#the pr is pr-ing though
mod-doodles · 24 days
If your relationship can survive a Shondaland press run, your relationship can survive anything.
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Honourable mention to whatever Andy and Danai have going on.
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sontarangaming · 2 years
Getting Arrested 101
In light of yesterdays ruling on the Miranda rights, now that the cops don't need to read you your rights, I figure it's as good a time as any to make a crash course post on what to do if you get arrested in the US. Know your rights and how to invoke them, because cops will try and trick you into reneging on them whenever they can. Here's my bible on engaging with police, and feel free to add on if you have other tips.
If you encounter police at all, especially if it's for a protest, engage as little as possible. Protests will sometimes have police liaisons; if they do, deflect the cops onto them. They have training for this. Otherwise, say nothing to them if they don't engage first.
If they engage first, do not escalate. Cops are trained to try and escalate situations. It wins them PR, and it makes it easier for them to justify violence against you and in turn, the other protestors. I don't care how punk you think it is, do not escalate.
When they engage, if you think you're being arrested, ask them in no uncertain terms and demand a clear answer. Say "am I being arrested," and if they evade, repeat it until the answer is no or yes. If it's no, walk away and don't engage further. If it's yes, then:
Shut the fuck up. Say absolutely nothing from this point forward until you reach the station. No matter what they say, no matter how serious or casual the conversation is, you say nothing. Zip. No exceptions. This is especially important to remember because they will try and humiliate you and make the arrest process as difficult as possible to try and make you crack, so do the simplest thing and say nothing.
If you are arrested, once you make it to the station, there's a simple three step process to remember. Exact wording isn't necessary, but try and be close. Remember, you don't want to be Lawyer Dogged. Once again, be as clear as you possibly can.
"Am I being detained?" If no, leave. If yes, then say:
"I invoke my right to have a lawyer present." Any time they try and push on that, you say:
"As I am detained, I invoke my right to remain silent until my lawyer is present."
You want it to be 100% undeniable, in as much of the record as possible, that you were being detained, and therefor you need a lawyer. Otherwise, the cops will retroactively decide you weren't actually held there, and therefor you had no rights to invoke, so get that shit down. And once again, aside from saying #3, shut the fuck up. Same principle applies as #4 on the first list: they will do whatever they can to get you talking, and once they do, they'll say "oh, they decided to not use the lawyer after all because they started talking without one." So do. Not. Budge.
Lastly, some general pieces of advice, both for before and during the arrest process:
If you're going to a protest, the sort of thing where arrests can be planned for, there will likely be an organizer with some experience. They may be able to give you specific advice for that protest with regards to things like ID, liaisons, or any specific protocol. Check with them as well.
If you're in a situation where arrests are likely or expected, especially with a protest, plan accordingly. Power off your phone and deactivate the fingerprint or facial recognition unlock options, or leave it at home entirely. Don't bring anything you wouldn't want to be arrested with. Think carefully about leaving your ID at home, though. John Doe-ing can cause extra trouble for the cops (good), but it's also risky, since it can make it harder for you to pay for bail and can make things harder for you down the line.
Police always lie. Let me repeat. Police. Always. Lie. Again, Police. Always. Lie. This should be your fucking mantra. They will tell you you'll get out easier if you cooperate. They will tell you any information they can find about your friends and family. They will threaten you and them. This is all hollow. Your friends have rights as well. All of this is posturing to get you to talk and incriminate you and your friends. Police always lie.
Every American should know this, but it's especially important for any activist, or advocate. Knowing your rights is the only defense you have against cops, so you need to game that system to keep them from gaming it back.
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slexenskee · 15 days
What is the international view on Dabi and Ru-kun? What about Otheon? Do they envy Japan for having him and f-ing it up? Or do they look at his chaotic gremlin self and think, thank god he's not here?
Thanks for the newest update! I appreciate your hard work and dedication! ❤️
Yes and yes 😂
Most countries would love to have him, but are simultaneously relieved to not have to deal with him. But he definitely has massive international appeal, being famous for American music and being a European hero, even if he's based out of Japan.
Honestly, Otheon lowkey loves him. He's a huge pain in the ass and a massive chaos gremlin, but he's their agent of chaos, you know? The rest of the EU feels similar, and I imagine people go to the ruins of the old Humarise bases in all the various cities like they're tourist attractions lol. That random Swiss cafe that Ru-kun would meet up with Clair at? They let you take photos at the table he always sat at 😂 Otheon definitely makes a killing peddling 'Official' Six Eyes merch.
I actually think the tables have turned when it comes to his identities, and all his fans are scrambling to keep up;
For Dabi content, Japan is still the #1 source for all info. So all his international fans wait on baited breath for info from their JPN counterparts, and crowd around fan-translators for live updates.
For No Scrubs stuff though, it's the opposite. Fans have had to beg the English speaking fans for translations, especially for the older No Scrubs songs that aren't released officially and only exist as fan-video uploads. And those same fan-translators have had to reverse translate for JPN fans/fans for other languages.
Also, I headcanon that No Scrubs has always been more famous abroad than in Japan, just because of the way they got famous from fan-uploaded online youtube videos of English music, so they've always had a very broad international audience and by nature of the songs being in English, a lot of appeal to English speaking countries. But of course you don't have to be from an English speaking country to enjoy music in English, and with the internet being what it is, it's always been a very global fanbase.
But this means that straight from the get-go Makoto has always positioned No Scrubs to maximize their global appeal (when they finally got serious about PR and stuff lol) so they've always done global releases and when they do interviews and stuff it's not just centered around Japanese media, so that stuff has always been easily accessible to the global public.
And now that both identities are public, it's become the Pepe Silvia meme with fan translators trying to put together the lyrics of certain songs to various interviews in both english and japanese, and it's a big ole' mess 😂
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deluweil · 1 month
Thanks for answering. I agree that moderation can be useful and needed. I just had to snort at the amount that vanished and how they were roasted for still using the cut scenes even though Kenny's interview was already out.
And yeah the social media guys aren't responsible for cuts, they just catch the flack for it and mayve should be a bit more prepared after seven seasons ( I sometimes do think they are the same people the way certain characters/actors get mostly ignored like usual).
I hope we are wrong, too. And it's not as rushed as it seems right now. Madney deserves so much more. It feels a little like overkill... shooting over an hour and having to cut so much. Kinda like they missed the mark in planning it all.
Oh well, we'll see tonight.
LOL yes.
I will tell you the truth, I think the amount of spoilers and spoiler-ing interviews on this show are obscene.
They could have waited with all the interviews until after the episode aired, the clips and photos and giving away major happenings before an episode airs can make a difference between watching or waiting for the dvd if the spoilers given out were the guts of the episode and everything else was a bust (like all the spoilers that came before 6x18 and also in some of the episode aired this season) I think that suspension of disbelief would work well for this specific tv series.
I feel mostly pity for the PR ppl, they are just following instructions and work with what they get. I don't know if the same ppl because we see a lot more of Ryan than we saw in previous seasons where he was nearly non-existent on the fox page, fox ppl sucked.
Madney deserve to be happy!! Finally!
But 911 writers and showrunners are well known for their near misses, let's see how they manage to screw up this week lol ;)
I will be watching tomorrow, no more live watching for me this season, I don't live in the US anyway.
Friday it is.
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Pardon my ignorance, but what was the PR disaster that WotC blundered into BEFORE the Pinkerton thing? The last thing I heard was them no homo-ing those two planeswalkers. I can't keep all their bullshit straight.
They tried to change their OGL (open game license) into a corporate word salad that allowed them to claim ownership of and/or monetise any published DnD homebrew. Seriously, look it up. You can read it. It’s so impressively bad they rolled it back and actually apologised.
After that they said uh. Uh. They said that half/mixed races in DnD… were inherently racist and problematic. And that they intended to remove them from the game in the next iteration. Now, I hope I don’t need to tell you why that’s not good. The alt right loved it, though. Again, you can go read about it. It’s real special.
TLDR; tried to get scummy with the open game license, and then accidentally advocated for racial purity. And then sent Pinkertons to a dude’s house.
I am 99% convinced that the company’s board are doing lines of coke off each other in between making decisions.
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Plant, I agree with your point about how so much was demystified by the gossip blogs. I used to read Lainey (find her insufferable now) and was shocked to learn about showmances. Like your other anon, I have learned even more about pr reading your Tumblr. The thing that surprised me the most is the kind of power Sunshine Sachs has over not just the entertainment industry but also politicians. It's not good. If I wasn't aware of that, I'd think that Hilary was genuinely interested in h&m. I've noticed she's not doing any more shout-outs to them as they aren't with ss anymore. Also it's interesting that Michelle distanced herself early from them while Hilary stuck around a lot longer. Is it because Michelle is not repped by then and so she could say no? Also remember when even Biden, through his press secretary, during a f***ing white house briefing told us all h & m showed courage!! They focused on the mental health aspect which would have been a reference to Meghan being suicidal and getting no help from the brf. I never ever bought that story. It was covered in all the entertainment sites but also the Hill wrote an article about it. Boy, that aged like milk.
I was shocked by how influential Sunshine Sachs was too, particularly in politics. The current merging of politics and entertainment bothers me a lot, and the fact that I see a lot of celebrity pr strategy being used to sell candidates and even policy (both sides, so this a politically neutral post) enrages me.
But I’ve been tracking this for a while now, and I think the influence of pr (particularly celebrity pr) is waning. The media cycle moves too fast and is too fragmented to create the kind of mainstream stardom we used to have twenty years ago. That’s why they cling to the Harkles so he’s even though it’s not really working the way they planned. The royals are the only ones who have that kind of convocatory power still.
Even that is limited. The Harkle documentary was a month ago and it’s already forgotten. In two weeks no one will remember this book. It’s crazy how fast things move nowadays.
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mythvoiced · 5 months
-. Ji Hyun - Celebrity verse (Under Construction)
Manifesting Ferre and Alex's bullet points power abilities, I'm compiling this little post with things about Hyun for this verse before polishing it and eventually adding it to their about (and bothering the SHIT out of Lynnie's characters, I MEAN-); I just need to put the brainstorm brain bubbles somewhere, YAOH-
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Hyun is human for this verse, so all details of her main verse pertaining to her gumiho nature are understandably removed (hehehe, past lives though?).
She's physically perma-fem presenting, but she/they genderfluid (closeted, I mean, consider the industry, leans slightly more into 'she') Pansexual, but still very much single-ship with @theimpalpable 's Yeong Boram, that's just... the way it be, I love love. (Which, by the way, means her boyfriend is a CEO~ PLEASE read up on Boram, I love him so mUCH)
Hyun is a 30-year-old super-model of sorts in the South Korean modelling industry, she's made her debut some-time in her late teens and has climbed the ranks of relevance, desirability and brand-deals ever since. Even at an 'old age' such as hers, her youthful appearance (and expertise within the industry) still garners her love and admiration from especially the impressionable female audience following her on social media, and agencies who like working with someone who knows what they're doing.
A few years prior to the 'present', Hyun has publicly announced her interest in venturing deeper into the entertainment industry and stepping out slightly from the beauty industry: not a very welcomed move. Models transition into acting relatively often enough, and actors are almost always simultaneously models, brand deals, ads, sponsorships, not to mention you can only truly make it into both industries if you flex your pretty privilege. Which is why it's so much easier for the populi to forgive a bad actor for being bad if they're at least pretty. Not to delve into how race plays a part in determination of beauty standards, Hyun was set out to make the transition just as easily... so what happened?
If there's one thing people hate about women and fem presenting people... is that they're women and fem presenting people. A woman is adored... until she does something someone else considers 'stepping out of line' and BOOM, dead in a ditch. Hyun does like stepping out of line: prioritizing brands and agencies she actually likes, refusing to work with people she doesn't, caring more about the crew than whatever fashion designer shows their face around, openly expressing her general distaste for the fashion elite, honestly... a bitch. At least according to the people, once news of her 'ungrateful, unprofessional, diva behaviour' started flooding the internet.
A scandal ruined her chances of an easy transition from modelling into acting.
You might argue, WAHOO, feminism~ Hyun is a hero~ No. A lot of people get hurt all the time, a lot of women and fem presenting folks have fought and lost these battles. Hyun never even took political stances, pretended nothing bad ever happened to the world in her bubble of notoriety and fame. The world has never helped her, what does she care about helping the world. But now that bubble burst. And while Hyun doesn't crumble with the lack of it, it sure as fuck pissed her off.
Problem is... she's just a model. Most people in the regular world know her as mannequin of expensive things, she doesn't manage her accounts, she doesn't talk to people, she barely even shows up to places: her beauty is the primary reason for her success, not her PR-ing. So... how to move on from here?
The scandal: I have NO IDEA yet, but I do believe she intended moving into acting for very specific reasons, either to get back at someone or destroy something from within, Hyun may not act like it in any verse but they do actually absolutely hold grudges, one of the things most debilitating to their mental health at times; so whatever happened, was orchestrated specifically to ruin her reputation.
Someone did something they shouldn't have, something he shouldn't have, a man most likely, maybe some kind of harassment, maybe something along the lines of Pro.misi.ng Y.oung W.oma.n but kept hush hush, maybe it wasn't anything that serious but definitely a personal attack against Hyun and Hyun simply snapped, either way... she's hear to make a few pigs squeal in pain.
Hyun also doesn't partake in 'scenes' and 'public scandals'; if she's attending some big social event (against all odds) and you start shit with her, throw a drink at her, she'll laugh in your face (if she can be bothered) and bill you the damages. Head held high, continues sipping on her drink. There's a good chance she just goes get changed and comes back. She is very condescending to people who try to start drama. I'm saying shit like 'oh sweetie, I don't play with kindergarteners' or instantly cutting all ties if she sniffs that kind of behaviour. If befriending Hyun elevates your status, best believe she does not care and will get rid of you if you start shit, good luck keeping that status. This also works against her, if you play your cards right, making her look even more like a diva.
Her way of putting you in your place is not even deeming you worth the trouble.
Now, the question: is this attitude always possible in these industries? Nay~ There are always consequences, there'll always be people stronger than you, with better ties. That's the fun of the plot, though~
She works in the fashion industry specifically and has had some minor cameos in shows as herself mostly.
I tried to sweet-talk around her demeanour but she really simply is a diva isn't she lmao at least she doesn't lose her shit as quickly as Some Celebrity Characters
YOU KNOW WHAT SHE'D DO? She'd help Kang Yohan. I don't know why I thought of that but she'd fuck around and find out and help TDJ's Kang Yohan if he needed a model's services, she'd be down to mess around there.
She's... odd, when it comes to how willing she's to fight for human rights, things she actually does secretly care about, feminism and classism and queer issues and systematic issues, but... she never EVER uses what platform she has. Ever.
Her Instagram handle is @/rubonyhyun which stands for Ruby Onyx Hyun (reference to a pet name Boram has for them in canon verse, I will name-drop Boram as OFTEN as possible) and her PR team runs it... most of the time, at least. She refuses to get a TikTok (she has one, but it's private for mindless scrolling), and her KakaoTalk is obviously private.
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bcacstuff · 1 year
I think he may be acknowledging and engaging a bit more with some fans on Twitter after his ‘ break- up’ with ex super fan Ceej just to make a point , as well as the free ads . She still claims innocence but frankly I saw some of her tweets I’d have blocked her , she has or had a nasty side sometimes.
Doubt it had anything to do with Ceej getting blocked by him. It's more like it's 4th of July soon, so he hit up the 'marketing'. His avid buyers are mostly on Twitter. There's visibly more buyers on Twitter than on IG. So there is where he needs to get his sales from.
Ceej is a bit moody from time to time I think 😉, and she isn't that good in hiding it. She rather wants to show the whole world her moods. 🤷‍♀️ But hey, after one day mourning and telling she didn't want to have anything to do with this fandom and him anymore, she was already going from not wanting to watch OL any longer to well, she had to watch because she wanted to know how it will all end. And after she posted she's not going to sign up for MPC, posting that she had some MPC flags to sell, and was glad she didn't had to support his business any longer, the next day she created another account. It took one more day and she followed him again from that account. (because, you see, she's an admin in some FB groups, so she had to 😉). And then she found a little comfort in what she saw on Deuxmoi!^^
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Noooooooo.... it wasn't him, it was some stupid intern! Blame the intern 🙈
Btw. The new account named WhiskySipper77 on Twitter, is also the name she's an account right here on Tumblr, where she tries to convince others that he's not using Twitter since 2020 and it's all a PRAgency. See her post
Guess that PR Agency was also responsible for his tweets about Charles III, him being annoyed when he had to wait in line for a long time at Heathrow, and is happily Tweeting and RT-ing coincidentally when he's having night shoots. The intern even adapts to his times when he's in another timezone... smh. Yeah, well, she needs to comfort her self I get it.
She's still angry at him though
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Best show not on TV... to be continued....
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teamfreewill2pointo · 5 months
What happens in these discussions when it's brought up that Misha "came out as hetero" in StraightGate? Like literally has stated his orientation--and at great cost and tumult professionally. That's the part of tinhats still confusing me. Maybe I'm old school, but it feels wrong to impose an orientation on a living person who's either not queer or is in the closet (They're basically "well actually-ing" someone on their stated and chosen label, and breaching basic privacy if really outing them)
They think he was forced by PR to say that (even though it was bad PR).
One of the crazies was trying to force them to come out in part by harassing Jensen. If you think he's closeted out of necessity, then why on earth would you be harassing him??? The mental gymnastics are part of why I find it all fascinating.
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moirail-advice · 13 days
>0 how do i get a tall purpleblooded mmoirail? please, please, please let mme get what i wannt. lord knnows it would be the first timme. 0<
}b£ing apart of or joining th£ clown r£ligion would h£lp you g£t in contact with mor£ purpl£bloods £sp£cially if your£ a highblood. i think lowbloods hav£ a b£tt£r shot with th£m in g£n£ral though b£caus£ of how moirall£gianc£ usually works h£mosp£ctrum wis£.{
}you could also ch£ck out th£ local church if your£ a highblood. id say as a lowblood too but £v£ry lowblood to £nt£r church grounds is pr£tty much d£ad from th£ g£t go. hop£ this h£lps anon.{
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dearweirdme · 9 months
https://www.tumblr.com/dearweirdme/727362861289144320/httpswwwtumblrcomdearweirdme7272030984461680?source=share and this is why I keep saying that hybe truly doesn't care about tae's image and wellbeing, it's all about closeting, silencing him and punishment for his boldness, the tn thing is obviously a pr stunt I saw ppl who believed it bc of gh pics doubting it after the Paris walk , like it was so obviously staged and everything following by jn own staff was made to maximize the rumor not to kill it, that's textbook definition of pr ( and yes offense to that anon: you should buy a brain if you think those badly edited pictures are real and that a company and an artist would just simply allow to have their real private lives violated for a year without doing anything at all and if you think any company would allow such a bad roll out for a real relationship, that would only harm their own partners and make ppl not to take them and their relationship seriously, it only makes sense when you look it through the lens of blantly keeping the speculation by not confirming nor denying bc that's what maximizes the attention, literally mediaplay) but Tae has too many ppl that already hated him in a very organized way way before those rumors (jokers created and still fed by the company) and they will always want to think the worst about him to pay attention and apply common sense, and the company knows that and they still didn't care, they didn't care about the negative repercussions he'll have to deal with and they haven't made any strategy to deal with that, they keep feeding jokers bc their priority is protecting jk from his real gay rumors now that he is under scooter wing ( no one takes jikook seriously besides their own shippers and there's nothing to dig up there, it's your typical kpop fs ship with lots of company content ) and also protecting him from pjms and jokers who would turn of him for being more successful than jm by giving them content and showing them as close (they were already doing that and pjms are still furious), jk is the member they have invested the most and his relationship with Tae has always been a risky thing that could make their investments go to hell, I do think there must be something on it for Tae for him to accept too ( I believe a lot of coercion too) but ultimately this serves many purposes and shutting Tae up must be one of the upsides for hybe and they'll keep it like that bc they don't care and have never cared about Tae being hated massively and having his image tarnished, he isn't the priority, their money is.
Hi anon!
I don’t really agree about the company protecting Jk more by playing into Jkk. There has not actually been much Jkk-ing this year I think. Jkkrs themselves were in scrambles because they got so little, some even jumping ship because of it. I think there has actually been more real Tkk moments than real Jkk moments since solo era started.
But I do think your mention of Jkkrs is an interesting one, because Jkkrs do play a part in the whole Taennie rumor mill. They keep the rumors going and they emphasize those every chance they get. I wonder if the company took that into account when this pr-stunt was concocted. They ofcourse took into account Tkkrs, and Army as a whole.. but would they have considered Jkkrs? Possibly not. Maybe things did get out of hand a bit and that’s why Tae seemed to leave ship after Paris so fast.
Companies are all about money, but the money is where the artist is. If Tae does well the company does well. Though Tae gets hate, I think for the most part he is very loved. If they keep the Taennie moments away (by backlisting questions, no linking them, no sightings, maybe some shade by Tae himself) things should settle soon enough. Right now things seem a bit more tense, because there is anticipation. I think we’ll get a taste of what it’s going to be like real soon. Jennie won’t be a topic. Maybe she’ll be linked to someone new soon, and than it’s going to be over.
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ase-trollplays · 6 months
Laughter for Allmah
-- battleaxeRose [BR] began trolling violetEnigma [VE] -- BR: <| ✿kay |> BR: <| S✿ |> BR: <| ✿n a scale ✿f ✿ne t✿ ten, h✿w upset w✿uld y✿u be if I didn't c✿me by t✿night? |> VE: ~*Eleven.*~ BR: <| Ah. |> BR: <| And if I was g✿ne f✿r like... tw✿ weeks, but we talked ✿n tr✿llian every night t✿ make up f✿r it? |> VE: ~*Twelve.*~ BR: <| Is that a hard twelve, ✿r can I maybe get a little bit ✿f f✿rgiveness since we'd still talk t✿ each ✿ther? |> VE: ~*That is me being forgiving. I was going to say fifteen.*~ BR: <| AH. |> VE: ~*What is this about? Is this Nenemi's doing? Is she still telling you to abandon me?*~ BR: <| N✿. |> BR: <| I mean, she is, but she d✿esn't have anything t✿ d✿ with this. |> BR: <| I fucked up dying my hair, and I have t✿ give it ab✿ut tw✿ weeks bef✿re I try again ✿r I c✿uld damage it w✿rse and make it fall ✿ut. |> VE: ~*I don't care how stupid you look. I want to _see_ you.*~ VE: ~*Your visits are literally the only thing I have to look forward to in my life. It may only be two weeks for you, but that might as well be sweeps for me.*~ VE: ~*You have friends. You have a matesprit. You have freedom, and good health, and a life. I only have you.*~ BR: <| Yeah... |> BR: <| ✿kay, I'm ✿n my way. Just |> BR: <| Pr✿mise y✿u're n✿t g✿ing t✿ laugh at my shitty hair. |> VE: ~*Anything for you.*~ VE: ~*I'll see you soon. <>*~ BR: <| Y✿u kn✿w it. <> |> -- battleaxeRose [BR] ceased trolling violetEnigma [VE] --
"AHAHAHAhahahahaha!!! What the fuuhahahahahaha!!"
"Come on, you promised you wouldn't!"
Vastel buried his deeply blushing face in his beanie, which he used to hide his monstrosity of a dye job on his way to Allmah's hive. His shoulder-length hair was a terrible patchwork of bleach blonde, neon pink, and pumpkin orange. Allmah, had she not had her walker to support her, would have been in a heap on the floor as uncontrolled laughter spilled out of her.
"It's not that funny! You're gonna trigger a seizure or something if you keep laughing like that," the five-and-a-half sweep old whined at her as diluted violet tears started forming in the corners of her eyes, and her laughter started turning into wheezing. With a roll of his eyes he stuffed his hair back under his beanie and began ushering her to the couch.
"Pffahahaha! Ahahaha! What were you eve-- Hahahahaha! Even trying to do!?" the seven-sweep old managed to ask as she tried to choke back her laughing and took a seat.
"It was supposed to look like flames," Vastel grumbled in embarrassment and folded his ears back, causing his earrings to jingle slightly. It was another two minutes before Allmah could finally speak without being interrupted by giggles, and she leaned against he couch limply.
"Oh my God. Oh my God, your hair looks so fucking dumb," she teased between deep breaths. Vastel frowned and pulled down on the sides of his beanie as though he was trying to hide in it. The jade in his cheeks and the tips of his ears finally started to fade now that she exhausted herself laughing at him. "And you're seriously not going to fix it for two weeks?"
"Like I said, if I fuck with it too much too soon, it could break and fall out."
"That would actually be an improvement. Bald can't possibly look any worse."
Vastel sulked and pouted as his embarrassment transitioned to genuine hurt at her comments. Allmah stared at him for a moment or two before sighing and forcing herself to sit up.
"Honestly, I'm jealous. I have to keep my hair short because I can't take care of it when it's long."
"Couldn't your nurses help you with that?"
"Pfff, they don't even like doing the things they're required to help with. Why be bothered with maintaining my hair for me when it's easier to just keep cutting it all off when it gets 'too long.'"
"How about this: When I figure out how to do this dying thing without looking like shit, I'll dye your hair something really cool. Just because you can't have it long doesn't mean it has to look boring," he proposed with a grin. Allmah raised an eyebrow at the proposition before rolling her eyes with a smile.
"Sure, okay. If I'm still alive by then, I want my hair purple," she said and reached her hand out to him. He wasted no time in taking it in one of his own, and his hair was all but forgotten as they spent the next hour holding hands and talking.
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allamericansbitch · 5 months
Oh okay, thanks! (I mean I do not understand the logic of pretending to sell off the tickets only to, months later, reveal that there are, in fact, more tickets, but I'll take your word for it.) I'm so torn now though. My sister is offering to pay for her daughter and I to go (my sister lives in another country, and the concert is around my niece's birthday) and like, I want to go because I've been listening to Taylor since Fearless and I haven't seen her concert before, and my niece definitely wants to go, but at the same time I don't know if I can watch her perform on stage without thinking "Wild how she can excuse racism and misogyny when it suits her"
The reason she’s doing this is to limit the amount of bots getting tickets, if all the tickets were available at the same time, during presale, bots and resellers have more opportunities to buy and in larger quantities, when the reserve some tickets for a later date after the hype dies down, there’s more chance it’ll go to actual fans who are paying attention.
And as someone who went to a show while she was in the thick of dating Matty, just released the ice spice collab, and you’re loosing me… all the pr was really pr-ing you know, I still had fun at the show because it’s not really about her to me. It’s about the songs and the memories you have with them, plus you being surrounded by loved ones would really amplify that. I’m voting you should go simply because her behavior shouldn’t take away an opportunity for you and your loved ones to have a good time.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
This is another long one, so it’s also going under a cut.
Re: Jared stans vs hellers and hellers still being worse than Jared stans.
Just recently I saw some idiotic Jared stan tag all their posts with "hope his career crashes and burns" for no reason except the completely normal, typical J2 style jokes Jensen made at JIB and another one saying Jensen should have been killed by the bullet in Rust instead of Halyna Hutchins (!). Also seen some say that Jensen needs to be "punished" for what he did to Jared and that they want to "see him suffer".
The Rust one has been mentioned, yes, which is at that level of extreme psycho the hellers regularly do, but it was one person and immediately reported - including by other Jared stans.  The others are, again, crazypants, but comparatively?  Tagging random tumblr posts is not on the same level of trying to organize a boycott and downvote campaign - no matter how futile.  Vague mentions buried on tumblr of wanting to see Jensen suffer is not on the same level of @ing Jared to say he needs to die.  Neither is on a level that I think is remotely good or, y’know entirely sane, fan behavior?  But whether or not they’re on an equal level is a slightly different question.   
I also see them frequently make absurd (and offensive) claims that Jensen is abusive to Jared, that Jensen is a terrible father, that he cheats on Danneel (and also a lot of way over the top, ridiculous hatred for Danneel in general), that the twins aren't his and that he neglects them/only really cares about JJ etc. Also some stupidly petty and hilariously conceited shit like Jensen and his family being low IQ, him being unable to manage his career and PR (because obviously random Tumblr idiots #249 and #461 know so much better than he himself about how to handle his career and PR). And that's just off the top of my head right now.
All of which sounds pretty damn deranged and psycho to me.
I’m not trying to assert those claims are not gross, projective, and fairly deranged. I agree they are pretty much on the level with baseline heller nonsense.  I’ve definitely seen hellers claim Jared is abusing Jensen, that Jared is an awful father including commentary about how Odette should have been aborted, various insults to Gen about her looks/career/blog, that Jared had to bribe people to create Walker because no one else would hire him, etc.  There are a few specifics against Jensen that don’t have direct analogues to hits on Jared, but the opposite is also true. (Though I do admit the career and PR ones are just hilarious to me, like I don’t even get mad, for that exact reason.  Oh yes, someone who has nothing better to do than sit on tumblr all day definitely has a better idea of how to manage a successful acting career than Jensen!)  
I think the only real difference between hellers and Jared stans is that hellers are more heavily represented (not to mention louder) on platforms like Twitter and Tumblr, so statistically speaking, you're gonna see more psychos/insanity from them just based on numbers alone. Also, they tend to skew much younger than Jared stans, so they're often especially over-zealous in their stupidity.
But if all other factors were equal (same numbers etc), I think there would be virtually no difference between Jared stans and hellers, they are all equally awful as far as I'm concerned.
I’m not telling you how to feel, but I still see a distinction.  Posting those super offensive suggestions of harm and death on a platform where the actors have accounts and @ing it direct to them is just on a different level to me.  When it comes down to it, what I see is one side making a regular habit of crossing that line while it still rarely goes that far on the other.  Whether it’s a matter of sheer volume or any genuine greater feeling of restraint overall that creates that distinction?  Is again, I think, a slightly different question than whether one exists.
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femmeofthevalley · 1 month
HOT TAKE (tw taylor swift)
Last year in July, my lovely wife thought not legal or actually real as of right now girlfriend bought us TS tickets.
It's the eras tour, it's all encompassing of her music. It's been a dream to see her live since I found her at 11. For me, it's once in a lifetime opportunity affordability wise and I had a theory she might take a break from music and this tour would be a temporary far well and being grateful to her fans for where she is.
We are (were?) planning a road trip to New Orleans to see her and thinking of outfits and pit stops we have to go to.
But I've felt differently about her after the devastation to our planet with her jet rides and absolute silence on the ongoing genocide in Palestine that gets worse by day. Also she's a billionaire now, and as we all know, there no ethical way to achieve that. That she sits here churning new special versions after people spent hard earned money on the previously "new" version. The fuck ass expensive merch that has degraded in quality and creativity. And with that money could donate to Palestine in like an hour and save thousands of lives - after she's paid her staff and employees that are in one way or another associated by her and her brand. If she said one sentence in favor Palestinian lives her swarm of "swifties" would support and donate what they can in an instant. Maybe even skip on merch to give that money towards someone's escape and survivability.
But nonetheless I wanted to go to this concert of music that has carried and spoken to me for.... I'm 22 now so that's literally a decade. I am limiting engagement on social media, don't plan on buying merch anymore. Also the Tourtured Poets department merch line was terrible.... and frankly most of the album. But still fucking catchy unfortunately though my gf and I really thought she might finally brave something new and different. And after the concert I would limit my engagement even more and not listen to any music from then on - probably burning cds or pirate.... ing so I don't continue to stream or buy her music I do still enjoy.
But this "updated" Era Tour to include TTPD...... an absolute fucking shit show. I've already spoken (i think) on the immature and frankly horrible way she is handling and portraying the end of her 6(?) year relationship. And the light she is painting about Joe Alywn and allowing even more encouraging the harassment, mistreatment and threats to his life and/or safety. Because people change and grow apart sometimes, and that almost always means a split.
But to rewrite the narrative of Lover, in color scheme in outfits and playlists. To just disregard the six years they had together, their support for each other over that time. To taint all the lover tour outfits in reds and golds?! To shorten the already short Speak Now set? Cutting tolerate it of Evermore which was also condescend with folklore!
All for the sake of throwing the newest album? Someone else pointed out that she could have shorten the albums that have already gotten their respective tours (Fearless, Speak Now, Red, 1989) I will credit with an @ and quote when I find it again.
An album that didn't even peak mainstream. It broke records, sure and got good numbers. But no one outside of her kiss assers cared. And I will admit, I've been listening to select few songs until I can acquire them in methods that doesn't fund her ego even more.
Anywayyyy extremely disappointed in her career and the true colors she showed after Evermore came out. I've defended her in her toughest times. Still criticizing in a healthy way (after years of being a kiss asser). Introducing her to people who knew her for one corney love song and never bothered with more. People who would ask why I enjoy her music so much or about her to me of course. I've been excited for every new venture (breaking into the pop world with 1989).
Supporting her Taylor's Versions, believing she has every right to own her music, her memorabilia and processing of understanding each new good or bad even in her life. As I think all artists should. But, I do think after Red TV, she might have started doing it as a cash grab rather than wanting to have the rights to her life story. My view on that has been proven with how short the release for Speak Now TV was. The 5 song vault tracks on 1989 TV. I personally love them all, but from a standpoint of story telling and music quality..... they didn't do all that much for 1989 TV and she could have decided against vault songs for that record.
I learned guitar just to learn her songs!!! I asked for a $500 dollar guitar for Christmas at 16/17. I wanted it to be unique and resemble hers a little bit as an homage and thank you to her. I didn't go as far as naming that guitar after her, but I considered it for a short time. Which by way isn't she so pretty?! She sat in a music store my sister and I started piano lessons at in CDMX. I would spend any free time staring and lingering at this beauty for like 2 months. She went unpurchased the whole time, waiting for me. Though she was displayed in a spot which constant sun so the front the body isn't as pale as it should be. But she's soooo beautiful, sun damage and all :)
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So, high likelihood that my girl and I will sell out tickets and use that money towards a different trip we won't be disappointed, underwhelmed, less excited about than before concert we honestly might regret going to afterwards. With the way things are looking of her current Paris set list. I mean...... she cut tolerate it!!!!! I didn't have a full appreciation for that song until I saw it live at the Eras Tour movie I purchased tickets to, along with my girlfriend. And then did so again to take our 2 roommates to see the movie cus we knew they would have fun with some aspects of it - if not for the music itself.
Also I fucking hate So High School and Who's afraid of little old me as a grown 33 year old woman. Who is a billionaire.
I have reevaluated my love of her music and commitment to the latest album, the newest merch. Streaming the newest music video the second it releases. Singing her praises and my excitement for the all-encompassing-career that is the Eras Tour. Ongoing support and defense of her music since I was 11. A decade of my life, happiness, inspiration I had for her. The immaturity towards her break up with Joe Alwyn and lack of stance on asking her fans not to harass him, follow him in public, threaten to end his life in gruesome, criminal ways. I feel after a certain point her Taylor's Version were more about getting it over with, making a profit, and hopping to the next one. Disgusted by her complete choice to ignore and not care about Palestinan lives and livelihood. When she absolutely has the resources and funds to pay for their escape, even a good chunk of money to help them get their lives started up again in Egypt until the day they can hopefully, and rightfully, go back to their homeland. Fuck she could use her private jet to help deliver aid or maybe get near-death survivors of bombings that need life saving procedures and medical care that they don't have and/or being continually denied in Palestine. My girlfriend and I had tickets that we got July 2023, to go see her October 2024. On the less important note compared to the prior topic, completely changed the set list, mood/energy, and meaning to her and her fans of the Eras Tour set list as it was in 2023.
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jeewrites · 2 months
Hold Fast | Ch. 5 - Five Courses
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Series Master List
Rating: M, but this blog is 18+ MDNI
A/N: Frankie and Sweets finally go on their date! I do not recommend reading this when you are hungry. Ty to @bloviating-vy for beta-ing and providing all the emotional support one needs for writing fanfic lol.
Word Count: ~5.6K
Tags: no y/n, alcohol, gymbff!Benny, OC!Chloé, reader is a powerlifting girlie described as short and has hair long enough to put into a ponytail, reader's nickname is Sweets, Tom is alive unfortunately (we hate Tom), Tom owns a bar, Pope owns a gym, Frankie POV, kissing, making out, gratuitous descriptions of food, Sweets eats like a powerlifter, angst that resolves by the end of the chapter, discussion of previous relationships, implied past abusive relationship (not described), cliffhanger-ish?
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After you leave on Sunday, Frankie spends the rest of the weekend scouring the internet for the latest, fanciest restaurants in the greater metropolitan area. He's determined to make up for canceling on you at the last minute and go all out for you after everything you've done to care for Gabi and him. Tucking into another bowl of your magical chicken noodle soup, Frankie sighs at his laptop after clicking through tasting menu after 7 course menu after kaiseki menu after some weird pop-up dinner theater. Yeah, no. This isn't it.
And a small part, ok large part of him, wants to impress you, but he's at a loss as to how since he doesn't know you well enough. Surely as a doctor you are used to living the good life, dining at fancy places, right? What would not just be good enough for you, but impress you? His phone buzzes with a text from Benny in the group chat about a new PR lift and that's when an idea pops into Frankie's head. After a brief exchange with Benny he shuts his laptop and readies for bed. He has a plan.
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Just as you are sitting down to scarf down your lunch later that week, your phone vibrates with a text from your favorite brown-eyed pilot.
[text conversation]
😻🐟: Hey, so what kind of food do you like? 🏋🏻‍♀️: Yes 😻🐟: ???
🏋🏻‍♀️: I have to eat so much to fuel for 🏋️‍♀️, so yeah, I like food. 🏋🏻‍♀️: 🍜🍳🥩🍔🌮🥟🍣🎂🍩🍪🍮🧁🥐🫔🍧 🏋🏻‍♀️: I don't do sandwiches though 😻🐟: Roger that 🫡
😻🐟: Be ready to eat okay? Might want to wear something stretchy. Prepare yourself. 😉 🏋🏻‍♀️: 🫡 say no more. I have the perfect outfit. 😈 😻🐟: Pick you up Saturday at 4:30? I know it's early, but trust me ok? 🏋🏻‍♀️: 💃🏻💃🏻
You spend the rest of your break smiling into your lunch wondering what Frankie has planned for Saturday. The weekend couldn't come soon enough.
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On Saturday, at 4:25 PM you hear a soft knock at your front door. Swinging the door open you're greeted by an enormous arrangement of dahlias, a stunning ombre of purple, pink, and fuchsia hues, a grinning Frankie peeking from over the top.
"For you," he says with a winning smile as he hands you the arrangement.
You're speechless. You didn't think he'd remember you whispering to him, nearly three weeks ago, what your favorite flowers are. And how did he know these are your favorite colors? Chase never remembered your favorite flowers despite the years you were together. He probably gave you flowers less than five times in the entirety of your relationship.
"You remembered," you breathe, looking up at him. "Frankie, they're beautiful."
"I do my best to remember the important things," Frankie huffs, cheeks pinking at your compliment. You catch him flick his eyes over your form, biting his lower lip. "And you're prettier than the flowers. You look — wow."
It's your turn for your cheeks to heat before you invite him in for a moment while you find the best spot to place the arrangement (you decide on your dining table so you can look at it every morning while you drink your coffee). The dahlias are arranged like a piece of art, exploding with color against the drab colors of your apartment. You could look at them all day.
"Sooo, where are we going this early?" you venture, finally taking your eyes off of the flowers and running your eyes over Frankie, admiring the way the navy button down shirt stretches deliciously across his broad chest and the khakis he's wearing hugs his hips and thighs. Curls accentuated with product. And surprisingly no hat.
"I'll tell you when we get in the truck," Frankie grins at you.
"Okay, Mr. Mysterious," you huff with a small smile as you grab your bag.
When you get to his truck he insists on opening the door for you and offering a hand as you climb in. As he settles into the driver's seat and starts the truck, he hands you a beige piece of folded card stock, printed to look like a menu. The cover reads, "Frankie's Food Truck Tour" in elegant script across the front.
You gape at him, excitement bubbling up your entire body. "You're taking me on a food truck tour?!?"
"Yup," Frankie responds, popping the 'p.' "Someone might’ve mentioned you love food trucks and hole in the wall restaurants. So I'm taking you to all the best ones I know about."
You're practically vibrating with anticipation as you open the card and gasp at the listed courses on the food tour.
Frankie's Food Truck Tour
First Course - Taco de Carnitas 🌮 Heirloom blue corn tortilla from house made masa, slow braised pork shoulder, pickled shallots, chicharrons
Second Course - Empanada Colombiana Braised beef, potato in fried corn flour crust
Third Course - Sunday Sauce with Fresh Tagliatelle 12 hour simmered ragu with fresh made tagliatelle
Fourth Course - Soup Dumplings ground pork, blue crab
Fifth Course - Gua Bao braised pork belly, pickled mustard greens, toasted crushed peanuts in steamed bun
Dessert - Italian Water Ice
You are so very glad you wore your fancy stretchy clothes because this is a veritable feast of all of your favorite things. You weren't joking when you told Frankie you liked to eat. Plus today's SBD day was max effort sets, so you are ready to inhale some food. But you are also so moved by his thoughtfulness, planning such a creative first date. Who told him about your love of food trucks and hole in the wall spots?
As Frankie eases onto the main road, he swallows before asking, "Does it look okay?"
"Okay? This is amazing Frankie! It's so thoughtful." You look at him with watery eyes. "No one's done something like this for me in a long time." You might have let out a little sniffle because he's glancing at you with concern etched across his handsome face.
"Hey," he soothes, sliding a hand into yours. "It's my pleasure."
He presses a chaste kiss to the back of your hand. The gesture makes you melt inside at the sweetness. You intertwine your fingers in his, wanting to stay connected to him and you catch him smile when you do.
"Wait, so who told you I like food trucks?" you ask, curiosity getting the better of you.
"Oh uh, I — I asked Chloé," Frankie's ears reddened at his admission. "I checked with Benny to see when she usually works out at Pope's and, uh, talked to her earlier this week."
You hum in response, impressed that Frankie would voluntarily approach Chloé considering most regulars at Pope's Gym wouldn't dare. She intimidated everyone too much.
"It was weird though. Benny acted like he didn't want me to talk to her until I told him it was to plan my date with you." Frankie continues, tapping the steering wheel.
"Huh," you wonder, filing that bit of information away. "Wonder why."
Frankie shrugs as he pulls the truck into a gravel parking lot. A half circle of food trucks sit just in front of a copse of trees, surrounded by picnic tables. Several other cars pull up shortly after you arrive and a queue starts to form at one of the food trucks on the far end.
"Ready for the first course?" Frankie grins at you as he opens the passenger door.
"Born ready, Frankie," you grin at him with barely contained glee.
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By the third course, you and Frankie are both completely relaxed and enjoying each other's company, allowing the conversation to ebb and flow between food truck courses.
The carnitas tacos whet your appetite, a perfect balance of succulent pork shoulder topped with crispy chicharrones. Pickled shallots cut the tender, savory bites with crisp acid that dance along your tongue. Charred tomatillo salsa rounds out the bite. All perfectly wrapped in a freshly griddled blue corn tortilla. You can't help but close your eyes and let out a small moan as you experience the first bite. A cacophony of well-balanced flavors and complementary textures. When you open them again you catch Frankie with a pleased look on his face as he takes a bite out of his own taco.
At the second stop, Frankie asks why you don't do sandwiches as you chomp into a piping hot empanada. The corn flour crust crunches with satisfaction giving way to the tender braised beef and fluffy potato filling. Steam curls from the opening of the empanada, a testament to how freshly made it is.
"I mean, why would I want something slapped between two slices of bread when I can have this?" you respond as you gesture to your half eaten empanada. "It's just as portable and tastes a billion times better."
You scoop some of the red salsa onto your empanada before continuing, "Besides, I had way more than my fair share of sandwiches and cold, sad meals during med school and residency. I want my meals to be hot as much as possible."
"But what about hot sandwiches?" Frankie presses, even though he nods in agreement.
"I'll make an exception for them if they are really tasty," you acquiesce. "And bánh mì, especially if the baguette is baked fresh in house."
"Duly noted," Frankie smiles, taking mental note of your preferences.
"Oh my god, you have to try this salsa," you moan after you finish your salsa covered bite of empanada. The acid from the tomato cuts through the richness of the filling, followed by sharp bites from the minced white onion, finished by a hint of sweetness — maybe from pineapple?
"Wait, don't tell me you're a fan of sandwiches."
Frankie looks slightly embarrassed when he admits he eats most of his meals standing over the kitchen sink, especially when he has Gabi, but the food is usually at least hot. "I do love cooking meals for Gabi and introducing her to all of our family's foods," he adds. "She's a really adventurous eater."
You perk up at his information. "Yeah? That's so awesome Frankie. Maybe I can make her some of my family's favorites sometime?"
He gives you the sweetest look of adoration and gratitude. "She'd love that. I — I would too."
You continue to chat with Frankie about how Gabi is doing since you last saw her as he tidies up the picnic table, and you both head to his truck for the next course.
When Frankie pulls up at the third food truck, you giggle and remark at the kitschy decor, multi-color string lights, barrels painted the colors of the Italian flag, red umbrellas shading long wooden picnic tables and smaller red metal patio tables for two. The food truck itself is a long white truck reminiscent of an old milk delivery truck. Short velvet red curtains frame the ordering window with a mismatched gallery wall of photos and paintings hanging along the side.
As you and Frankie sit at a cute red patio table sharing a sangria, waiting for the buzzer to go off to retrieve your food, you hear a woman's voice call out, "Morales?! That you?"
"Hey— " Frankie stands to greet the person behind the voice before a blur of brown hair wraps him in a tight bear hug he returns awkwardly with one arm.
"Finally made it out to check out this place huh??" the brunette says as she pulls back and releases Frankie.
"Yeah, uh, thanks for the rec. This is Sweets," Frankie gestures towards you as you stand to meet her. "This is Becs. She's one of the flight nurses I work with."
"Ooh, date night?" Becs winks at Frankie as she pumps your hand up and down one too many times. "Didn't realize you were seeing anyone Morales. Gonna break all those hearts at the hospital when people find out." You offer her a wan smile, a bit overwhelmed by her chaotic energy.
"Wait! I know you," Becs cocks her head as she assesses you intently. You stiffen even if you don't recognize her. Before you know it she's dropping the name of your former employer, adding, "Yeah, I used to work as an OR nurse there, but jumped at the chance to become a flight nurse. Less surgeon egos, more excitement, ya know?" She gesticulates with fervor as she speaks.
"Yeah, uh, I worked there," you admit, realizing you've been holding your breath. "Been over a year since I left though."
She looks you over once more. Just when you think you're in the clear she snaps her fingers and exclaims, "I do know you! You were engaged to that new trauma surgeon, what's his name!"
Your heart is in your throat and you can't move. Can't breathe. Is this really happening right now? What are the chances you'd run into someone who'd recognize you from your old job right the fuck now?
"I'll never forget how you made a surgeon get on his knees so fast," she smirks. "It's not every day you see someone throw a $50k diamond ring across the cafeteria."
Really, what are the chances you'd run into someone who witnessed the moment your engagement exploded spectacularly in front of what felt like everyone at work? Over a year ago? You can't look at Frankie. This isn't how you want him to find out. Not that you were exactly hiding it from him, but wasn't this like a third date kind of conversation? What did you know, you're so out of the loop on dating things these days. Because you're old. Broken? No one's going to want you, your mother's voice hisses up from the abyss of your mind.
"Well, it's not every day you catch your fiancé cheating on you, at work," you grit out as you find your spine.
"Yeah, bummer about that." Becs waves you off. "It was hilarious watching him crawl around on his knees trying to find that ring though."
She slaps Frankie on the shoulder and says something about seeing him at work before tossing you a nice to meet you and jets off as abruptly as she appeared.
You brave a glance at Frankie, but not really seeing him with the adrenaline flooding your system. "I —"
"Sweets —"
Of course the food buzzer decides this is the most opportune moment to go off, shocking you back into yourself as it dances erratically on the metal table top flashing red like a siren. Frankie slides a hand over the buzzer and picks it up as he walks around the table to stand in front of you. With his other hand he gently cups the side of your face.
"Sweets, you don't have to explain. It's ok. Breathe."
You swallow and let out a stuttery breath as you clasp a hand over his. His hand is warm and comforting against your skin, steady unlike your heart pounding through your chest. The buzzer continues to flash red and vibrate, muted now in his other hand. When you look up, his warm brown eyes only convey care and concern at your thinly veiled panic. Full blown panic, really. You're practically shaking.
"Hey," his voice is soft like when he speaks to Gabi. "It's okay. I'm going to go grab our food and when I get back you can tell me as much or as little as you want. Whenever you're ready. Or we can just go back to talking about how much we hate sandwiches, okay?"
"I— you— okay," is all you can manage, followed by a small nod, eyes still wide with panic, even with his attempt at humor. Coherent sentences are back to being a struggle apparently.
"We all have baggage, Sweets. I mean, I have a whole ex-wife and toddler, remember?" He gives you one more understanding smile before telling you not to go anywhere as he heads to the food truck to collect your food.
How are you supposed to eat anything right now? Your heart is in your throat and your stomach is in knots. You plop down in your chair as the adrenaline recedes, replaced by a wave of dread at what to possibly say to Frankie when he returns. At some point you did plan to tell him, but what happened spans several conversations, none appropriate for a first date. You try to ground yourself in what he said before he went to retrieve the food. It's okay. He has baggage too. He's okay with you telling him what you’re ready to tell him. What the fuck are you ready to tell him?
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When Frankie arrives at Pope's Gym to catch Chloé and ask for her help in dinner ideas for his date with you, he isn't prepared for Benny acting so cagey and weird.
"Hey, Benny," Frankie greets Benny at the front desk with a familiar dap of the fist.
"Fish," a rare one word response from Benny, the more loquacious of the two Miller brothers.
"She here?"
"Sweets or Chloé?" Benny asks, feigning ignorance even though Frankie literally just texted him the day before asking when Chloé usually worked out at Pope's.
"For God's sake Ben, I'm looking for Chloé." Frankie glares at Benny before rolling his eyes. "To help me plan my date with Sweets. What's gotten into you?"
"Oh. Right, yeah she's here," Benny mumbles nodding in Chloé's general direction before sulking away.
As Frankie treks over, he notes the message on her cut off shirt declaring, "I'M A RAY OF FUCKING SUNSHINE." Chloé's covered in a sheen of sweat and breathing hard as she finishes a set of medicine ball slams.
"I'm pretending this is your head," she mutters at Frankie as he approaches. "For canceling on Sweets the day of without telling her why."
Frankie decides to stop a generous distance away from Chloé. He lifts his cap and runs his fingers through his curls, a nervous tic, before replacing the cap on his head. "Yeah, um, that really was my bad. Uh, that's — that's actually why I'm here."
He swears the glare Chloé gives him could kill.
"And why should I help you." It's not a question, but a challenge.
"I want to really impress her and go all out for her this Saturday to make-up for canceling," he continues before pausing. "Especially since she took such good care of my daughter and me when Gabi got sick last week. Which is — which is why I canceled at the last minute."
Chloé gives him a non-committal grunt, brows still furrowed, but her eyes motion for him to continue.
"I thought about taking her to some of those fancy tasting menu places, but I realize I don't know what she really likes… If she'd be into that."
"I mean, who doesn't like a fancy meal once in a while?" Chloé scoffs and shifts her weight from side to side, as if she's trying to decide whether to divulge more and help Frankie out. "But Sweets isn't into the fancy shit the way she is into food trucks and hole in the wall spots. The woman is always on the hunt for the best tacos or dumplings or whatever in the area."
Frankie nods along intently to what Chloé shares and takes detailed mental notes. You truly are a woman after his own heart.
"You should see her on vacation trying to suss out the best local eats. You always know you're going to eat well with her." Chloé glares back at Frankie before concluding with a threat for good measure. "You hurt her and I'll kill you. She's — she's been through enough. She doesn't need another guy wrecking her life."
Frankie appreciates a direct woman. And the tip about some guy wrecking your life. He stores that one away along with the threat.
"I just want to go all out for her. She deserves the best," he manages. "Gonna try my hardest not to fuck it up."
"Good," Chloé resumes picking up the medicine ball and raising it overhead before slamming it down on the ground. How does someone make everything sound like a threat?
"That still my head?" Frankie ventures looking at the medicine ball.
"Depends," Chloé huffs back at him, but he thinks he catches her smirking at him for a moment. "On how well you take care of my friend."
As Frankie thanks Chloé and turns to leave, he catches Benny hiding behind the cable tower machine watching the entire interaction, pretending to wipe down the gym equipment. Benny never cleans a goddamn thing unless it is a weapon.
"You're gonna take the paint off the metal," Frankie whispers to Benny as he walks by.
Frankie shoves Benny out from behind the cable tower, "See you later, Benny boy. Good luck with that," as he motions with his eyes towards Chloé.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Benny calls back after catching himself from falling on his face in front of Chloé.
Frankie just shakes his head and beelines it to his truck. He has a food truck tour to plan.
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When Frankie returns with a giant pile of fresh tagliatelle smothered in Sunday sauce, your stomach turns even if ragu is one of your favorite things. He sets everything down gently as if he is afraid to spook you with any sudden movements or sounds.
"I — I wasn't trying to hide my ex-fiancé from you," you blurt out without thinking. Smooth start there, tiger. Real smooth. You worry your hands in your lap to hold back the rising waves of anxiety. "I just thought failed engagements are more like a third date kinda conversation."
"Didn't think ya were," Frankie responds as he settles back into his chair. He slides a large hand across the table beckoning for you to place one of your hands in his. After a beat you slide a hand into his. It's warm and grounding. You find your shoulders relaxing away from your ears a smidge, and your stomach settles.
"I meant it when I said you don't have to tell me anymore than you're ready to," he reassures before something you said clicks, and he beams at you. "You'd go on a third date with me?"
You can't help but offer a small grin back, "I'd let you take me on as many dates as you want if they're anything like this, Frankie."
"Minus the co-worker with the big mouth." Frankie is full of jokes. "Too soon?"
You suppress a giggle bubbling up from your throat. "I guess that means you're not going to take me home after this?"
"Not unless you want me to, Sweets," Frankie squeezes your hand. "I'm having the best time."
Your stomach rumbles at this exact moment in response and Frankie laughs, tummy shaking laughter, wondering out loud how you are still hungry after tacos and empanadas.
"I told you I like to eat!" You cross your arms in mock indignation as Frankie wipes away tears of laughter and hands you a fork.
As you both dig into the pile of pasta, marveling at the depth of flavor a 12 hour simmer gives the ragu, you take the opportunity to ask Frankie about his work as an EMS pilot. His entire body is buoyant with excitement when he talks about flying, brown eyes bright with passion. You can tell the two loves of his life are Gabi and flying by the way he speaks about both.
"The hours aren't terrible, 12 hour shifts, 4 days on and 3 days off, with a lot of waiting around. But at least I'm not getting shot at now when I fly," Frankie shares, adding how his parents help watch Gabi when he has custody and has to work. Your breath hitches at the thought of anyone shooting at sweet Frankie.
"Next stop?" he tries to change the subject when he catches your worried expression.
You nod and attempt to help clear the table, but Frankie insists you don't lift a finger.
The next two stops fly by as Frankie tells you about the owners of the soup dumpling take-out window, former cooks at some Taiwanese chain making its way into the U.S.
"Ooo yes, DTF! I've been to one of their locations before!" you exclaim.
His eyebrows curve upward in confusion, "Wait, I thought DTF meant... something else??"
"Ohmygosh, DTF — Din Tai Fung!" you cackle. "Their soup dumplings are to die for."
Frankie admits he hasn't ever eaten a soup dumpling before as you lift the lid and a cloud of savory steam erupts from the bamboo steamer basket. You offer him two options that won't involve near boiling broth burning his mouth off. After all, you have... plans for that mouth.
"Next time we have to try the pork and shrimp ones too," Frankie tells you as he opens the passenger door for you. Seeing his eyes light up after the first bite and slurp of soup dumpling, you know he is a convert for life.
At the last stop he slides an arm around your shoulders as you sit side by side on a park bench splitting one extra-large gua bao, too full to each have your own. It’s the size of your face instead of the standard appetizer size. Frankie insists you take the first bite of the pillowy soft steamed bun, a vehicle for the unctuous braised pork belly, pickled mustard greens, and toasted crushed peanuts. The umami of spiced soy sauce carries forward balanced notes of anise and cinnamon with a not too sweet caramel finish of hoisin and brown sugar. A savory symphony of flavors in your mouth.
"That good huh," Frankie smiles as you let out a groan.
"Mmph," is all you can manage, eyes closed, savoring the bite with a happy food wiggle.
You offer the bao up to him, angled so he can get the perfect bite, the scruff on his chin tickling your fingers as he takes an exaggerated bite.
"Fuch, ish good," he mumbles, mouth full and sauce dripping out the corner of his mouth.
When you brush your thumb to wipe the sauce away, the pink triangle of his tongue peeks out to lick your finger clean. Your eyes flick up and catch a dark, mischievous look across Frankie's face that makes you want to combust on the fucking spot. You distract yourself by taking another bite of the bao before offering the last bite to him.
He sighs in contentment when the food is finished and pulls you closer to him, tucking you to his side. It's warm and safe here snuggled against him with his strong arm draped over your shoulder as you idly watch other diners nearby. Safe enough you weigh the risk of ruining the moment by sharing about your painful past.
"Can I tell you a little bit about... what happened a year ago?" you ask, voice quiet, looking up at him.
Frankie returns your gaze, "Of course."
"Ok," you drop your gaze to your hands and take a deep breath before continuing. "We, um, met in college. Both of us pre-med... and just dorks with the same goals you know?"
You tell Frankie about Chase, how he changed from a sweet college boy to someone you didn't recognize as you went through med school and residency. "I was so afraid of being alone, I ignored the red flags and how we were growing apart until he went out of state for his fellowship and I stayed here. That’s when I realized I was happier on my own than when he would visit."
You peek up at Frankie through your lashes and realize he's been looking at you and listening intently the entire time. "But it took catching him cheating for me to leave."
You shudder at the memory of the night you tried to leave and the weeks that passed before you finally could. That is a story for another day. Frankie tightens his grip around your shoulders as he releases a sharp exhale through his nose when you stop talking.
"I appreciate you sharin' all that with me, Sweets," he says, pausing as if he isn't sure what he wants to say next. His thumb on your shoulder tracing slow circles on your skin.
"I guess I spent the last year working on myself and figuring out what I want now in a relationship," you continue.
"And what's that?"
"Where I can be myself and not have to cut off pieces to fit someone else's idea of who I should be — accepted for being me," the last part you say wistfully.
"As you should be. You're amazing, you know that?"
"Depends who you ask," you respond, quirking a smile up at him. "But I like myself alright now."
Frankie shares a bit about where things went south with Vanessa, his struggles with learning how to single parent. They had been high school sweethearts and stayed together, though he admits he felt like they were growing apart even before he joined Delta Force. How they tried to stick it out when Vanessa got pregnant with Gabi, but eventually realizing it was better for everyone if they separated.
You pull his arm tighter around you when you feel him hesitate and start to pull back after sharing about his own relationship history.
"Thanks for telling me."
"Not too much?" Frankie asks, eyes etched with worry.
"You're never too much for me, Frankie."
He visibly relaxes before asking, "Would getting dessert be too much?"
"Never," you say as you stand and offer your hands to pull him up. "Don't you know I have a whole separate stomach for dessert?"
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The dessert course is a small takeaway window for Italian water ice just off the broad walk along the beach. You weigh the flavor options, debating between mango and passion fruit, before finally deciding on mango. Frankie picks passion fruit without hesitation.
He gives you a knowing smile and wink when you raise an eyebrow to his choice, "Figure that way you'll get to try both flavors." Is it possible to simultaneously melt into a puddle and combust from his thoughtfulness?
The velvety smooth ice refreshes as the fruit flavor cleanses your palate from your decadent dinner. You both make your way down the broad walk at a leisurely pace, sharing bites of yours with Frankie as he feeds you bites of his.
“Not too sweet?” he asks with a grin, knowing your bar for the ideal dessert.
“Not too sweet,” you confirm with a pleased smile.
He offers you the last spoon of his dessert, which you accept without hesitation because your sweet tooth is the boss, before he takes both your empty cups and tosses them into the trash. You intertwine your fingers in his as you continue your stroll, turning down one of the piers and walking down part of the way.
“Think this might be the best first date I’ve ever been on,” you smile at him, eye to eye as you lean back and balance on the lowest rung of the railing. His strong arms cage you in on both sides, protective as if you might possibly fall into the water below.
“Yeah?” He breathes back, curls whipped wild by the ocean’s breeze, brown eyes anchored to yours. “What would make it definitely the best first date you’ve ever been on?”
“If you kissed me right now.” The tip of your tongue wets your lower lip as your gaze flicks to his plush lips curving into a small smile at your words.
Frankie smooths your hair back before cupping your cheek with one hand. “Think I can manage that.” He presses the line of his body against you as he slots his mouth against yours, gently at first, until you open for him to lick into your mouth. A soft moan escapes your throat. He kisses you harder, his other large hand snaking up the middle of you back to cup your neck, holding you in place. You reach your hands to run your fingers through his curls, such soft curls, tugging to keep him pressed against you. When he lets out a soft moan you realize he likes it when you do that.
Your foot slips when someone suddenly catcalls the two of you, followed by a "GET A ROOM!" But Frankie catches you with his quick reflexes, holding you tight against him. "I got you, baby," he reassures, voice breathy and soft. Baby. You practically melt at the endearment. And because he's now nuzzling the sensitive spot behind your ear with the delicious curve of his nose, peppering kisses down the column of your neck.
"Frankie," your voice comes out breathy like you've just sprinted down the broad walk. You repeat his name when he continues to pepper you with kisses.
"Hmm," he rumbles against your neck.
"We're in public." A giggle escapes your throat.
His eyes flick up to yours, black pupils edging out the brown you get lost in, expression intense. Hungry, but not for food. He wraps an arm around your waist and places you gently back on solid ground.
"I can fix that, baby," he murmurs. Pressing a kiss to your temple and tucking your hair behind your ear, he steers you by the small of your back and leads you back to his truck.
<< prev next >>
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Endnote: Sweet's relationship with her ex-fiance is partially inspired by this quote from Robin Williams: "I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone."
Hi hi, did ya miss me? I missed YOU. Been adjusting to a new job and the absolute fatigue from training has me beat (summer powerlifting competition wee!). But I’m so glad Frankie and Sweets finally went on their date and ate so well. It’s funny, but I’ve mostly written the last chapter and I just need to get them there. I’m learning that all the stuff between is uh, the hard part. Also, I still haven’t wrapped my head around writing smut, but we’ll see. At least they kinda made out? Lol. Thanks for reading if you’ve made it this far. It means the world to this newbie fanfic writer. Taglist is open! You know you wanna! xoxo, Jee
Taglist: @katareyoudrilling @christinamadsen @rebel-held @littlemisspascal
@burntheedges @darkheartgatita @enretrogue @titabel
@copperhalfcent @triplefrontier-anniversary
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