you were joking.
“I don’t dance.” He tells you with his arms crossed and you can only grin and shake your head at him at how easy it is for him to dismiss ideas.
“Well it’s a good job I used to. Watch me and just copy.” So he takes a step back and watches you. Admittedly, he thought you were going to make a fool out of yourself. Since you were not very hand-eye coordinated and had walked into too many walls to count, he was expecting a disaster.
How wrong he was.
Your body was locking in places he didn’t know you could lock, he watched in sheer amazement as you managed to (on beat to the music as well) roll up into a one handed handstand. All the while you looked so good doing it. Once the song ended, you turned to him to see his mouth hanging wide open and stuttering over his words.
Eventually he managed to say, “I didn’t know you could move like that.” He gapes at you, watching you brush the sweat off your brow and he could hear how fast your heart had accelerated.
“I’m a little rusty but I feel so pumped! You sure you don’t want to try and dance with me?”
After what he witnessed and very doubtful he could be as good as you, he saw the benefits and joy in it so from then on merged some hiphop dancing with you into his morning workouts.
🪩 Wrecker
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It was such a joy for you when Wrecker said he wanted to try and learn dancing with you. He knew you could dance and had seen you dance with your dance partner back on your home planet so he wanted more than anything to learn with you.
He told you that ‘since you’re coming with us, I don’t want you to stop dancing forever!’
As Wrecker was a gentle giant, with you anyway, it was not really a surprise that he was considerably flat footed and would stomp his feet when he danced. He would grumble how he didn’t know the difference between a rock step and a triple step and would curse at himself when giving you the wrong hand. But you never complained. You were just lucky to have someone dance swing with you.
He was eager to try and do some lifts with you but you had a feeling it was to show off his strength more than anything. You felt safe with him, of course, but you certainly would not attempt these lifts in front of others as it could be dangerous and very embarrassing if he were to drop you.
His favourite dance move was doing a back to back lift/flip with you. There was something fun in him being able to lift you backwards and flip you over his head carelessly because he knew you would be able to make it look good and it wasn’t majorly dangerous.
🪩 Crosshair
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He’s not a dancer and did not care for it. Until he met you.
Crosshair never knew you could dance until he walked in on you with a pair of headphones on doing the most mystical looking spins and elegant jumps he had ever seen. At the time you weren’t dating so he teased you a little for ‘prancing around’ but he had secretly hoped he would walk in on you dancing again.
When you did start dating you did ask Crosshair if he would ever do Ballet with you and he practically scoffed in your face. Whilst your face dropped he panicked at how rude he was and apologised. “I’m sorry cyare, it’s just not something I would be interested in.”
It did sting a little and thought it was a shame since Crosshair had the perfect lean and tall physique for a ballet dancer. But, you never stopped from doing your love of dance. After all, you had trained on your home planet for years and years. Why stop now?
One evening you’re all staying in a rather luxurious hotel on Naboo thanks to a mission going amazingly well and you were in awe to see that it had a theatre room with a large stage where they would sometimes put on shows.
Now, you’re a mischievous one and snuck out of yours and Cross’ room that night and swiped up your ballet slippers and clothes and headed straight to the stage.
Crosshair had stirred awake once he heard the door close to the room and he waited a few minutes before following after you, curious as to where you were going.
He pauses outside the door to the theatre room once he hears classical music playing from within. He had not seen you dance since he walked in on you that one time months ago so was more than eager not to get caught.
As he watches you once he sneaks in, he’s in awe. If he is to be honest as well, he is quite emotional.
You looked so elegant that you made every move so effortlessly. Although he didn’t want to take part in it he had heard you talk about different positions such as pirouettes and arabesques. He thought they sounded silly but he didn’t realise how difficult they looked either. The sheer strength in your core and feet were second to one and once the music ended and you stopped, he made his presence known by clapping aloud.
You’re startled and almost horrified until you realised it was Crosshair who had been watching you from the back.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
🪩 Tech
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“What are you watching, darling? Is that you?” Tech didn’t mean to pry into your personal space but when he sees you watching a dance clip on your holopad and sees you, he’s widely curious.
You smile and nod. “It is. I used to dance back home.”
“I was not aware you were a dancer. A seemingly good one at that.” He compliments, pushing his goggles up the bridge of his nose as he leans over your shoulder to watch.
“Thanks Tech. I miss it.”
He raised a brow at you. “Why do you not continue?”
“Nobody to dance with. The Tango isn’t so great to dance if there’s only one of you.” You sigh, clicking off the video and placing it back on the control panel before standing. “Anyway, I’m too busy looking after you lot.”
Tech watches you leave and in an instant hatches up a plan to make sure you continue to do the thing you love.
When you’re about to head out for a mission, Hunter pulls you aside and tells you that you and Tech need to do repairs to the ship.
“But we did it yesterday? What could have possibly been broken now?” You frown, crossing your arms.
“The uh, hyperdrive is faulty. We’ll be back soon anyway.” He tells you and by his tone you know he’s up to something.
So, you let him go and join Tech up in the cockpit once called for help.
What you weren’t expecting however was to see him suited up and had a hand outstretched to you. You’re almost shocked for words.
“W-what are you doing?” You question with slightly wide eyes.
“I am hoping you will accompany me while dancing the Tango with me. Albeit I’ll need some lessons and advice on how to perform. Research has left me confused as there appears to be more than one type of dance.” He explains and you’re almost overcome with emotion.
Gladly, you take his hand. “You want to dance with me?”
“I don’t see why not? I am interested in your hobbies just as much as you are in mine.” He grins, pulling you close and straightens his posture. After all, he did his research. “So, where do we begin?”
You’re surprised to say the least but pleasantly. Alas, you put him in the correct hold and for some reason being pressed to him sent chills up and down your arms. You never thought this would interest him so you were happy to see him take note of your words and move with you.
With a renowned new power and stride, Tech felt his confidence increase with every step and once you applied music to the lesson, he only realised how sensual the dance was as well.
He couldn’t help but gaze at your face, so strong and powerful looking that it was extremely attractive. You allowed him to caress your body, his breathing getting a little ragged as you both expressed your seeming emotions in synchronised movements.
As the music descends to its finish, your arched your back and elongated your straight leg back as Tech kept a protective hold onto you.
“You’re a good teacher, darling.” He says breathlessly, pulling you back flush to him and you peck him on the lips, grateful.
“And I have a mighty good student.”
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Requests are Open. Please read my Masterlist at the bottom to see what I won’t write about to avoid disappointment. Please also tell me if you’d like female, male or gender neutral reader and if you’d like NSFW or SFW. Thanks ♥️
tags: @twistedstitcher27 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @jennamelinda12 @nunanuggets s @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease e @megafrost4 ost4 @adriiibell ell @theroguesully y @equalityforcats cats @rexandechosandwich @mustluvecho @inagalaxywickedfahaway @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @sadspring @chxpsi @alexandrisonfire @arctrooper69 @salaminus @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle @tech-aficionado @shawtyitsyou @in-the-crosshairs @therealnekomari @cyarikadarling @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @mylifeinthetardisforever @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @the-good-shittt @buddee @s1st3r @imperialclaw801 @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater
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bh-52 · 1 year
Bad Batch headcanons.
Wrecker lost his eye fighting Ventress.
Wrecker was originally a lot smarter, but his wartime injuries left him with brain injuries.
Tech has a form of ADHD, an extremely rare diagnosis called CK syndrome, and is on the spectrum.
Hunter wears a headband/bandana because he likes characters such as Bardock, Snake, and Rambo.
Crosshair's favourite comic book characters are Deadshot and Bullseye.
Omega still sent Crosshair a Life Day card and gift despite him trying to kill her.
Echo reads bedtime stories to Omega.
Under different circumstances, Hunter would've asked Fennec out on a date.
Omega's extremely ticklish
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waywardsou2 · 16 days
Shirtless Cuddles with The Batch
Tags: Trans!Reader/M!Reader, masculine terms, AFAB reader, romantic but fluffy, cuddles, just general nice fluff, gayness
A/N: This is a scenario for all of my trans fellas out there. Or anyone that was born AFAB but isn't necessarily comfortable with their chest. How the Batchers would react if you wanted to sleep without your shirt on.
Basically, for context I am trans, and I am AFAB. I have not had top surgery yet but find it uncomfortable to sleep with my shirt on most nights. I've been stuck in the Bad Batch brain rot at the moment and was wondering what it would be like to cuddle with the Clones for the first time without a shirt on. In a fluffy romantic context tho. (I don't even know if any of this is making sense but if it does then please read on. Also I wanted to include Omega but didn't really know how to make that work so she unfortunately won't be in this one)
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Scenario: You and your Clone are settling down for bed, it's been a long day and the missions have been rough recently. The two of you make your way to your shared quarters and you both begin changing for bed. You go to change out your shirt for another more comfortable one but you stop before you can even pull it over your head. You've been with your partner for a few years now and they know about your identity, they accept it wholeheartedly, but you've never taken the step to show them your body. You never felt ready, but something feels different tonight. "Hey, I want try something tonight?" Your Batcher turns to you and waits for you to respond looking slightly confused "I don't really want to wear my shirt tonight; it gets irritating sometimes. But I didn't know how you would react to my chest"
Hunter turns to you and gives you a soft smile, he's knows that you toss and turn a lot of the night not being able to find a comfortable way to place your arms with your t-shirt twisted around you body. It the exact reason why he hardly wears a shirt in bead. He reaches forward and slips his fingers underneath your shirt, he looks at you for consent to keep going and when you nod, he gently pulls it over your head and tosses it aside. His hands rest on your hips, and he looks at you, he doesn't even bother to look at your chest. It doesn't matter to him, he loves you for you, not your body, he loves the handsome man standing in front of him.
The two of you walk over to the bed and settle under the covers, you turn inwards, so your chest is facing his and curl up, he wraps his arms around you, stroking the exposed skin of your back and gives you a soft kiss on the forehead before looking back into your eyes, softly he says, "You will always be my handsome man, no matter what."
And with that you rest your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat as his torso rises and falls with each steady breath.
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Crosshair looks at you with a small question on his furrowed brow "Why are you asking me? It's your body so it's your choice"
Knowing that's as about as good as a response you are going to get from him you turn around and pull your shirt off, discarding it.
He looks at the floor as you do so but when you turn back around he looks up, he looks at your chest briefly but only for a moment, your arms are crossed over it, but doesn't think much of it. Your chest doesn't change his image of you. He gives you a wry but reassuring grin and pulls you over to the bed and the two of you climb in.
He isn't wearing a shirt either so as he rolls over and pulls your back into his chest you can feel his breathing and his heartbeat and his warmth, the feeling very calming. He wraps his arms around your stomach careful to not touch your chest and pulls you closer to his so your spine curves into his chest.
He traces patterns into your stomach and lower chest, he traces a line up in the small space between your ribs in your upper chest, he does it slowly, creeping up ever so slightly and when you don't protest he lays his hand there, feeling your heartbeat. He sighs contentedly and so do you.
He gives you a kiss on the back of your head and mumbles "Love you" so quietly you almost don't hear it. You hum in response "Love you too Cross" and the two of you drift off to sleep.
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Wrecker is a little slow on the uptake and doesn't quite understand what you are getting at, at first.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I wasn't born the same as you, remember? My chest isn't flat like yours"
He thinks for a moment and then it dawns on him what you are getting at "Oh?! Yeah, I did kinda forget, you are just so manly it's hard to remember that sometimes"
You laugh, he's so endearing and his blunt honestly makes your heart thrum with happiness. Even if he doesn't realise his comments about blatantly stating how "manly" you are always fill your heart fit to bursting.
"So is it ok?" you ask again
"Yeah?! Of course!" he cups your face in his hands and gives you a big kiss on the forehead.
You take a step back to take of your shirt and then you step into his space again and he gives you a massive bear hug, you let out a laugh as he throws you onto the bed. He dives after you and you are both a laughing mess. So much for going to sleep.
He pulls you over so you are laying on top of him and he wraps his arms tightly around you "You are amazing you know that?"
You giggle and reply "You're amazing too Wrecker" and with that you lay there together, humming and laughing softly, an endless loop of uncontainable happiness. You felt so lucky to be loved by someone like Wrecker.
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Tech also doesn't quite understand, he looks at you quizzically and says "Yes? That is fine? Why do you ask?"
"Because it's important?" you respond a little upset by his blunt response
He thinks for a moment and studies your face as he does so, he seems to come to a conclusion and opens his mouth again "Would you like me to close my eyes or turn away?"
You shrug your shoulders noncommittally and Tech considers you for another moment, then his face lights up slightly, like a lightbulb going off in his head. He removes his goggles and places them beside your shared bed "There. This way I can't see and you know that I won't be able to see"
You chuckle at him, he's not wrong but it still feels a little bit silly. He seems to understand there is still some hesitancy and he takes your hand "You should only do what you are comfortable with, and you should know that I would never judge you for your body. No matter what"
He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze before he nods his head towards the bed. "Do you wish to cuddle or should I give you some space"
In response you scooch over to him and lay an arm over his side placing your head on his palm, which he turns over to cup the side of your face.
"Maybe one day you can ask the Kaminoan's to help alleviate your chest dysphoria. But you should know by now that your body will never define your gender."
His statement makes you tear up a little and you smile at him "Thank you Tech"
"It is no problem my dear"
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Echo looks a little taken aback "Yes, that's fine" he doesn't really seem to know what to say, and neither do you.
Instead, you slip your shirt off and he looks away politely. You touch his arm to grab his attention and turn back but he continues to look at your feet.
"Can I look?" he asks shyly
"Yeah, that's the point silly" you say with a chuckle
"That's not exactly what I meant" he says even more quietly than before. "I mean can I look at you, all of you?"
You feel warmth creep up your neck and cheeks as he says this
"Y-yeah" you stutter out and he looks up at you.
He looks into your eyes first and then drops them to your chest, he doesn't say anything but he also doesn't look for very long. You stand there a little shy and a little self-conscious but he looks away quickly enough that you don't feel uncomfortable.
He takes his one good hand and raises it to your cheek, cupping it gently and you nuzzle into it humming.
"You are a very beautiful person. I feel like the luckiest Clone alive to be with someone as amazing as you. Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share your body with me. I know that couldn't have been easy"
You smile back at him, a grin stretching its way across your face "You can't be the luckiest man alive because I have you, and that makes me the luckiest" He blushes in return, the deep red a stark contrast to his pale skin.
You both crawl into bed and you wrap your arms around each other and slowly doze off, never letting go of one another.
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Hope you enjoyed! This one goes out to all my trans brothers out there!
!Feel free to request any other ideas that you would like me to write!
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goldenflurry · 1 year
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I’m so normal about this duo /s
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anxiouspineapple99 · 1 year
*sees reblog about ask box invasion* 👀 I hope you’re having an awesome day! I didn’t see the guidelines for asks, so feel free to ignore me 😅
random question of the day: which clones do you think could actually keep a plant alive?
Hey hey bay bay! My day has been lovely thank you! So glad to see you here! Guidelines? Don’t know her. We do chaos here babes 😘
Which clones could keep plants alive? 🤔
Obviously our sweet Techno bean is first here. You know our boy has researched optimal light levels, soil pH, and has a specific watering schedule for each individual plant. He’d build a little greenhouse with uv lights on the Marauder much to everyone’s chagrin. He talks to them too. Because he read somewhere once that talking to them helps them grow. He wasn’t sure it was true but it wouldn’t be detrimental to them so why not?
I think Rex would too. I’d like to think Padme gifted him a plant once and while he thought it was weird he was touched by the sentiment. He also didn’t want to accidentally kill it and have that get back to Padme via Anakin so there’s that. So he definitely scoured the holonet for plant care tips. Anakin calls him “plant dad” now. Obi Wan is impressed. The 501st boys tease him for being protective of his little green leafy son.
Dogma would absolutely keep a plant alive. He’d follow the directions on that little plant tag to 👏 the 👏 letter 👏 and he would love every second of it.
Probably Fox too. Palpatine probably makes him watch his plants on while he’s on vacation (*coughsithlordshennanigans*). Fox accidentally killed one once and NEVER AGAIN. So he became an expert because ya gotta keep the boss happy.
For funsies in the opposite category who would kill the plant 16 seconds after its arrival? (*ahem other than me*)
Wrecker, Hardcase, Fives, Kix, and Hunter 🤣🤣
Thank you for the ask! That was fun! 🥰
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synthetic-sonata · 2 years
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the mr grizz we never had but always deserved
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vigilaent · 1 year
feeling torn re: my bruce portrayal cause on one hand there is the batman that i love as an active critique of brutality and vigilantism thin blue line rhetoric repackaged in a bat costume and a man who learned better kind of narrative over time but then on the other hand there is batman unburied bruce who would not fucking say any of that <3
#out.#cause like they cannot exist in the same space in my head they are entirely different people#2022 and arkham based bruce is antithetical to unburied bruce and idk which one i would wanna write </3#cause like. the former is kind of integral to my dick and jason's bg considering#less dick but definitely jason since he IS arkham based#cause like. bruce not killing joker is easy across the board but the level in which my jason Hates bruce#depends heavily on bruce's entire shtick as this savior to gotham who loves dishing out violence but refuses to commit to it#fancies himself a hero who never kills while finding in perfectly acceptable to like. maim human beings lol#and who fancies himself one of the GoodTM rich guys while at the same time wasting millions on tech and new batmobiles and suits etc#idk. which. i do like! cause irl batman as this famous superhero figure literally everyone on planet earth knows about lol#i like critiquing what he stands for while believing in his ability to change legitimately#like bruce's whole thing is learning from the people around him for the better#BUT........ UNBURIED BRUCE......#is so. so good and i need to write him like now now immediately#and i also feel more confident to write him? idk </3#like if i write unburied bruce he will exist on a different plain that the rest of my muses#like. threads with them will not be within the same canon as the threads w bruce#cause their makeup is just wrapped too tightly in an entirely different batman#idk what to do!!!!!! rah..... unburied brainrot taking me apart piece by piece rn#girl help
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kicktwine · 1 year
thinking about motorcity dandelions again
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