#the game is basically Lizzy helping smile in a mission
bibyshitsuji24k · 14 days
if I had a nickel for every time that Smile has danced with Lizzy, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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Bonus bc it's not 'canon' (but in my mind it is)
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unikornu · 4 years
🌹, 🍂, 💐, 🌺, 💫, ☄️ for Lucy? 🍁, 🌸, 💦 for Harrison?
Thank you kindly for the asks! Let’s go:
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
Home for Lucy is whenever she is sure no one from the fair distance and within same walls wants to stab her in her sleep. Nuka World under Harrison protection will be the most home-ish and safe place since also after the disciples wiping she did prove her worth and loyalty to the raider’s goals and now they no longer need to sleep with one eye open with Gage since Harrison is patrolling and staying up all nights and gang leaders might not have such a strong urge to betray her. Later eventually she will set up base back in Sanctuary in her mother’s home since they will need second solid base in Commonwealth and somewhere deep in the woods still lies a pre-war secret lab section  that will be important for Harrison in order to understand the experiment and maintain his power as well as his body. A place where she can put down her guard, where she can sense presence of her boss and be sure Gage is also nearby will always be worth calling home but there are few places like this since later on her reputation will be more knowledgeable to wasteland folks and she will be on wanted list of sort. 
So yeah what can i say...away from Nuka World home announcement for them would sound like so:  A small blond lady along with a raider thug and tall grumpy old man looking for a warm cave to duck in without worry of being pitchforked by angry local settlers and half of the commonwealth. Ain’t many places they can call home, poor fuckers. 
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with receiving affection from others?
Oh she secretly loves hugs and affection of any kind but keeps in mind its better to leave them for very few and private moments. Besides how the hell that would make her look in society she is stuck with. Harrison and type of her job forced her to strip her mind from emotions as they were useless and making her weak but once the events calmed down they do come at peace and leave that part behind. With friends in public like Lizzie she will bump against their shoulder with a smile or chuckle, its safe in public and still reflects that she feels good in their company. With Harrison she will just bury herself in deep fatherly hug when gone for a few days, especially he is very tall and big so its like hugging a yao guai just in a brown thick coat. And because she never had a good father experience that hug will mean a world to them. With Gage she knows he has a hard time to be soft fucker but as the time goes on, the affection switches from small things, like checking his patch out and forcing to help taking care of his wounds too, not just hers, into letting down the bitch tough face and raider stiff attitude. Inviting him for the drink, just two of them, closing the distance and ending up just resting against his chest or sleeping hugged to his back. If the urge is strong and rules can go fuck themselves she will just charge at him and let all that sweet stuffed in her chest love drown him. 
As for people who didn’t reach yet friend level any kind of touching contact which doesn’t involve knife is for her a way to show affection. Be it soft fist bump in their arm, fast shoulder shake or very split millisecond side hug. Hell, even if she smiles at them its already a good sign, and in a humane soft manner, not the smirky bitch one. If her resting bitch face goes away its already a fantastic sign and promising future she won’t stab them later on. 
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
If you tell her to do that when there is shiet to be done and there almost always is in her mind you will see a constant middle finger, raised from the bed and the moment you turn around or leave she will be gone, sneaking away to get at least her knife and try to leave outside. She was raised to fulfill mission, no matter what so a stupid cold or broken bone is suppose to nail her in place. Fuck no, she can’t right? She can’t be that weak even if pain sweats her eyes. Gage learns slowly her urges as with each park taken he sees her taking extreme solutions to many situations, not thinking about possible bad outcomes so when the really bad cold catches her or she got badly wounded again he will be the one yelling at her to stop that shit. Aside from usual care like shoving injections or closing wounds and occasional cooking he will be constantly ensuring her that she can close both eyes shut and get an actual restful sleep, that he is on the watch and nothing out there waits to kill her when she ain’t looking. World neither will fall apart in flames if she will be gone in dreams for few hours. With Harrison come back that part is becoming easier as the simple sharp look in his eyes of mixed care and threat is convincing enough to put that knife down and shove her ass back in bed. With Gage guarding the Fizztop and Harrison overlooking the rest of the town there is no way of sneaking out and in this case it would be a bit ungrateful since they both put so much effort for her. 
She is better at taking care of others than herself tho if these are in her social circle. She doesn’t need to force herself, it comes natural to her. She will switch in a second from a vicious bitch to a caring bitch. Trying even to overcome her lack of cooking skills to deliver something warm and edible to that person if need. If she can’t get that fucking soup perfect for shit she will threaten and kidnap a local masterchef of sort to make and teach her how to do it. She means well but...ya remember her empathy can have weird and extreme outcomes.
Lol imagining like someone being under her care when sick and they go to the bathroom and spot a chef cook in a kitchen chained to a fucking stove cooking some good shit and Lucy siting at the table reading a cooking recipe and pointing a pistol at them.          
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
Normally she would drink or take calmex right away but she slowly tries to give up on that addiction as they do more harm than good. Having Gage or Harrison around will help to break that thought if she can either crawl up to Porter’s bed or wake him up to ensure that everything is real and alright or kindly ask Harrison to watch over her as he doesn’t need to sleep. Maybe he looks like a nightmare in a dark but its her nightmare she is familiar with.
If alone tho she will struggle, she hates to be alone for too long. If fear strikes her at battlefield she will try to cover her fear and damp it down with anger instead, psycho or fury could help and she isn’t addicted to it as to calmex so that’s one way out but stupid. If its just a nightmare in a middle of a night she won’t go immediately to sleep but walk around, talking to herself and convincing it was just a dream, grab a mannequin, do a silly dance with it, anything silly to relax a mind and take it off the stress and that nightmare. A shot of booze won’t hurt as long as it ends up on just one but it rarely does. Reassurance is her best ally in these beside she is too big of a girl for comforting items like an old plush puppet found in some certain treehouse back in Sancturary....right...riiiiight? ._.
💫What is your favorite fact about this character and why?
I think the simple fact that she is kind of evil oc and she knows about it. I don’t think there is many characters of this kind out there but i might be wrong. Since childhood i was trying to strike best - peaceful outcomes in games and so on but later on i started to sympathize with actual villains, be it games and stories. They can be full of surprises and complex in a interesting way, prove to be actually powerful allies as well and in general they talk to me more than a basic superman trying to strike for a world peace.  
☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them!
Oh ye, ofc she deserves better, she wants hugs, friends, she is bad but she wants a warm treatment too from time to time, she still have emotions ;c  Me, the creator, Uni, i’m horrible to her. I burned her hands too, like noooooo you can’t just wear gloves all the time for no reason, lets do smth bout it that will fit with all that dedication ya willing to push yourself in a fight no matter the consequences. Get burned bitch. Anyway, i’m taking her off the calmex addiction, giving her Harrison back as a better man who wants to protect her and do braids on her hair and softening the stinky to a level of a warm wet piece of trash, maybe getting some actual friends on a way. The pages on a start were focus more on a action and game lore kind off and just parks themselves but now with last page i finally get to actually break down and slow the shit to get to more emotional level, at least i hope to get it that way. 
Now Harrison time:
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themselves? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favorite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
Sadly he will be very lost at the start to find this kind of spot as he popped into the world from nowhere, just finally doing the separation from Lucy to a nearby old synth skeleton in a heat of a fight situation. Since the disciples base got a vacancy and cleaning it up feels too much of an effort for the rest of gangs he decided to make this place his comfort zone as its fairly close to Feit base but still separated behind walls, no windows to peek in for curious ones. He can’t sleep so he has a plenty of time to make it his corner. The only things he posses are his memories so he will just meditate there and surround himself with all the good moments from the past, adding the new ones to the collection, keeping his humanity on check and all the urges balanced. Also trying new tricks with his powers feels safe to do it there, the telekinetic ones especially since the place is spacey and there ain’t much to break. He doesn’t want to go too far away even if he needs a moment, he always has in the back of his head the need to be close when problems arise.
Personally on a side note i struggle to think of an explanation to the Nuka World leaders and overall people there as to how Lucy will explain to them...who the fuck he is and why he is there and where he came from and why give him a disciple base. Like...saying a truth to Gage is easier since they run together but the rest? She can’t even say he is her lost-found father since they don’t even look like family. 
🌸 What are some of their favorite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
There won’t too many as he just got off but some basic stuff i know for now:
- sweet snacks, whiskey and smokes as he still remembers these tastes from pre-war: just being softie for these small habits and diet sins
- being in charge, keeping order around due to his profession, even if times changes he still keeps the attitude and he just likes it
- training the newbie raiders, pointing out mistakes to Porter, advising Lucy on some combat moves and tips: it might feel like he is being proud, all knowing but he actually is hell of a experienced smart fighter, don’t get fooled by his age either, he just enjoys training people under him and see them improve  
- proving Porter wrong: oh boy they really don’t like each other at the start
- doing dem braids, he starts to have a soft spot for going father mode
- even if he isn’t fully human he takes care of his “shell”, perfectly shaving, keeping his shirts clean and smooth, overall he enjoys that “self care” routine even it it might feel silly in the wasteland and due to the fact who he is 
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
Probably killing his son. The experiment would get to him one way or another since he would get suspicious what kind of shady business is going on in police department and asking too many questions and stuffing nose in corners he shouldn’t would eventually lead anyway to his assassination and still giving his body for that experiment resulting in same outcome but the sudden trauma and speed of events is what pushed him out of there, taking control of himself and situation also resulting in his nature softening and toning down, knowing he doesn’t have much left and it can be lost at any moment. 
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geek-gem · 5 years
Rampage 2 World Tour
A fake synopsis and monster list for post. Basically a idea for a sequel to 2018′s Rampage.
Prepare for total destruction.
“It’s been some year since the incident in Chicago. The powers Claire Wyden had unleashed with Project Rampage have had consequences even after her death. There were more canisters that were lost that contained this pathogen. Affecting any creature that came into contact with it. To make matters worse, others are now trying to replicate this pathogen.
Since the events in Chicago, Davis Okoye(Dwayne Johnson) has made it his mission to find and take care of these mutated animals instead of killing them. In charge of a huge sanctuary that holds his best friend George, an albino gorilla who was affected as well, and others he’s saved and taken care of. Along with the help from Kate Caldwell(Naomie Harris), who is in a relationship with Davis, and agent Harvey Russell(Jeffery Dean Morgan).
But now more strange incidents are happening. As Davis teams up with two people Darlene Howard(Emilia Clarke), and a old friend Gabriel Evans(Chris Pratt) who’s two animals have experienced cases similar to George. Those two being Ralph, a young Gray Wolf, and Lizzie, a American Alligator who have been mutated by this pathogen, bigger, faster, stronger, and more intelligent as well. It is discovered the source of who’s responsible and making the situation worse.
A man by the name of Eustace DeMonic(Rafe Spall), old business partner to Claire Wyden, now the leader of a terrorist organization literally named SCUM. Who plans try to take control the mutated animals to take over the world. He now sets his sight on George, Ralph, and Lizzie. Especially has a secret weapon to unleash upon the world that threatens life as we know it.
Now Davis, Darlene, Gabriel, and others must work together to not just stop him. But also must unite the mutated animals against a common enemy, especially to save the animals that they consider their family”
Monster list.
The Wrecking Crew.
George, a 46 foot tall albino gorilla. He and Davis helped saved Chicago from the original Ralph and Lizzie. Including responsible for killing Claire Wyden. He’s been in the care of Davis since he was 2 years old, including is Davis’s best friend. A intelligent and gentile giant. Yet he has a twisted sense of humor and will protect Davis and his friends with his life.
Ralph(Ralph 2.0), a 36 foot tall 8 month old Gray Wolf. Taken care of since birth by Darlene Howard, who he see’s as a mother. Despite considered a, “Sweetheart” by Darlene, he’s protective of her. Even when mutated he retained his memories of her. He will protect her from any threat no matter how bigger they are than him.
Lizzie(Lizzie 2.0), a 50 foot tall American Alligator. Saved and taken care of by Gabriel Evans. Despite keeping to herself a lot, Lizzie has a deep bond with the man who saved her life when she was young. A relationship made of respect, but with Gabriel not wanting to admit he cares for the Gator a lot more than he lets on or he worries of being looked at differently. Retaining her memories just like Ralph. Over time Lizzie will show how much she cares for the man, by risking her life against bigger threats.
Boris, a 57 foot tall African Rhino. Saved by Davis in Africa, Boris has become a living juggernaut. Even though he’s calm when Davis is around, Boris despises poachers, and will get aggressive if shot at. Luckily Boris will listen to Davis if he needs to calm down.
Curtis, a 33 foot tall rat. Originally the pet of Claire Wyden, now a pet of Harvey Russell. Some how getting a dose of the pathogen. Despite being aggressive at first, it seems the rat has a fondness over Harvey, seeing him as some sort of dad. Even though Harvey put the rat in the sanctuary. He’s basically best friends with the rat. 
Ruby, a 60 foot tall crab. What was once a small crab, is now huge because of taking in a large dose of the pathogen. Saved by Davis, but kept in a huge space where she is able to have water. Aggressive when threated, she’s nasty when she’s angry.
Eustace and other monsters.
Eustace DeMonic: A business partner to Claire Wyden before she died. Including one of the people who knew about Protect Rampage before it was revealed to the world. It was revealed Eustace and Claire were in a relationship of sorts. Both fueled by greed, yet Eustace revealed that him and Claire have had, “Sexy Times” but learning of her death, especially who was responsible. It seemed like something changed in the man.
While not a good man. It seems learning of Claire’s death changed the man. In fact it enraged him. Which was one of the reasons Eustace made SCUM a terrorist organization now. Even though he seems calm, collected, and much more pleasant than someone like Claire, he seems very professional. But when not getting his way, Eustace is truly a psychopath, while still driven by greed, hoping to sell mutated animals to any buyers. He is a man that wouldn’t mind seeing the world burn. Which is why he has an intense hatred for a man like Davis and his relationship with George. 
In fact, his viewpoint is the reason why his secret weapon V.E.R.N. is how it is.
Notes: I’m wondering if I should have Paul Giamatti as Eustace though. He’s a damn good actor and fits the video game version more. Yet Rafe fits with this version and it’s a weird reference to Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom. Which this story is inspired by.
V.E.R.N.(Violently Enraged Radioactive Nemesis) a literal 61 foot tall abomination. A hybrid made of a bat, the original Ralph and Lizzie, and gorillas. He is able to absorb radiation and live. Including Eustace’s secret weapon. A angry and very feral creature covered by scales and fur who can fly with wings on his backs, and claws that can hurt any creature. Including having a huge amount of strength, and extraordinary hearing and eyesight. Especially to make it worse, he can breathe fire. He’s a intelligent creature who is can take on any creature. Including he seems to enjoy what he is doing. Some what the animalistic embodiment of evil. 
Especially what's horrifying he can understand what humans are saying in English. Along with he can smile as well.
Mainly uncontrollable, but Eustace honestly doesn’t care. He just wants Vern to kill anyone in his or the creatures way, and Eustace doesn’t mind that one bit.
Notes: Vern is no longer a clone of Claire. Now more something I guess similar to the games but it’s his own version. Despite Vern was originally a power up for the trio in World Tour. Especially I was thinking of having him have alien DNA to explain why he looks more like an abomination. But decided it’s mainly four animals he’s a hybrid of. I’ll be honest I was inspired by the Indominus Rex and Indoraptor from the Jurassic Park/World franchise. Because I feel the hybrid route fits better. Including I wanna build up Myukus for a third film instead of using him right away.
Leon, a 41 foot tall African Lion. Saved by Davis but later capture by SCUM for their own purposes. A aggressive mutated lion that is out of control.
Cal, a 65 foot tall squid. Taking a heavy doses of the pathogen, and first popped up in the Florida Keys reef. A giant mutated aggressive squid that has been terrorizing the oceans, not caught by Davis or SCUM. But a mutation he’s gained is breathing above water. Which makes any sitituation more worse if he’s involved. Able to take down boats, eat people, and a danger to anyone or anything.
But similar to the transmitter Claire had on the Willis Tower. SCUM has made a transmitter but smaller to lure monsters like Cal, and even another underwater horror brought to life.
Marco, a 63 foot tall Great White Shark. Just like Cal and Ruby, took in a heavy dose of the pathogen, making him larger and more aggressive. Especially like Cal, able to breathe on land and even move on land some how.
Kingston, a 37 foot tall King Cobra, caught by SCUM, and used as some sort of attack dog. Including used as a last defense if the SCUM base is in danger. Aggressive and overall dangerous.
Notes: I decided to add Kingston some what last minute or when I remembered Marco or whatever. It was just gonna be 10 monsters yet what the hell. Besides it looks like there was a concept of Kingston for the Rampage movie. But I don’t know if it’s official, I’ve seen it on Tumblr. 
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