#tfrb cody
signanothername · 7 months
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Have some Momwave cause his protectiveness and gentleness with Cody is everything to me <3
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cayennesugar · 1 month
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(Feat. Vehicons that ventured a BIT too far from Nevada, RIP Steve on the ground behind HW)
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celestite-caroline · 3 months
I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it
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Rolling Thunder redesign
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fishleeks · 4 months
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rescue bots humans
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ajtheram · 9 months
Sooooo I made a little something-
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mysticfoxdesigns · 10 months
Miko is a violent grimlin who will gladly insult anyone
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Miko and Kade have a friendly rivalry at this point
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urdadsceilingfan · 1 year
Chase and Cody duo is something I want to see more of
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frosty-tian · 7 months
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Not too sure how to feel about the result but at least got the new idea for Heatwave’s holoform out.
(@azula-nyx, @draqua Heatwave also has fangs, but they’re not as prominent as Chase’s (Chase’s fangs looked too blunt in the last doodle).)
(Also, @sarai-the-furry because I know what you are.)
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starscoffeecreamer · 25 days
blink blink blink
any rescue bot hcs?? Because I have….. many.
oh my god yes here are some (I'm sorry that it took forever to answer this my internet died for like two days)
(sfw only due to no specification)
-all the bots see Cody as a sparkling. They'll snap at anyone who's rude to him or swears around him, including their own partners.
-Heatwave loves kids. He has a soft spot for them, and would like to have some with Chase one day.
-Chase has a burning hatred of lawnmowers due to so many rescues involving them going haywire. Along with menacingly glaring at them when he sees them, he's also added a rescue code for "out of control lawnmower" for recruits to learn.
-Surprisingly, Blades is actually the least sensitive to gore. He can't watch actual horror movies due to jumpscares, but give him something that's basically just gorn and he'll watch it. He'll even comment on medical inaccuracies. (ex: "That's a major artery, she should've died very quickly." "I don't think that cute little animals have that much blood in them.") (he's watched happy tree friends before)
-Boulder has severe sensory issues. Bright lights, colors, and too much noise give him headaches, and he likes painting outside because it's calming.
-High Tide tells the younger bots all about the War and the Exodus. He makes sure to tell them about Metroplex.
-Servo barks at water coming from hoses. Not anything else, not out of Heatwave's knuckles, but specifically hoses.
-A personal rarepair of mine, but Boulderbumbleblades is canon to me, Boulder paints his partners sometimes
I probably have more but this is all I'm putting here for now lol
If you want any nsfw hcs, send a separate ask and I'll answer em
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lovinglonerhybrid · 2 months
so, as I'm having dinner, I'm watching rescue bots season 2 episode 16 in search of the griffin's nest. as I'm watching I keep thinking what if one of shockwaves predicons got loose and found wayward island. it running on mostly instincts and so once it finds the nest it begins to brood like a chicken. so, this griffin predicon who can turn invisible is steeling all the nice materials on griffin rock and that brings the rescue bots to the island to find what is taking the metals. once they find the predicon the rescue bots are persuaded by Cody and graham to let the griffin come home with them. all of this to say i want that one meme with the ostrich.
chief burns: whatcha got there.
Cody and graham holding milkshakes with a predicon behind them: milkshakes.
heatwave calls Optimus but he never answers son when he comes over for the next visit in season 3 episode 1 the rescue bots have a fully functioning predicon member of the team and poor OP is very confused.
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vixxelle · 10 months
I think Cody deserves to go ballistic
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signanothername · 8 months
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I’m sorry but that one scene of Heatwave is literally just this
Like?? the mama bear in him literally was about to throw hands fuck staying in cover
No one touches his sparkliiinnnggsss!!!!
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ashleysproxymich · 7 months
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I have literally no idea to how to color clothes and hair😭😭😭
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Even more incorrect quotes
Heatwave: "Who the fuck broke the toaster?"
Boulder: "It was Cody."
Blades: "It was Cody."
Chase: "Cody broke it."
Cody: "...yOU PROMISED-"
Blades: "So don't panic but one of us is possessed by an owl...."
Heatwave: "...."
Boulder: "....."
Chase: "......"
Cody: "..Who?"
Blades: "That's the thing we don't-" *Everyone stares at Cody*
Blades: "Alright Chase, Boulder. Let's go over this one more time."
Blades: "If something breaks?"
Chase: "We try to fix it before Heatwave gets home."
Blades: "If it doesn't work?"
Boulder: "We blame Cody."
Cody: "Seriously guys, what the hell?!"
Cody: "What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched?"
Graham: "IT."
Dani: "Annabelle."
Chief Burns: "Paranormal Activity."
Kade: "High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words."
Chase: "What scares you guys the most?"
Blades: "Werewolves!"
Boulder: "Sharks."
Heatwave: "The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death."
Heatwave: "Cody dying."
*Everyone is giving advice to Cody*
Boulder: "It's okay to ask for help."
Blades: "You're not a burden."
Heatwave: "Murder is okay."
Chase: "Your feelings matter."
Boulder: "What do you do when someone offers you drugs?"
Cody: "Take them!"
Chase: "Punch them in the neck!"
Blades: "Say thank you!"
Heatwave: "Offer them more drugs to assert dominance!"
Boulder: "…"
Boulder: "No."
Boulder: "Guys… the principal just called—"
Chase: "It was Blades!"
Blades: "It was Heatwave!"
Heatwave: "It was Cody!"
Cody: "It was me!"
Cody: "We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends."
Blades: "...Your what?"
Cody: "My friends."
Boulder: "Are they saying “friends”?"
Chase: "I think they're being sarcastic."
Heatwave: "No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Cody! All of your friends are in this room."
Chase: "What's the worst thing you guys have done?"
Boulder: "Rickrolled my teacher on Cybertron."
Blades: "I kicked Heatwave in the shin-"
Heatwave: "-So I kicked Blades between the legs."
Cody: "I almost died and was burned in a forest fire."
Chase: "What?!"
Heatwave: "What the hell is wrong with you?!?"
Cody: "A lot of things."
Blades: "No shit."
Heatwave: "Cody's first detention, I'm so proud."
Boulder: "Whoa, back up. Why did they get detention?"
Chase: "Because he was acting a fool as a human say."
Blades, terrified: "They can do that??"
Cody: "You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?"
Heatwave: "Several traffic violations."
Graham: "Three counts of resisting arrest."
Dani: "Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks."
Kade: "Also, Heateave's still technically grounded for his non-robotic behavior in public."
Blades: "What do you guys do when you're stressed?"
Chase: "Try and calm myself down!"
Boulder: "Recharge."
Cody: "Get myself into even more stress, so that the first reason for my stress gets cancelled out."
Heatwave: "I don't."
Chase: "Did you bring Boulder?"
Blades, gesturing to Cody: "No, but I brought the next best thing."
Chase: "Cody? The next best thing would be Heatwave."
Cody: "I would be offended, but Heatwave is freakishly strong."
Chief Burns: "I swear to god sometimes I'm the only one here with a braincell."
Cody, Dani, Graham, and Kade: "ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!"
Chief Burns: "Hey, how did my phone break?"
Dani: "You were drunk yesterday."
Chief Burns: "And?"
Cody: "You threw it."
Chief Burns: "Why?"
Graham: "You turned on airplane mode and kept screaming “FLY DAMN YOU!”"
Chief Burns: "And why didn’t you stop me?!"
Kade: "We were busy laughing our asses off."
Chief Burns: "You three, explain right now!"
Kade: "It was Dani."
Graham: "It was Dani."
Cody: "It was Dani."
Dani: "…fuck."
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The first thing Heatwave would do if he ever got a human disguise is give Cody a proper hug.
i totally forgot about this ask i'm so sorry
anyways heatwave is very awkward about hugging (this fleshy body is weird i can't drive or boat or dino anymore) but he still wants to be affectionate with his human friends. believe it or not, heatwave is a very physical bot. the other rescue bots know this well, the humans less so. he was always worried he'd hurt them, because they were so much smaller. but now he's on their level, so he can touch them. frankie and cody are thrilled by this discovery, and the fact that heatwave can swing them around by their hands.
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ajtheram · 1 month
This mayyy or may not refrence a big project of mine-
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