#the titanic
prideprejudce · 1 year
this is probably the best take I’ve heard so far on the debate of people being told that they aren’t having enough ‘compassion’ for billionaires making bad decisions and paying the obvious consequences for it
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
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hookhausen · 1 year
the passengers on oceangate are dead (they imploded) and they confirmed the debris was from the submersible but the shit that has me fucking losing it is that the logitech controller made it out almost unscathed
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hhhh-snakes · 1 year
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holy shit
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mwagneto · 1 year
it's all be gay do crime and eat the rich until the rich actually get eaten and then suddenly it's nooo don't be cruel human life is precious 🥺🥺 these are people who have never been in touch with human life and thus i am unable to view them as anything but a fascinating story and a major L in return. stupid games stupid prizes and so on
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cabbagewithissues · 1 year
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Can’t believe I haven’t seen anything on here about the rich-people-tourism submarine (steered by a video game controller???) that went missing on the way to the Titanic ruins.
This seems like the kind of story this site usually latches onto
UPDATE/EDIT (I put this in a reblog as well but just so ppl see it): it seems like it was possibly carrying researchers/explorers as well? I haven’t seen a manifest yet, but either way, I feel awful for the passengers/crew and their families, this has got to be harrowing for them
June 22, 2023, 2:50pm EST Update: OceanGate released a statement saying they believe those aboard the Titan submersible “have been sadly lost.” According to the US Coast Guard press conference at 3pm EST, the debris found is “consistent with catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber.”
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cr-nack · 1 year
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You cannot make this shit up
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animentality · 1 year
Listen my basic human empathy does feel genuine horror for those people who most likely died in that submarine.
But my working logical brain is also scoffing at anyone stupid enough to spend 250k to get into a heavy metal coffin, sinking to see the ocean floor graveyard that is the titanic.
Like just watch the movie, man. Spend 250k to go to Venice or some shit.
Why the titanic? We all know what it looks like. We all saw the movie.
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If someone told me that a submersible named the Titan, owned by a company called OceanGATE, carrying three billionaires, had gone missing on an expedition to the Titanic, I would think it was some pitch for a new thriller mystery novel and not something that had actually happened due to the hubris and stupidity of rich people.
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prideprejudce · 1 year
people saying that users aren’t being compassionate enough towards the billionaires stuck in the death coffin at the bottom of the ocean and calling us “ghouls” for bringing up the absolute absurdity of the entire situation and it’s like……of course no one ever deserves to die by suffocation or freezing to death and it’s a hope that by some miracle that these people are found and somehow saved. however people are aloud to point out the irony of how our current wealth gap is so high that there are people who are able to spend 250k, an amount that most people don’t see in their entire lives, like it’s a movie ticket. except instead of seeing a movie they are entering a death chamber to the bottom of the ocean so they can gawk at the mass grave of over a thousand people
“the CEO of the company tricked them and he’s the real capitalist villain while the other passengers are blameless” I agree that the CEO (who is also stuck in the submarine with them) is as grimy as they come and cut corners in order to make as much money as possible. that’s a given. but as we are seeing now, most people who have never even stepped foot in the ocean their entire lives could see that this was a disaster waiting to happen. you don’t have to be a maritime expert to see that. the submersible has no emergency beacon, is controlled by an off brand game controller, made from parts from a camp store, navigated by texts from above, is bolted in from the outside, and has a contract that passengers sign that mentions “death” three times on the front page. most people couldn’t be paid to step foot in it - and these people paid 250k to go to the bottom of the ocean in it
once again, no one is relishing at people dying stuck in an essentially gutted out minivan at the bottom of the ocean. especially when one passenger is 19 and the other is a legitimate titanic researcher. but people are allowed to be mad that thousands upon thousands of dollars of taxpayer money and resources are being used to try and literally pluck these people out of the ocean and save them from a grave that they literally helped dig themselves into without a care in the world. they are the 1% who can put themselves in peril as much as they please and spend money and waste resources like it’s water but will always expect to be saved from the brink of death by us regular folk so they can call themselves an “adventurer” at their next luncheon
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buggbuzz · 1 year
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this is a bit heavyhanded but shhhhh shhhh
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monsterhospital · 1 year
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its been a really exciting week for the person on tiktok who made a 2023 bingo board
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have a reverse Destiel confession meme ‘cause Dean just didn’t say enough to fit everything there (at least he gets to say ‘i love you’ this way)
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mwagneto · 1 year
i'm sorry but i cannot stop thinking about it for reallll imagine you're richer than god and never had to face consequences for anything and you have so much money you don't even know what to do with it so you toss a quarter million at the stupidest tourism option on earth. and you see that the paper you have to sign tells you you could die and you look at the flimsy metal tube you're going to be plummeting into the ocean in and it doesn't even phase you because bad things don't happen to people like you. imagine some hours into the journey you realise something is wrong. maybe not you but somehow the knowledge that there was a fuckup becomes known to the 5 of you trapped in there. and you know you can't get out from the inside and you know you have no food and no bathroom and not even the room to ever stand up again. when does the realisation that your wealth cannot protect you from your inevitable mortality set in. how does someone like that reconcile with both death and the fact that it's 100% their own doing? can someone like this even come to terms with that or will they be fighting to find someone to blame until the last second? when does it reach you that all 5 of you are going to die one by one and there's nothing you can do? does the fact that 5 of you have enough air until thursday but one of you could have enough air until at least next week ever cross anyone's mind.
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v0idwraith · 1 year
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a summary of the last week
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unlikecharlie · 1 year
me: and yeah, they have like 30 more hours left to live, if they're somehow still alive. so what do you think about the effects of capitalism in the modern day-
karl marx: what's a controller
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