#that the evil queen gives when she's preparing the poison apple
italoniponic · 26 days
it's the mockery in his eyes, like the witch before him
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bludraws094 · 4 days
FOR ALL THE EVER AFTER HIGH FANS THAT HATE APPLE WHITE (which i see more of on tiktok than tumblr, but i prefer writing over speaking, so im saying it here)
this is an excerpt from the storybook of legends, about something that happened to apple and changed how she viewed her destiny. this starts on the very end of page 119, and goes on to 121
When Apple was six years old, she had fallen down a well.
She'd been chasing a dragonfly and climbed onto the well's edge. Then...a seemingly endless fall that ended in a freezing splash, struggle, and gasp for life. She treaded water, her heavy petticoats pulling her down. She didn't have the breath to either scream or sing for help. It was the first time in her life that she'd ever felt alone. Or cold. Or really, truly scared.
Every night before bed, her mother had told her a story that should have been frightening: Scary Evil Queen. Huntsman ordered to cut out her heart. Lost in dark woods with grabby trees. Dwarves, dwarves, more dwarves. Old peddler lady giving her a strangling ribbon. Old peddler lady giving her a poisoned comb. Old peddler lady giving her a poisoned apple. Crunch. Gasp. Faint (beautifully). Dead sleep. Cold glass coffin. Empty dreams. Then...kiss. Wake. Prince! Cheering dwarves. Huge choreographed dance number. Happily Ever After.
Even the scary parts of the Snow White story never scared Apple, because it was known. It was her mother's story, and her mother assured her that one day that same story would be hers.
Treading cold water in the well, feeling her legs tire, her face start to sink under, the cruel, smooth walls slick to her grasping fingers, six-year-old Apple changed. She realized that the real world was much, much scarier than any fairytale. Only in her own story would she be safe.
It took two minutes for her servants, her parents, and a horde of woodland creatures to find her and pull her out of the well. Two very long minutes. By the time she was wrapped up in fifteen blankets before a fire, worried bunnies huddled on her lap, shoulders, and head, Apple had made an important decision. She wanted her story. She wanted it ASAP. The sooner she was in that nice, safe, familiar tale—poisoned fruit and all— the better.
Her story wouldn't happen without Raven. So Apple had to help Raven onto the right path.
And if that didn't work, she'd make her.
(if there are any mistakes, they are due to me typing this out by hand, flipping between my phone and the book. also, my phone has a tendency to change short, misspelled words into completely different, longer words, and i dont always notice it)
before anyone says anything about how traumatizing they think this should have been, or how they think this should have affected her character:
she was six
this was the first time in her life that she ever felt like she was in danger. she was raised in safety, love, and comfort
she was six
her entire life revolves around her story, and, unlike most of the rebels, she enjoys her story. she has lived her whole life wanting her story. her destiny wasnt something to be dreaded, it was something to be cherished
she was six
she literally could have died there. her entire life revolves around others protecting her, others saving her, and she had no way of calling for help. it took all her energy not to sink to the bottom, as she wasnt wearing anything thin or light, no, no she was wearing a dress with petticoats. waterlogged petticoats. if they hadnt found her when they did, she would have drowned. right then and there. the story she spent her entire life preparing for, the story they spent her entire life preparing her for, gone in an instant, never to become reality. that is a terrifying fact for a child to come to terms with
apple acts the way she does bcus she is desperate for the only thing that guarantees her safety and comfort: her happy ending. she will do anything to ensure that she gets what she has spent her entire life preparing for
even if that means ruining any trust the one that is destined to give her that has in her
even if it means being the villain in ravens story
and, despite all of this, she genuinely wants what she believes is best for everyone. especially in the books, where they are told that not fulfilling their destinies would quite literally result in death. im not sure if that is also the case in the show, as i cant find anything about it on the wiki, but it is an incredibly important fact, central to the plot of the book this snippet is taken from
she wants to protect her friends
she wants to give them their "happily" ever afters
sure, raven has to go be evil for a few years, and sure, she will end up imprisoned, but she can go back to being herself afterwards! its not like she has to be exactly like her mom, right? (wrong!)
its what has to be done! the only way to guarantee that they all will be safe! the only way to guarantee the security that she has spent her entire life wanting, craving, needing! she needs her happy ending
how could raven be so selfish? how could she take the safety, the security, the certainty of her story away from her?
how could raven ruin her life?
so, stop hating on apple. even if you dont agree with her, (i sure dont,) you have to acknowledge that she is this way for a reason. and that reason is perfectly understandable
raven is embracing the unknown, something entirely antithetical to the certainty and guarantees apple has spent her entire life embracing
and that terrifies her
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
Evil Queen / Hag x Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: 🧫🧪 The scene where she cooks up the potion 🧫🧪 and transforms into a Hag 🧫🧪 *just something quick while I'm watching OUAT!
Warnings: Her ugliness 😂
Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , @ryantryan6969 and @spookiifi . I hope you like this! ^^ xo
You're sat on Hilda's work bench in a spot free of dusty books and dangerous vials as she potters around. Well, more than potters. She's very busy, creating a drink that would make her a hag; make her unassuming, and unrecognisable.
When she told you that this was her plan, that she would go to Snow in the woods and treat her with a special apple... you were sad, because an innocent girl would die and there was nothing you could do about it (opposing the Queen is never was wise, not even for her love. You're always half afraid that she'll throw you away, no matter how many times she proves that you matter), but you were also excited. Callous, you're aware. But you loved to watch her in her true element. Watching her at her dressing table was one thing, but this? Hidden away in the grotty, lonely dungeons she barely uses because she rathers executions (Loose ends... she always says); This was your favourite.
Thick dust flies off of her spell book (From the others, not from it) when she pulls it out of the shelf and her fingers run smoothly over the crisp pages, her poisonous eyes gliding over the words she's already so familiar with. You know that she's combed through these pages before a million times; It's her before bed book, it's her breakfast book, it's the book she obsesses over for days on end and writes notes upon notes about. The potion she cooks boils and bubbles and changes colour and the smell burns your nostrils, but she doesn't flinch.
You love to see her here. She's beautiful and she thinks it's the most important thing about her... but it's not. This is what makes her amazing; makes her set your blood on fire when you think about her.
As she takes a sip of the drink, under the light of the moon slipping in through the bars in the tiny window here, you watch her beauty dissapear. It's torn from her, by her own hand, and your love doesn't flicker for a second.
Hilda's lovely black hair turns grey and splits at the ends, her cute little nose grows out from her face and develops a curve as well as nasty boils, her fingernails grow and turn yellow and chip, her fine clothes wither away to rags and the skin left on her bone's sag. Once it's all complete, leaving Hilda a weathered and beaten old hag, she takes a moment to 'admire' herself.
"I'm a worthless, ugly old crone!" With a delighted cackle, fully amused by her new look and taking pride in her magic, Hilda turns to you with those new deep-set, harrowing bug-eyes. She points a knobbly finger your way, an unkept nail almost scraping your cheek. "And you, dear- tell me, how do I look? Beautiful, hm?... "
... staring into that wrinkled old face and the smile there which is almost toothless, your grin twists downwards, a filthy taste on you tongue. "... love, you're positively gruesome."
"Agh- " She clutches her chest, and takes a moment to breath. You know that everything in her is at odds - her need to be fair and her desire to excel in her chosen profficiency, - , hearing a statement like that- especially from you. It's a small betrayal. "... painful to hear, but for my purpose today; perfect."
"Thats my girl."
... here, Hilda rolls her terrifying eyes at you. She gives a 'puh' sound, shakes her head, and shuffles off to prepare Snow's 'treat'.
She picks out a round, yellowing apple - mkdway between ripe and moulding, - and ties a strand of string around the stem. Then she dips it into a bubbling green couldron thay looks like if you stood too close, your eyeballs might burst directly inside their sockets. It sizzles and fizzles, and dissapears.
The most beautiful apple, round and ruby red, surely juicy with an excellent and crisp crunch... and extra zing... comes out.
"Mm," Your mouth waters just looking at it, but you straighten up in an effort to not get any closer to it. "Uh, looks delicious.
"Oh it will be- just not for long." You watch the woman hobble right past you then, almost tripping on her shroud. "I'm off to poison a princess!!~ " She sings, her voice a freaky, shrill sound and giggling as she places the fruit in a basket. "Hehehe!~ "
Lord, she reminds you of Rumplestiltskin right now. Instead of telling her that though, you go with an old faithful. "Love you, darling~ "
"Yes, whatever!"
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secretartquotes · 2 years
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Tosh/Gwen Snow White AU - moodboard for the torchwood pride fest checking off prompts: 19. liberation/rebellion and 20. queer retelling of classic movies/books/fairytale
Staring Gwen Cooper as the titular Snow White and Toshiko Sato as her saviour riding on a white horse
Gwen is of course the titular Snow White (for a second let's forget that Gwen means among other white and that there are at least two welsh names that mean white snow ), the princess of the kingdom and heir , the most beautiful person in the land. When an attempt is made on her life,she runs to woods.Gwen find the seven dwarves and befriends them.She lives there trying to cook for them and failing , preparing to take back her kingdom. Everything is fine until the Evil Queen gives her the apple and she eats it.
Instead of an evil stepmother ( because the evil stepmother trope sucks and should be berries alive ) the villain of the story is her power hungry guardian who wants to kill her and take the throne for themselves with the added bonus of becoming the most beautiful person in the kingdom . They give Gwen the apple and the huntsman the orders for her heart.They are ultimately defeated by Gwen when she comes back for her kingdom.
Toshiko is also a princess but from the neighboring kingdom. She and Gwen have been friends since childhood. Tosh has been steadily falling in love with Gwen for the last years, but unbeknownst to her Gwen is also smitten with her. Tosh is obviously not ok with Gwen being killed,so she goes into the woods to find her . Unfortunately she find her too late , already eaten the poison apple .In last act of love Tosh kisses her , breaking the curse.Her and Gwen from then on live happily ever after.
Either Rhys or Ianto are the huntsman,but I am leaning towards Ianto. Mostly for the mental image of him intentionally not finding Gwen and straight up giving the villain a dear heart while inside his head he's thinking " that's not my fucking job ,I hunt animals not people" and just moves on . Definitely supports Gwen in her coup.
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ebonysword0 · 3 years
Fairytale Version Differences and My Comment on It: Snow White
Snow White's Father (The King)
Disney Movie Version: The King never appeared. However, in Disney's Golden Books he spent many sad and lonely years in his kingdom before he decided, at least for Snow White's sake, to remarry. In the 1987 book The Complete Story of Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, there is a mention of him being poisoned by the Evil Queen.
Grimm Brothers Version: The King's fate is left unknown as he is never mentioned again after his marriage to the Evil Queen throughout the entire story.
The Prince
Disney Movie Version: Snow White and The Prince met before the Evil Queen sent the Huntsman to try to kill her
Grimm Brothers Version: Snow White and the Prince never met before she ate the poisoned apple. The Prince came across dwarfs' house to spend the night, he saw the coffin with Snow White in it and read the words written on the coffin saying she was the king's daughter. The Prince offers to give the Seven Dwarfs whatever they want for the coffin. The Dwarfs denied saying "We will not part with it for all the gold in the world." The Prince said "Let me have it as a gift, for I cannot live without seeing Snow White. I will honor and prize her as my dearest possession." He spoke in this way the good dwarfs took pity upon him, and gave him the coffin. While Snow White is being transported, one of the prince's servants trips and loses his balance. This dislodges the piece of the poisoned apple from Snow White's throat, magically reviving her. The Prince then declares his love for Snow White and Snow White, who, surprised to meet him face to face, humbly accepts his marriage proposal.
Snow White's Age
Disney Movie Version: She's described as not yet an adult woman, but a girl in her puberty years. Disney's Snow White is an adolescent (her exact age is never specified). She's speculated to be 14
Grimm Brothers Version: A year after the First Queen died giving birth to Snow White, the King married the Evil Queen. When Snow White was seven years old the Evil Queen tried to have her killed because her magic mirror tells her that Snow White is the fairest.
The Seven Dwarfs
Disney Movie Version: The Seven Dwarfs are named.
Grimm Brothers Version: The Dwarfs take pity on her, saying: "If you will take care of our house, cook, make the beds, wash, sew and knit, and if you will keep everything neat and clean you can stay with us and you shall want for nothing." They warn her to be careful when alone at home, and to not let anyone in while they are delving in the mountains. The Seven Dwarfs saved Snow White from the Evil Queen's first two attempts on her life.
The Huntsman
Disney Movie Version: The Evil Queen is so jealous of Snow White's beauty that she orders the Huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and kill her while stating that he knows the penalty should he fail. She further demands that the Huntsman return with Snow White's heart in a jewelled box as proof of the deed. When he is about to use his knife on Snow White, the Huntsman cannot bring himself to kill Snow White. After revealing the Queen wants her dead, he tearfully begs for her forgiveness. The Huntsman urges Snow White to flee into the woods and never come back to the castle.
Grimm Brothers Version: When the Evil Queen had learned from her Magic Mirror that Snow White will be the fairest of them all, she orders an unnamed Huntsman to take Snow White into the deepest woods to be killed. As proof that Snow White is dead, the Queen demands that he return with her lungs and liver. The Huntsman takes Snow White into the forest. But after raising his knife, he fails to kill her as she sobs heavily and begs him not to. The Huntsman leaves her behind alive convinced that the girl would be eaten by some wild animal. He instead brings the Queen the lungs and liver of a big wild boar, which is prepared by the cook and eaten by the Queen.
Evil Queen's Death
Disney Movie Version: When she tried to kill the Seven Dwarfs, she fell off a cliff due to a lightning strike.
Grimm Brothers Version: As a punishment for the attempted murder of Snow White, the Queen was to wear a pair of red-hot iron slippers and to dance in them until she drops dead.
Disney Movie Version: The film ends with the Prince reviving Snow White with his kiss and them wandering back to his castle
Grimm Brothers Version: The two get married, and the mirror on the wall tells the Queen that the Prince’s bride is now the fairest of them all. She goes to investigate, finds out Snow White has come back to life, and that's when she was forced to wear red hot iron slippers.
The First Queen sits sewing at an open window during a winter snowfall when she pricks her finger with her needle, causing three drops of red blood to drip onto the freshly fallen white snow on the black windowsill. Then, she says to herself, "How I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony." Sometime later, the queen gives birth to a baby daughter whom she names Snow White, but the queen dies in childbirth. (This is mentioned in the Fairytale Version and in the 1952 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Golden Book)
In the Fairytale the Evil Queen attempted to kill Snow White three times. First, after disguising herself as an old peddler, she offers Snow White colorful, silky laced bodices as a present. The queen laces her up so tightly that Snow White faints or collapses; the dwarfs return just in time, and Snow White revives when the dwarfs loosen the laces. The second time, the Evil Queen dresses up as a comb seller and convinces Snow White to take a beautiful comb as a present; she strokes Snow White's hair with the poisoned comb. The girl is overcome by the poison from the comb, but she is again revived by the dwarfs when they remove the comb from her hair. Finally, the Evil Queen disguises herself as a farmer's wife and offers Snow White a poisoned apple. Snow White is hesitant to accept it, so the Evil Queen cuts the apple in half, eating the white (harmless) half and giving the red poisoned half to Snow White; the girl takes a bite and then falls into a coma.
My Comment: While I did read the Wikipedia first, I did look at other sources, including the English Translation of the Fairytale. It didn't say anything about the 10 Years time skip. If Snow White was still 7 years old and is married to the Prince, would that make him a pedophile or at least grooming her to be his wife? (We don't know the Prince's age, but in Disney's version a few sources speculated that he's 31. Speculated, not confirmed.) Why am I reminded of Lolita? I mean, I don't mind age differences but it depends on the situation, this isn't a good situation. She's not even legal! Plus I found the part about the Prince's first meeting with Snow White after she ate the poisoned apple in the Grimm Brothers version, weird since the Prince just seems random and was only just there to end the conflict cause there has to be a hero. Like there has to be a Prince. There's also the way he spoke about Snow White when he tried to get the Dwarfs to give her to him, is he a necrophiliac too or just wants a pretty object to admire?
Snow White by the Grimm Brothers: https://germanstories.vcu.edu/grimm/schneeeng.html
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I really really love the when you become a fallen piece, could I possibly have that with Diavolo? Pretty please? Thank you for reading this.
Yes, definitely! I will write this here, so I hope it’s not weird!  I was debating whether or not I should post it on the other thread with the brothers, but maybe here it’s okay too <3
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Long ago, before the Celestial War happened, you, as another Seraph, would look up at Lucifer and how he was loved by everyone, how his brothers adored him...And you?
You were like a caged dove, without any bit of freedom...
You were raised and taught - not like all the other angels - but you were meant to be the key to the Devildom and Celestial Realm allegiance.
You were meant to be the future King of Devildom’s future wife.
So while Lucifer received praises from Gods, from the Cherubim, from the other Archangels...
You, on the other hand, only received criticism from the lower-angels constantly on your back, punishing you if you didn’t behave as you were meant to.
And your dark feelings kept harbouring inside your heart for a long time.
These feelings were only amplified tenfold when Lucifer had the audacity to rebel, along with his brothers, and was welcomed with open arms in the Devildom, by the same man that was supposed to become your Husband...
How vile.
And you wondered...
If you were to rebel and run away as well...
Would he welcome you with so much enthusiasm?
...Of course not, why would he?
He may be your soon-to-be Husband, but all the angels were strict: “You must be his wife, but never grow feelings for such a disgustingly impure, immoral, unethical and vile monster such as him. He is evil incarnated, that’s why he’s the future Demon King!”
So you kept enduring and enduring, until you were finally brought before him, not yet to wed, but to spend the day together and get used to each other.
Needless to say, Diavolo, despite thinking that Lucifer was gorgeous...He found you to be more than ethereal, for lack of better words in any language.
He was happy, he wanted you by his side, despite all the inhibitions and shyness that were brought along with you, but he understood the situation, he was already aware of it, thanks to Lucifer, who was already aware of the problem, naturally.
So for the whole day, he tried to help you ease around him, to look at him with your beautiful E/C orbs that sparkled like the stars in Heaven, to see you, without your wings covering you, as all Seraphim had the habit of doing, he wanted to hear your crystalline voice, loud and clear, not just whispering in his ear whenever you had the courage to say something.
He wanted to hear your laugh, that would be like a lullaby to his ears, he wanted to see your genuine smile, that made his heart explode with a myriad of emotions.
And more importantly, he wanted to touch you, to feel you skin, delicate and soft like a cloud, to taste your lips that were sweeter than any Celeastial Realm dessert.
He wanted you, and he wanted to make you his partner in crime, to tease Lucifer and his brothers, to make witty schemes and pranks together, to sneak around, to make fun, to dance, to laugh, to walk around, to have dates, to do so many things together.
Diavolo was so eager for your wedding together, and so were you, frankly.
You found safety and solace around him, something that you never thought would happen any time in your life, and now you realised why Lucifer was welcomed so nicely to his Kingdom - Because Diavolo wasn’t evil and merciless as the angels wanted her to believe, he was a benevolent ruler who only sought the good of his people and wanted all 3 Realms to be equal and be peaceful.
This didn’t sit well with the angels when you returned back to the Celestial Realm, as they could see you vibing with happiness, they could see your cheeks pink like the roses from the Garden of Eden, and more...Your heart...It was trembling with emotions.
You were in love with the Demon Prince.
You destroyed the allegiance without even realising, and the angels were furious with you for ruining all the centuries of trying to educate you properly, to make you become an obedient little wife.
You screwed up for falling in love with the man you were supposed to marry.
And now, you had to receive the Divine Retribution that few angels had the misfortune to deal with.
You were thrown out of Heaven.
You were let to fall down, from the Celestial Realm, to the Devildom, while all the other angels were throwing insults at you, for being a shame to God and your title as a Seraph, and that you deserve every bit of pain you will have to endure in the future.
Barbatos had already forseen this happening, so Diavolo was waiting for you to fall, so he would be there to catch you before you hit the ground, not wanting you to feel more pain that you must already endure.
Of course, as Lucifer had already gone through all this before, he was informed about the agony, the transformations and the changes in one’s body, but even so, he wasn’t prepared for how emotionally gut-wrenching the sight of the woman he loved so much, sobbing in pain, just because...
Just because she held the same emotions as he did for her.
It wasn’t fair.
Why should she have to suffer for loving someone, while he was safe and sound, not even feeling an ounce of physical pain, nor trauma?
He was holding you tightly to his chest, not even feeling anything while you were clawing at his back and arms from the pain, not able to think or speak coherently, as he could only watch your feathers and a pair of wings slowly burn, even the bone structure of it, while stumps of bone and keratin were protruding from underneath your scalp, getting bigger and bigger, and twisting around in intricate shapes, resembling that of some animal.
“This is not fair! This is not fair! Why...! I was raised to be your wife, but now that I want to, I’m being punished! Is it so immoral to have feelings? To love your Husband? Why is nothing I do ever good for anyone? Why can’t I ever be like the ones I admire so much? Am I really fated to waste away and rot like a caged bird forever?” you’d cry out, as Diavolo put your hands on his own horns, to tug on them, to make himself feel the same hatred, rage, agony, despair as you did, because you were bound by an unbreakable bond, wrapped with the string of fate, from heart to heart.
Diavolo felt powerless for the first time in his life, as there was nothing that could stop, or even lessen such pain - no medicine, beverage, food nor plant or drug - and he could only hold you and curse every living being for not being able to keep you safe from all this madness.
Since he was born a demon, he never had to endure any pain, but seeing you go through it all, it made him want to find some curse and curse himself, so all the pain you’d feel, he’d feel as well, just to punish himself for making you go through all this - Because he blames himself, even if he would never tell it to you, in fear of making you feel even worse.
He wasn’t sure how many days passed until your physical agony subsided and your wings were charcoal black, like a raven’s, and your horns were fully out, but he knew that the worst wasn’t over yet.
Every day, he had to hold you and reassure you that he’ll never leave you, and that he loves you and he would never give you up, just because you are not a Seraph anymore - Your beauty was as ethereal as always, no matter what.
He had Barbatos make sure you bring you food to help you get used to the Devildom cuisine, without purging, because your body wasn’t used to bats and poisoned apples, but to cloud cakes and paradise fruit.
He would hold you tight every night, allowing himself barely a wink of sleep, as he felt it his duty to guard over you while you slept, so you wouldn’t be plagued by night terrors, even going as far as casting spells to help you sleep better, not even sure if they worked or not.
He would get you all sorts of clothes and jewellery, showing you off to everyone as soon as you were ready to step out of your shared room, because you were the most beautiful being alive, and nothing was going to erase that fact - And neither should you ever forget it.
Because Diavolo loved you with all his heart, and was waiting patiently for the day when you’d be able to get fully accustomed to your new life as a demon - But not any demon, but THE Demon Queen - so he could start preparing the Wedding, with you by his side, letting Asmo to style your hair, do your make up and style your wedding dress, making sure it matches with some colour with Diavolo’s suit too, while you two and the brothers, mainly Satan and Belphie, would choose how to decorate the wedding venue, the Ballroom, and Levi would help with the music, while Mammon would provide entertainment and Beel would be in charge of the menu.
And Lucifer would be the one to walk you down the isle, as he was the one you looked up to for so long and gave you the courage to aspire for freedom.
You were finally where you belonged, and you were happy, with the one person you loved with all your heart, and went through so many hardships for, and you had nothing more to fear any longer, because nobody would be as stupid as to go against the rules of THE Demon King just to harm you.
Especially not while he always had his arms and wings wrapped protectively around you.
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fortitudinem · 4 years
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under the cut because it is a long post
AU – Ante Unionem ( before union, this takes place before the union of the kingdoms under King Adam and counts backwards in years ) IB – Imperium Bestia ( beast’s reign, this takes place after the union of the kingdoms and counts forwards. )
38 AU – In Olympia, The newborn Hercules is stolen from his parents by Hades’ minions who attempt to remove his power and fail, leaving him to be found and taken in by a human family.
36 AU – Moana is born in Motuni, daughter of the Chief.
33 AU – In Lone Keep, Aladdin is born and orphaned in Agrabah.
32 AU – In Northern Wei, Fa Mulan. In Paris, Quasimodo is born and  his mother killed on the steps of the cathedral by Frollo, who is then made to sponsor the boy’s upbringing within the walls of the cathedral.
31 AU – In Camelot, Arthur is born and adopted. In Agrabah, Princess Jasmine is born.
30 AU - Princess Merida is born in the Borderlands.
29 AU – In Solaria, Aurora is born to King Stephen and Queen Leah, at her christening the dark fairy Maleficent curses her to die by pricking her finger on a spindle before her sixteenth birthday as revenge for having not been invited. Aurora is betrothed to Phillip. The curse is rewritten by the Good Fairies. Aurora is taken away by the Three good Fairies to be raised as Briar Rose in the woods. In Prydain, Taran is born. In the Golden Citadel, Future Emperor Kuzco is born.
28 AU – Princess Elsa is born in Arendelle. Pocahontas is born.
27 AU – Princess Eilonwy is born in Prydain.
25 AU – Princess Rapunzel is born in Corona and kidnapped by Gothel. Princess Snow White is born in the Summerlands. Princess Anna is born in Arendelle. Ella is born in Verrelac.
23 AU – Tarzan is born and his parents take him on a ship down the coast, but it is shipwrecked and they are forced to trek into the jungle and make themselves a home in the trees. However, they are killed by a leopard named Sabor. Tarzan is found by the Gorilla Kala and taken in by her.
22 AU – Tiana is born in New Orleans.
20 AU – Hercules is revealed to be the son of Zeus and begins his training. Hades finds out and attempts to kill him and release the Titans to go and kill his brother Zeus. This also fails. Hercules gains his godly powers back but chooses to remain on the mortal plane. Hades escapes the souls and goes back to ruling the underworld. In Arendelle, Anna suffers an injury from Elsa’s powers and the trolls have to erase her memories to fix it. Elsa begins to withdraw and the sisters are kept apart. In Motunui, when a blight strikes her people Moana defies her father’s wishes for no-one to leave the reef, leaves the Kingdom and journeys to deliver the heart of the sea to Te Fiti. She succeeds at fixing the goddess and making the seas safe for all once more.
19 AU – In Camelot, Arthur removes the sword from the stone and is crowned King Arthur. Merlin bests the witch Madam Mim. In the Summerlands, King White dies, leaving his second wife, Queen Grimhilde as regent while his daughter is too young to rule.
18 AU – In Villanueve, ten year old Prince Adam receives an unwanted visitor to his castle and he sends them away, but they are revealed to be an enchantress who turns him into a beast to punish him for his selfish behaviour. He has until the even of his 21st Birthday to fall in love and make someone fall in love with him in return.
16 AU – Northern Wei is invaded by the Hun army, Fa Mulan enlists under the guise of a warrior named Ping. She buries the Hun army in an avalanche but is caught out for being a woman and sent home. Instead, she rescues the emperor.
15 AU – In Agrabah, Princess Jasmine tires of meeting suitors and never being allowed outside of the palace, so she sneaks out and meets Aladdin, who is then arrested for kidnapping her. Jafar searches for someone to get him into the Cave of Wonders to find the genie lamp and ends up using Aladdin for this purpose. Aladdin finds the lamp, but ends up taking control of the genie. He arrives at the palace as a suitor for Jasmine, having fallen in love with her. Jafar gains control of the lamp and takes over Agrabah, but is beaten by Aladdin, Jasmine and the Genie. In Prydian, Taran is put in charge of the psychic pig Hen Wen to stop the Horned King getting his hands on the Black Cauldron. He is captured but frees himself and Princess Eilonwy and eventually they destroy the cauldron. In Verrelac, Ella’s mother passes away.
14 AU – In Sherwood Forest, King Richard is away on crusade and his brother Prince John has usurped the throne and is taxing villagers relentlessly. Robin Hood steals from these taxmen and the rich to pay back the poor people who have nothing left. Prince John fails to capture Robin and his men and Richard returns to Sherwood to take back his throne from his brother. In Faraway, Princess Merida defies custom and propriety and accidentally turns her mother into a bear. This is fixed and the evil bear Mor’du is defeated.
13 AU – Aurora’s sixteenth birthday draws near; the fairies prepare to take her back to her parents once they have outmatched the curse. Aurora meets and falls in love with Phillip, unknowing that he is already her betrothed. She is taken back to the castle and found by Maleficent who spells her into pricking her finger and falling into a deep sleep. Maleficent also captures Phillip. The Good Fairies send everyone else to sleep too and then rescue Phillip, who in turn goes to wake Aurora. He slays Maleficent in her dragon form and wakes Aurora with a kiss. Aurora is returned to her parents. Alice Liddell is born in London. In Verrelac, Ella’s father marries Lady Tremaine.
12 AU – Captain Phoebus is named head of the Paris Guards. Quasimodo leaves the church for the first time ever and is proclaimed King of Fools at the festival, but the people of the city mock him and he returns to the church, disheartened. Judge Claude Frollo falls for Esmerelda and suspecting she has placed him under a spell, seeks to burn her for witchcraft. She takes sanctuary at the church and Quasimodo helps her escape, but is later fooled by Frollo into showing him where her true hiding place, the Court of Miracles is. Frollo orders Esmerelda and her people captured and killed. Phoebus helps set them free instead and Frollo is killed in the ensuing battle. Quasimodo is hailed a hero. In Verrelac, Ella’s father passes away, leaving her in the care of Lady Tremaine.
11 AU – In the Golden Citadel, Emperor Kuzco fires his advisor, Yzma, for attempting to run the country behind his back. In retaliation, she turns him into a llama and attempts to have him killed, but the attempt fails and Yzma is turned into a cat. Kuzco is returned to his human self and put back on the throne. In the Summerlands, Princess Snow White has been being raised by Queen Grimhilde, forced to work in the castle she should own. The queen is reclusive and vain and when she hears that Snow White is now considered prettier than her, she orders the girl taken into the forest and killed. Instead the huntsman simply abandons her and tells her to run. Snow White happens upon the cottage of the dwarves and soon makes friends with them. The Queen, however, is told Snow white is alive by her magic mirror and decides she needs to kill her herself with a poisoned apple. She tricks Snow White into eating the apple while she is alone and the dwarves returns to find her seemingly dead. They chase Queen Grimhilde off a cliff and lay Snow White in a coffin of glass, until Prince Heinrich-Florian arrives to bestow upon her True Love’s Kiss. She awakes and the pair unite their lands.
10 AU – In the future King George Town, Governor Radcliffe’s ship arrives from London with the intent of searching the area for gold, but there is none to be found. John Smith falls in love with Pocahontas, the daughter of the Chief of the area. When one of the Chief’s men is shot dead, John is blamed and sentenced to death. Pocahontas saves him and he, in turn, saves the life of the Chief by taking a bullet intended for him. He is shipped back to London for medical care. King Agnarr and Queen Iduna perish in the Dark Sea, leaving their daughters to rule Arendelle. However, no-one takes the throne and Arendelle is without regent.
8 AU - In Villanueve, a small town in the Kingdom of Auradon, Maurice the inventor is captured by the Beast (actually Crown Prince Adam), Belle gives her freedom to rescue him, Belle and Beast fall in love, breaking the curse and freeing Adam back into his human form.  
7 AU – In South Riding, the day before her 18th birthday, Rapunzel is accosted in her tower (where she has been living with her mother, Gothel for 18 years in order to protect her magical hair) by a stranger, a thief by the name of Flynn Ryder. She agrees to exchange his belongings for being walked to the city of Corona to see the lanterns that shine every year on her birthday. They are pursued by guards, Gothel and Flynn’s acquaintances, the Stabbington brothers all across the land until they finally reach Corona. Unfortunately, Rapunzel is returned to the care of her mother and taken back to the tower where a memory is triggered of her childhood. She reveals to Gothel that she knows she was the princess taken as a baby. Gothel attempts to imprison her, but Eugene escapes custody and scales the tower, leading to Gothel stabbing him. Rapunzel promises to go with Gothel if she is allowed to heal Eugene, but as she goes to do it, Eugene cuts her hair off, rendering it no longer magical. Gothel falls from the tower, turning to dust on the way down. Rapunzel is returned home to grateful parents. In Arendelle, Queen Elsa is coronated. A celebration is thrown where the doors to the palace are opened for the first time in three years. Elsa’s powers manifest, throwing Arendelle into a perpetual winter and she flees into the mountains. Anna goes after her and after tracking her down, is wounded and brought back to Arendelle for a cure to stop her turning to ice. Elsa is imprisoned in the castle, but escapes. A battle ensues on the frozen fjord, where Anna sacrifices herself to save Elsa, thus thawing her frozen heart. Elsa fixes the weather and takes over the Kingdom.
6 AU – In Verrelac, Ella is living under the care of her stepmother Lady Tremaine, who treats her like a servant and dubs her ‘Cinderella’. She longs to go to the ball that is being thrown for the Prince, to find him a wife, but is denied the chance. Fairy Godmother appears to her and uses magic to send her to the ball in style. Ella and Prince Christopher fall in love, but Ella has to flee the castle at midnight as the magic won’t last. She loses a glass slipper on the staircase, prompting Christopher to send men all over the kingdom looking for her. Despite interference from Lady Tremaine, the pair are united and married. Ella becomes Princess Ella. In London, Alice Liddell is spending some time outside when she spies a rabbit wearing a waistcoat and follows it into a topsy-turvey world. She almost has her head removed by the Queen of Hearts but manages to flee Wonderland back to her own home. In Corona, Rapunzel’s hair magically grows back after she comes into contact with magic black rocks (other adventures ensue).
5 AU – In Atlantica, King Triton’s youngest daughter Ariel is scheduled to make her debut. However, she misses it, sparking her father’s anger. She saves a human prince, Prince Eric of Tirulia, from drowning when his ship capsizes in a storm. When her father finds out, he destroys her prized possessions, driving Ariel into the arms of the Sea Witch Ursula, who promises to make her a human for the cost of her voice and with the caveat that she has three days to get true love’s kiss from Eric. Now human and mute, Ariel is found on the shore by Eric who takes her in and shows her the human world, but after a near miss he is spelled by Ursula into marrying her instead. Ariel fails the task of getting a kiss and turns back into a mermaid under Ursula’s power. King Triton gives himself up for Ariel, leaving Ursula with his sea-controlling sceptre. Ursula is killed when Eric spears her through the heart with a ship. Ariel and Eric are reunited and married. In the Deep Jungle, Tarzan has been raised by his Gorilla family, but they soon come under threat from a hunter named Clayton. Tarzam meets Jane and her father, interacting with another human for the first time since his parent’s deaths. He accidentally leads Clayton back to the gorilla’s home and has to save them when Clayton attempts to take them away with him. The gorilla leader Kerchak is shot and dies, naming Tarzan his successor. Clayton accidentally hangs himself on vines. Not too far away, in another jungle, Mowgli the man-cub has been raised by wolves but with the return of the man-eating tiger Shere Khan to the region they feel it is time to return him to the man village. Mowgli, not wanting to go the man village, joins instead with a bear named Baloo, but ultimately, after several near misses with snakes, monkeys and Shere Khan himself, Mowgli is returned to the man village. In a small village, a woodworker named Gepetto wishes for a puppet he created to be turned into a real boy. His wish is granted (to a degree) and Pinocchio is born, but still made from wood. After being led astray, being locked up, put on a cursed island and eaten by a whale, Pinocchio is finally turned into a real boy, instead of a wooden puppet. In Corona, after a rocky few months, Rapunzel and Cassandra battle the evil Zhan Tiri and win. Varian invents hot running water. King Adam enters into negotiations with Verrelac, Solaria, The Summerlands, North Riding, Camelot, Westerly and Tirulia, promising a new era of prosperity and safety if they would be willing to unite under his banner.
4 AU – In London, the Darling family are living in their townhouse, which is being frequented at night by Peter Pan. The children of the house, Wendy, Michael and John, are taken away by Peter to a magical cloaked island where no-one grows up called Neverland, where they fight pirates, including Pan’s nemsis, the evil captain Hook. Eventually, they return home to their parents. In Paris, Madame Bonfamille alters her will to leave everything to her cats. In response to this, her butler attempts to have them killed so he can inherit her fortune instead. Luckily, the cats survive and Edgar is sent away. In a small city, Jim Dear and his wife decide to go on vacation, leaving their baby in the care of an aunt, who mistakenly identifies their dog, Lady, as dangerous and purchases her a muzzle, prompting Lady to run away and befriend a local stray. The stray is eventually brought home with her and adopted by Jim Dear and Darling. Atlantis is discovered by Milo Thatch. In Arendelle, Queen Elsa is having strange experiences with a voice calling to her, when a series of disasters drives all the citizens out of the city of Arendelle, Elsa and Anna embark on a quest to fix the problem by journeying to an Enchanted Forest where they meet the Northuldra people and learn more about their own past. Elsa journeys further alone, to Ahtohallan, a glacial river of ice said to hold memories. There she finds out that she is the fifth elemental spirit and that their grandfather damaged the magic of the forest by building a dam and then attacked the Northuldra people, prompting the forest to close itself off. She manages to get this message to Anna before freezing solid. Anna is prompted to action by the message and uses rock giants to bring down the dam, even though it would destroy Arendelle. The spirits all agree to spare Arendelle due to her selfless and brave actions and Elsa and the Nokk turn back the tidal wave before it can destroy the city. Elsa chooses to stay in the Enchanted Forest and Anna is crowned Queen Anna of Arendelle. In Tirulia, Melody is born. The ship is attacked by Ursula’s sister Morgana who swears vengeance on the child, prompting Ariel to shut their castle off from the sea, vowing that she will not return to the mer-folk kingdom until Morgana is found. Negotiations are finalised with King Adam for the Kingdoms of Verrelac, Solaria, The Summerlands, North Riding, Camelot, Westerly and Tirulia to unite under his banner.
3 AU – In New Orleans, Tiana agrees to cater for her friend Charlotte’s party for the money to buy herself a building to turn into the restaurant of her dreams. Prince Naveen, a visiting dignitary from the nearby Maldonia, is turned into a frog by Doctor Facilier. Tiana finds that the money is not enough to buy the building and when Naveen, in frog form, asks her to kiss him to turn him back she reluctantly agrees in exchange for the money she needs. However, because she isn’t a princess, she instead also turns into a frog. Tiana and Naveen trek through the bayou to find a voodoo queen named Mama Odie to help turn them back and following her advice they journey back into the city to get Charlotte to kiss Naveen and break the spell, however they run out of time and the spell sticks until Tiana and Naveen are married as frogs, making Tiana and princess and capable of breaking the curse. Tiana sets up her dream restaurant.. In The Summerlands, Bambi’s mother is killed by a hunter. Adam enters negotiations with East Riding, South riding, Northern Wei, Lone Keep, Winter’s Keep and Apheliotia, pressuring them to join under his banner utilising the strength he has already amassed.
2 AU – In London, Roger and Anita Radcliffe’s dogs Pongo and Perdita, give birth to fifteen puppies. These puppies are dognapped by Anita’s college friend and wealthy heiress Cruella De Vil after Roger refuses to sell them to her. She intends to make a coat out of them. The puppies are saved by their parents and it is revealed Cruella also bought 84 other puppies. Pongo and Perdita take them all home with them to be cared for by Roger and Anita. In the Summerland, in the enchanted wood, the orphaned deer, Bambi, wins a courtship duel, chases hunters from his lands and is forced to outrun a forest fire. He is crowned Great Prince of the Forest by the other animals. News spreads across the kingdoms of a flying elephant named Dumbo. Negotiations are finalised with East Riding, South riding, Northern Wei, Lone Keep, Winter’s Keep and Apheliotia, bringing them all under Adam’s banner.
1 AU – In a big city, a box of kittens is left abandoned when only one remains. Oliver attempt to adjust to life on his own and instead befriends a dog named Dodger and his crew of thieving dogs, headed up by their human, Fagin. Fagin owes a lot of money to Bill Sykes, a mobster, so he encourages the dogs to attempt to steal a car. The plan goes awry and Oliver is found by a little girl, Jenny and taken in. The gang, thinking he has been captured, seek to free him and Fagin attempts to use him to get a ransom from Jenny’s rich family. However, upon seeing Jenny he has a change of heart, but Sykes won’t accept that, he kidnaps Jenny. But Jenny is rescued by the dogs and Fagin and Sykes’ car is hit by a train. Oliver goes to live with Jenny. In the countryside, a hunting dog refuses to hunt a fox, instead choosing to protect it. The Wild Kingdom, Borderlands, Farway, Schwartzvald and Olympia sign an agreement to unite under Adam’s banner, with caveats. Neverland’s cloaking magic is removed and it too is forced into the agreement with Auradon.
0 IB – Beast and Belle marry, Auradon is united under one flag with Beast proclaimed High King through popular vote, though it had already been decided. The Isle of the Lost is created, and the villains are captured or brought back from the dead to be placed in this prison.
1 IB – Auradon Preparatory school is formed, utilising an old castle to turn into a boarding school for future generations. The Recycling Act is passed, sending all the garbage from Auradon to the Isle of the Lost. Fairy Godmother is made headmistress of Auradon Prep.
3 IB – Beast declares that magic will no longer be used in Auradon where possible, that it will be phased out and that it will be replaced with technology. While not an outright ban on magic, he makes it very clear that magic is now considered dangerous and frowned upon.
4 IB – Prince Benjamin, Princess Audrey, Prince Chad are born in Auradon, along with the rest of their future classmates. On the Isle of the Lost, Mal, Jay, Evie, Uma and Harry are born. Adam passes a regulatory law on the powers of his King’s Council, taking power from them and giving himself more control.
5 IB – Jane Fae is born in Auradon. Carlos De Vil is born on the Isle of the Lost. King Adam passes a law to make his line of succession the line of succession and to eliminate the ‘vote’ aspect of becoming High King and to pave the way for Ben to become the next High King.
6 IB – King Hubert passes away. Corona and South Riding merge into one Kingdom under the control of King Frederic.
7 IB – In Tirulia, Melody is turning twelve. She sneaks out into the sea often and she ends up finding out about Atlantica and mer-folk even though Ariel has been hiding it from her. She ventures out into the sea and is taken to Morgana, who offers her a tail in exchange for Triton’s trident. Melody, not knowing who she is, finds the trident and gives it to Morgana, but upon realising her mistake, she manages to take it back and Triton encases Morgana in a block of ice and then banishes her to the Isle of the Lost.
9 IB – The last free villains are imprisoned on the Isle, marking the turning point for Auradon. It is marked with a celebration.
10 IB – On the Isle of the Lost, Queen Grimhilde is banished from society by Maleficent for failing to invite Mal to her daughter’s birthday party.
18 IB – Princess Rapunzel is made Queen of Corona by her retiring father.
19 IB – The Sidekicks Act is developed by Prince Ben, giving the workers access to rest days and adequate pay, as well as pension funds and college plans, He starts a movement towards modernisation in every home, especially ones that have previously had woodland animals to do the chores for them.
20 IB – Ben makes a proclamation giving the children from the Isle of the Lost a second chance. He brings over four such children to prove that this program works. Beast steps down as King, leaving Ben in charge. Maleficent is rendered into the form of a small lizard.
21 IB – Ben puts an embargo on travel in and out of the Isle of the Lost, except by pre-approved means. He declares any barges going into the Isle must be full of real supplies instead of garbage. Mal is named Lady Mal at Cotillion. Uma escapes the Isle and disappears into the sea, becoming a fugitive.
22 IB – The VK Day program is set up. Four new children from the Isle of the Lost are chosen to attend Auradon Prep. King Ben proposes to Lady Mal. Princess Audrey is spelled by Maleficent’s Sceptre and attempts to put all of Auradon under a sleeping curse. She is stopped by Lady Mal. At their engagement party, Lady Mal and King Ben decide to remove the barrier once and for all and pardon all the villains. Work begins on turning the Isle in a liveable habitat.
23 IB – Work is completed on a new school for the Villain Kids and a real prison for villains who fall back into their old ways.
notes: i probably need to add more to the IB sections, that is a later problem. 
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ocenitram · 3 years
happy mothers day
Henry was walking in a circle trying to think of how to approach his grandmother. Usually he had no problem but this was something different after all, he was trying to get her help with a gift for his mom and that's when it hit him.  “Mom, I'm going to grandmas for a bit.” He yelled as he made his way down the stairs “Okay dear just be careful and no-running in the house.” She added as she saw her kid make his way out the front door. Soon enough the young man made it to the Charmings family home. He let himself in with the key that his grandparents had given him “Hello anybody home?” He called out as he searched until he heard a reply “In here Henry,” Snow replied as she came out to the living room “sorry grams I didn't mean to bother you.” Henry apologized, he hoped it wasn't a bad time for his unexpected visit. “Oh it's no bother at all what can I do for you?”  she asked him in her sweet voice.
“Hey grandma… I just...uhm i was wonder-” He couldn't believe it he had gotten cold feet he knew what he wanted to ask but as soon as his grandmother was present he froze and couldn't get what he wanted to say he started thinking of Snows reaction, did she even still see Regina as her stepmother? Or was  he just pushing the wrong button? Snow waited patiently allowing her grandson to recover his composure before he questioned “Henry sweetheart you can tell me anything I am your grandmother and I promise not to get mad okay.” Snow's words reassured the young man as he tried again, “you see it's going to be mothers day soon and I want to give mom a special gift and I was wondering if you could tell me something about her.”  Snow smiled that her little prince was such a sweetheart but at the same time she wasn't sure to which mom he was referring to “Honey am sure Emma would love anything you give her,” She replied to her grandson . She noticed that Henry found the floor more interesting right this second.
“It'snotforEmma,” He mumbled a little too quietly and quickly Snow could barely make out he said or at least she thought she could but it wouldn't hurt to ask him “Can you repeat that buddy?” She asked him, “It's not for Emma. I already gave her a gift. I was hoping you could help me pick out a present for my other mom you know Regina.”  He clarified which of his mothers he was talking about. This took Snow by surprise and it confused her a bit too. “Henry I don't understand, how can I help you with that?” She asked him getting into his eye level with him so he could see her in the eyes. “You're not just my grandma you're kind of like my big sister too because your mom’s stepdaughter and so that makes us siblings and since you knew her first you probably know what she likes.” He explained his reasoning as if it was the most obvious thing in the world  Snow felt touched that her grandson had viewed her not as his biological grandmother but as his sister as well. He was such a sweet and innocent boy it was hard to deny him anything,
“Alright Henry let's give mom the best mothers day present we can think of.”  She replied to her grandson/brother referring to Regina as mom. She hadn't done that since she was a child the word felt strange yet right  as if it was meant for Regina. ”Yeah!” the young boy cheered and smiled at hearing his grandma/sister refer to their mom as mom too. With that said, sister and brother got to work on creating a perfect mothers day for Regina, Snow called her husband and daughter and explained that Regina would be coming over for dinner and Henry called Regina and asked her if she could come . Both parties agreed, unaware of the surprise that was in store for the charming family. 
Soon enough David and Emma came home from the station to spent their time togther with Snow, Emma  handed her mother a card and gift “Happy mothers day mom.” She hugged Snow and gave her a kiss on the cheeks. This level of affection wasn't something Emma did often but Snow appreciated it whenever Emma let this side of hers show. “Thank you sweetie.” she said   now all that was left to do was wait for the guest of honor.
Snow and henry had prepared a feast for their mom it was an apple themed seeing as how Regina was infatuated with apples so they made apple salad for the appetizer the main course was German Bratwurst with Sauerkraut and Apples and for desert they had apple pie and apple turnover. The charming family didn't have much of a liking for apples however since it was mothers day ( and  Snow cooked no poison apples here) they sat and enjoyed it “wow mom this is good where you learned to cook like this?” Emma asked with a mouthful, Snow was about to lecture Emma but Regina beat her to it “Ms. Swan don't talk with your mouthful.” Regina reprimanded the savior “What are you my mother?” She back talked earning her a stern look from her mother “Emma dont back talk to your grandma,” Snow chided her for her rude behavior, All eyes were on Snow as they were all shocked to see her refer to the former evil queen as Emma’s grandmother. “What?” she asked confused as to why all eyes were on her.
“Snow you just called her Emma’s grandmother why?” David asked the question that was in everyone's mind. Snow took a deep breath before launching into an explanation: “technically Regina is my stepmother; sure she tried to kill me and ordered the death of my father, but she still was married to him. In our world divorces don't exist, so she's still my stepmother and Mary Margaret(snow’s curse name) had to come from somewhere. The obvious is that Regina Mills is still my mother no matter what world we live in and that makes Regina,  Emma's grandmother well step grandmother but you get my point.” Snow finished her explanation on the matter and how she viewed the former evil queen “So am I supposed to call her grandma or nanna or something like that?” Emma asked as she wasn't sure how her family worked anymore next thing they will be telling her to refer to Henry as uncle. “If you want dear,” Regina replied for her step granddaughter, “I believe you had a question for your mother. Care to try again without a full mouth this time?” Regina encouraged Emma to repeat her question. “Oh yeah, where you learn to cook like this?” She asked her mother “oh I learned that from Regina there were times where she taught me how to cook.” Snow admitted that her cooking skills were things she learned from her step mother after the family had devoured their apple themed meal  Henry and snow bought out a present for their mother and handed it to Regina. The mayor opened her gift and inside the box was a scrapbook of the entire family. It was enough to bring a small tear in the former Evils queen’s eye. She was touched after all she had put her daughter through and snow still viewed her as another “Thank you both and Snow am sorry for everything i did to you,”  she said wiping the tear away. The family ended up having a family photo.
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gavillain · 4 years
Disney Villainous Character Reviews
The Disney Villainous strategy game is one of my favorite games to play for obvious reasons. It took me a hot minute to get into it, but once I did, I got hooked. A while back, I did a post talking about my thoughts regarding all the characters, but having played it a lot more, personally playing all the villains, and observing them all in different players’ hands, I wanted to update my Villainous post.
Will update again once the new expansion pack comes out!
The Worst Takes It All
Maleficent - Maleficent has one of the most straightforward objectives: she has to start her turn with a curse cast at every location, effectively engulfing the kingdom in her dark magic. Her curses, however, can be fairly easily broken by both Fate actions and Maleficent's own actions, so you have to be very strategic with how you deploy your curses, where, and in what order. She's fun because there's genuine strategy involved with her and a challenge, but the challenge comes from the gameplay and the talent of your opponents rather than luck or a convoluted or cheap mechanic. The one thing I will say is that while I enjoy playing as her, her gameplay isn't as engaging or exciting as some of the others, and she doesn't really have any unique mechanics outside of the curses.
Ursula - Ursula is, by far, the most strategy heavy villain in the game. While her objective is straightforward to start her turn with the trident and the crown at her Lair, she's limited by constantly having either her Lair or Eric's Palace locked at all times based on her Vanessa or Ursula forms. The form change element to Ursula, while challenging to navigate, is kind of fun and requires a player to be strategic about which form Ursula takes at a given time. I also appreciate how Ursula doesn't vanquish her enemies, she defeats them by attaching Binding Contracts to them and fulfilling the terms of the contract, a fitting choice for such a Rules Lawyer character. What's less fun is that she's at the mercy of her deck, so there's a lot of draw/discard with her. She's also got probably the most genuinely broken Fate deck with Ariel being overpowered, and Return to Form allowing Ariel to respawn over and over again after defeating her. That being said, if you're like me and anticipated Ariel's presence and planned accordingly, you can basically secure victory in such a way that no opponent can stop you once you get the ball rolling.
Jafar - Jafar was one of those characters whose play style I didn't like at first, but after doing a few simulation rounds with him, I found that I actually really enjoy him. He's not the easiest villain to WIN with, but his play style is fun and suits the character really well. With Jafar you basically have to come out the gates with a strategy in mind. His goal is to unlock the Cave of Wonders, find the lamp, and hypnotize genie under your control. I think Jafar is fun to play as because the effect of hypnotizing your heroes and turning them into allies is fun, and you have to be strategic about which heroes you hypnotize, which you vanquish with magic spells, and which ones you leave up to your allies. The "Necessary Sacrifice" feature where Jafar can sacrifice his own allies and items to mine for power is also such a Jafar move that I have to respect it. He's very vulnerable to Fate actions, however, which can make playing with him frustrating if you don't carefully anticipate them.
Captain Hook - Hook has the reputation as the easiest villain to play as. I don't really agree with that, but he's definitely not hard. Like Jafar, Hook has the luck based difficulty of having a locked location that can only be unsealed with a single card, and, if it's at the bottom of your deck, you're in for a bad time. So many of Hook's cards are based around searching your Fate deck to find Pan, while he has very little ability to search his OWN deck (even Jafar has spells that let him dig through his). Also, because your objective to defeat Pan is so straightforward, other players see your victory coming a mile away and will soup-up Pan to make him difficult to kill. Still managed to get second place with him, but I definitely haven't had the urge to play as him or simulate his gameplay again.
Queen of Hearts - The Queen of Hearts’s gameplay is based on croquet. She has to turn four card soldiers into wickets and successfully take a shot by her four wickets having a greater strength than the top five cards in her deck. She has by far the most docile objective, but it’s still off with the heads of her enemies. What makes the Queen of Hearts unique is that she has the concept of growing and shrinking heroes in her realm, just like in Wonderland. Grown heroes cover up more options than normal heroes, and shrunk heroes cover up less options without her having to bother defeating them. It's a fun feature that makes her unique. She’s less luck based and more arrangement based, which is interesting, but I also don't find the wicket set up to be very exciting.
Prince John - Prince John is the easiest character to play as and definitely one of the easiest to win with. I've only once seen a Prince John player outright lose (my boyfriend’s very first time playing wherein I was playing as the Evil Queen). His goal is to start his turn by collecting twenty power tokens. Aaaaaaand I just find it dull to play as him. While I appreciate the novelty of having him in the game, his straightforward objective and lack of any interesting mechanics makes him a good character to teach a newbie HOW to play the game, but it doesn't really provide much incentive to come back to him. His Fate deck doesn't even hamper him that much either, and a newbie with Prince John is fully capable of beating a really strategic player on another villain, which is kinda unfun.
Wicked to the Core
Evil Queen - The one who started it all is, in my opinion, the easiest villain to win with and the most fun mechanically to play, and her gameplay borrows from Jafar, Hook, and Maleficent without ever feeling like just a rehash. The Queen wins by killing Snow White, which she must do by first casting four different potion ingredients to unlock the Dwarf's Cottage, then she must find Snow White and poison her. Most villains have to defeat heroes by sacrificing allies or playing special effect cards, but the Queen has a really fun system where she can brew her power tokens into poison tokens and she defeats heroes by powering up her poison apples with the poison tokens. There's a more straightforward attack that the Queen has that no other villain duplicates, and with the Magic Mirror's scrying and her own effect cards, the Queen has ample opportunities to find Snow White and her potion ingredients. She's also not very heavily impeded by her Fate deck, which kind of makes her a sucker's bet to play against, but I just have such a fun time with her and her gameplay that she remains the top of my heap.
Hades - Hades is a slow march to get three Titans to Mount Olympus. They have to start at the Underworld space and cross the board. It’s straightforward, but it’s tedious, even more so when you consider that your Fate deck is all about freezing your Titans in place. He has some cool powers that let Hades help his Titans out and avoid discarding them like other allies, but other characters, like Scar and the Evil Queen, can leave him in the dust and win before he’s even gotten one Titan in place. That said, I appreciate how Hades is one of the most ally oriented villains in the game, which fits nicely with how his movie counterpart never wanted to dirty his own hands, and I also like how Hades's mortality potions allows him to use Titans to kill heroes without having to discard his Titans afterwards like normal allies. It gives him a unique power that also levels the playing field. 
Dr. Facilier - Every villain in the game has an element of luck to their gameplay that levels the playing field, but Facilier has the MOST luck based gameplay out of all the villains. I'm not the biggest fan of villains who are at the mercy of their deck because you spend a lot of time discarding and drawing cards, but that's more preference than a metric. In actuality, Facilier being luck based and at the mercy of his deck is altogether too fitting for his character. Facilier needs two specific cards to win: The Talisman, which must be in play, and Rule New Orleans, which goes into his Fortune pile. Facilier must turn up Rule New Orleans from his Fortune pile while having the talisman in play in order to win the game, so the less cards in the Fortune pile, the better. A very lucky Facilier can, in theory, win in two turns, but an unlucky one with opponents who clog his Fortune pile with junk can get left in the dust by more straightforward villain objectives.
Evil Comes Prepared
Scar - Scar is an interesting character to play because he's the most focused on destroying heroes. You have to kill Mufasa and then accumulate a special graveyard of dead heroes that add up to a certain point value, so he has the interesting mechanic and distinction of being tricky to impede because Fating him gives him what he needs to win. He has a lot of hyenas who boost each other in numbers, which makes defeating enemies very doable. He has a sort of game-broken Fate effect called Hakuna Matata, which resurrects dead heroes that have already been defeated (if they're under a certain level of strength) which can get annoying if you're unlucky enough to have your graveyard resting on characters like Zazu, Timon, or Pumbaa. Still, Scar is an easy villain to play as, and I enjoy the mechanics of destroying your enemies as a primary objective.
Ratigan - Ratigan is, to date, the only villain in the game with two different objectives that can change mid-game. You begin the game with Ratigan as "The Superior Mind," where his motivation involves building the Robot Queen and getting it to Buckingham Palace. However, if the Robot Queen is discarded, Ratigan's character mode tile turns over to reveal "The Rat" where your only objective is to kill Basil. This feature makes Ratigan really fun and makes playing as Ratigan FEEL like Ratigan. For his first objective, you're strategically focused on playing items that get the Robot Queen closer to victory, yet if she's removed, you go into a bloodlusting rage to defeat your enemy. However, the objective switch is so circumstantial that it rarely happens in practice, and I'd have liked it to be a stronger possibility. Second complaint is that Queen Mousetoria's effect is kind of broken, and you effectively have to do almost as much leg work to get rid of her as Basil. Still a really fun character to play.
Yzma - Yzma has the paradoxical dilemma of being both complicated and too straightforward for my tastes. Yzma has to kill Kuzco with Kronk, and she's the only character who has four Fate decks, each specific to a certain location in her board. Kronk can also be redeemed and turned into a hero if he accumulates three power, so Yzma has to figure out where Kuzco is, keep Kronk on the "Path That Rocks," and kill Kuzco with him. Yzma's Fate decks can be brutal, yet she has to search through them all the same, with Wrong Lever in particular being a killer. There's sort of a slapstick element to her Fate deck, which is fun, however, ultimately, just like Hook, Evil Queen, Ratigan, and Scar, the objective is all about killing a hero and the caveat that it must be done with Kronk doesn't really add anything fun the way that the others do. I was also disappointed that Yzma had so few items in her deck, and I wish we could have seen her using her potions to defeat heroes somehow instead.
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A Guide to Norse Gods and Goddesses
The collective name for the principal race of Norse gods; they who lived in Asgard, and with the All-Father Odin, ruled the lives of mortal men, the other was the Vanir.
The Aesir gods under the leadership of Odin, included:
Balder (god of beauty)
Bragi (god of eloquence)
Forseti (god of mediation)
Freyr (god of fertility, who originally was from the Vanir)
Heimdall (guardian of the bridge)
Hod (the blind god)
Loki (the trickster of the gods)
Njord (the sea god, and another ex-Vanir)
Thor (god of thunder)
Tyr (god of war)
Vili (brother to Odin)
Ve (brother to Odin)
Vidar (Odin’s son)
The goddesses included:
Freya (the fertility goddess)
Frigga (Odin’s wife)
Sif (Thor’s wife)
Idun (keeper of the apples of youth)
In Norse mythology, the Vanir are originally a group of wild nature and fertility gods and goddesses, the sworn enemies of the warrior gods of the Aesir. They were the bringers of health, youth, fertility, luck and wealth, and masters of magic. The Vanir live in Vanaheim. The Aesir and the Vanir had been at war for a long time when they decided to make peace. To ensure this peace they traded hostages: the Vanir sent their most renowned gods, the wealthy Njord and his children Freya and Freyr. In exchange the Aesir sent Honir, a big, handsome man who they claimed was suited to rule. He was accompanied by Mimir, the wisest man of the Aesir and in return the Vanir sent their wisest man Kvasir. Honir however, was not as smart as the Aesir claimed he was and it Mimir who gave him advice. The Vanir grew suspicious of the answers Honir gave when Mimir was not around. Eventually they figured out that they had been cheated and they cut Mimir’s head off and sent it back to the Aesir. Fortunately, this betrayal did not lead to another war and all the gods of the Vanir were subsequently integrated with the Aesir. There is not much known about the Vanir of the time before the assimilation.
Valkyries, in Scandinavian mythology, are the warrior maidens who attended Odin, ruler of the gods. The Valkyries rode through the air in brilliant armor, directed battles, distributed death lots among the warriors, and conducted the souls of slain heroes to Valhalla, the great hall of Odin. Their leader was Brunhilde.
Brunhilde (Brynhildr, Brunhilda, Brunhilde, Brünhild) was a female warrior, one of the Valkyries, and in some versions the daughter of the principal god Odin. She defies Odin and is punished by imprisonment within a ring of fire until a brave hero falls in love and rescues her. Siegfied (Sigurðr, Sigurd) breaks the spell, falls in love with her and gives her the ring, Andvarinaut. Siegfied is tricked and accused of infidelity. Eventually Brunhilde kills herself when she learns that Sigurd had betrayed her with another woman (Gudrun), not knowing he had been bewitched into doing so by Grimhild.
Gullveig (“gold branch”) is the sorceress and seer who had a great love and lust for gold. She talked of nothing else when she visited the Aesir. They listened with loathing and eventually thought the world would be better off without her so they hurled her into the fire. She was burned to death but stepped from the flames unscathed. Three times she was burned, and three times she was reborn. When the Vanir learned about how the Aesir had treated Gullveig they became incensed with anger. They swore vengeance and began to prepare for war. The Aesir heard about this and moved against the Vanir. This was the first war in the world. For a long time, the battle raged to and fro, with neither side gaining much ground. Eventually the gods became weary of war and began to talk of peace. Both sides swore to live side by side in peace. Gullveig is also known under the name of Heid (“gleaming one”). She is probably the goddess Freya, who also has a great love of gold in the various myths.
The Norse Gods & Goddesses
Aegir is the god of the sea in Norse mythology. He was both worshipped and feared by sailors, for they believed that Aegir would occasionally appear on the surface to take ships, men and cargo alike, with him to his hall at the bottom of the ocean. Sacrifices were made to appease him, particularly prisoners before setting sail. His wife is the sea goddess Ran with whom he has nine daughters (the billow maidens), who wore white robes and veils. His two faithful servants are Eldir and Fimafeng. The latter was killed by the treacherous god Loki during a banquet the gods held at Aegir’s undersea hall near the island of Hler (or Hlesey). Aegir was known for the lavish entertainment he gave to the other gods.
Balder, son of Odin and Frigga, the god of Love and Light, is sacrificed at Midsummer by the dart of the mistletoe and is reborn at Jul (Yule). Supposedly his return will not occur until after the onslaught of the Ragnarok, which I see as a cleansing and enlightenment more than wanton, purposeless destruction. Balder’s blind brother Hodur was his slayer, whose hand was guided by the crafty Loki. He is married to the goddess of Joy, Nanna. Balder’s dreams are the beginning of the end. He dreams of his own death and shows Loki the truly evil god that he is which shows the ultimate limitations and mortality of the gods. The gods capture and punish Loki, but they cannot rescue Balder from Hel and the beautiful, passive god who embodies the qualities of mercy and love is lost to them. This is the beginning of the end, the first step towards Ragnarok begins.
There is nothing but good to be told of him. He is the best of them, and everyone sings his praises. He is so fair of face and bright that a splendor radiates from him, and there is a flower so white that it is likened to Balder’s brow; it is the whitest of all flowers. From that you can tell how beautiful his body is, and how bright his hair. He is the wisest of gods, and the sweetest-spoken, and the most merciful, but it is a characteristic of his that once he has pronounced a judgement it can never be altered. – Snorri Sturluson
The god of eloquence and poetry, and the patron of skalds (poets) in Norse mythology. He is regarded as a son of Odin and Frigga. Runes were carved on his tongue and he inspired poetry in humans by letting them drink from the mead of poetry. Bragi is married to Idun, the goddess of eternal youth. Oaths were sworn over the Bragarfull (“Cup of Bragi”), and drinks were taken from it in honor of a dead king. Before a king ascended the throne, he drank from such a cup.
Note: Originally, Bragi did not belong the pantheon of gods. He was a poet from the 9th century, Bragi Boddason. Poets from later centuries made him a god.
Forseti in Norse mythology, Forseti is the god of justice. He is the son of the god Balder and his mother is Nanna. He rules in the beautiful palace Glitnir with its pillars of red gold and its roof with inlaid silver, which serves as a court of justice and where all legal disputes are settled. See Myth 12 The Lay of Grimnir. Although Forseti is one of the twelve leading gods, he is not featured significantly in any of the surviving myths. He can be compared with the Teutonic god Forseti, who was worshipped on Helgoland a small Island in the North Sea.
Freya was one of the most sensual and passionate goddesses in Norse mythology. She was associated with much of the same qualities as Frigg: love, fertility and beauty. She was the sister of Freyr. Freyja (modern forms of the name include Freya, Freja, Freyia, Frøya, and Freia) is the goddess of Love and Beauty but is also a warrior goddess and one of great wisdom and magick. She and her twin brother Freyr are of a different “race” of gods known as the Vanir. Many of the tribes venerated her higher than the Aesir, calling her “the Frowe” or “The Lady.” She is known as Queen of the Valkyries, choosers of those slain in battle to bear them to Valhalla (the Norse heaven). She, therefore, is a psychopomp like Odhinn and it is said that she gets the “first pick” of the battle slain. She wears the sacred necklace Brisingamen, which she paid for by spending the night with the dwarves who wrought it from the bowels of the earth. The cat is her sacred symbol. There seems to be some confusion between herself and Frigga, Odin’s wife, as they share similar functions; but Frigga seems to be strictly of the Aesir, while Freyja is of the Vanir race. The day Friday (Frejyasdaeg) was named for her (some claim it was for Frigga).
Freyr was the god of fertility and one of the most respected gods for the Vanir clan. Freyr was a symbol of prosperity and pleasant weather conditions. He was frequently portrayed with a large phallus. Freyr is Freyja’s twin brother. He is the horned God of fertility and has some similarities to the Celtic Cernunnos or Herne, although he is NOT the same being. He is known as King of the Alfs (elves). Both the Swedish and the English are said to be descendants of his. The Boar is his sacred symbol, which is both associated with war and with fertility. His golden boar, “Gullenbursti”, is supposed to represent the daybreak. He is also considered to be the God of Success, and is wedded to Gerda, the Jotun, for whom he had to yield up his mighty sword. At Ragnarok, he is said to fight with the horn of an elk (much more suited to his nature rather than a sword.)
Odin’s wife, Frigg, was a paragon of beauty, love, fertility and fate. She was the mighty queen of Asgard, a venerable Norse goddess, who was gifted with the power of divination, and yet, was surrounded by an air of secrecy. She was the only goddess allowed to sit next to her husband. Frigg was a very protective mother, so she took an oath from the elements, beasts, weapons and poisons, that they would not injure her brilliant and loving son, Baldr. Her trust was betrayed by Loki, a most deceitful god. She spins the sacred Distaff of life, and is said to know the future, although she will not speak of it. Some believe that Friday was named for her instead of Freya, and there is considerable confusion as to “who does what” among the two. The Norns (Urd, Verdande, and Skuld), are the Norse equivalent of the Greek Fates. It is they who determine the oorlogs (destinies) of the Gods and of Man, and who maintain the World Tree, Yggdrasil.
Gefion (“giver”) is an old-Scandinavian vegetation and fertility goddess, especially connected with the plough. She was considered the patron of virgins and the bringer of good luck and prosperity. Every girl who dies a virgin will become Her servant. She is married to King Skjold or Scyld a son of Odin, and lived in Leire, Denmark, where she had a sanctuary. The Swedish kings are supposed to be her descendants. It is traditionally claimed that Gefion created the island of Zealand (“Sjaelland” in Danish) by ploughing the soil out of the central Swedish region with the help of her sons (four Swedish oxen), creating the great Swedish lakes in the process. In Copenhagen, Denmark, there is a large fountain showing Her in the process of ploughing. Gefion could be another form of Frigga who is also known under that name.
Heimdall, known as the ‘shiniest’ of all gods due to him having the ‘whitest skin’, was a son of Odin who sat atop the Bifrost (the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard, the world of the Æsir tribe of gods, with Midgard, the world of humanity) and remained forever on alert; guarding Asgard against attack.
In the Lay of Thrym, it is Heimdall’s idea to Dress up Thor as a woman, in order to trick Thrym, the king of the frost giants, into thinking it was Freyja. The ploy works and Thor recovers his stolen hammer Mjollnir. Heimdall was associated with the sea and was the son of nine maidens (9 waves??). In Myth 5 – The Song of Rig he calls himself Rig and travels across the land visiting several households, speaking honeyed words, winning over the woman of the household and creating the three races of men. His acute senses make him an ideal watchman for the gods. His hall is Himinbjorg (Cliffs of Heaven) which stands near the rainbow Bifrost. He owns the horn Gjall which can be heard throughout the nine worlds.
He needs less sleep than a bird and can see a hundred leagues in front of him as well by night as by day. He can hear the grass growing on the earth and the wool on sheep, and everything that makes more noise – Snorri Sturluson
Hel was the goddess of the dead and the afterlife was Hel (Holle, Hulda), and was portrayed by the Vikings as being half-dead, half alive herself. The Vikings viewed her with considerable trepidation. The Dutch, Gallic, and German barbarians viewed her with some beneficence, more of a gentler form of death and transformation. She is seen by them as Mother Holle; a being of pure Nature, being helpful in times of need, but vengeful upon those who cross her or transgress natural law.
(Old Norse: Hǫðr [ˈhɔðr] (listen); often anglicized as Hod, Hoder, or Hodur) is a blind god and a son of Odin and Frigg in Norse mythology. Tricked and guided by Loki, he shot the mistletoe arrow which was to slay the otherwise invulnerable Baldr.
Idun ("She Who Renews") is the Norse Goddess of youth Who grows the magic apples of immortality that keep the Gods young. Her husband Bragi is God of poetry. Loki, the God of mischief and fire, was once responsible for arranging Her abduction by the giant Thajazi. Without Her apples, the Gods soon began to age, and threatened Loki until He agreed to rescue Her, which He accomplished by borrowing Frejya's falcon robe and fleeing with Idun who He had changed to a nut. Alternate spellings: Idunn, Iduna, Idhunna
Kvasir is referred to as the “wisest of the gods” in The Binding of Loki. It is he who comes up with the plan to fish Loki out of the water using the net he fashioned from Loki’s own design. It is not entirely clear whether Kvasir is a god. In the Mead of Poetry, he is “created” from the spittle of the gods.
Loki was a mischievous god who could shape-shift and can take up animalistic forms. He conceived a scheme to cause the death of Baldr. Upon learning that mistletoe was the only thing that could hurt Baldr, he placed a branch into the hands of the blind god, Hodr, and tricked him into throwing it at Baldr, killing him. Loki, the Trickster, challenges the structure and order of the Gods which is necessary in bringing about needed change. In the Prose Edda Snorri Sturluson writes that Loki: is handsome and fair of face but has an evil disposition and is very changeable of mood. He excelled all men in the art of cunning, and he always cheats. He was continually involving the Aesir in great difficulties and he often helped them out again by guile. Neither an Aesir or a Vanir, he is the son of two giants and yet the foster-brother of Odin. Loki embodies the ambiguous and darkening relationship between the gods and the giants. He is dynamic and unpredictable and because of that he is both the catalyst in many of the myths and the most fascinating character in the entire mythology. Without the exciting, unstable, flawed figure Loki, there would be no change in the fixed order of things, no quickening pulse, and no Ragnarok. He is responsible for a wager with a giant which puts Freyja into peril (Myth 3) but by changing both shape and sex (characteristics he has in common with Odin) he bails her out. In Myth 10 he shears Sif’s hair which is more mischievous than evil, but he makes amends in the end. In Myth 8 his deceit leads to the loss of the golden apples of youth… but he retrieves them again. He helps the Gods and gets them out of predicaments, but spawns the worst monsters ever seen on the face of the Earth: Fenrir, Jormungand, the Midgard Wyrm. His other children include the goddess Hel (Hella, Holle), and Sleipnir, Odin’s 8-legged horse. It is now generally accepted that he is not a late invention of the Norse poets, but an ancient figure descended from a common Indo-European prototype and as such, Loki’s origins are particularly complex. He has been compared to several European and other mythological figures, most notably the Trickster of Native American mythology. As the myths play out, the playful Loki gives way to a cruel predator, hostile to the gods. He not only guides the mistletoe dart that kills Balder but stands in his way on his return from Hel (the citadel of Niflheim). His accusations against the gods at Aegir’s feast (Myth 30) are vicious. He is an agent of destruction causing earthquakes. And when he breaks loose at Ragnarok, Loki reveals his true colors; he is no less evil than his three appalling children, the serpent Jormungand, the wolf Fenrir and the half-dead, half-alive Hel (Myth 7), and he leads the giants and monsters into battle against the gods and heroes.
Máni (Old Norse "moon"[1]) is the personification of the moon in Norse mythology. Máni, personified, is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. Both sources state that he is the brother of the personified sun, Sól, and the son of Mundilfari, while the Prose Edda adds that he is followed by the children Hjúki and Bil through the heavens. As a proper noun, Máni appears throughout Old Norse literature. Scholars have proposed theories about Máni's potential connection to the Northern European notion of the Man in the Moon, and a potentially otherwise unattested story regarding Máni through skaldic kennings.
Njord is the God of the wind and fertility as well as the sea and merchants at sea and therefore was invoked before setting out to sea on hunting and fishing expeditions. He is also known to have the ability to calm the waters as well as fire. Njord, one of the Vanir gods, was first married to his sister Nerthus and had two children with her, Frey and Freyja. His second wife was Skadi (Skade), a Giantess. When Skadi’s father was killed by the Aesir she was granted three “acts” of reparation one of which was to let her choose a husband from among the gods. She could pick her new husband, but the choice had to be made by looking only at the feet. She picked Njord by mistake, assuming his feet belonged to Balder. Njord and Skadi could not agree on where to live. She didn’t like his home Noatun at the Sea, and he didn’t like hers Trymheim, in the mountain with large woods and wolves, so they lived the first half of the year in Noatun and the other half in Trymheim. Njord is said to be a future survivor of Ragnarök in stanza 39 of the poetic Edda:
“In Vanaheim the wise Powers made him and gave him as hostage to the gods; at the doom of men he will come back home among the wise Vanir.”
The supreme deity of Norse mythology and the greatest among the Norse gods was Odin, the Allfather of the Æsir. He was the awe-inspiring ruler of Asgard, and most revered immortal, who was on an unrelenting quest for knowledge with his two ravens, two wolves and the Valkyries. He is the god of war and, being delightfully paradoxical, the god of poetry and magic. He is famous for sacrificing one of his eyes in order to be able to see the cosmos more clearly and his thirst for wisdom saw him hang from the World Tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days and nine nights until he was blessed with the knowledge of the runic alphabet. His unyielding nature granted him the opportunity to unlock numerous mysteries of the universe. Odin or, depending upon the dialect Woden or Wotan, was the Father of all the Gods and men. Odin is pictured either wearing a winged helm or a floppy hat, and a blue-grey cloak. He can travel to any realm within the 9 Nordic worlds. His two ravens, Huginn and Munin (Thought and Memory) fly over the world daily and return to tell him everything that has happened in Midgard. He is a God of magick, wisdom, wit, and learning. In later times, he was associated with war and bloodshed from the Viking perspective, although in earlier times, no such association was present. If anything, the wars fought by Odin exist strictly upon the Mental plane of awareness; appropriate for that of such a mentally polarized God. He is both the shaper of Wyrd and the bender of Oorlog; again, a task only possible through the power of Mental thought and impress. It is he who sacrifices an eye at the well of Mimir to gain inner wisdom, and later hangs himself upon the World Tree Yggdrasil to gain the knowledge and power of the Runes. All his actions are related to knowledge, wisdom, and the dissemination of ideas and concepts to help Mankind. Odin can make the dead speak in order to question the wisest amongst them. His hall in Asgard is Valaskjalf (“shelf of the slain”) where his throne Hlidskjalf is located. From this throne he observes all that happens in the nine worlds. He also resides in Valhalla, where the slain warriors are taken. Odin’s attributes are the spear Gungnir, which never misses its target, the ring Draupnir, from which every ninth night eight new rings appear, and his eight-footed steed Sleipnir. He is accompanied by the wolves Freki and Geri, to whom he gives his food for he himself consumes nothing but wine. Odin has only one eye, which blazes like the sun. His other eye he traded for a drink from the Well of Wisdom and gained immense knowledge. On the day of the final battle, Odin will be killed by the wolf Fenrir. Just as a point of curiosity: in no other pantheon is the head Deity also the God of Thought and Logic.  It’s interesting to note that the Norse people set such a great importance upon logic. The day Wednesday (Wodensdaeg) is named for him.
Sif is the Norse Goddess of the grain Who is a prophetess, and the beautiful golden-haired wife of Thor. Thor is the thunder God and frequent companion of Loki, as He makes the perfect patsy, being not too bright. Sif is of the elder race of Gods or Aesir. She is a swan-maiden, like the Valkyries, and can take that form. By Her first marriage to the Giant Orvandil, Sif had a son named Ullr ("the Magnificent"), Who is a God of winter and skiing. By Her second husband Thor, She had a daughter, Thrudr ("Might"), a Goddess of storm and clouds and one of the Valkyries, and two sons, Magni ("Might") and Modi ("Anger" or "The Brave"), who are destined to survive Ragnarok and inherit Mjollnir from Thor (though some say the Giantess Jarnsaxa "Iron Sword" is their mother). Sif is famous for Her very long, very golden hair. One night, Loki, who just couldn't resist a little chaos and mischief, snuck into Her chamber and chopped it all off. A sobbing and horrified Sif went straight to Her husband, Who in His rage started breaking Loki's bones, one by one, until finally He swore to make the situation right. So, Loki went to the dwarves and persuaded them to make not only a new head of magic hair for Sif from pure gold, but also a magical ship and a spear. But Loki could not resist pushing His luck, and made a wager with two other dwarves, Brokk and Sindi, daring them to make better treasures. Loki was so sure of the outcome that He had let His own head be the prize. Underestimating the dwarves' skills (or the depth of their hatred for Him), He suddenly realized with a shock that Brokk and Sindi were winning! In desperation He changed Himself into a horsefly, biting and pestering the dwarves while they worked. Despite this they managed to produce several treasures, the most famous of which was Mjollnir, Thor's Hammer. The Gods were then called to arbitrate and declared Brokk and Sindi the winners. Loki promptly disappeared. When He was tracked down, He was again given to the dwarf brothers, but this time Loki agreed, yes, they had a right to His head, but the wager had said nothing about His neck. Frustrated with this "logic," the dwarves had to content themselves with sewing His lips shut. The new head of golden hair was given to Sif, where it magically grew from Her head just as if it were natural. Her golden hair is said to represent the wheat of summer that is shorn at harvest-time.
Skadi is the Goddess of Winter and of the Hunt. She is married to Njord, the gloomy Sea God, noted for his beautiful bare feet (which is how Skadi came to choose him for her mate.) Supposedly the bare foot is an ancient Norse symbol of fertility. The marriage wasn’t too happy, though, because she really wanted Balder for her husband. She is the goddess of Justice, Vengeance, and Righteous Anger, and is the deity who delivers the sentence upon Loki to be bound underground with a serpent dripping poison upon his face in payment for his crimes. Skadi’s character is represented in two of Hans Christian Anderson’s tales: “The Snow Queen” and “The Ice Princess.”
Sol/ Sunna
Sól is the Norse Goddess of the Sun, also known as Sunna, though some hold that Sól is the mother and Sunna Her daughter. In Norse mythology, the Sun is female while the Moon is male. When the world was created from the body of the dead giant Ymir by the triad of Odin, Vili, and Ve, the Sun, Moon and Stars were made from the gathered sparks that shot forth from Muspellsheim, the Land of Fire. Sol ("Mistress Sun"), drives the chariot of the Sun across the sky every day. Pulled by the horses Allsvinn ("Very Fast") and Arvak ("Early Rising"), the Sun-chariot is pursued by the wolf Skoll. It is said that sometimes he comes so close that he can take a bite out of the Sun, causing an eclipse. Sol's father is Mundilfari, and She is the sister of Måni, the Moon-god, and the wife of Glaur or Glen ("Shine"). As Sunna, she is a healer. At Ragnarok, the foretold "Twilight of the Gods" or end of the world, it is believed the Sun will finally be swallowed by Skoll. When the world is destroyed, a new world shall be born, a world of peace and love, and the Sun's bright daughter shall outshine Her mother.
Thor was Odin’s most widely known son. He was the protector of humanity and the powerful god of thunder who wielded a hammer named Mjöllnir. Among the Norse gods, he was known for his bravery, strength, healing powers and righteousness. Tyr is the ancient god of War and the Lawgiver of the gods. The bravest of the gods, it is Tyr who makes the binding of Fenrir possible by sacrificing his right hand. Thor, also known as the Thunderer, was a son of Fjorgyn (Jord) and Odin by some, but among many tribes Thor supplanted Odin as the favorite god. He is the protector of all Midgard, and he wields the mighty hammer Mjollnir. Thor is strength personified. His battle chariot is drawn by two goats, and his hammer Mjollnir causes the lightning that flashes across the sky. Of all the deities, Thor is the most “barbarian” of the lot; rugged, powerful, and lives by his own rules, although he is faithful to the rest of the Aesir. The day Thursday (Thorsdaeg) is sacred to him.
Tyr also seems to be a god of justice. His name is derived from Tiw or Tiwaz an Tacticus and other Roman writers have equated this character to Mars, the receiver of human sacrifice. His day is Tuesday. Tyr was the son of Odin though he is made out to be the son of the giant Ymir. Like Odin, he has many characteristics of the earlier Germanic gods of battle. Parallels in other mythologies along with archaeological discoveries relating to a one-handed god, suggest that this character is very old and was known in Northern Europe somewhere between one and two thousand years before Snorri Sturluson included it in his Prose Edda. Similarities can be found in the one-handed Naudu in Irish mythology and in Mitra, just god of the day, of Indian mythology.
Ve is one of ancient Scandinavian gods and, together with Odin and Vili, the son of the primordial pair of giants Bor and Bestla. The three brothers created heaven and earth from the slain body of the primeval being Ymir and built the twelve realms. They also created Ask and Embla, the first pair of humans.
In Scandinavian myth, one of the primordial gods, brother of Odin and Ve. The three of them were responsible for the creation of the cosmos, as well as the first humans.
Vidar was another son of the supreme god and Grid (a giantess), and his powers were matched only by that of Thor.
He was born a fully-grown man. Little is known about Vali, except that he is a son of Odin and his giant mistress Rind. When Balder was killed unintentionally by his twin brother Hod, Vali was born to avenge his death.
“In the west Rind will give birth to Vali. Merely one night old he will avenge the son of Odin.
He will not wash his hands, nor will he comb his hair until Balder’s murderer burns at the stake.”
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chloe-spade · 5 years
A World of"Disney" Snow White Era Final Chapter
A year passed since Virgil ran away from home, and he's been meeting up with Prince Roman, who would give any excuse to find Virgil, Logan would say, but Patton would argue back if was true love.
"I might have to agree with Patton with this, Logan." Remy said, drinking his new coffee Patton was nice to whip up for him.
Logan scoffed and Emile shrugs,not wanting part of the arguement that could take place, if Logan was angry enough
"And then, he completely left... leaving me with her..."Virgil said to Roman, looking down.
"Man....I'm sorry for you... It might've been hard to get a good life with that women in the castle."
"She's envy...of.....my beauty and my power..I just don't understand her sometimes. One day she sounds like a caring women then the next...crazy and insane."
"You know... in my opinion..you're the most beautiful person I have ever met and....um..."Roman then Blushes and shows a golden ring."Maybe I can give you this as a message....that your beauty is extraordinary and I'd be happy to marry you one day."
Virgil's cheeks could've been warmer as he takes the ring softly and puts it on his finger."I...I like that, Roman...thank you."
Virgil, when he was with Roman, felt immense comfort cause Roman always listened to him and even try to give his own advice.
"No problem, I'll write to you."Roman got up but an arrow was heard and not surprisingly it was aimed at Virgil.
"It's that huntsmen!"Virgil said as he climbed on Roman's horse and Roman sped off.
"He doesn't quit does he?"
"Quit is better then nothing!!"
This went on until Virgil saw a nearby dwarf trap, built by Roman's father.
"No more traps?"He asked as his hands were ready to use the trap at the right one.
"I ended once I met you..."
Virgil blushes and smiles as successfully trapped the huntsmen within a trap.
Roman took Virgil back to the cottage."I'll write to you soon!"Roman cried as he galloping away.
Remy was eating popcorn with Patton as the whole scene came to place, getting confused glances from Logan and Emile."What?,"They said in unison,"It was entertaining.."
Virgil Smiles and enters the house.
The Evil watched."Virgil is more prepared, isn't he? But he ain't that intelligent. Mirror Mirror on my wall, how to get rid of Virgil once and for all?"
"Though his rough exterior, he is indeed kind, and will do anything to help someone and even to accept gifts from others."
Evil Queen smirks and went to grab an apple from her shelf."I suppose making him vulnerable will be easy."
Evil Queen then went to work as making the apple poisoned and using a disguised technique.
The next morning, Virgil was sweeping the porch as per usual as the dwarfs went to work.
Virgil didn't expect much as he kept rereading a letter from Roman soon after he left after the attack, and Virgil rewriting to him and sending it to his kingdom.
Virgil looked at the ring with a smile as he knew one day he might marry Roman.
But enough of that, Virgil!
Virgil wasn't aware that the old women came up coughing to get Virgil's attention.
Virgil jolted and immediately helped ths old women inside and made some medicine, making her better.
"Well, thank you so much, young man. Here, please accept this."She said, putting the apple towards Virgil's face.
Virgil never refused a gift from a stranger, even after he done a good deed to help the old women.
He took it and smiles at the old women. He was,admittedly, hesitant but took a bite of the apple.
Virgil felt a sting in his chest immediately and tries to cough the pieces out and looks up to see the evil Queen cackling a storm.
"Now who dares to impose me now!!!"
Virgil couldn't hold on and finally fainted to the ground.
Sleepy, who slept in saw and ran to the others in complete panic."Winkers, fellas!!!! It's Virgil!!"
"What happened!?"
"The evil Queen!!"
The dwarfs zoomed up to see Virgil still on the ground and the evil Queen gone.
They mourned for the prince so they created a memorial for the prince, bring Virgil's favorite flowers snd favorite foods to his glass casket.
The dwarfs did locate fhe queen in ghe meantime when this was all happening but the queen fell down a cliff and was presumably dead by the others.
This happened a couple days back, so to much surprise to the dwarfs when Roman came by, looking for Virgil.
Doc sadly had to break the news on what happened.
"W-wait...are you serious?"Roman chocked, tears come down his cheeks.
Roman walked slowly to the casket, tears down his cheeks.
"May I...give him s gift?"
The 7 nodded and opened the casket for Roman to give Virgil a kiss on the lips, soft and simple.
As Roman pulls away, a weak voice emerges from the beneath him.
All looked and saw Virgil who was awakened.
Ran couldn't hold his happiness and grabs Virgil to a loving embrace, which Virgil happily returned.
"No matter...as long you're alive..."Roman smiles.
Virgil Smiles again as he kisses Roman more lovingly.
"In about 3...2...1..."
Virgil backs up immediately his face turned very red."Are we?!"
"Kissing and Dating, my chemically imbalance romance."Roman said, kissing Virgil's hand.
Virgil hid his face with his remaining hand.
"Wait...are we-doooooooooo....no we aren't...."
Before they knew it, they were already in the whirlpool again, but a new one below them.
And who went past them?
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(Belongs to @the-officially-kat )
That's the end of the Snow White Era but.... One more seems to come...how will this new fairy this deck out?
Find out!
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pemulungaksara · 5 years
Bedazzled 2
Summary: Regina White, daughter of Snow White enters Narnia to find an apple for her King, trying to win The Four Monarchs favor with her magical ability. Will the Pevensie bedazzled with her ability?
Author Notes: Setting in the golden age, around The Horse and His Boy time.
Read: Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
When morning came, the sun ascended from the infinite Great eastern. From Cair Paravel east wing, Regina could see training ground where Peter and Edmund sparred vigorously. The Blond King with his sword and shield matched with the Raven King and his double swords. Little further from them, the centaurs, fauns, dwarfs, followed their king's example. Swords, axes, and iron clubs clashed. They made beautiful yet terrifying harmony.
"So noisy, isn't it Lady Regina?" a small voice chirped.
Regina looked around her and found a black and white magpie on her window sill. She momentary forgot that she was in the land of talking animal. "A good kind of noisy. Good morning to you..."
"It's Rury, Lady. Good morn."
"Good morn, Rury."
"Queen Susan and Queen Lucy waiting for you in the great hall. Please follow me." Rury the magpie fled in her little wings and Regina happily followed.
Rury chirped and fled at the same time, Regina wondered how this little bird managed her breath. Thanks to Rury, Regina knew that Narnia in preparation of battle against the North Giant. The Giant broke the peace agreement and made chaos in the northern border. They cut ancient trees and committed the unforgivable law, ate the talking animals.
"Queen Susan, Queen Lucy, good morning." Regina greeted the queens. Susan, like Regina expected, was beautiful. Dark hair, brilliant blue eyes, paler skin than Lucy but not as pale as Edmund, and her smile so charming. There was a tint of seriousness in her presence, total opposite from Lucy's cheerful aura.
"Good morn, Lady Regina."
"Good morn, Gina. Lucy just fine, we are a team, right?"
Regina sat beside Lucy, "We are a team when we practicing and performing, Lucy. I can't call you informally anytime you like." Regina smiled at Lucy's pursed lips.
In front of Regina, laid a lot of breakfast choice. Salad, fruit, pancake, and toast. She wasn't sure where she must start. So she just followed Lucy's example, start with the fruit first.
"How is your sleep, Lady Regina?"
"Never been better, Queen Susan. It's a nice change than sleeping on the wood floor."
"You slept in the wood?"
Regina had not told Lucy about her travels from Swan Lake into Narnia. Actually, it was not interesting at all. Except you were a fan of walking in the woods, searching for the forgotten magical portal –all portal closed due to the last disaster, but it was a story for another time—. Then she stumbled into Terebinthia, a small island in the southeast of Narnia. The last part of the journey passed on a ship.
"Fortunately, a ship from Lone Island give me a lift." Regina finished her story.
"If we know you are coming, we will pick you up on our journey into Calormen next week."
"Don't you have a war to win, Queen Susan?"
"The one who breaks the treaty is Ettin's Crown Prince since Peter and Edmund already kill their king last year. We know the crown prince is not as strong as his father since half of their army wiped. Peter thinks he can handle him alone."
"Besides, Susan is impatient to meet her sweet Prince Rabadash." Lucy giggled.
"Shut up, Lu." Susan's glare couldn't hide her blushing face.
Regina didn't waste her chance to tease Susan. Maybe Lucy influenced her too much. "Hey, please tell me about this sweet Prince Rabadash."
"Not you too, Regina."
"Are the kings going to join us?" Regina motioned at the empty table's head and a seat beside Susan.
"Yes, they will soon. Better to eat as much as possible, Gina. They will empty all of these plates in no time."
Regina rethought her suggestion once more. She was not sure her participation will be welcomed. But there was nothing good coming from keeping her silence. "Actually, I have a proposal."
The Queens looked at rather her oddly. Regina couldn't step back now, she shot her idea.
Edmund was ready to leap on his feet and yelled some sense to Susan. Yes, just Susan because she was the only one who could change her mind when a logical argument served. Peter seriously considered this dangerous idea and Lucy, oh hell, Lucy already a lost cause. Edmund could see her fascination over magic and the witch, Regina. Even General Oreius held Regina on a certain level of respect.
Edmund shook his irritation, "My dear sister, may you care to explain. Why copying White Witch Magic is a good idea? The Ettins attack us because Jadis abandoned them."
"The giant never invaded before because they were afraid of White Witch. If they know we have another witch like her, they will break down. Or hesitate to launch another attack."
"Besides, Regina can perform unbreakable vow. It will hold them back definitely."
Susan and Lucy already made their mind. There was no way Edmund could break this kind of alliance when he didn't have Peter's voice. He turned into Oreius, "General, did unbreakable vow is a kind of black magic?"
Oreius took a moment before answering, "As long as I know, an unbreakable vow is magic. Magic couldn't be specified into good or evil. Magic is a tool, like a sword, the only one can determine it is their wielder intention, Your Majesty."
Good, the wise centaur certainly not in Edmund's side.
"Well, we can consider—"
"No, definitely not." Edmund cut Peter before he made this suggestion official.
Peter sighed, they wasted two hours in this meeting just to argue about Regina's offer. "But her idea is good. It will save many of our people life, Ed."
"And I feel safer when Peter has more back up," Susan added.
"We can't trust her yet. It's not even been 48 hours since her arrival. What if she betrays you and joins the giant?"
"I will kill her in the first moment she turned her back. I promise." Peter flinched at his own suggestion. Even Susan and Lucy turned a shade paler.
Edmund knew Peter is the noblest person between the four of them. When Edmund heard him said something like that, it made Edmund uncomfortable and guilty. He didn't want his pure brother turned to be a cold-blooded murderer. "I hope I can go with you, Pete."
"We already through this, Ed. Susan needs you. I don't trust Prince Rabadash. You know which one is more important."
Peter, Edmund, and Susan did a three-way staring contest.
Susan was the first one who broke contact. "How about we call her first? Then you can ask any question you want. General, may you call her?"
"Yes, Your Majesty."
 When Regina entered the war council room, Peter didn't waste another time to start asking. "Please explain how you are going to copy White Witch magic, Lady Regina."
"Potion, Your Majesty." Regina took one of her potion, a white marble glass, so small that Edmund needed to squint his eyes, and dropped it on the floor. In an instant, the floor covered in ice and the room's temperature dropped several degrees. "I can make more potion than you need."
"Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and magic," Regina explained the basic ingredient of her potion. "I can make flood, explosion, healing potion, poison."
Regina could go on and on, about her potion, the variation of it, the combination, the process, but she thought the war council won't be impressed.
"If the magic fails you what is your weapon choice, My Lady?" Orieus asked.
"Magic and brain are my strongest weapon. As long as I live, magic will never fail me, General." Edmund threw a skeptical look on Regina. "If the situations require me to flight, I can always count on my enchanted broomstick and my ninja art."
Before Edmund could make a snide comment, Regina dropped another potion. This one had a black color and released a suffocating black smoke. When the smoke dissipated, a bird fled out to the window and Regina wasn't in her place.
"I am not suicidal. I can assure you at that." Everyone except Oreius jumped on their seat while Regina materialized beside Lucy.
"Is this your first battle?" Edmund asked the oblivious question. It didn't matter how much useful her magic was if she had no experience. The frightful confusion, the noise, the blood –especially the giant's blood smell— could make anyone disoriented and careless.
"Actually, yes, Your Majesty." Regina heard Susan's gasp. "But I often joined spy mission or raiding party. In the fairy tale realm, men won't let women go into battle. It was a disgrace of their ego."
Lucy nearly laughed at Regina’s statement if Susan didn’t shoot her a warning look. She shook her head instead.
"Can I have a minute, Lady White?" Edmund looked over the closed door. He didn't want his family interrupted his interrogation.
"Sure, Your Majesty." Regina followed Edmund outside.
 They walked into an empty library. Edmund thought it was far enough from his curious family earshot. "Okay, Lady White. I am not going to beat around the bush. Why did you decide to help us? This was not your kingdom. It was not even your realm. We barely knew each other."
"King Owen already offered alliance for Narnia. Letting High King Peter charging battle without you or your sisters is somehow odd for me. So I offered my help. It's not like you won't do me a favor in the future. For example, the apple tree. I just trying to make the down payment, King Edmund," Regina stated her reason.
Edmund was very good at reading people emotion and intention. One time he discovered a spy from Calormen who pretended to be Lucy's suitor. The poor man and his group didn't even have their dinner when Edmund threw them into the dungeon.
His gut feeling told him there was something unsettling about Regina's green eyes, but she hadn't lied to him about her intention. "My family maybe trust you, Lady White. But I am not."
"You can have my head if I hurt him, Your Majesty," Regina said without hesitation.
"Even over a scratch?"
"Even over an intentional scratch."
"Swear it."
"Over what? Aslan?"
She was a non-believer, Edmund thought Aslan's name didn't matter for her. "Over your King."
"I swear, in the name King Owen of Swan Lake. I won't intentionally cause any harm to High King Peter of Narnia." Regina put her hand over her heart. "Satisfied?"
Edmund didn't miss the tint of annoyance in her voice. "Good."
 "Everything settled?" Peter asked when Edmund and Regina come back to the war council room.
"Yes." Edmund noticed that the ice doesn’t melt anytime soon but the temperature less chilled. It would be a mess when the ice started to thin.
"What do you need, Lady Regina?" since the battle plan was finished before they arguing, Susan jumped into accommodation.
"I need a storyteller, Queen Susan."
"Storyteller?" Peter puzzled over this random suggestion. The other bore the same confusion look, except Lucy whose eyes glinted.
"My magic is like a machine. It transforms magical source into another ability. Illusion, healing, transfiguration, potion, everything you want. The magical source may differ according to the magician. It could be moonlight, sunlight, sorrow, happiness, water, air, fire, plants. In my case, my magical source is a story."
"I could be the storyteller!" Lucy announced.
"No!" Her siblings declined at once.
"Come on. Peter and Regina are charging into battle. Susan and Edmund will be cruising into Calormen. All of you leave me alone here," Lucy sulked. "No offense to you, General," Lucy added when Orieus cast an amusing glance. This time, Oreius would be left behind.
Susan sighed. "We are not leaving you, Lu. You are needed here to guard Cair Paravel."
"Oh yeah, fun. I want to go with Peter."
"And leave our people vulnerable? I am sorry, Lucy."
"I can teach you to ride a flying broom, Queen Lucy. You can patrol in a more sophisticated way." Regina offered to cheer Lucy up. "It completely safe if Queen Lucy stay exactly two meters above the ground," Regina added before Susan's voice her concern.
"Back to logistic, you need a storyteller. Can we arrange Runebeard to assist Lady Regina?" Susan asked.
Edmund nodded, Runebeard was a decent storyteller. The dwarf also a very good archer, so no resource wasted.
"I don't need your battle plan, Your Majesty. Just tell me where, when, and what I need to do." Regina could sense Edmund hesitation.
"Position, time line, action, and storyteller. Anything else?"
"You don't suppose to find me white reindeer or polar bear to pull my chariot? Can Runebeard act as my general? And I absolutely need your acting skills, High King."
Upon hearing Regina, Lucy and Susan couldn't suppress their giggle. Everyone knew that Peter was a very bad liar. Acting? This couldn't get any weirder.
"I know there is a trap for me." Peter let out a very depressing sigh.
The ball went well. Everybody got their food, wine, and music. Susan finally let out her worry and over thinking mind as she danced with Peter. Lucy's laughter filled the room as Edmund twirl her. Soon, all the dancing Narnian –faun, dryad, nymph, centaur, small talking beast—followed their monarch lead, dancing their heart out. The musician –dwarf, mouse, bird—played their instrument merrily. The rest –big talking beast—happily pitch in when they knew the lyrics and drank their wine when they don't. It was wonderful.
Before anyone could invite Regina to dance –or sing, God forbid it—, she slipped out of the room. She enjoyed the night wind kissing her cheeks and the sound of joy from afar. It was not like she hates a party, she just didn't want to participate. She felt a party is like a bonfire, you can enjoy it from distance but it would burn you when you get close.
Regina held her drink tighter when she sensed a presence behind her.
"Already running away, My Lady?" a deep voice came before her. A human voice, slightly deeper than the High King's voice.
Regina didn't need to turn away to identify the voice owner. "I just collecting some nerves before my performance, Your Majesty."
Edmund joined Regina at the balcony, sightseeing the half moon. "You don't drink it?" Edmund indicated at her full glass.
"Not a fan of wine." Regina held her glass over the moon, they could see the moon turned pink, "I just take it so no one will offer me any kind of drink."
"What a waste." Edmund snide.
"Then, will you drink it for me?" Regina challenged in a very sweet voice, almost like flirting. If flirting involved a stony face and death glare.
Edmund knew more than anyone in Narnia, don't accept food or drink from a stranger. Moreover a beverage from a witch, it could be poisoned or worse, enchanted. He learned his lesson in a rough way. Still, he was a man, a king, he won't back down to a challenge.
He took a slow dramatical sip while staring back at Regina. The red liquid tasted normal, as good as Narnia's watered wine –yes, it was watered. No one wants to have massive hungover before charging into a battle—. He didn't feel any strong urge to blurted out secret or unreasonable craving over wine. But he made a mental note to drink a gallon of water later, for prevention.
"Why don't you give it a taste?" Edmund offered Regina half of the glass. He knew it was inappropriate, but who cares? No one in sight going to scold him.
Regina copied Edmund and drown the wine. "Uh, not bad." She grimaced in disgust.
"Gina! Here you are!"
Lucy sudden appearance made Edmund aware of his distance. They were not improperly too close but just overstepped a little bit of personal bubble space. Maybe it was the wine, Edmund thought.
Regina breathed in as much as the air she could before Lucy dragged her into the Great Hall.
Lucy and Regina were retelling about The Battle of Beruna. Lucy narrated the story, her voice clear above the sound of faun's flute and dwarf's drum. Regina projected it in her bluish holograph illusion. Excitement and bravery reflected in all of Narnian's face. Edmund literally could see the fire in everyone eyes. The audience amused and inspired, mission accomplished.
The anticipated day finally came. Peter and Narnia's soldier will be marching Northwest, directly into Ettinsmoor. While Regina, Runebeard, and Xati the panther will take the roundabout way through Frozen Lake—which is, thanks to Aslan, not frozen anymore—. They needed to plant Regina's apple tree first. At least, when the battle over, Regina could have an apple tree's sapling.
Susan and Lucy hug their brother and murmured a blessing in his ear.
Susan hugged her, "Lady Regina, please keep him alive."
"You can hit his head if he acts like a fool. You have my permission." It was Lucy's turn.
"Hey!" Peter stated his disagreement while Regina offered a small smile.
"Are you sure you don't want to take the cordial with you?" Lucy asked for the tenth time this morning.
"Thank you for the offer, Queen Lucy. But I think it's better in your hand. The cordial's magic answer to you. Not me. I will send the fastest eagle to fetch it if needed."
"I hope we don't need that."
"I agree. Send me an eagle too if you need reinforcement." Edmund offered.
"Will do, Ed."
"May Aslan between you and your enemy." Edmund squeezed his brother's arm.
"May Aslan, between you and danger. Farewell, brother."
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dumbledearme · 6 years
chapter six—under the clock tower
~~ read Swan Song here ~~
As Dr. Whale pushes the gurney where Flynn's unconscious body lies, two of the nurses try to hold me back. I fight my way through them, under protest, because there's no way they're going to keep me away from him. Whale checks his pupils with a lantern and then he looks over his shoulders and calls me forward. The nurses stop struggling with me.
"What happened? Did he fall?" Dr. Whale asks me when I approach. I brace myself trying not to look at how white Flynn's skin has turned.
"He ate this." From my coat's pocket, I pull a little plastic bag where I put the bitten apple tart my mom fed my boyfriend, and I say the unimaginable truth: "I think it's poisoned."
Dr. Whale looks skeptical. He turns his attention back to Flynn and checks his throat, much like I did back at the house. "His airway is clear," he tells the nurses and me. "Was there vomit? Any convulsions? Disorientation?"
The questions come very fast, demanding a level of clear head that I don't have right now. "He took a bite of this and then he just collapsed," I say waving the tart in front of Whale. I have to stop myself because I can't say what I want to say—that my mother is to blame, that she did this to him.
I don't know why I'm so sure she did it, but I am. The look in her eyes, the previous conversation, her wanting to know how much I cared about Flynn, the comments about not wanting to be like her mother when she was doing exactly what she hated her mother for—killing the daughter's boyfriend.
"The boy is showing no symptoms that would suggest neurotoxin, so whatever's going on," Dr. Whale takes the apple tart from me, probably so I'll stop waving it in front of his face, "this is not the culprit."
I guess I shouldn't be so mad at Whale; it's not his fault he doesn't understand what is going on before his eyes. The curse is pushing him to search for a reasonable explanation to a magical problem.
"He's going to be okay, though, right?" I say when it dawns on me that perhaps Whale can't fix Flynn, can't fix magic.
"I don't know. Right now we just need to stabilize him because he's slipping away. Is there anything else that you can remember? Any little detail?"
My mother poisoned him.
"I already told you everything," I say.
Dr. Whale seems frustrated when he looks away from me. He asks one of the nurses to show me the waiting area. This time I don't fight them.
She's there. Regina rises from one of the chairs when I come out of the patient room and makes her way toward me. I feel something boiling inside of me, a feeling I'm not used to—hatred.
I hate her.
"Hannah," she says. "How is he? Is he going to be okay?"
That's when I snap. I grab each of her arms and I shove her with every bit of strength I can conjure. Regina is thrown backwards and her head hits the hospital wall. Some people gasp and stop to stare at me. I know I must look insane to them, hitting my mother and all, but I have ceased to care.
She did this. She is responsible for all of this. She is the Evil Queen. She's cursed this entire town and now she's killing Flynn.
Yes, I will hurt her.
"Hannah!" Regina shouts. "What the hell—" she stops when she looks at my face. Her eyes widen like she can't quite comprehend what she's seeing, but I know she can identify hatred. She created it.
"You did this!" I accuse. "You poisoned him like you did Snow White! You are killing him because he wanted me to know the truth! That you're a monster!" My voice has never sounded so alien to my ears. I can't recognize it, probably because I've never felt such rage before. It's makes me shake where I stand.
Regina's eyes also become unrecognizable to me, three times wider than usual and filled with horror as she finally realizes that I'm on to her, that I know everything, and that there is nothing she can do to stop this.
"It's true, isn't it?" I say. "All of it."
Regina has to look away from me when she confirms it. I feel as if someone is ironing my chest. I shove her again.
"You wake him up!"
"I can't!" she shouts, trying to unleash herself from me.
The innocent bystanders look uncomfortable like they're too afraid to intervene.
I feel dizzy. What does she mean she can't? She is the Evil Queen. She cursed this town. She poisoned an apple tart. She can do anything. "Don't you have magic?"
Regina looks me up and down like she still can't quite believe we're having this conversation so out in the open. For all that's worth, I can't either. "That was the last of it," she tells me.
I back away from her like I've been slapped. Oh, God, I can't breathe. Oh God. Oh God. "So what?" I swallow hard, trying to stop myself from sobbing. "What do I do? Tell me what to do! Tell me. How do I save him?"
Regina sighs like she's giving up on the pretense of years. "You need help," she says and the way she says it makes me think she's willing to provide that help. I don't understand that. She did this. Why would she help me now?
Unless she underestimated what she is willing to do for me.
Which puts a great counterweight on what she is willing to do to me.
Mr. Gold welcomes us into his shop with a, "Do my eyes deceive me or is that the look of a believer?" but I don't have time for his bullshit chitchat today.
I go straight to the point. "I need your help."
"Indeed you do, Miss Mills. It seems a most tragic ailment has befallen your young friend." He turns his eyes on Regina. "I told you magic comes with a price. From the look on your daughter's face, the price has been her affection."
"Hannah shouldn't have to pay it," Regina answers softly.
"No, you're paying it, dear," Gold tells her. "It's her affection for you that has been broken, not for the boy."
No time.
"Enough," I say. "Can you help us or not?"
"Of course," he grins. "You are in luck, Miss Mills. For true love is the only magic powerful enough to transcend realms and break any curse. Something our dear queen always forgets. Now, I happen to have bottled some."
"You did?" Regina sounds outraged, like she can't believe the nerve in this guy.
"Oh, yes," says Gold. "From—"
"—strands of my parents hairs," I finish for him, remembering what the book has taught me. Both Gold and Regina gap at me. "You made the most powerful potion in all the realm. And when you created the Dark Curse you placed a single drop in the parchment so that would be the means to breaking it."
Gold is smiling. "Just a little safety valve," he says.
Regina still stares at me. "How the hell do you know all that?"
I ignore her. "I don't care about your stupid curse," I tell Gold. "All I care about is saving Flynn."
"Which is why you should be very thankful I didn't use all the potion. I saved some. For a rainy day."
Well, Gold, it's storming like a bitch.
"Where is it?"
He thinks about it. "Where it is, isn't the problem. Getting it is what should worry you."
"Enough riddles," Regina says, annoyed. "What do we do?"
"You do nothing, dearie," he tells her. "It has to be Miss Mills."
"She's my daughter. I want to help her."
"All due respect, but she's not. It has to be her. She's the product of the magic. She must be the one to find it."
I remember Jefferson words: You have to find it on your own. It needs to be found by someone like you.
"Where is this magic?" I ask him.
Gold still faces Regina. "Tell me, Your Majesty, is our friend still in the basement?"
I glance at her; Regina is grimacing in disgust. "Oh, you twisted little imp," she mutters. "You hid it with her?"
"Oh, no, no, not with her. In her." I can tell Gold is having a blast with all of this. Makes me want to punch him in the face. "I knew you couldn't resist bringing her over."
"What are you talking about?" I demand. "Who is 'her'?"
"Someone you should be prepared for." From behind the counter, he brings out a large and long, wooden box and sets it before me. It looks very old; definitely not from around this world. "Where you're going, you're gonna need this." He opens the lift revealing what's inside.
I can't believe my eyes. "Is that—?"
Mr. Gold nods. "Your father's sword."
"Hannah, I'm sorry," Regina says to me when we are turning the corner toward Granny's. I glance at her. She does look sorry. But she's a liar and a murderer so I guess I don't much care. "I thought… I didn't know he meant this much to you. Or rather I convinced myself he didn't."
"Oh, so if he didn't, this would be okay?" I snarl because that's all I can do to stop myself from shoving her again.
Regina looks hurt. Good. I'm glad. When she tries to say something else, I interrupt telling her to wait for me here and head inside. Granny redirects me to August's rented room. I basically fly upstairs and when I find the right door I slam my first on it several times.
"August!" I call out. "Open up! I know you're in there! Granny didn't see you leave! Come on, open the door!"
The answer comes in a low grunt. "I can't."
I frown. He can't? What is going on?
Deciding I don't have time for this, I kick the door open. It hurts my leg a bit, but it gets the job done. I storm inside the room and find August lying stiffly in bed. His entire body, with the exception of his head, has turned to wood.
"Oh no," I mutter, rushing to his bedside. "August."
"Hannah," he whispers although speaking seems to cause him pain.
"What do I do? How do I stop this?" I ask, desolated.
"Break… the… curse…"
I shake my head. "I still don't know how. Look, August… Something's happened to Flynn. And to save him… I need your help."
Tired eyes meet mine. "No… you… don't…"
My mouth drops open. His neck! It's turning to wood, too. It's reaching his face. "August…"
"You can save… Flynn…" he tells me as his face starts to harden. "You… can save… all of—" And then it happens. August is gone. I'm left with an inanimate wood puppet.
And then I do cry. I cry because I never felt so desperate, so alone. I thought I could have August's help to save Flynn and then Flynn's help to save August. It never occurred to me that I could lose both of them at the same time.
I glance out the window. Dusk has settled. June 15th. My birthday. This isn't a good start.
I get out of there quickly. Back out on the streets, Regina waits for me where I left her. I can't believe I feel sort of relived to see her there. Like her presence means that I'm not alone when, if it wasn't for her, none of this would be happening.
She takes me to the library without any further attempts to conversation. It is close at this hour, of course, but as mayor Regina has the skeleton key of the city. I've never been to the library at night—it's kind of creepy. Things look abandoned, like maybe someone left in a hurry. Behind the front desk, a poster on the wall advertises the book categories: general works, psychology and philosophy, religion and mythology, social sciences, languages, natural sciences and math, applied sciences and technology, arts and recreation, literature, geography and history. Even in the dark, I wouldn't need this to guide me—I know this place like the back of my hand.
Or at least I think I do, because Regina walks past the front desk straight to the mirrored wall in the back. I follow in silence wondering what else can possibly happen. Regina didn't exactly tell me what it is that we're doing here and part of me is too afraid to ask. She places her bare hand against the mirrored wall. With a loud clank, the whole thing starts to move, opening up and revealing a hidden double door behind it.
Holy cow. Is anything just what it looks like in Storybrooke?
Regina moves a crank that ignites the complicated set of gears locking the door. It makes a lot of noise as it opens. I'm not sure what I'm looking at, but I think it's an old-school elevator set.
"Get in," Regina orders me.
If she thinks I trust her, she's very much mistaken. "After you," I say.
She makes a face. "It's a two man job. The elevator's hand-operated. I have to stay up here and lower you down."
"Fine." I step up to her. "But first you're going to tell me exactly who I'm meeting down there."
"An old friend. Her punishment here was different than everyone else's. I trapped her," Regina says, studying my reaction, "in a different form."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Who's down there?"
Regina takes a deep breath before answering. "Listen very carefully, Hannah, because this is what you're going to have to do."
Ten minutes later, she lowers me down in the elevator to the underground cave she calls a basement. It isn't, Regina explained to me, but rather an elaborated prison she created to keep the one who is, at the same time, her best friend and enemy—Maleficent. The name didn't scare me at first; I guess I was too ignorant to comprehend what Regina was telling me. But the next detail about Maleficent did give me pause.
A dragon.
She put a dragon under the Storybrooke Free Public Library.
During Regina's monologue, I wasn't entirely sure I understood what a dragon is in this instance. I imagined what everyone would have imagine, I suppose, but who could say that that's what I'm going to find down there? Regina showed me how to unsheathe Prince Charming's sword and gave me a quick tutorial on how to use it. Then she shoved me inside the elevator shaft.
So the "down there" turns out to be a long, dim corridor, semi-illuminated by torches on the walls. The stones under my feet crouch when I take an hesitant step forward. It smells like dirt in here and something else, something not so distinct—I think it might be fear.
At the end of the stone corridor, a wide clearing reveals itself to me. It's cold now, the rock formation keeping the warmth away. I don't see anything dangerous. I don't hear anything other than my own footsteps.
My heart is in my throat. The sword is heavy in my hands. I'm afraid to be caught with my guard down. I honestly still can't believe what I'm doing down here, on my birthday, except that part of me is aware that there is nothing in the world I wouldn't do to keep Flynn from dying.
And then I feel it, behind me, a shift in the air, like something enormous is breathing down my neck. The air turns warm and musty as I turn on my heels, and I realize that 'enormous' doesn't even begin to cover it. What I'm looking at is too great for words.
Yep, turns out the dragon in my mind and the dragon under the library are pretty the same. I've imagined it just right.
I back away in fright and almost fall backwards as the dragon rises to its full height (which I can't measure). Its mouth opens and it spits a great ball of fire into the ceiling. Immediately, the entire room starts to boil like I'm standing inside a frying pan.
And then something even weirder than fighting a dragon happens—it speaks to me.
Who are you?
I'm unsure as to where the voice comes from, because it has its mouth closed again, but I'm sure it's the dragon speaking because its great emerald eyes are focused on me. The voice isn't feminine or masculine—it's like a humming whisper I can't shake, speaking right into my ears.
"I—I—I'm Hannah," I stutter. "Hannah Mills."
The dragon moves closer, as if to sniff me, and I instinctively raise my father's sword in the air between us—a warning: do not come any closer. The dragon stops, eyeing the blade with curiosity. As it does that, I take a moment to digest its body, so great, so big, it's impossible for me to see the big picture while standing this close. In this dim light I cannot be sure, but I think its scaly skin has a purplish color. The wings on its back look a little shriveled up, as if the years spent under the earth have taken a toll.
Where did you get that sword?
"Mr. Gold—I mean, Rumpelstiltskin gave it to me." It comes to my mind that Regina told me very specifically that I should get in, kill the dragon, get the true-love potion and get out as fast as I could. However, now that I'm here, talking to it, I can't help thinking that perhaps that is the Evil Queen's way of handling things. And I'm not the Evil Queen. I'm not even her daughter.
The dragon makes another move, this time sideways, looking uncomfortable by the name I have evoked.
Then I know what you're here for. He sent you, didn't he? He sent you to retrieve it. I knew he would, sooner or later.
I force my breath to slow down. Somehow I don't feel threatened. Maleficent speaks to me instead of burning me to a crisp. I'm optimistic enough to believe that her inhuman form hasn't affected her judgement. Of course as Maleficent she isn't exactly a good person either, but I'm hopeful I have something she'd be willing to trade with the true-love potion.
The storybook gives me clue.
Don't do this. This curse. There are lines even we shouldn't cross. All power comes with a price. Enacting it will take a terrible toll. It'll leave an emptiness inside you. A void you will never be able to fill.
So be it.
Way back when, Maleficent warned Regina about the curse, but she wouldn't listen. Maybe in order to gain Maleficent's trust, I should prove to her that I'm willing to do just that.
"Do you know who I am?" I ask, my voice surprisingly steady.
The dragon studies me. It doesn't seem to recognize anything special about me.
Should I?
"I'm the one who can break the curse," I tell her. "The Dark Curse."
Why you?
"I…" Now that's a question I don't have an answer for. "Rumpelstiltskin made it so."
Maleficent makes a noise that sounds like a snort.
Of course he did. He is always prepared, is he not?
There is a pause in which she evaluates me.
I assume the potion he had that wretched Charming slip inside me has something to do with it? Isn't that what you seek, little one?
I nod. "Yes. Please, if you could just—"
What? Give it to you?
I swallow hard. Her tone has changed. She sounds… challenging. "Yes, please."
Why would I do that?
I put my cards on the table. "Because when I brake the curse, you will be free, too. And I'm willing to bet you want your freedom maybe more than anyone else in this town."
Maleficent exhales and a thick wave of hot air blasts me. It makes my eyes water and my armpits sweat. And then she inhales deeply and I can't shake the frightening idea that she's trying to memorize my scent. Looking satisfied, the dragon gives me a warning, too.
Alright, Hannah Mills. I guess we have a deal. But you should know that once the Dark Curse is broken, reckoning shall come for your mother. I hope that's a price you're willing to pay.
I hear the Evil Queen's voice in my head: so be it.
Maybe in the fairy-tale world you have to kill your enemies to win your battles, but in this world, my world, nothing works like diplomacy.
I'm feeling extremely proud of myself as I head back to the elevator shaft, five minutes later, with the tiny little vial Maleficent, the dragon, has handed me (I rather not comment on where she took it from). The liquid inside is bright purple with sparks of gold. I'm not an expert in the matter, but its looks like pure magic to me.
I press the green button inside the elevator that warns Regina up there I'm ready to be pulled up. Not a moment later, the shaft starts to move. I feel energetic, alive, like nothing can stop me now from saving the boy I love. I did what I had to do. I'm owed something good in return—
With a bang, the elevator stops moving 4 feet from the opening to the library floor. I look up. "Mom?" I call out. "Mom, what was that? Mom?"
Someone looks down on me, but it's not Regina.
"Miss Mills," says Mr. Gold, "you got it?"
"What are you doing here?" I ask, finding the whole thing a bit odd. Where is Regina?
"I came to check on you," he answers simply. "And I'm glad I did. Regina's abandoned you. Sabotaged the elevator."
It feels like a slap in the face. Oh God. I should've known better. I should've… Well, I don't know what I should've done.
"What do I do?" I ask him, trying to keep my frustrated tears from spilling out. "Can you help me up?"
He shakes his head. "You can't possibly scale the wall and carry that," he points to the vial in my hand. Indeed, it looks extremely fragile. I don't know if I should risk it. "Toss is up," Mr. Gold suggests as if reading my mind. "Your boyfriend is going to be fine. I promise. But you have to trust me."
Not like I have a choice…
"Fine," I say, defeated. "But don't drop it."
Mr. Gold watches me attentively. I grip the vial, trying to aim and, praying to God nothing else will go wrong, I throw it up. It happens in slow motion. The vial goes up, up, up in the air, higher than the library floor and then starts to descend, just as slowly. Mr. Gold reaches out with both hands and catches it.
I breathe a sigh of relief. "Alright," I say, climbing the top of the elevator shaft and raising my hand to him. "Help me up." But Mr. Gold isn't looking down anymore. In fact, he's just left me here.
Son of a skunk.
This is the worst birthday ever.
I climb the shaft with a determination I'm not used to because now I have a much bigger purpose to reaching the top—a very well deserved punch in the face. It's easier than I expected it to be and in two minutes I'm in the library floor looking at Regina's who's tied to a simple chair, her mouth covered with tape.
Oh, thank God she hasn't betrayed me again. I don't think I can stand it.
I hurry toward her and remove the tape with a swift move, like a band-aid.
"He tricked you," she says, unnecessarily; the skin around her mouth is turning red from the sting. I untie her as quickly as I can. "He manipulated all of this," she says, standing up. The fury in her voice is very Evil Queenish.
"He can't be that far," I say, "maybe we can reach—"
My cell phone rings, interrupting what I'm about to say. I pull it from my pocket and look at the screen. My heart skips a beat.
It's from the hospital.
I'm too late.
The atmosphere is so, so grim is pretty telling death has reach this hospital. It's an alien situation, not just for me, but for the lot of them, too, since death isn't something Storybrooke is familiar with, and since Graham hadn't been in the hospital when he died.
I'm greeted by Dr. Whale and Mother Superior, head nun of the Convent of the Sister of Saint Meissa, which is near the Storybrooke harbor. I used to go there when I was younger because the nuns keep a very nice garden and they always let me help water it, all the while telling me how to recognize the plants, the flowers and the vegetables. Her presence today, however, isn't comforting to me.
"We did everything we could," Dr. Whale answers my unasked question.
"I'm sorry, Hannah," Mother Superior says, "Mr. Rider's gone."
My mind only half registers their words. I'm not quite sure what it means. I came to save him, didn't I? I shoved my mother against the hospital wall, I carried my father's sword around, I had a talk with a dragon, I was tricked by Gold—for him, it was all for him.
Regina reaches out for me, but I wiggle out of her grasp. She's the last person who should be trying to comfort me right now. I haven't forgotten. She did this. She killed him.
Killed. Dead. He's dead, he's gone.
There's only one way to know that for sure; I have to see him.
I push past them ignoring their protests and enter the patient room where Flynn lies. Unsurprisingly—although it stills surprises me—he is immobile, white and there's a nurse disconnecting his heart monitor.
I don't understand. He is just a boy. So young. It's not fair.
And, yes, she was beyond hope, beyond saving. This was her end. When Prince Charming saw his beloved Snow White in her glass coffin he knew all that was left was to say goodbye.
And what about me? Us? I'll never get to hold his hand again. I'll never hear him laugh, or smell his neck, or have him kiss me. I'll never really get to know him.
He had to give her one last kiss.
I feel like my heart has stopped right along with his. Like it has quit me and I am still breathing just out of sheer stubbornness because I have no reason left to be alive. What is the point anymore? I lost the love of my life and I failed to break the curse.
It's morning now. The sun has risen. It dares to shine even though darkness has settled.
Unfair. So not fair.
I reach out and touch Flynn's hand. He already feels too cold when compared to what I am used to, to what he's been in life. There's a horrible ache in my chest, probably from the weight of my stupid, dead heart.
Time's up.
This is goodbye.
I bend in. My lips touch his one last time. A incessant thought crosses my brain—I love you, Flynn. I love you. I love you. I love you.
And when he did, true love proved more powerful than any curse. A pulse of pure love shuttered out and engulfed the land, waking up Snow White and bringing light to the darkness.
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And then an unexpected breeze makes everyone in the hospital shiver. Regina, Dr. Whale and Mother Superior (who I had not realize had followed me into the room) turn to look at me like they can't believe what they're seeing, just as Flynn's eyes pop open and he gasps for the breath that has been denied him for the last few minutes.
Dark-green eyes meet mine. His lips move slight like he's trying to say something but still hasn't quite caught his breath. My heart starts beating again in my chest, so loud I'm convince everyone will hear it.
"You did it," Regina whispers from behind me, her voice in awe, but right now I don't care what she's saying or thinking. Nothing else matters to me but Flynn.
Because Flynn is alive. He is alive. He's come back to me. I'm not alone.
But Flynn's eyes aren't on me anymore (which I find a little offensive but okay). He's looking around the room, as he tries to sit up. I turn around to see what the hell is more interesting to him right now than me.
Regina, Whale, Mother Superior and the rest of the nurses are rounding us, their eyes set on me like they're seeing me for the first time in their lives. I can't fathom what it is that they're finding so capturing about me when the boy beside me has literally come back from the dead.
I open my mouth to speak, but Mother Superior beats me to it.
"That was true love's kiss," she says. "You broke the curse, Hannah."
...more powerful than any curse...
Undone by a simple kiss.
My mind is reeling. I feel as if I'm floating out to space, completely lost, grounded only by whatever connects me to Flynn and how I feel about him. I wonder if that's how Prince Charming felt when he kissed Snow White back to life.
"No, no, no!" Regina exclaims, as realization falls upon her. Everyone looks at her. For the first time ever, she looks positively frightened.
Mother Superior raises her chin and looks down on Regina with warning: "If I were you, Your Majesty, I'd find a place to hide."
The message is clear—we remember now and we're coming for you.
It reminds me of what Maleficent said before she gave me the vial containing the true-love potion.
Once the Dark Curse is broken, reckoning shall come for your mother.
She's probably more right than she thought.
Regina puts herself in front of me, calling my attention, so I have no choice but to look her in the eye. "Hannah," she says with tears in her brown eyes, "no matter what you think, no matter what happens or what anyone tells you, you are my daughter and I do love you."
It is a sentiment I'm familiar with, something I know she means, but that now, after everything, I cannot believe.
Everything has changed now and I can no longer be her daughter. I just know it.
Hannah Mills might have broken the curse, but the price is that she doesn't get to be Hannah Mills anymore.
I am changed.
I'm something else.
Something more.
Regina turns toward the door and runs out of the hospital like the devil is chasing her.
And now he will.
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oohnoniall · 3 years
Queen of Serpents || Galan Ashryver - Chapter One
{WARNINGS: adult language, fantasy violence, woman owning her sexuality and her body, woman using her sexuality and body as a weapon, woman saying “fuck emotions i’m scared”, toxic parents, self-harm, self-hate, fucked up family)
She despised traveling by boat. Sailing made her stomach churn and her head ache. The smell of the sea was enough to make her wish to gag. The salty, briny, fishy mess was enough to make anyone's head spin.
       Considering that Kalthanen was an island nation, one would assume that the Crown Princess had spent most of her life on a ship. That was not the case. Arya had spent most of her life in the training rooms, wielding a blade and learning her poisons. She had the scars to prove it.
       Aragorn had spent more time on a ship than anyone. Yet even he would have found the two and a half week journey to be torturous. He also would have been the one to complain about it.
       Arya fanned herself with the book in her hands. She hadn't bothered to read it in the nearly three weeks she had been on the voyage. It was filled with Wendlyn's genealogy. She had not bothered to check out who she would be trying to get a marriage from.
       She was no longer trusted to secure anyone with a crown. The lordlings in Kalthanen had heard too much about her shame and she would rather kill them than see their smirks. She would rather remind them that she was to be feared, respected. So Wendlyn had been the next best thing.
       Even if the journey was ridiculous.
       The sun glittered off the sea, a beautiful sight that she was used to waking up to every day. Her bedroom back home overlooked the sea. Her heart ached for Kalthanen. For the wet heat and the airy fashions. Already she could feel a chill on her bare legs and her cleavage.
       "Your Highness," a man said from behind her, keeping as far from her as he possibly could. A good idea considering that she had been known to strike out at whatever man surprised her. She had already wounded two sailors in the short time aboard the ship.
       They'd begun calling her a demon. It was a fitting description.
       "Captain," she said as she turned to face him, a bored look on her features.
       The captain was a tall man with broad shoulders and a face that had not been shaved in days. He smelled of brandy and the sea. A scent that was only adding to Arya's nausea.
       His smile was crooked as he peered down at her with small, watery eyes of dull brown. He thought he was handsome and clever. "We will be docking shortly, ma'am."
       Casually, she began to stroke the head of the snake wrapped around her left bicep. The snake was pitch black and had a nasty temperament. He had a habit of biting anyone that was not Arya. Aragorn bore the most scars as he couldn't leave Nox alone. Her brother seemed to think that he should be able to have his own pet snake. "That's good. My poor little babies haven't been able to properly stretch out," she didn't bother to look at the captain as she continued to stroke the blue-back snake.
       The captain's Adam's apple bobbed once as he looked at the snakes wrapped around Arya's biceps. The crew firmly thought that the princess must have some type of magic in order to keep the serpents tame enough to be a fashion accessory. She would never confirm nor deny the claims. It was better to keep them guessing.
       "No, I suspect they haven't." The man said after a moment, his head nodding once more. "Shall I have your things brought up?"
       "Yes, Captain. Make sure my ladies know I'll be needing them the second we dock."
       The captain took this as a dismissal and left without a word.
       Arya had that effect on people.
       If only she had the same effect on her traveling companions. She had brought her lady maids with her, although it was not out of the kindness of her heart. They had not been allowed to tend to her in Adarlan and she had found it dreadful, to say the least. She had needed someone to help her with her dressing and making sure she was presentable. Not to mention administering her daily poisons had been more difficult when she was doing it herself.
       Her cousin, Calanon, had also been ordered to travel with her. Her parents had said it was for her safety but she knew the truth. Calanon was there in case she failed. He was to be judge, jury, and executioner should she not find a good match within the time frame she had been given.
       One year.
       One measly year and then her life would be forfeit.
       Her parents had already rid themselves of two daughters. They had Aragorn. There was no need for Arya and her failings. It was a miracle they hadn't done anything already.
       She took a breath through her nose as Wendlyn slowly came into view.
       The ports were lively, she could hear people calling out to each other from her place on the ship. She could see the small shops along the docks becoming clearer. Most sold items fit for sailors. There was also a small pub that she assumed most of the crew would be quick to visit. If only to wipe the memory of her from them.
       The sailors on the ship moved around, laughing joyfully as they prepared to dock. She had no clue what was happening. Another one of my many failings, she thought bitterly. If she had spent more time on ships perhaps she could have helped.
       But learning how to fight had been expected of her. Not learning how to sail.
       The ship docked with a slight rustle, her feet nearly going out from under her. Her hands gripped the railing tightly, knuckles turning as white as the snake on her right bicep. Luna was her angel, the sweetest creature on the planet and the deadliest. One bite and whoever had pissed Arya off would sleep forever.
       Her ladies quickly filed over to her, fixing her gown and hair. They made sure she would look every bit the exotic princess. One of her maids made sure to secure her tiara perfectly in place, braiding the ends into her hair.
       "I suppose you think you'll eat them alive, cousin." Calanon appeared from the shadows, swinging a blade lazily.
       "It's what I tend to do," she replied without once looking at him.
       "Oh yes, I suppose you do," Calanon laughed as he stepped over to her. He dismissed her maids with a lazy wave of his hand. She glared at him as he did so.
       If it had been anyone else, her maids would have told him very kindly to fuck off. However, Calanon was known to harm anyone who remotely pissed him off. The slightest joke at his expense could result in someone losing a body part. One they liked particularly well.
       Calanon offered her his arm as the gangway was lowered. She didn't look at him as she took his arm in hers, her fingers gently resting against his forearm. Nox hissed once, slithering further up Arya's arm in order to get further away from Calanon.
       She cooed soothingly at her favorite pet, before steeling her face into a sea of a calm, icy ocean. No one would ever get past her defenses. She knew it better than anyone.
       Arya kept her head held high, carrying herself as though she were a queen, as she and Calanon made their way down the gangway and toward a cream and blue carriage that waited for them. The seal of the royal family of Wendlyn was painted on the doorway.
       A nice touch that she hadn't gotten from Adarlan.
       Considering that the King of Adarlan had not wanted her around, it seemed only right that Wendlyn already seemed more welcoming than Adarlan ever had.
       "Your Highness," a footman bowed to her and Calanon before opening the carriage door. "His Highness wishes to welcome you to Wendlyn."
       Arya gave the footman a winning smile, already playing the game that she had tried in Adarlan. "I hope Prince Galan will find the time to welcome me himself. Give him my thanks for this beautiful carriage."
       The footman seemed relieved as she stepped into the carriage with her cousin's help. It was lucky for Calanon that she did not close the door on him and make him walk with the servants. She would have done so had she not worried that he would take it as an excuse to go ahead and kill her.
       There was no trusting her cousin. Ever since they were children he had been a thorn in her side. She had to deal with attempted poisonings, him using sharpened swords during training sessions where they were supposed to use only dull blades, and worst of all his tongue. Calanon was perhaps the one person in this world that Arya truly hated. Not even the King of Adarlan had felt her hatred. Nor had that annoying Champion of his.
       "Remember cousin, you're not here for the princeling," Calanon stated as the carriage began to make its way to the castle.
       "Yes, I know. Father made sure I knew," she snapped at her cousin. She didn't look at him as he sat across from her. She didn't want to be reminded of her own features.
       The royal family of Kalthanen all looked somewhat similar. Even Calanon, who was the king's brother's son. They had hair the color of fire. Calanon's was styled in an upwards manner, as though he were hoping it would give him a few extra inches of height. Arya was nearly three inches taller than him, a fact that made him mad. The pair also shared the same sky blue eyes. The same color of a lazy summer sky, where the clouds were sparse and the sun wasn't as intense as it could have been. However, Calanon's face was sharper, his jawline coated with the faintest beard and his cheekbones high enough that one would assume they could cut a diamond with his face.
       Arya's features were softer than most of her family. Her chin came to a soft point, her jawline was just a bit softer than the harsher lines of her parents and brother. Her features made her appear almost innocent. The small nose and the gentle lips of a smiling princess made her more approachable. It was her attitude and her actions that kept people afraid of her.
       Just how she wanted it.
       She preferred having a chance to wear several different faces. She could play the damsel in distress or the evil queen. Nothing was too extreme for her. As long as it suited her agenda.
       As the castle came into view, she couldn't stop comparing it to Adarlan's infamous glass castle. She still didn't understand what idiot decided it was a good idea to build a palace of glass. It was surely going to explode one of these days. She was just saddened that she would not be around to see it fall. Instead of glass, Wendlyn's castle was made of beautiful white stone. It was larger than the airy, open palace of Kalthanen and smaller than Adarlan's glass castle. It was perhaps the perfect size.
       The royal family was obviously powerful. They just didn't feel the need to tell the world this with the size of their palace. It was a smart move on their part. One that she greatly admired.
       The turrets grew larger as they came closer to the palace. Arya's nerves began to build as well. She had never been a nervous person, always having found that she was in control of herself and thus could take care of whatever situation at hand. If that was with a cunning tongue or a slip of poison, she could command a room or a man.
       The Havilliard situation had caused her to doubt herself. That stupid little princeling had gotten away from her. She'd lost her chance at securing a perfect political alliance and thus had thrown away any future she may have had. She'd never forget the look on his face when he had found out that she had betrayed him.
       She hadn't loved Dorian. Not really. But she had grown to respect him. He wasn't as stupid as she had been led to believe. Perhaps that was yet another reason why her exile had hit her so hard.
       She tried not to think of this as they entered the castle's large, ornate gates. The crest of the Wendlyn royals was made of curved iron in the middle of both of the gates. She didn't see how they had ever stood up against an invasion.
       Calanon snorted at the sight, his expression full of distaste. "They think highly of themselves, don't they?"
       "We can't all be as restrained as you, dear cousin." Arya crossed one bare leg over the other, the deep ruby panels of silk kept her modesty but just barely. The fashions of Kalthanen were made for comfort and ease of movement, as well as to keep the heat from being paralyzing.
       Calanon rolled his eyes at her as the carriage rolled to a stop. "Put that pretty little smile on. We have a show to put on."
       She nodded her head once as the door of the carriage opened. Her cousin stepped out first, leaving her in the carriage by herself for a moment.
       You are Arya Nostariel. You are a weapon. No one controls you. You will not fail.
       She repeated the words to herself over and over again as she took Calanon's hand in hers and allowed him to help her from the carriage.
       The red silk hit the ground first, her golden high heeled shoes did not make a sign as she stood to her full height. The sun behind her made her look like a dream, her snakes seemed to enjoy the warmth from it as well. They brought their heads up, forked tongues coming out to smell the air and see if there was anyone they could sink their teeth into.
       Her eyes scanned the crowd on the steps. Most were servants, as made apparent by the crisp white shirts and stiff cotton dresses. Three people stood in front. It didn't take the crowns atop their heads for one to recognize them as the royal family.
       Arya dropped into a curtsey, hating every second of it. Bowing before any man-made her feel sick. But one that she wasn't even trying to seduce? That was enough to make her see red.
       "Please, you're our guests here," the king smiled down at her and Calanon. He was an older man. His hair had turned grey, but she could still a subtle hint of the brown it had once been. His eyes were surrounded by lines, smile lines and laugh lines were among the various wrinkles on his face. His eyes were those of the Ashryver family. Blue-ringed with gold.
       Arya stood before her cousin had a chance, a maid cringed at how much skin she was showing. Just another reminder of how different their cultures were. "The pleasure is ours, majesty. I have always found Wendlyn fascinating. I am excited to see it first hand."
       Pretty words, pretty lies. All that Arya was ever gifted at. She would always try to charm her way into the hearts of those that she needed to like her. She didn't think that she was enough otherwise.
       Her eyes drifted to the man standing between the king and the queen.
       Dorian Havilliard had been a beautiful man. With his raven hair and sapphire eyes, he had managed to catch Arya's eye. Despite his crown, she would have still gone after him. Yet, the man standing in front of her could put Dorian's looks to shame.
       "Your Highness," the man sank down to a bow, going down to one knee as he did so. He gently took Arya's hand and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles. She would have blushed had she not had as much training.
       His eyes were the same as his father but his skin was a few shades darker. Tanned from long hours outside, possibly from training with his men. His face was untouched by age, where Dorian had the slightest of wrinkles from the stress he had been under. The smile on his face reached his beautiful eyes, causing an uproar in Arya's stomach that she would later chide herself for. His hair was neatly held back by his crown, although she could tell that it would fall in waves of light brown around his face.
       "It's a pleasure to meet you," Galan Ashryver stood then, taking a bit too long to release Arya's hand. She didn't know if he had not thought about it or if he was just the type of princeling who thought he deserved whatever he wanted. While he had not looked at her body, she wouldn't put it past him to believe he owned her. Princelings were annoying like that.
       "Likewise, your Highness," she stated with a slight smile. Even if he was a beautiful man, more so than anyone she had ever seen before, she would not allow herself to fall for his charms. It wouldn't do.
       "Jefferson will show you to your rooms," he said as he gestured to a man who was standing just a few feet away from the royal family. The man was much bigger than the average butler. He was built like a warrior, with broad shoulders and bulging muscles. Muscles that would crush her if they wrapped around her at all.
       His head was clean-shaven and he was dressed in the same crisp white shirt and plain black pants of the other servants. However, he also had a sharp navy jacket that showcased his superiority to the other servants.
       Arya nearly smirked at the realization that they were getting a superior servant. She liked knowing that she was getting everything that she deserved.
       "Thank you," she said with a slight nod. She and Calanon linked arms again as Jefferson nodded his head towards them and headed inside the palace.
       Calanon kept his head forward as they walked, Arya turned to look over her shoulder. The princeling was looking at her.
       She raised her hand in a flirty wave, ignoring the jab in her ribs from Calanon. Her cousin would be certain to keep her from enjoying the prince in any manner of the word. She wouldn't allow him to make all of her decisions for her but she would attempt to keep him from becoming cross with her. Arya knew better than to piss him off.
       It would only lead to her destruction.
       "Your Highness," Jefferson turned to the young princess with a slight smile. One that was as kind as Galan's had been. "These are your rooms. My staff has already escorted your ladies, they should be here to help you prepare for dinner."
       "Thank you, Jefferson," Arya nodded her head once before she slipped into her chambers. She shut the door before Calanon could step inside.
       She rested against the door, a soft sigh escaping her lips. This was sure to be one of the hardest things she had done in her life. She knew that she was supposed to find a lordling. One she could whisk away to Kalthanen. One that she could tease and torment.
       The prince being the most beautiful man she had ever seen was not something that she had expected. She had assumed he'd be some snotty brat who didn't know who was really in charge.
       Galan seemed nice. But that didn't mean anything. After all, Arya seemed nice enough. She just wasn't. She was the monster that Adarlan's prince had destroyed. The monster that he had vanquished and then had been set loose on Wendlyn's shores. She was almost disgusted by what Dorian thought of her.
       She was just doing as she had been told. She was trying to bring her kingdom the security it needed. Kalthanen had only been missed in Adarlan's conquering because it was such a tiny kingdom. Although it was the whole world to Arya.
       The princess opened her eyes as she heard her ladies moving in the closed-off bedchamber. She stood in the foyer of her chambers, where there was a small fireplace and a place for entertaining visitors. She didn't know how many visitors she would receive but she wouldn't complain. The chambers in the Wendlyn palace were perhaps the closest thing to Kalthanen she would get for a very long time. She would have to make the best of a situation that she didn't want to be in. She would have to play the role she had been born to play.
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eyesaremosaics · 6 years
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937. Love your blog ♥
Snow White is an interesting one. She was my favorite Disney princess, because of her innocence and naïveté (plus she is from my favorite era of beauty and fashion—late 1930s). The original Grimm brothers tale, is a bit more gruesome than the Disney version.
The story begins with snow white’s mother sewing by the windowsill of her castle. She pricks her finger and the blood spatters the snow on the ebony window frame. She dreams of a child with hair black as ebony, lips red as the rose and skin white as snow. When the baby is born with these attributes, she is overjoyed and names the baby Snow White.
Shortly after the birth of her daughter, the queen dies, leaving Snow White with a wicked stepmother for the remainder of her childhood. The queen is beautiful, but vain and selfish. She asks the magic mirror who is the fairest of them all, to which the mirror replies: “Snow White is more fair than thee.”
The queen has her huntsman promise to kill the princess, bringing back her heart in a box. The huntsman is unable to complete the task, taking pity on the poor child. He tells Snow White to run away, and brings back the heart of an animal. The queen is furious when she discovers that she has been deceived. She devised a plan to be rid of Snow White, who is taking refuge in the cottage of the he seven dwarves.
First she brings a beautiful silk lace for her bodice. Snow White tries it on, but it sucks her corset in so tight she passes out. The seven dwarves reach her just in time before she suffocated. They warn her not to let anyone else into the house.
The queen returns with a different disguise, this time with a beautiful ornate hair comb. Sh entices Snow White to try it on, which she does. The poison laced in the comb causes Snow White to fall to the floor. Believing her dead, the dwarves prepare her for burial, removing the comb and washing her hair. She wakes with a start and they warn her once again, not to speak with anyone or let anyone in until they get home.
The third and final attempt on her life, is when the queen disguised herself as an old peddler woman selling apples. She has cleverly poisoned only one side of the apple, so that when Snow White shows hesitation, the queen eats the harmless half offering the poisoned half to Snow White. She eats it, and falls dead to the floor.
After consulting the mirror, where she is told that she is now the fairest in the land, the queen rests easy for a while. The seven dwarves are heartbroken, and she retained such a lifelike appearance that they could not bring themselves to bury her. The placed her in a coffin of glass and gold deep in the forest. A prince came riding by, saw the beautiful girl and fell in love with her dead body?? Yes you read that right. He met her post mortem.
The prince begged to bring Snow White back to his castle, so he could forever gaze upon her beauty (and whatever else 😱). The seven dwarves agree, and as the servants carried her coffin, one of them tripped, dislodging the apple from Snow White’s throat. The prince carried Snow White off to his castle to become his wife.
The queen consults the mirror again, and discovers show White to still be alive. She is invited to their wedding, where the new king and queen place iron boots, that have been heated over a fire, into the wicked queen’s feet, where she danced in agony from the kingdom, never to be seen again.
Now, the moral of this story is don’t talk to strangers (obviously), but in the context of an individual’s psychology… this story indicates a domineering female figure in ones life, and a feeling of unjust persecution. Snow White is pure hearted, and can not conceive of evil in another person, because she does not have it in herself. This indicates that you may not be the best judge of character. Giving people too many chances, and choosing to see only others potential as opposed to the reality of who they are.
Your life may be plagued with betrayals of trust and deception. Deep down you long for a massive turn of events, you take refuge in other people as escape from life’s cruelties, and often do not know what is best for you. Your innocence and naïveté is charming, but unwise. You can’t always rely on others to shelter you or point you in the right direction. Trust that you can make the right decision for yourself. Snow White is another one of those fairy tales, which subscribe to the notion of “victim hood”.
Victim identity runs very deep, and is usually instilled by a parent who takes autonomy away from one as a child—thus producing learned helplessness—or from trauma where one is victimized (bullying, sexual/verbal/physical/emotional abuse etc.). Your life lesson is to rise above the victim identity, and know that you create your own reality. It is not just happening TO you.
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
28. Shadows of the Past, Pt.1
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Neverland. Present. (David, Emma, Regina, Hook and Mary Margaret trudge through the woods searching for Henry walking single file. Mary Margaret leads the way.) David: (Panting:) “Hey, need a break?” Mary Margaret: “No, I'm good.” David: “In this heat, you shouldn't overtax yourself.” Mary Margaret: “Oh, so you need a break.” David: “No, I'm good.” Mary Margaret: (Teasing:) “David Nolan let himself go.” David: (Laughs:) “Does it look like he let himself go?” Regina: (Looking around, annoyed:) “How much further?” Emma: (Taking a look on the map:) “We should be getting close to Pan's lair. (They are catching up with David and Mary Margaret:) Going in a straight line course... (Looking on the map and frowning:) Son of a bitch! How is it now behind us?” Mary Margaret: “How can that be?” Regina: “You got us lost.” Hook: (Holding a lamp:) “No, she didn't. It's the camp. Pan's moving it.” David: “He's playing tricks with us.” Emma: “If Pan's camp keeps moving how are we ever gonna find Henry?” Neverland. Present. (Henry sleeps under a tree. Someone cuckoos from behind.) Peter Pan: “Wake up. Catch.” (He throws an apple towards Henry.) Henry: (Sitting up:) “I don't like apples.” Peter Pan: “Who doesn't like apples?” Henry: “It's a self-preservation thing.” Peter Pan: (Smiles:) “Well, don't worry. (He crouches down to the same eye level as Henry:) They're not for eating. It's for a kind of game. A really fun game. (Aiming a cross bow at Henry:) I call it target practice.”
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The Enchanted Forest. Present. The Dark Castle. (Neal is looking for something in a wardrobe. Robin Hood and Mulan are watching him.) Mulan: “You found the crystal ball. What else are you looking for?” Neal: “It showed me where Emma is, now I have to get to her.” Robin Hood: “Um, not sure you can find a horse in there, mate.” Neal: “I don't need a horse. I need a portal. A way to create a portal.” Robin Hood: “Why don't you calm down and tell me what the problem is? Perhaps I can assist.” Neal: “Henry is trapped in Neverland with Peter Pan who's hands-down the nastiest person I've ever met.” Mulan: “I saw Emma in this ball, not Henry.” Neal: “Listen, I was in Neverland. Pan was looking for a boy. A specific boy. I know he had some picture of him on a scroll. He called him the truest believer.” Mulan: “And you believe that to be Henry?” Neal: “It has to be. That's the only reason Emma would be in Neverland. Help me look. Lots of things make portals. Beans. Magic mirrors. Ruby slippers. Some kind of ashes.” (Startled by the noise, Little John and two Merry Men enter the room.) Little John: “What the hell was that?” Robin Hood: “Stand down, Little John. We're fine.” (From behind, a young boy watches the proceedings with curiosity and approaches Robin Hood. Robin Hood scoops the boy up.) Neal: (Smiles:) “Who's this?” Robin Hood: “Merry Men come in all sizes. This is my son, Roland.” (Something dawns on Neal.) Neal: “I know how to get to Neverland. I know how to get to Henry.” Neverland. Present. Emma: “So, this whole trek has been for nothing?” Regina: “I told you walking was idiotic. If I can just use some magic, we can materialize in the camp and grab Henry.” Mary Margaret: “We don't know where the camp is. Have you even been listening?” Hook: “Pan will have shields against magic, I fear. Such an attempt would end in your death, and more importantly, mine, which is why we're walking.” Regina: “Well then, what's your idea? How are we going to find it?” Hook: “By using someone he trusts.” David: “Who? Because I guess he certainly doesn't trust you.” Hook: “A fairy who lived here when I was about. She might still be on the island. She'd be an inside source, knows all about the camp, can get us in. She might even have some pixie dust left. Perhaps we could fly in.” Emma: “You mean fairy dust.” David: “No, pixie dust. It’s stronger. Like nuclear fairy dust.” Emma: “Wait. A fairy? Tinker Bell?” Hook: “Do you know her?” Emma: “Every kid in the world knows her.” Regina: “That's a bad idea. (Emma looks at her curiously:) Mark my words. This Tinker Bell is not going to help us.”
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The Enchanted Forest. Past. The Evil Queen's Palace. (Regina eats her supper, alone. Magically, Rumplestiltskin appears, sitting opposite to Regina at the far side of the table.) Rumplestiltskin: “I thought you were dead.” Regina: (She flinches slightly:) “Go away.” Rumplestiltskin: (Continues:) “When you didn't show up for your lessons today, I assumed you went toes up. And yet, here you are. (Standing up, he takes a closer look at the food on the table:) Roast swan. (Giggles:) That's amusing. (Regina looks confused, but he makes a dismissive gesture:) You'll get that later.” Regina: “I'm not sure about these lessons anymore. I don't want to have a future that looks like—” Rumplestiltskin: “Like what?” Regina: “Like you.” Rumplestiltskin: “Feeling a little persecuted, are we, Your Majesty?” Regina: “Why shouldn’t I? I’m the Queen, but practically a prisoner. With a husband whose heart is still with his dead wife and his insipid daughter. It’s intolerable. Nothing to do and nowhere to go. (Sighs:) I need freedom. I need options.” (Stands up.) Rumplestiltskin: “Ah, can’t be done. You see, this is how it is. You think you’re the diner at the feast, tasting the offerings. A little love. A little darkness. What you don’t realize is, you are the feast. And the darkness has tasted you.” Regina: “You're vile. Leave my home.” Rumplestiltskin: “The darkness likes how you taste, dearie. It doesn’t mind the bitter. And now that it started the meal it’s gonna finish it. You can no more fly from your fate that can that (He gestures towards a roasted swan he noticed earlier standing on the table:) swan. See you tomorrow. Don’t be late. Oh, and bring that simmering rage. It’s all you have.” (He leaves.) (Alone, Regina walks through her room and stops to look down into the castle’s courtyard.) Regina: (Forcefully slamming her hands against the parapet:) “I just need- (Suddenly, the parapet breaks and Regina loses her balance. Screaming, she falls towards the ground. A cloud of green fairy dust appears underneath Regina and her fall comes to a halt:) Put me down. What are you doing?” Tinker Bell: “Giving you a second chance.” (Using her wand, she lifts Regina up again.) Regina: “Who are you?” Tinker Bell: “I'm Tinker Bell.”
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The Enchanted Forest. Past. Tavern. (Tinker Bell and Regina share a drink at a table.) Tinker Bell: “Snow White, that’s her name? Even I think that’s a bit precious and mine’s Tinker Bell.” Regina: “She’s a monster. Totally indulged and adored. She sort of ricochets through life telling people’s secrets. She had my fiancé killed.” Tinker Bell: (Shocked:) “No.” Regina: “The only way I can get through it is when she and the king are gone all the time.” Tinker Bell: “You're glad your husband is gone?” Regina: “It’s not a marriage. It’s a farce. I may be the queen. (Leaning closer:) But alone in this palace I feel like the queen of nothing.” Tinker Bell: “No wonder you jumped.” Regina: “I didn’t jump. I fell.” Tinker Bell: “Right, (Clears throat:) you fell.” Regina: “I did. But if I had... well, here's to good reasons.” (They clink cups.) Tinker Bell: “You know, I’ve got an idea. I can help people find what they need, Regina.” Regina: “And what do I need?” Tinker Bell: “You don’t even know? That’s so sad. Regina, love. You need love.” Regina: “You’re gonna help me find another soul mate?” Tinker Bell: “It is possible to find love again. I’ve never seen pixie dust fail. It will find you your perfect match. If you let it, you’ll find your happy ending.” Regina: “My happy ending looks like Snow’s head on a plate.” Tinker Bell: “No. Aren’t you at least curious? What, if I can do what I say?” Regina: (Doubtful:) “Well, then, I’d say that’ll be real magic.” Tinker Bell: “I'm a fairy. You might wanna try believing in me.” Neverland. Present. (Sweating, Regina dabs her forehead using a small cloth. As she stuffs it into her pocket, it falls to the ground without her notice. Regina walks on. Hidden in the bushes, Tinker Bell comes out briefly to pick up the cloth. Catching up with the rest of the group, Regina approaches Emma.) Regina: “Emma. There is another way.” Emma: “Is there?” Regina: “Magic.” Emma: “Didn’t we just go through this?” Regina: “I’m not talking about my magic. I’m talking about our magic.” Emma: “I cannot take that risk. One thing I’ve learned is, it always comes with a price.” Regina: “May I remind you that the one time you actually used magic, you saved Storybrooke. (As Emma starts to protests:) Sometimes not using it comes with a price too. I bet you and I combined are strong enough to overpower Pan.” Emma: “And what if we’re not? Pan’s trigger almost destroyed Storybrooke, now we’re in his realm, Regina. Who knows what other kinds of tricks, charms or... hexes he’s got up his sleeve. I’m not taking a chance on that. We’re talking about Henry’s life.” Regina: “I’m aware of that.” (Mary Margaret walks over to join them.) Emma: “Look, I know you don’t like this plan. Let’s just see it through. At least, we can see if we find... Tinker Bell.” Regina: “And you think it’s the best plan because your boyfriend came up with it?” Emma: “My boyfriend? Hook? What’s your problem?” Mary Margaret: “She just lost Neal.” (Regina glares at Snow, Emma winces at her mother’s interference.) Regina: (Biting back her retort:) “I’m sorry. I’m just worried about Henry.”
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Neverland. Pan’s Camp. (Pan souses an arrow into a bottle. Henry joins him.) Henry: “What’s that?” Peter Pan: “Dreamshade. It’s a nasty poison. We have a story here about a man who once shot an apple off his son’s head with an arrow. (Preparing the crossbow for shooting:) Let’s find out if this is possible.” Henry: “If you’re shooting the apple what’s the poison for?” Peter Pan: “Motivation not to miss. (Playfully, he aims with the crossbow.) Felix! Get over here!” Henry: (Voice cracks:) “Is... is Felix good? Is his aim good?” Peter Pan: “Doesn’t matter. You’re the one doing the shooting.” (Hands Henry the crossbow.) Henry: “But I-I don’t want to shoot.” Lost Boys: (Chanting:) “Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.” Peter Pan: “You won’t hit him. Trust yourself. Go on. (Felix places an apple on his head:) It’s exhilarating.” Lost Boys: (Chanting:) “Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.” (Finally Henry aims at the apple. Suddenly he changes his target, loosing the arrow at Peter Pan. Peter Pan catches the arrow midair.) Peter Pan: “Told you it was exhilarating. Come on, I have something to show you.” Neverland. Present. (The group continues on their way searching for Pan. Hook stops David in order to talk to him.) Hook: “So, you gonna tell her?” David: “Tell her what?” Hook: “I saw what happened to you, mate. Let me see.” (Looking around, David lifts his shirt a little. Black veins spread all around the cut.) David: “The arrow only nicked me.” Hook: “I’m sorry, mate.” David: “Do you know how long?” Hook: “Days. Weeks at most. You won’t see summer. It's a really bad break. You might want to tell her.” David: “No. “ Hook: “Well, you have to.” David: “Maybe I don’t.” Hook: “How’s that?” David: “Pixie dust. You believe in this Tinker Bell's power? In her pixie dust?” Hook: “Indeed, I do.” David: “Then let’s get to her and that dust.” The Enchanted Forest. Past. (Regina and Tinker Bell are leaving the tavern.) Regina: “You really think this will make me happy?” Tinker Bell: “I know it will. (Church bells ring:) I'm late. I have to go. See you soon.” (Spreading out her wings, Tinker Bell waves her wand and returns to her smaller form. Regina Looks up as Tinker Bell flies away.) The Enchanted Forest. Past. The Refuge Of The Fairies. (Tinker Bell enters. She carefully approaches a green blossom. The blossom opens and reveals the Blue Fairy inside.) Blue Fairy: “Good evening, Green.” Tinker Bell: “Hey Blue. You look amazing. Did you do something to your—” Blue Fairy: (Interrupting Tinker Bell:) “You're late. You’ve already broken every rule in the book. Curfew. Dust discipline. And you got big for no reason.” Tinker Bell: “Listen. I have news. Amazing news. I was helping someone. A queen in the Enchanted Forest. Regina.” Blue Fairy: “Do you know who she is? Her mother was Cora. The one who ripped out hearts. Her teacher is the Dark One.” Tinker Bell: “So?” Blue Fairy: “So consider yourself lucky you’re still alive. (Sighs:) Green, this is not a woman you can help. She is surrounded by darkness.” Tinker Bell: “Sounds to me like she’s exactly someone who could use help. Maybe if you let me have some pixie dust.” Blue Fairy: “Not a chance. You fly away from this one, Green.” Tinker Bell: “My name isn’t Green. It's Tinker Bell. And I can’t believe you want me to ignore someone who needs help. It’s not very fairy-like.” Blue Fairy: (Angry:) “I will be the judge of what is fairy-like.” Tinker Bell: “But I-” Blue Fairy: “No discussion. Until further notice you are to remain here and continue your training under my direct supervision. Understood?” Tinker Bell: “Yes, Blue.” (The Blue Fairy exits. After a moment, Tinker Bell sneaks a look around, making sure no one can see her, and flies off again.)
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The Enchanted Forest. Present. Dark Castle. (Neal and Robin Hood discuss Neal’s plan.) Robin Hood: (Worried:) “Are you out of your mind? He’s four years old.” Neal: “The shadow won’t touch him, I promise.” Robin Hood: “How do you know that?” Neal: “Because I’ve done that before. It was what took me to Neverland as a kid. All Roland has to do is summon it. That’s it. I’ll take it from there. I’ll be the one going to Neverland. Not him.” Robin Hood: (Worried:) “So, at best, my toddler is bait. At worst something goes wrong and a demonic shadow carries him through a portal to the nastiest person you’ve ever met.” Neal: “Look, Robin. I have to get there.” Robin Hood: (Sighs:) “I lost my wife a while back. Before that we almost didn’t have Roland. She was so sick. Now, she’s gone. He’s all I have. I can’t lose him.” Neal: “So you know how I feel. I need my boy. And Emma. They’re all I have.” Robin Hood: (Angry:) “So, because I know what it is to value family, I should risk mine?” Neal: “When she was sick, your wife, how did she live so that she could have your boy?” Robin Hood: “You know how.” Neal: “My father. He saved her. And your son.” Robin Hood: (Visible feeling uneasy:) “Ah. (Turning away:) Right. (Facing Neal again:) Once. He stands at the window. He calls out once. That doesn’t take, that’s it. No second chance.” Neal: “You've got to understand this is my second chance.” Neverland. Present. (The group travel on endlessly through the forest. Hook, David & Mary Margaret heading up the group, Regina and Emma bringing up the rear. Regina stops and decides to wait behind.) Emma: “Hey.” Regina: (Shrugs:) “Hey.” Emma: “You’re falling behind. Hook thinks her place is right up ahead. Come on.” Regina: “Well, if she still lives there. You go waste your time searching, and I’ll wait.” Emma: (Frowns, walks back:) “What did you do to her?” Regina: “What? Why would you assume I did something?” Emma: “You’ve met her before, right? In the Enchanted Forest? What did you do? Kill her brother? Steal her halo?” Regina: “She’s not an angel. Okay, we have a complicated history.” Emma: “I knew it.” Regina: “You don’t need to know all the details. But if she sees me she won’t help. And if she’s the way in, well then, trust me, my staying out of her sight is probably best for Operation Henry.” (Takes a seat on a log.)
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Emma: “Operation Henry?” Regina: “That’s what I’ve been calling it in my head because-” Emma: “He’d call it that.” Regina: “He’d have a better name. But, it’s the best I can do.” Emma: (Sighs:) “I’m sorry about before. I didn’t mean to imply that you’re not just as worried about Henry as I am. It’s just that-” Regina: “Magic is new to you. I get it. But it’s frustrating not being able to do anything worthwhile to save Henry. Having to rely on that damned pirate isn’t helping either. Why is he helping us at all? What’s in it for him?” Emma: “He knows Neverland. That’s the only reason we’re listening to him right now. (Shrugs:) I think he feels he owes Neal something. Apparently they were close a long time ago.” Regina: (Looking away:) “Something you both share.” Emma: “Hey. (Regina looks up at her:) Don’t worry about what Mary Margaret said. Yes, I’m sad about Neal’s death but that’s more about Henry than me. He just got to know his dad and then he’s gone.” Regina: “But not before his fiancee abducted Henry.” Emma: (Sensing Regina just wants to argue:) “Okay. We’ll get Tinker Bell and I’ll come get you.” Regina: “No, don’t bother. It’s better if we never see one another. And if you don’t find her, keep going. Just get Henry. Don't worry about Tinker Bell.” Emma: “What the hell did you do to her?” Regina: (Sighs and slightly shakes her head:) “What I always do.” (Emma hesitates, then walks away.)
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