#that's a nice thought buddy
pantheon-panic · 1 month
“I, um… might have… had something to, uh… do with that…”[thinking for God or Hades but open to anyone you feel better suited to interactions with my Lu]
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Elohim, or God, or Father...whatever one wished to call Him of late, looked upon His youngest [well he used to be the youngest till Lucid and Micah were created] with nothing less than adoration. The kind that had been there when Lucifer had been born...and that had vanished abruptly at some point, almost as if it had been stolen away. It had been. But few ever knew that tale. As it stood right now though, his son was admitting to having caused this to even be possible.
"I don't doubt that...I owe you and the others an unpayable debt." He was still so tired, especially after all that. He wasn't sure if saving him had been the intent, but He was grateful all the same. "When I have regained more of my strength, I owe you a great boon..." if it were something that the Morningstar wished, he could reinstate him even. Though he would need to tweak a few things...it wasn't as if Lucifer did not have a life he'd made for himself. He couldn't ask him to leave all that behind. Perhaps a new title...something that would befit him and grant him the ability to go as he wished; something that fit him.
The Angel of Freedom...that had a nice ring to it. Freedom to be, freedom to go, freedom to exist as he wished...
Of course this was just a thought at the moment.
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eromrevencrow · 9 days
Okay okay. Some are saying that iwtv is not about being in love with the monster, but the horror of the monster being in love with you, which I think it's too simple since it's more about 'the monster loves me, but what if I am a monster too? What if the monster is actually a mirror of everything I don't love about myself and the beauty of learning to love all this monstrous things about me, in you?'
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kaltacore · 11 months
the way cole makes varric conflicted is so delicious i think. most of the characters are uncomfortable around him because they're genuinely terrified of demons and the fade and magic in general but varric is a completely different case. the thing is, he doesn't see cole as a demon at all because he doesn't want to.
he acts like he doesn't care about this stuff. that's a little weird kiddo around here and he wants to befriend him. teach him something even. why not. that's a little guy who's a little too good with knives and can't pick up a single social clue at the same time.
but there it is. the "he could have been a person" line if cole is made more spirit. varric is so upset about it because it's not like he saw cole as, well, a spirit who got a little too human. for varric, he was a human first, a weird kid second. the spirit part didn't even come into consideration because. well. it would make him question things. you know where it goes.
every time he starts bitching about anders he brings up justice. justice drove him mad. justice took over him. justice this, justice that. justice is a scapegoat because the thought that someone varric was friends with was actually willing to blow up the chantry and it wasn't just some evil demon's wish is a very unsettling one. varric's friends may be crazy but they're cool and make no irreversible life decisions of that extent, don't they? blondie turned out this way because he let a demon possess him and make him do terrible things. completely out of the blue.
it's either varric's ex-friend has never been driven crazy by some inherently evil entity and there was a whole other person around him all along and that anger he used to mock was coming from the same place as compassion's urge to become a killer or that little weird but kind kid he started to care about has never been and will never be a real kid. he can't have both. a bitter pill to swallow for someone who has never picked a side in his life
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warpedpuppeteer · 4 months
Eddie jealous this. Eddie jealous that. Where's my jealous Buck?? I NEED IT so much you don't understand. I need jealous Buck in canon asap!
Eddie being flirted with or getting close to someone and Buck is like, seething. His jaw is clenched and he does that Death Stare that he did while he was punching the shit out of that punching bag. He looks at Eddie with hawk eyes, unmoving, just watching his body language.
And of course Buck being Buck, he does feel bad about it. He doesn't understand why he's suddenly so possessive over Eddie's friendship so he tries to be Normal but then whenever that person shows up it's like instinct by now to just Dislike them.
And where jealous Eddie is all snide/sassy comments and silent side eyes. Buck is very loud about it. He's more tactile with Eddie; arm on his shoulder/waist, hand at the small of his back, pulling him along with excuses about work or something and introducing himself like hey I'm buck and then completely ignoring the person while having important conversations with eddie (like about Their Son. who they are raising. Together. You know, normal friends stuff). You know, showing them who's more important. He also over praises Eddie to the point where the other person is like (uhhh are they... together) while eddie is extremely embarrassed and is quietly trying to make Buck stop.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
No, because you don't get it, I want buddie to go canon this season, but I don't want them to get together this season. I have not been writing pining Eddie like it's my job to NOT watch Eddie pine in canon. The slow burn should continue to slow burn, I just want them to turn up the heat. I don't need them to pour gasoline here, I'm fine if they just stop standing in the fire.
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vimbry · 3 months
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eliasdrid · 4 months
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some screenshots of Maid Butler from Episode 11 of Dogengers: Nice Buddy (2021)
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reikurusu · 2 months
I can't believe it's been a year since Buddy Daddies ended!! T_T I still love this anime and this adorable little family with all my heart and I'm so grateful that there are still so many people making art/fics/posts/... about them!! :')
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murdockbuckley · 2 months
you can't convince me they're not having a kitchen home cooked dinner date
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neverevan · 4 months
I just realised that there's almost always a Charlie involved when it comes to some of the more pivotal moments in Buck and Eddie's life, like...
• The guy with the grenade in his leg: Charlie
• The girl with the drone in 3x03: Charlie
• The side of the building Eddie goes to in 4x05: Charlie
• The kid's name when Eddie gets shot: Charlie
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very-feral-lesbian · 1 year
the season six finale has officially become the lowest rated episode of 911 ever. here's my thoughts as to why season six as a whole is bad. this is long. it is needed.
objectively, the show has become repetitive.
kirsten reidel has no creativity when it comes to the storylines of buck and eddie. i am going to be focusing a lot on buck and eddie during this talk due to the fact that they have been the most neglected characters when it comes to relationships, and because there has been some serious, queerbaiting throughout the season alongside the worst of the show's writing.
this is our third love interest that buck has had that was representing one singular aspect of himself that becomes suddenly prominent due to the plot at the time. ali made buck realize that he needed someone who was going to appreciate his line of work and that it was a non-negotiable part of himself. abby served as a tool for buck to realize he could be in a serious relationship involving something more than sex. and now with natalia, she just represents this part of his life where he gets himself into near death situations and how to deal with them. these are all important aspects to buck’s personality and life; however, they don’t represent him as a whole.
buck deserves someone who knows him for all parts of who he is, and this show refuses to do that, because if we go from a logical standpoint, if eddie was a woman, and they still had the kind of relationship that they have now, they would be together. their personalities match, they are fucking coparent, and their lives are parallel to one another. 75% of their storylines outside of the emergencies at work are intertwined and coexist with one another.
the only other people with such interconnected storylines are the other couples and the families.
yes, hypothetically if they introduced a character who is basically like a woman version of eddie, and genuinely had this chemistry with buck then i wouldn't be mad. yet they actively choose people who do not have chemistry with him. especially with natalia having chosen a woman who failed a chemistry read with him (oliver) for a fucking romance movie. how are we, as an audience, supposed to ignore their lack of chemistry?
and i will say there was also something that happened in an interview with oliver that made me mad. as we have seen throughout the show, chris has become one of, if not the most, important person to buck outside of his sister. he fathers chris like he wished his father did to him. and oliver has even discussed this in interviews before, stating that buck is coparenting with eddie. but in his most recent interview, he made it seem like the idea of parenting is completely new to buck.
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i don’t wanna put the blame on oliver, but the way that he is speaking so differently within such a short amount of time about these relationships, indicates that there was a change at some point. because during the second interview, it was very obvious that they were treating Buck like a second parent to christopher. they said that he was giving him the parental love that he never had. and now they are acting like buck has never experienced what it’s like to be a parental figure, which we have seen (and been told in the past) is the furthest thing from the truth.
before i get into eddie’s relationships, i do want to point out a couple things that also did make me mad this season that are smaller, but still important.
there was a scene between hen, karen and hen's mom when denny was trying to have a relationship with his father. hen's motherly "said that a boy needs his father". this is homophobia. it’s not even subtle. saying to two fantastic mothers of a child that that a child needs a father figure to grow up correctly. this show prides itself on having diversity, although a negligent amount. having a black lesbian family can go so far and be great representation. but now they are just throwing all of their work away by having this character say the most homophobic shit.
in general, the show is very good at not including repercussions of actions or situations. we have not gotten discussion about athena‘s father since the episode about him. they completely abandoned hen's medical storyline, giving an unjust ending that felt incomplete. and bobby’s storyline about that sponsor of his was just dropped like nothing. yes this happens a lot in procedural dramas. however, that doesn’t mean it should happen. this show is nothing without these characters, they make the show. yet, they set up all these gigantic plot lines only to not follow through or provide any insight about how it’s impacting the character going forward, leaving so many things feeling incomplete. and this leads me to eddie.
last time that we saw eddie date, christopher literally ran away from home to bucks because he was upset. and now, with zero resolution about christopher‘s feelings, with little to no talks about it, eddie has allowed chris to have information regarding a woman that he might possibly date before even dating her. this makes no sense for who eddie is as a person. his number one priority is his son, and he has made that clear several times that his son comes before dating. why suddenly is he spreading this information to christopher like it’s nothing? yes, chris has grown up a lot since then, but it was still an unresolved plot line that heavily impacted two of our main characters, but it was dropped like nothing.
i want to talk about the couch theory. oliver had hinted that the couch theory was very important and was going to come to a head at the season finale. i find it extremely difficult to believe that the couch theory that has been set up since the beginning of this season was created to be finalized with a character that we have seen for less than 10 minutes of screen time and has been in less than three episodes. you cannot begin to tell me that all of this work towards this metaphor that has been beautifully written is now just finished with a random character, that we know little to nothing about except her job. hypothetically, if we go with the idea that this was what it was meant to be from the beginning, they did a terrible job doing it. that is really undeniable. but if the originally story involved buddie due to the heavy involvement of eddie and chris in this metaphor, why change it? there have been undeniable parallels throughout the season and an almost frame by frame shot of buck and christopher doing the exact same thing on eddie’s couch, only for the answer to buck's "couch problem" to be natalia? i dont buy it.
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as for this season six finale, it was a fucking disaster. for a drama about fire fighters, for all they have been through, a bridge collapse is nothing. there was no moment where i thought one of our main characters were dead. there was no intensity and very little emotion about the scene, except from maddie.
it was only made worse by the jumpcut at the end where all the characters are just fine. eddie had several broken ribs? nope, he's all healed, let him cheer and jump in the air. chim had a rod through his abdomen (that he proceeded to pull out because despite him being a paramedic, he definitely wouldn't know proper procedure)? he's perfectly fine, no mention of any repercussions of that injury. and cap had no injuries after being crushed by a literal bridge? of course, makes perfect sense!
when comparing this season finale to other plot lines like the tsunami, the earthquakes, the texas fires, the lightning strike, the firetruck on bugs leg, and countless others, this felt so subtle. and it was only exasperated by the last 20 minutes of the episode feeling incredibly out of place, like someone wrote it without seeing the first half of the script.
in general, i think that if 911 continues to have the same show runners and writers from this point forward, it is going to be a repetitive nightmare of a mess of a procedural drama. it is no longer good, there is no creativity in the show anymore, they have created these backstories for all of their characters and refuse to follow through with them.
i have loved this show and the community of 911 since season two when I started watching it, and it is undeniable that there have been some masterpieces of storytelling in the show. nothing will ever beat the tsunami, or any of the "_____ begins" episodes. that is where they peak. they peak when they focus on their main characters and showing their history and how human they are. and yet with every new episode, they undo the work.
i don’t like to throw queerbaiting around for a plethora of reasons, but season six has changed my mind on that. if they truly created the couch theory just to have it end up with natalia, then why include buck being on eddie’s couch then parallels it to their son? why would you cast someone who failed a chemistry test with your main character to be that character's love interest? i legitimately want a reason. because at this point it is just homophobia. they don’t want to do the storyline because it would mean that two more of their characters are queer. and it seems like they want the minimum diversity possible. they already have one gay couple, so why have another? they already hit the gay diversity mark.
there’s a reason that this episode is the lowest rated episode of 911 of all time. If ABC does not listen to 911 fans, season eight will be the last season of the show.
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andtheyreonfire · 8 months
thinking about giant/tiny modeling. tiny models advertising a product by sitting on/in it directly. nothing like seeing a billboard for a box of chocolates with an actual, tiny person curled up next to the sweets. tiny models that sit in teacups, on plates, next to a watch or a pencil or literally any common, household object. tiny models with a lavish dressing room they can't even get around in, because the vip room happens to be 20x their size.
tiny models that may only be the size of your finger, but still effortlessly command your attention when you see them across the room. with the way they act, not even squirming as a dozen agents and journalists loom over them, they're obviously used to the attention. you can't tell if they're only used to it because they expect it, at their size. they're such a cute, pretty little thing. how could you not adore them?
on the flipside, the way a giant model commands your attention is an absolutely breathtaking experience. every distant movement is like watching a living natural disaster. they're so gentle with the scenery around them, but you get the feeling they treat it more as beloved play set. giant models that lean next to buildings, blocking off multiple streets just for a single, quick shoot. giant models hunched a team of makeup artists readying them for the camera. leaning down for a dozen ladders, even holding a stylists in their hands. giant models that don't even fit in the frame. you'll see their lips, their eyes, the whorl of their fingertips in magazines, far sooner than you'll see their entire body.
giant models that make you freeze, instinctually, when they meet your gaze from across a warehouse. you can't help but cautiously wave to them. the slight chuckle from massive, painted lips rumbles through your chest, even across the distance between you. butterflies squirm in your stomach when they wink at you, a movement practically broadcast to the entire room. with the way they look like a fallen angel, and the fact that every second only reminds you how massive they are, you know you're faced with something far, far more dangerous than a simple hurricane.
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roeiswriting · 2 months
The prospect of a coming out storyline on one of the most popular shows currently airing on television where a firefighter in his 30s discovers his sexuality is so incredibly important.
Now this is all just a theory as of now, from glimpses into episodes from stills and interviews with Oliver, but the prospect of Buck being queer and this being a season of discovery and self reflection for Buck is a beautiful idea.
A story I always remember from when I was around 13 is how some of my family would speak about a family member of mine, about how they came out in their thirties, and that they had “lied and deceived” them all for years. There was so much negative talk about them coming out at what the family had deemed was “too late” which I always thought was bullshit. I could never understand how they somehow were obvious to how difficult it was for a young person with very strict and arguably “traditional” parents growing up in the 80s/90s to accept that part of themself and feel safe to share it.
I grew up in the 2000s, when this family member was already out and had been for some time. I got a lot of shit from a close member of my family for “coming out too young” being “too young to know”. Years of them simply ignoring the fact I knew who I was, telling people around us that I was “confused” and I “didn’t know” who I was. But for me growing up with that queer member of my family I didn’t really ever have a heteronormative idea of life. I always just thought I’d grow up to love whoever, gender was never even a factor. They were really great to have around when I was a kid, them and their partner would look after me from time to time and it was great. I admire their strength and ability to overcome this stigma to live their life with their partner to the absolute fullest.
For Buck to go on this journey, to open up a part of himself which he may simply have never thought of before or knew existed is telling the story of so many people, people who are often not seen on television. Things that should be normal in our society but on reflection when do we see these story’s that reflect these people actually on television. A story that could make it easier on so many people.
If there is anything I could promise to anyone who isn’t in a space where they can come out, or hopes in the future they may be able to, it would be this.
There is not an age limit on coming out to those that you love and trust. There is no requirement to come out at all. All that you should ever do is live your life to the fullest loving who you are and loving who your heart skips a beat for every time you catch their eye.
Television mirrors our lives, it gives people hope and strength and an understanding that you are not alone in this. That is why it is something people hold on to, and whether this happens or not the idea itself is a great one.
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hyperfixatedbean · 29 days
I think the reason I like buddie so much is that they already are a family
You can see their love growing during all the seasons, no matter if you see it as platonic or romantic you can’t deny that they already LOVE each-other
I started to watch 9-1-1 when s7 was out and Buck was officially Bi (it’s what convinced me to start watching, my friend had been a fan for a very long time and this was the final argument for me to watch xD)
So I started the serie knowing he was currently with Tommy, knowing there was nothing (canonically) romantic between Eddie and him, but still, I could see the love between them, the way Buck became family to Chris and Eddie, the way Eddie’s Home is also Buck’s Home
There’s so many little clues, little things between them all the time !!
No matter how ADORABLE I find Buck and Tommy, Buddie will stay my n°1
I just love a good best friend to lover trope <3
Especially with the whole co-parenting stuff, they’re just the most adorable family ever 🥹
So yeah, I like Bucktommy (a lot !!!) but I still do hope Buck and Eddie will get together 🫶
And that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy Buck current relationship, I enjoyed the cute moment between him and Taylor, I’m currently REALLY enjoying him and Tommy, they’re both so great for each-other
But here ? On Tumblr out of all place, I’m supposed to pick a side ? I can’t enjoy bucktommy without seeing buddie hate and vice versa
It’s getting frustrating 🥲
Hope I can find my people, the ones who don’t judge and that like both 😔 ! (Or like one and tolerate the other without hating)
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cageyperry · 1 year
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Hear me out:
He’s wearing one of Kazuki’s shirts
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sunflowerdigs · 1 month
Where's Guzman in all this? Why ain't he saying anything about buddie?
Because at this point on the show, Buck is the character that has come out as bisexual, and we don't technically know whether Eddie returns his feelings. Oliver is free to talk about the possibility of Buddie within the context of Buck's bisexuality and canon attraction to men.
Interviews are used for multiple purposes and one of them is to continue to build the narrative off-screen. Eddie hasn't yet officially entered the narrative because we technically don't know that he can be attracted to men. If (and maybe I'm just riding the validation high of Oliver's interviews, but I think it's more like when) we see on screen that Eddie possibly does have feelings for men - omg, anon, put on your seatbelt, because hurricane Ryan is gonna be slamming into town alongside Oliver!
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