#thank you so much medli whenever you send me asks I’m like !!!! ASK FOR ME?? PEOPLE LIKE?? WANT ME TO TALK!:
chayannecraft · 6 months
hey the last drawing will probably be uploaded tomorrow!! i know you'll understand but i've been very busy today :)
anyway i'm curious about if the other eggs have any sort of role in your au??
OH and if you want to talk abt what chayanne and phil's relationship is like, i've been very curious about that lol bc it seems like phil's both very protective of him and doesn't care about him that much. not saying you haven't thought it out i'm just eager to look more into his character!
Hello!! Yeah no I understand I’ve been super busy too. Finals season and everythang. It’s a curse. Oh my god. (Which is why im so late answering this ask hello omg!!!) But anyways yes hello oh my god questions!!!! 💖💖💖!!!!! YES!!! I WILL ANSWER
The other eggs have very loose roles but they do exist!! They sort of take up the space of the descendants-of-the-champions roles that Sidon and the others fill (although I’m not sure who is who at the moment, would have to think about that a little more!!) (I have no idea what role Tallulah plays, but I think she might be traveling around with Wilbur, more info on that later) but sometimes they’re also just like, normal random kids. They are all friends I promise. I don’t have a lot on them though so this is not that coherent.
You were right in that Phil is very protective of Chayanne!! I think a part of him knew Chayanne was The Chosen Hero, but when faced with the decision to send him off to what very well could have been his sons death, if not horrific trauma he was like um. No lol. Not doing that.
A consequence of the storyline in general is Phil isn’t very mentioned a lot, so it gives off the idea that he’s uncaring towards Chayanne, but I promise you that’s not the case!! (Not to make fun of you or call you out of course). Phil is actually very loving towards his son, and was devastated when he ran away with the Master Sword.
Then (for reasons I haven’t thought up yet) he’s pretty distracted but desperately trying to get his kid back. Until the calamity happens and they fail. Then he’s under the impression his son is just dead and he’s in mourning for the next 100 years (Why is he still alive in 100 years, you ask! Well! I took everything from these kids and I think taking their parents is a little bit too cruel so everybody is blessed by some sort of god that expands their lifespan a couple hundred ok :D!!!)
And then a little bit after botw someone goes to Philza and is like hey. The hero is back. He’s hanging out with Princess Pomme. He looks a lot like the missing hero from 100 years ago. Your son. Might be your son Phil. And Phil basically takes 3 seconds to process this before clawing himself up from his depression and being like OK. WE’RE GONNA GO GET HIM!!! AND IF ANYBODY TRIES TO STOP ME IM MAULING THEM. Of course he gets to hyrule RIGHT as totk plot starts and Chayanne goes missing so kind of an L BUT THEY DO REUNITE!!!
They get their moments. They also get a really tearful reunion where Chayanne is like dad im so sorry for running off oh my god :( I forgot you for a hundred years you must be so upset with me. And Philza is hugging him like oh my god my kid is ok. Oh my god. YOU’RE GROUNDED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WHAT THE FUCK. And then just caries him around. And probably has some sort of beef with Missa because that’s Chayanne’s Hyrule-Dad. Meanwhile Pomme stands in the back ready to kill him if he makes one wrong move.
There’s a side story kind of sequel relating to that where Pomme and Chayanne have to grapple with the fact that Chay is also a prince and his dad misses him dearly and wants him to come home but they don’t want to be separated ever for the rest of their lives. Maybe even some parent bonding. Like a little family-person drama to contrast the cursed-destiny-supernatural-calamity drama and probably some Death Family Bonding.
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wonderful-bellies · 4 years
Pokemon Battle:
(Happy Birthday! Here’s a gift! :D)
In the pokemon world, a woman named Medli, who was a giant nerd, where holding her birthday with her friends. One of these people was the pokemon trainer, Laria. She was wearing black and purple dress with a little bow, her skin was dark brown, her eyes ruby red and her long hair that down to her thighs were green. She also had a little golden necklace. She was taller than Medli, but Medli was lucky that she wasn’t the type to tease people for being shorter than her, like using them as an amrest or something.
  They also had their pokemons with them. Both Medli and Laria had six each. Medli had Lucien the Lugia, Nidel the Serperior, Neyo the shiny Mew, Nashyl the Seviper, Vihro'sae the Liepard and Jin the Talonflame.
Laria meanwhile had Sammy, a shiny gardevoir who was also among those known as a “perma-mega”, meaning he’s permanently a mega pokemon. Alongside him, she also had Miara the Mew, Gal the Galvantula, Ethan the Gastrodon, Grass the Gogoat and Basal the Scorbunny.
  After having eaten for now as well as opening gifts and presents, walked Laria up to Medli. “Hey.” She said, looking a bit nervous, though that’s pretty normal. “I was wondering, if you’d want a quick battle, just for fun?” She asked gently. Medli nodded and stood up. “Let’s make a special rule, we’re only allowed to send out a pokemon once, so it’ll be best two out of three. We’ll figure something out if it somehow ends up being a draw.” She said, and Laria accepted.
  The two of them found a good spot to start the battle. Kehsun, another serperior, flipped a coin, and it would be Medli who send out the first pokemon.
  The pokemon she send out was Lucien the Lugia, he was a big boy with large wings. He looked a bit nervous, or maybe he was just shy.
Laria meanwhile send out Gal the Galvantula. The drider- like pokemon stood on her four large legs, while she fumbled her fingers as she looked at Lucien. Truth be told, she always had a bit of a crush on the big dude, but couldn’t really say it.
  Gal would have the type advantage over Lucien, so let’s see where this will go:
Lucien started out by flying into the air, as he just dodged some webbing being shot at him from Gal. He fired an ice beam back, she tried to dodge, but her large body made her a big target, her legs ended up being frozen. He landed and walked towards her, but when got close, she shot an electro ball at him. He was down on a critical, but then he put his hands together and smashed into the earth, using the move Earthquake on her, making her faint. Lucian walked over and took the drider, and gently began to swallow her. While he was taller than her, in terms of body mass was she bigger, so it was a bit of a challenge of getting her down, especially the abdomen. Once she was inside, he patted his gut and let out a sigh. “That was good fight my friend, you did a good job, you almost won.” He told her and walked out to the side line to watch the next battle. Inside his large belly, was Gal blushing, not really saying anything yet.
  Lucien watched as Kehsun flipped a coin yet again. “You know, you can speak to me whenever you want right?” he said, though Gal was still quiet until she finally made up her mind. “It’s not because i’m sad, i’m just shy, and i don’t know what to say when i want to talk to you.” She answered him, and he gently stroked his stomach and thus her. “Take your time, just know if you ever need something, just ask. There’s no shame in it.” He said in a friendly tone and laid down.
  The next round began and this time it was Medli’s dumb boi, the naga Nidel, a serperior like Kehsun. He gave a cocky smile as he looked at his opponent, the gastrodon Ethan. This time it was Laria who should send out first. Ethan simply gave a shrug and a smile, he had always been pretty laid back, some joke with it’s because he’s a slugtaur-like creature, even though that’s not the case.
Nidel charged ahead, while Ethan used rain dance. Nidel immediately wrapped around Ethan, thinking he had trapped him, but Ethan was just like “nah dude” and slid right out of his hold. Ethan gave him a smirk and immediately shot water gun at him, even if it was ineffective. Nidel knowing that he did this to annoy him, charged at him with leaf blade and got a critical hit. “Nice shot.” Ethan said still keeping that laid back smirk on his face, “but now it’s my turn”, he said as his body was surrounded by an aura, and soon he charged forward at high speed himself, catching Nidel so much off guard that he actually got scared for a second, it was giga impact. It connected perfectly, and send Nidel flying. He was out of breath, and soon he saw Ethan over him. He tried to wrap around him again, but Ethan just slid right out. He grabbed Nidel by the shoulders and began to swallow the green naga. Nidel protested, but soon he found himself inside the gastrodon’s stomach. Ethan slurped up his tail as if it was a noodle. Afterwards, he found a tree to lay up against and rest, while Nidel was still complaining.
  As he was laying down he stroked his belly, but he was getting slightly tired it and pushed Nidel down to his second belly. He hummed a bit for himself and now leaned back yet again. “You’ll just have to relax.” he said, knowing full well that Nidel would NOT be calming down any time soon.
  Third round started, and this time it was the two mews, Neyo and Miara. Miara was the more experienced, but she’d rather perform than fighting, so she convinced everyone that they would do that instead. First it was a dance off, and while Neyo was awkward was nervous and awkward at first, he soon got the hang of it, and started to dance for real. Neyo was a bit more elegant while Miara was a bit of a showoff. A vote was held and it was Neyo who won the performance. Miara just gave him a smile, “You did good my friend. You did good. However, when she touched him, she felt how soft and squishy he was, he was no mew, he was a ditto. She was surprised at first, but then she quickly put the pieces together, and gave him a comforting smile. “There’s no need to hide who you are, we all love you like you are. You’re perfect as you are.” She told him. At first he was hesitant, but soon his form loosened up, to show that he was indeed a ditto. He slowly began to envelop her body and absorbed her into his own. “Are you okay?” He asked as he walked to sit besides Lucien. “Yes i am, don’t worry.” She replied.
  Sammy looked on from the sideline. “Seems like Laria lost.” He said to Kehsun who watched from a chair he had taken with him out. “Seems so, tough they all did a good job. I’m surprised she never called you over, since that you’re her most powerful pokemon.” Kehsun commented and looked up at the male gardevoir, who came with a shrug as he placed his hands on his black “robe”. “I’m surprised myself, but oh well.” He said and took a bite of cake that was shared among them to the party.
  Laria looked over at where the pokemon stood. The only pokemon over there that was her’s was Gastrodon, with a belly full of an angry Nidel. The other two, Lucien and Neyo, was Medli’s, which meant that she was the winner.
Laria walked up to Medli and gave her a handshake. “It was good fight, and you honestly deserve that win.” She said with a smile. Medli smiled back brightly. “Thank you, you were good yourself, however, you do know what the winner gets right?” Medli said than asked. “Aren’t you a bit short for that?” Laria asked in one of her rare moments of sarcasm. “I MAY BE SHORT, BUT I’M MIGHTY AND STRONG!” Medli answered back with a bit of a hesifit, but soon calmed down to an adorable pout that basically screamed for headpats. Which Laria provided.
  Laria took off her glasses and placed them on a rock, and proceeded to bend down in her knees so she was more face to face with Medli. She felt Medli’s hands on her shoulders, and soon felt the warmth and wetness come around her as she entered her friend’s mouth and slowly travelled down into her belly. Medli gulped her down more and more, and soon was Laria all the way down, leaving a large hanging gut for Medli to either cuddle or carry around. “And the winner is Medli!” Shouted Medli in playful triumph. “Happy birthday you nerd.” Said Laria. “Thank you, you hypocrite.” Medli replied back, as in her mind Laria was the bigger nerd of the two.
AAAAAA I’m sorry friend this is the cutest shit??? and you indulged me and let me be the pred ayyyy!! Damn RIGHT preds can be short lol. I loved this so much friend i was smiling like a doof while reading this. Lucian and Neyo were so heckin precious and i love Laria and her pokes aaa thank yooooouu <3
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