#the free will is kicking in babes and it has decided I love finding ways to use things differently
daycourtofficial · 6 months
Capture the Mate
Summary: Azriel has to leave on a mission for a few days, but he asks Cassian to help look after his pregnant mate while he’s gone. Someone ambushes you and Cassian, taking you as prisoner.
Author’s note: this was requested by this lovely anon!!
“You look massive today.”
You snort at Cassian as you walked in, your giant belly making sitting down a bit difficult.
“And you look extra stupid today,” you retort, “guess we’re both glowing.”
Cassian laughs, going back to his cereal. You were in the last few months of your pregnancy and you were ready to meet your baby. You loved being pregnant, you loved how hot sex with your mate was because of it, you loved cradling your bump and the way your mates hands always find your bump.
But you didn’t love Cassian’s comments comparing you to a whale, the back pain, the inability to get comfortable, and your mate’s overprotectiveness being dialed up by a factor of a thousand.
Azriel was going on fewer missions these days due to your pregnancy, opting to delegate most of them to his most trusted spies. There are occasionally some missions he has to do himself, not happy about leaving you, practically throwing temper tantrums in the lead up to being gone. When he comes home it’s as if he’s been off at war for decades, checking every inch of you, asking you about every detail of your time in his absence (even down to what you ate exactly - he thinks you don’t eat enough vegetables in his absence).
This is the fifth mission during your pregnancy he’s gone on, and each time he can’t bear to leave you without someone who can protect you. Whenever Azriel has to go, he ensures one of his brothers or Feyre will be present with you at all times. Whenever he’s gone, you just stay in your old room at the House of Wind or at Feyre and Rhys’s new house.
At first it sounded a bit like needing a babysitter, but now it’s more like just staying at someone’s house for a sleepover. Feyre and Nesta always tried to help you have fun, spending the days you’re with them doing the things you love. Cassian loves you being there because he likes to have eating competitions with you, and Rhys likes it because he spoils you rotten.
Before Azriel left, he spent probably an hour saying goodbye to you and the babe. He’d kiss you, then move down to talk to the babe. “Stay in there until I return,” he’ll whisper. “Be nice to your mom while I’m gone, okay? Let her sleep, I won’t be here to rub her back when you kick her in the kidneys.”
This time he actually tears up a bit at leaving the two of you. He looks at you, grabbing your face in his hands, “I shouldn’t be too long, sweetheart. Be safe, I love you.”
“Any plans for the day, Cass?”
“Mmm not really, I already had training, so my day is free to be spent with you, my favorite sister.”
You smile. “You say that to both me and Feyre,” you reply, rolling your eyes fondly.
Cassian lifts his spoon to finish off the last of his cereal. “It changes day by day - today you’re the favorite.”
You had asked Cassian if you two could go back to your home with Azriel, you had some chores to do and you also wanted to work on setting up the nursery.
Looking around the nursery you take in what needs to be done. A month out from the baby’s arrival and your mate still hasn’t set up the crib. But if you set it up without him he’d give you a big lecture about how he was going to do it and how you could get yourself hurt doing it, so you’ll just leave it be.
You have a dresser set up and a wardrobe that practically rivals your own, so you decide to spend the day folding and putting away baby clothes.
Cassian graciously offered to clean the dishes that were in the sink, along with sweeping and mopping your downstairs floors.
After telling him he didn’t have to do that, he responded, “well I don’t want dirty floors for Cassian Jr. here when he starts crawling, and I don’t want you mopping because if you slip you might hurt Cassian Jr.” He finished his statement by reaching out to rub your belly.
You rolled your eyes at him, as he smiles at your belly. “Cassian, aren’t Jr’s supposed to be named after their father or mother? Last I checked, this wasn’t your baby.”
He strokes his thumb over your bump, hoping to feel a kick from within, “we could convince Az it’s mine. I think it’d be hilarious.”
You snort, “he’d kill you in a heartbeat.”
Cassian sighs, “I suppose. Maybe the next one can be Cassian Jr.” He wiggles his eyebrows as he tries to look at you suggestively.
You fling your arms, bringing on of your hands to your forehead dramatically, “Oh Cassian your powers of seduction are too strong, I’m irresistibly drawn to you! I must flee, to keep myself from pouncing on you.”
Laughter from the both of you echoing through the house as you attempt to scuttle away but it becomes more of a waddle as you climb the stairs to your nursery.
An hour or two had passed and you made a remarkable dent in the amount of clothing your baby had. The vast amount of clothes are mostly Rhys’s fault, no one alive loves buying clothes more than that male, but your mate was also quite fond of picking up clothes on the rare occasions he left your side.
He loved watching how happy you got, realizing just how much he was thinking of you and the babe while gone.
You decide to go check on Cassian, not having heard much of anything from downstairs since you’ve been in the nursery. You waddle down the stairs, holding the railing for support. You get to the last step, and you see Cassian in your living room, face down, wings splayed out, blood gushing from his head onto your rug.
You yell for him as you run to him, sitting next to him, checking for a pulse. He’s still alive, but he has a considerable amount of blood.
You press on his head wound, trying to cradle his head in your lap to apply pressure to the wound. He’s starting to wake a little, you can feel his hands squeezing on your thighs.
A hand wraps around your neck from behind, and a cool metal graces the skin of your neck.
“Here’s the pretty little thing we were looking for.”
When Cassian came to, his head was pounding. He sat up on the floor of your living room, trying to assess the situation. He was mopping the floor of your kitchen when something struck the back of his head.
He never got a good look at the assailant, the blow leaving him stuck on the floor. He was, however, able to crawl into your living room in an effort to reach you.
You had cradled his head, you had come down here.
Cassian bolts up, causing him to go a little dizzy from the blood loss. He gets up, darting up your stairs.
“Sunshine? Are you here?”
He ran into the nursery, checking all the spots you could be hiding in there - the wardrobe, the closet, amongst the bags and boxes littering the floor.
His panic was starting to rise. “Sunshine, are you here? It’s me, Cassian.” The desperation was leaking through his voice, “please be here, it’s okay to come out.”
He combed through your shared bedroom with Azriel, checked every bathroom, Azriel’s study, your spare room, your library, the kitchen.
He combed through his memories, knowing Azriel kept hidden nooks everywhere. When the two of you moved in together, he remembered Azriel made several small pockets in this house so you could hide if anything were to happen.
You came to training, but you were no warrior. You couldn’t hurt anyone, and Azriel knew you’d have a hard time attacking anyone. He knew that Azriel drilled into you if anything were to happen to hide immediately.
The library.
It’s Cassian’s last hope. Of course Azriel had stuck a hidden panic room in the library. Cassian bound into the room, trying to remember what book it was that opened the secret entrance.
Combing the spines, he’s trying to remember. It was green, something that stands out a little, but not too much. Something someone who knew Azriel would know that this is off.
A book of Prythian maps. Azriel, Rhys, and Cassian had all of Prythian memorized, there was no need for it.
He slides the book from its spot, watching the case move, exposing the empty tiny room.
Cassian wasted no time jumping off your balcony, flying like a bat of hell to Rhys and Feyre’s house, screaming mentally, hoping Rhys would pick up on it.
He lands on their balcony, bursting into Rhys’s study, interrupting the intimate moment between them. Feyre was perched on his lap, feeding him grapes, Cassian’s entrance causing her to drop the bowl, the ceramic shattering on the ground, a dozen or so grapes spilling across the floor.
“Cassian!” Feyre yells in shock. She didn’t even know anyone else could burst into Rhys’s office.
Rhys stands up, immediately knowing something was wrong. “Where is she, Cass?”
Cassian points to his head, allowing Rhys to see everything. Your rug he stared at after the blow to his head, hearing your distress, him going in and out, feeling your hands press against his wound, him waking up alone, his frantic search of your house.
Feyre gasps, having also seen all of it.
“Bring Azriel home now.”
Your captors had thrown a bag over your head, not allowing you to see anything as they took you away from your home, away from Cassian bleeding on your rug.
They left Cassian, probably as a message that they could take him down if they wanted, but that he wasn’t who they wanted.
Your only hope is that Cassian wakes up soon enough and alerts Rhys and Feyre about what happened, and they could get into contact with your mate.
You were filled with a mix of emotions, between fear, concern, and anger. Afraid for your life, what your captors will do to you, concern for your unborn baby, and anger for Azriel.
Azriel closes off the bond between you two during missions, a decision you both agreed to. However, the second he is available, he opens it, letting you know how he is. Your biggest hope now is just sending him how you’re feeling, hoping he’ll feel that you’re alive whenever he reopens the connection.
They had picked you up and flown you somewhere, so they’re most likely Illyrian.
They land, not nearly as gracefully as your mate or his brothers, emitting a soft ‘oof’ from your lips.
They carry you for at least ten minutes, through what you assume is decently packed area.
Are you in one of the camps?
You knew relations between Rhys and the Illyrians were bad, but would they really kidnap the spymaster’s mate?
Your thoughts are interrupted when you realize they’ve brought you into a building and have set you down in a chair, shackling you to it.
You haven’t spoken a word, barely eliciting a sound, just like your mate would do. You’re not sure if it’s what you should do, but the thought of what he would do holds you together.
You have to be strong, for yourself, for Azriel, for the baby.
They pull the bag off your head, your pupils dilating due to the sudden change in light. Four Illyrian warriors stood before you, 11 siphons glowing throughout the room.
“Hello, beautiful.”
The one who had been carrying you and taken you from your home approached you, caressing your face. You kept a stoic, neutral expression, not letting anything slip.
Just like Azriel would.
Your only response is the eye contact you refuse to break with him.
“That piece of shit struck gold when the cauldron bonded you to him,” practically spitting out the last word.
“Your little shadowsinger won’t stop snooping around our camps, won’t stop telling his precious little high lord everything he sees. They’ve been meddling in the way we deal with our women, the way we govern ourselves. We thought it was time to uh explain to them why they should just stay in their precious little city and leave us alone.”
The second the words left Cassian’s lips, Rhys was trying to reach Azriel telepathically. Within seconds of Cassian’s words, darkness was clouding the room, creating an impenetrable black, the only light shining being several blue siphons glowing with rage.
Cassian recounted the whole thing to the darkness, knowing his brother was somewhere in there. Once he got to the part of the story where you were gone, the room exploded even further, making Azriel’s siphons impossible to see now.
A few shadows whiz by Cassian, he’s assuming to double check you aren’t in their home. The rage Azriel feels is coming off in waves, when he remembers the bond is still closed.
He closes his eyes, sending a silent prayer to the mother. Please, please, please.
The bond opens, your warmth filling his chest. He can feel the initial fear you felt at being taken, but he can also feel your constant reassurance that you and the baby are okay.
Azriel feels his eyes prickle with tears as he chokes out, “they’re alive.” His brothers reach out to hug him or soothe him, but he steps back, his male instincts kicking in.
“I can feel it,” he says, holding a hand up, “the protectiveness is ramping up. I want to kill any male in sight.”
Rhys and Cassian start protesting, telling Azriel they want to come with him, but he stops them again.
“Give me a five minute head start. Then I’ll give you my location.”
Your silence was an interesting strategy, one your captors did not like one bit, their irritation with you growing by the minute.
“Maybe we should rough her up then drop her back on their door step. Pretty loud and clear message, don’t you think?” He circles around your chair, sizing you up like prey.
“We could show her how women are supposed to be treated by us,” one in the corner shouts.
The one circling you spits at your feet before he says, “those half-breed bastards have gone soft, they forget what it means to be Illyrian.”
In a flash he steps forward, his hand slapping you across the face.
Azriel used the bond to find you. He kept tugging, the bond offering him a direction to go. He kept winnowing into the direction of the tug, when he began realizing where the bond was likely taking him. He growled with anger, unable to believe they could be so stupid as to take his mate.
He disappeared into his shadows, sending a few to find out exactly where you were. Once they returned, sans the two that wanted to stay with you, they whisked him away to the room you were being kept in.
The big one who had struck you earlier was mid-strike when the shadowsinger materialized out of the shadows in front of you, his hand catching the brute’s wrist.
“Lay another hand on my mate and your hands will become trophies I hang on the wall.”
You can feel his shadows enveloping you in a soothing wave, checking you head to toe for injuries, but only finding the stinging cheek and the pain from the shackles.
The twirl through your hair, eventually skating over your swollen belly, where they settle and stay.
Your mate’s shadows were very attentive of the baby in your belly, as if your unborn babe were calling to them, too. They reacted to everything the babe did, every kick, every movement, as if telling your babe, “we are here, little master.”
The anger radiating off of Azriel was palpable, but his demeanor was terrifying. A feralness to him you’ve never seen before.
“Whose idea was this?”
Nobody in the room speaks, the assailants just gaping at your mate.
One of them points to the leader, the one whose wrist was still in Azriel’s hand.
Azriel looks into the male’s eyes, piercing through his soul, as he flicks his arm, breaking the male’s arm.
He screams, shocked at the swiftness of the break. Azriel takes the moment of surprise to pull the first assailant’s head into his knee, bashing his head into his kneecap, throwing him on the ground.
He looks to the next closest one, tilting his head, deciding how he wants to play this. He decides to leave truth-teller sheathed at his side, opting instead to use his bare hands.
“I wanted to savor this, however I don’t want to keep my mate waiting,” he states, coming up to the next closest one and swiftly wrapping his hands around his head, twisting until a sickening crack echoes through the room.
One of them lunges for Azriel, fists raised to fight him. Azriel moves to the side, causing the running assailant to run into the wall behind the shadowsinger. Azriel grabs him by the back of his neck, pulling his arm back, and with all of his force, pushing his head into the wall. Over. And over. And over. His blood splattering the wall, an actual crack in the wall forming from where his head kept hitting it.
He releases his hold, allowing his body to fall to the floor. Azriel turns and looks at the last one, the one that had pointed to whose idea this was, as some of his shadows finally break free from you. “Now,” he says, as they begin pooling at the last captor’s feet, “I’ll deal with you later.”
The shadows at his feet begin pulling the male into the pool of darkness, assumingly to be questioned further about their failed plans.
Azriel undoes the shackles keeping you in place, hoisting you into his arms, the belly making it a bit more difficult.
The second he reopened the bond to find you, he began sending you a constant stream of love down it, trying to convey to you that he was on his way to you.
Being gathered in his arms, the bond was humming a sweet melody, a soft duet that can only be heard when you’re together.
He pulls back, grabbing your face in his hands. “I have never felt fear quite like I did when Rhys made me come back. I knew something was wrong, I was hoping that the babe had just come early.”
He puts his left hand on your belly, the babe inside kicking the exact spot his hand is in. Your mate laughs.
You look at him, seeing the fear and adrenaline in his eyes as he continues, “but when I got back and Cassian said they left him behind and took you, I thought ‘okay, if they’re gone, I have nothing left to live for.’”
“But then, I opened the bond, and I felt you, and I-“ he chokes up a bit, continuing, “I almost started crying. You were alive, and you were okay.”
He pulls your head in, kissing the top of your head several times.
“You’re both okay.”
You reached up, stroking his cheek, “we’re okay.”
He smiles, and you laugh, “I guess this means you’re never leaving my side again, huh?”
He laughs, a tear falling down his face as he does so. “Oh no, sweetheart. You thought I was overbearing before, just wait. You won’t remember what personal space was soon enough.”
You laugh, “at least tell me you aren’t upset with Cassian. He’s a sweet guard dog.”
He smiles at you, rubbing his thumb across your cheek. “They ambushed him, I could never be upset with him over that. Now come on, let’s go see my brother before he gives himself a heart attack with worry over you.”
“He is quite fond of me, isn’t he?” You ask, his arm going around you, preparing to embark through the shadows to go back home.
“He told me he prayed every night that we would be mates,” he says, the shadows beginning to engulf the two of you.
“Why?” You ask, wrapping your arms around him.
Azriel looks into your eyes as he says, “he told me he never thought anyone was good enough for me until he met you.”
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grogusmum · 3 months
November: Mourning Moon
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A Conversations with Dead People Companion
This one probably does require reading the original fic; you can find it here
W/C 1400ish
WARNING: angsty, dead wife, ghost, that's about it.
A/N Welcome to my very late November installment for @yearofcreation2023 (a fantastic notion by @oonajaeadira.)
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Frankie climbs the steps of the 400-year-old cemetery, this time with his daughter, Julieta. Snow has been falling for a good twenty minutes, and last night's snow crunches underfoot. It’s not unheard of to have snow in November in the Northeast, even if it’s becoming more rare. It’s been a little more than a year since Frankie’s first visit with Holly. It only takes a moment before she falls into silent step with them. Slipping between them, as they seem to have left space for her, she takes each of their gloved hands in her bare ones.
“I'm so glad to see you, my loves.”
“Holly,” Frankie sighs. “Missed you, babe.”
“Oh jellybean, I'm so glad you came," Holly brings her daughter's hand to her cold cheek, then turns to her husband, “You came.”
“But not just to say hello.”
“Yeah,” Frankie looks at his wife, looking just as she did in life. This isn't going to be easy. “I've- I-”
Holly smiles, right up to her eyes -
“You've met someone.”
Frankie just gives a tight smile, she always makes things easier, he should have remembered.  His eyes go bright, and he rubs his face with his free hand. 
“Darling, that's truly wonderful. You deserve it, Frankie. And you deserve a mama.”
“I only have one mama, but I like her,” Julieta says. 
as they reach the top of Burial Hill the wind kicks up, snow swirling unable to decide which way is down. They are alone, no dog walkers, no couples taking in the view. It's beautiful but cold.
“We just wanted to tell you that. I don’t know, I couldn't just… not without your blessing.”
“You know my answer,” Holly says, giving Frankie a chilly kiss on the cheek, he shivers and smiles. “Tell me all about her.” 
Frankie tells Holly where you are from, what you do… how he feels when he's with you. Julieta shares stories of the first time you came to her soccer game, and how you make the best hot chocolate- with a quick apology, meaning no offense to Holly’s cocoa. To which Holly gifts them with the hearty laugh they love so well. 
“You aren't offending me, jellybean, it comes from a box!  But watch out, I hear the Swiss Miss gets migh-ty jealous!”
“We told her all about you. She wants to come and visit,” Julieta says, swinging Holly's arm as they walk and hold hands.
Holly looks at Frankie, then at Julieta-
“Me me? Or my -” Holly nods at the white gravestone a few paces away. 
“I told her I talk to you a lot, and about that time last fall…” 
“You did?”
“Yeah, and she wasn't weirded out at all. She doesn't expect you to come to her- make yourself um… known. She just wants to put a wreath on your grave, pay her respects.”
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You sat in the little coffee place on the main street, mindlessly stirring your tea, watching the windows for Frankie and Julieta. The wreath you made of blue spruce, juniper berries, pine cones, and of course, holly, a wide white grosgrain ribbon tied in a single fluffy bow sits on the seat next to you. You don't expect to see Holly. No. But you figure she'll hear you… you thought about all the things you wanted to tell her, trying to imagine being at the receiving end of it. As if you are the one who lost her life, the love of her life, and the apple of her eye… you close your eyes, a small tear slips down. 
Are you being weird? Performative? 
Just then you see the two most important people to come into your life, saving you from spiraling.
They wave. Frankie gives Julieta some money and kisses her head, then comes to your table while his daughter goes to the counter. He kisses your forehead and sits, “Jules is ordering us a warm-up. It's freezing up the hill. The wind.”
You nod, and another sneaky tear rolls down.
“Hey,” Frankie's brows knit together, “are you- did something happen?”
Frankie looks around for the culprit. You huff a smile at his protectiveness. You found yourself a bulldog, complete with soft, sad brown eyes, who loves his belly rubbed.
“I'm just- it's an emotional day. I guess.”
“I guess it is,” Frankie nods.
After hot chocolate and coffee (and the cookie the size of Jules' face), everyone is warmed up and bundles up to climb back up the hill.
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Holly keeps her distance this time, watching the three of you reach the crest of the hill. Frankie puts his hand on your lower back, guiding you on the snow-covered brick path toward Holly’s stone. Holly pines for that hand, warm and solid on the small of her back, just one more time. Pearly tears spill over. She isn't jealous, well, that's not true. Holly is envious of you; she's just not angry with you. She feels swindled, but not by you. You are again bringing joy to her husband and child, love and care that Holly can not provide anymore. She's grateful for you, just incredibly sad for herself. 
Holly pops over to the stone, their destination, and continues observing you. You have kind eyes, carrying a rueful smile. At least now it is, understandably, but Holly can see the shadow of crinkles around your eyes and laugh lines. You have a lovely wreath. If Holly had to picking one out of a million for herself, she would have chosen that one. 
You look at Jules and kiss her brown curls; they look at Frankie like you're looking for some help. He gives your hand a squeeze.
“It's a beautiful stone,” you murmur. Frankie puts a little rod, like a shepherd's hook, in the ground before it. Since it’s so early in the season, the ground isn't frozen hard despite the snow. Then, you hang the wreath on it. 
“Thank you for your family,” you say, and then cringe a little; Frankie kneels next to you, taking your hand in his. He nods.
“I'm…” you look at them with pleading eyes.
Julieta takes your other hand and introduces you. You kiss a thank you on her temple.
“I just wanted to come and give my respects, to um, tell you that I love your husband, and your kid here is a delight. By the photos all over the house, I can see she is the perfect combination of the two of you. I just wanted t-to assure you that they will be cared for, I hope nearly so well as when they were with you. Because, I can see your love everywhere in that house. The nursery room mural you painted full belly pregnant with Jules here, Frankie's shown me photos of your gardens. And the recipe book you put together b-before… everything, so Frankie could make all his and Julieta’s favorites. I can't replace you, of course, no one can. But I hope - well, I just-”
You look up at the white stone, your knees cold in the snow but your face hot, trying to find the words.
Holly moves to stand behind the headstone, looking down at your worried face, and puts out her hand. You blink. A graceful hand suddenly appears before her stone, right between the carved words wife and mother. Your eyes slowly follow the wrist, then arm, to the face of Holly Morales. 
After a small gasp, you take her outstretched hand and stand. Frankie and Jules slowly follow.
“Thank you for loving my family,” Holly says, placing her other hand over yours. You can feel the seeping cold through your glove, but you feel no reason to shiver. Her eyes are so full of love and gratitude and grace. “I am entrusting them in your care.”
“I do,” you say, “I mean, am, I will love and care for them with all my heart.”
“and let them care for you, and love you,” Holly so wisely adds.
Tears prick the corners of your eyes.
“I will.”
Holly looks at Jules, hand grazing her cheek. Her eyes travel to Frankie's, his tears falling freely. Unnoticed, the snow had stopped falling, and sunshine fought its way past the clouds.  Only noticed now when a shaft brightened the hill, causing a swirl of snow caught on the wind to sparkle like diamonds. And in that shimmer of snow and light, Holly is gone.
Frankie presses a kiss to your temple.
“She likes you.”
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Year of Creation: the Wheel of the Year Masterlist
If you care to be tagged for any of my works, my taglist form can be found here! I've added my Year of Themed Creations Series
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thesirencult · 2 years
Pick A Card Reading : Soulmate/Forever Person/Future Spouse
(Flowers Of Romance Part 1)
Hello beautiful readers,
I decided to start a series of tarot readings that will be based on literature and specifically romance novels, poetry and letters.
Obviously this is copyrighted and if a fellow reader uses the same type of format or reposts my writing I would appreciate it if they tagged and credited me. Karma works both ways and copying someone else's work to gain a few likes and followers has its downside. I'll create a masterpost in a few days so you will be able to find all my readings into one place.
The series kicks of with quotes from "Letters To Milena" by Franz Kafka. A beautiful book that is a perfect read for the fall and winter season.
Novels keep great loves alive in their pages and even if the lovers ascend together to another level of consciousness their loving energy will forever be with us.
If you want a personal reading you can book one through direct messaging. I offer tarot readings and astrology ones (both birth charts and synastry). ONLY 15 SPOTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR TAROT AND 5 FOR ASTROLOGY ! THANK YOU GUYS 💖💖 Enjoy your reading ! It's for entertainment purposes and it's a general one, so feel free to apply everything to your own situation. Don't be shy ! Comment which pile/piles you chose 💞
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Pile 1
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Death, 10 Of Wands, 8 of wands
My dear,
Your soft voice echoes in the tunnels of my despair, disrupting the silence of loneliness and waking me up from the deathly sleep of emptiness. You are the light that woke me up from the slumber my love. I had lost all hope, letting go of myself into the abyss. I thought that no one would show up for me. That I was created here in this world as a mistake, without a twin soul. You're mine my beloved.
It's time to let me take the burdens off of your shoulders. I would do it all for you baby. I'll be your lover, your father, your brother, your friend. Everything for you. Will you accept me, a man beaten and bruised by fate, that you brought back to life ?
You broke the chains that held me back. When I say that I will do something I mean it. I can not wait to be with you. I'm insatiable.
Pile 2
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The Magician, Knight of Cups
Have you been good ? Because I'm extra naughty my love !
I know that I can be too aggressive and forward sometimes. My ego gets the best of me and that causes problems in our relationship. I feel it in my soul that I manifested you, like I did with everything in my life. I can be possessive and arrogant, but I swear I'll work on it for our sake.
I know I'm immature, but it's because I can not contain myself around you. You make me feel young again, like a small child in need of his favourite candy. I'm trying to romance you with flowers and chocolate and everything your heart desires but you're playing hard to get. I'll get you, I know I'll do baby. When time comes you'll be mine. I don't back down easily...
Pile 3
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The Empress, The Moon, Justice
My Goddess,
Someone would think that you were made from fairy dust. Built by God as the epitome of woman. You're very feminine, kind, sensitive and watery. Your creative powers are immense and you can manifest everything your heart desires. Whatever your hands touch, turns to gold. You make me feel like a Good, because you're a Goddess. I'll worship you as a one, my sacred love.
You're like the moon. Always changeable and fertile with ideas. You have your moments,good and bad, but I still love you and adore you through everything. Your intuition is always on point. Wise yet fresh and innocent. You awoke primal instincts within me. We can not escape time my Goddess. We are bound by it. But I'm beginning to wonder, why does time seem to slow down whenever you caress me and when you let my lips touch yours, the lips of a goddess.
Sometimes I wonder if I deserve you. Do I deserve the love of a Goddess ? Always and forever yours. Yours. Yours and only yours...
Pile 4
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Ace Of Swords, 2 Of Wands, Queen Of Wands
Dear Soulmate,
When I saw you, it was the first time I saw clearly. My eyes opened to your beauty and love. The blindfold was lifted and now I see. I see the clear light blue colour of the skies and hear the birds sing. You opened up my eyes to new horizons and unknown magical lands.
I finally made the choice to leap into your fountain of love. I made the choice to anchor my heart into the bottom of your deep wild oceans. I long to live with you by the sea, to honour your beautiful and gentle soul. Because, for all the sights I've seen and all the journeys I've taken around the world, our journey and you, my partner, I'll never grow tired of.
You're warm and vibrant like the sun. You keep my heart warm in the cold winters. You keep me alive my love.
Yet I feel that if I dared to fly too close to you I would get burned. The problem is that I'll be honoured to die by your scorching love.
Pile 5
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The Star, Ace Of Pentacles , The Hermit
My little star,
You're so enchanting, like you came out of a fairytale. Your smile, your lips, your hair, your beautiful elegant fingers. I love kissing your petite knuckles and nuzzle my face on top of your head. You're so talented and beautiful. My lucky star. I admire you a lot. I love your magical aura.
I want to offer you the world and even though it seems like I'm promising a lot, I mean it. From the first moment I saw you I tried to hold back my feelings, to calm down and take things slowly so we could build a strong foundation.
You're a mirage. I dream of you and I have visions of those beautiful eyes. My beloved little star, you shine so bright in the darkness of the world. You're so unique.
I know that we have to take some time apart to grow separately. Don't feel lonely, I'm right here looking at the night sky, wishing and dreaming for a love like yours. I'll wrap you up in a blanket made from stardust.
Remember, every single time you look up at the sky, either at the moon and the stars or at the bright sun, I'll be there, under the same sky looking up as you do.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
Bruised knuckles and whole hearts (Four)
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Pairing: Four x reader
Rating: T for blood and creepy men
Summary: You are a BAMF and Four had heart eyes
Warnings: a little blood, a little harassment, you knock a man out because he insulted four
Four tries to have a good day - or at least an okay day as often as he can. This is often ruined, but he tries.
Today, his plan to have an okay day is ruined by rude and creepy people in the market. Courtesy of alcohol if the way they smell is any indication.
The crowd is just this side of thick as ypu and the boys walk through the market square.
Four is holding your hand happily as you all browse the stalls, the people all background.
You seem right at home- though to be fair this is your hyrule.
"Huh, guess we lost the others," You say, looking around curiously.
"Yeah, I guess so."
You turn to look at him, smiling warmly.
He knows it's sentimental and sappy, Vio is always quick to call them on it... but he likes when you smile at him like that- the smile you only ever seem to have for him.
You smile at others like that sometimes- but it's not quite the same. You smile like mean the world to you.
You smile at him like he is your world.
Which isn't to say you don't have a life outside of him, that would be unhealthy. But you jist- you smile brighter at him.
Or maybe he's just biased.
Also totally possible.
"(Y/n)!" A voice calls from the right, earning a groan from you.
Four looks to you in concern.
You fix a polite smile on your face, "Hello Jim."
"It's been a while." Jim says, looking like the type of man who finds himself very charming.
The way you smile a little sharper betrays your unspoken 'not long enough '.
"It has been. " You say, already sounding uninterested. "Did you need something from me?"
"Just your time. You really are beautiful -"
"I've told you before, Jim. I really am not interested in anything like that."
Four decides in this moment that he might actually resort to violence against a fellow Hylian. This man has obviously done this before.
And you're obviously told him no before. Which means he's being rude and pushing boundaries.
"Aw, come on, (Y/n)." Jim says, leaning forwards so he can set a hand on your cheek.
Oh violence. Violenve for a million reasons. All the colors are raging.
You just grab Jim's wrist with your free hand and push his hand away before dropping the offending limb.
"If you touch me again, I will knock your lights out." You say evenly.
Four has to agree with you on this. He'd punch the man himself- except he knows that'd make a scene.
He squeezes your hand- the one still in his. He wants you to know he's here and supports you.
Jim laughs, reaching for you again.
"Come on, babe, we all know you are just playing hard to get."
He touches your shoulder gently- intimately.
Oh. Okay. He has chosen death.
You growl, letting go of Four's hand so you can ball it up and slam your fist into Jim's nose.
The resounding crack is more than satisfying as he doubles over with a groan.
"You fucking asshole!" Jim snarls out, holding his nose as blood seeps towards his chin. He's looking up from his vent over position and looks enraged.
"They warned you." Four says, not bothering to fight of his smug grin.
You are amazing and Four thinks he has every right to fall more in love with you for this.
You wipe your hands off on your pants as if Jim is little more than an unpleasant tea bag to be thrown away.
Turning away you take Four's hand again.
"C'mon, love." You say gently, always so much calmer with Four than any other.
"You kicked his ass. I doubt he'll bother you again." Four says, smiling up at you with the softest eyes and half-baked plans of your future together
"Shut the fuck up kid, if you weren’t so young I'd kick your ass." Jim says through his bloody nose and pig headed pride.
Four turns to say something back, but is stopped short as you drop his hand and walk back to Jim.
You grab the man by his dark hair, snarling viciously as you sock him in the nose again.
"You will not insult my boyfriend like that."
Jim groans, eyes rolling back. And something in Four swells at how quickly you defend him.
You drop him, and the man falls like a sack of potatoes.
"Holy shit." Four says, unsure if he should be concerned that you were so enraged you knocked a man out after breaking his nose. Or if he should feel the warm emotion in his heart that he does.
"You okay?" You ask, moving back to four.
"Yeah. Just- suprised... I knew you could fight- but that was something new."
"Oh.. yeah. Sorry."
"It's okay. I was probably gonna kick his ass too."
You just smile, wiping the blood off your hand and onto your pants. "Let's go find some lunch, I'm starving. "
"Sounds perfect. "
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girlsgoneplague · 5 months
Spock x reader
Warnings: period talk (not graphic) cursing, depression
Promt: pain/comfort, you have the day off however your period has kept you in bed all day so your boyfriend Spock comes to check on you
Part 1 of 2 or 3, I plan on in the second part it gets worse
Waking up that morning you knew something was wrong whenever you rolled over, the cool wetness of your ass made it obvious your pad just couldn't take it last night. After groaning into your pillow for a solid minute you decide to get up and get cleaned up. When you get in the bathroom its obvious the pad never stood a chance, so you take off all your clothes and put them in the laundry hamper
So much for having a relaxing off day...
Before taking a shower you also removed all of your bedding, as well the pillow case since it won't match your other bedsheets. The pale blue of your former bedsheets start to irritate you and instead of putting them in the hamper you decide to throw the fitted sheet away. A ringing on your PADD goes off so you make your way to your bedside table and pick it up to see Spock is calling.
"Hey babe, I was just about to hop into the shower" you keep the screen aimed at your face in case he's with someone else.
"Hello, I trust you slept well?"
You sigh, "not really, I ruined my light blue bedsheets and I didn't even fall asleep until pretty late last night"
He tilts his head slightly, "I see, well the duration of my shift will end in a few hours, I will come to check on you."
You smile as you nod, "I'd love that, bring me something to eat too will you?"
"I shall, please continue your morning, I will see you soon"
"See you soon Spock" you end the call and make your way to the shower. Your cramps are starting to act up and a nice hot shower will ~hopefully~ help it.
After 30 minutes you've given up on the prospect of easing your pain. They haven't gotten worse but since its been so long its started to irritate you.
I swear they've just been getting worse these past few months....maybe I need to see McCoy.
After thinking it over you decide its not serious enough for that, if it gets worse then you'll have a good enough excuse to waste an entire day in sick bay. The worst part about it so far was the damper it put on your mood. Its only been about an hour since you've woken up but crawling back into bed is the only appealing thing to you right now. You look at the clock and see it's only 11:03.
You haven't changed your bedsheets yet but decide to lay on it bare anyway, the only thing touching your skin is the robe you were gifted last Christmas. It's dark blue and goes all the way down to your shins so it acts like your blanket for now.
After a few minutes you decide to try and watch something before you get too caught up in your own head. After picking an old cartoon movie you've never seen called Treasure Planet, you decide during the opening scenes you'll actually eat something.
I'm sure spock won't be back for another couple hours I think he mentioned around 4pm the last time we talked-
Suddenly your PADD starts to light up again, wondering if it was the man himself you leaned over to find it was actually Uhura.
"Hey whats up?" You ask somewhat confused
"You forgot about lunch didnt you?" She said with a small smirk
"Ohhhhhh shit im so sorry! I forgot this was the only day this week we both had free, my period came yesterday and its been kicking my ass"
She raises her eyebrows, "Oh my, that sounds like you've been busy dealing with the worst time of the month I understand. Its kind of weird that you're having issues though, you don't usually have cramps that bad right?"
"Right!! I have no idea why they're so bad this time around, I haven't even gotten around to changing my bedsheets-of which I RUINED last night" you shake your head and move the screen to show you laying down on your bare bed
"Yikes, well to be honest I actually called because I'm already in the mess hall but Sulu wants to join me for lunch, would you be offended if I visited you tomorrow after my shift?"
"Not at all, im not really in the mood to socialize....or get dressed haha. I only really want to see Spock so we can cuddle"
She rolls her eyes, "yeah yeah I'm sure your hot boyfriend will help melt the pain away. But if you need anything at all before he shows up then call me"
"Sure thing, you have fun with Sulu and tell him I said hi" I waved bye as she said she would and then hung up.
I put the device back down and roll over on my back, the cramps are getting bad enough I decide to take some Tylenol and grab my medicine bag to fill up with hot water.
I'm so glad I bought this damn thing, take that you stupid uterus
After gettin settled on the bed you realize you didnt actually grab something to eat, but maybe that's a good thing because your stomach also starts to act up.
It be your own body, your own treacherous body
At least the movie still has an hour left before you paused it, so you hit resume and make a wall of pillows on your bed to protect your back from the hard headboard.
After about 30 minutes you decide to send Spock a message asking how long he will be on duty. After a few minutes he responds
Unfortunately I have to stay slightly longer than planned, so far we belive the problem will be taken care of by 5 at the latest. My apologies
You frown but don't want to make a big deal about it, especially since its not his fault so you respond quickly
Thats fine! Just don't forget to bring me some dinner, I want pizza, you know how I like it. I hope the ship isn't giving you too many issues i know we had a rough day yesterday
Rough is an understatement, however it comes with the job and you both understand most things are out of your control when it comes to repairs and maintenance.
Indeed. I shall update you at 4 about my arrival.
You smile at the screen and think about how happy you'll be when he gets here
In the meantime I can ask Uhura for some chicken noodle soup. Thank you:)
You look up and realize you didn't pause the movie but luckily there's not been anything super crazy that happened. Its actually grabbed your attention quite well. However you do pause it to message Uhura because you're not sure if you can call her.
You free? I've got a craving for some chicken noodles or maybe even some chicken and dumplings, either way something warm with chicken
As you wait for a reply you get up to change the water in your medicine bag again, after you get up however you realize you have to use the bathroom.....immediately.
When you get in there you cuss loudly
How the fuck did my pad manage to slip off, I swear today is not my day
After you finish up, you change your underwear again and rub your sore breasts.
This is possibly the worst off day I've ever had, including when we were all turned into those rocks or cubes or whatever they were*
Looking at the clock you quickly realize its only a little after 12. And since Uhura hasn't responded its starting to look a lot like you'll be alone for quite some time.
The movie ended after some time, it was really good but you frequently clenched your whole body due to the waves of cramps. And thankfully Uhura had let you know she would bring you food around 1. So you searched around for another movie to keep your mind off of things and settled on Asteroid City. After a few minutes you hear a knock so you get pause it to open the door.
After it slides open you smile at the sight of your friend with some much needed soup, "so whatd you bring me?"
She hands you the tray and follows you into the room, "just some chicken and dumplings, I remember last time you had noodles so I thought I'd take the liberty of switching things up for you"
"I love it when you make our relationship spicy" you chuckle and sit down on your bed gesturing her to join you.
She looks at your screen, "oh you'll like this one, but after this you should watch that horror movie that came out in the same year"
In between spoonfuls you ask her to send you the title in case you forget.
You and her chat for some time until she gets up to stretch, "well I think I'll leave you to it, I have the holo deck reserved for 3 and I'd hate to be late. See you later"
"Sure thing, see you!" You wave to her as she leaves and start your movie again.
2 hours later you decided this Wes Anderson was definitely worth checking out. Then you look at your PADD to see the title Uhura sent you and also notice Spock has sent you a message as well
Excellent news, I shall be done in less than an hour. Is there anything else you need me to bring?
Yes please! I need new bedsheets I can't find any clean ones. I like yours so maybe you could bring those?
Clicking on Talk To Me, you lean back again and wait for him to respond.
Roughly 20 minutes later you hear a knock on your door, so you pause the movie and practically run to see if its Spock
Once the door slides open you grin at the sight of him with a pair of sheets underneath a tray with an entire pizza.
"I missed you so much, here let me take the tray"
He lets you grab the tray while he starts to unfold the sheets, "I have missed you as well T'hy'la, I trust you were not disappointed with my tardiness"
You set the food down at the small table you usually eat dinner at, that is when you're not suffering, and turn to face him. "Its not your fault T'hy'la, besides im sure you can make it up to me"
The ghost of a smile is on his face as he walks over to you to hold your hand and lean his forhead against yours, "I will try"
You give him a kiss and tell him to start eating so you can finish your movie.
As you eat your pizza, and he eats his soup you discuss his day as well as how awful you've been feeling, "I mean I seriously have no idea why its been so bad this time around" you notice a frown on his face and raise an eyebrow
"If you are truly having issues why did you not see McCoy?" Concern all over his face makes you feel like you've said the wrong thing.
"Its just that I didn't think it mattered that much" you look away from him and at the floor, "I just didn't want to spend the day in sick bay or worse taking some disgusting medicine that makes me lose my appetite"
He considers this for a moment and reaches across the table to hold his two fingers out to you for a Vulcan kiss. "While I do not understand the human response of hating the doctors i understand you would have gone if you felt that the pain was too much, but please mention it the next time you have a check up"
You smile softly and nod your head, "deal, so long as you spend the night with me?"
His eyes light up and the corners of his mouth slightly turn upwards, "I believe those terms are acceptable"
You both finish up your meal and he excuses himself to grab a change of clothes while you head to the bathroom to change your pad yet again.
One of these days maybe he'll just keep a change of clothes here
You ponder to yourself about the future for a moment until you start to have an awful pain shoot through your abdomen.
You leave the bathroom and immediately lay down to curl yourself into a ball, its not clear how long you stay in that position but when Spock returns he knocks and let's himself in after you tell him its fine. He immediately walks over to your bed at the sight of you, "is the pain becoming too much?"
You nod slightly and roll over to face him, "is it alright if we just lay here together for awhile"
"Of course, just allow me to change into my robes"
You feebly nod and go to turn the movie back on, you might as well finish it before bed considering its not even 6 yet. After he gets changed he looks at the screen, then at you, and raises an eyebrow.
"A recommendation from Uhura" you respond to his wordless question
"I see, well you'll forgive me if I do not watch it with you"
"All I need is you, I know you don't like this sort of thing but I'm glad you indulge my human tendancies"
"There are many qualities of yours i admire, and as you are well aware I do not require silence in order to think about how to improve my work efficiency"
You shake your head slightly as he climbs into bed, "well as long as you're holding me i couldn't care less what you're thinking about i just enjoy your company"
A light green blush comes across his features, "I too enjoy being with you" he grabs your face and kisses you for a few moments until you break the kiss to groan about your lower abdomen. He places his hand on your forehead and looks in your eyes to silently ask permission to ease your pain. You nod and his presence fills your brain, the pain starts to leave your mind as you finally relax for the first time that day.
"I don't know what I would do without you" you tell him as he lowers his hand and once again wraps his arms around you.
"I am sure you would-"
"That was rhetorical, and I don't think I could love anyone like how I love you" the light green blush returns to his face and he puts his forehead to yours again.
"I love you as well" he tells the computer to turn the lights off and you fall asleep despite the horror movie still on in the background. He watches you for a few moments to be sure you've fallen asleep and then turns off the movie and allows himself to drift off alongside you.
End of part one
Authors Notes, in the original series theres an episode where only 5 of the essential crew weren't turned into these blocks so if you're curious this is what I was referencing in the paragraph that talks about being turned into rocks lol
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
Hello! that batch of confession hcs you did was so cute 🥺 hope you dont mind that Im asking for more! Midori and Tetora, please!
and maybe a little chiaki if someone hasnt already requested, as a treat
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Who confesses first: Chiaki!
How: during a tokusatsu movie!
As a way for you all to end the day with some much-needed R&R, you and the RYUSEITAI gang have a weekly routine of watching movies at the end of the week together. Or, at least, you used to.
The movie is supposed to be chosen on a weekly basis, since that makes it so that everyone gets to choose at least once, but you somehow manage to end up forfeiting your turn to Chiaki every time.
You can’t help it! His puppy dog eyes are so effective, it physically pains you to turn him down…
But the Ryusei kids decide to put their feet down after the fourth time you agree to watch another tokusatsu movie as per Chiaki’s pleading request.
They’ve had enough.
After that, you’re forcibly booted out of movie nights.
“Sorry, senpai. It’s for the greater good.”
Shinobu-kun looks apologetic, at the very least.
Of course, Chiaki can’t stand to see any injustice happen on his watch and instead offers to have a special movie night with just the two of you.
You’re not even torn up about it, but the hopeful look in Chiaki’s eyes and the way he seems to sparkle at the thought of being your hero, even for a day, makes you agree.
Chiaki asks you if you want to pick the movie, and you say no.
The kids are going to be so disappointed in you, you think despairingly, when Chiaki picks–big surprise–a tokusatsu movie.
All things considered, even though Mechanical Violator Hakaider isn’t too bad, it’s still not something you’d consider watching in your free time of your own volition. 
Though, Chiaki makes a rather nice snuggle buddy if you do say so yourself. He’s lithe yet muscular, supporting your body as you curl into his side, his arm around your shoulders, your face buried into him.
At the end of the movie, Chiaki turns to you with a somber expression and you wonder if you were that terrible a movie partner.
Instead, what he says next causes a blush to erupt furiously across your face.
“Is it…is it wrong of me to say that I’m…kind of happy that you were kicked out of RYUSEITAI movie night? Because I got to spend more time with you, alone… Sometimes I’m jealous that other people get to spend so much time with you… I love being your friend…so…is it bad that I want more? And I might be reading too much into this but…I think you want the same?”
You forget sometimes that Chiaki isn’t just the hero-obsessed meathead everyone likes to paint him as. That he’s actually pretty good at reading people.
You’re stammering, because he’s right, but it’s still really embarrassing to be found out like that!?
Chiaki frowns to himself. Was he wrong after all? Do you not like him the way he likes you?
Finally, you manage to choke out a simple, Y-yes, I like you too, and he’s all smiley again.
“Great ☆! So…can I kiss you, babe?”
Ooh, boy.
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Who confesses first: you!
How: after RYUSEITAI practice!
It’s the end of the day, and you’re ready to kick back and relax with your friend. Except you can’t, since said friend seems to be missing?
You know RYUSEITAI practice has ended, since you say Morisawa-senpai and Kanata-senpai a few corridors away, so it’s logical to assume that Tetora went back to his dorm. But you know better, so you keep going to the practice hall.
And lo and behold, what do you find but you find your friend sweating bullets as he runs through the choreography again and again.
As you watch, he stumbles over a particularly tricky piece of footwork, then curses loudly.
Why can’t he get anything right? He’ll never be a real man if he lets things like this overwhelm him. He needs to be better.
You call out to him and he looks up, a deer in headlights. What are you doing here?
You tell him you didn’t see him anywhere, so you came to check up on him.
Shame sinks in. He worried his precious friend and caused you to come all the way to the practice hall to make sure he was okay. He couldn’t even notify you that he was fine, or ask one of his senpai to do it for him… He’s a horrible friend, he doesn’t deserve you.
Of course, you notice right away that he’s feeling down, so you offer to stay and keep him company while he practices more.
Immediately refuses.
“No way! I couldn't bother you like that, you’ve been working so hard! You should rest! I’ll be fine.”
It’s because he doesn’t want to impose upon you he’s saying this, even though he’d rather you stay with him then leave him alone. But that’s being selfish, isn’t it?
You tell him outright he’s not a burden.
“Toracchi, I would do anything for you. I don’t mind worrying about you, because I love you.”
He blinks. You…love him?
You flush, realising too late what you said, but keep going. You love him and you want him to be happy, so if practising late makes him happy, you’re happy to just stay and watch.
Brightens immediately after you say this.
His energy levels have risen up! He is invigorated by your confession of love!
“I’ll do my best this time, for you!”
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Who confesses first: Midori!
How: by accident! Poor baby…
You’re selling some Valkyrie merch that you created yourself, and you’re proudly displaying your wares at a booth near the gardens. Mika, standing next to you, clutches your sleeve, a little embarrassed by the large sign he’s holding that proclaims, Come support Valkyrie, the most amazing unit ever ☆!
Most of the merchandise are pins, keychains and the like, but there are a few stuffed mascots you’ve painstakingly taken the time to create: a black kitten with two-toned eyes, a pink fox with a haughty expression, a smaller blond fox situated next to it, and a small white and pink bunny.
Midori stumbles accidentally upon your booth, but his attention is immediately grabbed by the adorable plushies seated primly in front of him.
Oh…so cute…
You notice where his eyes have drifted off to and smile brightly.
“Hi, Takamine! Do you want a plushie! I’ll give you a discount, 50% off for cute boys only ☆!”
He flushes a light pink and mumbles, sure, because you’re being unbearably nice to him and if you could turn that blinding smile away from him that would be great, thanks
You give him the pick of the pile, surprised when he goes for the bunny before anything else. He snuggles it close to his chest and a faint smile comes over his features.
Cuteeee, you think to yourself. +10000 damage to your heart!
That’ll be ¥500, you chirp. Thank you for your purchase, and be sure to support Valkyrie more in the future! because you can never resist the chance to promote your most favourite unit ever (though, RYUSEITAI is a close second!).
Midori means to say, thank you, I love it, and then hopefully leave so he never has to see your perfect smile directed at him again but his brain has turned to mush when he sees you run your fingers over the spines of the plushies like…you’re petting them…
So instead, what comes out is:
“Thank it, I love you.”
There’s a moment of intense silence, where your stubborn attempt to make eye contact after that bombshell clashes with Midori’s equally stubborn refusal to look up. Mika’s eyes swivel between the two of you like he’s watching an intense badminton tournament.
Kill me now, Midori thinks balefully. If the Gods have any mercy they will strike me down right this instant and let me rot in the hollows of the Earth.
The Gods, of course, do not respond. Stupid fucking Gods.
“Aw, thanks! I love you too!”
Midori cannot fucking believe his ears. Neither can Mika, if the wide-eyed look on his face is anything to go by.
Oh dear, this is too much. Midori nearly falls flat on his face as he runs out of the area as fast as he can. Love you, babe~☆, your voice trills out behind him, and he feels his heart race.
Hnnnggg. He buries his head into the plushie’s stomach. You were way more trouble than you’re worth.
Oshi-san’s not g’na be happy, y’re fraternisin’ with the enemy, Mika warns. You giggle.
“Don’t be silly, Mikkun. Takamine’s too cute to be the enemy. Now…Amagi on the other hand…”
WC: 1.4k words
kldsjfkdj hi anonnie! i hope this fits what u were looking for! midori’s part ended up being longer than expected (it’s even longer than chiaki’s!??!) but i had fun writing this ahahah. actually this is my first time writing teto ‘n midobean so sorry if they’re ooc qwq not me slipping in my subtle valkyrie agenda…but it is my duty as a valkP anyways, i hope u enjoy this! muah <3
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rubynationwins · 2 years
(last updated 10/22/22)
Hello, I’m Ruby! I’m a 23 y/o plus sized gal who likes to write steamy stories that mostly star my current obsessions *cough* Sebastian Stan & Chris Evens *cough* I often write PlusSize!Reader fics bc curvy babes are gorgeous, gorgeous, girls<3 Currently I’ve been on a dark!fic kick so keep that in mind if u don’t like those topics. Warnings are listed for each fic. Please feel free to talk to me or send me a request, if you want to know if I write for a certain character, just ask! I always appreciate feedback so plz comment, like, reblog, send me a hand written review-or all of the above! I cross-post on my AO3 Ruby_Nation but my works should not be posted anywhere else without my express permission.
🥵 = smut 😈 = dark fic 🥰 = fluff 😭 = angst 
Steve Rogers (MCU)
Happy Birthday Mr. America (Drabble) 🥵
Steve Rogers x Plus Size!Reader
A steamy drabble in honor of Chris Evans’ 41st B-day!
The Best Part of Waking Up (One Shot) 🥵
PA! Steve Rogers x Dom!Boss! Reader 
His boss may not be a morning person, but it’s up to Steve to get you to work on time. Things don’t exactly go the way he expects, though.
Bucky Barnes (MCU) /Sebastian Stan
Hard To Handle (One Shot, rpf) 😈 🥵
Soft!Dark!Sebastian Stan x Plus Size!Handler!Reader
You risk your safety trying to find Sebastian when he runs off, but you don’t understand why he’s so upset. As his handler, it’s your job to keep him in line. Plus, why would any man try something on a girl like you? He decides to show you just what men are capable of.
When Words Fail (One Shot) 😭 🥰 🥵ish 
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Who said running away from your problems couldn’t solve them? Well, Bucky sure didn’t seem to appreciate it.
Sleeping With A Friend (In Progress Series) 😈 🥵 😭
Soft!Dark!Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Reader
When Bucky sees what you’re wearing for pajamas–or lack thereof–he can’t help how his body reacts. You’re a heavy sleeper anyway.
Wanna Be Yours (One Shot?) 🥰 😭
Sugar baby!Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Reader
You don’t have a problem letting Bucky see other people, but Bucky wants to tell you that you’re all he wants.
Touch Me (Drabble) 😭
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Random angsty late night drabble
Moon Knight Boys (MCU)
I Saw Him Standing There (In Progress Series) *Hiatus* 
Marc Spector x reader, eventual Steven Grant x reader
Marc Spector has become somewhat of a regular at your (very legitimate and not at all illegal) business-much to his chagrin. When three months roll by with no word from your grumpy “friend” you decide to search him out. What you discover has you baffled.
Series Masterlist
Lloyd Hansen (The Gray Man)
Actions Have Consequences (Drabble) 😈 😭
Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Lloyd is so happy to have you home, but he needs to show you what happens when you don’t listen to his rules.
Front Row Seat (One Shot) 😈 🥵 😭
Soft!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Plus Size!Reader
Lloyd gives you something to do while he’s getting information out of his target–keep his cock nice and warm.
Put On The Costume  (Drabble) 😭 😈
Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Late night angsty drabble 💍
Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out)
What’s In A Name? (One Shot) 😭 🥰
Soft!Ransom Drysdale x Plus Size!Reader
You finally tell Ransom how much you hate the nickname he gave you.
So You Want To Tango? (In Progress Series) 😈 🥵 😭
Stepbro!Ransom Drysdale x Virgin!Plus Size!Reader 
All you were trying to do was lose your v-card, was that too much to ask? Apparently so, according to your stepbrother.
Castiel Novak (Supernatural)
Kiddo (Modern Day AU Completed Series) 🥰 😭 🥵
 Older Bro’s Best Friend!Castiel x College Student!Reader
What can a girl do when the guy she’s loved since middle school still calls her “Kiddo”? Well, maybe a night no one expected and a few too many drinks can change everything
 Pt. 2 
 Pt. 3 🥵
Jack Kline (Supernatural)
Baking With The Devil’s Son (One Shot) 🥰
Jack Kline x Reader Platonic Relationship
It’s Jack’s birthday and you’re gonna make sure it’s a celebration to remember! Which means you get to deal with baking the cake. Jack does have some concerns about your expertise, though. (For @squirrel-moose-winchester Crack Fic Challenge. My prompt was ‘Jack Asks Questions’)
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babyharleezy · 2 years
Hii! I hope you're okay and having a nice day.
I'm sad hahahahahaha. bad day at work.
Could you please write Jack hugging her girlfriend after finding her crying because she had a bad day at work?
Either hugging or pampering until she calms down. It's like taking care of her.
Thank you!
P.S1: If you feel comfortable doing it, if not, that's fine. don't worry
P.S2: i introduce myself as anon 🦋🖤
long day
(jack harlow x reader)
a/n: hiii 🦋🖤 anon. i’m doing great! currently on vacation!!! i’m sorry to hear you had a bad day at work. not to worry, you’ll have better days!! cant have sunshine without a bit of rain( is that something that people say?). this is my first piece of work so i hope you enjoy. also i think this is really cute!!
you had a rough day to say the least. no, you had a shit filled day and all you looked forward to doing was going home to jack. all day you dreamt of laying on the couch and cuddling while your favorite movie played in the back. 
work has been kicking your ass. you knew it. jack knew it. you just had to get through one more major project at work and you would be stress free. of course with your luck nothing would go as smooth as you hoped. many fuck ups and meltdowns later you decided to call it a day and go home. 
15 minutes later:
you walked into your and jacks home. this beautiful house which you two had made your home. that brought peace into your mind. within seconds of walking in you heard the love of your life call out for you. 
“y/n baby, i missed you” jack shouted as he walked toward the front door. he was met with your upset face. he knew that something was wrong. 
“what’s wrong babe? you alright?” jack asked as he held you. the both of you looking intently into each other’s eyes. within seconds your face was shoved into jacks chest, you were sobbing into the black new balance hoodie he wore. his arms wrapped around you and held you tightly, he felt horrible. 
“i had a really shitty day jack. i am so tired” you managed to say through your sobs. 
jack quickly acted. he decided to run you a bath. he took your hand and walked you upstairs to your shared bathroom. he let you undress as he filled the bathtub with water and grabbed the bowl of bath bombs you kept around. he grabbed the purple sparkly one and dropped it in as you got into the tub. he lit your favorite candle and dimmed the lights. he let you relax for a while. soon after the bath you found yourself in one of jacks shirts. you made your way downstairs just to see jack cooking you a grilled cheese sandwich. 
“hi baby, how was your bath” he asked as he felt your arms snake around him, your cheek resting on his back. 
“felt really relaxing. thank you baby for doing that for me” you said quietly. 
later that night you and jack were laying on the couch. his head resting on your belly and his arms around your waist. 
“i know it wasn’t much but i hope you feel better y/nn. promise me you’ll stop overwhelming yourself.” jack spoke up. his head now lifted to look towards you. 
“jack thank you for taking care of me today. i’ll try to stop stressing myself out” you smiled and kissed his head. 
he moved his face closer to you and kissed you hard. 
 “i love you y/n” he said
 “i love you too jack” you said back to him 
that night as you went to bed you couldn’t help but think how lucky you were to have jack in your life. 
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: cursing, cheating, violence
A/N: I did my research, so you can know the distances. Lasell University is in Auburndale that is 5 min away from Newton and 15 min away from Boston, both driving nonstop and without traffic. Walking from Auburndale to Newton will be 48 minutes…or that’s what google said hahahaha. Also, this chapter has violence that could be triggering for some people. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 2021
GIF not mine, if it is yours let me know so I can give you credit :)
It was almost summer break. It was a typical Thursday afternoon. The weather outside was warm and sunny. Jake and Annie were in the backyard playing to be the Avengers, she was always the bad guy and Jake loved to save the world as Captain America. It was just 5:30 when the front door opened, Andy could hear Jake’s laugh on the back yard. He walked to the back door and saw Jake and Annie jumping on the trampoline. Andy leaned against the door frame watching them play, Annie was wearing a beautiful pink sundress and once in a while she let herself fall for Jake to catch her. She grabbed Jake by his ribs and tickle him, making Jake kicked and squawked. Annie looked up and saw Andy staring at them.
“You’re early.” Annie mentioned. She and Jake climbed down the trampoline.
“We didn’t have much to do at the office, they send me home. You can leave if you want, or you can stay and have ice cream with us.”
“Yeah! Ice cream!” Jake run to his dad.
“Thanks,” she put her sandals on, “but I could use the time to check some things for my exams next week.”
“Are you sure? Is Chocolate ice cream?” Andy said while they got in the house.
“If you give Jake that flavor now,” She whispered in his ear sending him shivers down his spine, “you won’t be able to put him to bed later tonight.”
“I think I can handle him.”
“And is cute that you think you can Mr. Barber.” She winked at him.
Annie grabbed her bag, got in the car and headed to the library. She was on her way to the campus, when she changed her mind. Daniel has been telling her nonstop they didn’t spend time together lately, that he missed her and since she was free for now, decided to surprise him.
She parked her car and climbed the stairs of her building. She carefully opened the door, making sure not to make noise to surprise his boyfriend. As she walked to the bedroom she listened soft moaning, panthing and grunting, the closer she got the stronger they became.  The door of the bedroom was opened and there it was Daniel on top of a blonde girl trusting hard into her; Annie froze, watching how his boyfriend was fucking another girl in the bed they shared.
“Are… you sure…no one… will… bother us?” the blonde girl asked him with each trust.
“Mmhm… my roommate is not here till 7:30…”
Annie screamed at the couple, both Daniel and the girl jumped off the bed.
“Babe! Is not what you think!”
“Babe?!” the girl said looking at Daniel.
Daniel stand covering his erection with the pillow walking to her trying to hold her.
She turned around to leave the apartment but Daniel followed her.
“Babe, please! Don’t leave! Let me explain! I love you! You are my girl…”
She didn’t finish the sentence, lifted her hand and slapped him hard on the face, leaving a mark on his check. Daniel stood there looking at her with an angry expression and said nothing, Annie turned around, took her bag and keys, and left the building. It wasn’t until she was in her car she noticed she was crying, she didn’t know if she was sad or angry, maybe both, the only thing she knew was she needed to be far away from there. Annie started the engine of her car and drove until she was outside his brother’s house in Boston. As soon as the door open and saw her brother she broke down.
“I thought he loved me… I thought he was the one!”
“Shhh, breath. He is an asshole honey, he doesn’t deserve you.” his brother told her while rubbing her back.
“He said I was just his roommate!” Annie kept sobbing.
“Don’t yell, you’re gonna wake Denisse up. You are welcome to stay you know that.”
“I can’t I have school tomorrow and the exams are next week.”
“And where are you gonna stay?”
After Annie left his brother’s house, she went straight to Sharon’s apartment, she told her what happened and Sharon told her she could stay there until she found a new place to live. Since Sharon already had a roommate, Annie had to sleep on the couch, and she wasn’t going to complain about it. The next day Mark found out what happened and he was fuming; he never liked Daniel, he thought he was a controller and in general a jerk, and once he heard what he did to his friend he hated him even more. Later that Friday, Sharon and Mark went to her house to pick some things for her, some books, her iPad, her computer and some clothing.
“Where is she?!” Daniel asked them as soon as they were inside the apartment.
They ignored him, took a bag and threw her stuff in it.
“I’m fucking talking to you!” Daniel yelled, “Tell me where the fuck my girlfriend is?!”
“Your girlfriend?? Mark stood in front of him, “After what you did to her, she is not your girlfriend anymore.”
“I need to talk to her, I have to explain”
“Explain what?!” Sharon snapped, “How you cheated on her? Cuz she already saw it! There is no need to explain that!
“You’re an asshole and you’re always will be, I’m glad she notice in time what kind of man you truly are.” Both Sharon and Mark headed to the door, “oh! And she said you have to stop calling her.”
Annie spend the entire weekend crying, every time she thought about Daniel she could only see the image of him on top of that girl, and we can add the fact that she was also stressed because of her finals so she was barely sleeping. She looked like a zombie, and felt gloomy but she had to put on a smile for Jake while taking care of him, it wasn’t the kid’s fault her life was falling apart, so she acted like everything was ok.
It was a Wednesday, Annie and Jake where in his room playing with some of his hot wheels, when Jake stood up and ran to the bathroom. She was alone and all of the sudden everything came back to her, Daniel, the exams, the lack of sleep. Annie started sobbing harder and harder, she could barely breathe; when Jake came back she found Annie covering her face, shaking and crying uncontrollably.
“Annie?” She looked at Jake, her face wet because of her tears. “no… no cry” Jake hugged her and patted her in the back.
“I’m sorry sweetie… I’m…”
“No cry” he hugged her thither.
Little by little Annie calmed down, she took a deep breath and saw Jake, who was worried and teary.
“I’m so sorry Jake”
“Why you cry?”
“Cuz I’m sad and tired… and...”
“Not be sad,” Jake walked to his bed and picked up his teddy bear, “here, he take care of you.”
“Thank you” Annie laughed.
“Come” Jake took her hand and made her stand. They walked to the bed and Jake patted his mattress, “you here”
“Jake I don’t fit in your bed”
“Yes, you are”
Annie shook her head and laid on Jake’s bed holding the teddy bear. She made herself comfortable laying on her side in fetal position, otherwise she wouldn’t fit on the bed. Jake went to his small bookcase and grabbed a book.
“I read story, and you slepf.”
“You don’t know how to read”
“Yes, I am, I’m big boy!”
“hahahaha alright, read to me.”
The book didn’t even have words, there were just images but Jake did his best to tell a story for her to sleep.
“Onces upon da times, was a princess named Annie…” Annie closed her eyes focusing on Jake’s voice.
Once Jake finished “reading” his story, he looked down and saw his nanny was sleeping peacefully, he took his blue blanket, put it over her shoulders, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He stood up, grabbed some toys and went downstairs to play.
Around 7:30 Andy arrived, the house was complete silent, the lights were off and there was no smell of food around.
“Jake?” Andy walked to the kitchen “Annie?”
Jake came running touching his lips with his small finger.
“Hi buddy, what are you doing?”
“shhhh, I playing da shhh game.” He whispered.
“Really? Why?”
“Annie is sleeping”
“shhhhh!” Jake said with no patience.
“Alright shhhh, where is she?”
Jake walked to the stairs and pointed up, Andy hold Jake on his arms and went upstairs, Jake’s door was slightly opened.
“Annie cry, daddy” Andy looked at his son confused.
“Do you know why?”
“Sad,” Jake thought a little bit more, “stress?” he shrugged
“Ok, let’s try not to make noise ok?” Jake nodded and put his kid on the floor.
“Go to my room Jake” The kid ran to the other bedroom.
Andy walked in the bedroom, and sat on the little space there was on the bed, he could see the puffiness in her eyes but in general she seemed relaxed. He knew she was taking her finals so maybe she was just having a tough week. Andy touched her cheek with the back of his fingers and she smiled on her sleep, which made him smiled as well.
“Annie?” Andy kept stroking her cheek, “Annie, honey, wake up.”
Her eyes fluttered open, Andy was a blurry image, she closed her eyes again and heard Andy laughed a little. This time she opened her eyes and saw Andy clearly.
“Oh my god!” She stood up quickly. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!”
“Hey, it’s ok” Andy said with amusement once he saw the mark of the pillow on her cheek.
“What time is it?
“Ammm,” Andy looked at his watch “It’s 7:35”
“I didn’t make you dinner,” She was freaking out. Never, in all of her time of being a babysitter, she had fallen asleep while working.
“Don’t worry about it” Andy stood up “Did you sleep well?”
Annie turned around and headed to the stairs, she almost tripped and fall if it wasn’t because Andy grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her against his chest.
“Alright stop!” their faces were closed, “Calm down, so you fell asleep, is not a big deal.”
“I’m sorry” her eyes became watery, “I’m truly sorry” she started sobbing and Andy wrapped his arms around her, and she buried her face on his chest, she could smell his cologne, and he could felt how tense she was.
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” she shook her head, “Are you stressed?” Annie nodded, “Why?”
“I don’t wanna lose my scholarship” she lift her head, “and I feel I did terrible on my exams.”
She wasn’t lying, but she didn’t tell him about everything she was going through.
“I’m sure you did well, you are very smart,” Andy rubbed her back, “Don’t worry about dinner.”
“How can I not be worried?!!” she let go of his embrace, “You pay me for it! And I fell asleep while I was supposed to be taking care of Jake!”
“Well, we can always have pizza or Chinese” Andy said putting his hands on his pockets.
“Why are you not angry?!” Annie said annoyed.
“Cuz you are upset,” Andy grabbed her chin up, her brown honey eyes were red “and last time you were upset and I was angry I fired you remember?”
Annie nodded and looked at her feet, “So,” Andy continued, “Since I really don’t want to fire you; I need you to go home and rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He gave her a peck on the cheek and walked out of Jake’s room leaving Annie alone. She touched her cheek, a faded smiled appeared on her lips, took a deep breath and left for the night.
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starfallserotonin · 1 year
Shadowed feelings
Azriel x reader
Summary: as Nyx’s private tutor, you ensure the babe is getting the proper education. Even if Feyre and Rhys have you start months after he was born. Becoming part of the inner circle was a blessing. Except when it came to a certain shadow singer who secretly stole your heart. Desperately trying to take it back and push down your feelings don’t get you too far when you’re invited to Sunday family dinner in the middle of winter.
Warnings: talk of sa, angst, yearning for the other, fluff.
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You couldn’t help but be a little jealous all the couples walking hand in hand by the Sidra, iced over from the cold of winter, as you strolled toward the River House. You knew you’d only find three more happy couples inside once you got there. It’s been a few months since you decided to cast your unannounced and unrequited feelings for the shadow singer aside.
You were new to the Inner Circle. Joining just after the high lady and lord had their babe join the world. The babes official tutor and instructor when he became of age. Having lead Velaris’ children and adult education programs, Feyre asked you to start being around more and more to help the babe get used to you. It only took the first year for the couple to decide they loved you and Rhys, Cassian, and Amren to learn your extensive education that they also decided to keep you around as a cartographer, linguist, and whatever professor like tasks they needed to be done. Years of studying anything and everything paid off. Not only was Nyx learning fast for a toddler, you were becoming more and more useful to the inner circle. But not only we’re you glad to be helpful to your court, but you were glad to have good friends — a family.
Breaking from your thoughts as you approached the River House, you looked up. Snow was falling slowly, but by the look of the sky, it would soon start to thicken. Kicking your boots on the door frame to free them of ice and snow, you enter the house and shed your scarf and coat off your shoulders before hanging them in the coat closet.
Laughter filled your ears as you entered the dining room. Your family sat at the table for your weekly Sunday night dinner. Feyre smiled at Nyx, who was sitting on Nesta’s lap across from her. Cassian had his arm around the back of Nesta’s chair staring at his mate. Nyx had picked up something sticky off his plate and was trying to smear it on the table, the house clearing it away before he could display his gooey art. Rhys laughed at his 2 year old. Elaine sat next to Varian and Amren, speaking to them about something botanical that I couldn’t quiet hear over Rhys and Cassian laughing. Mor sat across from Cassian and was throwing peas at the brute. Next to her was Azriel who was listening to what his brothers were laughing at. And of course, the only empty chair at the table was next to Azriel.
“Y/N! There you are,” Feyre beamed, “come sit down”. You smiled in response before taking your seat next to Azriel, who looked at you with soft eyes and a warm smile. You returned a tight lipped smile back, trying to battle the butterflies building in your gut down. A simple smile shouldn’t make you so girlish, but the way he looked at you… it sure had a hold on your heart.
Your plate popped onto the table in front of you and a fresh cup of peppermint tea. The house knew exactly what you needed to warm your cold bones.
“How’s Nyx doing with the color matching?” You asked as you took a bite of your food.
This launched Rhys, the proudest father ever, into a monologue about how he has the smartest child ever. Nyx knew all of his colors and was able to point to which color was asked of him. He said basic words such as “mama” and “dada” and “more”. Which was great as he had barely just turned two. The kid was smart, that’s for sure.
As Rhys went on, Feyre joining in on the newest thing Nyx could do, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander to those wandering tendrils of shadow that you could feel brushing up your legs. This is why you didn’t want to sit next to Azriel. His shadows had a mind of their own and for whatever reason they had to be as close as possible to you whenever you were in the room. Az could, for the most part, control them but when you were this close to him — arms nearly brushing every time the other moved — it was like he couldn’t keep them away from you even if he tried. And what was worse was that you loved having them wrap around you, leaving cool chills wherever they touched your skin. You couldn’t help but adore the shadows that accompanied the male your heart so desperately wanted.
But alas, that male seemed to distance himself after a year of you two meeting. After he tossed a male, that was forcing himself on you, off of you at Rita’s. The male only got to smashing his lips on yours when your panicked eyes saw the spy master rip him off of you and toss him across the alley. His eyes met yours and something changed in them. For whatever reason he kept his distance afterwards.
“Y/N” Nesta pulled you out of your thoughts, “what’s Nyx going to work on next?” She smiled as she stood and rounded the table, placing Nyx in you lap. An instant smile came to your face as you hugged the babe close and begin to sway your body back and forth a bit while he played with your hand.
“Color categorizing and we’re going to work on some more words. See if we can get this little bat a little more vocabulary”, you booped the babe on the nose before tickling his side eliciting a giggle from him.
You couldn’t help but feel Azriel’s hot stare on you as you held Nyx. Not to mention his shadows that were now frantically circling up your leg and around your waist. Nyx even began to grab at them, they only persisted. While everyone else continued into normal conversation, mostly Cassian being extra loud and the rest of the inner circle poking fun at him for losing this years snow ball fight, you finally dared to steal a glance at the male who made your heart stop beating. Expecting to see his carved-from-marble-by-the-mother-herself side profile, you were shocked to see his heated gaze already on you. Quickly, turning away you put your attention back onto Nyx who was holding your hand tightly as he began to doze off in your lap. When the babe finally let his eyes close completely, you let yourself have another peak.
Only, he was still looking at you. Your eyes met his again, but this time you didn’t snap your gaze away. His eyes were slightly darkened but focused on your face. His cheeks were the slightest bit flushed and his lips were pulled into the slightest smirk. He didn’t shy away from your gaze when he was caught staring. Which was so strange. The quiet, broody, almost shy Illyrian had always glanced away so quickly every time you caught him staring over the past year. Why is he not doing that now? Those butterflies dared to flutter again. Being entranced in those hazel eyes did nothing to help your attempt to squash them down. Instead those eyes encouraged them to fly higher into your chest and what felt like the base of your throat. Your chest ached.
You had no idea how long your gazes held, but Nyx’s light snoring in your arms broke you away from those gorgeous eyes and whatever just happened between you and Azriel. Standing, holding onto Nyx tightly with his head rested on your shoulder, “I’m gunna put him to bed, I’ll be right back” you hushed to Feyre as you walked by with a hand on her shoulder. She touched yours and gave it a squeeze. Thank you, you’re the best Y/N she said into your mind as her mouth was full of her dessert. You smiled and walked up the stairs to the babe’s nursery. After setting Nyx into his bed, you turn to exit the room.
In the door, shadows crept at the frame. With a sigh you walk over to them and kneel down, letting them swirl around your outstretched hand. How did his shadows feel so affectionate toward you and he so cold? As if the shadows felt your heart ache, they pooled into your palm and wound around your fingers. “How about you tell your master to stop playing games and tell me what the heck he was staring at me for” you whisper sarcastically to the shadows, knowing they were silent even if they were sentient. Voicing your thoughts and feelings, even if only to shadows, was rather nice. You stand to your feet and carefully shut the nursery door behind you. The shadows now pooled at your feet fairly heavily.
“Come on shadows, let’s get you back to your master” you huff with an eye roll.
Everyone, minus Amren and Varian who must have already left, had moved to the living area and was drinking wine and talking about Feyre’s art studio. You sat down next to Nesta, who had surprisingly become a fast friend over the past two years. She whispered, “what’s with a certain someone’s shadows following you around?”. Before you could answer Mor plopped on there other side of you and added, “ya they’re like lost puppies”. All you could do was shrug and hiss at them to hush when you noticed Azriel standing and offering you a glass of wine.
“Thanks Az” you smiled tightly as you took the glass. He smiled back, quite warmly, earning you a pinch in the side from Mor and an elbow to the other side from Nesta.
After hours of you all talking and joking, it was finally time to leave as it was well into the late of night. You were the first to stand, thanking Feyre and Rhys for having you over and confirming you’d see them tomorrow afternoon for Nyx’s lesson. Feyre, Cassian, and Nesta all heading upstairs as you leave the living room and into the large entryway. Pulling on your coat and scarf tightly around you, you pull on the door. It didn’t budge. So you pull harder. And again, harder. “Hey, Rhys. Something’s wrong with your door” you call out. Both Rhys and Az walk into the entryway just as your final pull sends the door flying open, you with it. Strong arms catch you tightly, sending sparks shooting up your arms under your coat. Glancing up to meet those beautiful hazel eyes, you begin to mutter out a thank you when he lifts you up and sets you back on your feet, causing your cheeks to flush.
From next to you, Rhys looked at the large wall of snow and ice that covered the door way. A wall of white. Great.
“Well. Looks like you’re snowed in, teach” Rhys chuckled. “You too, Az.”
“Great”, Azriel breathed out in disbelief.
“Hey, you’re fine Az. Your room is there for you anyways. Y/N, we have one for you as well. Sorry about the storm, you two.” Rhys winked before he headed up stairs. You sit on the couch in the living room as you take off your coat and scarf in disbelief. How could you spend the night in the same house as Azriel? Your heart certainly can’t handle it. His shadows were already circling your feet when you tossed your warm layers onto the couch next you. The house instantly banishing them to the coat closet.
Azriel sat in the arm chair across from you in silence. Sipping his wine. It was killing you. It was so quiet and the weight of your feelings only made it harder to bare.
“You know, I can’t exactly tell you why I was staring at you earlier,” he spoke softly before sipping his wine. Shock was evident on your face. Glancing down at the shadows around your feet you groaned. Snitch. “You are the one that told them to tell me” he chuckled.
“Yeah, well, I didn’t think they would actually tell you”, you dragged your hands down your face.
“I’m not playing any games, y/n”
“You’re not? Then what are you doing? You have barely spoken to me in the last year. I thought we were pretty good friends before that night in Rita’s” your laugh that followed was dripping with anger. A year or trying to forget how hurt you were by him keeping his distance had made you pretty angry.
“Don’t be angry with me. It’s not like I wanted to” he looked down at his wine glass.
“Sure, Azriel. Believe whatever you want. But I felt like shit after. I thought you were ashamed that you had to stop that male because I couldn’t myself. Or that you didn’t want to be friends with me anymore or you suddenly decided you didn’t like me” you sigh, “what was I supposed to think?”
“I’m sor—“ he started to apologize but you cut him off. Annoyance and anger squashing down the butterflies from before.
“Nope. No apologies. Tell me why you ignored me, I deserve to know” your words were bitter and laced with the ice you felt coating your heart.
“I don’t think you want to know, y/n,” he ran a hand through his dark hair.
“Okay. Fine. Goodnight Azriel.” You huffed angrily. Instead of heading toward the stairs you made a b-line to the front door. You’d shovel your way out if you had to, you weren’t spending the night with this male under the same roof. Tugging on your coat and draping your scarf around your neck, you shove your feet into your boots. Throwing open the door to expose the wall of snow.
“Y/n, where are you going?” He asks in disbelief from behind you.
“Home. Duh.” You hiss back.
“How? Gunna shovel your way out?” He chuckles with his deep timber of a voice. A chuckle that could make you melt, if you weren’t so annoyed.
“Yup.” A quick and short response as you used your magic to summon a snow shovel into your palm. He seemed a bit shocked, probably forgetting that you had the ability to summon most objects. Azriel reached out and grabbed the shovel as you turned toward the door, pulling you toward him. “No. Azriel, stop. I’m leaving” you bark trying to pull the shovel back. He doesn’t budge. Groaning you drop the shovel before summoning another and turning again.
The clatter of the first shovel on the floor is all you hear before he grabs the second in your hand. “Come on, y/n/n” he pleaded. He never called you by your nick name.
With an irritated sigh, you respond “then tell me why” your free hand coming to your hip in a stubborn and sassy manner.
“I can’t”
You huff and turn back to the door, dropping that shovel as well, “goodbye Azriel”, but before you can summon a third shovel he grabs the sides of your scarf, spins you around and pulls you toward him. So close to him that if you inched forward the slightest you would feel his chest on yours. His eyes were closed and his breath hitched. You were too stunned by the close proximity to move.
“It’s because I was scared. Alright? I was scared of what I felt that night. That you wouldn’t feel it too” His eyes remained closed and his hands still held you close by the ends of the scarf. His shadows circled you both, heavy and thick with darkness, filling the entryway.
“What feeling? Anger? Cause I can assure you, Az, I’m pretty pissed right now”
“No, y/n, what I felt wasn’t anger.” His eyes snapped open and the look in those hazel orbs was like nothing you’d ever seen. Pure love and compassion danced in his irises.
Your heart skipped a beat and then felt like it stopped all together. As if a rope was tied around it. Then a tug. Your chest tightened. Another tug. your heart felt like it was shocked. The butterflies were back, but this time they felt like they had multiplied by a hundred. Your heart beat faster. Another tug. Your eyes welled with tears. Was this what you thought it was?
Azriel’s eyes searched yours, his scarred hands came up to cup the sides of your face. Another tug. Hope filled his eyes and he wiped away a tear that slipped down your cheek. Another tug. And then a snap that locked everything into place. Your heart opened the flood gates and love washed over your entire body. The tears freely fell down your cheeks. Az brushed away as many as he could.
Another tug.
This time, you tugged back. Any worry left on his face was swept away and replaced with pure joy and he pulled you into his chest and lifted you off of your feet into the warmest hug any fae could ask for. The hug of their mate.
His shadows danced around you both. You could hear them now, chanting softly in silky tunes. Mate, mate, mate. “I didn’t want you to know that it snapped in place for me the second I ripped that piece of scum off of you. In the violent act, my heart revealed itself. I was so scared that you’d reject me, the idea of having a scarred male who is tethered to his job is not exactly the ideal mate, I know.” He pulled away from the hug, setting you down, looking at his feet.
“Azriel, i am just as tethered to this court. I’m responsible for the high lord and lady’s child for cauldrons sake,” you let out a sweet chuckle before placing your hand on the side of his face, “I wish you had told me.”
His eyes met yours, sadness flooded them, “y/n I am so so—“
“No, no. Like I said earlier. No apologies” you smiled warmly. You understood. You really did. Love was scary. That’s why you shoved your feelings down for him before. Only now you realize it was your heart trying to tell you who he was. That he was your mate.
Standing in the entryway of the River House, the front door wide open, the chill of the icy outside air breezing in. It all faded away as you brought your other hand to the other side of his face. His eyes met yours. His shadows curled around you both. With a small inhale to give you the courage, you pulled his face down to you and met his lips with yours. Time stilled. The kiss started soft and gentle, like you were both trying not to break the other. But it evolved into something deeper, more passionate. It was the kiss to end all other kisses. The heat that warmed your body was his, the cold air from the open door had nothing on the warmth you felt from the mating bond radiating between you two.
Pulling away from him only when you both desperately needed air, you grabbed his hand in yours and pulled him out of the entryway.
“Where we going, angel?” He asked, sounding like a love drunk male.
“The kitchen, my mate.”
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novaviis · 2 years
Blanket Fort (Redux)
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Watercolour Series.
Words: 5k Status: Complete Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Dick Grayson/Wally West
Summary: After Wally is outed by his parents, he finds himself thrown out with nowhere to go but to his boyfriend. Thankfully, Dick knows just how to make Wally feel safe and loved again. Never underestimate the power of a blanket fort and video games- even if they're really, really lame.
It was 1:39 when Dick’s phone vibrated under his pillow. Dragged out from heavy sleep, he groped around under his pillow in the dark until his fingers brushed against the device. The moment he pulled it out, the glare of the screen bursting to life in his face had him squinting as he slowly came to. Dick vaguely registered Wally’s name on the screen. A photo of his boyfriend grinned back at him, his face stuffed full of cotton candy against the dusk light gleaming off the shore of Happy Harbour. Dick rolled over onto his back and lifted the phone to his ear. “Hello?” he croaked.
“Dreaming of me, babe?” Something didn’t match up. Despite the flirtatious words, Wally’s voice was hoarse and subdued, uneven with a hitch on every other breath. 
Dick pushed himself upright, kicking himself free from the tangle of his sheets as leaned back against the headboard and rubbed his face. “Wally?”
Wally sniffed on the other end. “How many other people call you babe?”
“One too many,” Dick replied as he swung his legs over the side of his bed.
“Were you asleep?” Wally asked. Dick hummed under his breath in affirmation. “Thought you’d be on your way back from patrol or something.”
“Not tonight. Gotta sleep some time.”
“You okay?”
“Yeah, uh…” Wally’s voice cracked. He swallowed on the other end of the line, his voice still coming out thick and shaken. “My folks know. So… that’s debatable I guess.”
After nearly six years (holy shit), I decided that Blanket Fort needed a little TLC! Nothing substantial has changed, but I’ve tried to bring the writing closer to my  current standards without rewriting the whole thing. I hope you’ll take a look through this spruced up version! 
And, if you’d like to vote on other projects you’d like to see from me next, including early access to new stories and other goodies, please check out my Patreon!
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ptergwen · 2 years
i saw this tik tok where someone give their bf custom lego figures of them self’s (the small ones and they were so cute:,)) ) and i was wondering if you could write something where the reader gives that (and more like a camera!) to peter for christmas:)
(and may and happy and there too!)
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warnings: some suggestiveness? kinda?
a/n: merry christmas to everyone celebrating i hope today is filled with love and light for you all and that you stay safe <3 enjoy! more to come :D
you’re at peter’s and aunt may’s for your intimate christmas celebration, along with happy. the four of you are huddled in a circle in the living room while you exchange gifts.
may kicked it off with a cookbook from peter. it also serves as a gift for himself, since he’ll no longer be subjected to taste testing her experimental recipes. peter’s turn is next, following the order of the circle.
“alright, what’s it gonna be?” peter asks around your group.
he rubs his hands together as he looks over the pile of presents.
“how about that one?” may points to the one in question. “i just love the wrapping, those little dancing elves.”
she glances between you and happy as if to ask who it’s from. you nod toward happy with a snicker, his cheeks burning bright red.
“you did this, hap?” may gawks and gestures to the carefully decorated box. “the bow and all?”
happy scoffs, trying to downplay his efforts.
“kid deserves something nice,” he replies. “besides, dum-e helped.”
may leans into happy so she can plant a grateful kiss on his cheek, which earns a teasing wiggle of your eyebrows.
step-uncle of the year.
peter is still preoccupied by sorting through presents. he finds another that piques his interest, holding it up to his ear and shaking.
“y/n?” peter calls for your input. “what d’you think about this one?”
your face lights up upon recognizing the present in his hands.
“ooh, that’s from me!” you squeeze peter’s knee. “you’re gonna love it, pete. open it, open it!”
peter grins at your excitement, bumping his knee with yours gently. you hook both arms around his bicep and rest your chin on his shoulder.
“i’ll do yours after, happy,” he decides, your gift seated in his lap. “but first, i gotta know what’s in here.”
“sure, kid. it’s not going anywhere… i hope,” happy mumbles the last part.
he hopes?
rubbing his arm for comfort, may flashes you and peter a smile.
“well, you heard the lady. open it!” she encourages. “pressure’s on, huh?” peter chuckles, gazing over at you.
you take one of his hands and set it atop the box in response.
peter sees you beaming through his peripherals when he begins to tear the paper. he does so painstakingly slow, eyes continuing to dart from the box to you. this waiting game is torture because you’ve been anticipating his reaction for the longest.
the gasp peter lets out once he finally has it open makes the suspense worth it.
“no way!” he squeaks. “is this me as a freaking lego?”
sure enough, the figure is dressed in peter’s usual attire of a flannel and cargo pants with his gelled hair to match. it’s accurate even down to the smile.
there’s also a lego to resemble you. peter retrieves it from its case before his own.
“and, oh my god! this is you!”
he waves it around to show may and happy. may pushes up her glasses to get a better look, happy’s brows raised curiously.
“y/n,” peter actually giggles your name. “babe, this is… these are… they’re awesome! how’d you do this?”
you tilt your head up towards him with your same toothy smile.
“they’re custom made,” you reveal. “‘cuz i know you have, like, every other lego set in existence. not this one, though.”
peter pecks your lips sweetly, his free hand settling on your thigh.
“thank you so much, baby,” he speaks only loud enough for you to hear. “you managed to combine my two favorite things. you, and legos.”
“aw, pete. of course,” you coo. “you’re the sweetest. merry christmas, my love.”
peter pulls you in for more kisses, you gladly reciprocating.
“blew our gifts right out of the water,” may whispers to happy, shooing at the legos. “we’ll see about that,” happy challenges.
you break the kiss with a mischievous smirk, grabbing both of the legos. peter chews on his lower lip.
“wanna play?” you prompt him.
he takes his lego back from you and lowers his voice to respond, tone serious as he warns…
“don’t tell ned.”
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
shop till' u drop!
pairings: mikey sano, mitsuya takashi, baji keisuke, peh-yan x gn!reader
genre/wc: fluff (0.9k); 0.2k-ish each
request: Could you do hcs for peh Mikey mitsuya and baji with an S/O who really likes clothes shopping and makes them come with to give their opinions and to hold bags? (Sorta like senju and Takemichi’s little outing)
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mikey finds shopping fun! he loves to go to different stores with you so you can pick out what you like and don't
tbh this guy doesnt have that much money on him so don't expect him to pay for everything—he'll buy you something from like... the cheapest store and give u a kiss as payment for everything else
he promises to buy you food though, partially because he's gonna eat it as well LMAO
he's a little familiar with the stores and what kind of clothes they sell because he often goes with emma, BUT tbh he's 70% clueless and is just following you wherever you go
you make him hold your bags sometimes and he doesn't complain about it until his arms are sore the next day
"y/nnnn they hurt!"
what a moody baby tsk tsk
mikey LOVES LOVES LOVES to give his opinion on different looks and garments!
he always has something to say and is very supportive of your choices
"hmm i like the lilac one, i think it compliments the pants you chose more." or "those pants would look so good with that one shirt i bought you last week"
is always thinking of the best for you <3 cause he wants his baby to look the best duh !!
number 1 man to go shopping with right here: it don't matter you friends, dating, neighbours, strangers, i don't give a fuck cause mitsuya will always be there to tell you what's good and what to trash
you better listen too, he knows what he's doing
he has such useful advice that you're almost overwhelmed by his expertise in fashion
it isn't just a shopping spree for you but for him too, you are both holding bags upon bags and it's all just a really fun experience ^^
you guys love to suggest stores to one another, trying to go to as many as you can in the time you have left
sometimes luna and mana will tag along since there's no one else to take care of them but it's so cute— you guys look adorable to everyone passing by: holding hands with one another and two little girls <333
despite being picky, he is so so supportive too and he thinks you look ethereal in almost everything
"love, just get both. you look amazing in both of those hm?"
is always blown away when you step out of the changing room, he'll step up to smoothen the fabric as he turns you towards the mirror with a bright grin: "see? i told you, you're absolutely stunning."
you return that supportiveness 100%—hyping him up as he shows off a new sweatshirt or jacket
sigh, what can i say? he's just the best <3 11/10 shopping partner
this mf don't know shit about fashion
tbh he'll throw on a old dirty smelly t-shirt and last week's sweats and call it an #OOTD (LMFAOOO)
(mitsuya actually yelled at him once for doing that because he's "fucking disgusting man, wash your shit!"—baji was baffled btw)
despite that, he does enjoy going to the mall for another one of your clothing sprees :)))
is always amazed by how many people go to the mall???? like it's literally crowded every corner and he's gotta make sure he doesn't lose you
so he always has a hand (if it's free from holding bags) on your lower back (helpppp i want him)
offers you to hold all your bags, and refuses to let you hold any that are somewhat heavy
"—give it babe, you just worry about grabbing that shirt before some bitch snatches it."
his mom gave him some money and he spends it all on you or food and a new pair of sneakers that she's been bugging for him to get
you got to help him choose what colour and decided on maroon sneakers with black laces
he felt extra cool <3
"thanks babe, i can kick some dude's ass now!"
"not here, kei. later?"
"kay', gotcha'"
get ready to get turnt up because this is a mutual shopping spree too
you see the way peh dresses??? the guy knows what's up, he is ready to turn up in these stores and buy everything that remotely has a dragon design
i feel like his arms can't handle holding so many bags, so he'll ask if you can LMAO
"please? pretty please baby? i won't ask for anything else."
*sees a pair of jeans with bleached-washed dragon designs* "so—about not asking you for anything—"
you bought it for him <3 he was so happy
#1 hype man btw—he'll praise you like a god in anything you wear
oh and he'll fight someone for you too; if you and another person both grab for the last garment, peh is zooming next to you to wrestle it out of the other's hands
(ya'll got kicked out but it's okay cause you got the shoes LMAOOO)
peh likes to take photos of you and set it as his phone's background, and since you two go so often— his background changes like every week
i feel like he sticks to 2-5 stores every time (lmao me), but he's open to any places you think has some things he'd like!
to summarize, bring peh-yan next time you go shopping kay'?
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @chuuae @kazuhoya @eriskaitto @gwynsapphire (send an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs & comments are very appreciated! <3
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roscgcld · 2 years
HEADCANONS + OTHERS || preppy vlogger s/o
request: hi !!! ❤️❤️ u OK ?? u well ?? the acc's going pretty well , i see ~ 👀👀 if it'll be OK with u & if u had the time to do so , will it be OK if i req in a little HC of JJK's ryoumen & nanami with a preppy S/O that's a popular vlogger ??
notes: i love this idea a lot! cause the idea of big and scary men with a soft and sweet lover bouncing by their side just makes me want to kick my feet up and giggle like a school girl cx i hope you like this, babes!
pronouns: them/they
jujutsu kaisen masterlist | nanami kento masterlist | ryomen sukuna masterlist
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i like to think that he actually finds it adorable - having such a sweet and ditzy lover who lives on all the attention that you can get from him. and he has a lot to give
you were a sweet little thing, someone he had met by accident at a cafe you were filming a promo vlog for some new products they had developed
because he was a regular at the cafe, he was talking to the owner when you came bounding over with your videographer and his assistant in toe 
since he was there the owner introduced the both of you, to which he just gave you an amused smile from how you were staring at him with little stars dancing in your eyes
to him, you were the most adorable little thing he’s ever seen; and to you, it’s like you were staring right at prince charming 
and ever since that day you two just got closer and closer, to the point where nanami had asked if you want to his and the rest of history
being a naturally private person, nanami had sat you down to explain that although he supports your business and your hustle, he probably still wants to stay in the background more
so he became known in your fandom as ‘the hot boyfriend with god-like arms’ - since you tend to cling onto his arm whenever you two walk down the streets in your vlogs, or he would reach for you in your videos; showing off his muscles and veins for your thirsty fans to see
has no idea that his cameos would go viral on twitter, and doesn’t understand why you get so huffy and pouty as you go through your feed
instead he’d just let you rant your little heart out as he cuddles you on your couch, humming wordlessly and flipping through the pages of his book with one hand as the other was gently patting your head 
always showers you with attention whenever you get sad and jealous though, reminding you that you are the one for him and that he loves you a lot 
enjoys going shopping with you - doesn’t care that he was getting stares from other customers; since he a huge man standing in an aisle filled with cutely themed outfits
but when he sees you coming from the dressing from, twirling and giggling in excitement to show the outfit off - he can’t help but feel his heart flutter and a loving smile from tugging against the corner of his lips 
he can’t help but fall in love with you all over again, taking your hand in his to help you twirl another time as you laughed in delight; his heart just skipping a few beats at the sound
“well aren’t you the cutest person around?”
takes your pictures for you, and got pretty good at it as well. even helps you come up with cute ideas for your videos
finds nice copyright free music and sends it to you, and helps you research things like new editing styles or new themes you can try for your videos
probably did those ‘500k Boyfriend Reveal Q&A’ with you - because eventually he felt like he doesn’t want to make it seem like he’s embarrassed to be seen with you
plus, you two had been spotted so many times that he just decided that it was easier to show who he was and not have you edit or cover his face up every time you want to post something
even after revealing who he was, he still takes quite a back seat in your vlogs, but he’s supportive in his own way and is more than ready to spend all of his money on things like vacations and cute restaurants for the both of you to try
he loves you, and he loves how much love and attention you want from him; which he is more than ready to give
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if he was in a human au, I am giving him the lowkey basic headcanon that he is a tattoo and piercing artist who runs a store in the city 
you were following one of your friends to get a tattoo done, a design that you had a hand in creating that she wanted to get tatted on her. so she begged you to come along
you had, which was where you were introduced to the heavily tattooed man with sharp yet bright eyes; seeming to have you entranced even as he was working on your friend 
she had, by the way, noticed you two eyeing each other up; and had briefly ‘claimed’ to have left her wallet in her car - so she left you and her bag in the store so she can retrieve it
sukuna, taking the hint, immediately turned on all his charms so he can get to know you better and trying to get your social media or your number
and because you were definitely attracted to this insanely handsome tattoo artist, you had given in; sharing your private instagram so you can text him 
from there he charmed you two to go on a few dates, and after awhile you two became official
finds you quite adorable - you are the soft pastel side to his dark and edgy personality. the true opposite of him that completes him
when he first discovered your platform, he was a little hesitant - it wasn’t because he was private or embarrassed to be with you, it was more so he was worried of what people will people say about you two 
he would never break up with you because of a few messages or ‘threats’ online, but what he was more worried about was you giving into these comments and realising sooner rather than later that he was not in the same league as you
but even if your fans wanted to say anything, they literally have no ground to stand on - because the way he looks at you whenever you vlog with him, to him liking and reposting your posts on his stories, or even him doing stupid tiktok videos or instagram challenges with you; he was literally the perfect boyfriend 
lets you paint his nails whatever colour you want, and in exchange he helps do your makeup; since he’s a tattoo artist, he can do those intricate makeup looks with eyeliner without breaking a sweat
enjoys that you share about him a lot on social media; whether it is thirst traps of him working out or when he’s working on customers, posts about his newest achievements, or even documenting when you got a new piercing or deciding to get a tattoo by your boyfriend - he loves the attention you give him
never stops you whenever you wear short and revealing clothes - whenever he is around you, he will always make sure to protect you. plus, his excuse is that ‘he can fight’
really he enjoys showing off how hot you look, and he himself enjoys just how amazing you look in the clothes you choose. has an entire album on his phone dedicated to you so he can stare at it whenever he misses you
massive simp and quite proud of that fact as well, always spoils you with everything you want - he can never say no to those puppy eyes
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wanna read more?  >  jujutsu kaisen masterlist | nanami kento masterlist | ryomen sukuna masterlist 
© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform.
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msmarvelwrites · 3 years
For Old Times' Sake
Summary: “Years you had craved to hear your name spoken from his lips. Countless nights, forcing yourself to remember how it fell from his tongue,”
Pairing: TFATWS Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Explicit sexual content, Vaginal penetration, fingering, Choking, Bucky with the filthy words, mutual pining.
Word Count: 2.8K
Authors Note: WOW! It has literally been a hot minute hasn't it? I cant say that I’m not a little excited about this 3rd lock-down in Ontario because it means I can actually find time to write. I’m sorry it’s been so long, babes. Anyways, enjoy! (I’m actually the worst and it’s been so long since I’ve done this!) The Biggest Thank You to @sweeterthanthis for literally cheering me on the entire time. This was such garbage before you came along 😂 I had so much fun with this one babe 💕 thank you for all you do ✨
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The wind whipped against your face, bruising your skin with it’s callousness. Though the unwelcomed lash was nothing compared to what was to come. Or who, for that matter. 
It had been longer than you cared to admit. The dodged calls hanging at the bottom of the icon on your phone serving as a cruel reminder of how cold you had been. Of course, it was never in your job description to take care of Bucky after Steve left— but there was an implication that made you run for the hills. 
You couldn't do anything for him - give him anything. The last five years had consisted of running and trying to start over. 
Besides, after the Accords, in the government's eyes you were just as fucked as Hydra. An ally turned fugitive the moment you’d chosen your side in that airport. You’d fight with yourself most nights that you decided with your head, but your first evening with a man who had bruised your lips with promises of what would come may have had more pull than anything else. 
The same man that had called you every week for the past six months… The same man you had spent countless nights with, years of your life you would never be able to scrub away, no matter how hard you tried. 
You had watched from afar as half of the world returned, their loved ones welcoming them home with teary eyes and broken hearts. You watched as he came home. His eyes, always scanning the crowds waiting for you. Waiting to see your face. 
It made all of this so, so much worse. This was definitely not the homecoming you could have hoped for. 
“We’re nearing the drop.” Your comm’s rang with a woman's voice who had helped smuggle you onto the craft. You weren’t exactly welcome in europe at the moment- or anywhere for that matter. The government did not take lightly to your’s and Sharon’s betrayal. You’d think that after everything the world had seen they would be a little more forgiving, but you couldn't exactly blame them for their trust issues either. 
You could, however, blame yourself. 
As soon as your feet hit the ground you were off. The distress call had come from Sam earlier that evening and now with the sun setting you could only hope you weren't too late. You tried to push the man who had haunted your thoughts for the past few years out of your head, desperate to focus on the task at hand. 
Bullets exploded through the air, a warning as you were approaching the large shipping container unit. Your comms went static as they began to connect with Sam’s, his voice ringing through your ears as—
“Sam, a little help here!” 
His voice stopped you dead in your tracks. 
“I’m on my way - called in some back up.” Sam grunted as the sound of strangled yelps echoed around you. 
“Back up? Who do we know that-” Bucky’s words were cut short as he let out a growl, the sound of his vibranium arm whirling in the background. 
You rushed in without a second thought, the sound of his pain too raw as it ripped through your chest. Before you could assess the danger, you charged forward, hurling yourself at a large man pointing his gun right at- 
With a loud thud, the man hit the ground. Your combat boot, heavy on his throat until he went still, and with it came silence. It was deafening despite the explosive gunfire around you. 
Your name ripped through the air, but you couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze. Back turned and body rigid, you were frozen in place. Years you had craved to hear your name spoken from his lips. Countless nights, forcing yourself to remember how it fell from his tongue, soft and get so personal. Like no one had spoken it before. 
“Y/n, what are you-”
Sam's voice cut the newly cropped brunettes words off,  “I got two coming in on your left, Buck. Oh- and welcome back, Y/L/N.” 
You smiled sheepishly at Bucky, pulling your gun from its holster and flicking the safety off as you closed your distance with him. Despite the aggravation apparent on his face, a broken smile seemed to be pulling at the corners of his lips. 
“Here we go again, huh?”  You chimed, your eyes locking with his just as all hell broke loose. 
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The trip back to Sam and Bucky’s base was one filled with uncomfortable silence, and a tension that had your blood running cold. 
Once the adrenaline of the fight had worn off and you were left face to face with Bucky Barnes, the guilt began to creep in. 
“So…” Sam started from the backseat of the beat-up truck, the suddenness of his words startling both you and Bucky for a moment. “Long time no see.” 
The scoff that left Bucky’s lips wasn't as subtle as you imagined he meant it to be. You tried not to let it bother you; in fact, you had prepared for this. How he might react when you finally returned home. What you weren't prepared for, however, was how indescribably gutted you would feel to watch him - eyes trained to the road ahead - as he gritted his teeth at your proximity. 
To say that yours and Bucky’s relationship before the snap was easy would be incredibly delusional. It was messy and at it’s best dysfunctional. But for whatever reason, the two of you looked beyond that. He saw through you like no one ever had and before you knew it, the two of you were glued at the hip. It didn't make sense, but no questions were ever asked. 
You just fit. 
And of course there was the sex. Good god, you could feel your thighs clenching at the thought. 
The way’s Bucky knew how to take you apart, with an accuracy that only he had. How he had your toes curling and body vibrating from the flick of his tongue. How he would have you screaming the most filthy things for him, all while begging to never ever—
Sam’s voice was like an ice bath. Your name yanking you back into the present and the question at hand. What was the question again? You couldn't think straight. Not when Bucky was staring at you the way he was, one brow cocked and that same familiar smirk plastered on his lips. If you didn't know any better, you’d think he could read your thoughts. 
“Sorry- I… I was…” You couldn't seem to bring yourself back to this realm, too lost in the Super Soldier’s stormy eyes to remember what exactly you were trying to say. 
“He asked you where you’ve been, Y/n.” Bucky spoke your name like it was a curse, laced with razor sharp ache and pain. His eyes told a different story though. The way he looked at you; the same way he always did. 
With a warmth that only he had for you. It made you shiver. 
“Running, mostly.” You started, your body physically breaking your gaze with Bucky. It was too much, watching him glare down at you. And maybe you deserved it. 
“And you never thought to, I don't know, call me?” Bucky’s words were spiteful, oozing with a disdain that was beginning to wear down your patience. 
“It wasn't like that, Buck-”
“You can’t call me that anymore.” He snapped, his eyes trained on the road. Your gaze snapped to him, brow arched as you all but scoffed at him. 
“Oh, I can't?” You chuckled, but the sound came out flat. He had every right to ask you where you've been. Hell, get angry if he wanted. But the way his words seeped with disgust made your blood boil. 
“Okay, okay guys. Let’s all take a breath and just—”
“Shut up, Sam.” You both snarled, causing Sam to roll his eyes as Bucky pulled into a long winding driveway with a small log cabin sat at the end of it. You reached for your seatbelt until your door swung open. 
“You two figure your shit out. Whatever this is,” Sam motioned to the space between you two, “ isn’t leaving this car. I’ll be inside. Feel free to come in when y'all have killed and made up, okay?” With that, Sam slammed the door leaving Bucky and you alone in your static tension.
Bucky worried on his lip, his eyes trained to his lap. You opened your mouth to speak, but your words seemed caught in your throat. 
“You didn't even call…” 
It was so quiet, you almost didn't hear it. But you did… 
Voice small and so filled with ache; it kicked you in the stomach, the guilt washing away any anger you had felt. 
“Bucky… I- I couldn't.” You forced out, tentative as you met his gaze, stomach dropping as your eyes locked with his. 
“I thought I lost you. I thought - I mean, fuck - you were all I cared about.” He sighed, clearing his throat as if it would help ease his discomfort. “I looked for you, ya know?” He chuckled, but there was no warmth behind it. Just a brokenness that made you squirm. 
“It’s not your fault—”
“Oh, I know it’s not.” Bucky quipped, his eyes flicking away from yours and turning back to face the cabin. “It was your own selfish decision.” 
You scoffed, head snapping back to meet his glare. “Selfish? Bucky, I had no other choice. Not everyone can be pardoned for their crimes. It’s not like I had Steve Rogers advocating for my freedom!” 
Bucky only rolled his eyes, hands gripping the steering wheel so tight, you swore he might rip it clean off the car.  “Don’t bring him into this. You don't think that I would have done everything to get to you? To clear your name?”
You laughed bitterly, blinking away the tears that welled at the corners of your eyes. 
“You gotta at least give me more credit than that, Doll.” The pet name rolled off this tongue easily, washing over you, and making you freeze. 
“Please don’t call me that…” You faltered, wiping away a stray tear that rolled down your cheek. 
It seemed the tension dissipated in that moment, silence heavy between you both as Bucky reached out, his flesh fingers finding a tear and brushing it away. You tried to speak, but with everything that had been said, and all that would never be, you decided words just weren’t enough. 
You didn't have time to object before his lips were on yours, your body moving at its own accord as he pulled you onto his lap, your thighs either side of him as his tongue swept across your bottom lip. You tried to moan, but his mouth swallowed the sound. He rendered you breathless, his taste intoxicating as you melted into his embrace, grinding into him and shivering when a familiar growl slipped from his lips; vibrating against your mouth. 
“Fuck, I missed you.” You moaned out, clutching his jacket as you licked down his neck. His skin was burning against your lips, the rumble of his breath heavy against your ear as he let out a dark chuckle, urging you on. 
“Well, if you had just called me—” 
Before he could finish the sentence, you reached for the recliner, snapping it forward as you toppled forwards onto Bucky’s chest. His words fell back into his throat, hands automatically finding your hips to steady you while you fumbled with his belt. 
“Doll—” He tried to start, but you swallowed the name with your kiss, heated and rooted in a desperate need to feel him again. You ached for him in a way you’d never felt before. 
Maybe what you had was unfixable. Maybe it was beyond repair, but with the way he was kissing you and hiking down your pants, it didn't matter. You were drunk on him, and by the way he bucked his hips, so was he. 
You shivered as his vibranium fingers looped into the waistband of your panties, pulling them down over your legs as you both awkwardly tried to move in the cramped seat. You wanted to laugh, but as his cold thumb swiped through your slick folds, all you could do was whine. 
“So wet for me…” He hummed, teeth sinking into your throat as he pulled a whimper from your lips. 
You cursed, hands propping you up on either side of him as he dipped his index finger into you, the intrusion enough to have your back arching into him, desperate for more. 
But Bucky was a tease. And even now, after all of this time, it was the very thing that had your buckling above him. Pleading and begging for more.
“Look at you.” He started, his eyes dark as he pushed deeper inside, his finger curing into you as you gasped. 
“P-please, Buck.” You begged, grinding down onto his hand. To your dismay he only chuckled, watching intently as you came undone around him. 
“I told you,” He started, lifting you off of him and tossing you against the backseats, “Don’t call me that.” 
You couldn't help the giggle that bubbled out of your throat as he awkwardly crawled towards you. But the look in his eyes had your stomach twisting into something that emulated fear. It was guttural as he pressed into you, the outline of his cock digging into your drenched folds.
You bit back a moan, eyes rolling back in your head as his cold fingers brushed against your core, pulling himself free from his boxers. 
“Do you still love me like you did?”  He spoke, and though the words were soft and filled with promises you had broken before, there was a darkness in his voice. 
“I never stopped.” You admitted. And it was true. But that didn't seem to be the answer he was looking for as he licked his bottom lip, eyes trained on your throat. 
“I’m afraid isn’t gonna’ feel much like love, doll.” He breathed out, lining himself up with your entrance. Before you could speak, he thrusted into you, knocking the air out of your chest as he bent you uncomfortably in half. You could only scream as he caged you in, forcing you down against the seats as he fucked into you. 
It’s not like you forgot how Bucky filled you, but his size was something you would never be able by to fully adjust to. Especially not now, when he was holding you steady, his hips snapping against you giving you no time to ease into the assault. And by the looks of the lopsided smirk plastered on his swollen lips, he knew exactly how shredded you felt. 
“Fuck, you take me so good, sweetheart.” The pet name doing nothing to quell the ache he sent ripping through your body as he sank deeper into you. You could only cry out, head smashing into the door as he kept up his brutal pace. 
“B-Bucky, please.” You weren't exactly sure what you were asking for, but at this rate you wouldn't last long, the familiar coil building in your abdomen as he nudged up against your cervix. 
“Slow down, baby.” You choked on a sob, eyes glassy as his vibranium fingers coiled around you thoat, pining you to the seats.  
“Did you miss this part, doll?” He whispered against your ear, a shiver ripping through your body and igniting a flame you had so desperately craved since the moment he vanished from your world. “Miss the way I ruin you, Hm? I can feel you, coming undone. You’re so close, aren’t you?” he teased, pressing his fingers deeper into your throat until you were coughing around the pressure. 
“All I need to do is-” His flesh thumb ran circles against your clit, your eyes rolling back into your skull as you croaked out his name, begging him to ease up. “There it is.” He chuckled, quickening his pace until you were a shivering mess beneath him. 
“Bucky, I-” 
“I’m going to ruin this cunt, sweetheart. Stay still, and let go for me” His voice was like gravel, only letting you breathe once you nodded your head in complicity, pulling your bottom lip into your mouth as the orgasm wrapped itself around your core. 
“Fuck.” You managed to scream, your head lulling back as a title-wave of ecstasy crashed over you, pulling you under.
“That’s my girl.” His words tipped you over the edge, his name on your lips like a prayer as you quivered, your body violently shaking. “God you're so tight when you- Shit!” 
With a few sloppy thrusts, Bucky came undone. His hot spend coating your pulsing walls as he gasped. Your bodies a tangled mess as he puffed out a breath against your neck. 
You both just stayed frozen, too afraid that the moment you pulled away, reality would sink in. And the truth was, you weren't exactly sure what that meant. 
Bucky slowly eased himself out of you, gasping a little as you spilled out onto, what you only hoped, would be easy to clean seats.
 “Doll, that was-” 
“Hey,” Sam knocked hard against the now foggy glass, “You two hungry, or what?” 
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zodiakuroo · 3 years
Pretty Things Don’t Need To Think
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Kuroo decides he's had enough of his smart, independent girlfriend. He wants her to be his good little housewife instead.
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x Fem!Reader
Contains: 18+ oh boy... dubcon, big dick kuroo, dumbifciation, misogyny, manhandling, oral sex (deepthroating), pee in vee sex, degradation, manipulation, pwp, breath play, mouth spitting, creampie, thigh riding, slapping, spit, porn watching, crybaby reader but kuroo is a meanie so :3
Word count: 4.6k
Notes: my first time writing smut n it’s mindlessly self-indulgent i just had this weirdly specific fantasy that i need to get out byeee
Kuroo loved the fact that you were smart. He loved the fact that you could debate and argue with him for hours on the most obscure topics. He love that you were always interested in his nerdy rambles and he found it adorable that you would sometimes go off on your own nerdy rambles. When he met you, he was so used to fucking brainless bimbos that he was surprised to find a girl that he both wanted to sleep with and have a conversation with. Your intellect was one of the many reasons he wanted to pursue a relationship with you beyond sex. One of the many reasons why he planned on marrying you.
Kuroo also loathed the fact that you were smart. Not loathed exactly. He just hated your stupid fucking degree. He hated the fact that it demanded so much of your time and energy that you sometimes had to put your studies before him. You wanted to be doctor, always wanted to apparently. You wanted it so bad he felt a little ashamed for how much it annoyed him.
But he didn’t understand it. You were going to be the wife of Kuroo Tetsurou, President of the Japan Volleyball Association. Is that not enough of an achievement?
 You didn’t seem to think so.
Now Kuroo’s not a misogynist by any means. If he were, he wouldn’t even let you get this stupid degree. He doesn’t want you to be some mindless Stepford Wife who only cooks and cleans and says “Yes, dear” “No, dear.” Of course he believes in equal rights and all that bullshit but he just doesn’t see any reason for you to work. Financially, there’s no need. More importantly, as his wife you would be too busy taking care of him, his home and his children for you to even thinking about having a job. He would let you get this degree purely for you to soothe your own ego, so you could feel like you’ve accomplished something.
And this is the fucking thanks he gets.
Coming home every day to see you hunched over the dining room table, 4 different textbooks open, papers scattered everywhere. He works hard every day to make a comfortable life for the two of you but asking to come home to a clean apartment and dinner on the stove is too much to ask apparently.
You don’t even register that he’s in the room until he places two large warm hands on your shoulders, causing you to jump, quickly soothed with a kiss to the top of your head.
“Hi baby” he mutters against your scalp, gently massaging your shoulders.
“Hmm. Hi Tetsurou.” you turn your head to look at him, eyes bloodshot and bleary from staring at your computer all day.  “How was your day?”
“Same old.” He places a chaste kiss on your lips. “How’s it going here? Are we winning?” He glances at your notes, Intercranial mass lesions. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage. He wonders why you do this to yourself. Pretty things like you shouldn’t have to think.
You groan. “Not at all. This neuro final is gonna kick my ass.”
He chuckles, hands gently massaging your shoulders. “You say that every time and every time you ace it baby.”  Instead of asking you where his dinner is, he asks “Have you eaten today? What do you want for dinner?”
“ I’m not hungry Tetsu. You can order whatever you like.” He clenches his jaw in irritation. You can’t even be bothered to give him your full attention for 10 minutes? The man who works so hard so that you can afford to sit at home and study the whole day?
He’ll get your attention one way or another.
“Angel,” he drops his voice an octave or two, leaning down so his mouth is pressed right against the shell of your ear. “How about you take a break yeah? Wanna help you relax.” He starts to kiss your neck. He hears your breath hitch. He’s got you. “You worked so hard today plus I reaaaaally miss you.”
With that he begins to leave wet kisses on your neck, feeling you melt into him. His hands move away from your shoulders, gently groping at your chest.
You suddenly go rigid. “Tetsu, not right now.” He doesn’t want you to know how pissed he is but he can’t help it, he groans in frustration. “I’m sorry,” you mutter weakly “I really need to get through these last 3 chapters.”
“Yeah right. Got it.” He storms off with a huff. He’s furious. Your little studious shtick has been nothing more than an irritation for him. But this is too far. He hasn’t come in a month, since you started prep for finals. You’ve been too busy to take care of him. You suggested porn and he laughed in your face. Why would he jerk off when you have a perfectly good pussy? Don’t be ridiculous.
“Tetsurou don’t be mad please.”
“Not mad baby. Keep studying. That’s important to you right?” He’s not convincing anyone but you don’t have the time or energy to engage.
You let out a heavy sigh before turning back to your laptop, falling back into studying like the whole interaction never happened. It made him even angrier. How you couldn’t care less about him right now.
“Just gonna watch some TV. That okay with you, love?” He says sounding sickly sweet, almost sarcastic. If you notice, you don’t make any mention of it.
“Mmhm. Just keep it down please.” You don’t even bother to fucking look at him. 
You don’t wanna pay attention to him? You want him to just jerk off? Fine then, have it your way. Kuroo throws himself down on the couch as he rips off his tie with a little more force than necessary.
This is petty.
He makes quick work of the buttons of his dress shirt.
This is childish.
He quickly unbuckles his belt and pulls his slacks down just far enough to take his soft dick out of his boxers.
 This is your fault.
 You pushed him to do this.
He takes his phone and uses his internet browser to take him to the first porn site he can think of. He doesn’t really care about the kind of video so “Busty blonde slut gets destroyed” seems like a good a choice as any. He clicks on the video and sets up his phone to mirror on the TV screen. With the volume about as loud as it can go, he presses play.
The loud exaggerated moans and gagging startle you. Your head shoots up and you see your boyfriend, lidded gaze fixed on the flat screen TV in front of him. He’s panting, letting out little moans. You crane your neck to see what he’s watching and you see on the TV a bleach blonde girl with massive tits being an absolute trooper as she gets facefucked relentlessly.
“Kuroo, what the fuck?” God he hates when you call him by his last name mostly because you only do that when you’re really annoyed at him.
“Hm? What is it baby?” Now it’s his turn to not even glance in your direction. He’s too focused on the way the girl on screen’s throat is bulging as the man thrusts into her mouth. Maybe he should watch porn more often.
“What are you doing?” He can hear the irritation building in your voice. He hears the chair scrape along the hardwood floor as you stand up to get a better look at him. He knows you can see exactly what he’s doing now.
He smirks, turning to look at you for just a split second before his attention is back to being on screen. “Watching ah fuck watching TV”. He starts to stroke himself faster now, knowing you’re watching him. He’s a little embarrassed by how turned on he is. Cock already rock hard, his tip bright red and shiny from leaking so much pre-cum.
“Do you have to do… that… here? I can’t concentrate.” You clench your fists and your sides.
Oh you’re pissed. But this isn’t exactly the reaction he wants from. He’ll make it work though.
“Not my problem babe. Shit.” He takes his free hand down to play with his swollen balls and god, if he weren’t so determined to dump this load inside you he might have come right then and there.
“Kuroo!” You shout. He’s still not looking at you. How could he when the girl on the screen is getting absolutely railed. He only hears the sound of your barefeet on the hardwood floor as you storm over to the couch. He’s not sure what your plan was when you decided to come over here, but it doesn’t even matter anymore because the second you’re close enough he yanks you by your wrist and forces you into his lap.
“Tetsu!” You thrash and struggle in his hold but it’s no use. He’s bigger and stronger than you.
He wraps his arm around your neck, pulling you into a chokehold. “Oh I’m Tetsu now?” he laughs bitterly
“Let me go! Please!” You still haven’t given up getting out of this, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
“Shut up. I want you to watch this.” He’s forcing you to look at the screen now. “Look at that yeah? Look at how she’s taking that big cock.”
A hard palm strikes you across your cheek. “Stop squirming and watch.”
The blonde woman is bent over a coffee table while the man behind her rams his dick into her without abandon. Kuroo can’t decide if he finds her whining hot or annoying.
“Looks like it feels good huh babe?” His head is buried in the crook of your neck. “Wanna make you feel good like that.” He places a quick kiss to your temple before pulling your t-shirt over your head, your bare chest now exposed to the cool air.
“Tetsu please.”
“Please what baby?”
Please let me go.
But the way he’s hands are gripping at your breasts, pulling and twisting your nipples, you can’t form any words. Only whimpers.
“Please make you feel good? That what you want baby?” He whispers as he slots his thigh between your legs.
“Yeah yeah please Tetsu.”
Kuroo has turned his focus onto your neck. Harsh sucks, leaving bruises and bite marks in his wake. He wants to laugh at how pathetic you are. Just a few minutes ago, you were adamant on ignoring his presence and now you’re writhing in his lap begging you to touch him.
“Really? I thought you needed to study.”
“No no no Tetsu, only need you.” Just a quickie. You’re both pent up. 10… 15 minutes tops. Then you’ll go back to studying. That’s what you tell yourself.
“That’s right baby.” He grips your hips and grinds you down on to his thigh. “I know exactly what you need.” You take your cue from him and begin riding his thigh, neurology notes long forgotten as he goes back to assaulting your neck. The combination of the sensation of your clothed clit rubbing against his thigh and visual stimulation of the explicit content on your TV makes you dizzy with pleasure.
Your movements become frantic. You’re practically humping his leg at this point. He knows you’re close which is why he wraps one arm around your torso, pulling you back into his chest.
“Baby please.” You whine. Oh, you’re really crying now.
“Oh angel, you were gonna come just from that? Just from humping my thigh and watching some other bitch get eaten out? My angel must be so pent up huh?”
You can’t do anything except whimper and nod.
“Mmhm yeah my baby has been working too hard. Thinking too much. You’re too cute for that you know baby.”
You keep nodding, no idea what you’re actually agreeing to, too busy keening at the praise. You keep trying to move your hips but he just tightens his hold.
“It’s okay though baby I know how to take care of you. Your man knows how to turn off that little brain of yours.”
His hand slides into you shorts, fingers pressing on to your clit over the top of your soaked panties. The moan you let out might rival the porn star on screen, who now by the way, is riding the face of her co-star while she sucks his cock.
He slips his other hand into your panties and starts rubbing quick “Yeah that’s it. Feel good babe?” You melt into his chest. “Yes Tetsu! So good!”
Kuroo pushes his long middle finger into your dripping hole. So tight and warm, he has to bite back a moan of his own. A few slow pumps, before he lets his index finger enter you as well. He’s done going slow now, he starts fucking you with his fingers, thumb brushing over your clit every now and then.
You were so close before, it takes almost no effort on Kuroo’s part to get you there again. You throw your head back on to his shoulder, muscles tensing in anticipation of your impending release. “Tets- gonna cum, gonna cu-“ The second you feel the waves of your orgasm crash on to you, Kuroo has his hands off you entirely, reaching for the remote and turning off the explicit movie.
Ruined. He ruined your orgasm.
You open your eyes and you see Kuroo looking every bit the smug bastard and your own teary eyed reflection in the black screen. “Tetsurou… Why? Why would you-“ You can’t even get the sentence out before he delivers a harsh smack to your clit.
“You think you deserve to come?” A large hand wraps tight around your throat as he lets out a humourless laugh. “You’re stupider than I thought.”
“No Tetsu ‘m not stupid” You manage to rasp out but that just makes him squeeze even tighter.
“What was that? I thought I heard a stupid bitch say something.”
You claw at his had trying to get air into your lungs but Kuroo doesn’t budge.
“Please! Sorry! Please!” is all you can manage to get out. Just as you start to see spots, Kuroo lets go.
Airways burning, you sputter out a “thank you” but your boyfriend doesn’t seem to care. “You’re sorry? Show me how fucking sorry you are.” He’s shoves you on to the floor unceremoniously.
While Kuroo removes his slacks and boxers, you try to compose yourself. You know what’s coming but first you need to stop coughing and stop crying. After a minute of deep breathing, you open your eyes and find yourself face to face with Kuroo’s monster cock.
And you’re not exaggerating. The thing is terrifying. Long and girthy, the biggest you’ve ever seen.  He’s unbelievably hard with bulging veins, the tip almost purple with arousal. You’re mesmerised by it. 
Perhaps the only thing scarier than his dick right now is the man attached to it. He’s staring down at you with so much condescension, small smirk playing on his lips. He wraps his hand around his thick base. “You good princess? Get to it.” He tuts.
You place one of your hands on his throbbing member as you tentatively stick out your tongue to lick at his tip where pre-cum is dribbling out. You slowly start to stroke him up and down as you swirl your tongue around the head. Kuroo is being kind, letting you go slow. If you think he’s doing this for your benefit, you’re mistaken. He wants to take his time with this. More importantly, he’s got about a month’s worth of cum stored up in his balls and he wants to make sure that every single drop goes inside your little cunt.
You take what you can fit (just less than half) into your mouth, lips stretched wide around his dick, the head is poking at the back of your throat while your hands work the rest of his shaft. You look up at him with wide, apologetic eyes. He can tell by the way you’re looking at him you want him to know how sorry you are.
It’s cute.
He grabs you by your hair and pulls you off of him. ”Aw baby, that’s it? I thought you were sorry.” 
A mixture of saliva and pre-cum dribbles down your chin. “Tetsu I am sorry. I’m so sorry!” You whimper.
“Yeah?” Kuroo whispers. His grip on your hair tightens as he tilts your head up to look at him. You stare up at your boyfriend, as he bends down to kiss you. Again, it’s surprisingly gentle but is quickly contrasted with the way he uses the other hand to grab your face, squeezing harshly to make you pucker your lips and keep your mouth open.
He smiles down at you, almost lovingly before he puckers his lips as well, letting a fat glob of spit drop from his mouth into yours.
It’s gross. It’s degrading. It’s cruel.
And that’s why you swallow it down almost immediately, without being asked. 
“Good girl” He whispers and gives you a kiss on the nose as a reward. The simple praise shoots straight to your pussy and now you’re greedy for more.
Kuroo leans back and assumes his previous position but this time flexing his elbows and putting his hands behind his head. He’s still wearing his dress shirt, unbuttoned so you can admire his delicious torso. Toned and tanned with the trail of dark hair running all the way to his groin. He looks completely relaxed with his eyes closed and for a moment you find yourself enamored by how stunning he is. How stunning your man is. You want to please him now more than ever. You want him to call you his good girl again. You steady yourself on your knees and prepare for the task at hand
You start off with a few shallow bobs on his cock. Then you take a deep breath through your nose before taking as much of him in your throat as you can. “Holy shit.”  He breathes out. His hips thrust up reflexively while you try to suppress your own reflex, trying to keep him has deep as possible for as long as possible. You’ve had lots of practice deepthroating your boyfriend’s dick but somehow it hasn’t gotten any easier.
You pull off of him but not completely, just enough to open up your airway to let much needed air into your burning lungs. You twist your hands around the exposed part of him. You look up at him and he’s giving you that fond smile again and it makes your heart swell in your chest. It’s all the motivation you need to take him back into your throat. Again you take him as far as you can but there’s still a good inch or so that you can’t take no matter how hard you try.
“Aw baby you need some help?” Kuroo coos from above you. You look up at him with big watery eyes and nod as best you can with his dick lodged in your oesophagus. He lets out a hum. “Anything for my baby.” He places one of his large hands on the back of your head and pushes you down until your nose meets his pelvis.
Your throat muscles are spasming around the impossibly large, impossibly deep intrusion but Kuroo keeps you there, seemingly reveling in your gags. Your drool dribbles from your lips, down his balls on to the black leather of the couch. You try breathing through your nose but you struggle. However, your discomfort is completely eclipsed by Kuroo’s moans and grunts. If it makes him feel good you’ll keep him in there as long as he wants. You’ll let him thrust into your mouth until he comes if he so choses.
Lucky for you, that’s not what he wants tonight.
You pulls you off his dick by once again but slowly this time. He watches the string of drool that connects your lips and drags you away until it snaps. He take his heavy shaft and slaps it against your right cheek. You let out a gasp and a smirk starts to play on his lips. Before you know it he’s smacking and dragging his cock all over your face, covering you in a mixture of your saliva and his pre-cum. “God damn. Prettiest fuckin’ girl in the world right here on her knees for me.” He says as he leans back to admire his handiwork.  “Open” he says. You obey without hesitation and he spits in your mouth again.
You swallow eagerly. “Thank you Tetsuro.” Your throat feels raw but you smile at him, absolutely giddy, nonetheless.
“Get up here, pretty girl.” Kuroo helps you to your feet and shimmy out of your bottoms before guiding you on to his lap so you’re straddling him. Immediately two of his fingers are inside you again, your slick cunt offering no resistance whatsoever. “You know angel, I’m still not sure how sorry you actually are.” He’s scissoring his fingers, stretching out your walls. If he were a different man, he’d thrust into you right now without any prep but he sees how fucked out you already are, there’s no need to punish you any further. His fingers move at a tortuous pace, squelching as he thrusts them in and out of you.
You’re panting. “Anything, I’ll do anything.”
The slow drag of his fingers grazing that spot inside you as he pulls out makes your eyes flutter shut. When you open them again, Kuroo is holding the same fingers in front of your face. Your boyfriend keeps is hazel eyes locked on yours as he sticks out his tongue to lick up the arousal soaking his digits.
“Hmm ‘course you will.” He slaps his fat cockhead on your sensitive clit making you squeal.
He drags his tip from your clit to your dripping slit over and over again getting it nice and wet.
You chant “Tetsu please” like some twisted prayer. You desperately want to make up for your earlier ruined orgasm.
“Wanna see you bounce on my cock, angel.”
You oblige him wordlessly, taking hold of his shaft and lining in him up with your entrance. You slowly lower yourself on to him wincing at the way he stretches you out. The prep was minimal and his fingers are no match for the size of his cock. You have to stop to breathe and blink away tears. You lift up your hips and lower yourself down slowly again, taking a little more of him inside you. You repeat the process a couple more times.
As much as watching your struggle to take his cock strokes his ego, Kuroo is growing bored. It’s time to take matters into his own hands.
Kuroo grips your hips and takes you by surprise as he thrusts up into you, making you take the whole thing. You let out a shrill cry as the tip of his cock nudges at your cervix. A heavy smack lands on your ass. “I said bounce angel.”
“So big Tetsu fuck. So big.” You whine as he pulls you up, before he sheaths his dick fully inside you, making you shriek for a second time.
God you could be such a crybaby sometimes. You were starting to piss him off again.  He pulls out of you completely and says “Turn around.”
“Tetsu no please! Wanna see you.” You pout, your eyes welling up with tears.
Another smack. This time across your face. You reach up to touch the sore skin on your cheek, it feels hot. “Don’t talk back to me you stupid slut.”
You whimper but obey his command. You don’t want Kuroo to be angry at you.
“Now sit on it.” He spanks you another time before gripping your ass and guiding his cock into you until your ass meets his groin.
Playtime is over.
Kuroo slips his hands under your thighs, grabbing the back of your knees and folding your body in half. Now he’s really fucking you. His thrusts are rough, cock knocking against your cervix repeatedly as he sinks himself into your sopping cunt over and over again. The sound of his balls slapping against your ass and the squelching of your dripping pussy make for the lewdest symphony you’ve ever heard. 
“Tetsurou ‘m close. Please” you cry. The way his dick is rubbing against your sweet spot means you won’t last long.
Despite his denial, he doesn’t ease up on his thrusts. You’re trying to concentrate on holding back your orgasm but honestly you can’t concentrate on anything except Kuroo pistoning his fat cock in and out of you.
“Look at you.” You see your reflection in the black TV screen. “You see that?” He gives one particularly hard thrust to emphasise his point. “Fucked stupid huh?”
“Yeah Tetsu Yeah.” It’s no mirror but you can see all that you need to. You see your boyfriend using your body like a fleshlight, thrusting up into you at a relentless pace. You see your cunt split open on his cock. You see yourself being completely and utterly owned by him.
“My girl is such a fucking whore huh? My own personal porn star.”
“Need to cum nnggh let me cum please.” You’re teetering so close to the edge and Kuroo’s filthy mouth is not helping your situation in the slightest.
“Why should I let you cum hm? You’re so good when you’re desperate. Think I should keep you like this.”
“Please Tetsu. Please. Wanna be good! Wanna be your good girl Testu! Wanna take care of you! Please.”
He likes the way that sounds.
His good girl. His wife. His. His. His.
“Cum for me angel. Cum. Right now.” He says, lips pressed against your ear.
He doesn’t need to tell you twice. With the way he’s pounding his dick into your tight little pussy you have no choice but to spiral into orgasm. Your pussy spasms around his cock, pulling him deeper inside you. The hot coil in your tummy that’s been building unravels and the bliss hits you so hard you see starts. Kuroo keeps fucking up into you as you cream around him. As you come down, you go limp in his arms. That doesn’t stop him from using you though.
His grip around your thighs tightens and that’s how you know he’s getting close. “You gonna be a good girl for me? You gonna take this fat fucking load? Yeah? Take all of it deep in your cunt?” He growls right into your ear.
“Tetsu gimme pleasepleaseplease” You beg him as you cry from overstimulation, barely able to form the words.
“Take it. Take it. Fuck!” He growls as he shoots his load right into your tight, gooey pussy. You feel his hot cum fill up your womb and the sensation is so overwhelming it makes you go cross-eyed, tongue lolling out of your mouth. He grunts, still rutting into you through his orgasm. When he’s done he pulls out of you, smiling as he watches his cum leak out of your spent hole.
Kuroo loves the fact that you’re smart. But when you’re like this? Absolutely cum drunk, eyes glazed, body covered in bruises and willing to do anything he asks you to? He fucking adores you like this.
“Go take care of dinner princess, then your man is gonna take care of you some more.” He swats you on your ass.
You giggle and let your wobbly legs carry you to the kitchen with your boyfriend’s cum running down between your thighs, thoughts of your upcoming final completely fucked out of your head.
Along with every other thought not revolving around your future husband.
Kuroo reaches for his phone to text his assistant and tell her to cancel all his meetings for tomorrow. He has to go ring shopping.
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