#the og song came out in 1986... feeling normal about that
bitternace · 30 days
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light study (from a music video i like)
[ID: a digital drawing of majima goro in his yakuza 0 outfit mostly in dark red tones, modified to show his cummerbund. he is shown from the thigh up, as hard light falls over him from the left. one of his arms is stretched to the side towards the light, and the other covers the top half of his face, his mouth is slightly open as he takes a step forward, his coat flaring around him. the scene is inside a simple black frame, in dark browns that show the light depth, transparent around the outer side of the frame. /end ID.]
(close-up under the cut)
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[ID: a close-up of the drawing above slightly off-center, shown from the waist to the middle of the top of the head. the lineart is colored brighter where the highlights hit the figure. the cummerbund is held by suspenders. /End ID.]
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The News (Sriracha, Part 41.)
Series description: A problematic college student gets the worst summer job of the ‘83 - Jim Hopper, the Chief of police in your hometown will have you as his secretary since his old lady Flo has two months lasting holiday. It was agreed so Hopper could let you far away from all the trouble.
Part Summary: The wedding came way sooner than you expected to, you could maybe say that you weren’t even prepared for a thing of such a caliber. Also, did El and Mike really told Mr. Clarke that they’re cousins?
A/N: This chapter is a complete and utter chaos and I love it so much. Inspired by all of the romantic songs from the 80s’. There is a lot of callbacks to the OG Stranger Things (like El and Mike being cousins) and into the origins of this series as well.
Word count: 5K
Tagging: @nemodoren @missdictatorme @ysljordy @creedslove​ @hopperlover​
Series master list: H E R E
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Life can go completely crazy once you decide to something insane with it. Like having a wedding with a guy who you love without any judging, yet still being a college student. The big date was set on the first July of 1986, which meant that you had to study for that semester’s finals, take care of the new house you owned, having Eleven moving back and on top of that, you were doing preparations for the wedding. Now, that was what you called busy.
It was quite weird when you once took El to Hawkins High to sign the papers with her, meeting professor Clarke in the process. You let Max and El go to your car while he wanted to have small chit-chat with you.
"How are you and your Hopper doing? Everything fine?" - He started, putting his palms entwined on his chest. After a while, you nodded, being completely confused. After a small rant about your approaching wedding, he proceeded to the thing which was itching his curiosity.
"Have seen Eleven before here a couple of times before. First, if I'm correct, it was in 1983. Then she came to the Snow Ball of 1984... I thought she was Mike Wheeler’s cousin and now I get to know she's your and Hopper’s daughter?" - He asked curiously. What the hell was going on in the fall of 1983? You hadn't known much about that time from El’s perspective, yet Mike mentioned that was the year when they first met. Trying to hide the nervousness and confusion behind a smile, you nodded.
"You know kids, Mr. Clarke. They like to make things up and they don't exactly think about the consequences either. It was probably some joke or whatever." - You giggled, telling yourself that you have to talk to both of them about this. It wasn’t an issue that could bring some great consequences in the future, but it would be weird to see two teenagers who proclaimed being cousins... Well... Holding hands, kissing, and stuff. - "Especially these boys. You know Dustin and Lucas, Mike and Will. They love to make up stories and wild stuff. Sometimes even I don't know what should I believe when they're telling me something. Their imagination is just amazing."
"Right, haven't exactly thought about that. You have any information about Joyce, Will, and Jonathan?" - He asked and this time, he wasnt suspicious. You nodded with a happy smile, telling him all about their life in Maine. You wanted to visit them in there for a short vacation, taking Mike, Lucas, El, and Dustin with you - Steve Harrington told you that he and Nancy would gladly go with you to ride in the second car.
"Mr. Clarke, you're invited to my wedding!" - You yelled at him when you were leaving the corridor, pointing a finger at that slim, tall man with a mustache. - "I hope that you'll come. July the first, party starts at two p.m.!"
But when you sat behind the steering wheel, that was a different story. You looked at Eleven who was sitting at the passenger seat, having a hell of a confused face. - "Cousins? You and Mike told them that you're cousins? Where are we? In Texas or Alabama? For the love of God." - You asked unbelievably. Max on the backseat leaned in with a burst of laughter. She didn't know about that either since she wasnt around at that time.
"It was Mike's idea... And Mike’s a boy and boys are..." - Eleven wanted to defend herself, her brown eyes looking at you while you started the engine. You stopped her by pointing your index finger at her.
"Uh-uh, young lady. Only I can say that boys are stupid and that's because I'm living with your father. We clear?" - You asked with a giggle. They told them that they're cousins... Jesus Christ... You couldn't wait to tell Hopper. It was clear that he will lose it once you'll tell him what Mr. Clarke asked you that day. After taking the girls for some ice-cream, you picked up Hopper at the station, since his shift was just ending. While Eleven ran off with Max to look at the movies int he rent shop Harrington was working at, you entered the police station.
"Afternoon, Flo. Every time I see you, you look better than the last time. How do you do that?" - You asked, leaning your head to your shoulder. You loved that woman so much - you still remembered how much patience she had with you and Hopper at the start.
"You, honey, are going blind. Nice to see you too." - She got up with a giggle, hugging you and kissing both your cheeks. - "The big day.s on its way. How you're feeling? I was so nervous I couldn't sleep a month before it happened."  
"Oh, I'm more nervous about my finals than about my wedding. Jim will probably get drunk and he’ll cry in the corner with my father about me being a big girl and stuff. I hope he gave you the invitation card? If he didn't, I swear to God..." - You rolled your eyes, having Flo gently patting your shoulder. The old lady disappeared for a second to snatch you some coffee and a piece of cake. Callahan, Powell nor Hopper noticed you chatting with Flo yet, so you had the time to observe Jim.
He looked way more relaxed as a normal officer. It could be seen that he's happier than that before. He didn't have as much responsibility as he had when he worked on the position of the police chief, even though he was doing an excellent job being the head of Hawkins police. Yet now, he had more time to have fun with the two other men and there was something simple about listening to orders.
"Honey, don't worry about that. The Monday after you said yes, he came to the office yelling that he's about to marry you. For real this time. And the following week he gave the cards to at least half of the station." - Flo chuckled, watching the men as well. It took them a while to notice you standing there but when they did, Hopper immediately started to pack his stuff. Normally, Powell or Callahan drove him home, so it was a nice surprise seeing you standing there.
"How you're doing, girl?" - Powell gave you a tight fatherly hug, have you smiling from ear to ear in the process. - "You're looking tubular. That's how the young call it these days? Also, new haircut?" - The man asked when you gave a short hug to the younger policeman.  
"You're about two years late with tubular, dear Powell. But thanks for noticing since this grumpy bastard didn't." - You let Jim slide a hand on your waist, looking at him with your eyebrow risen.
"You know that I still can cancel the engagement?" - Hopper mumbled before stealing a kiss from you. For a short moment, you were just looking at that handsome man before calling him out with: - "It’s more probable that I would do that, baby. So don't try to piss me off."
"And that's the facts. See you around boys, we have a family night." - Hopper waved at them, leading you out of the station, telling you about his day. Max and Eleven were waiting for you outside, holding a few rented movies. You were taking them to the cinema that night, true, but you allowed them to watch some movies in the living room. It was Friday, so neither of them had to wake up for school.
The other few weeks were just crazy - you and Hopper had to choose the flavor of your wedding cake, you had to study for finals hard, there were the dress tests and even three weeks before the wedding, you hadn't found the right one. Steve Harrington, Robin, Nancy, and your mom became the party for each of the tests since Hopper wasnt allowed to see them. The location was paid, the menu was completed, the decorations were also set to go, but the dress...
And also the finals.
You'd swear that you hadn't sweat this hard at the previous exams you were taking. And writing the final essay wasn’t a walk in the park as well. It was the result of many things that happened in 1986: from Hopper being MIA to coming back, buying a home, finishing the reconstructions, having Eleven coming back to your life, the whole proposal, and marriage thing... You straightaway cried when you got the letter you passed and that by the start of the next semester, you'll start a whole year lasting practicum at the children's traumatology in the hospital of Hawkins. That was a miracle happing right there.  
After that, it was time to concentrate on the chaos you called "my life". And it was hard sometimes to stay mentally stable. Especially when the countdown to the wedding itself came. It was a week before the first of July when you stopped in the door leading from your bathroom, looking at Jim quietly reading in the bed. You looked like you're about to puke something, your eyes being widened and opened.
"Are you alrite? Somethin’ happened in there?" - Jim put the book down, quickly snatching his new reading glasses from the top of his nose. With the same face, you walked through the bedroom, shaking your head.
"This doesn't look like your nothin’ happened face. What's goin’ on?" - He asked once again when you were purring the pajamas on. Eleven was listening to the Romantics on the second floor, so you heard some parts of A Night Like This resonating through the house.
"Marriage is the scariest of all social constructs I've ever seen." - You started explaining, climbing into the bed next to Jim. Oh, so that was what this was about. - "I mean, two people can live together without having to marry, you know? All it takes is love and time and..."
"You're afraid of bein’ married is what you're tryin’ to say, am I rite?" - Jim chuckled, looking as you tried to figure out the most comfortable position. You settled on your belly, having a small pillow under your breasts, watching Jim sitting next to you. You made a dumb face before nodding.
"You’ll be just fine, trust me. You already have me under your thumb so there's nothin’ to worry about. Come ’ere." - The man chuckled, putting the book on his nightstand to snuggle you.
"It wasnt too hard to domesticate you, but... I'll be Mrs. Hopper next week. If you'd die, I would have the right to have the money from the police office and stuff. It's the legalities that make me anxious." - You mumbled horrified. Suddenly, you jumped when Hopper just started to laugh out loud.
"You haven't even got married and you're already thinkin’ about havin’ me dead? Well, that's nice." - He continued with the laughing, having you chuckling too. - "Trust me. It won't change a thing... Except for your surname."
But even if Hopper assured you a million times, just like your mom and Steve, you still couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and you were sure that as soon as you'll be walking down the aisle, you'll run away with Bon Jovi playing in the background. Steve even offered you that he can ’kidnap’ you so Hopper would have to find you, but you said no that offer, no matter how fun did that sound.
The first of July was the worst day you have ever endured since you had to get up pretty early and you didn't even have a bachelorette party. Hopper left to your parent's place while Robin, Joyce, Nancy, and your mom with Lena gathered at your place. You heard Robin asking your mom if you're fine when she saw you getting up from the bed - your mom had to explain to her that you had a problem with getting up since the day you started kindergarten.
You puked through the first hour they arrived, spending it on the toiled, bawling your eyes out. When they managed to get you out, robin made you do the basic things, like taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and drink at least a cup of coffee to raise your pressure. You were looking like you were about to faint for the last hour and a half.
"If you don't want to marry the man, you shouldn't accept the ring is what I'm saying." - Your mom told you while she and Jules were making a hairstyle on your head. You looked puffy, tired, and not well at all. Nancy was sitting on your bed, reading some girly magazine as well
"I do want to marry him, I just really don’t feel good." - You told them, clearing your nose with a tissue.
"I think it's the nerves that are fucking you up." - Robin got up and stood behind Nance so you could see her in the mirror too. She was speaking in the most boyish manner possible, she never fucked around with you or Steve and that was why you liked that girl so much. - "Read it in my mom's Cosmo." - She shrugged her shoulders, sending you a small smile. You nodded, earning a curse word from your mom who barely cursed.
As soon as everyone made sure they have everything, like dresses, jewelry, and stuff, everyone got into two cars - Eleven, Max, Nancy, and Lena were in one, while in the second one, there was you, your mom, Julia, and Robin. Mom told you that you're even prettier than she was on her big day. Robin knew how to crack you up with her jokes and how to bitch you down in case you had any side thoughts - that was why you chose her to ride with you. Both of your best friends didn't go exactly easy on you and that was why you adored them.
When you saw the church closer and closer, your hands started shaking and your forehead got wet like a helter-skelter. It all felt so right, yet so wrong at the same time. You knew Jim for three years almost and there were occasions when he proved to you that he’d go to hell for you. Not even that made you sure if it was all a good idea or not. Take on Me was playing in the background while girls were speaking about the flowers and decoration, so you decided that it was time for a little walk.
A little walk to Bloomington maybe? To run away from all that chaos inside of you? Or something like that? Just when your palm circled the door handle, Robin and Jules walked out of the preparation room. You leaned into the door innocently, having a smile on your face. Both of them knew what were you thinking about, so they walked to you from both sides, both of them entwining their elbow with yours. - "You are not running away. You are not going anywhere, milady. What you're going to do is that you'll dress up to the white dress, look like a princess and you'll make one old grumpy idiot very happy once you say yes." - Robin told you, dragging you back inside the room.
"And then, we'll have a party and you'll drink your ass off with us, understood?" - Julia asked sweetly too. They were two crazy sons of a bitch, so they made you exactly what they said you're going to do. Not even hour from that, you were marching in the back room dressed in white, having too long high-heels on with a veil over your face. You heard Jim coming - it was quite hard not to hear the men arriving. He had a few shots of Scotch or something your dad had at home since he was louder than usual.
As you heard more people, like Karen Wheeler who came in to wish you luck, coming in, you understood that it's happening. You will be a wedded woman in less than an hour. And that was... Surreal. The clapping of high heels intensified as you started to imagine all the horror scenarios again.
"Heard you're having some trouble here." - Jonathan and Joyce snuck into the room to say hi. Joyce was looking breath-taking in the lilac-colored dressed you've sent her to Maine. And that hairstyling? She was killing it. Jonathan was looking breath-taking too, yet his eyes were all over Nancy.
"It's just some slight turbulences." - You chuckled nervously, letting her hug you. After that, she stepped away, taking in the sight of you.
"My oh my, you're something." - Joyce chuckled, hugging everyone in the room as well. - "Hopper is really lucky these days, I mean, look at you. I know you're nervous and all, but as soon as you'll stand in front of him, you won't even remember that, trust me. I've done this too." - She chuckled, making you chuckle nervously as well. Jonathan then patted her shoulder, telling her that they have to get into the right order. She opened up her mouth and giggled excitedly, biting her lip after that. - "See you in ten, baby." - She hugged you for the last time and went outside. Everyone was going outside and you knew that the only person who will be waiting for you once you have to go there too will be your dad.
And he was smiling when you did so.
"You look just beautiful." - Was all he could say when you held the skirt up a bit so you wouldn't fall flat on your face. A smile was all you were capable of before you entwined your elbow with his, looking at the door leading outside for the last time.
"I know what you're thinking about." - He chuckled, looking at the door as well. - "Are you sure about doing it, though? Do you realize what consequences would that have, honey? You'd leave him in there alone, standing in front of all of the people you and he would look like a fool. Jim would be... I wouldn't say angry but disappointed for sure. Maybe he wouldn't talk to you after that for all I know." - Your dad took a deep breath in, straightening himself, making sure he's looking good.
"Believe it or not, I thought about running away too, so that's some genes here. Your mom would never, but I was scared like a little boy. But we’re twenty-six years in and I have never regretted marrying that awesome lady." - He looked down on you. For the first time that day, you were smiling without having some other chaotic feelings inside your head.
"And I mean... I wasn’t the happiest with Hopper at the beginning, but as time went, you two showed everyone in this bloody town what love is supposed to look like. You separated here and there, yes, but you also gave home and love to a girl who needed it. He taught you patience and you taught him to love. That's how it is, baby. And as far as I can say, I think you're doing the right thing. There's no need for second thoughts, no need for looking for a chance to escape because you'll be fine this man no matter what." - Your dad finished and you both had tears in your eyes.
"You’ve been drinking, haven't you?" - You asked to stop yourself from crying, snickering your old man with a burst of honest laughter. He didn't answer, but you saw on his eyes that he had a few glasses with Jim. - "I love you." - You whispered just before the door opened up and the cannon started to play. Everyone was standing up for you and you could see your mom and Jules weeping in the first row. You, one of the craziest and toughest sons of bitches were getting marries. Who would d have thought that it would happen so soon?
It felt weird to walk there, looking everyone you knew in their eyes. Karen and Tim were smiling at you, having Mike by their side and when you were in the middle of the aisle, you heard Joyce started crying as well. She was telling everyone that she's sorry, but everyone was just smiling, having tears in their eyes themselves. No matter how happy everyone felt, you were numb. Completely numb. All you could concentrate on was not falling, on your pulse, and the rhythm of your breathing.
Jim was standing there with his palms entwined in front of him, giving you the warmest smile he ever had. It was there. The last stop where you could turn around and run away from everything. It wasn’t that you didn't love him, for the love of God, you just... You were scared. Even if it wouldn't change your day-to-day life, you knew that it will have an overall impact on everything. When your father gave your hand to James, tears in your eyes could be seen. And Jim knew that these weren’t happy tears.
He remembered the wedding he had with Diane. He felt like throwing up until the ceremony was over, he didn't know if he chose to do the right thing or not, he was fighting himself. And now you were doing the same thing. It was natural and James understood everything since he had gone through all of that once. Marriage was one big unknown. What happens once you'll walk out of the church like a wedded couple? That was a thing no-one, including you, couldn't be sure about. But Hopper knew that this time, he has chosen the right person to go through all of these shenanigans with.
You had endless patience with him - and when James said endless, he meant endless. Eleven, the Russians, the Demogorgons... You absorbed all of that. When he was at his lowest, drinking and taking too many drugs, you made him stand on his feet. When he was acting like a jackass, you acted like one too until he calmed down. When you met, you looked past his temper issues and impressive love life to see him for the man he was. When it came to the terms of having a partner, you were the best person for Hopper. The best one had ever met.
"How you're doin’?" - He asked with a boyish smile when the wedding register spoke to the guests. You nodded, gulping quietly, looking at his palms holding yours. Jesus, he was looking good. He was looking great. If you'd have the chance, you'd undress him as soon as could.
"Pretty good, you?" - You whispered back, finally starting to smile. You didn't know shit from what the man next to you was talking about, the only thing you could see was James just... Smiling. Something about vows woke you up from the trance, looking around to see Steve handing you the cards you have written. Neither of you wanted to have some normal-ass pathetic vows. With your sense of humor, it was clear that this will make a lot of people chuckle.
"James Hopper." - You started, already having a nasty grin on your face. - "We already know that we can make it at our worst and our best. We already tested that we can go through both healthier times and even the times when things aren’t... Exactly good. I promise to occasionally fold your clothes if you'll promise me to start my car in the winter. I promise that I’ll cook you a warm dinner every evening as long as you'll promise me that you'll even come home." - You finished, cracking your mom again. She had her eyes already completely red and Hopper didn't even start. No-one knew what you're talking about, but that was what made the vows even funnier.
"Miss Y/N Y/L/N, soon to be Hopper. I know that I already promised you a lot of things and there will be more things to come, for sure. I have promised you a bed and I delivered it to you. I now promise you in front of everyone that I will repair you the gramophone every time you manage to break it again, I will paint every room in the pomelo color if you ask me to, I will fold my clothes and maybe try to do the laundry sometimes and mostly, I won't ever let anyone hurt you." - He looked you in the eyes, having you on the edge of crying as well. - "And if they will, I will hurt them back."
You both were shaking when you were putting on the rings. Hopper had almost broken your ginger, having you burst out with laughter. When you finally had it on, he kissed it with a warm smile, looking you in the eyes. You’ve done the same thing once you managed to slip it onto his hand. And the sweetest part was when you were finally allowed to kiss him. It was a miracle that you didn't swoop him off his feet since you pulled him down hungrily. They were right. Once the formalities were over and once you signed the piece of paper with both your former surname and the new one, the stress faded away. Happiness overtook the ruddle, having you live your best life.
And when you finally took the dress off, changing into a pair of jeans, your old Converse shoes, and a nice shirt, you were finally feeling it - not until the first dance, of course. The golden ring was looking spectacular on your left hand, being put directly above the silver one you've accepted twice. It also felt heavy, but that was a thing that will go away.
The party started great with you and Hopper taking all of the traditions that came with weddings - cutting the cake, breaking a plate, throwing your flower into the crowd of women, eating from one plate, dancing with Jim and your dad, opening the presents and cards... And of course, there there were the speeches.
Hands down, your parents’ speech made you cry. Aiden made you chuckle. The kids had the most chaotic speech of the evening, six of them trying to talk at one time. Jules told you not to be dumb and to listen to James, at which you rolled your eyes. Joyce made herself cry and Jim’s eyes water, while Jonathan and Nancy’s speech was more about wishing you luck. But Steve Harrington, boy oh boy, wasn’t he something? His speech left you crying.
"So, good evening everyone, my name’s Steve and I’m living in Hawkins since... Ever. And the thing I'm notoriously famous here is the way I was trying to win Mrs. Hopper for years. For your information, I was the best friend of her dearest brother and she often reminds of the times when she saw me running naked around their pool, so, thanks for destroying my self-confidence because no-one is better at it than you." - Steve started on a comedic note, having you laugh into James’ shoulder. He was laughing as well, smoking. - "I won't tell you more about my romantic failures, since, this evening is supposed to be a happy one." - Steve smiled and made you a toast. Nancy was worried that maybe, since he wasnt the best at this type of activity, he’ll say something about the second world war or that he'll start talking about his grandpa, but Jonathan just chuckled at that.
"And I can fell that it is a happy evening for everyone here. The food was great, the ceremony was sweet and you guys are the most adorable couple I've seen ’till this day. Thank you for allowing me to be here with you." - Steve ended and drank a bit of his champagne and so did you. But as always, there was something off about the taste. You frowned, trying to figure out what is wrong with it.
"What's that face for?" - Hopper whispered, kissing the top of your head.
"The wine and the cake... I don't know, Jim, it tasted way better when we were picking it." - You said honestly, having Jim nodding at your remark.
"If you don't like the taste, don't eat it and drink it. What about dance now when we’re done with the speeches? It was lovely, but my ass hurts." - James whispered again, having you laugh and nod. You danced the whole night, not having a single alcoholic drink. But Jules was a different story. Steve from biology had to walk her home because she wouldn't make it on her own. Most you loved dancing with the kids - these lunatics had such dance moves that you didn't know where they got it from, especially Lucas and Dustin.
It was a long day, but once Hopper carried you inside the house, you made exactly what newly wedded couple is supported to do once they arrive home. Eleven was staying at Wheeler’s, which was kind of a gift they gave you. Without telling too many details, you fucked in almost every room in the house, which left Hopper destroyed, laying in the bed at four a.m.
Yet you couldn't fall asleep. Why? Because while your hubby slept in your bed, your face was inside the toilette the whole time. And something on the back of your head was telling you that maybe, it isn't the nerves as Robin told you.
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