#they complain to each other over it while aggressively doing dishes
Shout-out to everyone who survived a "fun" easter with the family
#fucking hell#it started with finding out my dad smoked in my car when I picked up my sister#who was equally dreading the day#my mum turns into the world's tensest and judgemental presence. worsened by my aunt#then hell for autistic people (of which there are multiple present)#multiple deaf people means one uninspired conversation that isn't interesting in any way.#combinations of passive aggressiveness and people not saying a thing because they can't participate. voice volumes too damn high#weirdass food situations. Very full table. so many smells.#this goes on for over an hour. wishing for literally anything but being there. soul crushing.#then you still have to sit in that room for 2.5 hours. it just goes on and on.#my autistic deaf dad physically looks like how I feel. my mum and aunt keep piling on top of him to demand his mental presence#i leave the room once (to get my phone to show pictures to my uncle) and am immediately followed upstairs by my mum#who demands I don't leave the room (What's next. following me when I need the toilet?)#me and my sister are so bored we start throwing paper planes and fake fighting.#Which amuses the bored and the deaf#but of course my mum and aunt have opinions and this is not allowed. only soul crushing boredom allowed#they complain to each other over it while aggressively doing dishes#finally it ends because my mum and aunt start insisting my dad should go to bed if he's 'that tired'. *sprinkle on some additional ableism*#still sitting through a conversation about allergies one of my sister's friends has. my mum preaching that people should take that seriously#(meanwhile i had to cook for myself for 9 years because when my allergies were really bad no one bothered to check if i could eat something)#me and my sister go sit upstairs to discover our mum has made things we care about vanish in her room#and made things appear that should not be there#I've washed the interior of my car and hope the smell will go#you think it's over after that. but woke up with the realisation that even more things have disappeared from my sister's room.#i can't remember a time when things left outside of my room didn't disappear#I don't know why we do these family gatherings at all. no one has fun on days like that.#the housing crisis isn't making these things easy. my sister is losing her place to live again as well#she'll go hiking for a month and then work on a campsite over the summer#maybe I'll go house sitting again. idk.#can't make commitments a few months in advance like that because I'll cancel everything the second Sparks announces anything important
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azsazz · 2 years
Sugared and Spiked
Cassian x Reader
Summary: Reader and Cassian decide to make chocolate chip cookies after a late night of drinking.
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1,625
Notes: Mhm…we love a domestic bat boy 🤤
“Cassian,” you hiss, rapping the wooden spoon against his knuckles as he spills over the flour trying to sneak a taste of the sweet concoction you’ve mixed. But that’s all it is: butter and sugars combined with a dash of the saccharine smelling vanilla. Impatient male. “I literally just measured that!”
He yelps, clutching his hand to his chest with a pout, eyes glossy from the fair share of drinks he’s had thus far.
“That hurt,” he whimpers dramatically, lower lip jutting out in a pout.
As if that’s going to make you give in.
“That’s what you get for trying to sneak some with your grubby paws before it’s done,” you retort, giving him a stern look.
He huffs, muttering that he washed his hands you just weren’t around to see. You stifle your laughter with the back of your hand but he catches sight of your upturned mouth, poking you in the side which causes you to let out a too loud squeal. You slap a hand over your slackened mouth, sharing a look with the Illyrian.
You both still, listening to the silence of the house late at night. Neither of you hear anything upstairs, releasing sighs of relief. His brothers had retired to their rooms only a few hours ago while you and Cassian continued drinking, until he’d gotten a craving for chocolate chip cookies.
“Can you crack the eggs please?”
The Illyrian grumbles and turns to the opposite counter where you’d set out the eggs and a dish. Even in your own drunken haze you knew not to trust Cassian with cracking the eggs over the already started batter, knowing that his normally tender touch tends to get a bit more aggressive when he drinks. Not that you’d ever complain when those hands were roaming up your skirts for a cheeky feel, but it won’t do with the delicate produce. 
You don’t want to try and fish out shells in your own tipsy state.
You sneak a few of the stray chocolate chips from the counter, enjoying the sweetness on your tongue. Your mate had been a bit overeager when he’d found them. At first, the both of you were going to share the chocolate, but it was soon decided that cookies would be an even better midnight snack than the candy chips. The bag had burst open, ripping down the middle and spraying the tiny drops everywhere, leaving you and Cassian staring wide-eyed at each other, stifling the roaring laughter that itched at your throat.
There were still enough to go around, most having landed on the clean countertop. The ones that had managed to escape to the floor had been cleaned up by the Illyrian himself, though you begged him not to eat them off of the ground.
“I’m not letting these go to waste,” he’d said, easily able to pop them into his mouth even with you hanging off of his arm, trying to stop him. His muscles bulge and he smirks at the sweet smell that isn’t coming from the chocolate. “It’s just a little dust.”
He’d tossed one up in the air, catching it in his mouth with ease, smirking down at you as he chewed, all while you watched with your arms crossed over your chest, trying to keep your face neutral.
As you measure out the salt you hear a loud clang of an egg being smashed against a metal bowl and the sound reverberating loudly throughout the kitchen has you cringing, praying that the other two Illyrians don’t awaken from the noise.
You smother your laugh at the low curse that follows.
Remeasuring the flour, you add it to your bowl with the rest of the dry ingredients, ready to be added to the wet by the time Cassian returns with the bowl of eggs. You peek into the dish, chuckling when you catch a glimpse of them as he pours them into the bowl with the sugar and butter. One yolk is busted but the other seems unscathed but there are no shells in sight and you couldn’t be happier.
“How long did you spend fishing out the eggshells?” you tease, handing him the wooden spoon to mix. You’ll add the dry ingredients to the wet because you know in Cassian’s state he’d most likely spill the flour…again.
“Quiet you, or I won’t share any of my cookies,” he chaffs, moving the bowl away from you right as you’re about to dump a spoonful of the flour mixture into the bowl. It falls onto the counter, a plume of powder wafting from the white substance and you glare at Cassian who hunches his shoulders with a blush, curling in on himself. “Sorry!”
“These are never going to get done,” you mutter, watching as he sweeps the flour from the counter into the bowl. Cauldron, you curse, grimacing at the sight.
You’re definitely not drunk enough for this.
“You’re right,” a voice from the doorway startles the both of you. The spoon jumps in your hands and ingredients go spilling once more. You place the bowl down in defeat, brushing the light substance from your hands back into the mixing dish. 
At least you know your hands are clean.
“You two will never get these done without a little help,” Azriel smirks slightly and of course you’d woken the spymaster. You don’t even know why you and Cassian thought you could pull this off without alerting the ever watching male.
Cassian steps aside as Az rounds the corner, taking his place at the mixing bowl. The warlord tries to take the spoon with him, wanting to taste the batter so desperately, but a dark tendril of shadow wraps around the handle, tugging it away from Cassian’s mouth.
The tallest Illyrian grumbles, surrendering the spoon into Azriel’s possession, who shares a look with you that has you chuckling loudly at your disappointed mate. Cassian leaves the room with his head hung between his shoulders, grumbling about getting the unfinished bottle of alcohol from the sitting room.
You help Azriel with the dough, adding the flour mixture into the large bowl while he incorporates it with the wet ingredients. It’s a comfortable silence between the two of you while you work and you’ve just added the last of the dry blend into the crock when something shatters in the next room over.
You cringe, watching as Azriel’s shadows flicker at the noise. He doesn’t so much as flinch, just moves that steady hazel gaze from the bowl to the door that Cassian comes stumbling through, just as Rhysand appears at the bottom of the stairs, his violet eyes blazing.
“I didn’t do it,” Cassian exclaims, bottle clutched in one hand as he raises them in surrender. 
The High Lord lets out a long breath, cleaning the mess with a snap and sending you all stern looks. “Having all the fun without me then?”
You look between Cassian and Azriel, then at the nearly completed batter on the counter. You offer Rhys a crooked grin, holding up the bowl of chocolate chips, “Would you like to add the chocolate chips?”
He cracks a grin, joining you and Azriel at the counter, pouring in every single morsel of sweetness into the bowl, stirring it happily. “Ah, I showed up for the best part, as always.”
“No,” Cassian sing-songs, taking a swig from the bottle. He passes by his brothers, catching them off guard, swiping up some of the completed dough and plopping it into his mouth, finally getting what he’s wanted since the start.
“Hey,” you protest, as he lifts you onto the counter and settles between your legs, “That’s not fair Cass.”
“I’ll give you a little taste,” he winks, chewing, “All you had to do was ask (Y/N).”
He leans in with every intention of letting you taste the sugary goodness on his tongue but you lean back as he moves forward, pressing a hand to his chest. “Gross!”
Cassian makes a face at you, sticking his tongue out. There’s chocolate coating it and you can only laugh at his antics. You waste no time scooping a bit of dough from the bowl and smearing it across his mouth.
“You’re going to get it now,” his grin is wicked, glossy eyes aroused, catching your wrist in his so he can hold you still as he leans the rest of the way in, ignoring your shrieking as he rubs his cookie dough coated face against yours, smearing the batter between your faces.
“Should we leave?” Rhys asks, when Cassian pulls away.
“We should take the cookie dough,” Azriel hums in agreement.
“No,” you exclaim, snagging a towel from the counter and whipping Cassian with it. He laughs heartily, swaying slightly in his spot, rubbing at his arm where you’d snapped the towel at it. You wipe the substance from your face, glaring at him, before opening the silverware drawer between your legs for four spoons.
“Here,” you pass them out, taking a scoop of the dough from the bowl, licking at it. You nearly moan at how good it tastes, the sweetness dancing on your tongue.
Azriel doesn’t hesitate and Rhys watches amused at his brother with the sweet tooth.
“Are we not cooking these?” the High Lord asks even though he’s taking some himself.
You shrug, looking at the partially scooped out dough. “Guess not. I forgot to turn the oven on, to be honest.”
“Me too,” Cassian admits with a smile, already on his second scoop. The four of you will finish it in no time, no point in turning on the oven.
“Next time then,” Rhys answers, both you and his brothers shooting him knowing looks. 
Like that’s going to happen.
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smolwritingchick · 28 days
Hi! How are you? Are you doing okay? I was wondering would Jungkook and Jennie have big arguments with each other as a couple? If so, what would the argument be about?
Hi! I’m doing A-OK! Thanks for asking 😁 I hope you are well too, Anon! Yes, JenKook will be having arguments down the line. I’m still brainstorming!
Even though they may be mad at each other and arguing, they will still care about one another. And just will be a bit petty. (I wrote a little example for their first fight Drabble where they helped each other when they fell or almost fell during roller skating even though they weren’t on speaking terms)
Like I even see Jennie making loud noise on purpose to annoy him more (like slamming cabinets shut in the kitchen) and same with Jungkook. Even throwing pillows at each other occasionally which may end in a pillow fight.
Some examples of still caring even when mad: walking past each other and not speaking, rolling eyes, basically the silence treatment but he’d still hold the door for her and she’d walk through, grumbling “thanks…”
He’s gaming and goes to the kitchen to get a snack. He’ll notice her trying to reach something high in a cabinet to cook and he’ll take it down and hand it to her while she snatches it from him
She bakes cookies and he’ll be too stubborn to want to ask for some while he’s gaming. But knowing he’d want some, she’ll put some on a plate and drop it on his desk. I see them frowning at each other and him immediately eating a cookie aggressively 😂 And when she notices the plate is empty, she’ll put more cookies on the plate which would make him smile
Her trying to open something and Jungkook snatches it from her hands to open it for her and then she’ll snatch it back
Overhearing her complain that she ran out of smarties at her Smartie factory studio, I see Jungkook going into her studio and refilling her bowl for her. And when she returns to her studio she’d see it refilled and with a small post it note and a doodle of a cute angry bunny Jungkook and a cute angry hamster Jennie which would make her laugh
Seeing him in one of the dance studios, she’d walk in and hand him a bag of lunch she made for him and extra water which he’d take and grumble “Thanks…” while she rolls her eyes and leaves the dance studio.
When he falls asleep at the dorm and she finds him without a blanket she’d sigh and place a blanket on him.
Watching him grumble around the dorm when trying to find his controller and she’ll find it and hand it to him.
Some disagreements they have may be a bit silly too. I still need to think of some ideas of what they may argue about but some are:
Perhaps jealousy. Jen being jealous over a girl from jungkook’s childhood who becomes a bit too close for comfort with him while he doesn’t think it’s a big deal or something since they’re friends
Jungkook getting jealous over her and shawn Mendes when they’re collaborating more and becoming a big topic in the media with people shipping them. As well as Shawn’s label wanting her to do senorita before they had went with Camila after Jen declined.
Both wanting to spend time together but being too busy or having to reschedule multiple times. Especially if close to an anniversary of their relationship
Him overworking himself while she tries to get him to take it down a notch and rest his body so he won’t be on the verge of passing out
The dishes 😭 especially when he’s gaming and she’s trying to ask him to help her with them but he’s locked in with his game.
Maybe an argument about his scandal with the tattoo artist. Oof. I still need to figure out Jen’s reaction but I’m half and half on how I want to go about it and if I should have them argue about it.
Food 😭 silly disagreements on food like who got the bigger half or slice of something. Or getting the last bite or slice
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mxxnlightluuca · 2 years
That's all there is.
An overwhelming feeling of numbness, one that feels like it's slowly but surely chipping away at the very being of your soul. 
A brain that stopped doing its job a while ago, now he can barely remember what happened merely hours ago. 
A hollowness, one that feels heavy on your chest and if you stop paying attention, it might fight back. Making you feel as though you can hardly breathe. 
Sometimes the thought passes by,
"What if I let it win?"
Of course, he doesn't dig deeper. Merely a thought in passing.
But this thought clings to him like whiteflies to a leaf. 
Why won't the whiteflies go away?
Going about his daily life he stands in crowds feeling like he has no place. The feeling only gets heavier. He has no release for his anger, the sadness, the fear. It all builds up until… he feels nothing. Like all that he once stood for just disappeared. He lost his woes and his meaning. Just like he lost his mind.
Waiting at the subway he stands closest to the tracks. Humouring the idea, he tests the possibilities. Staring at the workers, the middle class and the high end mingle together, it's obvious as to who belongs where.
But at the end of the day, everyone wishes they could melt away.
He throws his thoughts to the side, they are lonely in numbers, seemingly so easy to brush aside and forget by the day's end.
But it's never so easy.
Yet he settles with the weary ache in his marrow. Passing each day as not content yet not wanting, a vicious cycle. It's exhausting day by day. 
Yet he never sought out the end. Simply being congenial to the idea, never putting it through action. But if it ever happened, he wouldn't be opposed. 
In time, the burden of the whiteflies grows to be untenable, and the leaf will fall from the stem.
Some days, he steps a little further over the line.
Why won't the whiteflies go away?
Laying in his barren room he stares at the ceiling. It's dark. Cold. But he didn't complain.
His head was empty, all of its sustenance was gone.
There he lay.
Like a blood sniffing shark.
The whirring of the fan was the only thing reminding him he was alive. Barely feeling his own heart beat. 
Sometimes he felt as if his heart was going up his throat, other times it was too faint. Yet never in between. 
But the latter was most of his days
He feels like a walking corpse. The other person in the house was just as quiet as him. So there was no one to jog himself back to reality.
Why won't the whiteflies go away?
I've tried so hard now, I've tried everything…
Why won't the whiteflies go? 
What else do I need to do? 
What else do I need to give it?
Why won't the whiteflies go away?
He stands in the kitchen, mindlessly wandering for something to do, a task to hide from his thoughts. 
Seeing a pile of dishes he decides to clean them.
.Running the hot water under his hands made them hurt, but he dismissed the feeling quickly. Picking the dishes one by one he cleans them, slowly. Taking his time. Then he picks up a knife. 
The whiteflies double in size. 
He stares at it, it shines under the light, so prettily does it shine. 
He wonders…
How would it feel on his skin?
He drags the tip of his finger over the blade edge, slowly, it cuts him. 
Looking at the blood on his finger he wonders again.
What if this was somewhere else? Would it hurt more?
Ultimately he decides to put it up to his neck, pressing lightly, not breaking the skin.
But what if he does? He certainly isn't against the idea. Not one bit.
He presses harder, and the blood drops, not a lot, but it runs down his neck. Now what if he goes further…
A hand grabs his wrist aggressively, he lowers the knife. Looking at the hasty eyes that face his own. 
"What are you doing…?"
The voice shaked, obviously distraught. His face stayed the same,a deadpan that looked straight past.
"Why are you doing this!"
The voice yelled. It hurt his ears.
"Answer me!"
The running water was the only noise in the house. The two stared at each other. One with tears welling in their eyes and the other with a blank stare.
Should he be feeling something?
"Pen… please…"
Bright green eyes and blond hair. His father.
Never in his life would he imagine his father crying in front of him. Sober at least.
Something about this fact struck a chord with him. Tears suddenly begin falling yet his face doesn't say the same. He falls to his knees, he feels as if he can breathe again. The hollowness isn't gone but it's lighter. Much lighter.
The man in front of him crouches down as well, as if he were comforting him. Desperately he clings to his father, like a whitefly.
His touch was so wanting yet gentle, he didn't know if he deserved the comfort he wanted.
His father hugs him, gently, as a mother would. 
The whiteflies lowered in number.
As the two stayed in silent sobs, they both felt an odd comfort. 
Did they deserve to be this close? They couldn't answer. But for now, all they needed was to stay in that moment.
And soon the whiteflies left.
While the leaf was wilting, new life would spring again.
He held onto that fact, it gave him hope.
Quietly, he starts to believe.
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3d10fire-damage · 2 years
Colors That Run Highlights 19
During the night, Calypso dreamed(?) of a cacophony of whispers, as if a crowd were whispering to each other all at once, along with the distant rattling of chains. The whispers seemed to almost chant about Calypso having “forsaken the coin,” being “one of us,” and being “free of body, damned of mind.” Upon Calypso’s waking and muttering about sleeping horribly, Fea lamented that she must’ve not projected her presence well enough or something. Calypso shut this line of thinking down and headed downstairs.
Corrin rolled for beard, thanks to his Belt of Dwarvenkind. No beard yet though.
Breakfast with the Stonehammers was... tense. None of the party sat near Sera, so Corrin scooted up close to her. Dainsleif, in true dad fashion, seemed mostly unaware of the tension.
It was quite possible that Sera had seen through Kattie’s cover story the previous evening, and her response to that appeared to be making passive aggressive comments. Calypso, already having a bad day, was not helping by making her own barbs about Sera making them all do chores for free.
At one point Sera made a snide comment like “Oh yes, I’m sure all of you are very committed to keeping my boy out of danger” while giving a pointed look at Fea (who she knew had gone berserk that one time). Calypso gave a death glare at Sera. Sera maintained the eye contact just as steadily. By this time Slim and Corrin were sweating.
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Corrin tried to deceive his mother (scandalous) about Kattie and Slim’s ruse, but Sera saw right through that shit. Corrin ran off to the bathroom to have a miniature panic attack.
When Kattie got up to leave, Sera asked her to help with dishes, but Kattie didn’t go for it and headed outside. Slim and Dave followed suit. Sera made a “bless her heart” comment about Kattie being blind and deaf, and tbh if Fea weren’t there Calypso might’ve done something stupid then.
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Fea helped Sera with the dishes and tried making nice with her, to not much success. Though she did find out from Sera that a few people in town had gone missing during the Tinker Festival a couple months ago. She and Calypso then went outside, collecting Corrin on the way. Calypso complained about Sera being shady... hopefully out of earshot?
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The group made their way to the town’s public board, finding months old missing persons posters. But, recalling that Piory and his partner had gone north investigating the cases, Fea suggested consulting him for info. Conveniently, Piory was hovering around the tavern’s corner, so Fea went over to speak to him alone while the rest of the group waited.
After Piory explained his story to Fea, she told him that some of the party were “bloodthirsty” so she would stand in front of him and protect him from them, if need be.
Slim, meanwhile, had gone into the tavern and walked back out with a margarita. Calypso looked like a dog about to be let off her leash.
Together, Fea and Piory rounded the corner. Piory said that he would accept whatever Corrin wanted to do to him as payback for all the bullying he did when they were kids. Before Piory could finish speaking, Corrin cast Magic Missile at him.
Corrin’s spell killed Piory.
Piory fell to the ground dead, in broad daylight. With witnesses.
Slim and Kattie attempted to resuscitate Piory, to no avail. Fea poured a healing potion down his throat, to no effect. Calypso took off running, following her instinct to get away from the crime scene.
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Thinking quickly, Kattie made the suggestion that they should restrain Corrin and haul him out of town. Create the appearance of a member of the Cavalry detaining the criminal. Slim and Fea hauled both Corrin and Kattie onto Xio and sent them on their way to the Hospitality Hut about a day’s travel from Lavolis. When the authorities showed up, Slim used his position to feed them a convincing story, and they passed off Piory to the authorities. They would have to inform his grandmother of the incident.
Fea actually name dropped Calypso before the authorities left the scene (previously, Slim had only given up his own name), but nonetheless they managed to find Calypso and collect her so the whole group could meet up at the hut.
Meanwhile, on the way to the hut, Corrin and Kattie discussed what happened. Corrin said that he hadn’t meant to kill Piory, and that he should go back and turn himself in. Kattie told him that even if he hadn’t meant to do it, it was a reckless casting of a spell over childhood bullying, and now he was dead.
With everyone gathered at the hut about a day later, Corrin had Shut Down, not speaking or even moving much. Slim despaired his way through the appropriate paper work, with Dave trying his best to help him through it.
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Fea made a comment about how Calypso tends to think of herself as the biggest fuck up and yet this was all due to Corrin’s mistake instead. Despite her intentions to... make Calypso feel better? Calypso told her to fuck off and went back into the hut. She sat next to Corrin, though she didn’t try to initiate conversation with him.
Outside, Kattie admitted to Fea that she... kinda didn’t feel all that bothered about the death/murder aspect of it all. They suspected this was an effect of the deal made with Asmodeus.
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In an attempt to lighten the mood, Fea went outside to experiment with the “unpleasant” setting on the magical decanter. Turns out, it’s a high powered geyser of water on command. Kattie got drenched by this feature, oops. Fea invited Calypso and Corrin outside to try it, but only Calypso went out. It was certainly a cool trick, but Calypso told Fea it just was not going to make things better. But hey, at least she’s trying.
Once everyone was in the hut at once, Calypso made a short speech basically defending Corrin: he did something stupid because he was mad and didn’t think all the way through what he was doing, and it’s awful that Piory was dead now and people would miss him, but Corrin wasn’t a bad guy and the group was not going to keep laying into him. And it was agreed, they were in this together.
Watches were taken for the night, but somehow Corrin was able to sneak out through a window. In the morning, no one could find him, so they rushed off back toward Lavolis.
The town appeared restless. Its people were gathered in the town square, in front of Sera’s bakery, where there was a collection of guards on a stage, along with a basket and Corrin with his hands bound and mouth covered. This was... an execution.
The crowd had some mixed thoughts on this situation, some in favor, some not. One of the guards declared that murder is punishable by death, and that the crime was witnessed by citizens and members of the Cavalry. He explained that Corrin had turned himself in, and while he would perish here, he would go on to do better in the next life. Corrin was allowed to give some his final words: “I’m sorry.”
Kattie began casting a spell to get Corrin out of there, while Fea and Calypso rushed to the platform. Slim and Dave froze up.
Then, from above the scene descended a thick black cloud. Kattie, Slim, and Dave were approached from behind by Seraphina Stonehammer, who gave them cloths to cover their mouths and told them to keep their faces hidden. Dainsleif Stonehammer stopped Fea and Calypso and gave them cloths as well, telling them not to breath in the gas (it was experimental).
The crowd and the guards fell to the ground, put to sleep by the gas. Corrin also succumbed to the gas, and Fea picked him up. Dainsleif told them to take care of his boy, and to get the hell out of there.
Mounting the two horses, the party ran like the wind out of Lavolis and returned to the Hospitality Hut. Slim asked Dave to board up the windows so that Corrin wouldn’t sneak out again, and when Corrin finally came to (still being held by Fea), he thought he was dead and he was now in the afterlife. When he realized what had happened, the kid started crying. Calypso told him to let it out and patted his head. When she welcomed him to being a criminal, Slim got up and left the hut.
Fea again tried the strategy of messing with the magic decanter, and this time Corrin went for it. Shenanigans ensued, where Calypso actually wanted to get hit with the water gun, but Corrin kept “missing.” Eventually though Calypso got her wish, and actually took some damage, which Corrin healed afterward. See, everything is fiiiiiine
Dave and Slim had a talk, because Slim was having a Time. He hated how he froze up in Lavolis, and how he’s worried that he could lose everything he’s built his life around with the Cavalry and all because of what’s happened.
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During the night on Kattie’s watch, she idly played on her guitar, as usual. But she admitted to Fea that something felt... missing from her music lately, but she couldn’t figure out what or why.
In the earliest hours of the morning (during Slim’s usual watch), Slim spotted a distant crowd approaching the party’s current location. He doused the fire immediately and he and Fea mobilized everyone else. The party took off in a rush, on the run.
this session was WILD
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dwaeki · 3 years
beomgyu as ur bf ! (random headcanons)
pairing: beomgyu x gn!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
warnings: none other than poorly written fluff, intended lower case and maybe some spelling errors :D
a/n: YET AGAIN I WENT WITH THE FLOW SO SORRY IF IT'S KINDA BAD- keep in mind that english isnt my first language thank you <3
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another one of my ults nfakjnglkejngr
you're dating a clown-
honestly, how do u even survive because he's actually so annoying
but he loves you though, i promise <3
an actual brat.
teases you a LOT !!! but never in a mean way.
if you trip over your own feet and fall, he's probably going to laugh at you, offering his hand to help you up but then quickly pulling it back to mess with you!
or if you accidentally drop your phone, spill some water on yourself, etc. he's going to tease you,
"y/n, what are you? a 3 year old?? you can't even walk without tripping, HAH, DUMMY!!!!"
loves to push your buttons to get different reactions out of you :D
he's quite empathetic though, so it's never his intention to hurt your feelings by poking fun at you.
if he notices that his teasing is making you uncomfortable or insecure he will not hesitate to stop,
making you feel loved and appreciated is his number one priority <3
he's determined to make you laugh, because when he hears you giggle... phew he's on cloud 9,
knowing the fact that he's the reason you're grinning from ear to ear is just such an ego boost :(
he will do anything to make you smile and i mean anything...
even if it results in him looking like a fool 😞
you two go grocery shopping together <3
honestly, he sometimes embarrasses you to the point where you regret bringing him with you in the first place 😐
like you've literally just entered the store and he's already whining, asking if you're done yet so you can finally go home and cuddle at once !! :/
it's usually just you doing all the shopping while he follows you around,
he's just there to assist you when you can't reach the high shelves‼️
the store you go to is pretty small and very close to your neighborhood, so you're basically familiar with everyone who visits it.
there's this one sweet lady with a kid around the age of 10, and beomgyu swears that "the child is a devil!!"
he has already made enemies... with a 10 year old-
you had to apologize to his mom multiple times because your 20 year old boyfriend couldn't stop bickering with her son.
he also helps you do your chores !!
he's very playful, hence anything can be fun if beomgyu's around :D even boring things like washing the dishes or cleaning your room (no offense to whoever likes it)
he turns everything into a game, a competition to be more precise...
"whoever finishes washing the dishes last has to buy the winner their favorite snack 😋😋"
even if he wins, he still ends up buying you the food of your choice, not letting you spend a single penny on him!!
he competes with you just to rile you up, making bets such as the one mentioned above to keep you determined, not because he actually wants you to do anything for him.
except giving him your undying love and affection of course :D
he's literally so clingy
you usually visit him at the dorms when he's not busy
the second he hears you knock on the door he's quite literally sprinting towards you
you can hear the members complain that he almost pushed them over
once your boyfriend opens the door, he engulfs you in a tight, bear hug™, picking you up and spinning you around, making sure he crushed every single bone in your body <3
the others just watch you get the air knocked out of your lungs in amusement.
speaking of the members, beomgyu always dreamed of you getting along with his best friends,
but once his dream came true he kinda wished it never did </3
you get along a little too well for his liking :/
how come you just laughed at one of yeonjun's jokes right in front of your toddler boyfriend?!?!??!
the entire night he either tries to crack as many jokes as possible to "redeem himself", glaring at an oblivious (and also mildly concerned) yeonjun from time to time
or he starts being poutier and clingier than usual, asking for a kiss every 5 minutes or straight up just dragging you to his bedroom and not letting you go until you cuddle for at least an hour
but in all honesty, he's so relieved that you and the boys are bonding !!
you having a good relationship with his friends is very important to him <3
he's not jealous at all because he knows that you love him and him only :)
he babies you to no end !! (even if you're older than him)
you do something as simple as drink water and he just coos at you
"AWW !!! you look so cute when you drink water like that :("
your number one fan!!!!!
hypes you up and brags about you to everyone <3
if you're wearing a new outfit he will notice right away and just stare at you in awe the second he sees you, won't forget to comment on how gorgeous/handsome you look ;)
also likes it when u compliment him back, it really means a lot <3
please keep feeding his ego he loves it when you notice small details, it makes his heart flutter
you two nap together a lot
if you're not the one for naps you just lay there, next to him, his arms wrapped around your frame tightly as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, sleeping peacefully.
he looks so peaceful and cute when he's not annoying the hell out of you <333
you sometimes snap pictures of his sleeping state and then set it as your wallpaper/lockscreen :D
once gyu found out about your little antics he got extremely cocky
if you ever changed your lock screen to anything but him, he'd get all whiney, begging for you to change it back
also snaps a few pics of you sleeping/just existing peacefully and puts it as his so you two can have "matching wallpapers" <33
he also lends you his jacket if you're ever feeling cold
lives for how cute you look basically buried in his jacket, sighing in content as you're finally warming up a little
if you get tired from walking he's going to give you a piggyback ride <333
laughs and giggles as he lifts you up from the ground, your chest flushed against his back as he carries you to your destination :)
if you did something that upset him and he's scolding you he's just gonna:
"y/n, you're such a dummy!" *holds your hand* "that was very careless of you," *kisses your forehead* "i want you to know that i am very angry at you." *cuddles you aggressively*
while most of your dates are at home,
amusement park dates are very common as well :D
you go on various roller coasters, circular rides, take a few breaks in between and get ice cream or cotton candy
but your favorite ride by far are the bumper cars!
you just race, crash into each other at full speed or get into the same car and absolutely destroy your competition !! (the competition in question are just a bunch of 7 year old kids trying to have fun)
he seranades you :(
learns a bunch of love songs that remind him of you on guitar and sings them to you whenever you're able to hang out <3
he has a playlist full of love songs dedicated to you
offers to give you some free guitar lessons, if you ever want to learn how to play yourself :)
you both also have a collaborative playlist on spotify, along with playlists for each other you update regularly <33
when he's sleepy he's so soft with you :(
he's looking at you with hooded eyes full of love and adoration, you can tell that he's trying his best to stay awake for a little longer, but his eyelids are getting heavier by the second, his voice lower than before
"hey, y/n... you know i love you right? i love you so much that my heart aches whenever i look at you..."
pulls you in closer, if that's even possible, and holds you gently as if you were going to break if he wasn't careful enough,
probably leaves feather kisses all over your collarbone before whispering a one last "i love you" for the night and falls asleep.
yeah... thoughts are being thunk right now y'all-
he really loves you to the moon and back :(
overall your relationship is very chaotic and just.. weird in general.
good luck dealing w/his bs <3
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Bungou Stray Dogs Men as Househusbands pt.1 - Sakunosuke Oda
A/N: I’m sorry that this isn‘t a request, but this brain rot has been going on since forever and now I can’t resist it anymore. I totally blame @hanazou for this. There will also be a part two featuring Chuuya, but his part has a completely different feeling to it, that's why I'll post these separately. Besides of that, this is basically an “Way of the Househusband!AU”. Go watch the show or read the manga if you don’t know it, it’s absolutely hilarious! This is mainly focused on them as househusbands, but since you are their spouse, there’s also a bit of reader insert. Also, a lot of Oda as a dad to his orphans. And the whole thing is feat. Dazai. (^^)
Pairings: Oda x gn!reader
Genre: Crack, domestic fluff
Warnings: none
Summary: You, Oda and the orphans move in together. While you become the working spouse, your loving husband stays at home and becomes a full-time househusband.
pt. 2
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First things first - If you agree to marrying Sakunosuke Oda, you are also agreeing to become the parent of five children. Oda loves you and you are one of two main reasons he’s leaving the Mafia, the other being his life purpose. But if he’s leaving the Mafia, he’s keeping those kids in (if they want him to of course, but you can’t tell me they don’t, come on -)
So yeah, be ready.
He only cooks spicy curry at the beginning. The curry shop owner gave him the exact recipe of his favourite plate as a goodbye gift and that’s the only thing he is cooking for days on end. He has some basic cooking skills, but this is the only really elaborated dish he knows how to prepare as of now, so be ready to suffer from the spice. It will go on like that until all six of you you and the kids hold an intervention for him. The kids will paint nice banners like they were going to a demonstration saying "No more curry" that they hang up in the living room and he’ll be greeted by your sorrowful face when he comes back from buying groceries.
“What’s this?” – “Oh honey, I’m so sorry, its just…” – “WE CAN’T TAKE THE SPICE ANYMORE STOP COOKING CURRY ALREADY!” – “…I mean…yeah.”
Of course, he’ll be a bit embarrassed and disappointed. May scratch his neck and look to the side thoughtfully. But he’ll take your plead seriously.
This is also how you bond with the kids for the first time. Congratulations, huddling up against someone is always the best way to bond!
He works hard on his cooking skills after that and becomes quite the formidable cook. He takes suggestions from you and the kids and will try to learn how to cook anything you might fancy to eat. It’s really important to him that all of you are happy and cooking may be the most important job of a house spouse, so he takes it very seriously.
There will be curry Tuesday though. One day of spice hell. Enjoy.
Please picture Oda in his usual attire, wearing a beige “kiss the cook” apron over it and bunny slippers. You’re welcome.
He'll learn how to make anime and cartoon-themed bentos for the kids, so it's highly probable you'll get cutely designed bentos as well. Again, you may drop suggestions, he’ll absolutely take them into considerations. Octopus sausages, bunny apple slices, cute bear faces made out of rice, he’ll learn to do them all. He isn’t too sappy of a person, but if he’s feeling romantic while cooking, your rice could also have the shape of a heart. Either way, your co-workers will be very envious of your food and your husband.
Oda iss the master of negotiation at the food market. He’ll be completely stoic all the time, not aggressive or dismissive at all, but he’ll point out little flaws of the products in a way that most shop owner’s won’t be able to deny and that’s how he gets discounts. He doesn’t want to cheat anyone out of their money, but he does have seven mouths to feed.
He may not look like it, but if any of the kids tag along for his grocery shopping, it's really hard for him to deny them something if they beg for it. He may seem unnervingly calm all the time, but he’s a big softie, especially for those kids and for you, and if they hang at his sleeves long enough, they’ll get that ice-cream they want so badly. That doesn’t work on pricier items though, he can be a strict parent when really needed.
Oda is great at handling the finances. He’s well aware that he has to be thrifty with five kids. Still, there is one thing where he struggles to keep his control: books.
If you agree to it, the apartment will have an absolutely minimalistic interior, but! In your living room, there will be a shelf full of books, so big it covers a whole wall. That’s it, that’s Oda’s only weak spot when spending money.
It’s not only books for him though. He buys books for you when he sees something from your favourite author or genre. He buys books for the kids so they learn the joy of literature. Poems, bed time stories he wants them to grow up appreciating the possibilities of the written word.
You can bet that he’ll read them bed time stories. Only one book for all five of them though, so one kid gets to choose a story each day.
He’ll read to you as well if you want him to. His voice is incredibly calm and soothing, he’s a really good reader. There’s a high probability you’ll fall asleep while he reads to you. You can cuddle up in bed and rest your head on his shoulder or sit on his lap and hide your face in the crook of his neck, feeling the vibration of his voice in his chest.
Whenever he has some time to spare, he’ll retire to your shared bedroom to write. Mind you, that won’t happen often. It happens mainly on weekends, when the kids are with friends and/or you are at home. If you want to do him a favour, consider cooking on the weekends, he’ll be more than thankful for the opportunity to submerge in his beloved writing. But don’t worry, it won’t consume him – he’ll always put some time aside to spent with you, without the kids, as well ¬‿¬.
He's so polite with the neighbours. Will pay all his neighbours a short visit together with the kids to introduce himself and bring little gifts. Just imagine him standing there in the door frame, witih all five kids around his legs, smiling at their new neighbours angelically - what's not to love?
He really wants to maintain a good relationship to all of them. Basically, he’s the perfect neighbour – always polite, always up to a little chat, always ready to listen to neighbour A complain over neighbour B without snitching. He’s mainly concerned for the wellbeing the kids though. He wants them to feel part of the community and often arranges play dates with the neighbour kids. If it's possible at the neighbour’s house because five kids are a lot to handle already…and when they are all out of the apartment, it’s cleaning time.
Oda is an angel of patience and the ultimate multitasker. He isn’t left with much of a choice with five kids, but thankfully, calm lies in his nature. You may see him explaining Sakura her math homework while cutting vegetables for today’s lunch. Then, he’ll take a quick glance out of the window to see if they boys are still playing on the street where he can see them and then he’ll check on Sakura again. Isn’t he lovely?
His ability is unexpectedly helpful for all of this. If he’s in the living room to clean, his ability will alarm him if the food’s about to burn. If he’s around the kids, he’ll know in time if one is about to trip. If you come home from work so tired you fall asleep face first in your soup, he’ll be able to catch you. So useful.
He’s a very attentive and loving husband. His love is mainly expressed by keeping the house as clean as he can and putting a lot of effort into cooking. Your work is hard enough, he takes it upon himself to manage everything else. He’ll also try to have the kids well-behaved so they don’t demand too much from you after you come home from work. Though if you decide to pull yourself together and give them attention and love even when tired, he’ll be more than thankful. He knows it’s a lot to ask to be a parent, especially to not one, but FIVE kids that are not yours by blood. So if you actively seek to have a close bond to them, it will make him so incredibly happy because he knows it’s not the natural course of action for everyone.
Will give you head, shoulder and foot massages after an especially excruciating day of work. His hands are skillful and he knows where to touch to make you moan to release the tension from your muscles.
Likes to lie his head in your lap after both of you had a long day of work. Yes, you may be the provider, but keeping a house clean and five kids under control isn’t an easy job either! So, he’ll seek peace laying his head on your thighs and closing his eyes while you tussle his hair and tell him about your day. Don’t expect more than a mumbled “Mm” or “I see” from time to time, but be sure that he’s listening.
And the Port Mafia? You’re in luck - since he was the lowest-ranking member, The Mafia, by which I mean Mori isn’t bothered that he left. He refused to kill anyways, he’s to no use to them him.
Of course, Oda will try to be absolutely sure there is no hidden reason for Mori to hinder his leave beforehand, or to resent him for it. The last thing he wants is to endanger you or the kids by leaving his job as a criminal.
If he ever meets a member of the PM in public, he'll act as if he doesn't know them. He may give them a polite nod if they make eye contact, but that’s about it. It’s not that he resents them, but he really wants to start a new life here that isn’t connected to killing and cruelty at all. If they approach him he'll be very polite, but try to keep the conversation short, even if they seem to have no ulterior motive.
Of course, there’s one member of the Port Mafia that marks the exception, by which I mean to say that you’ll have Osamu Dazai over for tea regularly. No, he won’t announce himself at all. The first time he appears at your apartment, you’re just finishing to unpack. He’ll tand at your doorstep all of a sudden to tell Oda that Mori already knows where he moved to. Oda will just nod as an acknowledgement. He expected as much. And then he’ll give you a questioning look. If you nod, he’ll officially asking his friend to stay for dinner. You’ll be having curry.
From then on, he’ll just drop by whenever. You may come back home from time to time to find dinner ready, the kids in bed and your husband and Dazai drinking. If you join them, you will have some truly joyful evenings spend together. You’re Oda’s chosen one, so Dazai is a bit more inclined to let you get close than he is with others. You may make a new friend in the process.
It doesn’t take a lot of time for the kids to start calling him Uncle Dazai. He’ll actually be Uncle Dazai before they ever call Oda Dad or you Mom/Dad. It will take them mere weeks to call him uncle, but months, maybe years to call the two of you Dad/Mom. It will happen eventually though, and the day it happens, I assure you that you will see Oda spill tears of happiness. He’ll be looking away, wiping his face with one hand and smiling. He never thought he would want this, but now he knows he does.
Back to Dazai! He’s reserved with the kids at first. As we know, he doesn’t feel all to comfortable around “childish behaviour”. But kids are like cats, the feel drawn to the one that’s most cautious. By which I mean to say that they are all over him. Literally. Oda will leave for five minutes and when he’s back at the living room the kids will have tackled a slightly unnerved Dazai on the floor. Sakura wants him to see the drawings she made, Katsumi, Kousuke and Yuu want to play, Shinji wants to ask him what's under his bandages. He’ll have no choice but to oblige and it goes surprisingly well. Oda may abuse him as a baby-sitter when he visits from then on.
Then suddenly, Dazai stops visiting altogether. You are worried, but Oda, for some reason, isn’t. Even more, whenever you ask him about it, you may catch him smiling to himself in a satisfied, proud way. No, Dazai didn’t tell him anything. If Oda would know, it would endanger all of you. But he knows. He knows that Dazai finally made his choice to leave the Port Mafia and needs to lay low now. And that’s okay.
It takes Dazai two years to come back, which will be just as sudden as him leaving. You’ll be astounded to see him a changed man at first sight. Oda will scold him for not sending any notice and then everything is normal again. And after some more years, he’ll start bringing along a scrawny kid with white hair.
A/N: Wow, this is the first post I put a "keep reading" link in because it's so long! That's kind of a milestone for me. 。゚(TヮT)゚。
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you for reading!
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softitae · 4 years
S o u l m a t e | oneshot
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▶ summary: One day you feel a heath spreading through your body. You don’t know what this means, until you finally see him... Your soulmate.
▶ genre: slight angst, fluff, smut (Wolf!au | soulmate!au)
▶ word count:
▶ warnings: Alpha Jungkook, Omega reader, mentions of rape/drugs, physical pain, heath, impregnating, mating, knotting, imprinting, oral, swearing, degrading, wall-sex, floor-sex, choking.
▶ A/N: heyyy, this is my first story on this account :). Hope y’all will like it! Basically is this just a story about wolf soulmates going at it, sooooo... enjoy? HAHA
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It was a hot and blooming summer when it happened. It was late noon when you were quitely washing some dishes in your apartment. It was indeed quiet, even peacefully I might add. The water was rushing over a cup as you were working hard on removing that one irritating spot. The day had been just as placid. You have run your errands after meeting up with some friends at a local park. 
‘You are looking a bit pale y/n, are you okay?’ your best friend asked. You frown at her, ‘Yeah I am alright’. You replied, but you deep down knew something was up. Since the moment you had stepped out of your bed that morning, your senses were heightened. Something was coming, but you couldn’t quite figure out if this were to be positive or negative. You had shrugged off this creeping feeling for the rest of the day. With every minute you could feel it getting worse, but you continued shrugging it off. ‘It must be a little summer flue...’ You had mumbled to yourself as you were trying to focus back on your dishes.  
You couldn’t really describe it. It was this heath from your core, burning hotter by the second. It wasn’t anything like your heath, because you have had those a few times already. It wasn’t the time for it too, so why are you feeling this strong urge? And what is the urge for? These kind of questions kept popping up in your head as you finally finished your duties for the day. It was only when you put away the last dish, you yelled very loudly.
Your body was suddenly on fire from the inside and you couldn’t help yourself but to let yourself lay down on the cold floor. Your pulse was high and your body was covered in sweat. ‘What the fuck is going on?’ you yelled out, trying to get a grip on yourself. It wasn’t long before you totally blacked out, losing to the strong sickening feeling. 
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‘What the hell happened?’ Jimin asks Jungkook worryingly as Jungkook finally opened his eyes . Jungkook sits up first, rubbing his eyes as his vision was a bit blurry. He looks up to his towering older friend Jimin, frowning as he tries to stabalize his body. ‘You just suddenly blacked out’, Jimin elaborates and that made Jungkook even more confused. Jungkook looks around him and notices they are located on a sidewalk near the center of the city. Jungkook tries to recall what had happened before he blacked out, but couldn’t remember anything about a life-threatening situation. As he is an alpha, it also couldn’t be his health. So what happened? 
‘I really don’t know hyung, the only thing that I can remember is that I have had a weird feeling all day’, Jungkook explains as Jimin helps him get up to his feet. ‘What sort of feeling?’ Jimin asks. ‘Well, I just feel some kind of heath in my core and a weird urge to go east.’. Jimin looks even more confused than before. They both continued to walk down the street, heading to their new apartment they had bought together. ‘I don’t know man, maybe there is some coke left in your system from yesterday’, Jimin laughed as he gave Jungkook a pat on the shoulder. Jungkook hissed at that, showing that Jimin has gone too close to his boundaries. Though Jimin is older, Jungkook is the alpha and will always hold authority. 
Jimin and Jungkook both came from the same school and both their packs were very close with each other, so they connected in a very brotherly way. Jimin as a beta and Jungkook as an alpha. Their classes would clash pretty much all the time and would Jungkook have to correct Jimin more often than not. But for a pack is this pretty normal. It is also Jungkook’s job to keep everyone in place and to make them aware who is the boss. Though this is a very primary instinct of Jungkook, it isn’t something he likes to do. He only corrects his pack when he has to. 
‘The only thing I can imagine is that your soulmate is nearby’, Jimin suggested and Jungkook let out a little chuckle. ‘That rarely ever happens and I can hardly imagine it would make me faint’, he reasons and Jimin agrees. 
They finally arrive at the apartment block as Jungkook can feel the same heath returning to his body. His senses have now shifted to the north, as if the thing he urges has moved. He looks confused around him. There is no person to be seen, only a few buildings. He couldn’t help but to set his focus on the north, looking at the building across. He can feel it, he is supposed to be there. But why? What can be in that building that is this important, that every fiber in his body urges for it?
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A loud uneasy noise fills your room just when the light of dawn hits your window. Early, it is very early. You haven’t been awake this early for 2 months when your school year ended. But here you are again, up and ready to begin a new year. Though you are excited for it, the uneasy feeling hasn’t left you. It didn’t go down at all, maybe it even worsened. You hadn’t fainted from it though, like a week back. Luckily your roommate came home just a few minutes after, discovering your body laying helplessly against the kitchen tiles. She is human and in a world where the wolves are hidden, her logical response was to call the emergency number. 
The separation of the two kinds has been here for a long time. The threat your kind holds over the humans always has been a big problem. Many wars have past for the wolves to realize that humans can’t live with the idea of a superior species living among them. With technology still developing, which could make great damage to you, was there a collective decision to hide for the humans. As centuries past, humans were quick to forget the many wars you have fought. 
Many believe werewolves are just a fable and you like to keep it this way. So when your roommate was waiting for the ambulance to arrive and you came back to your senses, you were quick to call off the ambulance. ‘What are you doing? You just blacked out, you need medical help!’, your roommate yelled out in disbelieve. You tried to explain nothing is going on and you weren’t in any sort of pain. ‘I just haven’t eaten yet today, nothing else’. It took you a while to calm her down and you can’t blame her. You would probably react the same way if it was you who found her like that. A wolf is just way stronger and build different, so when they would examine you in the hospital, someone would definitely get suspicious. 
The past week your roommate has been keeping an eye on you. She made sure you were eating enough. It is like having a mother all over again, while it was your intention to escape being nursed all the time. Although you got quite annoyed with her this past week, you couldn’t help but to appreciate her at the same time. What a world it would be if humans could live without fear for your kind like this. Needing such harsh adjustments to the point you can’t be who you are, only to protect yourself is just lunatic. But it is a rule all packs live by and you aren’t one to break these rules. 
Your feet hit the cold wooden floor of your cozy room. 7:00 am, reads your alarm clock located on your nightstand. A sigh leaves your lips as you build up the courage to begin the day. Your first day of the new school year was going to be promising. A lot of classes are added and you will be with a new group of people. Your old class was great too, but you are in need for some change. With this constant burning feeling in your core you have had for the past week, you know something will definitely be different. 
You go along your usual morning routine before picking your new favurite outfit. You packed your books and got out to the living room, where your roommate was peacefully eating some cereal.
‘Good morning!’, you great her, and she throws you a smile back. ‘Morning babe! You are looking so great!’, She comments, nudging at your clothing. You give her a wink,’Yeah I got it last week, thought I give myself a few nice things before starting the school year’. Your roommate agrees before she resumed eating her breakfast. 
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Jimin sighs upon seeing Jungkook’s sweaty body. He is cramped up in his bed, a frown on his face as he made little wines in his sleep. Tossing and turning has been a reoccurring theme these past few days. Jimin doesn’t know what to do with him. It looks like he is sick, but being a very strong guy and an alpha, is sickness very rare. So what’s going on? 
He gives Jungkook a small nudge on his shoulder, waking him up softly. Jimin isn’t about to make the same mistake as yesterday. Jimin woke up Jungkook a bit more aggressive and Jungkook lashed out immediately, giving Jimin a little cut on his cheek. He would have pouted at Jungkook, whom would apologize for his weird behavior. 
‘First day at school Cookie, get up’, he taunted in his ear, lowering to Jungkook’s level. Jungkook grunted as he slowly wakes up, turning around to look at his hyung. He lets out a sigh before sitting up straight, hands finding his face as he rubs his eyes. ‘Hyung I can’t do this any longer, my body feels so hot all the time’, Jungkook starts complaining and Jimin sits next to him, sighing along. ‘I know Jungkookie, but I am sure it will fly over. Maybe today will get your mind on other things’, Jimin says, trying to elevate the mood. Jungkook lets out a growl under his breath, anger suddenly building up in his body. Jimin immediately gets off the bed to give Jungkook space, which was a right move because Jungkook grabs a book laying beside him before throwing it through the room. ‘I just don’t fucking want this anymore! Why is this happening to me?!’, Jungkook yells in frustration. Jimin sighs again ‘I don’t know Jungkook, but acting like this won’t solve anything. Why don’t you focus on your new school? There will be a lot of great omega’s there for you to get your anger out on’, Jimin suggested, and he notices Jungkook’s ears perking up by that. Jimin chuckles before making his way out of the room. ‘I guess that wouldn’t hurt’, Jungkook mutters under his breath before getting out of bed and starting his day with a shower. 
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It’s 8:30 am when you arrive at your first class of the day. A few other students were already seated in the lecture hall. You could smell the difference of people looming around. A few humans, but also a few wolves were located inside the room. As you are an omega yourself, some wolves stand a threat against you. Though you have learned how to avoid other alpha’s and beta’s, you have had your fair share of degrading in your life. But because you are in a room full of humans, degrading isn’t allowed for any of the wolves. That way your species gets protected. So you aren’t scared to walk into a lecture hall full of wolves, because you know they won’t do anything. 
You take a seat somewhere in the middle where no one is around and start to unpack. It was when you were finished setting up, your brewing hotness of the past week suddenly turns up a notch. You frown at yourself as you feel your stomach. Your skin is somewhat on fire and you begin to feel very uncomfortable. You wiggle around on your spot, almost squirming at this feeling. The thing you have urged for is coming closer. You begin to look around you furiously, but not knowing what you’re looking for. Fuck what is going on with me. 
And it was then that it hits you. A story your grandma told you long ago finally serviced. She told you about having a soulmate and that everyone has them. When they come closer, your whole body comes in action. You have the urge to go to them and if you don’t, your body will try to fight your will. She explained that every soulmate couple has a different reaction to that. For her and grandpa it was feeling a very harsh headache. For you it was heath. It is your soulmate, it has to be your soulmate. Are you even ready for this? Do you want to commit to someone this early on? What if he is aggressive or worse, what is he’s an alpha? That won’t be a happy relationship, that will be endless terror. 
As the heath began spreading through your body and your head spinning with horrific thoughts, you automaticlly started packing all your stuff. You were scared for what might come, what person your soulmate might be. It might be the end of you, but you know just as well that the feeling won’t stop until you see him. So, you will see him, for one second and then you will go your separate ways. 
Then the feeling suddenly stopped. A shiver goes through your body as you look at the entrance door. There he is. Your hearth started to race as the both of you looked at one another, inspecting each others features. The first thing you notice is the glow around his body, something you have never seen with anyone else. He looks like some kind of Norse god. He is also tall, muscular and... You take a small sniff his way... he is an alpha. Though that thought saddens you, you can’t help yourself but be mesmerized by his enchanting features. This is it, this is your soulmate. But this won’t be something to be happy about, he is an alpha and you know about the horrifying stories. They aren’t nice to their soulmates and being an omega is only worse. So with that note, you stand up, cutting off your eye contact and walking towards the opposite exit. 
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Jungkook stands there dumbfounded. He looks at you as you walk away. Your beautiful figure just disappearing behind the exit door. Jimin nudges him, getting Jungkook out of his trans. ‘So I guess it was a soulmate think’, Jimin comments and Jungkook nods slowly. ‘Yeah, I guess’. Jungkook kept staring at the door, not getting out of his trans. The moment he saw you, his burning feeling stopped. Instead, something else far more romantic and sexual opened. The urge has now turned so primal that he couldn’t do anything than staring. If he had made a step towards you, he would’ve turned on his wolf. That’s why he choice to let you walk out of that room. He isn’t ever letting you go away again after this, and he was going to make you aware of that.
‘Go after her Cookie’, Jimin says as he nudges Jungkook again. With that Jungkook comes out of his train of thought and starts running out of the classroom. He wasn’t going to let you leave. You were now his, you aren’t allowed to leave. All these thoughts ran through Jungkook’s head as he sprinted through the school. His eyes turned blue as his wolf tried to get out, so he had to hide them when running past humans. He needed to claim you within the hour and finding you wouldn’t be an issue. Your scent has been planted in his brain while the both of you were staring at one another. He knew you were close, but you were also running. A smirk was creeping up his face, kind of liking the chase. You are putting up a fight, meaning you will be able to handle his alpha side. He needs someone to fight, otherwise it will just be boring. 
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You almost let your keys fall when you try to open your front door. You can smell him getting closer with the second. It’s as if you can locate his being, which is not something you were ever able to do on such distance. You were quick to close the door behind you and to run to your room. Somehow you feel like you can’t hide within your apartment, as if he is already here. But how? How did he get in? You scan your room, but then your heart stops. His body radiates behind your body and you feel is breath tickle your neck. This is it, now he will rape you. He will make you his bitch and you won’t ever get to live another happy day. Your eyes close in fear and your whole body stiffens against his body. 
You waited. You are expecting for him to pick you up and throw you on the bed. But nothing comes. Not after one minute, two minutes. You feel yourself calm down as time passes by. Why is he not doing anything? Is he just waiting until I let my guard down before attacking me? Is he maybe different? No he can’t be, all alphas want is to ruin omegas.
5 minutes passes with him standing behind you and not doing anything. Then you felt something else creeping up your spine. Something you didn’t let through because of your anguish towards him. It feels very sexual, very primal and romantic. The urge you felt towards him has returned, but in a way that you only witness during heath. Although heath is way more sexual, this goes beyond that. Your heart starts racing again, but this time it isn’t because you are scared. You long for him. You r whole being wants to be with him, but you can’t help yourself but to rationalize against it. No, they are all bad.
He sighs against your neck, causing pleasure to shoot through your body. You can’t stop your shivers and the heath that is growing between your legs. It’s an instinct so deep within you, there is no use stopping it. He reacts with a chuckle as he lets a hand slide over your delicate waist. ‘Why were you scared?’, he asks and you immediately notice his soft but low arousing voice. Every fiber on your body is heightened and his little touches aren’t helping you in any way. Trying to focus on his question, you answer: ‘You’re an alpha. I am scared you will treat me bad’. Jungkook frowns at your thought, knowing that he won’t ever hurt you in his life. It has only been a 30 minutes since he had met you, but the way he feels about you is indescribable. It’s a feeling of protectiveness, love and urge that combines his feelings for you. He will not ever hurt you. 
‘What you feel right now, is what I also feel. I will never hurt you’. 
Though this might be an empty promise, you can feel he is speaking the truth. With that you dare to turn around to face him, him keeping his hand around your waist. His handsome eyes immediately find yours. You can finally memorize all his closest features he has to offer. His facial features are amazingly handsome and his lips look so kissable. You can’t help but to reach up to his soft fluffy hair, grabbing the ear band that hides his soft wolf features. He is a black wolf with blue eyes, an amazing combination and you can’t help but to feel the need to mate with him. Your offspring will be so strong and beautiful. Your hand moves down to his cheek, which he leans his head against, closing his eyes in approval. 
‘Your name?’, you ask as you pull your hand away. ‘Jeon Jungkook, you?’, he questions and you instantly remember his packs name. It’s a pretty large and respectable pack, something you aren’t apposed to. ‘I am y/full/n’, you answer, and he smiles at hearing the familiar pack names. Though the packs aren’t close, they won’t be mad about this. Everything just seems aligned. 
He takes a little step closer as his hand now rests on your back, pressing you against his chest. You don’t fear him anymore and you feel comfortable being in his arms. ‘I know we just met, but I have the strongest urge I to claim you right now’, he confesses. And it was then that you felt something grow against your pelvis. You can’t help but to snort at that, but at the same time you felt the same thing. It’s as if you need to seal the deal. He needs to imprint himself in you, so everyone knows who you belong to. The thought of that spread a heath throughout your body. Jungkook smiled at you as he notices your body heath going up and your heartbeat racing. ‘I take that as a positive’.
He pulls you up by your waist as he swings you over his shoulder. He closes the door of your room before letting you fall on the bed. You can’t help but admire the way he easily pulled you up like that.  Your omega wolf felt protected and only an alpha like Jungkook could make you feel this way. He pulls off his shirt he was wearing before joining you on the bed. Your eyes take in all of his muscular torso, knowing he will be railing you with it in just a few minutes. 
He pulls apart your legs before positioning between them. You eagerly want to hold on to him, but he was quick to grab your wrists and plant them beside your head. You are taken aback by his action as a small yelp left your lips. ‘You really think I wasn’t going to punish you for the little escape you pulled?’ He taunted as he leans down beside your ear. His breath fanning against your neck got you shivering all over again and your pussy started to throb under his body. You could practically feel Jungkook’s smirk as he knew what effect he has on you. Though you want to wipe that smirk off his face, you knew he was right. You were disobedient and the alpha needs to put you in your place. Luckily is his punishment not that bad.
‘Good girl’, he purrs in your ear, complimenting your behavior. ‘You will do as I please when I fuck this little body of yours, okay?’. You nod eagerly, wanting him to do everything to you. It’s in your blood to obey him and this way you both get what you want. 
He let go of your wrists and takes a little bit of time to take all of your clothed body in. Your eyes look so desperate and oh... the sweet smell of your pussy waving in the air drives him crazy. Jungkook lets out a very low grunt, making your body ache for him. You let out a whine as you begin to fidget on the spot, uncomfortably trying to releave yourself He was quick to growl at you, signing that you can’t move and you have to obey him. 
‘You desperate little bitch, you want to get fucked so badly?’, he asks and you nod. ‘Use your words’, he commands. ‘Yes alpha...’. He smirks pleased, before he grabs your top and rips it off of you. You let out a small yelp, but before you knew it you were in your underwear and your clothing ripped on the floor. Though you normally would care for this, you were so ready to be mated that you really didn’t mind. He flips you around on your belly before propping your ass up in the air. His clothed length found its way against your ass as he started dry humping against you. You couldn’t help but moan upon feeling his cock gliding against your pussy. instinctively you arch your back further against his cock, making you feel his amazing length. He is for sure large and will fill you up so good. 
‘Hmm, you like that baby? You want this cock to fill you up?’ He purrs before laying his upper body against your back. He began leaving kisses on your neck, making your body shiver. Small moans leave your mouth, feeling so happy to be close to him. Jungkook also lets out groans against your skin and you can’t wait for him to give you his pups.
‘Please’, you start begging as his cock doesn’t stop teasing you. He chuckles against you, loving to tease you like this. ‘You want my cock?’, he asks as he grabs your neck from behind. You could barely get a ‘yes’ out, but it was enough for him to pull down your panties and prop your ass higher up in the air. ‘Let me first get my appetizer’, he grunts upon seeing your soaked pussy. You let your upper body rest against the bed as you arch your ass higher into the air, giving him a better view. You can hear him growling by seeing your action, he loves it. The smell of your pussy overwhelms him, he has never had something so sweet like this before. 
He spreads your cheeks further apart before laying his tongue right on your clit. He didn’t need a second try to find the little bud and immediately started making small circles around it. Your whole body reacted to it and you let out a moan. His tongue caused shocks to go through your body. You knew he liked this reaction, because one of his hands began to squeeze your ass. The growls coming from his being were still filling the room, as if he is eating a caught pray.  
Suddenly his tongue finds its way upwards, slowly licking all the juices off your pussy before settling on your entrance. He licks it a few times before entering it with his tongue. You let out a little yelp, eyes widening by the immense pleasure you are feeling. After that you began to moan loudly, loving the what it feels as he thrusts his tongue into you. Your body couldn’t help but to arch further into him. Your hands came up to your ass to widen it for him, but he was quick to pin them down beside you. The thrusts feel so good your orgasm was building up and Jungkook could feel your body heating up too. One hand came up to your asshole, and he put in just the tip of his thump, making your squirm under his care. You couldn’t help moaning out his name, making Jungkook pleased with his efforts.
It didn’t take you long to build up the orgasm and he soon got you to the edge. He notices your breathing beginning to become more irregular than it already was. His piercing eyes watch your body shake as you approach the edge and just when you were about to let it all out, he removed himself from your body. Feeling the loss of his stimulus on your entrance, you can’t help but whine. ‘Jungkooook...’, you sigh as your body collapses onto the bed. You can hear him chuckle before he lets his hand down on your ass with a great force, making you gasp by the sensation. ‘You know that this is still a punishment, right?’ he comments as he turns your body on your back, positioning himself between your legs again. You gasp upon seeing his naked body. He apparently had removed his clothing while you were nagging him. You can’t help yourself but to stare it his cock, which is standing tall and veiny between your thighs. 
‘You like what you see, baby?’, Jungkook asks and you slowly nod with widened eyes. You are slowly beginning to doubt yourself upon seeing his enormous length, questioning if it will even fit. He towers over you before reaching his hand under your head. Grabbing a ball of hear in his hand, he yanks you to sit up right. You are now in eye-level with his cock, Jungkook now on his knees in front of you. You can feel your mouth watering as you imagine sucking your mate dry, pleasing him the way you should. 
‘Why don’t you suck me off princess?’, he purrs while stroking your head, having loosened the grip. You look up to him, making the biggest innocent face you can make before your hand makes its way up Jungkook’s thigh. He immediately let a sigh escape his lips, eyes closing as he prepares for your amazing touches. You tease him a little bit, letting your hand swirl around his pelvis and inner thighs. A low threatening grunt leaves his body, signalling you the teasing is over and it is time for you to give your mate the pleasure he deserves. You put your hand around his cock as you lick small circles around his tip. The small action is enough to make him groan and grab your hair in his hands again. You notice his breathing picking up a pace as you swirl around a few times more. Then you take the tip of his dick in your mouth, still containing eye contact. Jungkook’s blue eyes almost seem pitch dark as they are now dilated to the max. You can feel your own body heating up as well by seeing how aroused he is for you.
‘Fuck, you look so innocent around my cock. Such a small mouth’, he comments with a low and sexy voice. With that encouragement, you let his dick slip further into your mouth. His grip on your hair tightened, signalling you that you are doing a great job. You bob your head forwards and backwards in a slow pace, building up his orgasm for him. He let’s out little moans upon feeling your pace going faster and faster. Eventually he couldn’t help himself but to guide your mouth over his dick, forcing you to suck him a bit further into your throat. You didn’t mind at all and let him abuse your mouth. You hold on to his legs as he takes over your pace and lets you gag on his dick. His grunts became very loud as he slams into you, giving you small times to breathe. You couldn’t care less, you are meant to let him do this to you. You are his little bitch in bed. 
‘Fuck y/n, you are so fucking amazing. My little whore’, Jungkook breathes out before giving one last deep push into your throat, making you lose air for a few seconds before pulling out. 
You both have to catch your breath. You collap back on the bed, trying to calm down your heart, but you didn’t have much time since Jungkook was already between your legs. He smirks down at your fucked out head as he hangs your legs over his shoulders. You feel him aligning his dick with your entrance, but you feel a bit scared it will hurt. Jungkook notices the change of atmosphere and cocks his head to the side, looking at your questionably. 
‘What if it will hurt?’ You ask. Jungkook smiles at you as and comes down to your forehead, giving you a little kiss. ‘Don’t worry baby, I will give you time if it hurts. Just tell me if it hurts too much okay?’, he asks and you nod your head. He goes back up and secures your legs on his shoulders. He puts his dick on your pussy, sliding it up and down your juices as he teases your clit a little. You slip a moan because of the arousing feeling. Then he aligns his dick with your entrance, giving you a reassuring look before slowly pushing into you. It takes a while before your body lets even his tip inside, but with many patients your entrance widened to his size. He pushes slow and steady before giving a last thrust, now being fully inside you. You hadn’t made any noise as you tried to not focus on the immense pain of his big cock. Your eyes were closed tightly, but you suddenly felt a soft hand on your cheek. Two soft lips met yours, pulling you out of your pain and bringing your attention back to your mate. He kisses you slowly, tongue carefully massaging against yours while the pain leisurely disappeared. The kiss was turning hotter by the second, his hands finding its way into your hair while you cling on to his muscular torso. As your bodies began to squirm against each other, his dick caused friction within you and it made you moan into his mouth.
‘Can I move?’ Jungkook asks, looking into your eyes. You nod at him, making a thrusting motion yourself with a slight smile. He smiles back before sitting upright and holding your legs firmly against his shoulders. He slowly pulled back, making you gasp by the amazing friction you feel within you. He slams back into your pussy and you both moan loudly. ‘You’re so fucking tight, so fucking delicious’, Jungkook grunts as he repeats his actions. You dig your nails into the covers beside you as Jungkook begins to put up a pace. His hips slam into yours and when he angles his dick upwards, he finally hits your g-spot. You gasp before moaning his name, the feeling overwhelming you. Jungkook now slams with all his power into you, almost flying you up against the head of the bed. You can’t hold onto anything notices Jungkook, so he let your legs back down on the bed before grabbing your wrists and holding them in place beside your head. He now begins to slam into you with full speed, making you scream and burst into pleasure. He looks at your body bouncing along with him, your breasts swinging up and down as your eyes are closed. God, he will never forget this picture. 
Your head begins to feel light by his hard thrusts, drowning you with love and pleasure. You look at his form on top of you, all sweaty and muscular. Those muscles now used to make you his mate, to give you his pups. His beautiful blue eyes are staring into yours, mouth half open as he pants through it. He is so beautiful and amazingly hot. You can feel your orgasm climbing up again as he continues rocking into you. 
He suddenly pulls out, making you gasp by the lost of friction. He gets off the bed and pulls you with him. He leads you to the nearest wall, preps you up against it before aligning his dick with your entrance again. You stick your ass out as high as you can, but since Jungkook is a very tall man, you couldn’t reach his cock. He decided to wrap his arms around your middle and pulled you off the floor. He sets you down on his dick before pressing your bodies back against the wall. He starts railing you from behind, your body still hovering above the floor and upper body pressed again the wall. Jungkook does this with ease, being an amazingly strong alpha. You feel his dick sliding in and out of you, making you go crazy and wanting him to go faster. ‘Jungkook pleasee...’, you whine and Jungkook chuckles. He then goes even faster, making you see duble because of the immense pleasure emerging from his acts. You can’t help but to yell out his name, probably waking up the whole world by it. 
‘Fuck you are my soulmate, look at you. You are perfect for me’, Jungkook groans into your ear as he feels his own height approaching. He decides to pull you back from the wall and lays you down on the floor. With your belly pressed against the wood, he pulls your ass back into the air and didn’t leave any time to enter your throbbing entrance. You can feel his balls hitting your pussy as he thrusts violently into you. His hand found your neck again and puts a slight pressure on it. With all the stimuli your mate is giving you, you find yourself near the edge of your orgasm again. Your breath began to become uneven and Jungkook noticing that, he decides on reaching down to your clit around your hips. He starts circling it fast, helping you to reach your height. You almost screamed upon feeling this, but you muffled yourself against the floor. Jungkook’s eyes were set on your trembling body, loving how aroused you can become under his touch. It took Jungkook only a few seconds before your height was reached and the warmth spread through your body. Your breath stopped for a second as you lost yourself in the overwhelming feeling. ‘Oh my god, fuck’, you cursed out as you let the orgasm wash through your body. 
‘Good girl’, Junkook prases you as you finish. You let yourself lay there for a few seconds before you realize that Jungkook didn’t come yet. You pushed him off of you, making Jungkook a bit confused, before turning him on his back. You positioned yourself on him, sitting on his lap as you let your wet pussy slide on his dick. He sighed out of pleasure as he feels you dry humping him. His hands were quick to find your waist and took over. You didn’t give him any time for that, because you were fast to line him up with your entrance. You went down on him and started bouncing on top of him. This position allowed you to hit your g-spot very consistent and couldn’t help but to go faster. You let your hips rock up and down as Jungkook helped you by grabbing your waist. He moaned loudly while his eyes looked up into yours. You knew he is close to coming, so you go a bit faster for him. You want him to make you his mate, to imprint you. 
‘I will shoot all my pups into you baby, so prepare yourself’, he warns you before he suddenly takes over the pace and thrusts up into you. You moan loudly by his action and Jungkook couldn’t help but to moan along with you. You were so beautiful on top of him and seeing all of this made him cum immediately. You can feel something inflating within you and you realized he was about to knot. You let him do the rest of the job as he groans loudly, making the last few thrusts before finally deloading all his cum into you. You can feel his pups shooting into you and you close your eyes by the amazing feeling. 
You both stay located on the floor, panting and stuck because of the knot. You feel high from the combining smell of the both of you. Everything feels right, this was really meant to be. Jungkook’s hand slowly caresses your back, soothing you as the knot slowly deflates. You look up into his eyes, and he is already smiling at you. You smile back at him. You know exactly how he feels, because you feel the same. 
‘You’re mine now’, Jungkook says proudly, hugging you closer to him. You smile. ‘I always was, I just didn’t know’. He sighs in delight, knowing he would spend the rest of his life with you in bliss. Your lives were meant to go this way, more than this wouldn’t be needed.
‘My soulmate’.
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Thank you for reading! My reguests are open for those who have one :).
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xx-ashes-xx · 3 years
Heyy! I love your blog I was wondering if I could request an enhypen imagine! Could you please do the reader is playfully teasing them and they pick the reader and throw them over their shoulder and tickle them? It’s completely okay if you’re too busy to do this!! Just wanted to let you know that your anon submissions aren’t on :)
Thank you!! 😭 I had no idea that I had to go on desktop to turn on anon submissions and name my asks. I actually don't know if you want an imagine for each member or a reaction+imagine so I just did an imagine for each. I'm new to having a blog so please be patient with me! I didn't know what to title this so I went with no title. :)
Word Count: 1703
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None! But if you have any triggers then be careful!
Disclaimer: This is pure fiction please don’t become a delulu.
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You two were eating ramen in the living room, watching a movie. Heeseung, too caught up with the movie, had ramen noodles hanging out of his mouth as he blankly stared at the TV. You looked over at him, almost spitting out noodles. He looked like he was spaced out or crazy, mouth hanging open, noodles almost falling out his mouth.
You slowly got out your phone, taking a pic.
"Did you just take a picture of me?" Heeseung asked, snapping out of space. He quickly swallowed the noodles and regained his composure. "No." You held back a laugh "You're lying let me see." He argued, trying to reach for your phone.
You held your phone back, just out of his reach, "No, you're going to make me delete it."
You were trying your hardest to hold back laughter, but failed.
"You should've seen yourself, you looked hilarious!" You laughed, holding your stomach from laughing too hard "Give me your phone!!" He yelled, trying to snatch your phone from you. "Noo~ I'm going to set it as my wallpaper." You replied with a cheeky grin.
Heeseung ended up tackling you, tickling your sides until you dropped your phone.
"HeEseUng nO!"
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Laying on the couch, Jay was too busy on his phone to pay attention to you, who was now bored. Tired of scrolling through your phone, you decided to mess with him for a bit.
You snatched his phone and ran into the hallway.
"Pay attention to me!" You whined, sticking out your tongue to aggravate him "Y/N, give me back my phone!" He shouted, getting up from the couch.
He went to the hallway and tried to snatch his phone back from your hands. After a few tries, he got tired of playing around. He picked you up and threw you over the shoulder.
"Jay! Let me down!!" You shouted, hitting his back "Not until you give me back my phone!" He replied.
He carried you to the bedroom and placed you on the bed, tickling you.
"This is what you get for stealing my phone, you're going to die from tickles." He said "nO. StoP iT." You laughed, still holding onto his phone "Do you really want the gravestone to read, 'Here lies Y/N L/N, died from tickles'?" He questioned "Okay, okay!" You gave up, handing him back his phone "Thank you." He said, giving you a kiss on the temple, "The next time you want attention, just tell me, alright?" "Okay." You smiled.
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You were playing with Layla while Jake watched.
“Who’s a good girl?? You are.” You said, as you gave Layla belly rubs, “Jakey, doesn’t it seem like she likes me more?” “No way, she loves me the most.” He replied “You sure about that Jakey??” You teased as you hugged Layla.
Layla licked your face before going back to smiling with her tongue out.
“See? She loves me now,” You said, “Layla, do you wanna stay at my house??” “No way, I’m not allowing that.” He replied, “Let’s see who Layla goes to.” “Alright.” You agreed.
You and Jakestand in opposite sides, urging Layla to come closer. Layla was a bit confused on who to go to but after a few seconds, she went to you.
You bursted out laughing, “She loves me the most now!”
Jake practically fell to the ground, eyes closed. He was quiet for a few seconds before screaming, “LAYLA!!”
He stood up back up and tackled you, sweeping you off your feet and throwing you over his shoulder.
He started to spin around, making you both dizzy.
He puts you down on the couch and when you thought it was over, he started to tickle you.
“AGH JAKE!” You screamed “Repeat after me, Layla loves Jake the most and I will always be second place.” He said “NO!” You replied “I’m not going to stop until you say it.” He said “OkAy, LaylA lOves jAke tHe mOst aNd I wiLl alWays bE seCond PlaCe.” You gave in.
Jake stopped tickling you and smiled in victory.
“But we both know that’s a lie.” You commented, holding back a laugh.
Here comes the tickling.
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“Rock, paper, scissors on who does the dishes?” You asked “Sure.” Sunghoon agreed.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” You shouted.
You, rock. Sunghoon, scissors.
“YEAHH!” You shouted “WAit waiT, best out of three!” He argued “Too late, you’re doing the dishes.” You replied, sticking out your tongue “You were just lucky, best out of three, you won’t win that’s why you won’t do it.” He complained “Alright you big cry baby, just to prove that fate has chosen you, Park Sunghoon, to do the dishes.” You replied, smirking.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” Sunghoon shouted.
You, rock. Sunghoon, scissors.
Sunghoon gave up and threw you over his shoulder, heading towards the living room. “Let me down!” You shouted, hitting his back “Not until you admit you cheated!!” He replied, laying you down on the couch “And what are you gonna do if I don’t?” You questioned “Tickle you.” He replied.
Hands at your sides, aggressively tickling you.
“AGHH SUNGHOON YOU’RE GOING TOO FAR!” You screamed, laughing “NO YOU DID IN ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!” He argued “WHAT ABOUT THIS, WE DO THEM TOGETHER!” You compromised “NO YOU DO THEM!” He argued “SUNGHOON PLEASE!” You begged, trying to swat his hands away from your sides “Fine! But you owe me ice cream afterward!” He said.
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You and Sunoo were doing each other’s makeup. You wanted to prank Sunoo, so you decided to ‘accidentally’ put a bit too much blush and drew hearts all over his face, saying “It’s a Valentine’s Day theme makeup look, relax Sunoo.” “Alright, but you better not do anything funny.” He replied “I won’t.” You lied.
After you were finished, you quickly took a picture and told him to open his eyes.
“Y/N WHAT IS THIS?!” Sunoo screamed, “You said you wouldn’t do anything funny” “I’m sorry! You still look cute though!” You replied, laughing “No I don’t! I look crazy!” He replied, pouting “I’m getting revenge for this!”
Sunoo tackled you, tickling your sides.
“AHH KIM SUNOO!!” You screamed “You brought this upon yourself Y/N L/N!” He said, laughing as well “Sunoo, I’m sorry!! It won’t happen again!” You apologized “That’s not good enough, try again!” He replied “Kim Sunoo, the visual of Enhypen, the most handsome guy I know, the boy with the most duality, my sunshine, I’m sorry for doing that to your precious pretty face!” You shouted.
Sunoo stopped and smiled, “You flatter me, Y/N L/N, but don’t do that again!”
He laid on top of you, head on your chest and arms wrapped around you. “I can’t promise that, but you have a free pass to do that to me.” You said, “Deal?” “Deal, I guess..” He agreed with a pout “I can tell that you’re pouting.” You said, kissing the top of his head, “I love you Kim Sunoo. Don’t ever forget that.” “I know,” He replied, smiling, “I love you too Y/N L/N.”
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You and Jungwon were playing a game on the Nintendo Switch. You kept on winning which made Jungwon a bit frustrated.
“Are you cheating?” He asked “How am I cheating? You just suck.” You teased “No I don’t. Watch, in this match, I’ll win.” He replied.
While playing the game, an idea popped into Jungwon’s head. When you were close to winning, Jungwon suddenly started to tickle you. “YAH YANG JUNGWON YOU CHEATER!” You shouted, trying to finish the match “You’re winning too much!” He replied, “It’s not fair!”
In the end, you won that match.
“A cheater for sure.” He said “You cheated during that match!” You argued, “I was lucky to win.” “Ah, whatever, I shouldn’t be making a big deal out of it.” He said, pouting.
You looked at him, feeling a bit bad that you made him pout.
“It’s alright Jungwon, you can always improve.” You said, “Do you wanna watch a movie and cuddle?” “Can I pick the movie?” He asked “Of course.” You replied, “Want me to go get some ice cream to eat as well?” “Yes please.” He answered.
You went to get some ice cream from the kitchen and went back to the living room with two spoons.
“Cheer up, Jungwon, next time I’ll go easy and let you practice with me.” You said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
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You two were laying in bed, Ni-ki refusing to get up.
“I guess it can’t be helped.” You sighed, getting up.
Before you walked out of the room, you looked back at Ni-ki, his eyes still shut.
“Looks like I’ll have to eat Bungeoppang by myself.” You said loudly, speed walking down the hallway before Ni-ki can tackle you.
You thought you were safe until you were swept off your feet. Ni-ki had you over his shoulder.
“Well that was quick.” You commented “Don’t eat Bungeoppang without me, you can only eat it with me.” He said, his voice hoarse “Yeah, yeah,” You replied, “So you won’t get up when I tell you to but you will when I go to eat Bungeoppang?” “Bungeoppang is for life.” Ni-ki replied.
Ni-ki carried you to the kitchen, placing you down next to a chair.
“I’ll get the Bungeoppang, you sit tight.” He said “Alright.” You replied, holding back a laugh, “We still haven’t brushed our teeth.” “Bungeoppang first, we’ll brush our teeth after.” He said “You mean, you’ll brush your teeth after,” You replied, “Come and brush your teeth when the Bungeoppang is in the microwave, it’ll taste better if you do.” You gave Ni-ki a peck on the cheek before heading to your shared bathroom.
A/N: It took forever to write for all of the members but I’m glad I did but Sunoo’s ending is just 😩😩 I wasn’t able to put in the entire request for all of the members but it still had parts of it. I hope you enjoyed it!
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yemilnisu · 3 years
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characters are arranged alphabetically
contains some manga spoilers⚠️
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AKAASHI is the librarian roommate. the amount of book and manga he owns is astronomical, it occupies almost his entire room and even half of the living room. but you ain’t complaining since he let’s you read whatever manga or book you want.
ASAHI is the passive-aggressive roommate. he’ll leave notes at the fridge to tell you what’s bothering him, he’s just to shy to confront you face-to-face about them. then he’ll feel extra guilty for doing that but you assures him that if he’s more comfortable with confronting you that way then it’s completely fine.
ATSUMU is the outgoing roommate. he likes to party and always have his teammates over, they’ll either have a small party or as simple as having a sleepover. luckily, his teammates are hot so you don’t really mind having them over.
BOKUTO is the food thief roommate. he tends to forget that he is not the only one living in the apartment and always assumes that all the food in the fridge was his. but he makes up for it when you asked what happened to the ramen you bought by always ordering or cooking you some food.
DAICHI is the strict roommate. not in a intimidating or bossy way but in a good way. you’re glad that he suggested to make some rules and regulations around the apartment because you don’t want to accidentally invade his privacy or offend him in anyway and same goes for him.
HINATA is the ghost roommate. like the only time you had a long conversation with this sunshine was the day he moved and after that he was basically gone. he’s either out practicing volleyball or at his teammate’s place.
IWAIZUMI is the gym junkie roommate. you see him more often in the gym than in the apartment and even have some weights inside his room, well you can’t blame him being an athletic trainer he also need to take care of his body. one time you saw him topless and let me say, the amount of time he spends at the gym paid off.
KAGEYAMA is the sporty roommate. one of the corner of his room is full of stuff related to volleyball, it will either be medals, trophies or simply the ball itself. you already know that he’s still awake when you hear someone tossing or playing with a ball late at night.
KENMA is the hybrid roommate. he is a combination of a quiet and a noisy roommate. he himself is quiet, you were always the first one to start the conversation and break the awkward atmosphere. but when he starts his stream, the sound of his game and him yelling and cursing at the person he was playing with was unbearable.
KITA is the perfect roommate. he’s respectful and understands boundaries. when you were just planning on washing the dishes, he was already there washing them for you.
KONOHA is the messy roommate. you can count on him with doing the chores and other things in the apartment but when it comes to himself and his room, it’s just pure chaos. if you hadn’t mentioned how chaotic his room was he wouldn’t have thought it was messy.
KUROO is the tutor roommate. if you ever need someone to help you study or need someone to explain the lecture, the guy you live with is the answer. he’ll help you with studying and even let you borrow his textbooks with a little bit of teasing from time-to-time of course.
LEV is the cat-obsessed roommate. he have cat stuffed toys on his bed and some cat pictures hung on the wall. even though it was prohibited, he would always try to sneak a cat inside the apartment. previously, the landlord caught him red-handed and threatened to kick him out if she catches him again.
NISHINOYA is the noisy roommate. he maybe small but the amount of noise he makes make up for the lack of his height. like every midnight you can hear constant rumble and shifting in his room then followed by him yelling, “rolling thunder!”
OIKAWA is the bossy roommate. the two of you shares the rent but for some reason he treats you like you’re he’s maid. he thinks that he’s the supreme ruler just because he was the first one there and of course you wouldn’t let anyone treat you like that so you frankly confronted him about it, to your luck he stopped ordering you around.
OSAMU is the foodie roommate. you will never see the refrigerator empty, it’s always full of food. not because he was addicted to them, okay maybe that’s a small factor but the main reason was because he owns a restaurant.
SAKUSA is the clean freak roommate. i mean seriously it’s sakusa, what did you expect? he wants every corner of the room shiny, clean. he’ll have a general cleaning at least once a week. not one time did you ran out of lysol. you’re always in charge of taking out the trash because he will never do it.
SUGAWARA is the mom roommate. he’s always checking up on you and when you were sick he’s the first one to step in and took care of you. will shower you with compliments and help you pick out an outfit.
SUNA is the recluse roommate. he never ever leave his room. one time, you knocked at his door because he’s been inside for three whole days and you were worried, you thought he was dead or something bad happened.
TANAKA is the taken roommate. nothing can make you feel more single and alone than him and kiyoko snuggling next to each other while watching a movie. like seriously can’t they buy their own apartment? not everyone have a love life you know?
TENDOU is the borrower roommate. you’ll always hear him knocking on your door and borrowing something you own. honestly, you’re not sure if he owns anything because everything he use belongs to you.
TERUSHIMA is the nudist roommate. he’s hot and he knows it. the first time it happened was a complete accident but now he is purposely doing it. he’ll walk out of the bathroom topless saying he forgot his clothes in his room or some other lame excuse. what can he say? the sight of you getting flustered and nervous around him was amusing.
TSUKISHIMA is the intimidating roommate. whenever he sees that you didn’t do your chores, he’ll give ‘the look’ until you feel uncomfortable and do them. he established a lot of ground rules and it’s basically telling you to say away from him as far as possible. he always have his door closed because he doesn’t want you to see his dino collection.
USHIJIMA is the quiet roommate. you will most likely to have a heart attack because of this guy. when you turn around to walk to the living room he’ll be there standing behind you, waiting for you to finish using the sink, all tall and scary.
YAKU is the easy-going roommate. he’ll go with the flow on whatever you want to do or if you invited him to watch a movie with you, he’ll do so. whether you want your friends over he’s fine with it.
YAMAGUCHI is the shy roommate. even after months of being his roommate, he’s still very timid around you. he won’t watch the tv because you were already there and he thinks that he’ll just bother you and make you uncomfortable. but he’ll slowly warm up to you just give him time.
YAMAMOTO is the prankster roommate. you’re always so cautious with every step you take because you never know when it’ll happen. once, he put plastic wrappers at the hallway and you not wearing your contacts, stumble to them, spilling the newly brewed coffee all over you and your pajama.
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guardianofrivendell · 3 years
Stranger Danger
Modern!Kíli x reader
Requested: Yes! @roosliefje asked "Can you maybe write a modern Kíli story, with you being friends but there might be something more?”
Warnings: nothing much, miscommunication maybe and oh yeah... an unwanted guest! I feel like this trope has been used a lot but who cares :)
A/N: Oh my God, @roosliefje I am SO SORRY! You requested this months ago and I seriously thought I posted it, I had this written for you and everything. It was when I was editing my masterlist that a little voice in my head asked where the ‘unwanted guest’ fic was... So here you go! I didn’t check it - might do that later - and it’s probably not as well written as my current work (oh look at me being modest) because I wrote this in september (I like to think I grew a lot as a writer since then)
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Kíli sighed while wiping the sweat of his forehead with the hem of his shirt. 
He really needed to clean his apartment more often, so he wouldn’t have this much work when he finally did it. He groaned, realizing he sounded just like his brother. And no, that wasn’t a good thing.  
Of course, he hadn’t done this just because he felt like cleaning. No, Kíli wasn’t that responsible. If he did something, it was because he had a good reason. And that reason happened to be you, the friend he might have had a little crush on. A tiny little, barely existing one.  
You had made countless remarks about the state of his apartment and how messy he was. But what can he say? Kíli just wasn’t the domestic type. He could live perfectly fine and content between piles of laundry and dirty dishes. Why wash a shirt or clean a plate when you still had other shirts and plates left to use?  
But since you were that type of person that had everything in its place and cleaned almost every day, he was willing to do a little more effort. Maybe that way you would visit him more often... 
He tossed his dirty shirt into the laundry basket - See? He could do this! - and walked to his bathroom to take a well-deserved shower. 
When he turned on the water, he heard his phone ping. Realizing he had left it on the dinner table, he shrugged his shoulders and stepped into the shower. It probably was his brother Fíli. It could wait until after his shower.  
When he walked into the living room ten minutes later, rubbing his wet hair with a towel and wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants, he heard his phone ping again. 
He unlocked the screen and saw 4 messages and one missed call from you, the tone of every message growing more desperate. 
9:23 pm – Kee, are you home?
9:24 pm – Could you come over?
9:30 pm – You have 1 missed call from Y/N
9:32 pm – HELP! 
He immediately dialed your number. 
Please be okay, please be okay, he thought while hearing the familiar beeping. He cursed heavily when it turned on voicemail.  
He dialed your number again and sprinted to his bedroom to get dressed. He put his phone on speaker and tossed it on his bed, so he could dig through his drawers in search of a clean shirt.
To his relief, you answered this time. Great, he thought, at least you weren’t dead. But what he heard, didn’t put his mind at ease. On the contrary… 
“Y/N? Oh thank God, are you okay? What’s wrong?” he asked while pulling his shirt over his head.
“Shhh! Stop yelling, he might hear you,” you whispered.  
He? He grabbed his phone and held it to his ear. 
“Is there someone with you? Is it your ex?” he whispered, the color slowly draining from his face at the thought of you being alone with your aggressive ex. 
“He came out of nowhere! I thought I knocked him out with my frying pan but a couple of minutes later he was gone. He’s somewhere here, but I don’t know where. I’m scared, Kee!”
Your voice broke in the last sentence and so did Kíli.  
“I’m on my way,” he said, determined to end whoever had the guts to break into your apartment and scare you to death. 
Sure, it would’ve been smart if he had alerted the police or even his brother Fíli instead, but that thought didn’t even cross Kíli’s mind.
Kíli halted mid-step when it hit him. You called him. 
You were in danger and the first one you called was him. His chest swelled at the thought.   You called him for help and he was going to be your knight in shining armor. 
He ran through the streets and reached your building in record time. Taking the stairs two at a time he bolted to the second floor.
He stood in front of your door, panting like crazy.  From inside the apartment he could hear shouting and the clattering of kitchenware being thrown around.  He took the plate with the house number and turned it sideways, so he could take the spare key out of the hole in the wall.  He’d made fun of you when you had shown him your hiding spot, but now he praised whoever was in charge up there that you had.
When he entered the apartment, he closed the door and quickly scanned the hallway and living room.  You were in your kitchen, he could hear your yelling. 
“Take this!”
The sound of a plate being thrown to the ground echoed through the apartment. 
A chair fell over, and Kíli could hear you whimpering in fear. He looked around for something he could use as a weapon. Grabbing a small bronze statue, he silently walked towards the open kitchen door. 
“Get away from her!” he yelled, raising the statue above his head, ready to throw it at whoever was threatening you. 
He widened his eyes at the sight before him.  
Several chairs were toppled over, there were shards scattered over the floor together with some various kitchen items you’d clearly used as ammo. And then there was you, crouched down on your kitchen table.
But to his surprise you were alone.  
“Kíli? Oh thank God you’re here,” you sighed in relief.
He lowered the statue, slowly walking towards the table.  
“Where did he go?” he asked you, still clutching the statue. You pointed towards your stove.
He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Come again?” 
At that moment, a huge wolf spider crawled from underneath the stove and made his way to the kitchen door.
You screamed. “Kill it! KILL IT!” 
When Kíli realized you were talking about a spider all along, he roared with laughter. 
“Don’t you dare laugh at me, Kíli! Please just kill the damn thi-aaaaaah!”  
You screamed again when the wolf spider decided to go in the direction of the kitchen table. Kíli took a glass out of the cupboard and used it to catch the spider. He went to the living room and took a magazine, shoved it under the glass and took the spider outside to set it free.  
When he returned to the kitchen, he took your hand and helped you get off the table, his signature grin still plastered on his face. 
“It’s gone now, you’re safe,” he smirked. 
“Don’t look at me like that. You’ve seen it yourself, he was huge!”
“First of all, it’s an ‘it’, not a ‘he’-”
“You don’t know that,” you interrupted him. 
“Let me finish,” he continued, picking up the chairs and he pushed at your shoulders to make you sit down. “Secondly, don’t you ever scare me like that again okay?”
“Scare you? I thought I was the one being scared?”
“I thought your ex or some other criminal had broken into your home. You really made it sound like that, Y/N…” Kíli rubbed his face with his hands. “God, I was so worried.”
“You were worried about me?” you repeated, eyes wide. 
“Of course I was, you’re my friend aren’t you?” Kíli noticed your cheeks flush. You looked adorable.
“Yeah… friends. Of course!” you murmured softly. 
“Friends come to each other’s rescue,” he smiled, flexing his muscles. 
“Ah yes, my knight in shining armor… but without the armor.” You rolled your eyes. “So, since you came all the way here and acted all heroic, I need to thank you with… pizza?”
“Only if we’re watching a movie. My choice!”
“Deal!” You got up from your chair and ordered two pizzas.
When you sat together on the couch half an hour later, with your pizza between you, you leaned towards Kíli and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. 
Kíli immediately went red, his hand brushing over the spot where you kissed him.  
“What was that for?” 
Not that he complained, but he didn’t want to read too much into it. 
“Saving me,” you answered, eyes locked on the tv screen.
“Anytime Y/N…” He rubbed his cheek softly, the place where you kissed him still tingling. “Anytime…”
Kíli taglist: @elles-writing 
Permanent taglist: @roosliefje @kata1803 @entishramblings @artsywaterlily @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose @marvelschriss @kumqu4t @myrin1234 @dark-angel-is-back @the-fandoms-georgie @lathalea @xxbyimm​ @sokkasdarling​ @katethewriter​
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screechthemighty · 3 years
Resident Evil Brain is still going brrrr, so here’s a new short fic! I actually came up with the idea for it ages ago, but finishing up everything stays gave me some breathing room to finish it off. You can read the full story below, but I’ll also post it to AO3 (same user name as here) and include a link to that in the reblogs!
If it were up to him, he wouldn’t have slept. He would have powered through, gone after the next Lord. Stopping to eat was one thing; stopping to sleep felt wrong. Almost like he was giving up, or wasting valuable time that could be the difference between life and death for his daughter.
But Ethan had nearly tripped while catching a chicken to eat, and deep down he knew he'd just get himself killed if he didn't rest at least a little. He wasn't expecting that somewhere to be the back of the Duke's wagon, but the man had offered, and Ethan was too tired to complain. He kept the two flasks he'd managed to gather close to his chest as he curled up in his corner. "It's gonna be okay," Ethan whispered. He wasn't sure if Rose could hear him; the Duke had said her essence was intact, whatever the hell that meant, so maybe. It couldn't hurt to try. "I'm coming for you, honey. I promise."
He just needed enough of a nap that his limbs would stop feeling so heavy. Ethan's eyes drifted shut. He thought between the stinging pain in his hand and the memories of that awful house with all the dolls, sleep wouldn't come easy, but he dozed off pretty quickly.
He woke up to a feeling of dread seizing his body.
At first, he thought he’d had a nightmare, but...no, it was deeper than that. Maybe it was his paranoia, but something wasn’t right. Ethan carefully moved off the cot and crept towards the front of the cart. He could just see the Duke’s shoulder, and past it...
Black robes, the flutter of feathers, no, no, she couldn’t be here, not now.
The other man glanced over his shoulder, pressing a single finger to his lips. That was the only thing that kept Ethan from panicking. He thought about making a run for Rose, but that would mean making noise. It was a miracle that Miranda hadn’t heard him move the first time.
How hadn’t she noticed them? The Duke wasn’t exactly subtle. Ethan kept bracing himself for her to turn her head, try to talk to the Duke, maybe even try to hurt him. She did look their way at one point, causing Ethan to duck back behind cover, teeth clenched, trying to steady his breathing. But when he looked again, she just moved on. As if there were nothing out of the ordinary about the Duke being there.
No. As if she hadn’t seen them at all.
Ethan stayed frozen in place until Miranda was out of sight. Even then, he kept his voice down to a whisper: “Is she...?”
“She won’t be a problem,” said the Duke. Ethan was taken aback by the other man’s tone—not quite aggressive, but definitely hostile. “Not for now, at least.” And then, just as swiftly... “It’s good that you’re awake! I’ve just finished preparing lunch.”
That tone was gone.
The smell of food was the only thing that got Ethan to leave the cart; even then, he made sure everything was packed away and secure before he did. He wanted to be ready if he had to run. The Duke didn’t seem worried, though. He just served up the dish (Ethan had already forgotten what it was called, but fuck it smelled good) and started eating his own portion as if nothing were wrong. As if he hadn’t just had the one and only major change in his mood that Ethan had seen in the time they’d known each other. It wasn’t that long in the grand scheme of things, but when the guy had been so consistent up until then, it was noteworthy. Weird, even.
Why are you doing all of this?
Why, it’s all part of our first class customer service.
Or maybe it was personal.
Ethan sneaked a few glances at the Duke as he ate. The man seemed genuinely unbothered, but maybe he was just good at hiding whatever that venom had been. “How didn’t she see us?” Ethan asked. It felt almost rude to ask, but if he was throwing in his lot with this guy, he felt like he had a right to know. “She wasn’t too far away.”
“I’ve been in this village longer than she has,” said the Duke. “It seems to agree with me more than it does her.” He noticed Ethan’s immediate frown. “What’s the longest you’ve ever lived somewhere, Ethan?”
“The same...place? I mean, I was in Dallas for a while. Not the same house the whole time, but...probably Dallas?”
“Well, after a while, wouldn’t you say that you get a feeling for a place’s...essence? How it moves, how it breathes? You could navigate it more quickly than a person who hadn’t been there as long, could you not? Stay hidden in places and ways they wouldn’t know about?”
Oh, for fuck’s sake. “...we’re right out in the open, there’s nothing...” Ethan sighed. “You know what, never mind. This is sounding like a conversation I should be drunk for.”
The Duke laughed. It didn’t sound mocking, at least. “Well, if you find anything left to drink in this place, bring it back with you. We can split the bottle.”
“Maybe. Once this is over.” And as long as it wasn’t from Dimitrescu’s winery. That stuff definitely wasn’t just fermented grapes.
Ethan kept eating, trying to focus on the food and not on the questions still nagging at his mind. Nothing about this place made sense, and the Duke was high up there on that list. Even if Ethan was choosing to trust him for now...
No, I have to knw.
“So...you know Miranda? Maybe not personally, but...” Ethan glanced up at the Duke, carefully studying his nearly unreadable face. “...I take it you don’t like her very much?”
The Duke hesitated. Even though his face stayed impassive, that alone was enough to catch Ethan’s attention. He wasn’t usually so slow to answer. “I am not one of her devotees, no,” the Duke said. “Which means I can clearly see she is the root of much suffering in this place.”
“The Lords? All those monsters?”
“In more ways than you realize. They were people once, you know. They might be monstrous now, but they are monsters of her making.”
Ethan understood what the Duke meant. He thought about the Bakers. The madman that had cut off his leg versus the man with kind eyes who’d begged him to save his family. The shrieking banshee with her bugs versus a woman who could’ve been his own grandmother. He wasn’t sure if Eveline had ever been anything but cruel, but even if she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have existed if it hadn’t been for someone else’s greed. Even the molded had been people once. Ethan didn’t regret defending himself and Mia, never would, and he’d keep defending himself here as long as these people kept screwing with him. But...
How different might things had been if someone somewhere down the line just hadn’t screwed with everyone? Just left the Lords, whoever they had been once, and the villagers in peace?
“Yeah,” Ethan said quietly. He took his last few bites of the food. “Fuck that crazy bitch, huh?”
The Duke laughed boisterously. "I'll certainly eat to that."
Ethan didn't entirely relax. He wasn't sure he was capable of that. But he was able to relax a little. Even if he didn't know how, it seemed like the Duke's little setup was a safe place.
There weren't too many of those in this place.
Knowing what to say and when best to say it was one of the most important parts of customer service. It was the only thing that kept the Duke from saying more to Ethan Winters. The poor man had enough on his plate, much he had to grapple with, most of it beyond the scope of his understanding. Further truth might not break him, but it would cause him unnecessary stress.
There was much the Duke would have told him if it weren’t for that concern. What centuries felt like. How this little village had changed, people coming and going, living and dying. How many had tried to seize the power the mountains held. None had truly succeeded before Miranda, the self-proclaimed mother of this place.
The Duke may have long forgotten the face of his own mother, but he remembered enough to know what maternal love felt like. Whatever Miranda had to offer was not that love. Just a twisted perversion of it, as the Lords were twisted perversions of children. She was an infection in these lands, but unfortunately, one he could do nothing about. The Duke had a great many tricks up his sleeve, but he was only a seller of arms. He had never learned to use them himself. He had always been keen to supply those who might oppose Miranda, but none had succeeded yet.
Out of all of them, he felt that Ethan Winters had the best chance of succeeding.
It wasn’t just the man’s biology, though that was clearly giving him an edge. It was something else: the spark the Duke had in his eyes from the first second they met. Determination. Rage. The kind of drive that couldn’t be found in any mold or virus in the world.
And what better to defeat a perversion of parental love than its true counterpart?
Ethan kept his bag clutched close to his chest as he ate, the bag that contained two parts of his daughter. The Duke had heard him whispering to the flasks before he fell asleep, trying to soothe and reassure the child. Even now, as he paused in eating, Ethan hummed quietly. A jaunty tune, one that the Duke didn’t recognize. “A favorite song of hers?” he asked.
Ethan glanced up. “Oh, uh. Yeah. ‘Doctor Worm.’ Never too early to get started on good music.” He held the bag a little closer before finishing off his meal. “Thanks. For the food. And for...” He gestured. “Whatever it was you did back there. If you did anything.”
His tone cemented the Duke’s decision to keep some things from Ethan. He sounded exasperated by even a simple cloaking technique. The Duke’s true age would only elicit a similar response.
Maybe if Ethan survived this, when he had less on his mind, the Duke could tell him everything. His full, dark history with Miranda. The full scope of the horrors he’d seen. The horrors that Ethan would have put a stop to. But for now, the Duke took Ethan’s plate with a smile. “Do keep an eye out for more meat as you go,” he said. “It would be an honor to have dinner with you.”
“Yeah,” Ethan said in a quiet huff. “Assuming I make it that long.”
That was always a risk, of course. That Ethan wouldn’t make it. But despite knowing that...
“After what you’ve done, Mr. Winters? I think you’re more than equipped to handle what’s to come.”
And he meant that. He truly did. Even if it was to be the death of Ethan Winters...the Duke had a feeling it would be the death of Mother Miranda as well.
He just hoped he would be able to explain exactly how truly important that was.
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silverynight · 3 years
Reki starts getting worried about Langa when he notices the way he's constantly looking at him during class; the window serves as a pretty good mirror actually.
He's not as happy as he used to be, but Reki has no idea why; at first he's almost sure it's because he's thinking about his Dad, so he decides not to ask questions. But then he realizes that Langa is hiding something from him.
He doesn't know what to do, he could ask, but doesn't want to press him... Or force him to tell Reki something he is clearly keeping from him for a reason.
As he tries to think about it, Kana, a pretty girl from his class approaches him with her friends; they're constantly asking about Langa and almost begging Reki to bring him to one of their parties (Reki usually wonders why they ask him instead of going to Langa themselves).
He's so worried that he mentions something to Kana and all the girls grin like they just won the lottery.
"I think he needs some love," she giggles, prompting Reki to look back in confusion.
"Love? What do you–"
"I meant a girlfriend!" She rolls her eyes, looking at Reki like he's an idiot.
Perhaps he is.
He's about to tell her that she's wrong, when he realizes that he actually has no idea; Reki is not sure why it hurts him so much thinking about Langa with a girlfriend, but... If that's what he needs, it doesn't matter what Reki feels.
"I think... you might be right."
"I am," she assures him, winking at him. "So you're gonna take him to the party this weekend? You two can meet a couple of girls there!"
Reki nods, despite of his own feelings, he's really not enthusiastic about it, but Langa is his friend and he wants him to be happy.
"Great! I'll text you later!"
When the girls walk away, giggling and whispering to each other, Reki notices Langa, waiting for him at the end of the hallway.
"I didn't see you there!" He grins, although he regrets it as soon as he sees the frown on Langa's face.
"Of course you didn't, you were too busy talking with your friends," he says, looking irritated. It confuses Reki, Langa doesn't usually get annoyed easily.
"I can introduce you–"
"No. Let's just get out of here."
Reki realizes something's wrong when they get to the park and Langa starts falling more than usual from his skateboard; his mind is clearly elsewhere.
After sighing, Langa finally stops in front of him, although all the irritation has vanished from his features, replaced by sadness.
"Reki, are you going to ask one of them out?"
"What? You mean Kana and her friends? No, no!"
Langa relaxes, the corners of his lips quirk up into a smile again and Reki finally sees what's going on.
He probably likes one of them and doesn't want Reki to ask her out.
"No, you don't need to worry about that," he says, feeling a little bit down after realizing that Langa has a crush on a girl from their class.
"Let's go back to my apartment this time," Langa mumbles, taking Reki's hand in his. "My mother is working but she told me we can order pizza."
"Sounds good," Reki says absentmindedly, thinking that the party will probably be a torture for him.
It takes a little bit of convincing for Langa to agree to go to the party. It confuses Reki for a moment until he reminds himself that it's just because Langa is not very good at talking with other people.
"It's going to be great!" He assures him, even though he doesn't believe it himself. "There are going to be many girls of our class there!"
"Girls. Right," Langa grimaces, looking at Reki like he's in pain. "You... you want to go, right?"
"Yes," of course he doesn't, but he's determined to make Langa smile like he used to.
"Well, if you want to I'll go with you."
Langa takes his hand as soon as they reach the house, prompting Reki to think he's feeling a little bit nervous.
"Reki, Langa!" Kana grins. "I'm so glad you decided to come."
However, she narrows her eyes when she sees their hands, but doesn't make any comments.
Without even realizing what's going on, they're introduced to a couple of girls and Reki is so focused trying to remember every name, he doesn't realize he let go of Langa's hand at some point.
Actually, Langa is currently at the other side of the room, surrounded by enthusiastic girls who seem to be overwhelming him with questions.
He looks tense; he's constantly looking around the room, looking for something, so Reki takes a step in his direction, but Kana grabs him by the arm to stop him.
"He'll be fine," she assures him. "You have to let him meet new people."
"Right," the redhead bites his bottom lip, wondering if he's actually the one overwhelming Langa.
Kana leads him to a couch, where a girl is giggling with a boy while sitting on his lap. Reki tries not to look at them and finds himself blushing.
"You're really cute, Reki," Kana chuckles, probably making fun of him for acting like that. "Not like other boys I've met."
"I hope that's a compliment," he mumbles, flustered.
"It is. Actually, I was wondering..."
"Reki, I want to go."
Langa's voice startles him, but his expression worries him; the boy looks like he's in pain.
"Are you alright? Did something happen?" Rising from the couch, Reki gets closer to his friend.
"No. I'm f-fine. I just want to go S," he mumbles. "If you want to sta–No, actually, I want you to come with me."
Even though he's clearly talking to Reki, Langa says the last words while glaring at something over Reki's shoulder.
"Please," he adds, softly, vulnerable as he stares back at the redhead.
"Of course, let's go," Reki smiles, taking Langa's hand in his.
He says goodbye to Kana quickly, because Langa is already pulling him towards the front door.
"Are you really okay?"
"I'm better now," Langa says, intertwining their fingers together.
"Is it just me or the kid is skateboarding more aggressively than usual?" Joe comments, looking at the monitors.
"He is," Reki agrees with him. "I don't know what's going on, but he's been acting weird lately. I took him to a party so he could meet girls and–"
Joe snorts, Cherry rolls his eyes and Miya frowns at him.
"Are you kidding me, right?"
"No, why would I–"
"Girls, seriously?" Miya stares at him in disbelief.
"Yes, girls! I don't understand why is that so funny to you!"
"Langa is gay," Cherry says casually, still with his eyes on the monitor. It looks like Langa is gonna beat Shadow again.
"Oh... Oh!" Reki suddenly feels like an idiot. He's Langa's best friend and he had no idea... "How do you know?"
"It's obvious," Joe says.
He gets startled a second time that night by Langa. Reki wasn't paying too much attention to the competition so he didn't realize when it ended.
And suddenly, Langa's arms are all around him. He likes to embrace Reki every time he wins, which is quite a lot.
However, this time he lifts Reki from the ground, reminding the redhead that his friend is way stronger than he looks.
"Let's celebrate!"
"It's late, Langa–"
"Let's go to my restaurant," Joe offers. "I'll cook something for us."
He opens the restaurant just for them, although their friends sit on a table and leave Reki and Langa in another.
Joe puts a candle on theirs and winks at them before leaving. Reki starts feeling quite confused.
"Listen, Langa... I'm sorry for bringing you to that party... I just wanted you to meet someone. I wanted you to be happy."
Suddenly, a fond grin appears on Langa's face.
"Reki, I like–"
"Boys, I know... I'm sorry for not figuring it out before... I can do better next time. Just tell me if you like someone from our class... What's your type?"
"Oblivious," Langa chuckles, eyes glimmering with happiness as he takes Reki's face in his hands. "Funny, passionate. With beautiful, bright red hair. Wears hoodies, loves skateboarding more than anything, kind... Very handsome, has–"
"Alright, alright!" Reki puts a hand to cover Langa's lips. He's blushing to the tip of his ears. "I get it now!"
"Sorry, I shouldn't have–"
"I like you too!" He cuts Langa off, before the boy can start apologizing for it.
"Yes, you don't have to sound like–"
"I think I'm in love with you," Langa whispers sincerely, looking happy again. He's beaming at Reki. "Can I kiss you?"
Reki is not prepared for the possessive kiss, but he enjoys it quite a lot. It's almost like Langa had been waiting to do that for a while.
Someone clears his throat and Reki remembers that his friends are right there. Blushing, he pulls away, but not without noticing the way Langa chases his lips afterwards.
It's quite endearing.
Shadow is looking at them with a grin and tears in his eyes (for a moment Reki thinks he'll start sobbing) Cherry finally takes his hand off Miya's eyes and Joe leans over their table to put two dishes in front of them.
"Don't tell me you knew about this too..." Reki says, trying not to blush as Langa moves him easily to put him over his lap.
"About you two being idiots in love?" Miya rolls his eyes, but still smiles at them. "From the very beginning. Langa realized it first, by the way."
"That I did," Langa agrees, grinning from ear to ear, before kissing Reki's hand.
"Please, we want to eat! There's no need to be gross here!" Miya complains, although Reki knows he's actually happy for them.
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babbushka · 3 years
The Rabbi Is Coming
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Flip Zimmerman x Reader (Darling Jewish Wife AU)
A/N: This oneshot is based entirely off of one of my favorite videos of all time, Company is Coming by Chris Fleming. Every time I see it, it reminds me of preparing for my own family holiday gatherings, so I’ve taken it and run with it lol. I just wanted to write something short and silly for Passover, lol, and I hope you enjoy! 
Also inspired by this prompt sent in by anonymous: From your Passover prompts, will you please do this one for Flip? It sounds just like him!“They tried to kill us. We survived. Let’s eat.”
2k, crack treated seriously lol, humor. Putting a small cw for the Zimmerman’s son, in case folks don’t like reading about kids (this is the last time he’s mentioned for a while I promise lol)
Early in the morning, just after sunrise, Flip yawns and stretches awake. The golden light of morning shines through the curtains that gently move from the breeze of the ceiling fan, and a melody of chirping birds signal the official start of morning. Despite having to get up early for work every day, Flip isn’t much of a morning person. But something about Springtime and the warmth that’s on the way makes him appreciate getting up, even on the weekends.  
“Good morning, sunshine, light of my life – ” Flip rolls over onto his side, ready to coax you out of your sleep as well, ready to kiss you and start the day together, but when he reaches you’re your sleep-snuggled body, he finds the bed empty, and frowns.
Sitting up, he looks around the bedroom. Your side of the covers are neatly made, and Flip can only blink, his frown deepening. He clears his throat, raspy from disuse overnight, “(Y/N)?”
It isn’t until he hears the vacuum cleaner going downstairs, followed by a frustrated groan echoing through the house, that he remembers just what day it is, and falls back onto his pillow with a wince, lighting up a cigarette and scrubbing a hand over his face with a low,
“…Oh shit.”
He checks the clock, sees that it’s practically seven o’clock, and gets out of bed. Pulling on a casual t-shirt and a pair of worn jeans, he leaves his room to see his son standing tentatively in his own doorway, as loud sounds come from downstairs.
“Pop?” The five year old asks with no small amount of hesitation in his voice, immediately reaches for Flip, who scoops him up and balances him on his hip.  
“Mornin’ honey.” Flip kisses his son’s cheek, and the boy giggles, clinging to him as Flip walks down the stairs.
He’s obviously annoyed that it’s not you who gets to wake him up and carry him downstairs, as he normally prefers, but Flip doesn’t know how to tell him that today isn’t a normal day. Still, the boy is always filled with questions, and his little eyebrows furrow into an all too familiar frown as they move closer to the chaos that is you deciding to vacuum first thing in the morning.
“Why is Mama acting like that?” He demands to know, as the two of them stop at the landing, watching as you, still in your pajamas, are fighting with furniture.
“Tonight’s the first night of Pesach.” Flip explains.
“So?” His son challenges, and Flip wants to laugh, because he agrees with the kid, but when you get into a mood like this, there’s no stopping you.
“So, there’s a very special guest coming for dinner tonight, and she wants to make sure the house looks nice and clean for him.” Flip sets the boy down, and he purses his lips, like he’s trying to assess the validity of that, eventually settling on complaining,
“But we already cleaned the house.”
Flip sighs, because he’s right, you spent the entire week cleaning to prepare for Passover. It wasn’t like a normal house cleaning, Passover had special rules that had to be obeyed. One of which, was the complete and total elimination of chametz, or food made from leavened dough. The other, was the koshering of the kitchen.
But he wasn’t so sure his five year old would care to hear about all that this early.
“I know son. Let’s go see what she fixed up for breakfast,” Flip leads his son through the living room carefully, before crouching down to his level and saying very seriously, “And then when you’re done eating, just do whatever Mama says, you hear me? Whatever she says.”
Just then, you come barreling through the living room with the vacuum and a tangle of cord in your hand, shouting at a completely inappropriate volume for the hour, “Zeeskiet if you haven’t made your bed just throw it away it’s too late to make it now!”
The boy looks up at Flip, and Flip immediately shakes his head and amends, “Not that.”
Flip is a good helper. He likes to help, and he wants to help, but sometimes when you get like this, it’s a danger to himself and everyone around for him to try and insert himself into a situation where you are a hurricane of anxious energy. He busies himself with getting your son settled at the kitchen table, giving him a big breakfast of fresh fruit, nuts, and yogurt, before bracing himself to venture back towards the dining room.  
“The Rabbi is coming – get rid of the couches we can’t let people know we sit!” You shout, pointing an aggressive finger at one of the dining chairs, “This chair needs to be pushed in, there cannot be any signs of living in this house.”
Flip is quick to do as you say, even though what you’re saying is nonsense – he knows better than to point that out.
“I don’t care if we have to throw everything out,” You’re mostly talking to yourself at this point, just…loudly, and aggressively, “I want this place looking like a contemporary fusion restaurant by noon.”
It was a miracle and a half that the Rabbi agreed to lead your Seder dinner, and to say that the pressure was getting to you was the understatement of the century. You had everything picked out, what you were going to wear, what Flip and the kids were going to wear; you’d been cooking and prepping all week, and now the day was finally here and you were totally freaking out.
“Flip?” You shout, walking in circles around the dining room, trying to get rid of any possible point of contamination of chametz.
“Yeah?” Flip replies, already knowing that because he’s in the other room, you probably can’t hear him. He already is walking towards you when he hears you again.
“Phil!” You call a little sharper, and Flip huffs out a laugh, his suspicion correct.
“I’m right here ketsl, what can I do?” Flip startles you by suddenly being behind directly behind you, and you throw your hands up in exasperation.
“Oh my god – we need more pillows.” You gesture to the den where the conversation pit is decked out entirely with pillows. “Can you fluff the pillows? I need these things looking fluffed.”
Flip does exactly as he’s told, and the rest of the morning follows suit.
You wandered around the house cleaning; vacuuming sweeping dusting sanitizing every possible surface, the floors, even the ceiling, shouting out random demands and requests like:
We need more flowers. We gotta put flowers in every window. Philly can you put flowers in the kitchen?
We can’t have any clothes! Everyone take off your clothes!
At that, your son cast a semi-distressed look to Flip and asked, an uncertain, “Pop?”
“Not that either!” Flip immediately answered, lest his son think it’s okay to go running around in the nude tonight.
Somewhere around hour two, your mood shifts from manic to meltdown. Your son had been instructed to make sure his toys were all nicely put away in his room, mostly to keep him out of trouble or to prevent any accidental tripping over wires. Flip though, is still running around trying to keep up with you, out of breath from your own chaos.
“What is this?” You yank the perfectly good little towel out of the oven door handle where Flip had just watched you place it, and near-tears, you groan, “This is a dish towel! We need a hand towel! What are we, barbarians?”
He’s about to say something, try to console you or at the very least calm you down, but then you come to a complete and sudden stand-still and point out, “Phil oh god there’s muffins on the counter.”
Frowning, Flip whirled around and wondered how the fuck those even got there. All of your friends knew that there was absolutely no leavened product allowed in the house, Rabbi or no, and he’s trying to wrack his brain around where they came from as you back against the wall.
“Oh my god oh – that’s it -- we have to go into the witness protection program folks!” You chuckle humorously, effectively giving up. “Shalom Rabbi! Welcome to the Zimmerman household. We live outside. We eat mud. And sticks.”
At this, you give one big overwhelmed sigh, and a little sob hiccups out of your chest.
“Hey,” Flip frowns, kicking himself for not trying to get you to take a breather earlier than this, “Hey it’s going to be okay.”
Flip gets down on the floor with you, and pulls you into a tight hug. You shove your face under his neck and cry it out, and Flip soothes your back. He knows how big of a deal tonight is for you, and he wants to do everything he can to make you happy, but letting this go on any longer won’t be good for anyone.
“I’ll get rid of the muffins, we won’t tell anyone about it, okay?” He pulls you to face him, your eyes wet and wide, your chin wobbling. He thinks you’re so ridiculous, working yourself up like this, but he loves you so much to see it regardless.
“Did you fluff the pillows?” You ask in a small sad voice, and Flip nods seriously, brushing some of your stray locks that escaped the scarf you have wrapped around your head to protect your hair, away from your face.
“Yes ketsl, I fluffed the pillows.” He kisses each of your cheeks, the bridge of your nose, your forehead.
“Okay, alright okay, everyone calm down.” You say, wiping your tears away and taking deep measured breaths, suddenly asking, “What time is it?”
“Uhh,” Flip cranes his head around to try and catch a good glimpse at the clock on the wall, wondering how the hell it’s only, “Nine-thirty.”
You blink, and blink again, and then shuffle to sit upright there on the kitchen floor.
“Oh.” You reply, pursing your lips and scratching the side of your jaw. “In that case…I’m going to take a nap.”
Flip chuckles and lets you go. You’re too much all the time, and that’s exactly why he loves you. He’s never met anyone who cares as much about something like this, than you, and he wants you to go relax while he takes care of everything.
And he does, his son a proper helper as you snooze in bed, already having worked yourself to exhaustion and needing your strength back for the long dinner that’s going to come. The offending muffins are given to a neighbor, the surfaces re-sanitized, the kitchen all prepared. Your son even sets the table all by himself, enjoying being tall for his age thanks to Flip’s genetics.
When evening falls much later, and all your other guests have arrived, you feel your pulse spike as the doorbell rings. You’re dressed to the nines, as is everyone else, but Flip thinks that you’re the most radiant thing in the universe. You’re holding your son on your hip as Flip opens the door, already extending a hand for him to shake.
“Shalom Rabbi, thank you so much for joining us tonight, we can’t tell you how much of an honor it is.” You beam, as if you hadn’t had a total breakdown only that morning, as Flip invites the Rabbi inside.
“Of course Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, the honor is mine. And may I say, you have a beautiful home.” He looks around appreciatively, giving a nod of approval that has all the air rushing out of your lungs.
“I’m thrilled to hear you think so.” You grin, leading him through your home and into the dining room where your other guests have been happily entertaining themselves, “Shall we get started then?”
“They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat!” Flip announces, and that has everyone laughing, including the Rabbi.
And as the Seder commences, Flip looks across the table and gives his son a wink. In return, he lets out a small giggling laugh, glad that all the preparations and chaos you put them through have successfully paid off.
Taggin’ some Flip lovin’ friends! @mochabucky​​ @sacklerscumrag​​ @artsymaddie​​ @bitchydecisions​​ @direnightshade​​ @reyloaddict55​​ @thembohux​​  @sunflowersinthesnow​​ @babayagakeanu​​ @safarigirlsp​​  @steeevienicks​​  @the-unmanaged-mischief​​ @materialisthicc​​  @hswritingrecs​​  @han68000​​ @rosi3ba3z​​ @chapterhappygirl​​​ @loverofallthings​​​  @bxnnywriting​ @groovetoob​ 
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cqlfeels · 3 years
sangcheng and songxuexiao for the ask meme please (:
Thanks for playing! Under the cut for length
(I don't usually go here so that's gonna be interesting lol)
falls asleep on the couch: Is NHS asleep or does he just not want to walk all the way to bed? Who knows, not JC. Joke's on NHS, though, because JC will have an entire crisis over whether he's supposed to leave him there, carry him to bed or just wake him up and now NHS is stuck feigning sleep for 3 hours straight
makes friends with the neighbors: NHS, but he's not nearly as outgoing as people expect him to be. The neighbors adore him tho
is the adventurous eater: NHS, but he's gonna complain for a week if he dislikes what he tries. JC doesn't oppose to trying new things but he knows what he likes and sticks to it
hogs the covers at night: NHS, come on, this one is a no-brainer
forgets to do the dishes: NHS remembers the dishes, does nothing about it all day, and then when JC goes into the kitchen in the evening, NHS loudly proclaims himself an airhead for forgetting to do the dishes - and that's how JC always ends up doing the dishes
tries to surprise their partner more often: NHS. Not because he's an evil mastermind, I just think he'd have fun finding the perfect gifts to give for no reason
leaves dirty laundry on the floor: Neither, but it's more because both of them care too much about their own clothes than to be considerate of each other
stays up til 2 AM reading: Reading? Neither. But good luck dragging NHS away from a painting that isn't going the way he wants
sings in the shower: NHS but it's not obnoxiously loud or anything, and it's not an everyday thing either
takes the selfies: NHS has mastered the effortlessly perfect selfie, but the camera does love JC
plans date night: JC, technically, but NHS is constantly dropping intentionally unsubtle hints of exactly what he has in mind so let's call it a team effort. Having said that, just for the record: if left alone JC could plan a perfectly adequate date, it's just that NHS is likes to be involved
falls asleep on the couch: I know the expected answer is XY and I'm not disputing that, but I wanna make a case that XXC can easily sleep anywhere
makes friends with the neighbors: Genuinely makes friends? XXC. Is charming when it suits him but would sell the entire neighborhood for half a stale cupcake? XY. SL isn't friendly but he volunteers to wake up at 6am on a Sunday to help the neighbor he doesn't talk to take down Christmas decorations
is the adventurous eater: Not SL™️. XY thinks everything is a challenge he loses if he backs down from, and XXC is just your average adventurous eater
hogs the covers at night: XY, of course. He's not even cold, he just has that kind of habit and let's not think too much about why or this gets sad really fast
forgets to do the dishes: No one! SL is the most responsible and well-adjusted person you'll ever meet, XXC gives Disney princesses a run for their money in how cheerfully he keeps a house going, and XY is aggressively into living out his domestic dreams. Also important: XXC and SL thank each other for handling chores and XY thinks it's disgusting until he does it on accident and bluescreens for a moment
tries to surprise their partner more often: XXC canonically leaves candy on people's pillows. Come on. He's leaving loving post-it notes on the milk or something.
leaves dirty laundry on the floor: XY but only when he's being passive-aggressive
stays up til 2 AM reading: SL? I feel like SL doesn't need much sleep for some reason
sings in the shower: I can't emphasize how much XY likes to blast music while taking bubblebaths that last two hours. If it bothers XXC and SL, they can just find something more interesting for him to do, XY is sure they can think of something
takes the selfies: You know what? No one
plans date night: SL and XY almost get into a fight over it so XXC has very diplomatically decided that each one of them gets a week and the fourth week of the month is for family and friends 🥰
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pollenat · 4 years
SEVENTEEN and 5 ways to say I love you
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Droplets of water resting on his cheeks, reflecting moonlight. The rain has surprised you on an evening walk, and right now you’re standing by the crosswalk, his arms holding the coat above your heads while he stares at the red light. You should be shivering and getting annoyed at the discomfort of wet clothes, but you can’t stop staring at his ethereal side profile.
A gentle smile blossoming on his face whenever you compliment him. It’s so powerful, you can never stare at it long enough. He may say “Of course, I know that.”, but that doesn’t make him any less happy. And when you tell him how great he is in the tough moments, Seungcheol doesn’t respond. Instead, he hides his head under your chin, where he is always welcome to regain confidence and comfort.
Kissing him goodbye when he stops the car by your house. It’s lingering, your arms embracing one another to keep it going as long as possible. Neither of you are ready to part ways, despite the late hour. His hands press at your lower back, and after long minutes of being entwined, you pull away with sadness matching his eyes. Seungcheol grabs you once again, for one last kiss, and then finally lets go, his eyes following you until you disappear inside.
Taking a step back when his voice raises. It’s different - an irritating blaring alarm compared to the sweetness of his usual tone. His eyes are also strange. So stark, you feel the pain they’re meant to inflict. But the hurt doesn’t make you close in on yourself. Instead, it’s like a log to your fire. You need to stand up to it, fuel the useless aggression, even if it will burn you in the end.
Carefully spreading the blues of a face mask on his face. His eyes are closed, and open only when you can’t stop yourself from laughing any longer. “What’s so funny?” you genuinely want to explain, but another look at the numerous pigtails sticking out in different directions forces you to hide in one of his shoulders. “What did you do to my face?” his question is trying to be humorous, but the terror is all too evident in it.
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The sight of snow covering every surface possible. His voice when he complains about the cold. The redness of his nose poking above the scarf you’re tying around his neck. “You’re being embarrassing.”, but Jeonghan fails at hiding his smile behind the material. He doesn’t know his eyes are betraying him. “Yeah I know”, you answer him, now indifferent to the teasing.
Tired smile decorating his face when he visits you in the evening of your birthday. Training clothes crumpled, hair a mess, shoelaces untied and tucked into the sides. You tell him he didn’t have to, he’s done enough for you and needs rest. But truth be told, you’re selfishly happy to have him here. “If it’s for you, I don’t mind giving up few hours of sleep.” he says with calm certainty.
The times you have to wait for him to acknowledge you because of a petty fight. He’s not the person to back down from one, and you sometimes feel like pulling your fingers out from the amount of frustration you’re going through. You know he’ll eventually relent, let you in, lock you in a tight embrace, if only to ask why didn’t you say anything sooner. You’ll want to pick up the fight again, but what for?
Pieces of clothing he deliberately leaves at your place, so he can tease you whenever you put them on. “I was wondering where it disappeared.” “But you-” “It’s okay. I know how good I smell.” “Jeonghan-” “Shh, you can hold on to it for now.” As much as you want to argue, you end the fight with an angry sigh.
The smell of grass during a sunny day. Tree bark imprinting itself on your back, and Jeonghan’s head weighing down your thigh, his breath calm. There’s no doubt - he’s asleep. The guy could doze off anywhere. Somewhere in the back, a guitarist is playing for tips, light melody mixing with distant chatter. Your hands put away the book, tired of holding it in the air. Instead, you let the strands of Jeonghan’s hair entertain you.
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The cheesiness of slow-dancing in a room illuminated by the moon only. A song you came to like is playing, and Joshua’s voice joins the singer every now and then, before he stops himself. You’d rather listen to him singing. He laughs at the idea. “Don’t be cheesy!” but he can be?
Helping him fix his tie and collar before going to theater. His chin is pointing upwards, but his eyes are set on your face. You aren’t sure what he’s looking for, and the constant observation makes you self-conscious. “Why are you staring at me?” the question makes him smile. You take note of that, but remain busy with the tie. “Just admiring my beautiful plus one.”
Sitting by the table, him in front of you. It’s night time, and you’re both tired. It’s crazy how despite a hectic day, Joshua has managed to make you dinner. “Oh, this? It’s nothing!” was what he said after putting the plates of a complicated dish down. You can’t help, but smile to yourself in silence. Joshua’s foot nudges your underneath the table, and you look up to see him frowning questioningly. “It’s delicious.” has him smiling proudly.
The movie being just a background noise, neither of you interested in what it has to present. Not when you’re cuddled on the sofa, almost (!) sleeping. Joshua has his head tucked under your jaw. His breathing is regular and warm on your neck.Your fingers get tangled in the longer hairs on the top of his head. Eyes finally closing, the last thing you register is the characteristic smell of his shampoo.
Seeing his shoulders closing in on him. Head down, eyes empty, lips shut tight. Your approaching footsteps have no effect on his stature. He’s sitting still in his pose. A hand on his shoulder ends up shaken off. Words directed at him earn no response. After what feels like forever of standing dumbfounded by his side, you take a step back and leave him be. Maybe he needs space. Maybe he will call for you when he’s ready. Maybe, maybe, maybe. One thing is sure - you do feel a little hurt by rejection.
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The weight of his hand on your shoulder when you’re standing in a crowded space. It’s a bit suffocating, you can’t lie. Having Junhui’s protective arm embracing you forces your attention to focus on his presence instead. He can’t bring himself to look at you, sure you’ll tease him. Still, he can feel your admiring glances. “I know, I’m very chivalrous.” leaves his mouth before he can bite his tongue. “Don’t ruin the moment.” “Okay.”
Kissing your forehead numerous times when he notices it’s warm. His jumper is already on your chest, shyly given earlier after you commented the weather. Jun’s cold hand rests on your cheek to check its temperature too. After one last peck he finally declares “You have a fever.” in a bewildered tone.
Opening your phone’s gallery to twenty new selfies that Junhui has taken when you weren’t nearby. They’re almost all the same, but you can’t bring yourself to delete any. Even if it means he gets teasing material. “Obviously, I’m just too good-looking, right babe?” “Oh my god, yes you are, Junhui.” “Exactly.”
A noodle hanging from his mouth, and the suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows. You think of the scene that the two of you saw the day before - the connection is obvious. Jun smiles when you hesitate to follow his lead, proud to bring your cheeks the warmth of embarrassment. Then he chokes on the noodle, because you decided to strike back and take the other end in your mouth. As if he was the only one allowed to tease in your relationship.
How odd it is to see him indifferent and actually nervous around you. There’s a fear that it might’ve cemented the incoming end of your relationship. That maybe he wants nothing more to do with you. But Jun’s train of thoughts is far away from the breakup sphere, rather unsure how to make things normal again. It’s only a matter of time, right? And why are you just as strange about everything as him?
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Sharing a blanket with each other on the cold wooden boards, your group of friends seated in a circle, as you take turns telling scary stories. Your and Soonyoung’s terrified glances meet every now and then, before he leans on your chest so you can lock hands over his shoulder protectively. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.” His giggles at your promise score you numerous scolding looks.
You’re not the first one to notice him. Once his silhouette comes into your view, he’s already jumping in place, flailing his arms in the air for attention. A big smile spreads across his face, pushing his eyes almost shut. Soonyoung mouths something, but you can’t read his lips at all. Then he starts running towards you with arms wide open for embrace. Laughing, you do the same. It is embarrassing, but your suffering ends as soon as your face can hide in his neck.
Spoons of your meal disappearing in his mouth, although his half-finished own is resting right next to it. After five pointed glances, you give up to watch him full-time instead. Soonyoung is clearly enjoying his food. “Why are you not eating?” “I’m full already.” “You and your small stomach!” Him and his big stomach!
The collection of old Halloween couple costume’s you’ve collected over the years. Each worn just once, each as memorable as the previous one. Soonyoung throws himself at the mountain of colorful materials, his lips pouting. “You want to get rid of them? Our memories?!” “They’re taking up too much space.” He groans disgusted. “So?” “Get off and help me pack them.” “Make me!”
His sad eyes following your every move as you walk around the room gathering things. There’s a stark contrast between his watery gaze, and your angry stare. Every few seconds he starts senseless sentences, more a product of desperation than solid argumentation. And then you leave him alone, to get lost in his sad thoughts, to wonder what could’ve been done to avoid the conflict altogether.
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Eardrum-bursting noise of speeding cars. You flinch in your spot, then shoot a glare to the man that accidentally sat on remote control. “Wonwoo!” He smiles apologetically once you point out the volume. Sighing, you pick up the phone. Its clock reads 2 a.m, but even the realization doesn’t make you tired. “One more mission, come on!”
No matter when and where you’ve agreed to meet, he’s always the first one to appear. It’s not the nicest feeling - being always waited for - but Wonwoo rejects your attempts at confrontation. He says he’s used to it and prefers things that way. Why worry your head, when it’s all figured out. He doesn’t know that you know that he’s very particular about being the first one everywhere. Talk about chivalry.
The avoidance of physical contact. Yes, you are in a disagreement. Yes, some feelings were hurt. Yes, both of you are mad. The tension is thick, waiting for a knife sharp enough to cut through it. Tired of frowning, you reach for the rock you can always lean on, but the rock moves. You’re pushed away without him pushing, and at that moment the word hurt is redefined.
Summery evening spent by a lake. There’s a picnic table, usually posing nude with its graffiti, today dressed in a checkered cloth. A basket of half-finished lunch rests above all, closed, hopefully keeping the fruit away from insects. You watch another stone skipping the surface of calm water. It’s not a record-breaker, but you still cheer for Wonwoo. Sunset glances off of his glasses when he turns to look back.
Going through the pictures you ordered. A large frame is placed on the other end of the table, the blankness waiting for colors. But it’s been hours, and aside from leaning over the pictured memories, no collection has been decided. Wonwoo’s hand closes over yours when you hand him a particularly funny photograph. His deep hum resonates in appreciation.
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The look of bewilderment he puts on when your hand offers him a spoonful of food. You don’t mind the public, only nod at him in encouragement, and although shy, he accepts the offering. “Please, stop doing that.” “I can’t hear you because this stew is so amazingly delicious! You should have a taste once more!” Another spoon glares at him under your innocent gaze.
Hugging him tightly as you’re waiting for sleep to take over. The duvet is too cold for your liking, and Jihoon offers the only source of warmth you accept. You know that in the morning you’ll wake up separated, but for now you plan on enjoying being so close to him. Every now and then he leaves lingering kisses on your forehead without saying a word.
The deepness of bass syncing with your heartbeat. Jihoon is facing away from you, propped on his locked hands and gazing at the computer screen. He always closes off to focus on analyzing his tracks. As much as you want to remain silent and follow his lead, you’re convinced you’ve heard the same tune before. Then you recognize it from Jihoon’s humming a week prior.
His tear-strained face after a big argument. You’re shocked to see him so broken, and all the anger that’s been boiling your blood disappears. Jihoon accepts the embrace, his arms closing on you tightly, as he whispers “Don’t argue with me anymore, please. I don’t want you to leave”.
The day you run up the stairs to his apartment. The neighbors nod at you in mute greetings, all offering smaller or bigger smiles. Your fingers quickly put a memorized code in. The front door opens after you press the handle. There’s a pair of slippers already waiting. Jihoon walks into the hallway to welcome you. His hair is still wet from the shower.
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The annoyingly omittable grocery store playlists. They’re so subtle in their existence, you hum, but never remember exactly which melody. That is unless that song comes on. Seokmin who’s been pulling the cart from the side, turns to face you with a knowing smile. “Please, not here.” you ask, but Seokmin just turns away and begins singing along. People look, and you’re both extremely embarrassed and eager to listen to his voice more.
Instead of being angry, like you are, he’s sad. Misery written all over his infuriatingly beautiful face. It’s petty to continue attacking him with hurtful words. The ammo you’ve loaded now just a steam coming from na overheated gun. Seokmin doesn’t speak. He’s silent. It’s as if you’re the only one who can decide when will all the arguing end.
Finding a birthday gift a week before. Seokmin is terrible at hiding things meant for you, and although you’re itching to ask him “Your underwear drawer? Really?” you act as if nothing ever happened. Even if your fun was ruined, you do not wish him the same. He genuinely believes your act of surprise later.
Sitting chest to chest, legs around one another, while you’re brushing his hair. He doesn’t shy away from admitting that this tradition is his favorite one. That’s why you run comb through his locks for way too long, to keep him close, and bask in the familiarity of it all. When your eyes fall down, they always catch his big ones, patiently waiting for you to finish, and gift him a kiss.
A surprise backhug when you’re washing the dishes. Seokmin should be drying them off with a towel, but some time ago he abandoned the task, He’s always been quick to lose interest. His head rests on your shoulder, voice impatiently asking when will it be over. You want to laugh at him. Tell him to get back to work. But then again - you’re enjoying the warmth he’s radiating. Like fire in a chimney.
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Styling his hair after he has left the shower. Mingyu giggles hysterically as you put finishing touches to his mohawk. “You could be a punk rock guitarist.” his canines come into full display at the comment. Later he tells you to make him a greaser, with a carefully twisted lock of hair falling down his forehead.
A letter he has written when he realized things weren’t completely alright with you at the moment. A collection of words that to you make much more sense than to any other person. The letter itself can’t take the weight off of your shoulders, but the gentleness of his words, the constant encouragement, and the amount of love confessions do give you a new feeling, this time - a good one.
The giddiness when you know you’ll see him a matter of minutes. And as soon as you do, a smile breaks out, because how can it not? His is similar, just as full of warmth as yours. The only things warmer than it are his welcoming embrace and your cheeks rubbing. “I’ve been waiting for you for so long! You’re not late? Well, I was still waiting to see you!”
The warmest and securest of embraces he offers at any time of the day.  Mingyu may be busy and still take a moment to hug you when things don’t feel quite right. Just a look, a pout, a sigh, a call of his name, or a hand on his shoulder - Mingyu drops whatever it is he’s doing and opens his arms. Most times, as an added bonus, he offers you quick pecks of pure honey. Anywhere he can reach.
Sneaking hands into one another’s sleeves when the weather is cold. It may not be the smartest move, because there’s not much two adults merged in a pose like that can do. Mingyu giggles at the feeling of your ice cold fingers grabbing his arms, meanwhile almost jumping away from you. Only the hold you have on his limbs stops him from parting ways. “You’re too cold! I didn’t sign up for this!” “You’re supposed to warm my hands, so stop complaining!”
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The warmth of his arm as the two you huddle in front of a painting in the museum. Minghao‘s telling you what he thought of when he saw it for the first time. Then he encourages you to share your opinion. His eyes look genuinely curious. “I didn’t think of it like that!”, but you doubt his words. Still, it feels nice to be appreciated and listened to.
His tendency to fall silent in the middle of argument that does nothing to cease your annoyance. In the back of your mind a voice is telling you that it went too far, and you should follow suit, but the wind’s silence can never extinguish a raging fire. Blinded by rage, you throw the book you were holding on the ground, turn around and storm off, ignoring his voice calling your name. “Stop being childish!” annoys you only more.
The first thing you notice while falling into his arms being his perfume. It’s so rich, and so his, you feel safe and right in place before you can sense the plush of his flesh under fingertips. Minghao giggles at your strengthening grip. His ears pick up on your sniffing and after some time of letting you soak in his presence, he makes you look him in the eyes. You can’t argue - who would reject a kiss of adoration from a man like that?
Sharing a piece of cake in a cafe. It’s a red velvet, with strawberries on the side. There’re no words being exchanged, you just steal small smiles in each other’s direction. The cake disappears slowly, each spoon frugal and shy. It’s not that you can’t afford another one. The cake is an object of sentiment - something shared between two close people.
The delicateness of his fingertip on your upper cheek. It swipes to the side and (sadly) leaves. Minghao’s eyes follow his thumb as he transports a lost eyelash to the front of your lips. “Make a wish.” he says with a gentle smile. Heart fluttering, you struggle to glue together a proper plead. It’s the first dream that came up and you have nothing better to offer. Then you blow the eyelash into the air. Please world, make it happen.
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Trivial words that hurt like a stabbing knife. Now, instead of blood, they’re a source of all-consuming guilt. Even if the argument was mutual, you want to take everything back, because the present feels empty without Seungkwan. Your phone lights up with a message before you can drown yourself in sorrow. “We’ll talk tomorrow.” and tomorrow you hope to see him.
A band-aid that’s turned useless, but cannot be taken off. It’s what remains of Seungkwan’s touch, before he left for work overseas. The material is dirty, and sticking out at ends, and you should just get rid off it, because it’s a stupid reason to hold on to. Yet here you are - just pressing it down every five minutes in silent acceptance.
Poking your head into the hallway. TV is playing in the background, but a singing voice breaks through the noise. You smile in recognition and slowly make your way forward, towards the bathroom door. Seungkwan is in the middle of a shower. Happy to catch him off-guard, you sit down by the wall and listen. No plead is enough to make him sing consciously in your presence.
The melted chocolate you forgot to hide in the fridge. Seungkwan is scowling at his fingertips, sunk in the dark brown smudge. From his eyes alone you can tell he’s about to start scowling you. “Don’t be such a baby! Just go wash them!” He’s about to argue, but you push him out of the kitchen. “We wasted perfectly good chocolate!” We? That’s a first. Although he left, you hear him smacking lips. Seungkwan couldn’t allow the sweets to just waste.
An empty sofa to your side. A soft rug in front of you. Pillows thrown around the room. And yet, you and him are sitting huddled on the armchair, something designed for one (1) user. Seungkwan has his head lying on your shoulder. You’re too engrossed in TV to notice his lack of attention to the show. With passing moments his mouth moves closer to your neck, eyes on your side profile, hands on your hip.
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Seeing him in a badly sewn beanie that you wouldn’t have given to him if he hadn’t found it in your kitchen cupboard. It’s a mess of unfinished threads and misplaced crosses. Still, Vernon assures you that he loves it. “I look pretty cool in it, right?”, the earnest smile put on display. You look for the signal of a lie, but between the messy fringe, and the perfect pearls on display, you can’t find even a trace of it.
The moment he pulls away for a breather, his eyes hooded, lips swollen. It’s afternoon, though you do not care about the time. You marvel at the shadows, dancing with purple light on his face, but can only take a mental picture. His mouth is quick to return to yours, hands right behind it. The buckle of your belt clings with the button of his jeans.
Standing on a beach during a cold afternoon. The wind plays with whatever it can touch - waves, strands of hair, the lightest grains of sand. Above the howls you can hear Vernon’s breathing. He doesn’t say anything, maybe listening to the same things as you, maybe thinking about the things beyond. But his presence triumphs over the coldness.
The feeling of being watched that pops up randomly. Always with him, always when he’s sure you’re too busy to notice, always without a word spoken, always in your peripheral vision. You can’t tell whether he just gets lost in thoughts or is admiring you, but you never point it out. Others do it for you.
The buzz of adrenaline surging through your veins when he closes the door behind him. He’s mad, but doesn’t use the piece of wood to have the last sound. He rarely raises his voice, never shows anger through strength, never takes it out on the inanimated objects. The observation instantly causes you to miss him. But you can’t decide which feeling you should listen to - fresh anger, or even fresher loneliness.
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His voice reaching your ears through the phone every night, without a day off. Sometimes it’s tired, sometimes excited, but always there. He protests whenever you tell him to just hang up and go rest. “Don’t you want to talk with me?” “Of course I do. But you sound sleepy.” “Just five more minutes!” A long silence, and then a sigh. “Alright.”
The times when the only source of comfort he accepts is your embrace. You’re lying on the couch, arms opened for his frowning face. Not a full second passes, and he’s placed on top of you, nose in the crook of your neck, hands on your sides, legs digging underneath yours. Questions are avoided with simple I missed you’s.
Collecting tears down his jawline. Offered hug is rejected, but his pushing hands are weak, unsure in their movement. You can read him like a book, though you do not admit that aloud. He wants you to stay and comfort him. Cling to him despite his attempts at rejection. Chan sniffles. This time when your arms circle him, he does nothing to stop them.
The embarrassment you have to bite down. You’re just as flattered, but the latter feeling is much easier to hide. People are watching, some giggling, honestly enjoying the show,  some are feeling for the position you’re put in. Chan is still smiling widely, his pupils full of adoration. Too scared to do anything else, you decide to hide in his arms, already opened for an embrace. He’s the best type of both lovely and shameless.
Skipping down the stone stairs hand in hand. The rain has made a prompt run to shelter out of your slow afternoon walk. Suddenly, you can feel his fingers pulling at yours. Not down the stairs, but to his side. Chan slips. It’s a split second, somehow long enough to push heart up your throat. He manages to lean on the other leg to regain balance. Again, for a moment. Chan jumps down the last few stairs, straight into a puddle of rain water, successfully spraying you with the small tidal wave created from the impact. “I’m sorry!” but he laughs, so is he really?
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➛ pollenat’s list of reactions
➛ pollenat’s list of shorts
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