#the way he spins his knife đŸ„”
daryl-dixon-daydreams · 4 months
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The Walking Dead S9 E01 - A New Beginning
gifs by @daryl-dixon-daydreams | follow for daily Daryl content!
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xzaddyzanakinx · 4 months
Missed Me? Pt 1
Stepdad!Anakin Skywalker x femme reader
18+ MDNI
Warnings: unprotected PiV, stepcest/inappropriate relationships, oral, rough treatment, gag, spanking, spit, semi-public, knife
Info: you just wanted to go on a run, but dear old dad needed some help in the garage; he fucks you stupid. Inappropriate dad joke. Fuck or die type shit
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This gif đŸ„” fuck me please
“Where are you going doll?” Anakin’s voice floated over to you from the garage.
“Oh hey!” You said, spinning on your heel and walking toward him after shutting the front door behind you. “I was gonna go for a run.”
“A run?” Anakin asked, lifting an eyebrow in a questioning way.
“Yeah you know? Cause I’m trying out for track?” You reminded him with a slight laugh.
“Sorry baby, I forgot.” Anakin said with a little frown. “Do you have a minute before you go? I need alittle help real quick.”
“Oh yeah sure.” You said, walking over to him in your running shorts and sports bra, a loose jacket of Anakin’s slipping down your shoulder.
“I could get it myself but your tiny arms can reach it better.” He grinned, pointing down into the engine bay of an old truck he was working on.
“Oh shut up.” You scoffed, holding out your hand for him to place the wrench in your hand. He happily did so with that cute crooked smile and then dusted off his hands and lifted you up by your waist to sit you down on the lip of the engine bay so you could reach it properly.
He took advantage of your position to stare at your ass, it’d been a long while since he’d seen it the way he wanted to. Maybe it was time for alittle convincing conversation, he thought as he discreetly adjusted his half-hard cock.
Snapping himself back to the current situation he joined you by standing on the drivers side tire and leaning over to explain what he needed you to do. Soon enough you’d extracted a small, but very heavy piece of the engine responsible for getting the exhaust fumes out the exhaust pipe in the back. Anakin explained that in older trucks like this one, these pieces crack and can cause fuel leaks.
“Great job baby.” He said proudly, helping you get down. “I might as well just hire you huh?” He laughed.
“You’re real funny.” You teased. “All I did was take out some bolts.”
“Yeah and that’s like a big chunk of mechanics sweetheart, you’re basically halfway there.” He teased. “It’d be good for you to learn this stuff anyway.”
“I don’t need to know ‘this stuff’ that’s what I have you for.” You said, watched a smirk cross Anakin’s lips.
Anakin raises an eyebrow, handing you a rag to wipe your hands off with. “I suppose you’re right about that doll, that’s alright though I don’t mind it.” He smiled.
You tossed the rag back to him and started to turn around with a little wave so you could get back on task. But Anakin had other plans.
He twisted the rag taut and whipped it quickly out straight at your ass and it connected with a dull *thwap*. You yelped and immediately covered your ass with your hands and spun around to face him with a red face.
“Anakin!” You squeaked, trying to sound stern but only sounding even more flustered than you looked.
"How about instead of you pounding the pavement, I start pounding something else?" His gaze shifts suggestively to your chest before meeting yours again, challenge gleaming in his eyes and a sly smirk on his lips.
“What are you trying to say Anakin?” You scoffed and crossed your arms.
You of course knew exactly what he meant, but it couldn’t hurt to play naive. What had happened between you in the past should probably stay there. It had nearly ruined your reputation during your senior year of highschool. One time, only once, someone caught a glimpse of Anakin sharing a far from fatherly congrats kiss with you in his car after your team won the regional volleyball tournament.
The damage control that came along after the news spread throughout your school and town was intense. Your mother chose to pretend not to hear the rumors and never even mentioned it to either of you. You refused to acknowledge it, Anakin did the same. A few weeks after that, you’d made the painful decision to end your inappropriate relationship; Anakin agreed it was for the best, but that didn’t mean either of you were happy about it.
Now you were in freshman year of college, trying out for track, aiming for the dean’s list, snagging any extra scholarships you could.
The thought was tempting, so so so tempting. You’d missed him. It’s so hard to love someone from a distance when you live in the same house. It was painful, gut wrenchingly painful to wean yourself off those goodnight kisses, the far too long hugs, the couch cuddles, those secret hot and heavy moments you snuck away for every chance you could.
’No.’ You said to yourself , ‘nope, not going there. I. Can’t. Do. That. Again.’
“What am I trying to say?" Anakin repeats, his face mimicking a forlorn puppy. “I miss you.”
“Anakin.” You warned, he can’t use that voice with you. You’d melt. You’d cave.
“Baby, please?” He took a hesitant step forward. “We don’t have to do anything
 I just- I miss being close to you.”
“But-“ you started and he held up his hand.
“It was a bad joke I know.” He said apologetically. “I just
 you know me I suck at talking about things.”
“It was a bad joke.” You agreed, a soft smile on your lips.
“I know what I said back then
 how you’d be better off finding someone your age. It’s true you know? But just cause it’s true doesn’t mean that’s what I actually want.” He whispered, leaning closer until his nose almost touches yours.
 we really shouldn’t.” You whispered. “You say ‘we don’t have to do anything’ but we both know how we’ll end up if we give in just alittle bit.”
“So you miss me too?” He asked, a little hint of emotion in his voice.
“You’ve always been so good at only hearing what you want to.” You sighed.
“No. I’m just really good at reading between the lines sweetheart.” He said softly, bringing a calloused hand to your cheek.
Anakin was letting his hand hover near your cheek, not quite touching it, just close enough that you could feel his warmth. The fact that he was giving you the choice of even such a small form of intimacy made you want it even more. Hesitantly you allowed the little bit of skin contact, his palm fitting to your cheek perfectly. His thumb rubbed ever so gently across your under-eye, so soothing that if you were to lay down right now, you’d be asleep in seconds.
A warm and genuine smile graced his lips, his eyes shining with adoration and joy that you’d allowed yourself this affection from him.
“I always did love when you wore my clothes.” He whispered, straightening the borrowed jacket back up onto your shoulder. “I like that you still do sometimes.” His tone of voice laced with a horrible longing.
There it was again. That voice. That look in his eyes that made your heart scream. You couldn’t help it, it must be some kind of baser instinct. The horribly painful urge to comfort and hold and love and kiss him when he did this. Or at least that’s what you told yourself.
“What are you thinkin’ doll?” He whispered, resting his forehead on yours. His thumb brushing your lower lip while his other hand slid down the fabric of your jacket to rest on your hip.
The respect he showed for your boundaries was always so endearing. Anyone else would’ve just went straight for the bare skin on your waist. It would’ve been so easy to slip his hand beneath the open jacket and squeeze the soft flesh like you knew he wanted to. But he didn’t.
“I’m thinking this is a real bad idea Ani.” You said quietly, even though you were actively inching closer.
“Probably.” He agreed, allowing you full control over the situation. He was itching to give you that kiss you so desperately wanted, but knew it wasn’t his choice. You had to decide.
“Mom would never forgive me.” You mumbled. Knowing that it was true, she turned a blind eye once in hopes of it being a horrible rumor spread by someone at your school. But if word got out a second time around? Game over.
“Mmm no. She wouldn’t.” Anakin whispered, his lips parted and he watched you tilt your chin up.
“It’s just gonna hurt us.” You whispered, your lips centimeters from his. It was taking every bit of control in his body to keep still.
“Like hell.” He agreed, his mouth practically watering as your lip barely gazed his.
“I was just getting over you.” You lied, a last ditch effort to right this wrong before it came to fruition.
“No you weren’t.” He breathed out, hot breath fanning over your wetted lips.
“No. I wasn’t.” You confirmed.
You stay there, your lips so close. Hovering just out of reach, your noses pressed together. The anxiety of waiting for your next move was getting to Anakin and he was trying. He really was trying to behave himself, but fuck you made it so hard on him.
You held your breath and dove in. Lips meeting in a searing kiss, hot and heavy from the very beginning. As if there were no other way to survive, as if you stopped you’d simply crumble to pieces.
Anakin let out a desperate groan and slipped his tongue into your mouth, past your smooth lips to massage your eager tongue. He hummed at the taste of you, having craved it for so long. Like an addict he was doomed the moment he felt your lips again.
Anakin was usually gentle, rough enough when you needed him to be, but right now? You’d never seen him so fucking feral.
He was breathing like he was gasping for air, hot breath from his mouth and nose as he tore the jacket off your shoulders and clumsily grabbed your chin to tilt your head back farther. Practically fucking your mouth with his tongue he walked you backward to his work bench. Cradling your head with one hand and his other was sliding up the back of your sports bra to sit heavy between your shoulder blades.
Your ass hit the wood of the table and he lifted you up and sat you down roughly, the legs scraping across the floor until it was pushed flush against the wall. Anakin’s hands were tight on your hips as he adjusted your angle so that you were perfectly lined up with the big throbbing bulge in his jeans.
He pressed against you, groaning when he realized he could feel the heat of your cunt through the thin fabric of your shorts. The delicious ‘mmm’s, ‘mph’s, and ‘uh’s of his relentless mouth on yours was dizzying. He was always so vocal and it was always so fucking hot. You swallowed those gorgeous little noises and returned the favorite with a whimper when he ground his cock against your core.
“Missed you baby.” He mumbled, his sticky kisses trailing down your jaw.
“Missed you Ani.” You parroted back in a breathy escape of air.
Your brain short circuited from the polar opposite contrast of his viscous lips, teeth and tongue on the sensitive skin of your neck, and the gentle caress of his rough hands on your sides and back.
“Please?” He asked, his index finger running back and forth across the waistband of your shorts.
You nodded, attempting to help him pull them down but he got impatient. So impatient that he grabbed his pocket knife and flipped out the blade quicker than you could blink. A loud *skrrrip* of the fabric left you bare. He’d even managed to get rid of your panties without you even realizing. You were too busy feeling your cunt contract around nothing as you gushed fresh arousal at his eagerness.
“S’fucking taking too damn long.” He grumbled, gently but firmly pushing you back to lie down on the table, his other hand flinging random tools, bolts and screws across the garage as he carelessly cleared a place for you.
His knife dipped under your bra at the valley of your breasts and sliced through it easily, allowing your tits to spill out for him to feast on. Anakin must’ve read your mind, because when he latched onto one of your nipples, tossing his knife aside to tweak the other, he mumbled. “I’ll buy you new ones.”
You would’ve laughed had you been capable of breathing correctly. He left your tits to grab your neck and firmly squeeze it, his tongue trailing down your stomach, circling your navel and then wasting no time at all with suctioning his pretty pink lips around your puffy little clit.
He whined and moaned like he was on the receiving end, the way he got pleasure from your pleasure was beautiful. Never had you seen anything like it. A man who loved pussy, correction: your pussy so much that he could stay buried there for hours. Like it was mutually beneficial, he’d rutted into your mattress for over an hour while tongue fucking you into oblivion once. When he finally relented he sat back on his heels to reveal white sticky smears across his thighs and lower stomach. He’d humped himself to orgasm just about as many times as he’d lovingly forced you to endure cumming for him.
This was different. This was pure unfiltered hunger. Both hands under your ass now, thumbs pulling your pussy lips apart so he could slurp and lick and destroy you as quickly as possible. He was moaning as if he’d found an oasis after days alone in the desert.
“C’mon baby.” He panted. “Give it to me. Give me what I need.”
His deep rumbling voice flowed through every fiber of your being and snapped the coil in your stomach before it could even finish winding up. He shoved two fingers in your mouth you silence your screams and you swore you could feel the man’s cocky little grin against you as he licked you clean.
“That’s it.” He panted, standing up and licking his lips. He pulled his sweat soaked work shirt off his body and wiped his mouth with it.
“Turn over sweetheart.” He commanded, eyes on fire as he whipped off his belt and dropped his grease stained jeans down around his thighs.
You quickly complied, your toes barely touching the ground as the dull edge of the table bit into your hips. Anakin grabbed both asscheeks and jiggled them. You heard him groan right before a loud *smack* echoed in the garage, a stinging slap that would surely leave a red mark.
You cried out, not in pain, but in need. He knew you loved that and he loved to watch what happens after he spanks you. He pulled your asscheeks apart and watched with his tongue folded over his top row of teeth, the tip hiding behind his top lip as your pussy leaked creamy slick down to your puffy folds.
He bent down, hands still firm on your ass to kiss your dripping hole gently before spitting a fat blob of saliva there for good measure. You heard a rustle of fabric before his sweaty tshirt was tossed over your head and forced into your mouth as a gag, Anakin’s big strong hand gripped the two ends together behind your head like reins.
Without warning he shoved his cock into your tight little pussy and pushed down on your lower back with his forearm to keep you still as he pounded into you.
“Sorry doll.” He panted, hips slapping against the backs of your thighs in a sweaty sticky mess. “Gotta make sure no one can hear you sing for me.”
You could hear the grin in his words, you could feel the unbridled lust seeping into your skin from his closeness. His cock bullying your soft gummy walls, he’d gotten you off. Now it was his turn, and he was going to use you until he burst.
“Missed this so much.” He breathed out, his voice hoarse.
“Thought about you every day. Not just the sex.” He admitted. “You. Just you baby. I love you.”
“Fuckin’ love you.” He grunted, huffing and gritting the words out through his teeth.
“Love this pussy.” Each syllable punctuated by a deep and brutal stroke.
“Mine.” He groaned, his hips stuttering. “Mine. I don’t give a fuck.”
“You hear me?” He asked, pulling on the gag to lift your head. He grabbed a hand full of hair along with it and nodded your head for you. “Yeah ‘course you do princess.”
“Don’t care what anyone says.” He whined, his hips snapping faster.
“God damnit.” He panted heavily, his forehead dropped to the dip under your shoulder blade, a hot breathy open mouth kiss placed there.
His fore arm left your lower back to brace himself against the wall, without the weight of him holding you in place you were helpless to the onslaught of rough thrusts, the table swaying and creaking under the force of his cock drilling into your poor abused cunt.
He’d fucked you stupid, you felt delirious, your head spinning as though your were drunk. You supposed you were, cockdrunk that is. You couldn’t tell up from down, or left from right. The only thing on your mind was Anakin.
You moaned it, screamed it, cried it out with big salty tears soaking the drool and sweat stained shirt caught between your teeth. He was right. He was fucking the living daylights out of you and it would’ve been a real shame if someone had called the cops in worry that you were being murdered.
“Fuck sweetheart. You hear me?” He laughed. “Poor thing. Fucked you senseless huh?”
Had he been talking? He’d been speaking to you and you hadn’t heard a word. You were too busy trying to hold onto the very thin string tethering you to reality.
“Sweet little hole’s been leaking down those pretty thighs of yours. You’re cumming and didn’t even know it baby.” He teased. “Does it just feel that good?”
“So good you can’t tell what’s what? All just one big orgasm huh?” He said, the authority in his tone mixed with condescension was so so sweet.
Your eyes rolled back in your head and you went limp again. Oh shit, he was right. What the hell had he done to you? Your body felt on fire, your cunt almost numb from the onslaught of relentless forced orgasms. No wonder you were so completely out of it. He really had fucked you senseless. You could finally hear yourself, truly hear yourself now that Anakin had brought you back down to earth, and god were you loud.
His hips stuttered, his thrusts getting sloppy as he got closer and closer to the finish line.
“Where do you want it huh?” He asked you, not really expecting an answer. He was gonna fuck his cum into you regardless.
“On this juicy ass?” He asked, squeezing it hard, you frantically shook your head.
“No? Where then?” He taunted. “Your mouth? On those pretty lips? Your hair? No
 couldn’t be that baby, you hate that.” He laughed. He was enjoying this power trip way too much.
You whined and squirmed under him your words muffled as you helplessly begged for him to please just cum inside.
He must’ve gotten sick of making himself wait, because the next thing he said was, “Oh I know
 you want it riiiight there huh?”
He panted, as he held his hips flush against you, his cock unloading rope after rope of hot cum. He gently released you from the gag, a breathy laugh escaping him when you lazily collapsed on the table.
“C’mon sweetheart, let me clean you up hmm?” He said, his voice deep as he tugged up his jeans.
You tried to hop down from the table but every square inch of you was exhausted and throughly used to the point that you were boneless. Anakin stopped you with a soft kiss on your spine, spreading your cunt open again he thrust his tongue deep inside, sucking his cum and your juices from your spent hole.
That’s when you heard gravel crunching under tires up the length of your driveway.
Part Two
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love-toxin · 2 years
thinking of your plagas leon fic again and ideas

It’s hard to enjoy the nice starry night when running away from an infected soldier. You escaped from the castle’s walls before he could finish counting to 10 and you run to the nearest exit and that turns out to be the courtyard.
The lush green of your surroundings helping hide you, it was a perfect hideout. It also helped that before Plagas had Leon in the palm of its hands, he and you cleared out all that had stalked the courtyard’s bushes. The serenity of the green courtyard really set in with the moonlight cascading onto its plants, while the stars shone brightly in the night sky. The buzzing of various native insects was only things you could hear, with the exception of your beating heart in your ears. It seemed so peaceful, and the reality of your dire situation never really set in. But the familiar sounds of Leon’s gun popping in the humid night air broke your momentary relaxation. The sounds are getting increasingly clear as he gets closer to you. You take one more deep breath before making a break for the marble bridge that connects both sides of the courtyard. Gaining distance between the infected Leon and yourself seemed to be the only thing that prevented your inevitable demise. As you started to run the way the path headed, you were instantly stopped by a CLANK! coming from your right foot and it instantly felt like a bone was broken. Your brain was almost overwhelmed at what you saw next.
An iron bear trap had sunk its teeth into your leg. The pain was excruciating and you let out a bloodcurdling scream. Even though Leon most likely was instantly notified of your location, you didn’t care, you needed that damn thing off and fast. Blood was flowing down your leg and onto the iron teeth staining it in the process. The knife! Instantly reaching down to your side, you find it empty of the knife that you momentarily stole from Leon. You instantly freeze, cringing at the memory of you nicking not-Leon in his handsome face. Foresight was a fickle bitch. More noises arise as you can hear someone’s heavy footsteps rapidly approaching, crunching the grass beneath every step. Your breathing becomes uneven and its rapid. He’s coming. The crunching is getting closer. The world around you is spinning. The footsteps are even closer. You’re going through shock. Your blood is dripping into the grass and blood loss is getting to you. As you set your head on grass, you start to try and make amends before you pass. It was your fault that Leon had been infected. Had he not been so worried with you, he probably wouldn’t have been infected and you wouldn’t currently be dying after risking your life trying to escape the very same man who became infected in your place.
I’m so sorry Leon
 It’s all my fault.
Your vision starts to blur and go dark. The peaceful night sky had stars that twinkled brightly in it. The pale moonlight cascaded across your injured body. The cold plants of the courtyard, you failed to escape, cradled your cold and bloodied body. The blurry darkness in your vision consumed you, with your ears picking up one last crunch.
Your head pounded and your foot throbbed with a dull pain. Wait you were alive? Jolting up in surprise, earning you a painful jolt throughout your body, your surroundings are more than familiar. You were stuck in that dammed castle again. The fire roared in the fireplace next to you, it’s flame brought you warmth. The room was dimly lit by it and sitting in the chair in the corner of the room was an awfully familiar and handsome face. “Oh? Look who decided to wake up from her thousand year nap.”
BRO JUST DROPPING A WHOLE FIC IN MY INBOX !!!!!! đŸ„”đŸ„” i wanna.....wanna be chased.....imagine Leon sitting far from you because the smell of your blood makes him so needy, and bandaging your wound was almost enough to make him pounce on you.....but now he has all the time in the world to spend with you as you recover đŸ€Ș
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mooifyourecows · 3 years
Ah! Could you do 18 and 56 for daisuga? I'm a sucker for a circus fic and I live for how you write daichi and suga
Let’s take a looksy here... 18 is Circus AU and 56 is Awful First Meeting Oh my GOOOOOOD i love first meetings so much đŸ€€ this one is gonna be fun af
Okay okay okay lemme think for a minute....
Alright. so. First thing that comes to mind is Suga is in the circus and Daichi is not in the circus
BUT i like to go against the first thing that comes to mind because it’s more fun that way.
so insteeeeaaad... let’s say Daichi is the one in the circus and Suga is like... running away from home or something
okay so Daichi is a circus performer. What does he do? some options: lion tamer/animal training (humane training of course. like maybe he rescues mistreated animals from bad circuses and rehabilitates them or something, i dunno, that’s a slippery slope), knife throwing, trapeze, aerial acrobatics (either on hoops, straps, or silks), bullwhip (ïżœïżœ), something with fire (fire juggling/eating, etc), lasso, tightrope, or of course he could be the Ringmaster
Uggghhhh decisions are so hard! I want him to do all of the above because that’s hot but hmmm lemme try and narrow it down. đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”
alrighty so i’m thinking... Daichi uses the bullwhip as well as the lasso, and he often does it on other surfaces. like the tightrope, Russian swing, teeterboard, slackwire, that big wheel of death thingy, those balls that they stand on and roll around, etc. and sometimes the whip/lasso is on fire and he does know how to breathe fire and does that on occasion too. but he’s ALSO trained in some of the acrobatic things like trapeze and aerial and such. (yes, i’ve decided that he and Iwa definitely do some Wheel of Death stuff together because hot. Here’s a video of that in case you have no idea what i’m talkin about, there’s some flashing lights at the beginning so beware) (and he does a show where he lassos two clowns, Makki and Mattsun, and it’s very popular both for the lasso tricks and the wacky clown antics)(like i dunno if you’ve seen lasso tricks but Here’s a video of this guy named Loop Rawlins who does some cool stuff)
okey dokey so Daichi has been in the circus since he was birthed. his parents were circus performers and they took him on the road and taught him their skills. his mom was all about the bullwhip/lasso and other dexterous stuff like that. ya know like juggling and diabolo and devil sticks and poi spinning and risley and that sorta thing. and then his dad was more acrobatic and did the trapeze and wheel of death and aerial type stuff 
So Daichi has a lot of circus skill. and he can stand in for performers if they’re injured or sick. there, i found a way to make him good at everything. i’m amazing
alright so the circus is in town one week. Suga is Fed Up with his life. everything sucks, ya know? he’s got big powerful/rich parents who put too much pressure on him and try to plan out his whole life. they want him to be like... a lawyer or a doctor or CEO or something like that to Make the Family Proud but he’s like uuuuggghhh i don’t wanna!!! 
so one night, he goes to the circus and wow it’s so wild and fun and amazing like WOW (and it doesn’t hurt that the hottie with the body doing lasso and whip tricks is wearing a super tight costume that accentuates his thighs and ass and everything else like *whistle* Suga is living LARGE)
so naturally, Suga is enraptured and he’s just like wow this is how i wanna live my life, seriously, i wanna do this shit it looks so wild and fast and exciting and dangerous. no school, no annoying parents, no strict professional expectations. just traveling around, being a master at a craft that is very much Not Useful but still incredible to watch
he’s been joking for years that he’s totes gonna “run away and join the circus” but this is the first time that he’s Actually Considering it
so on the last night of the circus, Suga decides to see if he can get a job. honestly he is open to anything. he will carry their bags or bring them coffee man he doesn’t care, so long as he gets to hit the road with a bunch of sexy performers.
everyone is pretty tired after the final show of the week but the lifestyle doesn’t wait for relaxation so the crew is already getting to work tearing everything down and packing it up. Daichi just wants to sit down and rest but he catches sight of some of the performers (Noya and Tanaka) inching their way to the door, no doubt to go explore the city like they ALWAYS try to do, even though Daichi tells them No.
So Daichi reluctantly gets his lasso and goes after him. Except oops, Noya and Tanaka see him and TAKE OFF
Now it’s a CHASE. Daichi goes running after them because there’s no way in HELL he’s letting them ditch out on packing while the rest of them do all the work. 
The chase spans over the fairgrounds where the circus set up shop for the week. Daichi loses sight of them for a moment but then, aha, he sees movement in the shadows behind one of the trucks. Caught ‘em.
Daichi throws his lasso, snags the figure hiding in the shadows around the feet, and YANKS. They go down, WHOMP, and Daichi just starts DRAGGING them out from behind the truck and back in the direction of the tent, lecturing the ENTIRE way there.
It’s not until he’s inside the tent, tugging his prey in after him, that he realizes that it’s neither Noya nor Tanaka.
he just lassoed a random dude and then dragged him through the grass and dirt for like... fifty meters, nagging him about responsibility
oh, and to make matters worse, he’s a cutie with a booty like damn as if it weren’t already hard enough to find love when living with a traveling circus, now he’s lassoing cute guys and kidnapping them? how embarrassing
Needless to say, it’s an Awful First Meeting. Suga is all dirty and bruised and confused and Daichi is embarrassed and ashamed but also still pissed because that means Noya and Tanaka are STILL OUT THERE.
Daichi’s like “SORRY, but you’re not supposed to be here so fuck off” 
then he just storms off into the night again to hunt Noya and Tanaka down, leaving Suga sitting there in the dirt as circus people mill about, packing things up.
while he’s sitting there, the Ringmaster (uhhh Oikawa?) comes up and is like “why are you just sitting there? there’s stuff to be packed! Get going!”
Suga is corralled off with the crew and put to work. well, that’s what he wanted, so he doesn’t complain. maybe he can just blend in with the others and they’ll have no choice but to hire him once they’re several cities over 👀
Eventually, Daichi notices him. But yes, they are already in the next city when it happens. he just sees some crew member doing a very Bad job setting out Daichi’s whips and lassos and other stuff and he’s like “yo, is this your first rodeo??” 
and then he recognizes him.
“Hey wait a second... aren’t you that guy I lassoed?”
Suga’s like “yeah you guys kidnapped me, can i get my name on the payroll now?”
Commence Suga joining the circus and being totally awestruck by Daichi and they slowly fall in love. there would absolutely definitely be moments when Daichi is teaching Suga circus stuff, taking him on the big trampoline and the trapeze and other shit. maybe Suga unlocks a certain talent in knife throwing or something like that and actually earns a spot in the performances and he and Daichi can do some PARTNER SHIT and it’s super romantic and also sexy 👀👀
uhhh and there’d be some drama eventually. like Suga’s rich, powerful parents probably find him and accuse the circus of kidnapping him and there’s like a big criminal investigation and Suga has to finally stand up to his family like NAH I’M A CIRCUS CLOWN NOW, HONK HONK
and they live happily ever after the end đŸ–€
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