#thank u anon <33
patchesbeanie · 10 months
Dream loveposting opportunity! Whats one thing you love about Dream?
his endless love and wonder at the world !!!!! he's so genuine and passionate about the things he's interested in and it's a big reason why i'm so drawn to him
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Do you think Thorin would be into forehead kisses? Do you think he would spend each morning kissing Bilbo on the forehead? Do you think this would be how Thorin kisses Bilbo goodnight? I hope you get loving forehead kisses soon, anyhow. :)
anon, thorin would love forehead kisses being the giver and the receiver primarily bc his husband is at perfect forehead kissing height and then the few times bilbo is in the position to give forehead kisses (thorin is kneeling in the garden or to start the fire in the hearth) thorin is absolutely delighted <3
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saintshigaraki · 8 months
*twirls my hair* i could listen to u talk about tomura forever
i can't talk about him for too long because he actually devastates me rip he's so cursed by god its actually unreal. my most beloved saint-turned-messiah character in the whole entire universe
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waybrights · 11 months
Hi hello your sats AU makes me unwell (complimentary) <3 I'm listening to music as I work and I just keep zoning out because I'm like "oh hey one of the trio could have written that for the band/when they were separated" it's very bad for my productivity but hey, can't stop the blorbo thoughts
Anyway I love it so thank you for your hard work
SUSGSH JOIN THE CLUB !!!!@!! i haven't stopped thinking about them in like the 2 years I've had this au, they're so SILLY !!! it always makes me so happy to hear that ppl are enjoying it still <333
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
Is it still confession hour? 🤭 Elvis makes me so horny that I’m considering how to go about getting laid (even though it won’t be by him 😭), it’s been a long time baby (3 months with no end in sight)
oh baby it's always confession hour here ;)
yes babe go get ur shit wrecked - just be safe pls!!!
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send me your confessions / thoughts ;)
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dreamsclock · 1 year
wait were you away for the tour? or did something happen but you also had the tour? just asking cause if it was the latter I hope what bad news you got did not ruin the tour for you ❤️
went back home to celebrate my birthday happening on monday, but i travel back to university tomorrow :) i got bad news about my physical health that just really screwed with my mental health, but i’m doing okay and trying to stay positive (it’s nothing to worry about!!!! /gen). i took my brother to a theatre in our home city to see tommy’s tour — the bad news didn’t ruin the show and we had a great time :D!
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astrumocs · 1 year
I mean even in the hypothetical you did have intentions like that, are you sure it'd be a good idea to seek that out with her? She's pretty unstable and obviously has a violent streak, which seems to conflict with your morals about that stuff.
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"Intentions or not, that doesn't mean either of us has to pursue it further, so I'm not sure what your concern is. I never said it would or wouldn't be a good idea, but if you're trying to tell me it's a bad idea to care about her, I'm not interested in what you have to say."
"And you really shouldn't concern yourself with my morals, since I'm entirely capable of making my own decisions."
"I'm aware that she's traumatized. I've heard of the violence. If something crosses my hard line, I can decide how to handle it when it happens."
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miss-mossball · 2 years
1.) Your favorite color is Yellow.💛
2.) You love dollies >v< 💖
3.) Your Zodiac is a Leo. 🦁
so very very true, all of this! ill take it as an excuse to give u another dolly pic <3
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karaboutmyart · 2 years
unhappy birthday Now Draw Ralph getting a pie thrown in his face like in the cartoons /j
i will draw this asap /srs
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ribbed-vault-heart · 2 years
when scrolling through my tumblr dash i don’t often look at which blogs reblogged what but i do read the tags and i can tell which posts were ones you reblogged just by the way you write in the tags and i think that’s neat
the heartwarming ordeal of being known ;-; <3
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isorottatime · 2 years
i love your personal posts and i'm like literally going "oh hey robin is speaking" in my head omg
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(artists rendition of what happened when i saw this)
ANON im so glad you enjoy my screaming-into-the-void posts!! an im blessed to be associated w robin omg!
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solipseismic · 2 years
you're so funny and sexy and i would put you in my pocket and carry you around with me.
the only thing incorrect abt this is that i would not b in a pocket i would b on ur shoulder
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 2 months
im about ten hours too late for music recs and i dunno what u like but uhhh palaye royale if u havent heard them yet. jhariah is also cool.
It’s never too late for music recs! I have heard of both of those but only like a song that was trending on TikTok for a while, so I will def go back and listen more!
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saintshigaraki · 6 months
Motherboys™️ and Mother Men™️
this is like....the third ask ive gotten saying my trademark is motherboys and mothermen.......and im so grateful for that 🙏
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canarymemories · 10 months
HI I THINK YOURE SUPER COOL i like your fics a lot i need to read more of them ive been meaning to for a bit... also i think we're twt mutuals and i see you in my notifs sometimes and i just wave to you in my brain everytime
ASLDKGH thank u 🥺 i'm so glad u like them <33 sometimes i forget that people like. can read what i post which sounds so funny but sometimes i look at my ao3 and it's like oh hi. but yeah it makes me so happy to hear that <33 waving back to you in my brain now
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
are you updating fw? pleasee
i meant to post the next chapter last night but i forgot! so
chapter 24 - ski slopes** will be posted tonight 😘
reminder that if you wanna be tagged in any of my fics just lmk ☺️
here’s a lil sneak peak 😉
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i hope y’all don’t hate me for this 🫣🫣
also i love and appreciate every single one of you who ask me/talk to me/comment or even like/share my fics especially Forever Winter it is my baby & passion project (lmao) so IT MEANS A LOT OKAY LOL I LOVE YOU ALL
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