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Reigen doodles
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foryoupeko · 2 days
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Sorry for drawing so many babies
The recent Dandadan chapters kinda fucked me up☂️
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amandamadeathing · 3 days
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Tech social network post. Original by @dillyt . Also, I need someone to make a wide-eyed shocked Tech compilation.
"Well the horrors may be beyond YOUR comprehension, but I comprehend them perfectly."
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h-didanart · 1 day
Not only am I probably the worst person to post this, I have also chosen a terrible time given current canon regarding these th-two
However, these doodles were just too funny to not share, so!
Jigsaw and Bloodmoon being chaotic teammates while stuck in Minecraft, ft. drunk Bloodmoon (how that happened I have no idea)
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(Also yes, this art is old, I don’t have any current art to show. I either draw or write, this is the everlasting fight (I rhymed accidentally and felt fancy :P))
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abyssalmermaiden · 2 days
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When I watch the world burn, all I think about is you
Wolcred Week- (1) warmth/home
if anyone is paying way more attention than I'd expect anyone to, they'll notice by Aryaille's hair that this is AU territory! specifically a version of the Baldesion Annex night visit scene for the shared AU. They're not together at this point (indeed, Aryaille is still recovering from heartbreak) But there's no harm in seeking comfort with a friend when the world could be ending, right?
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grape-of-agayte · 2 days
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Y’all probably won’t know what In the fresh hell I’m talking about (there are exactly two people currently in the sitcom sphere that do lmao), and that’s my fault tbh. Kept all of my sitcom personal and general speculation shit in a private server instead of sending it here 😭
Anyways, decided to try and shake off my concept design rust earlier today. This is what I meant by (mostly) asymmetrical stripes on falsies (False Veldigun), or at least how they would look on my own little character, Sketch.
The red circles in the third image are where “major” (meaning; dermal-breaking) injuries occurred, which in turn causes the concentrated, ‘circular’ shapes where all the stripes tend to meet.
The colored versions are to better display the shading, faded scarring, n other shit👍 also to show off Sketch’s new color pallets bc I can
I’ll do an update with the front side tomorrow, probably. Maybe. Who knows
Anyways if y’all have questions feel free to ask, just know they’ll probably be answered 6-8 hours from now. I need sleep ✌️
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osc-bananajelly · 2 days
hi death pact again AU jumpscare
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based off an rp with my friend that got slowly turned into a whole goddMn au by my silly brain juices (also yes that is my yard if ur wondering btw
i tried my best with the lighting but my laptop is broken i cant use adobe rn😭😭(im better with image/photo editing with illustrator or photoshop lol)
curse you tumblr and your image quality lowering
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flamingredanon · 3 days
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Little doodle of a chase over some chips.
(The four of them were in a meeting that lasted a good while and Henry took the last bag of Right's favorite chips from a nearby vending machine so the chase is on, with Reginald knowing that Right isn't actually going to kill Henry and the two just need to run some energy off, with Ellie slightly confused but rolling with it)
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hootthewoot · 1 day
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I've never drawn etho before, but by jove I'll try.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to draw these guys in the @voicesfortheblade event, @rachiebeee !
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danderling · 3 days
Can you draw Pen and Eraser thinking a gay version of Blocky (named 🏳️‍🌈 Blocky) is the real Blocky
🏳️‍🌈Blocky has tied up the real Blocky and trapped him somewhere
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This was kind of rushed since it was late mb!!!! But hey there’s your 🏳️‍🌈 Blocky lmaoaoaoao
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pokegalla · 11 hours
Haven’t watched this in awhile but I hope I do this some justice!
Request/trade from @neko-rose888
How do the bad sanses (+ Dream) deal with an S/o just like Yor Forger?
* You two are literally the quiet duo. You would think that’s a bad thing right? Nah. Introverts just have their own way of communicating. So he actually understands you best. Which much to your relief helps you a lot.
* Now seeing you in battle is a whole ‘nother story. He didn’t think you had it in you. Even under the hoodie you can see his eyes go wide as you easily take down a group of strong men easily- you just earned this man’s instant affection-
* But if there’s one thing he’s more terrified of, it’s your cooking. He doesn’t panic but he’s pretty creative on getting rid of the evidence. Thank god he can teleport this away. No offense to you…he just can’t do it. But at least he’s discreet so he doesn’t hurt your feelings.
* To him you are a beautiful strong and independent woman…and he’ll protect you even in the shadows.
* He thought you were the cutest damn thing ever. Teasing you with sweet words and gentle gestures to flirt and see your face turn red. Stars he can never get over that sight.
* But man seeing you in action just makes him fall in more love. Fighting side by side as people drop down to the floor as you dance together with your blades? Can he really think of anything more romantic than this?
* Your cooking is one thing he’s a little….scared of. He still eats it. He loves you that much! But man his nonexistent stomach hurts so much- worth it-🥲
* He still loves you though. His perfect thorn princess…he’ll be sure to dance again with you
* Ironically both of you are pretty similar: both of you are absolutely precious but a little terrifying if necessary- Horror is like a big ol teddy bear who likes to tail you around to make sure you don’t hurt yourself and you make sure he’s ok too!
* But man both of you are RELENTLESS in battles. Downright chilling to the bone (pun intended-) with your cold glares and shocking strength. The switch up even makes the others nervous-
* But nothing more terrifying then Horror actually eating your cooking without any hesitation and even asking for seconds- thanks to him, you strive to do better in your cooking!
* He can’t help but have a soft spot for you. Just please do be careful. He worries a lot….
* Don’t let this tsundere act bullshit you- he finds you annoying but speaks up for you instantly? That man will glare anyone down if they try to take advantage of you-
* And despite being a little surprised at how capable you are in battle, he does still watch over you and assists you anyway he can. What? He knows you’re still a klutz. He’s not wanting to have to swoop in and save you because YOU aren’t paying attention- (he was being a worrywart-)
* He doesn’t really eat anything other than his chocolate bars but you swear someone has been tampering with your cooking….oh well. It does seem to taste better now!
* He might be a little jackass but that’s only because that’s what he wants you to see. He’s no softie dammit-!
* He hired you for your services as your reputation exceeded you. But he was…not expecting someone so…well soft. He thought it was a facade but nope- purely that is your true character. Which was odd to him….could someone this innocent really do anything useful?
* Oh man but you shut him up with your actions. Your speed, your elegant skills, your raw power, he was mesmerized by it all. Could you really be the same gullible quiet girl….? Well you’ve earned his respect.
* With cooking, he actually helps you. At first you spoon feed him a taste and instead of panicking at the taste, he gives you an honest opinion, some advice, and even a cook book for you to follow. He does linger longer than he should have….
* He can’t help the soft spot that’s grown so fond of you. He’s hesitant but he can’t ignore how nice it feels to be with you….
* He heard rumors of your deeds and wanted to put a stop to you. But when he first saw you…well he didn’t expect you to be so reserved. And kind. And sweet….he actually heard your story and you gained his empathy as he understood how you would feel the need to work hard for your sibling’s sake.
* He doesn’t agree with your work but he doesn’t stop you. Because he knows how important this is for you. But expect him to constantly make sure you’re ok and ready to heal you if necessary.
* As for cooking, he usually ends up cooking with you. Mostly because he smelled your cooking and was a little…concerned. But he decided to make this kinda like a fun dating activity while he teaches you! And oh how fun it was. You both couldn’t stop giggling.
* He really cherishes you and despite living different lives, you both make it work….
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jellytamalies · 1 day
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Text ID and closeups under cut
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Arthur: What are you doing!?
Merlin: Helping
Arthur & Merlin: Shit
-BANG- x4
Arthur: We have to take it out
Merlin: Yeah
Arthur: You cover me
I’ll take out the cannon
Merlin: “Cover you”—
with WHAT?
Arthur: …
Arthur: Don’t make me regret this
Merlin: I won’t
;end text]
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justanechoflower · 2 days
Hey Flowey! If you’re going to make Frisk think you were dead you have to make it up to them! I don’t know how but use your imagination.
*Flowey had fled the scene, and too nervous to show his face again after the backfired prank, he writes a letter.*
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Frisk: *You find a letter on the floor next to you- and addressed to you- so you decide to pick it up.*
*You write on the other side of the page that you are not mad in any way at all. You were surprised and sad in the moment, but now you just feel relieved he's alive. You would love to go on a second date! If you ask to use Papyrus's kitchen, you think he would be a fun host.*
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owainigo · 2 months
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in the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed are kings
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foone · 7 months
Bad idea: Age gap discourse but in a fantasy land where there's multiple races who have vastly different lifespans and life styles.
Is it wrong for a 27 year old human to date a 140 year old stone elf, considering most stone elves don't get out of diapers till their 30s?
Is it wrong for a 80 year old dwarf to date a two year old fire wisp, when fire wisps only live up to 5 years (between the eruptions) and have memories of their past lives, so in a way they're "born" at age 400,000+? That octogenarian dwarf is way younger than the fire wisp that's only physically younger than some of the socks the dwarf has!
Is it wrong for a chronomancer who was never born to date, well, anyone? They are zero years old and infinity years old and negative one hundred and seventeen years old all at once. They look like an old human, sure, with the long white beard and the wrinkly skin, but as far as anyone can tell, they've always looked like that. We've seen the cave paintings.
Is it wrong for a 30 year old lizardman (that's old in lizardman years) to date a human who is 60 years old in biological years (because of aging spells), 26 years old in lived-experience years, but only 13 years old in calendar years? (ie, they were born 13 years ago, but spent some of that time in sideways timelines, so they've lived more years than have passed in their home timeline?)
Is it wrong for a 12,000 year old dragon date a pile of 400 kobolds when kobolds only live like 10 years on average, but reach full maturity in one year? And if you disagree, can you do anything about it? You do know what happened to the last policeman who tried to arrest a dragon, right? Their city is still smoldering, 50 years later.
Is it wrong for anyone to date the time worm? It's the same age, every year. So the age gap can only intensify. If you start dating the time worm when you're both the same age, when do you break it off because you've become too much older than them?
And most confusing of all... What about the fairies? They could be anything between a thousand and a day old, they would lie about their age either way, and they can look like whatever they want. There's fairies we know for a fact have been around since the founding of The City of Towers, who met the silent mother herself, and also look like they're at most ten years old. Is it wrong to date them, or just really uncomfortable for everyone who sees it? And on the other side there's fairies who are "born" (hatched? They come from plants, I'm not sure what the verb even would be. Seeded? Sprouted, maybe) this week who are already appearing like middle-aged men and dancing with widows in what looks like a scheme to run off with her fortune but they never take the money, because what would a fairy want with worthless metal discs? Maybe fairies have a hive mind or genetic memory or reincarnation with full memories, they'd never tell you or give you a straight (or consistent) answer anyway.
Stonefolk are really the only inter-race dating situation anyone can agree on. They're unthinking & unmoving solid rock during the day, so those hours don't count. Thus their "real age" is a nice even half of their true age. So if you meet a stonefolk who was dug out 30 years ago, watch out: that's a 15 year old, and if you're a 25 year human, that's too young for you, even though their dig-date is five years before your birth-date.
EDIT: 2024/01/12: Changed the name of the Stonefolk
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randomalistic · 1 month
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