#thank you to the person who told me about this because since they deleted it it would be really hard to know otherwise
meownotgood · 1 month
haha hey so apparently someone stole my whole fic... copy and pasted except for tiny things changed... here is the link to their """fic""" (sorry random person I had to steal the reblog from). they've since deleted the fic off their blog + deleted their ao3 + gone on a hiatus so..... that's cool and whatever....... but they have written a lot of other shit so... don't be a dick but maybe check that for funny business too...
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pathologicalreid · 6 months
If your down could u write an imagine where reader is new to the bau and Spencer is just coming back from jail and he makes reader nervous and when he notices he starts to mess with her nothing to wild but he teases her every now and again -🖤
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drop | S.R.
in which reid seems to be there every time you drop something
who? spencer reid x fem!BAU!reader
category: fluff
content warnings: fluff, lighthearted teasing, clumsiness, obliviousness, reader is mentioned to be shorter than 5'7" (sorry it just worked for the story)
word count: 1.1k
a/n: hey anon! thanks for requesting, i think i may have verged away from the request on accident. also this is the one i posted about earlier that had been deleted by word so i had to rewrite it and therefore it's not very thoroughly proofread. hope you enjoy.
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It came as a shock, most people needed to apply to the BAU and even then, they spent years trying to get in. You had gotten a call four months ago and were told you were leaving IOD in the Hoover building and would be expected at the BAU the next morning.
Years ago, you had a run-in with Emily Prentiss while she was heading Interpol in London, but you didn’t think she remembered you – let alone wanted to work with you. She brought you on to the team to help catch Peter Lewis
Now, Peter Lewis was dead, and Spencer Reid had been exonerated. You thought your time with the team was done, but when Emily caught you packing up your things, she told you she had no intentions of sending you back to the International Operation Division.
So, you made yourself comfortable at your desk across from Luke’s, even adding a picture of your family, just to make it seem a little lived-in.
It was something you’d had drilled into your head by your father: if you’re not early, you’re late. That was the reason why you were usually the first to the BAU, only sometimes being beaten by Dr. Reid.
Penelope said he was harmless, but that didn’t change the fact that he made you nervous. Not nervous in the sense that you were scared of him, but nervous in the way that he was something of a legend in the FBI.
Even more so since his recent release from prison.
You felt a sort of disconnect from the team when it came to them trying to get Reid out of prison, whenever Nadie Ramos came up in conversation, you picked up your files on Mr. Scratch and distracted yourself. Of course, you helped where you were needed, but you didn’t know him like they did.
This particular morning, you had beaten him to the office, taking your spot at your desk and flipping through a file you had abandoned in the name of sleep last night. A slight crash made you jump so badly that you fumbled with the papers in an attempt to not drop them. You looked up to see Spencer had dropped his bag on his desk, “Good morning, Y/N.” He greeted you.
Blankly, you stare at him for a moment before giving him a half smile. “Good morning, Dr. Reid,” you responded.
“I told you that you could just call me Reid, or Spencer,” he said, sitting down at his own desk.
Nodding, you found yourself interested in your coffee cup. “Yes, you did,” you took a deep breath. “Good morning, Spencer,” you tried again, offering him a fuller smile.
That seemed to appease him for now because he flipped open his own files and started inspecting them.
As you were preparing for the 10 o’clock debrief, you found yourself in the office kitchenette, pouring a cup of coffee from the pot that had been brewed an indeterminate number of minutes ago. Vaguely aware of the person standing behind you, you turned around to find Spencer, holding his own mug in both hands. “Oh! Hey,” you said, mentally smacking the palm of your hand to your forehead.
You moved out of the way as you added cream to your mug, watching as Spencer poured his coffee and followed it up with an almost equal amount of sugar. As you were about to make your way to the round table room, Spencer spoke, “You know, before 1975 you wouldn’t even have been able to be an FBI agent.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you stopped in your tracks and turned to face him, “Wait, what? Why?”
“Before 1975 people shorter than 5’7” couldn’t be FBI agents,” He responded plainly, but there was a bit of mischief in his eyes.
You looked at him curiously, warmth flooding your cheeks. You stammered something about being late and rushed to the roundtable room, taking your usual spot next to Luke, and watching what Garcia presented to you—pretending not to notice Spencer across the table from you.
The BAU had been asked to consult on a case, but there were no precincts that had asked the team to make a trip to them. You had finished the paperwork on a recently closed case and got up to bring it to Emily, stuffing the papers in a file folder, you turned around and ran into Spencer. “Sorry!” You squeaked out, dropping to the floor to pick up the papers. To your surprise, he crouched down next to you and helped to pick up the papers. “Oh, jeez, now they’re all out of order,” you moped, setting the papers back down on your desk.
“It was my fault,” Spencer said. The honesty in his voice made your shoulders slouch.
Shaking your head, you smiled at him, “It’s okay, Spencer. They’re just papers.”
He looked at you like there was something more he wanted to say, but he didn’t, he just turned from your desk and walked out of the bullpen, leaving you staring.
When you finally brought your papers to Emily, she asked you to close the door behind you. Patiently, you stood in her office while she added your file to the menacing pile she kept on her desk. “I’ve been meaning to ask how you’re doing. With the BAU, I mean,” she told you, leaning over her desk.
“Good, I think. I’ve gotten very few complaints so far,” you told her, unable to help the uneasiness you felt. Had someone said something?
Emily nodded, her dark hair shining with the movement, “Good, I haven’t heard anything negative about you at all. Which is actually uncommon for the BAU.”
You let the rest of the day pass, but as the team trickled out of the bullpen, only you, Emily, and Spencer were left.
At the sound of rustling, you looked over to see that Spencer was packing up his things and putting them into his familiar leather bag. Resting your cheek on your hand, you went back to your case file, marking thoughts in the margins.
Jumping when something hit your desk, making the metal rattle, you dropped your pen on the ground. Peering up to see Spencer giving you a lopsided smile before he bent down to pick up your pen, “Hey, at least you didn’t drop a bunch of papers again.”
You flushed as your eyes followed him out the glass doors of the BAU, turning around to see Emily watching on, leaning on the railing outside her office, looking between you and Spencer as if she knew something you didn’t.
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sysmedsaresexist · 21 days
Changing mindsets, from a Real Anti Endo™️
The Release of the (Pro/Endo) Golden Goose
I hope everyone from all sides will give this important, heartfelt post a read.
It's likely something you'll want to be aware of if you have a vested interest in syscourse and the validity of endogenic systems. Please give this a chance.
It's been almost three years since I started my blogs. Wow. I've been on tumblr a hell of a lot longer, but I really wasn't involved in the system community. I started out firm and loud. I probably inadvertently fakeclaimed (I went into this with the rule that I would NOT directly tell anyone they were faking, it was a boundary that I knew would ruin me socially if I crossed it, but I'm sure I probably did without meaning to), I name called and made fun of people and things. I was disrespectful to people. I invaded tags to get my message out there, though I was quick to stop once I realized I was making the tags unusable for the community I claimed to want to protect.
I learned very quickly what was appropriate and what wasn't, what I could get away with and what I couldn't. It started to become a numbers game, influenced by the risk of the post.
I made a lot of friends and a lot of enemies, and I amassed a following of over 2k. More people have come and gone from my little community than I ever thought possible. People made fanart of me, and I cherish those so deeply. I have over 300 asks because I struggle to delete the ones thanking me.
And the more I was thanked, the nicer I got, the more thanks, the nicer I got, rinse and repeat until I had trouble NOT empathizing with pro/endos. The more I was willing to listen, the more legitimate sources I came across that disproved my original ideas about consciousness. The people sharing the sources were more respectful than I thought they'd be. Things were starting to look a bit cloudy.
I talked to my colleagues about how they, as therapists, would handle some of these endos in their practice, and while their belief in the concept varied, kindness and attempts to understand was the consistent answer. When had I lost that kindness and understanding that had driven me to that field to begin with?
Colleagues, yes. For those who don't know, I have a degree in social services and counselling (plus three other degrees). It's why the current situation with the antis turning on me is so funny. I still can't get into the mindset of some of these new anti endos, I just can't imagine justifying that level of cruelty. I had lines that I wouldn't cross, and I didn't think people could be worse than me.
... That might have been a trauma thing, looking back on it.
So I got desperate.
I spoke to the actual doctors who wrote some of these papers all of us are quoting. Everyone was arguing the meaning of the words, so I went directly to the source.
Dr Colin Ross, who wrote about endogenous multiplicity in the 80s. I told him everything-- about plurals, non-traumagenic systems, syscourse, what was being debated, how I and others interpreted his words, and what I wanted to learn.
Was plurality only trauma based?
And back and forth and back and forth we went, with me asking over and over again in different ways, NEEDING to hear that it was.
But I never got that answer. He meant what he meant. He said what he said and he meant it.
That plurality was not only found in the aftermath of trauma.
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And I said nothing to anyone because I couldn't reconcile it.
Don't try to read between the lines, I assure you, there isn't some hidden meaning to be found there. I can't share all of the messages because some contained personal information, but my final response will tell you all you need to know.
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(It did NOT, in fact, make sense, and it took me three years to "rethink my paper" that endogenic plurality wasn't possible, I did not win that conversation, it was a dying stance that was not supported)
I've been accused of paying too much attention to my follower count, but I can't really help it. It's really scary when you make a post and see a sizeable drop. It means a lot of different things. My posts have less reach and support. I've upset people. I've done something wrong. My community is leaving me.
I'm in a weird spot, where I'm blocked by so much of the pro/endo community that I have nothing to join, and the anti endo community, who I still wholeheartedly support, continues to leave me for -checks smudged writing on hand- being too nice??
Misinformation about DID is a massive problem, and it's why I still consider myself anti endo and support that community. I relate to them in such a way that I'll always gravitate to and empathize with them.
Or at least, that's what I thought.
At this point, though, how can I not be pro/endo when Colin fucking Ross says it's possible?
I've already written about how I'm really struggling with these labels, and I love the people that have stuck around while I struggle to figure this out.
I hurt when I see the people that once supported me leave.
My (online) world is shrinking. Literally.
That's scary.
When you've watched so many turn away, you start to wonder, with every post, where is the line where the rest are going to leave? Is it this post?
I just want to be me, us, we want to laugh at the stupid crap people say, system or not, I want to talk about my disorder, I want to combat misinformation, I want to have productive, fun conversations about ideas and concepts with people who disagree and have different interpretations. I want to play devil's advocate and get people thinking. I want to be able to comment positivity and kindness on any post I see, I want to feel comfortable talking to more people about their ideas. I sympathize with anti endos, I relate to CDD systems, I still firmly believe that CDDs and plurality are different, unrelated concepts.
My priority will always and forever be the CDD community first and foremost.
However, I am a hypocrite. I have gone straight to the horse's mouth and failed. I've seen so much research that I finally get it. I'm grappling with holding on to this conversation with Dr Ross, wondering what harm I could have prevented if I'd gone public with these emails earlier.
Since when has being open to change been a bad thing?
Since when has showing respect to lived experiences been a bad thing?
What am I? What label describes this?
How do I go forward from here?
What are you going to do with this information?
I promise you, hate isn't the way forward.
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conrad thanksgiving fic please!!
This has been in my drafts for a long time...sorry. I might delete later, I don't really like it. It's not giving what I wanted it to...
Request: You’ve done Conrad dating a Haley James type of character, what about a Blair Waldorf type character? Old money, fiercely strong, rich, and outspoken. She and Belly would NOT get along, at all. He takes her to Thanksgiving dinner and Susannah is still there and she loves her
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Thanksgiving had always been a massive celebration in your family. Every year, your parents would go all out and host a dinner with their closest friends and their families. Your mother would direct the caterer team and make sure everything was perfect before the guests’ arrival. At the end the meal by having a slice of your father’s infamous pumpkin pie — which was your personal favorite part. 
This year, Thanksgiving was going to be different. Your father was in Paris for business and your mother somewhere in Europe, expanding her collection of vintage designer handbags. Had you not been in college, you would have happily joined her.
‘’Why don’t you come with me to Boston?’’ Conrad asked as you watched him pack a bag for the weekend.  ‘’My mom keeps asking me when she’ll get to meet you.’’ 
The thought of spending Thanksgiving alone had been looming over you, and Conrad's invitation was like a ray of light. 
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. ‘’You told your mother about me?’’
‘’Not really,’’ Conrad explained, picking another sweater and adding it into his bag. ‘’She heard your voice when she called the other day and Jeremiah told her all about you. He’s such a big mouth...’’ He shook his head, wishing his brother could hold his tongue sometimes. 
Susannah was ecstatic to have another guest for dinner. It was on very short notice and most of the preparations were already done when Conrad informed her of your addition to the table, but she would never pass up an opportunity to meet her Connie’s new girlfriend.  
When you and Conrad walked in, Susannah was all over you, complimenting your dress and how gorgeous you looked. You were quick to return her compliments, pointing out how her eyes looked exactly like Conrad's.
You met the other guests — Conrad’s father and brother, then Laurel and her kids —, and all were surprised by who Conrad had brought home. No one ever expected him to date someone born of old money. He’s dated Nicole, but she was nowhere as rich as your family. 
‘’Look at this amazing table,’’ Susannah said as she brought in the turkey, looking very proud of herself. ‘’Martha Stewart can kiss my ass!’’
Your eyes went wide for a short second, not expecting such words from her. She looked so sweet and delicate. 
Conrad shook his head at his mother, happy to see her being herself again. 
Everyone got seated, then Susannah spoke again. ‘’Before we eat, let’s go around the table and say one thing that we’re thankful for. Jere Bear, you can start.’’  
You lifted your eyes at Jeremiah across the table, who looked nothing like his brother. If you hadn’t known, you would never have guessed they were related. 
‘’I’m thankful for my mom,’’ the younger Fisher began, ‘’who reconsidered trying this new treatment for us. I don’t know what I would do without you, Mom.’’ He glanced at his mother, his eyes shiny with unshed tears. 
Susannah squeezed his hand over the table while everyone was trying to not get emotional. 
Conrad had told you about his mother’s breast cancer having come back in the spring. He tried to hide her sickness from you, but when you found him crying in his dorm on a Saturday afternoon, you knew something wasn’t okay. It was a tough subject for the entire family — especially since it was the second time she was going through this. For that, Susannah didn’t like to talk about cancer. She didn’t want her whole life to revolve around it just because a nasty tumor had returned in her body. She wanted to live her life the way it’s always been…and take a few more sitting breaks when needed.
In turn, the other guests said what they were thankful for. It went from Steven getting a car for his birthday to Belly becoming captain of her school’s volley-ball team and Laurel being a typical mom and being thankful for her children. 
‘’Connie, it’s your turn,’’ Susannah said, motioning to her eldest son.
Conrad nodded at his mom, then cleared his throat. ‘’Jeremiah took the words out of my mouth, so I’ll say something else I’m equally thankful for.’’ His lips tugged up into a little half smile and he reached over the table to take your hand in his. ‘’I’m thankful for meeting my amazing girlfriend, who came into my life at the most unexpected, yet perfect moment.’’ 
You smiled back at Conrad, giving his fingers a little squeeze. 
Seated before you, Belly snickered lightly. ‘’Can we eat now? Mom didn't want us to get snacks on the way here and I’m starving.’’ 
Laurel gave her daughter a pointed glare, wishing she would behave. 
Although the pumpkin pie didn’t come close to your father’s recipe, you made sure to tell Susannah it reminded you of home. 
‘’I hope your parents are not too sad that you came to Boston instead,’’ Susannah said, incapable of imagining spending Thanksgiving without her family — especially her boys. 
‘’Not at all, Mrs. Fisher,’’ you politely replied. ‘’My parents were both out of the country this Thanksgiving. Business related travel.’’
Susannah raised an eyebrow. ‘’Oh? What is it that they do?’’ 
You didn’t mean to brag, but she had asked. ‘’My mother is a fashion designer and my father is a lawyer at my grandfather’s firm.’’ 
You caught Belly rolling her eyes and muttering something. You didn’t care what she thought of you, you were the one who got to share Conrad’s bed at the end of the day. Ignoring her childish reactions, you continued talking to Susannah about your parents. She was very interested in your mother’s designs.
When dinner was officially over, you all vacated the table. Jeremiah and Steven went to the living room to set up a game for the five of you to play — another family tradition. You had never played cards against humanity before, but you’ll give it a try. 
Before you reached the living room, Conrad pulled you in a corner near the stairs, wanting some time alone with you. 
‘’Belly despises me,’’ you pointed to him, keeping your voice down so no one would hear.
Conrad rolled his eyes as he curled an arm around you, knowing how you had the tendency to exaggerate things. ‘’She does not. She’s just…having difficulty accepting that I moved on.’’
You made a face at him. ‘’Don’t you defend her. Have you seen all the sour looks she gave me during dinner? Your eyes might be the most beautiful shade of blue, my love, but I believe they are in need of a visual acuity test. You should schedule one when we get back to Palo Alto.’’ 
Conrad chuckled, amused by your theatrics. 
‘’Belly is going to be tougher to win with your charm. Like every ex-girlfriend, she’s gonna try to paint you as a mean girl, so you just have to show her that you’re the opposite. Compliment her. Tell her you like her sweater.’’
‘’But it looks itchy. It’s probably polyester.’’ 
The corner of Conrad’s lips turned into a smile.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs @grxnde-dwt @lexasaurs634 @teeeree13 @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634 @teeeree13 @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis@Shasta89 @sierraluvz @specialk6802  @CZARINERA
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @bloody-mf-bsc @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach  @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster  @johannelis2302nely  @aqshua @foockingasshole @straberryshortcake143 @luiise  @sickntiredtoo  @adrluvh @mymultiveres @Rosekar16 @hopeurokays @amysangrl  @hopelessromantic727  @beth-gallagher22 @lonelywitchv2  @arinexeisnotworking @cloudrainy342 @theflcwer  @alllriseabove  @angelxxrose @angelxxrose-blog  @r1vrsefx
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lashing out at younger sibling figure reader hcs ; angel dust
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requested by ; anonymous (13/12/22)
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; angel dust
outline ; “Would you be willing to write a light angst request?
(If yes, keep reading, If not, then ignore or delete this ask ^^)
Platonic!Angel Dust x fem!13 y/o!reader,
In wich the reader has very bad trust issues (because, she is in hell ¿Who WOULDN'T have trust issues there?) but somehow managed to form a strong fraternal bond with Angel.Ç
Or that's until one day Angel comes pretty bruised up to the Hotel thanks to Valentino and when reader tries to help him he snaps and yells at her/throw something her way paralizying the reader in her tracks and then she just starts taking step backs with her scared expresion trying to get away from Angel because he scared her???
And when he tries to reach out for her to reassure her it was just a reflex action the reader runs away from him practically crying because she thought he was going to hurt her???”
warning(s) ; canon typical violence, referenced (canon-typical) sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, implied child abuse
note ; this request actually confused me a little bit so the content below the cut might not be a 1-to-1 match for what the anon intended — also shaky characterisation as the show technically isn’t even out yet…
when you first met you’d been so alone and afraid, freshly dead and freshly freed of the horrors you’d faced in your short life only to be faced with a new sort of hell
body new and changed and not fully your own but still yours as you regained control of your limbs — dead heart thumping, aching lungs burning for the pungent hell air, legs and arms trembling, new eyes watery and blurred as you stumbled and fell and stumbled some more
sobbing and scared and alone until you caught sight of a limousine and a figure that would become the most important person in your life
angel was curt and uncertain when he noticed you, panicking and stumbling over his words as he slowly approached you and helped you to your feet — talking you down from your fears as he helped you adjust to your new body
‘one step at a time, kid, there we go,’
‘you’re okay, it’s alright,’
‘shit… you look so young,’
‘take my hand — any of them, just pick — and i’ll help you up,’
‘left, right, left, right, there you go,’
his words were encouraging and his voice was unusually soft and once you finally got the hang of walking you didn’t let go of his hand and the two of you stood on that street corner and spoke
you asked him who he was and where you were — he sighed and answered and held you as you cried, his fluff comforting and soft as he hugged you
he asked you who you were and your age and you answered, sobs getting louder as you realised what had happened and his hold on you got even tighter
he told you to wait and promised to take care of you whilst he dealt with his last client — making you sit down somewhere safe in the interim until he could come and collect you properly
then, once he was done, he took you back to the hotel with him and made the others promise to look after you — to not hurt you
and once he told them your age you swore that the room got a lot heavier
but they let you stay, putting you up in the room across from angel’s since he seemed to be the only one you really trusted
(being cautious about talking to the others and fearfully refusing any help offered by nifty or charlie — which broke their hearts but they left you be)
and things stayed that way for a while: living in the hotel, gradually starting to trust the others (very gradually), and getting closer to angel — who you’d started to refer to as your big brother
(which he adored and would return in kind — he felt good being able to take care of someone else, honestly, and you reminded him a bit of his sister, how she was when they were alive anyway… he hadn’t seen her in decades)
it was the most peaceful time of your life (afterlife?) and you were so grateful for having been able to find something so stable in somewhere like hell — until it all came crashing down after seven blissful months
until angel came back to the hotel after being out of contact for a week, covered in bruises and blood and cuts and black eyes as far as you could do
unable to walk without aid and stumbling with each step like a new born or a drunk
unable to let out a shuddering, wet breath without coughing up phlegm and blood
grasping at his chest and wincing with every small movement of his body
a broken man… well, even more of a broken man
of course you wanted to help him — you loved your brother after all — so you can up to him and held his arm to stop him from falling over
your touch light but firm enough as you smiled shakily and offered to help him — only to be met with a sharp glare as he pulled his arm from your grip and stumbled off
then you followed with questions, brows furrowed in concern as you asked him if he needed anything — any medicine, bandages, food, drink, anything
just let me help
and that’s when angel snapped, short temper directed at you as he yelled and screamed and belittled you, top arms flailing wildly — violently — whilst the bottom two clutched at his torn clothes and his aching chest
‘are you fucking blind?’
‘if i needed something i’d ask — do you not understand that?’
‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’
‘shut the hell up and leave me alone already!’
his outburst left you frozen in place, venomous words and angry gestures mirroring the buried shadows that haunted your memories
violent arguments
slamming doors
angry voices
no no no no no
not again please not again
your face was twisted into an expression of pure fear and shock as you stared and silently sobbed into your hands — mind here and away as angel realised what he’d done
he stops and sees you — really sees you — for the first time in a week and reaches out to you, heart breaking when you flinch and back away from him
matching his every step as he apologises and stumbles over himself trying to explain
but he only gets as far as the first syllable of valentino’s name before you’re off like a whippet — flying away like you’re shoes are on fire and running out into the streets
and angel’s eyes water from pain and guilt as he clutches his chest and takes the spare blanket from vaggie to cover himself — feeling charlie’s hand clasping his shoulder as she tells him to get some rest, that they’ll go and get you
and he doesn’t even fight it, too tired and weary and guilty to try, instead just swaying on aching legs as vaggie reluctantly helps him back to his room
his own words echoing through his head as he realises just how much like his father he had been
christ he hoped they found you soon, he knew all too well what would happen if one of the overlords found you — and he just wanted you to be safe
you were just a kid, he was just a kid, and he doesn’t want you to end up like him
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Right After All: Part Seven
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~3.1k
Warnings: minor angst
Summary: You've studied so hard to be a nurse but you're finding yourself wanting to go on more hunts with Sam and Dean. After you've convinced them to let you go on a vampire hunt, you don't realize how exhilirating it is.
Right After All Masterlist
Square Filled: gas station for @spnclassicbingo (deleted bingo)
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You and Clarissa haven’t talked since Disneyland, and you’ve been avoiding her. You told her that you love her boyfriend. What sister would be okay with that? Clarissa is a very emotional person and you hate doing anything to upset her. You never wanted to come between them. Still, you have to face her eventually so you go to the Bunker knowing she’s been staying here since you got back from Disneyland.
You knock on the door and wait for someone to answer it, and you’re kind of disappointed when Sam does.
“Hey, come in.”
“Thanks. Is Clarissa here?” He doesn’t have to answer because you see her in the war room about to head up the metal stairs. “Where have you been? I’ve been calling and texting you. We should talk.”
“I gotta run but I’ll see you at home.” Your heart drops knowing she is avoiding you but she pulls you in for a hug. “It’s going to be a girls weekend, okay? I’m taking you out.”
She pulls away from you and leaves the Bunker with a smile on her face. She doesn’t seem all that upset. Then again, she’s a good actress. Once she pretended to be nice to you for a family gathering but then when you were alone, she gave you the meanest cold shoulder. You forget why you two were fighting.
“What was she doing here?” you ask Sam.
“I don’t know. She’s been in Dean’s room the whole time.”
Speaking of, Dean walks into the war room and tenses when he sees you. Oh no. What the hell did Clarissa tell him? Shit. Of course, she’d tell him that you’re in love with him. God, you shouldn’t have said anything.
“If you’re looking for Clarissa, you just missed her.”
“I know. I saw her.”
You and Dean try to avoid each other’s eyes and Sam looks at both of you.
“Okay, I found a case.”
“A hunt?” you ask with interest. “Can I come?”
“You want to go hunting with us?”
“Yeah. The last time was fun. What are you hunting?”
“A nest of vampires.”
“Sounds easy enough,” you shrug.
“Easy? Have you ever used a machete before?” Dean asks.
“Yes, have you?” you tease.
Dean finally cracks a smile and shakes his head without answering your question.
“What about your job?”
“Look, I love being a nurse and helping people but after Disneyland, I realize the best way to help people is to hunt. Isn’t that what it’s all about? To help as many people as I can? I can still be a nurse but it won’t be in a hospital.”
“What about the internship? You worked so hard for it,” Sam says.
“Yeah, I did, but that was before. All I know is how I feel now, and I want to learn how to be a hunter. Who better to help me than the best.” You smirk. “Unless you’d like me to go to someone else, you know, who isn’t the best.”
“I know what you’re doing,” Dean playfully glares at you.
“Does that mean I can come?”
“The more the merrier,” Sam chuckles.
You don’t have a lot to pack so it doesn’t take you long to pack the car up with what you need. Sam and Dean take longer than you so you’re inside the car with your feet on the dash, talking to Clarissa on the phone.
“Looks like I’m going hunting with them. A nest of vampires, according to Sam. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in time for our weekend.”
“Good. You really like doing this kind of work, don’t you?”
“I do,” you smile. “Listen, are we okay? You know, after Dis--”
“We’ll talk when you get back, okay?”
“Okay,” you whisper.
You don’t feel any better about the situation. Sam and Dean join you in the car and put the bags into the trunk.
“Feet off the dash,” Dean says and slides behind the wheel.
“Yes, sir,” you say sarcastically, but you don’t miss the way his jaw ticks and how he shifts on the seat.
For the first few hours, you listen to your own music and play games on your phones, but by hour five, Dean turns down the music and glances over at you.
“So, tell me how you think you kill a vampire.”
“Okay.” You put away your phone and shift so you’re facing him. Sam is sitting sideways with his legs stretched across the back seat. Even in that position, he has to bend his legs since they can’t fit all the way.
“Stake through the heart? Put it in sunlight?” You think that’s funny but Dean doesn’t laugh. Sam chuckles but he coughs to cover it up when he sees his brother’s look. “I’m guessing that’s wrong?”
“No. Decapitation is the only way to kill one of them. That’s why we have machetes. Listen, they’re strong but you’re craftier. Whatever you do, don’t let their blood get in you--through eyes, open wounds, or the mouth. You’ll turn into one of them. If you do happen to get turned, don’t drink human blood. There’s a cure for vampirism but it won’t work once you fully transition into one.”
“Got it.”
It’s a lot but you’re not going to let it scare you. You chose this. You have to be okay with everything that comes with hunting. Dean stops for gas and Sam goes inside to get something to eat and to stretch his legs. You stand off to the side with your machete in hand and practice swinging it. You don’t think it will be hard to slice a head off the body but it can’t be easy. You three are the only ones at the gas station so you’re not worried about scaring someone with your machete.
Dean puts the gas nozzle back into the hook and looks at you. He chuckles to himself when he sees you swinging the machete around. He looks at Sam to see him still browsing the food so he walks over to you carefully.
“Careful there, slugger. You might take an eye out,” he jokes.
“Sorry. I’m just practicing.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
“Am I doing it wrong?”
“Your stance is off. If you stand like this,” he spreads his legs slightly and turns his body slightly toward you, “then you’ll swing more smoothly.” You try to copy his stance but you look as stiff as a board. “Here, let me show you.”
Dean presses his body to your back and you immediately freeze. He grabs your hips and turns you while keeping your legs where they are. He kicks your right foot lightly and you move it further by a couple of inches. His fingers trace up your body and to your arms. Goosebumps follow his fingers as they make their way down to your hand. He wraps his big hand around yours so you’re both holding the machete. He keeps one hand on your hips and turns you slightly before swinging the machete down. Your heart is racing a million miles a second. This shouldn’t be happening.
“See how much easier that feels?”
“Yeah, it does,” you whisper.
Dean’s hand flexes on your hips as if he’s holding back from exploring your body. You turn in his arms and look into his beautiful green eyes. What you wouldn’t give to kiss him right now. His eyes dip to your mouth but before anything can happen, Sam calls for you two.
“Hey, you guys good?”
“Are we good?” Dean asks you, his voice low.
“Yeah,” you whisper.
Dean’s the one to break away from you and you feel sad that you can’t feel his body anymore. You only have two more hours to go. Two more hours locked in a car with Dean. The sheriff is waiting for you when you three arrive in town.
“Thanks for agreeing to meet with us,” Sam says and shakes his hand.
“Of course. Thanks for coming. We’re having a bit of a crisis here. Our small town doesn’t do well with back-to-back murders. Well, supposed murders.”
“What do you mean?”
“Not a single body has been found. People go missing and everyone speculates that they’ve been murdered. It’s a small town. No one ever leaves and if they do, we know exactly why--money, new job, marriage--people don’t disappear from here.”
“Do you have any theories?”
“I don’t want to start drama but a new family moved into town on Old Miller Farm. Justin Miller, bless his soul, got sick and sold his farm to the first person he could get to buy it. They’re weird, won’t talk to anyone, and they only come out at night. They’ve got everyone freaked but they haven’t broken any laws.”
“We’ll take care of it, Sheriff. Thank you for speaking with us.”
Old Miller Farm is the next stop, and there is a small space for the Impala to park where you can see the farmhouse in clear view. If they are vampires, then they won’t show themselves until the sun has gone down, and they do. As soon as the sun disappears beneath the horizon, they file out of the house. Two of them sneak to the back of the property at a place where you can still see from the car. There is a huge woodchipper and tornado shelter doors that lead further underground. The vampires outside talk to each other for what seems like hours before heading back inside.
The two vampires by the woodchipper open the storm doors and head down into the shelter before returning with two bodies slung over their shoulders. Even from where you are, you know they’re dead. One of them starts the machine and the other tosses a body into the shipper. Seconds later, the entire body is shredded only to be fed through the chipper again. Whatever is left over is poured into buckets. You’re not sure where they plan on taking the contents but if they have pigs, no one will ever find their remains.
“God, this is horrible,” you sigh and look away from it.
“They must be doing this to hide the bodies. Feed them to the pigs and everyone is none the wiser,” Sam says.
“So, how are we going to do this?” you ask.
“Well, you’ll stay here and Sam and I will--”
“Excuse me,” you cut him off, “I did not travel a thousand miles with you to stay in the car. I’m here. I want to help. Look, I might not be ready to take a nest on by myself but I can distract. Use me.”
Sam and Dean look at each other in silent conversation.
“Fine,” Sam stutters. “You distract from the front and we’ll sneak in the back.”
“Alright, if you’re going to go in there, you need to know a few things,” Dean says. All three of you get out of the car and Dean opens the trunk where the weapons are. He takes out two syringes from the bag. “This is Dead Man’s Blood. It won’t kill them but it’s like poison. It’ll take it down to where you can kill it, okay?”
“Yeah,” you nod and take the syringes.
You wait for the vampires to be done crushing the bodies before you three head to the house. You break off from the brothers and walk to the front door. Sweat forms on your hairline but you try to keep calm. Vampires have super hearing. They’ll hear your racing heart and smell your fear. They’ll know something is up before you can distract them. You take two deep breaths before knocking on the door. A woman answers it and she looks dirty like someone just picked her off the street.
“Can I help you?” she asks.
“Yeah, my car broke down and I was wondering if I could use your phone?” You point to the Impala which can be seen from the house. “I promise I’ll be quick.”
“Are you alone out there?”
“Yeah, can I use your phone? My cell died.”
“Sure. Come in.”
She opens the door wide enough to squeeze you in, and you have to stop the gag when you smell how bad she is. There are half a dozen people inside, all of whom are staring at you like you’re a piece of meat. You keep your eyes cast downward and follow the woman into the kitchen where the wall phone is. There is another woman inside eating something red. You don’t want to know what it is.
“Thank you.” You pick up the phone and dial your sister’s number. Don’t pick up. Don’t pick up. Please don’t pick up. She doesn’t and you chuckle nervously at the two women who are staring at you. “Damn, she’s not answering. Let me call someone else.” You dial Dean’s number knowing his phone is on silent. He doesn't answer it so you hang up with a slight blush on your cheeks. “Sorry to waste your time. It looks like no one is answering.”
“Do you need shelter for the night? There’s an extra bed here,” the woman offers.
“Oh, I don’t want to trouble you any longer. It’s okay. I’ll charge my phone in the car and call a tow truck.”
You turn to leave but she blocks your path.
“Why didn’t you do that in the first place?” You open your mouth to answer but you hear a loud thump coming down the stairs. She hears her friends shout in anger and she turns to you with deadly eyes. “Hunters.”
She bares her fangs and lunges at you, pinning you to the wall. You grab one of the syringes and stab her in the neck, emptying it into her system. She cries out and stumbles back but you’re not free yet. The other woman runs at you and slams her body into yours. She knocks you over the kitchen table and onto the floor. You reach into your jacket pocket and unsheath your machete but the female vampire is too quick for you. She kicks the machete out of your grip and steps on your hand. You scream out in pain just as she leans down to attack, and the kitchen door slams open. Dean rushes in and slices his machete through the air and right through her neck.
“Are you okay?” he asks and helps you up with your good hand.
“Yeah, just a bit bruised. I don’t think it’s broken.”
The vampire you injected with Dead Man’s Blood writhes on the ground, moaning in pain, and Dean yanks her up by her hair.
“Wanna kill your first vampire?” he asks.
You flex your injured hand, deciding that it’s okay enough to grip the machete. You pick up your machete from the ground and twirl it in your hand.
You do what Dean taught you to do and bring the machete down on her neck. Her head falls to the ground and rolls to the side, and you gasp at the shock of it.
“Look at that. You’re a natural,” Dean smiles.
The kitchen door slams open and you and Dean look at Sam.
“We gotta go. The cops were tipped off.”
Party’s over. You don’t bother cleaning up your mess knowing the police will either cover it up or make some excuse as to why the new family in town is no longer living there. You’re back home earlier than you thought you’d be, but you stay home to unwind from the case before hanging out with Clarissa. She made a spa appointment for you two on Friday, which is a good thing since your body aches from being thrown over a kitchen table.
“I saw them, Claire. They shoved those bodies into the woodchipper, but I killed my very first vampire. It was exciting. It was awesome. Dean was awesome. You should have been there.”
“Nah, that’s your thing. Spas are kind of my thing,” she chuckles.
You lean back on your chair and sigh happily.
“This is nice, too.”
You and Clarissa are alone in the room to unwind before they call you back and give you a massage, and Clarissa looks at you with a sigh.
“I gotta tell you something. We should talk about Disneyland.”
Yep, there is it. Hunting took your mind off this conversation but now you’re forced to confront your feelings.
“I know. Look, it wasn’t fair for me to--”
“No, let me talk first.”
You sit up and remove the face mask off your face so you can see her better. She does the same and tosses the mask into the trashcan.
“When you saw me in the Bunker earlier this week, I was there to break up with Dean. We’re not dating anymore.”
Wow. You were not expecting her to say this. You blink rapidly as you try to think of a response.
“Oh, wow, I don’t really know what to say to that.”
“I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said at Disneyland and it’s true. I don’t love Dean. I’m ashamed to say I only kept him around for selfish reasons. Don’t get me wrong, I really did like him in the beginning but he’s not the man for me. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He loves you.”
Okay, now you don’t know what to say to that, so you don’t say anything.
“Are you okay?” you ask once you find your voice.
“Oh, I’m fine. I’ve been talking to this guy for a while. Dean knows about him. I’m not a cheater so I ended things with Dean so I can be with this guy. His name is Asher. He’s rich and loves spending his money, especially on me.”
You can’t help but laugh at that. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a man who has a lot of money. It doesn’t make Clarissa shallow. That’s just what she’s into.
“Well, I’m happy for you. I can’t wait to meet him.”
“Yeah, but I think you should be with Dean. You two are clearly meant for each other, and I didn’t want to hold you back from who makes you really happy. What kind of sister would I be if I kept him from you?”
“Thank you, Clarissa,” you smile with tears in your eyes.
“Don’t mention it. Oh, and I know you switched the presents on our birthday. I know he got me that gun.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle, at a loss for words.
Dean was single for the entire hunt. He was single when he held you in his arms. He was single when he held your hips. He’s yours for the taking. How the hell are you going to bring this up to him?
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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anemonelovesfiction · 8 months
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Kinktober 8- Voyeurism
Lo’ak X Human Fem Reader; Neteyam watching 👀
Warnings ⚠️: Fingering, Choking, P in V, voyeur Neteyam 😋, OC’s in the beginning for a smidge just for the plot.
I wanted to do something a little crazy and dedicate this chapter to @loaksulluyswife I see you liking and reblogging most of my posts and I wanted to show some appreciation to you as well, thank you for being you and thank you for liking my writing 😭
No use of Y/n in this so I’m happy! This shit is hard for me to do. Sorry for the late posts, I keep getting depressed asf (the weather aint helping) and I keep wanting to delete things.
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Translation Station:
Syulang: Flower
Tewng: Loincloth
Word Count: 2.5 K
“What about you, who would you rather sleep with, Lo’ak or Neteyam?” One of my friend’s, Amber, asks me. We were sitting in a circle, taking swigs of whatever fermented alcoholic drink we were able to snag from the party the Omatikaya were having outside of the base of operations, between myself and the other two before me I shrug. Spider usually hung out with whenever he wasn’t partaking in their celebrations or hanging with the kids we were currently discussing.
“I don’t think either of them would be willing to sleep with a human.” I answered honestly and feel the two girls before me groan in frustration and seem upset at my answer.
“What?” I ask as my eyes widened, I thought being honest was the best route to go for me, but judging by the looks of distaste on both the girls face that wasn’t what they wanted.
“We wanna know whose dick you’re thirsty for, not what they want.” Ashley speaks this time.
“Why is that such a big deal?” I asked while attempting to take a swig of the drink, feeling it snatched out of my hands, and I sigh.
“You look like a Neteyam girl.” Amber, the one who’d snatched the drink from my hands speaks, the same person I’d known since we were in diapers
“No way, she definitely wants Lo’ak.”
“What if I said both? Would the two of you stop bickering and let me get a drink?” I ask as I hold my hand out, expecting her to hand the alcohol back and see her scoff, taking a drink herself and passing it toward Ashley.
“Come on, Amber, what the fuck.” I groan.
“That’s such a cop out, please tell me you’re a Lo’ak girl, you have to choose one.” Ashley asks with a hopeful tone in her voice and I about roll my eyes in her direction.
“Fine, Lo’ak, with Neteyam watching. Is that good enough for you?”
“In your face Amber, I told you she wanted Lo’ak.”
“She said she wanted Neteyam to watch!” She rebuts and I roll my eyes as she is givedn the drink again, having had enough I roll my eyes and stand, heading over to place a mask on my face and hearing the hiss signal that it was properly positioned, I didn’t feel like staying here and being denied alcohol. Plus I could hang out with Spider and his friends and it would be a nice change of pace from being stuck in here, Norm was in his link unit and I’m sure he’d be fine with it.
“Where are you going?” One of them yells out to catch my attention but I wave her off.
“Anywhere the two of you aren’t, that way I can get drunk.” I stated quickly and opened the door leading me into a small area for the oxygen to get neutralized, shutting it quickly to prevent the other two from seeking an invitation out with me, opening the second door out into the atmosphere of high camp.
It doesn’t take me long to spot out a table with a couple of drinks in the custom made jars they had, the intricate designs on them each meant the bottle held something different. I wasn’t in the mood to drink something that would get me drunk faster because the taste was usually worse, the phantom sting coursing through my throat at that moment made me shiver from the last time I’d drank from the jar with the purple designs on them. I wanted something painted in a turquoise and spotted several, they often incorporated their fruits into it and made it taste sweeter.
I smile and start setting a course to make my way toward the table, thinking of where I could enjoy the delicacy and figuring getting drunk in Pandoran atmosphere was probably not the best idea because I could end up forgetting to put my mask back on, but before I could even make it halfway to my destination, a tug pulls my concentration- and my body- off toward the left, my legs blindly following the semi familiar touch and my heart yearning for another drink.
“What the fuck-“ I stated before being shoved up against the slanted rock, my own breath coming out as a gasp at the feeling, eyes widening at the action as I stare at a pair of familiar eyes and feeling anger boiling over.
“What is wrong with you!” I stated angrily.
“I thought you wouldn’t mind if I brought you out here with me, syulang.” He lightly pinches one of my cheeks and lets out a chuckle as I swat his hand away angrily, all I wanted was to sneak some alcohol and enjoy it in a quiet place.
“You cost me some booze.” I stated as I crossed my arms and notice the smirk had yet to leave his lips, wanting to slap it off his face.
“I have an idea in mind on how I can make it up to you,” He offers and it has me raising a brow, eyeing him up and down, eyes squinting at his proposition.
“I might not be able to fulfill all of it but it might help, it’s up to you.” He shrugs smugly and I was starting to picture the different ways I could beat his ass at the moment, he was too vague for my liking.
“What are you going on about now?” I sigh.
“If my mind serves me right, You have to choose one, fine Lo’ak with Neteyam watching.” He tilts his head to the side, had this been a different circumstance I would have laughed along to his antics, but considering the situation I wanted Eywa to open up a hole in the ground to swallow me up.
“That’s not fuckin’ funny, dammit, you weren’t even supposed to be there-“ I cut myself off as a realization hits me.
“-What were you doing there anyway? Don’t tell me you were sneaking in to find Norm’s laptop so you could jerk off to some porn.” I began by letting a smile start revealing itself on my lips, watching his own smirk falter lightly, and feeling surprised at his reaction, ears drooping slightly before they pick up again.
“No bullshit?” I ask immediately and his eyes pick up again, eyes looking between mine before a smile settles on his features.
“To which one?”
“Your offer.” I crossed my arms, lifting my chin defiantly, not bothering to shy away from staring at his eyes.
“Can you even take me?” He crosses his own arms and looks down at me.
“I dunno, you seem quiet enough to make it seem like you have a big dick, do you?” I tilt my head slightly toward the side and watch him fight a smile.
This isn’t the first time Lo’ak has been known to disappear, and as always, it had been my duty to retrieve him and bring him home, just for our father to reprimand him for his childish behaviors for disappearing. I’d seen him take off toward the link pods where Kiri’s mother was kept and had taken to peeking near the windows to only see two inebriated females laughing at something.
I must have mistook the sense of direction he’d taken, but even Spider had pointed toward where my brother went after I asked politely, both of them having pointed toward where the humans kept their machines to connect to their avatars. I head back to check and see if he’d been anywhere near the outer edged of the party where a lot of couples had taken to talk or sometimes decided it was appropriate to be intimate.
But I turn my head sharply once I catch the slightest whiff of his scent, taking a cautious step forward and sniffing the air around me, assuring that his scent is getting stronger, and slightly mingled with the other tawtute Spider likes to hang out with. I continue making my way down the path he must have taken earlier, wanting to know what the skxawng had been up to and why he thought he could sneak away when our father told him to stay near.
It doesn’t take long for me to find him, back facing me and he seems to be crouched down a bit, I want to yell out his name just as something lurches in my abdomen, a specific scent I’d only smelled a handful of times hits my nose and I stop myself from approaching him. Ears picking up the sound of his activities.
“See, I told you, you were worried over nothing.” He speaks in a hushed tone, almost soothing, something he rarely does.
“Look at how well you’re already taking my fingers.” I hear him mutter. I knew I should have left at that moment once I heard the sounds being made from the woman below him, her heavy breaths turning into soft moans, but I felt frozen in my spot listening to them, wanting to hear more as well.
“Your fingers are huge,” My eyes widen a bit as I realize whose voice it belongs to and feel my entire body straighten up once more, I really shouldn’t be here, and almost as if on cue, I can see Lo’ak moving out of the way just enough for me to see her facial expressions and blood was starting to pump toward my cock, hardening at the sight of her face alone.
“That’s not the only thing thats huge-“ He states and I can practically hear the smirk in his voice, mentally rolling my eyes at his comment, but standing here while watching her face with the light of the moon and plants glowing in the dark of night had me palming my growing erection, begging to be released from the confines of my tewng.
“Go fa-faster, please-“ I can hear her breathing getting heavier and from the angle I can see her body at, I can tell she’s moving her hips against his fingers, hearing him groan as his gaze shifts downward.
“I could just watch you fuck yourself on my fingers instead, syulang.” He mumbles and she gasps right as I hear a wet squelching sound, indicating he’d started moving his fingers faster, I palmed myself faster, the slight pain of being kept hidden inside my tewng was making my stomach bubble with anticipation of needing to come.
“Fuck Lo, I’m close-“ She pants out and I watch as he withdraws his hands from her, her protests being louder than her moans from earlier, the fingers he’d been thrusting inside of her glistening with the light provided and my ears flicker back, a blush settling on my face, I stop the groan building in my throat and see Lo’ak bringing his wet fingers in his own mouth.
He groans at the taste and I can feel my jealousy grow, how lucky he must have been to get a taste of her on his tongue, my hands balled up into fists and I’m almost tempted to walk over and punch him, but I shamefully remembered the erection I was sporting, knowing it was between walking away and letting myself grow soft, or allowing myself the pleasures of watching their activities and coming while watching them, and I found myself sliding my tewng off, erection slapping my thigh and I look back up to find Lo’ak lining himself with her entrance.
“Fuck-“ I groan right when I see her face scrunch up as he inserts the tip, holding her up at the perfect angle to see every bit of her body, the eyes she had once shut had opened as she looks right at me, eyes widening a bit, taking in a breath as Lo’ak pushes in further.
I bit my lip to stop myself from making any more noise and pawed at Lo’ak’s shoulder, I still kept eye contact with Neteyam and saw his hand gripping his already hardened cock, feeling myself squeeze around Lo’ak at the sight and seeing his green eyes look up at mine.
“This is what you wanted, no?” He asks me right as he slides in further and I gasp, a broken moan being ripped out of me and catching movement from the corner of my eye, snapping them back to the older brother and catching him stroking his cock.
“Oh fuck-“ I mutter as Lo’ak bottoms out, stretching my cunt wide just to fit himself in snugly, eyes on Neteyam, moaning at him, right as Lo’ak slides back out.
“Faster.” I command, watching as Neteyam picks up his pace and bites his own lip to keep his noise down, his shaft glistening as his precome seems to slide out his fat head like a river, allowing my pussy to flutter around Lo’ak. Feeling his pace pick up after I’d stated that and throwing my head back with a moan, hands gripping harshly at Lo’ak’s shoulders.
My eyes shut harshly right as Lo’ak places one of his hands around my neck, squeezing the sides gently, his cheek nuzzling mine.
“Open those pretty eyes syulang, let him know how good I’m making you feel.” He grunts in my ear before pulling his face away, squeezing on my neck more, my hips moving against his and the sounds coming from my pussy could not be mistaken for any other activity.
Lazily dragging my eyes over to Neteyam who’d been matching his brothers pace, he’d been staring at my cunt, but shifted his gaze toward mine the second I looked over. I could tell he was breathing heavily, by the desperate look on his face, his hips starting to meet his hands thrusts, and how he’d squeezed the head right as he stroked it, I knew he was close.
“Lemme come, please-“ I whine, attempting to keep my legs spread, just to give Neteyam the view he’d been staring at this entire time.
“Of course you can.” Lo’ak grunts as he picks up the pace.
“N-not you, Teyam, lemme come, please.”
Any and every feeling in my body was set on fire as Neteyam faltered in his own ministrations as the realization hits, but picks up his pace again and groans freely, my own hips attempting to meet the fast pace Lo’ak has set.
“Fuck, thats hot,” Lo’ak moans lightly, ears pressed back as he squeezes harder on my neck, but my eyes never leave Neteyam’s.
“Please, m’close!” I beg just to finally see his nod of approval and allow myself to leg go, the waves of ecstasy crashing over my body, biting my lip in an attempt to keep my eyes open, watching Neteyam spill over his fists, Lo’ak never faltering in his pace as he comes inside.
“So how about next time I watch?” The man directly in front of me asks and although I’m still weak in the knees from the post-orgasmic bliss I make a face but smile at his comment, nodding my head lightly.
“You’re the biggest dumbass-“ Neteyam calls out only to get cut off by his brother.
“She said yes.”
“She said yes?”
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onlyhaos · 1 month
it’s not much, but I had sm fun writing this (even after accidentally deleting half of it and having to freestyle the rest) I hope you like it though!! It’s also the first time I wrote a bit smut, so yeah.. I hope it’s okay😟
warning: Jun is the most lovable man known to mankind, that boy bold (last bullet point -> oral (f. receiving), sir kink ? Jun’s a bit of a tease)
— ౨ৎ
Stranger!Jun who decided to go to a random coffee shop, just to get a quick drink before work. Only to see someone as pretty as you there, standing at the cash register.
As Jun entered the cozy coffee shop, his eyes scanned the whole room. From pretty tables and plants to a pretty person like you. When he realized, that he was starting to stare he hastily moved his eyes to the small board that was hung up on the wall. Looking for a drink he might like as he got into the line of customers. Coming up to the front, where you stood, you immediately greeted him with a smile. ''What would you like to order?'' Your sweet voice asked him.
— ౨ৎ
Stranger!Jun who gets addicted to your voice, the way you're kind to every customers, even the ones that are rude or stressed and the way you wear that pretty smile on your lips.
''Order for Junhui!'' You said loudly, so the person who ordered it could hear you. Since his attention was on you the whole time, he quickly came up to the pick up area, seeing your smile once again. ''Thanks.'' He smiled, taking his drink and kindly wishing you a good bye. Knowing he‘ll think about you the whole day.
— ౨ৎ
RegularCustomer!Jun who keeps showing up at the cafe because he can‘t take his eyes off of you and the good coffee he gets
Walking back into the, now already pretty familiar, place to order the same coffee he always gets. Knowing he‘s already been there so often, that you know his order. “Hello, Junhui.” You smiled, “The same order as always, isn’t it?” Laughing sweetly as you spoke. Hesitant about trying to make a move on you or not, because he’s scared that a pretty woman like you might already have a lover. Deciding to go for it, even as a man himself, he starts to speak. “Yeah, the same one as always, but I’d like to add something today.” He said, making you look up at his tall figure attentively. “I’d like to have your number, and if you’re up for it I would love to take you out on a date.” Jun spoke, nervous for your reaction.
— ౨ৎ
YourDate!Jun who is overly excited that you agreed to his request and started to plan the whole date for the two of you, the second you gave him your phone number
“I actually waited the whole time, hoping you’d ask me out” You laughed, as you sat in the passenger seat of Jun’s car. Who looked over to you the second that he stopped at a red light. “Is that so?” He smiled, seeing you nodding. “Yeah, ever since you came by the first time.. giving me this nice smile, just like right now.” You looked at him, at the way he smiled so pretty. Just like he was nearly getting lost in your sparkly eyes, he wanted to look into that pretty face as often as he could. After a following 10 minute ride, you both made it to Jun’s secret destination. “That’s a.. fancy restaurant.” You said, gazing at the pretty interior designs and the furniture. “You like it?” He asked, worried that you didn’t like it. “No, I love it.” You exclaimed, absolutely impressed. It has been a while since a pretty man took you out to such a nice date.
— ౨ৎ
YourDate!Jun who is so pleased to get to know you more and more for the night, paying attention to every word that leaves your pretty lips
“He really told you to pay, even though it was at the cheapest restaurant you had to pick?” Jun asked with wide eyes, visibly flabbergasted. Making you chuckle as you nodded, “So yeah, that’s why I was so excited when we entered this restaurant, you picked out a really pretty one.” You praised him. Without knowing that Jun spent hours looking for something that you might like. He even asked around in his friend group, and now he owes Jeonghan for this recommendation. But it was more than worth.
— ౨ৎ
Bf!Jun who is the happiest man since he now is able to call you his girlfriend, buying you the prettiest things and doing the most meaningful gestures
“Hey pretty girl,” Jun said as he entered the coffee shop, which was already closed for customers. Catching your attention, Jun began speaking again, as he watched you smiling already. “What’s a beautiful woman doing here… without flowers?” He chuckled, getting out a small bouquet that he hid behind his back. Seeing you laugh, your lover admired you. “Thank you, pretty boy.” You smiled as you walked towards him to kiss him hello. And at the end of telling another how much you missed each other, you put the pretty tulips in a vase at the cash register. But when Jun realized you didn’t take the flowers home, he began to buy you two bouquets, always two. One for the cash register, to remind you every day at your workplace that his presence is there, and the other one for your apartment so you could think of him wherever you were.
— ౨ৎ (short nsfw)
Fiance!Jun who clearly is obsessed with you (and the flowers he gets you, because he has so much fun picking them out for you)
“Baby I think you need new flowers for your vase,” Jun said, as he was seated between your thighs, hearing your pretty moans coming to a halt and a whine escaping instead. “Jun, shut uuup”. You whispered, tangling your hands in his soft locks as you gently guided him back to where he was supposed to be. His nose bumping your clit as he began to focus on kissing your folds. “I love this kitty.” He purred, knowing you’d began to protest the second you heard that nickname. “Boy stop calling it kit-“ without even being able to end your sentence, a moan escaped you. Your fiancé licking a big stripe up your pussy. “First of all, it’s sir. Got it, pretty?. And baby, this perfect pussy that you have, I wish I could just eat it 24/7. Is that better” He asked, knowing it’d drive you crazy the second your head fell back into the soft pillows of your shared bed. (in love).
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irisintheafterglow · 7 months
Hi, first of all I would like to say that your blog gives me so much comfort. You seem like such a loving and kind person and I love to read your writing. I adore the co-parenting series and am honestly looking forward to reading more parts <3 (no pressure tho, just wanted to say that I love it)
Actually, I wanted to make a request. The song 'Deep Sea' by 'Snail Mail' has been stuck in my head for weeks, the lyrics kill me every time and I could imagine some heartbreaking angst based on the song. I saw that you don’t write reader or character deaths and it doesn’t have to be that. Maybe a breakup or something like that, it’s really up to you and up to whatever the song might inspire you to write. For the pairing I love Gojo and also Getou or Choso, but I just want you to write whoever you like! 🤪
I had the idea for that request earlier today and made a post about it (that I have since deleted) because you came to my mind and I just really wanted to try my luck and ask you if you would maybe like to write about it 💞
Hope you’re having a great day, thank you <3
it took so long to know someone like you (gojo x you)
cw: breakup, chest-aching angst, swearing, emotionally constipated satoru where he doesn't know how to be vulnerable with someone so his first instinct is to push them away :))))))))))
note: HI!!! thank you for the love, i'm so sorry that this is so late, hopefully you still like it. pro tip, listen to travis atreo's cover of "when she loved me" along with the song mentioned to make reading this extra painful. again, thank you for the love and the ask. i hope you like this!!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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"don't look at me like that."
"if you don't like it, stop looking," you laugh humorlessly, feeling your heart twist like a wet rag with every shallow breath. "you just told me you don't want me; i think it's valid i can look however i want." your voice breaks off at the end of the sentence and you blink at the darkening clouds above. a storm was coming, but you felt like one had already devastated you.
"that-that's not what i meant," he says through gritted teeth, avoiding your glaring eyes in shame. "i just need a break. is that so bad?" every word felt like a separate cut to your soul and you were slowly bleeding out in the fucking mall parking lot.
"but, why? i'm just not good enough for you?" you practically spit your questions like snake venom. you hoped they stung, hoped the burned into his memory like his promises that he'd give you a future. high and mighty gojo satoru, reduced to a puddle in your arms and vowing that he was yours forever. pathetic. "finally got tired of me, is that it?"
"no," he croaked. "no, no. i just-i don't know who i am when i'm with you." the sky was falling and you hoped the ground crumbled beneath your muddy shoes. "and, that scares me."
"you don't like who you are when you're with me," you echo hollowly, taking a shaky breath and pulling your jacket closer to your body like a safety blanket. "that's really a shame, since i really liked how you were with me," you huff another painfully mirthless laugh that turns into a sob. on instinct, he reaches out to touch you but you pull away like he was radioactive waste. "making all those lofty promises, letting me think that i was your forever and eternity and everything after that. you're really an asshole for that one, you know that?"
"i never said anything like that," he protests even though you know damn well that he's lying. raindrops start to catch on his hair, making it glisten like he was sent from heaven. too bad his words didn't match. "even if i said those things, i can't guarantee i actually meant it, so i'm sorry."
"you're sorry? you're sorry?" you have to take a step backward or else you'd have actually slammed your knuckles against his infuriatingly perfect cheek. "gee, thanks! i'll remember that next time anyone says they love me," you hiss and relish in the way he flinches. "they could just be kidding, after all, right? stupid me." it took so long to finally get through to him, to stand steady enough that he let down his walls, and suddenly he was throwing them up again and shutting you out.
if you were completely honest and without your stubborn pride, you'd admit that you understood what he was talking about. it was a little lonely being with him, especially when you didn't have any more time for self-discovery without worrying about another human being. you lost track of time when you were with him and lost a little bit of yourself, too, and you weren't sure if he was adequately filling that emptiness. you had no idea how to discuss it, let alone navigate it, and it struck a crack that only grew larger. neither of you knew how to cope with this, it seemed, and that's how you ended up sobbing on the asphalt in front of the man you believed you were going to marry.
"don't you wonder who we could be without each other? we could be anyone," he insists but nothing gets through to you.
"i don't know who i am without you, satoru," you whisper defeatedly and it's like you can hear his heart start to crumble. he did this to you, and you watched him realize it in real-time. he didn't know what he was saying anymore. he felt too far deep in that he didn't remember why he was asking for a break in the first place. all that he knew was that he was hurting you and every nerve in his body screamed at him to fix it, fix it, fix it. you sigh tiredly, shivering in the cold sheets of water that were starting to fall. "look, if you need time, then take it. take all that you need."
"no. i can't do this to myself if you won't even try anymore. goodbye satoru. a stupid part of me still loves you." as you slip into your car and accelerate away from him, he doesn't have the chance to say it back.
to tell you that the stupid whole of him still loved you, too.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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limeade-l3sbian · 2 months
I deleted the posts since they were "self pitying" and apparently not me spiraling after receiving devastating news last night.
Honestly, fuck the anon who said my words to other women have been empty since I didn't give myself that same grace. The complete inaccuracies of your ask tell me that I've done a very good job hiding the most intimate parts of my personal life because you got, like, eight different things wrong in your assumption about me. I have never given another woman words that I didn't mean. I have never given advice that I didn't follow myself.
I created this blog with the intention of giving women everything I wish I had growing up. Things I wished I had heard because they're important to hear. I've never told a woman she has worth and felt otherwise. Ever.
If you reblogged the posts, you can absolutely keep them up I have no issue with that. To the people who messaged me to check on me, thank you very much mwah mwah I love you lol.
I'm going to take a break from this site for a while. A break I already intended given how strained things have been around here. Maybe I'll put the queue on but for the time being, I've got things to sort out in my real life. Hopefully I will be back in time to spam you for Arcane Season 2 lol. 💜
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mrcarmenile · 5 months
another hazbin rant lmao im so sorry 😭😭 (this one is about alastor’s design and racial identity, specifically talking about alastor being mixed-race as a mixed person myself)
ik theres a lot of criticism about alastor’s design not properly representing his race, which is a valid concern but
firstly we haven’t gotten the whole show yet and we don’t know how well his character is actually portrayed - so accusing people like viv of being racist or that alastor is shit rep cannot really be properly backed up at this time
secondly alastor is mixed. we don’t know exactly what percentages or whatever, but we know that he is partially black, either half black or less than half black (considering that he is half creole). i see a lot of people saying “that is not a black man” “that’s such a white guy”
i am mixed race. i am not black, but i am half filipino and half white. i myself have been told that i’m too white, or that i’m not really asian, or that i’m not asian enough. my skin is too pale. my hair isn’t thick enough. my facial features aren’t “filipino” enough. i’m whitewashing myself.
i’m not dismissing white washing or bad representation at all - but since we’re, firstly, not sure how alastor is handled in the full show, and secondly, people are SAYING that he’s “not really black” or “not black enough”
mixed people receive this all the time. erasure of our racial identities, feeling like we don’t fit in anywhere because we /look different/. it really upsets me to see people make these comments. if you have your (respectful!) criticisms, then of course let them be known if you would like. spread awareness. but i advise you not to make comments like the ones i pointed out (they can be very invalidating to mixed-race people), and to keep an open mind for the full series - it may surprise you.
idk it just hurts to see another white passing mixed person getting their race entirely dismissed simply because they don’t look like someone who is fully that race, or other mixed people of that race. like ik alastor is fictional but it also makes me feel bad? mixed people look different, sometimes they fully pass as one race, sometimes they look somewhere in the middle - just please don’t make comments dismissing a mixed person’s race. i can understand wanting alastor to look more black, in fact i myself believe that he should have more black features, but. cmon - your words have meaning, even when directed at a fictional character - they affect real people too. these are comments that real people (including myself) receive, and it’s not fun.
[ also try not to speak over the people who are actually being represented (or possibly misrepresented) by alastor - i feel a connection with him as i am also a white-passing mixed-race aroace, but i try not to comment much on this specific topic because i am not creole or black. this is just my stance on how he is portrayed as a mixed person, and people’s responses to that. ]
thank you for coming to yet another ted talk, any racist or disrespectful people/comments will be deleted and blocked. much love <3
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kyomaakuma7 · 1 year
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After a very long break I’ve come to finally say my share. For those who want to know in more depth how I feel about the full situation I am writing it down below.
Thank you for everyone who sent kind messages and comforting words and thank you most to my good friend @thisanimatedphantom and Kou who supported me through these hard times.
My statement on the Situation
When I started in Inky Mystery, I never thought that it would  get me to where I am today with the friends that I have now.  When I was first introduced to it, and reading it I was immediately entranced into the story and wanted nothing more but to illustrate it since I had already planned to remake the original. Seeing such a well-crafted story I knew that this would be the story that I would illustrate. (And TAP knows how much work and behind the scene illustrating I’ve been doing from character turnarounds, layout design, alphabet style, and etc.)
Soon I made the first blog and received overwhelming support which I had not originally imagined would come with making my first post, and to that I am grateful. Soon I befriended the author of InkyMystery as our friendship grew, so did the attention that I received with the comics that I was illustrating for them. Unfortunately deleted against my wishes, and after trying to get it back to no avail I created a new blog where I had to restart from the beginning. This process was not easy and for those who know me, I was completely devastated by the fact that I had lost that account. After making my new account with the support of TAP I started my journey again.
Unfortunately with the positive attention comes negative attention. Soon the posts started to gain traction again, and people started to come under the assumption that I was TheGreatRouge making their come back.  What people failed to acknowledge and do was to do further research on was whether or not I actually was. As you can assume I am not them. In fact, I do not like TheGreatRouge. Their content was some thing that I consumed in great mass when I was younger, but soon realized that a lot of the things that they made were toxic and I distanced myself from that. Since then, I have gained certain opinions from on this creator. Nonetheless, I do not find it acceptable that people are taking this approach, even if they do think that I am them.
The words that were said to me in my inbox, comments, and direct messages are not things that I will repeat here. What you should know is that a lot of these things were pertaining to me being a disgusting vile human who should take my own life. As someone who struggles with depression, this was a personal hit to home and it cause my mental health to decline drastically. And I spent days going through and deleting these.
At first, I did not speak out on the issue and distance myself from my friends until eventually I came back and told them what was happening. TAP felt for me and as you may know when they made a post about it which I appreciate greatly along with comforting me and encouraging my break.
I took a long break from working on the comic, along with interacting with the community which worried a lot of people, but it was necessary for me to do since it was harming me so much. I am officially coming back and I will be more active on this account since I don’t have to follow it as a mainly Inky Mystery account.
My final statement on the situation is that even though I am not TheGreatRouge under no circumstances is it acceptable to tell somebody to take their own life or attack somebody on social media just because your beliefs do not align with theirs. No matter how wrong it is, it is not acceptable. If you think that doing those things are OK then you’re not welcome in my space. Please leave.
Thank you and I hope to continue doing this since I love it so much <3
-Sincerely, KyomaAkuma
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misscammiedawn · 12 days
You may have discussed it before, but would you mind speaking a little bit on how you discovered you have DID?
I feel like I have a pretty stable core identity but there have been times under intense stress where I’ve experienced sudden “switches” in my personality. During a particularly bad period for a little over a year there was a time where I distinctly felt like a different person and did things I wouldn’t normally do, and I remember the specific moment where I came back into my body and became “me” again. This doesn’t happen often, but it has happened more than once throughout my life. When I see people talk about plurality I feel a little confused because their identities often seem to have their own names and genders and ages and backstories, and it seems so cut-and-dry.
I know these are all things to discuss with my therapist but I love how you talk about your own experiences. How can you differentiate between DID and other kinds of dissociation?
Thank you for asking, anon! I'm glad you are going to talk to your therapist about it while also doing the reading and reaching out-- heaven knows our own journey within the US mental healthcare system was rocky at best. The latest chapter of Madison/Belladonna is heavily sourced from IRL circumstances both in receiving the diagnosis and the decades long journey in the mental healthcare system to get there.
But to answer more directly-- (as always we are answering from a psychopathology lens for care and treatment, we recognize the beauty of plurality and do not reduce ALL experiences to mental healthcare concerns, we are approaching our own situation and experiences this way as it is how we lived it)
Our journey was guided from the outside. Both therapists and our partner who was able to see these "mood swings" in us were able to gently guide us to water despite our fierce denial and rejection of our situation. What started as "we're fine" turned to "mood swings" turned to "BPD" turned to "---maybe we should read up on OSDD?" Turned to our current therapist telling us over a year ago that we had DID after months of testing and interviewing to determine.
I should also note I likely realized it MULTIPLE times in my history and buried it again and again. I legitimately think that people in my former life knew and either assumed I knew too or worse I had told them and forgot that I told them. It worries me because I cannot ever be certain. I once asked my ex-wife about it after the divorce/diagnosis and she did say it was weird how she had a "different husband" depending on environment and social group. She said she never noticed it during the interactions, but she would always think back and feel that the "me" in any given moment was different from the ones she observed in social/work situations etc.
So like--- even if people notice, sometimes they don't even realize what they're seeing. Honestly I go full No Mask at work even when a male part fronts and no one really bats an eye. I don't think *most* people are as observant as we worry they are.
ANYWAY! Looking back these are the signs that I ignored:
- I not just wrote a consistent journal through every phase of my life (even going as far as to have a "memory list" that I populated "when I felt like it" (<- IE: when a part that associated with the memory was fronting and wanted to type about it) and more importantly I READ it. Often. I sometimes think that the majority of our memories are just imagined versions of what we wrote. That notion is helped by the fact we [used to] stop journaling during times of crisis or delete journal/chat log to prevent us thinking about distressing things.
- I wrote a lot of plural characters in my stories since my teenage years. Kinda like I kept writing female versions of myself? Funny how the Trans and DID acceptance arcs are so dang similar.
- I would emotionally cave in on myself after gatherings, berating myself for how I had acted all evening. Getting deeply upset at how "out of control" I was. We outright AVOID mood altering substances like alcohol or weed.
- When talking about traumatic memories we typically just tell the story rote. It doesn't bother us. We told therapists without batting an eyelid. This is dissociation. We were disconnecting ourselves from our memories. Emotionally distancing ourselves from the experiences.
- In the same vein, when we remember things we imagine things in locations like a 3rd person camera. Not populated. We don't hear or feel or associate. It's just a place and a knowledge. Our whole "context packet" thing where we just understand something without *feeling* it.
- Deleted emails and chatlogs, references to things we don't remember. Discord messages with people we don't remember talking to. It bothers me how many people in our online communities we were actually close to at some stage of our life and then erased. This is specific to us but Dawn has opened many accounts in the hypnokink community and Camden has shut them down and this has happened so many times that we don't even get upset when we find a buried email from 2013 with sign-up to a Yahoo Email account we don't remember having. That sounds dramatic. It's more just. Go into your emails, pull stuff up from 5-10 years ago and just scroll a while. See how much you remember and associate into. It's NORMAL to forget what websites you were browsing a decade ago. It's not normal to have an entire *LIFE* you hid from yourself.
- Sometimes people just... saw/knew us before we did and there were times when they would describe a version of us they weren't supposed to see and we got complete dysphoria over it. Sometimes it as joyful. Someone we love saw Cammie well enough to say when we transitioned that they wanted to see that "windswept girl with the big smile" all of the time. Sometimes it's mortifying, like when someone approaches Camden as if she is Dawn and Camden REJECTED that side of us so heavily that it caused emotional meltdowns and turmoil because Camden didn't WANT to be a sexy confident domme, she could barely see herself as a woman, when people saw the wrong version of us *without permission* it was just a violation that made things WORSE.
- On that note-- meltdowns-- we mentioned the whole "after a social gathering we'd emotionally cave in on ourselves" thing, there was a lot of that. After work we'd get a complete drop from having to be in Manager Mode all day or we'd have a crisis after erotic intimacy encounters because we're sex repulsed ace. The fact is our nervous system was activated during those times, our survival instincts were kicked in and brought the part associated to the surface to DEAL and when they backed off our body was still reacting to the trauma trigger and it would cause us to implode.
All of these things in therapy brought us to the conclusion of BPD. Because therapists be like that at times. A *TRAUMA* therapist gave us some DES-II, MID and ACE tests and worked out what was going on within 3 months.
It took a further 6-9 months with constant support from loved ones who were able to see us as individuals to *ACCEPT* it. This is a denial disorder, it doesn't want to be found. Asking questions, being honest and being accepting is the best way to come to terms with it. I wish it were easier and I wish you luck and support in your journey. Our inbox is always open!
You're not alone <3
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bridgertonbabe · 18 days
Signing off.
I never really thought I'd ever write a post like this and to be perfectly honest I feel a bit cringe for even making a thing out of this but I felt it necessary to address those of you who follow me and my writings.
In the last month I have been suffering severely from anxiety, waking up to what feels like a ball of dread clutching at my heart and being unable to shift it for the better part of the day. It's all come to a head as of late because I've reached a crossroads in my life where I've realised just how unhappy and unfulfilled I am. Truth to be told I really don't have any aspect in my life that I am happy with and for years I've dismissed myself and my own desires for the sake of others to the point where I have no self worth, no self confidence, and I just feel like a shell of a person. Realising that I can't go on like this, that I can't live the life I aspire to without sorting my mental health out, I've taken the first steps in getting counselling and in going to the doctors to be put on anti-depressants.
While I'm already starting to feel better, I've decided it's in my best interests to take some other steps going ahead; which is I'm logging off this account.
Don't get me wrong, this account has brought me fulfillment in the last two and a half years and I've had so much fun interacting with so many of you but as of late I've become very disengaged with Bridgerton. It's one of several of my hyperfixations which I have become anxious with in the last few weeks, in part because they are what I used to immerse myself in as a means to distract myself from a dissatisfying existence, but now I've decided to make a change in my life for the better, everything that I once used to bury my head in the sand has now essentially given me the ick. Bridgerton is just now one of several things that I feel the need to distance myself from in order to fully focus and concentrate on bettering my mental health as well as getting what I want out of life.
As much as I've taken pride in writing because of Bridgerton, my dream has always to one day publish a book of my own and I need to refocus my energies on writing my own original stories to have the chance of maybe being able to make that dream a reality. I would have so dearly loved to have been able to complete a whole host of WIPs (would have also loved to have been able to just focus on one story at a time but c'est la vie) and I can only apologise to anyone who's been hoping for an update from any of them.
You will still be able to read all of my works on AO3 (plus I've restored a couple I had previously hidden from view), and I won't be deleting this tumblr so all of my drabbles and various posts will still be here for you to browse and read at your leisure.
Though I'm stepping away from this account, I don't necessarily know if this will be forever. I might well end up in a better place mentally at some point and return with a healthier state of mind where I can enjoy Bridgerton again, and I would never rule out contributing writings again - however as it stands, I don't want to promise anything and taking care of my mental health is my main priority for now and the foreseeable future.
I also just wanted to take the opportunity to thank every single person who has ever liked, reblogged, and interacted with me since I joined. I had never previously shared any of my creative writing online and thought it would be nice if even a single person somewhere vaguely liked anything I had to share - but over the last two and a half years I've been given such a boost from the amount of people who have reached out and commented on any one of my silly writings. I don't think you'll ever understand just how much it has meant to me and the love and appreciation will stay with me forever.
That about does it, so thank you all for everything. I wish you all a lifetime of health and happiness.
Signing off,
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armins-main-hoe · 1 year
I'm sorry but are request open? If no, you can message me and delete this ask.
Could you make a headcanon of Tsukishima, Osamu, and Atsumu with Silent and Mean but secretly caring S/O (Like Raven from Teen Titans. S/O is snarky, sarcastic, dark and grounchy but secretly gentle to kids and animals).
yep requests are open and thank you for this request, I really enjoyed writing this :)
"I know you care"
Tsukishima, Osamu, Atsumu x reader (separate)
Tsukishima himself is very sarcastic and grumpy. So if he had a S/O who was the same then you're both completely understand each other, sympathize each other and are grateful for each other.
Though there may be times where he decides to tease you and you retaliate with a sigh or an eye roll.
He knows you do care about him because why else would you date him?
When he first met you, both of your personalities crashed and made you bump heads because you both were so similar.
I'd say you both had more like an enemies to lovers trope going on.
Where over time, you both slowly figure that you both can actually get along and that the other does have other redeeming qualities.
When you both finally get together I think you both would love dissing others and have your own little inside jokes about them.
Nobody is safe from you both.
The first time he saw you show that you do actually have a 'nice' bone in your body was when you both had only just became friends.
You guys were probably out with a group of friends and while you guys were waiting in line, you saw a kid in a stroller crying.
You're friends were too busy talking to even look at the kid but you noticed. You looked at the kid and smiled. When the kid saw you smiling, his wails simmered down but not completely.
So then you started making faces at the kid in hopes to cheer him up.
Though you only went so far to make faces because the kid was behind you, so you had to turn around and none of your friends could see you make faces. Not that they were paying attention anyway.
Tsukishima saw though. He didn't see you make the faces but he saw you turn around and within a minute he heard the kid's cries disappear.
He then began paying closer attention to your behaviour and he then realized that you show affection and attention to detail in a manner that can be easily overlooked. Though lucky for you, he never overlooked your actions and began to appreciate the small, secret acts of service you do.
Osamu is much more calmer and laidback when compared to his twin brother.
I think that if he had a S/O who was sarcastic and grumpy I think it would have been a more of a "Hey ik I'm an asshole but for you i'll be nice."
Like we know Osamu can get angry and physical if he is provoked enough but he generally had a deadpan personality and that along with his looks is what draws you in.
He knew you, he knew you weren't exactly a nice person since that's what he had heard others say about you.
But one day when he bumped into you after practice, you apologised to him for not looking where you're going and to him you seemed like a nice person.
After walking away from him you were freaking out pretty bad. I mean you talked to your crush for the first time!
He then went and asked his friends about you, they said the same things everybody else would say about you, that your mean, cold and grumpy all the time.
When he told them what you were like when he bumped into you, his friends laughed and were like "Are we even talking about the same person?"
That's when you piped his interest and he began paying closer attention to you.
He eventually catches you outside of school, with your younger sibling. He was about to go up to you and say hello but he watched how you took care of your sibling, wiping their mouth clean after they ate, playing with them and cheering them up after they feel down.
That's when he knew for sure that you weren't always mean and sarcastic.
He saw you at school and saw how you acted around others. He then decided that you do nice things when no one is looking and don't expect anything back.
Call him weird but he kinda likes that.
So then he made an effort to talk to you and after a while you both started dating.
He would laugh at your sarcastic remarks and join you when you verbally take his brother down a notch from being condescending.
This guy can be a lot sometimes.
He has a lazy smile on whenever you see him, he likes giving offhanded compliments to others and likes to provoke others.
That and given that you aren't too different, we have another case of enemies to lovers.
When he saw how you acted differently around kids, he teased you for days about it. You're cheeks would go red and you would shout at him to 'shut up' and 'that's the reason why kids hate you sm'.
When he saw your cheeks go red, he found out that he liked getting that reaction out of you. So slowly your arguments turned into him basically flirting with you.
I think there would A LOT of tension between you both before you guys get together and I think you know what type of tension I'm talking about ;)
Okay but like at some point literally everyone around you are like 'are they gonna kiss or what?' and 'when are they getting together?'
When you do get together though, it's over for everyone.
I mean, you both are mean, only showing actual content and affection secretly, you both become each other's partner in crime.
Even after YEARS of dating, he will still tease you when he catches you being secretly nice to someone.
Even when that someone is him. You kiss him or do an act of service? He'll tease the fuck out of you.
But it's not like he isn't nice to you back. He does love you so he won't go out of his way to purposely be mean to you.
You go to his games and when you catch his fangirls you always are side eyeing them with a disgusted look on your face.
Atsumu doesn't actually like his fangirls that much either but when he catches you looking at them dirty he can't help but laugh.
He's also very happy you're there to watch him play despite telling him that you're busy
If you both like spend time together where he teaches you how to play volleyball and you can't seem to get it right and go 'this is a dumb sport anyway.'
He'd first act all dramatic about your statement and then tease you for being so bad :/
He loves you, I swear he does.
He may never have told you this but he actually likes that he is the only one who notices you being nice since that part of you tends to be overlooks by others.
After teasing you for being nice or being ass at volleyball, he will give you a hug and cover your face in kisses while you pretend to scrunch up your nose in disgust.
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creative-kny-fics · 26 days
Hear me out this might be too much… so u don’t have to!
but I’m craving Lee!giyuu rn so… Lee!giyuu (ofc) and ler!hashiras (all of them excluding giyuu)
I’m patient so take as long as you want on this!! Remember!!! Don’t force yourself!! If you don’t want to, delete it or ignore !! >u<
JAHSJSHJAHSKSHSAJA I missed writing about the e-, I mean I mean, about Giyuu
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Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Lers: Shinobu Kocho, Mitsuri Kanroji, Tengen Uzui, Kyojuro Rengoku, Sanemi Shinazugawa and Iguro Obanai (Gyomei and Muichiro didn't want to participate)
'Am I the only one who has noticed Giyuu's change of mood?', Shinobu frowned as the others nodded.
Shinobu was closer to Giyuu, even closer than Mitsuri, Obanai and Kyojuro or even Sanemi, who had been trying to become his suitor, so she seemed to be the only one who knew Giyuu.
'You really are great observers... Tomioka-San has been happier these days, he is now a little more open and talks a little more, plus he smiles now...-' 'WHAAAAAAT?!', the others shouted, Shinobu definitely spent a lot of time with Giyuu. 'Are you serious Shinobu-Chan?!'
'Yep! I think this is all because of Tanjiro-Kun, he is the second person Tomioka-San spends the most time with. It seems that that boy has helped him come out of his shell... You should see them, I can never help but laugh since he looks like a mother hen with her newborn chick'
Shinobu laughed at the memory, but stopped when the others' gazes focused only on her, apparently they were waiting for Shinobu to stop the "joke", which was not. 'Tsk, that brat is always by Giyuu's side, I'm not surprised that his good humor has rubbed off on him... I wonder why Kocho's humor hasn't rubbed off on him before...'
'And I'm wondering the following. Why it seems that you are more jealous of Tanjiro and me than Shinobu or Obanai, they also spend time with Giyuu-San and it doesn't seem to bother you as much as my and Tanjiro's presence. Besides, you and Giyuu-San are nothing to make you jealous... '
'Tokito, that was rude, apologize to Shinazugawa,' Muichiro rolled his eyes and 'apologized'.
What he said was true, but Gyomei didn't like the way he expressed it, it wasn't an appropriate way of speaking for a child.
Shinobu simply sighed as Sanemi began to scold Muichiro for what he had told him, the only ones who didn't stay a part of it were Mitsuri, Kyojuro and Obanai, who followed her.
'Kocho, if what you say is true, why don't you just prove it? Because I remind you that on one occasion we tried every possible way to make Tomioka smile, and NOTHING helped. Do you think you can then prove that Tomioka can laugh?', Shinobu nodded and led them.
The four hid in some nearby bushes, they were spying on Giyuu, all because of Obanai's idea. 'Well?' What are you waiting for?'
'You're so impatient Iguro-San... But it's okay, I'll go~'
Obanai just looked away for a minute and Shinobu was gone, now she was jumping from branch to branch until she got close to Giyuu and she launched herself so he could catch her, and he did it.
'Tomioka-San! Thanks for catching me! What brings you here~?' 'It's a quiet place, it relaxes me...'
'Ooooh I see! Tomioka-San, forgive me for what I will do...', Giyuu raised an eyebrow in confusion, leaving Shinobu on the ground and then feeling how her small hands caressed his neck.
'This is a waste of time... She's not going to make it!'
'Patience patience Obanai! Let's trust Kocho! She does not-!'
'Shhhhh!', Mitsuri placed her hands on both of their mouths, when they finally quieted he pointed to where Giyuu and Shinobu were.
The three of them couldn't believe it, Giyuu was smiling!
'Awwww what's wrong~? Before when I did this it didn't seem to do anything to you, but now you're laughing!'
'N-no! I'm nohot-! Ko-Kocho!', Giyuu didn't want to laugh, but the smile he had implied many things. 'Aren't you? And what is that that forms on your face? It's not the expression you usually have, it's a little smile~'
Giyuu denied, covering his face with his hands, also finally moving Shinobu away from his neck.
But this wouldn't stop her, taking advantage of the fact that his arms were somewhat raised, she decided to dug into his armpits, looking for a better reaction, and she got it.
'Hehehehehey!! Kohochohoho!! O-okahahay!! I'm smilihihing!!'
'Oh really? I hadn't realized...~'
'Cohomehehe ohohohon!! Thihihis is embahaharrassihihing!!', Shinobu didn't believe it, but she already had what she wanted, so she stopped.
Giyuu shook his head as he caught his breath, making her swear not to say a single word to the others and she nodded.
But, the others had already seen what happened, would that count as a broken promise?
'I can't believe it... She really did it...' 'Woah! Kocho impressed me! Hahahaha! It's amazing, I want to try it too!'
'We shouldn't speak so loudly, they can come and listen to us!', they couldn't, they were too content in his place and didn't want to move for the world.
Mitsuri and Kyojuro couldn't bear the secret, and ended up telling Uzui. What was going to happen to poor Giyuu having those three lers chasing him until they achieved their goal of making him laugh?
Maybe there would be another objective involved, who knows...
'Well, what plan do you have?'
'What if everyone does it individually? If the three of us go together it can be very predictable, don't you think?'
'I totally agree with you Kanroji! So you will have the honors of doing it first!', Mitsuri smiled and nodded.
It took a while to find Giyuu and when she finally found him, she ran over to hug him.
For Giyuu it was normal, the only thing he wanted was for Obanai not to see them, it was always the same "she hugged me" argument, and it may not be so believable anymore.
'Tomioka... There's something weird about you...' 'Really? What could that be "weird"?'
'Your waist...', Giyuu raised an eyebrow, what was wrong with his waist?
Taking advantage of the fact that Mitsuri was hugging him, he used his hands to "caress" his sides with his reverse (left hand on right side and/or right hand on left side), "measuring" Giyuu's waist, who didn't know what to think and laughed out of nerves.
'K-Kahanrohoji! Whahahat-?!'
'I thought Iguro-San's waist was peculiar, but so is yours. Not in a bad way, you look pretty good! Highlight your figure!'
Giyuu didn't know whether to thank her, it was a bit of an awkward situation and if he didn't know Mitsuri, he'd think she was trying to flirt with him, but he knew that was the usual Mitsuri. 'What's so funny, Giyuu~?'
'I dohohohon't knohow!!' 'Aaaaw, are you nervous~? I'm barely doing something and you're laughing~!'
Giyuu covered his red face, it was embarrassing, both because of the situation and because he didn't know why he couldn't stop laughing, Mitsuri was right, she wasn't doing much and he was laughing
'Aaaaw Tomioka-San, you're so cute! So adorable! So giggly! Hey, what's up~? You don't like it when people compliment you? Look at your little red face, it's so cute~!', Mitsuri laughed as Giyuu made a futile effort to get away from her. 'Mit-!! Pleheahase stohohop tahalkihing!!'
'Eeeeh~? Why I should? You know I like to talk! Aaaaaah I'm getting it, is it the baby voice I'm making that's embarrassing you~? It's so cute...~' 'Nohohoho!! Plehahasehe!!'
Mitsuri didn't want to stop, who would? It was such an infectious laugh and yet unexpected and cute at the same time, but she stopped because it seemed like Giyuu would literally die of embarrassment.
'Okahahay! Gosh! Are you okay ?'
'Yehehes... Please don't tell anyone about this...', well, a little late for that.
Mitsuri nodded and after leaving, Giyuu went in the opposite direction, feeling that someone sensed him, he turned around but there was no one.
He shook his head thinking it was part of the shame of what had happened earlier, but when he returned his gaze to the front and continued walking, he shrugged when someone blew a gentle breeze on his neck. 'WHO?! Oh.. Is that you Uzui, what's wrong?'
'I thought it would take you a little longer to detect that it was me, congratulations to you for detecting me earlier!'
Giyuu sighed in relief, he should have known, Uzui is the only one who would do that. 'How was the experience you just had?'
'I-I don't know what you mean...'
'Please Tomioka, you know perfectly well that I have good hearing, don't think I didn't hear when Mitsuri tickled you...'
Well, the "please don't tell anyone" couldn't happen, but Giyuu deduced that Uzui must have been close enough to that place to have heard clearly.
However, Giyuu can almost never complain because he is always interrupted, whether by words or actions, in this case it was an action, Uzui had put a hand on his ribs, poking every 3 seconds or for every word he said.
'I guess you should be grateful that I was the one who listened to you. Can you imagine it would have been someone else? Someone like Iguro Obanai...' 'I-I imagine...'
'Everything okay? Are you cold or something? I feel like you're shaking, why are you hugging your ribs? I repeat the question, are you cold?', Giyuu denied, it was something he hated.
He didn't know he hated that until Sanemi and Obanai did it, he didn't like someone talking to him or the other person while tickling him, LESS, if that included "ignoring" him or pretending like he wasn't being tickled. 'If you're not cold, why-?'
'S-stohop!', Uzui tsked, but it was more like a chuckle than anything else.
Giyuu slapped his arm as he began to use his fingers as claws and began to tickle his ribs, the slap only made Uzui change position, lifting Giyuu off the floor and holding back his laughter as his feet began to try to touch the floor. 'What are you doing?!'
'Daaaah, isn't it obvious? Give you a hug! Have they never hugged you?'
'Why are you lying? You were tickling me! Wait...'
Tengen laughed and Giyuu cursed mentally, as he always fell in Uzui's games, and he knew what was coming, his head started repeating "idiot" as he prepared himself, but something different happened.
'Well, I think you earned your forgiveness. I'll leave you alone because you indirectly admitted that you're ticklish, even though I already knew that hahahaha. Well little one, you're free!', and said and done, Uzui put Giyuu on the ground and ruffled his hair.
Giyuu's brain was trying to recap everything, had Tengen just let him go? He expected something else, I don't know, maybe a raspberry before leaving but nothing, Uzui didn't do anything to him, should he feel disappointed or grateful?. 'Oh right, before I forget!'
And... It seems that Giyuu's thought was heard, Tengen picked him up one last time and blew a raspberry on his neck, and before Giyuu saw him, he was already gone.
Well... It could have been worse
'I think there's something really weird here... First Shinobu, although she always does it, it doesn't surprise me, then Mitsuri and now Tengen... I have to assume that the next one will be Rengoku...' 'And you're right my friend!'
Giyuu gasped as Kyojuro hugged him from behind, but one thing led to another and now they were both on the floor. 'Okay, what is this?! Why is everyone tickling me?!'
'The real question is why we should NOT tickle you! We know you like this Giyuu, stop acting strong and smile at life! I'll show you how!'
Oh hell no! Giyuu knew one thing, if Tengen did something, Kyojuro would ALSO do the same move, it was something he deduced when he found himself sitting on Rengoku's lap and Rengoku had hugged him tightly enough so that he didn't run away and it didn't hurt. 'Wait... Rengoku... Let's TAHAHAHALK!!'
'My my! It seems that someone has woken up with a slight sensitivity to raspberries! Hahahaha!', and all Giyuu needed was the damn teasing.
Why did those 4 love to talk to him as if he were a baby or teasing him if he laughed? The answer appeared on their cheeks, probably that blush of embarrassment was what was driving them. 'STOHOHOP THIHIS!!'
'Now?! But we've only just begun! Tomioka, you are a hashira, will you say that this is too much for you?!', Giyuu denied, he didn't care about the raspberries in a certain part, what was worse was the teasing
He couldn't, if Kyojuro started talking to him the way Mitsuri does, he was definitely going to lose everything, luckily Kyojuro wasn't one of the people who did that... Or was he...?
'Tomioka, your cheeks, they are as red as a tomato! No, wait, they're almost the color of the ends of my hair! I think now I understand why they call them 'raspberries', they have the same color as your cheeks!'
'What's wrong Tomioka?! "Not that"?! What thing?! The raspberries?! The compliments?! The tickles?! Be more specific!'
Kyojuro couldn't help but laugh as Giyuu's head fell onto his shoulders, feeling like it was no longer necessary to hug him.
'Mmmm I see! So you want the tickling to continue but without teasing?! Because if it were the raspberries that you want us to continue, you wouldn't be giving me access to your neck! Wait... What did you just do now...?'
Giyuu covered his mouth when Kyojuro let go of him to look at him in surprise. He knew that face and had exactly 3 seconds to run as far as he could or gain enough air for the next thing.
He wasn't being a coward, but he decided to simply run away as he heard Rengoku shout in the distance who indicated that he had snorted.
'Hahahaha poor Tomioka, and there are only 4 of us!', he commented as he stood up and shook himself, Giyuu wouldn't make it that far.
Who do you think would be next? Well, maybe one boy who was sitting on a branch of a nearby tree and the other who was leaning on the same tree could answer the question.
'That idiot thinks we forgot what happened last time?'
'Obanai, we're not going to be so cruel now, we're almost out in the open...'
'I had forgotten that ever since your feelings for Giyuu grew, you became soft. Cottonweed...', Sanemi climbed onto the branch and started shaking it, making Obanai regret having said that to him AND having said that about Giyuu.
Obanai couldn't believe it, but if he argued, Sanemi would respond that he is the same as him because with Mitsuri he is a god's bread that doesn't hurt a single fly, so he better put up with it.
'Well, if that's the problem, how about we take him to your estate? This way, if something happens, you will be a million meters away from the ears of others...'.
Obanai, you don't learn, do you? This time, Sanemi didn't need to make any effort because when he climbed up to try to do the same movement, the branch creaked and broke, causing both of them to fall to the ground.
'What's wrong with those two...?'
'I don't know, but promise me you won't do that Muichiro, you could get hurt', Muichiro nodded, but crossed his fingers behind him, it looked amused, who wouldn't?. 'Do we really have to tickle Giyuu-San? I think he's already suffered from enough...'
'Well, how about we stay and watch that duo not be cruel to him?' 'I think it is better'
Muichiro agreed and helped Gyomei hide, Giyuu had approached and had almost passed him by, but returned when he realized that Sanemi and Obanai were on the ground.
'Eeeeeeh... Guys, have you fallen or are you looking at the sky?'
'What happened is that we saw that the ants were telling jokes and we lay down on the floor to hear them better...', bad timing, but good sarcasm!
Muichiro covered his mouth laughing, Obanai was funny when he meant to be.
Giyuu shrugged as he sighed, helping them both up and brushing themselves off. 'Thanks Giyuu...'
'You're welcome, well, if you'll excuse me I'll go to my estate to...'
'Oh of course not! You just helped us and you think we'll let you go without thanking you?!'
That was strange for Giyuu... Obanai thanking him? He hadn't done much, but if that was necessary for them to let him go, he had to accept it, right? 'Okay...? You're welcome, see you again! Hey! Oh god, you too?!'
'We too what?' 'Why are you guys tickling me lately?! I thought you hated me!', Obanai wanted to say something, but Sanemi stopped him, he knew what he was going to say.
'It's a 50/50, if maybe you made that face, we'd like you better...'
'Face-? What face are you talking about? I don't make GRACES-!', Giyuu growled as Sanemi brought his wrists together and put them behind his head, fighting to keep Giyuu from moving away from his grasp.
Sanemi had to admit, Giyuu was strong, maybe stronger than he had thought and he liked the idea, he wanted to see how long he would have to fight until Giyuu accepts that he won't be able to escape for a while.
'Don't you know? Shinazugawa, what do you think we remind Tomioka of what we talked about?'
'Mmmm, I don't know, do you think he'll be able to handle it?' 'It is a challenge?'
Great, back between a rock and a hard place, although maybe it could be Giyuu's chance to escape, if Sanemi paid enough attention to Obanai, he could break free and run away.
Maybe in another world, at another time and with other people, not with that duo of terror
'I don't know, what do you think Tomioka? Who do you think would win?' 'And why do we ask him? Less blah blah blah and more action!'
'Shall I tell you something? Do it once and for all! I'm tired of this, if you're going to tickle me, do it NOW!', they both stayed silent, they didn't believe they saw Giyuu angry.
Obanai signaled to Sanemi, it was the opportunity for him to conquer his flirt, but Sanemi gave him a look that told him to keep his mouth shut or he would have a bad time.
Giyuu sighed and tried to headbutt Sanemi, but this ended with the three of them falling to the floor, and how did Obanai fall? Sanemi made him stagger and fall.
'Oh god, really? I was expecting this to be something more exciting, you know?' 'It's weird, but I think it's best to save Giyuu before those two do anything else...'
'And what are they going to do? They seem to be fighting right now and... Forget it, they already started tickling him...'
Gyomei nodded and let out a "about time" and Muichiro nodded in response.
It honestly seemed like both Sanemi and Obanai were holding back, how do they know? Because Giyuu was screaming so loud that it seemed like he was going to go hoarse if someone didn't help him.
'Do you think you're very skilled for headbutting me?! Well, what do you think, you're not going to get rid of this! You're going to suffer for your damn mistake!' 'Also, a while ago you were saying "if you're going to tickle me, just do it" a few seconds ago, it's obvious that you like to laugh, huh? You have nothing to say?'
'I-I-I CAHAHAHAHAN'T!!! YOHOHOU AHAREHEHE-!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!', and apparently Gyomei and Muichiro were right, Giyuu couldn't even form a sentence correctly.
But their little game was not going to last long for Sanemi and Obanai, since after a few seconds they felt like a small stone hit them with extreme force on the forehead.
There was deja vu in those moments, from the first time they met Tanjiro and someone threw a rock at him to stop him from screaming, do you already have an idea of ​​who threw that rock?
'Giyuu-San needed a break!'
'Yes, I understand. Well, now let me get Giyuu out of there. If you get too close Sanemi and Obanai will probably hit you....'
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