#teenage mutant ninja turtles imagine
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Blind Date (2012!Leo | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Summary — April’s got this friend who she believes is your perfect match.
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Fluff; Reader goes on a date with a stranger (blind date with Leo).
Notes ➳ ‘Can’t Stop the Love’ Event (5/14) ➳ Word Count is 313.  ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them). ➳ Reader is a human who doesn’t know about the turtles.
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You weren’t sure why you agreed to something like this.
Sitting across from a stranger, whom your best friend, April, had described as ‘your perfect match’, was not how you expected to spend your evening. Not to mention, you couldn’t even see him.
The room was extremely dim, only being lit by a few candles. While you had been unsure about the situation at first, the guy, who had introduced himself as Leo, turned out to be rather sweet.
Although you could barely find your plate to eat your slice of pizza, you didn’t mind too much. Unlike other guys you had gone on a date with in the past, Leo was nice. Like, actually nice. You could easily tell that he was a good person.
You found yourself laughing at his jokes and listening to stories about his brothers. He told you about his training in ninjutsu, which you found impressive. You even enjoyed the same music and shows!
So, when the night came to an end, you felt disappointed. You wished he didn’t have to leave so soon. You wanted to meet up with him again... but—
“How can I do that if I don’t even know what you look like?”
Leo’s voice quickly shifted into a tone of nervousness, “I don’t think you’d like that very much.”
“Why not?”
“I’m... different.”
Leo felt warmth rise to his cheeks when you gently placed a hand on his face. April had told him that you weren’t a judgmental person, that you were almost too sweet for your own good. That you were ‘his perfect match’.
And as he nodded his head, allowing you to turn the lights on, he knew she had been right. Your curious eyes slowly trailed over his features, fingertips still caressing his cheek. A small smile slipped onto your face.
“I like ‘different.’”
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findmeinasunshower · 2 years
𝒦𝒾𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒶𝓁𝓁: 𝐻𝒶𝓂𝒶𝓉𝑜 𝑅𝒶𝓅𝒽𝒶𝑒𝓁
word-count: 1k
warnings: none.
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When you had first met the Hamato brothers, introductions were on Leo’s part. They had just joined the NYPD for a long-scale mission you were launching.
Even then, you could tell his hands were longing for his swords the whole time. Since you’ve known him, he’s always more comfortable with the weight of his katanas in his hands, especially when he’s uneasy.
As he talked, he stood with his arms crossed in what Mikey had later told you was the “lecture stance.” Raphael was standing slightly bent as if he would charge at any moment, hands hovering easily near his sais. Mikey and Donnie had adopted the most casual stances: When introductions had begun, Mikey had dropped into a crouch—one that might look casual, but that you found out could turn around in less than a second.
Donatello was leaning against the Battleshell with one leg crossed over the other. He appeared to be relaxed, but you noticed that he was mighty close to the guns on the vehicle from that position. He could easily fire off some warning shots if it became necessary.
Your keen eyes determined that Raphael had the most trouble trusting others than his brothers: What he was doing was actually less effective. All eyes were constantly returning to Raph, naming him the greatest threat, while Mikey and Don went more unnoticed (as unnoticed as a giant turtle could go).
At the time, even though you were nervous, you could understand their caution. The second they stepped into the picture, you knew their intentions were good. Why else would they come out now? But they had every right to be wary of humans and what they could do...from what you later learned, their experiences in the past hadn’t been the best.
Unfortunately, trust often required trust, which was hard to produce, having been through what they had. The other brothers were willing to give it a shot, but you could tell Raphael followed reluctantly.
Besides, humans sometimes surprised Raphael, if not often. You especially.
Being a fellow techie, you and Donnie had bonded immediately, while you found yourself once discussing strategy and behavior with Leo in the warehouse’s makeshift breakroom. Mikey was happy to talk with anyone who would listen, so he was around you a lot, but Raphael...he was elusive.
The second-eldest brother had absolutely terrified you at first with his hard stares and threatening body language, but it only took you about a week and a half of working with him to figure out that that was a shield. Though he would never (and still will never) admit it, he’s terrified of humans or, more specifically, of what humans are capable of. Especially when it came to his brothers.
But, you were determined to get him to open up to you as well. And it didn’t take you long to find your chance.
About three weeks into the mission, you had come to him with your head bowed and shyly asked for him to teach you some self-defense.
Raphael, who had previously been sitting alone in the corner by himself, was so caught off guard by the question he couldn’t even be annoyed that you had interrupted him.
“You want what?”
You sighed and shifted your feet nervously. “Listen, I just graduated from the Academy, and was immediately placed on this assignment. I’m a techie, so they don’t teach us as much as they should...and I have a feeling I’m gonna need to know how to protect myself around you guys.”
Raphael’s eyes narrowed dangerously and you were quick to amend your statement: “No no no, that’s not what I meant. You guys are my friends, I know you would never hurt me.” Raph was a little taken aback by this human calling him a “friend”, but you continued on too quickly for him to fully process what you said. “I just...if shit hits the fan, I don’t want to have to rely completely on everyone else to protect myself, yanno?”
And that’s how Raphael came to be teaching you self-defense.
“Okay, let’s see the twist punch and a right hook.”
You bit your lip and executed the moves a bit unsurely. The punching bag barely moved.
Raph raised an invisible eyebrow. “A little harder, maybe? Might want to actually hurt your target.”
You gritted your teeth and made another try, hitting the punching bag as hard as you could. You yelp in alarm when your knuckles crack and clutch the offended hand into your chest. You try to stop your eyes from watering too much as you say miserably, “God damn, I didn’t think it would hit back.”
Raphael chuckled. “I thought you said you were one of the smart ones!” he cracks sarcastically, making you glare at him. “Ever heard of Newton’s laws of motion? You don’t have to be a genius to get that hitting something heavy hard enough is going to hurt.”
You huff and shake your hand out, trying to get any other feeling but pain back into it. “I thought you were the dumb one,” you tease back before training your gaze on Raph. “You know physics?” you ask curiously
The turtle nods and takes your injured hand, manipulating it gently in his. “You try having a genius brother without something rubbing off.” He twists your hand mildly and you hiss in protest. He glances up apologetically. “Sorry. It’s better to move it gently than it is to shake it: Shaking helps temporarily, but not in the long-run. I think Donnie explained it sometime when we were seven and I kicked a wall.”
You can’t help but snort. “Why did you kick a wall?”
Raph tilts his head thoughtfully for a moment, making you wonder briefly if the question was too personal to ask. But then the red-banded turtle admits: “I’d just been told that Leo was gonna be our leader. Didn’t take it too well, obviously, so Donnie fixed me up and told me why it hurt.” Raph shrugs and lets go of your hand—you can’t let yourself drop it yet though, so it floats in the air between you for a moment. “Now that I think about it,” he continues, “it might have just been to get my mind off of what happened. But, it stuck anyway.”
You smile and grasp your wrist, gently twisting it and working away the remains of the pain. “Sounds like he’s a good brother.”
Raph looks surprised for a moment before his eyes narrow playfully and he pats the bag. “Just hit the damn bag,” he grunts.
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imagines--galore · 2 years
||Heaven’s Light||
Summary: Leonardo does not believe he is capable of being loved, given how he looks. Amal doesn’t believe so. And wants to make him understand that he, as well as his brothers, will one day find love.
Pairing: Leonardo x AmalOC (TMNT)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: No rating just a general. Slight Romance. Fluff. No warnings.
A/N: Yay! My first Imagine here! I hope anyone reading it likes it! I just want to try out how things go. I’m still setting things up on my page, but this song from The Hunchback of Notre Dame came on and I just couldn’t help but associate it with the Turtles, specifically Leonardo. Also I’m just adding this gif just because, I’m not really picking a Verse for when it comes to TMNT, because I love all versions of them:3 Enjoy!
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What day went by when siblings did not argue amongst themselves? The Turtles may be mutants but it didn’t stop them arguing with each other. At least three of them were doing so at the moment.
“Amal said not to play it!” Donnie’s voice was a little stern as he spoke the words, glaring at his other two brothers. Raph snorted.
“Yeah well, since when have we listened to Amal?” He crossed his arms over his plastron. Mikey smacked his lips, tilting his head as he hummed in thought.
“Since the time we accidentally knocked her out in the process of saving her!”
Silence followed his words, as all three brother cringed at the embarrassing first encounter they had with the girl.
“..........Well I know it wasn’t me that did that.” Raph was quick to declare, having made the argument before. Donnie rolled his eyes as he briefly looked away from his computer screen to give his brother a look.
“We don’t know who it was. And I would prefer it stay that way. We wouldn’t hear the end of it if she found out which one of us did that.” He added the last part in a small grumble, knowing how persistent the girl could get. He shivered at the very thought. Mikey nodded in agreement as Raph scowled.
“I still stand by the fact that it was Mikey.” He muttered under his breath, earning a cry of indignation from his younger brother.
Leonardo, the only brother not participating in the argument, glanced up from his shell phone. He had been informing the girl of his brother’s arguments. “She says we can play it.” He called out to Donnie. Mikey let out a silent yes, wanting his curiosity to be satisfied, while Donnie quickly punched a few commands into the computer to play the audio.
“Hope it isn’t that infernal music she listens to all the time.” Raph muttered, recalling when Amal had made them listen to some operatic piece because she claimed that they needed a little but of culture in them. Leonardo smirked slightly at his annoyed brother, having enjoyed how much it had irked Raphael.
The song began as soon as Donnie pressed play. It was soft. Not at all like the music any of them listened to. And yet Amal always told them to focus on the lyrics, even if you didn’t understand them. And so the brothers, standing around Donnie’s work space, listened attentively. The lyrics made Leonardo frown a little, a suspicion forming in his mind as to why Amal would want them to listen to this particular song. It had barely ended when he heard Amal approaching them from the Lair’s entrance.
“Oh good! You listened to it already! What did you think?” She questioned, depositing her gym bag on a nearby couch and removing her jacket. Leo turned where he stood, his heart doing a little lurch when he saw her. It had been doing that for awhile now, and was something he considered normal. Her gaze was open and eager to hear what they had to say about the song, which made him pause for a brief second.
“Well you know me Amal. I prefer figuring out how a toaster works rather then understand the deep meaning behind a song.” Donnie joked, earning an eyeroll from the human. Mikey had already bounded his way towards the girl and slung an arm around her shoulders.
“Sweet choice as always Amal. It was amazing. Mesmerizing. Fascinating. Hypnotizing.” Raph cut him off.
“And we have no idea why you made us listen to it. Usually you have a reason.” Mikey nodded, looking a little bummed. “Yeah dudette. No idea.”
Amal chuckled lightly, opening her mouth to speak when Leonardo’s hand on her shoulder stopped her. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” Curious the girl nodded.
“You keep listening to that track. If you figure out the reason, I’ll order pizza!” The bribe made them a little more eager as they turned to the screen once more, Donnie already hitting play.
She quickly followed after the leader, singing the song softly under her breath as she came to stand in front of him, mirroring his stance as she looked up at him. She had to look up, he was a lot taller then she.
“Is this because of the conversation we had a few days ago?” Leo asked, not bothering to beat about the bush. Amal shrugged. “I guess you can say its one of the reasons.”
Leonardo sighed, his shoulders dropping as his posture relaxed and he gave Amal a resigned look. “And I told you to drop it.”
A week or so ago Leonardo had dropped by Amal’s place for one of their routine hang outs. Just the two of them. It was nice to just chat without the chaos of his brothers around. They’d been sitting on her darkened balcony when she had caught sight of a couple having a romantic dinner on their own balcony. With candles and flowers and champagne and music. While she had cooed over the romance of it all, Leonardo had scowled and been indifferent about it. She had been curious. And was enough of a nosy and persistent person to finally get it out of him.
Leonardo did not believe in romance. Oh he believed in love alright. He loved his family after all. But that was familial love. The kind of love the couple on the balcony had? That was something neither he nor his brothers could ever experience. Amal had protested, saying they were all some of the best people she knew. And Leonardo had looked at her, long and hard and so sad that words died on her lips.
What he said next felt like a punch to her heart.
“And who would love someone who looks like us? Who looks like me?”
Even now, standing in front of him, tears burned behind her eyes, but she blinked them back and reached out to lay a gentle hand on his forearm. Feeling the rough skin under her own smooth fingers, Amal smiled gently.
“Leo. If April, Casey and I can accept you guys as you are, who’s to say someone else won’t? Believe me when I say there is someone out there, who, I am dubbing an Angel, will accept you for you and love you for you.” Her heart doubled in speed as she spoke, pouring every bit of conviction she could into her words. “Green skin and shell and all.” She added with a teasing smile.
Leonardo continued to look at her, with an intensity that had her biting her lower lip nervously. Her heart raced in her ears, and she feared he could pick up the sound with his ninja skills. What she wasn’t aware of was the war raging within him as he wandered if he was perhaps beginning to see his friend in a whole new light. Finally, he broke their gaze and looked to where her hand rested on his arm, covering it with his own hand and giving it a squeeze. He didn’t need to say anything, Amal understood. “You’re welcome.”
With one last smile she slipped from his grasp and walked over to the other three brothers, who were now arguing about their ideas, each claiming he was right.
Leonardo stood where he was, watching her walk with the grace of the dancer that she was, silently wandering if perhaps she was the Angel she had just spoken of.
But then that would be too easy.
And life was never easy.
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forgetful-nerd · 7 months
The real reason we’ll never get another Turtles Forever is because if these three met then they would absolutely destroy everything in their paths.
Also they’d verbally eradicate any villain’s self esteem in like 10 seconds.
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
It’s a good thing that the boys had cute little button eyes when they were babies, because imagine if they had big ol eyes instead, like
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sixofclovers · 1 year
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just regular human ninja teens
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gyancastle · 8 months
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Danny is not having a very good time.
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Commission info | Ko-fi
Versión en español : 👉 aquí
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cupcakeslushie · 4 months
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Three is making friends with the other Council Donnies.
Purple belongs to @red-rover-au and Two is @3lectricinsomnia and @teaableu
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 month
"When I was a young man, I fell in love with a woman-"
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"Oh, hey, is it that late?"
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This is such a funny father and son moment between these two, and I love it way too much.
Not only with Raph trying to get out of hearing a story from his dad that he's not interesting in/in the mood to hear, but also immediately wanting out the second he realizes it's about his dad's love life.
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ladysqueakinpip · 5 months
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what started as the desire to draw The Donnies in their Iconic Purple Jackets just devolved into Donnie's Bizarre Adventures
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faith-forgxtten-land · 3 months
You haven't written anything NSFW for TMNT so its okay if its not something you're comfortable writing but do you think you could write something for Bay Donnie? I don't really have any preferences of requests other than squirting
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Soaked | Donatello
okay, fair warning, i haven't written anything explicitly nsfw for like two years so be nice; i was hesitant in posting this because i have no faith in my writing, especially nsfw, but i hope you like it! bayverse!!
warnings: NSFW, squirting? swearing, mentions of cunt etc., not much else i don't think. everyone is 18+!! awful titles, never proofread
summary: donatello likes it when you soak his sheets
word count: 1691
The world is bathed in darkness when you finally manage to open your eyes. The lair is quiet, and your head feels heavy as you squint. A hand is trailing your torso softly despite innumerable callouses, fingers sweeping delicately along the length of your spine in some silent rhythm. Your skin is warm, the cool touch of his palms soothing the heated flesh, and you giggle quietly as you imagine puffs of mist rising from where your bodies and their contrasting temperatures meet.
“You awake?”
With a humming reply and languid grace, you raise your head and try to make out his face in the dim light. You can’t see much, just a pair of soft eyes that make you feel more embraced than the blankets piled on top of you, as his other hand cups your cheek and you melt into him. He makes you feel like that a lot; like molten gold, pliant under his assured touches, burning and boneless and so, so precious.
“You fell asleep in the middle of movie night,” he says softly, lips brushing against your forehead in a gesture so tender it makes your heart clench. He traces his mouth down the swell of your cheek, caressing the lines of your face until he reaches your jaw. His kisses are indulgent and full, and you feel gluttonous as your hands seek his plastron eagerly. Even half-asleep, you want him wholly and desperately and you feel him huff a fond laugh, smiling knowingly against your throat.
“So needy,” he teases affectionately, the hand that had been mapping your back now beginning to move further downwards until the flesh of your thigh is in his grip. He squeezes it once, twice, and parts your legs. His beak presses harder into the delicate skin of your neck, and he inhales deeply before biting sharply. The contrast of his gentle hands and the sudden sting of his teeth causes your hips to stutter, and you can’t hold back a whine.
“I can smell you.” His voice is low and you shudder at the rasp in his tone. He pulls back to look into your eyes, and you swallow thickly; his irises have disappeared into blackness, as if they’re drowning in ink with pupils blown wide, and you feel yourself grow wetter at the wild look. You still can’t make out his face, but you know he looks wrecked, and a smug satisfaction settles deep within you.
The thought that your scent alone can ruin him, make primal need overwhelm him, make him look wanton, causes your toes to curl. His large hand, so huge on your body, grasps your thigh tightly again and you gasp as he squeezes hard enough to bruise this time. “You’re soaking already,” he groans, and you buck your hips, silently begging him to pull your sleep shorts down and feel it for himself.
Despite his teasing, he must feel as desperate as you because he’s quick to do exactly that and rub his finger against your folds. He curses loudly, the sound echoing in the quiet, and you spread your legs wider. “So fucking wet,” he chokes out, rubbing your swollen clit as he pushes his first finger inside of you. You’re so warm and tight and you feel yourself flutter around him.
“Donnie,” you gasp as he curls his finger just right. It’s the first word you’ve uttered, and he groans darkly at the desperation that coats the sound. He fucks you faster, his finger stretching you, drawing the most obscene sounds, wet slaps reverberating so loudly you’re sure everyone can hear them. You’re panting and flushed, hips grinding as he pumps in and out, and you moan loudly as he slips another digit inside.
He’s back to pressing open-mouthed kisses against your throat, lapping up the sweat that trickles down. “That’s it,” he murmurs reverently, sucking purple marks into your sensitive flesh and scissoring his fingers faster and harder, forceful pumps bordering on brutal. Your name is a growl on his tongue as he hits that perfect spot over and over, and you can’t stop yourself from mewling as he presses harshly against your sensitive nub, pleasure and pain blending in a way that makes you dizzy.
His pace is unrelenting and unforgiving, and you can feel the thrumming of your pulse, a delirious concoction of sensual agony shooting through your veins as you babble senselessly. “Donnie, please, please—”
He fixes his teeth over an especially delicate part of your throat and bites so hard you see stars, chest heaving and unable catch your breath as your walls clamp around his fingers. There’s going to be an outrageous mark, dark violet bruises and blatant indents of teeth in a place you have no hope of covering up, and the thought only makes you cry louder.
You think you might pass out for a minute or two as Donnie continues to finger-fuck you through your orgasm. You’re shaking and sensitive and sore, but he doesn’t let up even as you shiver and whine. “You can take it,” he tells you simply, and you nod quickly because you can, you’ll take whatever he gives you.
It doesn’t take long for you to reach the edge again, little gasps and whimpers slipping through your lips with every pump. He’s toying with you, a teasing grin pressed against the column of your throat that turns into a low laugh as you curse him for slowing whenever your thighs begin to tremble. Just as you think he’s about to slow again, he pinches your clit harshly and you can’t stop the wail that wrenches itself from your burning lungs.
His fingers fuck you through this orgasm too, spreading your legs wider as they spasm and weakly attempt to shut without his permission. Only when you fall still does he pull out, and you whimper more at the aching emptiness. He makes sure you’re watching as he brings his fingers to his mouth and tastes them; his tongue is playful, thick and flicking, and you feel the muscles of your stomach contract.
“Tease,” you croak, and his eyes somehow darken even further at just how wrecked you sound, your voice rasping and slurred.
“You’re right,” he agrees, brushing your folds again, digits stroking your puffy slit. You gasp as he pushes two fingers back in, squirming at the satisfying and sensitive discomfort shooting along your spine. “You’ve been so good.” He’s making those perfect curling motions inside of you and your back arches, tears gathering on your lashes as that agonising pleasure sparks, lighting up your blood and forcing your eyes to roll back.
There’s a pressure building, somehow more intense than before, and your thighs quiver as his fingers continue to fuck you without faltering, even as your legs threaten to snap closed at the unbearable sensitivity when he finds your clit once more.
You’re not sure if the sounds coming out of your mouth are words and you’re pretty sure you’re drooling, tongue lolling, but whatever noises escape your parted lips have Donnie pressing that spot inside you harder and harder, churring darkly. It's a sound that clatters through you as he returns his teeth to your throat like they belong there, like your neck is meant to be a canvas for his marks. “You can do it,” he groans. "You’re always so good for me.”
His fingers curl even more, and you choke on a moan as you realise what he’s asking for, what he’s building towards with every pump. Your own hand desperately grasps his forearm, not sure if you’re begging him to stop or urging him to keep going as you pant and whine, body writhing as he tears a sob from you that rattles your bones. “I can’t—”
“Yes, you can.” He’s tense, the muscles of his arm flexed and hard under your touch, and you can feel his sweat on your damp skin as he presses impossibly closer, almost lovingly nuzzling your neck now even as his fingers fuck you stupid.
You feel like you’re about to explode, the pressure agonising and tipping over into pain, blood boiling under your skin, and you can do nothing but cry wildly, screaming loud enough for everyone to hear, when you feel that tension inside you shatter like glass.
Donnie holds you as you convulse, shudders racking every inch of you, soft praises rushing from his lips as he presses gentle kisses along your jaw. He groans feeling your wetness gushing against him, soaking his plastron and his bedding, knowing your scent will cling to him and his bed for hours even after he showers and changes his sheets.
It's his favourite part, he thinks privately. It soothes something primal and animal within him, something he didn't even recognise until he had you writhing and coming undone under him for the first time. Making you lose control, satisfying you so good you can't help but squirt… He swallows the thought and scissors his fingers in you, watching the way you whimper with your eyes closed as he glides in and out of your pretty cunt with ease, your body always so responsive for him no matter what state you're in.
You’re certain you passed out this time, and when you come-to, Donnie still has his fingers inside of you, still pressing those feather-light kisses to your skin. You feel heavy and weightless all at once, eyelids fluttering, unsure whether to whine in relief or displeasure when his fingers retreat slowly and he brings them to his mouth again.
It takes you another minute to realise just how wet you are, your thighs glistening even in the low light, and the bed beneath you is completely drenched. You can’t muster any shame, only satisfaction coiling deep in your gut when you see just how soaked Donnie is too.
“Next time,” he breathes, voice guttural and promising, still sucking his fingers clean, “I want you on my face so I can drink every drop.”
You clench your thighs together, sore and aching and still so needy, and lick your lips. “That can be arranged.”
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tekkiperson · 6 months
how do you think casey jr would react to party poppers? these things 🎉, with the confetti n stuff?@!$?
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I think he would love the confetti, though!
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shantechni · 8 months
This was such a little brother moment
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imagines--galore · 2 years
||A Comforting Embrace||
Summary: Amal feels a little down. Luckily a friend drops by to give her some comfort.
Pairing: Leonardo x AmalOC (TMNT)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: No Rating. Hurt/Comfort. Fluff. A couple curse words.
A/N: I just had this little plot bunny in my head and just started typing. :P
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It was really pouring that day. It had started out a sunny day, full of sunshine and bird singing. By the afternoon though, the sky was overcast, so much so that anyone who didn’t look at a watch would claim it was night. Or at least early evening. There were reports of a hail storm in some areas, but otherwise just rain.
It was strange how the weather matched her overall mood that day. Normally it was the opposite. She would be feeling glum and the sun would be shining at it’s fullest. She would close her curtains and cocoon herself in the darkness, before turning on a song that suited her melancholy mood. Loud enough that it would drown her more morbid thoughts, but not loud enough to disturb the neighbors.
That day though, Amal had all her curtains parted, the lights were out and her balcony door was open. It allowed the chilly air to cool her skin, and let in the scent of rain, which she had always found comforting.
And she needed all the comfort she could get.
Dressed in one of her father’s old baggy hoodies and a pair of loose shorts Amal sat cross legged on the floor, facing the open balcony and just staring listlessly at the pouring rain outside. The song she had chosen acted as white noise as she tried her best to distract herself from the conversation she had with her mother a few hours earlier.
Or rather argument.
As always her mother was not happy with her career choice. Nor was she happy with the fact that her daughter had moved so far away. It went against the views and beliefs her mother had grown up with. Family should stay together. And didn’t she love her family? Didn’t she respect her parents? What would her elders think?
“Fuck them.” She growled, rising from her spot and moving to where her cell phone had been charging.
She loved her family. There was no doubt about it. But it was all getting to be too much for her. She was just another cousin that blended into their extended family. Amal wanted to explore herself on her own terms. With no one dictating her every move and questioning every step she took. It was the reason she had moved to New York. To get a little bit of freedom.
“Just because I didn’t want to become a doctor I’m suddenly labeled the failure of the family.” The brown skinned girl spoke loudly to the empty apartment. “So what? I’m not supposed to have a say in what I want to do with my life?” She continued, angrily flicking through her playlist to look for another song to play.
“I take it the phone call went great.”
Amal shrieked, nearly dropping her phone as she twirled on her feet to face her intruder. The instant her eyes connected with the six foot something turtle standing just at the entrance of her balcony she relaxed, raising a hand to where her heart was beating wildly in her chest as she heaved a sight of relief. “Geez Leo! You know how to take a girl’s breath away don’t you?” She laughed softly, eyes dropping to her phone as she finally selected a song and placed her phone back so it would continue charging.
Seeing him about to step into her apartment she gave a small cry of protest. “No! Stay! Let me get you a towel.” She called, racing over to the small alcove above her washing machine where she kept her clean towels.
“I’m not that wet.” The blue clad ninja protested, as he wiped his head with his three fingered hand. Amal gave him a look as she threw the towel at his face. He expertly caught it, of course. Damn ninja.
“You look like you took a dip in the Hudson.” She quipped back, moving to resume her previous position on the floor. “And move out of the way, your big shell is obstructing my view.” Leo took his sweet time complying to her request, which prompted her to huff in annoyance and throw one of her many floor pillows at him. There was a long silence as the Turtle dried himself off as best as he could. Amal took up watching the rain pour outside once more, letting her thoughts wander, barely noticing as her friend dropped down to sit beside her mirroring her cross legged position.
For a few long minutes the only sound was that of the song playing softly in the background and the rain outside.
“What were you doing out in this rain anyway?”
“I was on patrol of the sewers. They started to flood with rain and your place was the closest.”
A hum followed his words as she pulled her legs towards her body, resting her chin between her knees. He reached behind him to unstrap his katanas and set them aside.
“So your mother? What did she say this time?” He inquired, turning to look at her scowl and bury her head further between her knees.
“The usual. She threw in a couple of extra ‘bring shame on the family‘ for laughs this time around. Last time I had a healthy helping of ‘I’m disappointed‘ so I figured it would be different this time.” Silence followed her words as her body tensed even more and angry tears sprang to her eyes. She blinked angrily at the stinging sensation.
“I mean I know she says what she does because shes worried about me but it still hurts to hear those words.” Her voice was small, which was how she felt in that moment. Her heart clenched in her chest at her stomach felt tight. An unpleasant sensation ran up her legs, making her shudder.
But all those feelings were there for a few seconds.
As soon as she felt the warmth of a hand, albeit a three fingered hand, being placed on her shoulder it was as if all the bad feelings disappeared in a puff of smoke. There was still sadness lingering in her heart and in her eyes but she felt calm.
Leo made sure to watch her for her reaction. When it came to being physical he was the worst out of his brothers. More out of respect then anything else. Mikey thrived on hugs, high fives, tackles. Raph preferred fist bumps and shoulder bumps. Even Donnie would give a good old pat on the back, and the occasional spontaneous hug. Him? He always kept his distance. And given how Amal sometimes made him feel with just a smile or a look, he was extra distant with her.
But she needed a little comfort right now. And he could push aside the feeling of how soft she felt against his rough skin if it meant making her feel better.
Slowly his hand slid to the other side, his arm enveloping both her shoulders in a comforting yet loose embrace. “Well, if its any consolation, we’re all really proud of how far you’ve come.” And by we, he meant April, Casey, his brothers and Master Splinter. As well as himself.
She gave a little sniffle, her body shifting to lean against him. A wave of ease washed over her as she was surrounded by the comforting aura that seemed to follow Leo around. “Even you?” There was a slight joking lilt to her tone as she spoke the two words. Leo chuckled, turning his head to look down at her, though she kept staring straight ahead. He didn’t understand the sudden rush of emotions he felt every time he saw her. But they were never unpleasant. They were, dare he say, almost addicting. He would meditate on them later. For now though, he lowered his head so that his lips barely brushed against her hair.
“Especially me.”
Heat rushed to her cheeks as he whispered the words against the top of her head, her hair tickling his lips as he did. A smile, unbidden and from her heart, pulled at her lips as she allowed her eyes to slid close, just wanting to feel him sitting next to her with his arm around her.
She would think of her sudden shyness and the urge to pull him closer later. For now she was content with a simple embrace of comfort.
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excali8ur · 1 year
It's a shame Raph and April didn't spend more time hanging out in the show tbh. I figure their dynamic would be something like this
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hitwiththetmnt · 10 months
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Give the old men their applesauce
P1 P2 (I absolutely want to draw these guys more)
@butterfilledpockets B.E.N.T au
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