#the disastrous life of saiki k
hanatatami · 1 day
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his older sister reads BL
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painterwolf · 1 day
Dimple Saiki
Dimple possessing Saiki frfr???
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shutupakechi · 13 hours
happy pride month but only to my favourite girlfailure lesbian,
Imu Rifuta <3
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sentientsockjuice · 2 days
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i dont really like how it came out but YEAHHH YUMEHARA 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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aloneinwintrr · 1 day
happy pride
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psi-bug · 4 hours
Woah, pride month?!?!?! No way!!
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Guess I have to fluid his gender 🤷
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luffyvace · 3 days
I have been feed well by your small serie of saiki kusos x write reader 🤤
But may I request as saiki kusos w f!s/o who suddenly have makoto as a stalker?
(sorry if you don't understand this my first time requesting 😭😭)
that’s actually a great idea!! I’m super pumped to do this request! :)
Don’t worry I know just what ya mean!
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⚠️stalking warning,⚠️ before I start, if I may 😵‍💫
Saiki will know right away when he starts stalking you-
And ngl this is the perfect chance to get rid of him 😈🙏
just kidding! But seriously, he let go of all the times makoto’s annoyed him in the past, but now that’s he’s an issue with you? His girlfriend? The one girl he can actually tolerate, scratch that, loves??
yeah no buddy this one’s not gonna slide
unfortunately he cant punch him bc 1) Saiki’s too strong and 2) that’d draw a lot of attention to himself since Makoto is a celebrity
but what he can do?? Well, Plan A) pinch his cheeks till they hurt and threaten him, Upgraded Plan A) disguise himself then pinch his cheeks, Plan B) keep scaring the crap out of him every time he tries to follow you, Plan C) calmly talk it out with him that you two are an item, Plan D) tell Teruhashi and use her love for Saiki to his advantage, getting her to tell her parents and stop her brother, Plan E) Publicly expose that freak or Plan F) tell you you have a stalker if you haven’t noticed, and if you have, go to the police
wow! what well thought out plans! :) most of them won’t work
heres why!
upgraded plan A is better than just plan A but it will ultimately still draw attention
plan c is unlikely to work seeing as though how creepy that guy is, plus he doesn’t like Saiki
As of plan d Teruhashi can hardly stop him from being a creep to HER (😭⁉️) and i don’t know how well the parents will care, especially if he’s making them money..😟
plan e….seems like it would be successful..buuut i feel he would just use his celebrity status to will the evidence away, like speaking out about how he would “never” do that and doing charity 🙄 plus the fan girls probably won’t believe some rando who uploads that on the internet over they’re fav 😒
ngl plan F is really reasonable and has one of the highest chance of working, but yet again, the celebrity card will strike and he could pay off the police so they don’t do crap abt it 🤦‍♀️😑
therefore! Plan B it is! Seems the most likely to work + Saiki can get his revenge in a practically harmless way! :3
Thanks to his powers (for once 😭) no one is likely to believe even the Makoto when he says a flying guy dropped a pile of dog crap on him 😏🤷‍♀️
and even if they did when he tries to explain the full story he’ll have to keep lying to keep the lie of him not stalking you alive 👎
but he still will tell you if your unaware tho!
he’s likely gonna be hesitant if he knows you’ll freak about abt it but you deserve to know. And ofc he can always keep you safe (thanks magic powers, for being useful for once!) but he also would want your parents to know so if Makoto tries something they can have a lead.
so yes ultimately he tells you, likely at his house, in his room, and he tries to break it to you as gently as possible but…there’s no easy way to take that kind of info 😬😟
if you get scared or cry he’ll tell you his plan to make him leave you alone, and he tells you to tell your parents too. Essentially trying to console you
if you choose to trust him and react a bit calmer, maybe still worried, he’d ask if you still wanna go out in public knowing this, and if yes he’ll accompany whenever and wherever he can, especially since Makoto won’t wanna come up to you while he’s there, thinking Saiki’s your boyfriend
he is
Also If Makoto does anything perverted as far as taking sus pictures of you or imagining weird things with those photos he’ll rip them up and make the paper and random things fly around in his room, every time
He probably breaks his phones/cameras too, even if he buys knew ones, as punishment
onto the final battle!
let’s say your walking home from school and Makoto is following you, your boyfriend is close behind you both, monitoring the situation for a good chance to strike. First, you cross the railroad to get home, but Makoto has to fall back so you don’t see him, but when it’s his turn to go? Oh no! The trains coming! Where’d that even come from? there was no train?! CRAP!- huh? Wait..the trains gone..thank goodness?! 😭
oh wait! He needs to catch up to you! Well at least he knows where you live and what route you take through research! He needs to catch up! HOLY CRAP! What’s a mob doing here?! Did a fan see him?? How’d they find him..no way, don’t tell me they’re gonna find out what he’s doing..NO DONT COME ANY CLOSer…? They’re running past him? Well I guess he is in disguise..wait, they were running to this arch nemesis and top competition?! 😠 seriously?! That guy over him??
he proceeds to head over there to show the ladies who they should really be drooling over 😏 WAIT- HE CANT REVEAL HIMSELF RIGHT NOW?!- what?…where’d his wig go? THE WIND BLEW IT OFF?! HOLY- HE’S ABOUT TO GET FOUND OUT🫨 RUN 😭 🏃
aw man he’s outta breath, what are the odds the wind would blow his wig off near a mob of fans?! Now he’s gotta be extra careful following you! And it’s already late! Actually..it’s pretty darn dark….dang it! You’re probably in your house by now! Oh well…maybe you still have your window open and he can get some pictures that way! 👍
uh..is he starting to hear a second pair of footsteps..? But..no one’s around..why’s it getting louder..?! UH, it’s getting more aggressive now 😥….okay that’s it! he’s running..!
dang it! It’s chasing him! No way he can lead this creep to your house! (Ironic huh) he’s gotta take a wrong turn!
man! What time is it?! Midnight?! Has he really been running that long??? Why’s this freak still chasing him? And who is it?!?
alright! He’ll take a turn into that alley and lose ‘em! Then he’ll make a ‘U’ back to your house! Although there’s no way to be sure if your still up or not :/
hey! The footsteps are gone! Maybe think he lost him! Alright! He’ll take another turn and go back to your place!
right as he turns the corner?
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Jump scare!
he immediately calls his manager while running away, thinking he’s either a mass muderer, a demon or a stalker! 😱
and the best part is? Nobody will believe him 😊
ngl Saiki probably won’t let this slide even a couple days after he finds out Makoto’s stalking you, he’s quick to act and stop him bc no.
Super Saiki to your rescue! 🦸🤩😎
Ngl you’re beautiful so I see what Makoto sees in you but…..dude. Don’t stalk your crush.
hope you enjoyed your hcs! -Brook
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rainbowpiss34 · 2 days
gay doodles and extra fukumori doodle
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spac-e-b0y · 2 months
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i had a dream and i thought this was funny.
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bbq-potato-chip · 6 months
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Saw this post and immediately thought of them
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zimdotzip · 14 days
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been rewatching saiki with some friends
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stormyth-art · 1 month
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Kusuo Saiki!
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fagitsukareita · 2 months
s2 e8 of saiki k. saiki reveals that ever since he time traveled to the past and accidentally messed up the timeline in an earlier episode, he's been getting stuck in time loops. it's implied that this is caused by saiki's own anxieties, as clearing his head breaks him out of these loops. immediately after this is revealed, nendou almost dies violently, barely being saved by saiki's powers at the last second. time loops. saiki watches nendou die violently in front of him 16,785 times before breaking the loop by dissociating so heavily that he manages to save nendou without consciously thinking about it. this is entirely played as a gag and is never mentioned ever again.
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snailsgarden · 6 months
on one episode saiki gets stiff shoulders and has trouble with relieving it even with an ice pick or a iron pole right? so i thought what if his s/o massages his shoulders gently and his stiff shoulders are gone???? it'd be rlly nice if u could write that!!
★ those blessed hands!!
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summary: he has stiff shoulders, you almost know how to do massages.
cw: physical proximity, physical touch🤕
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earlier today, saiki had complained about his shoulder pain due to his uncomfortably-straight posture.
you, as a thoughtful lover, figured you might as well help him out with it.
you got him ice packs, didn't work.
now, you tried different things, an iron pole, making him lay on back resting positions..
didn't work.
now there he was, sat in between your legs, back facing you as your hands roamed his shoulders, skillful fingers reaching for his muscles as you pressed down on them, hard.
the boy would melt into the touch, and you could almost see flowers and sparkles around his figure as he sighed softly into the touch.
you kept on massaging his shoulders,
"is that better?"
there's a small pause,
as you continue on, he nearly falls asleep.
"I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing", you thought.
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sentientsockjuice · 2 days
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hanatatami · 1 month
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There's a couple's discount in a pastry shop and Saiki cannot miss his chance
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Toritsuka is really happy he gets to hold hands with a pretty girl (and Saiki at the same time!?)
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Purikuras as a souvenir...
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Payback ( ˘ ³˘)❤
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