#theyre writing bios now with their fandoms listed..........
spacedlexi · 1 year
day 5. the bots are starting to make fan accounts
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cowboycharmac · 1 year
im sorry because this has been an issue for me but i am so so so serious about the minors do not follow in my bio. like i dont want to single anyone out but i do not want 15 year olds interacting with my weird horny posts nevermind the actual porn i write and post onto this blog. like i dont want to hardblock minors in this fandom bc first of all theyre not doing anything wrong by being underaged second of all if they see a post of mine on their dash thats safe for work and they want to interact with it i dont have a problem with that because why would i but just. i am really so very serious abt this if you are under the ripe old age of 18 and you followed my blog maybe without reading the description first please unfollow i am asking you so nicely. i have a lot of followers without ages in their bios which is. like fine bc personal information you know? but i am trusting you all that youre respecting my One listed boundary and i would ask that if you have maybe crossed it by accident you start respecting it now
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eon-cintran · 6 months
hello! i highly doubt my blog will ever be large enough to really need this sort of post, but im making one anyways!!
if tickling is mostly nsfw/a kink for you, please get off my blog.
it makes me very uncomfortable. i dont have anything against people who enjoy it like that, but tickling is entirely platonic and sfw for me personally, just a fun way to show affection. so if youre an nsfw blog, or associate heavily with blogs that are nsfw, please do not interact. if we're already good friends its fine, i dont mind, this only applies to strangers.
thanks :]
dni, fandoms, and other stuff under the cut!
- t/cest (please. no.)
- no age in bio/30+
- k!nk or ns/fw blog
- lgbtq+phobic
- pro-l!fe
- rac!st
- d0xxer/t0xic anti
- pretty much just basic dni criteria, dont be weird-
if you are included in this list anywhere, please do not interact. if you follow me, i will block you. there are plenty of other blogs out there, this one just isnt for you.
with that out of the way, heres some extra stuff! (subject to change at any time)
- feel free to send p much anything (within reason) in the askbox! ill respond to whatever i can :D
- DMs are open, but id prefer no teasing unless we've at least spoken before HJDKSB
- i'll put my specific boundaries on here if it becomes necessary, but for now theyre just basically dont be gross.
- this may change, but as of now i pretty much only reblog!! I dont often post my own content or fics, and i dont pretend to. this account is mostly just for me to "bookmark" fics i particularly enjoy. im trying to branch out currently and write some things for my new hyperfixation, but please dont expect much as i may lose motivation for writing abruptly and without reason-
- this is my second blog! my old blog is still up (@eoncintran) but im moving here because i wanted to make it a sideblog so i can swap easier between my main and tk account. my main is @citrus-blogs , so if you see interaction from there, its still me :]
Fandom List
(in no particular order)
- Smile for me
- rottmnt (and most other iterations of the franchise, but mainly 2018)
- the owl house
- voltron legendary defenders (mostly s1-s3 tho)
- gravity falls
- good omens
- stardew valley
- fnaf
- tma
- jwri (mainly apotheosis, but i do wanna listen to riptide and bitb at some point)
#eon writes - an ultra-rare tag for when a silly little idea pops into my brain! i hardly ever post stuff i write, so dont expect a coherent schedule or anything but i’ll probably occasionally toss some stuff into the Great Tumblr Void
#eon reblogs - anything thats not mine thats just a reblog, doesnt have to be a fic, might just be a cute dog idk
#fic recs with eon - fics i really enjoyed! ones id highly reccomend, the cream of the crop.
#eon rambles - anything that doesnt fit into the other two tags! might be posts like these, asks, or whatevers on my mind at the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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rellik0240 · 1 year
For my posts I'm gonna be putting the date at the top of each post chase idk about anyone else but I like to see when people post to see how active they are.
Secondly I will be taking requests if anyone feels like requesting. I will write a lot of things but shut or anything suggestive is a no. I'm Ace so idk how that shit even works tbh
I think that's pretty much it other than anything in my posts will be like date and extra info on the top, and then the writing. Anything in brackets would be like a little informational authors note.
Now a little bio for me.
You can call me Rellik or Ky. I'm 21yo and own a cat named Potato. Ask me anything about cats, theyre my special interest and i could go on for hours about cats and Potato. My current favorite game is borderlands 3 but I've played a few COD games. My fav would have to be Ghosts because of Riley but I love MW2(2022) mostly cause the sniper mission with Gaz and Price. Kinda wish Nikolai did more but whatever. I didn't play the newer MW1 yet but I hope to soon. I refuse to watch game play of games I haven't played bc its spoilers unless I don't really want to play the game. I like heavy metal music a lot but can enjoy 99% of any music. I just don't like anime songs or sad songs. Some are fine but I don't like a lot of the sad songs cause they're too slow. I've got a few headcanons about the COD boys but they kinda change and can be debatable.
Imma list the games that I've played and wouldn't mind writing about.
MW1 (og)
MW3 (og)
MW2 (2022)
Watchdogs (all 3 games DLC too)
Borderlands (2, 3, Tales, New Tales, all DLC for 3)
Assassins creed (2, brotherhood, revelations, 3, blackflag, syndicate)
Detroit: become human
Stray (cute cat game :)
That's pretty much it. Other fandoms I can do would be like
Most Rick Riordan books
Alan walker's walkerverse (I'm #80534 hit me up if you also a walker)
Space orcs / space Australia (on alt acc @rellik24 )
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grasslandgirl · 4 years
For the ask game F G H R T please!
tysm anna 🥺🥺💖💖
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
ahhhhhh this is SO hard, you’re getting top three sorry not sorry
in no particular order:
1) from I’ve waited and watered my heart ‘til it grew (the magnus archives, jon and martin):
“Georgie told me once- before the Unknowing, before… before we really understood the gravity of everything- that I needed people around me, to anchor me, as it were. To talk to- to all of you, but I think she also meant you, Martin, specifically. You were always there to anchor me, to listen to me, even when you were neck-deep in Lukas’s business. Even- even when I didn’t think I deserved it.”
Martin looked down at Jon, met his inscrutable and unwavering gaze. “You always deserved it, Jon,” he said, with all the conviction he had.
[i just ahhhh i think i really nailed jon’s voice through all of this fic but martin’s line here specifically. that’s it. that’s the crux of all of it i think.]
2) from my unfinished juno steel amnesia fic (the penumbra podcast, juno and rita):
“Amnesia?” Juno mumbled, looking at Rita for confirmation. “I lost… two years?”
“I mean, yeah, Mister Steel, if the last thing you remember was the Robertson case that was two years ago. And that means you don’t remember anything about Mister Ex-Mayor Takano-Flaherty or the THEIA’s or Mister Ransom or- OH!! This reminds me of that one stream we watched, Boss, with the guy who had his brain sucked out by aliens only they weren’t aliens they were actually a super secret government agency taking away people’s memories; but oh, no, I guess you can’t remember that either, because we watched that one after the case where that lady’s cat exploded after you lost your eye and you were still all sad about Mister Glass again- we should watch that stream, Boss! Especially now that you don’t remember anything either, even though-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up, Rita,” Juno said, waving his hand vaguely, “what was- any of that, if I’m being honest. Ransom and the mayor? We blew up somebody’s cat?”
“I mean technically, the cat blew itself up, Boss.”
[did i mention that i LOVE rita penumbrapodcast? cause i LOVE her and i love to write her she’s so fun and her dynamic with juno is So fun to write, she just talks and i get to run away on my keyboard and let her say whatever her salmon-crunchie flavored heart desires <3]
3) from my bad kids fantasy au unposted wip (dimension twenty, fabian and adaine and gorgug):
Fabian frowned at Gorgug, considering. “Gorgug, we need to duel more often. If I’m going to be Captain, I need to know all my competition- even if they’re my best friend.”
“Aww,” Gorgug smiled down at Fabian, “I’m your best friend?”
“What?” Fabian blinked in confusion, before noticing Gorgug’s widening smile. “You dick-” he punched Gorgug in the shoulder- “you nearly got me! Of course we’re best friends, Thistlespring-”
“What about me?” Adaine asked, watching her boys’ friendly scuffle.
“You’re my best friend, too,” Gorgug said eagerly, “I can have more than one best friend.”
“Well I have dozens of best friends,” Fabian said, never one to be out done. “But, uh, I suppose you two are the- the top of the list. Of my many friends.”
[i simply think.... they!! their dynamic is SO choice if i do say so myself, i just think that old childhood best friends is one of the Best dynamics out there and is sorely underutilized and i am taking it upon myself to solve that problem. you’re welcome, world]
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
i HAVE to write my fics in chronological order, from start to finish bc there are always scenes that i really Want to write and if i write those first then i have No drive or focus to write the Rest of the fic or the context that goes with it, so i make myself write chronologically and use the scenes that im really excited to write as a goal and a driving force to get myself through the other, equally important scenes, that i’m less excited about, otherwise the fic sits half-finished and abandoned in my wip folder, never to see the light of day......
H: How would you describe your style?
truly i Could Not Tell You. ive been told i write how i talk which. yeah. but idk how true that is for my fic/fiction writing? i truly don’t know tell me about my writing style im begging you i don’t know what my style is i just write its just there
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
there aren’t any specific writers that i draw regular, constant inspo from, really? i’m lucky to know and be friends with multiple incredibly talented authors (you, anna grace, chief among them of course) and sometimes when i read a really good fic or story ill get inspired by the author’s style or tone and work off of that; but those beats of inspiration aren’t super common and tend to just lead to short little spurts of writing, most of my longer ideas and wips are products of plot and character inspiration, drawing from my life or the original media itself and less from fic or other writing (shoutout to @nojoyinmudville and @cauldronoflove both for writing SO good that it made me write fanfiction for THEIR fanfiction sfjvnksjfbd)
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
uhhhhhh not off the top of my head? im a sucker for coffeeshop and bakery aus but they always sort of infuriate me bc you can always tell when theyre written by people who have Never Worked In Food Service nor have they KNOWN anyone who’s worked in food service bc they’re always “im the owner of a very popular, well-trafficked bakery and i’m the owner and also the ONLY EMPLOYEE. I BAKE ALL THE BREAD AND PASTRY MYSELF. AND I RUN THE REGISTER AND THE COUNTER. AND I CLEAN THE WHOLE KITCHEN. AND I DO ALL THE FINANCES AND ORDER FORMS AND LEGAL TAPE. I ALSO HAVE TIME FOR A FUFILLING SOCIAL AND ROMANTIC LIFE. SOMEHOW, I SLEEP SOMETIMES.” plese. im begging u people. use your critical thinking skills. or, if all else fails. GOOGLE HOW WORKING IN A COFFEESHOP WORKS. YOU DON’T WORK 6AM- 8PM SHIFTS SIX DAYS A WEEK WITH ONE COWORKER. YOU HAVE SHIFTS. MORE PEOPLE IN THE RUSH HOURS. YOU HAVE DAYS OFF. ahem. anyway. yeah.
this got. so long sorryyyyyy ksjbskjf but thank you a million anna grace ilyyy 💖💖🤧🤧
send me a fanfic ask!! (my ao3 acc is @/grasslandgirl and is linked in my bio!)
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