#there was no soap and water that day Christ had only his fishing bucket to wet her podiatry
gonzodangerfeels · 2 months
It's Rays because if it was ra's it would have to be down in the keys
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Okay, so @funky-little-twinket and I think Tumblr ate the fic we were searching for, if it was for sure in fact one of mine, so I’ve written a new version sort of? My take on the plot concept that could be remembered? 
Except it’s like straight up Snaf/Sledge/Sid in this lol, not just playing near it. And notably, this one will be backed up to the masterlist and AO3 right away (you try eating this fic now Tumblr, you ass.) 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
In all fairness, it was on them. They shouldn’t have let it get as bad as it has. 
But then again, it was perhaps one of the least fun parts of owning a house (short of when something broke, or the yard needed upkeep.) And how the fuck could one place accumulate so much dust and dirt anyway, was the real question that seemed to have no answer. 
“Why do we even have this many shelves?” Snafu scoffed as he dusted another. “Who needs this much of...anything, really? What if we just took everything down, do you think there’d be less to do then?” 
“Not exactly. I think we’d just end up with more dust and whatnot all over the floors,” Eugene said. “Do we really want that?” 
“No,” Snafu sighed. “Why did we wait so long to do this again?” 
“Well, it was fishing last weekend.” 
“Extremely necessary, we still have left over fish to eat,” Snafu said.
“And then the weekend before, Mary and Sid needed help installing those cabinets.” 
“Can’t leave a good friend in a bad spot,” Snafu said. “By the by, did he...talk to her, yet?” 
It was something of the elephant in the room, and had been for a few weeks now. Sid had approached them, out of the blue, to ask if they’d ever accepted a third into their bed, and if so, would they be interested in him. 
What it came down to, of course, was that while yes, they would, that yes didn’t stand unless Mary knew and was willing to share her husband. 
“Not a clue,” Eugene said. “He kept telling me he’d talk to her this week, for sure. But I don’t know. Maybe if we were there the day he tells her? But I feel like that only helps him, and might make it worse for her...not really sure how she’ll react either, if I’m honest.” 
“She seems open,” Snafu said. “And accepting. Maybe she’ll be fine with it?” 
“All I know is, much as I love him, I’m not letting us do anything with him if it’s gonna rip his marriage apart,” Eugene muttered. “They gotta work that out themselves, you know?” 
Snafu nodded, and they kept at their work. 
“At least we get to be outside?” Eugene tried, hoping to get a smile from Snafu. 
He only nodded, and handed Eugene a sponge. “God, that’s disgusting. We let this go too long, just like the house.” 
Eugene could only shrug. The car was a mess, and he wasn’t exactly that much more gung-ho to be cleaning it, but it wasn’t going to clean itself. 
“It is nice out,” Snafu admitted begrudgingly as they started, as much warm soapy water ending up on the car as it did on them, with half-tired swipes back and forth from the bucket of water. 
“It is,” Eugene agreed, and tossed his shirt off and onto the lawn. 
“You’re gonna burn,” Snafu warned. 
“Worth it,” Eugene smiled. “Better than sweating to death.” 
“Is it really? Sweat can be cleaned off, but sunburn...” 
“Maybe you’ll just need to keep me covered then,” Eugene said softly, and watched as Snafu grinned. 
“And how exactly will the car get cleaned if I’m doing that?” 
“Not my problem,” Eugene said. “You’ll have to multitask. And so will I. You up for it?” 
Snafu’s shirt joined his on the lawn, and his lips crashed to Eugene’s, and that was the perfect answer to Eugene. 
There was a spot behind the car that gave them just enough room to lay on the lawn rather than the gravel driveway, but even if they’d been on the rocks, there wouldn’t have been much that could have distracted them from their...task. 
“Hey, I-oh Christ, sorry.” 
Except Sid. 
“No need to be sorry,” Snafu took a breath from kissing Eugene, but didn’t move from straddling him. “How goes it, Sid?” 
“I told her.” 
Eugene tried to find a way to twist about so he could catch Sid’s eye, try and see what his expression might give away about the situation. “And?” 
“She was just waiting for me to tell her,” Sid said breathlessly. “Apparently she’s always figured I was interested in more than just her...and figured you might play a role in that.” 
“So...she’s okay with this? I mean, if you play with us, on occasion?” Snafu asked. 
Sid nodded. “She said if you wanna hear it from her, to just give her a call, and if you wanna do that now...” 
Snafu smirked. “You can’t wait, can you?” 
Sid blushed deeper than Eugene could ever recall having seen him do, and looked to his feet. “I mean, I did run here.” 
“You have a car!” Eugene laughed. 
“I do,” Sid replied. “Which Mary is gonna use after she gets the call from you two so she can go to...well. You know her old friend, Carol?” 
They nodded. 
“You know how upset Carol was when we got married?” 
“Yeah, I-Oh,” Eugene said. “Oh, you mean-” 
“Turns out she’s got no problem with an open marriage, so long as it’s just me with you two and her with Carol,” Sid said. “She was too nervous to ask me about it, just like I was too nervous to ask her till now about me and you guys...” 
“Y’all are a pair,” Snafu chuckled. “You must be sweatin’ to death though, running all the way here.” 
Sid shrugged. “Not so bad. Could always be even hotter.” 
“I don’t think you’re catching me,” Snafu said gently, moving off of Eugene to stand in front of Sid, letting a hand fall to his hip. “We’re awful warm too, you know?” 
A look of realization hit Sid’s face, and he nodded.
“Think a shower would do us all good,” Eugene said, standing and quickly hosing the remaining soap off of the car. “This could be finished tomorrow, don’t you think, Sid?” 
He nodded again, rapid and maybe a little bit nervous. Eugene watched as Sid’s hand moved to cover Snafu’s at his hip. 
“No rush,” Snafu said. “Eugene told me about before, you and him. It’s been awhile, and we’ve got all the time in the world. So if there’s anything that’s too much, not what you want, all you have to do is-” 
Sid cut him off with a kiss, hard, and it made Eugene giggle even as it made him want to join in. 
“Let’s get inside before you get too wild, okay?” 
Sid broke away from Snafu, and looked fearfully out to the road. “Sorry.” 
“Don’t have to be sorry,” Snafu smiled. “I don’t know what it is about Mobile, but god, they make the boys good here. How did I get so lucky?” 
Eugene rolled his eyes and smiled, and gave them both a soft push at the back. “Go on. Inside. Then we can have some fun.” 
They made it into the front hall, only for Sid to stop. “Mary’s expecting your call first.” 
“Right, right,” Eugene snagged the phone off the hook, and dialed while he watched Snafu keep Sid preoccupied. 
It rang for only a moment. 
“He made it?” Mary said before Eugene could greet her. “I told him I could give him a ride, but he was so excited to go see y’all he took off before I could insist on it!” 
“Yeah, he’s here,” Eugene replied. “So, you and Carol...” 
She laughed. “Sid knew, before we married of course, just like I knew about him and you. I think we both figured we’d feel settled enough once we got married but-” 
She clicked her tongue. “I guess we both need a little bit of variety. End of the day, we know we’re coming home to each other, and that’s what matters.” 
“I’m glad it’s all worked out,” Eugene said. “You need him home by a certain time?” 
“No, for the first night we decided a sleep over would be good. So long as you two don’t mind, of course.” 
“I think we can keep him for a night,” Eugene smiled, chuckling as Sid bit back a moan, Snafu’s lips at his neck. 
“You have to share him, you know,” Eugene said as he set down the phone. 
“I will, I will,” Snafu insisted, even as his hands trailed at Sid’s hips, pulling the edges of his shirt up. “Be patient.” 
Yet as soon as they were in the bedroom, it took no time all for clothes to shed and the comforter to be tossed aside to make room for them. 
It was achingly familiar, Sid’s hands on his skin, his lips warm and soft, thighs straddling his hips, and he was grateful that Snafu seemed content to watch them for now. 
“I missed this,” Sid hummed. “Thank you for this, for...” 
His eyes shifted from Eugene’s, moving downward. “For not hating me for drifting away like I did. I thought-I don’t know. I didn’t even know if any of us would be coming home. I didn’t want to be hanging onto something that wasn’t going to be there ever again.” 
“Good thing I’m here then,” Eugene said. There was more to say, more hurt to address. How he’d questioned if they’d ever had anything meaningful after he’d met Sid overseas, seen how much he’d changed. How things hadn’t quite slipped perfectly back to ‘normal’ after he’d gotten back. 
But then, they’d all changed. 
Snafu broke the odd silence that settled. “You let us know what you want, what you’re comfortable with. Can always have you back over another night for whatever else you might want.” 
Sid nodded. “I was so certain I wouldn’t even get this chance; I barely know what I want.” 
“Start slow then,” Snafu said. “Eugene usually likes my mouth busy and quiet-” 
“Not all the time,” Eugene interrupted. 
“True, but all the same, I’d like my mouth occupied right now, if you catch my drift,” Snafu continued. “You mind obliging me, Sid?” 
Sid nodded, then gasped at Snafu’s mouth on his cock. “Doesn’t waste time, does he?” 
Eugene shook his head, as he remembered the first blow job he’d gotten from Snafu. “Where do you want me?” 
“Where do you want to be?” 
He gestured for Snafu to let up for a moment, and moved so Sid could lay beside him. 
There, Snafu could switch between them as he pleased, and he had as much access to Sid as he liked. 
Because truly, so much of what he loved of it was just being able to kiss Sid, while his hands lingered on his hips and chest. It was almost like it had been before, in the fields near his house, when war and service and death and fear hadn’t touched them, weren’t even near them. 
However, a tap on his thigh and the sight of Snafu rubbing at his jaw let him know he needed to trade spots, and the view there was perfect too. 
He knew well how amazing it felt to kiss Snafu, but watching Sid melt under his husband’s hands and lips was something else. 
And Sid only blushed more, moaned more, when Eugene took his cock into his mouth. That was something he’d not gotten to do for him before, and he regretted that he’d missed out on it for so long. 
“Jesus Christ,” Sid muttered in between a kiss. “We’ve got all night, but I’m not gonna make it with you two doing that.” 
“We’ve had practice,” Snafu grinned. “Good practice.” 
“Snaf,” Eugene scolded jokingly. 
“Lots of practice, in fact.” 
“Would it be easier if you took a turn with us?” Snafu interrupted Eugene to ask Sid.
Sid nodded, and Eugene traded spots yet again.
“You do look awfully gorgeous there,” Eugene sighed. 
Sid smiled up at him, then promptly licked a stripe up his cock. 
He gasped, only to have his mouth preoccupied with Snafu’s lips and tongue. 
“I’m not gonna last all night either,” he managed when Snafu stopped for a breath. 
“We’ll take a break, then start again later,” Snafu said with a shrug. “Like I said, there’s no rush. We’ve got all night together, and I bet we’ll have even more after this, whenever Mary can spare Sid here. Right, Sid?” 
Sid let Eugene’s cock slip from his mouth, and nodded. “Absolutely.” 
“You can make up for lost time,” Snafu said softly. “We all can.” 
He let his head fall onto Snafu’s shoulder as Sid started again on his cock, and Snafu laughed. 
“Bet you five dollars he’ll only last another minute.” 
Eugene smirked and lifted his head just enough for Snafu to hear him. “You gonna keep that mouth busy and kiss me, or what?” 
The last hard kiss from Snafu combined with Sid’s efforts was all it took, and he resisted the urge to pull at Sid’s hair as he came. 
Sid was up and in his arms in another moment, lips at his neck and collar bone. “Why did I wait so long to join you two?” 
“Not a clue,” Eugene sighed happily. “But I’m glad you’re here now.” 
“As am I,” Snafu said, and started to readjust so he could reach Sid’s cock.
“No, let me,” Sid smiled. “You can get me back later tonight.” 
“Be happy to,” Snafu murmured, and his lips found Eugene’s again as Sid kissed his way down to his cock. 
He did his best to kiss Snafu breathless until he came, adjusting only when Snafu wiggled away and gestured for Sid to take his place. 
He wrapped an arm around Sid as he settled beside him, and pressed kisses to his lips, his neck, his collar bone, anywhere he could reach, while Sid’s hand slipped down to gently pull at Snafu’s curls. 
Sid came with a shaky sigh, pressing his face against Eugene’s shoulder and chest as he did. 
“You ready for the rest of the night?” Snafu asked as Sid’s cock slid from his mouth. 
“In a minute,” Sid laughed. “Think you can wait for me?” 
“We could go finish the car,” Eugene said, wincing at Snafu’s glare. “Kidding! We can do that tomorrow.” 
“Much later, tomorrow,” Snafu said. “We’ll get you breakfast first, and drive you back home.” 
Sid snuggled in between them as Snafu moved back to them, and giggled at the slight lack of space. “You do that, and I just might make it a habit to spend nights with you.” 
“You think Mary would mind?” Eugene asked.
“She’s already planned on working up a calendar,” Sid replied. “I’ll make sure y’all get a copy...as I take it y’all want me back?” 
“I don’t think we could ever go back to not having a turn with you,” Snafu answered. “Gene?” 
“As long as Mary will share, we’ll have you, and you can have us,” Eugene said. “Far as I’m concerned, I’ve got everything I could have ever dreamed of wanting right here in bed with me.” 
“You always this sappy right after?” Sid teased.
“He is,” Snafu said. “I love it.” 
“So do I,” Sid sighed. 
They were clean enough to stay in the bed as they were, and Eugene didn’t bother to set an alarm. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if they didn’t get him back until the afternoon, or if the rest of the cleaning didn’t get done until the next evening. The most important parts of his life were already half-asleep beside him, and that was all he cared about. 
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fact2know-com · 4 years
Night burials amid Tanzania’s coronavirus defiance
Image copyright AFP
Image caption A efficiency artist dubbed the “Tanzanian Joker” has been elevating consciousness in regards to the virus
Videos of night time burials had been circulating on social media in Tanzania inflicting some to name into query the federal government’s method to the coronavirus pandemic.
The pictures displays the funerals going down underneath tight safety with folks dressed in non-public protecting apparatus and only a few mourners in attendance.
Opposition politicians and activists consider it can be a part of cover-up through the government who’ve no longer been freeing common updates on coronavirus.
Unlike different international locations, Tanzania has no longer opted for strict lockdown measures despite the fact that mass gatherings at funerals, like weddings, had been banned.
But the secretive nature of the filmed burials is fuelling hypothesis that the actual scale of infections across the nation is being hidden.
“I don’t want to feel like the government is hiding something. I want it to perform its role. Right now, we are witnessing a lot of mourning, burials and dead bodies everywhere,” mentioned opposition chief Zitto Kabwe.
“Without transparency, the citizens will be more scared, which may cause even more deaths.”
Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has cautioned towards spreading worry, announcing no longer all deaths will have to be attributed to coronavirus.
The East African country has recorded 480 circumstances of Covid-19 and 16 deaths.
Doing the ‘Wuhan shake’
The executive’s major precedence seems to be retaining the financial system going as President John Magufuli refuses to countenance the closure of markets or the profitable port within the business hub of Dar es Salaam.
He was once one of the vital first global leaders to prevent shaking arms in early March – being pictured exchanging the “Wuhan shake” foot greeting with an opposition flesh presser.
Image copyright State House Tanzania
Image caption John Magufuli (R) was once one of the vital first leaders to do the “Wuhan shake”
On the similar day UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, after a talk over with to a medical institution, declared he would proceed to shake arms – and later shrunk coronavirus.
But probably the most Tanzanian chief’s attitudes to the hazards of coronavirus have led to controversy – although the ones accustomed to his management taste will not be shocked – and his nickname, “The Bulldozer”, hints at his authoritarian nature.
‘Go to church for therapeutic’
Mr Magufuli has insisted that folks will have to nonetheless cross to puts of worship to search out “true healing” – in spite of those being spaces the place social distancing is hard to observe.
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Some church buildings have stopped products and services, however many are nonetheless packed on Sundays
During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, mosques are open for prayers although the meal eaten to damage the short can best be introduced as a takeaway.
While attending church a number of weeks in the past, the president, a religious Catholic who has a PhD in chemistry, termed coronavirus a “devil”.
“It cannot live in the body of Christ. It will burn instantly,” he mentioned.
The president has continuously requested voters to show to prayers, with the federal government even atmosphere apart days to take action.
Are face mask secure?
He has additionally stopped the disinfection of public puts, suggesting that chlorine spraying is also answerable for a upward push in Covid-19 circumstances in Dar es Salaam.
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Market had been instructed to have hand-washing amenities
“There isn’t any disinfectant that kills coronavirus. This disinfection that was once accomplished in Dar es Salaam is stupidity…. Such an workout best removes mosquitoes, fleas and cockroaches.
“What if [the spray] has coronavirus in it.”
There is a debate in regards to the effectiveness of spraying diluted bleach outdoor, which towns around the globe had been doing, because it breaks down underneath ultraviolet (UV) gentle – although there’s no advice that the follow will unfold the virus.
More about coronavirus and Africa:
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Media captionCoronavirus: How Covid-19 is affecting remittances to Africa
What African nations are doing to help people eat
Why lockdowns may not be the answer in Africa
The president has additionally wondered the security of a few apparatus: “Even on the testing kits, the face masks that we are importing, we must ask ourselves, are we sure they are safe for our people?”
He would like home-grown answers and has steered the well being ministry imagine neem leaves, referred to as “mwarubaini” – which means “40 cures” – through boiling them with onions and getting sufferers to inhale the steam.
On Sunday, he mentioned that Tanzania would import a herbal tonic touted by Madagascar’s President Andry Rajoelina as a remedy for coronavirus.
The World Health Organization (WHO) says there’s no remedy for Covid-19 and has suggested towards self-medication.
No, hot steam is not a cure for coronavirus
Mr Magufuli additionally solid doubt at the credibility of the nationwide laboratory the place samples are examined, announcing that he had secretly had some animals and end result examined and {that a} papaya (paw-paw), a quail and a goat had all examined certain.
“That means there is possibility for technical errors or these imported reagents have issues,” he mentioned, with out giving extra element.
The guy who ‘became bullets into water’
Mr Magufuli’s movements have on some web boards been likened to Kinjeketile Ngwale, a spirit medium who united Tanzanians within the Maji Maji Rebellion towards German colonial profession originally of the 20th Century.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption The Maji Maji Rebellion towards German colonialists failed
He may be a nationalist hero however his promise that German bullets would change into water (or “maji” in Swahili) became out to not be true and lots of hundreds died within the battle.
The WHO is excited to peer that the East African country has taken some measures towards coronavirus, corresponding to final faculties and schools.
Though it says the truth that this was once best accomplished in mid-March, after the primary case was once introduced, method a possibility was once misplaced to sluggish the unfold of the virus.
Image copyright AFP
Image caption There is little adherence to social distancing in Dar es Salaam
“Certainly in Tanzania we have observed that physical distancing, including the prohibition of mass gatherings, took some time to happen and we believe that these might have been probable factors that led to a rapid increase in cases there,” mentioned Matshidiso Moeti, the WHO’s regional director for Africa.
And whilst wearing and social actions aren’t allowed, for many institutions it’s industry as standard.
High-end eating places and resorts is also required to simply promote takeaway meals, however maximum different cafes are nonetheless operational, with out a distancing in any respect.
Public delivery continues to be operating, and retaining one’s distance from fellow passengers is close to unattainable.
‘People are scared’
At Dar es Salaam’s fish marketplace there are water bins and cleaning soap to be had on the front, however once more social-distancing necessities aren’t being adopted, and no longer many of us put on face mask.
Image copyright AFP
Image caption It was once industry as standard at this marketplace in Dar es Salaam in mid-April
Fishmonger Juma Issa is excited that the town has no longer long past into lockdown as he must paintings to improve his circle of relatives, however fears that some shoppers are staying away of their very own accord.
“I know this is a serious pandemic and I work here in a fish market which can be so dangerous with lots of people coming – I believe people are scared to come here,” he instructed the BBC.
He desires the federal government to verify hygiene regulations are noticed in order that shoppers really feel secure.
It is a view echoed through Mohammed Khamis in Zanzibar, who says his native mosque isn’t doing sufficient to offer protection to folks.
“I found a bucket of water with no soap. The mosque is not disinfected before and after the prayers,” he instructed the BBC.
The religious Muslim, who prays 5 occasions an afternoon, mentioned he had now stopped going to the mosque on account of the loss of hygiene.
And with the deaths of 3 MPs in lower than two weeks, the primary opposition Chadema celebration, which has been calling for parliamentary classes to be suspended for a while, has banned its contributors from parliament and instructed them to self-isolate for no less than two weeks.
There has been no advice through the government that the deaths are related to coronavirus, however the transfer is a mirrored image of the mistrust spreading in regards to the dealing with of the pandemic.
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from WordPress https://www.fact2know.com/2020/05/04/night-burials-amid-tanzanias-coronavirus-defiance/
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