#the ballad of songbirds and snakes imagine
phoward89 · 1 day
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Stepcest, Stepson!Coryo x Stepmother!Reader, Sub!Coriolanus, Soft!Dom!Reader, Crassus Snow x Younger!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Crassus Snow is a cold hearted asshole, but he's a hot asshole... Stepcest, Cuckold, older man/younger woman, arranged marriage, cheating, affairs, secrets, cussing, secret love child
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Part 2:
Your son Cassian Xandros was the spitting image of his father; his grandfather too. But nobody knew that. Mhm… Everyone thought that Coriolanus was the big half-brother and that Crassus was the proud father.
And that's the way it's going to be.
It's best for everyone involved.
And after Crassus arrived to visit you in the hospital after you gave birth, he ended up ordering his son to go to the University’s library to study and to work on whatever class assignments he missed out on. Coriolanus begrudgingly did as he was told; leaving you and Crassus alone with baby Cassian.
Alone to bond as a family.
Ha! As if…You'd rather be bonding with Coryo and Cassian right now, but you're married to Crassus. So you're stuck having a family moment with him.
Crassus picked Cassian up from the bassinet Coriolanus had put him back in, only to cradle the newborn while taking a seat in the open chair next to you. Looking between you and your son, your husband asked, “Has your mother seen him yet?”
“No.” You shake your head. “But Coriolanus called her as soon as Cassian was born tho.”
Crassus didn't make a remark about your mother being MIA, but he did have a disapproving glare in his cold pale blue eyes. “Has my mother been here to see her grandson?” The war hero asks, assuming that Coriolanus would've arranged for Tigris to bring Grandma'am to the hospital hours ago.
“No, but Coriolanus said that he'd bring her by to meet Cassian.”
“How? The sniveling brat doesn't have a car; he walks everywhere.” The stern man asks in a biting scoff. Cutting down his oldest son (like he always did).
“I know that, Crassus.” You dryly sigh. “I assume he meant to bring her by in a cab.” You logically supply while watching Crassus smooth his large hand over your son's wisp of pale blonde hair.
Standing up and placing the baby in your arms, he told you, “You need to nurse him; I'll go pick up my mother and bring her here.” The cold, giant blonde man’s mouth turned up at the corners with pride. “She'll be happy to know that our son looks like a true Snow heir.”
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Before going to your penthouse to pick up Grandma'am, Crassus went to your childhood home to see your mother. He had a few choice words about her not visiting you and the baby in the hospital after Coriolanus called. Helenium’s your mother, she's supposed to visit you and Cassian, her grandson.
What kind of grandmother snubs their own newborn grandson?
“Crassus Snow, why am I being cursed with your presence on my threshold?” Helenium asked your husband, cigarette holder dangling between her fingers, after answering her front door.
Crassus, who was well over 6ft tall, towers over your mother as he dryly remarks, “That's not any way to speak to your son-in-law.”
Your mother wasn't in a mood to stand around and chit chat with your husband. Glaring at Crassus, your mother reminds him of why he's even your husband in the first place. “You're only my son-in-law as a favor to Javani, your dead war buddy and my late husband.”
Crassus didn’t find Helenium's remark to be amusing. He didn't go out searching for your hand in marriage. In fact it was quite the opposite.
“Hey, you're the one that came running to me for help; wanting me to find somebody to marry your daughter- somebody that wouldn't make her completely miserable, because General Byzantine kept harassing you about her.”
“That horrible man’s friends with Strabo Plinth, the richest man in the goddamn Capitol, so yes I wanted you to help me marry Y/N to somebody before Strabo came knocking on my door shoving a blank checkbook in my face while his friend gave me a pen and marriage contract to sign for my daughter.” Your mother told the man standing at her front door. A man that she couldn't stand the sight of.
A man that she absolutely, undoubtedly, without a doubt hated with every fiber of her being.
Shaking her head, she revealed, “I never thought you'd marry her yourself, Crassus.”
“Yes, well, Y/N is young and beautiful.” Crassus told your mother before revealing his true need for you with, “And, since I plan on running in the presidential race as soon as President Ravenstill either resigns or dies from his poor health, Y/N’s beauty will make for the perfect First Lady on my arm.”
“I'm not voting for you; I'll vote for your opponent.” Your mother tells your husband.
But little does your mother know that when the time does come to vote for a new president that she'll be voting for Crassus. That she'll approve of Crassus in the Presidential Mansion ruling over the nation of Panem rather than his young opponent.
And unknown to everyone, the next presidential election’s going to be very close and very very dirty…
“Yes, well, I'm not here to hash out my career goals or why we’re in-laws. I'm here to tell you that you need to go to the hospital to see Y/N and Cassian.”
Your mother took a long drag off her cigerette holder, only to look up at Crassus and blow a lungful of smoke into the direction of his face as he towers over her. “No, I'm not going tonight. But I'll see them tomorrow.”
Crassus narrowed his cold, icy blue eyes at your mother. “Y/N’s your daughter and Cassian's your newborn grandson, why aren't you seeing them tonight? As a grandmother shouldn't you want to see your own grandson?”
“I'll still be their mother and grandmother tomorrow, Crassus.” Helenium flatly reminds your husband. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for work tonight.”
“Javani would be appalled, ashamed, and disgusted by what you've become, Helenium.” Crassus told your mother, disdain dripping from his tongue, before pivoting on his heel and heading towards his car that was parked on the curbside.
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“Mother, have you noticed a change between my wife and Coriolanus?” Crassus asks his mother, who's dressed to the nines in her fineries to meet her newest grandson, as she sits in the backseat of his car while he drives them to Capitol General Hospital.
Crassus, unlike other Capitolites, didn't have a chauffeur. He prefers to be in control; like to be behind the wheel. General Snow doesn't trust a driver's judgment. In fact he trusts his own judgment over that of a hired hand.
“What kind of change, Crassus, dear?” Grandma'am asked, her voice a bit aloof, as she looked out the window. She looked like the epitome of a fine Capitolite lady, which in fact she truly was.
“Have you noticed if they've become closer as of lately?” Crassus asked, brow raised.
The middle-aged man had noticed for the last few months how his whinny, spoiled brat of a son kept looking at you with a certain- yearning? And the. He called you mommy, which was unsettling to Crassus to say the very least. The only instances he knew of where grown men call grown women who's not their mother ‘mommy’ is when that man's a sub with a kink.
Crassus wouldn't put it past his son to be subby, but a mommy kink? Yea…well…he supposes he can see Coriolanus being into that as well.
Lord knows that Crassus has the stamina of a race horse. That he's been taking libido suppressants ever since getting with you since he doesn't think you can handle his true nature, being so young and all. Plus, it's not as if your marriage is a love match. It's a marriage of convenience, so quick meaningless sex is the expected norm.
Isn't it?
Well, you never complained so Crassus figures you're fine with the very boring vanilla sex life the two of you lead.
If only he knew that wasn't the case at all. That you're fulfilling your needs elsewhere. And with his son: the sub…
“Coriolanus called Y/N mommy in the hospital while explaining that she let him help her narrow down the baby names.” The war hero adds in, to future accentuate his worries and questions for his proper Capitolite lady of a mother.
“Oh, Crassus, it seems like Coriolanus is finally accepting a maternal figure in his life.” Grandma'am waved off her son's concerns. The old woman was a typical grandmother who felt that her grandson was a spotless, precious, innocent, baby lamb in her eyes.
If only Grandma'am knew that her grandson Coriolanus is actually a wolf in sheep's skin.
Crassus shook his head, knowing that he wouldn't get anywhere with his mother. She was an old woman who was charmed by her grandson’s smile and proper demeanor. She'll never think that her grandson could have perverted thoughts.
Crassus on the other hand decided to keep a closer eye on his son’s actions around you. He already picked up on how Coriolanus looks at you, so doing his own little investigation on his son's feelings for you won't be too hard.
But Crassus thinks that his son doesn't have the balls to try anything with you. That Coriolanus would be too scared of the punishment (being cut off from his trust fund) that would befall him if he seduced you.
If only Coriolanus was truly that ball-less. But he wasn't. He had a pair since he successfully seduced you, his stepmother, to become his lover. His ‘mommy’ that rides his cock hard and fast; who bosses him around and indulges him in all of his fantasies.
“I suppose you're right, mother.” Crassus tells Grandma’am as a way to close out the subject he brought up. A thin, barely there smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he tells his mother, “Your new grandson, Cassian, looks like a true Snow. Platinum blonde hair and icy blue eyes.”
“Oh, Crassus, I can't wait to meet him.” Grandma'am replies with the excitement Crassus expects from a normal grandmother. A reaction that your mother never showed.
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Grandma'am Snow fawned over Cassian Xandros the moment Crassus placed him into her arms. The old woman smiled at your son, only to look at you and Crassus and say how proud she was that another Snow grandbaby was born. One that looked like a true Snow too, since the Snow looks are very important to upkeep in the family’s lineage.
You thought that the old woman was a bit extra for saying that, but to each their own.
Before Crassus and Grandma'am left to go home a nurse came into your room to explain that you and the baby would only be staying for a day since the labor went without a hitch. The nurse gave your husband the information about the date and time of your discharge so that he could be around not just to take you and the baby home, but to help you fill out the baby's legal paperwork.
So, that's why you're in your hospital room with your husband and a nurse as she asks the required questions that are on the form that will become your son's birth certificate. His legal paper proving his Capitol citizenship.
First the nurse asked the baby's name, to which your husband answered, “Cassian Xandros Snow.”
When the nurse asked about your name and birthday Crassus let you answer that yourself. And when the nurse asked your address, the cold natured man that you're cursed to call your husband answered for you with, “Road of Hope 26, 12th floor Penthouse.”
The nurse nodded and scribbled down the address before asking what your occupation, to which Crassus answered with house wife. Looking at your husband, the nurse asks, “Father's full name, please.”
“Crassus Xanthos Snow.”
You blinked your eyes, shocked to hear that your son's middle name was so similar to your husband's. You didn't even realize it when you discussed it with Coriolanus. Did your lover know that your baby's middle name would be so similar to Crassus'? Hmm…
Then the nurse asked Crassus his birthday, but his answer had you reeling more than the discovery of his middle name. When you heard the year of your husband's birth you quickly did the mental math and came to the startling conclusion that he's younger than you initially thought. Crassus isn't 60, but he's only middle-aged. Crassus is in his mid-40s.
Yea, he's much younger than you thought he was.
So why did both your mother and Coriolanus let you believe that he was old?
And since he's essentially a DILF, why does Crassus pop blue pills; why is your sex life the bare minimum?
Nothing makes sense.
Why couldn't you be married to Coriolanus right now? Things would be so much easier if he was your husband.
And talk about the devil…
Coriolanus strolled right into your room, bouquet of white roses in his hand and a smile stretching wide across his face; baby blues flashing manically. And then when he saw you sitting on the edge of the bed, fully dressed with the baby cradled in your arms and his father sitting next to you all while a nurse asked the question of, “Father's occupation?”, the younger blonde man’s smile faltered.
“Military.” Was Crassus' curt reply to the nurse, all the while Coriolanus was asking why he wasn't told about your discharge. A question to which Crassus answered with a clipped, “Y/N’s my wife, not yours. And Cassian's my son; your baby brother, so you have no need to know about such things.”
Turning to you with tears brimming in his icy eyes like shiny diamonds, Coriolanus’ lower lip quivers as he asks, “Mommy, why wouldn't you call me about your discharge? Didn't you want me here to help you?”
Oh boy…
Not now. Not here in the damn hospital room. What the hell's wrong with Coryo? Is he crazy? He can't just go around calling you mommy in that subby tone of voice: the one he uses when he wants something from you whether it be in the bedroom or out of it.
Oh gods…
Coriolanus, your step-son, is acting up right now in front of both his father and the nurse. Oh, how you wish the floor could just swallow you up right now.
The nurse looked flustered, as if she was intruding in a family moment she shouldn't be a part of. Meanwhile, your husband's brows furrowed, as if the wheels inside of his head were turning.
Locking your eyes with Coryo's cerulean ones, you mustered up your soft dom voice and told him, “I have your father here to help me, Coriolanus. Crassus took some time off work to bring me and the baby home.”
Crassus' face was stern and his voice was low and cold as he told his young doppelganger, “Son, you need to be in class; not here tormenting my wife while she's being discharged with our newborn.”
“I told Dr. Gaul about mommy and the baby; she said I was excused from class to bond with my new mommy and baby brother.” Coriolanus countered his father in a bratty tone while placing the bouquet of white roses on your bedside table.
Oh gods, how you wanted to slap the boy with the light blonde halo of curls across the face. What the fuck’s wrong with him? This isn't funny. This isn't a game he's playing and breaking the rules with, this is your life.
You're married to Crassus; Coryo knows that, but here he is acting bratty and dropping hints here and there that you two are a little close.
The nurse seemed very uncomfortable by what was going on in your hospital room. So much so that she seemed a bit skittish as she flipped the paper on the clipboard to reveal the discharge papers. Before Crassus, you, or your brat of a step-son could say another word the nurse shoved the clipboard and the attached pen at your husband while saying, “Just sign, initial, and date the marked areas of the discharge papers please.”
Crassus nods at the nurse, only to pick up the pen and start marking up the papers in the prompted areas. Never looking up from the vast amount of paperwork, he sternly says, “Dr. Gaul's class is a tough one and one that's passing is required for Military Strategies majors. You, son, being a double major in both Military Strategies and Political Science, can't afford to skip a single day of her class.”
“I’m Dr. Gaul's star prodigy.” Coriolanus boasted with a charming smile. “She even says that once I graduate she'll be offering me a position as an Assistant Gamemaker right underneath her.” He added in, wanting to prove that there was nothing to worry about when it came to his studies with Dr. Gaul.
That woman gave you the creeps. And she says that Coryo's her star prodigy…
What the hell?...
“I thought after graduation you're signing up as an officer in the Peacekeepers; going to 2 for a couple months of quick training before receiving your commission?” Crassus asked Coriolanus, his brows arched, as he handed the clipboard back to the nurse.
“You decided I was going to follow your career path, but after talking to Dr. Gaul I've decided that I'm going to become a gamemaker.” Coriolanus told his father in a tone that screamed entitled brat.
“I'll go scan this into the computer and print out a copy of the birth certificate, then you'll be ready to go.” The nurse rattled out before rushing out of the room. Poor thing just had to get away from the Snow family before she cracked.
Father and son didn't even pay the nurse any mind. She left to scan the paperwork, good for her. Crassus and Coriolanus were too engrossed in their pissing match to care what the nurse did.
“You think you know better then me, son, but you're just a sniveling boy trying to play at being a man." Crassus told his son in a low biting tone that expressed his frustrations. Giving his son a hard, stern look, the older Snow said, "Now, you'll call off these silly notions of gamemaking and enlist as an officer in the Peacekeepers.”
“I am a man, father, and I'm not going to waste my abilities in the military like you did. I'm going to become a gamemaker and then I'll become a politician." A sneering smile crossed his face as he announced, "The best politician in all of Panem.”
“You're a bit too ambitious for your own good, aren't you, Coriolanus?” Crassus rhetorically asked his firstborn son- his deep voice stony and cold.
“And you're not ambitious enough, father, otherwise you'd be more than a minister of some military department.” Coriolanus hurled out without thinking. His bratty boy behavior was on full display right now.
Was he showing out because you're with Crassus, filling out paperwork for baby Cassian. You know that Coriolanus wants to be the one by your side when all of this important stuff is happening, but it's no cause for him to get jealous and become an unbearable brat.
Coriolanus is nearly 22 for Christ's sakes!
He needs to stop being a jealous brat. You're married to Crassus, his father, so he doesn't own you. Coriolanus has no claim over you. All he has is the same as you, the stolen moments in his bedroom during the dead of night.
Crassus' voice was a low hiss that reeked of danger as he gave his son the warning of, “You don't know a damn thing about my ambitions or my career son. So, I advise you to go to class before I throw you out of this room.”
“I have a right to be here-” Coriolanus began to protest, only for you to cut him off with the order of, “Go, Coryo, before things get worse between you and Crassus.”
The young platinum blonde's shoulders slump upon hearing your words. Are you siding with his hateful father over him, your lover and baby daddy? If Coriolanus wasn't so turned on by your bossy tone, he would've objected to your order. But he loves it when you tell him what to do in that soft dominant way you have.
It always sends a twitch straight down to his cock.
Hopefully later tonight, once the baby's put to bed and his father's asleep, you'll be able to take care of his hard, aching cock for him.
“Okay, mommy, I'll be good and go home.” Coriolanus told you, a hint of a smile on his face. A face that was so similar to his father's, only that his features were more youthful.
“Get your useless ass to class, Coriolanus. There's no need for you to be home so early in the afternoon.” Crassus snapped at his son, who was walking out of the room.
Turning to you, Crassus said in a neutral voice, “I have the day off to help you and the baby settle in at home, but I'm afraid I'm needed back at work tomorrow.”
“Don't worry about it, Crassus. I'll be fine.” You assure your husband right as the nurse entered the room with your son's birth certificate along with the paper of his stamped footprints on it.
“I wasn't worried about it; I was telling you so you wouldn't expect me at home cooing over you and the baby whenever I have more important things to attend to.” Crassus told you in a low, bland tone that hinted that he didnt view you or the baby as a priority in his life. That his work was worth more than you and your baby.
If only you were married to Coriolanus. He clearly values you and the baby more than his work.
Or at least you think that he does.
In time you'll find out that Coriolanus’ ambitions will turn him into a monster. A monster some deems worse as his father.
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slaymitchabernathy · 3 days
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Anything at all
| “If I let him do this to me, what else will I allow? Anything, anything, anything." - Catherynne M. Valente |
Soarynn stares at her reflection in the mirror.
She doesn’t see much. Just a plain, simple girl.
“A well-behaved Capitol girl,” he’d say to correct her.
Her dress is long and clings to her figure in places she’s not too comfortable with, but it’s not really up to her. It’s up to him.
Whatever he wants her to wear, she puts on. Whatever he wants her to eat, she eats. Whatever he wants her to do, she does.
She does anything for him.
She wishes she could do it out of love, devotion, joy. She does it out of fear. It wasn’t always this way. He wasn’t always this way.
When Soarynn met Coriolanus Snow he was utterly charming and polite. Even though he was five years older than her. She had just graduated from the Academy at eighteen and her father had brought her to a small gathering with some of his associates.
That’s when he introduced them to each other.
Soarynn had been so shy, so reluctant to look Coriolanus in the eye. He was so tall and handsome, he was someone who shouldn’t spend a moment with a girl like her and yet he was infatuated with her.
Despite their age gap, he took her on dates, brought her roses from his grandmother's garden, and showered her with gifts and promises.
Her father was more than pleased. Not only had he secured his daughter a proper husband, but himself a good business partner.
Coriolanus proposed a month after she turned nineteen. They got married that December and her father died in February. Heart failure. No one saw it coming, and certainly not Soarynn who adored her father with all her heart.
She had been gutted by his death. Only comforted by the knowledge that her husband would be there for her. How stupid she had been.
Two weeks after Glen Nightingale’s funeral, Soarynn and Coriolanus sat in a big, fancy office where she signed several documents that allowed Coriolanus full access to her father’s business assets. Since Soarynn was a woman, there was no need for her to look after her father’s business.
Coriolanus took over everything including her life.
It was remarkable how well he hid it. The monster inside of him. It was as if a flip had switched. Suddenly he was cold, harsh, and bitter. The gentleman she once knew was gone, vanished, only appearing when they were in public.
He took everything from her.
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Her hand rests on her stomach, a strange feeling still lingers there since she took that test. A pregnancy test.
Coriolanus has been more than vocal about wanting to have children, to grow their family, to expand the great Snow household. But Soarynn has been…hesitant. He’s already so strict with her, so harsh and cruel. She can’t imagine what he’d be like with children.
The naive part of her hopes he’d be kinder, more patient, and gentle. But it's wishful thinking and much to her dismay, she’s four weeks pregnant. Soarynn had hoped it was some mistake, a false positive, a defective test.
She took three more.
All positive.
And yet she hasn’t told Coriolanus. She’ll have to tell him sooner or later, one can’t hide their pregnancy forever. Soarynn has always been on the leaner side so any weight change will be significant to her husband who keeps close track of what she consumes.
Maybe she’ll tell him tonight after their dinner. He should be in a good mood as long as his friends don’t say anything too vulgar for his liking.
Soarynn doesn’t really care for her husband’s friends but it’s mostly because they’re all much older than her. All of them have been married much longer and remember the war more clearly than she does. And she knows how those women look at her, some with envy for her youthfulness, some with pity for the same reason.
“She’s so young,” one of them had whispered one night when Soarynn had attended a gala with Coriolanus. They had only been dating for a few months and it had been one of their first public appearances. It had caused some different reactions from different people.
Most men patted Coriolanus on the back whereas most women eyed Soarynn with contempt.
“That’s how he likes them,” another had whispered back, “easy to mold, easy to break. I’ll bet he gets her pregnant a month after their wedding if all goes to plan.”
A statement like that had horrified Soarynn who had only been trying to find the bathroom and it stayed in the back of her head ever since. They were right though, he had molded her, broken her. Without her father, all she had was Coriolanus and he loved it.
It didn’t help that she was rather shy and quiet compared to some of the other wives who were very opinionated. She had been the witness to one too many arguments between husband and wife after both had consumed far too much alcohol.
Coriolanus always spoke about it after, spoke about his disdain for outspoken women whose husbands let them walk all over them. “In a society like ours, there are rules, hierarchies, levels. And a woman’s place will always be below that of a man’s. Some of my friends would do well to remind their wives of that.”
If Coriolanus wanted a quiet wife he certainly got one. After revealing his true colors, Soarynn did her best to avoid him at all costs, only speaking to him when necessary.
But Soarynn would have to speak to him today, to get his approval on her current wardrobe for tonight. The dress was fine, and the shoes were more than uncomfortable but Coriolanus Snow was a man who expected his wife to always wear heels. Her jewelry was kept simple yet tasteful, classy enough to show off the Snow’s wealth without being seen as too flashy.
It takes a lot of effort to look effortless.
Soarynn ran her fingers through her blonde hair, making sure she hadn’t curled it too tightly like last time. Goodness knows she had gotten an earful about it from Coriolanus after they got home from the theatre.
The soft sound of purring is what pulls Soarynn from her thoughts and she looks down to see that Petunia has made her way into the closet. Petunia was a graduation gift from her father, Soarynn had always wanted a cat but her father said she wasn’t mature enough to take care of one.
Soarynn likes to think that Petunia is watching over her now since her father can’t. Soarynn can feel emotions bubbling up in her throat at the thought of her father, of her home that is now empty and closed up. They still own it since everything of her fathers was left to her, but it now truly and really belongs to Coriolanus. And he’s made no effort to put it to use.
She pushes those emotions down, she can't afford to get weepy tonight. Coriolanus had made it quite clear that he expected her to move on from her father's death in a timely manner and he's held her to that expectation ever since. Even though it's been six months, she still mourns the man who truly loved her.
Soarynn crouches down to scratch Petunia behind the ears, allowing herself a small smile. Coriolanus hadn't been thrilled about the cat moving in with them after they married and that should have been the first warning sign. But Soarynn had been so blissfully happy that she agreed to keep Petunia at her childhood home. She visited almost every day so it was fine.
But once father passed away, Petunia moved in with them. She avoided Coriolanus for the most part, stayed tucked away in corners of the penthouse, only coming out to be with Soarynn. It seemed that Coriolanus preferred it that way as well.
"Let's hope he likes this dress," Soarynn says softly to the cat. He picked out the dress but Coriolanus is often unpredictable and Soarynn never knows how he'll react to certain things. She's learned to live with it for the most part, to simply nod and smile and agree with all the things he says but it gets tiring after a while.
Soarynn collects her things and puts them into her purse before leaving the closet to go find her husband. The last she saw of him was in his study, finishing up some paperwork. Soarynn slows her steps as she approaches the door, not in any rush to speak to Coriolanus.
She remembers how she used to count down the minutes until she got to see him again. How giddy she would be in anticipation of their next date. She'd fuss over her appearance, wanting to be absolutely perfect for him. Little did she know that she'd be doing the same thing a year later, but not for the sake of her own vanity but for her husband's.
The door is closed and Soarynn raises her fist and softly knocks, waiting for a response. "Yes?"
She carefully pushes the door open and peeks her head in to see Coriolanus sitting behind his desk, a glass of whiskey next to several important-looking documents, "I'm ready," she tells him. He finally looks up from his work and Soarynn inwardly cringes at the critical gaze of her husband as he looks her up and down without shame.
"You should wear a coat," is all he says, "or a shawl. I don't want people to think my wife is trying to draw attention to her by dressing like that." Soarynn bites her tongue and doesn't point out that he is the one who picked out this dress, and simply nods and forces a small smile, "Okay, I'll go find something to cover up with."
꧁ ꧂
Heavensbee Hall is decorated quite luxuriously tonight.
Soarynn holds onto her husband's arm as they walk through the main room where many social events are held. The dinner they're attending tonight however is being held in a smaller, more intimate room.
"Remember, best behavior," Coriolanus says, giving her arm a squeeze. Soarynn nods and looks up at the ceiling where intricate depictions of vines and flowers have been carved, "I know."
Coriolanus steers them away from the hallway and into a small alcove where he takes a firm grip of her jaw, almost bruising it but not quite. Soarynn's eyes widen as she's forced to look up at her domineering husband, "I don't appreciate your tone," he hisses, "and I don't appreciate little brats who are ungrateful for all I've done for them."
Soarynn tries to steady her breathing because she knows that once her heart rate picks up, tears will soon follow. She can already feel them forming as she tries so desperately to blink them away but it's futile and one escapes her grasp.
Coriolanus scoffs at the tear, "Crying will not save you, it will not excuse you from dinner and it will not keep me from reminding you of your place once we get back home. Do you understand?" He stares down at her, daring her to defy him.
Soarynn swallows and manages to nod, "Yes, I understand."
He releases her jaw and dusts off his hands, "Good. Now be my good girl and stay by my side." He leans down and presses a kiss to her lips, a lustful one which. Soarynn only returns due to necessity. She used to like kissing Coriolanus, right up until her father passed away. Every kiss since then has only been returned because of her obligation as his pretty society wife.
When he pulls away he lets out a displeased groan and looks her up and down, "You could at least act like you enjoy it Soarynn." She suppresses a sigh and takes his large hand in her small one, "I do enjoy it," she tells him sweetly even though they both know that's far from the truth. He simply gives her a sharp look before leading them back out into the hallway where several other couples are walking.
Soarynn spots Festus and Persephone Creed, the man who is undoubtedly her husband's best friend and his wife who said Soarynn seemed far too young to be dating Coriolanus Snow. Both were in attendance at their wedding of course. Festus was even the best man.
"Looks like we all arrived at the same time," Festus remarks, reaching his hand out to Coriolanus who shakes it with a smile, "So it seems," Coriolanus agrees. Soarynn stays pressed to his side, offering Festus a small smile when he turns his attention towards her, "Lovely to see you again Soarynn." She allows him to press the expected kiss to her cheek before she nods at Persephone, "It's wonderful to see you two again."
Coriolanus pulls his hand from hers and wraps his arm around her waist instead, keeping her flush to his side, "I've heard rumors that there might be a game of poker later tonight." Persephone lets out a groan that would get Soarynn in a world of trouble and she notices her husband's face slightly falter before recovering, "I don't understand why you men can't play poker on your own time. Us women would like to enjoy the night as well."
Festus simply rolls his eyes at his wife's complaints, "It was a rumor Persephone, no need to make a fuss."
Soarynn stays silent as she watches the older couple bicker back and forth before Coriolanus finally suggests that they all make their way to the dining room so they aren't late. In a way, she admires how outspoken Persephone is, how she's not afraid to voice her opinion. But she supposes that Festus isn't as strict with her as Coriolanus is.
It seems to be on her husband's mind as well because he places a kiss on the top of her head as they walk into the dining room, his silent way of praising her for a job well done at being so behaved.
Soarynn used to bask in gestures like that. A squeeze of her hand, a kiss to her temple, him tickling her waist. They all mean nothing now that she knows who Coriolanus Snow truly is.
If only she realized that sooner.
꧁ ꧂
"Felix hasn't stopped talking about the horse races since they announced when tickets will be going on sale," Domitia Ravenstill says with a groan, "as if we don't have a private box."
Soarynn nods along with all the other women, all of whose husbands also own private boxes to attend events such as horse races. It was one of the first dates Coriolanus ever took her on. He let her bet on whatever horses she wanted and anyone who saw the two together could confidently say that he adored her. What happened to that man, she wonders to herself, glancing over near the fireplace where all the men are sitting.
"Soarynn?" She looks back at the group of women who are looking at her expectantly, "Yes?" Rarely do they ever truly acknowledge her so this is a surprise. Clemensia narrows her eyes before speaking, "We asked if you and Coryo are going to be having children any time soon." Soarynn blushes at the prospect of children, especially since she technically is with child already.
However, she finds the question somewhat interesting since none of these women seem to be having children of their own. Perhaps it's an unspoken rule that she has to be the first to bear her husband's children since she's the youngest in the group of prominent Capitol wives.
Soarynn picks at her cuticles for a moment, a habit that Coriolanus despises. "I actually am pregnant," she says softly and immediately regrets it when she's met with several loud gasps. All of these women seem to be surprisingly excited for her and she does not know how to feel about that. "Oh my goodness, what a blessing, Coryo must be thrilled," Persephone gushes.
Except he doesn't know, Soarynn thinks but that's going to change quite quickly it seems as she watches Clemensia and Persephone rise from the sofa and make their way across the room toward their husbands, more specifically her husband.
Oh no.
Soarynn feels her heart sink as she watches Persephone place a hand on his shoulder before saying her congratulations. Coriolanus looks up at her with a confused look on his face before she points at Soarynn, a big idiotic smile on her face.
His eyes meet her eyes and all she can see is held back anger. Anger for not telling him sooner, the moment she found out to be exact. But Coriolanus Snow has a reputation to uphold and he naturally smiles up at the two women before nodding. Soarynn stays frozen in her chair as the news spreads throughout the room like wildfire, everyone now talking about how Soarynn Snow is pregnant.
Soarynn feels someone's hand on her shoulder and she looks up to see Lysistrata Vickers, a friend of her husband's from the Academy, "Are you alright Soarynn?" What a loaded question. Soarynn slowly nods, "Yes, I...I think I might need a bit of fresh air is all." But to leave and go outside she'll need his permission.
Lysistrata looks over at the group of Capitol elites who are all still talking about the news and gives her shoulder a squeeze, "Why don't we go outside for a bit then? I'll come with you."
Soarynn knows she shouldn't. That she should go to her husband's side and stay there but the room is spinning and she so desperately wants out.
She looks up at Lysistrata and nods, "Alright."
꧁ ꧂
"You don't seem too excited about the baby," Lysistrata notes as they lean against the balcony railing, overlooking the city. Soarynn sighs and rests and hand on her stomach, trying to imagine a small human being growing inside of her, "I'm thrilled," she deadpans.
It would be wonderful to have a baby, someone to love unconditionally. But only if it's a girl. Soarynn knows Coriolanus well enough to know that should she have a boy, he'll want full control of the baby's life from the start. A girl is the only option for her.
"Have you thought of any names?" Soarynn shakes her head at the question, a question reserved for when she finds out the gender, finds out her child's fate to put it more lightly. "Not yet but I'm sure Coriolanus will have a few ideas." She doesn't mean to sound like she's making a jab at her husband but it certainly comes off that way and Lysistrata chuckles, "He's a bit of a control freak isn't he?"
If she were with anyone else, Soarynn would deny such claims, be scared that it's some sick twisted test he's putting her up to, trying to see where her loyalties lie. But she's seen Lysistrata enough to know that she can be trusted, well, trusted more than the others who wouldn't hesitate and run back and report to Coriolanus about his wife's behavior.
"He can be," Soarynn agrees, "but I know he just wants the best for me," she adds, not wanting to sound as if she's contradicting her husband.
Lysistrata hums, "You know, there are many ways to stop an unwanted pregnancy, if that's what this is to you." Soarynn's eyes widen and she grips the railing even harder, "What makes you think that I don't want this pregnancy?"
Every part of her is screaming that she doesn't want it, but Soarynn knows she doesn't have a choice. Not if he knows about it now and he's bound to punish her when they get home from keeping this a secret from him.
Lysistrata shrugs and looks out into the night sky, "Because if you did then Coriolanus would've known about it already."
Soarynn is surprised that Lysistrata managed to pick up on his initial surprise. Coriolanus can hide his expressions fairly well, but Soarynn has been with him long enough to be able to read the tiniest expressions, whether he likes it or not.
"He knew," Soarynn says, more for herself than for Lysistrata.
The sound of the balcony doors opening halts their conversation and Soarynn doesn't even need to look back to know who it is. "There you are darling, I've been looking all over for you." Soarynn plasters on her practiced society smile before turning around and looking up at her husband who easily towers over her even when she wears heels. "Well you found me," she replies, letting him place a possessive hand on her back.
Coriolanus hums and shoots Lysistrata a smile, "Lyssie, have you been enjoying yourself tonight?" Soarynn has never heard of this nickname before. She knows that close friends call him 'Coryo' but she has yet to be granted that privilege.
Lysistrata nods but the smile she gives him doesn't quite reach her eyes, "Yes. Congratulations, by the way, I'm sure you two must be thrilled." Coriolanus presses his hand hard against her back, "Yes, we were absolutely delighted to share the news with all of you."
Soarynn does her best to look pleased as she listens to their conversation but all she can think about is the scolding she's going to get when they arrive home, the lecture, the yelling, the tears.
She might throw up.
"I can take it from here Lyssie," Coriolanus tells his friend who looks hesitant to leave the couple alone. "You're sure?" She asks, the question directed at Soarynn. No one has ever stood up for her like this, and Soarynn is grateful but she also wishes that Lysistrata would just drop it. The bed has already been made. Soarynn nods, "Absolutely."
It's a tense ten seconds that pass by while they watch Lysistrata walk back inside. Soarynn doesn't say a word when Coriolanus grabs her face with his hand, tilting her head up and forcing her to look him in the eye, "How long have you known?"
"Four weeks," she answers, seeing no point in lying to him.
His jaw clenches and his grip on her face tightens, "And when were you planning to tell me, darling? Were you going to wait until your water broke? Or were you going to run off and try to terminate the pregnancy?"
Soarynn's throat tightens up at the last question because she doesn't think she could ever have the guts to do something like that behind his back. Coriolanus finds out everything.
She slowly shakes her head, "I wasn't...wasn't going to terminate the pregnancy. I was just scared." Coriolanus tilts his head, his eyes narrowing, "Scared of what?"
You, she thinks, but that won't do.
"Of becoming a mother," she whispers. Her own mother died after giving birth to her and his mother died trying to give birth to his little sister. It's one of his only soft spots and her answer has the intended effect on him. Coriolanus slightly relaxes and looks her up and down, still displeased by the turn of events tonight. "You'll still be punished when we get home."
Soarynn can't hide her disappointment and he smirks, "You didn't think that being pregnant would keep me from fucking you did you, darling?" Soarynn feels stupid to admit that she has, that she hoped this pregnancy might deter him from having sex with her in the aggressive manner he usually has.
Coriolanus lets out a raw chuckle and uses his grip on her face to turn it side to side as if she's shaking her head, "That's another lie Soarynn. You're just begging to be punished aren't you?"
Tears begin to form once again and she can't stop them from falling down her cheeks, "Please, please Coriolanus I'll do anything. I'm sorry, I should've told you as soon as I found out, as soon as I saw the test."
Coriolanus leans down until his lips are ghosting hers, "Yes you very well should have but it appears that you still haven't been properly trained. But don't worry darling, once I'm done with you tonight, you won't fucking breathe without asking for my permission."
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn's sobs sound throughout their bedroom as Coriolanus continues to fuck into her at a punishing pace.
But her crying has never stopped him from taking what he wants.
Their dresser is located directly across from their bed and a mirror sits on top of the furniture, granting her the perfect view of him fucking her from behind. The sight is normally bad enough, but the humiliation tonight has brought adds a new layer of shame for Soarynn.
She hates what she sees in the mirror now, a young, stupid girl, pregnant and trapped. With hair now chopped up to her chin.
She had been terrified of what he would do to her. Would he spank her? Choke her? Force her to crawl around on all fours like an animal? She wishes he had gone with one of those. But instead, he sat her down in front of her vanity, her hands tied behind her back so she couldn't stop him.
Soarynn had sobbed as he cut her hair off, watching it form a gold ring on the floor. Soarynn had never cut her hair short before, never saw the reason to do it and while she never felt an attachment to it, she certainly did now.
"It'll grow back," he had told her before setting the scissors down.
It was as if he took away all her girlhood in that very instant, claimed her as his, cut away the last pieces of the old her.
She hates him. She stares into her own eyes through the mirror, watching her soul die slowly. She hates him.
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn does her best to contain her sniffles as she sits in front of her vanity once again. Coriolanus is fast asleep in their bedroom, tuckered out after fucking her for hours. Soarynn takes in her ruined appearance, smudged makeup, bloodshot eyes, and a choppy haircut.
He'll want her to get it professionally cut. There's nothing Coriolanus hates more than an unkempt woman. But for now, she has to make do. Soarynn grabs the scissors and brings them up to her hair, her bottom lip trembles as she cuts a few strands, trying to even it out.
He hadn't tried to be skillful in cutting it, just getting his point across was good enough for Coriolanus.
"You belong to me."
Soarynn follows the line of her jaw and does her best to even the choppy cut, watching the silver blades gleam under the bathroom lights.
Soarynn lowers her arm and stares at the scissor blades for a moment, contemplating something she shouldn't be considering.
But wouldn't it be better this way? She wonders, wouldn't it be the only way out, the only way to show him that she is still capable of being her own person?
Soarynn takes in a sharp breath before dropping the scissors onto her marble vanity. She can't. Can't bring herself to cut her skin, to take her own life, to risk her child's life in the process. It would be entirely too selfish. And if for some reason she survived, well, she'd be in loads of trouble.
Soarynn rests her head in her hands, trying to ignore the disgusting feeling of his cum still lodged inside of her. Coriolanus Snow is a man who prides himself in finishing inside of her each and every time. It's probably how she got pregnant so quickly.
Soarynn looks in the mirror at her wrecked reflection, not recognizing the girl staring back at her.
“If I let him do this to me, what else will I allow?" She whispers to herself, thinking of all the things he's already done to her.
But she has something else to live for now, something to defend, to protect. Her child. And for them, she'll do anything.
"Anything, anything, anything at all."
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kolsmikaelson · 7 months
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jealousy looks good on you
cw ; smutty little jealous!coriolanus drabble, public piv sex, 18+
“what the hell was that, huh,” coryo’s hot breath is hitting the shell of your ear from behind. his thick length stretching you beyond what you thought possible. his pace is brutal, but it feels so, so good. “asked you a question. the hell was that back there with sejanus?” his lips, rough against your skin, press hot, desperate kisses to the juncture between your neck and your shoulder.
“nothing! coryo i swear it was nothing.” coriolanus had been getting more and more stressed as the reaping had come and gone and he had to begin preparing lucy gray. he didn’t want to be spending all his time with some girl from twelve, he wanted to be spending it with you, his lovely girlfriend. after a particularly rough night, coryo hadn’t slept much, the hunger in his stomach keeping him awake for a good portion of the night. he couldn’t wait to see you the next morning, only to see you all over sejanus. it was an innocent, friendly gesture. the two of you were talking while waiting on the platinum haired boy and sejanus cracked a joke at the wrong time, causing you to laugh while throwing your head back and smacking his upper arm lightly. coriolanus in his tired, hungry state didn’t take the sight of you two together all that well, dragging you away from a confused sejanus and to a secluded hallway, promptly flipping your skirt up and sliding your panties off of you and straight into his pocket. immediately pulling his cock out and stuffing you full.
“you sure about that,” he speeds his thrusts up, flicking his fingers over your clit. “‘cause it didn’t seem like nothing to me. you’re mine y’know” his thrusts are starting to get sloppier, a sign that he’s reaching his orgasm. “not stupid sejanus’. mine.” he all but growls in your ear. coriolanus brings his free hand up to cover your mouth to keep your moans from wandering ears while fucking into your wet heat harder.
“promise coryo, baby, ‘m yours. don’ want sejanus, only you.” you promise him, already so fucked out. his hips keep rutting against yours, pushing your back against the wall harder as your head falls into the crook of his neck.
“i believe you,” he pants in your ear, “cum, my darling, it’s okay.”
coriolanus fucks your pussy through both yours and his orgasm. “i’m not done with you,” he smirks, pressing a harsh kiss to your lips. “you’ve still got making up to do, darling.” and before you knew it, you were back in coryos room, a chair shoved under the door knob to keep it from opening, on your knees in front of him with his cock in your mouth.
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4K notes · View notes
What about Coryo and childhood friend reader who are very close and spend all their time together. They gossip about a classmate getting rumorly pregnant and the conversation turn into sex and they talk about experiences (lack of) and end up doing stuff and learning together about pleasure. I’m a sucker for virgin reader and coryo smut
Request: Virgin coriolanus and reader touching each other in secret
Request: young snow with prompt 2 ehehe ‘’No one needs to know.’’
Warnings: 18+, smut, ooc!Coriolanus, virgin!Coryo, virgin!reader, mutual masturbation, p + v (just the tip), let me know if I missed some
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’Some people should not be allowed to procreate. The world does not need more superior thinking brats like Arachne Crane,’’ Coriolanus said concerning the rumors about your classmate’s alleged pregnancy. 
It wasn’t a very nice thing to say, but you had to agree with him. 
‘’Who do you think is the unlucky father?’’ you asked, getting deeper into the gossips instead of focussing on the subject you were studying. ‘’Festus?’’
Coriolanus shrugged, taking a pen and scribbling down some notes. ‘’I don’t know. Probably. I doubt it’s true, though. Because if it were, Arachne’s dad would arrange a marriage to cover up the pregnancy. Can’t have his darling daughter pregnant with a bastard.’’ 
The conversation died down and you both went back to your textbooks. Exams were in a few weeks, and you needed good grades to get into university. You also promised Coriolanus to help him and make quiz cards. If he doesn't get the best grades, the Plint prize will go to another student and he won’t be able to attend university with you. 
‘’Have you ever…?‘’ you asked in the quiet of the bedroom, curiosity hanging in the air. 
Your question had him confused at first, but it clicked and he shook his head. ‘’No.’’ Coriolanus cleared his throat, uncomfortable to dive into a private subject. ‘’I mean, I have…you know. Myself,’’ he corrected, always honest with you. ‘’Just, not…with someone. Have you?’’
By your parents’ request, you were preserving yourself for marriage. You never understood why they insisted on you being pure or how it was any of their business, but you respected their request.  
You shook your head. ‘’No.’’ Grabbing a piece of paper, you searched for your pen, which seemed to have gone missing on Coriolanus’ bed. ‘’Do you have a pen I can borrow? I’m gonna get started with the flashcards.’’
He grabbed a spare one from his desk and handed it to you. ‘’Why did you want to know?’’ 
‘’Just curious.’’ 
You began writing down some questions, your pen gliding over the flashcards. 
It wasn’t until your pile of flashcards tipped on the side and fell on the bed that you realized how many you had made. You chuckled at the little mishap, and the sound of your laughter caught Coriolanus' attention.
‘’Wow. How many are there?’’ he asked, looking over at the scattered flashcards.
You shrugged, gathering the flashcards into a neat pile. ‘’Lost count. Are you ready to be quizzed?’’ 
He closed his textbooks and joined you on the bed, sitting criss-cross. There was a nervous look on his face, but you reassured him. 
‘’Don't worry, you've got this, Coryo.’’ You gave him an encouraging smile. ‘’If you get ten right…I’ll reward you with a kiss.’’ It was meant as a joke, but Coriolanus didn't get it.
‘’A kiss?’’ the blond repeated, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. He expected a cookie or a strawberry, not a kiss. 
‘’Unless you don’t want me to kiss you—’’ 
‘’I didn’t say that!’’ 
The sun started to go down when you made it through half the flashcards. As expected, Coriolanus did a great performance. He was always on top of his subjects, focussing on his academics instead of social life. All his hard work was paying off. 
It also meant that you owed him a kiss. 
Biting your bottom lip, you suddenly felt shy. Why did you make that deal?
‘’You do remember we were each other’s first kiss, do you?’’ Coriolanus reminded, sensing your hesitation. 
Although it happened three years ago, the image was vivid in your mind. It was your fourteenth birthday. You asked him to kiss you as a birthday present so you wouldn’t have to lie to the girls at the academy when they asked if you had kissed anyone yet. Any other boy would have laughed, but Coriolanus just nodded and pressed his lips on yours. 
You took a steady breath, telling yourself you had to honor your promises, and leaned over the space between you to kiss him. You counted to five, then pulled back slightly. Coriolanus opened his eyes, their ocean blue hue appearing brighter from up close. They were so beautiful — he was so beautiful.
Before you could break your staring, Coriolanus cupped the side of your face and drew you back in for another kiss. You kissed him back by instinct, but you were confused. Was he not satisfied by your kiss? Maybe you should have counted to ten instead of five? 
The delicate brush of his thumb against your cheek pulled you out of your thoughts, luring you into a bubble of warmth and tenderness. His lips were soft against yours, and the faint scent of roses enveloped you. He always smelled of roses. 
His hand settled at the small of your back, pulling you closer across the bed. You let him guide you, pawing at the front of his button up to hold yourself up at his height. A soft gasp left your lips when Coriolanus slipped his tongue to deepen the kiss, a rush of emotions flooding through you. You tangled your hands in his hair, letting your pulsions lead until you were both breathless.
‘’What are we doing?’’ you asked quietly, almost a whisper. 
You were delving into uncharted territories, taking untraveled roads of your friendship without knowing where they would lead you. 
Coriolanus didn’t respond, not knowing what to say. 
Your fingers brushed his curls from his eyes as his nose brushed yours, eager to get his lips on yours again. He glanced at you, searching your eyes for some guidance, but you were just as lost as him. 
‘’I want to kiss you again,’’ Coriolanus confessed, the hand on your back moving to your hip. ‘’I want… I want you.’’
Have me, you wanted to tell him. Take all of me, but a small voice at the back of your head reminded you of the promise you made to your parents. 
‘’If you don’t put it in, you’re still gonna be a virgin,’’ he said, as if he had read your mind. 
Coriolanus used his desk chair to block the door, ensuring no one would come in. Tigris was out and Grandma'am was tending to her flowers, but he didn't want to risk it. You felt also more comfortable with the door blocked and his makeshift curtain slightly closed. The Snow penthouse was so high, it was impossible to see inside from another building.
You began taking off your clothes in a comfortable silence, your dark pink dress joining Coriolanus’ button up and trousers on the floor. Left in your undergarments, you sat on the bed facing each other. You bit your bottom lip as you averted your eyes from your friend’s half naked body, uncertain if you should be looking. 
Holding your breath, you reached back and undid your bra while Coriolanus removed his white boxers. It wasn’t as nerve-wracking if you both undressed at the same time. You felt your face flush as your eyes lowered to his cock, seeing it soft and resting against his thigh. There was light blond hair at the base, which matched the hair on his head.  
Coriolanus’s cock twitched as he glanced at your chest. Your breasts were full enough to not be considered small and your nipples were perfectly peaked. You were the prettiest girl he ever laid his eyes on. 
Not giving yourself time to feel shy, you followed suit by taking your last layer off, lifting your hips to pull it down. There wasn’t much room to move around so Coriolanus helped you get your panties down the rest of your legs, and dropped them on the bed. 
You fought the reflex to clamp your legs shut the way a lady should, and instead parted them, revealing your glistening core. From this position, your labias were parted like a flower, completely exposed to your best friend's eyes. 
You dipped between your folds to collect moisture and started rubbing your clit with the tip of your thumb. 
Coriolanus scooted closer to you, and effortlessly gripped his hand around his cock to stroke it nice and slow while he watched you. He followed your pace, leaned his head back when he swiped his thumb over the leaky red tip, and tried not to make any sound. 
You looked over at Coriolanus, and your core clenched. Now you understood what Clemensia was talking about in the girls locker rooms. Without stopping your motions on your clit, you brought two fingers and slowly slipped them inside of you, making you gasp. You usually started with one, but you needed something bigger that you didn't want to admit out loud. 
Closing your eyes, you let your imagination run free, imagining Coriolanus' cock inside you, filling you up. ‘’Ah, Coryo,’’ you slipped, letting go of your clit to grope one of your breasts and pull on your taut nipple. 
Coriolanus couldn’t stop the groan from escaping his lips when he heard you moan his name. He picked up speed as he stared at you, the springs on his mattress creaking underneath. This is why he always did this in the shower. 
When you opened your eyes, you pulled out your fingers andrested your hand on Coriolanus' knee. ‘’Can I try?’’ 
The room hung in a momentary silence, the weight of your question settling between you and Coriolanus. His usually composed demeanor faltered, and he was momentarily lost for words, caught off guard by the words that left your mouth. 
‘’I-if you want to.’’ He removed his hand from his cock and followed with his gaze as your hand bravely traveled up his thigh. 
Gently, you wrapped your hand around him. It was heavier than you thought, and warm. You began moving your hand up and down, but it wasn’t slippery enough for your liking so you dipped your fingers between your folds to collect some of your arousal to lubricate your strokes. 
‘’That’s better,’’ you said to yourself. 
Coriolanus wanted to kiss you. That was hot. 
Not wanting you to be neglected, he grabbed your ankles and pulled you closer, draping your legs over his so he could play with your clit and breasts. Lewd noises filled the room, coming from both of your mouths. It was a blessing Grandma’am had hearing troubles because the walls at the penthouse were thin. 
As you began to work towards your climax, you directed Coriolanus’ cock toward your pussy and pressed his tip against your folds. If you don’t put it in, you’re still gonna be a virgin, he had said. The pressure situated onto your pussy felt so delicious. 
Sensing what you were trying to do, Coriolanus got a better idea. He moved your hands away and rubbed his tip against your puffy clit. The tingling sensation began to overwhelm you, bringing tears to your eyes while he continued to stroke your folds and clit with his cock. 
‘’Ahh! Yes, Coryo— That feels so good!’’ 
The both of you were making a choir of beautiful whines and moans as you could feel your release approaching quickly. You came with a cry when you felt his tip pushing through without getting in fully, quivering against him.  
Coriolanus couldn't look away from your core, overwhelmed by how warm and wet you felt around him. He continued to rub himself against you until white strings dribbled out of the head of his cock, painting your pussy with a beautiful mess. 
‘’That was…’’ you panted out, looking down at yourself. ‘’No one needs to know, right?’’
‘’No one needs to know,’’ he confirmed.
''Should we get back to the flashcards?''
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff  @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity
Hunger games / BOASAS taglist: @crossyourmindrights @ziggyneedsabreak @folkloreshorts @runningfrom2am @soulessien @itzfckingreal @creedsofapollo @heart-helmet  @javden @definitelykyles @pumkinnroses @pepperonipastas  @arzua10 @upwritingallnight @cruzgrecia @evelestrange  @caitlin222 @mingukkieposts @lucygreene @mimirocha @sunnysunny133696  @10ava01 @aesthetixhoe @moonquarrel  @mus_tbe_a_weasley  @under-seasoned-pasta @nowitsmissing @augustaruby @gfofsadie  @sarcasm-and-stiles  @strawb3rrystar @tristanswildcat @buckyswhxre  @emerald-09 @rehead1180
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coryosmin · 4 months
nsfw | mdni | somnophilia | coryo x fem!reader
imagine coryo waking up in the middle of the night because he’s horny and just desperately wants to feel you. so while you’re in his arms, snuggled into him, he reaches his hand gently into your underwear to feel your slickness. you’re always so wet and ready for him, even in your sleep.
coryo pressed a kiss to your forehead, moving his fingers to rub your clit in gentle circles. this elicits a small whimper from your lips but otherwise, you remain asleep. he continued rubbing gentle circles, enjoying the small sounds escaping your mouth as you were still asleep. he loved your body’s reaction to his touch.
he slowly eased his middle finger into your tight cunt, almost moaning himself at how wet it was. god you were always such a whore for him. he immediately curled his finger to your g-spot, not bothering to tease you at all as he thrusted his finger in an out. this elicited a whine to escape your mouth as you inhaled sharply, signaling you waking up. “coryo,” you whined, your eyes fluttering open to look up at your boyfriend.
coryo smirked as he saw you finally awake. he continued thrusting his finger inside of you, hitting that spongy spot repeatedly. “hi baby,” he murmured.
“oh my god,” you moaned, gripping coryo’s bicep while spreading your legs for easier access.
coryo added another finger, thrusting them hard and fast inside of you. his thumb played with your clit as he fingered you. “you like being woken up with your pussy played with?” he whispered into your ear. “love when i touch you, hmm?”
you nodded your head, not bothering to cover your moans at all. “so good, coryo.”
“i know, baby,” he said, kissing your cheek. he continued his movements, fucking you so good with his fingers. your walls clenched around coryo’s digits, signaling your release was coming. “go ahead, cum for me baby.”
and you did. you whined, arching your back as your eyes fluttered closed. your thighs clamped together as you came, gripping coryo’s bicep. “oh fuck!” you moaned out.
and when you finished, coryo looked at you with a smirk, taking his fingers out of your cunt. “my turn,” he murmured, pressing himself against you.
you let out a small giggle, nodding your head. “your turn.”
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blyth-me · 4 months
make up: coriolanus snow
Summary: Coriolanus pushes it too far in an argument and after days of receiving the cold shoulder, he's tired of being ignored.
Warnings: SMUT 18+, arranged marriage, mentions of Sejanus, cursing, unhealthy ways of dealing with arguments, mentions of alcohol, dom!coryo, possessiveness, biting, penetrative sex (p in v), unprotected sex, young politician!coryo, praise
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: This is the first thing I've written in years so please be gentle. This is unedited, sorry for any typos. based on this post.
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"Never leave a fight unresolved."
It's a saying your parents drilled into you as a child. They would rarely argue in front of you, but when they did, they made sure to apologize in front of you, too. They were the perfect examples of love, forgiveness, and compromise. As a child, you followed suit, always apologizing and forgiving quickly. When you didn't want to be quick to forgive, you would replay the saying in your mind over and over until you believed it. Thankfully, you didn't get into too many arguments or conflicts and the words of your mother and father were rarely necessary. Unfortunately, not everyone grew up with your parents.
"It's the secret to a happy marriage." Your mother insisted as she adjusted your veil before you met your father to escort you down the aisle. A happy marriage, you thought, not an arranged one. Your father had risen to significant political success and popularity when you were a child and he intended on maintaining his legacy. When you turned twenty-two, he explained as though it was no big deal that you, his "precious girl" would marry Coriolanus Snow. Your face crinkled in disgust at the news, you remember it clearly, but you forgave your father. You told yourself if you forgave your father and practiced tolerance with your assigned husband, you could be happy one day.
This, however, was not the case.
Coriolanus met you for the first time a week after your father broke the news about your husband-to-be. He came to your father's summer house and was polite, a little blunt, and reserved. He seemed cold, but not necessarily towards you. There was something... inexplicable and sad about him. You decided that all the rumors you heard about his time in the districts were true as you listened to him speak about Mr. and Mrs. Plinth. He seemed to have remorse? No, suspicious guilt, as he spoke about his late friend Sejanus. Somehow, the death of his "dearest friend" turned carefully into a discussion of his heroism and kindness to the Plinth's after the death of their beloved son. His expert manipulation made your skin crawl as you watched him win your parents over that dinner. You had to forgive him for that to make your arrangement tolerable. After all, this marriage was to further his career as a young politician and cement your father's.
For the first months of your marriage, you took all of Coriolanus' distance with a grain of salt. "He's seen things out there," your mother reminded you, "be understanding." You did your best to uphold your wifely duties to a man you didn't love (or really even know) yet and he did his best to uphold his. The two of you operated more like a well-oiled machine than a newlywed couple. The capitol balls and events felt more like a chore since most of the time he discussed politics with his colleagues and you were grouped off with the other wives to gossip. At night, you often tried to get him to open up to you as you had to him, but he wouldn't. You forgave your husband. The cycle went on and every night you crawled into what felt like a strangers bed.
Coriolanus, you quickly discovered, didn't apologize. He didn't apologize for manipulating your parents. He didn't apologize for his short answers to your common and normal questions. He didn't apologize for the lack of intimacy in your marriage or the lack of friendship between the two of you. He didn't apologize for keeping you waiting at dinner when he'd promise to be there on time. He didn't apologize for keeping himself at a distance. Your only option was to forgive him, but not tonight.
You couldn't remember how the argument started, but you did know how it ended. You freed yourself from his death grip on your wrist and told him to "go to hell", promptly wandering off to your room. You locked the door and climbed into the bed (which felt emptier than you thought it would), ignoring his incessant knocks and demands. Coriolanus fell asleep outside your door that night.
You didn't know much about your husband, but you did know that he loved power. He was a powerful man already in politics despite graduating the University only two years ago. He loved having power over conversations, which you observed at capitol events and when he met your parents formally. He loved having power over his life and therefore, loved having power over you. You were usually very forgiving, but not this time. So, you decided quietly before you slept, Coriolanus would have all chances at power revoked until you dragged an apology out of him.
For Coriolanus, the next days were torture. He was forced to sleep in the guest room of the penthouse you shared since you hid the bedroom key and moved all of his necessities to his new space. Nobody kicked him out of anywhere, let alone his own wife in their house. He tried to be extra sweet with you when you left the master bedroom to make breakfast, only to be met with curt responses if any. When that didn't work, he tried to slip notes under your door only to find them crumpled in the waste bin by his desk the next day. By the third day, Coriolanus was confused and angry. How could you be so immature? He tried to sit with you at dinner, but when you calmly stood up to eat in the silence of the bedroom, his face turned red with rage.
"You're acting like a child." He snapped. You stayed silent and kept walking.
"I am your husband! Don't walk away from me when I'm speaking to you." He shouted after you, scooting his chair out to follow you down the hallway. If kindness hadn't worked, maybe intimidation would have to do.
"I regret the day I agreed to marry you if this is how you'll treat me." He spoke pointedly.
You froze in your tracks, unable to pinpoint exactly why that statement affected you so much. You took a deep breath and continued moving until: "I wish your father would have mentioned you be a bitch behind closed doors, too."
Without a second thought, you spun around and threw your wine at him, tears pricking at your eyes. You watched as Coriolanus breathed heavily and examined his stark white dress shirt. You almost opened your mouth to speak, but bit your tongue and wiped your tears. You forced your half-eaten plate at his now maroon shirt and slammed the bedroom door without another word.
Hours went by as you curled up in bed, weeping at the words of the man was supposed to love you. This was not how you envisioned getting married. It was supposed to be your choice, not your father's. It was supposed to be a union, not a business deal. You weren't supposed to welcome home a cold man every night and sleep on opposite ends of the bed. Despite all the hurt Coriolanus put you through, you still wanted to be happy with him. He was attractive, but insensitive. He knew how to speak to people, but couldn't open up. Sometimes, he even looked at you like he could love you, but never showed you a crumb of affection beyond being polite. You could not forgive him.
A knock came at your door close to midnight. Against your better judgement, you opened up. On the other side was a disheveled Coriolanus, looking relieved that you answered before quickly regaining his composure.
"Good evening." He greeted. "You don't have to talk, I just..." He took a deep breath as you eyed him. "You should know that I regret our argument the other night."
You waited expectantly for the words "I'm sorry" to leave his lips, but you simply stared at each other.
"This arrangement has been strange for me." He began again as you scoffed. "I haven't been good to you, I see that now."
You pushed the door open a little further and stepped out from behind it, wearing your sleep clothes already as Coriolanus drank in your appearance. Suddenly, in a gesture you weren't expecting he dropped to his knees.
"Can you forgive me?" It came out as a whisper as you stared in disbelief. "Please."
The sound was satisfying to your ears as you looked down at him. He seemed exhausted and distraught, his white t-shirt snug around his shoulders as he looked up at you. You almost feel like drawing this out, making him formally apologize, but you're reminded of your parent's words: "Never leave a fight unresolved". For the first time in days, you spoke.
"Okay." You whispered.
Coriolanus' head shot up and his eyes met yours. In another gesture you weren't expecting, he stood up and cautiously wrapped his arms around you to pull you into a hug. Hugs weren't foreign between the two of you. Coriolanus would often sling his arms around you at public events and would hold you close if you were dancing at a dinner, but touches like this in private were extremely rare. You gingerly wrapped your arms around him in return as you inhaled deeply. His peace offering had been accepted.
"I want to start treating you like my wife." He turned his head into your neck and mumbled against it. "Affection like this should be normal." You shivered at his words and the feeling of his lips against your neck. You nodded and whispered a shy "yes" as he held you closer.
"You should never go to bed untouched. Especially looking like this." The words went straight to your core as he stood straight to look into your eyes. "Would you like that?" Your lips parted in surprise at his sudden change in demeanor.
"Hm?" He hums, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Let me show you." He leaned down and captured your lips in an experimental kiss. You couldn't bring yourself to push him away, the smell and feel of him becoming too much. He was everywhere. Coriolanus reconnected your lips feverishly and walked you backwards into your shared room.
"Coryo..." You whimpered as he nibbled your bottom lip.
"Be quiet." He ordered. "You didn't want to speak to me for days, you can be quiet while I fuck you."
You were ashamed at how wet you were becoming. It wasn't your first time having sex, but it was your first time having sex with Coriolanus. He laid you back on the bed and began to kiss and mark your neck.
"My wife," He breathed. "Don't disrespect me like that ever again."
"I didn't-" You were cut off by a quick slap against your thigh.
"Not a sound." He growled against your shoulder, biting down onto the skin as you tried to keep quiet.
In no time, your pajamas were off and so were his. Somewhere in between the messy, passionate kisses, Coriolanus slipped inside you with no warning. You gasped against his lips and whimpered quietly as he bottomed out.
"So fucking tight." He gasped into the skin of your neck.
Coriolanus began moving slowly inside of you, giving you time to adjust before picking up the pace. His icy blue eyes met yours as he kissed you deeply, feeling the way your walls sucked him in.
"Look at my wife. You're taking me so well, aren't you?" He asked mockingly.
You nodded quietly, fighting back the moans threatening to spill past your lips.
"Good girl."
The praise caused you to flutter around him as he kissed and nibbled your neck.
"You're all mine, do you understand?" Coriolanus slowed his thrusts and buried himself deeper inside of you.
"I-I understand." You responded breathily, making your husband smile wickedly.
"That's right baby. You're not going to ignore me anymore are you?"
You felt dizzy as his thrusts began to speed up again, unable to form words. He let your silence go becoming lost in pleasure himself. As Coriolanus continued fucking you passionately, he reached down between you to rub you clit.
"I'm close, Coryo." You moaned, holding his shoulders tightly.
Your words seemed to have the desired effect as his thrusts got sloppier as he buried his head into your shoulder. He nipped and kissed at the skin, making sure to praise you along the way. He told you how good you were, how tight you felt (just for him), and how pretty you sounded moaning his name like that. As you felt yourself cumming around him, you also felt yourself forgiving him.
Coriolanus pulled you close as you both basked in the afterglow. You decided, as you drew patterns on his chest, that this arrangement wasn't so bad if it meant nights like these. You decided, as he kissed your temple and played with your hair, that maybe a life with him was exactly what you needed. Just as you fell asleep in the arms of someone who finally felt like your husband, you decided you would always forgive him especially when it meant making up like this.
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st0nesnglitter · 6 months
Okay so let’s imagine dark!Coriolanus who use you as his personal experiment when he starts to study under Dr. Gaul.
I’m sick
They’re working on a dopamine patch for Peacekeepers to keep up morale and to trick their brains into liking the strenuous training. And Coriolanus wants to see how effective it really was.
He brings home a pack, hiding it in his sock drawer, to use on special occasions. He plays it smart, of course, and starts to complain about having a hard day, watching you intensely to see you give him a crooked smile.
“Is there anything I can do, darling?” You’d ask softly, and he’d smirk, knowing his plan worked.
So as you’re blowing him passionately, wanting to remove every ounce of stress from him, he’d grab a little patch and softly pat your shoulder as he placed the sticker onto your skin. You were too wrapped up in pleasuring him to notice, and suddenly your eyes started to glitter a little extra.
“May I cum in your mouth?” Coryo would pant out quickly, twirling a strand of your hair. And your head felt so light and sparkly, and he was so pretty, you just nodded.
And so it began.
Anytime he had a little break he’d look over to you, eyes softer than anyone usually got to see, and a slender finger tracing a pattern over your inner thigh. Murmuring about how nice a blowjob would be right now.
And lately, something had switched in you. You weren’t opposed to blowjobs before but now you were kind of hoping he’d ask for one, something about it just made you feel so nice.
Just as Coriolanus thought that he’d reached the limits of his experiment you surprised him. As he was pulling your hair, slamming into you from behind, he grunted about being close.
“Wanna cum in my mouth?” You ask, as bashfully as someone could when they’re being plowed by their well endowed boyfriend, but something just pulled in you to get a taste of him.
His hips stuttered before pulling out and turning you around.
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helloalycia · 6 months
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summary: Lucy Gray has always been there for you, the only person you care for as much as you do. So much, in fact, that when you discover Mayfair's plan to have her reaped in the Hunger Games, you know you have to stop it. Even if it means giving up your own life.
warning/s: the usual warnings that come with the Hunger Games.
author's note: okay so someone requested another lucy gray imagine where reader volunteers for her, so that’s what i did but kinda did it a little bit different as the usual volunteering storyline feels very been there done that lol. Hope you all like it anyway! there’s a second part too :)
two / masterlist / wattpad
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It had been a long a day, my feet hurting from being stood up for so long and my exhaustion from working a long shift worsening by the second. But as soon as the clock hit 5pm, all my energy returned and I was quick to leave my apron behind as I left. Working at a crockery stall in the markets wasn't a terrible job, and it paid decently, but some days dragged longer than others and I only wished for it to end.
Thankfully, tonight was also a night that the Covey performed at the Hob, so I made my way over there, specifically behind it where the musical group got ready before performances in an abandoned garage they claimed as theirs. I always met before their shows, wanting to wish them luck and also because Lucy Gray, my best friend, would never let me hear the end of it if I didn't stop by beforehand.
"There you are!" Maude Ivory, the youngest of the group, called me over once I stepped in the open door. "You took forever!"
"I'm like two minutes late, Maude Ivory," I defended myself, and a smile fell on my lips when I saw her pouting. "Sorry."
"Can you braid my hair like last time?" she asked politely, already turning around and readying herself for me.
"I sure can," I agreed, smiling at the others as they got ready before moving to braid Maude Ivory's hair.
It didn't take long, just a simple braid around the crown of her head, complementing the rest of her hair that was left out in a way that made her look like a princess. Adorable.
"Oh, I love it!" she gushed, immediately looking in the mirror to appreciate it, and I watched her with a smile. "Thank you, Y/N!"
"No problem," I said dismissively.
"Wow, you look beautiful, Maude Ivory," Lucy Gray appeared beside me, smiling down at the younger girl, and then she gave me a playful look. "Favouritism much?"
I couldn't help but laugh. "All you had to do was ask."
She immediately took a seat on the chair Maude Ivory was moments ago. When I didn't move, she glanced over her shoulder at me with a knowing nod. "Well, go on then."
I rolled my eyes lightheartedly before moving to braid her hair next, squeezing her shoulder slightly in retaliation, and I knew she was smiling all the same. As I'd done many times before, I combed out Lucy Gray's curly hair with my fingers, unknotting it the best I could, before separating it into two parts and giving her two over-the-shoulder braids.
"You done?" she asked impatiently, definitely trying to annoy me.
I finished tying off the second braid before rounding the chair to take a look. Her brown eyes looked up at me adorably, and even though she did nothing special, my heart fluttered in my chest at the attention.
Okay, so maybe I liked her a little more than friends, but I couldn't help it. She was the only person I had in my life that meant something to me, the only one who truly cared. After becoming friends many years ago because we happened to play in the park together as kids, she was stuck with me, and I suppose my gratitude for having her in my life turned into adoration somewhere along the way.
The only real family I had was my father, but he had been bitter towards me since my mum died only a few years after I was born. He hated me without saying it, and I sought love in friendship with Lucy Gray. Though, it was so much more than that on my end. But she could never know, for I'd rather have her in my life like this than not at all. And I would never risk jeopardising that, ever.
"Don't move," I warned her, before leaving the garage for a moment to pick a flower I'd seen just outside.
When I returned, I was surprised to see her sat how I'd left her, though pouting. I carefully slid the flower at the top of her braid, near her ear, and stepped back to admire my work.
"You're done, Little Miss Impatient," I finally said with a stifled smile.
She gave me a disapproving look before moving to the mirror to check it out. Her facade faltered as a warm smile tugged at her lips and she admired the view.
"Okay, I'll let you off since this is pretty nice," she said jokingly.
"Wow, only nice? I thought it was much more than that," I played along.
Her smile widened as she approached me, before kissing me on the cheek and hugging me briefly. I was expecting neither, my brain short circuiting as quickly as she pulled away.
"It's beautiful, Y/N, thank you," she said truthfully, losing her humour. When I didn't know what to say, too busy trying not to think about her lips against my cheek, she said, "You're stayin', right?"
I blinked, dazed. "Huh?"
She began to chuckle, and then her question truly sank in and I cleared my throat, nodding.
"I– yes, I am," I said, giving her a small smile. "Where else would I be?"
She rolled her eyes playfully before turning to the others. "Right, guys, are we ready to blow everyone's socks off?!"
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As always, I enjoyed my evening at the Hob, cheering the Covey on and staying for all their performances as promised. It was always so lovely in there, except for the occasional fight that would break out between the miners and Peacekeepers, but none of that happened tonight. I was tired by the end of it all, as were the others, but as we all walked out together, Lucy Gray tugged my hand back.
"Hm?" I said, yawning as I looked to her.
"Are you in a rush to get home?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"No, why?" I asked curiously.
Excited, she said, "Come to the lake with me."
I quirked a brow. "Now?"
Expression softening, she nodded. "Yeah, it'll be nice. It's a clear night too."
Another yawn escaped my lips and I covered my mouth before shaking my head. "I dunno, I'm a little tired and it's getting late."
"C'mon," she insisted, before grabbing my hand and forcing me to follow her, but not before looking to the others and adding, "I'll see you guys later!"
"Don't make too much noise when you're back!" Barb Azure, the eldest of their group, warned her.
"I won't," Lucy Gray mumbled, and then we were off and I just about managed to wish everyone a goodnight behind me before we were too far from them.
"How aren't you tired?" I asked as I fell into step with her, accepting my defeat and knowing I couldn't really decline her offer anyway. "You've been onstage all night."
She shrugged. "I'm a little tired, but I wanted to spend more time with you. You've been workin' loads lately."
I sighed, feeling a little bad. "Sorry, it's the house. Payments are falling behind and my dad is getting on my back and–"
"Hey, I'm not complainin'," she stopped me. "I just miss you."
A small smile crept on my lips at her unwavering honesty – that was one thing I'd always envied about her. She could say how she was feeling without overthinking how it could be perceived, whereas I was the complete opposite.
"I'm right here," I assured her, and then she glanced at me with a smile that warmed my heart.
"How is he?" she asked. "He still standoffish with you?"
"Isn't he always?" I said, a little bitterly, before shaking my head. "Never mind him anyway. Doesn't matter."
Probably sensing my mood, she said, "You're right, it doesn't. You have me."
I was glad it was dark out, otherwise she would've seen the pink dusting my cheeks.
We continued our walk to the lake, talking and trying to stay awake long enough to make it there. It was a long walk on a regular day, but tonight it felt even longer because of the constant stepping around and trying to find our way in the dim light of the moon peeking through the trees. Still, it was comforting to be around Lucy Gray instead of back home where my dad would no doubt be on my case, so I savoured the time together.
By the time we reached the lake – in particular, a spot where a cabin sat, with a dock and boat beside it – Lucy Gray and I were wide awake, any hint of exhaustion for the evening dispersing with our trek. We both took a seat at the edge of the dock, feet dangling over the side, and she nudged my arm gently.
"Look how pretty the water looks," she said with amazement, and I hummed in agreement.
It was beautiful out tonight, the lull of the water lapping over itself and shimmering in the moonlight providing the perfect view for a perfect evening. Being out here always put me at ease, but being out here with Lucy Gray was indescribable.
After a moment of quiet, she nudged me again and I took the hint, following her lead as we both lay on our backs to look up at the night sky. If the view before was great, then this was amazing. Stars filled the sky, dazzling and bright and filling me with a sense of awe. It was different than seeing the stars from my house – this was all open, isolated, peaceful. I loved it.
"How many have times have you been here at night?" I asked Lucy Gray curiously.
"Not a lot," she assured, "but enough to know that it'a perfect for stargazin', and you love that, so I wanted to show you."
I chuckled a little. "I do. Thanks."
Another quiet enveloped us, only the sound of the water, the trees rustling gently and some birds in the distance to be heard. I could have stayed like this forever. It certainly would have been an upgrade from my usual life.
"Did you see Billy Taupe earlier?" Lucy Gray asked suddenly.
Billy Taupe was her ex-boyfriend and an ex-member of the Covey, but we'd all be ignoring him for a few weeks now after we'd discovered he'd cheated on Lucy Gray with the mayor's daughter. As a result, him and said daughter, Mayfair Lipp, weren't fond of us, especially Mayfair, who seemed to hold a personal vendetta against Lucy Gray.
I nodded, glancing at her, but she was still looking at the sky. "Yeah. I avoided him, but him and Mayfair were glaring at me for sure."
She exhaled quietly, troubled.
"Did he say something?" I asked, attention fully on her now.
"He confronted me between one of my performances," she admitted, piquing both my interest and concern. "Started talkin' about how I needed to stop badmouthin' him to the rest of the Covey."
I furrowed my brows. "You haven't though. If anything, you barely mention him."
"Well, he doesn't seem to think that," she said with an eye roll.
I frowned, hating to see her upset at the likes of him yet again. "If he keeps bothering you, tell me. I'll have a word with him."
As if I'd said something hilarious, she began to smile and then laughter spilled from her lips. "You're cute, and I appreciate it, but you shouldn't get involved. Him and Mayfair are capable of a lot."
"Lucy Gray–" I started, ready to retort, but she cut me off with a serious stare, her smile fading.
"Promise me, Y/N," she said sternly, dark eyes boring into mine.
I gave in instantly, embarrassingly enough. "I promise."
Visibly relieved, she relaxed and nodded slightly before sitting up and stretching her arms. I watched for a moment, though thoughts of Billy Taupe and his foulness stuck in my mind. Why couldn't he just leave her alone? Same with Mayfair? Didn't they have anything better to do?
"Say, you ever been for an evenin' swim under the stars?"
I blinked, barely paying attention. "What?"
She glanced down at me with a smirk, before standing up and beginning to step out of her dress. Realising what she was doing, I sat up and started to protest.
"Lucy Gray, it's gonna be cold and dark and–"
But she beat me to it, her dress pooling by my feet as she dove in from the edge of the dock. I wiped my face with mild annoyance as she splashed me, watching as she resurfaced with a laugh.
"C'mon, you gon' leave me hangin'?!" she exclaimed.
I narrowed my eyes at her with distaste, but as always, I couldn't say no to her. So, grumbling to myself petulantly, I stepped out of my own clothes and dove right into the water next to her. It was cold, as suspected, but as I resurfaced, my body was already getting used to the temperature. It was still the middle of summer, so it was actually quite refreshing in the evening heat, though my complaints of it being dark were still valid.
"Not bad, right?" Lucy Gray asked me with a grin.
I pushed my hair from my eyes and gave her a reluctant glance. "I suppose not."
Her grin only widened, and then she looked up, eyes reflecting the moonlight and shimmering like the water. "Look."
I looked up too, amazed by the sight of the sky yet again, but before I could say anything, Lucy Gray splashed my face with water, making me shriek with surprise.
"Lucy Gray!" I scolded, wiping my eyes as she laughed. "You did that on purpose!"
Her laughter only increased, and then I was attempting to splash her back, but she was swimming backwards and then I was swimming after her, her laughter filling the silence of the woods and brightening up the place more than the moon ever could. I eventually grabbed her and splashed her face enough for her to spit it out and cease her laughter.
"Okay, okay, you win!" she gave in, wiping her eyes before playfully glaring at me.
It was my turn to laugh and she rolled her eyes lightheartedly before swimming around me yet again.
We stayed there for a little longer, splashing about and talking about everything and nothing. It was easy to forget everything waiting for me back home, or my job that I didn't want to go to, or the reality of our lives. No, all I had to focus on right now was Lucy Gray's voice, her company, her.
But it was seriously getting late, no doubt past midnight now, and all good things couldn't last forever. We were floating on our backs, staring at the sky in a comfortable silence, and I hated that I had to interrupt it.
"We should go back," I said reluctantly, stopping floating. "If my dad realises–"
"Right, yeah," she agreed apologetically. "Come on."
We both climbed out the lake in a peaceful silence, tugging on our clothes and shoes and squeezing the water from our hair the best we could. As I was doing just that, I felt her eyes on me and looked up with a confused smile.
"What?" I asked, feeling the last of the water drip down my wrists as I let go of my hair.
She began to smile unabashedly. "I'm glad I have you. Thanks for coming tonight. For being here."
My face was heating up, but I played it off with a playful eye roll. "Weirdo."
She chuckled quietly, shaking her head, before leading the way back to the Seam.
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It had been a long day at work and the last thing I wanted was to come home to my father being grumpy, and yet that was what I'd gotten a few days later.
As soon as I walked in, I saw him home too, looking around the kitchen with a clenched jaw. He must have just got back from the mines, judging from the coal dust covering his clothes and skin.
"Hey, dad," I greeted politely, though already feeling tense because he didn't seem to be in a good mood.
"The hell is all this?" he asked me, ignoring my greeting and instead motioning to the dishes on the table.
"What do you mean?" I asked with confusion, leaving my bag by the door.
"It's a mess in here," he said with irritation. "Did you not clean up?"
"Dad, I've been at work all day," I reminded him, sensing he'd had a bad day at work, because he wasn't usually this hostile. "When would I have cleaned up?"
He raised his eyebrows, as if I'd said something absurd. "Excuse me?"
I swallowed hard, not liking the way he sneered at me. "I–," I started, but stopped because I didn't know what to say. Technically, they were his dishes. His mess.
"Y'know, I work really hard to keep us alive," he said with a glare. "And the least you could do is keep the place tidy. You do fuck all anyway!"
I clenched my jaw, frowning and trying my best to contain my annoyance. "I know you do. But these were your dishes. From breakfast. I didn't even eat, I just left."
"Oh, so it's my fault?! That what you're saying?!"
"You're not listening!" I couldn't help but shout, getting sick and tired of his behaviour. "Look, you might have had a bad day at work, but you can't just take it out on me!"
"You don't know what I get up to at work!" he shouted right back. "It's not like yours, standing there, looking pretty! It's hard labour! Something you could never understand!" Then he motioned around and added, "Clearly! This place is a tip!"
I clenched my fists behind my back, but my anger was building up. "It's a tip because of you, dad! You leave it a mess! Then you come back and you blame it on me!"
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" he yelled. "Have some respect!"
"Then actually try and listen to what I'm–!"
I couldn't even finish because he suddenly slapped me across the face, a sharp, blinding slap that knocked me off my feet for a second, leaving me stumbling into the kitchen table. I blinked, tears pooling in my eyes.
"Clean this place up," he snapped, before turning around to go to his room, slamming the door behind him.
I breathed out slowly, eyes burning now, and tried to ignore the pins and needles on my cheek. It wasn't the first time he'd hit me, and I should have been used to it, but it still took me by surprise sometimes. I hated it. I hated him. I would have done anything to leave, but I had nowhere to go.
Needing to get out of there as I calmed down, I left through the front door, waiting by the side of the house. I took in some fresh air and wiped furiously at my tears. He was the worst father a child could ask for, but he was the only one I had.
My face was hot and I was glad I couldn't see my reflection, knowing it would just be red on one side. As I finished wiping the last of my tears, I heard footsteps from behind me and sucked up a breath before turning around, worried it might be my father, back for round two. Thankfully it wasn't, but it was Lucy Gray.
She was smiling at first, then her eyes took in my expression and it faded instantly.
"What happened?" she asked straight away, stopping before me.
"Nothing," I assured her, though my cheek was still flaming, and she wasn't stupid.
She looked back at my house, and then back to me with a frown. "He was upset again, wasn't he?"
I looked to my shoes shamefully, not needing to answer. She knew what he was like, but it was something I hated to put on her. Nonetheless, she understood, and she touched my cheek gently, making me wince.
"You should stay with us," she muttered, trying to find my eyes, but I wouldn't look up. "We'll always have room for you, Y/N."
"I can't," I said with embarrassment. "And he's not always like this. It's– I'm handling it."
"No, you're not," she said, letting go of my cheek.
I didn't want to argue, nor did I want her pity, so I cleared my throat and looked up with the intention to change the subject. "What did you come here for anyway?"
She wasn't happy as she gave me a worried look. "Y/N–"
"Lucy Gray," I pleaded, before she could say anything more.
Giving in, she exhaled quietly. "I wanted to see if you wanted to go on a picnic with us tomorrow. You're not workin', right?"
At the sound of something much nicer, I relaxed and nodded. "I'd like that."
She seemed to relax too. "Good." Then she glanced over her shoulder at the house again, before adding, "You're stayin' with us tonight."
"I'm not–"
"You are," she insisted stubbornly. "You still have a few things left from last time."
I sighed tiredly. "I have to clean up. He's gonna be mad."
"We'll clean up together, then you're comin'," she reasoned.
"I'll do it myself," I told her, shaking my head. "You know he doesn't like me hanging around with you."
She looked ready to protest, but I shot her a pleading look. The last thing I wanted was to set him off again, especially in front of Lucy Gray. Thankfully, she seemed to get this and nodded reluctantly.
"Fine, but hurry up," she gave in, taking my hand and squeezing it reassuringly. "I don't like you in there alone."
"I'll be quick," I promised, before leaving her to clean up.
My dad was still sulking in his room, so I was able to clean up quickly and let him know where I was going. He didn't answer, nor did he stop me, so I left and met Lucy Gray back outside. She took my hand without question, not letting go until we reached her place. I was glad not to be alone tonight.
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A week later, it was another fun evening at the Hob where I watched my best friend perform and I didn't have to worry about work or my dad or anything. It was just like any other evening there, nothing out of the ordinary, or so I thought.
During one of Maude Ivory's talented solos, I got up to the go to the toilet, making it a quick one so I wouldn't miss a thing. But as I left the women's toilets, I caught sight of Billy Taupe and Mayfair chatting around the corner in hushed voices. I didn't care at first, trying to ignore they existed for Lucy Gray's sake, but then they mentioned the singer herself and I couldn't help but eavesdrop a little.
"...doesn't know when to keep her trap shut and herself to herself," Mayfair was saying bitterly.
"She's a singer," Billy Taupe reminded her. "That's what she does. Just ignore it."
Mayfair scoffed. "She thinks she has everyone in this town wrapped around her finger because, what, she can sing? And put on a little show? Well, you know what, we'll see how she sings her way out of the reaping!"
I froze from behind the wall, wondering what she meant by that.
"What?" Billy Taupe asked, just as confused but suspicious as I.
"She may have the looks, honey, but I have the connections," Mayfair continued, her hushed voice growing increasingly more annoyed as she spoke. "You just wait until reaping day. Lucy Gray won't be bothering anyone for much longer."
My eyes widened at her threat. What the hell was she talking about?
"What are you–" Billy Taupe started, but the sound of the floorboards creaking beneath my weight made him stop, and I cursed inwardly.
Before they could even consider investigating, I slipped away between the doors unnoticed, back into the main room where everybody was distracted by the singing, dancing and drinking. My head was reeling though, trying to piece together what I'd just heard.
There was no way Mayfair would do what she was implying, right? She wouldn't just sabotage the reaping because of a feud, surely? Would she? If she did, then that would mean Lucy Gray would be chosen as tribute and–
Oh, God. If she was chosen, she'd be shipped off to partake in the Hunger Games and that was it. She wasn't a fighter, she was a performer. And the Games was no place for someone like her. I'd never see her again. And her family– oh, no. No, this couldn't happen!
What could I do to stop this? Mayfair would never listen to reason, especially not from me. It wasn't fair, any of it.
Suddenly, I felt nauseous at the thought of everything playing out just as Mayfair wanted. Needing some fresh air, feeling overly stuffy in the Hob, I pushed past everyone and stepped outside, ignoring those who were enjoying a cigarette or drink and trying not to throw up.
I couldn't lose Lucy Gray like this, not because of some stupid feud. How badly could Mayfair hate her to do this? The Covey would be broken without her. She was too valuable to everyone. And she was all I had.
I turned around, seeing Lucy Gray approaching me with a concerned smile on her lips.
"What happened?" she asked, stopping before me.
I blinked, my thoughts still racing around. "What?"
"You left lookin' upset," she said worriedly. "What happened?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat, shaking my head. "Nothing. I just feel sick. Might've eaten something funny."
Her smile faded, replaced by a concerned frown. "Oh, gosh, do you wanna go home? Go to ours? I can walk you back. The others won't mind if I leave a little early."
She was watching me carefully, patiently, dark eyes flittering around my face as if she'd find the problem just like that. She was too kind for her own good and I couldn't help but think about how unfair this all was. She wasn't a bad person at all. How could Mayfair do this? Why couldn't I do anything about it? There had to be something!
"Y/N?" Lucy Gray said, before pressing the back of her hand to my forehead with concentration. "Hmm, you do feel a little warm."
It wasn't fair.
Without thinking, I hugged her tightly, promising myself there and then that I would fix this. She wasn't going to be subjected to Mayfair's wrath, not if I could help it.
"Woah, what's gotten into you?" she said with surprise, but returned the hug.
"Sorry," I mumbled, before pulling back and clearing my throat. "I just need some water. I'll be fine."
She quirked a brow. "You're sure?"
I nodded, trying my hardest not to worry her anymore.
"Okay... good," she said with relief, before a smile curled on her lips. "I've got a new song I want you to hear."
I returned her smile, letting her tug my hand and lead me back inside, but the truth of what I knew was already starting to suffocate me.
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For days I mulled it over, trying to convince myself that maybe I misheard or misinterpreted Mayfair's words. Or that, maybe, Mayfair didn't have as much power as she was letting on.
But deep down, I knew it was true, and she was just petty enough to send Lucy Gray to her death. Which then brought me to my next problem: what could I do to stop it?
Mayfair was the mayor's daughter and the mayor was the one who chose the names for the reaping. It was pretty solid, with no interference from me able to stop it. But what was I to do? Do I tell Lucy Gray? Her family? At least, if I did, it would give them time to prepare. But how exactly? Would it not be easier to just let it play out as to not ruin their last moments together?
I didn't know, and it was so much information to carry, eating away at me little by little. What I did know was that I couldn't lose Lucy Gray. What would my life even look like if she was gone? What would the Covey do without her?
Lucy Gray was loved, needed, wanted. She couldn't die, not when she'd be so dearly missed and had so much left to give. If only I could take her place... I knew I would if I could. Nobody needed me or cared for me, nobody but her. But she'd get over my death. And my dad couldn't care less. If it meant saving Lucy Gray, I would do it. After all, I loved her.
But I couldn't, because it was her name to be picked, not mine. And with her name, she'd walk onstage and I'd never see her again. How could I change that?
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hiatuswhore · 7 months
𝒪𝒻 𝒮𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒮𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓈 — 𝒸.𝓈
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♕ A/N: I have mixed feelings about the movie but I adore the book. My favorite character is Sejanus, ugh my heart bleeds for this character. Never stop I’d be writing a fanfiction for this story. Coriolanus Snow is an evil but interesting villain. I thought I’d dive into the dynamic of him essentially taking what should’ve been Sejanus’s life.
♕ SUMMARY: Poor Sejanus. Poor sensitive, foolish dead Sejanus. A good son, loving brother, and amazing friend.
♕ WARNING: Death
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𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
Father had not left his study since word reached us. Every time Mother looked at me, I knew it was not me she saw. The tremble of her lip and mist of her eyes reminded me of my new reality. A reality where I drew breath as my twin did not.
I could not process it. Not at first. I would wait for a letter from him in the mail. His ramblings of doing good, of being better a constant any time he opened his mouth. Oh my good brother. Miles away. Hung in the districts for treason.
The first few weeks the house was silent. I could make out Mothers frequent sobs through the day. Other times the deep gait of Fathers boots from his room to his office. Rarely from his office to his room. Our home became much like a graveyard. Empty and cold.
This remained until the day Mother and I woke to every picture of Sejanus in the foyer gone. Mother sobbed for her baby, one would think Father was withholding her actual child. Still, my Father, the stern unforgiving statue of a man, refused to return all that remained of her son to her.
The first thing I began to forget was his voice. All the hours he spent in my room ranting angrily about our father. I’d lay on my bed watching him pace, his passion fueled and furious. I thought maybe he’d be president someday. Panem needed the likes of him.
“Well eventually Fathers time will come to pass and it’ll be you in the position of wealth and power. Be patient sweet brother. You’ll do great things, I just know it.”
He’ll hang in the poorest district branded a traitor. Some say he cried for Mother. Others say he cried for me. Oh how it was few and far between but make no mistake, I wept for my brother. My kind, sweet, sensitive dead brother.
As his voice faded over time so did the small details of his presence. How his curls always stayed so effortlessly in place unlike my own that would become frizzy in a moments notice. The way he his nose would scrunch when he laughed. His obnoxious snores he would deny whenever called out on it.
See, Father was happy to erase Sejanus from our home. His memory a reminder of everything our Father could never be. A compassionate soul. A loving brother and son. A good man.
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫
Then came Coriolanus Snow. His gaze distant as he stood in our foyer, my father greeting him like a son returning home from travels. Long gone the hand made shirts and boots a size too tight. The messy haired Snow appeared far different, he too have died back in twelve. I wondered if he hung too or perhaps his fate was far worse. A mystery to never be solved, especially not if Coriolanus Snow could help it.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” His gaze bounced between myself and Mother. My Father said nothing while Mother embraced Coriolanus as I stared at him.
“Are you?” My words earned a stern tone from Father and scoldings from Mother. I offered a forced apology my eyes never leaving the leech standing in my family home. Gaining the world from the misfortune that befell my dear Sejanus. My father’s new pride and joy. At dinner Father was thrilled to announce his replacement son would join my side at University come the new term.
I left the table without a word. My father yelled for me to return as Mother assured our unwelcome guest it was not personal. Yet it was. Sejanus was to be with me for my first day of University. Not Coriolanus Snow.
Perhaps it was unfair. My brother was dead and I had already spent a lifetime despising my father. So who better to bear the brunt of my anger than the man who gained it all as I suffered my deepest loss.
𝐈 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐈, 𝐈 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐭’𝐬 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐆𝐨
The night before our first day I stayed in my room. A knock at my door was an unexpected and unwelcome one. Mother was never a night owl and never in all my years had Father come to my room. Opening my door I crossed my arms leaning on the jamb. He stands holding a white rose his blue eyes piercing into my blank stare.
“I know you aren’t thrilled about me being here. I uh—I just wanted to wish you a good first day tomorrow,” Coriolanus spoke slowly. The rose still lingered in the air between us. I did not grab it.
“What happened to my brother?” His eyebrows quirked at my question, his lips parted as though he wanted to speak but nothing could leave him. I tilted my head my eyes narrowed before I retreated into my room leaving the door agape. At my shelf I rifled through the few papers and momentos of my own before finding the crumple paper stained with faded ink. The smudge writing typical for my left handed counterpart. My eyes on the paper as I return to the jamb, “…Coriolanus is here too. It’s nice to not be alone. His songbird is here, he plays it cool when I mention her but you can tell he cares for her. We’re like brothers, after what he did for me during the games. I’m going to protect him—“
𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥
“Are you accusing me of something?” His own eyes narrowed down at me. The glint in them something I could not put into words, at the time I had no knowledge of the nerve I struck.
“Did you know of his plans?” I asked crossing my arms, my tone lowered. Father was always a light sleeper, if he had even been sleeping.
Coriolanus sighed, his gaze locked on my own unblinking. I narrowed my eyes and stared up at him. He shouldn’t be here. In my family home, enjoying all the luxuries owed to my brother, not him.
“I did,” Coriolanus confessed. He wet his lips, as he shared his knowledge of treason so casually.
“Then why is my brother gone and you’re here?” The waver of my voice cracked my hardened resolve. My body trembled beneath the weight of too many emotions to sort. Confusion. Rage. Grief. Disbelief. I choked back a cry and allowed Coriolanus to pull me in his arms as I sobbed into his shoulder.
“Sejanus loved you more than anything. I promised I’d look after you,” Coriolanus touch was soothing as he poured honey in my ears. Capitalizing off my vulnerability. My brother’s true final words to me slipped from my grasp as I took comfort from the source of my grief.
“—I have already requested a leave of absence for your first day of University. Look at the bright side sister. You won’t have to fuss about my hair being better than yours on your big day. They have buzzed my curls from me. We’ll be together soon, sister. Give Mother my love. With love. Your brother, Sejanus.”
𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐁𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞
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plutodexay · 2 months
Can I request some cuddling with Snowjanus stuff? Like reader dating both of them? headcannons would be okaY!
Headcannons! Love the idea of this and am working on other stuff with them!!
I could see them arguing ngl. They're both the protective type, granted one is more agressive than the other, but both are protective non the less.
With this I feel like they'd argue over whos chest you'd lay on, both wanting to do the sterotypical cuddles that way so they can easily feel when you move and can feel you breath against them. Imagine them doing rock paper scissors on who would get you to sleep ontop of them "best 12/15" type vibes.
If Sejanus won Coryo would be grouchy, claiming he doesn't want to cuddle for a solid 10 minutes before eventually throwing a loose arm over your hip, ignoring that it was touchign Sejanus because he def didn't like that (River in Eygpt) which would bring a giggle out of you and a loud huff from the blond.
If Coryo won Sejanus would go along with it effortlessly. He’d let you get comfortable on Coryos chest (not without a smug look from the blond) before pressing himself against your back, tightly holding you against him and burrowing his head in the back of your neck. Sometimes he’d press kisses into your skin, constantly smiling even as he drifted into sleep.
I also really enjoy thinking about laying inbetween the two of them on your back with them on their sides. Sejanus would be so comfortably and would love being able to nuzzle into your chest.
Coryo would have to lay on the side with your heart, laying his head on top of it so when he would get nervous throughout the night he would have a constant reminder of you. He would also use this to subtly rest his hand on Sejanus’, needing the reassurance of the other man as well. He would never admit it but you both knew and it would make his heart swell.
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ficmesideways · 1 month
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Request for Anonymous Gif Source: Girl on fire
Imagine you and Sejanus manage to escape to District 13 and live to see the rise and victory of the Mockingjay.
------- Imagine -------
You had both held on for so long. Life outside of the capital all of these years had been hard, and your bodies and faces showed the years of age and hardship. When you both saw her though, the fire billowing behind her and then the defiance of keeping her partner alive after the first game, you knew. You both knew what you had dreamed about for all those years would perhaps happen in your lifetime.
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Socks & Stitches
Coriolanus is deep in paperwork when the phone on his desk rings. He glances at the clock hanging on the wall, it’s nearly five o’clock, far too late for anyone in the office to be ringing him for last-minute favors.
He’s gotten so tired of those.
“Could you run these papers over to the other department for me? My grandmother is sick and I have to take care of her.”
“Did you happen to come up with a plan for the new development project? You always have the best ideas so I was hoping you could take charge for that one.”
All excuses that he’s grown so tired of. It’s hard being at the top, where everyone expects you to be a leader. Still, it pays the bills and he enjoys it for the most part.
The phone continues ringing and with a heavy sigh, Coriolanus picks it up and brings it to his ear, preparing for the latest bullshit lie from someone trying to go home early.
“Coriolanus Snow, to whom am I speaking?”
He uses his most authoritative voice when answering the phone, a voice that is not to be messed with. He’s met with the softest voice he’s ever heard.
His heart drops at Soarynn’s shaky tone. She sounds like she’s been crying. “Soarynn? What’s wrong darling? What happened?” He asks, adopting a more kind tone, a patient tone only reserved for her.
Soarynn sniffles before answering, “It’s Petunia. She’s…she’s sick. I don’t know what to do or what happened but she’s not being herself. She sounds like she’s in a lot of pain so I’m taking her to the veterinarian.”
That cat is going to be the death of him.
Coriolanus pinches the bridge of his nose before taking a deep breath, “Don’t worry darling, I’m sure she’ll be alright. I’ll meet you at the veterinarian's office okay?”
Her voice trembles, “Okay.”
He holds the phone to his ear after she hangs up. What if Petunia doesn’t make it? What if this is some deadly disease and it’s already too late?
They can’t lose Petunia. They just can’t.
Coriolanus finally slams the phone back on the receiver and gathers all his paperwork, tucking it safely into the correct file before standing to grab his coat and briefcase.
He looks at the clock again. He looks at the clock because at five-thirty he’s supposed to partake in an important meeting where he will take the lead for a majority of it. But he can’t. Not with Soarynn on her way to the veterinarian.
He swallows a displeased groan when he realizes what he must be subjected to if he wants to make sure he’s there for Soarynn who is bound to be a broken mess by now.
He has to ask for a favor.
He wastes no time in striding down the hall and knocking just once before opening the door to Festus Creed’s office. “Festus,” he breathes, relieved that his friend is quite literally making paper swans at the moment, not busy at all, the perfect contender to take over this meeting for him.
Festus looks up at him and raises his eyebrows at his attire, “I didn’t know you were leaving early today Coriolanus. Don’t you have a meeting soon?”
Coriolanus all but rolls his eyes at the question, “Yes. But some things come up. An emergency. Petunia is sick and I have to meet Soarynn at the veterinarian.”
Festus, who is as familiar with Petunia as he is with Coriolanus’s distaste for Petunia smirks and tilts his head, “So you’re running off to the veterinarian to be by your girlfriend’s side?”
“To take care of the cat you so passionately claim to hate?”
“And to pay for the most likely, very expensive bill you’ll receive at the end of her visit?”
Coriolanus nearly strangles Festus but restrains himself, “I left my meeting notes on my desk in a folder. Do not crack any inappropriate jokes during this meeting.”
Festus holds his hands up in surrender, “It was one time! Now go do what you need to do instead of glowering in my doorway. You’re ruining the aura I’ve created in here.”
Coriolanus takes a quick look around the disheveled office where papers are scattered everywhere and almost everything in here could count as a fire hazard. “Have a good night Festus.”
꧁ ꧂
The cold air fills his lungs as Coriolanus jogs down the busy Capitol streets. They’re all crowded due to it being a Friday night but he moves through the crowds quite easily.
He feels a bit better when he finally sees the veterinarian's clinic with his car parked in front of it. Thank goodness Soarynn enlisted the help of their chauffeur instead of walking all this way like he did.
When he reaches the clinic he’s welcomed by the warm air and the sound of that weird parrot who says all sorts of things. They had selected this clinic based on their reviews and reputation.
The reviews however, failed to mention the parrot who was a permanent resident at the clinic who liked to throw out obscenities whenever it pleased at unsuspecting patients.
The animals obviously didn’t care but the owners certainly did. Coriolanus still hadn’t recovered from the time the parrot had looked him dead in the eye before squawking: “Let me feel those curls, pretty boy.”
He hadn’t slept well that night.
He tunes out the bird as he focuses on the familiar sight of his girlfriend standing at the receptionist’s desk. He doesn’t see Petunia with her which he takes as a good sign. It means she’s already been taken to the back. As he reaches Soarynn he picks up on the conversation she’s having with the receptionist and his heart breaks even further.
“…and how old is she?”
Soarynn wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, “She’s two years old,” she says so softly. Her voice is so delicate and fragile. Her entire frame is trembling as she holds onto the edge of the desk.
“Alright. And how do you spell your first name?” The woman asks, peering up at Soarynn with a look that is all too judgmental for his liking. Soarynn normally presents herself with the sophistication that is expected of a high-society Capitol lady.
Right now she’s dressed in a haphazardly thrown-together outfit as she tries to hold herself together.
Soarynn swallows, “S-O-A-R-Y-N-N.”
The woman hums as she jots that down, “And the patient's first and last name?”
Coriolanus takes the opportunity to finally rest a hand on Soarynn’s shoulder, jolting her from her conversation. “Petunia Snow,” he says, his voice laced with authority and assertiveness. Soarynn instantly melts into him and allows him to wrap an arm around her shaking frame.
The receptionist looks up at him with wide eyes and a newfound respect for the patient she’s referring to, “Mr. Snow, I…I didn’t realize she was your cat.”
Coriolanus nods, “She is. And she is to be taken care of with the utmost respect along with my girlfriend.” He holds Soarynn a little tighter, hoping to lend her some strength and courage.
The receptionist swallows and looks over at one of the many doors before looking back at them, “Well, it appears that Ms. Petunia Snow is going to have to undergo surgery. I’ll have you two take a seat so I can go fetch the head veterinarian.”
Soarynn nearly loses it when she hears that her cat is going to have surgery.
Coriolanus does all he can to comfort her but he knows it’s mostly futile. Soarynn adores Petunia, should she not survive the surgery, she’ll be devastated.
“What if they can’t fix her?” Soarynn asks as she clutches his white shirt, wrinkling it but Coriolanus couldn’t care less about wrinkles. He places a loving kiss on the side of her head, “These are the best veterinary nurses in all of Panem darling, Petunia will be feeling better in no time.”
Soarynn sniffles and Coriolanus is quick to offer her his handkerchief, “I feel horrible. I can’t imagine how terrified she must be right now.” Coriolanus has a feeling that Petunia is most likely hissing at everyone who comes within her sight right now but he keeps those thoughts to himself. Soarynn needs encouragement, not tips on training her cat who’s as spoiled as they come.
The two of them sit and quietly talk for a few more minutes before a nurse approaches them holding a clipboard, “Mr. and Mrs. Snow?” Coriolanus feels his heart skip a beat when hearing Soarynn being addressed as his wife, carrying his name even though she isn’t.
Not yet at least.
He nods, “That’s us.”
The nurse glances down at her clipboard before speaking, “We're about to take her in for surgery if you’d like to say goodbye until tomorrow morning.”
Soarynn tenses next to him and Coriolanus places a hand on her thigh, “What do you mean tomorrow morning? She won’t be able to come home tonight?” Soarynn asks the nurse who looks more and more nervous as the seconds pass. The people who work here are used to the kind and gentle Soarynn Nightingale. This Soarynn Nightingale is on high alert, frantic and desperate.
"No Mrs. Snow, she won't be ready to leave until tomorrow morning to ensure that her recovery goes smoothly."
Soarynn gives Coriolanus a pleading look as if he can control how these people do their jobs, "We would appreciate a few minutes alone with her," Coriolanus decides, figuring that should something fatal occur tonight, they've both said their goodbyes.
꧁ ꧂
They're led to one of the rooms where appointments are normally conducted although it lacks the sense of familiarity. Soarynn lets out a sharp gasp when they see Petunia lying on the table, her eyes closed and her breathing labored.
Coriolanus tries to push down his concern for the feline, the feline who is usually the bane of his existence but even he feels his heartstrings being pulled.
The cat looks pitiful to put it lightly. She lacks her usual sharpness and doesn't even hiss when she notices him in her presence. "Oh, my darling," Soarynn whispers, making her way towards her beloved pet, "it's going to be alright Petunia, I promise they'll take such good care of you."
Coriolanus can hear a tremor in Soarynn's voice as she attempts to put on a brave face for Petunia who is just now waking up. She lets out a soft meow, so soft that it reminds Coriolanus of when she was a small kitten, just finding her voice.
Soarynn gently pets her head and whispers words of love and devotion, promising to be here first thing in the morning when they open. Coriolanus stands near the door, watching the two most important women in his life say goodbye before one undergoes a major surgery. He wonders what's caused Petunia to get like this. Perhaps she ate something poisonous to cats.
The head veterinarian appears at the other door that leads to the back of the clinic and offers Coriolanus a small smile, "We'll be taking her back in a few minutes," he tells them. Soarynn nods but doesn't take her eyes off Petunia, "Alright. You'll be alright Petunia, I promise we'll spend the entire day together tomorrow once you come home."
The veterinarian's face slightly softens at the touching sight and Coriolanus feels his heartbreak when Soarynn presses one last kiss to Petunia's head, her nose nuzzling Petunia's before she pulls away. Soarynn turns back to face him and he can see tears falling down her face, "I'll be in the car," she whispers before brushing past him.
Petunia watches Soarynn leave with sad eyes and Coriolanus sighs, carding his hand through his hair before he approaches the cat who normally hates him.
"I know I don't often voice my affection for you," he says quietly, crouching down to be eye level with Petunia, "but I do find myself worried for you right now. So please, if not for me, then get better for Soarynn. I can not picture our lives without you Petunia."
Coriolanus feels himself getting a little bit choked up and scolds himself for showing such weakness that is only reserved for Soarynn to witness. But Petunia is an extension of his girlfriend and she's seen him working late at night and rising early in the morning. The cat is family, simple as that.
Petunia gives him a slow blink and Coriolanus gently scratches behind her ears, her favorite spot before rising back to his full height, "Take good care of her," he tells the head veterinarian who nods, "Of course Mr. Snow. She's in good hands."
Coriolanus gives Petunia one last look before leaving the room, doing his best to ignore the cries she lets out once he's out of her line of sight.
꧁ ꧂
His heart breaks even more when he finds Soarynn in the backseat of the car, crying. "It's alright darling," he says, wrapping his arm around her shaking frame, "she'll be alright. She's just going to take a long nap, that's all."
He tries to frame it to sound as easy as possible but not even he knows how invasive the surgery will be. Coriolanus would like to argue that all surgeries are invasive, but he once again keeps his thoughts to himself.
Soarynn doesn't say a word and simply continues crying as they're driven through the busy Capitol streets. Coriolanus rubs her back in soothing circles and thinks about anything but the most pressing matter on his mind.
He already knows that Soarynn won't sleep a wink tonight, not willingly at least. Should she drift off accidentally, she'll be sure to wake right back up when the clinic opens at seven tomorrow morning. Soarynn has never been an early riser but she's bound to become one for Petunia.
Coriolanus watches the familiar sight of their apartment building come into view, the car coming to a stop on the Corso. He presses a kiss to the top of Soarynn's head, "She'll be alright Soarynn."
꧁ ꧂
"So the meeting went well?"
Coriolanus glances over at the window seat in his study where Soarynn is currently sleeping. She normally comes in with Petunia and the two of them curl up on the cushion together but today is far from normal.
"Yep, they loved me, might even promote me to the executive president," Festus tells him over the phone. Coriolanus rolls his eyes at his friend's jokes, just thankful that he managed the meeting without him. "Well, thank you for helping me out. It's been a stressful evening for us."
"How's Petunia? Did they figure out what was wrong with her?"
Coriolanus sighs and rubs his temples, "Not yet, but she's undergoing surgery right now, we can pick her up tomorrow morning right when they open." Festus chuckles, "So you'll be there right when they open knowing Soarynn."
Coriolanus glances at Soarynn who's still asleep. She didn't want to be alone, be reminded of how empty the penthouse was now that Petunia wasn't roaming the halls at her leisure. And Coriolanus of course, didn't want Soarynn to feel alone, so she settled for the window seat so he could be near her while he worked.
"Yes," he mumbles in agreement, "so heaven forbid if they want to keep her for another day." He can't imagine why they'd need to keep Petunia for longer, but with his luck, she'd need to be put in some sort of quarantine.
"I'm sure it'll be fine, just try and get some rest."
Coriolanus wants to tell Festus that getting rest is wishful thinking but he might just be able to slip in a couple of hours of sleep if Soarynn doesn't wake up. The poor thing cried the whole way home and for another hour once they made it up to the penthouse. It doesn't help that Petunia's toys are scattered everywhere. Coriolanus has found them in various places over the years, in his shoes, his briefcase.
Nothing had been more mortifying than opening his briefcase at an important meeting all for a toy mouse to fall onto the table in front of his associates.
Still, he would happily deal with the toys if it meant that Petunia returned home safe and sound.
Coriolanus says his goodbyes to Festus before hanging up and staring at his sleeping girlfriend. He's never seen her this sad before, this lost. The whole reason he got Petunia was so that she wasn't lonely when he went to work and now Petunia might not come home.
He'll just have to hope for the best and trust the veterinarian. But trust is a hard thing to possess when it has to do with someone you love.
꧁ ꧂
"Coryo, Coryo wake up! Wake up!"
Coriolanus lets out a tired groan as he's repeatedly pushed towards the edge of the bed. He brought Soarynn to bed around midnight hoping for both of them to get a few hours of decent sleep. "Come on! It's almost seven!" Coriolanus finally opens his eyes to see Soarynn nearly on top of him, her eyes wide with excitement. She looks exhausted but excited, the adrenaline is rushing through her from what he can see.
Coriolanus yawns and slowly sits up, looking at the clock on the bedside table to see that there are ten minutes til seven. "Darling, why don't...why don't we have a little breakfast, and then I can take a quick sho-"
"I'll meet you there," she says before bolting off of the bed and out the room. Coriolanus sits there for a moment, blinking away the sleep from his eyes. Surely she'll wait, surely she'll call their driver, surely...was that the sound of the front doors opening and closing?
"Soarynn?" No response.
"She left me," he mutters, slowly getting out of bed, "she left me for the cat."
Coriolanus quickly gets dressed, throwing on whatever he can find, some shoes, a coat, maybe some pants. It's bound to be freezing outside but that won't stop Soarynn.
By the time he's made it downstairs to the apartment building lobby, she's long gone. Coriolanus shakes his head, "This girl is unbelievable," he says to himself before stepping out into the cold morning air.
If he squints hard enough, he can see a tiny pink blur running down the street, his girlfriend.
It's admirable really, how dedicated Soarynn is to Petunia. He can only hope she'd maintain the same level of dedication should he be the one in the hospital getting surgery.
When he finally reaches the clinic, the lights are already on and he can see several nurses milling around inside. He's welcomed by warm air when he walks inside and he doesn't see Soarynn anywhere. The receptionist is just getting settled behind her desk and offers him a tired smile, "Good morning Mr. Snow." He nods, "An early morning is more like it."
The receptionist sighs and glances towards the only room with the door open, "They're in there." To hear that not only his girlfriend but her cat are in the room lightens his heart significantly.
Petunia survived.
Coriolanus makes his way over to the room and finds Soarynn on the floor holding a white ball of fur. Petunia. The cat immediately lets out an agitated hiss the second she lays eyes on him and Coriolanus merely rolls his eyes, "Just yesterday you cried out for me."
Soarynn rocks Petunia back and forth and places a kiss on her head, "Don't listen to him Petunia, we're both so very happy that you're alright." He is quite pleased to see Petunia back to her regular, annoying self. She appears to be no different except for her front left leg which has been shaved and wrapped with a pink bandage and gauze.
"She had to be given anesthesia," Soarynn tells him, her eyes sparkling once again now that all is right with the world and more importantly, with Petunia.
They're interrupted by a knock at the door and it's one of the nurses holding something made of plastic in her hands, "I've come to show you how to clean her stitches," she says. Soarynn nods and Coriolanus helps her off the floor, smiling at how she's shown up in only her pajamas. A pink silky button-up shirt with long sleeves and matching pants with feathers around the ends.
Soarynn is quite the fashion statement.
Coriolanus listens intently as the nurse instructs them on how to clean the stitches going up Petunia's abdomen, and that she should only be fed dry food for the next week along with a prescribed antibiotic. She then shows them the plastic thing in her hands which turns out to be a cone that goes around Petunia's neck that prevents her from licking at the stitches.
Coriolanus chuckles when the nurse forces the cone around her neck and earns a loud, frustrated yowl from Petunia who attempts to lunge at the nurse. Soarynn holds her tightly and shoots Coriolanus a glare, "Don't laugh at her Coryo, she's had a very rough day." He smirks, "Well it seems that she's back to her regular, perky self."
꧁ ꧂
"Sign here, here, and here."
Coriolanus dutifully signs all the release documents concerning Petunia while Soarynn stands next to him, beaming as she holds the feline in her arms.
"Here is the total bill concluding your visit with us," the receptionist says, sliding over the bill to him. Coriolanus widens his eyes at the bill, at the steep price Petunia has cost him. "What on earth did you take out of her? What did she eat?" He asks, unable to stop himself from wondering what it is that is costing him so much.
The receptionist pulls out Petunia's file and flips through a few papers before answering his question, "A black sock."
Soarynn lets out a small gasp and Coriolanus glares down at the cat who looks up at him smugly, as if she's planned this all along.
"She ate my sock," he concludes, giving Soarynn a knowing look.
Petunia has always had a thing for his socks even though Soarynn has denied it time and time again. She'll bite holes in them or hide them from him. This pricey bill is finally written proof of her crimes.
He pulls his wallet out of his coat pocket and hands it to the receptionist, "Here you go." Soarynn does her best to look guilty and hide the growing smile on her face but she fails miserably and Coriolanus scoffs, "I don't see anything funny about this situation. I'm out one sock and my bank account is out four thousand."
Soarynn leans her head on his shoulder, batting her eyelashes up at him, "But it's for a good cause darling, aren't you glad she's all better now?" Coriolanus is certainly glad that Petunia didn't drop dead but her eating his sock further proves her vendetta against him.
This is psychological warfare.
And he's losing.
"Would you like to make the payment in full or in installments?"
Coriolanus nearly laughs at the question as he glances back down at the receptionist, "In full."
It's moments like this where he's glad that he's in the financial situation he's currently in, where he can afford to pay an expensive bill like this out of the blue.
Once the payment has been made and he's four thousand poorer, all three of them step out into the cold morning, this time the car is waiting for them. Coriolanus had spoken a quick word to the doorman before leaving for the clinic to have their car sent to pick them up.
He'd be damned if he had to walk back home dressed like this.
꧁ ꧂
"Oh, look at how clever you are darling."
Coriolanus glances into the hallway to see Petunia trying to catch a beam of light shining against the wall. Soarynn loves to take a flashlight and watch Petunia try and catch the light, claiming that it helps her tune into her "hunting instincts."
She's already caught a sock, so that's a start.
Petunia has been home for three days and Soarynn couldn't be happier. Coriolanus took the day off today to spend it with them, mostly to make sure Petunia didn't try to kill herself again when Soarynn turned her back for a split second.
But Petunia is as delighted to be back in Soarynn's presence as Soarynn is to be in hers.
Petunia looks into his study, momentarily making eye contact with him before hissing. Coriolanus doesn't try to hide his smile.
Some things never change.
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ghostfacd · 6 months
PAIRING. tom blyth x fem!actress!reader
SUMMARY. in which tom blyth can’t let go of your hand after an intense argument scene in your film
installment of this au | your character and Tom’s lines in the film are written in italics
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Tom and you have probably been on your tenth cut by now, the scene was an argument between yours and his character, Balleona and Coriolanus. It was fierce and intense, filled with lots of angry yelling and a few tears.
Needless to say, your director was on both of your asses to make sure you got everything down perfectly, from the lines and hand movements to the crocodile tears.
“You can’t just expect everything to be okay Coriolanus!” You yell exasperated. You look up at Tom, who was currently looking down at you with a cold gaze. “You decided to cheat! You decide to risk your entire career for Lucy Gray, now you go sit with the consequences!”
Tom slams his hand on the table nearby, making you flinch back. “I had to! I did it for us! All of it! The rat poison—the scarf—I did everything for us! And now you repay me by yelling at me like a child?!”
You push Tom back with an accusing finger, eyes lingering with hurt. “You’re acting like a child Coriolanus Snow! I told you that my family has enough money, enough for you to go to university. But you just had to ruin the entire system, didn’t you? Is it Lucy Gray? The disgusting filth from District 12? Is she influencing you?”
Tom places his hand on your chin, grabbing it harshly, making you let out a whine.
“You don’t speak about her like that, do you understand?” Tom tightens his grip, making your hands come up to try to get out of his grasp. “Do you understand?!” He yells, causing you to close your eyes tightly.
“Let me go, you’re hurting me.” You say, “Coryo, let go, you’re hurting me.”
Tom’s eyes suddenly switched from anger to softness, and he lets go of his hold on your face. “I’m sorry sweetheart. I’m sorry.”
He brings you into a hug, letting you bury your head into his chest. “You know I didn’t mean it right? You know you’re more important to me than Lucy Gray—that’s why I did all of this. It was for you.”
You nod, letting out a few tears. Tom breaks the hug to hold your hand, his other one coming up to wipe them away.
“And.. cut!”
Tom stops wiping the tears that have fallen down to your cheeks, sighing in relief when the director says that they don’t have to redo the scene again.
However, he’s still holding tightly on your hand, nodding slowly at each of the words that come out from the director’s mouth.
“You okay?” You whisper to him.
“Hm? Yeah, no, I’m fine.” He reassures you, smiling down at your figure. “I’m a bit thirsty. Water?”
You smile and nod, letting him walk you two over to the water dispenser. He’s still holding firmly onto your hand, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by your co stars, Rachel and Josh.
“Geez Blyth, do you always have such a possessive hold on our dear Y/N here?” Rachel jokes, smiling teasingly at you two.
You roll your eyes, looking up at your boyfriend. He doesn’t seem to hear Rachel’s words, instead, focusing on getting the two of you water.
“Do you want some Rachel? Josh?”
“I’m good,” Rachel replies, “and Josh is too. We were gonna head out to this smoothie place for our lunch break.”
“Ah.” With his free hand, Tom pulls you closer to him until you’re practically leaning against him. “Well have fun you two.”
Rachel and Josh say their thanks, but before they leave, Rachel slips by you, whispering “he’s stuck to you like glue, isn’t he?” in your ear.
You try to hold in your smile, butterflies filling your stomach. Despite shooting the scene 15 minutes ago, Tom was still holding onto your hand as if you were his lifeline.
“Hey babe,” you say, which automatically makes all the gears in Tom’s hand focus their attention on you.
“How come you’re still holding onto my hand?”
He seems to be surprised at your words, glancing down briefly at your intertwined fingers.
“Oh, I didn’t realize.” He says, shrugging.
“Yeah,” you tease him. “Obsessed with me aren’t you?”
He rolls his eyes, but nods in agreement. “Just a habit I guess. I felt really bad for yelling at you so much in the scene and grabbing your face. I’d never do that in real life.”
You let out a laugh, making Tom furrow his eyebrows in confusion.
“Aww Tom,” you say, leaning into his chest with your head. “I know you would never do that in real life baby. It’s just acting.”
“I know,” he sighs. “I just hate arguing with you, whether it’s acting or not. Coriolanus is a loser for not realizing what he has, you know.”
Now that made you laugh even louder, “yeah, but Tom Blyth is a sweetheart.” You tippy toe to reach his nose, placing a small kiss on the bridge of it. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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snowsinterlude · 5 months
need someone older.
(teacher!coriolanus × student!reader.)
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summary: a teacher can do a lot in private lessons.
c.w: reader is 19 for repeating a year, age gap (coryo's 29), fingering, tummy bulge, heavy smut, edging (f. recieving), overstimulation, stuffed panties, mild public sex, petnames (coryo calls reader bunny, pet, good girl.), reader thinks coryo is married so . cheating implications, marriage proposal
being a dumb girl was something you tried your best to do ever since you repeated the first year of high school, watching all your friends graduating before you was something you weren't proud about- not for them, but for you. you were supposed to be by their side.
thankfully, you had your professor, coriolanus snow. god. he was the only reason for you to pay attention to class (or at least try to), you were hungry for his approval. for you to be called a "good girl", and be said that you've done well in your tests? yeah, you were willing to do anything for that.
when he offered you private classes, you said yeah without even thinking much. you needed to learn, and spending more time with him was something you craved for. the ring on his finger? fuck it. you wanted it. you deserved it. more than his wife – if he had one.
you've been day dreaming about it constantly, eyes always searching for his on every class you had with him, and he would keep that smile painted on his face, not wanting anyone to think you were the reason for him to be smiling, even if you were, the didn't need to know about it.
"bunny," he voiced, leaning on your desk and taking advantage of the fact that you both were on the library, every student on the school had gone home and the teachers had gathered to go to a nearby bar. "stop looking at my dick now, will we?" he said, chuckling at you.
"huh?" you asked, finally waking to your reality.
"you need to learn that if you don't want to repeat a grade again." he said, sitting by your side, his hand holding your thigh. "you don't want to repeat now, do you?" you shaked your head negatively, and he loved seeing you like that, shy as a kitten even if you usually had his dick on your mouth when that used to happen. "c'mon, don't look at me like that. we have to put these things on your brain if you want to graduate already." he said.
his fingers slowly travelled all the way up on your panties, finding a small damp on the fabric, he looked at you with his usual smirk, his pupils blown already from everything he was about to do to you.
and now you looked like a mess. hands gripping on the library desk as your legs trembled with the aftermath of every time you almost came. you counted six till now, crying from how good it felt having him behind you, his fingers thrusting lewdly into your cunt.
"c-coryo- t-teacher, please. please stop it, i have to cum- i can't hold it in anymore!" you begged, clenching as his fingers rubbed deliciously on your clit after thrusting so many times inside you.
"well, it's not my fault, pet. you're the one getting your questions wrong." he said, pulling his dick to tease the core of your pussy, your cries only making him feel and making his ego bigger. "tell me, baby, how do you want it?"
"q-quick, pleease! if it get slower i-i think i'll die!" you said, legs spread as your skirt revealed a small part of your ass.
"oh, c'mon, i'm sure you can take it, baby" he purred in your ear, the tip of his cock teasing your pussy and slapping your clit slightly, making your body jolt slightly. you bend over, your elbows being now your main support at that table.
"please, teacher..!" you begged. but he didn’t even bat an eye to your cries, slowly sliding his dick inside you, and fuck, you both fucked on wednesday, how come he always seems to stretch you up so good? the pace he choose to torture you with was so slow, making sure you felt every inch of his dick inside you, stretching you, making you his. "please, don't do that to me. j-just ask something easier!" you cried.
"easier? okay... let's see" his hips bucked slowly into yours, your pussy gushing around him as if your own body needed that- as if he was the hair you breathed for. "what's your age, babe?" he asked, a playful tone being cast as his free hand massaged your boob, pinching on your nipple and freeing both your boobs from it's cage.
"n-nineteen." you said, and he laughed again as he said: "good girl, you're right.", his hips giving you a powerful thrust that made you cum with only that, making you cry from your own humiliation.
"ah, bunny, don't tell me you came already only with that." he said, joking with your face as you cried.
"i'm sorry- too good. i-it was too deep." he laughed, pulling back and thrusting deeper again, this time, you made sure not to cum again, edging yourself as he changed your position to put your leg over his broad shoulder, his dick making a bulge appear at your tummy. he loved that view- much more than he loved you.
"look at you, taking me so well. how does it feel, baby? use one of the words we learned at the literature class," he grunted your tightness coating his dick with your own juices, "use them, even if it's just two, and i'll let you cum."
"tortuous," you begin, crying from how good it felt, from how dumb you were getting. "spiralling, it's twirling my insides!" you cried. and he smilled, kissing and licking your tears before placing the most gentle kiss on your lips, pouding faster into you as you closed your eyes shut, moaning and grunting from all the pleasure- and yet you tried your best to avoid moaning only to hear his moans and the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh.
"good girl." he said, his hands holding your hips as he fucked you. it felt truly out of your world experience. his phone ringed just at the right moment he hit your cervix. "t-teacher, your phone- it can be your wife." you said, earning a frown from him as he turned the phone off.
"wife? baby, i'm single." he said, chuckling at you. "you've been walking around school with my cum stuffed in your panties even thought you thought i was married?" he pounded into you with a more quicken pace. "god, what a dirty girl you are. fucking around with married teachers." he teased you.
you felt a heat on your cheeks that you never felt before. god, how much would you end up humiliating yourself? "b-but, fuck! y-your ring-"
he showed you the ring. taking it off his finger with his mouth and sticking his tongue to you, an invitation for you to take the ring.
"keep it." he said once you took the ring
"but- s-sir, i-"
"mm, bunny, i'm a faithful man." he said. "and right now, i'm faithful to you." he said. you squirmed deliciously at the feeling of his cock filling you up again, his tip on your cervix as you came again, and soon enough, he came too.
he helped you get dressed into your panties again and straightned your clothes, a cast kiss on your lips before he smiled sweetly at you, putting the ring on your middle finger.
"i hope you know what that means."
"i-i do." you said, for both questions heavily implied in that context.
"great. then make sure to graduate, bunny." he smiled. "i'm sure the honeymoon will be great."
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coryosmin · 4 months
Actually I was stopping by mainly to say that lately I'm really enjoying getting into your profile and just reading the things you've posted. I luv u <3
But since I'm here, I would like to know how thg characters will react to jealousy!reader pls 🥹
thank you so much!! i’m glad you like my writing! <3
coriolanus - he would take pride in the fact that you’re jealous. he would actually kind of get off on it. it’s a control thing. it means he has you right where he wants you to be and truthfully, it just means that you are loyal to him. he’s a jealous guy too so really it works out. though it could definitely get toxic.
sejanus - sejanus would reassure you that there’s nothing for you to get jealous over and that he’s 100% loyal to you and you only. he would hug you, kiss you, let you know that he’s completely yours.
finnick - i think finnick would find it cute. he would think of you as adorable that you think he would want anyone other than you. he would definitely reassure you but in a teasing way with a smirk on his face like “you really think i’d ever be interested in some random person flirting with me when i have the whole package right in front of me? baby you know better than that.”
peeta - truthfully mans is oblivious when someone flirts with him. so when he sees that you’re jealous, he’s very confused and asks what’s wrong. and when you explain it to him, he’s like “oh” and surprised pikachu face. but he’ll reassure you that he had no idea and that he apologized for making you feel that way.
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m0chaminx · 7 months
Coriolanus Snow | “What about you?” “She's the star.” “Luckily I Like Roses.”
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*•.¸♡Request: omg can you write a coryo x reader, i don’t mind what, just pls don’t make him go batshit crazy at the end😩😩
*•.¸♡Prompts: none
*•.¸♡Warnings: Coriolanus, I completely forgot the other Covey peoples names :I, reader is shorter than Snow, Cori isn't insane (ish), Snow is slight ooc, and yes he's a terrible person but you’re here too
*•.¸♡Paring: Coriolauns Snow x F!reader
*•.¸♡Summary: On Coriolanus’s trip down to the lake with the star Lucy Gray, he found the most beautiful rose ever seen
Coriolanus pervs on you while swimming (romantic)
*•.¸♡Words: 1.1k
Part 2
Growing up in the Covey had been a stroke of luck, simple as it gets, when Lucy Gray Baird and her family had been forced into District 12 Seeing the talent you had with a guitar one night as you played to the darkness, they took you to their next show where you played alongside Lucy Gray. She was still the star, she had the smile, the voice, the charisma. You could sing when you needed to, and you played the guitar just as well, but she always took the spotlight. And when she strolled into town after winning the Hunger Games, that star power only grew. She was the star, until one sunny morning.
Mockingjay's sang into the wind, the warm sun beating against your skin and the gentle breeze made your sundress flow in the wind. Meeting Lucy and the others on the walk to the lake you came face to face with Coriolanus Snow. Buzzed blonde hair, sharp jawline and the bluest eyes you had ever seen. His smile was bright, and his laugh was as sweet as Lucy’s singing. And it should be, he was laughing at her jokes. Smiling at her. Before he could catch you staring your eyes had shifted quickly, focussing on Lucy as you walked to her side.
She beamed as she saw you, wrapping her arms tightly around you.
“Coriolanus, I want you to meet only the bestest person in the world,” Lucy went on, kissing you quickly on the cheek.
The same smile returned as he turned to shake your hand, his skin soft on your calloused palms. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” He spoke your name softly, the syllables dripping from his tongue like honey. Your hand slipped from his, the tips of his fingers running along your palm.
Lucy quickly ushered you and the rest of the group on, starting the long hike down the green hills. Lucy walked ahead with Aurora, talking wistfully into the wind. You walked in silence, one hand gripping the strap of your satchel as you watched the critters race up the branches of the trees.
“Lucy said you played the guitar,” Coriolanus spoke up, swatting away another mosquito. He walked beside you, his tall figure blocking the sun from your face. He looked down at you, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. “Why didn’t I see you performing last night?”
You simply shrugged. The answer was the crowds didn’t cheer for you, Lucy was the star, and she could play for hours without backup. But it sounded sad. You looked over the trees, the Mockingjay's flying higher into the trees. “Nothing special, you probably just missed me when I left.”
Coriolanus shook his head softly, “I feel like I’d remember you.” You couldn’t place what Coriolanus meant, your eyebrows furrowing as you thought over his words. You didn't say anything more after that, keeping your eyes ahead on the track leading to the lake.
As soon as the dock was close enough Aurora and Tip had stripped their clothes off and thrown themselves in the water. You tossed your bag down, the hot sun that had beat against your skin had made you more than happy to rush into the water. Tossing your sundress aside with your satchel you ran down the dock and dove under the crystal blue water. The cool lake chilled your skin enough to relieve the sun but not enough to raise goosebumps.
You swam up to the surface, pushed the hair back for your face and fixed the straps of your handmade bra that slid down your shoulder. Lucy jumped in after you, and with a yell, Coriolanus jumped in, the splash of water hitting your face. You laughed, using your arms to keep you afloat. Coriolanus muttered an apology through a smile, but you barely noticed as your eyes fell over his light skin, his collar bones and muscular shoulders.
The lake was sweet, a nice relief from the constant smell of coal and sweat, the rowdy crowds and the smell of liquor on everyone's breath. Some time later Lucy had swam to shore, helping Aaroa and Tip fish and dig up Katniss' roots.
You floated on your back, the gentle waves lapping at your skin as the sun warmed your face. Coriolanus sat on the edge of the dock, toying with his fingers as he watched you. The wind blew the waves softly, the sun reflecting on your skin like liquid gold. He pushed himself off the dock, slipping below the cold water once again. “Can I hear you sing?” His voice made you turn your head to look at him.
“I don’t sing,” You muttered, turning your head to face the sun again.
“Lucy said you sing.”
You turned to swim properly, treading water. “If you wanna hear someone sing you should ask Lucy,” You insisted. You pushed yourself closer, slipping your fingers under the slim metal chain of his dog tags, untangling the knot. You moved it to hang properly from his neck, your nails dragging ever so slightly across his soft skin.
His icy blue eye moved from your hand on his skin and looked up at your face, droplets of water falling from your hair, and slipping down your skin and when they hit your lips, you swiped them away with your tongue. “I wanna hear you sing.” His eyes snapped up to meet yours as you lifted her gaze from the metal chain.
You chuckled softly and he swore it sounded like the sweetest melody, a honeydew sound that he couldn't help but smile at. “You’re funny Coriolanus Snow,” you said softly. “Turning down the winner of the Hunger Games. A true victor.”
Coriolanus wiped a hand down his face, wiping away the water running over his eyes. “What about you?” He asked.
You shook your head softly. “She’s the star, the songbird,” You insisted, unsure you were convincing him or yourself. His smile made your stomach flip, his gaze made your cheeks burn, but his words… his honey words.
His hand slowly reached out, his fingers slipping beneath the strap of your bra and sliding it back up your shoulder. His hand lingered there for a moment before falling back into the water. “Luckily I like roses.”
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